the dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: to search for and expose real or alleged...

The History of Muckrakers Language A MYP 2 Tuesday 13 December 2011 Zion Albert

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Page 1: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

The History of Muckrakers

Language AMYP 2

Tuesday 13 December 2011Zion Albert

Page 2: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

What are Muckrakers ?

The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics.

Page 3: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

How was the name Muckraker invented

In the early 1900’s many European immigrants moved to America because of industrialization jobs.

But the pay to these employees were low and the working conditions were unliveable while the owners were very wealthy.

Seeing this injustice magazine writers wrote about this and discovered many corrupt businesses

Page 4: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

How was the Name Muckrakers Invented (cont’d)

These writers were disliked by many political and business men

The President at this time Theodore Roosevelt, Invented the term “Muckrakers for his dislike for the journalists but it can be considered a insult or complement

Page 5: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

Famous Muckrakers

Muckraker Upton Sinclair. He was famous for exposing meat packing houses in Chicago.

Charles E. Russell on the beef trust, Thomas Lawson on Amalgamated Copper. Burton J. Hendrick on life insurance companies Other include Lincon Steffers, Ida Tarbell, David G.

Phillip, Ray R. Baker ,and samuel H. Hopkins.

Samuel Hopkins Ida Tarbell

Page 6: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

Major Muckraking victims

John D. Rockefeller: his illegal business deals had him targeted by Muckrakers

Labour Unions: These were very, very corrupt and were exposed

Jack warner and Muhmammed bin hammam

John Rockerfeller

Page 7: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

Why do people muckrake

People might see an impurity and corruption in business and other industries. They may tell it to one person but that one person may not believe them so they will find a popular magazine to write an article so everyone can hear and some may support him/her.

Page 8: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

Modern examples of Muckraking

Muckraking was very popular in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s

Now the term muckraking may not be used as much here are some recent examples of muckraking

FIFA bribing scandal Jack warner and Muhammed bin hammam

Jack Warner

Page 9: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

What Happen to People who Muckrake

People who muckrake may expose impurities o the world may be a hero but to some, a villain

Most muckrakers are famous and die of old age

But others arnt so lucky before they even report the corrupt thing they are bribed out of doing it or worse, killed.

Page 10: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

My opinion on muckraking

I believe that muckraking is a very good thing because it can show how horrible working conditions are and how corrupt bussines/companies are.

Even though some die they die famous and the give others back what is rightfully theirs.

Page 12: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics

Thank you for


Page 13: The dictionary meaning for the term “muckraker” is: To search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics



h920.html Magazine article
