)itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the m' b h...

b f ; , ] w. P1IWiIIa tIroe New ... It Ocean, W"adIoat Fear or Favoro ...... CGetiDaoualy for Over .11V.... . By Mail. $2.00 per year: SiD«le Copies. 5 Cent. ARE YOU LUCKY? Read TIaU .4nd Tum To P-6e TUlO Do ,.. 1ack7't H,.. a.-'. _ ........ " t"uk,,. ~ to ... ef ,.- .....1 A_ III n. e.-. P.... II ...... a"~ Iowdl ,-. a. eW. _" , _ 1M of .... hw toeht8 £ ........ rllDdl ~ no--.. 0. ........ a _tiea ., ..... .-bida a ,..,nm. Ioootlo ... N _-.-0_ Stll .tectlea wi! Ioe ~ TIoree aeb of flOC" .. tIoat ........ an .-eft'" rill a w1lite.... It ~ flOCe __ of them? If it .. __ ,.... me.ie ticket; •• ait '08 .t O'IIT offiee, Inn Ken: ....... I. w- Ma"l."d ... d L.ftpoillte. n ticket. are , ..." .fter __ tifin...... with .1>... I..tel, .. 0 .trillr •• ttaell .... The .. 11 .. 1 01 hlek •• , iued ,.,.. thi. _Ir. 1>at d_'t ...... Nut _ft. II ........ IFOIIp otoraP h win "pahlished. P"-":re- neopi_ frieoMIl If.e, Iooor tM rood word I R.__ t .... ki...lftp_ Po•• 7 "RiBr'.--.d R.... pedIet .. of-" free .. em. tick 1 T.. to ... e two pick oet ,_ facel The _'. diritioIt (If ... GRtIe Poiate WoodJ Pnsbyteriaa o..cb will hold a Christmas' bazaar .. 11_ School 011 FricIa" evmiq, DenmIIer 6- bqilUlilllf at 6 o'clock. Haad.madc articles, bale .. pocb IlIll pott ed pla.ata will be solei. lee cream.. calce aad col'ee wiII be HnCd. ThiS sale is all uceDmt opportamt,. for WOD1m to obtaill attractin Christmas gifts at remarkably low prices. Grosse I>ointe Woods firemen had a very busy day last Sunda,.. battling thr« separatc blues in leu than 11 bour .. are 1 4 'or "Newsboy" Day Ex-National Commander ,:i\~~~;~':':«. . f '-~-" 'Will Addr••• Audience '!:~~~~~:, \I At High School Dec. 9 c=:i'J Major Burns Henry, -A-m-e--r-ic-a-n-L-e-g-ion Post No. 303 is I~ soring an Americanization and national defense rally t~ be held in the Grosse Pointe Hirh School Auditorium on Monday evening. December 9, at 8 o'clock. ' A sbort music:al prarr am by the ficera, the aational organiza tioa of rit1. Grosse PoiAtc ~h Scbool baad, UDder attomeys. He hu also had the distiac~ the leadership and dircetioa of W. J. tiOll of aerYing as -president of the 0.. Watkins. supenoisor of mUlic. aDd D. trait Lawyen' Club, of beinc the see- D. Kalember, director. will be pre- retary of tbe Detroit Bar Aslociaticns .ented. for several years. and be is a meOlb« The ptOlP'IID inc1ades: of the bar of the United States Sa- In,ocation b,. Re.-. Albert L Yd. preme Court. In 1930KeUy wal appoillt- ed gcaeral C01lIIselof the Detroit Street Tin of St. Paw', Catholic Church. ".'!way' b "'a or F k u h "-'U. 0 Y ... Y ran ... urp '"~ Address b,. put natioaaJ -.maader ser.mg uaill 19J.1. He was appointeeS of the AmeriC&JI Legjoa, Ra)'lDOllcl head of the legal department of the KeD", wbo will COftI' "Thc AllIerican Cit,. of Detroit in 1933 b1 },{a;ror Frau Legion - AmericanilDl - Naticaal Dc- Couzeas. fenae-Communit,. Semee" aIld other "KeI1,..erved almost a )'ear items pertiaiDt to C1II'rt"llt day prob- France, was COIIImiaiIulled sceond &ea- lema. tenant of Field Artillery at Saam_. Movies taken at Fort BenniD& Ga.- France, and later was .. siped to the "The Arm,. on Wheels." 6ZDd Coast Artillery. He was die - Beaedictioa br Ref'. Frucia B. maudiDa officer of Batter,. F of that Creamer. Cbritt Ch1ll'eb. recimmt at the time of dcmobilizati~ InYitatioas bave been esrteadecl to all "FoUo.iq the 'IIrU, lIPOD his reuw. Puet.Teacher AaaodatioaS is GroHc to. chiJiaD JUe, Mr. Ken, res~ Pointe, u well u the I.icIaa Cab. ad practice of law ill Detroit &Del becalu the Rotary C1Db, -rarioIII YiDlIp, city aetn-. hi The American Lqio.a. Be ud t-mp oIidak. Members of serwd u the COIDIIWIder of Pittellftl' these orpaiQtioq are straaefy aJ'lIed Pott No. 119 1a Detroit for hIo ~ to atteDd. u the Amcrieaa Leaioa ancl was ~mmander of the Wayae. Coaat,: the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr in 1929. ~ ba~~ iaaportut meslale -He PftSided at the National c... This is the im of • acriea af _. ftlltioe of The Amerieau Lecion ill -- Boston in September of 19«1, ancl fo}. mllnit,. .enice "...... to be apoa- lowi:qJ Ilia . sored by the Ma;... Barn. H ......... Post. retir_t from. that ~ -" ret1lmed to Detroit aDd reaum.ed tile Major Barns Hel:O'y Post has or- praaia= of law ill his home city • (&Jlizcd and maiDtailaed for ~ three --lb. 1tdI" was married ia 1911 to • ~~ ~. ~y blood anufuion C«pI Detroit PI. Nora Enna, U4 it .. U1 this ~ciaity •• Yu" more featld'el of fathtl' of aU cbildna, tJIre.e ~ ad ~~t;r ~~ .be ~ a. *- 'PIs. His oldest .... ~ ...... -z. - a~~,~ ~_. ..... ~ U ,. . . .._-~- .,~::~:"'.. -fit' . A I'OUD~ ~ tlte Com.. . munity Service Committee was the case was put out. foIIOwIf . .. highlight of the program. This discus. A goal of $5,000 bas been set anet Responding to a caII from Yrs. Em. -tJic life atory. Of ...,.... ]'" , . ! son, led by Chairman Dick !.{axon. was Committeeme:tl Norbe:rt F. Denk, A~t ma John, 20014 Kelly road, Gratiot Kelly is a t:rPi=J ~ tate of .. R.--Ll~ Dri Fi'.:--~ participate:d in by Walter Oeminson. Gnich, George Ingram, Jule.Kagel, AI- Township, at 5:00 p. ru., Fire Chief Alc:o: boT who nile from hlDl'lbJe nttoaIICI- ~ fEE UIIl:IQ Pinean Henk, Edward pongru and Al- fred Garska and CharIe:s Nightingaie: Rose and Asst. Cbief Harr,. Duros. iap to poIitiCms of, ~ thru $1,,"lIy. TOW'IiMIaip Ered Herrmanll, who revealed !acts are extellding every effort to attain this and thcir crew extinguisbed a stubborn sbeer pcnoul, pluck. .determi:ltation Ja.tiCe IleB zL ahollt the many local activities of tbe total chimney blaze, and ability. , xe club.' Six hours later at tbe bome of Lee "111,hU ambitioa to aequir. &II eda- ' Each year siuce its organization in Wcil, 1268 Hampton road. firemen dis. ca":"" ),lr K-ft-. _n--JI ~ _,,_ ch James.Ericboa. of 33834.lt. J~ It was sbown that the clab is award- ........ ..... 7 w...................... ca St. Clair S'---- . 1929, the Lions Club has held this an- posed of a conflagration iu a livilll" day to attcad h~b schooL Whea he uvn::o ....... IP-ranbe cboa ing books to all Gf05se Pointc High nual a.lc:, which always has been nobly room da,'enport. Fire authorities be. his hj810 __ L __ ' .. :...___ of a J100 line or thin,- Up in jail ~ School students av.ra.nng "A" ,'n their won .............. - lIc went T--'--L' J . V. ~ "" received by generous contributors. Iiel'e a discarded cigarettc was respon- after a c:01Iqe cducatioD with the same .. W_!P, OItlce ICtor H. DeBacb studies; it is furnishing {aads to send Funds coUe:cted are uot all dispe:rsed at sible. sillalencss of purpose. He _ked hit durial last Tuesday evmiaa's cOart children to summer c:amps: two bonor Christmas time, but equally distributed ------ o.-b bo seasioa ill the GrOSd Pointe S&or-. students were sent to Boys' State at CATCH IT EARLy-Let _ wa,. t~U"5 th the University of Muft:"':ft•1 BuilA:-- , over the 12 months of the year. With Noue Datnt d th U' f De - - Lansiq for a week period. Among the Keighborhood Club as thc center brieBy c:ooaider ~ .. troit, gradlla~C ~ ~m~OOI u: ~Icson paid the be. whidl_ tile many othe:r community activities, it was of distribution, needy Grosse: Pointe bow that all will agree tbsat it 15115at the. " .... _, .... th t limit for arecldesl driviq ticbt. shown that the Rotnv Oub ...... form~.' _L_'.2 be' __ :_~ _..... __.2 - ... ,- .:J'OlUIlreS "'-:... .....- - ••- • _._. - -J ,,- = children are supplie:d with rubbers, UIUURI .:"'-......-- -"'7 .... maD ill his law daH, ""''''''IOa' ... u"'"' & --- Shore rOII4 yeoman service in helpilll" stage th~ shoes, eye-gluses. e:tc:. that operatioa should be pero -rbe same will power thM cot bim light-pole and two sims ~!!!!~ h":.~ recent Hallowce:n party. fonned eerly. Yet YitaI atatUtica hU educatioll 0ftI' an obRacla also i'O IIIiIa LII hour 011 Nov, 3:1, complete1J: Responding to requests for sugges- ahow that ZS,'" people c&e f1!W' serftd to carry him &bead .. WI cIIos- wrec:Jdq his tar. . tions as to other community activities, Why are driven whose ..... I year bec:awe of it. p~ CD pro:fesaicm after he Jtuted die prac_ Polic:c officiaIa atate4 that Eri~ Dr. Van Kleeck of the: Board of Edu. IeIlgen are DOl related to them cathartia, and luatiYea ... lice of law ill Detroit 1a 1915. When who Rdlered a broken shoulder bel-. cation told of thc part th( Rotary ~batikelythto. speecJfamjJ~ drirelaverl l been lakeD by most pertOU elected Natioaal LccioD e--aDdtl' ill was iatozicated. Oub pla)'e:d in endorsing the new ~IIO ve ell' or 0 1 whose appendi:s: haft -.uptureII,-_ .. September 19.19 be " ------ Pierce Junior High School proiect'ltiva ID the car? they baviDrlQiltakea their tnJa. seventb ~ as ~-:. ~ ~ Gratiot TOWIIShip Club which resulted in obtaining one of the: I hie for "oid-faalUoDed .tomIlda the City of Iktroit, the fowth Iarpst Dedicat N 8-"1..1:-- 6n(st school.s of its kind in the country R... ~t ~t ..- tIaroaah .1 ac:he."-Dr. ~ea W. ~ 01 city ill the Ullited Stata. H. it past ea f!W ........... (CoCIlInlled on Page Two) ~ P_te R....- li_. Rochester, MtDSl. president of the Michipa Association The JlI'ogl'essive GRtiot TownahiJI -= I~~T' &: IIlIIl..J ()~A1~ .... L L of Cit,. AttOl'DCYll, aad put president Cab dedicate:d its newJ,.-eonstn1cte4 -.< -31' -31' f"'IIIIIIIIIII ........ ~ of tbe Institute of IlllDiciiW Law Of. mee~ bovse with impressive _ Wooc:I. Preab ....--: ..- llIOIIies last Saturday nigbt, NOTCIlIW 3.- -.u XI. Tbe Dew' building, located on RoItoo Church Women Plan J,.a Road Ilear Ilack avenue, just cut Chriatmaa Baza8r of Eigbt Mile Road, was visited b" over US roidc:nts duriD&" the eVCDiaa"'. ... tertaimatllt. A Boy 9c:out IlW'd or baoor .... ..... 1lI'iaa' tbe clediatioa. Kodenl ... old tiIBe daDciq foBo1Rd the f0r- mal c:er-.ics. PIau for the orpDizatioll of a SCOld troop are IIOW ullder wa" ill Gratiot T CIWllsbip. The club will hold a regblar busillCS& meeting on Sunday afternoon., Dcc_ ber 8, beginning at 2 Po m. .' ~ "JD'~'~ tile IfIariIW ~ses .'IId oatrieht iJlef- ficiew:ies in the trcasvrer's office. TIle <:;it,. of Detroit Water Board is bas,. lubiq and cbloriDatiug the last of the. linel in 'Gratiot Township. T!:: ptc ,.ell bas bed! iDsta1lcd at East- waGCl Dri-ve LIId Kell,. Road. Both master meterl are iD, and it is ~~ that by December 9 the lines will be ,complete in tb.eir entirety. The _tus will tllen. be read LIId the mas- ter meter opmed. This move wiD il1<lrease tbe township profit on water by more thaa $300 per DIOIlth. \Mft~ <lkol'_t./tt)oitttt lRt\)itm THE HOME NEWSPAPER M GROSSE POINTE AM) DIE FOURTEENllt CONGRESSIONAL DISTIUCf L B. OLDKAM, Publisher. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1940 q JIOL. 16-No. 16 4 . -- Standiaa' mate without the slightest lilPls I)f emotion, Wilfred Bouno, 23. !4wia KricPoff Jr .. of 1111 Noitilllf. year-old slayer of taxi-cab drivc:r Wil. ham. was exonerated of blame by • Iiam Arbuckle. was given an examiua. HoDaDd, llich., cotoaer'. jury ill IL reo ticR before Township Justice K(~neth eeat traffic accident iIl'l'OlriDc the deatb tof. Tboasaa in the Grosse Pointe: cif a firnaall .• , • Vanity footbaD let. Woods eoart r60m last Tuesda,. lIight. ters were liven to 2J GroIIse Poiale The CovJJt,. Coroner took the stand Hirh students, d~ tbe examinatiou and diagDOIed (Is .. .., m Jw c;.- the caule of death as pneumonia fol. ..... .... .... .............. Iowiar a JrQ'Il sbot wOll1ld in the lun~ ..i h", 3iI"'" e_ It", aDd Iinr. Several local police officials testified .. witaesses. Bonno's case may .a .... fer .. tiIooe, be placed 011 the January Circuit Court ... ' I'" .. We' 'Vot- ., doc .... .,.....,.., e.- writ ket, Thomas remarked. .. ., ,.. -...;. Boono wi~ be held. with~t ball. iu ..... I the COVIIt" )&.11pmding tria~ JlIStlce .) Thomas stated. Arbuckle, ;obbed and .Prmoas to Ya" 8, 1907. the Vi}. shot in the back near BroadstOtle ave- bre of Gras" Pointe I'arlc was part nue 011 Novnnbcr 25. died in Cot!:ure ef the old Villa •• of Fainicw. wtUch Hospital thru days lat(r. Be>nIlOw~s tbm mended frOlll Bewick .nelM to captured by Grosse Pointe Farms Pa. Caciicax Road. In .SoOi that part of lrolmen James Furton Ind Albert the ViT1a.e ot Fairview nmnma from Crookl near Chalfont and Madison' Icwic:k a,'enue to a point 200 feet east avenaes less tbaD 20 minute:s after the of Alter Road, was taken islto the City shootiag. of Detroit and the ba1a.a« of the rer- Former'" emplo,.ed as a WP A work. ritor)' _ ~priaial" the Vi1Iap of er before a receat dia.greement ",'ith Gro&" Poi>ote Puk was ~ted. his boss. Bonno had traveled from What is now Grosse Poiate Park was llarylaad to Detroit two years ago. then Imo1m as Cott. ~on Post OefOl'Dlcd by the loss of his right arm. Olflee." Bonno admilled rohbing Arbuckle of a FT'OIRTbe Jlmew.... wanct containing le~s than $10. Gratiot Township Meeting Lions Committee P Termed "Hilarious Affair" r~Jx~:~~~l"~ff~i~~ 1< . i 'i ;,. l,. < ,0 [UM.'. X.... no. e.- ..... .......... IMt .. , 1M ..... ............. ill die .ew.J .~~ ~...-. "... -h 'n&lIJ for, the I9t1 ~ __ _ • • the Groae PoiIIh A. C. ~.ti.a ..... iII. MrtIa..traiPt ;:mtt.. 'II'TLUS ACO'I'IUS WUX • ,:A' Bo7 $coal, Dmrt" of.1leeor was 1td4 is tit-.,Poiatc. HiP SdsooL •• 0 'tbe .. of the late 'FIUlrB. Harris ,.. IN'lte\l ....... .". .. ur: o C1Iit Jadp KOjaiUa'.,-rt. .I YUIll AGO THiS WEEr , .,:;,y- of eiPtb arade ltlIdets ...... iaYited to &II open hOlls. at ~ PoiDte Hit"h. ••• The Groue Kill'S .. I- M Painte Choral Oub made fin) pnpara_ er tanu. ~e tions foe ita &Jlaaal part,. to be held At Examination aut .... eele. supe"Uor, treasurer, and clerk ~. peI1sts for last year. Provo said at thit poiIat just wh,. should M r, Jones waat that qaestioA asked while be. bimHU, Kia)' q1latloes "WCI'C asked aDd. man, receive4 ~sc mOlle,.. ~tioas were aJlsw«ecl at the Gratiot Aztother questioft asked, "Wh" i. the TO'WlUblp Board ateetiq hdd ill East- paw fund low"? While Provo was JPOod School last YllIIda, .,eaiJI8, IlOt aware of the fact that a check had ~ to SupenoiJol' Pnm:l • eer. arrind in the amount of $451.73 to be <- bin Jl'oap was aslced to come to the ckposited in tbe general fuad, Frallk a«tiac Iltd ask these qvesuOIlI. JODCI would Dot make this public and did lIOt.' Provo states the lreneral fund The fir.t q_tioG was "W1r)' were taxes raised"? Prow .tated taxes were it IllCltIlur!)' as low as Mr. Jones tries aot'taiaed. The ~ty etlaalizcd the to lc;d the ~c;.,h: to belie:ve it is. Bc. ftilIatiolu in. GratiOt Towubip, which tweeu the l"Caeral fWld aDd the zoning fllIld, at this writing, there is uv~r ... ODe of the Jut to be eqnaJized UI $1,100 ia the bank, Dot COWlUllg the :W.111e Codty. The -t,. recciftd. $8,000 ia the water fud. If the $1 """ this aa~U7 \;" & j~t~t wrlt'o-U ill had DOt heea spent for Beacoasfirld J,IJ3. aDd the ~ for rubbiJb removal, there The qua&iDII __ lip ahoat tile of- would be acar'" $J,soo in the bank jait leer. r~' expeua 10t last )'ear, before eoIIedioa time, but Provo stated .... Pnnoo stated accardiDc to the Jones e'rldes thesc issue. ill his at- .tatlltes the people haft the riIbt at th. temPts to mltlead the people. aDlllW ~ to set the- --.a of tIM, Provo Itate4 he would like to ask Mr. tcnnuhip oj6cers &lid &1lJ1nft4 tW. '" Joact wb" h. oppoaes •• katiag pond .. ,.., tbc UIIIul -tmc .. the for the children? reeanb I)f the tawnshilt allow that the Among oth er quesnoas Provo claimJ people did .et the. Wa,ra at the aJlIIuaJ he will ule Ilr. lona ia a series of -eem. &DO they IikeWise,.,..ted the lIf1ida to fG1low, wtricb will .bow a- :..,::..-::.;,;,.;.:. •• ;.;";,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;.1 ae:tJ,. where InClDies bave been a~at I IiIlee Pr.noo took oath of office. "Ilr. SPECIAL NOTICE .J-. please teU the peopIc wh" yovr TIle'....... ~ .. .....' ..... h.... never ba1uIeed since you __• rii' :_........ .we Jidcl the I)lice of treasurer; &lid, TIoe G.-e P .... Lieou a.It .. GaaoIf c-.mittee, WMIer the directioll of N..... L. Kc.1e <-eM, npt). .... .'.v. __ ~ ten the people of Gratiot ... at __ M~ .... --...- for do ... treet hie of TIoe ere-. Poi>ote Reriew _ "OW N--.Iao,- D.r' a, ,........ '1' wilt a a!xlrtaIe esiated ia . 0- 17. (I! .... Wi 10 riPt>---a-t- NiPtiapie. L. B. 0I0U0aaa,. c....l Sdoweikart, NClI'foert F. o-k .... , '. I" ' "... IleC08t is the amonat of ( left) GeoIp Ehw-tIJ,,.. Pi,rurr bv RrlJinIJ Sttzff Photogra"htrr. .... .. .. .. .. $2UO"l Pro. states at tbis poiIat R--- Club Is Host Groaae Pointe Lions Wood. FII'° emen Kept =".:.:.:.' • k 11. ~ =- :.=-::::~~ T;P:mte 0ffic:iaI. Push Plana for "Old Busy By Three Firel .. • Joaes, .t lint refused to ~,. it, Neweboy" Sale Dee:. 17 In a Single Dav btIt wtICft it became cvideat that dru. How the Grosse Poillte Rotary Oub ~ tie -.sara weoId haTC beets takeD, it elger to perform worthwhile com. Mr. , .... dill pay tll. sbortace- Provo nnmity s(rvice was ~phic:aUy visual- sa,. tw. it what caused th, break be. iud last Monday UOO!1, when the club J~ . _~ eatut:aiDed aficiab of ~,.., "Various ('~r '/ , ;. I~

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Page 1: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr




w. P1IWiIIa tIroe New ... ItOcean, W"adIoat Fear or Favoro...... CGetiDaoualy for Over

.11V.... .

By Mail. $2.00 per year: SiD«le Copies. 5 Cent.

ARE YOU LUCKY?Read TIaU .4nd Tum To P-6e TUlO

Do ,.. 1ack7't H,.. a.-'. _ ........ " t"uk,,.~ to ... ef ,.- .....1

A _ III n. e.-. P....II...... a"~ Iowdl ,-. a. eW. _" , _

1M of .... hw toeht8 £ ........ rllDdl ~no--..

0. ........ a _tiea ., ..... .-bida a ,..,nm. Ioootlo ...N_-.-0_ Stll .tectlea wi! Ioe ~ TIoree aeb of flOC" .. tIoat ........an .-eft'" rill a w1lite.... It ~ flOCe __ of them? If it .. __,.... me.ie ticket; •• ait '08 .t O'IIT offiee, Inn Ken: ....... I. w-Ma"l."d ... d L.ftpoillte. n ticket. are , ..." .fter __ tifin......with .1>... I.. tel, ..0 .trillr •• ttaell ....

The .. 11.. 1 01 hlek •• , iued ,.,.. thi. _Ir. 1>at d_'t ......Nut _ft. II ........IFOIIp otoraP h win "pahlished. P"-":re-neopi_ • frieoMIl If.e, Iooor tM rood word I

R.__ t.... ki...lftp_ Po•• 7 "RiBr'.--.d R.... pedIet ..of-" free .. em. tick 1

T .. to ... e two pick oet ,_ facel

The _'. diritioIt (If ... GRtIePoiate WoodJ Pnsbyteriaa o..cb willhold a Christmas' bazaar .. 11_School 011 FricIa" evmiq, DenmIIer 6-bqilUlilllf at 6 o'clock.

Haad.madc articles, bale .. pocb IlIllpott ed pla.ata will be solei. lee cream..calce aad col'ee wiII be HnCd. ThiSsale is all uceDmt opportamt,. forWOD1m to obtaill attractin Christmasgifts at remarkably low prices.

Grosse I>ointe Woods firemen had avery busy day last Sunda,.. battlingthr« separatc blues in leu than 11bour ..

are 14'or "Newsboy" Day Ex-National Commander,:i\~~~;~':':«. . f '-~-" 'Will Addr••• Audience'!:~~~~~:,\I At High School Dec. 9

c=:i'J Major Burns Henry, -A-m-e--r-ic-a-n-L-e-g-ionPost No. 303 is I~

• soring an Americanization and national defense rally t~ be heldin the Grosse Pointe Hirh School Auditorium on Monday evening.December 9, at 8 o'clock. '

A sbort music:al prarr am by the ficera, the aational organiza tioa of rit1.Grosse PoiAtc ~h Scbool baad, UDder attomeys. He hu also had the distiac~the leadership and dircetioa of W. J. tiOll of aerYing as -president of the 0..Watkins. supenoisor of mUlic. aDd D. trait Lawyen' Club, of beinc the see-D. Kalember, director. will be pre- retary of tbe Detroit Bar Aslociaticns.ented. for several years. and be is a meOlb«

The ptOlP'IID inc1ades: of the bar of the United States Sa-In,ocation b,. Re.-. Albert L Yd. preme Court. In 1930KeUy wal appoillt-

ed gcaeral C01lIIselof the Detroit StreetTin of St. Paw', Catholic Church. ".'!way' b "'a or F k u h

"-'U. 0 Y ... Y ran ... urp '"~Address b,. put natioaaJ -.maader ser.mg uaill 19J.1. He was appointeeS

of the AmeriC&JI Legjoa, Ra)'lDOllcl head of the legal department of theKeD", wbo will COftI' "Thc AllIerican Cit,. of Detroit in 1933 b1 },{a;ror FrauLegion - AmericanilDl - Naticaal Dc- Couzeas.fenae-Communit,. Semee" aIld other "KeI1,..erved almost a )'ear •

items pertiaiDt to C1II'rt"llt day prob- France, was COIIImiaiIulled sceond &ea-lema. tenant of Field Artillery at Saam_.

Movies taken at Fort BenniD& Ga.- France, and later was .. siped to the"The Arm,. on Wheels." 6ZDd Coast Artillery. He was die -

Beaedictioa br Ref'. Frucia B. maudiDa officer of Batter,. F of thatCreamer. Cbritt Ch1ll'eb. recimmt at the time of dcmobilizati~

InYitatioas bave been esrteadecl to all "FoUo.iq the 'IIrU, lIPOD his reuw.Puet.Teacher AaaodatioaS is GroHc to. chiJiaD JUe, Mr. Ken, res~Pointe, u well u the I.icIaa Cab. ad practice of law ill Detroit &Del becaluthe Rotary C1Db, -rarioIII YiDlIp, city aetn-. hi The American Lqio.a. Beud t-mp oIidak. Members of serwd u the COIDIIWIder of Pittellftl'these orpaiQtioq are straaefy aJ'lIed Pott No. 119 1a Detroit for hIo ~to atteDd. u the Amcrieaa Leaioa ancl was ~mmander of the Wayae. Coaat,:the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI

aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr in 1929.~ ba~~ iaaportut meslale -He PftSided at the National c...

This is the im of • acriea af _. ftlltioe of The Amerieau Lecion ill-- Boston in September of 19«1, ancl fo}.

mllnit,. .enice "...... to be apoa- lowi:qJ Ilia .sored by the Ma;... Barn. H ......... Post. retir_t from. that ~

-" ret1lmed to Detroit aDd reaum.ed tileMajor Barns Hel:O'y Post has or- praaia= of law ill his home city •

(&Jlizcd and maiDtailaed for ~ three --lb. 1tdI" was married ia 1911 to •~~ ~. ~y blood anufuion C«pI Detroit PI. Nora Enna, U4 it ..U1 this ~ciaity •• Yu" more featld'el of fathtl' of aU cbildna, tJIre.e ~ ad~~t;r ~~ .be ~ a. *- 'PIs. His oldest .... ~......-z. - a~~,~ ~_. ..... ~ U ,.. .

.._-~-.,~::~:"'.. -fit' .A I'OUD~ ~ tlte Com.. .

munity Service Committee was the case was put out. foIIOwIf . ..highlight of the program. This discus. A goal of $5,000 bas been set anet Responding to a caII from Yrs. Em. -tJic life atory. Of ...,.... ]'" , . !

son, led by Chairman Dick !.{axon. was Committeeme:tl Norbe:rt F. Denk, A~t ma John, 20014 Kelly road, Gratiot Kelly is a t:rPi=J ~ tate of .. R.--Ll~ Dri Fi'.:--~participate:d in by Walter Oeminson. Gnich, George Ingram, Jule.Kagel, AI- Township, at 5:00 p. ru., Fire Chief Alc:o: boT who nile from hlDl'lbJe nttoaIICI- ~ fEE UIIl:IQPinean Henk, Edward pongru and Al- fred Garska and CharIe:s Nightingaie: Rose and Asst. Cbief Harr,. Duros. iap to poIitiCms of, ~ thru $1,,"lIy. TOW'IiMIaipEred Herrmanll, who revealed !acts are extellding every effort to attain this and thcir crew extinguisbed a stubborn sbeer pcnoul, pluck. .determi:ltation Ja.tiCe IleB zLahollt the many local activities of tbe total chimney blaze, and ability. , • xeclub.' Six hours later at tbe bome of Lee "111,hU ambitioa to aequir. &II eda- '

Each year siuce its organization in Wcil, 1268 Hampton road. firemen dis. ca":"" ),lr K-ft-. _n--JI ~ _,,_ ch James.Ericboa. of 33834.lt. J~It was sbown that the clab is award- ........ • .....7 w...................... ca St. Clair S'---- .1929, the Lions Club has held this an- posed of a conflagration iu a livilll" day to attcad h~b schooL Whea he uvn::o ....... IP-ranbe cboa

ing books to all Gf05se Pointc High nual a.lc:, which always has been nobly room da,'enport. Fire authorities be. his hj810 __ L __ ' .. :...___ of a J100 line or thin,- Up in jail ~School students av.ra.nng "A" ,'n their won .............. - lIc went T--'--L' J . V.~ "" received by generous contributors. Iiel'e a discarded cigarettc was respon- after a c:01Iqe cducatioD with the same ..W_!P, OItlce ICtor H. DeBacbstudies; it is furnishing {aads to send Funds coUe:cted are uot all dispe:rsed at sible. sillalencss of purpose. He _ked hit durial last Tuesday evmiaa's cOartchildren to summer c:amps: two bonor Christmas time, but equally distributed ------ o.-b bo seasioa ill the GrOSd Pointe S&or-.students were sent to Boys' State at CATCH IT EARLy-Let _ wa,. t~U"5 th the University of Muft:"':ft•1 BuilA:-- ,over the 12 months of the year. With Noue Datnt d th U' • f De - -Lansiq for a week period. Among the Keighborhood Club as thc center brieBy c:ooaider ~ .. troit, gradlla~C ~ ~m~OOI u: ~Icson paid the be. whidl_ tilemany othe:r community activities, it was of distribution, needy Grosse: Pointe bow that all will agree tbsat it 15115at the. " .... _, .... th t limit for arecldesl driviq ticbt.shown that the Rotnv Oub ...... form~.' _L_'.2 be' __ :_~ _..... __.2 - ... , - .:J'OlUIlreS "'-:... .....- - •• - • _._. -

-J ,,- = children are supplie:d with rubbers, UIUURI .:"'-......-- -"'7 .... maD ill his law daH, ""''''''IOa' ... u"'"' & --- Shore rOII4yeoman service in helpilll" stage th~ shoes, eye-gluses. e:tc:. that operatioa should be pero -rbe same will power thM cot bim light-pole and two sims ~!!!!~ h":.~recent Hallowce:n party. fonned eerly. Yet YitaI atatUtica hU educatioll 0ftI' an obRacla also i'O IIIiIa LII hour 011 Nov, 3:1, complete1J:

Responding to requests for sugges- ahow that ZS,'" people c&e f1!W' serftd to carry him &bead .. WI cIIos- wrec:Jdq his tar. .tions as to other community activities, Why are driven whose ..... I year bec:awe of it. p~ CD pro:fesaicm after he Jtuted die prac_ Polic:c officiaIa atate4 that Eri~Dr. Van Kleeck of the: Board of Edu. IeIlgen are DOl related to them cathartia, and luatiYea ... lice of law ill Detroit 1a 1915. When who Rdlered a broken shoulder bel-.cation told of thc part th( Rotary ~batikelythto. speecJfamjJ~ drirelaverll been lakeD by most pertOU elected Natioaal LccioD e--aDdtl' ill was iatozicated.Oub pla)'e:d in endorsing the new ~IIO • ve ell' or 0


whose appendi:s: haft -.uptureII,-_ .. September 19.19 be " ------Pierce Junior High School proiect'ltiva ID the car? they baviDrlQiltakea their tnJa. seventb ~ as ~-:. ~ ~ Gratiot TOWIIShip Clubwhich resulted in obtaining one of the: Ihie for "oid-faalUoDed .tomIlda the City of Iktroit, the fowth Iarpst Dedicat N 8-"1..1:--6n(st school.s of its kind in the country R... ~t ~t ..- tIaroaah .1ac:he."-Dr. ~ea W. ~ 01 city ill the Ullited Stata. H. it past ea f!W ...........

(CoCIlInlled on Page Two) ~ P_te R....- li_. Rochester, MtDSl. president of the Michipa AssociationThe JlI'ogl'essive GRtiot TownahiJI-=I~~T' &: IIlIIl..J ()~A1~ ....LL of Cit,. AttOl'DCYll, aad put president Cab dedicate:d its newJ,.-eonstn1cte4• -.< -31' -31' f"'IIIIIIIIIII ........ ~ of tbe Institute of IlllDiciiW Law Of. mee~ bovse with impressive _

Wooc:I. Preab ....--: ..- llIOIIies last Saturday nigbt, NOTCIlIW3.- -.u XI. Tbe Dew' building, located on RoItoo

Church Women Plan J,.a Road Ilear Ilack avenue, just cutChriatmaa Baza8r of Eigbt Mile Road, was visited b" over

US roidc:nts duriD&" the eVCDiaa"'. ...tertaimatllt.

A Boy 9c:out IlW'd or baoor ......... 1lI'iaa' tbe clediatioa. Kodenl... old tiIBe daDciq foBo1Rd the f0r-mal c:er-.ics.

PIau for the orpDizatioll of a SCOldtroop are IIOW ullder wa" ill GratiotT CIWllsbip.

The club will hold a regblar busillCS&meeting on Sunday afternoon., Dcc_ber 8, beginning at 2 Po m.

.' ~ "JD'~'~ tileIfIariIW ~ses .'IId oatrieht iJlef-ficiew:ies in the trcasvrer's office.

TIle <:;it,. of Detroit Water Board isbas,. lubiq and cbloriDatiug the lastof the. linel in 'Gratiot Township. T!::ptc ,.ell bas bed! iDsta1lcd at East-waGCl Dri-ve LIId Kell,. Road.

Both master meterl are iD, and it is~~ that by December 9 the lineswill be ,complete in tb.eir entirety. The_tus will tllen. be read LIId the mas-ter meter opmed.

This move wiD il1<lrease tbe townshipprofit on water by more thaa $300 perDIOIlth.




JIOL. 16-No. 16


. --Standiaa' mate without the slightest

lilPls I)f emotion, Wilfred Bouno, 23.!4wia KricPoff Jr .. of 1111 Noitilllf. year-old slayer of taxi-cab drivc:r Wil.

ham. was exonerated of blame by • Iiam Arbuckle. was given an examiua.HoDaDd, llich., cotoaer'. jury ill IL reo ticR before Township Justice K(~netheeat traffic accident iIl'l'OlriDc the deatb tof. Tboasaa in the Grosse Pointe:cif a firnaall .• , • Vanity footbaD let. Woods eoart r60m last Tuesda,. lIight.ters were liven to 2J GroIIse Poiale The CovJJt,. Coroner took the standHirh students, d~ tbe examinatiou and diagDOIed

(Is .. .., m Jw c;.- the caule of death as pneumonia fol...... .... .... .............. Iowiar a JrQ'Il sbot wOll1ld in the lun~..i h", 3iI"'" e _ It", aDd Iinr. Several local police officials

testified .. witaesses. Bonno's case may.a .... fer .. tiIooe, be placed 011 the January Circuit Court... ' I'" .. We' 'Vot- ., doc.....,.....,..,e.- writ ket, Thomas remarked... ., ,.. -...;. Boono wi~ be held. with~t ball. iu..... I the COVIIt" )&.11pmding tria~ JlIStlce

.) Thomas stated. Arbuckle, ;obbed and.Prmoas to Ya" 8, 1907. the Vi}. shot in the back near BroadstOtle ave-

bre of Gras" Pointe I'arlc was part nue 011 Novnnbcr 25. died in Cot!:ureef the old Villa •• of Fainicw. wtUch Hospital thru days lat(r. Be>nIlOw~stbm mended frOlll Bewick .nelM to captured by Grosse Pointe Farms Pa.Caciicax Road. In .SoOi that part of lrolmen James Furton Ind Albertthe ViT1a.e ot Fairview nmnma from Crookl near Chalfont and Madison'Icwic:k a,'enue to a point 200 feet east avenaes less tbaD 20 minute:s after theof Alter Road, was taken islto the City shootiag.of Detroit and the ba1a.a« of the rer- Former'" emplo,.ed as a WP A work.ritor)' _ ~priaial" the Vi1Iap of er before a receat dia.greement ",'ithGro&" Poi>ote Puk was ~ted. his boss. Bonno had traveled fromWhat is now Grosse Poiate Park was llarylaad to Detroit two years ago.then Imo1m as Cott. ~on Post OefOl'Dlcd by the loss of his right arm.Olflee." Bonno admilled rohbing Arbuckle of a

FT'OIRTbe Jlmew.... wanct containing le~s than $10.

Gratiot Township Meeting Lions Committee PTermed "Hilarious Affair" r~Jx~:~~~l"~ff~i~~

1< . i 'i;,.l,.< ,0

[UM.'. X.... no. e.- ............... IMt .. , 1M .................. ill die .ew.J

.~~ ~...-."... -h 'n&lIJ for, the I9t1 ~__ _ • • the Groae PoiIIh A. C.~.ti.a ..... iII.MrtIa..traiPt;:mtt..


• ,:A' Bo7 $coal, Dmrt" of.1leeor was1td4 is tit-.,Poiatc. HiP SdsooL •• 0

'tbe .. of the late 'FIUlrB. Harris,.. IN'lte\l ....... .". .. ur:o

C1Iit Jadp KOjaiUa'.,-rt.

. I YUIll AGO THiS WEEr, . ,:;,y-of eiPtb arade ltlIdets

...... iaYited to &II open hOlls. at~ PoiDte Hit"h. ••• The Groue Kill'S ..I- MPainte Choral Oub made fin) pnpara_ er tanu. ~etions foe ita &Jlaaal part,. to be held At Examinationaut ....eele.

supe"Uor, treasurer, and clerk ~.peI1sts for last year. Provo said at thitpoiIat just wh,. should M r, Jones waatthat qaestioA asked while be. bimHU,

Kia)' q1latloes "WCI'C asked aDd. man, receive4 ~sc mOlle,..~tioas were aJlsw«ecl at the Gratiot Aztother questioft asked, "Wh" i. theTO'WlUblp Board ateetiq hdd ill East- paw fund low"? While Provo wasJPOod School last YllIIda, .,eaiJI8, IlOt aware of the fact that a check had

~ to SupenoiJol' Pnm:l • eer. arrind in the amount of $451.73 to be <-

bin Jl'oap was aslced to come to the ckposited in tbe general fuad, Frallka«tiac Iltd ask these qvesuOIlI. JODCI would Dot make this public and

did lIOt.' Provo states the lreneral fundThe fir.t q_tioG was "W1r)' weretaxes raised"? Prow .tated taxes were it IllCltIlur!)' as low as Mr. Jones triesaot'taiaed. The ~ty etlaalizcd the to lc;d the ~c;.,h: to belie:ve it is. Bc.ftilIatiolu in .GratiOt Towubip, which tweeu the l"Caeral fWld aDd the zoning

fllIld, at this writing, there is uv~r... ODe of the Jut to be eqnaJized UI $1,100 ia the bank, Dot COWlUllg the:W.111e Codty. The -t,. recciftd. $8,000 ia the water fud. If the $1 """this aa~U7 \;" & j~t~t wrlt'o-U ill had DOt heea spent for BeacoasfirldJ,IJ3. aDd the ~ for rubbiJb removal, there

The qua&iDII __ lip ahoat tile of- would be acar'" $J,soo in the bank jaitleer. r~' expeua 10t last )'ear, before eoIIedioa time, but Provo stated.... Pnnoo stated accardiDc to the Jones e'rldes thesc issue. ill his at-.tatlltes the people haft the riIbt at th. temPts to mltlead the people.aDlllW ~ to set the- --.a of tIM, Provo Itate4 he would like to ask Mr.tcnnuhip oj6cers &lid &1lJ1nft4 tW. '" Joact wb" h. oppoaes •• katiag pond.. ,.., tbc UIIIul -tmc .. the for the children?reeanb I)f the tawnshilt allow that the Among oth er quesnoas Provo claimJpeople did .et the. Wa,ra at the aJlIIuaJ he will ule Ilr. lona ia a series of-eem. &DO they IikeWise,.,..ted the lIf1ida to fG1low, wtricb will .bow a-:..,::..-::.;,;,.;.:.••;.;";,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;.1 ae:tJ,. where InClDies bave been a~at

I IiIlee Pr.noo took oath of office. "Ilr.SPECIAL NOTICE .J-. please teU the peopIc wh" yovrTIle'....... ~ .. .....' ..... h.... never ba1uIeed since you

__• rii' :_........ .we Jidcl the I)lice of treasurer; &lid, TIoe G.-e P .... Lieou a.It ..GaaoIf c-.mittee, WMIer the directioll of N..... L. Kc.1e <-eM, npt)...... .'.v. __ ~ ten the people of Gratiot ... at __ M~ .... --...- for do... treet hie of TIoe ere-. Poi>ote Reriew _ "OW N--.Iao,- D.r'a, ,........ '1' wilt a a!xlrtaIe esiated ia . 0- 17. (I!.... Wi 10 riPt>---a-t- NiPtiapie. L. B. 0I0U0aaa,. c....l Sdoweikart, NClI'foert F. o-k ...., '. I" ' "... IleC08t is the amonat of ( left) GeoIp Ehw-tIJ,,.. Pi,rurr bv RrlJinIJ Sttzff Photogra"htrr.

.... .. .. .. .. $2UO"l Pro. states at tbis poiIat R---Club IsHost Groaae Pointe Lions Wood. FII'°emen Kept=".:.:.:.' •k 11. ~ =-:.=-::::~~ T;P:mte 0ffic:iaI. Push Plana for "Old Busy By Three Firel.. • Joaes, .t lint refused to ~,. it, Neweboy" Sale Dee:. 17 In a Single DavbtIt wtICft it became cvideat that dru. How the Grosse Poillte Rotary Oub ~tie -.sara weoId haTC beets takeD, it elger to perform worthwhile com.Mr. , .... dill pay tll. sbortace- Provo nnmity s(rvice was ~phic:aUy visual-sa,. tw. it what caused th, break be. iud last Monday UOO!1, when the club

J~ . _ ~ eatut:aiDed aficiab of ~,.., "Various

('~r '/




Page 2: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr

'. '1

, .





._.._ " each 4c



Hanaon_. Tonettes,M1Uie 5coIw of0tIMr I -...m Gilt&.



U tM IIMM ........ .,0 tMf...n,. th.. tM whole •....... 'l'Mt'. wi.,. r-'re ~ •..,. It.yo i., '0.r _ta .....'l'latrre 1M .... .. toWar


Give Mwical lrutrument,••• AND YOUU SURE TO PLEASE!

CLARINET, ...... t*ted $35.."I'RUMPET .. CORNET.. $CZMTROMBONE, ,.w........4. . _ $017.5.SAXOPHONE; E •• t Alto ... $81.5.VIOLIN 0lTrFIT ..... Mw $22.51CUlT AR, S... i.... HawaiiM. $1....ACX.'ORDION.lw.. ...MARIIIBA. ~ octa.. .. .- ...

ea-. EdNa .. Coane ofPRIVATE LUsoNS INCLUDED



For that Emergency Occasionwhen in Need of

.Quick Cleaning orPressins

Service plus QU~~ Work-mansbip

TUxedo 2.3000


J7N8 KERCHEVAL AVE., CROSSE POINTEPh=- ro. 21$78 --0,.. EnnUap-

GRINNEU~ BROS~'"The Maaical Center of MicIaic ....


PORK LOIN ROAST Rib end 140(....... A..... )


Mack at Nottln.ham

Fun Galorep.,.. ........ ftirI ., __.... ......., f. tIM!la .. willa ,2ft' .... Itr_ cnated ., ...

FeliI Francois Beauty Salonc.-.. P.... a-' ..........o.dN .....

.... II .w, '!WIN ..... XL JIll

All .tria _....... . . .WiIfl .... J-..... 1Ihoett.t.I .. , ,...... I'..-.

We .. ,~l


s~.,.~. ~~..,. ..~ ...,.....ileA VlCTott t1 95!teeonl P'.. -. f"t.IPlAy ........... th .... rIICI;" TI

- ~----~----.~--~---~~----- - -- --

.Jhure91, 1)eeem&t I, 'fOWl

YOU CAN BUILD A IETrERT',., It ., b , , ••

WOIUJ)--.I)aa't b7 to t..IiW a ..,. De 1MIIetta- willa ..... IIrfPtT1Mn it iD tile ----Dr• ...,. Co 0..-. ....... u •• ..trice, it it their ., ...... M.... aa a.-.•• Do IIOt CIOIDe at it directlJ .......

Mrs. Edwin KtelhO«, retiriat' chair.man. wiD preside at the Dlettiq imme.diately fonowilll the IlIllcbecm. Th-eprogram will be opened with patriotic:singiag.

There .,;in be short reports 011 theyear's outstanl1ing events aDd aeeom-plishmeats. and lJlDOVDe:tmtnt' of ftl-ture plaUs. Election of olficen for theensuing year win also take place.

Mu. Donald Stevenson. ~natioachairman .. ill present the .lac~ Mra.Dudley Hay ""ill head the teUen and!ofr!. Cameron Waterman will linech.rge of /lower arnn~c1It ..

Oub members art 'IJlle4 to m....their reltrvations early. a. sealiDa ca-pacity will be at • premium.. IIn.Douala. Crue i. ticket "hairmall,

On Monday. Dec. 9, the &IlJIuallancheon meedng of the WOl1lCfl', Re-publican dub of Grosse Poiate win beheld in the Wbittier Hotel at 12:30 fl.m. Mrs. Uoyd A. Hooker is lCJlual .chairman.


St. Claire Church Women Plan Sale


•• •


VeretableCoffee. Tu /lr Milk

Lo ..erl, doe't PIQ thi. Me t.,l-AawlllaHf. rCllOlt tr. a Nn ¥Drk la•ItiMe ~ wtap .... c WiOlMa.clollltheir eye. whell kltMC." lta_, "l1aIdnJotiDc of the eyeli4.a ill • wOawa

la the cue, eYicltatly 6twiJc tHt ...can IwuIJe tll ...... &ad f&4:a •• biIethe lad Kdrama .," the phaM .....~rll •• •

There .. a diatioct poIll'biitJ d1atPr~l __ velt wid be lift- tiltopportaaly to appoiat thhe _. Su-pr_ Court Jutiees dl1riJlg his autfour.year term. Chief Jutice HllIhe.aad. ] .. tice M.RcyaoI4a, bodt " ueeljeihle f~ retir_t, ..-th ]VlliteStone IUb It a tlInuoIM • Oct. II,19oU. Preak Wwphy aM WiUIaaI O.Doqiaa, two of b. juliee • .,poiatedb7 RooMnlt aiaca 1"" are r-.eda.uious to eel bac:k into ~poljtica1 cir-cll1atioa. ..

14128 I. "'H.r.on

W'1IIt Awl ..... ., ...1.1 E. JEFFEIt.SOI'f

• • •



;:/'lews Dige$tB, DI.Ck BODYCOMBE


.Auorted Relishes Italian Minestra SoupSliced Bed. Tel1derloin in Cherry Whle Sauce

Bteaded Veal Cutlet with Spaghetti'Roast Lel"l)f Sprint Lamb-Fresh Mint Sauce

Hot 'Baked Sugar.Cured Ham with'Candied Yam.'ltaliu Sparhetti with Meat SaQCe-Imported Chee••

Roast Yount Pork: Loin-Apple GlaceFiDet of Perch Saute MeunieJ't .

Fried Select OyscenBroiled White Fish Hote1~r.

Fillet of Sole

DInner Specials


..:<,Jlahe4 ~ the Illece .. III "The Jlua.',..... W. WItCh,.. the "Yudl ot- > .... is lIaaily worldq oa another

td-leqtb tet.t1X'e ...blC:h will IIICludcJarp portiCllla of -tak4 6hD 011 theiIIiuioaI'« Poblld and FIDIa1ld.

• __ ..' ....,.. Twe

...". ~

....' .

-....~... ~... .0;,,,-..~-:.. '".......!.--. -. ,~j :~~• .'11.:.:. ~....f .,.

.".... '." -'".... '";.i:-.:,

Tndy rUM Quality Meau aDd Groceriea~ at Genuinely I:':conomical Pricel

Special Attention to Phone Order.I T-nack. at Your s.mc.

Fox Creek Market

.'1 Over • .000.000 .-orth of fttiOlla1• fellH coatrac:ts han tletn placedwilli Detroit 61'1111, ra.akiaa tilt city

:~ it .. eolmtQ'" CUlT_ .... ua!. ~ of poda u4. puu": ....- ' ...

• ". SG Wa~ n4 Macomb Coaslty po-., ri.' -. ~~:tIIia &nUt" ' lr:tiM ei _** "'I'u,"~ LrilI .... 1- E_w... Rve;: '~Y" dtttfOG. ma the'State Crime~'I.. in'. .'

.... ...~"'.'; - :.dLl.i...,,"_ ~. ~~. :a ...."..,..~..~ t1rII ...... ~ .. dIU't,':' . 1Ii,... etUh:-1'1M .Of6da1;~ - n-d, "Ralph -J). .Barnet,

Yen Hera141TriIxaDt wri&ef, _. ~ ~... pcnoa, kiDed ift erath .,;;"

~ • British boe1liDa- YIlp- ~..... __ " 1atMa' '-tb .... Pittun &tI RitMuI $111# 'It<<efrlphlr.~.~the int fatality .-..; Ailericall .~ ~ ~ ,. a..w-. T. oW., _ D .h. It, fill die ~ J.:-', ill Workl. War No. z. . ~ ~ • St. cw.. ~ die ~ ., M hila M......... 11. nr. ... Drift, M .... :r .......... _...; ... '. -. - - - ~ . - .., WWtM ....... of ~ _ oUt. (F_ left III t)-llba. L L s.w., M,., .. H.< ~ II the: hWa_r-After Nt. ~~ J. L ...., Mn..va- , T. L O-C-, , Eo ..,.., aiM. ..............

~, tbrolIP to MlllI'eleiI mitlWtea of &bout to be kltald i. aa emotional ~'. tridiroIa .. ,hem, two top aetion. However, .. omen CQDJciously Xmas Tea Sale PIUlDed IDriver.' School Draw. Rotaryr.~ 1tlIh ICMN !qmld. lll~ ., aid tb~ir ey~s to do.e. By closilll her By St. Claire Church E:ebty ..Five PerlODI (Cbfttin\Hil froca ,.... OM).~ .... tel 4edde 'wbich teaar woakl Dlut eyn a womaa shvta out ber nsual C:OII- ..

'~~'. IIMf.alr e.tIIoIic-la.,ae deven in tact witb e\'er)'clayobjects. relaxu and Arcbconfraternity At Third Seaaion . for Grollt Pointe. The waYe of tnlfill!,.~.. .......,.,,'idaed. dwity pme.. slipi into a world of make-believe." acc:idCllh wa, discussed aDd it ...f-i - . ...... Ab. ain't love 1l'Ud! Durin, the afternoon and eveuilll of Over 15 peoplt .. ~r~ present at the shown that c:oac:tfte4 efforts are beina'~!!... III tilt Newt-The EmpIre CoW .-e- -.... -. December 10. the ladits of the Arcb. third "Ilion of the n~wl)'-inallPrated made aloll&' eduUtiOllal liD .. , JO that~;. hI:on.. V~. Ca!ifiiri .. baa T .. CJIt;r •• eYOll .tata ba~ adopted confraternity of St. aaire Church will monthly d.riveu' school 'h~ld ill Grosse youn, drlwu will be imptttltd wilh

" .~:... ~ c:oathl1lollll1 fM' 90 ,eara. new color achana for their 1941 auto- bold a Christ mal na Sale in the Pointe H~b School Jut Tuesday eve- tbe necessity of safe drivinl.""a"'" ~ - '-190 mile. Of mobi1~ plat ... wlUle tbe nmaiaina 21 cburch auditorium, Auduboll and Char. mliW.";, ~.tvime!s _ A bne .imply reversed 'the DWlIenIa aDd I~volx. Ellsworth E. Rockwell. Detroit po- Norbert F. Denk, IVPtNbor of'- _u _ ...._ £.0lIl ~._- "., •• d tbt b.ac"-o-d. lic~ official and director of the sehool. Grosse Pointe Township. bes-ke the~. -. -- ... ...-.-.,..y ~er, ~- - _. - . This unusual ennt. combininc 10- ..~.' IiiIlIJirrR4 lot tile foIrth tilIIe 0_ • • cia! activity with the display and pres- pre.ented slides iI1uitrati~ the rishts de,ire of tcwnship officiab to co-oper-• .~.--~-_ -- •• _ .. _u It' L_-n "Sa-" H._u-- ...........for and wrongs of safe driving. ate in all community service. Am"" ..• , ana- -..- A'....... 3-....... S """ ...e ..w_ >la, ~ntation of beautiful aifts, il open '0 --~: bride" !I!toIIIb a matTlal(lDia! aear17 a month now. and Li1 AIIlltr is 11. In the put 10 days, City of Grosse q!her official, present .. ere Karl B••-"~-"-'--""-~"'-'.:1 .... ~,-.Jblt ~ " _.: ---t -_........._., a Udder the .pon.orahip of Mrs. p' Ii "" h .... I . Godd" 'd f h k '"- .....:1._ ~ raa , _, "_ ~ OInte po te o=ceu aye "",ell UUlng ar.., pres. ent 0 t e r ; .. at-

-81" '._' ...... - ~ . ' ... · Juhn Moud,all. lbe ladi~s ""ill receive driTtrs' school tickeh to minen' traf- bert Neff, clerk, and Nen BIondeU, al.11':'--' __ "::"~~Ilt_,"M*"-'1bat .. their guests at tea in a Cbristmas su-it ~_ ---.I, __".1.- BotIt .. ,..- of t'-- n.._..:_ "-_.". lic violators. O\'Cr ZS of these tick~ts s~ssor of th~ r'ty of Gr06se Poiate'.: ,. .~.~.,"""+'Y e ..... ...... - .... W~.-. -..v-r'- 5011 setting, "reminl.cenl of the IIliaical "",; - '. \tit ~ lQt1o.iIe IIIc:at - 0IIIIlluUat DorothT.~ creation, of the fabled genii of AIU- ll.ve beea haaded out, Chid TboJlIal Aloii GJlesquiere, presiclent of GrOlS~~ . .... .• a toOL. ,. said tecend:r that ."popll1ar 4~ clin'. lamp." V. Trombly remarked. IPointe Woods; Charle, Poupard. treu-t )' _ ...••• f-. of ao..emtIleJlt .m act 1tII"fU'e, It • urer of the Board of Education; Harry::~ All ... ~ of 'M1k Wotb while U. S. Ambau.4or to We:a:ico Iw The Jlro<:~ of the nle of rifu, Park FlJ'efightera Furton. clerk of Grosse Poinl~ Farml... ' 1...,......... fanaIl ...tbIt1 1MCIMliDc teIatarJ wilt available at bargain prices, will be CQJl' Hold AnDual Party Iand CuI Scb"'cikut,, clerk of the

..... " - . ...... ~ to th;~ o;b;ari'f01c, ..A • . . tc....",hit>o

. . ,.. ~ ~.' t ~ l6id".tit~1;T~e ~ dniHe p_d'~i:-F"~a'" ,-----.-:!<' ,.~.}; ~_.. IIC" ~ ~ ad'" ~~ AaociatiOa, 1.-.1 No. 5JJ. will hold 0iDeD R~

- ..,. ...... fGClIt .,. I,.,! • • • Iron, ,are but a ~ew of the .wpme. tbeir anlltlal charily party on Saturday Plan ADDuaIMeet:--,,: " .' • . •. • Ifn. If ...,. ~ Lu. of 384 ."Vatting prosp~ctlve !'Ufcllasen. ~v~mng, December 14, in the Park .......\!¥.- __ __ V............... boo ........ u.. S~,~.... oh. Inri';'.. win •• ... ..... u."." ... 1A"~ R~''r .-AIl ll-JUt-oW 0Wra-. ctiTlWec from her busbaad, Edward F. these "abodes of charm": Jimmy Conahan and bi, orchestra. ,;; )tt:.:. 1'.... ......... ee, b1 Clreuit Court II1dae Jaltla £. },fr,. S. r abao:lie-"Country Stor~." wilt supply dance music from 9 p. m., :, - -lGl*.~OT""""'"••elI Cbeaot. Truly eomplete with an that may be to I -L sa. Th~ entire proceeds ...ill be

\ ........ ~......,J:."Y .... - - • ••. . needfuL turned over to the Grosse Pointe. ::~ 1~ F-'-7 h npeIy latereste4 A Na.hvil1e reman bu Oed a $1.. Mrs. F. Wurm-"Christmas woodies," Liolls' "Goodfellow Fund.",. 000,00o sait aaaiast the RlIdsoa Motor such as cookie, ""itb points and thiqs Tickets may be secured at the lire

,.;.-'tIx:I1I. CHIfaaI. __ .... Car Co., ebaJ1iq blfrilllleut ~ a pat- delightfully delicious. department headquarters. E. J.ffersont, ur ataJI'I': -..zrn....... art be bad rec~lYtd 011u "iaatruDlent Mrs. L Werner-~Toys aad DoU,," and Maryland. Dr at the door. A buffet:. -.• ~~..... paqd dmce." such &5 brinr that look of -ecstacy to clillller ~ill be served.~ ~ ..-.1itt M. • • • the face of a child. ------'.. ..s.r.1L "I~::~c;:fi~.~~l~~~f ~~.: Mrs. A. Fushman-"More Fun"l Pierce Concert Band~. w, pip _ ' # .... b••• 1. F .._" 3~~" Outsmart Cupid and ""in a pru, with Pr--- FoP~ beeJl "rlqed." dart' furnished by Lady Luck. - I -...-- r rogram.: Mrs. B. Chartier ",:ill preaide over the On Tueaday, Dee. .10;. VIII" _. -'R d I 5' I' tea. There ....Ill be ample parkilllr facUi-, -~: • ., e.. • 0 e.rv c. ties. Visit thia sale and be a5Sur~d ...f I Boasting N n~wly augmented iosUv---e a n~w thrill in shopping-so complete mentation. the Pierce Jr. High band'.' ~JOS SUPPLIES-REP AIRS the auortnlent, so gracious the stnice. ",ill make ita Iirst public appearance of

. .. ~ ... PioJ,.U- ... ~ The ~Cutest Puppy" will go home this )'ear next Tuesday, Dee. 10. ""b~n-....... ..... .. PUIID .GAD' ,~TV'" z.- with sOllie lucky ",inner of the raffl~. Director Samuel Trickey ..;11 present

------ his seventy musicians in tbe so;hoolTwo Pedeatriana Hurt luditorium at 8:15 p. m.

Af R . F The band, .....hic .. wQn highUt hono;ster unmng rom at the Southeastern !>{ichigan Mmic

Behind Parked Car Festival lasl Year, now ha. added to theensemble, bass viols. t)"IIlpani. chimes.

D35hing out from behind t. pOlked marimba, oboes, bassoons. tenor andIcar, two ped.strians ":ere struck and baritone saxopnon~s, and bass clarinet. "Poinb aDd Pointer'", injured by a pa~sing auto at the inter. In all, nineteen ne", in'traments havesection of :-'hck a,'enue and Way burn made a larger repertoire and fuller or n. en... PoU!te Phet ..... FIlIn ., •early last Tuesday morning. ch~Jtrations possible. rer patrons an lInique aemca. Photo-

Charles Marle. 26. of JOOJ Yani,tiqv~. Featured 1I\;th lhe band will be D~an 8Taphs taken in Ibe prine)' of yQ1lrrushed to Recei\'ina Hos!,ital 1I\-lth a Hirt. flutist. Robert Seeber, cornetist. home in t. half hOW". lime .possibl~ skull fractur~, contusions tlf aad .'lItn Howell, IIxophonist. Marilyn Xo lonler is it nec:euary to to 10 athe back. add lacerationa of the face. Roeerl and Walter Albrecht will ap- photo,raphic slvdio to ba ... )'Oat' ownwas report~d in Klemporarily seriolll llelr in a fast.paced baton twirlinl rOll' or your cllildreA', pictlll'e takn.' Cancondition," Iiis companion. Elk. Leek- line. the Groue Pointe Phot .. phen, TU.stra. 29. of olOOO Woodhall. was tak~n William J. WSlkins. director of maJ. 2""19 for an appoinllllenl. aDd a pllo-10 Gront Pointe Hospital but .ulfue4 it for Groue Pointe School" has reo torn-pher .. ill .i,it J01Ir hGmt at yOllrno seriouJ injurio. marked. "We arc proud of tlle Pierce con\'enifnce.

The dril'er of the car. Genrle W. Concert band. In junior hi,h school Candid Dr unpo.ed Sholl of ehil~tnSchade. of 9190 Kensington, ..... DOt music, il is rapidly makil1l'aa ~n,'iablt at pIa)' can be t.ken. abo pictllres ofheld by police authorities. name for itself. ,..eddinKs or partin •-------------------------------- ----_ ..-"RING 'ROUND ROSIE"

Page 3: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr





On Sunday, Dec. 8, the Alaer AUX'lI.-;ilry will hold another of its monthl"dinners at the Al&"er Club, 17145 St.."Paul. Everyone is welcome to attenJ,£Reservations are not necesnry.

.. PIR'e 'ntree•Alaer Auxiliary

On Tuesday, No,.. 5, the uen. R. A.and Col. F. M. Alger Auxiliary present.;ed a 8.... pole alld '~Ddard to Cub:,Scout, Di,.. No. Z. On Armistice Day ••No\>. II, the Auxiliary prClented nin,',ft..... and .tandarlb to the Robel(Trombly school.

The l/fe.etltatioa wu beauti"'l, ..,.each Sag for each ditferent cradc wai_received b1' a pupil of that .,ade._~prOl[ram was pat on b:r an tq ~grades. )

01" SHIRTSF.......

"Euley" Sbirtlv~ Special

$1.65"Hickok" Gifts for

Men .An Sve to ......



$1.00 ....ill Attndi .. Box

"Arrow" Shirts$2.00

NatMeNI,o bowa ,.. J.iPaat ...-&t7 ..6Deat .eJ,ctioa 01 Arrvw SIIirb _ ...£&It Side.

Beautiful cut flowers - toYely pottedplanu - attraCtin Boral arrangemeata..

Jakimec Beauty SaloDLE._

... B•• em:"'" at ..... _

For a LovelyComplexion.wt the Jakimec: SalMI. DiacoYa> ....few f.w. will do ill taeiat the d..,yanjehmr 1m. and ndiatiq 't'i~ •.

Gift Ties '?n~ , .

,65c Valu.8,SO-CH.d TaiIancI wriaIde naiItiar 1".... tWani ............. ... ill • __ ...orfal MIectia&


~> ~e ..~""~" ..$l~ With Sa.paul ia Matdted Set $Ut


$1.00• OTHER elFT SUSPENDERS .t ..

"Interwoven" Sodc. 3Sc:pr • 3 for $1."Other "lot ... wo........

Gin SOCKSat SOc pr.

]74 Kerby Rd.,NIagara 2513

Automobile fatalities in the State ofhi ichigan durin, the month of Octobertotaled 194. This incruse o\'er Sep-tember's record was the binelt one.month jump in the last 10 year .. theMichigan Department of Health re-ports.

October i. normally a bia month f()tautomobil~ death •• but an increase ofS3 lives lost over the SeptetAber totalis more than has occurred since 1930.The total for the year now Itilnd. at1,332, as compared with 1,192 for thefirst 10 mon tho of 1939.

IJAME~2::~~9UHARMrs. John S. Newberry's Estate

Announcesthat the GROSSE POINTE FLORIST is

w under his management. Associat~d.-ith him is Ray Scotford, his former

co-worker at Mrs. N~wberry's estate.

State Traffic Deaths,Well OYer 1939 Record

U Hiller" Ties are Sure to Pl.....

• • •

Pkrur. bv }Ul,litw Staff Photograph«.

Kerby School Notes

GIFT ROBESv~ Special

$5.95 and $7.95

Better Ties$1.00 &$1.50

GIFT PAJAMASIn the Newest Style. and Fabrics

$1.35,$1 65,$1.95- up

Esceptionally Good VaJa.. inEach Price.

If YGa are aaed topayiDa m 0 r e than$1•• for your maD'.tiea, ,.ou'll IaI"e beIUJ'PI'iaecI when youlee thia oubtediDgGift Group, made bysuds famous maker.AI "Arrow"' aucI wry.beat." Fine imports,$1.50.

The .ame Kerby school teacher whonot long ago rolled 205 in one bowlinggame, has been listed among the prizewinners of a recent nation,,,,'ide con-.tcst and. will receil'e a pilir of bowlingshoes.

Dnr 160 Gr05se Pointe parents vis. Iited Kerby School during American IEducation Week. Each grade olIeredintere.ting special programs which col-lecth'ely illustrated the work of theschool In addition to individual groupentertainment, the entire school cele-brated "",ith a "pla~' day""and a "choolsiu&,.

I"GIFTS FOR HIM"F_.~._A_ .... =a ...... ~

.,DraIt Board 57 Move.• Heac:lquarten To Park

Municipal Building


Dresses Contributed To Goodfellows,

I.-.Iy RI.... 0'...,. delaiptioa-fI'OIII $15..... Up

Beautiful: DiamoDda,Cameo Brooches, 1m- -ported rlgUl"e8, Nov-elty JeWelrY, Sheaf-fer Pena and PenciJa.

IFOUDden ADd P.triota.Society Arraaa'eaFall Luncheon

I: Th. Y!ehi,aD chapter of the Ha.

Itioaal Sodety, Dalllbtefl of FOUJId.en aM Patriot. of Amerita, wi:U meet

I today. Thllrsday, December 5, at the. Colony TOWD Ollb' for their Man.!anDuI fall IWlCh_ .aeetiDf.

liB, Hear, BOlU1IC Jar, boDerIt7natiollal prelideDt aad DOW'.tate tru~urer, will be preMDt to recti,.e dUel.

MaDy ollt-.tate as well u local ae ...ber. will attend.

ReterTationa kIr tile - Itnacheoa. Ntf()t 12:30 p. na., are bel,.. teeel,..d .ttbe resideace or"l4n. l4etcalf OIl Dick-erson a'Yema«.




The om,. stedIof Genai ••e-I<oo Coeb

a ia D.trait-I ••ported.

Ware, Comnne Jewelryl:-eatherWalleu-Lighten

A Complete Selection of"FineWatches' to Suit Every Gift Need





Give T~ Lovely Ch.riatmu Preaent


~ Beauty!- The' Laatina .Gift!~ II."I What could be more accep~b[e to any

,. woman-young or old-than a beautiful Per-• I, " manent or course of. Luxurious Facials? ..._m Ask Us About This Plan.

M. Evelya Butler-Hair DreHer&Z3S Mack Ave. at Three Mile Dr. roo ~

Thur~rlay and Friday Evenings by Ap'pointment.


Editor. The GrOHe Pointe Re\'iew:At the beginoing, we would Uke!o Draft Beard No. 57, comprised of

sly that'1\'e have read all the various Grosse Pointe Park. City of Grossearticles in your paper concerning taxu Pointe,. Gro.,e Pointe Farms, Grosseand other subjects. We feel all the Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woodspeople should be allow~d to partake hi and Gratiot'Tg.,'nship. has announcedthese discussions. That is ",hat -, the remonl of its headquarters from'the Gratiot Township Improvement Ai- 16358 E. Warren to the Grone Poin{esodation, propose to do, Park Municipal Building at 15115 E.

We fee] something should be said Jeffenon, corner of Milryland.about OW" principles and policy. Wepledge that we shall endo~se no candi- C. }o&eph Belanger, board vice-presi.date for any political office. It i& Ollr dent, stated that Grosse Pointe regis-opinion that the residents of Gratiot trants can now be served with greater

ease and convenience. Belanger re-Township can and do know our poli- ked hat th f 'liti d d


' • ticians 1;,,,U"1 than ",'e do. mar t . e many aCi es an .a -• B 't . d t t th vantaa-es oOWnablc at the lIew offices! n I ut 'We say I 15 our u y 0 e '11 lIow th be d"iT t flie' e

~IlL ... I ~. • ~ple to bring snch miltters as rew- :d t~e ° e uni;r to rcn~er et~: t


lO"-"--. . - liullons by the board or any other ilC- . pport . y. ypef tak b th t h' be d of semCe to which reglstranb arc aD. II~en y e ?wns Ip ar or justly entitled."Hamiltona-Longines-Elgina-T~ \Off,cers to the attention of the people. _and ""e pledge to do this, 110 matter W.dliam L Ph 1_Bulova Watcbea who holds tbe offim. 700 e..-

. We haYe an heard quite a littie ahwt Speaka A Good WOl'dide' bcic niM4 ~ ~~ .T-'- t:~.~11 U......=~:~~~~~ .~BaH~ '~;ir';':re a:-.~ce~;~:,Yuio, yuKe ",ill be a. g~ as ~Ybody and I adJnire <hem," remarks Dr. Wi!-

. else. We feci t.hat at this meeting the liam Lyon Phelps, lone-time LampSonvoters a.nd taxpayers shall s~ak. ~et professor of English Iiteratare at Yaleos conSider some of the things to DC U' 'tydi d IUversl .

seusse: I Dr. Phelps, "Billy" to his students,We have a loW t~t Sil)"'~you can- commenting ou the recent death of

DOt talt ~y townshIp reSident mo~e Ernest 1.. Thil~'er, author of the fil-th~ IS mitis. B~t they can an,d did mouse poem "Casey at the Bat," addsraise your valuation. So what s the d d fo urnp' t th •__d'ff ) . a goo wor r Ires a e_eI uence. IiWe shaU endeavor to have deffinite mTeh. h f"C" Dr Pbe1 ..s

f f h d h d h' . e umor 0 asey. • rproo 0 W 0 an w at Ciluse t IS In. bclicvn, is in the fact that it is whatcrease. so many of us know, that we can do

W~ could tal~ about whether or lI~t a thiog a dozen times in a row ifthe Illcrease \IVI~1benefit. the township nothing depends on it. but when we~r COtlDty. ~hlS may give you .ome come up to tbc "elatch" we strike OttL

L · M. , S .du ~f the mcrease - over lilst year: Any"duffer, Phelps reminds, can sink a

OUIS e r Total IIIcrease, 59 per ~ent; county talt. dozen or more two-foot putts on the~ Ie sons 7S per cent; to .....nshlp tax, ISO per p~actite green. but many a proft'ssionalcent; school tax, 28 per cent-over last has blowD up with a mere 24 inches

JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS year; between him and a title.V. e .could talk about w~y a law But the .urprising thing ia Phelp's

16401 E. Warren, cor. Audubon ~md In 189~ sh.oud be pat In;O effect article is the fact that he come. to bat48 YeanConaerCratiot ... BIYd. In I~. ~hls ,Job of asses~lng ~s himself for the umpire. "Although a

1U Z 0810 N former,y a Job lor .our ~upervl~or. ~Id few players have been convicted of• - 0 Bnmc:bS-. ()pn E...mca you get your talt bill t~IS year, I did. 'throwing' games," Phelps writes, "dur-I

"Home of Meier'. W..... ful Oock'" Perha~s when you see It you may han ing the entire history of America's nil-!~ somte Idea of .....dhat to "hPeak on. tionill game not a single umpire has--~--.-.-......,...,~ et us remln. }"o~ t at we ha\'e 00 ever been convicted or suspected." I

[lllill 'I.ill other purpose In mind but to let ).ou ------discuss and take what action )'our DEATH RAYS FOR GERMS-desire, Toda, • aIeader, tabaJar aJtravio-

Shall we sit idly by, or ,,-ill we come let lamp is panIiaa tbousaDdato the Eastwood School on rhunda~', aaaiast diaeue. In rutauraab,De<:ember 11, at 8 1'. m.• and make O:Ir in rettr'OOlDa, ill the home, ita ill-views public to our fellow taxpaye~s YiaiMe ray. are dea~ inviai-and \'oters? We orc-iuaa tJaat aaeaace health; ,

Boud of Gratiot Township H08Pita1a ..... terilinzinr the air iImprovement Association, in c:hiWrea'. warda.-.J. Eo Ford.

GEO, H. SCHMUCK, in the ~t Rotarian map_:

I Secretu}'. ziae. !i,.~~~~~~iCertainly there'll ~ CJtoice Q.Iit:r •!;!!IJl!!l1!i1!!l

on your gift list for whom • F-~t {', What Do You 7hink ?prize Fred's Market bulret ...... Ii'of food would be the perfect I Baaket. Ilf I:.•'present. Rich, ripe qaaIity _ War top for elilldNft? n.t' •• ~tioe hi tIt. .i'" of .;;;;fruit is a delicacy mod J. • vat Y'aI"l.t1' of ""'llb durinr tile pee-C1ni.~. sIooppiq --. S- sa1' 7N .nd

........... b .t ftri. !!. odMn .. ,. 110, Ht "",,,t of t!leon do BOt beIieft tMt it --. a., diE-everyoae enjoys, and yoa Ii '-. .ee....ma. to • poll of epiaioe ta.... ;",tile cwnoent io.- of •

fget fruit from America'. - prioM Ii _ticnM! macur- T.......... b, botIl fethn ..... motIl.-.. f~flnest orchard. i;; va~ v~ I; Canada to Araentlu __ ~ ia ..... Witr t1I-. opiaiou, ....

"~'!l!w"ulE 'W ! II. .L- ,....... milch .. tII. cl of .&.- c_a-:.....these marvelous baskets. A ; . ~r . ~ ... .. -" beautiful decorali\'e basket .. : For tII. moet Jl*rt. tI,.. motlMn tLiAJr tUt .... to:r ....... definite

liS included. FRED'S 1I11DVt"r i-Iii W ;.8_nc ... "M.rtiaJ to:rs .... n...mJiM," 'II'ritet Mary G. Piliflips,llll11\!\.L J. ...;I. of • Comeo Prof •• «. "11Iey rift impona_ to ... ""re.Jeifenoa at Cadieas 1o... tal .ide of a chit.l." "Coutant .. oocieti.... with pIa;rtlon.,. c! •

II! I m.rtial ... tare woat.l make war -- -We," ,.." J-epbiaeW PROMPT DELIVERYII Nt. S900 Bat John Girdler, •.,..rinte1'l."t of Kllool. I" An-.. e..... ider.i tIM oIe tllinw "Cett,.bvr 011 • doW1l ClVilt." "R..n,., .her _tc~illr--- i' ellilcl for • veat m.n, , .. n, I belina thi. i••0 .. vet. .do.bovt i~W J H I LLlE R STO R E FOR' noth;",." From H.... ii c _plet • ..--eat with Mr. GiTiIer;

, ..~, ..sII"':.".., ...~ ........ :'yAlI .. "'I bat Se ....... Herrera ofH Cllb.o. f".n th.t ". child'. lulr of ell"" II' ~ • • • MIN •'~.- -- _ rieftc. ma1' permit them to think of war ••• omethi"l pI_ .. "t:' Yet ..... ..

."""" • with the ",ajorit, when h.... ,,, "Up to .. ,iYe" !'~'~•. ,It!':r will do ~' 14346 E J EFFERSON At Chi~ ~I'T fNl ,.. . Ii~ •• ;;::;:,,~, .,;.;." . II · Opuo ... .., ........ _ .' a mer ••'..4444..4444444444444444444444414444444444444444444 ~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dd .4..CC..... ~~

" " Thursday, December 5, 1940

- .."

Page 4: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr




T'he ~ of.oar ae."J.... ia • ~ irl Gr.-PoiDte • • • it. • watch-...... ill oar pMt. .

-MULIER',S isUS~~'SpeciaJ- 1"huncIay, Friday, Saturday





...... ., die B-.I '" L • .... '" TIM ...... ~n.. r...a..do eI C1lriet, sa-tirt, ill a-t=. M•• 1......

Sixth Church Edifice


nu. ..... ..m 1M! puWUhed in fuD in the en-. Poiate Rmew ofDeer_bet J2. Copia....., 1M! "inecl by Hndinr 1m _ta to er....P_te Rniew, 15J2JK.anal AftmIe, Cr_ Pointe p..te, MicIt.

Kercheval and Maniatique Avenuea


Monday Evening, Dec. 9, 1940

Chri~tianEatitW-~ sa-c.: Ita a..Deqe to • Wrona 'I'1aiaara fIf die Acw-

By PETER V. ROSS, CoS.s.eI SaIl F.-ciMo, Calif ....

aacccccc C44CCCC CCCCC444444C TC4eCC44 CCCC accCCC4CCCCCCcc cceeee

ro. :was

RAE22418 TweIYe MDe Road


w..... 571 .. Hair StJfial'.. P.--t W..........,', II.,. I..,... (Storme)o,..e. Afrfue 0'B..aa (Pecia)


Mary's' Beauty Shop1481. MA<X AVE. (cor. Aahl.ncI).

Christmas Radio Values!

ZEl'fI'I1I RCA VlcroR STROMBERC.CARLSON CENERAL ELECTRIC~ ~ $69 95 F.D........ $~9 9~ Fa.... for .... wty 79 ar:: .th the f:r .==.T~. • .... Wi'" . _0 ..0) of t_. 1l..~.1 e. .__I .~&.':"•.:>.~~""f ~~ Q c.::...-. r~ - • TOWr - ndio ..._ 1... ,- 1' • s..,1Mv it._._._ "'V., ..,V

.e-.-e-.-wi6"_ ..,...~T_... M.tc1l .....,-

";¥......~.;'<1!,}~.. ,.'t::~~:~;;;.r-ef~ :: T H It G R 0 S S It poi NT ERE 'v I E W TbundlY, tJecember Iv 'UIO':-

;,/c'Jtlgh School Basketball Squad Opens Season Friday N~gh,t{~~.:.,.-~eteraD lineup Opposes Cagers Get Final Instructions Groue PointeWooda R. s=IT~~:~il~ 485 :: r=:':::"~&t~~T':--:". . .... __ HOUle ....... J. Daboia .... 123 123 123 369 .howl hi Ob'taPia Italti .. tIIiI .....

:~j~.'-":,..tDetroit High In 'HULUI CUAlfUJ - t~::r_._::: ~::~~~*=-=:'''-=..,='~~:.:'Colorful Warm-Up Game c.~":' _l~ 1~2~TO;::'.:: :i~~~:~:: M;~~~U::,P=... ~~.,.: . .. kIer ,137 129 154 Q) to dne!op JOIIIII' Detroit IPtIrr II

{~.; ,'. ' .,. DICK BODYCOMBE K. Richard _114 1~ lU W Totals _ ...-HJ7 747 m 2193 his .lortI Ii O~ •• to '" ...

,~; BaDking heavily on returning veterans, Grosse Pointe Higb ~: ~ __ :: ~ ~: :: PIOItEER SPECIALTIES :-::::':: t'..::,'::-~.School', basketball squad will open the 1940-41 season tomorrow HaIl4icap • III • '1!67 W, Woatoa_163 . la>, 161 451"t.when they travel" to East Detroit High in the first contest --- Eo Umber 169 151 115 .sm Detroit 61hten. .of • bie 14-rlme schedule. - - - R. Kittle 129 136 145 410 "1t.euI we • ~

Lut 11'U ,Coach Forreit Geary" ineligible at tbe ,tart of the 'eeotad Totalt _ ..-: 765 n7 7Z1' Z209 R. HlIIm 127 166 129 422 dub ~tinc 01 ..acen eIl,ptartd a first-place tie witll :.emuter in mid.]anuuy. ]amu Locke, I NOaI!UT DUlIt 1.. Wolf __ ..._132 142 12J :m better pJaq tbaa Fairriew ~.Fard_ Hich ia Bordtr Cities Leape sharp-eyed little evai'd Oft lelt _I0Il'S G, W..... ,136 169 ISli1 4M HaIIdicap _ .._ 8 8 a 24 Sharp l&icl. "AD."¥ 6Ptcr wIIO ......eoaapetitioa, winniq ten pmet &lid lum. has reft ICbool ucI win !lOt be F, K .. I,JlI 148 171 458 fipt, &lid we tlIeu &alat, wUl ,., .:t

'Ja.iac fotU duriq: tlte complete sea" available for COlllpetitioa. Co N.Ia~ _ ...140 119 173 4n Totala m 7Z3 7S8 ZZl» the work he eat. far. net • .w ..IDa. Working oa the lecoad ••trinr qtlintet C. 1CfttlIftMl __ 173 las 120 479 OLD.RU lEER ao lIftd far O.trait Ipten to ......

BoI.ttted by sU available lelternu:II, are Mike WIre, Jae!: DiIlO!!, Belb Car- F. Boye 1,13 In 210 564 S. PaIauolo __ .150 13J 169 -452 town for matche. III the 11K... U ".Coach Gary'. Ia~t editiOll compare:. man, Glen Holt, lad 80b BllrUlL Ware E. Herbert _~.~I5J138 161 -452 plaDi WCll'k out.fa.'f'OnbI,. with put uar ••tll4dc4 GrOllS4: &JId DilIOII, members of last S_'I r... Totall .771 W W 24J7 J, Deca~k 151 161 146 458 Fiahterl dneloped 1& Paintew ...Poiae aqaacl. The teatative ltartiDc &en, aqud, will prove able .ab.ti. HOOP.DE.DOO Ed. BorG 169 169 lot 4J9 be rewarded with bouta at ~bmp pIKa Charlie Wanelf and Go<-- tutes. Butean and Canaan, footbaUen P. K.opletll __ 17. 115 176 525 A. Rife 134 164 134 ~ Between Ol"¥tllpia lbowI, tha ........ "Babe" Tanner at the euard posi. hot off the aricliroa. &lid Hellt, rtce1ltl1 D. D4lf. 11.7 119 151 3ttI qhters ean ret1lnl to Fairriaw to ...tioID, Adolph N_e and Louis Charvat arrived from Chicqo. hue 11ft_ devd. F. Tib .169 175 176 520 Totaia 757 765 nI 223J carda the,... n. pJu/ INaM6ta, IIadlIt" f~, aad.laftky TClGlCouItI;l' opins rapidly. P, Hao .. __ Ill 150 161 .ZZ STANDINGS c!ubl.III tJoa emtts' skit. The remainder oI the 1Ched1lie ill- J, DaYidlcaa _ri141 173 160 474 TUllS: Pes. 1... Av. In laaouncllll the rnlUllptioa of

lII:uaolf. depeHable 4dasaive eem dudes: Pld~. "" lW1MUISId Ph()lOftqlw. HaDcIica, a 18 II 54 Better Wade Chip,-- 1 'ZJ 13 qbtl It Fainiew GlrdcnJ the ,.....- set $Iwlt artist ... l1 probahl7 caPWOl Date '1'_ P1ue c.- F..-' e-.,. (WI), 1 r..r Jut 11... .. Norbert F. Denlc..-- 2 2S 15 ten said: "u bOJCioa- faIll 'lri1l ~11M6nt It:rio& .. hida 1"t'UIRI 6 ft.. I D«. IJ-]acksoa -- .... " Hen" _ .... eI - ~ will ..... die 1Mt-41 .Totab -'730 810 &42Z38.! American Armatare_ 3 2S 15 Mhied lIS, we'11 ...l.e tbeIiI the laeat.........'- ~ T - MBI n._ D ....F ..._- Th - at Eut D.tnit HiP - aiPt- (F..- Wt to )-Tloe ••=-- III _uL .~, -,"ue ...."':: J «'1-:-uor'oNVlla_ ...- u ere ............. _ e-.a- T_. Le.ie. CIaarftt aM ~ • Go P. WOOD' aDVICE Hoop.De-Doo _ ...- 4. ~ 16 matches we caD poaibl, make. If ..••• Ie:ataft ~ ... rat, WlU .app.~ an. ..- ... t. auens __ ...-net'e R. T,..bIq _140 156 176 4f2 G. P. Wooda Service-- 5 %I. 19 QO .et tbiI thiq started properbo ........ ..-cIedotfeosive apark. Fe.. JaIL II-Ferndale ...Thcre G, P. 8U11-n-- Ment• Bowlm-g League L. Sepa; .139 139 139 417 Oldbru Beer _ ....- 6 Zl 17 oae will have cause for rqTtt.. .... ~ deIuae, Me- is a tow<et Jan. 17-Moaroe Tbere - D. Gn7lOSl_106 169136 411 G. P. Wo:'* Rce: _ .._ '1 1& zz .... ....... d ItotII blackb0ar'd5, wMe J&ll, Z~Wyandolte _,._There ------ Eo WuabalJ 156 151 36 «1 Count"¥ LlDeSenlce_ 8 18 22 Hart &DcI SIwp anft01lllCe4 their ""r.unat u4 Coaher.are both dangcor. ]&ll. ZS--Port HlUOQ _~ H~e GIlOSSE PODn'E PRINTING WAJUlEN-YORKSHlaE SERVIa 0. Rex ~" 17. 156 509 Sheplerl CeanCl's __ 9 18 II Fairview Ihow 011 Dcc:etllber 9 woaI4I_,m.t-tbot upertL T.- bKomes ]lUI. 31-Royal Oak _~ Here Playen 1 2 3 Totalj Brou • 1!'il lZ5 121 4OlI' Kopie~ llUurance ,.._10 17 23 be &lI all.hea..,.,..eipt "btack =.

_ ............ UIW'V'lIo CLUB Feb. 7-ML Clemens _ .._Tbft'e Elkins t61 164 146 471 A11em.a1l. ( ..... ) __ 160 160 160.. Totala m ;; ro mz PiOllcer Specialties --11 12 28 "bite" affair with .FIe,d ~ ..... ~ Feb. 1-4-Wyandotte Here It Oldham 181 ISO 124 455IKlein ~ I55 (18 180 45J ---- At~'1 Stokcra _12 10 .10 tiler 01U0 heaY7weiab.t eb ......

WOAIaYA c:AJIP FlU GltOUP Feb. 21-Fordaoa ...., .Her~ 1.. Oldham ..._!!7 127 129 373 Dettloff _. 160 146 11!l 48J Go P. W. UcaEATION i....WiDie Wi1IiamI, the 6Ptiq,.....,.... _ L Feb. ~Roya1 Oak .._Tbet't H. Bell 138 128 148 414 Nutter .152 173 140 46S Maionno __ 15 160 141 ~ F.:....: ..w.,.---I_- n....-._ Fbrour°kero'th~~~a~~~t ..-~~ ..e::..- treamrtt .. n: wU report at cur Mar. 7-Mooroe ...Here W. Daniels _175 190 166 531 - _ Sallivaa ._136 ISO 123...". ..... ..... u.I'~ _pau - - .,-~_ """.. -..,..a.. of November za. Tbe treu- East Detroit, OIIly a Class. B r<:hool, Handicap _ .._ 11 11 11 33 Totals _. '89 nz 780 2291 Ma.tia 125 181 181 493 WlDter Fight Seuon plete the card.

~ coaiIb of $16.94. Charlrltte Brace is poorl, eqaipped with cmly two veter- Ladclo 213 153 205 571 ------... eI dIe..t-~~;tt.ee. pft Ire- es and should proYe "eu,. m~t" for Totala ~783 770 724ZZ77 STANDDICS Cook .. _164 t73 152. Fainiew GuieeI, Iaq bowtl IIport 011a _'1 w,_ III In progress at tile Poiaten, .. ho whipped the "De- ROYAL RECREATION Team: Pu. A.,. - - "the cradle of lIichip.n boldUC." will~~ ~ b:~f~~ traiters" last ._ b"¥ the lop-sided H . '_.'_~_ 16.1 164 1~" A." Oak Quaen 28 798 T0ta4 t!J11 181 a U3Z re,ume itl important role in Detroit'l~ score of 30 to 7. etJI __ ....... .. .. - uu "'" eEl..... ItOPIETZ INStJIlAIfCE fight picture on 111:-. ... :..o.t, Decem~wu - at the DlZIIlber of PI. p•• L.: , 158 ISO 171 ,,... ramer ectm,' 26,0.> # .. U

--.. ----- _ 01 .... ~'7 K b' S . 810 A. "r_~.....__ .J'" 1.... 1~' her 9•.... ---- to - to the :»exic:aa Fiesta. ,, p' Youth N 113 108 "" 317 or s erTIce -"-_.- 24 --- oN ""' "'" ......-:-- ....- . ~ OIDte e..-.. ..e _ ...- "" J 'L h 788 L. C4..I_ _ __ 138 138 129 405 Dedsioll to reopa Fairmw wasFnIia"¥ ev,.. at 7:00 po m. The girlS Wi I:'__..L_II A ard TCllllPSOD 185 176 199 S60 &lItts UIIC .... _-- ZZ ~-T... arade ttservatioDs for the Camp OIl r OIKDIUI W Ginftte .:-_-_-_-_-_-146 197 196 SJ9 Grosse Pointe Printin._ 2Z ,764 P. Mucham _137 IJ6 In 4Z5Ph 0 .ItIlIu breakfut.-Jtlae StD- At Mereerabar. Warren-Yorlahlre - a> BZ7 MontroM 1,59 171 163 49Jkk.. Totat. _ ......-'65 833 822 3382' Piche's Barber Shop __ 31 "6 Wa1dller 1,44 145 J38 4Z1

Wilfred A. Staail of 1381Three Vile Royal Recreation 14 789 Haadda, 38 38 31 U'The ..-r "NooIwclrth d&lIce will be Drin bat bt9 lwarded his Spider I CRAMER ELECTRIC

lIeI4 tIris FricIa7. Dee. 6. YCIII.'Te~ mtlDeraIs in footbatl at Ilercerlbara Cramer ,160 158 194 512 T H- h School S Totals 7S3 760 794 1Jt1l..... ' lot of faa jf you baven't Academy. llercet'5b1lt1J. Pa. I>uriq all MUlItz ,160 219 181 S60. WO • tar. AMUICAJIf _AallATUltE WIND'CIleeD attelll!iq tbae cWu:tI. Every- &SKUlbl,. of the .c1lool euly this week Howe _ .._ ..__ 180. 158 178 516'On Times "All.League" Heary Hoxie __ 119 171 188 478~ weIcoIocl ' Hudmutet" Boyd Edwards preIC!Ited Shoaps 142 137 172 45

50611940 Football Squad WtD. Na1lllWl _-m Ibrdlti ctIlfwypp

• awanb 1IOa total of 118110)01 for par. Trombly .. 195 157 154 WtD. NaUIIIIII _IS7 111 180 448Tha ~ Show lieN Satarday. tidpatiou ill the nriouI sporta of the Handicap 11 11 11 J3 Two Grosl" Pointe Higb School foot. Chu. Ccda _167 161 138 466

JIM. II. fIIll'I'ed a ... 1IlICCCII. with faD term. ball playm, hasley Georp GeDematu Ro,o WiDer_167 160 213 540--.ta1eIdeI CQD1eItItIU. The 1ia.l1 The athletic dinctoc's troPhy. Totals __ ._ ...848 850 890 ZS7S d '1 Go J- ~ - 117 137 165 ......-.. an "ersatl e rdon Tanner, wet'e _ ~ - .. ,.~ weft p fcIlowr. . awar4e4 IIUnIa1Iy tel a member of the OAit CLEANERS , awanied berths on a mytlrial 1940J-.w- Kaaio, Ist.place witb hu nrsitJ' f~ rqua4 who entt. tlte Strittmatter __ 182 133 134 449 ~AU Border Cities Leape" squad COlD- Totala 787 740 884 2411

:.'.. ~..... ~ljIt" .-&........ ~~ ~ ..t:..Jtl t~-;t. V~_ c.' 125 1117 142 .174, p~ !!y & Det:cit T'= ~ wr-~. _UTD '~C!!-~ ,

\ ....,.... _~ , lleaaPr' ~" ~ ~ : :' ... ;SPa~" " 0, -, " • ;', '. _"'l"'''.,~'''_\''..'.. . -- .. • • c , . T&ItIHll', a ruaed ~ lad Irick. C&ip OsitI=tl'-';_~,.!54 lIS". S40

Thayer ... .144 157 US .16 in. halfback, WI' Grosse Pointe', ehief Doa. Dre.cr _ U 112 119 314- - - - .cotUla' tbreaL Genemaw, lhiaiUC Fr. RtOeT 12U 1M' 144 418

Totals _ ......._....._ ....78) 711 694 21115 !isht in the "Blue Deril" fd'rward wan, L1o)od Brecht -18 1. In 549PICHE'S IIAllIIER SHOP rO&llli!dover the aridUDtl .tapping down Haadicap 34 34 34 102

Burn .184' 164 127 475 tacklers &lld ball carriers with recldeal _ __Piche _. __ 80 114 123 317 abandOll. l'otala n5 I4Z IN u.qAllard __ ~ISS lit 138 <164 Dave LaVine. chanky lackie, aad Bob A1'IIIIAIf HEATINGJohnson ,121 138 185 444 Burean. pan-snaring end, rec~indB. Beaapre 201 190 212 603 places O!! the second team. A. Stock - 137 137 152 4-26Han • 1.. Albmau _ as 96 106 288

dkap -- 9 !I 9 27 ------ T. Bratt . ,127 162 144 433

T ._,- ::::::: State NYA Worker. Aid S. Craft 138 ISO 1'16 .....80...... _ ..__ 750 ilI6 17'1 <o>o7oJ T ..Mj_L= __ In Arr.n ...n... . ...110_ -..:-.149 140 170 .cJ9JAfiE1"S LUNCH -...au __ H&lIclieap 90 90 90 2iO

Wein ....__ .._ ...._164 118 133 415 Winter Sporb PlanaVan Hooren_Ill) 197 145 512 Totab ..., '127 m 8382J2O

.. - ........ _~ ... __ ... _--_ .. _----_ .. IWI! Rose .... , 113 148 140 401 With witlter wdJ ar=d the corner

Cairn Terri- er Puppt. es Lundbers 1,SO 12'1 146 417 and headed into the ItTI!gbtaway, theFletcher ri •..I86 178 177 541 National Youth AdtDiniltratiOll ill

F Ch. t M B "f 1P . speedily helpiag Yichipa prepare foror ns mas-- any eauh u upples Tlltals __ .......793'16274122% its winter sports SCUOll.

to Choose From. Registered A. K. C. Ito.. '! FRIEMDLY SERVJCE Figures released by State NYA Ad.Krause 132 147 110 389 miaistralor Orin W. Kaye reveaJ thaiCros, _-.216 173124513Ia.t year 70llth employed on NYAproj.Korb 163 ISZ 155 470 eets c01lstructed five .ki hil1l, 55 Ibt-Pate 167 119 159 50S ing nab, &ve tobog.,.n s1i4eI &lidRoy 1,19 212 169 560 ierected 59,107 linear feet of saow ftrlCeHudic:ap - " 13 13 13 391 ia the state. Similar activities will be

- - uadertakCll again this yur, Kaye re-.. ~ .. _ ..... ~ ......... IIIlII....... _ ... ~ ............. _ ..... _ Totah "' " 870 876 730 2476 marked.

----------- -----------------::::==::::-::-=-:-:-:-:--------------

~ .r"


Page 5: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr



Pale Flore




Your picture. , • the most personal !:,ift there is • " , willdelight your close friends and relatives. Make an appointment

now to be sure of gettin~ your pictures in time for Christmas.

16711 E. Warren at Yorluhire


Martin's. Health Food Shoppe1030 Lakeview at Ea.t Jeff

PboM MU, '17t-Opea E.eaiD,_Frq Delinry

Pure Fresh Juice..-Healtb Baked Good.F:-ee LetuIiq Libr..,.

Moat Complete Line of Health Fooch in City


• • •

•• •

Paal Chapman. __ of Ur. and MI'S.E. S. Chapll1&Jl of 661 Wuhil\ltonRoad, haa bcell electeel a new m~.ber of the crack lqtM.d at ShattllCk.'School, Faribault, Winn. Ch.tp~'. Ielection came after a traillilll' periodof three month., durin&' which tlte SOboys who bqan the trials were elimi-aated antil the Jinal 10 dlosen re-mained.

Chapman, ",ho is a senior, is a tor-ponl ill the cadet battalioL

Last Monday Mrs. H. J. MacBeth oiMaUlllte eutcrta.ineel at a bridtre-hmcb-toll..

Old 5t. Paul's OIl the Lake Is '!'OIl-IOnq a deasert bridge 011 Saturday,December '1, in the Khool auditoriUlllat 1 o'clock. There will be attracth-cdoor aad t able prize ..

Mrs. John B. Mu, is ~nera1 c:.hair-

IlllaA, aIId ulisq arc 10111. HaroJ<l 'G.FrUT. loin. Milar FaUMr. Mn. Wil.liam A. Gant, ),fr .. Joieph W. Leia.weber, M,.. Rund) J. Mqat'J'\e, W'I.Van HUlin Moore, MI'S. JamCll R.. -m~ Mn. Daltoa Sn1der and Mn.Leo C. Thiboden •• • •

Robert Slandert of 810 W .. hi~OllRoad will portray TOlly Kirby, a juye-Ilile lead in W &y1IeUniversity', umier-i'Tadtllte production of "You CalftTake It With YOtl" to be prelentell onDecember S, 6 aalI '1. in the .choo1'.main bllilding auditorium.

• ••

The CadiJIac Society, Seaior Group,II p\.aaQiq' their nnt meeting for tbt~ of ~ember 7. The prOCTlmwill iDdtKie a communil1 dinner, anAmerlcan Masie Cor-tent under the di-netion of Nelda AIeer, alld the eoUec.tioll of Chrisaaas lifts for the .tudentsof Kro.llor, tlse mountaia acbool ofwhich the society i, patron.

Yurl,. dael 'friD be pay.able durillrthe meeting to Bob Catlin, treasurer.R.eservatiOll' may be obtained frolll)ir.. Tolbert Grimm, TO. 5-3124.

• • •~ Pointe Hia'h'. jullior cJu. hat

Invited tile I2B and 12A pad .... to tbeirprom, to be held on Saturday eyellill&December 7. from ~ to 12 1)'c1ock.

-Jean Neff, vice-president of the jun-Ior class, i, gelleral cJtainun of the.. ncl!. The mUlic c:otDmiltee include.Dona Lee HcnderlOll, Doris Roben"Coarad Williatlll and Fred Jun. RalphBo1rren and hi, orchestra will supplytilt dallee rhythms.

Tit. tbeme of the dttorat1on., .ull-poteJ17 • Heret. promises an unusualtet!iq.

Mn. Donald Johnson of St. ClairaYtnue, left last week for White Plains,N. Y.. where .he IIICt her hu.band.l). S. N. Ensirn D-. H. John50." who•• tatioaed on the U. S. S. DllIbuqllf.

Mn. Frank A:d~' .Of Merriwtoather Pier~ T~cher Show. ~"'- A .J FOR ST E RRea4 ad Mn. Thomas D. Hann Jr., Motion PIctures At ~~of Graytoot Road entenained at a d;/I- Education Conferenee W S,-..1_r pany in tne Hann nome ia.. - I (~ .J... • !WWeelnada,. noenin. ill honor of Mrs. Eme$t LaFonette. locial Itudies W t.Fnncu Faanlq, former ~osse Pointe teacher at Pierce Junior High School, I ~ JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST 12traiclatt. was one of the spealctn at the confer-

• • • en-:e on Educational Proolllelion of Mo-)In. Fran(;e. Fanninc 'frill be !loll- tion Pictnru held at Ohio Sute Uni- ~ t!

Of'eeI at a tea in the Lincoln R .... d veuity Ian week. 'W 14400 CharlevoIX' c r Ch I LEnox 5376 i "heme of Mn. F. R. Weisl'erber on LaFollelle sh01'o'ed hi, colored mOli<m 0 • a mers ~>Fri6aJ. pictare film, of Grosle Pointe Public I !I_

• • • Schools and the community. inc1udlng EatabliUeclI.Hank Kaine, son ('If the Lou;, Kaine' the phOIOR'l'aphic record of Ihe Pierce: • ,

.. BaUov Road, will be bQme from Junior Hiah'l cOlUtrllctiollo &lNN~~~~l(teJ~~-~!~~~~~~~.c~~.~l'4E1tPCE"C~~~~;tC~lCtC1~tC'(_lI!'~II!ItlN~~ti~iClQI

N... ber", HOUle win be piIy dte-j Fore,t Eo. McKee, Mr •. Charln E.orat" witb Chriltma. peen, and Swale. and Mrs. Chelter W. Tullar. I

"i1:hipD hoUy lor the, open houle. Ii... Frederic Zeia'en will have'"ldcb lin. Paul Hale Bruue, Rel'ent Ichar.e of Ihe lea table. Aniltilll her01 Loa.isa St. Clair Chapter, D. A. R., ",ill be Mrl. Clarence A. Filke, Yu.ill Ii"in. in honor of Yn: Henry Harold R. Smith, tin. Jamn Eo Mor.Bourne J01 OIl Suriday, Dece~ber ~, rison, ~frs. Herbert F. Poehle, Mn.,;VOlll • to 6 o'clock. William H. Holme., Mr .. Carl E. Huy.

Receiviq with the hostell will be Ute, Mrs. Robert June, Mn. V. H.tile ,unt of henor, Mr,. Henry B. Kendall, Mn. C1&ude L Kniffen, Mu.JOY, honorary "iee.president ,ener.l. Gordon 1(. MacEdward, Mrs. Julia S.&ii4 }fn. Arthur Al:"Awcll Fa.k.r, u<.m- Mill~r and :.t'rJ. Norman J. Miller. I'

'I T 'for .II! IIUMAiJIm~I!I&._'"ClI'ary rtl'ent. .. ra. ruman H. Newbery. ....n. ."_' _._

~~~~~~ ~be u:u.~ffi~~~n~,M~~~n~ ~~~~-'~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~Lloyd tnWitt Smith, chapter hon .. Johll.oll, Mrs. Georre V. Candler, Mrs. l~ ........ ~~~"'~ ... "IIl"lll"lll"lll"lll~,_..__.._~".",.,"".",., .......",.,"IIl........................ ~.",.,"IIl"lll"lll"lll"lll~ ............... ~~~thainlau, and her COIIImittce, Mn. AI- Murray W. Sales, Mrs_ Har", M. Jew-vciS w. Crabb, Mr .. Lelril M. Edgar. et!, Mu. Franci. C. McMath, Mrl. Ed-.. ,.. l.otIia Guc:cirne, Mn. H.rold M. ward N. Eicbelzer, Mu. Charlel W.Butiala, Mr .. E. St. Elmo Lewil, Mr.. Brooke and Mi'l Abia'ail M. Smitb will-------.-----, pour at tbe tea table durin, the after.Women'. Club. Promote noon."Carnival Of Fooc:la" The decorations are in charse of

Mrs. Lloyd L. Hoda'e" Mu. Louis J.~ W Flint, Mrl. Raymond H. Berry, Mn.

The Det«lit Federation of omen', Baiil L. Cotulelly, Mr .. Halllel D. Wil.Dubs, in co-operation with whole.alen .am! .. aufac:turerl: i, promoting ;on lOll, Mn. Frank I.- Scott Jr .. and Mrs.eduatioul.carainl 01 foods OIl Thur.- William F. Streit •• y Illd Friday. December 5 and 6, at The Louisa St. CLair Chapter, D. A:the federatioa club bouse, Second al R., il all& pliking preparation. for theHancock. Christmas tea of the Historic Memori.

M.n. Charle. W. Wing and her com- als Society to be held at Newberryaittee are lponsoring thil project Hou:;e on' Friday, December 6, at Z"lmh i. Olle of 'eVeral planned to help p. In. Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith hasillanee tlse work of the federatiol\. charge of the tea, and Mrl. Henry ll."I'$. Ralph B. Scott it in cha,.e of the: Joy wiD lpeak on "Her TravelslI1e of tickets, which may be obtained Aboard."&em ally member of a federated club Alli.tin&' Mrs. Smith on the commit.Of' plirchaMd. 011 caminJ eay. at the tee for the tea arc Mrs. Alfred W.dub houle. Crabb, Mrs. ~ewis C. Dunn, 'Mrs.

Food. to taste, Ample. 10 lake home. George H. Elliot!,. Mrs. Howard 8.-.orill. picturt$ of nriou, pbases of Holden, Mrs. William H. Martmer,the foed industry Ibcnm in the audito-I Mrs. Charle. E. Swalel aDd Mn.mm twice eaels day, ~!l<t door prize. Charle. B. Warner.III tbe form of 048basket. of food, are ------laduded in the prOJTaut. Baskets W111 GrHSe Pointer Cut

''iOIItain rqula!' .ize packaaci of food' In Wayne UniversitylIiIpla1e4 b, the exhibitor,. It WID Theatri"ca1 ProductionBOt be IlCCCSllry to be prelellt at IheKtua1 tilae of the drawina to claim tbeprizes.

A sate of mUcellaneOUl articles sait-ule foe' ,uh and the carninl &ndCbritUlla& .pirits will combine in thilp. two-day ,"ellt, which wiU un-doabtedJ)o illtcrat "cry Groue Poinle~

, ',,;\

~r.~~.,~. l*elhbcr S, 1940,":,'.

j~ D.A.R. Regent Plans Tea Honoring ftfrs. Henry B. loy Dec. 8thF GAd H 11 " Standen, a lophomore, will be play. happy fa~ily crealed by George S. tt: Xmas reens n 0 Y in, hit third role lince becomin, a I ~ufman and Mon Hart, ItrcSling tb~ I" Plcmber of the university'. theatrical/ facl that the primary purpose of life', II Wise Sanla, GivfJ Perlwnal Gil;, •. W.11 D t R s anit, "Student Stile," in 19J8. to cnjoy it. "J! 1 ecora e oom 'Cut u a Iote-.tricken youth, Sland. Stander! iI a former grad~ate of rOf Newberry House erl'l part involvtl him in the mad but'Grom Pointe High School. r!i~"-;! PORT RA ITS

------ 1<.1

~~lJ I



All bdonaal dance" c:aUcd the Yale AIm Arbor tbi. week-asd.BatI. will be held on Friday, ~embcr Mrs. G. M. Elldicott of Three Mile ~~6, in tbe 11D114baUrOOlll of the Hotel Drive left for New York late tbil week ~Statler at 9 o'dock. Tbe dance i' beinl' to mm her mother. Mn. Charlea1fOOSOl'ti'Cl by the Detroit Association of Bohn. • .the U~nil1 of M.ichigan _en, The Chi Omep ~umm group met atPlisted by the East Side Juttior AlI1:Ill- the ~ of Mrs. Norma Stroh HlllStIIiii Group the Grosse Pointe University 011 BIShop Road Jut Wednelday -of Mic:hi~ Club and the Men', "M" Ilial for dianer and a mectina .. Mr.s.Qub. Ii,.. Kenneth Koppit& will be Fr~ K. Hauck pve a book revelw mdlainaaa of the affair. the eveama.••• • ••

With 40 frImds lltl hand for feativi. Mr .. Georp M, Eadiclltt eatertaine411tiel, Mr. and Krs. Cbules Thiede of at a bridle luncheon in het home ?II.

Berkshire Road, cclebn.teel their 50th Three liile Drive Jut Tuesday.weddiac uaivenary at a buffet II1pptr .,. •,an,. OD November 23. llr. and Mn. Charles O. ChtlQll1t

• • • and their lOllI, Dan and Bill, mO"l'eeIfl'ODl Notr. Dame RO&cf to thl:ir Ilewhome at 311 Grosae Pointe Blvd.. IaatTuesday.

Page 6: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr

. \'-~ •. i

'"l~~- / Pap SIll-

•Cartoon Party

Saturday Matinee




AdmiS&ion 1ScAdulu

Trombly School Notes

Lecturer DiICUIMIBeat New- Fall Boob

The 6A class is studying America'inatural resou'rces and how they help toimprove our ways of living. They havelearned that nature has many ricber"

Iprecious metals. salt, coal, oil, farms,and forests, and how man makes useof these resources.

The common metals and minerals areworth more than gold and silver. TbeirOn mined in the l:'nited States in ayear is :Jsually wort" four or five tim ..as much as. the gold mined in our COtlll.

try. In some yearg, the copPel' ....mine is worth six or seven times at_h as soJ4. "The <:oat we ~ ... "-worth fifty times as much as the aoWlIIilled in a year, The thick oil we pumpfrom the ground .in a year amountl .()over twenty times the value of goll1


• • '" STARTS SUNDAY'" '" ""Joan Crawford ADDED "THE LADY INClark Gable in Lr:-l~~i QUESTION" ."STRANGE with Brian Aherne

CARGO DON4LD" DUCK Rita Hayworth

---- - ~_~._. a __ .. ._ ..


.... IF FRIDAY and SATURDAY 'f. 'f. IF

AITENTION FOLKS! _Lovers, Sweethearts. HUlbands, Wives

HERE'S A SWELL TREAT FOR YOU~to l~" lue'~YfNil[hl, D~. 11th, two ~~'On. will he ~,',-'ille"

., ''ldU1TC or lhl! pr'lc:e of one admi"Jon. J\.i.t ci:~ tJ,i ..co. po" an pre.ent.t bolt office. 1'. I'


s. McQUEEN, Prop.JSZ41 E. WarreD at Barham

PIaOIUt Nl. 8lJN



OPJ::N. A. M. Week Day."31 to 11:. A, M. S__ JlIDINNERS SERVED &0..

11.- A. M. 'Iil ea..m. _ s-da7.... ~.Wide FAMOUS


..., ID Well.mins&e.r Abbe,.Tbe body of Major John Andre,

BrItish soldier executecl as a spy inAmerican Revolutionary war days •ill interred in Westminster abbey,London.

o"'YES, MAM-y_ ....... ean lIet.ood a..-Jda.u at SID'S!" Aad... ... it ill to a:1It au ea..}:, "art

,OA ~ CLri.i.mu .Loppia ... Sa........ wcwk ttu. _I Hafta.-Jcfut at te. at

"BOOks to Share" a cfIscussioll of thebest new books from a holiday Itand-point, will be the topic of the third ..a series of current lectures by Universi-ty of Michigan Extension Service rep-reselltative, Olive Deane Hormel, to begi"en at Pierce Jr. High on MondaT.Dee. 9, at 8 p. m. The series il sposa-

TROOP 114 sored by the Grosse Pointe chapter ofTh. troop has been making ..utnl the U, of M, Alumni Club,

for oar Christmas play. We hope to Among the books which Miss Hor.hold it in the library of Ttombly School mel will discuss are "Autlubon's Amer-but .. yet nothi~ very deninite hill ica," edited by Donald Culross Peattiesbeen decided. Van Wyck Brooks' "Xew England Ill-

On December 2 six girls joined the dian SUlll.mer," Oshert Sitwell'l "E ..dub. At the last meeting one of the;irll ran a magic show, It was ex, cape With Me," Earl Schenck's "Com.

Unto These Yellow Sands," and "Olivet'trelllcly interesting, Wi~wel!,. Kenneth Roberls' D_.esenta-• • •

At tb • t' M d N tion of the American RevolutionarY.elr mee ID&,on on ay, 0- f . - 'vemlo ?e tl. r-:.l ,,~_..•_ ~, "'_____ sct-ne rom rory pomt of new.I,..;-_er ti'-~'d"et ~'''k~wla-'. v

f' "h~."1 In connection witll this lecture, a

.,. COIl nue 0 ma e p ns or I IIr "B k F ' ~ 'A' I. A IiChriltmas activities. Tht- girla will 00 .Ir, COrr.rrl'C,,:::. t",,::: .. ~.!1.retake care of a poor famil at Christ- new books selec~cd (rom the fall hsts ofmal ti!».t. y aU pU~hshers, wtll be o~, display for t.he

UrL Weyerville has continued her ~eek tn the Pierce PllbllC LI,brary. Mu.IUSQtIs on hair arrangement and the j:lorence Severs, head l~br.arta~, has an-litis made luggestions on how the Dounced that the e"h,b,t IS bCl~g lou-could impr th' h' y cd through lhe courtesy of M,ss Hor-

ove • el: :'r arrangement. mel and has been made possible by tbecooperation of the 'publishe". The faitis open to the puhlic.

A highlight of the e:>.hibil is a "ABook in the :"laking," .. howing thesuccessive stages in the evolution of abook from author's manuscript tobound \'olume, complete with a well de-signed jacket. "Hawke)'es" by PhilStong, tirst in the new SovereignStates Series publis:,ed by Dodd, Meadand Company, has heen used for thisexhibit,

Fea.tured in the section "The TellBest Plays-And Some Others" are theworking scripl$ of two Current play ..as well as Burns ~IantIe's annual vol-ume and other books of interest totheatre and drama 10l'ers,

Of interest also are the autograph'"limited edition of "Audubon's Ameri-ca," and the 5pecially bound, auto-o&,raphed edition of Carl Sandburg',"Lincoln Biography."

._---------- --------


Friday thru Monda,. December 6.7.8-9Jeel MeCrea--l.clraiDe Da,.....Hm-t MaraLalJ-RoDert B.... ehIey r.


Sat., 11 P. M.-Ro.emary Laae in "AD Anpl From Texaa"

Taaday-Wedoesda,._Thunclay December 11).11-12JAMES STEWART-ROSAUND RUSSELL


Pun'ch & Judy TheatreKercheval at Fisher Road NI. 3898

TRoof> asThe Red Cross is $3 ahead since lalt

Tuesday. That is the, amount the GirlScouts took in by selling "calico catsand triogham dogs:' and other animalsat the Mason School Parent-TeacherAlIOCiatioll meeting on NO\'ember 26,

These animals were made by thetrirls themselves last year, and pro\'edquite popular accOl'ding to the ra!~'theysold.

Skis, -Ski Clamps

.and Poles, -Toboggans-Skates-Toy~-Velocipedes'-Bicycles


16423 E. Warrenat Outer Diive

NI . .4354.wE PELIVER

At Punch imA..JU;dy•• ~ .,"lIr I .. \

Tauno HanllikaiDCD. &Teat F"1IIIIiIbcOlldnctor, and Grego. Piatigonlc7, ai-knowled&l'd as one of the foremost 'cel-lists of the da)', ...-ill be the featured ",t-tiactions at the conceru of the DetroitSymphony orchestra in Masonic: Tem-ple on Thursday night. Dee. 1l aDd. Fri-day afternoon, Dee. 13. HaanibinC!l isthe second in a list of world-famous ba.ton wielde,g scheduled to 1ea4 the or;chestra this seas Oil, "

Hannikainen ConduetaSymphony OrchestraNext Thursday Night

THE G R 0 SSE POI NT E-'Jlt;E1vit-E'W',. .

'Y. w. C. A. Noto

"'t Ezhihitioa AtHiP Sdaool TIUa Week

A b~ ,'silftr dollar and a liltlebrbwn eellt,

RolJinI aIoDr topahC1' the,.w.eat,

.1t.OIImt ,aJoq- tlte ,mooth side-w*Jlc.

WIM!a the doDar telllarked-for.ttil cIoIIar c:an talk:

IYoa ,poor little ceut. JOU cheap

ittJe JDiIe, ,r. bidW a..d more than twice

.. brirht:rill Mirth more than a hUJtdred-

fold.AIt4 writtesl on me ia letters

bcildIt\ tIat!. motto drawn, frC1lll the

.. creed"Ia God 'we tnIIt, - which, all can

nU.Va, I bow. I&iG the can.r. a cheap litlie. mite.A*I I bow rill nOl biir, 'lI'or

rood DOt briaht.AIt4 ,.et sai4, tho, CeDI. with •

sneek' little siatI, •You 4oII't 80, to cb1ll'Cb .. oftell


Breath-'.a'tingo excitement, rOtlWlU ,"For~ Carrespolldent" hu ill ItlanJ drama. mystery and il1triaue are priadpal roIet Joel McCrea LaraiJIeu~foI<!eu ~ll "Ie, thrill p~cke<l story of Day, Htrbert r Manbal~ G' Su-\\ alter \\ anger s "Foretgn COlTespoa- . corpdellt," which \\as directed by Alfred .dell aDd Robert Benchll!y,Hitchcock with a prominent steUar ast : -No n.e"Fo; ,CouItdr," w1Uc:h be.Tlil'ee -.pedal ,jobs mUIt be l»De by and is 5bted for the Punch and Jad; ties .it. IitJe by. beiDa' hilaiiou, c:omedi

th ~ WOIIIetl'S Christian Asso- Theater FridJ)' through Monday. Mr. ;aJJ.'tbe, ~,., ~ tos~thC1' a p.air ofciatioa. ia tb'emtioaal defense program, Wanser dec'cleJ to mal<;eUForeign Car" America',-favorite film stars ill their~ fo Miss ),(&1'1 S. Sims, exec1l- respondent" In recognition of tbe in6 .Ilist 'CO'ltatriq 6p,' J_es Stewart,tfl~ l)f t~ committe OIl national Y. W. trepid group of American newspaper- faat aa1' Who 'Wetlt to WashillltOft tJtdC. ,A. Jiltefpreasltion and suPPOrt, who men W:lO Jre serving as the nation', ~. Rusdl, that womalt. fronsSPOke at a lnilcheon in the Central eyes antl ear; during the EtlJ'OPeI.n -rt'be W'QPaaU,':' mike tlie ham .InBranch V. W. C. A.- on Monday, No- debacle, ri,king their Ih-e. daily ,ill -OOIllbinatioa'in "No Tillie For Com..-bet zs.. '. lorder to kee}' their own people ia. '~,'" wh,ich' ptay~ at tbe Punch and

Miss sum said,. -First. it is the job formed of the rapidly .hiftillg palfo- f~ :~ler next- Tuesday, Wedlles.of the'Y~ W. C. A. to lee that womo!ll' rama of \\ar, . a.,..aJid Tbunclay.and pis ;workillg in the defense pro-j H'. h h • J ' . -tram are ~l'klst sieht of. In the days Ig Sc 001 ChOU' PI ..... i TJle,~ for the ty,~ conc:erhto .coiBe' there will be much talk of I "Trial By Jury" Show ' ~ lle::~V:mIdi. CollC~rt'? Grosso ia DdM CIl&ted'met!, bat war i, no longer Ov ~ ,~~q_td by..SiIotl) ; lMtboveu,just a nitD:I jOb, and there must be er WW J On Dee. 11" <;nerlllte.~~, ,'No. J;SClnuD&nn,~ plaO,' made for the <:omfort and.. COacetto III, A 1Im,or, ,for ~to~ce1lowelfare of the WOIIIm workinlr on de- ,Fma! p,~~~"ral1ons f~ the pre~ellta- l!IId t~atra.: ..Slbelills, First. S)'~-f-.' !lo,n of GliDert and Sullivan's "Trial Jiy Il~'_, E 'MlIlOr, op. 5 -(pI,aYed In

.... ~~.~ .. it" "b ' L_ Jury" O'.'er radio station WWJ. oil ~-.,tion efibe seventy-fiftb &II-~- It our 10 to reme-mu",r - b I)' b ' .. _~....L .... 'tb • 'bi" b.)

thit,the V.,W. C. A.'il a worldwide lJec~m, er l, are ~,"g ra5h~ to c~:" YOTJo~.T'_: e composers rt_..:.. __ -, ' h 't ' plehon b,. the Grosse Palate' ~ HamiibilllS\~. appeared .. pest-.-- -- evetl tboaa I IS not S h' . .. '. d*tor '.' St. kholm Berti " ~JIOI*hs1e ~) tilll prtteat' time to com- c ?ol A£C\~\~;:>eJlla,\~hOl~,under the di- ='W' ~ .. ~, nd'th ~ .-;~-lDlIftie:Iitewith the iOciatw' rectlOn 0 ., atkms, --' .ana", _'" a (I ,"',"'ti(',. nO!J:~ eounttie" !Is~~dm:ny The selection of the cast was made c:ame.~ tb':tlnitel! States in tlu: IJIrinst. .. L ~C f s'thi,:"emusl

t~ ast in vetv <lcmocriltic ~tvle, with IIICll1- ()f 19a; 'a~ u pat at a COIl.

o tJte DI>DWI 0 S pea Intern a- -" . - , f 'th Bos 5 ~tlIlal1 fetiowsllip that it 'n d' hers of t,le (,lClr awarded parts' by the ~~.O ,e' ton ynspbott,., Last. 10 Wi en ur~, vote of the players afler preliminarY . ...mter, he .tso conducte4 the Boston

try-outs were completed. . ot~t:I~. The present Waf' prevemet!The role of Angelina will be' sharN lJ~ftl.frClll f1JUjUillg I=portant

by Yirginia Dupuis and Jean Scllltltt. '~ IS' colidue:tor last 'e&lOPOreMe FO~iati wiU si,.. the tJUt of tilie -i9 ~ l'I(ris ,,:W"'N.'II'.wayward hero, Ed..m. while ~ . , ,Efro1lS0D ",ill' perform as the ~ "".\.'Other player. include Donald Niesc:b ....the usher and Bill Boyd in the part 0'-the consul.

A jury of six members is headed b,David Teague and includes JadeFisher, Jim Lowmaster. John KitcbCD,Bob Fr~'e and Bob Everett. The ~pof bride;maids i; led by Grace WottOll.the others are Virginia LeDuke. Vir-ginia Tyson, Grace Kline, Nancy wn-Iiams, Faye Barrett, Ursula Gerhudload Pat Hcil.

"Trial By Jury" was given b,. the ACappella choir two years ago, and itspopularil}' at that time is panly re-sponsihle for this revivaL

NI. Ill.


Bv.I-Q Ra.. :..cw.....

.at theAccurately FiIIecI


MtwoUai 1&'" to IUs RlMuBI, &ft BIIItt1, prhIU. b,. proaiMllt Allier! •daacerotlll,. •.• and lpeak 1oMIy, Cd d8 attiIb .... BOw ce displa, ill cor-it lie that t"~hardy Ma«doai:IiI' are..... ......,CIMI at Grosse Pointebard of beariql _ ~ tbia wedr. ,

• • • '.n. -" of Dearly forty painters,, Buker, are 1IDlIapp, 1Ieca-.. tiM ~ sadt weU-know IllIIDes asR_tnlc:u- Finance Corpohdoa ,.. T.,.." Anal, Stow Wensetlroth,olen to fioDce industrial 4efCllM go 'eter HlItd, 101m Stewart.ClIlTY, LeopUlNon for 1;t per Cftt ••• -Web )le.iaaller, Bitfler ~ &lid H. M.makes printe in.,.. tmmt "et1 umnh- ~. are indodtd in tlte uhibi.irIc and DOt sufficientl, ,,-ofitabJe caa- dOlL:,i4erina the rilb i!l'f01nd • • , 10 it A 'ftriet7 -of.,..r.nu., tedm1oi_ wiUIoob .1 htOUlh the poor baaldn an lit ...... a.H 'tile ebHrrer may stud)'IOiDI to hne to COfttiltM to aDow IlIflert won.usJllp ia etcbiDp, dryUncle s.. to loan their depoaitort' ....... ~ ... , woo4 qrmq, $Oft1lIOII11'to iIldustry for them. ~. etdlirlp,. ud 1itbocnPhs.

• ,. • Tbe coilIptete lhowiuc baJ bffn se-It il rUlllClred that tbe tbird ilS&aau. cured and lriIaa b,. the high Ichool art

ratkm of Pruident Roosnelt Mil be chib, '!!,,4er the lapervisioll of Mi.s"icwtd by the dirtiest face ill Wuhiq. MariaD Lutpmall.ton , •• the bronu Goddess of Free- ' _' _dam 011 thf'. Capitol dOlllC ••• who ptIa. bath ant,. once .... 411')' foar )'Un aDdtbir it 'DOl the ~ear ••• too ~C.... we WOII't be able to let what .IIMis reaD,. tbiaJcip"

• • •

'10 W. trIH6. 1M ... ~ Is... Gir6r..,. ... ,.. the ..... Ida.bIck ,.,.s. ••• DoIa't f:Gqee lake. ••• IIY" I'IllI "fIID'" tbroaIta INIud wi!!I Rope, I Hepe , • , I Hope. , •• Va. ..... &' Iot,_ Hitler au Qllll'clliU.aWe to take tbe Greellfie1d V_e pro. • .'.... al dM recuJar time. W J lit ..... nen II .... beiIIf _tidend by theit UlI pt'eHIltt il at II. !attlr4a1 PreIWeid tile _tier of' coatroUiaa themertIinIL • , , COaaie BoIweJI. wbe • ~ of 6DiaIMd Iteel and ~r"itb BUla QOIby TIIlII'sday oyer WW J tW. 1IdPt. callie a lot of inter..,. it takel 10 cIa,.1 fc>r a ..,.. .. bklDeriDc. delinite aelioa iItoke to J--e aecutC11De4 10 ~ awiitiBc' ~ta is the foreipCoadltiou, "Iter maltiq a f-p frOm dIeM.-.dlt to coatt.

We ktsow how tired the SenatonmtlSt be • • • bat Coqress feels tbe~s 'hOaJd sade around just ia cuea lire eqine PI b,.

• • •


LEACHDrug. Co.

" ,;

A SUNDAY TREATfor the whole family

.t tIN

• • •


t... w... 5 ..... 1 '.COURSE DINNERS, 7Scs.r-... CIoa-. CIdWr.ft'. r........


'.. IIlUCL\ nnINcOf OIItWt&JldiDc I=portance UIIOlIC

..... V'1Ctor recordl rceordcd in EIl-

.... ia -Pam. AnaeliCUl" (Funa),

..... a.,. Beaiamino Gila witb the Ber.

.. State Opera On:hestra aDd. ChoruLTe Americu masic Io\'en, Ihe title isrec.opQed .. .0 Lord, MOlt HoI,.:1'''JVIIllI' Italian lenor liaas the work.. LatiL The solo witb orcheltra &C-

~mt il tn11)' full &lid me100... 'but the climax cOllies with thedIciru folJowina' Ibe solo line. The1taimoniel ue intricate and inspiriq-• r-.i mel itill' a Ipace ill every ilia.• librai)'.

, ...Victor Ret!.Sn! rec:orda oler RiQtlS

ecocib. the we1l kIlowa American ten-., is a number of Waancri.an' arias.Werth,. of particular note ue tbe"'Priu Son," from the Ins Meistet-liqen aad "In Foreira Landa" fr_Lohencrin. III both these ~ompositiOllI,.... icb incdmtally are oa the same rcc6

ard, Mr. Crooks di,pla,s hil briUialltYOU1 ability praised by music critiCIaD ont the world.. '

• ••For the jiven interested ill llllooth

..... Artie Shaw has ncorM a lin-t" ._ t1UIe for Victor QDed "If If.You." Mr. Shaw', IICW orcheltra setatile. feet tappitqr and hearts lwooniacwith tbis latest product of the phOllo.ppb.

Ne1IOa EddT faas !late: Tbe "'Ever-eddT" dub is open to all penova 1.,...... otel or OTe!' in tbe Detroit area.It ia aD opport1IIIity to meet newfrieSJdJ aad be On ha'Ild. for NelsonEdcb", concert here ill Much. For far.ther i.formation address Min JllliaSc&oeidcr, lt095 Goethe.


Page 7: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr


a a e


n Iun

PaJte !e'lft--. .,...,.~-----


S"T1!:p C

-1M Ead 5ilIe ~.'aa...... ~ ..I""• ~ ........ i.HOTEL SAVAIlIIIEE.e W- •.1..-..

n.clMa .. ....,.. .....cw.e H-Ia. • .,. c:a..a.. iAI U.itF .....,...."L AND.. as. o. ~ ~1dUaN,j---- ~~~~---'"

CompIete~Home aacl Auto


SALES .. SERVICE14711 Keacltftel at M Mr ...

LE. 37.

'W'C the .treet is clear) aad co throqlltb, procedure apin. . .

Step F, not shown ill the iJfusmtioaoill palling on the hand brak.. ttmliocoff the igniti~n .wilch, rolli,. tip ~

windows and ~ock:in&,the ~.ApPf<'lUmatd, s~ fee.t Dtore thaa tb,

onnIJ length of the car u required fortltis method. Continued .practice wi.make it a simple operation. aDd tMIISOtori,t will becOllJe CQ'e.rt in j\Jda.illl wbether or Dot the .pace ill 'uli-cientforpar~

la pulli n8' out of the .pace, the .".eration is r""erled, after backiq clos.to the ar it!. the rear, &1ld raalrinslVe tbe street abead and bebiD4 itdear of JDO'riIll tra"lC. .'

CC' ccccccccacc.cccca


_. _ , _..,--_.- ,-,,,,- ..14131 E. JEFFERSON .t ALTElt ROAD

FREE-Gifta to Ca•• nn-FREE

caCCC.cccc hCC




Now On Di.play-New Model.AUTHORIZED




LEo ..

Repair - Service

CaItut ao-, Fruit Caba, a-t.. Raiaiu. D.te.. Apricob.TrJ Oar Diaaiq Roo. WIUIe Sia ........


..... y.- .,..,..w... 0I'e...- ., - ..... ...................• wlII _ .,.., ......... UIllt ..-., - ,. _" I I I I,

SEEI n.... ......-,--.



11111Eo W..... at I,"'"Prompt PidI:-U II alld Dcii"et)-


siraalinc intent to .lop. the motoristshould pull in line with car "2. and

Ia oae of a series 01 booklets 'on Iward !lowly."Sportsmanlike Drivin.," the Ameri- If the motoriat has earried 'out theMcan Automobile Associ.tion candidly .tep. properly, the car will 1Jw p&l'kMprescnts the various .teps in the proper ,!..ith both front and rear richt ...hulaway to parle a car parallel to the curb. close to curb. If tbe ear i, aot prop-(See diagram below,) erly parked and one of the tteps haI

In steps A and B, after makin, cer- not been carried out correctly? the besttain that the road ahead is clear and thin, to do i. pull out (after makiac

ODe to t~c feet :,-;-o':.y.Sttp C is backin&, ,Iowl,. turoing

tbe .teerinl' wheel .harpl,. to the right.Ia Itep 0, the driver turns the steer-

i~ wheel' lharpl, to the left wbeaabout balf way into the desired spa.:eand continlN:s to back until the rearbumper of his car is almost toucbingthe front bumper of ear "J".

Step E consist of loroin, the .teer.ine ...hed to the' right aDd I'oill&' for-



4. J.

I',(lllrr hy R" ir" ~t.ff I'hnt,,;:rap:'rr,

A. J. For.l~r. CI,.lm.r. at eh.,I ... oix, r•• lur•• a eompl.t. lin~or watche. and pew~lry. Mr, F~"tn (,n,.t.'~f.) !... ~I tha.t hi! :~:.:'~ ~....i!l be er~!'! aTenin;-, here: ::o~u::.!t! Chri!'!!'!~!14 ~~t: .~ ';:i .;.:~c ~'.e.)

To The Grosse Pointe Review:"I have noticed recent articles in

your newspaper relative to the numberof accidents that have 'Deen happeningist Gt'Osse Poillte. Children under 1'8JUrs of age clriviJIg automobfta, 'haTebeen connecteli' with several smousaccidents.

~I personally hne been teachingdriving ill the City of Detroit andGrosse Pointe rur the last fi\'e years,and I ha"e found that licensing chil-dren under 18 years of age to' driveautomobiles is murder in the first de-gree. You cannot blame police de.partments for doing the very best theycan to control the situation, but whenOur laws read that they can license aboy 14 years old to go out and operatea high-powered car, which will do front60 10 70 miles per hour, it'. the samething as giving a boy a high-poweredrifle and if he accidently kills himselfO!' aomebody else, his parents ask them-selves why they let him have it.

~The bine&! trouble i5 that nothingis being done in Our public schools toteach children to drive. About the onlyinstruction that they receive is a traf-fic officer coming in perhaps once .ort",~ce a month explaining to them onblackboard and paper, rules and regu-lations, but yOll cannot teach a childhow to dri"e by sho",~ng him on a



.m. w. SEVEN .. ILE RDUN. z.-o


lcompaayina Kennedy to Washing.ton were Murr.y D. Van Wagoner.Democratic covernor.elect, and Leo J.Nowicki, Detroit en,ineer, who has reocentl,. completed engineering plans forthe crossto ....n route,

Van Waloner resigaed '1 highwaycomminioaer alter his election al govr

In answer to the frequently raised question "What are theernor, and KeDlledy was appointed to public schools doing to teach students traffic safety"? The Grosse6ll the hilrhwa,. vacancy. V.ll Wag. Pointe Review has interviewed Board of Educ~tion officials andoner remarked tbat he will lIOW devote

received a courteous, complete reply,hil time to studying problems he \JIUface .s governor wh.a installed 00 Outlining the present !afet)! program, with these problems, !i:"ery year oneJanuary 1. Superintendent of Schools Dr, E. R.! or more auemblies at all grade level.

Van Kleeck remarked: :'Teachers and ha"e been de\'oted to the problems con-Providin&, a fa.t croHtowa route bi. administrators in Grosse Pointe are .nected with the operation of the auto-

'Ictia, all major Detroit industrial very conscious 01 the need tor helping mobIle. Representalives of the Michi-&rUI, the motor",., should relieve, boys and girls meet such problems aJ gan Automobile Club, the State Police.downtown congestion by offering a by- those invol\'ed in the allon Question. and local law enforcing agencits havePassin~ road. The new highwiiy would• Our attack on the problem of safety participated in these programs. Soundalso leuen tbe traffic burdeu on th, L.. I '

,...1 been made along three lines. mOlion. pictures. have been used innorth ana of Grand Blvd., the city'.mOlt over-erowded' atr_.. I ~l. An important aspect of our junior many ,"stances.

and lenior high ,chool gw<;lance pro- Van Kleeclc continued, Itating thatgram concerns iuelf with the matter ,.f "The Hartftlrd Insurance Company'ssafety, with specific relation to the material mentioned above is extremelyautomobile, the bicycle, and tne pede.. etfective :Ind we have used II many astrian, These unitt are concentrated 2,500 copies • year, It is one of thelargely in the junior high school yea~s'l few types of material {rom commercial f 1

They are placed at this level for t\\.o sourets that" e feel free to use, and wtreasons, First, we feel that the young- do so only because the need is so greal,sters are at an impressionable age. just 35 we similarly use some of theSecond, we realize that many of them Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's I SCHOOL AGE GROUP,are looking forward to securing their heallh and safety material." SAFEST: One of the finestd ' , l' II I h I chapters in the annal. of traf.rivers IcenSel a too soon a ler t e, Quizzed on the "drinking hazard," .lie ufety bal been writtenreacb their 14th birthday. Van Kleeck said: I by achool age youngsters. A

''2, In the ninth grade there is a reo "Of course our science book! treat I lour _ year Massachusettsquired courSe in health and lafety, the alcohol problem and I think they ltudy reveals this eneourag.which devotes nearly half of its con- treat it quite cleverly-there is a mini- ing drop in fatalities amoagtent to safety problems with PJrtieular mum of the old-type 'scare 'em '0 children of school age. a r","reference to the aulomobile. A wide death' approach and the thing is much ord that can be duplicated inv::riety of materials is used in this in- more scientific and, especially with many other parts of the coun.structional program including materials children of the Illgh intelligence uf try due to Ipimelid school

I f:o~ the American Aut~mobile Asso- most of our pupils, '\Iuch more dIec- aafety educational programlaatlon and the Metropolitan and Hart. ti,'e. At the same time, thi, approach and the work of school aafety

i ford Insurance Companies, as well U avoids the community clamor which un- patrols.textbook5, reference books, sound mo- fortunately so frequently attends the -AM Siddl 'MIruea

Ition pictures, talks by police officers, introduction too directly into the pub. ------- Give The

Ietc, lic schools onhe treatment of problems Youqer dri with can they

"3. Considerable use has been made with moral implications. on which the:e I do DOt own tra f.. ter tbaa car Younaerof our assemblies for helping to deal are such ,'aded views." ~! Generation

!SAFETY LETTER AD*VOCATES CHANGE tbat .ell.Isroomed • p •

IN DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIREMENTS :-=.-=:[Editor •• Note: Early this w...... Th. blackboard. have 4,700 pupils in the school Four to 1GCCeU. iD

R.mew reeei1ted tJoe foDowiq letter "\'v'hile this doe' no hann, it does not thousand of these are going to be driv- Ii f e. ADlI let"'- • City of GroNe Po,bate .-e.WeDt teach bim to dri\'e a car, I happened trs someday, but wbat is being doae towlso J'"M1lb bia opiniou OIl tile tnf. to be at a Grosse Pointe Police sta. tuch these children to drive .0 that RedwvolI uaiatIe acdlI-t m..tioa. ..... wen to..... tion the other day, and an officer they will not go out and kin themselvea JOU.". ............. of doe aatItor •• ..-tio ... ....,.be showed me the number of tickets given or somebody else? t •• D • a lr •foaad ill .oatlaw article 00 this ..... ] to boys of 14 and 15 years, who had .Children are now learning to drive clothes •• 0 t •

dri,'en from 50 to 55 miles pef hour on automobiles from one child to the 11eMIy deaedthe main streets of Grosse Pointe. It otber, so yoa «:an imagine that instruc. d ed.might be a good luggestion to publisb tions they receive, The one in IChooll- D 'II"these tickett each week in your news- who can drive a car 60 miles per hourpa!",r, then perhaps the parents would and who nn turn a earner On two Neat tiaD.' callnot let their children ride with SOllle' wbeela u rated as the best driver. c.a.-o~ the wiJd driven. (Thill .~atiooil~"~ .'~ CIIII'ft:'"Is being considered.-Editor.) Another tliey are ollt with'their' best girl frieudthing that should be published in YOllr and want to sbow off their stuff,ne~'spaper each week is the f~ct ~h~t ~rve bad this matter up with lOII1ebel are a party can learn t? dnve It 1$ of the automobile companies relativenec.essary to get a permit fr.om the Ita installing a system in' schools 10pohce department, before gOing out teach driving, but the National Safetywith any of the instructors, whether it Council in Washillll'tOD D. C. ltatabe a paid instructor. 0: .father at I they cet very little c~perati~n fromfather or molher. The maJonty of peo- the Board of Education iD tbe differ-pie do not know this, eat cities.

~nother aile of our la,ws giv~s the "Grosse Pointt High School bas b«1lpolice department authonty to hcense . t ted' '---' th h' bif d ' nry In era In ...,.,PWC up e Iga boy as a chau eur .to rive a truck or standard 'of their sebool, and it mi&;htpassenger car for hire at 18 years 01 be suggested tp entertain tbe idea ofage. ..; , dr' . t tb child f h •"Personally I don't believe • bo) ... VID&,a ,~ng cour"" .0 e rea oryour omelsos easyO$

, , .. who Jre aDlUOUSto take It and lid doubtshould ha\'C a hcense until he IS at least Id b f li .18 ha if 'Ii n h ' cOU save anum er 0 ves III yurs toZI' or a c u eurs cense Un,l e IS come. It ,,'ould.aUo be aa eumple to

:' otber .chools around the country. ITake for Indane.. a 14.year-old would be willinl!' to pmble tbat many

boy, I have one of my own. ~e, ~a. of them would be interested ill follow.no ~ense whatsoever of responSibilIty. ing tbe example, If there is anythillKHe IS a natllr,al sho\\'off and ~e wanu that I can do to help I would be onlto do everything that older dnvl'tl do. t 'Jr t d' ,He has no fcar and doesn't know wltat 0 WI Ing 0 0 so.responsibility is. wH. F, BROWN,

"Take ..not her instance-the Grosse ~896 Ril'nd Blvd.,Pointe High School; I understand they "City of Grosse Poinle..

NEW Robe. for Chriat.m.... tbe "Old Favorite"NOWI

Let FatJoer ..Los ha .... Danataau _Ion ha aa "ALCERIZED" c1eaa .,..Ioe.~.Speciall This Week OnlyTrouaera ud~ 25c



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Harper SuperhighwaySought By New StateHia'hway Commiaaioner

Tht propostd Harper-McGraw cross.town super.motorway lor Detroit 11'111be the first construction project thaiG, Donald Kennedy, new state higbwaycommissioner, will seek lor hil 19011program.

Kennedy conferred with federal of.ficials in Washington liut week onplan, to help finance the crosstown bylong. term loans for buying right-ol.",ay, and by special grants from appro-priatioM that Congress is expected tomake for highways ,'aluablc 10 the na.tionltl defense program,

Kennedy stated that federal officialsreacted "most favorably" to the pro-posaL "Within the next few weeks wewill start conferenCes with Detroit andWayne County officials, and with buy- New aatomolHla are iD"oIYecIDess and industrial leaders who will be Us more accicIeab .....,. 'AI' tbaDaHected by the expressway," Kenned,. oW.r modeIsl-------------------

llI.. iII....IlI>II..Ill...lIIll .......IIJI.,.~...IlI.II-III..._ ......,II.I.IIIIIII:lIIIJ.:I .. -------I!.fII




"~ TOYS~

Page 8: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr



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0p'n n.ily.

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-God the Only Cause and erea"-will be the .abjcd of the LeIiOll.Sef-IIlOn ill .11 Christiall Sc:iCJICCeburc:betthroughout Ihe world 011 Suncla1. Deooc~mber a.

The Golden Text (Hebrew. 3:.) iltMEytTy house is builded b;y aCllllC_.but lie that built IU thillls il GocL"

AISIOIlB the BIble citation. is thitJlilSsa,&:e (Psalms 40 :5) : "Man1. 0"Lord my God. are Ihy wonderflll wwklwhi~h Ihou hast done, and th1 tho!lah ...which Ire to us.ward: thty c.lllaot bereckoaed up in order unto thee; if Iwould dec:laT~ and !peillc of Ihem. ther.arc more than call be numberecl."

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A..LLEGIA.NCE TO GOD11Ie word alle,cluee meaDs 10)'11-

tT .Id fldelll'1•• od II dethled ..Ndll'fOtiOllor lo,alt, ...lIere obec1j.ello:e or .mee ed reapect aredllO.N God mIlL Tha' there \I !!Go4 I. tllo 11leYitabl. coodllliollrrum the Hit -eYideat ract lJIat coa-1eI:ru_ mltl; and t:tal ODe'. e:r-lIteace aeeeaarU, U11'01.n .Ild I.-dllda • cr .....tor. ed ucludee eelf.ere&tloa. 1IIID did DOtc:rut. hLIIII-eelt III the Bibl. llieah prOc:1ro1D11~"For roll people Will walk evll"1011. III the nlllllleot 1111Ic;cl, cd ....wiU .alll: III lit. ..m. at the Lon!oar God ror ner &lid .ver.N No..Ir •• lubstltllt. tor tllo .ord"'Dame" the equlT.leat ...ord "a.ture," .... hue lb. creat raet laCIIrtl1laD SdeJIc:e. that the coaeeptof God held by aD, OIIe Illdlcata,ad det.rmlal!ll the II&tllre of IIi.th~bt. A materiaJlat Ill',. c:oa.eel'fo of God III tern.s ot DIIlter.from 1T00000tIdolatl"1 or th. pt_lira IlId patal of material "DIe. totb. hlcbellt refiDemell1l or papD...onhlp, the veaeratloa of IKH:&lled,b1llcal ac:!ellce. blolOU. pbyalol.OIY. electrieity. m.lerlal mldlctae.till body, ud 10 011. The 'Pintaal.I)' m1JldeclIIII1l .111 tans from ... t.ter aRd tbe hllman mlud, ud 10will can for the thlDrB or tbe Splnt,dl't1o. iliad. Hi. rear of (tbat I..I'eIIpeet for) God '11'111be retlecteda. aell-coorideoco .ad Hlt-l't'lIpecl.Socll II tbe Illllt, ot bellll II "uabtIII Christl.1l Selellee. the OUt-II'".lId dllltloctoeIB of God .od mill.To kIIow load tear (bellne tillGod is to hne ... rf.kno...led«e alldlelt-cootrol, Slid tt) bellere III Ode"real .elr '1 tbe perfect 11!r1m_ .IldImap ot God. CbrilUao Srleoc:oteacbes. aod Ipirltu.1 ..... tell.a .. tbat lillie. God I. tl:e 0111,p,,""ellce. IIIID'a ulltellee mult be I.God. IDd tberefor. ('.oct I. aot .parttrom mall. "a,,'a a'I@'!,:111lc:eto Goddeaot" hIs Iliseparabillt, fromGod, Aod .Illre man lillie maal.t.. IIOCD 01 di.llle ~Iind, Ihlt ta.Idea. ... " I. ea~t)wed ...lth theqaal illetl or God. Mill II lherefol"lIntelli«ent. be u"relW'~ God', .. III.S;llce tolltlon I•• qUIIIly of God,It ma.t be, b,. r,rl.ctino. In ele-_ ....... 4 ... flIoIo..... 'lIf ... _,_ ..... ~_ ....__ ""

ri;;ti,,-;'~ -';;-'rlghi"1b~ll';b~';~l~;.tary; he kilO...... hat In do and ho...nd "hea to do It A.-alo, mla I.po"errul. He I. ,>mnlfl(1tellce u.IIre,,~, be I. tilt ohj'cl1ficat Ino ottb, lbou/Cbl rnrce that r<'>rmetllheworld and .1101It) lbe ee., "tha, rar.lId 110 rartber." Man I. 1nvloc;bl.,)ITll. Eddy hll oaid Ih.t "man'.hir1l1n,t:hl of lIt>le.lIejt"iance In hisMak,r ."Ser!~ II!lel~." f S. Ind H. p.2:61, Man •• COIl', r.rl.rtlnn, bllfIo~ery Q:~a.;iry n( dj~jn@ Mind; in.dp<!ll.m.n I. llle vpr" rompountl or.:1 (;M'o ,<te.o. Anr! .-ho') ,~ Ihatman ~ Y,,", my n~, .nd 1, 1nreali" ... thl.l Ill... Th. Cbr!.


Dr. Job M. Tutt, C. S. B.of Kamu City. MiIIOW'i

~~ U ",....-c::'J ~o.n-. ...... .. t II I.

Lecture .on Christian Science by John M...Tutt, C. S. B.Uader the Auapieea of Third Charcb 01 Chriat ScieDtUt, Detroit, at the TbircI Church Edi6ce, Second Boulevard and Seward AYeliue, MODCIa,.Eveaiq,.Decemher Z, 114t

------ I'l'a£DrAJIT JUl"ftc.. .- - ...... at '1IV~- ....... - CHRISTIAN SCIENCEA Leeture • ... It .,. eoIIMer1&Ud".,..... ... Uu 8delletl tutboot 4eeI .... : .... IIItNT .'ft!. .,a. 41Mue. ....... ., ..-1lI1B tile .tato of ...... "Ir"..... eeuae of 1III0rta!l' lIII.tlt1&1.1UIl.1.. lei ... IU ~tII iItat.: "'.. ...1 .. tll.th' 1101111...-. 1:111 1lU "p_ '11 lOW _Is,Ch . t. Sc. 18 tu rMlIIII of .,1r111lll reallt,. ral lIeIlet, tII•• plrit1lll .1_ ... jUtlce dec1&rw t.M .bMaft ot IlO U""'OL Il'rll 1&... dIN tutlr ~ 70IIr qUlluJrIS laD lence lI&rIIIIo". 1I... ft. aliideu ~ 1alpereepUlll. to tHIIII." 1& ••• law" (p, "11. JOIl~ tIlu. _i- III (;04. lIor ... -'feet III IlYiJ It 1-' ~IIOU ..,.,.al

'''oj,. 10"1, pn_ "1-- I.... H..... 1.), ID..........DOCOIlIJ -- tll. n. tII. prwdCl ,ad operaUo. of ••• ot .. .,;._ "'f... off .... ufltJ. 1I.nl ....... U..Entitled II w._ .... -.. .. UI nai j:'U .;irtr1lal. bat ;;- OIJro h. Illllttl .. 10,.117 1I.1clI 11 tll. BnJ iI a';;;.:rl:i::-"!\IcnrUi tll. ~. 1Jl tll. tIlJap 01 tIIo OMIl.

00' Willd. I • __ , be'AM iM uprauioll 01 10'0 iI t.b. j.1 '.'_1 ..._ t". .,.., ..aot tbat ftattep1q uet10tI to4'OL-'-tian Science: .. ' .. " our.-. -- '"' ltlIllll.I .0 ...... 11- .•• _ ..f .... I... _:. ..... I --, ~- - I w ...... 80 oft ••••• r'uIInli TO OIL roa TRB L4lIP8 11118"llIItat101l01 W•• or Spirit ... -- w -- - orllUW ft. C'br1lt1U StI •• UIIt • __Pure 1{eligion and ""Ilat II t11111oil, thl& IIllntllal ...lIlell II God. 11 Ill" aot 111:u, tlell t.b.nfon. II tIIo "err UUl,.I. • ..... ~ III alert .OC to III •• the ,1It.t: "I ... ", 10 .. UI!. .ITOI'

U d fil-.J aad dO. ill It &eqllind' tlrll, IIIlPNf "'I!.at _1Ibal1 be, bUt ticIIUoa of tll' ol)enU .. ot .,.,1.. eel .. d b, orror. b, that ...ldell 11 te 1Il14lt!" It !t~~ X~;~D e eo , ""pl.. e.re aot elur .. to .1l ..tI.er It I.. IIealtll1, .0&1111.1. Priaclpla, tl!.at Pritel,. .. wlllQ I. .ot ttu .. K.... tII. C1Ir1ItiU 8eJIII. ... Ill' ol .... _flII __

IIllnt=.! .. laded.... _filii .. it .1 ... 1l-r.J1, lI&nIlolllou, _Il. Lon. that Lon ...lIlc11II Prladpl.. tilt I. IlIIcoo.atlolllJ. a. brIIk. "rwteta.ee to ~ wtll_~ut .. laW1t1l. tlM Al~ou lIIIollou 01 Uta!. _rul. II IIIIll1t III ao , for faIt JutJee eoet.n atoa all wltll talll belleb: Ile 10 • _Oft. 1tIaw." W """' III ,.,..IJM lIa_ ... IDd, or .1:. oollllder- tb ... e 11 DOput 'or ta'lln tl_ t. _ tile lllWiIM rlsllt of Idap. It. COIl1'o.rm1lt.Hil tllotlPtaI COlIato RUg, JQt1i.IIU'.~ tIMI.. It I 1III11leriooa aboItraetlo• .,.. rMllt,. 111. PrIMot la :tuat the malill m... 1lO rfIll I. dlr_ of Ir to tll. ~t1 or lall opl. Ill« red of Iflrtt. 81. iI _ ..)'olld UleJr &clQlli .... ut. J oace p~lIee (tb. eoudoua .. J ol rlpl. ud I. orr qaiIIIt ...ror. IoIIlI. U. Ill...... to the real .. d ~:. C:'::lu~~,a:'::' \'::;:lI.. w a d.l'ID'IIII.a I' ...11011COD' God ud Hi. 'Dall. J.. ~lItt '0.. 1Jl .. Ir &lICI ot1I• .....-tnM "leeprlltal rejectl tII. OOllatertOU II IIlIlnou. HIJII • .,. .... te loiter ... at U1.IftCAtJoa tll.re ...... talUlf,1 lto &1'1 ...ell Dlld hanDol I. III Ilow. &lid of the .0It IUa"b Cod. 10'1a1 &ad S. ta u.atraW of •• u. tlIIt I&, 1Mt t wllOofor tloltt)' ,... re, .... r 1011eaD act1llll, real" It 110... II jut eucut.on of HII la.... jUtllllll d_ IlOC III!I.". III It. "0 t.lr .. ,.. croeIo ......l1li a SIIIlda., .mell or a mId. trill' .. ,oa ...111 '....hft III llIall of tII. peace or tlle rwl. of bar- .Yil .. to ~ tt for ...I!.at It ON., GB.C4T P.A88l0l;f... 11: prayer lllleetlllL H.... d. ,pllIU,H II Johll I: ZI. Chrlat, tII. l1li011)',elol•• d.n or tlla f.ltII. leal. elllllll. te be. U feu of 'Yil u!.er. la PJoo .... bI .... read: "Lo•• eo••'OQt. 1DId1 .bl. talkl, folDed III.tile .plrita ..lldea ot Trutb, ,ppean AO. .ua ruardlau or dlYiDlIllIlI17. .... tM ()"!'I~I'!I ~~DttlPt'l t!!oqllt, _th all Ii." 'rll' .... , t1Iea II1Iq1 ... all" led III pn,er. Yet b. .. orei, "u ill. Ill_ Pai_IIl.', tlIa1 Godllk .. _ ...1I1d! "_det.. W1aaC dOlI h.... , ..... U. pla1Jl; '"Bet 10V aa.euou ••...... IlJIlted ...Ith tll. c1I1II'C1I. .or boaf.

N(Clu1It ,ad C1trtIt .... : ra1I o. UII ,Dat &lid - UII aa.!UL" IIIllt,. How' BJ' till I1.mple aI. tldacl .eo...... t .. tit ..... o. u..

prof ... eo.'fWIloa, At I... t lJI. J'oIIDI), Tille II tH letout)' of '1IaU. 1:'11). Towarc1l all I.Dtno- twutl". ot tlU's.. God tutad, eartL" (c.J. I:!) 8I&IIOrd1aa" \1MIlMtOr broIc1Iecl tIl. object. S&Jd beIDc. all w. eu bope for ill roaIla- ttou of the Ia... of God, tll. 10'1IIl tlIa1 II, JI'1 bel!.'11118 III I'OCId I.. IIIU1W1to u.. CI'fiIM la aU ~11.: AX, frilDd, tor lJIlrt)' ,ean 1011 tloa h.re .lId DO", I. IIOt t1111 IlWl I. jut. H. eoaclomu IJJI. all .tad or .riL TM fear or till Lold 8e 10Q' .... u.r II Ile1I1"d to be11&", I •• ecl till lIf. or a Chrtati... the C1In.t, tb. Idea. couetoo~ .. II, b)' ..,.....u .. it fro .. -, ed tI billet II. taftb Ill, I'llIpect for I'IIJ, Cllr1ltta1t IetIIIeI ... _ III.. ppurted th • .-:hurell. 1114 III all .-. of TJ'1IUI."or"ooll: - for a.. tIIll ~ tIM perNII troIIII wroro. God ... AlI .... AU. V.W _ lIU -pl07_ .eaacuft1'1. The etH.eot1Ier , •• 110.... :"011 an we.,th, otll ," (L1I1I:e7: It). f.deed, ...bat taOIe rul.. Lo1al dlIdp. IlPlloJd ...... IIotltq ot error ODI lIaI II.Ot lallll, ill .. 1.. 1.111. a~.Pto-to Ile e.. ber. \:b, 1I&ft1l't '1011 are alt1llc for. 1011IIId I! No... the dl ......... II, ........ tIlemael... IIlutered It. Bather It. 1l&I lit _.bile. WJlat ...... DIoOlIt 11__jobsed?" £JIel 'tile ez.llll hrother 11 UI. el.,. ..... r. _,lei. Now tI IIWilt .. UII ntJected po ...... of It ....... hJ-. Jut ..... III&kII • eItI, ~ ... , * _-,adm.":~.re« a while, lUId th~. rep'I.~: the lCe.pted .lId 01111' acceptalli. _lIlpo~. II, lII1t-eoatrol, .lId tbe: IlIUl.r. 10 tA. IlIUIt ot .u-.. "'1'bo'a Palt 10'" Oe LoN 1lJ' Go4"Well. It II tlll&.''1. f' •• beeIl walt. tlm .. for "DOW &1'1 .... tII. IOU or thllJ rolaI17 ll,hQltt 00cI'. I... ill -.ak. tile IJck ..... tII. belill or ...Itla all ~'1 beai't, _ witt. all th1111& fOf U1. Slllrlt t l .. 0.... lIIIe.. Goct." the h.1rI to au IOOd. Our I" thJ ""lea or their t.no ...IIWL poftl'Q' iliUM tho DOOrIIWI. t.b. ~, DB' witll .~ 1111 .lIIcI. u4Seteaee ".ad Het'.11 d"" '1'elI: "Sl'~'" \oci&Aee to God I. propert;y u. A.pia, then lIl!pJneuce III th. belief ot IlJIIttaUoa lII&ka tII. 1_ wltll au tV 1tirlIIIItlI" ... d "'I'haIt1ll1 - iI th. dlleel'1llllftt of preaed 1b ..... 1f.. ltllC H1I 111_. .ord "Itelldtaat.r CIlNt1a 8c1e.e:tI ItIeI..... SI.. dl-.., 1lO.0rt,. Iha1t 10M tIl, nt,Phor .. tlITMlrrQlrltul pod." It 1&the IPlrltual tile uturt of Cood. III .11 all .)'- teae'" t.ltat m ... 1& tII... "...10Il deatla. all be10De to tIN worl' ot (Mark 12:»11).tlIollCht, the lUI.. orld1J..... till DJ'IIl" la Sde_ IIId HeaJUI •••• of dim. PrUl~pI .. &ad tho I.. Ub aakl-bellen. Jut: 10 tll. belief la IIuJ Blbr lWdJ .,... ~..... or 8,lrlt; tlle fteLa .. th. 01 tII ... '11IODYIIIII tor God are Cllmt, "tho _me ,lItenl.,.. &lid .10_ .. puiabld b, th. 0Qllf> __ lUIfIllllea... Su .IOYed Go1l~ tII. tuUq, tha .... D.. I. 'IIWHretecl b1 1In. &d1l1: "1I1.d. toda.1. ed fore ••• " (Bill. 13:11. "'ell et It. TII. beilits of po"",. wtt1I all tile dnH~ et ... Ill-alIwt, Ulo clJIceratae of th. .nr Spirit. SolII. PrlDdpl •• Ute. Truth. 80m. n.dlo ,"tlou are lIDrelllbl. lack, IIlll.1tatloa. d...... &1'1.... tell lad mlll'1 'JU1tla1J lIatarl.Il_ce or God. SlllrttDal _II Lo'fI." Ho... well tbls all_Ieee to beeaUle their .1111111.er. proa. 10 IIhed 111 the e1perietl<l ot t.n.. Aad ... IUU'lMhlllll1r" JoYed eeliI the couel__ of tllo Ide.. Ciod or retlec:tIODof th_ lI1DO.rm. fad.. 04 eo a 1ItIad1 perfol1lllllC1l TIt. pWll&Jlmftt 1&Ita 10 lotIl .. ~!""'~ .... , fellow..... TII. ldafsof pure IIID" It II tile oppo. t. llID1trated IDPortll'. obMn'aUoli iI .ot m.l.talDed. Lo)'l.1t'1 lIelpe the bellltl Jut. cd .0 '~ac.r. Idlll .. 1lIIdatecl. 1tJ ..... ...,. ....... of IDIttir od ... terial tIIOIlCIlt. to N.r1aIa ("IlIJ.rellaDt ot VuleaH

): OM to .,.ppl. with .... ot.... A.. III.Ira&'o \I d_tttul. m_1rk. .... tII. ItaHanI ",:.-..ell 1110It .. the ml&!lt ot p.relle-. ft .. CO_ tbll teDeleDe, to fade. I &ad COllrut.. becaItIa It 1Il~ 1MrII1t adh..... : "\U1CIUcI to QOII,tll. power ot Go4 UlltO II&.Intio.. "'rbat IlIIIt w, He I. btmIlq III III' ODell...... 111..... .. CIIr11tllll _ .. the real. Drq ...d otlMr _ .."lIordl.IlIt1oll of t_ ":uta. to tll.Ou. ~ .ot walt for .plritual 11&11; Stleat1lt, ...... P'O ... th 18 IIltro terial ~ of treatiq dlIaaI dl'fiJll, IteIdfut jaIIttee, IIIIl1 IlrIct- to be IiTltl 11.1.. 011. beeo_ Bow tar th.t Ilttll caadle thro.... ttaall17..... ,1Id1'1 tllllpeded b)" 1II'JUialll1 eontul ...... ad _t. adlltreee to 41'ftM 'I'NtJI ad• ..,.. of to ~ or It. ud Ita bellDlll! 111.1lack of lI:.. cI1utII-. HI ..... .ad footer t..... trata. H_lllI eaJi- Lon. N TIM .... "Id. D'-"erer or•-are that tlllI aapel'llellllll1l rORl 80 1hIB .... eODddeed 1b • lI'lIIbtJ trau. tOl' ofte1I o ....ould 1&7: II.Ot III hilt 011 1IIIl!dIClltheori .. fOl' CUUUu 8c:leDeelll a1Io nTWlll ...tro 800d 1Jlhll 1If. \I UllIII.ltablo 1Jl world." uSom. dQ. I Jut dOIl't .a.t to be tJae)'. are hlYVI&bl1 DepU... QII. till LMder of t'" l8OYIID .. t .lIeIta eeope. power a.d .lI.rOildme.t. Ueht don Bot dlulpatl ItIIl' I''Od!'' Lo'1aI17 nb\blta tAereulll' tJa.o ot1Ier baad. DOml c:aD_trol tOliD4ed,IlId till ~er of tII. tDdl-

Not tIN ....IUD.. but the watlq 17 th.at Iteadt __ to ...hle1ll 8a1D.t IIeart. m1Jld or 1lod'1 wileD _. 'ftdull '''Uf7111C t I Witllt ..- Id 0 br'-"t I but It does dI .. lpale darb... Patl1 retened wllell 1M. admo.1ldIed """-_'.-0 -'t11 tile _. __ _." .... _o-_t. _ ", _ ....o .....0'" a wor • re Splritul .. Dill dlaalpate. m..tei1aJ tIM conertl to 1t1Dltalll" la tll. ......W.~~_ OIlr-~~ ~ to"";'''• ...:. __ ~. ~or ::..w::.~..:IJlrttaaJ lellae. .lll.d tllil ate.. .. ... or tile Mil .. ot IDIUer. ...., da • II _ al' t _~_ ......__ ~ .-11' ...._.nlq to lJI. reall" .Dd perflCdoa or .... )'. 0 IIY_...... .. 0 t1IoqJ1t; -and lllluat •• 1I~ ca , _. till aepart fro .. tItIall tIIfDp III Ml.d bnn; .. Cllri*lto A.pla, rel1eetJolI. doea Ilot "l)&rIto llalul.N (E. 6:13). 1111&...... hlll1tll. wealt1l d 'Mom 1b 0IIr Pith oar Suloartrod. ~fltllU8leatSdeaell lIulIq. 111111IP1rttaal aa- =.l':'etreeJ~~1Ild~~I1~~~~' ori: io"~~:= ~::: tIloqht It .,... ti III ileaJtll,. 01 Berlptanl U. b~t to tlI\I a:;ederetucllDe t. IIU'I". -:-eel prayer. laa!. Th. llri:bt beam 1& IIOt .PO h wealtll, 'Dd ...... 8e1e11Cli1eel tP tblaI r.. eIatteIt of Trat1l, tll.~ ....rro:.lb:~:rr:;:t1I:...:~~a~:i &rate trom the eandl •• ;yet It la 110( i:"'mi':: ::;. =:;. :II~("A: :'=t~:.e~~ ~:~~.:,c;a;::..~u:=~~= :;OTn.~fOT hi. I.mp. ev~ tll t • ~ defilled • JIIU't or the caDdie. ge~ froIII. 17::!%) od boldl" told the Ath.. III _tt.r lIaI belli COl:qlllnd." Po eomfzIK'1ato IIIlJ1lU c:oudouaneN,ia SdeDee ed aeal"_ at: "Coo... the candl. the Jl&bt wOIIld dillpo io. ~e, were la all thlap too ,u.. IJHl !edlD&' llIto all trRth. _Crltloa.' ebartt-; '~Dtleoesa'. pRJ. pear. [Dlerpoll aD opaque bBrrler 'Q~OIII. Aplll 0 _plahtld .6 '_" ........... to be rl-ll'; bea.eaI, b..plnt1oll.- IIetwee lbe eandl. and tH llt!:lIt "ao .... Itood With ...... (II Tilll. OD. IIteral11 .feel. ODe' .... .,. III ;;.I b:t doeI"';;k. aU Trutll

beam DIId there W1l1 III .0 Illht OD .; 11' IJat added eolltldqt1'1 "tII. 1!IeIellee. tIIrOlllll' IJIrJtul .. 1IM. .ntlaltlt for JnnD" ...... To lierJDEL! the barri.r aide; bllt ODthe caDdie LorlIltoocl wid! lIIIe.NSueh • Iteacl. T1IJa ill the oal,. tMII IeQltloa. u.. a-... of till lIIIOY_t _

1Dhr boot. "RetroopeeUoa ell .Id. the Il&bt will CODtlaae 1IU. tubtaI "1Il1l reoetiOIl b1 .. 1f Material lIeD .. arple falaely tflt' It ............... till d--..tratJoa 01bated 1.114 uaatteeted. Uaoti- ud ot1Ien ClUJ 1lll'e11 be Jut. .... deal. .,lrUuI ..... llatlrtal' ~th la-IadfYid1lll If'f- ea11I forIlltnMpeetJon.

NIIn Ildd, men .troeted, tb. el.DdJe thro.. I" Io4IIIIlallter jutlee 1b God'i JWDe. "'IIM m!pt be c:a.llelllI.. the ..... 1I'.ltest .... __ Il..;j'fed I.el.,.

to "IoJaI IIt1Identa," IIIId deeJareI: beama 1Jl e.e..,. dlrectloJl md thlla ... _ .... ~ 4 __ "_ 111.-- Il--- 10II1II..... hlc1l iI llot tnae 1000ebut .:!:.. -16~-01 ..... __ n" N~

"BJ' 1oJaIt, 1b Itadatal J -- "Wbamer bl_ 0" 111_ aIL" tt,~,~- opu'";';i •• "ti;; Jut uother teI'III ror error &ad W~ "a ~ _~=..tiOliaUro: 11':.-.Go4io ~a:: .lau ... Id. epeall:la.c u the real thotqllt to rilht apJII"lle\&tlotl ot .YiJ. aad 11 II'Ter eorrect 1Jl premo only IlL.III IIIQ "" hu lira. 'Bel".... Readtut Jatke and Itrtet. -. tile Chr1It, "I lIIIII tIN IIIhl or .. otha aDd Iete. It Ilpholda th. tae or _elIlldOll. NepU", ~ lead. __ 1IQortIIlt17 tlIu I, lIIr

=:n:eretolad~lI ~or .:: ~~h..wd~~~O~~~l~~ ~d t: ~~:::~m~:,:~:t':'t. ::t ..c::....~:~~\.:...~~ =~~~~J:=..=.- ......._1 •• II" Ita "lll'J' uture m..,;e ...lIleh - ban heard of beld .. d -'-rtn. till 1Ieart'. Ie". 1Iod1l" or eamomlc:. II LI. l'IlIDlt 01 'Willi... Ule __ .L_ lit...... ___-- .. - ..-... • bba, aDd deelare Ultto 10" tllat God..... teWlnl J1h1'dc:a.l. _tal ftaaa. ._N ....~,==rtNa'::. ta.liaht. .... 1Il1dlll1ll_"""'" =-"'= =~..r.::..~ =- ........ ....,*'II ....... :£.+~,~~ .. ~.~~ at an." n 1011. 1~51 Al\etlt&ltee to - • 'aM W"I'. a1_'" _.... __ .. _ ._ ..ft.b..Jt( ••• I .-t... ~ -8od .. the Nft- fII t1llIt ---- -.a& 1plIIIIo ........ Ma& .... _. - -- fi.- ~ are..... ..If w.: Wid. .1Mw,. 'rritJI. -- __ .r that tile _11 ..V,.,.nJo_ of 1lllUf. &lid ecloatJtle, .... I.....t __ .-.. __ ......_

ul 11&ht, tIN renec:tUoI of dh1D' thIre Is eaaaati lither hl BItter _vw __ ~... IAn. DIsIoJaJU w81114ldlYid. Xlld, Spirit, Soul. Prtadp1e, Lo... clOIlI wr'NC Ilrsettcl, or III. or t1lI tJdC:S Rather' poea: ~ 110 __ plli 81M• . tr- Cod, fUIIII looct, 1roIII Tnath. Llr•• ed till. reflectioD lI- heart, 11 110 I.. lIIIIIeuabl. to the or III 1mlDC._ ..edlll- '. • .. _ praCtked wltat aM e1IM. 8M~ rr- w~tII. from Ita...... I.... at Pr1Ilelpl.. 'I'he 10'111 dl. tl .. r.uoIl I.. &rei lJI........ _~. DO __ ••• OD _...... IIlm1Jl. all onr earthl1 aparteace, -.'111 _.... .. "--08- _ _~.... from r;rowtll, rrom lIanaOll,. elpJ .. kaoWiq dtriH I.w II DB 1111 ............-.UI 0.. ......." of PrIJu:II)Ie. ~ .. OIt orthysneaee ed Health 4ecl1ree: ..Adul- "de. etaadtaat1y .,pU.. ,utJee to etc., .,.. u permaaeat I lIIIaDU I. ......er tDI..d t.IIat atriet ull_t.rItllle C1Ir1stlu ~.aee IDIkl!llIt SUBORDINATION or THE HO. both ianOrallt IUId ID&IIc:lo••• rror God. BOell - I. wen IIIId II.... to .plrltaal m..... &114. rad1ea1 re-Told." Purell", of tJIollCht aDd MAN TO THE DIVINIl Witll e\luI .tfec:tlTu-. tearl_ mOD1ou 110... ucl al.,,.. So uder 11__ Oa the' aU-po_ of 41,,1..life, 1'aIt1Itllillftl o.er a tew thillCl. ChriaUlUla .urel, mlllt agree th.at D-. ••• _. 'locI'a I.... \I u.l. correct, tlllt tI poelt1.... reuoll.!nc. lIfad. WW 111&1 )tlllteat "ell.et'fIa OD. dom1Dloa oYllr IDItler. Chrlat JellWI i. the EUllIlllar. to be •• nall. Ita .ppll::&blllty !~ all tbat delDOll.lltntEOIl 11 J)OlIIIIIII..tor It ae.. aad rntorI lIWDtaiIl _od colltrol .... ot HI~_ Thll CJIrtat,. Imitated, aDO Cbrl.liID Sc:l.DtlaU lJ!pltiee the IINIeIioI or I.... to all allo... '1l1rtt1lll ...... or 811der- IIlIIHty la lIoc1Y Iffe. Tbi areat'I, dlYOtlllJlIIpare Al1&ioll ud liB' 'cree a1IO that lira. Eeld, Ia their 1DJutiee. IlaIIdlac ot th. etensal fIt.eta or ... x-d.r of .CbtIiUaa -&:J.ce ...def1led. It "lalta tile ratllerl ... 'Dd Lead.r. to be tollowea. Chrlltfaa Iq to III a:elual'fl tu tlIoqlrt, u. ....!tiI... 8be 10'fIIII11«' .. ~bortile W1do.... ID tlIelJ' e.tflletJOlI. It 8e1e11tllta !alo. that bleaalDp .. reo IITIUcrI' ADHDBNCII TO :::-:e.=~!L~'u~~ ..~ dlla ...ebo~ tiI.keeps oae'. IIU 1lUPottIcl from tll. I, .iII acerae to II I. dolac ... tb. DIVJNlII TRUTH AND t'- __ "N ~ llClIlerw ltr1et. Ilood of -tT. W1Ivala .... _ftworlel. M... t.r clJd. IDd III waw... 111 the ..... -- DIId ItDtioDII ea. ftIl4 ....,. ad

footatep. of our Leade!' u. toJ. l.OVIl I, to dh1ll. TrIo.... ...... :.v... ....~ lIanaOQ'. ABd -..... II.. told.,.lowed Chrl.t. No... both J alld Ikriet adJI .... ce to dl'fiIM Trutll ClU'W till !lid efteeta CID bod'1 .. d _..... f-.&.-ll ..... 8"''''' ~

_ ••~" .. lIld 01 II-AlT' ."-""1. C1IJ16. ........ 111'&1 _....... •• -JIlJ'll, Edll1 ,ubordlll8~ tbe -bOo .ad Lo.. II • eornc-~ aDd ......-.-t •• "_I -111 t--II-<.N Truth, llad ill am.t. th !WJmill to tb. dlYlae. Je'll. c•• e cJo4 .tlcklaCo or ClmIDt1Dl of OD", .. It,. .... "'" Uell ell or '" .ud ."flU idea of Trntlt, CIu1I1tQthe rlol"1 Illd )1eldt!d Him IlDo I' tboaPt ud aetlOIl, to 'JI that I.a .rror .. d eorrect1Jl!r It, by lItrIet Seleallll WW _tla •• to !lid I.-

. ........- B __.. trae ud 10.... (la... falfU11Jll). a.dlIereeea to dime '!'rutll 'Dd... ".w _ ....,wernllC o...........c:e. 0 ea _ Lo uUrt, taitll I. CocI." (Marll: ...n.uIa lUI4 .... 0lIl illto au .. __IlPOOa.: "Seek 1e ftnt tbe kiDI'" Saell aadlYidecl ..cllIenaee. or .ILI'- 11 Z' _,.. J-- Lo-"- te 'f, 111'" llaall .... Dot, 1C111dom of God. IIld Riartp1eoulIIIea; ille ot oDe'a Mlf to cooct. b1.01.. .....:. to ;;; real-. to tll. a~;;~, II au L III", OD' 11.017JVPOII'ud an theH thlnp .haU lie addecl aad IIlc:llldee an llIull'1 eCllllplete .~ h al _ 0lII pta w!lllt _ reI11J wat.lL\.lIto 'Oil." (llitt. 41:33). No priTa- aa" u.anrl .. "IjeetiOD of all IIllenUolI t • ahllOrm. - .... H_.w1IIe to alLlti ~tloa oor Umltatlon of "all Ih... th.t 1& oppoeId to dlYi... Trwth cd lIelltT to S,lrlt cd IJlritul real.. with 800d; to Io..e God, Spirit, UIci(l'oocI) tlllnp." 1I0t 'lISt a .. bordi- LoTO.a collllilteat retual to deaM U fldellt, to th. rlr;lIt Idea, I. IpIrttnl lJI.... AprIIIlel,: to wedlI&tlOll I. all thUIc.l. or tile IiDlllllD to IriL lUToteI frOID .. tter ud dlllconl W1tk ,ult7. I)IIICI, p1-17. PmI-Ultereata to the dIYi•• Idnl. Not. CJl..... J~. _ end to 41Tlao ud d'-. Tltlrl 11 ao 00lI«Iri .. pl...... -"-'I -S-I.J.• - _w bet ....... C'... ~t u4 BelIal. g .. .... ,.II, ......... ... -..lIow Jean.. althoqll lIot IlIIorlq Trath Dd Lon. w1a-. l!llea ... or ba •• aIao _ blc proIIl-.' 1I8t ItDor lIel!IM:t1Dl 1I.1UIIlUI obltaatiODlo t.beir 1ac:1r;or tJae oU of ttu. epIr1t. III tlle tuthook, 1In. Edd, .njolI.- .. alwa)'l Jut • aeeau-, ~ .......mad. -..". tb. IlI11111&11. -- or aal .!Dded .... "mall, or JI1a clt. IIlIOII all to "del •• d tIl... leI.... or tile _ liS. I4ee. LIt u.. OIleIOlIabip aDd of tulal dut1. &ad ... dill .... eDt back, .. 4 wallEed 110 aplullt .ID.n SI. I. 1fTO" thoapt, blS Idea or DIaD" Illtea_ to II..the humo leD .. or Ion. H. I&ld: mOl"l '1111111I1J11."11& II1d to tile .... c:e It II III 1Il0rtai IIIItBdal ,.. Mali:er lie cNr idealud 1Jlaplratloa;Neall DODlDII'oo~ father apoD th. t ...el". "Will ,. a1Io 10 ...... t!" A..1ad S1D, 11111'111com.. to lIu pl.' aDd tile .. orJrt.. to. 1Itat. It allearth

H (Matt. %3:1). He lo.ed Ill. 'OIl rtmember tile repl'1 Peter .. Id, IeIOUD_ U lilt'. 0.... tboqbt. _ tnnI ill ow a:pwteace, .... 111mother IIl1t 1llN, lIut 1111dl'fi.. for bf. bretllna: "IM'd, to ...bOlD It eo_ea I. the tint perlOll&l 111'0' the esperilllell or otban, wm be CMlI'

Father.Mother mort'. When lie aa.ld .ball w. co! t8w lllat th. wordI ol DOU .lIIplar. Therefonl 'WII' "oeuioa. To 1I,IIt tile WI' to tltl'to 11.1"1: -WOIIWI•• bat ha.e I to It.rlllillt •. ADd w. beli... DIIelare .h. 'lIIeutto. II tllo .111..... tII. III&JT1ap with TI'\I~ ... Lcrr. wedo with thee?"' IJohll 2:4) And did .. re th.at thOll 1Ft lbat CIu1st, th. .taaer •• y.t it I. Dot , penoJl, aDd lIeed t'l I. OIl'/'I.aIIIpe tllat OIIf reelII. 1I0t lII" to both lIary alld JO' 8011 of the 11.1.. God,H But Peter OIM fl DOt ""poII.llll. tOT It .,.. 1II1Dcia till •• 01, .... 1ft .., .. re-.eph: "Wilt y. Dot tbat I most be .,.11:1 lIot tbl.l tuDe for an lIa f.l. '1811dJI1a Deeeulty to curd aeatlllt TOa1Id. AD. I. t1Iat eoueiouIl_.bollt m,. Father'a bu.ID.'!" 10..... for ".1_ alll ...end thellll: It 04 dllo .... It &lid reJec:\ It. A.M. or...-tn or 1111tlM .J'atlt.,..(I.t1h !:49) Alld apiu .hell bl. Ran !lot I cboen. you tweln, &ad b, lJI. _e tol<eD•• Yil, 11Jlc:eIt lIotll.r Ilu, •• 111.11k-. ...1IlItf.ll'.l1y came to ur,. him 10 10 oa. of 70Il II I dntl!" Joh •• :If. II lIot • Plll'IOD.bat & fal .. belier. 1rIdWd. I&. for lrltlted. ta awith them he aslled: "Who I. m, 7.. LIlle Peter. 10Tal Cllnatla. .. Rot tile other fellow. To ClIIIN __ or ~OIL ....... lib JIarymotber1 and ...ho are m,. 1lret.bretl1" 8eI.lItilta beU..,. ::ad an nno that aeat .. t .11 fOnD' aDd pnae.bDftr. 11.... 1... iD 1Ier JrIIUtlIdI, .....ad e.wered: "ltbOllOlTer .bln oDly by .trtet ad1alrltlea to .In. or nil Ia to r .. n~at II, to _11 11".... alahutw '110_ or l)Ae-do tbe ...Ill ot m1 F.ther • . ~ tb. Truth cd Lo'fI c:aa tIIe7 .ortI: OlIt -a: I-tlI. DotlI~ of 1'111. '- ol.t:lDftt to 1MlItow ft UtIlime II 111.' lIrot.ber, 'ad 1tIUr. tlteir 0.... Ial.....u.. fTola fev ... 1'11 I. DO otller .... y to pard CJln.t, till Idea or Tntll &lid Lon..ad mother." (!Ilatt. 1%:n) He'" IIatNd, ala, pUa. ............1, I.. t It tb.. to tm~an. cut-. tll. Id.. of' 1IIIaltlaudw.UII.lowed uotbille to be of prtme 11III1IOl' d.. th. The, eh_ ... rol.lo 01. eYll, tIIat I. t•• "'tract It frHI IIIf till. tdw«- tb. ~ oflr.anaftJwee bat tile dlYllllty of lit. bet.. r_d tll. Xuter troct. tII , of lad from ,n oUter .. I••• To I.... e~!! !~'!!~~, ~" tt>_ ~"""'Y!l!!-aDd aethlc. H. cam, to lie l1Ie sa- .plrttual IDI.dellD-. .,lnt ... 1 It ... pel'lODII ..t all 1& to l'Ollc:e4. • ... of DotllfllC ..... To pro .. OIIr"iollr or tile ...orld. alld 11.. ..... truth, lIPirltllal lit.. &ad .,Irttual It etistellco a.d ,,"er, aDd to eJ:. allit, W1th .11 tat .. Iood. ... 111.11ordlaatecl all bu.. au d....... to u..t Ion. poll 011. to III lIII... erfc .. 'e11ID.' .eed lI!PeIt fclla1. ... Io,alt,.aeeomlllllJlllllnt. Yet 011tII. ~ 1M -ADd 1.... "e1It rorth, ... ... tlOlls, O!!e eould beTer be lito If W. aalt b... tile _ anal ]IIIr-tholllltbt tlll4arI, 01 bi. lIIIotber.aM a cr-t tlIultltud •• U1d wu 1lI0.ed et'I'C't ... ere • pet'IOII or • tllille. ...... Tllea throllp el.. rer udleft illltr1lctloD. for be'r eare. Aud With COlllpUllOll toward tlte_, ud cr-IT' ,urnetio., m.lItal dearer ylalotlll, da'1 b, d.y, tM lie.bl. .abordlllllloa of tb. IIlt111&a II 1-' ." " II prac:ti~. I. lIot 1011r 1Il11ld,UM Ie IIlrt" In tl til ".me or tamilT lit! lIud obllptlo.. &I::ae:tl~~eIH=is ~':l~;;'. :~:~t It the otbet rello ..... IIIIll1d.T1HI~ tift: ~lc:olI"':"~ .~lIDC01I~=to tbe dlYi.... wu tolloW'"ellbr III. J.ua. "h .. II. llealed to .Idr, '".. lief th..t tt II eltber I. a filII". to by .. , klt& of •• tter. or Itll ..... d.1Il0lJler .od bretbrell _till&, I. lIeld III Sdeaee tile perfect iliaD." lie reJeeted, aot .11o...ed, .. reI, epirttUI. be - ... Iqect toprayer with bll dlaclple. ImlDed.. (p .• 761. J .... first .... tll... or- 011. at lira. Edd,'. elliet c1Ial" l'IIell tile dlYillll c101'1N (8. .. d H-ately after 1111 .. eea.1oD. The t.l'. p!ipt ud bill ftId, TIIn aeteriltlt:e toler&llCl, II1It b... P, 323). T1Iroaall au, .. ell PDoLeader of CIlr1.UIII Sclellce bad JelIlI. bebeld "0 IODcer tllo .rror. tolenllee IIOtCOlldOaaUoII.811. .redo .. prosr- lIIade, .. dl I.!O @'J:perteaeeO1allYa_lll,I, ba'" bal r!ted Ilis JUe llpoD the tpIrlto neoculled tbe crell Cbrlnllll nllI pro.ed bels.- r ....... I•• tll- de_trlall lit relllioo to ber famtl,. lIal lclta ot perfect beln5- TIll. that one must work out OIle'. 0... Itntlo.. TlIe•. be bonl J.II, I.From ber cllildlloocl !!Orneof tllem Idea Inrluded all rlrllt Id.,.. IDd NITalion. even willi@'follo"in~ lb. 'fMltb aad LoTe; aN ...itll .ch r-.mlounderalOO<! ber ~plrita.1 .nd ncluded all errODeoa. ~oDeapl'" toolAteps or Christ JesQll. 80 .b. blttb: "nu.,. 01" ~ to .IIM.-d~ply rell«ious' nalllre. 111 later Tbul tb. Ttct!.. or lb. me-lIl.rle polated Ihe ".y. But she .e ..er h tbat /1111 bll P'lITP<* tb. 08. bll,earl .be endured mOil lI11just per- dt1!.m ot lite In m.ller rlada th.t lrlltlted thaI allyoae IIllllt do II Ib' prOOI_ .. r-- ~rri b, tbe H' hI&:.ecntlnno. Sbe ..... railed opoo to ImmaD1lel, God willi him, I. II cODlIIelleil, The re.1 mln I. tTM realilltloll -1IftItll, ... ltll, III...r~prd tbe proprieties pet1IU.rl, Ipirltual po.. er to Ileal nd ...... to do rlr;bt /lnly, .nd morlal man Ie 1lI00y. _tIlit,. fidellt" lfellVl1l. 81P:0.:rld:~.b!._.tb~ rl.llIi!Y. relll!oll. Adh~T~nre tll lIi..t"_ Tn"" all" trel! tn cbll\"lll!~I"'''''' !'1ri..f1r... IId ~:.~!:~:! ::~::r .. ~~;; :~.:"•• :: .n" .t.... ~, 6",. , ..... " ".Q n. .......... Lo,.. matell eood n.1 10 111. loy.1 .ul1'e"llIf. )Ira, Eddy never inte,. weald be .. ade MIler OYet-lIII.ay:dlne!e III 10 tb. prOA'Tlmdl.tllel, dlecipl. alld It lIlalll!ll .rror. evil, tered wllb Ibat tree monl a~nr"rev@'alr<t to ber. tbe P~m to unreal. It mikes elur tb. Ihlop "M, 'aD," «aid tho Preerber, "tt ~No.... In till. ~ lD.de r.dlaDt...hich !lhe ..... pr"pbetlally railed, ot the Spirit .• nd eJrpoMl tbT Iblnp .iooer. eallce lh~, ronsenl tholl b, Lir.' •• 1Il>and ...hlcb she follo...t!d to tile nd, cl malttr nd t"e eara.1 .iDd, Th. Dot." (Prll •. 1, 10) "Ir .Ionen ell- Tetld 1 my hlll' aplllit tile eom.Sbe n~ld Ilrictly tn htr oblJlf&tloll' prO!t1'elllll.... ndaetioD or tile Ilia- tlCI tll~"-. IUilteltlcn perhalll of IIlI IIllhlIn 'II hllmatl Colltlcll aod eoutraru, aiolll or materl.1 milld to tb~l~ .0- re..r, a medical theor" a ph,llcal fatl! Itl chaJlell lit Ill. 'llr.Mrs. Eddy', lOTI ror her family. tual aotbtngllell8, Is lIIulltr.tocl I. di8lftl0811.a hellel of .1I epldetnlc or IIr .... rul,-alld tnr all manklod, " .. CotlSCMI&IIt eVell the le... t dtmoallratloa ot aD .pldemlc ot bellet." cl.tlll of t,. LaTe'a .. creel on, ...1111...!llc' tt'wllh he~ tlrlmary devotIon or b.,.ft, Kl'o....tb III Itrlce aod th. 1l00"ledp cur.bllity. or ot cbroo;clty, a beller f~ my lIeblIhnulI:ht • nd II'. to diTlne rea Ill,. or God, SpirlL Adbereot'e to dl. tllit mailer II ..uraIiH. a Hase or No... hlll I rree tb ... Ie\: rrolll:'::b~ka ... It ,~ Ibe natllrll order la TIne '!'rutb .od 1..o..e mall" do- plellllure 111IIII tter, • senle of paill. cnllu"lIll~ emllf'nStlenre and ChrlMiaolty to pl.e. minion ""er e.-ll poatble, £'11 la or jO~1 "lain IIloeo-";( slnntr. e. or old CrIer, lIDd allado.... lODeIhe 1l1vi~. Abo<~ Ihe humAn in III not IIf God. Ihe Infinite Per'OIl, tlce t"",," thell In the wordI I>f Je- Irown 111111Ihln/C", ..nd ,h. kne ... Ihuo rln thorelnrp it I. Imperlon.' II hu IU" '.In your 118lienre ~"" y. Theil. "'hell Ibo mldllllbt dark ."rArer II@'An~.•"pred, .n<t ehrl.!. "elln@'r In<t,<idllli,ly nor i"enol,., Y""1 ",,"i," ll.,,~e 21:1", ""tier ne,. 1t.'hH~the Ide. or dlnn. TrUlh. lovera It ilia, .od II, 110 milL W. 1111111 pr""ur. or error', •• /Crp.~I.@'IU~' There Ihall be liCbl,alU. catloll, do 1I0t forfeit tile IJlrlt"" Aad 1 .hall .. alk W1t11Hlm'-

It .. 10. lUerlll, tDO W1l .. dsc:kllO .. leclMd lJIat Chr1lt1aa Sei-nee w. ~rad ..,. II&r7 BUerEdd,. OM of tII. 1l0fllMM or •leetue oa CbrtIttU 8eleOCl iI tomu. it more Ifterall,. bo,,", tl!.at.after ber dlac:o'l"tF1 of the SdIllClIII CIlrlat. .u.. _pII,a1c:al mUlaIIpGlt ,wllJeb ..... ....... 11.11 Ua1bIa8acI rMIm'Ptl" _lIlllt..,.. .. ....Ildd, ~enelf ,. ChrlItIaIl sa-to tiie 1lI0It GletJD& tIlIIta III ..I.lDUI.ac ~ u a pullUe PI1lO-tiUoaer; t1Iat tl'Oltl tIla. .... tq. 01IlractIeIJ proofa of her UteorJ. IHwrote th. '011L11l1. 8cleaell ,.dIleattb wtt1I. It., to 'I'be Senpla ~c:alJtt the CU1lt1aa 8dI-. teat.IlooJr.o U IIIoUd lie DcnnI tlaat "ra.I:4b tllta eaablla1ted TIll JI'in&Clna'CII 01 CIIr1IIt. 8ct.Iatilt. 14 Boll-..... • relD_t et pr1JIIlll".Cbrl.tt.Dt~,.... tllit to"'""e.lMa of t.bls Kot1lor Charc:1lIIelt Its. &lolle: &.lid t.ltat, I• ..., iI-tenalDadoll to 1II&1r. dh1l. Sdlllala"n.Ide for tile MId. of 1I11lDD11"b'. lira. ~ ueated .,d oat»l1aIled ... ., lIdJllDCt &lid acthjtJ.r th. C1Irt.tu.a Sdeaw 1Il0'08lDftt.It iI al. till ~ of a leetwo teIIIow tlIat beQ_ CbrIlItll.D Sei-_ ill bued OJI God. a. dh1a.IIIIDd OJ' Spirit, CIu1ltlatr SeldeeIs therefore a dlmel,. lIleDtal orQI I1tllal- -BIld lIot a _terlal ormortall'1 .. utal-«ratem:' Cllriltlau8d_ ill tK't IIaI8d 011 the .......mind. fta J8'1~. Plt1Io1017. 01'lttlIII!llUft tbenpt. Chr1Itl&D Sd-.. ell III reliafOa. IDdeId. III bot1I the-",., .... ' .... euee. tM Als.ao. 01CIIrllt J_; It IMaJa the aIek. pr-.ftJItll dilIBue .... dUeord. Iaek ad

a£1Jlouoa. lad .. ". the "lUll..~I tbroIqr:b Dl'Ver - _ot tile

fit ~ wtt1a God to lieUId tI! 1OOd. Mt nlUlttr tlM d • .,.... 4 ertort to _ tH coocI God 1lU~~ clcIIIe. CbriItJaa BetueI~_~=to~~.~~ -- I~:-"'-'-

JII'QW .... all tIIIt! ow-to GoIQII Ilk ....

.. Wllllrae UIe 1IIIIaWI. ..rtk, ....~ ..... _ till ........~._., ... -,. .,--TSJ:- .a., ..,W".~~

~ to Qdt tM r.u. ...wtwinI 111 t:iidz' afIIIctIoD, tokeep 1atJueU' v.avoued fnlIIl t1lI~ .. (Ju.l:Z'l')

. .um no OJ' TH1Dl W1!:RByISB, A..ND J'mil WERE


"T1aoa UaIl tb. 1t1DI\I0ID of"T'ID lie Ubltld uto tal Tir-..... w1lacll tooII: tlIelr lampe, od_~ fon1l to ... tile brtd_ABd tI'" of tlIIaI wen ..... .adn•• -. ~ 'nIe'1 tllat w..

• fool1ab toR tJteir 'Iatatie. aDd too1r:1111 0.' W1th t1Iem: IIIIt tlut ...... took.u III tUetr TaMIl wtt1I. their lampe.While the brklqroom tan1ed, the,all IIllJ11llerel1 od Ilept. .....d atIlIldntg11t . thae ... II r:n made.BelloN. tile 1lrtclecruolls co.. eu.; co71 ~to.""'111& TIMID all th_YirSiDII &rOIle. ucl tn_ed theirJaIIIIpa. A..Dd th. fooll1b _Id WltOthe wtIe. Ob. UI or YOllJ' on; torIDUJ' 1aJIlpe are _ oal BIlt the............... ayiq, Not 10; 1_there be lIot eaoalia tor III cd '011:bat CO ,. rather to tlIem tIIlIt "'1.&lid bay ror JOVIIlva AIId ...II.U.tile, .. evt to lRQr, die lIr1decrooaacame; ... d lite, that. were reacl1'hat la 'll'ltla hlllll to tile IDIrrfap:... ~ the door ...... &hot.N (Matt.2S: 1) lD tlIlI parable JftlIa toldot the tell 't1rS!lI" 1111...en tIlr-Dlabed alIke. all "'ere of ODe parepa~, tb., ...ere 11acI. or lIliud.ulI8dlllterated. lo,al. Bat 0811 ri..Gt them ...ere eqalpped witll Yital.Ilcbt-gtvloe 011. All teD. ahall ••aay. h..d the letter ot Cllriati.llit,-they evell bad Iltr ... -but 0111,fl ••had .1&0 tb. 011 or true aplrltual.mlodedlleH. Alld tbis lull of .plr.Itual preparedot!Sll wu lodeed H ..

canot waut. " To lII' t1lllt fl.. of tnare tool .... 'I'frwt- .. "t to., thatmaoy ar. trylllll to eal.er lb. "url..ge feaat or Trutll ~lId LU. IIIIdLo~e ..-itb 0111, elllpt, I.mpe toaulde the:a, Ho...ever complete III.furnlsbl.g. of tb. letter. ho....everperfec:tl, rormulated tile .rgllmellr.Iltrolallt error lUId tor Trutll. dl ..~c!. evil, call never be east oat: tb.urlloelS dillllllltecl &lid trll. bar-mOil' 1.lr.llled ...Ithout oll-ulI'.plrituallt,. The lTeat oeed I. 011for Ibe JaIllpe ot the .. orld'. foollahTlrJPlla Cb"-tlu SeleoOl b.. r...Tealed tile DeTer-r.mDl!: resenolr oftllia IlllrltWlI IIIIlnd" ...... oot I.m.tter alld the c:ara.1 mllld. but II

ooly In SpIrit. tlle pure, dlTlue Mlod.Tbe Ilcll Illfl elaoior are Ilealed .odlaved. tbe poor .lId _1, are eu-riched. tbe depr~Hd IDd ./W'rui '1"uplifted aad CtlmfortH 0111,.b,. .pl,.Itll.l Hille. lbat HslgDot ImlDalluel,-that .dITIIl. IDtlu@'uctluer llre.. ~tIII bQmaD COlllldoUllle1l11"IS, .1l'IfJi. ~ 11). ADd rl«ht here .•41U,'Mlor:.. Do "0 • ,ftdl.' IlD.gi:l.tll!t we .,.. wlM _ir' ,; lIOmoolh.fA .Ire tbe roolll',1 II Ih-.,' o<.tJlrnfU 10 COII~idet1Dethe tea vir-Irin~ IR ~altll& tbe lboothlstn he ("uor! III Neb !lld,vltlual bu.man c(,n~io')1I8D_, 'Dd ",me oft~em ...i~., Anll .om., r",,1"'b ~ Thea~bJl ".e oot cast ollt till rO()II~horertOlI~"U8 eoac:epu aad ope. wid.no r. ,y,," nr hannony 10 the .. 1M.l~. TI/ChlMea" Alld hlll.-& DOt,!:'~ . :1';':!1;y, he alert [0 prO<"tu ••" . '" f;i: .lld ltlm Oue 'at:1p.- If..-' ~..,. r('('Tflant [OJ 71 un... nrt L()"~~ ... 0"'1:t~ ,.,.. .. -'r ftltl 'J~Pf'lla1ion • f/")Ql.h"1 ,;:~n~ lA"f r:~ '~tpn trf#l~llrc1I1lr .tor. 0( &.rll. IPlritll&.lil1, •

Page 9: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr

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Order x .... ea..... ~


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....... It for ..... x... 11ft.


:~[ ....l!;cFAMILY SPECIAL

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....., fot' iroeiu.We Speci.L. ill Curtaiu

"..... PIdI.U. .... ~ naL£. an


s~ F,... EneP...., ~ W1dIa v.. ".LE. JIt3 15117 E. Jet....

Following the lecture at the ea...I Jubscriptiofl luncheon will be held fot'Prin,",!J Sapieba at lhe Hotel BooJc.oCadillac •

New York is now the home of thePrince and Princ~n Sapieha and tbeirtwo small children, Christine nd NicbooOlal, and Princesl Sapieha bal r..lumed her writini' for AlDerican maa-azine_The !olew Yorll:er, Out1oolr,Harpers and olhers. Her lectur ..named after her hook. "Poli.h Pro-filet is a description and record of dAmericln woman'l .ix 'Uti ill Wat.ern ElII'ope.

Forced 10 llee with m.lD1 otba' .....toeratic Polish families. tbe coup"escaped acron Roumania, Itoppilll' ISlHungt.ry before finall, reacltl~ Pan..While in exile, Prince Sapieha sendthe Polilh government and PrilkCllSapieha wrote an American accounl ofher six years as lhe wife of _ landedPoliSh Iristocrat.

-.. - - ...)1_.......~.,..:,:~IMU'::::...IeIt-..- .... ~ __



,... .... --~ro'le romt Yark


EIeetric IeWel' ir -eat. EqaippedSenice...... .,.... .. cr.a. Poiate.

15708 Kercheval LEDoz 6740


TO.oy KoinisFamou. Popcorn,

aiway. found atBishop and Jefferson

WIAter Rate. .. o--a~. Paiat...... Paper H........ KeI •...; ••••

!oF ... hit. A---.

IOU E. Jetf- LE_s ..

Groue PoiDt. AppIiaDce Senioew.. lalA. M.do .... v_ a--Iro_ Ft- Lam... aaelLicht Sod<-"tI, F a•• t W....... I a , air." ....SenieecI.

ADW ... tre-ru. ....m CROSSE POINTE BLVD.

R_D Grat'.. PIa_ MI. 2174



Ind only on the grten lignt.B-In addition to looking riaht Ind

left before crossini Ilreel. take a par.ticular look over your sho'ilder andmake sure no one is making I righlturn.

e-Don't Itep out from betweenparked carl.

D-Carry a while handkerchief ornewspaper .....hen walkin~ on a darkstreet or highway at night.

E-Keep alcrt at all limes.

I, STENOGRAPHERI Recorda typed. BiDiall State- Ii meata. By the boar. day or II week. I

M1DTaY. 78Z4 I"- . -


Now that winler has actually sel in.motoris15 and pedestriafls mUH exer-cise double caution on icy, snow-cov.ered slreets .nd higbwl)'s.

Research by lhe National SafetyCouncil show. that the two cnicf dan.ier. of wilLter driving are "inadequaletraction and reduc.d visibility.~

'the COllncil advises car owners tocheck on tne eonditi"n of Jignts. wind. Wife Of ExiJ~ PolishJhield wipen and de ironers as ol iog;. An.•tocrat C! -Ledule.cal precaution to eombat the annual ,;x;uincreale of traffic accidents in Decem. "Town Hall" Lectureber. Janttary and February. __

A .et of .. fe winter driving rules The Amcrican-born wife of the Po-have been dra'IVII up by lhe council: lisb Prince Paul Sapieha, diJtinguillhed

1. Tttt brl'kel for simultaneous grip- author and contributor to leadingping, have tire chains in car and use American periodicals, will be prenntedwhen needed. Headligbts snould be in by the octroil Town HaU. at Ihe Canperfeet condition for longcr hOUTSof Theater on Friday morning. Decemberdlrkness now preniling. 6. at 11 o'clock.

2. Travel at less than moderate Princeu Sapiena. born Virginia Pd-speeds on '''OW or ice covered high er50a in New York City. was educlted •WI)'S and city .treet •• aDd watch for It Connecticut's Westover School, Vas' FORchildren on ded.. sar College. and at Ihe L'nivenit)' uf 1 C

3. Leave plenly of room between you Grenoble in Southern France. A leanln.ud the car Ihead. Necusity for sud. After their marr~ge in London {Il. ,dea stop. oa ice .hould be avoided. but 1933. the Priace .. and Prince lived on 01 AI W"Ulhr c........when neceSllry, "pumping" lhe brak .. the family utate (in what wa. tbe Van De Cleaner.on.off-and-oo wil1 shorlen stopping di.- Austrian Poland) for six years, until CAI.L VAN DE PITTE. P.,.tance and rive better directional con. Poland succumbed to Nazi iuvasioa lail 1'7141 Ken:bend, IMlrt c100rtrot. fall to Sapw AM

4. Tlke curves Ilowly. even whenW......... _ OWl' ~protected by und or chains. and don't Mor" "1I.Ick:J IIIaaL

try to pass can ahead of you on hiUI PoWtry produc:era bouiht ~ a Call fcII' a:Deliftr TU. 2-711.or curves when Ureeh and highways per cent IlIOn hatchery chides hi.are covered with packed snow or ice. 1938 than ill 1938. aceordina to IUI. IIIWithout sand or chains on an iey road e.umate by the federal bureau ~it is unsafe to overtake and pass ve~ ..,ncwtuTaJ economics.hicles in urballo areas and hazardous Inrural area. unless road is clear for at Devlee for BeecIIDIleast a half mile.. It Is not necessary Illy lODger to

stoop When aeediIJg your ,arden.S: "Pump" brakes in stopping to keep There Is • deovlce ~ on the mar.wheeh from locking. Slow down In ket that makes it & simple opera-gear to about 10 miles an hour, then re- tiOD. It is • disc lIefll.er with twolease clutch for final stop. When it'. detachable flat CUJlll or discs with •llippery. try out brakes occasionally 10 central trieycle axle which UP at.-

tached to a iong handle. The dbeIget "feel" of road. are ftlled. ... lth the dtlllred ~ and

Pedestrian' are also faced ....-jth ad. It is rolJ.ed alOllf an l'P8D row wi1bditiona1 problems in winter weather the HedI tumbling 0\1& of Imall ad-On iey footing. travel 'bould be 51"" 11.18table openmp in 1M diIes.and careful. A fallon ice. may easilyresult iu a broken bo"t, or a painfulItrain or sprain.

.Thele few simple rults will makewalkini easier and much' Jafer:

A-Cron streets only at intersectionl

Winter Weather Raise.Need For Safe Driving

Electric Motor Rew»air

DUNCAN a McNICOL14127Claar1e90i1l .t W.,b_

T.... lhri.... .. the only .cl.et1i.ia,! "Mi_", <".~..;n, I".... Ii.e T c>wn.lII., Nirhh. 5_. It

T , 11PO Holid.Y'of C,., ••~ Pl"~' _"',L •• r"ad ;e' \1, ~. _ i.l. _ ..........enIy Ia._ fw ita 10caI :._ . I . • -----------



"ar OS>. IhllllluClollrch..... ,'olunIH' llTemtn.

Amer.,,,, 1A'flOn potl. and .1herllr,.nttrt,nM "port the~ hl\'t"allc:l lU<'C'e~f'ful ....lIr on Jack,.!).bit~ ,,'II;~h had bun df'~tr(\:,""lIl'yo',mll: trHtl in th .. ,'ut ~r,l""tr beltplantin~ of &u1.h DOl'tll. Twl' r.un.dr ..d and Mho eommlm,t" rarhithlmu ~re ~t'/!('d. The total bl'llt'KM ~.S93 jaekT.bM~. Si !oxe~ and21 ellyot". The torUt u~"lC'f ,.portfd UI8.~('IC IlC't"U ",'err srS1r.ma~all7 eom~ b,. 16.000 h\lflUOn."1\0 C'IIt the rabbit population to leuthan 23 per square mile. It wu 41!p'r IqUirI mile in 1135. Thl f(\TP~tSttvice turnished the lIhotJ1ltl am-munition. Thl' M,OOO m proc"l'dllfrom th. lIal" of tll" !abr.,'~".,."'\t t(d'Ullr'1~ ,..~. ratt .~! :;-"_.:.1 ",$IUP .. 11 ceAII .1t:A.

8151:1"1' ., .... _.JU8,Bishop William T. Mannina of the

Protaorta.llt Epl~l dioeeM Of NewYork. Wll bom lJl En,laD« IDdcame to Am"riel! "'ith 1'. s parezJts'when 1\ .. 'U'~if •• '.'I!




At the lUeting for wonhip, It U '..m., the pUtor will contin ae the .eria ofMnnoas On Old Teltlmttlt Propb,ael.

The W OCIlt.'s AtW.1iary will llleet 'lDThursday; Dee. 12, with Mrs. Lela Lan.easter. 13108 TuBer.

AU WOlDen are tu'iod to atted tberitlal mulin. of tbe ~oit Councilf Church Women on I'tl4ay, Dee. 13,t Reaeemer Presbyterian ChIll"Ch. 6lIl

W. GraD4 B1Yd., oppoelle Ford He»pitaL

On tbe MCODd Sunday of Advent,ecember .8, the tbeme of the 'ermonill be: uHe'l Come." The tilbe of

he lenice 11 11: IS .. IlL The SUitclaySchool win be ill.•enion from teft lOleven o'c:Iock.The .econd of three Midweek Ad.

ent Servic:a '&'ill take llllU nut Wad.esday, December 11. at 7 :45 p. m. "TisIl

Messiah ifld the Samaritan WorAfIl"wiD be tbe lubject clUcllased in tbe .er.mOIl.

011 Sunda,. tvellin., the Junior Luth.Sunda,., Dee. 3, II;45 ... __ Sunday er Let.aue will bold ih Oristma.s ba\i-bool. Mr. HUSh H. McNeill, luperia. nen meetilll' and party ill the balemenladent. • of the church beainlli~ al 6 :30. No11 :OO-Ullivenal Bible SllIlda,., The IUDchcon will be .erved. bllt relrebh.

D I menh will follow the .ocill bour, Theputor, Rev. Carl E. Kircher, .D••wi)peale on the thtllle. "How Juus Used Rev. C. F. Schaffnit, director of the

I Bible." Lutherln Charilies will deliver Cbrist.

.. 1 ehri'!Dda Ie!! lbtlMlge. .,,: 5 p.. as. - .tilll vor 'I't.. C '.AI. R II' h 'Il tou .. • lie r...... 0 mot ers WI mee

p • . loday, (Tbursday) nooo for luncheon7:~ p, IL-Rt\'. William Fetler. a and meeti!!&" ill the churth ba,ement.aptllt pr~her who ~I beell uiltd AU mother. who have children enrolledom RlluJI for prea~bi~ die Goepc1, ill tbe pr,imary department of FlitbU tell the .tory of hll lifL Kr, Fetler Lutberan Sunda~chool are invited.• had misaion cburches Is PoWui a. Faith Lutberan Church'l blsketblll

&11 a. ill other puts of lhe world. He team will bqin ilt .eason on Saturdayn teU of hil ~Ie from Runia and eve~, Deeember 7, at St. Clair 17m-

111&J11 other u.c:1~ ~&.. lIUiUll1, Fainiew lIear Wlrne, mett.WedlleKa1 e,'ellUll". 7:30 !" 1Il.-The iq Firll !na'ti&b Llltberu church.udy of I alld II Peter will be COII- Pr or __ f .

ecI. epara .. ",.. or nslDlU ler vlcelflU Ire uder way. Sp«ial anthetas Ire be.

iar rebear'ed by both the Junior andSellior cboirs for & IO~ service on theSunday before Chriatmu. The SUfldayScbool is preparing its IJlfIlIa1 Christ-mal .emce for Sun4ay cvtJlilla'. De-eember Z2, at 7:30 p. Ill. Children ofall I.e. will partidpa t.e.

Be,linning last Sunday, December I,St. Jame. Lutheran churcb of Gros ..Pointe bePII lenke. ill the Punch andJudy theatre.

The coqreptioa formerly met in theallditorilUll of Groue Pointe Hla"bSchool Wilh the move to lbe theatre,the cODJP'CKation pin. the u.e of anOffilL

Tht IDOIt important motive for mak.in; the Chlnge, bowuer, i. to bringthe church closer to its recently pur.chafed property (Mdlillall Road northof Ktrcheval, opposite 'the GabrielRich&rd School)

The attendance last Sunday WIS cl~to one hundred. The special offeringof th e Thllllu&iving .emce (llao heldin the Pllftch and Jwy), for tbe build-m, fllllet, -. $270.

Serviee. on SlIllda y will be It tbeGROSSE POINTE LU'11fERAN saine time, 11 a.. m .. Sunday school III A. L. Damman

9 :45 a. In. Visitor. are welcome I Ser-"Separation. ~f the ~he:p ~f'otrl the mon subject Sunday: uPrepare To Meet Har'dware

Goats at Omt t COItllna, will' be the \ Him!"subject of the .tnI1OD at the GrmsePOinte Llltherali church, Richard L:...! I C!_~~.ty ear-I- 9941 HAYESScbool luditorium, KerclJeval an" Me- ~a_ ~url as~ey. on Stmda,. aonIiDe. ~be:! .•. T.ul~' ~ ()gtei' Drive""t 11 o'i:TQck; Feac:hed;b;o Uae re? oIidJi piK. ~thtr Canup, DD.. putor .. Mn. H :y Em 0)'IIIeDt St S' IOtto DocJlpi~ win be the soloist. Workers te--ral'iJy empioyed in orm asa I9 :45 ... _-Sunday school with ela",. --r-a for all ..... Ind grades. "The Good stores or other commercial atablish.Samaritan," Luke 10 :2S-St', will be tbc menu during the cominlr holiday sea- 98 and

lOIII are included lIUder the Social Se. CIlIIIjKt taQl"bt iD the higher grade&. C'IIrityAct and'mast bave account num- Up -.You are ill-rited to bring your famlb' \.0 8 D. tOllr ncJrhllo_r_hoed__ ch_Ul_cb._ ~ E. ~011ock, manager of the wi C -b-.-- . Reference uaines. Irec oryD':_L __ ...J P."'---or n..L_ Side lOcial security field office, located om 1natlon CABINETWORK DAJRY-POUl:iiY-n.n;uaru '-'UIUI loIaa af 8OJ7 Harper, l;Je&r Van Dyke, .Ulr- _ _FollowiDa Lona 11lneu rested that employers can .. ve time Ooon R... NI ...... JUt U- Nt.

u4 trouble by .eeurilll' the 1l1llllberl .. Alter Rd. 151" ~, Richard P. eooaor, former president of all lemporary ~pIO}'ee. bef~e the ADSm. G. MADER~of the Villa,e of Groue Poilli. fJlel, workers leave lhelr temporary ,ob.. IN"TI treasurer of Grosse Pointe TOWIIsblp PoUOCk added. uA ,,'orker who "IS £etiaaata Caeerhn.. CinII CIOSSE POINTE CAB Eo SHOPdied recently at the home of his daD'h~ boliday emplO]l'lllCRt in 'l store is .CtWo U7 I ~ .. £ .. hnaihln ....t", Mrs. Mildred Vreeland, ia Walled ered ull4er the old.age and .UfVIVOl'S ---- 'I to ord.r-A.~ atyIe or .......Lake. Mich. insurance plaia, which includes aU em-, We M.1UI'e aacI InstaD R_odeLlr. Rapairiq R=m.!lblll

The 68-year-old executive bom 00 ployeu of oDe or more. Anyone ""bo 'l i F .. v_ raJa" D_ll;~

Ia Grosse Pointe farm iu lin. paned hu nner bad a soda.! security flUID. Floor SaDden For Reat I I. __ .E~ _a.. ,. folloMllI' a long illness.. III adlll. ber may obtain one through ou~ o~ce. CL- _.A. Schrader

Itioa to hoJdillC lIumerous village and POltmastefl have the app6catKlin PI. 2131 PL 2412 DiUtOW1llhip o&u, ConDOr also sr.rved &I which are !lsed for this purp<l$C. t F'lrIt-eLua h...... _e-wdirector of the Grosse Poiale Snill«ti "Anyone who bas had I sodaI Ie' • II ....._ _I. Mare tIIaa tWrt,Bank for 15 yelrs. COUDor a weU. l:urity numl>er at some time in tbe put :rears esperictI ....kno«'D aet1eral contractor f:r ovet'. a bat 1I\'!lo ha' Iott hit oriainal card, R~dio ., CLOV£R DR ........decade, retired 13 yeatl lIO- Ihould «tt a duplicate. UDder no dr. REPAIR WORK

Funeral semce. were held in GrOSH Itances Ihould be aet a new !lumber Trouble? ._. __Pointe'l -SL Paul'. Roman Catbolic as lhis lIIay delay payment of benefits FIRST CLASS REPAIRINGChurch witb burial at ADchoniUc. to wbich tbi. individual or his sarvi ..ors We Fix It BICYCLE MOTOItCYCLUIMitb. • lSlay be entitled later. In Ipplyilll' for N_ B~ at Pno.. r

CollnOl' Is sllrvlved b,. his 1\'idow. I lIumbt.r those "Who are s~eking dupli. Or Else! u.... R...... 1t Bkyda P teclliIM __. Adele: two da.\IfPitm, Mrs. Vreelznd, catn .hould be sure to indicate tbiJ LaWD_ ...... Sb~

. and Mrs. LallTetft Poupard of Grosse fact. IROBERTS RADIO SHOP .A.ecv.~':::hr:'ot""t~B~=~Poiate. a brOlher Frink C. ConnOf' of "In casp.s ,..here a. married WOlllan I CaD f.... NI. "71 DeiftrRoche;ter, N. y~ and a sisttT. Mrs. bas a card bcarinc her maiden name It1Z1 WARREN at REDFORDlilary I.. Hirril of Grout Polllie. she lIIay obtain I n~w eard bearinl her TU, %.4$U

..------ married name. bllt here, too. a duprl- en.- P .. te Ref_eaCale number .houl4 be is!ued, and nilta new nUlbber. AI merehlnts 'lrill berequired to report the social securitynumbers of aU ttlllpgrary ....,kenwhcn they pay their tllxes for the pre!'ent quatt4t. it i, to their adnnta«e 10"make .lIre that all these numbers areobtained befor. the emplo)-ee Ieuestheir lervice. ~


1111.MldEat Wa,..

Plumbing-HeatingE•• hot Wat. HAtera~~w .....

Harry N. Spreaklel3IIZ E. .... _

LE. 11140,.. • a. II ..

~ ZI v v_ ......NrMM



COMPLETELY furni.hed lb od er IIbome or a portiOD of Ihe home. Au.

lomatic heat alld hot water. Ganlle.Renter ISla? rent with OJ)tiOll to buy.Tuxedo z- Z62 or TU. Z.8Z19.

WORK WAN'tED-FEMAUGJltL-:-Expcriellced, YO\l~. raliabl~. 18.

wilhu to Clre fOf' chIldren evellln,l. ICExcellent rdelcace.. TU. 2-4.534. teCALL ELLA WHITE fOf' 'eJqlerienced

cOlored woikerl. Weelu work. df,y ••part-time help iurnishcd. Rivard Em- •ploylDtJlI. J6l)Z Riv&rd. Terrace 2-9163.

HiGIRL to clre for children Ifter Ichool

Vicinity of McKinley. Also .klte.{or sile. N I. 3O.l8. ItGIRL wanh care of children any time..

Referene... Call )iU. 11155. alii BEa.t!a",.n. frLAUNDRESS-Experienced. w llll • wi

work 'l'uesd'av and Thurtdar. Good hlshirt ironer. NI. 3991. . . wGIRL-Experitllced' wanb da:, work wi

Konday, Tuuday lad T undar.References. Mlc In hOllr and carflre..Tyler 4~266.

•t- HIGH SCHOOL cfc:cl wilhts cue of tichildren after. 001 houn and Sit-

urdays. Very eaplble llld trultworthy.TU.2-4176.


YOUXG wh~rl for I .. utin« Ind- . cue of I. . 3 dayS a week. 939 wLakepointe. Call Friday a.. Ill. t

r WOItKW~ALE1. e

YOUNG MAN wantl part time work,vinterior decorltin,. cal'Penter work.

Minor operationt and repairs of all n, kinds. Reasonable.' Write to BCIiICT,

t. Groue Pointe Review. 15121 Kercheval.Groue Pointe. :Micb..


c HIGH SCHOOL. BOYS, 14;18MONEY FOR C:H"RISTMASe TAKE' orders ROW for nllural ever.t green Chrbtmu wreaths 'and ropjDg.

Every hOUle, IItore. club, church andhotd I prospect .. $1 depOsit requlrtdfor s'ample. Refunded later. Lohl"Dl1D

fSeed Co.. Brush ariq Maeosnb, Dell.oiL

I. FOR)U:lrt -INc."OM£.aGROSSE POINTE-899 RiYa(d Blvd.; a

5 rOoms. helteet, refriaerltion. sto\'e, a- garage, private en trances add. baselllent. a. TU. 2-55.11. .. ' ' .i. !

s. DRESSMAltINGte DRESSMAKING, alterations. remodel.

ing, LatUI dl!s~inl". rndividaalltyexpt-essed. 'DR. 1 7.

t. WST-RED KID ~ glove mitten. Vidn

7 it)' of' the ndere1la t'heater orSaunder', 'Grosse Pointe' State. F inlierplease caD 'tU; -2-2522.

f.... MfS"" ~.laB'~ ."DitiIo.eel W. R.- • 01:1 back of wate:h.- Brownleathet' t&rap. Keepslke. Reward. TU.

Iy 2-3887.d .. .Pa1IIaul ~of The ftrst Pullman sleepio, ear

was named "No. D." It was heatedby two wood-bluuiDc ~ea. lightedby caadle lamPII. aod *bert!IS wereraised and lowered by pt!llqs. Thetrail!. COIIductor handled the \il:ketlllIIId tlif: brakemBZl made up thebeds. It 19'88 first used on the A1tobrailroad, Sept.erI" her I. 1859


.........Picbt, for ....F...fw [ I:'-f IW ...........

.... u. ........._.... P!I' . I" _ I.".weMIHLlNBACHIR FINCI CO... ..... Edl' r' •1_ ......

CLUJIfID AND Jtl.NEWED,......... a-.........to 0nIw

xt aUT NOW ,... An Riaillr

LINWOOD SHADE CO.M .. 0,.. E.....


W. w Tria AD .....D..., AI a-nw 117 D~ .. M_t11


New Aviation Program,Includee One MonthAt GrOlse lie Base

I The nell\' i\'ialiOll odet progrlnt. nowIolfered 10 )'Olin, IIntDarritd men by IheU. $. XIVy, berinl with l J()-day eliQl•inltion traini", ';ftll at the Xl,'al Re.serve Aviation :Base at Grosse lie.

Enli!lin« II ulmen lerbndoe:la!s ill

,the Nlval Reserve, men will rteei ..; .- E - VI' • • II L I ••• $84 p~r month, ~'ilh dothinr and quar-8ROEDELL PLUMBING AND HEATING t tm ftlrn.;~hc~ frte III ~harre.

I Follo"'1n1f 1",~ prcl,mlury ....orl<. av!.COMPLETE PLUMBING SERV1.CE _tilln Ud~l~ ~ptnd llppro~ima!e!y nine

monlh! in trlining -, the U. S. Xanl froo z.J737.. zt'1SZ MACK Air Stalion at PtnuCj)l •. Fla. Aflp.rCltOS5£ POINT"K WOODS 'I,raduation from Penucola the cadttl

• , rece;.cs a c01rlmi~sion in the Saul Re.

I~••••••••••••••••••••••••••stn'e as In tn!irn . ..,i'" I .alary (If,f205 per mllnth. Thrte nau' acl;,'c

Window Sh d. l<lutv Yo'iln thc /lccl thcn folio ...... 9.i:ha es i mc~ free to marry afl~r hning .pent. : one year in /leet -luly. .... forly dollar

I per month rtntal lllcnrince is givenmuried mtn if 110lOVe",",tnt quartersare fumi'n~d.

Those desiring 10 continoe in acti ..e<luty u the expiration of the thr~c)'Cllu in flrt! traininlf. mav do !l(l 1.ponlheir O,,'n rt~ueu. Should tnsilt", de.

:"rt ,,, l>~c"mt "trirtr. in lhe r~lr"hri Xavy. Of\lXlrtlln,lie. art l'IlIrrtri aft~r. IS month' ia commi~sioned serrie .. I

1'1"tOWER-Five lUge rOOIlIl. New

dec<i{ated: oil heM 1l'ith garajte an1w••t.eJl. d. '1466t Klenk ave~ ft.AItu Roart-. . .

.:V~.w,~ ;..,.OR SALE

C SpriDpr Splniel puppi... ~ht, wceb 014. 1050 Hlrdina Rd., Ri)-

• W:kb., jll.t wut of cemetery.

,) . T-}ap IIIiIlk: Iize 16. bellent'.,,', _dibOlL New Iinin«. J,ut recon-I. aM cleaned. $100. TU,2.S006.

WPLEfE i"ory nu"e~ outl'it. Allo'; . "out:b', bed to matcb. . Wlnled-

'~t<IiiJcf. electric Ilove. un NI. 0858.• , ::.:::::.:.=;;.;;.;;;..;;-- ....._~-:---:-:::'fimuOLSTERED occuioml chair.'",~ Sobel walnut frame; CllI Tbursday~ SalardaJ, :HI. 16.4, . _

"~SANDY. ~hdPlkin collar. Gu-~' aine kalller. Size 16. Boy~1 cO&;.;,.;~ otie'.r IIze 9~ C.. C. M. boy I;t Jbtes OIl &boe., 1374 Noltll1.1ham. TU.

. :'1--2274 ..-,: .,ROMBONE-?rice $10. Good cend;., '.' tion. i190 .Cadieux Road.

." "~'a,ARGE blssinetle ~illfw dand Ind,", . tub: youth's bed: IIrls. large buoy,it'", Other lllisceUan~. article.. Cl1tap:..... St. Clair. rU. 2-rn1.'~""nwNesco electric roaster: 14-quarl"!-' size. 3 inset. ~D" IItver IIltd. Rea.< .-Ple. Nt. 6S6l.'

;-. - .JINGLE m.phi &td aDd Ipring.. Ex'. c:eUellt oonditiOD. Phone TU. 2-1358.

REFRrGE~JOK-New. 8:ft. ~ld" Spot. Su~ de luxe e1ectne. Prlct

'. $170•. Will .~ell for $110. NI. 5011.i HUDSON SEAL COAT-Si1e 16. ExI cellent condition. J44 Fisher Road. WI. 2$62. Also Sandy Ross boy's over

coat. like new: size 15.

l/NUSU,AL BUY-Fisher'Road. nclBel.uilt •• 4()..ft. 1ol, $1,1:25. Must Itl

~JiI. 356of.' •


'.'. .~ batb •• natural firepla~. oil heahfCoPr garage. Reasonable. Owner~'1597.

J . 1. FOR RENT, ,

PHONOGRAPH - Gel all automatlpboliograpb for TOur next bous

farlY .• Best orcbe.trt.s on tbe Iatesh!COI'~ Robert's lLusic. NI. 5164..

fait ROO-ROOMSCOMFORTABLE room with family 0

two adultl. :Breakfast optiolllBisbo1! and Warren. Call NbprC\9S6.NEFF ROAD, 6S1-Unusually desir

ab~_attractive room near bus: snower.. I'J'ivate new hOlDe for refined ~usDeS. woman. TU. 2-8199. Evening

BEACONSFIELD, tOC». Gro.se Paia. Patk-Brilht room. Gentleman. Goodtranl)KlrtatiOll. M.U. ~5.

DlfHEVAL. 17131-Room for ren

FOR R£.NT-HOUSE. "Jro'EJlE DAME, ~Siuc1e hOlDe:

.:: ~ Itld hatll r ,ecreatiOll rOom... ~,~.~~L~::FOR RENT-FURNISHED



Page 10: )itmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-12-05.pdf · the M' B H Council for one Tear. and was e1ectelI aJOt' - arry Post ill par- cfepartment CClIDJIlaIIcfcr

~"- "

. "






'- 210

- 2".-230

'- 27c






32 SLICES-32 OUNCEsEnjoy other Ylri.... of CloakBreads-There are 11 Ylrietiel ..choOse front.

Slie_ S", .. twwl

At KROGER'S, 1961t KercIienI


FA11C7 T __ VarioItp



IShelled PeasBrussel SproutsWashed Spinach


n.. 25e


pI. Sic

5 !lI1, 7Ic

I~ llc

• "'.Th

• :.-:.-Tic21b1.25&


211 to tIut Bolt SiRMORJUCE ORANGES, do-. lieZit sa. Sweel EatiqTANGERINES ••• 2 doL 2Sc

P.deet: S_ow.WDite Cooker-North Dakota

White CobblerPotatoes 1 5 ::EItra Faaq-TM P.....eet Potato

Idaho Potatoes 10 ~



SUGAR 2a.~1.13.,~FRESH'FiGBAR~T3~25~~,'




It........ c... •....,.Clodo•• lIIe PlWHIc.a.e~Fi ... n

REt CHIliES • •Aju f1I' F_t 0.*IIfTI FREEZE • •

t.o._ 0.- ....

err. PEELr...,. DIe ..

lllEl FlIIITS • .• lb. 3Ic.r0Il<T DIMoond 1UI•••

. WWIT IUTS -; .... 3IcDtc..t F~

IIIIEI fIIIT •L.p k.iq C~IUZIL 1mLuwo DIod.a4 .....WAI.IITI •~FUCl FlLlEITS!.aT.. F&8CJ'PECAIIH ..... 01 a.c..PII£APPI.£ SLICES • ~. 33cH_"~RldlCllClLATES."_y-N.-. SI....

IIIIU 1m • • • "'.11c....... By""

...n Silil • • 11>. 5cC .... lry Cho~ Soo4I.,.IlISfIS


.... - .


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at Kroa- . tel' l!attel'lFANel'T1UlEE DIAIIOND



......... aehl5c

MOilte Carlo BalletThrill. Detroit Crowcla

I DurillK the recently completed ~Na.lional Education Week," more thanJOO interested Grosse Pointe parent.visited Robert Trombly School

Bath Itaff members and pupils werepleaJed that parents arrived at differ-tilt hours of the day. making it possibl~lor them to see many classes at work,

Kindea:garten and 6A Itudents in-vited their mothers to a tea. with thegirls of the 6.'\ grade D1akinlf all thearranlfements. Frances and kttyI'retschmar poured, while the othergirll served and acted a, hostesses.


7 .7. "h7e.n7=.7.~


A portrait of yourself, taken in the I,...me,. and f...uti.r I1II'I'CMEDdiap of I)'Oar OWD IaoIae, will make a Christmasgift which your relatives and friendswill cheriSh throu~hout the years. J

Grosse Pointe Photographers ~i




Defer School Nota IShirley D'Hondt, &llnouncer few thePfOIrI' &III. in lPviq the pled,e.

D. tb ob- f & -' Geor,e Cherpelia, Phyllia Freiwald~ e servance 0 """entail &lid R.uth Eapl ,an poema auit&ble

UUtatiOJl Week, the etU'l~ eI.emelltat." for the oc:cuioll ~ the sir" an bo,s~ldrm of Defer School l8"tecl tbm at-.1 t att .:- t . f

. . ""'" a ell .....1l 0 alllC a It'OUP °mothc,. and fathcrs tn V1~t tbc school patriotic JOCIC1. Gerdd Thiede told011 Thllncay afternoon. No1'tmber 14. I._.'t tb '011 fIb t' &.• . " . a""" e OCtaSI or ce e ra lAi' .,ylll-After IIISpe(hll& varlOlll rooma lIllill '.: 0 d J k AI' d h

. '" lI..ce a, an ac ~ema rea .,.. atr«eu time. cvet)'one met III the aadi .... "'.d 'It "Wh t. 't' 0' '........ wn elt-' a.~ "'lIS Ice 1.1torium. whcre one of the t~U:d ann Sboul4 lLean to an American."ItOUps pruented a ThallkslllvlllI pro-aram. Tea was ~erved ~ter by theteachers in the kindergarten, Mrs. VallKleeck and Mrs. HObart poured. aery.IaI over OIIe hundred puellu wbo at.h .. 4eiL


" .-Jl.-.ut d w.I ~ Ioiqde_ti1 x-.

l'CccceC4CCC~C444C4 ...4CaCCC4CC44aC

• • • After a a_mer crowded with trioThe Tbanksgi\-ina Hason was ac. :.-mphs in the impor1ant art centers of

~Ilted ill the d«orui\'e Kheme Ian South America. the .creat Ballet Russeweek "'hen the fourth, fifth lJId aixth de Monte Culo \'isited Detroit 011

cradCJ held open house for tlteir ThlU"sca:r, Frida,. and Saturday, No-mot he". At tbe dose of the session, v~mber 28. 29 ~nd 30. as part of. itamothers and teachers withdrew to the eIChtll COlls«utlve tour of the UnItedlunch room 'Where pumpkin Vie &.llei 1Sta~eL .".whipped crealll and coffee awaited , t.: nder .the ar1l5l1~ direction of Leon.t~ The committee was very ably 11k :"~e and With Efrem Kuru ua.. isled by the 6A ;iris, who .rrcd, IIIUIICal c1irector. the ba.n~t compan1 ofajad by lfra. Florence Frmcb all<! Mrs. 125 da.acers and mWlIClans appearedT' .E. Dale who poured the colfee. with the Detroit SyIlIphony Orchestra

'. , at four performances ill Masonic Aacli.. ... • • • torium."OIl Oct~ 15. )Ln. Btop.'s all<! In aU 12 productions were prennt-

'Ut's. Merritt's 5B lrI'OtIPi YiJitcd The ed-three at each performanc:e. Si:.cofDctrait NC'\Il'I aDd radio station WW]. the 12 ballets were entirely new to.

. 'Ibeee JrOIlpI havc beea stlldyillir the Detroit, TJie prorrrams: Thursday.. hi«! of toa1DIuaicatioB in their so. night-Serenade (Tschaikovsky), TheeiaI scialee c:Iuscs r«entl,., makiq XUlcracker (Tschaikovsky), Gaile Paris.tIIia trip e.pecia1Jy iattresting to them. ienne (Olienbach). Friday night-Les.At the )l'ews the bars &lid sirl, were sYlphides (Chopin). Roug" et Noirtabn tlrienldadle building by a pide (Sbosu.kcmtch), Vienaa-1814 (Webet).who espIaine4 the mctbocf of ptber. SaturdJy afternoon _ P (i k erG a m eIsle II~. preparing it fOt' publication, (Stravinsky). Spectre de la Rose (Web.- act'bJ ..-c:rkint of the haee priat- er). The Nutcracker. ~tl1l"day night-ill" preues. New Yorker (Genhwin). Pctrouchka. :After the ....... aad answering of (SltaviDsky). Capriccio EsPllaol (Rim.

..... , qnClltiOfts. the guide tonducted sky.Konakoff). The productions newtile groap 10 the WW] stalion. Herc here wilt.be Serenade. The l'\utcracker,the ebildrm saw tbe man,. I"OOIDI de. Rouge et Nair. Vienna-ISI4. PokerYOlcd to broadcasting and although Game and Ne ... Yorker.they WCf"enot privileged to see a pro- For \he 1940-1941 season, DirectorIram broadcasled. they did see the M~ine has kept practically intact his"Old Dean. rebearsing for his 1I00n glittering arra,. 01 d.1ndng stars. Aln-program. lIIdra DaniJo,'a, 'Alicia Markova. Mia

• • • Slavenska and olhet ballerinas ...hoThe upper ITade pupils of Defer have dlarlllCd th<nuaads in pasl ,.ears

School obsened Armistice Oar. No- Qain will daDce spectacular roles. Still?cm!ler II, in their rooms by comill& olher favorites in tbe female dancing*'&'ether for an auembly procram. seclion will include Nathalie Krasskoy.

Among the room activities. IrI'OUPs ska, Lubov Rostova, Milaca M~dova~te stona of the a.rDJlstice &.ad what and Jeannette Laurel.. Jlusinc, him.It sltoald mean to III. made patriotic self, heads the list -()f male danceu.posters and diJcussed the c:in-oJmStallc:cs While this c:ontinlfent contains thenlaling to the da,.. lWDe. of .uch thrilling artists as Igor

The "sembi,. program was opened Youskevilch. Frederic Fraaklin, AndreII,. Howard Cassel p~yi .... "To thel Aglevsky. Roland Guerard. Marc Plat-Colon" 'Ud !be entire llTOUP, led by' off &lid George Zorilch to mention only------- a few. .

With chaos in Europe and creative

Ii cl I art almost at a standstill, the world cen-(y es ter. of danci .... }""s ..... i...ied to tbe.' Uaitcd States. TIM! Ballet Russc de-. . MCIIIte- Gatto, ~ of Prtaeftt-da,

~.~ Own I. daJKe coatpaDics has now becOD1e a- ~ E .1 .. permaacnt American fixtnre. The 'four

leading choreographers of the day re-• Gr~. $495 .ide in this country anrl ~1I han hac! a

Bear:m~s Ihalld ill devising oew and novel baUea• Stratghten for tbe.Monte Carlo orpnizatiou. •Wheels• Polish Chrome ------• Complete Paint Job Trombly School. Notes

Baker-Whildin Coal Co.PL. 8500 .s.r"'''II(;,. .... I',.; ..rn. PL. 8500s.. ,.. .. l'.. ,.

Retailers of Fuel ValueSine:. 1124

It', tile cost of ,.oar faeI PER SEASON.-ot ~pin

Irri-.~ or fADe)' ....... thait coaat.

We wiD abaolutelJ ruranlee 50/0 ..... in tOM per_ to -aera of

"THAT GOOD COAL"OTel' an,. fuel .. in. It '"' t.... oat prieea.

• 0riwinaI Poeaboatu-lAiIIip VaDe,. Antllncit ..• er-..Iiw--K~a-OIp Stoll'. Nat.• Semet-Soln,. or Ford Celre.• F~ WoocI---CMneI Co.J-Sunoco Fuel oa.

AM for AttrllCtm INI Detk Calendar.
