the 5 pillars of health to living a vibrant life

S The 5 Pillars of Health to Living a Vibrant Life . By Jared Leon D.C., C.C.E.P., F.I.C.P.A

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Page 1: The 5 Pillars of Health to Living a Vibrant Life


The 5 Pillars of Health to Living a

Vibrant Life

. By Jared Leon D.C., C.C.E.P., F.I.C.P.A

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Good Evening and Welcome to my class on The 5 Pillars of Health to Living a Vibrant Life

My Goal tonight is to give you a fun and exciting way to live a better healthier life with some tools and action steps to be used tomorrow morning

I will not only try to educate you on some cutting edge wellness concepts but also stick to a 20 minute timeframe, which will then be followed by Q&A at the end

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Pillar # 1

Proper Mental Attitude

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What you think about will come about

What you say on a daily basis is a portion of who we are

What you think about is the rest of who we are

Researches states that we can say around 20-40,000 words to our selves all day in what is referred to as our internal voice

As well as men speak around 7000 words while women say around 20,000 words daily

How much of those words are positive about ourselves or about others?

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What you think becomes your reality..

How many times do you look in the mirror and same something nice and or flattering about yourself?

Versus how many times do you look in the mirror and say; “I'm Fat or ugly, or look at my skin or hair; what a mess?”

The ability to learn control about what you say to yourself throughout your day will be the most rewarding opportunity for positive change

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Changing your internal statements to maximize

your Life

Every time that you say an internal or external negative statement instantly replace it with a positive one.

Anytime that you notice that your thoughts are not allowing you to feel or act in a positive way, replace them with positive ones or think of a positive, happy experience from your past

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Changing your internal statements to maximize

your Life continued…

Any time that your day’s attitude does not feel positive or you just do not feel happy, change your thoughts to something funny that has occurred in your past or of a positive past emotional experience

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Saying a daily affirmation or a series of positive statements is an incredible way to start your day of right

An affirmation said out loud preferably with emotion can help open a trap door into your subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is like like a master recording of your whole life that can be accessed with emotions or by stress

Any one here; say daily affirmations or ever say an affirmation?

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The ability to reshape your subconscious mind

Is completely possible by simply saying positive affirmations daily

This will allow you new possibilities to excel and grow your own personal power.

Thereby allowing you to change your state and attitude into a more positive more enjoyable life

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Daily Affirmation

Today is a great day and I have the opportunity to be the best me ever. I am a an irresistible magnet with the absolute power to attract into my life everything that I desire. My life is a huge success!

I am committed to constant and never ending personal improvement and I take massive action steps to create the future as I want it. I will do whatever it takes to become the winner I know I can be.

My beliefs create my reality! I choose robust health, abundant wealth, constant happiness and eterernal love. I attract, heal and postitively influence the lives of people in my community. I think big thoughts, relish small pleasures and handle all set backs gracefully.

I give thanks for the opportunity to serve humanity and I willingly accept the rewards being sent to me by an abundant universe. I am deeply grateful for all I create and receive. My life is now in total balance and I AM A MASTER!!!!!!

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Pillar # 2

Proper Exercise

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What is proper exercise?

Proper exercise can simply be defined as moving your body everyday

I recommend at least some version of cardio 3-4 x per week

This can be 20 consecutive minutes of walking, hiking, running, stair master, elliptical machine, yoga, etc.

I would also recommend some version of core or weight training a few times a week to keep your muscles, bones and joints healthy and young

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What are the benefits of exercise?

Reduces the risk of dying prematurely

Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes

Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure

Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure

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Benefits of Exercise Continued

Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer

Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety

Helps control weight

Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints

Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling

Promotes psychological well-being

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What are the most common excuses why not

to exercise that I here daily..

I have no time

I am not sure what to do

I will start next week

I already do everyday in my job or with my kids

I am afraid of hurting myself or I already have pain …

Any others that you say or have heard?

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Its time to leave all the excuses at the door …

After stated all of the positive health benefits of exercise previously, can I count on you to spread the word?

Can we all drop the excuses and just start moving?

If you already exercise regularly, can you help me motivate your love ones or your friends?

Are we OK as a society to allow ourselves, or friends and our family to succumb to diseases that are preventable?

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Action Steps for tomorrow

Just start by walking for ten minutes from your home and then ten minutes back

Look into local gyms or numerous one on one training studios

Look into hiring a personal trainer to educate and inspire you

Look into workout DVDs to motivate and inspire you in the convenience of your own home

Find a friend or family member to work out with and keep each other motivated

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Pillar # 3

Proper Nutrition

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Proper Nutrition Clarified

It can easily be defined as eating mostly whole foods and vegetables daily with moderate protein intake per meal.

Drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day

Eat as many live foods as you can

Reduce your carbohydrates intake daily, because remember carbs will turn into sugar in your body

Reduce your daily sugar intake

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What does food even do for us?

Foods primary role for our bodies is to be used as neurological fuel

This fuel should power our brain, power our body and allow our bodies the vital nutrients it needs to make over 30,000 chemical and drugs to run and heal our body

So, when we feed it junk our brain will run like garbage and our healing and function will be less than optimal

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What happens when we continue to eat poorly?

Beyond an unnatural weight gain of pure fat, you will start to experience dis-ease

This is defined by lack of harmony with in the body

This will lead to almost ALL DISEASE states

This why 3 out of 4 Americans are overweight

1 out every 3 children are obese

3 out of every 5 people will die from a sedimentary lifestyle

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How can I start making better choices to optimize

my body

Start by avoiding: high fructose corn syrup, MSG and other ingredients you can not say or have not heard of

Always shop for your foods in the periphery of the supermarket or food store

Always remind yourself why you are eating food

Start to notice how you feel after you eat food and eat more of the things that make you think clearer and feel better

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How can I start making better choices to optimize

my body..continued

Try to reduce eating out

Never buy or stop for fast foods

Get excited to try new healthier foods

Try eating more organic foods

Look into talking to myself, a nutritionist or a health coach

Lead by example for your friends and family

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Pillar # 4

Proper Rest and Relaxation

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Proper Rest and Relaxation

This is usually the only one of the pillars that most people excel at initially

Proper rest is quintessential for your body to rejuvenate

Proper relaxation is essential for global balance in our daily life

The ability to allow the body to restore is vital to our daily existence

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Questions to hit home the importance of R & R

Do you ever wake up fully rested and realize how good you feel?

When your morning starts that way how does your day typically follow?

How great do you feel when your on vacation?

Always Remember that : Positive reactions are like a beautiful continuum for your success

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Further Importance of Proper Rest and Relaxation

Your brain needs to rest and relax to recharge, no different than any other battery or computer

Your body needs to rest and relax to heal and unwind, so that it can perform at a higher more optimal level

Your ability to separate your day into chunks of time; to work hard, play hard, to be fully engaged with your family, spouse and yourself … YOU DESRERVE IT

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Pillar # 5

Proper Working Nervous System

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What is the Nervous System?

The nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord

This system acts like the super computer controlling and regulating the 70-100 trillions cells that make up THE LIVING COMMUNITY CALLED YOU.

In essence the brain send and receives neuronal messages through the spinal cord and out through spinal nerves which exit the spine

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Optimal Nervous System

When the brain sends out a message it is vital that the message has no interference

Without the neuronal inference the brain will properly be able to self heal and self regulate the body

Thereby in this example all processes and function are properly working thereby pain and symptoms can not sustain or exist

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What if my nervous system has interference in it?

This will reduce the efficiency of the brains messages wherever that spinal nerve would go to

This is how we represent symptoms in the body in both muscles, organs and or glands

This is called vertebral subluxation; which is defined as a malposition of one spinal bone in comparison from the one above and below thereby causing a indirect pressure scenario on the spinal nerve

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How can you check to see if your spine has a


The only doctor to check your spine for subluxations is a CHIROPRACTOR

I highly recommend that you allow myself or you find another chiropractor to check and maintain your spines health for you and your family

This will give you the highest probability to having a proper working nervous system, thereby allowing you to better self heal and self regulate your body

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A Free Gift

I will offer any non practice member or friend of any practice member a FREE SPINAL CHECK UP!!!

I will also explain to them or you what potential spinal bone is out of alignment and where that nerve may be affecting your body

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Life is all about balance…

When is the last time you took some time just for your self?

When is the last time you when on a date with your spouse or mate?

When is the last time you spent quality time with your children?

When is the last time you had fun at work?

When is the last time you ate well, moved well and thought well?

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The Tools to Living a Balanced Life

Each day quickly map out several minutes to hours in these basic categories

Family Time ( Split between all children)

You Time

Work Time

Spouse Time

Play Time

Exercise time

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Are you sick and tired of being on the roller coaster

of life?

I’m Happy today, not tomorrow

I’m Sick or have a symptom today or this week, but not tomorrow

I have enough money this week to pay bills, but not tomorrow

I am getting along in your relationship, but maybe not tomorrow?

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When you integrate the 5 Pillars of health daily with proper life balance

You will be paving the road to your optimal life for you and your family

You will stop riding the roller coaster of life

You will have more certainty of your health for you and your family

You will start to feel younger, more vibrant, more energetic, more self love and self confidence

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In Conclusion…

These 5 pillars are the building blocks to your new life

A life filled with happiness and health

This is the way you and your family are meant to live

Lets start living up to your own greatness and stop living in complacent land

You deserve to feel vibrant and optimal

Lets motivate each other to feel awesome!


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Good Night

Thank you for your time!

I want to thank Fitness Together for allowing me to share my message about wellness!

Any Questions?