
tar1 DEMOCRATIC PRESS. : r T. ' " . . . ' .. - ..... . . i.r, ftf " ' ,!" .' ' :1 .? e ' , - . . ' . , t 't,. ... .n 1 .. . ... . v TIIE Kates of Advertising. PUBLiSHED EACH T11UHSDAT. i. iiAKitts, Knrrou jisd iuopeieto. One square, one Insertion,. . ... TEB OMC S:; Per year, fu adTance,.'.. . If not paid inadvancc, Six months, in advance, '. .3 00 . S 50 . 1 00 1 00 . SO .800 S00 0 .35 08 .45 OS .25 00 .19 09 Each subsequent insertion -- Business and Editorial Xotkes, per line,.. One square, one year................ One column, one year,.., One column, six months..'... ..... ... .... One column, three month.- -. . ........... f . Half eolnmn one year,....,. ....v . Half column, six months,....... ........... Half eolnmn, three months,:",'. ,- -. ... . . 1 One-quart- eolnmn, one year,.',... iST" rl,e circulates, free' of postase "wuhni the limits of Portage county. . Adyertisements in Special: otiee Col. ; iiiiitii'cnimmi or rule ana lilf li .B UPtUiMiif 4uwtt tiN"0.?l-9.,l,- i , 01 nr.-'- . :; ;3lK6. THIJIISX, JAX. 7, I860. 00 4 njrure trorkmiuiM enarged fifty per cent, addl- - tionai. . ... " JfcTbe spam occupied t? te Knes,of this auU .anWuh kia noJ-wt- s type (Xompareil) shaTI eowtttnte a square. HOW COUNTERFEIT 1KOSTEY IS MADE. w in- - rontiuuino; to aDDlr moi-- e and THE 81GXAI STAR. of jTt3tli8Sssided foe ' ohwrt fMstance? Ei). Y. Sun In your issue of 'Arithmetic' isH usually txtreinely tucky, and Southern Virginia, lne Middle and Western States arc rich in the production of wheat, rye, barley, " BY FA"ST FORRESTTB. sulphur which etg fort cougbrBTfirorii '(Tome back, come back, my childhood." I- - E. numberless 'small holes 'abont, your Saturday, Dec. 11, 1 observed an arti- cle upon counterfeiting. As you do not appear to understaud the true the dull, yet the properties of 'numbers are so; singular that our 'readers will extract amusement from the following (Ui. DIOKKSS. : ,r:J,s. ,:.; -- vTanthl lessoM aad taskTare an ended, ' And the school for the dy is dimled, i ASrOsa Mream, to point. TVere a bifhreatiew tjdle:plae,' an then' the borrirag niiberal iwent 4own to-th- e bx6 vt themountaid in two etreams f- - perhaps twertty fffet ch in width, feet there issue with a hiss siilphuri-nn- a ifts of steam which ne&rlyJ Schbke I!d not recall my childhood, j ' With all Its sweet delight. . Ms simple, bird-lik- e gladness, ' extract from a ''Key to Pleasant Exer ory of the art, I shall endeavor to and the public. , 7 ' "I von as you pass over them'Yand tca oats, corn, potatoes and grass, all ot which arc extremely valuable. Corn, from its affording so large an amount of food for mau and animals, should be regarded as the most valuable cereal crop raised in the United States. Be cises, a London Manual," and in some . . . - ... . '? , (.1 , i- :L!. !.11..;j.AMi.i!VAAlituia In the first place, a perfect etc timue jM J V " . . w iven morning nau ner tear urops, , And Spring her clouded sky, it' awakens a' spirit of curiosity and iihilosonliiral ' iiinnirv. oTatifvinS' to you are face to facer with the most apn nDDons;.oi Bremrmctnng aown tuio of the bill cannot be engravea Dy It And on the fairest cradle more mortar at one end of his work. Here, at the extremity of the root, is where its growth lengthways, .takes place. And here also, behind this in- durated cap is the ttamach so to speak of the root. The pabulum is received into the spongiole, digested, to all intents and purposes, just as much as the food that enters the stom- ach of a living animal. Here it is concocted into sap and fibrous mate- rial ; and by a process which mortals are not permitted to look into- - as all this occurs in darkness the hard cap or point of the miniature mole-plo- w is thrust forward, farther and farther r,.rHno- - r,hPnoinen both of khC and ttie plainViiHy traC;.. i- -i tjj. t, sees toe tuaoows no. themselves and perhaps useful to oth- - hand, as the most parts are engraved ers :,i:J ' J1' '1 " v" ; ' ' "' bv machinery called lathe work. So SOUna,wmcn, insrinspn, y."- -- t - PER8BTlCBA?tCB,u- - sides' there are many other rich pro- ducts of the fields and forests which enter largely into the aggregate of the national wealth. The first history How manv nines may be added to- - vou see the impossibility of executing 5 eV that .awilfff.??6 -- a And the little ones gather round me. To bid me good night aad be kissed. . ' 4! the little white arms that encircle ..ui.jly neck in a tender embrace; i- : 0 the smiles that are hales of heaTen. Bheddlng anshtne of lore o my face. ."!" "'l And when they are gone, I sit dreamins; - . Of my ehUdhood too lorely to last; " ' Of lore that my heart will remember, , While it wakes to the pnbe of the past Ere the world and its wickedness made me A partner of sorrow and sin; When the glory of God was about me, . ; ' And the glory of gladness within. .,1 O l my heart grown weak as 4 woman's, ' ' oi. And the fonntains of feelmg wiU now, When I think of the paths steep sad stony," Where the feet of the dear ones must go; gethcr,; or " by whatever : number of I the work without its beingimmediate- - UVHU yi.Dwnwv al"?;,AB4lurf ; f 1 Thai Vesolyed to efleefe'aAKsrEXiiE. time thnv.Tphe--4 c j if ."is- - i;,' i1'"'" 4V. I ; .A weak spirit wilLie, .prushedliby rji'd not recall my childhood, ' Though tender memories throng Around its rosy portals, " Preclusive to life's song; The full voice living ehorus, . , fc swelling round me now. 'Arid a rosier light is resting my maiden brow exnerieiiced at inch a numbcrs it inay be multiplied, the line ly detected ; that is, the lines on the i . of American Agriculture differs from that of the countries of the old world, !are;; fnomena or norma of figures forming the sum 6r product figures and letters will not be the same : 1' i . 1 ilio finmn mlcfnW-TiTio- . Tcliili. ten II 11 may be added together," and it will as on the genuine. The genuine plates rouse a strong one to exertion. . .The where the advances in the arts were slow, and ' every acquisition marked same storm which fixes more firmly most wonderful of an.t "Wliat meets the ears is,' if anything,1 eyeii Tnore terrific than what meets the e'ye.; Ereu to isloiit the enintion is riot lust wiiat ''Thave made a changeful journey, consist of an amount equal; to one ot'.l are engraved by the best workmen in more nines: For instance: twice nine the country, and with every facility the gJafrt 6ak? rbots up the tender sap.- - with rudeness and simplicity. Xot so (. if VP the hill ef life since morn, ' from the parent stem. In this way, rootlets and branch rootlets and mul- tiple rootlets continue to be formed, for making a very neat engraving. On are 18 ; the 1 and 8 are 9. Four times 1 nave gatnerea nowers ana oiossoms, I've been pierced by many a thorn, . the imagination paints it befof cndji the other hand, the counterfeiters, not nine are 36 ; the 3 and 6 arc9. A learn in America, whose intelligent Euro- pean settlers came with all the appli- ances of advanced civilization, pre t'-- i' ' If kJUUiVV U11V Oil VAV IVIfO vaitajw 11 - But from out the core of sorrow having such facilities, they make a It does not consist, as tne picnires nrjf VLweafa scried oak -- li1Je ; , er finds some amusement in increasing I in-- . I have plucked a jen-e- i rare, bungling job. . . w The strength which mortals gather ., the amount, as if he expected a varia- tion mighkbe found, but when he gets Ce8niy .c S to overcomes a frnarled, tinuous shower at all." Sti le floes t;; - - - No doubt you will be surprised to pared to chop down the forests and clear away the thickets, which had so long encumbered the ground, and fur it tsonsist or a continuous snower "tji - . r .'a - '4 . .v-i.- -. .A-- ti fitar BonaParte once rsaid : f t haye no learn the way the Best counterfeit bills are gotten up. A party ,of mea, say to II times 9, he finds the product is only 99 ; two 9s. And at the next step l) ?wt.tt4;'ri3eaof a Taerchant;acquinng a foivj , in tneir ceaseless stnie wra care. - ; .Jiow I grasp life's burning breaker, And lwwe'er the bubbles glow, ' IH pause not till rve tasted !) The deepest wave below; .. .Though bitter dregs may mingle, ,. ; The crimson light shall roll ; In full and fearless.currents "" nished to the savage red man only a scanty subsistence. For a time the until every cubic inch of the lo w seed bed hits been provided with a score of open mouths ready to lay hold of any material that may be in 'the soil, and which is adapted to ' the , reqiiirments of the growing plant The spongioless of certain lands of plants will lay hold of coarse, hard," and rough materials, and appropriate them to the purposes of the plant, just as goats will subsist on weeds and other rough feed which higher namely, 12 times 9, he obtains ingonui ru"Jv? fane iiafeen:erf wins a battle-- at a only 108, or one 9.1 .ol I i ratner a series or explosions. xul ub, i JiSiif 'ilw' iijii '.i' inrftr.i ,fflare:,ofthe' trrettt abys? id G ?v? ,J r.lo f from tbree to a dozen, get together and hold frequent meetings, and act according to a plan laid down. f One or two will find out some copper-plat- e Then he may be shown the fact that virgin mould yielded abundant crops and stored full the granaries of the industrious farmer. Bnt in many por continuoul' Ybrt loot int"dhpiU?v f.At.-.- W hotoWr WmeM.iWeBas heen rmnous to very many !. ;:- -, Through tbo fountains of my soul. the first nine digits 12S456T8 9, amount to a large' number of 9s, viz. : printer in the employ of the bank-not- e tions of the country the soil was sub- - five 9s are 45 ; and he may be taught I priuting office in fact, all such print- - dmVlamn: with'one "smart rub tpev j ected to a scourging course of tillage. Xo! rd not go back to childhood, - ' - From (he radiant flush of noon; And when evening closes round me, ''. t crave one only boon ; , ers are Kliown uy tne party, iness that, if, instead of adding the line obtain by which many of the elements of its ..Jiifl.-ii- l ' t' .r-4- ii' 1 up, he will multiply the middle by the fertility were exhausted. No soils .:Amid the valley's darkness, " ' men will manage to . meet one" of the printers in the evening, "get acquaint sheep would refuse. Roots benefit the soil in two way a by their action- in life ' and their function after" death. Thus, clover and the thistle roots last figure, namely five times 9, he will can stand a great succession of years 4 r..-.- - I Lu..l? TJisappointed .in their sanguine.t Its dangers and its dread, -- The signal starof.Judah ;j . ;. . ""' To shine above mv head. ; DeiOW yon near mc uuisc ui 11x1.0 fri!- - j.T'Taiu -- 45"-, c- - "i , ed, drink, and have a good time gen find the value of the whole most read Hon for' the outburst' that-- is Het 10, 1: irrsfJ'oY.rf'-- - erally with him. and so proceed for a pierce a stiff subsoil and. by capillary ily'; and this is upon the principle of Sl.i 91f 'It in . ' --t- of culture without adequate help from proper fertilizers.- - Let not the farm- ers of our western valleys boast of the ,fu " aw jr; ; 'liLi KI 1 117111 K I II IIL. 11LSLCULL Ul . ln" 1 II J till come. "Tnen yon neara snarper cra-.-- Yj 4 9T 'Tiu'-"..- attraction draw up potash, lime, iron, . Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er them, , On the tempest of Fate blowing wild ; Mt O! there's nothing on earth half so holy ' As the innocent heart of a child I ' They are Idols of hearts and of households j They are angels of God in disguise; Bis Mm light still steeps in their tresses j .'; ; glory still gleams In their eyes. ' Ol those truants from home and from heaven, ' They haye made me more manly and mild I (ijAu4Jkaowowow Jesos eould liken. "The Kingdom of God to a child. . c f ,sJt ask not A. life for the dear ones, . ' AU radiant, as others have doaen - , But that I may hare Just enoogh shadow To temper the glare of the sun; ; , ' r.I wosM pray God to guard them from evil, Xi m Bat my prayer woald bound back to myself; Ahlaseraph may pray for a sinner, . , But a sinner must pray for himself. i The twig i so easily bended, '.'', I hare banished the rule and the rod, I hare taught them the goodness of knowledge. jfi They hare taught me the goodness of God; . . My heart it a dungeon of darkness, - '"'J Wheat shut them from breaking a rule;" My frown is snOcient eorreetkm; v j Myhre to the law of the school. - ' ' ' ' ..i .t -- ! - I shall leave the old bouse ia the autumn, To trayerse its threshold no more; ' Ahl how I shall.slgh for the dear one'-;- ' .Thatnkset me each hour at the door 1 ' T shall miss the " good-nig- " and the kisses, And the gush ef their innocent glee. ":. i The group en the green, and the flowers : " '. That are Drought erery morning to m. ' " ;'ljhall mfn them at morh and at ere 'Their song In the school aad the street; ; ' I shall miss the lew hum ef their Toleee, jj , - And the tramp of their delicate feet,, r When the lessons are all ended, m- : ' t" And Death says, " The school Is dlsmlMert?-- ' : May the little ones gather around me, , , ' , To bid ne good night and be kissed I : r - tWritten ier'the Democrat iel'ress.i' few evenings. Then they offer him from $50 to $150 to procure a certain taking averages, which ho will have occasion to resort to in higher' depart kle, and then witnorit and phosphorus in solution. When 'Ml 'AfiRTCl!I.TTJKE-K- O. '6. '' '' m z 'follows a ' loud the plant 'dies these substances are ments 6f the science.1 - Tri i kind of impression. Tins impression depth and inexhaustible productive powers of their lands ; but let them rfttnrn to to their field a iust compen 'As Jthe" a'gribulture of ar country shoots into the air- - nearer the surface than they were be- - is made in thiswise: The printer ; He mayi then be directed to notice iow "o.Tioieni nwT'.o.s ii -- L;.i ' ...t. hot missiles of every the effect of adding together two lines sation for each eroD produced. Salt, fore, while the decay ol the ..rooty ieias the rebound hascrnshca them to . the 1.' n , . t. u.A will take an impression'' upon tin foil from the plate froni which he is print- - So enormous' arc 'the "forces al rwrk formed" of 'nine digits, but in reversed gypsum (plaster of Paris) lime, muck, humus.; How to promote growth: of ar that not only small1 pieces rdf rt6ie fa jn"b Jsei ,!li,i- - ' and1 furnish the b'as-'.p- f commerce, brder.-'- J For instance1 insr. which can oe none ma mouieuu roots is a' consideration of the greatest wood ash and barn-yar- d manure make Thus you see every line'artd size is ob arid sulphnr, such ki f6h Mghf Jeatr away as mementoes of your Visifbnt practical importance to every person access. . sets a modernd.y,, which' A ; '123456789 '' ' '987654321 ?J 2 h if l-"- j 1 b ajl of must'prosper or languish tained" correctly. From Jthls tin1 foil who trains a growing .vine, orculti an excellent compost for dressing the soil, each, of which, even when used alone, will addyaluable fertilizing ",Ji4Vy r.WIT'l anrrTin' o fhA or had success sm -- olectxotfpT TT.t 1 "rfisac. 'ihey vatesa tiny flower. The "vital '.fluidy huge blocks of tomerileach' enough J rer to load a railway3 baHast'' wagor'andlf FWftWvfleMW ? esattenaj'n2iroral affairs. j " Land and. 1111111110-- i-9 then set some plate ; printer 'that ean properties.. Don't be afraid of getting ffi Sir Joseph Child, "are be found about the city, liave a good which Isto trees and plants what blood is to the1 animal system, enters the cir- culation through" the sporigidies of the your land too- - rich. . Book-farme- rs i : There is something sti'iking to the are tossed Vp; as th'ougihey were 'i H ,m li ' ' ''"I l,"iilf r f ' I li V ALIO. . MUU v VI " u ti " timerwith him, and engage him for under general dis- - . T'erser-ei-anc- wiae atoste fot n iLtaJ trft(1ft have long suffered eye in such a preduet,'forthe wonder innumerable radicles which are sent been exposed to the ' wje: mt?,?- - MLr:? WilVfarlor Htwith trade credit, and have $20 per day to do the printing. JJy thia nlan thousands of copies are lasts, perhaps no lopgerthai ful number reeurs again in nine is -- f n rf vws4hi A'rm;j,'if;. ' r " " .. . j --sat i out in quest ,off such' material, as thp even of their own "bfl"""? t bnt trade will" True to the uu.isvuo and it may serve to induce' thinking. struck off which defy detection, ex uie. ana yien tuerc 10 , vcsmumu ethren. Doubtless the plant requires, to build up; the stem ana lkt ??Wume,nV,,,, &m$ :JmSnietiies . ttasrobseaWeht! jrene'ratioBS agricultural br Or, let the one" line be subtracted from anrriA RPROhds with the noise . only cp.nt in the analitv of paper which I moreea8ily continue, steacuast in a car found this sliyihg ioe. Often T should imperfections ot much ot tne scienunc queues, "r.y l .,-- - -- , I jo f.iv.oA oi.l nruHnil nnnn h .therefore. Tie in such a fine ' rr." iVT' V will slightly-diffe- r from the genuine internal prei-arwui- yj -- frvf Ba'-- 5? tl'o'i, r ,vtl UtlMS A 111 IIIOIIUU fUW aswwvs hsv v I 7 1 - the other in this way : ." "; '"'' 987654321, ; !':"" 1 ' !" i .123458789 '" "' which the explosion Js'rebeated:-rh- af 4 ?vr""n! Jinrrr.i' UtbespreaU upon,the pages pt msiory, The place of manufactory is generally often given occasion to unsatisfactory state of pulverization that the tender nih.I A tTUUtWO . SKETCH.' some distance from the city like. butt- - rrHLl VSJ&ZlfVlFzP n$r- - beferg 'the'm,' may wisely repel ev- - din that war goingf ' on .before results. But the rapid progress of radicles can spread readily in every science has developed new facts, and! direction several feet below .the surr. Island, Flatbush, or sometimes ,864197532 Af t Crstter ; ctfVeeisTlna. i ' Froni the PaU Mall Gajette . .ti .T' ' ' J I W V,iJ UUU .11 .Jilt. 11IMI 1 11 1W (.'livvw. "iin.i, , . , i L .1 : .. .. ,1 . I .n .l,,.nA.An0 mpntd when the davlieht was oyec.1 i Baxter Street," or similar localities, in furnished much more accurate infor- - face, the requirements ot the growing he resi (ltomo fiiii mull 'S iil!il Iery element, oi uiatuiu, iiiai, mi jiaicuo Whh$Sf?Maio disturb the prosperity of agricultu-ba- g empty. JSliles and "milerki'i.,i,,in,Ya''if a us look Vrts few iiriri the world below could no .longer the city. It is a strange fact in every mation. Look over yon acquaintance f roots, in a very important respect will Jn this result the odd ; and, ( even numbers become curiously arranged 5 r'aistinirt.Uheofietf weia ,,.1 case Where a party of this kind exists Often as Vesuvius has been describ- ed, thertj 'is one set of impressions which arc- - perhaps the most generally , . . .! .;- i: n tac m a n rtriTT Gmvt7 fi ttIITiTis nvor i . , that every member lacks confidence in ing .but the, dearstariight Jrh the whole of the nine digits are there, 'ciAnA roifh tTiR rrtoiin-- 1 - rT..'s .... . itrv. now larse a poruou ui iuc see the intelligent, scientific and indus- - have been met. ' ' In many localities trious fanner ; and you will find his nature has done all that ' any tree o labors crowned with success. , This plant may require, as the entire earth, article will for the present conclude as far down as roots will ever strike, interesting of all, but r. which, from the and were r truly his associates. Every move made hy as in the upper lines ;, there, is no, sur freights was furnished by the agncul. nature of the case. one is narrowly watched by the . oth - . . , , . . i thei'Tu9hes-,"'oVe- r and ' stone TS-'- he'dges' cannot so frequent- - tain ; when the varied colonug- - ot the wtf - l TMnntF 'ii TpnTicpn And 'his ;I refer to the impres- - groundj had disappear . il. T.. Inn i plus or. repetition ; there is only one figure of a Jkind, and, of course, they ture or the soutn to tne snips mat were xlv be recorded, ers of the party. It would be death what we have to say about agriculture, ' .... 'i i, ' A a? i ' ' a sions of one who. has stood upon the jne81Ji nd nothing could, he. seen4t: tMrht. t&iil klKfor-'irTiit- f Wirriose 2 continually flying from their ports to the Various other parts of our country, amount to five, nines, i . , , to any miormaut or spy xnai aia nui but we expect soon to discuss the cul-- 1 tivation of the grape, the peculiar fit ."Would the' pupil wish to, see a sum look well to himself. the eleam. 01 me .punting,, earuni fircdnori jshi iiki j"iuiwiti in multiplication, the product of which This I send yon for information so and alsq to the prominent cotton mar- kets' abroad!. !Of the many vessels ness of. our soil for that purpose, and while the eruption is actually in pro- - through the chmksatf our feef,, while 0-- 9 a d-.- i thii are,';:1 i gHBte- It always that a view of the b rtiAru wtthmsairttehasedaanJeojoyW such a 'scene can be obtained. It was t- - laua-uidl- down the mouir jfai prirtrhwtwiirtingmln'ft more than it is. shall icontain several figures,, but all as to let you Know now some xmngs we will say to those inexperienced in that were daily taking in their cargoes alike? ...Tell him .to.sct downall the arc accomplished. If yon think it is the cultivation of the vine, yet who when L crash was.xouowmg j at om? 8ide, and.before nswas.tne . trUU--nat- mm ilxao-At- n 4igits except the 8, and if ha would worth while to give these facts to the in the harbors at Charleston, New Or- leans,' and the intervening ports, the 'at a time crash in a manner that was quite suf- - flashing of the inner fire" upon,' tQ, desire successfully to grow that deli- cious fruit, we will make every article like the product to be.all. ones, let the public you are welcome. theway- - to" meVcantile-- ' tfuceess; "and greater portion of those freights were 1 4 ' - : .1 i.i mL. - ncienuy terriDie, .ana wnenaii uie sui- - cloud of vapor overhanging the abyssal fsIWiis i01iei. than -- ffuaMed' the irolden line be mUltjplied by one 9, thus : worth to you the full subscription even "were they to ' descend as far as the' stem pushes upward,' is so porous, mellow, and fertile that the tender radicales meet with Very little resist- ance. Such land will' require no breakT ing up 'with the sub-so- il plow or spade. On the contrary; where the strata of earth beneath the surface mould is so indurated'and ' stubborn ''that . in dry weather a spade cannot be thrust into it with one effort of the foot,5 there the trench plow, the" sub-soile- r,' the spade, the' pick, and the clod' crusher should all be brought into requisition,' id pre- paring the bed for the penetration of the countless radicles that must spring into life, before our palates can be re- - galed with the wheaten ' 16af or ' the .1234067$,! . ,.; HOW FOOD IS ADULTERATED. r If we only knew all the nastiness Take ".nil these - together,, and the;sccrte fft w flU Sresperides: : , . r..vefugt i. jit!.a AtLV e wbntl VY "5. t : l.same was the case price of The Democratic Press. with the commerce 9. ... , ..... r ... ... 8. 11 N "iWi-- Mississippi: But. now that the we. consume as beverages ana iooa we woupl- - almost he: tempted to resort 'illlllllll- - rar has laid waste oath lent (jesoiaung nana oi, v riead in your newspaper that yesuviUSt fearhenvHy thy trearfierpns heart THE NATURE AND . USES OF THE . . ,.:uri i 1 . - . t.hfir ntnta A lesion." . theii' fair fields and fine farms, palsied is once again in a state pt.erupupn.. ,iu io Jwt a.j 9in'. : And here again is the faithful num the"baud arid blisrhted the ambition of to the primeval li;t of: roots, game, fish and nuts, and to drink the pure water of the brook ; and bad as the . T finote'iust nowioPflui. eteeaTa.pft.J Stephen; GU-ard- , at, thp ago.fprty, ' ROOTS OF VEGETABLES. Most persons are apt to think that a ber, fbr th6 product ' presents 'nine i .. i lH1 a nnlf tit a 1 0 1 i a- VlO TT A rloTH'OPIiltAfl ici lava whichirlidea down, thwnonntin comanaeaanis wnooftngageu , '";i 1,1 , ,i "' " ' ones. ; root is nothing but an underground mere nominal values ; commerce lan In the first, place, twp, peculiarities i ,the ;coflstipg, trqde ;bet,ween JXew stuff is. wo cat and drink, we only : re-cai- ve iuweight and quantity about four portion of a tree, or growing plant, guishes, and the most .fertile soil were observable in i it i. One was itne ii vy j iM'Mc?iw, . i ' . pushed out of the kernel through the mown on earth, to man, can now raise If the prediict of 2s would please him," let him multiply the lino with two 9s :or l8j"and' so ou 'with 27, 36, &c, until bylinine9s, focatmgetoejaand vapors jwere be- ing driven to one side of the mountain by a strong wind, that we were able to o! go up from th windward side, stand " upon the Up 6f the crater, look down "into ,'OieVoaring abyss, and see what ,v:the eraption of a volcano looks like r"' ' ' -- on That is, in truth, the only way of -- getting aa idea- - of what repository J'of .Tiorrors a " volcano , is. Without such visit, Vesuvius la often a little o disappointing. ! It is nothing but a fine mountain, just like any other, says Mendelssohn. You may be a lit- tle disappointed as you see. Vesuvius from, below',. But you have, only to mount to the summit when an erup- tion of any magnitude is in progress n.miiA.'.iAwMss nf ita motion. ,IniHeihad taken many, steps ( on, tle lad lucieus frnit The delicate radicles of but a slight revenue, with which to aid soil; as one would thrust a walking-stic- k into a sand-ban- k ; and judging from the manner: in which roots are he-.w- a a cabin- - the early part of itedeseeBt.fle.iihBnfliiOr over which it had to pass was precipi-ho- y .uot..wpr(th; a shjmng-but- , think the ."support of our Government or 8l, he will have a ; product of 9s, Once the field of prosperity and pride fifths of what we pay for, , An, inves-igati- ou inthis direction, now; going on in New York, has created, consid- erable excitement It seems that coffee is adulterteratcd wiih chicory, roasted beans, acorns, mangel wurzel, roasted wheatr ryeaud potato flours,; roasted to. vt an alowlv. did thia mass of oi nis perseverance m mounuSnai fruit-produci- plants and trees cannot feed on coarse' and 'rough1 material The roots of such plants as are cultiva- ted for the food they ' yield, cannot appropriate lumps of earth to the de and nine of tlietiiT. 5i , of the earth. And so long as," for any liquid fire moye within ats 12345679 n,. the tide of prosperity is shut 12345679 18, 12345679 ' current was only just, perc ',.. 81 crushed, mutilated and toru, when a tree or plant is removed,, one would suppose that roots are of no more account than numerous wooden ' pegs thrust in every direction from the par out' froni any considerable portion of a country, ana us Diessings wiumeiu Perhaps , in some..; degree eonnsototlW Wfrm 'ff "" peas, parsnips, sweet potatoes,,; saw- dust, oak bark tan, and brick dust, with the same cohesion. which,. this. S,WiTO;,ysra ,,ff ,iiu,t, : frbmits people, so long will its com- - merc'fe be weak,!, treasui-y- . depleted, 98765432 61728395 ; ' V 12345679 12345679 J 49382716 ' : 98765432 ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 ii r - 622221122 555552555 1.999999999 ,.. . ; 0, - ; rrr.f. .' rr, ent stem, to aid the growing plant in ; ' - i ili.-.- -j 1 "There, was no feairre niore .re-- 1 and to color it burnt sugar, madder languor pr,.movemen,.;iw.tci4 tXtilJL-i i"-'4A-K- k 'A&t r.r.W,'rBV,nto!n,no- - maintaininff an erect position. But to to find yourself in the presence of ap. root, roasted horse liver-- ' and burned : blood have,: been' used,:;; Tea is adul tiU;Ui--i- " kJnM. " "w v:T"'; Ttt,Wh,aitfdtoar Perseverance Vexistence will so home to the firesides the practical cultivator of the soil, a The pupil may try the intermediate T rT- - f streamline acir :" lnT, 'wuhrlraw correct nnderstandinir and proper ap- - n 'nAnan , r. a inar Taw nnnia it I i . i vn i i ji i. i ir. I'vi'i i km ii i iii 1 11. vii mv. im.v. ... ..."--...- .. i numbers to produce.-threes- , lours, r. - . t ' 1.. t,S j,.(irn' .,ij liottlih ' ncrr rn t ira resources Irom our Plicauon 01 mo pstrauat iuuimuuj terated with exausted tea leaves, leaves of the beech, elm, horse chestnutvplarie, fancy oak, willow, poplar, hawthorhe, six'es,"sevens and eights. Thei'e.will Waar.ii.., .perffI.IJJaww-ata?i- It m.rST-nJn- in'. '. th roota-h- ow thev are forme- d- daylight for your ascent and then, as 'J the darkness doses, round and the velopment of the stem and fruit, any more than a bullock when confined to a straw .stack can lay on . the excellent steak or the delicate tenderloin.' Ev- ery minute atom for the nourishment of plants' must be changed from ' the solid to the liquid condition,' and be brought in contact with the spongioles at the extremities of the radicles, which" cannot leave their places to go .after one drop of nourishment,' but thciy must remain stationary with mouths ever Open to catch the minute particles as they are washed downward by the defending raindrops. '.'Therefore, .the finer the course fertilizing material be'found nine of each, and the figures lookedas tbongh jou-igH- , how they ramify through the soil and sloe, starch, rice husks, excrement rrtc.itaVi'ajl OT arnhim j of "the' eonim'ercial system will sinfc V2W.n1''tf!o'' on 'cinii vwca. TrntTV a Rtdfp of eollanse. exhibitinsr the. in each product, added .together, will surface with: the point f&tWniimt 0 V .i.n,Mi. nms used- -, f world below becomes hidden' ' from' view, yon 'stand at the crater in c.. the presence of a scene for which no language can - be very extravagant VJZ;'t"'HJi' L 'til i ' cadavai'6iis and pallid iue of, disease be Jof equal value o. each respective multiplier! . . , , .. . at finding; that, even: -- witbith very add starvation'.' "Every avenue should dote 01 his eanv.jne how they change the lifeless clods into fine mould how they maintain the life of the growing plant and how they build up the the parent stem and aid in unfolding the buds and in de- veloping the leaves and fruits consti ' If the number'9 be multiplied, in 8 avxAiYT aar TgiWYo sivmi xumuu uie nuvn nv . 5. : ,, ,t , t : , u ri f wt'ti 1 tj of silk worms and sand. Among the delightful -- mixtures for coloring tea are chrome yellow, sulphate of lime, carbonate and arseuite of copper- and verdigris.- - j Even fionr-i- s adulteratod with sulphate of lime, bone earth, cttrn Xn1.-t-ma- the sliirhtest SmPMS- - l inX-- For experienced mountaineers the ef-- places in each hue by 2, and all the be1' opened' an4 eyery effort be made restore our once happy people to their former peace, and wide extended agri ;i;fort:reqmiredfor the-asce- nt is nothing j np01l lu Th ialrWse.cjfl r!r.,ip other digits, up to nine inclusive, tlie whete Kne of results will be arranged remarKaDie, out ior orainary people that we emW,m,M,&Mp&ftm.iWf,W "ra ?" tute one of the most useful and impor-- cultural pursuits and prosperity. By meal, and damaged flour. Spices are -- .Is feow (n;;,,-..;- . ; d0wn from above upo thferaingl flWrfiWsIPW can to reduced, . and the more thor- - fTiA crnnA riinnriv anrl 1 taut barnches of practical aaTiculture alike, from right tolefly and from left to' right," that is from a to a, reading . . '.' ,' 1 jj Tfrmri mv. boneless condition- - Irflxed the just and increased in bulk if not m quality by i iii You arrive at the edge of the cra-lgtrea- are viewed in their The tiUer of the soil who does not oughly the seea-De- a ,can De commm- - ' . - "I . ' a il A T ffatVti ct6r tnn Vt'OT'O potato, pea and sago-flours- ground in either direction i teri ahd there yon behold a scene tuUi across, its face, like a ball upon flr,l .m It; i ,X f understand somethinir of the office of ated before the germs;are planted in owk maWtr Tiro bit il I nnn Qua . AtWtr. .in f&intat AnTifl- - LCyiUi ftW.-iMf"- J . noMdt. fieced, a the mould, the more readily. "will the arrow root,; mustard husks, and common clay. Sugar is adulters' 9 7 ' . 9 ''. 9 '9 ' 9 9 2ih';3-- 4M; 5'; ' 6, 1 J U11U11IIO VA UI.OW- - "-- - , ... - . rwith wUch-y- o come nrnin it is quite rent correel understanding: of the" functions roo perform their omce 01 ounamg latiou,' and the useful arts. ot peace ted by wheat flour, tapioca, starch sand and of startling.. Going up yon neither seeJ commonly, supposed tl3aTibiWamfS-j- r A Jj.ecL. JThe tam.Xell, utty-uiu- e times of growing plants and their roots ig up strong ana neaitnnii stems. ;18 ' 27 ,36 , 45:'!54 ' 63 72 ; 81a appear the only proper source of indi- - World. developing abundant ' crops.- - and. plaster of Paris. Mutton' suet, alum, potash and potato flour add their fundamental to a mastery of the prin ., And the .first figure in each couple are clambering up the side of the pone Jmo-l- , SSSS? f ciples upon which sound agriculture from other end is in simple rotation am!d profound silence the next mo acription encouraged- - , tiijw I i "'''. r"irr T 77C attractions to lard. The- articles that i adulterate confectiouary are legion. depends. Boots are things of life. reaed., the .Vs.jaf.tko wali,,-.yniiB- rankling'in pospm any they trom one to eignt. ,faom lovft. txrfsvd sp.Ait toisauef fr Vegetable life is as real and important would. Keep .a portion. 01 lanu in Bucn as animal life ; and the little white , The Germass. The Germans in a state of unsettled anarchy and con the crater" is the sort oi.pnCTWPtj.f--i-:- s Ii T m Z gy with which one-i- s most4amiliar i 1 HhfMW40WP & &9 ment, as -- your head sarises. above the crater lip, you encounter , a roar and a blaie which" inakey oii shrink back a !littlel 718 surprise is. .occasioned, I - '' ' "i "1 t' "aT J i . '".' 'a All- -' rootlets, no bigger than a knitting the United States, according to the fusion, that thereby a portion of onr Vinegar, pickles, mustard, honey and sauces are all adulterated. ' A bill has been prepared in Illinois, which will be presented to the coming legisla ture to prevent the adulteratioh1 of food, nntifji of .rnrtiOng that tOOK.; Place .M"i',V5i i fttU n.ii l . I,, mwm i i .i i OI.PEN CONGKESSIONAI. F VX.-- . Mansfield T. "Walworth, in his po- litical researches, brings to light the following piece of Congressional , fun. When the question of emblems and devices for our national arms was : be- fore the bid Congress, a member from the South warmly opposed the eagle as a monarchical bird. The king of birds could not be a suitable represen- tative of a country whose institutions needle, that push their obscure way census, of I860, number 1,801,136, divi fertile' fields should remain an unset o& thai I ,Femdai4us oBi-uqes- , . .spider, in bveonerVlaya. J, am, venfe j through the dim- and turbid soil ded among the principal States as fol tled Waste', without the protection of ' ' . .4 ... 1... . . 1..J.1I . . m-t- t Ti bseefforte( were nearly aaj numer are as much alive as earth-wor- or lows : iNew York, 256,252 ; Ohio, drink and medicines. ' The law is care ter' wmcn comesitni8is.'everetru;iiT:wiiii.xf.s'wuwMT ... . . auTte asLrp no to 'lip. about half a the 168,210:. i Pennsylvania, ! 138,244; Il grubs, or the insects that burrow un age the people in pursuits of husband- - r (lu-i- i'l fno- - sand orae hundred form: it .hardly aceia rBlbloi. l JrfOT")!- - " mile in diameter linois, 13S.804; "Wisconsin, 123,878 ; I . ... ... - 1. , I I f So n Am-mr- i T emonfr TTAIlTiflf i II R V 'KUL KUUl'CK 111 (Mil 1 121 LI I J II B I fully drawn and comprehensive. "' The penalties comprise fine and imprison- ment ... " ' - "''"' - der the sod. The philosophy of veget- able economy in the soil is mysterious. depth,. Towards the bottom would take a vast qnamityoi. moiteni ,; xxvfrY"-,''?- - wr" Jf- - Znr. . .. ' . .. , f yards n Missouri, 88,187;' Indiana, 66,705.' The .1 - -- 1 tl. i . 1 ATI ..4 l,Avrl7 nf half lWUIilU. Ulttt CI.) WUab UC: Bt1 UJUiV 1 " i.i.i.ii ""1" ' " - ""t. I ' of this bowl. t on me opposite siue to i lava to uu. mk's . . t- -', j- -' f ', 9': nn.t- - u iw 1 rt cannot be studied, because when i. ,. -"- - i .... . ! t; y - ;i i out at a rieai.: mat uus is, iue wav iic- -i icvcuiic mm iuuci Germans in the principal cities we dis- tributed as follows : Kew York,119,- - : where we stood, was a ereatnoie. irom t mile in aiameteri jwiucjuixiBiprwcir . . : ! . Kt. . i, I we invade those dim and silent king . which all the projectiles of the erup- - would : have toi oa seiurti :iiu r m n -.t-- ---t. -o- -- ' lii' - ': doms with the scrutiny of our science laws be uniform rnmmnn fipnRP. 5u.nve ..vv it ttkt. jjci uui .tioa " Were shoti' the surface ot thewoldrun,overdowii) thesid8;of th 7 L "l if Ii J States becoequal,J so that all the rich this very intrusion arrests the living M" Alas J" jsajd a ppof -- app. bowl bcintr composed of lumps of la-- 1 mountain.. .1 1 .saw no- - indication Aha 977; St Louis, 50,510; Cincinnati, 43,-93- 1; Philadelphia, 43,630; Baltimore, 32,908 ; .Chicago, 22,227 ; New Orleans, 19,729; Boston, 32,202; : The Germans acres of the whole country will extend mother ot. a bnght hiit.,- - process we would study. When a certain amount of moisture and heat n vav stones and cinders , all of .them this ever took, phtceu .;"WMle.iyooari "ialasL lie has not the!g prisoners con,, f an invitation to industrial pursuits.- - mi the mountain. ith streams-- r of lavf 1" - mil.- - oiIttv- '- I ' 'o TT..:.J Ci.i.. a niiv iutj lnnauxutiiLS ui uie uiuicu oiaicb which have issued forth m& eoeled al t'Tt iujii 1 have entered the seed, the germ, quick- ened into life, pushes ont a root, which always precedes the stem. As soon as tlna is Jin iittrihiit.was 144. smeared with snlplitir, precisely like those ;trppti rhich we .ere standing. As you mount the cone there is be-- . tween yon and the gulf an enormous Oft, or- - possess advantages for the prosecution the several previouBfierHptaons are der, of anindi aanS and seveibjboy of agricnltnre which, for variety and were founded in hostility to kings.' Judge Thatcher, in reply, proposed the goose, which he said was a most humble and republican , bird, and would in other respects prove advan- tageous inasmuch as .the goslings would be convenient to put on the ten cent pieces. .The laughter which .fol- lowed was more than the Southerner could bear. , Construing his good humored irony info an insult, he sent a challenge. Thatcher returned it to the bearer, observing that he would not accept it 'What J , will you be branded as a coward ?.' "Yes, sir, if he pleases, j I always was a coward, and he knew it, or . he, never would quite, distinguishable from i each ? the r ''iAn:n..n i . ts ,i9 extent,, surpass those enjoyed by any jmreiiiuuj: uvu iinniar the radicle has burst through the in- tegument of the kernel the tender ex wall, which dulls everything alike by their differences of. strpcturaja"nd for eye and ear." Even while on the colon .,16 saw many suchf .butl.saw it least he' fc for terms rangijiy upon otherpeople on the globe, '."We occupy tremity is provided with a portion of Despise tne .greatest portion, oi we jxorui j steeps ef. the cone itself yon might be no indication oi-a- ar onsewnem uart imr "p? i.: American continent, ' embracing . all persev- - ' " i1 nint one desT'f maintaining prisw because it , .. i. r .... ..... j . unaware that. the. mountain was dis- - ing come over the lip of the .crater.- - i turbed.',". But single step seems : al-- 1 every single instance e' of ih varieties of soil and surface, with a climate w'blciL in the Southern parts, radicle of soft texture, which the bot- anists call a spongiole or little sponge, because' its chief duty is to absorb wa- ter that has been enriched by taking into solution portions of plant-foo- d. most enough to transfer you from the lava stream seemed to haye ibeea Iowt ftioB of eu on -- 'PW.W y- - most deathlike stillness to the grand admitsl the culture , of many. of. the most 'valuable . productions of, . the er 4own the . monntuin,i lUertaniiy .f J Vhn " WW"fM ... . . . ' a in the. United States have probably in- creased one-thir- d since 1860j and will therefore now number in this country 1,700,000 souls.", , , , . ; ;. .' .;r ECLIPSE OF TUTE SUX AND MoOS. There will be four eclipses the coming year three of the Sun and one of the Moon, as follows :'' ' First Partial eclipse of the Moon, January 27th: beginning. 7h. 8111. 30s., in the evening. . .. ; - Second Annual eclipse of the Suu, February' 11th, ' at Sh. 34m., in the ' ' ' ' r ' morning.'" ' Third Partial eclipse of the Sun, July1 23d at 8h 34m., in the liiorning. Fourth Total 'eclipse' of (ho Sun, August 7tli, at 4h. 6.m., exniug. This will bo the largest eclipse' of tlie Sun that will happen in this country Until the last'ycar oftlio century. ').'" est exhibition, of force it is possible to These little roots are provided with a tropics, while , the Northern limits TnE Nose-Blee- d. There are two little arteries that supply tho face with blood, one on each side ; these branch, off from the main arteries on each side of the windpipe, and running upward toward the eyes, pass over the outside of the jaw-bou- e about two-thir- ds of v the way back from the chin to the an- gle of the jaw under the ear. Each of these arteries, of course, supplies just one-ha- lf of the face, tlie nose being the dividing line ; the left nostril is supplied with blood by the left artery Now suppose your nose bleeds from your right jiostril; with the end of tho forefinger feel along the outer edge of the right jaw until you feel tho beating of the artery directly under your .finger, the samo as the pulse in the wrist ; then press your finger hard upon it, thus getting the little fellow in a tight place between the finger and jawbone ; the result will be not a drop-o- f blood goes into , the side of your face, while the pressure continues; hence the nose instantly stops bleed- ing for want of blood to flow, Cort- - tinue the pressure for five or ten min utos, and the ruptured vessels ill tho nose will by that time probably con- tract so that when you let the blood into them they will not leak. Bleed- ing from a cut or wound anywhere about the face may be stopped th same wav. have sent a challenge to me." The - .,; . . . ,i .. v.j .ii .i fie'Fi'VSaT1!?0, maXi peigy-eranc- becgmejjihenjthehabit ofaccoipplish-iiiigJwhat.- is undertalypni j onep, estah-lisiiCjd- .jj Pprseyercjeijs a linked 'cliain this was the case I withi the!vcry'nne one which, burst iont; jtist before Jour visit t As .wei, stood pofn'itM iliJ .of tlie crater. U. was below aisjtljrpUghaut ita lonnrlli Thct.lltvn. . WIU isaal verge upon, out ao not reacn, ine less cap or up mucn iiamer umu mo ui, . , t fl to be ,.,,1 even ' I somewhat the feet - .. .conceive, instead of the, monotonous dull black of congealed lava on the lower levels, you have the deep brick of the sponsriole, as favored regions where severe and en by the angry party. It occasioned in of the mole or woodchuck arc armed during .frost s entail a , scanty vegeta WhiQh.graRplesto thCjfioal .pf r'occss tion. Commencing nearest the trop fiuitc mirth in Congressional circles, and the former cordial intercourse be- tween the parties was restored. , V jthil9oks0f 8tqcl(,0j1.,,., ical limits. Ih'q, chief attention of the $ 14 VVA V; tVlltiO wucbisj aasni v iwu. wu'Mva, vav - q - j action bf fire, the brightest vermilion, ing from a great fissure-whic- h it had ' and every imaginable shade of orange made for itself SQiJifi; distance wp iri Tand vellow tliat sulphur deposits are the side of;the reVJ.Tbeguidfis,hur-- ! with nails. This cap is perforated with numerous small holes, large enough to admit-suc- h liquid as the snouiriolc : miifht require to lengthen tTonMinBiii valuable' speckled' 'dog bullet iprobf,; Mavk' Twain "says take 6ff his; hide aiid Hue it With sheet iron. farmer sUould be ,called to the cultiva- tion , of sugar-can- e, rice, i tobacco and To preserve meat cut it in from two especially, cotton, more of which last! the root by adding particle to atom to four poflnd pieces; place the pieces Russia iroii irthe b08rtaivd is 'slicker yras raised in the Southern' States ber I behind this shield as the elongation of in an earthen or Wooden vessel ; spnn- - 'i"'' ' ' ''ji. ... -ii il . .f ii.. I H...Vi Ninf In .iV..tnJ TUto tan nn tli a I lrW with aalt anrl pnvitr with rHVCtrdrrrt capableof takingr.The ground is hot, rie4 away irom the, nejhbpriftod, , of ' too j so hot; 'indeed, that you cannot its source, .kccause,,,they; saidit.ipas keep your foot on the same spot for quite possible.) another aicc. i.mighj many seconds together. Between the open at any moment, an theri tt .wouJd, chinks of the stdnes you can see that a be all over with, the prcseitspeci dorsbowy,'tban Tthtf'eommon klndJ f Doj 'prepared' in this manner lore tne war uiau in an rebt ui tne .o uriivu v. .vu i .... . - world besides. ..Iiijhe production of extremity of oach root may also bo ed charcoal. In this manner meat sugar, Louisiana took the lead, tliough compared to a mole-plo- w, which is may bo kept fresh more than fifteen JD7oi;idai1;A)abama and , other Gulf thrust forward through the sced-li- d as days, no matter how warm the weath- - , few inches below the surface it luac tors. ( The experience, of, the,sjmeii tualiy red hot Yon thrust in the end clearly led then ,tor f cgasd.his aJjej of ypur stick' for a moment , and you normal mode of the emissions jw Tinli U riiit charred. Over all the far- - In the case actually before us it was States produced .large . quantities. fits as material is accumuiatea to con- - er may uo. xuo cuvewug t uawu .mysqcQud is a.kiAdj 9.f,crh : my third , kA chemical analysis of the' brandy and whiskey sold at the leading ho- tels in New York city, shows that they are composed of two thirds wa- ter, the other third being tannin, fish oil and sugar. Rniifn wna the rice-nr- o- struct the bodv. of the root Just as a should be from an men to an incn ana is what nobody ean do without, and my whole is one of the United States. tliickncss, the tliickcr the ducing State ; it was also successfully mason forms a culvert or cement water a half in ther half of the crater there hangs a being poured forth evenly and contin- - gown as high as Tennessee, Ken- - pipe by building en brick after Dftf ' newer. Mat-ri-mo- r.r .rant-- a and vsTif.r : sll nouslv in a molten state from the Jis

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HOW COUNTERFEIT 1KOSTEY IS MADE.w in-- rontiuuino; to aDDlr moi--e andTHE 81GXAI STAR.ofjTt3tli8Sssided foe ' ohwrt fMstance? Ei). Y. Sun In your issue of'Arithmetic' isH usually txtreinely

tucky, and Southern Virginia, lneMiddle and Western States arc rich inthe production of wheat, rye, barley,

"BY FA"ST FORRESTTB.sulphur which etg fort cougbrBTfirorii

'(Tome back, come back, my childhood." I-- E.numberless 'small holes 'abont, yourSaturday, Dec. 11, 1 observed an arti-

cle upon counterfeiting. As you donot appear to understaud the true the

dull, yet the properties of 'numbersare so; singular that our 'readers willextract amusement from the following

(Ui. DIOKKSS. : ,r:J,s. ,:.;

--vTanthl lessoM aad taskTare an ended, '

And the school for the dy is dimled,

i ASrOsa Mream, to point. TVere abifhreatiew tjdle:plae,' an then' theborrirag niiberal iwent 4own to-th- e

bx6 vt themountaid in two etreamsf-- perhaps twertty fffet ch in width,

feet there issue with a hiss siilphuri-nn- a

ifts of steam which ne&rlyJ SchbkeI!d not recall my childhood, j' With all Its sweet delight. .

Ms simple, bird-lik- e gladness, ' extract from a ''Key to Pleasant Exer ory of the art, I shall endeavor toand the public. , 7 '" I von as you pass over them'Yand tca

oats, corn, potatoes and grass, all otwhich arc extremely valuable. Corn,from its affording so large an amountof food for mau and animals, shouldbe regarded as the most valuable cerealcrop raised in the United States. Be

cises, a London Manual," and in some. . . - ... . '? , (.1 , i- :L!. !.11..;j.AMi.i!VAAlituiaIn the first place, a perfect etc timuejM J V " . . w iven morning nau ner tear urops, ,

And Spring her clouded sky, it' awakens a' spirit of curiosity andiihilosonliiral ' iiinnirv. oTatifvinS' toyou are face to facer with the most apn nDDons;.oi Bremrmctnng aown tuio of the bill cannot be engravea DyIt And on the fairest cradle

more mortar at one end of his work.Here, at the extremity of the root, is

where its growth lengthways, .takesplace. And here also, behind this in-

durated cap is the ttamach so tospeak of the root. The pabulum isreceived into the spongiole, digested,to all intents and purposes, just asmuch as the food that enters the stom-

ach of a living animal. Here it isconcocted into sap and fibrous mate-

rial ; and by a process which mortalsare not permitted to look into- - as allthis occurs in darkness the hard capor point of the miniature mole-plo- w

is thrust forward, farther and farther

r,.rHno- - r,hPnoinen both of khC and ttie plainViiHy traC;.. i- -itjj. t, sees toe tuaoows no. themselves and perhaps useful to oth-- hand, as the most parts are engraved

ers :,i:J ' J1' '1 " v" ;' ' " ' bv machinery called lathe work. SoSOUna,wmcn, insrinspn, y."- -- t -


sides' there are many other rich pro-

ducts of the fields and forests whichenter largely into the aggregate of thenational wealth. The first history

How manv nines may be added to-- vou see the impossibility of executing5 eV that .awilfff.??6

-- a And the little ones gather round me.To bid me good night aad be kissed.

. ' 4! the little white arms that encircle

..ui.jly neck in a tender embrace;i- : 0 the smiles that are hales of heaTen.

Bheddlng anshtne of lore o my face. ."!"

"'l And when they are gone, I sit dreamins; -

. Of my ehUdhood too lorely to last;" ' Of lore that my heart will remember, ,

While it wakes to the pnbe of the pastEre the world and its wickedness made me

A partner of sorrow and sin;When the glory of God was about me, .

; ' And the glory of gladness within.

.,1 O l my heart grown weak as 4 woman's, '

'oi. And the fonntains of feelmg wiU now,When I think of the paths steep sad stony,"

Where the feet of the dear ones must go;

gethcr,; or " by whatever : number of I the work without its beingimmediate- -UVHU yi.Dwnwv al"?;,AB4lurf; f 1 Thai Vesolyed to efleefe'aAKsrEXiiE.time thnv.Tphe--4 c j if ."is- - i;,' i1'"'"

4V. I ; .A weak spirit wilLie, .prushedliby

rji'd not recall my childhood, 'Though tender memories throng

Around its rosy portals," Preclusive to life's song;The full voice living ehorus,

. , fc swelling round me now.'Arid a rosier light is resting

my maiden brow

exnerieiiced at inch a numbcrs it inay be multiplied, the line ly detected ; that is, the lines on thei . of American Agriculture differs from

that of the countries of the old world,!are;;fnomena or norma of figures forming the sum 6r product figures and letters will not be the same: 1' i . 1 ilio finmn mlcfnW-TiTio- . Tcliili. ten II 11

may be added together," and it will as on the genuine. The genuine platesrouse a strong one to exertion. . .The where the advances in the arts wereslow, and ' every acquisition markedsame storm which fixes more firmly

most wonderful of an.t "Wliat meets

the ears is,' if anything,1 eyeii Tnoreterrific than what meets the e'ye.; Ereuto isloiit the enintion is riot lust wiiat

''Thave made a changeful journey, consist of an amount equal; to one ot'.l are engraved by the best workmen inmore nines: For instance: twice nine the country, and with every facilitythe gJafrt 6ak? rbots up the tender sap.-- with rudeness and simplicity. Xot so(. if VP the hill ef life since morn, ' from the parent stem. In this way,

rootlets and branch rootlets and mul-

tiple rootlets continue to be formed,for making a very neat engraving. Onare 18 ; the 1 and 8 are 9. Four times1 nave gatnerea nowers ana oiossoms,

I've been pierced by many a thorn, .the imagination paints it befofcndji the other hand, the counterfeiters, notnine are 36 ; the 3 and 6 arc9. A learnin America, whose intelligent Euro-

pean settlers came with all the appli-

ances of advanced civilization, pret'-- i' ' If kJUUiVV U11V Oil VAV IVIfO vaitajw 11 - But from out the core of sorrow

having such facilities, they make aIt does not consist, as tne picnires nrjf VLweafa scried oak --li1Je ; , er finds some amusement in increasingI in-- . I have plucked a jen-e- i rare,bungling job. . .w The strength which mortals gather ., the amount, as if he expected a varia-

tion mighkbe found, but when he getsCe8niy .c S to overcomes a frnarled,tinuous shower at all." Sti le floes t;; - - - No doubt you will be surprised topared to chop down the forests and

clear away the thickets, which had solong encumbered the ground, and furit tsonsist or a continuous snower "tji - . r .'a - '4 .

.v-i.--. .A-- ti fitar BonaParte once rsaid : f t haye no learn the way the Best counterfeit billsare gotten up. A party ,of mea, say

to II times 9, he finds the product isonly 99 ; two 9s. And at the next stepl) ?wt.tt4;'ri3eaof a Taerchant;acquinng a foivj

, in tneir ceaseless stnie wra care. - ;

.Jiow I grasp life's burning breaker,And lwwe'er the bubbles glow,

' IH pause not till rve tasted!) The deepest wave below; ..

.Though bitter dregs may mingle, ,. ;

The crimson light shall roll ;

In full and fearless.currents ""

nished to the savage red man only ascanty subsistence. For a time the

until every cubic inch of the lo w seedbed hits been provided with a score ofopen mouths ready to lay hold of anymaterial that may be in 'the soil, andwhich is adapted to ' the , reqiiirmentsof the growing plant The spongiolessof certain lands of plants will lay holdof coarse, hard," and rough materials,and appropriate them to the purposesof the plant, just as goats will subsiston weeds and other rough feed which

higher namely, 12 times 9, he obtainsingonui ru"Jv? fane iiafeen:erf wins a battle-- at aonly 108, or one 9.1 .ol I iratner a series or explosions. xul ub, i JiSiif 'ilw' iijii '.i'

inrftr.i ,fflare:,ofthe' trrettt abys? id G ?v? ,J r.lo

from tbree to a dozen, get togetherand hold frequent meetings, and actaccording to a plan laid down. f

Oneor two will find out some copper-plat- e

Then he may be shown the fact thatvirgin mould yielded abundant cropsand stored full the granaries of theindustrious farmer. Bnt in many por

continuoul' Ybrt loot int"dhpiU?vf.At.-.- W hotoWr WmeM.iWeBas heen rmnous to very many !. ;:- -, Through tbo fountains of my soul. the first nine digits 12S456T8 9,

amount to a large' number of 9s, viz. : printer in the employ of the bank-not- etions of the country the soil was sub- -

five 9s are 45 ; and he may be taught I priuting office in fact, all such print--dmVlamn: with'one "smart rub tpev j ected to a scourging course of tillage.Xo! rd not go back to childhood, - ' -

From (he radiant flush of noon;And when evening closes round me,''. t crave one only boon ; ,

ers are Kliown uy tne party, inessthat, if, instead of adding the lineobtain by which many of the elements of its..Jiifl.-ii- l 't' .r-4-ii' 1 up, he will multiply the middle by thefertility were exhausted. No soils.:Amid the valley's darkness, " ' men will manage to . meet one" of the

printers in the evening, "get acquaint

sheep would refuse. Roots benefit thesoil in two way a by their action- inlife ' and their function after" death.Thus, clover and the thistle roots

last figure, namely five times 9, he willcan stand a great succession of years4 r..-.- - I Lu..l? TJisappointed .in their sanguine.t Its dangers and its dread, --

The signal starof.Judah ;j . ;. .""' To shine above mv head. ;

DeiOW yon near mc uuisc ui 11x1.0 fri!- - j.T'Taiu -- 45"-, c- - "i , ed, drink, and have a good time genfind the value of the whole most readHon for' the outburst' that-- is Het 10, 1: irrsfJ'oY.rf'-- -

erally with him. and so proceed for apierce a stiff subsoil and. by capillary ily'; and this is upon the principle ofSl.i 91f 'It in . ' --t-

of culture without adequate help fromproper fertilizers.- - Let not the farm-

ers of our western valleys boast of the,fu " aw jr; ; 'liLi KI 1 117111 K I II IIL. 11LSLCULL Ul . ln" 1 II J tillcome. "Tnen yon neara snarper cra-.-- Yj

4 9T 'Tiu'-"..- attraction draw up potash, lime, iron,

. Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er them, ,

On the tempest of Fate blowing wild ;

Mt O! there's nothing on earth half so holy '

As the innocent heart of a child I

' They are Idols of hearts and of households jThey are angels of God in disguise;

Bis Mm light still steeps in their tresses j .'; ;

glory still gleams In their eyes. '

Ol those truants from home and from heaven, '

They haye made me more manly and mild I

(ijAu4Jkaowowow Jesos eould liken."The Kingdom of God to a child. . c f

,sJt ask not A. life for the dear ones, .' AU radiant, as others have doaen -

, But that I may hare Just enoogh shadowTo temper the glare of the sun; ; , '

r.I wosM pray God to guard them from evil,Xi m Bat my prayer woald bound back to myself;

Ahlaseraph may pray for a sinner, . ,But a sinner must pray for himself. i

The twig i so easily bended, '.'',I hare banished the rule and the rod,

I hare taught them the goodness of knowledge.jfiThey hare taught me the goodness of God; . .

My heart it a dungeon of darkness, -

'"'J Wheat shut them from breaking a rule;"My frown is snOcient eorreetkm; v j

Myhre to the law of the school. -' ' ' '..i .t -- ! -

I shall leave the old bouse ia the autumn,To trayerse its threshold no more;

' Ahl how I shall.slgh for the dear one'-;- '.Thatnkset me each hour at the door 1 '

T shall miss the " good-nig- " and the kisses,And the gush ef their innocent glee. ":. i

The group en the green, and the flowers :

" '.That are Drought erery morning to m.

' ";'ljhall mfn them at morh and at ere'Their song In the school aad the street; ; '

I shall miss the lew hum ef their Toleee, jj ,

- And the tramp of their delicate feet,, r

When the lessons are all ended, m- : '

t" And Death says, " The school Is dlsmlMert?-- ' :

May the little ones gather around me, , , ' ,

To bid ne good night and be kissed I : r -

tWritten ier'the Democrat iel'ress.i' few evenings. Then they offer himfrom $50 to $150 to procure a certain

taking averages, which ho will haveoccasion to resort to in higher' departkle, and then witnorit and phosphorus in solution. When'Ml 'AfiRTCl!I.TTJKE-K- O. '6. '' ''

m z 'follows a ' loud the plant 'dies these substances are ments 6f the science.1 - Tri i kind of impression. Tins impressiondepth and inexhaustible productivepowers of their lands ; but let themrfttnrn to to their field a iust compen'As Jthe" a'gribulture of ar countryshoots into the air--

nearer the surface than they were be-- is made in thiswise: The printer; He mayi then be directed to noticeiow "o.Tioieni nwT'.o.s i i -- L;.i ' missiles of everythe effect of adding together two linessation for each eroD produced. Salt, fore, while the decay ol the ..rooty ieiasthe rebound hascrnshca them to . the 1.' n , . t. u.A will take an impression'' upon tin foil

from the plate froni which he is print--So enormous' arc 'the "forces al rwrk formed" of 'nine digits, but in reversedgypsum (plaster of Paris) lime, muck, humus.; How to promote growth: ofa rthat not only small1 pieces rdf rt6ie fa jn"b Jsei ,!li,i- - ' and1 furnish the b'as-'.p- f commerce,brder.-'- J For instance1 insr. which can oe none ma mouieuuroots is a' consideration of the greatestwood ash and barn-yar- d manure make

Thus you see every line'artd size is obarid sulphnr, such ki f6h Mghf Jeatraway as mementoes of your Visifbnt practical importance to every personaccess. . sets a modernd.y,, which' A

; '123456789'' ''987654321?J 2 hif l-"- j 1 b ajl of must'prosper or languish tained" correctly. From Jthls tin1 foilwho trains a growing .vine, orculti

an excellent compost for dressing thesoil, each, of which, even when usedalone, will addyaluable fertilizing

",Ji4Vy r.WIT'l anrrTin' o fhA or had success sm -- olectxotfpT TT.t 1 "rfisac. 'iheyvatesa tiny flower. The "vital '.fluidyhuge blocks of tomerileach' enough J rer

to load a railway3 baHast'' wagor'andlf FWftWvfleMW ? esattenaj'n2iroral affairs. j " Land and. 1111111110-- i-9 then set some plate ; printer 'that eanproperties.. Don't be afraid of gettingffi Sir Joseph Child, "are be found about the city, liave a good

which Isto trees and plants what bloodis to the1 animal system, enters the cir-

culation through" the sporigidies of theyour land too- - rich. . Book-farme- rs

i : There is something sti'iking to theare tossed Vp;as th'ougihey were 'i H ,m li ' ' ''"I l,"iilf r f ' I li V ALIO. . MUU v VI " u ti " timerwith him, and engage him forunder general dis- -.

T'erser-ei-anc- wiae atoste fot n iLtaJ trft(1ft have long suffered eye in such a preduet,'forthe wonderinnumerable radicles which are sentbeen exposed to the' wje:mt?,?- - MLr:? WilVfarlor Htwith trade credit, and have $20 per day to do the printing. JJythia nlan thousands of copies arelasts, perhaps no lopgerthai ful number reeurs again in nine is--

f n rf vws4hi A'rm;j,'if;. ' r " " .. . j --sat i out in quest ,off such' material, as thpeven of their own"bfl"""? t bnt trade will" True to the uu.isvuo and it may serve to induce' thinking. struck off which defy detection, exuie. ana yien tuerc 10 , vcsmumuethren. Doubtless the plant requires, to build up; the stem analkt ??Wume,nV,,,, &m$ :JmSnietiies . ttasrobseaWeht! jrene'ratioBS agricultural br Or, let the one" line be subtracted fromanrriA RPROhds with the noise . only cp.nt in the analitv of paper which

I moreea8ily continue, steacuast in a car found this sliyihg ioe. Often T should imperfections ot much ot tne scienunc queues, "r.yl .,-- - -- , I jo f.iv.oA oi.l nruHnil nnnn h .therefore. Tie in such a fine' rr." iVT' V will slightly-diffe- r from the genuineinternal prei-arwui- yj --frvf Ba'--5? tl'o'i, r ,vtl UtlMS A 111 IIIOIIUU fUW aswwvs hsv v I 7 1 -

the other in this way : ." "; '"''987654321, ; !':""

1 ' !" i .123458789 '" "'which the explosion Js'rebeated:-rh- af 4 ?vr""n! Jinrrr.i' UtbespreaU upon,the pages pt msiory, The place of manufactory is generallyoften given occasion to unsatisfactory state of pulverization that the tendernih.I A tTUUtWO . SKETCH.'some distance from the city like. butt- -

rrHLl VSJ&ZlfVlFzP n$r-- beferg 'the'm,' may wisely repel ev--din that war goingf ' on .before results. But the rapid progress of radicles can spread readily in everyscience has developed new facts, and! direction several feet below .the surr. Island, Flatbush, or sometimes,864197532Aft Crstter ; ctfVeeisTlna.

i ' Froni the PaU Mall Gajette .

.ti .T' ' ' J I W V,iJ UUU .11 .Jilt. 11IMI 1 11 1W (.'livvw. "iin.i, , . , i L .1 : .. .. ,1 . I . n .l,,.nA.An0mpntd when the davlieht was oyec.1 i Baxter Street," or similar localities, infurnished much more accurate infor- - face, the requirements ot the growinghe resi(ltomo fiiii mull 'S iil!il Iery element, oi uiatuiu, iiiai, mi jiaicuo

Whh$Sf?Maio disturb the prosperity of agricultu-ba-g

empty. JSliles and "milerki'i.,i,,in,Ya''if a us look Vrts fewiiriri the world below could no .longer the city. It is a strange fact in every

mation. Look over yon acquaintance f roots, in a very important respect will Jn this result the odd ; and,(

evennumbers become curiously arranged 5r'aistinirt.Uheofietf weia ,,.1 case Where a party of this kind exists

Often as Vesuvius has been describ-ed, thertj 'is one set of impressionswhich arc- - perhaps the most generally

, . . .! .;- i : n tac m a n rtriTT Gmvt7 fi ttIITiTis nvor i . ,

that every member lacks confidence ining .but the, dearstariight Jrh the whole of the nine digits are there,'ciAnA roifh tTiR rrtoiin-- 1 - rT..'s .... . itrv. now larse a poruou ui iuc

see the intelligent, scientific and indus- - have been met. ' ' In many localitiestrious fanner ; and you will find his nature has done all that ' any tree o

labors crowned with success. , This plant may require, as the entire earth,article will for the present conclude as far down as roots will ever strike,

interesting of all, butr. which, from the and werer truly his associates. Every move made hyas in the upper lines ;, there, is no, surfreights was furnished by the agncul.nature of the case. one is narrowly watched by the . oth- . . , , . . i

thei'Tu9hes-,"'oVe-r and ' stoneTS-'- he'dges'

cannot so frequent- - tain ; when the varied colonug- - ot thewtf - l TMnntF 'ii TpnTicpn And 'his

;I refer to the impres-- groundjhad T.. Inn i

plus or. repetition ; there is only onefigure of a Jkind, and, of course, theyture or the soutn to tne snips mat werexlv be recorded, ers of the party. It would be deathwhat we have to say about agriculture,' .... 'i i, ' A a? i ' ' asions of one who. has stood upon the jne81Ji nd nothing could, he. seen4t: tMrht. t&iil klKfor-'irTiit- f Wirriose 2

continually flying from their ports tothe Various other parts of our country, amount to five, nines, i . , , to any miormaut or spy xnai aia nuibut we expect soon to discuss the cul-- 1

tivation of the grape, the peculiar fit ."Would the' pupil wish to, see a sum look well to himself.the eleam. 01 me .punting,, earuni fircdnori jshi iiki j"iuiwitiin multiplication, the product of which This I send yon for information soand alsq to the prominent cotton mar-

kets' abroad!. !Of the many vessels ness of. our soil for that purpose, andwhile the eruption is actually in pro-- through the chmksatf our feef,, while 0-- 9 a d-.- i thii are,';:1 i

gHBte- It always that a view of the b rtiAru wtthmsairttehasedaanJeojoyWsuch a 'scene can be obtained. It was t-- laua-uidl- down the mouir jfai prirtrhwtwiirtingmln'ft more than it is.

shall icontain several figures,, but all as to let you Know now some xmngswe will say to those inexperienced inthat were daily taking in their cargoes alike? ...Tell him .to.sct downall the arc accomplished. If yon think it isthe cultivation of the vine, yet who

when L crash was.xouowmg j at om? 8ide, and.before nswas.tne . trUU--nat- mm ilxao-At- n 4igits except the 8, and if ha would worth while to give these facts to thein the harbors at Charleston, New Or-

leans,' and the intervening ports, the'at a timecrash in a manner that was quite suf-- flashing of the inner fire" upon,' tQ, desire successfully to grow that deli-

cious fruit, we will make every article like the product to be.all. ones, let the public you are welcome.theway- - to" meVcantile-- ' tfuceess; "and greater portion of those freights were1 4 ' - : .1 i.i mL.

- ncienuy terriDie, .ana wnenaii uie sui- - cloud of vapor overhanging the abyssal fsIWiis i01iei. than -- ffuaMed' the irolden line be mUltjplied by one 9, thus :worth to you the full subscription

even "were they to ' descend as far asthe' stem pushes upward,' is so porous,mellow, and fertile that the tenderradicales meet with Very little resist-ance. Such land will' require no breakTing up 'with the sub-so- il plow or spade.On the contrary; where the strata ofearth beneath the surface mould is soindurated'and ' stubborn ''that . in dryweather a spade cannot be thrust intoit with one effort of the foot,5 there thetrench plow, the" sub-soile- r,' the spade,the' pick, and the clod' crusher shouldall be brought into requisition,' id pre-

paring the bed for the penetration ofthe countless radicles that must springinto life, before our palates can be re- -

galed with the wheaten ' 16af or ' the

.1234067$,! . ,.;HOW FOOD IS ADULTERATED. r

If we only knew all the nastinessTake ".nil these


together,, and the;sccrte fft w flU Sresperides: : , . r..vefugti. jit!.a AtLV e wbntl VY "5. t : l.same was the case price of The Democratic Press.with the commerce 9. ...

, ..... r ... ... 8. 11 N"iWi-- Mississippi: But. now that the we. consume as beverages ana iooawe woupl- - almost he: tempted to resort'illlllllll- -rar has laid wasteoath lent (jesoiaung nana oi, vriead in your newspaper that yesuviUSt fearhenvHy thy trearfierpns heart

THE NATURE AND . USES OF THE. . ,.:uri i 1 . - . t.hfir ntntaA lesion." . theii' fair fields and fine farms, palsiedis once again in a state pt.erupupn.. ,iu io Jwt a.j 9in'. :

And here again is the faithful numthe"baud arid blisrhted the ambition ofto the primeval li;t of: roots, game,fish and nuts, and to drink the purewater of the brook ; and bad as the

. T finote'iust nowioPflui. eteeaTa.pft.J Stephen; GU-ard-, at, thp ago.fprty,



Most persons are apt to think that a ber, fbr th6 product ' presents 'ninei . . i lH1 a nnlf tit a 1 0 1 i a- VlO TT A rloTH'OPIiltAfl icilava whichirlidea down, thwnonntin comanaeaanis wnooftngageu ,

'";i 1,1 , ,i "' " 'ones. ;root is nothing but an undergroundmere nominal values ; commerce lanIn the first, place, twp, peculiarities i ,the ;coflstipg, trqde ;bet,ween JXew stuff is. wo cat and drink, we only : re-cai- ve

iuweight and quantity about fourportion of a tree, or growing plant,guishes, and the most .fertile soilwere observable in i it i. One was itne i i vy j iM'Mc?iw, . i ' . pushed out of the kernel through themown on earth, to man, can now raise

If the prediict of 2s would pleasehim," let him multiply the lino withtwo 9s :or l8j"and' so ou 'with 27, 36,

&c, until bylinine9s,

focatmgetoejaand vapors jwere be-

ing driven to one side of the mountainby a strong wind, that we were able to

o! go up from th windward side, stand" upon the Up 6f the crater, look down"into ,'OieVoaring abyss, and see what,v:the eraption of a volcano looks like

r"' ' '-- onThat is, in truth, the only way of

-- getting aa idea- - of what repositoryJ'of .Tiorrors a " volcano , is. Without

such visit, Vesuvius la often a littleo disappointing. ! It is nothing but a

fine mountain, just like any other,says Mendelssohn. You may be a lit-

tle disappointed as you see. Vesuviusfrom, below',. But you have, only tomount to the summit when an erup-

tion of any magnitude is in progress

n.miiA.'.iAwMss nf ita motion. ,IniHeihad taken many, steps ( on, tle lad lucieus frnit The delicate radicles ofbut a slight revenue, with which to aid soil; as one would thrust a walking-stic- k

into a sand-ban- k ; and judgingfrom the manner: in which roots are

he-.w-a a cabin- -

the early part of itedeseeBt.fle.iihBnfliiOrover which it had to pass was precipi-ho- y .uot..wpr(th; a shjmng-but-

, think the ."support of our Governmentor 8l, he will have a ; product of 9s,Once the field of prosperity and pride

fifths of what we pay for, , An, inves-igati- ou

inthis direction, now; goingon in New York, has created, consid-

erable excitement It seems that coffeeis adulterteratcd wiih chicory, roastedbeans, acorns, mangel wurzel, roastedwheatr ryeaud potato flours,; roasted

to. vt an alowlv. did thia mass of oi nis perseverance m mounuSnai

fruit-produci- plants and trees cannotfeed on coarse' and 'rough1 materialThe roots of such plants as are cultiva-ted for the food they ' yield, cannotappropriate lumps of earth to the de

and nine of tlietiiT. 5i ,of the earth. And so long as," for anyliquid fire moye within ats 12345679n,. the tide of prosperity is shut 12345679


'current was only just, perc ',.. 81

crushed, mutilated and toru, when atree or plant is removed,, one wouldsuppose that roots are of no moreaccount than numerous wooden ' pegsthrust in every direction from the par

out' froni any considerable portion ofa country, ana us Diessings wiumeiuPerhaps , in some..; degree eonnsototlW Wfrm 'ff "" peas, parsnips, sweet potatoes,,; saw-

dust, oak bark tan, and brick dust,with the same cohesion. which,. this. S,WiTO;,ysra ,,ff ,iiu,t, : frbmits people, so long will its com- -merc'fe be weak,!, treasui-y-. depleted,

98765432 61728395 ; 'V 12345679

12345679 J 49382716 ' : 98765432' '' ' ''11 ii r -

622221122 555552555 1.999999999,.. . ; 0,- ; rrr.f. .' rr,

ent stem, to aid the growing plant in; ' - i ili.-.--j 1 "There, was no feairre niore .re-- 1 and to color it burnt sugar, madderlanguor pr,.movemen,.;iw.tci4 tXtilJL-i i"-'4A-K- k 'A&t r.r.W,'rBV,nto!n,no- - maintaininff an erect position. But to

to find yourself in the presence of ap. root, roasted horse liver-- ' and burned: blood have,: been' used,:;; Tea is adultiU;Ui--i- " kJnM. " "w v:T"'; Ttt,Wh,aitfdtoar Perseverance Vexistence will so home to the firesides the practical cultivator of the soil, a

The pupil may try the intermediateT rT- - f streamline acir :" lnT, 'wuhrlraw correct nnderstandinir and proper ap- -n 'nAnan ,r. a inar Taw nnnia it I i . i vn i i j i i . i ir. I'vi'i i km ii i iii 1 1 1 . vii mv. im.v. ... ..."--...- .. i numbers to produce.-threes- , lours,r. -

. t ' 1.. t,S j,.(irn' .,ij liottlih ' ncrr rn t ira resources Irom our Plicauon 01 mo pstrauat iuuimuujterated with exausted tea leaves, leavesof the beech, elm, horse chestnutvplarie,fancy oak, willow, poplar, hawthorhe,

six'es,"sevens and eights. Thei'e.willWaar.ii.., .perffI.IJJaww-ata?i- It m.rST-nJn- in'. '. th roota-h- ow thev are forme- d-daylight for your ascent and then, as'J the darkness doses, round and the

velopment of the stem and fruit, anymore than a bullock when confined toa straw .stack can lay on . the excellentsteak or the delicate tenderloin.' Ev-

ery minute atom for the nourishmentof plants' must be changed from ' thesolid to the liquid condition,' and bebrought in contact with the spongiolesat the extremities of the radicles, which"

cannot leave their places to go .afterone drop of nourishment,' but thciy

must remain stationary with mouthsever Open to catch the minute particlesas they are washed downward by thedefending raindrops. '.'Therefore, .thefiner the course fertilizing material

be'found nine of each, and the figureslookedas tbongh jou-igH-,

how they ramify through the soil and sloe, starch, rice husks, excrementrrtc.itaVi'ajl OTarnhim j of"the' eonim'ercial system will sinfcV2W.n1''tf!o'' on 'cinii vwca. TrntTV a Rtdfp of eollanse. exhibitinsr the. in each product, added .together, willsurface with: the point f&tWniimt

0 V .i.n,Mi. nms used- -,

f world below becomes hidden' ' from'view, yon 'stand at the crater in

c.. the presence of a scene for which nolanguage can - be very extravagant

VJZ;'t"'HJi' L 'til i ' cadavai'6iis and pallid iue of, disease be Jof equal value o. each respectivemultiplier!

. . , , .. .at finding; that, even: --witbith veryadd starvation'.' "Every avenue shoulddote 01 his eanv.jne

how they change the lifeless clods intofine mould how they maintain thelife of the growing plant and howthey build up the the parent stem andaid in unfolding the buds and in de-

veloping the leaves and fruits consti

' If the number'9 be multiplied, in 8avxAiYT aar TgiWYo sivmi xumuu uie nuvn nv . 5 . : ,, ,t , t : , u ri f wt'ti 1 tj

of silk worms and sand. Among thedelightful --mixtures for coloring teaare chrome yellow, sulphate of lime,carbonate and arseuite of copper- andverdigris.- - j Even fionr-i- s adulteratodwith sulphate of lime, bone earth, cttrn

Xn1.-t-ma- the sliirhtest SmPMS- - l inX--For experienced mountaineers the ef-- places in each hue by 2, and all thebe1' opened' an4 eyery effort be maderestore our once happy people to theirformer peace, and wide extended agri

;i;fort:reqmiredfor the-asce- nt is nothing j np01l lu Th ialrWse.cjfl r!r.,ip other digits, up to nine inclusive, tliewhete Kne of results will be arrangedremarKaDie, out ior orainary people that we emW,m,M,&Mp&ftm.iWf,W "ra ?" tute one of the most useful and impor--cultural pursuits and prosperity. By meal, and damaged flour. Spices are--.Is feow (n;;,,-..;-

.; d0wn from above upo thferainglflWrfiWsIPW can to reduced, . and the more thor- -

fTiA crnnA riinnriv anrl 1 taut barnches of practical aaTiculture alike, from right tolefly and from leftto' right," that is from a to a, reading. . '.' ,' 1 jj Tfrmri mv. boneless condition- - Irflxed the just and increased in bulk if not m quality by

i iii You arrive at the edge of the cra-lgtrea-

are viewed in their The tiUer of the soil who does not oughly the seea-De-a ,can De commm- -'. - "I . ' a il A T ffatVti ct6r tnn Vt'OT'O potato, pea and sago-flours- groundin either direction iteri ahd there yon behold a scene tuUi across, its face, like a ball upon flr,l .mIt; i ,X f understand somethinir of the office of ated before the germs;are planted in

owk maWtr Tiro bit il I nnn Qua . AtWtr. .in f&intat AnTifl- - LCyiUi ftW.-iMf"- J . noMdt. fieced, a the mould, the more readily. "will the arrow root,; mustard husks,and common clay. Sugar is adulters'


' . 9 ''. 9 '9 ' 9 92ih';3-- 4M; 5';

'6,1 J U11U11IIO VA UI.OW- - "-- - , ... -. rwith wUch-y- o come nrnin it is quite rent correel understanding: of the" functions roo perform their omce 01 ounamg

latiou,' and the useful arts. ot peace ted by wheat flour, tapioca, starch sandand ofstartling.. Going up yon neither seeJ commonly, supposed tl3aTibiWamfS-j- r

A Jj.ecL. JThe tam.Xell, utty-uiu- e times of growing plants and their roots ig up strong ana neaitnnii stems. ;18 ' 27 ,36 , 45:'!54 ' 63 72 ; 81aappear the only proper source of indi- -

World.developing abundant ' crops.- - and. plaster of Paris. Mutton' suet,alum, potash and potato flour add theirfundamental to a mastery of the prin ., And the .first figure in each coupleare clambering up the side of the pone Jmo-l- , SSSS? f ciples upon which sound agriculture from other end is in simple rotationam!d profound silence the next mo acription encouraged- - , tiijw I i "'''. r"irr T 77C attractions to lard. The- articles that

i adulterate confectiouary are legion.depends. Boots are things of life.reaed., the .Vs.jaf.tko wali,,-.yniiB- rankling'in pospm any they trom one to eignt.,faom lovft. txrfsvd sp.Ait toisauef fr Vegetable life is as real and importantwould. Keep .a portion. 01 lanu in Bucnas animal life ; and the little white , The Germass. The Germans ina state of unsettled anarchy and conthe crater" is the sort oi.pnCTWPtj.f--i-:- s Ii T m Z

gy with which one-i-s most4amiliar i 1 HhfMW40WP & &9ment, as --your head sarises. above thecrater lip, you encounter , a roar and ablaie which" inakey oii shrink back a

!littlel 718 surprise is. .occasioned, I- '' ' "i "1 t' "aT J i . '".' 'a All- -'

rootlets, no bigger than a knitting the United States, according to thefusion, that thereby a portion of onr

Vinegar, pickles, mustard, honey andsauces are all adulterated. ' A bill hasbeen prepared in Illinois, which willbe presented to the coming legisla tureto prevent the adulteratioh1 of food,

nntifji of .rnrtiOng that tOOK.; Place .M"i',V5i i fttU n.ii l

. I,, mwm i i .i i


Mansfield T. "Walworth, in his po-

litical researches, brings to light thefollowing piece of Congressional , fun.When the question of emblems anddevices for our national arms was : be-

fore the bid Congress, a member fromthe South warmly opposed the eagleas a monarchical bird. The king ofbirds could not be a suitable represen-tative of a country whose institutions

needle, that push their obscure way census, of I860, number 1,801,136, divifertile' fields should remain an unseto& thai I ,Femdai4us oBi-uqes- ,

. .spider,in bveonerVlaya. J, am, venfe j through the dim- and turbid soil ded among the principal States as foltled Waste', without the protection of' ' . .4 ... 1... . . 1..J.1I . . m-t- t Ti bseefforte( were nearly aaj numerare as much alive as earth-wor- or lows : iNew York, 256,252 ; Ohio, drink and medicines. ' The law is careter' wmcn comesitni8is.'everetru;iiT:wiiii.xf.s'wuwMT ... . .

auTte asLrpno to 'lip. about half a the 168,210:. i Pennsylvania, ! 138,244; Ilgrubs, or the insects that burrow unage the people in pursuits of husband- -r (lu-i- i'l fno--sand orae hundred form: it .hardly aceia rBlbloi. lJrfOT")!- -" mile in diameter linois, 13S.804; "Wisconsin, 123,878 ;I . ... ... - 1 . , I I f So n Am-mr- i T emonfr TTAIlTiflf i II R V 'KUL KUUl'CK 111 (Mil 1 121 LI I J II B I

fully drawn and comprehensive. "' Thepenalties comprise fine and imprison-ment ... " ' - "''"' -

der the sod. The philosophy of veget-

able economy in the soil is mysterious.depth,. Towards the bottom would take a vast qnamityoi. moiteni ,; xxvfrY"-,''?- - wr" Jf- - Znr. . .. ' . .. ,f yards n Missouri, 88,187;' Indiana, 66,705.' The.1 - -- 1 tl. i . 1 ATI ..4 l,Avrl7 nf half lWUIilU. Ulttt CI.) WUab UC: Bt1 UJUiV 1 " i.i.i.ii ""1" ' " - ""t. I' of this bowl. t on me opposite siue to i lava to uu. mk's . . t- -', j- -' f ', 9': nn.t- - u iw 1 rt cannot be studied, because wheni. ,.-"-

- i .... . ! t; y - ;i i out at a rieai.: mat uus is, iue wav iic- -i icvcuiic mm iuuci Germans in the principal cities we dis-

tributed as follows : Kew York,119,- -: where we stood, was a ereatnoie. irom t mile in aiameteri jwiucjuixiBiprwcir . . : ! . Kt. . i, I we invade those dim and silent king. which all the projectiles of the erup- - would : have toi oa seiurti :iiu r m n -.t-- ---t. -o--- ' lii' - ': doms with the scrutiny of our sciencelaws be uniformrnmmnn fipnRP. 5u.nve ..vv it ttkt. jjci uui.tioa " Were shoti' the surface ot thewoldrun,overdowii) thesid8;of th 7 L "l if Ii J States becoequal,J so that all the rich this very intrusion arrests the livingM" Alas J" jsajd a ppof -- app.

bowl bcintr composed of lumps of la--1 mountain.. .1 1 .saw no- - indication Aha

977; St Louis, 50,510; Cincinnati, 43,-93- 1;

Philadelphia, 43,630; Baltimore,32,908 ; .Chicago, 22,227 ; New Orleans,19,729; Boston, 32,202; : The Germans

acres of the whole country will extendmother ot. a bnght hiit.,- - process we would study. When acertain amount of moisture and heatn vav stones and cinders , all of .them this ever took, phtceu .;"WMle.iyooari

"ialasL lie has not the!g prisoners con,, f an invitation to industrial pursuits.- -

mi the mountain. ith streams-- r of lavf 1" - mil.- - oiIttv- '- I ''o TT..:.J Ci.i..a niiv iutj lnnauxutiiLS ui uie uiuicu oiaicbwhich have issued forth m& eoeled al t'Tt iujii 1have entered the seed, the germ, quick-ened into life, pushes ont a root, whichalways precedes the stem. As soon as

tlna is Jin iittrihiit.was 144.

smeared with snlplitir, precisely likethose ;trppti rhich we .ere standing.As you mount the cone there is be--

. tween yon and the gulf an enormous

Oft, or-- possess advantages for the prosecutionthe several previouBfierHptaons are

der, of anindi aanS and seveibjboy of agricnltnre which, for variety and

were founded in hostility to kings.'Judge Thatcher, in reply, proposedthe goose, which he said was a mosthumble and republican , bird, andwould in other respects prove advan-tageous inasmuch as .the goslingswould be convenient to put on the tencent pieces. .The laughter which .fol-

lowed was more than the Southernercould bear. , Construing his goodhumored irony info an insult, he senta challenge. Thatcher returned it tothe bearer, observing that he wouldnot accept it 'What J

, will you bebranded as a coward ?.' "Yes, sir, ifhe pleases, j I always was a coward,and he knew it, or . he, never would

quite, distinguishable from i each ? the r ''iAn:n..n i . ts ,i9 extent,, surpass those enjoyed by anyjmreiiiuuj: uvu iinniar the radicle has burst through the in-

tegument of the kernel the tender exwall, which dulls everything alike by their differences of. strpcturaja"ndfor eye and ear." Even while on the colon .,16 saw many suchf.butl.saw it least he' fc for terms rangijiy upon otherpeople on the globe, '."We occupy

tremity is provided with a portion ofDespise tne .greatest portion, oi we jxoruij steeps ef. the cone itself yon might be no indication oi-a- ar onsewnem uart imr "p? i.: American continent, ' embracing . allpersev- - ' " i1 nint onedesT'f maintaining prisw because it, .. i. r .... ..... j .

unaware that. the. mountain was dis- - ing come over the lip of the .crater.-- i

turbed.',". But single step seems : al--1 every single instance e' of ih varieties of soil and surface, with aclimate w'blciL in the Southern parts,

radicle of soft texture, which the bot-anists call a spongiole or little sponge,because' its chief duty is to absorb wa-

ter that has been enriched by takinginto solution portions of plant-foo- d.

most enough to transfer you from the lava stream seemed to haye ibeea Iowt ftioB of eu on-- 'PW.W y- -

most deathlike stillness to the grand admitsl the culture , of many. of. themost 'valuable . productions of, . theer 4own the . monntuin,i lUertaniiy .f J Vhn " WW"fM... . . . ' a

in the. United States have probably in-

creased one-thir-d since 1860j and willtherefore now number in this country1,700,000 souls.", , , , . ;

;. .' .;r

ECLIPSE OF TUTE SUX AND MoOS.There will be four eclipses the comingyear three of the Sun and one of theMoon, as follows :'' '

First Partial eclipse of the Moon,January 27th: beginning. 7h. 8111. 30s.,

in the evening.. .. ;

- Second Annual eclipse of the Suu,February' 11th, ' at Sh. 34m., in the

' ' ' ' r'morning.'"' Third Partial eclipse of the Sun,

July1 23d at 8h 34m., in the liiorning.Fourth Total 'eclipse' of (ho Sun,

August 7tli, at 4h. 6.m., exniug.This will bo the largest eclipse' of tlie

Sun that will happen in this countryUntil the last'ycar oftlio century. ').'"

est exhibition, of force it is possible to These little roots are provided with atropics, while , the Northern limits

TnE Nose-Blee- d. There are twolittle arteries that supply tho face withblood, one on each side ; these branch,off from the main arteries on each sideof the windpipe, and running upwardtoward the eyes, pass over the outsideof the jaw-bou- e about two-thir- ds of v

the way back from the chin to the an-

gle of the jaw under the ear. Each ofthese arteries, of course, supplies justone-ha- lf of the face, tlie nose beingthe dividing line ; the left nostril issupplied with blood by the left arteryNow suppose your nose bleeds fromyour right jiostril; with the end oftho forefinger feel along the outer edgeof the right jaw until you feel thobeating of the artery directly underyour .finger, the samo as the pulse inthe wrist ; then press your finger hardupon it, thus getting the little fellowin a tight place between the finger andjawbone ; the result will be not a drop-o- f

blood goes into , the side of yourface, while the pressure continues;hence the nose instantly stops bleed-ing for want of blood to flow, Cort- -

tinue the pressure for five or ten minutos, and the ruptured vessels ill thonose will by that time probably con-tract so that when you let the bloodinto them they will not leak. Bleed-ing from a cut or wound anywhereabout the face may be stopped thsame wav.

have sent a challenge to me." The- .,; . . . ,i .. v.j .ii .i

fie'Fi'VSaT1!?0, maXi peigy-eranc-

becgmejjihenjthehabit ofaccoipplish-iiiigJwhat.- is

undertalypni j onep, estah-lisiiCjd- .jj

Pprseyercjeijs a linked 'cliain

this was the case I withi the!vcry'nneone which, burst iont; jtist before Jourvisit t As .wei, stood pofn'itM iliJ .oftlie crater. U. was below aisjtljrpUghautita lonnrlli Thct.lltvn. . WIU isaal

verge upon, out ao not reacn, ine less cap or up mucn iiamer umu mo ui, . , t fl to be ,.,,1 even' I somewhat the feet - ..

.conceive, instead of the, monotonousdull black of congealed lava on thelower levels, you have the deep brick of the sponsriole, asfavored regions where severe and en by the angry party. It occasioned in

of the mole or woodchuck arc armedduring .frost s entail a , scanty vegetaWhiQh.graRplesto thCjfioal .pf r'occsstion. Commencing nearest the trop

fiuitc mirth in Congressional circles,and the former cordial intercourse be-

tween the parties was restored. ,

V jthil9oks0f 8tqcl(,0j1.,,.,ical limits. Ih'q, chief attention of the

$ 14 VVA V; tVlltiO wucbisj aasni v iwu. wu'Mva, vav - q -

j action bf fire, the brightest vermilion, ing from a great fissure-whic- h it had' and every imaginable shade of orange made for itself SQiJifi; distance wp iriTand vellow tliat sulphur deposits are the side of;the reVJ.Tbeguidfis,hur-- !

with nails. This cap is perforatedwith numerous small holes, largeenough to admit-suc- h liquid as thesnouiriolc : miifht require to lengthen

tTonMinBiii valuable' speckled' 'dogbullet iprobf,; Mavk' Twain "says take6ff his; hide aiid Hue it With sheet iron.

farmer sUould be ,called to the cultiva-tion , of sugar-can- e, rice, i tobacco and To preserve meat cut it in from twoespecially, cotton, more of which last! the root by adding particle to atom to four poflnd pieces; place the pieces

Russia iroii irthe b08rtaivd is 'slickeryras raised in the Southern' States ber I behind this shield as the elongation of in an earthen or Wooden vessel ; spnn- -

'i"'' ' ' ''ji. ... -ii il . .f ii.. I H...Vi Ninf In .iV..tnJ TUto tan nn tli a I lrW with aalt anrl pnvitr with rHVCtrdrrrt

capableof takingr.The ground is hot, rie4 away irom the, nejhbpriftod, , of' too j so hot; 'indeed, that you cannot its source, .kccause,,,they; saidit.ipas

keep your foot on the same spot for quite possible.) another aicc. i.mighjmany seconds together. Between the open at any moment, an theri tt .wouJd,

chinks of the stdnes you can see that a be all over with, the prcseitspeci

dorsbowy,'tban Tthtf'eommonklndJ f Doj 'prepared' in this manner lore tne war uiau in an rebt ui tne .o uriivu v. .vu i .... . -

world besides. ..Iiijhe production of extremity of oach root may also bo ed charcoal. In this manner meat

sugar, Louisiana took the lead, tliough compared to a mole-plo-w, which is may bo kept fresh more than fifteen

JD7oi;idai1;A)abama and , other Gulf thrust forward through the sced-li- d as days, no matter how warm the weath- -, few inches below the surface it luac tors. ( The experience, of, the,sjmeiitualiy red hot Yon thrust in the end clearly led then ,tor fcgasd.his aJjejof ypur stick' for a moment , and you normal mode of the emissions jwTinli U riiit charred. Over all the far- - In the case actually before us it was

States produced .large . quantities. fits as material is accumuiatea to con- - er may uo. xuo cuvewug t uawu.mysqcQud is a.kiAdj 9.f,crh : my third

, kA chemical analysis of the' brandyand whiskey sold at the leading ho-

tels in New York city, shows thatthey are composed of two thirds wa-

ter, the other third being tannin, fishoil and sugar.

Rniifn wna the rice-nr- o- struct the bodv. of the root Just as a should be from an men to an incn anais what nobody ean do without, andmy whole is one of the United States. tliickncss, the tliickcr theducing State ; it was also successfully mason forms a culvert or cement water a half in

ther half of the crater there hangs a being poured forth evenly and contin- -gown as high as Tennessee, Ken- - pipe by building en brick after Dftf ' newer.

Mat-ri-mo-r.r .rant-- a and vsTif.r : sll nouslv in a molten state from theJis