{ the important thing about my mom is that she loves me. it is true that she is amazing and so kind...


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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Slide 2 { Slide 3 Slide 4 The important thing about my mom is that she loves me. It is true that she is amazing and so kind to me. And that she is a good parent And that shes always encouraging me And always will be the best mother ever But the important thing about my mom is that she loves me. Slide 5 Slide 6 The important thing about mom is that shes special and one of a kind. it is true she takes my breath away every time I see her just because of her smile and that she loves me and that shes healthy and shes helping and a good mom But, the important thing about mom is that shes special and one of a kind. Slide 7 Slide 8 The important thing about Dad is that he is always there for me. It is true that he is awesome and that he plays with me and my friends and that he teases and plays with the dog and that he loves me. But the important thing about dad, is that he is my dad The important thing about Dad is that he is always there for me. It is true that he is awesome and that he plays with me and my friends and that he teases and plays with the dog and that he loves me. But the important thing about dad, is that he is my dad Slide 9 Slide 10 The important thing about my mom is that she is always there for me. It is true that she is full with kindness, and that she is a good cook, and that she helps me with things I need help on, and always listens to me. But, the important thing about my mom is that she is always there for me. Slide 11 Slide 12 The Important thing About my Mom is that she loves me. It is true that shes pretty, she deals with me, and that she works hard, and that she makes me smile. But, the important thing about my mom is that she loves me. Slide 13 Slide 14 The important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. It is true that she takes good care of me every day and that she corrects my mistakes and that she teaches me new things and always is there for me. But the important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. Slide 15 Slide 16 The Important Thing about Mom is that, she is always there for me. It is true that she is patient with me, and that she is a hard worker, also, she is very beautiful, and always understanding. But the most important thing about my mom is that she is always there for me. Slide 17 Slide 18 The important thing about my mom is that shes always there for me It is true that she loves me and that she is fun and that shes loving and caring and always buys me things But, the important thing about mom is that shes always there for me. Slide 19 Slide 20 The important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. It is true that she makes the best noodles in the world. And that she is kind. And that she eats a lot. And always is in bed. But, the important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. Slide 21 Slide 22 The important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. It is true that she takes care of me and that she always finds time for me and that she puts up with me and always loves me. But, the important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. Slide 23 Slide 24 T he important thing about Zach is that he loves me. It is true that he is my brother and my hero and that he is so nice to me and that he cares for me when I'm down But, the important thing about Zach is that he loves me. Slide 25 Slide 26 The important thing about my Aunt Rana is that she does whatever I want It is true that she is pretty, flexible, and that she helps others and she is caring and that she is funny and she loves me and always is there for me. But the important thing about my Aunt Rana is that she does whatever I want. Slide 27 Slide 28 T he important thing about my mother is that she is my mom and loves me. I t is true that she is beautiful and takes my dads breath away, and that she is always there for me and that she makes the best chocolate chip cookies, and always gives the best hugs. But, the most important thing about my mom is that she is my mom and she loves me. Slide 29 Slide 30 The important thing about Geraldine is that she is hilarious. It is true that she is my twin and we are very close, and that she has hazel eyes, and that her hair is light brown and wavy, and always makes me laugh. But, the important thing about Geraldine is that she is hilarious. Slide 31 Slide 32 The important thing about mom is that she is my mom. It is true that she is the nicest mom ever and that she is a great cook and that she is very strong and always is super smart. But, the important thing about mom is that she is my mom. Slide 33 Slide 34 The important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. It is true that she is the best mom ever and that shes very smart and that she helps me in school and always says funny things. But the important thing about my mom is that she is my mom. Slide 35 Slide 36 { The important thing about Mom is that she cares for me. It is true that she makes a really good apple pie, and that shes not bad at drawing, and that she can drive a boat better than I can, and always loves me. But the important thing about mom is that she cares for me. Slide 37 Slide 38 The Important Thing About Granny is that she loves me because I am her favorite oldest grandson. It is true that she loves flowers and our church and that she loves her children and that she is good with babies and always loves me. But, the important thing about Granny is that she loves me. Slide 39 Slide 40 The important thing about my grandma is she loves me and buys me stuff. It is true that she makes amazing meatball sandwiches, and that we call her Mama, and that she has an amazing pool in her backyard, and always lets me get whatever I want. But the important thing about my grandma is that she loves me and buys me stuff.