the union andard. tuesday fltiday, westfield, union county, n j., friday, december j, 18,, $2 per y...

. ' E U RD. ESDAY iDAY, TLD, ION CO, N� J., IDAY, DECEMBER J, 18,, $2 Per Y r. S1 . OUR GREAT LINEN SALE! Toweling Values. Scotch Satin Damask Special. = c :. · · · · . · . · · . " ' . . . �.l l l•lC Scotch B11tln Damn•k, very beavv, new llBd hea.utlrul dHlUD�. t.wo yardH wide, lull hlenched, oil linen. We bouwht" hi J ot nt n reduc tlun, which allows 75 C u� to offer you a aenuft,e 1. 1 5C value, while they last for ....•• , Hand-Embroidered Linens. �J: =��u:��u.x:rtnfli�srr,��·t �"�r.�·�:rd: sn " nr: �i:r·b�'! 1 : �f::: f�:.�d, r: rl, u1·•· Nap<lns, 8quoms and an eleaont line of fn ODwork 8 hemstltch•d lrlnce and open 4•9 work towels up a towel ....•. Table Damask Special. -lnoh full bleached allinen Table Da- mask, ano Ssom�nt of patte" · Th@RB are 'nrrtwte all linen and is one of the +reat•st Table Damask tl!Lrcalns we hRVB B\'&r oered. JJ C V� J ijs ;uc, spec i al . . ... ... . . . ..... Bureau Scarfs. l&xfil Fnncy,ntre Dure11 Scorl, colored: 1x7 Centre and t t·ows of oenwork, R"ld many homdr"ds of dozons ol them nc Blld 2+. he Hne is broken, not all colorR: also 11+'1 Dam. BBk'l'rayCJotbs,agreat 1 2 l •lC baraln choice at ....... Damask Tra y Cloths. DouhlP Dnm11sk, Frin ed Oval �;�l?. .. �:· . . .'�?.:�?:.�l5 C OR BR.\NCH HOUSES FREE DELIVERIES BY OUR OWN. WA· IIAII. ORDFIlS CARE · OON� TO WESTFLD AND VICJNil'Y :, : MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, BEFORE purch85lng a Piano cull nml examine the Mathushek, Wissner and Kranich and h Pias, all strictly high-grade in•truments, noude with the !Jest m�terialtm hy tlte best workmen. A slool and a scarf given with "'"b Piano nml R gnurantee for 5 ye m·s. Sold for Oash or Iostallmeuts, Y�u will also find everything In sheet music: unice a••ortmeut at !Oc ]Jar copy. Also: Bunjns. Guitar•, Violins, Mnndolins, 1c:cm:unm•, n11rmu"" " ele., etc., •lc , in fncl •verylhln� in tha or Pl�no Stools and Scarfs tills side of . cnbiuet•. Pb<mornnhs from ta 00 np. Gramophones, and mpplies, all the lat. • . ·--- .... cents each. package of Sachet Powder, given to each purclmser. ,N8 TO RINT. Plano and Organ Tuning. W. R. BROKAW, East Front Street, Plalnſteld, N. J. AVARD PHAR+ACY. -esr. 1871 HENRV P. CoNDIT, Prop. J. L ouis OLLIF, Manager. Broad Street, Cor. E l m, Westfield, N. J, . l ine of Acker, Merrill A Condit and Park & Tilford Clgare. · Pull Line of ColtB'I lc+p11 Perfume• and Toilet Watere, HOT AND COLD DRINKS AT THE FOUNTAIN. Polito attention an prompt delivery our buslnu• prln,lple, TUTTLE BROS. .COA L I LUMBEQ� · · Yarda-Westfleld avenue, Sprln and Broad streeb, Weatfleld. LI,HONI II · THE, CRO SBY a HILL : U 't .d St PJ.AIPIEI.D. N. ·'· nl e ores �Y&t�l. f sa e PKRHIOY.J. 'AL . . OIWY. A Ten Days Sale of Great Importance! THE MOHAVE INDIANS THEY ARE THE MOST SUPERSTITIOUS OF All OUR RD MEN, After De•tb Theb Ha•I•U•, They Sar, Ate Carrh!d tu Uen-·ea Jn na . NJIU�B 'ro•u 'reir Jlurubur Jlodlehtue Nut D+r•ed 'lurn to o,, .••. , 1{. )leeldnson, formerly n go\'1rueut, Ht,edul agent, says tlmt the Jo ba1•es nre tho most upcttltlous tl'lbo of Nol'lh Amm·l<!Un Indians. wnrrl the 1uournlu� lwllans were con •olctl for tho Joss of ojcds oljoersouul udor nment , :tJ!pnrel OJ' of hunting im- (llements by tlwh· th·m IJeilef thut the cul'ling smoliP l' ·l ngs wel't! wnfled stt•ulght to �l:ts·znm·IJO, ldn; of the tle- (lfit'le<l S l olrlts, uud thut tlwlr loved ones on White �louutrln were soon In possessi on of tlwsc proofH of their l uslog JO\·e ami !memDmnce. "Under the lnflucnc•� ot their agents t he Muhn,·cs have nbauonetl the an- nunl sncriflce to tlw dm1<l, :wd, except nt ee1lles. n tJu� rN-Ifll'\'atlon1 It Is not nmv obset'\'Pil."-Wushlu�ton et· ter In New tori> Sun. Women's Jackets, Capes, Suits . anfi Skirts at About Half Price.. •Tbu �loltll\'eH," s aid lw. 11elievu In gO<] l!Ut·O·II'U·IIU. e Is the makm• of all tblngM. HI! ilas a 1 sou, wmu they call Mas·zam-ho, who Is king of lbe tle- Jlarlutl sJ)Irlts. Alut·O·Wc·lla, they say, conducts the mo\·ementM of tho sun, moon and . strus. He sends tho rttln and the sunshine antl llecl•l••s whether Daucln•· Continued mild weather has necessarilv retarded the son •h•tlllnlng feust ot· rumluu. J lie guards the bunting ground, lias· ln the earlier ngcs dnnclng waH ad- vo cated ns n cure tor slclmess. Lycur- gu• IJronght lmcl< from Indio nnd · Egypt to Lncetlnemonln notlꝏs olmed- ieo·rellglotJ� �nnces anti enacted thut the 8[lnrtlln youth sh ould be brought up grncefully nn1l srmme trlenlly. In Greece Socmies commended dnnclng ll'itll R \'let\' to educntlng the mhul n nd body, ror he loolwd on It as a benltb giving el'lce. sale of Winter Top Garments. We found a m@nufactuerl Znlll·ho hus full ch<ll'gc of uffnh·s In w ith a bo ut 900 g armen ts on hd a " d bou g ht th e lot �=;�·· t · 0 1 ' Wh ite : o uu t u ln, they Spot CaSh at just half price, '"rhey bellC\'C !hut t!Je Spirit dend go up to While �louutnln In sllloke nnd Saturday' morning we will offer the lot at just that nil the t�tmooul ••rotlerty desuuy- act I I Th t II th' I t l ed I the tlnmca with tile deceased will Somebody 1·emarlts tlmt they who SIJe<•r nt golf know nothing nlJOut lt. Rut 1t tnn�· also be snld that numy who know nothing about the game nre most cntlmslnstlr. In Its praisc.-Dostoo Transerlrlt . --- - - ua va u e. e garmen s are a I S s e aso n s a e s g o with h l l ll. The pots ilre coustnnt· shapes , perfectl y tailored a nd h and s om el y t r i mm ed . Ev e r y l r uomus, tlu,d wuh the chotte•t d things to cut. 'l'hey i lll 'ntl nbly cremate one m a e as II ought to be. lheh• dUitd thnt Mns-zam-ho lllllY he $Z.98 8.98 4.98 6,98 9.98 2.98 8.98 4.98 5.98 7.98 10.98 Women's man tai l ored Jacket s, worth 6.00, Women's mtlll tlot· ed Jackets, worth S.OO. · Women's·mnn tuilored Jackets, worth 10.00. Women's mun tuilored Jacket8, worth 12. 50. Wnmen's man tl ored Jackets, WOl·th 17 .50, CAPES. Women's blnck boucle cloth capes, lined throughout, worth 5.00. Women's plniu Kersey cloth capes, fu!lleugtll, extra sweep, worth 7.50. Women's plnh1 Kersey nud boucle capes, lined throughout, hnudsomely trimmed and nished, wo1·th 10.00. TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Women's tailor-made suits cnt in the lutest shapes, mude of camels hail· chniot cloth, lined and finished perfectly, worth 9.00, Women's lnilol'-mnde sn its in fino range of new mnlcrinls and the li1test ftdl colol·iogs, Every gm·mont in tho lot _mode just as it 01 1glt t to be, 8n worth {rom12.00 to 15.00. Women's lilor-mnde suits in 8 v·iely of shades aud fabrics, Allthojnokets sil k lined; values range fromlo.OO to 20.00. SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS· 49c 1.39 1.69 2.89 ,3.98 Ilere's where we excel. Every skirt is made with a style 81111 clcgnnce that is n nsitrpnssctl. Women's figured Mohair dress skirts, three yurds wide, witl1 cnmbrio and finished with vclvoteou fncing. ' worth 1. 26. li ned Figured Mohnh· skh·ts, ful l wi<ltb, new slmpcd back, volvelccn binding IVOI'th �.50, Sopmnto '·�'ts of plain sm·ge, porcllline Iine�!:tucl well finished. Accunlly wol·tiL 3,00. So)lmto ski rts of good qtmlity pluiu Uolmir, wall mmlo nml lluls1Jet11 porcnlino linmlwith Clllli'IB iutorlining, wOJ•th .00. 0111nel's hnh• olwviot skirts in all tho Jlopulm· sh nd of gmy, bhm rnul bt'O'YII mixod, mndo in tlto vory lntest slmpos; tho nohml vulne Is , 08, BICYCLE SKIRTS. A li t t le lot of ul l 1\'ool Dloyol o Skit·ts, nt l!Bs thnn lutlf (lrico, 1.60, 2.00 and 2.60, Worth :J.OO to .OO, front Street, rlainfield, N. J. uppeasctl, nncl the funeral pyre Is maole reud (01' tho corllSC 11soon ns life Is extinct, In orolcr thnt the SJ1irlt journey to White Monutnln may he :tcmlerntutl. •'I wltuesscd niJont 12 mOnths n�n t lw crcmllt luu of 1111 lullucutlul su!Jchlcf, wlw <lcutb was deeply mournctl. 'l'bc funer nl Jl�···� wus lllflde ue:u thl� tem- l lOt'llt'Y \'illnge, just otr tlw rescl'\'atlon nt Jlort Molmw. Slwrtly nftcr night· fall all the lnhab!ttmts of the rlll:t�l! gathm·ed nlouut til'! Jl)'l'C. 'l'lw hour, ll'l'ilJliJCd in 11 gm·gcous �[ohare hl nnl wt. with tllu ft•in�cs nrtlstiaiJ�· wmlwtl In hcmls, was cal'lcll on the s huulder or fotu• bran•:{ from tlw lod;:t• to the plnt- fot•m ot' !uilammuhl� l l l'tWood. 'l�10IIO\\'ill� tlu� IJ! IllhL':ll'{�l'H Cfllll tim women anti chlllll't'll nml ncm rein · lives. Tbe l11mlly group ct o nc hetl ncar the Jlrc. i'lw chlt f of the medicine lll<!ll oJTcrctl first words of ll l'alse n nd thnnks to �lnt-u-we·lln for nmldng the elements fnrorahle to nu cnsy Jlltssagt' nud then n HUJlJlllcntlon to Mtts·r.nnl-110 to J'ecell·o tlw sptrlt of the epnrted chleftnln with due honors nt Wlilte Uonutnln. The Pa••ID of the U]JU)'Ieed.'' 'Ito doc• not know him, with his gontlllw lwartl, his w:s11Y hair, Ills "gnl· luscs" of hmucly cut, his trousel'S colred by the scem:ug nl d of a buzz. suw, Ills voice of au imvusslble nusnl- it�·, his SllCl!h llllf!Utll, his ge�tut·es uu�'l!lnly, bls greenness nmnzlng 'l Who hus not seee 111111 on the stnge of th" mude\·lllo f: u·ce ot· o u tlined by tho O\'erwm·Jwd enrle:Lturi�t? No one. We Ul'e rumlll:u· with him rom nil- surd hut to ludicrous ootmm, uud huv1� IJceu for years . Who :wes 111m on the btet.s of twrtlm·cstcrn c lti c to- dny ' f �-o oue. In 11 motiitl�tl form he exists iu tb11t purt of the nutlon w�lc!r Dustonese �re wont to cull "way down f!Ust." llo 11lso exists to sume "xtcnl. In the Nc\V Engluml that is nearer HoHtou tnn Muluc, while from �IJW YoJ'k und N�w Jel'iC lte Is not nl togelhCl' nllseut. West of u li ne thmru north und s outh thron�h Chleugo lw is rnre-nt lcnst as l Indigenous variety. · TLc pussluof the "huyse•tl" Is d slrnhle. .\s the fm·mct' becomes more like him of the city lte 1111!1 ills clllltlrcu 'lll care less for the so culled tlellgbts uf mctropol ltnn life. w ill recogulzc his lunnte and lmlcstt·uctlblo lntlcpemlence und wllliJe better snllsllell with his lot. -�lhmoll[lolls 'lmcs. "� ' hen the t l enol hoy wns i >lneed on the i>�·re, the fire wns lighted, w Ct'llc· kUng tltmtei 8Wept tlercelr 111• :thout the corpet>, nnd tlw splt•lt wns on Its 'fl)' to Its etornnl home on White nouutnl n. Friends nnd rclntll ·cs chnnt· ed songs of Jnmeutu tlon und mon ned piteous!�· while tlw llnmes del'om·etl Whnl Pre•ldent Woo Tbl•l the 1Jmlj', At shmt lutermls the four One dny n Jll'esltlcnt of the United Jll l llhe:u•t•rs cast upo n tlw fl nm cs p e r · 8tn te s •cu t fo r me. He hnd IJeeo cl cc t- SOlllll l ll'opet't)' of the deceased In tlte c<l to tlwt. hl�h olcc, l!ut had not yet CXIJec tntlon of Its going np In smolw been iustnlled. with him to White �lountnlu, thet•ciJy "I heat·," he snl< l, "that you ha\'c just nlltllug to his comfort. come hac!> ft·om Wnshlngtou." u1'he ltlOtll'llet'H iSO COUtilJUted ROill "es/' of tlwll· eholcc•t pot·sonnl belou�lngs, "IJid you go to the White ouse? 80 thnt In his new Hl eternnl home rou dldY Well, J! lei1 SO sit tlown null the nhscnt. one might hnYe nllont lthn tell me all niJout it. \\'lint sort of t'etucmhrnnce s of thulr nfft•ctlon. 'l'u house Is It? lluw Is It mnnngetl? Uow the women of the lmmetllate fnmily m:wy r·ooms tu·c In It'/ \\' hereabouts was grnntetl the i>l'IVIlt•ge of contrlbul· aoos tim prcshlo nt do his work'/ And lug port ions of t heir llllll' to the llntrocs. how <lltl you get In there-bow do vls- Aft<•r the Incineration was compll'tt• ilors manage to >co bouse whil e �loluo"c eti<Jttcttc forfonde the fl'lntls president nllll bls fntully nre ll\'lug lu nnd tocl ntl''(l� to (lfit snll OL' wosh thum- lt1" l\'es fotfour tln�·H. ..Whyt" I cxclnlmed, "ron lln,·e often "It Is 11 belief l lrmly llxetl 111 the �l o· bl'<'ll to "'nshlngton! Ilttl'e you ne•er illl\'e mind thnt nil iohu""" who tilL• l'lsltt•<l the 'illtc llonse'l" d nu not ct·enuth•d turn Into owls, uNo," �nl he, •·I lm C onl y Ecen Hu� \rl nn owl lH henrtl hoo\iu� nt DIIlt outsldo ot it. I hnrl' IH!\' e r eren D 11c:u· their "lling", tiJC)' thin! ; It Is t he n presltlt•nt Ol', In f111t, nuy 1'1'111 mnn. SJlirlt of Aome dentl �lnlull·c t·eturm<l. I nm "" flt'Cilll l l'iy cuustiltJtctl thnt H 1 if ilj' ehance nn mrl l'nlls Into lloeh· lmcw ti l e gJ'I'IItest man In the OI'i<l lntnl, lho hi I'll Is JU'UJIPI'I)' l'l't•mnlL�tl. conhllH! Sl'l!ll h�· wnlldn� to till' �ot'tll't" In the lil'lll'f thnl thl' \\'Ulllh•t·Ju� sJ olrlt I "' OIIit l llol Willi< tlll•t·c. Hut UOIV ,]r Its �luhlll'to ""l'll l lilllt will lltcl't'h)' Ill• ' thnt I lllll nlmnt tu J nl l i ( e the Whlto <Jnlolo•d uml thns o•nnldt•d In IIJIJil'olleh lioliHl' Ill)' ltnnu•, I HIHH!hl 'l')' much �[llS·II!ll·IW, COUIItlt'llt. thn t Its )Wtl tlo\1 like to lll'lll' 1111 t ltnt �·ou Cllll h•ll 1110 nhnnt lt."-. l nl lnn Unlph In Saturdti to hu nlloll'l'li til <'llll'l' tlw Jn'oll\IHl'li l�runlnR Post. lnntl nrul lht'l'l'llfiPl' n•st Itt pt•uct• lllllOilj !he n!ht>l' jO] Juc1 1 !1 11 or \\�h(tt• llountulu cnmu•t lw t't•l'n:•wtl. "Until \'I' I')' l't•el'llt ly !IIH �lolul\'l'.< lmltl )'<'111'1,1' 11 molll'l•illg l'<•stlnt!. 11 llH IIW llllll\1111 illll'llhl� nf Jl l 'I ' Hlll lll i [I!'OJil'l'l,\' In Ito not' uf tlw dt•jUll'tt•tluwru · hl't'H t1f llw tl'llw, At the hm u· tlt•t•lltt•tl llloRt )JI'U!Ji t luuH hy tim lllt•tlh•hu• 1111'11 to Io ut h �lni·O · Wt•·llu 11 1111 111 HIIH·ZIIIlIto tho MoltU\'t•H nHt•ruhh•d In 1111 uJIPll HJIOt lll'lll' 11 1!11' l'illllgl', ll I 1J g1J JmoJI UKilllil)' ht•ing H<•l•ch•<l. 'l'ht• Jll'l'<' hud bt'l'llJI'I'JIIII'I'IJliH thnUgh f' the el't'hlll• lion nr lito lll'no, '111•11 !he llt·u \I'll'•Ht, l'lieh llll'mltl'l' of tltt.• l t 'l ho 1'111tl'lhUJt•d Ill t i ll• lillllll:H HIIIJII hit 11( Jil'l'• HllllUIJil'oJlt!t'l�· lwltl In daolt•t! t�Hh't'lll, 11 \H IIi thlt�], f.llllolw lltl U htl Jn•- ·--FrniiL UntNitl of t•nrll. To get n l'Ol'J'CCI ldL ' ll of U1 l"t'lmeh nat ion one ntnst nhnJulou Pnt•ls nnd ꜩet out llltHJllg the I•mpilof the l ll'UV· lnccs. i'nrls Is 11 Nlnltholr• ol ' t•ottll• Dt!sR, ut till• peopiu wilo tlwclllllltHltlo tilut mot l m·u Ut · ntol'l'llh no· e oound nml llJlrl�ltt lllltl Jillll'iotle, llrlng \l'ltulo· Oilll" Ull!l mwrul !lvt1�. \\'hrn you gut out Ill til l' 1'111'111 lll<ii'ICIR, II Chll'lllillfl •!gilt IH Jll't'�"ulo•tl nf li"nutiCully enlt\'llh1tl flll'l1l, Plt;lt I ' II'IU \u•ill� IH4 t.J•Itn Ulld lll'Hl IIH II llll\\'111' III'tlt'la, 'l'lli!I'O !11 nut n J ' ooJ rof II' IHI<• lnntl to l1e Ht'<'ll, 'J'I11• iii'Hllililll( lilllt Hil'liU•H il Ktr'lllll(<'r •� tilt' Jll'oCnHlnn or rr·nlt, Null'ltPro t'lltl llt' HPPII llllll't' l mwl nii H 111'111'�1 fH'II<'IWHIIId JII\Il'H,-\\'uHillllKIOII l1oHt, Taka Your PRESGRIPTIONS To TH• WESTFIElD �HKM�CY. lloall lo 111'oud oop, Clrnn hlmul lill'IIIIH A •lonn •hln, Nu Bnlywill111ull\, l'tiHt'll'ol•, Cnndynl111rro tiu dcnn your l1 ootl nud koCJI it clcnn by otlrrin� 1111 tho ln•y live•· nnd tlrlvin� ul1 irn• 'lu' 11""t yt•nf wo J 1nvnl j lh•tllllnM I'IIKMOIIIP1'1U1lum "II)' pruvl11�J't'l'r. l'orlmJIJ•nr ()t,nt ot 1/1"" h"Vi j hoo n rur runlo11M fl" or l 1 l lli ' KHt whtu·o munh �HtiUII' U)ttm rerrntru M cu1•t t l l t•lll)' lull\llu� tujm, Wt• 1111\'UI' ltll ' t t cml' l'nHI•ntlMih h' In th trt• j \ tt•r. I J c m•t J, ttovu1• flllnwt• j 1 tnn •lnf our 1rt•"ur Jlt.lnnlhIII' tnwnt. , ' l h••ru ""' un dcmhult ru�" In llriUilll,urr·y �arul <'l'rtthtl tOM •rn llt1V11r" 1•wot1 In t'""t 1lot1ht UIMIII t Ullllllll l a IIU wu•ll"''o11"o' We• 1\hll hut 1u 1 r•ur l l tu whum rent v+n brhiM prtrh,tlun for rluuN cnMtM, wltb &rf"u& COIIO II i l co, W. M. TRENCHARD, Preacrlptlon Drugglat, Hr• III Pr11+ 101 8111111, l lUl'itluo ft•nm tho hody lft•�ln tu.dny hi onni•j phnplu1, hoil blotcltct1 blnckiwncl11 111111 t t oickly billoUI Clllllf!IUKIOD hy taltiſt l Onornrnlo,-hMnty for tun t•onll, All dr t NtlavUua ++ +r1nlv 1�, 1

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WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N� J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER J, 18,, $2 Per Y car. Sin1le Copies 3c.

OUR GREAT LINEN SALE! Toweling Values. Scotch Satin Damask

Special. =c:.····.·.··.

"' . . . �������.� ll l•lC Scotch B11tln Damn•k, very beavv, new llBd hea.utlrul dt>HlUD�. t.wo yardH wide, lull hlenched, oil linen. We bouwht" hilf Jot nt n reductlun, which allows 75C u� to offer you a aenuft,e 1.00 15C value, while they last. for ....•• ,

Hand-Embroidered Linens. ��J:�=��u��:��u.:.x:rtn fli�srr,��·t:: ����"����r.�·���:rd ;::sn"nr�:� �i:r·b����'!1: �f::: f�:.�d, ��'h'Wor��: I!<Jarlll, ¥ru1·•· Nap<lns, 8quoms and an eleaont line of fllnCJ' OIJ<!Dwork 8 hemstltch•d lrlnce and open 4•9 work towels up to a towel ....•.

Table Damask Special. llll-lnoh full bleached all· linen Table Da­mask, ano!l I!Ssortm�nt of pattern"· Th@RB are \l'nrrtwterl all linen and is one of the 11reat•st Table Damask tl!Lrcalns we hRVB B\'&r otrered. JJC V�Jijs ;uc, special . . ... ... . . . .... .

Bureau Scarfs. l&xfil Fnncy(',.ntre Durei111 Scorl, colored: 1t!x7:! Centre and two t·ows of o(lenwork, R"ld many homdr"ds of dozons ol them ::nc Blld 211(}. 'rhe Hne is broken, not all colorR: also 1111.'.!1 Dam. BBk'l'rayCJotbs,agreat 12 l•lC barl(aln choice at .......

Damask Tray Cloths. DouhlP Dnm11sk, Frinfted Oval �;��� �l?�� ... ����:·.' . . �� .'�?.:�?:.�� l5C



BEFORE purch85lng a Piano cull nml examine the Mathushek, Wissner and Kranich and Bach Pianos, all strictly high-grade in•truments, noude with the !Jest m�terialtmtl hy tlte best workmen. A slool and a scarf given with "'"b Piano nml R gnurantee for 5 yem·s. Sold for Oash or Iostallmeuts,

Y�u will also find everything In sheet music: unice a••ortmeut at !Oc ]Jar copy. Also: Bunjns. Guitar•, Violins, Mnndolins,

.11c:cm:unm•, n11rm•uu""·" "·• ele., etc., •lc , in fncl •verylhln� in tha or Pl�no Stools and Scarfs tills side of

. cnbiuet•. Pb<mo.�rnnhs from ta 00 np. Gramophones, and mpplies, all the lat.

• ,,.. ·---.... •.. cents each. package of Sachet Powder, given to each purclmser.

.,,.,NQ18 TO RINT. Plano and Organ Tuning. ._W. R. BROKAW, __ East Front Street, Plalnfteld, N. J.

AVARD PHAR11ACY. -------esr. 1871

HENRV P. CoNDIT, Prop. J. Louis OLLIF, Manager.

Broad Street, Cor. Elm, Westfield, N. J, . line of Acker, Merrill A Condit and Park & Tilford Clgare.

· Pull Line of CollllltB'I lc11p11 Perfume• and Toilet Watere,

HOT AND COL.D DRINKS AT THE FOUNTAIN. Polito attention anll prompt delivery our buslnu• prln,lple,


· · Yarda-Westfleld avenue, Sprlntr and Broad streeb, Weatfleld.


THE,. •

CROSBY a HILL lt9t::::. U 't .d St

PJ.AII'IPIEI.D. N. ·'· nl e ores �Y&t�l�¥J*�.rf."1: Mikes the food more delldousand wholesome PKR'rH.\:IIIlOY,N.J. 'IOVAL ... IIIG.OWOUCO. OIWYOM.

A Ten Days Sale of Great Importance!


OF Al.l. OUR Rti:D MEN, A.fter De•tb Theb Ha•I•U•, They Sar,

Ate Carrh!d. tu Uen-.·ea Jn na ... NJIU.I�B Ji'ro•u 'rlaeir Jlurubur Jlodle11-'i'htue Nut D11r•ed 'lurn to o,, .••. ,J, 1{. )leeldnson, formerly n go\'£!1"11·

rueut, Ht,edul agent, says tlmt the :\Jo .. ba1•es nre tho most l!upct"Stltlous tl'lbo of Nol'lh Amm·l<!Un Indians.

wnrrl the 1uournlu� lwllans were con .. •olctl for tho Joss of oiJjcds oljoersouul udornmen t, :tJ!pnrel OJ' of hunting im­(llements by tlwh· th·m IJeilef thut the cul'ling smoliP l'·lngs wel't! wnfled stt•ulght to �l:ts·znm·IJO, ldn;.: of the tle­(lfit'le<l Slolrlts, uud thut tlwlr loved ones on Wh ite �louutr.ln were soon In possession of tlwsc proofH of their l ust· log JO\·e ami J'f!memDmnce.

"Under the lnflucnc•� ot their agents the Muhn,·cs have nbaullonetl the an­nunl sncriflce to tlw dm1<l, :wd, except nt f\ee1lles. nft' tJu� rN-Ifll'\'atlon1 It Is not nmv obset'\'Pil."-Wushlu�ton I;et· ter In New tori> Sun. Women's Jackets, Capes,

Suits . anfi Skirts at

About Half Price ..

••Tbu �loltll\'eH," said lw. 111Jelievu In II gO<] l!Ut·O·II'U·IIU. lie Is the makm• of all tblngM. HI! ilas a1sou, wilmu they call Mas·zam-ho, who Is king of lbe tle­Jlarlutl sJ)Irlts. Alut·O·Wc·lla, they say, conducts the mo\·ementM of tho sun, moon and . strus. He sends tho rttln and the sunshine antl llecl•l••s whether


Continued mild weather has necessarilv retarded the r!lmson •h•tlllnlng feust ot· rumluu. J lie guards the bunting ground, lias·

ln the earlier ngcs dnnclng waH ad­vo cated ns n cure tor slclmess. Lycur­gu• IJronght lmcl< from Indio nnd · Egypt to Lncetlnemonln notloos olmed­ieo·rellglotJ� �nnces anti enacted thut the 8[lnrtlln youth sh ould be brought up grncefully nn1l srmme trlenlly. In Greece Socmies commended dnnclng ll'itll R \'let\' to educntlng the mhul nnd body, ror he loolwd on It as a benltb giving tlel'lce.

sale of Winter Top Garments. We found a matnufactur·erl Znlll·ho hus full ch<ll'gc of uffnh·s In

with about 900 garments on hand a"d bought the lot �=;�··�t�· 01' White :.u.ouutuln, •• they

Spot CaSh at just half price, '"rhey bellC\'C !hut t!Je Spirit dend go up to While �louutnln In sllloke nnd Saturday' morning we will offer the lot at just that nil the t�tmooul ••rotlerty desuuy-

act I I Th t II th' I t l ed Ill the tlnmca with tile deceased will Somebody 1·emarlts tlmt they who

SIJe<•r nt golf know nothing nlJOut lt. Rut 1t tnn�· also be snld that numy who know nothing about the game nre most cntlmslnstlr. In Its praisc.-Dostoo Transerlrlt •. ---.,--.,.-

ua va ue. e garmen s are a IS seasons a es go with hllll. There pots ilre coustnnt· shapes, perfectly tailored and handsomely trimmed. Every lr uomus, tlu,d wuh the chotte•t

d • things to cut. 'l'hey illl'nt•lnbly cremate one m a e as II ought to be. lheh• dUitd thnt Mns-zam-ho lllllY he

$Z.98 8.98 4.98 6,98 9.98

2.98 8.98 4.98




Women's man tailored Jackets, worth 6.00,

Women's mtlll tailot·ed Jackets,

worth S.OO. ·

Women's·mnn tuilored Jackets,

worth 10.00. •

Women's mun tuilored Jacket8,

worth 12. 50. Wnmen's man tailored Jackets, WOl·th 17 .50,

CAPES. Women's blnck boucle cloth capes, lined throughout,

worth 5.00.

Women's plniu Kersey cloth capes, fu!lleugtll, extra sweep,

worth 7.50. Women's plnh1 Kersey nud boucle capes, lined throughout,

hnudsomely trimmed and finished, wo1·th 10.00.

TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Women's tailor-made suits cnt in the lutest shapes, mude of

camels hail· chniot cloth, lined and finished perfectly, worth 9.00,

Women's lnilol'-mnde snits in [1, fino range of new mnlcrinls and

the li1test ftdl colol·iogs, Every gm·mont in tho lot _mode just

as it 011gltt to be, 8ntl worth {rom12.00 to 15.00. Women's lt\ilor-mnde suits in 8 vru·iely of shades aud fabrics, Allthojnokets silk lined; values range fromlo.OO to 20.00.



1.39 1.69 2.89 ,3.98

Ilere's where we excel. Every skirt is made with a style 81111 clcgnnce that is n nsitrpnssctl.

Women's figured Mohair dress skirts, three yurds wide,

witl1 cnmbrio and finished with vclvoteou fncing. ' worth 1. 26.


Figured Mohnh· skh·ts, full wi<ltb, new slmpcd back, volvelccn

binding,' IVOI'th �.50, Sopmnto '·�il'ts of plain sm·ge, porcllline Iine�!:tucl well finished.

Accunlly wol·tiL 3,00.

So)lllmto ski rts of good qtmlity pluiu Uolmir, wall mmlo nml lluls1Jet11 porcnlino linmlwith Clllli'IIBB iutorlining, wOJ•th ·!.00.

0111nel's hnh• olwviot skirts in all tho Jlopulm· shndes of gmy, bhm rnul bt'O'YII mixod, mndo in tlto vory lntest slmpos; tho

nohml vulne Is li, 08,

BICYCLE SKIRTS. A little lot of ull 1\'ool Dloyolo Skit·ts, nt l!Bs thnn lutlf (lrico,

1.60, 2.00 and 2.60, Worth :J.OO to ti.OO,

• front Street, rlainfield, N. J.

uppeasctl, nncl the funeral pyre Is maole

reud,r (01' tho corllSC 11� soon ns life Is extinct, In orolcr thnt the SJ1irlt journey to White Monutnln may he :tcmlerntutl.

•'I wltuesscd niJont 12 mOnths n�n tlw crcmlltluu of 1111 lullucutlul su!Jchlcf, wlwse <lcutb was deeply mournctl. 'l'bc funernl Jl�···� wus lllflde ue:u thl� tem­llOt'llt'Y \'illnge, just otr tlw rescl'\'atlon nt Jlort Molmw. Slwrtly nftcr night· fall all the lnhab!ttmts of the rlll:t�l! gathm·ed nlouut til'! Jl)'l'C. 'l'lw hour, ll'l'ilJliJCd in 11 gm·gcous �[ohare hlnnlwt. with tllu ft•in�cs nrtlsti('aiJ�· wmlwtl In hcmls, was cat'l'lcll on the shuulderl'l or fotu• bran•:{ from tlw lod;:t• to the plnt­fot•m ot' !uilammuhl� l l l't.!Wood.

'"'l�10IIO\\'ill� tlu� IJ!IllhL':ll'{�l'H Cflllll} tim women anti chlllll't'll nml ncm rein· lives. Tbe l11mlly group ct•o nchet l ncar the Jl)'rc. i'lw chlt•f of the medicine lll<!ll oJTcrctl first words of lll'alse n nd thnnks to �lnt-u-we·lln for nmldng the elements fnrorahle to nu cnsy Jlltssagt' nud then n HUJlJlllcntlon to Mtts·r.nnl-110 to J'ecell·o tlw sptrlt of the <lepnrted chleftnln with due honors nt Wlilte Uonutnln.

The Pa••IDlf of the U]JU)'Ieed.'' \\'Ito doc• not know him, wi th his

gontlllw lwartl, his w:s11Y hair, Ills "gnl· luscs" of hmucly cut, his trousel'S c\'olred by the scem:ug nld of a buzz. suw, Ills voice of au imvusslble nusnl­it�·, his SllL'Cl!h llllf!()Utll, his ge�tut·es uu�'l!lnly, bls greenness nmnzlng 'l Who hus not seee 111111 on the stnge of th" mude\·lllo f:u·ce ot· o ut lined by tho O\'erwm·Jwd enrle:Lturi�t? No one.

We Ul'e rumlll:u· with him !'rom nil­surd hut to ludicrous l'ootmm, uud huv1� IJceu for years. Who :wes 111m on the btt'cet.s of twrtlm·cstcrn cltic.':l to­dny'f �-o oue.

In 11 motiitl�tl form he exists iu tb11t purt of the nutlon w�lc!r Dustonese �re wont to cull "way down f!Ust." llo 11lso exists to sume "xtcnl. In the Nc\V Engluml that is nearer HoHtou t!Jnn Muluc, while from �IJW YoJ'k und N�w Jel'iC)" lte Is not nl togelhCl' nllseut. West of u line thmru north und south thron�h Chleugo lw is rnre-nt lcnst as ftll Indigenous variety.


TLc pusslu� of the "huyse•tl" Is de­slrnhle. .\s the fm·mct' becomes more like him of the city lte 1111!1 ills clllltlrcu 1\'lll care less for the so culled tlellgbts uf mctropol ltnn life. w ill recogulzc his lunnte and lmlcstt·uctlblo lntlcpemlence und wllliJe better snllsllell with his lot. -�lhmoll[lolls 'l'lmcs.

"�'hen the t l enol hooly wns i>lneed on the i>�·re, the fire wns lighted, tlw Ct'llc· kUng tltmtei 8Wept tlercelr 111• :thout the corpet>, nnd tlw splt•lt wns on Its ll'fl)' to Its etornnl home on White nouutnln. Friends nnd rclntll·cs chnnt· ed songs of Jnmeutu tlon und mon ned piteous!�· while tlw llnmes del'om·etl Whnl Pre•ldent Woo Tbl•l

the 1Jmlj', At shmt lutermls the four One dny n Jll'esltlcnt of the United Jlll llhe:u•t•rs cast upon tlw flnmcs per· 8tntes •cut for me. He hnd IJeeo clcct­SOlllll lll'opet't)' of the deceased In tlte c<l t o tlwt. hl�h olllcc, l!ut had not yet CXIJec tntlon of Its going np In smolw been iustnlled.

with him to White �lountnlu, thet•ciJy "I heat·," he snl<l, "that you ha\'c just nlltllug to his comfort. come hac!> ft·om Wnshlngtou."

u1'he ltlOtll'llet'H lliSO COUtl'ilJUted ROill(' "l'es/'

of tlwll· eholcc•t pot·sonnl belou�lngs, "IJid you go to the White IIouse? 80 thnt In his new IUHl eternnl home ro u dldY Well, J! lei1SO sit tlown null the nhscnt. one might hnYe nllont lthn tell me all niJout it. \\'lint sort of [L t'etucmhrnnce s of thulr nfft•ctlon. 'l'u

house Is It? lluw Is It mnnngetl? Uow the women of the lmmetllate fnmily m:wy r·ooms tu·c In It'/ \\' hereabouts was grnntetl the i>l'IVIlt•ge of contrlbul· aoos tim prcshlont do his work'/ And lug portions of their llllll' to the llntrocs. how <lltl you get In there-bow do vls­Aft<•r the Incineration was compll'tt• ilors manage to >co tlJU bouse whil e ll �loluo"c eti<Jttcttc forfonde the fl'l.,ntls president nllll bls fntully nre ll\'lug lu nnd tocl ntl''(l� to (lfit snll OL' wosh thum- lt1" lilll\'es fot• four tln�·H. ..Whyt" I cxclnlmed, "ron lln,·e often

"It Is 11 belief llrmly llxetl 111 the �lo· bl'<'ll to "'nshlngton! Ilttl'e you ne•er illl\'e mind thnt nil :\iohu""" who tilL• l'lsltt•<l the \\'illtc llonse'l" :md nl'u not ct·enuth•d turn Into owls, uNo," �nltl he, •·I lm \'C only Ecen Hu� \rlum nn owl lH henrtl hoo\iu� nt DIJ:Ilt outsldo ot it. I hnrl' IH!\'er eren f:l{I(ID 11c:u· their "lling", tiJC)' thin!; It Is t he n presltlt•nt Ol', In f111t, nuy !:1'1'111 mnn. SJlirlt of Aome dentl �lnlull·c t·eturm•<l. I nm "" flt'Cilllll l'iy cuustiltJtctl thnt H 1 if ilj' ehance nn mrl l'nlls Into lloeh· lmcw tile gJ'I'IItest man In the \\'OI'i<l lntnlh<i, lho hi I'll Is JU'UJIPI'I)' l'l't•mnlL�tl. conhllH! Sl'l!ll h�· wnlldn� to till' �ot'tll't" In the lil'lll'f thnl thl' \\'Ulllh•t·Ju� sJ olrlt I "'OIIitl llol Willi< tlll•t·c. Hut UOIV ,]r Its �luhlll'to ""l'llllilllt will lltcl't'h)' Ill•

' thnt I lllll nlmnt tu Jnl li( e the Whlto <Jnlolo•d uml thns o•nnldt•d In IIJIJil'olleh

lioliHl' Ill)' ltnnu•, I HIHH!hl Yl'l')' much

�[llS·:'.II!ll·IW, COUIItlt.'llt. thn t Its )Wtl tlo\1 like to lll'lll' 1111 tltn t �·ou Cllll h•ll 1110 nhnnt lt."-.ln llnn Unlph In Saturdti)' to hu nlloll'l'li til <'llll'l' tlw Jn'oll\IHl'li l�runlnR Post. lnntl nrul lht'l'l'llfiPl' n•st Itt pt•uct•

lllllOilj.C !he n!ht>l' j.tOOl] Juc1 1!1 11:4 or \\�h(tt• llountulu cnmu•t lw t't•l'n:•wtl.

"Until \'I' I')' l't•el'llt ly !IIH �lolul\'l'.< lmltl )'<'111'1,1' 11 molll'l•illg l'<•stlnt!. 11 1\'llH IIW llllll\1111 illll'llhl� nf J ll'I 'Hllllll i [I!'OJil'l'l,\' In Ito not' uf tlw dt.•jUll'tt•tluwru· hl't'H t1f llw tl'llw, At the hmu· tlt•t•lltt•tl llloRt )JI'U!Ji t luuH hy tim lllt•tlh•hu• 1111'11 to Iouth �lni·O·Wt•·llu 11 1111 111 HIIH·ZIIIll· Ito tho MoltU\'t•H n.:-;Ht•ruhh•d In 1111 uJIPll HJIOt lll'lll' 1111!11' l'illllgl', ll I 1Jg1J JmoJI UKilllil)' ht•ing H<•l••ch•<l. 'l'ht• Jll'l'<' hud bt'l'llJII'I'JIIII'I'IJliH thnUgh fOI' the el't'hlll• lion nr lito lll'no, \1'111•11 !he llt·u \I'll'•Ht, l'lieh llll'mltl'l' of tltt.• l t'l ho 1'1111· tl'lhUJt•d Ill t ill• lillllll:H HIIIIJII hit 11( Jil'l'• HllllUIJil'oJlt!t'l�· lwltl In daolt•t! t�Hh't'lll,

11 .... \H IIlli thlt�], f.llllolw lltlUh•tl J.dn•-

·------· Frnii('L• UntNitll! of t•nrll. To get n l'Ol'J'CC.'I ldL'll of U1ll l"t'l.meh

nation one ntnst nhnJulou Pnt•ls nnd tzet out llltHJllg the I•mpil• of the lll'UV· lnccs. i'nrls Is 11 Nlnltholr• ol' t•ott!'ll• Dt!sR, lout till• peopiu wilo tlwclllllltHltlo tilut motlm·u Ut·ntol'l'llh no· e oound nml llJlrl�ltt lllltl Jillll'iotle, llrlng \l'ltulo· PIOilll" Ull!l mwrul !lvt1�. \\'hrn you gut out Ill t ill' 1'111'111 lll.<ii'ICIR, II Chlll'lllillfl •!gilt IH Jll't'�"ulo•tl nf li"nutiCully enltl· \'llh1tl flll'l1llt, Pllt;lt I'III'IU \u•ill� IH4 t.J•Itn Ulld lll'Hl IIH II llll\\'111' ,LI'III'tlt'la, 'l'lli!I'O !11 nut n J'ooJ rof II'IIHI<• lnntl to l1e Ht'<'ll, 'J'I11• iii'Hllililll( lilllt Hil'liU•H il Ktr'lllll(<'r •� tilt' Jll'oCnHlnn or rr·nlt, Null'ltPro t'lltl llt' HPPII llllll't' lmwlnii H 111'111'�1 fH'II<'IWHIIIId J.;TII\Il'H,-\\'uHillllKIOII l1oHt,

Taka Your PRESGRIPTIONS To TH• WESTFIElD �H.\KM�CY. lloallll' lo 111'oud lloop, Clrnn hlmul lill'IIIIH A ••lonn •hln, Nu

bcBnly will111ull\, l'tiHt'lll'ol•, CnndylJnl111rro tiu dcnn your l1 ootl nud koCJI it clcnn by otlrrin� 1111 tho ln•y live•· nnd tlrlvin� ul1 irn•

'l'lu' 11""t yt•nf wo J1nvnljlh•tllllnM I'IIKMOIIIP1'1UN'1':41lum "II)' pruvlil11�J't'l'r. l'orlmJII41XIJ•nr ()t,nt ot 1/1"�'�" h"Vij hoon rur runlo11M flltlltl" or l1llli'KHt whtu·o munh �����HtiUII'' U)ttm rerrnlltru•�M cu1•t tl•lt•lll)' lull\llu� t.lujm, Wt• 1111\'UI' ltll'l,ft•t cml' l'nHI•ntlMih h' In th lltrt•j\tt•r. IJcm•t J,. ttovu1• flllnwt•j1 tnn •lnf our 1rt•"ur Jlt.lnnlh.\PIII'tnwnt., 'lh••ru ""' un dcmht-rult ru�" In llriUilll,urr·y �arul <'l'rtthtl'llltOMII •rn llt1V11r" 1•wot1 In t'""t 1lot1ht UIMIII t Ullllllllla IIUII wu•ll"''o11"o' We• 1\hll to hut 1u 1 r•ur.rl�tl tu whum rent v11n brhiM prtHMJrh,tlun!l for MlrluuN cnMtM, wltb &ltlrf"u& COIIOIItJilco,

W. M. TRENCHARD, Preacrlptlon Drugglat, Hrot• IIIII Pr1111101 8111111,

llUl'itluo ft•nm tho hody lft•�ln tu.dny hi onni•j• phnplu1, hoil11, blotcltct1 blnckiwncl11 111111 t lilt oickly billoUI Clllllf!IUKIOD hy taltiftl Onornrnlo,-hMnty for tun t•onll, All drill' .Utt, NtlilavUua 111111r1nlvtd, 1�, ;Gr1Mtro



�. SOUTH AFRIC.AJf CLIJIAfl. loa&e- Facti &boat TemtJ.e-r•ture A••

Jtaln• In t11e TrM11n·anl ancl· � Ormnge lleiiDIJIIco,

! Recent Lli�putche� stated that the ,Docl"S were waiting- !oJ' u l'Ollllll' ofduss' lrain before tnldng- the field-a <'ircum­:stoJJ('(l sig-nifiC"ant of He ctinm1ic con· jdition> of t iw 'l'rnnsmnl mal of South IAfric:l in gf.lncral. ln most count ries In hcary rain Wf?llkl be un obstnele to i:JJ1 1itat·y operntious. Tbe1·e it. is ncc•cs· l.;nry tq them, so tbnt t l 1c horses mn,r .lHH'I! fom1 nud both the horSL'S mul mcn 1rnny llit"c th·inl\, 'l'hc ]loct·s hare no lcommisHariat s,rstem fol' tl1C'it' horses, 1but l i tel·nlly mnl-:!' tltcm lirC' on thl! (�ountr.r. \\'hen the nrmy hults for tbe 'night t he horses nrc tm·nCil loose to ,:forage for thcmseln:�s, eacl1 hn\'hlg one 1iront foot tigllliJ straJllleil up to Jlre· �vent his l'unning nway. In curly spring :the plain or veldt is nlmost l!urrcn. 1'fherl� has been lit tlc rnh1 dtJring the !winter. The gross ls clcacl nnll the wu­�ercourses nre clry. nut in thnt mm· .. nlous cl i mate mtd on thnt responsive soil n few <lnJs of rnin would fill the stremns mnl cover the lund with lush !JICI'ungc. ·


D IAMOND Finger Rings from $10 to $soo, Brooches, latest . designs, Gents studs, all

sizes, drop and s�rew earrings of our Oll'n mount­ings, stones carefully selected. The qual ity of our diamond<> are unsurpassed, and ow ing to our heavy purch ases before the rise, we can afford to sell them at a price lower than our competitors, who only of late years have embarked into the business. Always on hand, un mou nted diamonds which we will mount to order at short notice.

WATC H ES-Our stock of Watches is com­plete-all the best grades, with a general line of fine .Jewelry at interestingly low prices.

When desired goods will be reserved for the holidays.

The winter Is there· the dry senson [nml · the summer the rnlny scuson, 'tlwugh excepting .near the coast tlta 1-nl n full of the whole .yciir. is mtbcr •cnnty. Throughout niost of tlw'frnns· ivnal the midwinter months of July lllld iAugust nrc prnctlcally rainless, the fuJI !amounting to only ·a small fraction of •nn htch. September, too, isusunlly dr,r. J������������������������������ :nut with the ndvnnce ot'sprlng, In Oc­jtob�r nnd !iOI'CnJber, the rainfnlJ rup· illl,\' i.ncrens.l'!s, nml wlu�n, nftcr Christ­:tnns, summer setS in, thc�e is' a copious ,supply of from four to six .inches a jrnonth. In the whole year nbout one 'dny in six Is raluy. 'fhercarc, of course, J;onic t•cgiolls which nrc prncticnlly nrid. ·Eut on the wbolc the country is ns well loll for water ns, Jet us sny, our own .stntcs between the Mississippi nnd the Tiocl<y mountnins. Whnt It needs badly is n compr<!hcnsl\'c system of wntct �torngc nnd irrigation.

'l'hc tcmperntUI'e of the 'fransvnal :nnd Orange State Is. moderate and pgreeable. 'fbe elimn te is classed as . sub-tropical,, thonglt port of lite 'l'rous· ''lui lies within the torrid zone. It cor­!espontls in latlt nde with the central jP"l't of A ustrnlln, the llorthem pnrt or '11 rgcntinn, F\oridn, rrc:ms nnd · J.f�xico. ,Owi11g, probably, to the elj,wntiou a bore the sea, l10wcrer, the tempemturc is Ill! ore cqunl!le nnd presents Jess marked· !extremes thnn thut of ·other countries .ln the soutltern hcmispjtcrc. 'l'he burn· ing ltrnt of Austrnlia i s unknown In the r.rrnns\'0111. Jnnunry is the hottest )nont1J, and its nn�rnge tempcrntunds 174: degrees Fahrenheit in the shnde, ''·hich is onh· hnlf n <lagree wnrmcr hnn the .Ju iy temperature of New 'l'or·!t. July is the coolest month, with nn m·erngc of 50 degrees, or about 4 degrees wormer thnn Jnnnnry in New Orleans. 'l.'be tl!crmometer seldom rises abore DO degrees nt nny time or �alls below 25 Llegrces.-N, Y. '£ribune.

THE FACTORY SYSTEM. �n E:tnm[de of the 8ucce•• ttl TbJ1

�letbod of Du"inc•• In "'OIJ• OD Jln.k.lDIIo '

In no field of production lmTe Amer, 'cnn sldll,enterprisennd Ingenuity been mote fully displayecl tltnn in the rlevel· opment of the mnnufncture of cnr· il'iuges. In no line of production bas the factory system more fully demor.· &\rated ils Sllpel'lority, · ·

Fifly yen1·s ngo cttrrlngcs '''ere mmle mostly, if not entirely; 'oy ltnnd In sm'nll 1>bops scattered over · the . country, ,in \vhich from six to 20 men · were em· llloycd. �'or labor suring machinery there were n few sows nod the lathe. :All other work wns done· by bnnd. Fifty �eors ngo there were lew eorringcs In tl.Je country; the farm wngon, mr1tle hi. tlte l'ilinge shop, witlt wooden nxles ns l:l!ten as with iron, heu1·y nud Jlnwleldy, 'Was the nhlcle. 'fhe chaise, or the pleasure enrringe as it was called, wns 1he luxury of the 1·ery well-to·do, Ercn If the roads bad permitted their U>e hey were so costly tbut people. of mo�­•rato means could not own them. And OOJ' whot l<c will nt election tlmc, the people wl10 bn\'C means to purchase om now n much larger part of the whole -han 60 years ago.

But the hand-mn<le cnrrlagc would l>a1·c precluded it.s general use, ns i l ls used to-dny, both because the people �·oul!l not be able to purchase nnd the DUipu\ 1\'0UJd be fn sutncfcnt. lt WIIS the �cvdopment of the fnetor·y system In tbe mnuufncture of cru·l'lnges ns itl 11H� n1nnnftll'ture of nli the necessaries nnd �olll'enienccs of life. In the factory �ystem cnpltal, 111\'enlion mtd sldli me,•t �nd 011t of the coopera lion c0mes n new fii'Otl nr.t with a reduced price. A better �nrrlnge cnn be !urnh;}Jccl t o·llny for $�·0 \111111 eonld be mndc for $160 umlcr the C)]cl mctlwd, 'rJH� cnrr·lng<l nt $150 wns the IUXIII'Y o f the weU·to-do: the cnr· tinge Ill $:i0 Is the necessity of nli who live outside of cities nnd of mnny ln­fl<le. Ut·nlus, !mention, copltal nn!l fldll hiii'C llliHl e Immense cnt'l'lnr!c fnc­tor·lcH ltere O IHl the1·e, 111111 these lm· �ll'IIKL' L·stnhllhhmcJJt nlnnc mn1<e t'henp, r,ood t·n rrlngcs posslb!c.-lnrl lnuapolls �Oil l'lllli,

l"l t t l nu- �rh rm, )I t·,, A.-1Yitnt. dn yoll lhlnlt, d en t·? I

llrol11: I hat Ill! II II tlrul tcn·liollnr lump nil So hits! , ll1·n, 1'..-\\'lta t �� shnmcl llltl lll'lng �lte ph:el!• t o met flCdtnps 1 Cllll glue tl1r.rn togol hor,

" I I ttl It'• worse tltnn a (;hlnc•c puz• •Jc. 'J'hcrr. mu•t bc a tbousnntl tiny ttlcccs, \'ou'!l uevcr be able to fl(. 'hu tn.11

"011, yr.R ! I've often tnkcn letter• out pt ,loiiii'R ll'ftKh iJIU<kot nml lllltthorn lo· fOtlier,"-�llengo l�vcnlng Now1,

I No 111•1 Noouoaor. lluMhnm\-U coati u• more to lire

•r•on It don Stox, tile mflllonolre, \'llle-Oh, well, he cnn afford to be

�.��.��lca.l,·��. Y..• �o�!�.11� ,,.,. ... •.�r .. ,

A Thrift)' Sent,

.A goml stoi'Y Is tohl by nn Englloh tourist wl1o Rtnld for n week In npnrt· nwuts in .Aberdeen, the 11Grnulte City."

HI hnL1 heal'(}," he soys, "of tl1e cunny fol� of Abcrdc�n. nntl Ill)' ""llCI'ienee, shm·t thongh It wns, prol'cd thnt rumor had rightly esthuntcd the chnmctm• of the profJie. 'l'he streets nrc gmnlte, the houses nre �mnlte, ntul the lnhnh­ltnnts nrc gmnltc, nllll when they hn , . ., a grnnltc !Juby they gll'e It 11 bull uf gt·:mlte for fcnr· It should b1•cuk nny other to�·.

"I ltnrl ll grnnltc lanrllnil;·. nnd oue day wlten I wns going fishing Jwr son l'oluntcerell to nVL'OillfiUII)' me. I jll'OI'Ided the lunch, the l'otls nnd the lines; he lll'OI'hletl the WOI'ms-tlug them up In ll nelghbm•'s gorden with 11 l>ol'l'owctl Rflllde. I caught 10 trout; he ntc tbe lunch nnd brol:c my !>est t•ml. \Yhcn '''<! got home, 1 mntlQ u present of 14 of tire fish to my granite lnmlh\<1)' nntl nsl;ctl lwr to cool; the other two for my. ten. She <l id mul chm·gml me threepence for the drlfltllng In which tbcy were frlcti!"-Lontlon Answers.

lien n11 Create1l, · 'fire glittering geuemlltles of Thomns

Joffm·sou thnt nil men nro · crontm1 e[}lml ttml thnt the rlgllt of life, Iibert;· nnd pursuit of hntrplness Is Jnnllena­ble, l1n ,.e been the texts !01· many In· jnrlous Instructions. 'l'hc)' m·c rhe­torlcnl llourlslles, mcunlnglcss to t11<• b'eDtlcmun on tltc seatToltl nnt1 In Slug Sing, who lllll'sucd the tleetlng phnn· tom of h11(Jfllness With the jimmy of the l>urglnr aml the dugger of the us­sassln. Men m·c not created equal flllysicnlly, morally m· lutellcctunlly, nm· In flJltltllllc, O(l(Jortnnlty nor comli· lion. It Is flCt'hll flS nccurntc to snr of tlie l,tiOO,OOO,UtlO lnllniJittlllts of th" en.rth no two nrc crt•nh�tl equnl. �ature Is lncnpable of uniformity llllt1 detests cqunUty ns much us sl1c nhhm·s u ''ncuum. One IH mn1le to honor, nn-

to tllshoum·, ns one stm· dllfercth f1·om nuothcl' stnr In glory.-Johu J. In· gnUs.

The Flaure Dleken• Cat.

Sntlrists nr� not a bill to J)lll'C�IY� theh· own nbsunlltles. 'l'hnt Is 11 wcil known fnlllng nml ns oltl ns the. hills. 'flw first g1·ent English writer to come eYer here nml crente n fm·ot·e wns Chnrlcs Dickens, nntl ceJ•tulnJr no mnn eYt.'l' lh•efl who lind 11 r;hnrpcr ere for tlHJ grotl!sque in pcrsonul HJllJCnt'llllct!, esrrchtlly In <hess. Accordlug to nil accounts, bls mnke up 11'1\S something DJlJlaill ng. �Iy olll uucle snw him in New Orlcous nntl used to swcor iw loolte<l mom like n cm·lcnture thnn n h umnn being. lie cm·le11 his I!Cfll'll, ut:cd corsets, Rport('l\ retl wnt�tconts with ln\'.:mler JUllltnloons� cm·rlc1l two watches with galt! cbnlns nt·ountl his nee!; nml wore rings outshle !lis gloves! Just think of lt!

A llnJ>J>T Thon1<11t,

1'!re BllOni·aneOIIS lllltl llllj!Jiy Wit of the lute lsunc II. Jll'tlllllc)', fot• lllllll)' r('lll'S fi Wt'itCI' or New York 'J'I·Ihuue k1ntlm•s, Is l'ec:tlll'Ll by the �XItlll!tlc be­low:

One tiny In 'l'he 'J'J•ibHnc oflke the ntl'l'nn jouruniiHt Chnt•lt•,• '1', Conl!tlOil wns tnlklllf.r of tile dellr;htfttl l'entlln.� JJC luul fonml In Hll)'ic's Dlctluntu·,. UlH1 remni'IWtl tlmt' If lw WPm l'\'l'l' 1�1 jnll he would bo quite eotltL•Ilte<l wlllt tl:at boo!<. llQf COlti'S(' �·on WOtlltlt fill id lli'Olll · Icy, "!()'Oil hnd 1111,\'ll!, you CUIIhl gt•t o ut."

G"� f ln" Onf of n (�ur•••�r,

"Wiwt u lll!ll l lliful foung<!l" "Yl•H. '('f lllt'H II hfrtil<llll' f ii'OHPlll. fi'OIII

lll)' IIUHllltllll. i ll' lll\1'11,\'H gln•s llll' 11 Jl l'l'HI'I/1 I hill l'llHIS hfln liS 11111 11)' tluliut·H llij I IIIII )'l'III'H "'''·"

H'J' III11'H nlc·l' ol' llllll . It I'Pl'unelleH (JJW to J.ti'UWitlJ,:' oltl. n�· tltt.• WllSt I hH\'f' It hHl llg'l' nt lwmn lllw thnt, ht1t unL tn•tu•ly '" lim•, 111111 we tnlhl $a� fut• I I . "

"IH tlllll. nil '/ 'J'hlH-tlt!H <litht't l�llHI ll<'ltl'iy IIH lllttelt liM tlmt."-Citlcu�l! 'l'I'IIJ\IUU,

A Mne1e•rnt• Mnn, " IIOII' tnttclt I� tlt!H HIIIIJI II cnko?" ''�l'nlco two fol' l[j <!t•ntH.�' "'l'wu1 Ho )'Oil thlllll I htl)' HOil(l hy

tliC Whoh!HIIill)"-l•'llt!g<!lllfll lll llttDI'o

No lr11it of duu•nctor lA tnot'o l'llhtnhln to II 1\'<11111111 thllll thn JIOHHL'MHIOII of R Mll't!l'( h•llltll•t', llmnn f'lllt unvl!r ''" htt(tJI.V ll' ltltmtt It, It f� ffko thn tloWIIrl thtlt H(ll'illl! 1111 In our Jlntllwuy, rovlv· l�r 111111 cllt'l! Ul, , ,

Did You E,·•r See a Rnr•e Crrt Muny peoflie belle1'e that bor�es tlo

not Wllf..'l'• but those who han� much to tlo with these fnlthfnl cre11tures know tiiDt 011 Re\'ernl occnsioll!! they wlll she1l teni·H n� wPII as extn•css SOl'l'OW in the most hcut·t�JI'enl�ing nmnuer. In the we�t. wher•! the hm·tllne's ot ilw ponlt•s cnu•e• tire riders to nhnost o\·c�·­Jool; the ni'cess:tr of prol'ldlng f<>r' their ncNls, It Is IJ\llte common whcu the wcn1her Is extrtmcly cold to leU\'C an unblanhctcll lloJIIY tletl up fm· two or three hOurs wlwn tbe tenl1wrutm·eo 1:1 n<'nrly zero mal will!� Its ow.ue1· is t1·tmsuct1ug busltwss or g�ttt11g :lt·nnl,, lu this ense Ute sutl'erltlj; Is erhlcut•etl by the cries, which n re uhnost Ilk•• RDllR. nnd tmmlstnl:nhlc tears freeze 011 t•l the chccl;s lil<e Icicles.

Whr.n·u horse fulls In the Ah'c••t nu<l gets lujut•cd, tlte shock gcncrnll)· umnbs tlw sen!U!S so much thnt it Lloes not cl­thet• cry or groun, but mulcr son1c con· dltions nit injmcd hm·sc will solicit srmtmthy In the most tllstluct mlllllll'l'. 1 1\'lllCIUlJCI' ll fHI'OI'Ito hOI'SC of 111)' own which · tro<l on n nnll long cno1tgh to lliCl'CC Its' l'oot. rl'hc poor thing hoh­Llcd np to me on tlH'ce legs !lJltl ct•ll!d nH ncnrly !lite a chlltl ln trouble n• nny: thing 1 cun describe. 'l')1c sight wus ·n \'Cry touching one, OS WOS nJso the Cl'lfl· Jlletl anlmnl's grutltmlc when the nnll wns pullet! out und the woun<l ,<lrcssctl. -st. Louis Globe·Democmt.

"- Cure 'l'lant Klllt•ll. · Notwlthstnmllng the S(ll'l'[l(l of edn·

ration In Gnllcin, sutlerstltlon Is still nllve nmong the Pollsl1 pcasnntry. 'l'he wife of n well to do countr;- mnn In NlcJ•or·entn, I\nstml' Knflta, lllld n mn· llgnnut ulcer nnd wns In n I'Cl')' <Inn· gcrons stntc. Her huslmnd decided to cull In n shepherd I'OIIowncl! for his wonderful honllng powm·s.

The lnttcr, hnvlng cxnmlnerl his pn· tfcnt, lll'occe<!etl to tie her Jnft elbow to her l'lght lmee nn<l lie!' left knee to bel' right elbow, nnnouncetl that she wns possessed with 11 tlcl'll mul direct· ed them to nnolnt tlw uleel' with n mixture of soft son(J mal 1� cliOflflCd lmlrs from 11 horse's tnll. It the pn· tlent screamed, It wns tbc devil scrcnmlng within her, on<l she wns to be left alone, securely bound to the bed, thnt she might not 1'1'1110\'e the ap]lilllnce. He then took his fcc nml left.

Ills orders were conscientiously cnr· rlctl out, with the l'esult thut nftc1· n night of lnlicscl'ibnble agony the poor womnu Llllld of cxhnnstlon.-Crncow Letter In Chlrngo llceot>l.

ParnMaar'• J•nrtlcnl•r Flea1, Perhnps the plugu� In Pnl'll�uny Is

merclr nn o ttacl< of plguc, or snn<l !lt•n. Thla Insect 1.- culled nlgun In the nn th·c lnugunge. In 18i0 It killed n wlwle colony of Eug\isluuen, consisting of · 200 fomlllcs, tmnlug the colon)', which was nt Itnpc, Into 1 1 cemetery. A Get·· mnn colony nt Aet•gun wns drll·cn out. 'l'hc plgue causes lmlJOe" 1111<1 ottnclts the wnt·mest (liii'IH of tlte hmly-tlmt Is, the cnl·itles ant! the groin nn•l lll'lllplt­just the Rnmo �pots ns tllu ('llstnrn Jl1Ul!tH!. It ntt1wl.:s J·�ugllshnwu nn•l Gcrmnns flret'<•l'l'll l lnllr n111l n l'ohls those thnt 11�1! lmt lillie sollfl. Smps cletlll !he ltmly, 111111 the (llJ:ue Jll;es ciL'IIIl tJet·som to enl. I t nl"o 11\'ohls ]H.!Oj)}e WIIO (1:1 l IIHJI'P Ill' lLIHR ]llliRO!lot\.8 t1oocl. A mnn �nturnletl with u h·ohnl;;;, Bocn gin. nleotllll' uncl l 'nHPil tll! .Tullo e()okPI'J' Il-l JII'L•It,l' WPll Ha l'c� 1'1•om Utu 81\tlll !lt•n.-lltlt'IIO" .\)'l't'" llt'l'llid,

Oo1't•r•wrH bdmu1. Tlwrc I� 11 1:1 1·�·· l'Xf lllll"'' nf t•ol!lng

.�\\'111'11 IJII Uon•t'IJ(J!'H 1� 111 1 11) lii'Pl ut nn t hlll'H In lh<• plnl< nt' <'l ll o tlltlnn, 'l'hls little i•lnntl off l ln l t t•l')' f lll l'i; I• con· L'Pill'tl to 1Jt1 t ltt1 ht•Hf kPpl 11 1'111�' JIO!olt CUI tlw A l llllllh• c•o1wt. Tlu•J't' am two l'l!IIMOIIM !'Ill' th!H, l•'nl't f.'oitnnhl!H fH th11 hetllh}lllll'll'I'H ot' ! lu• <i<'l llll'llll<'llt ol' tlte I'UHt. l l lllUMI IIHHIIl l l l' Htl H!l) ll'l\l'llllNl ill ltl•t•plll� with itH higlt slllllnillg ill thu clt•Jllll'tll!t'llt,

It lliMII liiiM ll llllllttl l',l' (II'(Hnll, 1111<1 tho l'Oil\'if�IH Ht•llt fl ! l'l'f! till' lt!I'IIIH nf lllUIItlUo! Ill' l'I'III'H ut't! Hl'lth•tll'<'ti to llllt'tl lnhur. Untll!t' till! Hll(ll'l'l'iHIIHt uf R(lllthw!H tl l i•Ko 1rwu 111'<'1' lltu wnlltH mul III'OIIIU• lliUh•H HCI'IIJIIIIUttHl)' l'il'lllt lltltl lltu �11'111'11 cl[/Ht•ly clll•l'"<l nn<l ft•ou from rnlllltl! lt!ll\'t'M 111111 otlwr lltlt•r, 'l'hoy aiHo gh•o tllntwr nltn11tlon to lito \'llrl· OliN hulldln"H nud tlu•lr ltumlltllnto tttr· roundllliiH,-N\•1\' \'ork l'r"�"·

EGG PL.AII. � Wlloa Pn .. rlr Cooli�• II II

Prl .. •tl•l Olob..::.l�l&'ll l'llat

· Cruqa•ltn. Egg plntlh!, lih:e 11 gl'ent maiiY mem•

bet'l.i of the uig·ht�hmle fa1111ly, hu\'C un ucl'ill Hu,·m·. '!'he J:iaJJJc IJ tmlity in the bl•uics of the climi.Jing bitterswel!·e it its familial' nuuie, u s\H'ei tnDtc be­ing saitl to follow the bitter. 'flti• quul· i1J' lias ulsu gircu the rntire genus uightsh:ulc the rcp u t atiuu of bl'ing lloi­:sonou:;, uwl l'ur ,\' l'HI'S prt'H'llh!ll the wholesome tonwto fl'um being usur] ns n ,·cg£>tnlllt1• In the !omall) t h i� !ltl \'01' is not found iu the fruit, but t h c <>d or of tl1e foliugc suggrsts the odol' of the po­tu to a !HI a l l tho l'l'H\ ul the genus. The llCt'itl fiuror of the ft'll i t of tile CJ;g }llant ' must. ul ways lH' rcmO\'l'(l beJ'uJ·e It is r l'UOlicll in uny WilJ. Tllcl'c urc two W(I,\'S of doing th is ; one is to }llll'hoil r it.· in sult ami watCl', nml the otlwr is 1 o ruh w i t h F n l t the slices of egg plnut, which •huultl be cut about hull' 1111 I neil thiel<. IAII them i n n bowl of watcrnml let them · stand un honr. Tile sl iecH muy be rinsed, seusonc<i with a little Jlcpper, dipped i n the ,I'Oii< of 1111 egg ben tcu up with n tnblcspomlfiJI of wutcr uutl then dipp<•d in dry sifted breutl m:umbs. The egg plnnt tnny now be fried in boiling hot. fat, enough to corer th1! sli<es, or· It mny be broiled liltc a beefsteak Jt'or broilh1g, the slices'cnn be simply seasoned with a little pepper ufter draining them out o! the snit and water untl dipped in sw<e\ oil, 'flte)' •l10uld be broiled 11.-e minutes on each side.

'file following Is a good rule for cook· ing Cl)g phmt croquettes: Peel untl cut into sn1ill l pieces one egg plnnt. l'lace it In suit and water and let It ston<l nn hour. Drnfn it. Cool< it until it Is tender In fresll water, druln und mash It nrHf tlraln I t tborougltly again. Tnll:e two beaten eggs, to which half a cup· fut of !>read erumbsnrrd a tablespoonful of melted butter hn1·e been a<ldetl. Stir Into lhc cooked egg plant. 1\!nl<e the pre)mrrition Into croquettes nnd let it. stund until you nrc rently to cook it. lt ought to stand nt least hnlf nn hour, mrd moy stand longer without nny in­jury. When you nrc ready to cook it 1'011 the croquettes In the beaten yolk of un eg-g nud then In �ry, sifted brend crumbs, and fry them In 1·cry !tot fat 11ntil they ure a flue brown like other croquettcs.-N. Y. Tribune.

HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Some 8utn;e•tlon• 1\'h�t:!h �I&J' lte

of \'nlne to the lluR:t'

Jlon,.en·ltc. Where�·cr a pnrnfiln lamp ls used, n

lurgu box o1· tin of sund and earth sboultl be ut hand to throw over the Harut! in �usc of nn ucchl ent i n ups<!Ltiug m· explosion of the lump. Wntcr will only SJll'cod i nstead of putting out tbc flume.

Cayenne pcpJtcr is snit! to be 11 good remedy for Huts, and will nlso dril·c awoy mice. Dlow itinto crc\·iccs whcrc the un ts arc seen.

stair carpets will lnst nnwh longer if two or thl'ee tldclmesses of brown paper or newspaper or strips of nar· row felt nrc place� bcne11th them be· fore being fastened dowu. A stuir rod should uHcr be nllowetl to rcmnin un· fastened. Such carelessness h11s been! cuusc of many seri ous ucciUents.

Too much cnrc cunnot be exercised in keeping clcnn the ordinary l1ouse bt•oom. It Is 11 fert ilc breeding plncc lor the germs of grippe, •mnllpox, scarlet fe�·rr nnd other diseases. 'l'hc British Mcdic111 Jomnal strongly ad1·ises the stmly of home bacteriology !Jy mothers nnd housekeepers.

A }lnste which possesses cxtruonli­nury mlh�sirc power muy be mudc us follows:

Ahont OOtl pairs in this lot of "Kt1bo" anti ''Daii'H" tlte high lniHtH, Yery Hhort Wlli8t.s mul otlrer regular hfl1Je(l, Romo u� wiU1 tmabt"ohlt'ry 1111d othea·s with Jnce batulliltg, hnt rth r\l·i•e t••rfect cor••!•, which retail r•gular at IIJO to t. 75, while lot ln�t� i gl'ellt bt�rguin at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Slight Mill Imperfections the Only Reason for the Reductions.

HEAVY WOOL BLANKETS. L11rg• ennu�h for nuy IH'd, hlg, warm Rn1l fnely finished

bright borders, botuul with silk, you would think they we� grade, not 11!01'8 tlum 75 t•afrs lu this lot, 11 great special value, 11 tills sale, pa1r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

COTTON MIXED BLANKETS. Of full 1 1 · 4 size ami 6 lba In weight, all high colored borden blankets IVere tuade to •ell at 1.98 to 2.25 pr .. only I case to r.o'

quickly, priced for this sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Positively aii"Hhe eorrled wool, extra large size and ven• fully bonn<! witll wide silk rlbiJons, lllli pri"" sltould be iJ 00 pairs with red bm·ders only. B great bargain, while lot hull at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . '

FINE "SAMPLE" DOLLS M uch under Importers' Prices, divided in Three for convenience of selling, as follows:

AT 89c, DOLLS WORTH 1.50 With lci11 nnd bi•qlle bmlies, all movable joiuts, some havs

stocking•, open and closillll eyes, woven wigs, loug ·curly wbile tbe lot lust•. 11t . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

AT 1 .45, DOLLS WORTH 2.00 AND :1.25, , Joinletl kid und hi•qne bmlies, stmul 11bont 2 feet

stockh1gs, fine luttuml woven wigR, blmulR nnd brnnettes, ttn� !nee ll'immetl chemise, while lot lt1•ts, at . . . .

AT 2,15, VERY LAROE DOLLS, ' Worth :1.98 to J.:as.

Dest hnprore'l jointetl ldil llntl F!'Bnch bi,qne lllltlies, pretty bally fnc""· lwnutift!l fnll rutt.nml curly wi�s. vet·y ltlr!(e dolls, worth 2 \JS to U,2;i, the price while they lust . . . . . • . ·, , . . . . . .

Don't Waste Money

M. H. Sanitary


Son!< lour pnrts by weight of glue for sevel'ILI hours in 1� pnrts of wntCI·, and then wnrm the w!tole slowly until a Jlcrfcctly clear solution Is formed. 'l'bis solution is then diluted witli 05 pnrts of boiling water tmrl the mixture is well stirred. In the mean time 30 part. of stnrch ure stirred Into 200 purls of cold \�·nter, so ns to form u thin, milky ltqul�, f1·ce from lumps. Into this is JlOitretl the solution of glue, stirring continually, and then heating. When cold, well stir In ten di'Ops of carbolic ncid.


This will strongly join leather, paste· bour·d, paper, etc. It wlll l<eep lor years if lwpl in close l'essels to prci'Cn t Cl'llll· ol'ntioll.

\\'all paper should be cleaned by brushing lt in stmlght lines with n broom, having first tied n soft, clean cloth o1·cr the broom. 'l'heu wipe tlown· wnnls lightly with slices of stnlc bread. -Jieusewlfc.

-----o,·.ter Ontelet.

Dent the yollrs nnd whites of f11•e eggs scpnmtely: jus� before turning them Into the omelet pnn mix !hem toyeth�1· nml Ucnt them ugnh1 i lmve cmough melted huttcr In tho pnn o\'l!r n 'llilelc flt•c to keep t 1m.�ggs fl'om fi•t lel<­lu ln t nrn the eggs in wl1en tlw hutt�r hu hlolr•: do not let ll lll'own: when the cg�·s lu.ogln to Jul l'(lcn round the ctlgc of tltc pnn, •prlnlde e1·cnl,)• orct• 1 h c tOJI ll t]O"CII chopped li)'StCI'S; SCOSOII well with sull· nad ret! peppc1• : fohl the onwlt•t en••efuil,l' nml qu lcl<iy tum I t o n n h o t plnttor nm1 sene nt oncc,­llostoll Budget. -----

Ji'n,·l l'lla11. \\'nrm one oupftJ] of enhl enol< eel fowl.

'J'n lltll! l.!ll)lfU) or \\'llfm' llf111 01](} OllpfnJ of Rfrtllnod tomntOVH, ono Hlllllli onion ml nce<l \'OI'Y smnll. HenHoll with Hnlt llllrJ JICJIJl•l' llllli OliO tCIIH(IIlllllllf of UIII'I'Y JIUII'Ih!l', When tltiH Is l11JIIlng tulrl one· lllllf mtplul of well·wnsltc!l rlce nn<J cook until the I'ioo I• l etuler, ni)(J I I l 20 min· 111<". 'l'he11 !l<ltl tltc towl m11l th1·ee ten· 1poon !ula of hnttcr. Wlwn nil Ia hot t urn It out 011 n plntter 11111\ gnrnlsh wltb tonst pollltM.-I'hllmMphla l'resB.

llo Thoa•ht · u. J)Jd. Tenobcr-Ot ootlne, you know which

I• the mo-t lmporlnnt pnrt of thuolar a,vdrm?

lmall lloy�The 1oler plexuel-l'uolt.,


Westneld Office, Standard Building. Westneld Yard, al l. H. Lambert's Feed Store,

For Extra MILK and CREAM ....

Send your order to

Mount Ararat Creamery. We also have a quantity of Milk and Cream at

Drug Store for your convenience. IRA C. LAMBERT,

Awnings Tents,


Shades. � ....

GDO p 8 'l't�loJlhontl, � I I rown t No, :liii·A,



_ __ ,. _Ufd -·� ·sfAHD�. ' "







� •


·•••·�-·-'J, .. .,; __

Why Our . Prices Are· Low.

Low Profit. . . . , , .

There are two great factors that go to make us the small profit Piano retailers of America·-·that have given us our;reputation in the industry as the CLOSEST sellers in the trade. These two factors are our ability to purchase more Pianos from any 1actory at one time than half <1 �ozen ordinary store� combined could possibly do, and our ' invariabi� · practice of paying SPOT CASH for everyth ing we buy. Thus, to summarize, BUYING LARGELY and PAYING CASH are the reasons of our being able to PAY LESS and CHARGE LESS than anybody else. If you know anything about buying goods .. ·it doesn't matter · m what line·· y JU know what a�vantages you secure by having the cash in your hand, and taking a large quantity; you can appreciate what it must mean for us-·the largest Piano retailing conceru m the Eastern States, if not in al l A�� .

Open tlll .IO Satnrd�y evenloga.

$6 a Mont� . · Onr low profit system is not a piece of pleaunt fiction. H is the moat certain

thing about our business, arid is quite plain to 11nyone who will take the trouble to com­pare our prices with the pricfs iu small stores. By buying from us you save about a hundred dollars, qnality for quality, on the price, ·

1.'he O�tlny of II dollar aild II huJ1 .n II'OOk1 really ]eq than that, for .. tbere ;are four and 11 third •Veeks in a n10nth, sur�ly isn't toe much to 'erip re you a good 'Piano. Yet, SIX DOLLARS monthly is ull you need pay us 011 1111 :Up'right. On payment of 'l'EN DO LLARS in cash we will deliver n Pi1mo to yon r bonse at once, nnd you cun pay M, illS or 810 each month therm1ftor, Recording to the vi1lue 'of the instrument. We have good PiaiJoanouly-OHIOKERINGS, GABLERS, HARD MANS, LES·

TERS, S1'ERLINGS and others. We hareu't the worthless "furniture" kind that mauv sumll stores sell. \Ve huve only renl, MUSICAL instruments, and our gnarantee..:.. EXCHANGE IF NOr SA'fiSFAO'l'ORY-is good wilh eve1'y Piano tluit leuves our store,

Do )'Oil think we exaggerate when we say that there len 't another investment yon could mnke that won hi give so mucl1 real ple11811re anti satisfaction to everyone 111 home ? We are sure we don't. A Pi,oo 1vould be welcomed by ALL the me1nbers of the family. and each, no matter what trend his or bel' toste takes, wonl!l be deligble<l. All \Vonlil be enthu�iastic, and a new bond of •ympathv and comp1mion•hip •vonld hH e•t�bliohed.

Isn't the question of l(et.tlng a Plano 1\'orth )'nur ser!ousn.ttentlou-especlnll)' whetl B first payment of $10, and


657-659 Broad St., Newark.

anoBarga.IOS STEINWAY &SONS No. I 09 E. 14th St., New York,

8lO noW oft'ering several O<ld offer for 81116 a'lllrge stock of UStld ]linnos

of Uprigl1t Pilllloa, both now of their own and other wannfucture, ac· sooond hand at great redu��o quired by eschn11ge for new St•inway

Sold on easy tenns of pay• pi1mo•. Rebuilt Steinway's will be ful· or liberal discoUill 'aUowed fot ly guaranteed. The prices range for

llllftl 101 PAITICUUIL

.IUJUI&'UO l}amlm Qioj Stein way uprights $350 ; Sttlnway grands i400 ; Stein way squares $200 an<! upwards. Other w11kee uprlghiB iiOO glands il50; squares i50 and upwards. &ware of bogue Steinway 1Jinnos hi privute and pnhllc sale.!







IEim Sf,

Augustus Prentz.

Contractor ... and,,.!


PIANOS An oiegnnt ne11· Grand Upright,

7 1-3 octuvcs, 3 stl'inged, full lmn fmmc, I'O(Ieatlng ndion, l\'ory lwys, 3 pcdnls very t•ich deep tone with fine singing quality, Rll<l contnin­ing nil the In test lmpro1·emonts, lor

$225 m1sh, or S 2 8 0 on lu•tnlmonts, only

$7 Monthly, "tool, C0\'1'1', Inning llll<l <ll'ii\'CI')' rroo. Wo aiHo ull'"r a now, lnrgo Him 7 J.:J o"tal'o, 3·8triugo<l Chester Plano

l'ol' $ 1 80 ''11•l1, or ,8200 on lnstnlnwnts, puy. n!Jlo fs Monthly.

_PANWOOD, 1'1icRO pl111108 111'0 f11ily \1'1\l'l'llllh•tl

fol' six yu111'a nut! Uw best vuluc NEW JER!E\', �ver oftcrcd for the money, letlcll PIIIRI Poll Olflcto

... t ru••rrtl�thld A•okt loll Ull A�•r• ta quit tobacoo en�lly nn<l lorevor, bommr IIIIo, rultol lllo, norvo Rlltl vluor, lnko No·1'o

.. ,t11uwon1tor·wurlctJr, thnt mahm1 Wi!ltil! hltUI R10n1. All drurul•to, r.ou or tJ, ourO KUIIron• lilt IJuohlvl awl 1nmplo lrco A<l1lmo · ���tu., 1111111�1 (lo, <Muauo vr Now Yo>·�

Don't. fnli to l>XIIInlno our I'IIIIJOH ul'

�end postnl for new �:ut"loKuc. with t'oliucod j>l'lcos uml toi'IUH,

HORACB WATJms & CO. 1 :U firth Aw., nom• JijLJi fJt.,

N tlW 'I'CIH"'

future monthl)· P&)'Iot.mtBof $II wlll t:ecure ;rou a. lfUOd unu? .


TERRIBLE UPH.EAVAL 1 iaent, so thnt fhe beat wns nbstrncted �r·

- WOMEN AND DRESS. . . nl'ernge man lo�ks for e:ll'eets. ,\ big

from c\·er\·thin(J' near • . A dny or two · --- 1 1m� may catch has esc, but he gencndly later the iro�cr;ment geologist arri\"ecl :A Few naa•blla&r Obaen·atlo•• bJ' • is critical us to whnt is bcneat11 it. A

Volcano In New Zealand Which Is nt 'fauranga , and preparnlions lo in· Jlan Who Thlnlu 11• l[aon-• il?shy waist moy st ir his nttentior, but spect the sent of the clisnster were SIJillethinll' About It, lus rcmnrks mny no � nh�·ass be com· Equal to Vesuvius. tmshed rapidly forward. On the fourth mentlatory , If t he cluef aun or woma_u t],, •. nfter tile erutJtion, the part�· nr· Autl,orities say I here are more worn· is !O get a. husband a knowledge ol lh11 ,, en tbau men in t11e world. Also, there i f 'd bl ril-ed at Wnil'On, the Maori viilnge, • re more rarielles. E•·er• \\'oman is a s o cons1 era e mome�1t. ltoEraplloala 1880lodl 8ome 8traa•• There \\'US .!'cnrcely a vestige of the set· � ' The a.vernge man !lml<s n slack•

and Uea.otlful IUiech-chanaed tlement 1CI be seen, the who1e \'11lnge tlifl'erent ral'iety-in [net, but two n.r!! drr:sscU womon will be n slacl\ house•' tbe \\'hole Conntrr I• the bacl been crushed bcnentll \'olcnnia 1anl, �h.ieJ, t hose who know how to dt·css keep�r, and he is gcnernlly right. 'rhe Rbort Tlme of81s lloar•. nnd the cllarreU. nnt.l bnttercd remains and tllos!! who don't, won�·nn who lenves lnrge rents b her of tl>e little •illnPe churcb an d otl1er A gentleman is defined as one who is gloves is npt to overlool< his hose and

The ll'hlte terrnces of Rotomahana builtllngs protruil�d nbo\'e the surface superior to his clothes, but the lady is 111,-en , And there you are . 1 . ...,.. up in n series of 20 plut.forms In 1 • li r. t d l>nown by them. Lnily, therefore, is nut then it isn't the clotl es tha.t v•• of the·deposit, IV nc nt o�rs . mensurc the tlrst of tbe nbol·e-named two l'nrie- . .

, ' :�:,!�����! ;.�;�:;������;���:in�:�� :����Se

,�o�;.n t:�i��a��·:ha�

u,\e�rg�"��� u�.

ow it uocs not folio,. that n!ndy ls �:�� ���,.:··�����-\� ���·.�!�a�-!�

dazzling whiteness, 'Ihe to!' step was young Englishmnn wns killed, ns wel Jne who Is g il•en to wenrill" gu·y gowns an-t.wo kinds'•,?f h�,r, in !net, the one \'erticutty SO feet above the base nml sat as the �!nol'is who 1\l·ed in t IJC district ., they pet UJld the·· one · they worship, 300fect hack, From every platform bui>· uml exacteil I oils from ,;sitors to the nn<l glil<l)' garmen Is. Fine feathers mny The first is of_ the confiding sort bles cotlious elatl(ls of stt!am. A strcnm Hot lakes. The scene wn.s the "'ildcst mril\:\! Jhlc blJ•ds, but a erO\\" "'ould look about whom everyone remnrl;:s: "lsn 't of boiilng water cont-inually flowed lmoginnble. The air rushed O\'cr 1he awlmnrd wlth � peocoek's tail. she just the, denrest litlle.tbing�" for from the geysers, anil ns it feU slowly laml with cyclonic fury, uprooti ng, The demure little Indy with thc .pnle she lms a t r1ck of sm11ggbng her way from tier to tier the •lllcates with tearing and ' brealdng trees that lind "omplexion and dark limpid eyes nnd into the nffectlons of all womor. t hat whicl1 the water was hearil•• chnrgell 1 'J r k 1 1 b such " general air of sugar and sim· they prefer her comp nn •· to n an' ., •uTii\'ed the lnl o roe s, ear ng el'e plicity kr.o\\'s thnt a plain gown of . ' m s-became deposite�,on lt� exposureto tbe and there n gnnrled nnil jagged trunk, <l sometunes, air, and wonilerfut lnce·work!leslgns of denuded of branches and s tripped of black or grny is just tile thing she nee s l'he other Is the klncl that imites con· lnllnitc variety an<l of dazzling w·hrte- Its bark. to complete tbc picture. !Ier frock wit I fidencc. She i s usually of the lnrge· ness and puri ty were forme<!. Not far 1'hc next day the party set oft for be pla in to painfulness-on another girl mlmled type of \\'hom nil women musl f1·om the white terrace wus · nnother Rotomnlwnn. As they approached the -but s]Je knO\I'S what suits her. lf sbe stand in awe. They do it ns women do termed the "Pink Terrace," where, ow· bot Jakes huge cracks, extend ing hm1· can only get one of !hose chuck·me· almost nerythlng, intuitirely. And lng to oome culorlng substance in the !lreds · of yards In length and ubout a amler·the·cl1 ln bon nels nn d look "P In- then there is the "motherly" woman, silicious waters failing from the gey· l foot in ll'idtll, were seen ln nil <lil'ec- quiringly from benenth Its brim she whom women worship more <1el'otcdly. sers, the deposits were oi a llelicnte t ions. The scene wns one of t he strangf! knows lhc picture is perfect. The a,·ernge mnn 11·hcn he meeta

1 h Dy the way, what docs she inqu ire th h h. 1 ii pine hue, from wh cb w•s derh·ed t e grandeur of absolule desolation. 'fhe wnen she gives this glance? lt muy ne, esc types as IS wei ·de 111ed iilcna nnme .. Plnl' Terrace." upheanl of n:1ture bnd blown tbe won� ns l{r, Gilbert said, t.hnt she is wonder· knocked nskew. He is ere a more \"tlgua

Unfortunately New ZQalnnd no long· 11el'fu1 terrace• to nt<�ms; steam was lng whnt on earth this world enn be, l imn ever on t11e clothes quest ion 11.-n. er possesses this unlgue spectncl< , for rising In <len•• clomls from one end ol but tlie chances nre that she Js silently As I said before, l1e only gets general the t erl'nces are nu n10re. The rarlous the nren to the ot11er, a distntlce at impressions, bnt I here ure t imes whem agencies of nn.ture which originally I n bout n·ine miles, Tiolomnhnna lake ""'1 hmocently lnquil'lng If she Isn't tile even h is well·ptnnned ideas I nil him, sweetest thing in slgllt. . built up such curious forms served in was n yawning caldron from wbich rose Tll'e"e nre women \l'ho shonlcl always bcaleutally be hns plnnne<l t hem nil turn 10 destroy tbem, Mr. Falconer , n majest ic co:umn of steam . Tho wear Ught nnd fentb ery, niry·fnlry, by t11e last woman he hns met. Ol glres a grnplllc description or tlw el'ent. l grouml was completely stripped �� pu lfy creations In costumes. These nrc course, tl10y nre shntt erctl when he Jle wns l'esltl<ug at thnt time about lO regetal ion nn1l co1·erctl with lnl'i lrom usuully the lull or medlum-sizC!l, wll· meets the next one. \\'hen !10 begins to :�t�s

n��·t:o�t ti�:�� i�l�:a,:�::�le�� ��:,�i ;�·,h':':'��,��!�;ne;.1'�r

1;���.:,·:� ;l:�;'�f,� ��.��-�� b;��11�1 t;�r.:·t ����� :����������-:1��,·: ����;kt l;� o�;���J� �������\��f.�"����;·���

calm. Ileni'Y rumbling so11n11• like explorers snnlc in I I ncnrly lo thch· sum OJel' ,19., only t wo lrinds of womcn-!l<Osc who rolls of distant. thunder filled the nlr, knees, 'l'lms I n th e spnce of time wns As lor the tnltor-mnde gh•l, she Is n il i<now how to <lress and tlwse wbo tlon't.. lmt there wns no \'cry gro11t alurm. North lslnml smldenly sl1orn of I ts right In the dnyllglit, hut not nft<l' -Home J,Jfe, The next clay dnwnc<l dult nn<l gloomy. u .. ost {leculinr nut urn! fent nres, In six cln l'l<. An ,-11-,,,-,-,.-11-. 1-1-,,-,.-�-u-I•J«•I, About 7 : 30 o'clock the morn ing gt·ew I hours I he wl10lc "'l"cl of t110 coun try 1\'omen nre nel'el' l'llln. The one who Dr, Lewis JiiiiWS, one of the lt'.Hicrso! dnl'kcr nnU If gilt Sl"tlj' l!sh, \'Cl'Y fin!!, wns clmngcd, nnd whnt wna cne of th e sttmrls lmlf nn b011r bcfcwe I� mlr a·m· !3 the Grernnl:!rc Chnutnu�un In �1n lne, be­begun to fall. Jle snys

lth>l, nllhm

;gh most l<enut ilt:t spots In the 1\'orl<l wn• mere I)' looltlng tor<> chance tu lm ]ume sl<los being n •choln r Is " good dt•n l of they •urmlsed nn crl�ll on was tnk ng tTnnsforrned Into n barren countr,r Cl\l'· her itppcnl'nncc, She Is llCI'cr sn< lsllc<i a wll. �lectlng a rrlen<l who 11•11s at• place lu the IToL Ln c 11lstrlct, there pcted lu lnm nnll COI'Crcd with 1lebrs, wlth lw<·sct r n,·o mlnulcs n t n t lmu, r. nd teutl l ll g lhu recent sumu<cr >e»lou of wore uo dcllnlte tl<l lngs t o thnt cfl'ect, 'l'he geysers, howcnr, stil l nhonnll ln RUI'cl,r tlw t Is not l'll llily. 1\'otnL il nrc the fnmous lnstltullan, til' nslml how he ,0 thnt he could only wnit to see 1\'hnt profnsion, mul It IR Jlossiblc In t 1 111c mereiJ' jenlons or IJn lroni zhl" or 001.. I 1 I I 1 I' 1 1 1 would l10ppen, lly the nld or 11 lnntern otlJcr il'l'l'.lcrs may be lormcd.-Wln<l· ctous,

h 11'"" en, 0!' ng 1 mse I. " •.xcc ent y, !Jc succccilcd In gl'oping his way to tile IOI' �ln�azlnc, 'l'liel'c nrc •olll" II'OillCII 1\'lio cnll tell n Ul1 1 l l rcstenln,r," wns the repl,r, ''whea

ffi 1 1 1 1 1 • I lil'lltli Prof. X-." "Didn'l he leo-tclcgrnpb 0 ce,1

nm ht '"" 1e cnr�« u11nod ch ... tnato, denr sister thnt her dress or 1Jo:1 nct Is l ln·c well?" nslwd t11c doctor. "Not a lllllt ll ••;Ions <I slur "i'"" wns t�l< ug '' stgn rendhll!' "llolle<l CbestnuiR," " <lrenm nml then dcserlb• I t ns n frcnl< nil," nn swercd h is friend, "lie simp!!!' pl11cc nt l'�rnw�rn Inn\ �otomn

i�IID�. l!lspln)'C<l on & dll'sln ut l'entler's st l1nd to nnotl�er, hnt 1 11111 come• fronl till'!'• t old us what he dhl n 't lmow." ",\bl" Ahont 11] n

leloc t l

ie l llr ne .. 11 ·�;I · \VIIS 10 110\l•n•t Ill to ntlt'ilcl nllcntion, It nil depends llj\01\ one's pol li t or dew, qm·ril'll the doo1or, "I hen he II •tltl All ronn< t lc gro llnt wns co\'cre< II' ' 111111 c\'cll I his \'CIHicr sold I'OI"I clmt· There 111 11)' he II ll l tlo tlecelt I n I t , bli t tnli<tng'I"-San l•'rnt�<' IBeo Wai'O, & thin, 111 111,1' (IIIII of fillCII!h to tlie <leplh nu1!, too, l'enrs ngo Rnch chcRtllllto Ql ll'hut Is 11101'0 llnturnl Ilion deceit ?

of hnlf 1111 inch, 111111 it �·ns nftenmrd were e11ten coollo<l wHe muoh mor� lly l lw Wily, I menu!. to �n1·e •nhl folln<l tllllt the lntcr!Rc <lnrkliCOH wn• common ly h.lilcd lllnll tliey nrc now, thnt t h ercuro lot • of youiiR WDnwn ·•ho on.IJBcll by a thick clmlll of tlllst hi own and It wns not IUinMIIl l then to ace tlicm RI'O nut ti<'lllllro bnlllct h••, 110r yel wll· ollt hy the volcniiO to n height so ti'C• tlilll onere� In tl>c ltrcct I but nown· iowy t,Jom!H nor tniloi'·U111<le gh•is, who mcnllons lhnt lt ltaued above 'fnnrnngn ,dn,t' Jli'Oplc almost wtthont cxc<•pllon dro .. well. •rtw)' nlwl1y• ltocp th• ]lie· &1111 d ispersed over tbo country 10010 (>refer them ron•l<•<l. So boiled oii<'Ri· lure In 1111 1111, 't'!"'·'' l nl<o lil<crt ic• wlth mile• ll'ny. uul!, once fnmllilll". hove como to be 1 Mme. l>'IIKi i lun, l iu l they 11lwnys RIII<IY

'fho IUIInileatntlon WRI 11000111]1nlll<tl novclty,-N, Y, llilllo fur the jiiCtlii'O, t i l t hough the 1180 of by inlciiSO cold , l11o tl<ermomclol' rei( I!· !'A in t I• u•unl ly doplnrctl, turing tho degree• of fro1t., 'J'hi• i• ex• lho lollcotl "• lho IJid, Now, thnl il ll'hn t cntcheo tbc a1·crnll'e Jllii lnml hy tho !nuL llmt tho co111m111 llc-1• thl• lho lint limo you'n ntr mnn, lio dou nmt go into tho <lOiiilla of •tcl\111 n• thcy o111110 hh•l nll' oul ol thu lwcn In lm•o, ilurlhtif? of dl'coo unte•• he io cmployml h1 t ho on ten oxpnndc� Ql they UIUCIItled 11111! fl!IC (l hliUglit leaM],\')-Yu, IIIII· lt'I IO WllUIII II'I <lClll)l't!llel!l of J! a!ore, '�'bo ,�101·be� !_!lcjr�WI! h•�t1wld�!• �·•�JIIg •Ice t11nt I hoJll II WOII't be t111 l11t.

-SII'IJ Storlu,

1l'ho•e 1 11fJ11hUh•tt ''OIIII.JII f•tlt I "1'11]111, ,\'1111 toolc lllc sclenti ll< couru

In collrgo, dldn'l yo11?" , "Yeo, <lcnr) I spent two )'<'llrs on lei-,

011('(','1 "Whl'll ,l'llll lnol< ln n mirror tl 1e left

•i<lc of your rnoe lli'Jll'lll'! to he lho rltl'b& Bille, 111111 thr right >Ill<' •�•'1111 to bo tbl lr.rt, 'l'lw lookl11g 111111 roi'CI�U It, tloc�n'1. It ?tt

U\'CMo" ' 1 "'fl1r� 1\'h,l' dom1't It ro1•rne tl1o toJ1

111<1 lintt Oill of ,1'0111' face thf tnmt �·ny 7" .��:111-CI�.�h.l.:' .. �

.. ,���-�-��d . . �:!j



TIE UNION �OONTY STINiaD of 'em. A1 to the "bles1ing;" well, there I I

;!"�!JIIslte1 e\'OI'f Tua•d•y and Frldl>J lbJl l

The Standard Publishing Conc•rn. E •• 1. WnlrEIIEAU, President.

. A. E. PEAUIIALL, \"Ice-President, ·C. E. PEAIU!.HI�. Secre1arr-'1'rea5ure ...


Olllce-STI\IliDAI!D Bulldlna. .tdvertl•lng Rntos furnished on application.

WESTFIELD , N. J., DEC. 1 1899.

wasn't lilly. Poi!Sibly, ltowe�er, Queen Victoria sui� her pmyers aUt! �ujoyed her cotfeo quito us well as nsu11l this morning.

But wltut of the home berenved fo•·cvm· ? \l' ln1t of the slain ? Whut or the cri }I pled and sick ror lire ?

For the ono, neglect. llol' tho otl1cr, u cotliuless buritd iu 11 ll'el!ch . !lor the other a ern tch ami 11 mcLlnl. b'm· tho othH' 11 mo>lal mlll the nttt· cltine cl111rity of the 11oapi tal.

lllessings ? No ; not hiessiugs, bnt ctmes wil l be Englund's }lOrtion .

.'\ot been use there is 11 Clot! ilt hem·cr1 or a God out of h01tl'cn ; but bemmsa she sows tl1u seeds of Selfishness, lit·

tie e�u·ing whether tlwy f111l in , lUI· otlwr man's gu1·tlen or in her OIV!l ; so be i t that she h:1s the power to gutheJ• hcr uul:oly cmp. lle1' gOBJlOI hus ever been, 1\[igbt makes Right. 'l'ho bl'!lggurt nnd bully of the un• tions, she is nlreu<iy ovel'·l'ich aud over fed. England will die of 11poploxy.

============ Euglnnd defies the Laws of God Will you please into;est yonr�elf, defying tho r,aw8 oE Nllture. . · ono wuy or tho other, m tho snbJOOt

ANOTHER TROLLEY P�\ltTY Thll ::�{��/:(!��; �;rroreetlll Ia ordluarlly no nd•·antoge, but 1 �:ca•lloltollly a 11111U. gcltl hol•lcd I>)' hi•

ejllgt•nm. · ,\."hu•tllng young New Yo1•ker .who W>IM l't!Lvlllly •••tnhll�be<l 111 n lll'nneb of tbu oil bnsluess 1111>1 Het


T H E LINE ON TUESDAY. \\', 11. G1'tll'�tll1 nr the Norlla A�t!Dtlc lh•- out to get the )JUti'OUtiJ;H of u certain tul, Enterh,illeal the l�rty at r.urwh til'lll. 'l,I.Je t1eutl of the (.'Oncel'll Wll� re-

Ann the JUtlt' ''a• Euth!d-t�l""" Jn nt to Uluke n dulllj.W. \Ve11t.lleld ltitiMt!tl lt8 tile t'lrllt �11r I'IUIIH!d, oil \\'� hll\'e tJet11l g'l!ttfng fillS Col. E. W . Hiue Rlld A. A. Gmltlls, of been llllonllsfut'tnr,r ," •nhl he, "uud

the Westfield & Elizllbetb Street Hnil·· full to SL'C wh)' we Hi>nnld n11ll<e 11 clm nge, Am thel't' uns l!Xtl'n iutlucc-

1\'11)' rulllplluy, with II l>llge party of nwn1• yon <•nu of!'er� llnll' <lo ,l·on pro· gnesls went over tbe new trolley J'OIIll I"'"' to illllll'OI'c till tl"' tilt! ,11111\ity'l"

l'l'olll I'lainlielll to the B. & 0. tm!'k• "Ill tltl• w11,1·," 11'11" th" fiTOillill nn· helow Craufot·•l, on Tnesdn); nfternooJJ. ti\\'t.:!l', ''I Jll'OJlmw to g:im till1 hus!ue:;s ·rwo open CIII'S cnrrietl the pltsseugets, 111,1' i'"l'Solltll nllenllon. I lnlulll.l lo 1111t who wet·e mnch impressed with the W>l)' �on1e o! Ill)' hrniu• Into e1·ury lmrrel llf the netv 1'01111 wlli built. oil 11"£' sellll nul."

'J1he re,1olmlt•l' plt>nlw<l tJw olcl g�Utlt•­m:m, IUHI lw hPt•:wu� n f.'ll:-.:1ouwr·. 1'he lirst em· wns in clmrge "f Mm'tor

uum lllnrk Hi!'i' untl Cou<luctot· John Hnyler. Motllrnum Peter Peterson tltl•l Collllnctot• Sauntel Ayres wew: on tbH •ecouol CRI'. Jnllll Adebullllll, formerly snprrhttewlent of tllu Pl!linfit•ltl Stt·eet. RailWII)' Comptlll)', nnd now snperinten dent of the entire l'lninlield·EIIz�l.mth B)'BfeiU, WUB in COIIIIUBIUI of the pHI'\)' nud person111ly took charge of the first cur on the outgoing trip.

Col. E. W. Hine, of Orange, &1111 A. A. Gaddis, of Westfield, represented the company on the trial trip. L. W. Serrell, Jr., the coutract.or wl1o bttlll the mad, Edgu I. !lerrell, l1ls snverlnten dent of construction, ntd W. W. Silvey, Ids bOokkeeper, were also present. H

A fl'\\' numtlu; IJlt l'l' tlu� liuHtlln� .rouu.L: mtuJ wnH ohllUP11 1o mnl;:L' n jo1Jr­uey, nwt il1 his nh�eure, thi'Olt�li some Ol'!'l'•hrlll, ll1e tJUn lily of oil wns nllnll'· t•<l to tll'turiul'nle. It 1m• quickly noh•il. an1l n l\\tWl' on me \11 the otUcu n��o1'{\S ouc of the }n•otestfl. lt t·entls: "llctttlc­mcn-Wheu we wei'C Induced to ullc your Jll'O<ltwt, "·e were aHKnrcd thnt M1·. Hlnnlt )lilt some or hiH hrnhtH Into Cl'"r�· !Jut·rel of oil. We tleellly t•egrl't tn obseJ'\'C thnt �lr, lllank Is thJ•euteneJ with pm·cs\s."-Washlngton Star.

T•o•� AmtaiJie C••••••••· Maud-This Is ruy engagement rfog.

Isn't it lo\:ely?

of currency reform ? Here's 8 story for you, Uight Rev- C. .Van Ewbnrgh, the company's en· glneer, was with them. Sylvl\nus Holf·

England-so good, 1\Dd so highly eren�s aml Wrong Uevercnd s l lllllD, forewan of tbe local compllny's rc civilized-is keeping up war's hor- Here s II story for you, good people, )lBir shop, Willi on the secolld CRr. ·,

Edlth-l'ertectly adomble! How t'rous Fred wns to give you such a valuable one! .And to tilfnk t11at tolks sar tltnt your fati1er paid tor it!-Boa· too TranRt'l'h>t.

rors. Wlmt for, if not for gold p and bat! people; here's 11 story for The' illvlbid guests ourobered som� till l Jt is the story of R little Jook• l!flVenly and iuclnde the following : Sale of land for Tares

Honest up, 11ow: what for ? c t · A 1 f N k F 1 I I ing glnss yet big enough to reflect a 11" 8111 ns Ae, o ewar ; roo 10 ( er -IN­Westfield Township. ' . . . . Kin�. of Clark tow11sbip; Freeholtler Should you receive a specimtn phase of Dlnetoeuth century omhz· M. M. Scudder, AB-or Jobll M. 0.

copy of the STANIIARIJ ple11Se con· atiou (Heaven SIIVe th.e mark, with Marsh, (',oJ!ector A. H. Clark, Chalrmar1

sitler tlmt you are politely requested thP thunders of English gnus rour· of Township Committee J. Ansi In Deu· to become 8 regular subscriber. ing in ou r ears) aud the little look· nls, Township Treasurer C. W. Borden ,

N mv thnt we lmve the trolley how wm1ld it do to cnll it Broadway in·

a tend of BroRll Street ? Of course it would be putting on ai1·s; but lot's JIUt on a few,


ing gi111s iu dead child's face :- · lot·mer Township Commftteewatl · George B. Embree, Township Clerk

Agnin the cry Libre ! "

"They wonld 11ot even let ruy dyio,; Charles D. R�FP Overs er of.tbu· Poor child breathe ita 1111!1 ��� the rooms. l Fred c. Decker, lUBtke E. R. Collins: suppose the sltlewalk IB a good enough Townslllp Eugineer Vreelnnd a11d L. H pl11ce for a poor pel'tlon to die\" sobbe<l Halsey, of Cranfortl ; R. N. French lllld �l';l' . • Tncob Ammun11, whell a

,constable Ernest French, of Ora11ge ; Mayor Geo

evJcteu. her. Her tive·month• ·ol<l

.bnb?· F. Kyte and Assesl<Or William R. Stans

wns <ly111g In he.r 11"11'· She Cllmed It burv of Fnnwood · Preaident of Tmvn · is heunh-"Cuba 1 1 · ' ' ' to the street and ! .'ere it passe< ll\VI>y, 'n ship Committee Thomns J. Nichol aut!

H11t this time it is the p{ttyer : ".Snve · me from my frieitd, the United SLates"-or, more cxnctly to spmtk, from the Administrution.

The Amuumns hvet1 11t No, liO Rm1k1 Trensnrer Brookmnu, of Scotch Plsills ; street, Newnrk. The fntl1er coul<l get Conndlmnu Frnnk . H. Smlt.b, J. J no wo:·l� autl when they ca�nt\ �o the entl Keune)\ J. \Viswnll Drarton, J. A. a�i�.���\!l::.�����f,;\��l!�� }!!:�����ie!i�·��������t of then· t·esom·ces the bnby fell •ll. 'l'hnt Bintz, C. �I. Ulrich and Clull'les C. Lis lot �ort� •ldool Broml >to·.ut. �vus n. we�k atg.o. A doctor pre�cr

.ihell ter, of Plninlieltl.

Tla.l otttu of Jh•c dullnrl! ntul four cunt!i ngnluat b I ·' lk tb 1 d t 1 k 1 ,':r'!�I�8, .• ",r,,�11Ic1.11'1c1•/· 111'o,r111n1c'·'t'•t .1l"il't',".

cmmt uf th·u tlcrcs rum Y &nu ';"1 88 ". 011 Y, 10 1 e l' Wbeu the car llllsse!l over the !JOtllt " " ·' to lJe beuefictnl. He mtgb� 1 ust 118 rel1· <lnry of WeRtfield, the W esttield meu ju n�o-�1i,�/j�'�{J:,��· �Uutf,�Pf���n1l\,rd'�!111a���'�;;·t o������ sonably luwe ortlet'!Hl duuuomls or the enrs cheel'ed wiltlly. As the cnrs luts lllltt·b ntul O:;hc1rtw tr1u:t. Jleurls. Ths nnfm"t.nunte nlOther luul to pnssed the residence of R. R. �iuclair, ce�:�::���1!��1�fEt�;: 1�{·u������'ri'r.1'���j�;;�n}�·����S see her chi ill slo\\•1)' stluve. tl A eti , 11 fll" wns hoisted to tb mutccount. of lots 011 Wet�t corner or Westtlelil

Tl d' s 1 otfce 111 d 11 18 111 ell 1 g , � a\·uuue nml Ftr:;;t t-treut. ten caJae 8 1'1>011Bes 1 1 top of !tis l\11g Jtole ltllll WIIS gre�te!l 'l'lte 811111 or one dollnr a111l twentr-olght


Thanksgiving Week. • • • • Oarment Sale

IT DOES' NT require a vast amount of s1Jace to • superior our assortments are to any in ·

who have been here concede it-,-and that is pret ; everybody within' a radius of �fifty miles or more, ty be interested, however, in the announcement that special prices go into effect th1s week, Particular is directed to an entirely new line of elegant Cloth and Capes, beautifully trimmed with Sable, Mink Persian Lamb and Skunk-the markings way Delo� from $1 6.98 to $4o.oo each.

All Kinds of Fashi_ .• IA ...


'ITE BUY none but the best and sell them on ' J its. Every garment carries a . ticket rect name of the fur from which it is made, ing to completeness-Jackets, Capes, Scarfs, Clusters, Muffs and Children's Sets-thousands of the ·.vorld's best makers of reliable goods at pricet no room for argument.

All Small F1:1rs will now be fouuf First Floor, Centre Aisle.


L. BAMBERG ER Market and Halsey .Sts., NEWARK,

Do yon see things to· tiny jnst us yon sn\V them n dee�ltle ngo? P1·oh nbly not. How, then, do yon know that yon will not see thit1gs ten YOJll'S hence, in � dif!ereut light ngnin?

com�tuble. The lmsbnucl was in Ne,,· •. 11 ,1 . All 101110 tl e lt'lle 111111 1 Cl1ll.t� li.J.:Ill!lst t>:�t. \\'m. II. Pier/ion tor a.ud 011

• b \\ 1 I U 1ee1s. '' n 1 l llC('Iltlllt of lot 7 hlnek :1 llarrh; untl Osborne Yodt resterdlly, trymg to orrOIV kerchiefs were ll'nvml from the wiwlowH trnct. ' ' tt���··"'"",..��� .. '""'"'"�lttlttltt,..Millllll �nough money to sutlsfy the l111HIIord, und the smnll bo)'H )'PIIetl r1.0111 tile curb. Tlic smn of tim,., dollal'l! ,nllll sevent)•·nln"

A good det1l of news 11111tter pick· ed np sinco our last issue i; lnid over until next 'l'nesdny ns it wns im· possible to get it iu type, the SuNil· Ann force having, of course, taken n dny of! on 'thanksgiving.

Keep your eyes nud enrs open, now, for the clwnce remark th11t will he ym1r cue whllt the loved ones won ld most nppreciate ns n holid11y gift. · 'IJJC Sr.\N IJAJlll's udvertieiug col umns n•ill tell you just 1vhero to find it.

mul the wife bud to face the Bituution At the cm'ller or Elm aml Bt·mtd stl'eets ���:���f��'?fi�.;;�� •. !�·�,��t:l i��t:H�I�r�/�!t:."d 011 nloue. the curs stop:•etl aml the puty·\\'us pho n�r�;�:i'�'u�����;.�������:¥����i�r�}�-��J�tu;.'tn�� The collslttble removed the fnrnltnre togl'lllJhed. lot �out� avuuuo llDII Brou<l •tll'Ct. mul w'alke<l away, wbistlitJg cheerf�tlly. Tl r 1 11 � 1 Thti cars pasaet.l throu�h Cranford 11 n1\�8�11�far�n���e1��\,��.11}� 1!::ul8 u��c��c����� The mother, IJOlJeless, sat In 8 brnken amid the cheers of umttei'OllS smnll boys .,1 l,onse mul II acres West side Woodland <!own cbair on tloe sl<lewlllk, the bully B ._ . JLI'cllue ami went ns fnr llS thtl · o;. 0. crossmg, 'l'lm s�un or el�ht dol1nrs a1ul elxtr-ono cent� wruppetl in a ragged shnwl. She I'Dck·

where tho truck onds. • bill. agJLinst Andrew n. Woo<lrul! for tuul Oil et1 to and fro null croolle<l to It uutil it 'l'he cnrs then retnrnetl to Westfleltl ��';:'�';��.;:r l10uso and IS ncr•• ll""t side Uab·

<lied. where tbe gnesls were ht\'iled to the 'l'l•o .,,m of tw• <lolhm aJHI ll\'eul North Avenne llotel. " UitJe Hosl11 W. f�t100'�•W,o��!:t'01u�f�:�{<'rnrul on

The prOJJOsition now brought for· II. Grognu lull! II lunch rendy, and then 'l'be sum of •even llollnrs mul ll!t)··•ovcn ward by the school trustees is, if the prominent me111hers of the 1•nrt.y ��:��:,::f'��,f�t�����l,h�ld1���1�f.:��·�,l,.�,��n<l on possible, more pmpostm·ous thnu be· were cnll�d upun for s)leeches. Col '1'1'" sum <>f ""'''" dollar• uml flltY·fiOvon

Hine told of tim final success of tile �ec��o''"',',�t��ttnl'ot�;.',',·,,lct�llll>l<rlkol�tlr'cl�t". uurr for �Jill oil fom. Adtleil to the objecUous which , " , "

, tlll'ee re>us' efforts. A. A. Gaddis &!HI 1'ho """' nl thlrty.IJw dol111"' 11n<l firty cents fot'lllerl v stood ngamst tho rccmn· L W S 1 , 1 k T

ug"l"•' Unknowu "'"'" lor ami on nccmmt uf � • . . a��e , "l'•t ·n so t;pO e. own lut 7 1n lllock 7 oR titm·tlr llliiiJ betng flO !t!el ml meii<]UtlOII of the board IS tho fact shill Counnitteuuum c. W. Hlltden toltl �ontb nveuue. " Westfield wulkcd till the trolley tl111t the trolley is now built through of the trmtbie8 of a tmvuship couunittee· n��u;,�;;r,:�:�·:,�t������,��;;·�.�:�.;t��:���J'��

ran." Elm street and only 11 few feet from man cal let to vote on 11 trolley frnnchise. f��,���\' ��� �0\1��· .. �.�:;!.: 011 "'"er map 1"1"� We ongh t to have said this, bnt whore it is pro}Josed to buill] the new Justice Coll ins llllltle 11 shot·t speech. E. The sum or se•'elltr·elaht dollars •ml te11

, , , Eckel closed the s!Jeech·lllllkiug with 11 cents n�alnst Unkl1ownow11er for mod 011 ac· we didn't; Cilat·lie Denman, as school house. If there IB obJoctton sollg. )'lU'}�e't'.�b���������ul'.t.;' .. ��wer m•P oolnw usn�!, guessed it first. If we h11d to the trolley lJ81Sing houses whore Shortly after five o'clock the CllrB The sum orono lnnuln<l 11ntl tl\·enty.el�bt

• dollai'H 8128, a11tl tlfty eil{bt ('Cilts agnlust E5t. money enough we'd hire Deum�n to tl1ere m�y be but one or two clnl· Westfte)!) on the return tl'ip aud rencbed s, s.Mol"'sloraM on accmmt o�lol l ln block ' 1 b 'd 10 o n sewer m•p being 181,01 feet on l'rmpect say thmgs. dren, and they Ullder tho care of the w t out acct ent. strett.

. . motb0rs, there Is 11 mountain of ob· a��:rs �� own· Every once 111 11 wlnlo we hear of J'cctious ngains ' building a school Ornamental pieces of fine giasaware or �or and ·�·�··_::'����.-�·;"::::.:·:�-��:·:� :�ao11

S'l R bl' 'l'l · · d ' In vogae, Tbey way IJ& map otrevt. I ver eptl leans. tiS IB excce

• house in a location lvbero 200 or 300 profusion Rlld f'lr all uses ingly annoying. Aml there appears childt·on ont of tlteir mother's C!lre, Br���{;�;,rn�r Pt��o:rf�� �t'JO'"it:�� to be quite 11 bunch of 'em ; even un- will be unnecessarily endangered ; for ray street, New Yot·k. to II Silver National Ilepnblican tho Jli'OJtosed tot is not the only one Committee, which I'CCCittly closetl its in till IV est field. 'l'he lund tlmt the JlunmJJIIII 11r1111elw• o .. t.

Ss. I 'tl tl (}Ccl'st' t to 1111 k I n I t I Elm .},,,,·.·.s,u. l.!'.,".'.,'.l!!r.l,).:·.llHvo,,,',lto,lrta,•,,•, .a.n,,•l.n,,r,t,!: .. � .• c,•,•.t •, se ton VI 1 10 01 I o Il l tt'nstecs ttsk tl" to buy,. tiiOroover, J' s nnm�nn, t Je plto ogrlll> ter on " " � " E " I "' llf lnt );} in hlotJk 27 Oil EUWt!r IIUIJl bttlug 60 fetit efrort for tlte fusion of t temselres, in tho lowest }Jnrt of tho section of sl�eelf h11.s recently tultled camera ""I'� on Bro•d etrcct.

Dornocr11ts and Populists 011 n silvm· . . . phes to Ins photogrnpl1 hnsfness nnd hns ���;���;;r,:,�J;1;�::·�!�i'.I��}����.�·;;Y ���� ��1t1�\rt,;,; I f 1 1 I ' f tho town Ill which It hfiJlpOrtS to Cllt pricas to meet those of Ute llll'ge '"'""""' uf lot 9 1n block :!llou "'wor nliLil bOIII" P 111 01'111 tllll n l ec nrntlou or 1111 bo locntetl ; 1\ll(l they ure nsking 118 to city tit·uts. If lntereste!l, see him. 711•81 feet 011 �onlh ILvenllc. CUrJy COll \'ClltiOfl · 'l'hu SIIIU of fortl'·Rfx duiJttrti nnd fl'(l\'(l!lteun 0 il}lJ1!0}ll'illte �-lfl,OOO, !CS8 *4,000 f0J' -- C'"llR U"UIURt ERt,\Vm.'rert)' (UrtUHJ OllllltCUUIIt l\l r, llnuntl shonltl stoll this sort ;'tlutw!lliuaidv,to build n achool houac 'l'l•e J'arm ""•' tlu· ,,,.rt..-nae. �f,1m.J!,l1�/�,�� :!ilmt Kow•r nutt' bulng Ill teet of liOI'csy, ill II tlangm·ous locution ,1 118 well 118 Tim follow hi>: slol'y lllustt·ntus the 1'h"umur unu hmulreol "'"I •o•·•n'"""''""

J'eBOlll'Cl!S of 1l NPlJJ•nsJ�11 rm•m : A dollnrs �trul tlfty Ct!lll81lt.::l'ltu;t l'ul'l'luu l i . Hum-'l'ho young 1V oatfioldel' wulked

homo fwm tho foot bnll gl'ountls with ch in np null h is chost swolled, snying nicu things to h imself und othoi'S, Al l rigl1t, yomtg 1111111 ; swoll you1' chest mHl nil thnt, hut don't spoil m·ory thing b�· gettiug 11 swollcd !wad. \'our Joy•tlly to dem· old Wcstllold (gt·ottt upplliUBo) is WOI'tiJy of yon, IIIIU UOillltlflll to huhol!l. nut to do her houor you will not boust ItO I' bt•ng nor lmlly. 'J.'ho re1rl hoJ'O iB tt)Wtlye IUOdeat,


whnt Ill igh t BCO IIl to bo l\11 nnhcal th • flll'lllut' got dh�t·onrng�tl bt•cnuse hP ���tv�u������(\�l:��l�}�,u;����tfi,.!�.���\.1111·���� �� 1111

Cui site, Wo repe11t wlmt hitS IJoell dhln't �et l'ich tlw .llr�t �·t•JII' nml, ns 'l'hO Hnm ol' t blrly.flvu tlnlh•" ""'l nrty conl• thet·u wu� n IIIOI'tgnge of �-fJo on his ��u�.;l\hiHt Unkw'l''n uwmr rm• ntlll on ucnuut or Sllitl itt the STAXIJ.\JIIl timo nllll time flll'lll , w�� fihuut l'<'lldy to

.jlJIUil u.;. ��:·,;,:� !t;:�.,tUlm"""'"' llll\11 holnK III r,.,, 1111

11g11i u :-'l'ho l'eople ol W eKtfluhl whulu huHIIll''"• IIIII ·(\plt�nnhtl'tl to 11 'l'ho Kllm or l'uurl.,<•u olnllnr•nnll twmatycl•nl• Willi t LoU or school ncCowmoLlu.tjona ; malt� otw lltot'c f'f�ll't nml Aowctl 80 1 ���\l'l7����·,�k��U�'ci�'����.�� ���������;���;11� �1tf�!,'t' ����

fiCI'eK Ill wlll'nt. lt llllJ>IlflJetl to be 11 ' l\o1llb '"'•"""· but WUilt thCIIJ ill l ltOI'O COIIVOitiullt IIUOI' YUH' ful' whenl llllil the Htlllltl j 'l'ho,;um uf olovon dnl llllH (111<1 thirtY """'" locations niHl rm less JUOUCJ, WllH uot \'l!l'Y !ZOOt\. Cotll'IU!IhlJ.r thllt It I r��t·f�1f! �{;����;���:;�����!����:�::,':ll,1 ,�i.f�cr���t�\J�r

Wo ropent thut two �10,000 01' wnHn't wot·th ilnl'l'eHiin� ilo Jllllled 1111 on ,smoth tLI'ouno. Ill� stnkeR lllld llltJHll)'Ctl bucl\ tr. MIH· I f\1:�:�,�.�!'�,���1[,������::�in�:'���l �1\�'u:,'.�h:r •'!/�',!!�:� � 1 2,000 acltool btt il!lings CUll be aom·l, INti' ill!( Ill!• flll'lll to 1\gltt tho l'ur nnd m'"'"'""'t of lui. 1r11n hlnuk ��on

uuil t thut wi l l Btlllply lllOI'O school lllOl'tJ.(IJg(• nil h)' it�l·lf. 'l'htl l',tl'lll \\'IIH I t�'i:·�i ��;����·u fcot. Ill! ll'!1Hitlcld (LI'OI!liU

IICOOHllliOI]UtioiiS Ulld in lJOt\01' l0011• �!JIIIIl to till' oceiiHIOllo 1'ho Mlllll .n! M<IVl'll dollnra nnd tun coni• 'rht! WlWtlt t•{Jil'lll•tl, f(•l( dO\'\"\\ IUUl ({C• R�nlu�t ft;Mt, Wnt, l'hJ\'11011 (ut' tuul nu. tm�m\1\t tJoiiS titllll lhoy Will �Ot fol' IIOHill'<l tltu Hl•l!tl ill till! Holl liJ,tll iU, N<•xl ::n���,,:l,l:\,�i!l'�,��::,'l�� •uwor 1111111, hulnK m tout Mli,OOO ll8kotl foi', Wo niHo ntlmi HIII'IIIJ.t tlul ll'lll'nt ht•�uu tu ��·ow lttMiily. 1'1"' """"' th11t, Jllll'lliiJI8 the soltool Sumo or t.he uell(hi>ut'H were hom•st llvv '

tllllltll(h to ll"l'ito nbout It rlo\1'11 to the "'l'ho uloodleat bnttlc or the COil· might mt fuoi iO muoh p!'ltle In lmv· fllllltivo In ����MOIIri, 111111 be gut illh•r· tury," ns r()Jlurtml, Wlli recently lug thuir IJU!IIOS illlt on a tr1�lot ; �ut I!Htetl onoul(h to como bacl: 111111 tnke n fouMht 111 �[otltlor Ulvcr, 'J'he ]�Ill• we 11ru worklng•lo kooJl the l ittle look, 'rhen ho HtoJlJlotl 111111 IU&rl'o•tml

ltiH I'Ohllltllry crojlo Jlo 1111ltl It tor liMit mul t\m 1\oora both 11rayorl to namoa trom bollll llUt on a tablet In enottl(h tu 111ty orr tim mortan11o 111111 tho tho 881110 flail for hl1 llleulng 1111d �'11lrvlow, l'f!Ht ot ill• d1lhiH ami luul 11 tld.l' llttlv for vlotory. Wo Wllllt aohool houaol lll far from •ur11llll over, with whleb l1u movod hiM

family bnek uutl now dllClan•• tbnrll I• 'l'ho buttlo went to tho aide that dangor •ntl tlll4l111U1 and 111 noRr tho 11o 1tuto Jlku Nobl'll!ki,-Lincolll (Nilb,) ltad tho blggeat 10111 811d tho r1101t borno1 ol tlHI people 11 JIOUiblo. Journal,

"lUST HAVE MY COFFEE 'Vou often blame the cook for 1 poor cup of coffee •· II Is really the coffee that's at fault-a poor cctOk''IJI · ·

hardly fall- to get a good cup ol coffee from our · 111<1' MOCHA 8le11d Coffee. It has the rlchnen, strength and dellghtlul aroma of the best Java that Is rrown, But that Is not all -not c virtue of It& original excellence Is lost beQuse It etl· and sealed In alr·tight Qns, In � pound

A. O. FITCH & .... CROOERS ....

Hello, 24-a. 15 7 'Broad .

Rich and Attractive IN





Our f11cilitios fo1· muki11g Clothing onublus us to pl11ce 00 iJiothiug l'cmly to IVOIII' ut pl'icos bo}oiV wl111b the huv1t to pny ll rst. 'l'lmt i� tho soerut of our inct'CII�htg �:J.21i Ucn's Suit; ul'u IIi gnml tiS thll iiVIJI'tlge M.OO suit. oultllllll'u tvith tho tiVOI'IIJ.iU M.OO suit, A111l so on uloug

Out• '.!8.50, �0.00, �!J.oO, *!J.7u 1\IUI �!0.00 S11lts slock, they 111'0 stylishly cut IIIHI superbly ttli iOI'Otl. IVo o111l tltu uttoutio11 of tho dressors to t.hii line.


M• J, CA8H/No ftfAIIAIIffo lflf/lll ·


Votrutaltlo• lla llloa•nn, It, Ttl • .,.A, WIICfW4




H E A D A CH ES .......... Tltln IIIII:, tO OTI.


THB UNION ·cOuNTY .STANDARD, PRIDAY, DIC!Jl8!R 1, 11,. ,• ' . ' . .

' .

�··· . .. �





Walt lor our 1rand

openlnr of HOLIDAY OOODS.

next week. W•tch lor advertl�ement ...

NEW FALL N.OVELTIES ln . . Drelr:'··liMa. :�..: anm.: �=: surely aatltf)' the mOJt exart in qualltJ

price. Don't fill tt v111t

L. Jl. PIKER'S, New Taylor Block....... BROAD STREET.

Fancy Cal. Prunes, · Fancy Cal. Raisins, •

Fancy Evaporated Peaches, New Early June Peu, 3 cans for New Sweet Sugar Corn, 3 cans for

WALKER'S., Broad ·tJtreet.

Also Arent for Chue ot Sanborn's Coflee.



EASTMAN At a Great Reduc-KODAKS < . . ... tion .

... ---• Tbese nretbe Slime gnolls heretofore sold at much higher lltlccs. Full l ine of Edison's Phonographs. Columbia Graphophones, Improved Gramqphones, Regina Uusic Boxes, Photographi Supplies, Golf and Sporting Goods.

133 North Avenue, PLAINFIELD, N. J, Oeo. W. Wrennick.

The Dottle at Sblll J,aanelle•. • Down to ChnrleR !l'H time It wns ens·

tomnry to tuHne mul baptize n ship nft· er slw wns In uuched, sometimes n week or two nfter. 'l'lie old Tudor mct110d used for mcn-of·Wilr wns st!JI In use. PoJlys' "U1nl')'" shows tllnt. •rtlll slliP w11s sntely got ntlont, after wlllcli some !Jigli pcrs01111gc went on board with a SJlcelnl slll'er "standing cup" or ''flnggon" of·wtne, out of whleh he tlmnk, unmlng the ship, and poured a llbntloD on tile qtmrter deck. Tlw enp wns tlwn gmwmlly gl\'eD to the dockyard master shl[l\l'rlght os o me­mento.

When did the present usage of nnm·

Jug nml hllJltlzlng n ship before she Is seat n!lont tNllll! I n ? 1 truce the lnst e�JJJ!clt mention of the ohl metloocl to

1Ull4, when tloe llo)'lll l\ntlll't'inl! wns lnunelietl (st•c l'cpy�). 'l'be llrst m.,u. tlou of smnshln� n hottlc of 1\'illl' on l�O hoW� of tl llrltiNh tllllll·Of·Wlll' that

1 lllll'e fouutl Is In n coutemJoot'tii'Y ne\\'Kllll[ll'l' ('\lttJng nt' Jfn,r, 1 i.�u, tlt'· SCl'lhiiiA' thu ciii'[Stl'lllll;.:' ol' 11. �[. S,, �la�onw ntmc nt ])eptl'ut•tl, hut HtJthl!l;.J'

I• hlnll·tl thnt I I \I'll" llll'U n now NIH· lont,-1\'0te.< lltlt] I}IW!'ll'H.

Tilt' llnHI 1u•!li,. J�or 111m.


3o tSc, 25o t5c, 25o

390 9o



Lea«in[ Shoe Stare of Westfiell

Women's and Children's Shoes. Men's Winter Russet. Enamel

and Box Calf Shoes. Boys' and Girls' l{angaroo Calf

School Shoes. Boston and Bay State Rubbers

JOHN O'BLENIS I.lttlt• Clint·l . . s - Slst<•r tolcl nut no m" Broad Street, Westfield,

YPH! t•l'llay yon wnH llnl'U to ht! n ttoll· 1------------­llelnn.

� 1 1·. Sl<hnplc•y-A tmlltlclnn'l \ won· tlt•l• why t�lw th ln \Ht tto, ..

l.ltth• Chn l'lo•s-Hlll' KIIJ'R J'olt c•nn tlo RO tllllf'h 11\lJdl\ ll' llliottt COI\Iutfi(Jil �Otti'H!!If.-Chlcngn 'l'ltneH·llurnld.

-·-Htnry 11f11 �lln'o,

Upholstering . , . . CARPETS lllllile, ...-...... -

lnltl nml. clennfll,

trURNI'I'UUl� l'UIIIllretl llllll llOllihed.

MA 'l"l'REBSES ltuulu over. New Whulow Bl11111e• fnrulohml To llo homo<! hmul 111111 loot fol' )'<'lli'R

hy tim cllllliiK <Jf •\1"''"" I• tho wo•·•t m· yout• ole\ mws retmh•ud . • • • funu of HIIL\'Ul')', Ut1nl'l-tll D. WllltumH, Work 1hmu ut )'Our n•llllthmtJtl It )nllterrmt,� 11f Mnn�bi'Hiot•, Mlol t . , l.t•IIK how Hnolt 11 Rlllvo w11• mtul" rn111. 11u MII)'H : "Air Cha· rlei/1 Sheldon wlro ltne btllill "" illllllll'"" fo1· tlvll )'lltll'M ;:JJ t tlutt Mlw ooulcl not turn ovm• Itt lMHl 1111 lllo8UlU 8T, alouu. Aft••• t;sltli! two bottloH ol Elru· trio llltter• •he l11 wolll!Hrlnllr, hnlorove!l ""''"""' llraln·OI auci Jilllo !11 clo hur niVIl work. ' 'I' 111 111· nomomiMJr th•l IIRIIID whon foil waul 1o lll'ftiiiO rollllttly ftll' flllllliiU tllHOHHIIK I�Uiuk· dt•llll illllK, Mli\NIII�Iil�LliUorl•llljtK liiodllul'lnk IQ

I I lv 111\ \MkU lho II!AOO of rnrroe, �0 I llf A yrocor• f UIIIRI llllrVOIItllleM, 1116 MilO Ill 1' It! "Ill Ilk .. \ hV a\1 wllo 1111�1 \1 ... \ j llrabl•Si KChe, l.utckllohe, r.luthtl Mill\ cllar.v IICAilll nl Pllro ••• ,.. II ald• I I•••J•n •IN!lll, Till• mlr11olo worklrlll' llltiilk!lllo otl'ffPIIII••j't"'o l'�rv... 't'• uo1� 1• olmu 1111 I• • r.O<I..,ntl to wettk 1lvllly 11111 tlnwn hnl � IIIII t lml ���,• 1•1�111 • 1•1• l< "'" 1!1 ift• � I I

0 I •• u .. Mill I• oou I I Ilk I w th MJ't!ll ,., .. . IM!Illl e. Every llllt.l8 1f11KIIIIIt1!41!l, II Y o,11111 �bout � u tliUOb 11 oolfoo, llloJnd 110 C�DII, Bold ll illlflrd d!lll liOI't, IIOI IJAO IIIWo o\lk fOUl' Ml'llllll lor Ur I•U.



HAHNE & CO., Newark;

BVKOROUS. "Yov eatl't k..,p a sroret, M•rle.•

�Yeo, I can, but. J always bnJ>pen �o tell tblnga to other girl• who <an't. -81. Loni• ReJ>Ubllc.

First Colleglun-"Did �'Our dad re· opond when Y"ll •fl'llck him for some

mon<y?" StocondColl<g'iun-"Re�pondl You •hould h»ve bcUI'd lllm i "-Suult Ste, Marie News.

Wl1y She Sl�gs.-"I lil<e to heur a

t!CI'\'Utlt girl sh1g ut hcr wol'h. H shows u gooU <.l isposition." •'Not atlwuys. I thinh otlr girl �ings 1Jecnusc &Jw hns 11

grudge ngnin•t ns."-l'hl!atldpllia Hec­�rd.

"l ren\1; belle�·e �[Iss lllumer would be willing to run J'or presit1cn t, sl1c'ti so mnbJUolls." •'JAnHJ, yt•s; but she n i n't so purt iculnr. Rh c'd ruu for u !:imullel' mun thut that if nhc thotlgh1· she coulcl t•utch h1In."--l1hi lmlclpbia Uullt!tin.

"Tlut.t trump ju1;t golJJg uwuy wu�; tcll­Jngo me n most. heu J·tphT'C'Uldng- story." "How much llhl you gi\'c ]Jim'/'' uNotltp ing. It wus n stot'J t.o hl'enlt one's 1H.>artt nll J'ight, but brcald11g n fi \•e·dol· lnr l1ill is di(l'creut," - ludiunavoiis JO\II'UHI,

11AuyiJ<ldy who knows Cl!ougll," st1i<i .Mr. Spimns, "cun ]enrn somctldng from nnybocly elae, howe\'Cl' lgnornnt t lw lnt­ter mny 'br." . 11'11tnt is tr11e," nssentrd }.h·!v Splfiins, cheerfully. "Xow, I cnn occnslonnYy leurn somfth ing- hom yo11." -Pittsburgh Chronlcle-'J'clcgrnpll. · Poclsnlt• (mfetlng elderly person)­"Dy Jove! Is It possible! 1\fy old school 1•ncl""' By tl1e way, ilo you re­member t.hat you sa.itl when I \\'US In )·our clns• thnt I'd die on the gnllows'l" I�)d erly Person-"Well, Y9lJ1re not <lend yet."-l'bllndelphla North American,

1\{ro. Orlmes-"Does your Jmsbond go to church, 1\lra. Drown 'I" Mrs. llro\1'11 -"Certainly. Sometimes be goes to

�����· ����������������������������������������� � � lli��� rom��� � � e ��& ! dmr &lld sometlmee to the CatlJOlle." Proresston�l <tartls.· 1\ln. Gl'!mee-"Ah, h eel An ognostle." UCCESS CJEJITUL L B. of .EW orllUJ:Y, WHEN MEN M ISS S ' ··\Aillhracll.!ooa! U81ld eS.CIIlllV•tf, UlllUIIIW \======="""=====--ldlene•• and hU!'O,IIJU!•h.•nc)• Keep u.�. ·laanUDeM &Dd comtCJrt.) Mrs. Brown-"No I he's a plumber.

Du•hu.••>J Xo,·ll'c tw"·n. Wnltcr P. Pilllllps, the fomulet• ot the

o:ttlouuf newstmJicr eortlorntlou !mown as the Unltc•1 l'ress, ntH] the lnn�utol' of l'itlliii>s' tclcgrallhlc cotle, it t)'Jllcul, �nergetlc Amcricnn, who lUis put lllllUY young men in the news gatlu:rlu;; lm:sl· llcss, belim·cs thnt the tll\HiC of fuilurt! e\rCI·�·wltero nmong young Uusiue�H lie· glnners lies \n hu .. nmtwtence.

Nlnc·leuths of the yotmg ml)n who are struggling for n name nutl J>lnce in the worltl nre unllttell fol' tile calling• thur hiLYc 11iclw<1 out for tllf.!Jnselvcs. Be· sides llll uullmlt�:� supply of 1.mcrgy and wllolo bNn·tetlucss In the worlt be· fOl'C h\tn, tho SUQCOSSflll lllllll of the fntm·Q must know his business fl'Om A to' Z.

The next grcn t drn wbnck to success Is idleness. Nothing wm·th while is accompllshctl without ,\·or!<, nnd )llcuty or lt. '£!lings do hot hup)lctl wtt llout a ca usc, nntl !Johlntl: .cYcry great llfe there nrc ren1•s of eoncentl·ntell energy and tireless industry. I dleness will mnlm nny mnn n fnllurc; Intelligent work will lnnu nny mnn umong the successful. It is nil so simple and so trite tlta t one hesllntcs to put tli fnct !lown In cold blood, nntl )'et ho . . · few Dlen rCcognJze, ol', recogn!r.h1g, lJYc up to tiJ\l llSIOJJJ tltnt labor COU(jUl!l'S HIJ thing!-',

Idleness nntl the consciousness of In· competenc:y should mnlw nuy t1wn usllll mcrl of hi mself null drln' him to do wmethlng thnt is worth the doing. It Is wltl!ln the gmsp of Cl'cry l,nc to lenrn some one thing tlmt will r!C'lil both I>ICH"ure nnrl p1·otlt. Success com£>s 0111�· to those who scuk it.

Wt:STFIELD l'OSTOt•FJCJE, L, �1. w·nrrAitr;l(, Po�tnmster, A. K.. CAt.¥., At-st. aml :\Jon�}· Order Olerk. \Vu, 1\f, 'l'ows-r,fo:t', Utttrora.J Velirery Fmm Wl:li'It:!t, Clerk. Otllce open from � a. m. to 7 p. m. except on

�tlturlltt)'tl, 01UCC O{Jell SUmli-.l'B (or bolders O( J..ock Uo:�l'S from It to 4 o'clock. AltRIVAL AND DEPAR1'URE OF �IAJI,S.

Fron1 New \"ork, r:;ast, South and South­�����J�!�J� ��1\'er)' ut 7;00 1U1d M:OO &. m.,

MAILS CLOSE. For Now York, Phll&delpbla, Trenton, tbt

Sortheast, Sollt)l, Southwest ��ond war eta.tlont.o East at 7:.ffi !lnd lll:!U a. m., :!:111 and 6:4o 1J, m. �'or Plnlnllold ami ER!lon .. ud way til&tlon• ��ot 7;i6a. m. and t:.W P. m.

�!OUN'l'AINSI DE. Arrive at 'i::!O a.. m. and 4:30P.m. Clo•• at 8::10 a. m. and b::ll p. ln.

'ReltgtO\IS ltottces. WE�TFIEL!J EAPTIS�' CHU.ROB, West­

tleldlN' J. Rev. Ueorge A. Fru.ncta.P�·

Wrri&e�y�dr�;ooe����s: ���:: �!�!rr:����

GEOIWE W, V. i\IOY, When .there IB nothing lor him to do at one church tblre le prettr sure to be 80metblng for b!IJ! �.t one oft he others." -Boetoll Trnn•crlpt.

f\'L''I'ORNEY A'l' LAW, Purk Avenue aud 4th Street,


L, E. HAR'l',



PLAINFIELD, N. J. l\loney to loan on Bond and Mortgnge.

:13ustness (J;nt�s.

How • Sport Ill liard J,ock Got taO oa 'l•bem and Rccoaue4 lila

Lo••e•• "This ndvertlsetnent," remnrl,:ed nn

old I!JIIDblet•, pointing to Q notice Pllb­lished by " mun who had lost n set of !nlse teeth, "reminds me of the ex­perience of u gnmlller in Denl'cr some yenr10 ugo who had to pawn bis grind­ers for u stake. It was ll cold winter night nnd I W(].S bucking the garuc8 my­self in a bjg Den\'cr estni.Jlisluueut, when I hnppcncd �o this puwnlng event. A stmugcr from the cast. was plnying faro, but lost so b�a,·ily tltnt he changed to roul�tte. At this gnme the last of l1is hunch bnd d isappeared be­fore !Je !mew ll. lie felt In his do tl>es, but. f"omnl nothing, 110t �'·en a wuh:h. He had lonncd his 1i11e overcoat t.o u fri end earlier in the night with the promise t11.�t it wus to be rct.urned lls

CHARLES E. SMITIJ, midnight, but the time ba<l pnssctl nnrl REAL ESTA'l'E & 1N8Ull.\:SCE AGENT, • the cant was not there. Al! ut once the

Rea>resenting tile CoMm:nciAL UNION. gnmlller tbre\1' his lmmls to his face. A NORTH BIUTISII 1111d MEitcA�Tif"g• nud lh�l .. �ht st:1JClc�: other lirat clnss lire insuruncecompllllies Ueuts, he saHl '" thcrcu p<Lwnslwp

Notary Public and Commtaf,llorJer of Ucedt-�o for gamlJlcrs ncnr here '?'

Oillce, \\•estflcld 11\'cnue, nel\r c. R. n.. U'l'h� fat·o tlcaler told him where to

\\'eslfield. l'<cw .Jersey find one hnlf way down t!Je block, nnrl --------,------- the Information wns 11ddet! that tho


CLOTHS, MATTINGS. Carpets cleaned, refitted and laid.

il:lm Street , Westfield. Near Depot.


owner bad a soft spot in his heart !or gn.m!Jiers in hnrrl luck.

"The eastern sport wall<ed into the puwnshop u moment Inter nm1 asl<etl the owner bow much he eould ndra.nco on n fine set of teeth. 'l'he shopltcepel hesitateil for n moment, but finn.lly eon· sen ted to loun $20 on t hem. 'l'he nrticles

The �·onng lllllll who Is renlly lu �at·nest will not hn l'e to he nth•ised bow to snccectl. lie mm· lenl'll much by stndylug the fnllures of othe1·s, how· eYel', null lle will nlwnys tllnl. n fter n sun·ey of the great legion o( the un· successful, thnt two cntlRcR lm YC brou,qht them tn thuh· prcswnt ml�;o�·r -Idleness and incotupeteucy-Snturllny E'·eniug Post.

Young f,eople'tt Prll-)'�1 .. \l�tlt!Dg p. m. l'reacltlng M �· m. Mid we•k llr•rer mooting, Otllce of THE UNION CouNTY STANDARD,

�����\"lJl t'l;:,·,.����:• cord ally Invited Westfield, New Jersey.

were carefully put n.way, und the gnm· bier wnllml !Juelc with a $�0 hlll. lie bought n stack of chiJIS, nnd during the

night plnyod with remarlmble luel<. ll,y th·e o'clocl' he wus $800 nhcnd, ufter gt!t· ting bnck the $1,600 lost lleforc the �en! '"''ith the pawnbroker. After he qui t plnylng h e hnd t o sit nbout for tbrc<

hours until t11c t>nwnshop was opened . Ideal and Suburban Hom•• For Salo and To 8t•mlf11•• �ature, oocNHGRRI�!'JA'fllleO'N' AJuo1n•sCl�. u0R•011H10rth, ODF. Root. Fire lnsuranco placed In Ftnt-C188o

"l llu\e seen Bt•othm· Ht•u::;getts �t·nw o.L ·' 00 �.,omp&Ul81. Rt!UlM Cullected, from n poor young mnn to n m!thlle ��b.����h"o � �::�n�eo�!�1cf>!2�·ef ---------------aged millionnlre," snltl the ngetl minls· �:';i��'t..� Prar•• mee1'I'i:'r,\��h":sti�. :· �: F. S. '!'AYLOR, ter, unnd Jt hns not changed hl111 IUJe .,, A hearw welcome to 811. bit. When he tirst entet•ctl rny clHu·ch, I M:::_.:t:..T.:B::O::D::.I_I!::T:::::..:.E::P::.s::c.:.o::P::A_J.._-:c::u=UR=o=s=. be establlshe<l the habit of !llltl lug n Rov.C. �t. Ande18o11 [),IJ.,Pastor. lleoJ. qunrtN' In tlm }Jinte ever·y 8mu1nr. unll. dencu Union l'lace. tsuJ day morning Ber. though JJ� hns since ,':rown l'ldJ, Jm tJ�nglO�o:l�J�ciie€l���tla�U�e�.00�1•1t�!.:�g puts Jn his ?.5 cents.''-lmUnnupolls Sen·fce ';:-tr1 o'clock. Ola� meeting, Tuead&J .Journnl. evening at 8 o'clotk. !Jenera! Prayor Meet· �:t.'�����:!.l\)' BVDDlllgt!, at 8 o'clock, AU


ELIZABETH, N. J. Westfield retercoces l(iven.

"'l'hut snmc wintea· in Dcu\'er," con· tinued the old man, "1 saw other Jmwn­lng experiences which tnught me tim t the gambler's Uest fricml wns t he tnnn

•• ��l'c.��1'll'�J:'�:..����"Ji;t�:i��r,��. t&,e:,

with the three bulls sign. It wns In tl1is same house thnt 1 s.nw a sport pnwn n $100 overcoat ten times In ns many boun. 'J'he sport. wns p1uying cJ·nps nnd he seemed ernzy ubout tlmt ldnd ol pluy. '!'he fi•·st time he went brolce he

AND steJll"<l oul to the so me pnwnhrolcer


Ingrain, per yd., .::115 Llnole,um, . .. ·35

Oil Cloth, " ·•5 Matting, . II .o8

Large Comfortable C•ne Se11t Rock· er, the kind which would Bllll at f2.

Specinl, $1.21Jo .

Roll Top Deale, Double Extension Slido six J"'ge <lr��\\·er., mual rmu•ber of J>igeon bole< on top. 'l'be kind usually sold at t25.

Special, Sl7oll0•

s Hole Ranl{e, brlgbt aml attractive. Nick�! trltumiugs, snd meetB tbfl d8· mMml for a low price range. Only $ $1.69,

Parlor Sulta, Muhoganbetl Frame, G restfnl plilces upbolstmi 11 ·

nrtlstlc desigm, and is worth f40.00, Special, S•9·SO, '



attractive in ap­

penmnce, with uicklc t r i m -


Made heavy

f r o m s h e c t

iron; just what is needed for a small room.


REAL Estate FIRE lnsuronce.

e C. E. PEARSALL & 00.1 A�enu. ·

Stmulanl B�tillling, Westfic/rl, N. J.

"'h'· ne 1\'�'n• W11.kefa1, "Di�ln't Klet.�tl n wlul' laHt night," sa ill

the d)'HJlejltit. "0'"(]1'\\'0l'l\ ?'' "Xo: I h!':tl'll one of thnse son�s nhont

riJitJJU! J(1J' f·n\'l't11 /�·. K\\'f•pt dt'PII IIHI fie thhw, n •ul tht• eonfomule<l tmw kept runnin.� thl'onqh my lwnd nil nll(ht!"­WaHhlnr;;ton !ltnr.

grega.tton we should be Jllcascd to eee you among our reKUl&r atten•lllnts unil rordl&lh tnvlte you to make thi11 cllurcb your home.



n..nd •hnclieLl' tl1e 0\'CJ'cont for $20. lie ��������������������������� came bnck, got n good strcnk ltn(] eent ': the boy out wllh $22 nutl the l lel«t tu rcdeern lt. lie t•lnycd for nll'hile 1wd wns brolce ngnin. A SN!ontl t t·ip wus made to t lw shop, w ith the snmc result. Anti then n little lnt<t• he wns at rnpped. 'l'lJJs ,itJg-gJlng l>t!t \\'rcn l llv tuhlt• t!lll} the pnwnslwp wus contlunetl fol' houl'a, though thr. sport tlmtlly <JHit whc11 be lmrl t\,e ennt nml $•150 In \he pocl<ets,­

!!U�.U·'"�nn�,U�IDRai.�"'"t TIE 1£1 101£ IEWIKI M&OHIME GO., OIIANIJ 1�, AI ,1 �N.

•11nlnll HIIURrtlr N, Y, (Jhh1n�!n1 lll, HI, lol>\1111 )In, hliLf\II,Tij.IU'I• fltlll lo'tt�lll'l•tl'li1CI'It .AIIAIIIttrUII,

PRESBYTERIAN OIIUROH, Re\', N. \\ , Ctulwell, P&Htar. 8erl'lce[j, Sunday 10:3t ""' M. 8:{K) r. )J,f'ochd lttcettnl{ts- 'mlue!!daJ Pro.}'er Meutln.c7:4Ji l1. m,j 8untl!iY, oun l'eo· {llo's 1\lt!ethlK 7:1ii 1', M, Sunday 12 K, �Rd�'tolf:�JB���bo:1�!•ul'lntl!ndent. gen

S•r. l'AUL'8 1'110'1'1;81'.\S'l' t;i'I8COPAI, flhttl'C1J, nruad �1 :'tll!t, \\'uf!tf!u]d , N, ,J, lte\',CJu�rhl!l Jo"'l�ktJ, ltuulur. H�rvlcllH un l'!ll''l· �.�;��. ���N:��\������ �!�!:�.�{:!!��!� ����:��',;t�!�lm��t.

Sumlll)',.clwol wtJ i!ldMrt!ll1.!t l'!OrvJrmuf, }J rn.; m·uttl tiJ.( survtce tuul sermon nt. 7.41\. I'IN· VIN•H �,rlthq.• onmlll�-CH 1�t 111J,.rh� n'lllook, with !ldd!'I!9H, A crmllnl ln\'lt"tlnn to U\'t+r)' 0110 to nttNifl , 'l'hu Ht!c:lni'IH nt lu mu murniiiU!i, ud ull dt�l' � .. rltlni'R f(lr emJHuitntlon.

25 PER C:ENT, C:OMI\USSION nnd a 1pcolal PHESEN'1' to overy Cll�tomcr, �nd frol(!ht Jlllld, llo troll hie getting or· •lers for 011r T1w1, Oorll££111 Bt•loEB, EsTnAVTH, Dunlo Pownt:K, &cl; l!alloloctlon •••rootaod, Pullportloulortfrao. ,�t�. �:?R'�t: -:rc.:;·�r..·r;;:t; ...

••••lloh CIJ•ttoo,, In th11 HpuniHit llll•h'" nn1l prnycr beoh tim lllliRIHir tltt> Huvlour anlltltoHII ot tho Hlllll!o m·� llhi'II)'M tn•lfltl'll . wttb flU! t l t lu "H"'tor" (tuiHtl'r) hut11ru tl1mn, II M1•, .lnhn tltu hnroiiYt, M1•, Malnt rftul, �Jr. Knlnt Alotlhuw, utc.-CitleiiiO Retort!,

Oasolene nml Kerosene 011 sold and de llvered in any quantity.

llroatl Sh·eet, Wostllcld. N. J. P. 0. llo1 311.1.

The Place ... TO DU\' PINE

Bread, Cake & Pasteries . . . . 18 AT . . . .

SohmiH'a llklrJ, (Formerly Hheolen'M.)


All kintll of l<'ancy Onko1 con· Al11ntly on lutntl.

8111•••• lenf IIDWIII Willi ClltMre .. Clllllll1 n,.thArliej IIIII •onllfpltlon IOIIYU

IOII,IIo, "(),g, 0, 111, 4111111111PIIUDII alllfl,

Cidca8'0 Inter llcl'Jlll,

"e'ro,.llt•to;l] tll'rt l lc ,n." 'fhl!! tel' Ill IK UH'Il I n i1�F-t!t'i1H� n. Jl]te ..

unmcnon whld1 l 1us p·t:l'Jdl,r !Jl•en un· dm• l n\'f'Ktlgntlou nt t.lw Ylll<• }1/oi.J'l'holog­luul ln!JOrutory. Expet·lulcnls curl'it•tl on tlnl'ing- tht: pnst )l'HI' hnve shml'll tllllt· the �>fl't•et� of Jli'IWiicc on one �ltlt• of tlw IIndy nre tl'llllHf<•J' I'e'l to the utl,.,­sltle, whcl'o thct'l' lllltl ht't!ll nu prncttcn, }'or lnstnncc, n ft•lwt•r, Jll'l lc!IH!ng lnngeR with n loll, lllltl liHhtl( on!)' his rf(J'ht IH11ul, ffllilwd l u two w<·<·IIH r.ll prr cent. of IWCI11'11(1Y I n nl111. At t111• 141111\f! time It WitH fon111l thn t his lll ft l1n tul had nlsn gnl n"'l !lil lll'l' l'el t t , o! ncl!urney In th� Milne ••.w•r.•IHe, nlllwllgli i t 1111;1 llO rwtunl prnct i<H! , Ro the uot•tlon o! tl •c nm..,lo• of tlw T'ight 111'111 l i llewl�o IJWI'ellHC<l the Ht,J'I'lllftll Of the left lll'lll, '""-:'Yout.JJ'a ComJmnlun.

llnPiniPU, ueo you eonsl1lcr ,loltel 1111 honest mnl11l11

"fi<IJII!Rf.? Jill giYOR hltnH•lt Rhort chnnf(o nt Ill• own of<JI'o nn1l cht•nt• Jlko the 1lcuce nt Molitnlre,"-Dotrolt l'rN I'm•.


Coal, Lumber Buifdliil Materials, Mouldlnas and Klndlln& woof.

f'or Lawn, C•rden and f'letd.

Dfficfand Yard···Central lve., near R. R. crasslnt. Ordcrt by Mail Will Receive Prompt AtteDUolo

TELl:PllONE 19 !.

Potel Beechwood *

All the appointment. are thoH of 1 tlrat.c:lall Modern Hotel-•� room••

* An idcnl Fnll llnd Winter Resort, �6o (cet of piiZII with glass, Send for Descriptive Booklet. . . .



Cranford ··

·. Gas Light Co. ·�·u.. .. .

fl llllll•tlll

F111 Pllrpasts.

·& Scudder; IARlET1


Biius• "' -�• .... ,..,,......_ C.llllA� ....... IIIII Ulld IIJelll 'fOrl..,t,'. Couldn't do wltbouttbtm. l ll&veUie<l llaem fot11ometime foriDdlgestlon andblllouanessaudam now com· pletely cured. ReeoDu11cnd them, 10 e\·ery ()De. Once trled, voa will ne,er be wll�oo\ them I� tbe lamlly." Evw. A., AlbaiiJ, N. \',

G��o��r ����.h:cafg���· G�f��� ���.r:.

'" CURl OONITIPATION. ,., ....., Rn1••1 f,g•,._r, thln.., l••tftlll. Jew Tari. �1

IO·TO·IAD ��� �gd���\¥�i�ail:�l��-

UNIOI ·wATER COMPANY lacorporatllf 1878. Ori&BIJed 1891.

The Union Water Compsny supjllleti the lnhahltants of the villages of Fat wood, W estfteld, Cranford and Roo!!;. with WRter for domestic nse.

"nt Partst 11!4 IIIMt tl!at llallrtciQ lltli."

p�r:-c:r��P.:tl.!':h.!1::.r:::� � u&e wa.ter from lts lilatnsi And ez.plalD rates, lerm"' metbod of ll!rvlce, ole.

Union Water Company, At llfl lroad ltrlllo lll&abllho



JJ!! New Jersey ---PA_P_E_R __ Business College,

located at 'es� BI'CI•4 lhllet, Jrew .. k (OpposiW :Uuttary ParK.)

PAPER Dl\y seaslnns c!Jntiuue without lntermiSBion.

r !��¥�nS:�.���srt;l��:gret:�nd 'l�����,:hr ��:; Minns SW 110r month. NeRrl)' all �ualHled stu. : . . · WALL PAPER dlmtsot thoJIRSt rellr are nn\V tu sltm1tlomo�, Write or cnll for Freo 01\talogues, Olllco behr fUl'lllshed. Uefer to tbousRuds of forme:-stu·




no snperiot•, nnd wo nro about their eqttnls. Yott

a regular

ll_hlmatnn & Koanl&, Pl\OPI!!I,

dl)U\8, C. T. MILLER, Proprietor.

Pro,ure \'our Buslness_EduQ�tlon -AT 'l'HE-

bi l COLEMAN - NAT'L BU�IN[SS COLLfOE 838 Broad Bt., JlewarK,:I'I. "·

And you will save both Umeand 1noney. Hates greatly reduced. English Hr&nches, UuslneHM, r;hortband and Typewriting. Only $20 a quo.r• tor lor all. EveniuK Sebool from SeptemiJer •.o AI,rll.

Horton, Penman. H. Cole1111n. President

l'roat fit., Cor. Ceatr•l AYe., PLAINFIELD, Jl, .1.


tor 'Vl•ildlng ami Holiday presents arc now on · ar. our wnreroorns. An early cull is ln mder to secure ca.retul selection.

From 83 cents up. ltreet, Westfield. .STELLA MUSIC BOXE.S, $:.0.00 to s:m.oo.


All kinds nnd prices.

S<1le Agent lor the Celebrated Mmrtln Oultar.s and Mandolins.

JACOT & .SON, 10 Un.lon Sq1.1are tBr1d'�· & 17tb St,},New York

Ne,.-.Y\)1'11 bu tw1lwe tl- ia I!I&DJ ebufthea u Derllti,' ·

Relreshmenta are 11ot eerved 1.t Jl8'" tlea because gueat& are hu11gry, bu� be· cause pEople drop their resen·e whem e&Ung begin& n11d become wduble.

A firm iu America is turning out lnrge quantities of pn.per tiles wbicb nre u•e� for roofing. Tiley are re· ported to be hnrd and tough, and tl:e glazing a.ppears to be of the nature of Jupnneije Inc. They are said to be ex· ceedingly cheap, nnd can be fashioned In any color_ or shape to •ult the pur­chaser.

According to official reports the weight of paicl mail matter origlnnt· hog In Chicago dUJ•ing the Ja days be­hnen. Oetober '3. and No\'ember 6, when the mails were oflicinll)' weighed by the government, was 3,882 t<Jns. Counth1g gorernment free mull, pouches nn<l sacl;s, tile t<Jtnl welgllt wus 4,D1G tons. During the same pe· rlod the postnl receipts from stamfB nnd postal cards wns $003,�J8,

It Is proposed owing to t!Je ·number of accidents that occur ench year thnt the )Iaine legislature poss n lo.w pro­lubltlng the wearing by hunters of buJf-coloreil clothes which mny be mis­ta�en nt u. distance for a deer, 01'1!1-llfii"J' hunting clothes are the worst pos•lble thing' for a man to wear In the northern ""ado. Accidents have been most frequent and BeTeral hun• ten are killed annually, often being shot by their friends, who think they 1ee • deer.

Great Salt lake Ia r•cedlng on ae· count o! the excessive drnln made upon It by Irrigation enterprises, Thle lake l1 not fed by underground sprln!!ll, but by the Jordan and other rlvero, ltlld when the wntero of theoe streams are Intercepted' by Irrigation purposes the \\'O:ter supply of the Salt lake h, of coul'l!e, diminished so that the nap01'a tlon which Is constantly

:going on Ia not made up by a. new supply. In time It looks as If the lake will be only e. bed of dl')' salt.

The dll'l!ctor of �he meteorological obl!ervatory on )[ount Dlnru> hns been considering' the advisability of Install· lng the )larconl wirelesa telegraphy system upon the mountain. The ordi­nary system of telegraph; Is used nor­'maJiy, but the II""'B·t snow drifts have playe<l loavoc "ith the telegraph wires. It is believed that the wireless system of telegraphy "'ould prove not only valuable from n sdentiflc point of view, but woulrl also increase the safety of travelers upon the taln.


There \V�re lttan,. llllrhwaJ·men and

Foot pooh on th• Roncl- Drn11 Knocker. Stolen.

In 178BI. La Combe publisl1e<L n book, entitled .. A Picture of London," in which inter olin he snys: "'l'hc high­roads 30 or 40 miles round London nrc fliied with armed highwaymen nod £ootpnds." 'rhis was then pt·eHy trtt�, thougl1 the expression "fillcd" ls some­what of nn exnggerntlon. 'l'he medical stmlcnt of 40 or 50 years ngo seems to have been antielpnted in liB�, for M. J,n Combe tells us tbnt "the brass knockers of door&, which cost from 12 to U sbi11lngs, nrc stolen at n lgllt If tlte 1nnld forgets to unscrew tl1cm" -n precaution which seems to hn,·c gone out of fashion. "The nrrh·al of the mails." our author says, "Is un­certain at nll times o! ne year. l'er­sons who frequently receive letters shoul<) recommend their correspond­ents not to Insert loose papers, nor to

1he letters in covers, because the l"' sometimes treble, antl alwnye

nrbitrary, though In n free countr.r. !Jut rntmelty nucl lnjustlee are the dei­ties of the English."

�!. La Combe does not gh•e us a llat­terhlg charncterl "An Englislomnn," he s11ys, "considers n foreigner ns an enemy, whom he dares no\ offend open­ly, but wloose society he fears; and he attaches himself to no one." l'erbaps it was so In I T84, but suclo feelings lm,·e nenrly died out-at Jen•t among edu­cated )>coplc. �1. La Combe, Jn •mother pnrt of his boo'k, ex!:!lnims: ••now nre yon ehangeu, Loodonersl Your women nre become bold, Imperious and c�j>en­slre. Dnnlnupts nnd beggars, coiners, S(lltll nnd Informers, rllbbers and plcl<­poel<ets abound; the baker mixes alum in his brcndi ihc brewer 1mts O]llum nnd coJ>pcr filings In his beer; the mlll<­womun spoils l1er mllk \\ith snulls."­Gelltlemnn's Mngnzlne.

A 1'nltnre All a Trll'k lllrd, ------------=-• I To lench n big blnck \'ullure as mnn)'

l rlcl<s 11s n poodle hns been the <l lrcr-

•J-IIJulmult uvenno mul P11rk street. tUtti Khullllll iiVmme. Mltl<lioMex Aheota.

stt•eot 11Utl South

slml of Ul l J�ngl isll co(JcctOI' or UlJCl\Jlll)" pets. This monsiet• blrll, wi:Jch Jms a line SPilH! of hnmor, will ('�l'cute nt tl1c word of comm111Hl nn UJlCOUth dunce, using 11 s huge wl l1b'" t o HI1J1-p1omcnt t111! Jnot\ons or it s fcl't-now l l'lllllng tiH�m on t lw grotJJHI, 110\\' em·� rt•lng I t a hr11<1 wltlt lhom, 11 11<1 unon l111pplnA" them i11gulu•lot1•l.r. ll11t lhc I'Uilure'a most rnJtllr:lng IIPt•ompllsh­mPnt is to lwg for food, \\'hen he 1ll• si t·es 11 l'llnlce sltill l'{m c hu fH!OI'llli to JH!l'lorm the ullll l!rnllled 111111<-K or a pontlle, l !ut p!'ustJ·at('li hl mRelf with fr t!(! ol'll11llnl huu! l l lt ,v, d t·oop lng in !'1'<'1'�' I J l l lll al lll rc•ling the to1• u! his huhl beu<l nn tlw i(l'Ollllll. 'J'hl• self­uhuK<'lnl!lll Is "" rourpll!!c tim\ It lo lls 11 nnhl l l tr all I t• own. '.!'he hh·<l'a muM· tc•r Ia �

·l'!'lltl,1· llttauhe<l to 1 1 , nmoug

-------------·1 other r>•nanns be""""' 11m "''cnt hm• gel'!!)' of i ts HJO!!dt•H Hl l�W'HtH tho

T• C1re ee .. llpellan l'anrero 'l'lb Oml(lll (lind� CUihllll� IOD or Ill, U o. Q, o. tat 101u"' uru111�11 rllullll -1·

thought tl111l It tully IIIII'" tu l«•ll pnrt In thu !fi'PUt mlgmtlon l o iHJ oll't•tl by thu nun·liil l t )• Rmong Hu••lnn Nm'H<•M nt ScllliS\IIJWI, �!tortoni', I t Is 11 t•elntlvu o! the utJIIIlor or I he And••, lnrl!csl ol all blr!I»,-N, f, World,

In lh• ftclfth loand, When JlOvnty tollll'l In nt tlte door

of nn }loklmo eotlnl!f love cloun't fty 1111t nl the wln�ow-heoauao II h wla· '4awi--C�Inua hall� Newa.

R'UGKEtSHAUS; 228 Market Street, lewark, I. J�

Great Sale of Dining' Room Furniture.

Jhe lost Reliable Goods for tne Least Ioney . ' '

. . . . Your Credit is always good at Our Store . • . •

SIDEBOARDS. New Solid 011k Sideboords, be­

vel plategiMs,handsomely carved, from .

EXTENSION TABLES. Solid Oak Extension Tables,

strongly wsde and banasomely 1\aisheu, from

17.50 to 175.00 13.75 to 165 Immense New Stock of China Closets, Cane Seat Dining Chairs, Side Tables, Art Squares, etc. Everything will be offered this week at reduced prices.

PARLOR STOVES AMO RANGES. Stove Headquarters. Cylinder Stoves, $:1.75 Self Feeders, • 7 ,5()

' Wltboot doubt tbo Ja,..t· and . best stoek ohtoves in tho city RDd at prlceM lower tban any other bouoe-<omo and see our 1t<Kk; all �tyles.and eltes.

A Present to Every. Purchaser Presenting This Adv.

GREAT BAHSAINS IN OUR GAHPET DEPARTM'T. II you haven't tho cash we will Trud. We give

Easy Terms of Credit to Everyone.


All Trolley Cars transfer to our store. Free Deliveries Anywhere In New Jersey • .

Telephone I04J• Elevator to Every Floor.


Special For Tltis Jl!ee!i·. Brass Lanterns, Uom(Jlete . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , •. , , . . , . . . . . . . . , , • , , . . , �5o each Brass Bracltt!t La.mtls, co !llpleto. , , . , , • • • , , . . . . , • . , , , . • • . . . , , . • , , , ; 1J3u ench Brass lla.nd Lamtl!l. complete,, , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 25o each il SllvElr·t•lnted Tm' Spoons. " ' " ' , , . , , , , , , , , .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , 2Go 3 Stlver·plf&ted Tn.ble 8(Joons . . . . , . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!lie 3SUvtr•IJltt.tlld Knives ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' , , , ,, . . . , , " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , . . . . . , . . . , , , , , , , , , :=ric 3Slh•er·pll•ted Forks . . ... . . . . . . . , . . . . . • , , , , . . . . . . , , , , , .. . . . . . . , , , , , , .. , , !:Go Double Uoast Pans, largo, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !lMo 011ch Grnnlte Roast Pans, medium . . . . . . . . : . • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . DOe arul up Ste• llag SlJvcr l'oilsb . . . . . ' " " " " . .. . . . . . . . , .. , " " " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6e boE Tollot Roll Pt�opcr . . . . . . . . . .. . , , . . . . , .. , • • , . . . , , , , . . . . . . , . . . . . , �.lie for 6 rolls

ToUet Pa.ckuge l'n.per, tlne •••••••• , ,, ••• , ••• , • • • • •• , • • , , 96o f<n' 3 \1!\ek&ges Oil Heaters . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 3.07 up

l'or t1 ftnt·clallll heft\'Y' Wmh JSuller \fe bent tho Clnuntry.


JOHN INGRAM, Practical Plumber. Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Healing,



•peclnl Atl:ommodatlons for doardlnr Horses,

Albert E. Decker. l.IVERY and'­

BOARDINO STABLES. North�Ave., Westfield, N. J.


N0RTH JtllENU6 HOTEL, W. H. GROGAN, Proprietor.

A.o oommodatlon1 foP Tra111lemt BoRr4erl, + Board bv Week or Month,

I.CELENT 8fAILI AND 8MED ROOM. Oppo•lto l!ltumtcuocl llttUclhtlto

1\'•,'n-f•ttttt•llnn•l �����!ill• '1'1111 flll11UIIH t'n�K or l\'(0\\'l'nlllllllllll!l

IU'I! Ulll�· 1'11111111 UH ll I'll It• Oil t ht! l111Mt 1111<1 �!lllth "!llli 'IR 1111<1 !ill til<' "ioll llktt," ht1J11g 11/l llHl'll hy flit! IIIN1tlll,l.\' tll1 fl l l.l lll'coile <'ll l'l'<•nt wlt l i t lu• gull' •i l•• •nno . 'l'lw lllti•l'ltll' In HIIIU IIH'I' IH <liW'I'Iill•il liM 11 IIIOH\. !h•ll�llirlll !'i llllllt!•, l'!!HUIU• llllng IIlii I uf t lw Holll l l of l•'mucu,

F'nr lthe•unmfiNtll, Mr. JohnHon-1 n11th•i•. JtiMi"''• thnt

)'011 hftl'i ' tiW 1'111•1 11111111HIII liM hiHI ft� Ol'l!r, llon't )'llll t'\'1'1' talw nuythlllll fill' IU

.laHp;•r-' lltJI'II I •1"""' Hnh. 1 takt!� a·ut�llo1 mo•tly.-Jio"toll Ootu•lor.

A !!lt•llt-me 'rhnl Pn,·a, A Chtl'lllllllll mlllwuut lm·lteH l o l�

cm•tntut•I'H lo 1111\'ll Ibn noll); whll·lt ho H�l'\'t'"' uun l�·���·tl t w h•l• n �'111\l' ut ltls l!X)JtlHHI', '.l'ht• l t•H ! I� IIIHY IJtJ uuulu ut 1111)' tlnlll, ll'ltll l ll l t \I'III'Ulll" to lllo llllh',\'1111111, hiH oi>,lt•!!t, Of UOill'HU, �Oitll/ to III'UI'tl t11111 1olM mill! IH of HtUillllli'J pm·ltr nil t iw )'1'111' ruuml, lit• <loeH 11 lnt•gu I•HHI!wH• 11 1111 IIndH hlm•olf woll l'lllllllil for hiM unlluy for the UDIII)'�Iw.

Wut;Jr chtii'II<Jd wlt li u!lrboola acid J!RN, Ill othlll' wor;\H, RUIIR Wnlor, II DUlY JlrUHcrlh!!d RK 11 I•nllhtt lve lor buurer, eapoolally ror 11111 nbuorrual ••• ol IIUDIIr lluv tu tiiiCHic.

1'01 m IIOVIIWir& I·--.._ .. _.MII'!!N �� Yflr.' , . . , :� ; ··t.�:D��·�J .,: . �-�--

Cocoa. l� now much used Ill the pllle: of chocola.te tor lciog cake. Deat. 1M white of two eggs uud stir Into tbeta · nearly a. cupful of powdered sugor 8114 two t".>aspooufuls of cocoa, or simplt · stir tl1e amgur unll cocoa. to a. put. with a little cold water, fl�vorlng wltll mnllln. A third rule for icing calla for four tablespoonfuls of granula� sugar boiled witlt the same quantit;y cf wn\cr for a moment, then add twQ teuspooufuls of uocoa and a teaspoon• ful of vanilla, n.nd spreud.

A "mountalu tlcw" pudding that mai{CS n simple and incxpensh·e but withul a fovoJ•ite dessel't calls for a pint of mill<, two eg-gs, three table· SJlOonfuls of cocoanut, one half cupful of rolled crncl<et'S, OllC tcnspoonful lemon juice, 1lix ull together (sa,·ing' out. the wh i tes of tJu, eg-gs), an� bake one�lmlf hour Jn a. tnoUemte O\'eJI.. \\'l1en firm clld brown cm·cr with & merinb"1lC mnde from the whites ol the eggs nnd n CU)Iful of sugar, and stiffen In r. slow oven until a golclen brown.

Among the new Hri�tles of lc1 crenm cherrJ' bisque, which had Ita orlg'ln at Newport, and the Klondike, which bolls from the far west, � perhnpa the most popallll', The firM Is made hy a��ing canned sour ch .... rles to a plain cream, while the lat• ter' II of almond pa.ste made ln. com­

form filled with a. whipped cream nnd soft custard sl ightly frozeu. Over this congealed mass Is an abuD-�ant eprend of almoncs. ·

Fat In a.ny fonn should never be gh·en to the sick, becn.uw It Is In larfl" globules, and, there(ore, moot dilllcult of dlges!lon. Crenm lo. Ia small globules, and t herefore, eoaler

digest. than fats, but skim milk, 'the .. dletarlnns, Is the beet food children and Invalids. �fllk given

·to the ,very sick should be diluted the oame as for Infants.

�lice ar<: w objcet w the od� of mint, a suggestion that may be' utlllzo•l to nch·nntage by the house­keeper who obJects just. Ill! ;trongly to the smull rodents. If fresh mint II no\ obtainable, )lquld peppermint apo. plied to the shel\-es of o1ore room nnd pantry 18 said to be equally eftl• ca.dous.

Common pca<:h bns�ets l!ned with g)nzed pnper cn.mbric mal<e a. con­\'enient receptacle for, A maid can rendily tnl<e one of these · with !1cr from room to room, using It to reccire the conten ts of the dust pn:n nnd hnir rccc·,\'oet·s.

,\n Engllsl1 expedient for saving- the corners of tableclotl1s nnd sheets from being torn on. the clotheslines, consists in reenforcing t11em with tape. The tape is Jcld on ilnt nnd hemmed down for t.\1'() or three inche1 cndt EiclC Of the CO!'ner.

'l'o clean corlt cnt'pet, wnsh all over twice n weelc wltll skim mill<, or pol• lsh with beeswax nnd turpentine WI JOU would a stntned floor. The ][).t,. tcr method darl<ens t.he cork and gh·es It a. rich nppenrnnee,

A large rug of linen crash placed un.• der the sewing machine will cntcb thrcnds nnd clippings and SU.\'1! a deal of sweeping.

!Inll r11gs, Intended to brenk the }ong nnrrow 11ppenrance, are greatly in vogue.-Wnsbing1on Stnr.

THE SPENDTHRIFT. U'hat Oefalb Ute one \\'110 w,.­

leet• to Prol·hle for e�e "11Dh1T DIIT•"

Dy most men the rosy �renms of youth nrc never realiz1d • . The work· men must nlwnys lnr outnumber the employers, more than 100 to· 1. The man who puts off tile prac­tice of economy, waitit1g for a tlmt\ when It will he casiedor him to deprive himself of certa.ln pet luxuries, learna. when I t Is t oo late that he has p11ssed the point where he can demand of th11 present that It sball help pro�lde for bls future. Among all the acquaint• nnces I hn1·e had In thep11St40 years, not one spendthrift among them hns retired from bus-iness a successful man.

Possibly you may look upon that. word '•spcmlthr1ft" ns one thn.t cnnnot. be applieJ to you. You may 'think it applies only to one who foolishly throws awuy a fortune. If you will tnrn to your dictional')' you will rend thut he ls a Sflenu tbrifl wlw Is im­provitlE!nl or wnste!ul. The word np­pllos with c�unl force to the man earn· ing ten tlol lnrs n week n.ud to him who tm� than.snnds.

'l'hcrc nre no mlrnclcs In 11 blaslues� cnrcer. The man wlw wins success lws tolled cnt•ly nnll lnte with nil his pmers or hm1y nn tl miml. He j ,us ln:cu suh­"""''lcllt to Ills a ml oltlon . He llns pushed aside, been use It wns Ole first. stetJ to­wnnl ¥-Ucet!J:.�, 1!\'\.!t'\' hnbtt nml desire thnt stood lwtwct�;\ ll im nnd Ids gonl. Xo nttlll wns c\'l'l' n ttmhc1·ecl nmotlg- the successful n11es unlesf\ lJC wns wnltlng n n ;J lli'P.Jllll'ecl fot• Forhtuc whc11 she ]Cilm�lwd ut his door, She hns 11£!\'Cr �·e t hccn lmo\\'11 tu wttl l for nu,r 1111111 (Jr ho,l' to prcpnrc hlmsl' i ! for he1· com• pn ny. 1 lmow or 110 one haL It thn t so t h01·an;rhly mnl•ls t he chnrncler of a )'Ollllfi 1111ll1 11H t h e h:ahlt of CCollD111Y• Jt gives h i m · ll'Clllllh or wil l . I t t cncl10• h lm to loco I( br.youil 1111 11!!t lou to Ita finul resu lt . H coutlnua liJ' rem ln<ls him thnt tlw purl!, swcci, in nocent, plen�ll l'I!K ol llfu nr!! nlmoot to hc hnd lor tho n•ldug, nut! !hilt Slllnn I• not onlr n crw�l lutt ru1 txpen&I\'Cl tnRknmr.tcr.­N, Y. L'o!t.

Thh JlftiiJI�n<•ll In l'lthloUPIIIo IInt'••l Om•st (nH flru n\IU'tn ROU!HI•)­

Doeo tho ilro cl•J•nrtmcnt locre have any tllmclll\y h1 I��Ca\h1g 1\ 11re7

r.uJul lcll'd-Not nny 1nore tbnn Ia any olher city, I IUI•JIO••· llut wh1 do you uk?

"Woll, It'• 110 1moky here l 1lna't ... !low theJ mr lad IU lllt.�-cltl� ...... w-. � ... " .. - .... � ... .. . . � 4 . .. . .. . . ;


. a


A new fire 11l�rm bell has lieen placed In the fire hendqnartet'S.

Miss B>tuWIItt is uow living at Scran· ton, liaving movetl th•ir last week.

!llr. ami Mrs. Harry Voorbee•, of Tt·entou, s�ent �'banksgiving with fl'iernls bere,

The Itev. J. H. Stifler preaclle<l lt l'ery h1terestlng uud instnwtil·o 'fh11nl"giv· ing sermon nt the uuion f.'t:J.'\'ice at the Presbyterian church yesterduy moruiug.


�lisa 1\liii'Y Baket·, of Englewood, is visiti11g friemls ou St. George's avenue.

!llr, nod 1\Iis, James Kisshnm, of New

York, spent Thanksgiving with Rul11vay friends.

:Mr. and Mrs, William Fisbet• mill family, of Philadelphia, are visiting friends in town,

W, Baker, who is seriously ill at his' ltome on Fulton street, is said to be im· proviug slowly.

__ _,..,.... . .._ CRANFORD.

1\liss Fannie Clark, of Brooklyn, Is vl!itin(l friends In town.

Miss Mattie D. Ferguson is entertain· lng Miss L. Elizabtitb Smith, of Bayonne.

A great utauy Crnnford people took their first ride on the Plninfiehl trolley cars Thllnks�iviog,

The Golf club bad a big day on Thanksgiving, the fine weather bringing out the golfers in large numbers and the links were li111d all duy.

FAMWOOD. Bliss Sadie Reger spent Thanksgiving

with her parents ou the old homestead nt Succasurma.

�lr. and Mrs. George Schick have re· turned from n ]tleasaut visit 1vith friends at,Phihulflphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gonion, of Plninfield, took their Thsnl<sgiving diu· ner \Vith Scotch Plitins friends.

�+4�---­Jiow'H Til hi'! We o.ft'er One Rn111Ired Dollnrs Re·

ward for auy case or Cutnn-h tlmt cnu· not be en reel by Hull's Cntnrl'llh Cure.

F. J , Cheney & Co., Pt'OI"· · Toledo, We, the undersigned, hnve knowu F. J. Clteney for the lnst 15 years, am\

believe him perfectly honorable iu all buaiuess transuctions and linancially able to carry out any obligatiou mude by theit· firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drnghoists, Toledo, 0., W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wbolesole Druggists, Toletlo, 0. H11ll'• CRtarrlt Uure is tllkeu internnlly,

actiug directlv upon the blood imd mu · cons surface• of the system. Price 7iic per bottle. Sol� by all druggists. 'l'es· timonia lo free, Hull'• F•mily Pilla are tlte best.

-·-AvPt�;.-e� -�nd C'riflcllm.

It was after the ttlnno recital, nn<l t.lw audience \l'ns stlll n;Jplnmllng. 'l'horo "'ere two Eugllslt 1\'omcn, though, who tlld not clop their halllls. But thc,v commented In tones that were muii!Jle for some ulstnnee at'Oillltl thns:

"The pom· num! \\'111 they makP blm piny fl!laln'l"

"Isn't It nwful the wny the Anwt·l· C!llns npplnutl? It's so Ynlgnr!"

"Yes; It's the most n!l�tnr thing tht•)' c1o."

And Ute Americans tool< meekly tllt'lr lesson iu mannct•s.-Ncw York Colll­merclal Advet•tlser.

T•e ClutUift! of a Comtna, ""'henevt�r 8he nsJ\s me to do nnY­

tlllng," sol!lortnlzcll Mr. Meel,er JW;l· •h·cly, "I nlwnys gu null do It, 111m n fool."

11Y£!s," snhJ lirH. :\l£.ovkm·, ·wh� lmp­penetl nlong In ttnw to o\·N·hem· llim. •wtwnever I nsk ron to <lo nnrthing ron nhvii)'S !:O nut! tlo It like n fooi."­Chiengo 'l'rlhune.

\'o)CIIIIItJ };I'II JJtioiiJrt

Are gl'lmd, but skin eruplions rob life of joy, Bucklen's Arnica Snh·e, cJll'es tiJijiU, nho oltl, running nud £eyer eol'eH, uicm·•. boils, fulons. cm·us, wat·ls, cnts, bruises, burn•, scalcls, chll)lpetl i111nd•, cltlllllnhtH, BeHt )tile cm·o on em't.b, DriveR ont jlllins nml nohe.,, Only 2r.<:tP, a hux. Cum gtlllrtmteiQd. Sold t1t the Bnynrcl drng sti1re,

-----·� Crut•JJ,· Jlt•JII'f'llll'.,

'11t'R n.. �o�lututf': tllll t'N whnt It IRf'' ('X· elnlit iC'tl ti ll' i lo)' wt•ntlifllliJ'. "I enu't hll \'11 lillY fllll rll nil."

"\\'hllt'H tht• lllll!h•i''l" IIHI(I!I) the A)'lll· pntlwlic llt>I�IIlroJ', ,

"1!1111 HII)'K IH•'II lie!; 1111! If hu 1'1'1'1' ht•nrH nf '"" ll;:htlng wllh 11 h<w Rumll· m· !hun I 11111, nn I dnHHI!ll'l ll�ht with

11 hl�gur IHIU,u-Chli!ti,Ltn PoHt,

RwiHH lll'i'hll!!oln�IHtH hll\'11 clc•ell lt•rl IIIII! II C11l'tiii!J l'llill lli'Jil' llh•l ll'hhrh hnH tu•l'll lwhl to hn one• of Uur lllll lll' leo· llllill l'l'llllllliH IH 1'<'1111,1' Cc•ltlc, tho •Iflly ouu of t lJU klml lu thll cnnntry

----- ·-- . � ----ltbiiiHrk'l lron :Ne1r¥n

WnH tho t'eHnlt qf ltiH HJtlurulhl ltmtlth. lncl<>mlhhle wlil ruul t.t·cmtvtuluuH mwrgy '"" 11<1t fomul whore Hlnnuwh, llvor, kill lltiYK ntul ;,uweiN Kro nnt of cl!llflr, tr YOU WHill tlt�M8 C(tllliitlVM Rllil t)IU Mll!Jli"HK t.lroy l!rlllll'r llllll D1•, Kiiiii'H Now J,jf., I'IIIH, 'l'hey <l�v�lotrll evvry ;rowor o! n! brain And boily, Only ��0 Ml D�yurd drn11 1tore,


· n��mura riii.L& fte .. teol lecleao Ia ....... c­

t••n ••• tile C•••eal le••••·

The high stocks tbat are worn art 1·ery becoming· or uglJ' us the cu�:.c mDJ be. They should make el'cr�· wuwun who husn 't u sl1ort nel:k looli bcr best, but they must be cut to sui t lwr. It mulics n l l t he Uiiferencu in the world to tlle e1tcct whether the currc up Ol' rlown is jus� in the right plucc. U the collnr goes uown In !he wrong· Jllac• it B'ires the necl\ a Uarc UllCU\'Cl'Cd looli, nud if it is too high nl thc wrong }Jlacc it lool\s aH if the wonwn wut: smothcr·ing. Collal's mu:st- be cut, too, with n·ganl to the g'OfKl uud lwd }luints of the u�ck. 'f]wrc wus u pretty young girl nt, the thPuter tlic CJtlu�r ereni11g· "·ho wns well dressed us to C\'cr·y Lhing b u t bet· collar, w!Jieh Jit1ccl 11 trociously. lt mny h a\'C been a !tome-mat!<• U<1lli· tion. It wm; of ISOillt; white nw terinl, witl1 a band of vch'et of the color of the dress uromHl the lower }Hll't. 'l'Jw n•lrct wus stJUg, lmt the wh i te co llur wnsloo high und 11ot p1•operly stiifeuccl. 'J'he cous(!quenee wns thnt 11s the gil'l turned her head tlie eollm· was Jlltshcu <lown nncl �uiged out a�m·e the 1'cl· ''et, giritrg the wcnrer tJw effect of buv· ing goitre.

A ltandsome gown wom recently to tl1e tlteatcr wns n j:Jerfectly simple pl'in .. cesse, not u fold or n v.Tiukle on tho bodice, around the hips, or on the bncl(, until nltout u loot or mot•e ollm·e ti1e lower eclge, where it fliu·ed out with the proper degree of flutlincss, ruching• and rttilles. 'fhe gowti wns o! silk, just tbe glimmer of "bleb could �e eeeu through the solid lace 1\llich covered it. · 'l'he figure of the womnn we11r"r W051 of (!0UJ'f:ie1 perfect.

Some women and girls ore wearlnq around their neck• o bit of white illu­sion high up, just inside tlte stock, "' thnt It gh•es a line of white nround tlte neck ancl ties In a jaunt� little how nt tbe bnck.

Sequins are to be seen on man:r thing'S this winter, pnrtlclllnrly on thin goods wi tlt luce eJI'ects. Whole gowns of net· arc covered with them, but they must. be sewed on cnrefllll.)', nn«l home sew· lng is usually better than that of the sl10ps. It is better to ha\'e no sequins at ail thnn a sequin off here nncl there. It is n degree worse thuo n. missing boot· hu uon,

There is fringe, fringe el'crywhere found, so muclt of It that it will he fringe, fringe nowhere. excetJton cheap garments. This hi pnrticulnrly t he cmm with the 1ringell trlrumings on the hats. It llns beeu so ens)' to put " bit of fringe on u hot and give it style, that everyone ltas been a!Jle to do it, nnd it is seen commonly in the street cars nlreuuy, wili\!ft usually settles the fate of mtythin'g for people wilo lllw indi1·iiluality. ln some of the most beuutiful gowns fringes ore wm·cn on to the gnrm011t. �·his (•nnnot be du· plicnted in ebeap ciiects.

;\mong the prettiest separnte blouses arc those made of one mnleriul opedug over a con trusting shade in a vest. of some soft. silk, t ile hotly of tbe b louse helng cut low urouutl tile neck to show u little of t!JC sill< below the collar. l'he hlouse is finisl1ed at the waist with n narrow bnn<l of tlte wa!st.nmtcrlal.

With the heavy boots and glo1·es t!Jat "'omen nre wt:nring come the wooler. g!OJ'es · far country \\ear that are n• stylisb nntl expensh·c ns t!Je ot!J<r kinds, but soft nod eomfortuble.-rl. Y. 'Iimt::s.

AUTUMN SOUP. A Dlob That BeOecto tb" RlcbDe• of

tile lllarket In Tbto 8ea•oa.

The aut nmn is the season wben menta of a.U k inds ...,ach their hi!Jhest paint of excellence. The feast of Mnrtiumus., in honor of thut. s�int. who presillcll o1·er a fuH lm·uer, fell on N m·ember 11. Gmne of nll l<ln�s now crowUs the rna.rkets. Decf, mutton and poultry are 11cvor fatter and bet· ter.

Autumn sot1p reflfcts the richness of Ute market. '11tere are some game soups thnt are goocl. A, soup, tcs a rule, ho11·m·cr, should be made ol freslt lillled ments. Game ulwm·s lutugs .. cansldernblc time to put. i t jj,. to t.bc proper COI:tlitlon for foot!, nn.d Is far thnt renoon tao old to be mnue Into n sollp. Sometimes gnme que­m•lles, or forcemmt bulls, of b"'tme, ure med as a garnish to elenr •ou11 of beef.

'!'here are oJso certain 30ups tlmt nre JlCCU!Inrly chnrncteristle of autumn, because t-hey are cspecinll�; nssociakd with ponl tr,y· or gmnc t1 inncrs. A crenm of c�lcry ot• cream or t·lce soup Is o. most excellent inl rodtlct.lon to a <lhmer of roost ]Joultr.r.

'Jllwrc nrc certain No\'em1J£�r dnytt wlten nothing is so ncL'l')l!able ns nn ohl·fnshlonetl oxtail oou;t, riclt nnd J.ll('ln t luoun, 1h lc1u�nct1 uml Hl'nsmJed ns 011Ir IL lltlgueno1, coolc nf oltl h:nc\\' )JOI\' to SCILSOll (I'll] t.JJ!elccu ft. �1118 Allllp Rhouicl he well lhli'Ol'Ptl mushrootm, a� ot.her l.eer soup• sl10uld III LLt· nre tlsecl In mrtnmn, wll�n lite mr11<low JlliiHllronm, the trhl<'f l'arlet.v of our mnl'ltet, IH <•hrnp nucl lllJUndnn't eJJ011gh fo he 11�1·d on J1oor men's tnl•lcR,--N, Y. Trlhm:c,

(jht•t•Ne �UIIJI, llmwn I«Jme HollliP<I onion� in n little

fnt, wl t·h II <m1 111ic of tnhi<•Kpnonfii)H of flonr; HI'IIHIJII W<'ll nncl put In the l'f'fjii iiMn ntno1mt uf wnt.(•r, P11t . tnto f l , ll'll l l·lll'n IN) flli'Cl'll l!!niW lt·lrrl dice t r f ltt'l'tll) (Ill' KOJIU' wry tltlll ddps nP lwnH•m tule hrc•n<l nhout two <111,1'•' oltl); �]ll'lnltle cm•r t.hrtcr n Kmn!l hitnclful or f.(l'llll'il <'i l <'cHc•, llll ll )10111' the ho11lnfl'

QDII 8DIID lAm I Tbe IICII'k C!f a fartllfl''l wife � IIHer ----- e��ded. llllt It ill whol-e, t11 yablt,

laeeaoloteaer •• ••• ••• Leaot •- productive .'IW!'k that ia pleuurabfe if tbe farmer's Wlft II a well WODI!III, ... •1 0•• 0•• CJ•a•aete.- The work becom•• weary drudj!e!'J

lotle., when the woman is oirk. The work

wn:ur.aa nature Ia a queer thlug, encl l �·t a gl impsp of a phuse of it which Eet. a1e thinldng. not long ngo," eu.ld t11e wonmn who hus trn,·eled. "It """ In tim AllegoheJJ�" mou n t<JitJs, a·here I spent. a sulnmer with a. joll,v· Jlr.rtr. One •luy we dro•·e UJ> Ute ·monntaln to see a l'iew wh ich is noted in the suJ·romHling country. At U1e foot vf the climb, which must. he mn<le on foot1 we left onr rnJ·riages at a dcl igl1Ht1l olll�fnshione(l farmhouse where we founcl thut. we coulcl order n. menl, to Ur rends when we retm·m�{l. You know wltut. n mountain n.ppet ite is, n�<l mny he sure that. w� eag-rr\,1• seizetl tlte opportunttr to satisfy the !JJJnger w!tich might. othrrll'i•r hn•·e made cnnnibnls of us 1lnring the long rille home. Two of the party hnd ellOSl'n to come on lwrsehncl{1 nml tlcdr stcrrls 'hn•l either failed to rnllill tlle p1·omiF.c of t}H! glowing e>ulogics of tlu�ir nwner, who lmcl lonnerl nu�m. for n ronsidcrntlon, or else tlte twn!n ltnd etoppecl for a little lol'etnaldng by tlw wn�·. 1\t. nny rate, t-hey were not In sight, nncl we decided to wait for t.l!rm. Wlt ile 1loing •o, we st rolle<l idly nho lll· the flel<ls snrroumliag the housr. Jt. wnA jnst. nfter lmrYr�t, nm1 tl1e plnc£! wns in such perfeet orrler tJm.t. we C0111]l\lmented the fnrmer RR we went. Tlte ltonse wns set, among Its gorgeous oltl-fnsbionecl flowers, nt l11e foot. of n sligltt. rise, nnd ns we aseended this we cnme to a smnll In· clos�Jre, el' the rnmlly lmr,\'lng ground, Up to l'er;v fence the sc�·tlte hn•l done ltR perfect worl<, but lnsl<le ll'ns n tangle of bloekberry l'lnes, weeds nnd dnnk grass. The few hendstones were Blmken ancl neg· lected nnd t.lte grn<es utterl.v nncnrecl

drags and the woman's pride ia burt. Her ambition is to do as much and better work titan her f) neighbors. It is •

a distinct tri-umph if her huller is gener· nlly regarded us the finest in, the C O lt tJ t y . Jlut fine butter and bad 'health don't go lo· gcther.

uC��r�.f '�iifi· �t!� Fnnu, Huosburg-1 Yt., ,,,.rites to Ur, R. Y, l'icrcc, Htlf· f:�lo, X. Y.: " lJnr· ingth� pn!il �·enr 1 fouml thnl I Willi to 1K-come a moth· t:r nnd t11nt I was iu mpitllv failing health. l suffered tlrcndfu11y from hh.lntin�, and urmnry dlfficul1y. l wu1 r

owing perceptibly wenker each dny atlll !'ltf� 1��cl��"�!g�k ���(�� R1!11t��i1!����ll�il�1�t�,:�sfi��

�����,� ... 1i�f�tf�!��3�������\��N�,:i��\'(T���Jl{,���!! hettie� of IJr, l'ierce's l;n,•orit� Ptl'f.ICriJltlcm, nttd

nlso followed \"our li)'gcnic imtructiuns. l ltcg:m to lmpro\'l' hinnctliulely, my bculth hccame t:x­ccllent, nnd l co11ld do all my work (we lh·c 011 a gor.d sized fimn). I wnlkt:d nud rode nil I cou:d, nnd enjoyed it. 1 hnd n tobort, cilsy coltfincmtut and hnvc 11 lil'nlthy l1nl•y boy,11

The one metlicine that gives prom,Pt

atul sure relief is Dr. Pierce's l•avonte Prescription. It is a tonic arul purifier thnt works on one specinl set of organs ancl pnts them in a perfectly vigorous, hen !thy condition, It quickly sootltes ill· flammation an<l •toP" debilitating drains on the system, Taken regnlarly during the period of gestation it greatly le�seus the pain and danger of chilllbirth.

Although sweet to tile taste it contains no sugar wbicb often disagrees witb weak stomachs; nor does it contain any alco­hol, or .opium in any form, and therefo� does not induce a craving for stitnulantl. Keeps perfectly in any climate,

for. The whole plnce hd such n. neg· H �':'t;d� ��:���t: !!��;�:t��!(���:p:. ��; ouse : Painting

we welcoJied tbe shouts w!tlch toM of the ntflval of f.he truants and cnlled us to seek pleasanter surround· ir.g... .

"'fhe l'lew wns magnificent nil() we, lingered until the pangs of hunger re· mln<led us of tbe meal which was doubtless awnltlng \lB. Wilen we


Detorating. rencltct1 the tu.rmhou11e we were direct· 1 HH\'ing pnrcbl•sed the 'lOle right ed to the bacl< door, where we fo,.nd for the stile nud use of the fa· to our de!lgltt a r<nl old-fashioned wntet• bench with pBi� nnd basin, n.nd he-re we mnde our primi1h'e nblutions, d t·ying our glowh1g faces on a coarse bnt spotles• roller towel. �'hen we

11·ere ushetwl into the dining-room, n. long, low npn.rtment, which wns deco­rat e(l with maps. uncl nnch.�nt pict ur�;s of simpel'hlg' Jodics, cln<J.' in 8Cilr1ct


Brooks Scaffold & Gang Brush I mn nhle to llo fnr better work than otlter Jlllinters, !IIJ() the new nppnl'llt.ns allows me to <lo the work ut 11 lower fig1ue thHu heretofore. All work ia nbso· lllielr gDIIl'llllleecl.

gcnvtiS, with wondrous coiffnl'es and W H BAKER c�·es wllich were Ja.1•ger t.lum th{'ir 1 • ' mouths. '!'he tuble-shnll I el'er for· South Ave. Westfield, N. J. get it-wns spread with n• l'ariety of --------------­food wlticb would hnve given " <lvs· Jl'•ptic dreams for a montl1 . At �nc

�f?· :::<t::���A·..Ztt!� eml wns a. huge, new!�· boi led lmm, nt fD en ; t-1H!rc ""ere two plnt ('s of onions1 the oilier n loft.y plnte of fried chic!<· � l)(le}('(l und seneil whole ; two d i�hcs ' HOHI:,NSTI:,IN'S of cltcumbers, dressed with ereu m ; . ..."'ou flnd l& huge d ishes of bot. biscuits, nnd of • boiled corn ; glass <llshes of honey nnd � preserv�s gnlore, and last, but

' not Whips, Sponges, �

lenst, piles of bnclnvhent. ca'kes bnlwcl Harness, Curry Combs, the full sl7.e or the griddle and cm·er- Blankets, Stable Brooms, lng' encb n. dinner pla.te. Fur R.obes, Wagon Jacks,

"After tl1e meal we repaired to tl•e Water Palls, parlor, fen•·ful nod wonderful In it. or- � Harness 011, Blacking, namentntion of worsted nnd bend ·' Axle 011, ' worlt, witHe horses nnd dri1·ers were J fed. Two members of tltc pnrtr hnd FLOU�, FEED, HA\' AND 1 brought. g-uitars; these were fisbed OI(AIN, ont, while some sought the l'lne· decked porch to sec the moon rise. " R F HOHENSTEIN 1 Roon the •trnh1s of n. populnr song • • r' 1 J•ent tlte nlr, and hnlf n <lo?.en 1•oi•es 9 Proapecl St. w .. tlleld, N. J. hurst Into tlte rol licking words, �'hey ..,...&tO;t;;;;y'lii' 1

had senrce lr sung a \'crse when the muster of tl1e bouse, n tnical fnrmer, with collarless shirt. nnd trousers In hoots, ttppenr�d. He said: 'I don' wnnt to spoil nn;v o' )'mtr fun, folks, lmt m�· pious compnnlon nn't been <lPml n yen.r, nn' I cun't huve no m11s ic lmt. hrrnn ehunes �mng in this hou�;e.' A •rmJlntiJetic silence reigned tmtll l1c had put. hlR bend into th<• door once mor(l to sn�·: 'Sing n� mnn�· hrmn chunr� rtR ron wnnt.' Then F.ome one opened th• ancient parlor·organ In the 1:orner, aml 800n "'e nll Joinell in the rolling not•" of the ol<l hymn: 'lluw

flirm n. Fotmtln tlon.' 11ft. wns not. unti1 we htul .dlenth• en·

tered t.lte waiting enrrlnges anll'

lost the Ins! gllmpse of the ol<l' fnrmhouse nt 11 Ie ltcn<l of the road tl111t some one r<•membcrcil the neglected bnrylng gt·omHl ln which lite ]dons eompanlon wns tn1dng hl'r long rcs1:. "'e lmcw 1hn1 Hhc wus lai1l t h ere, for one of our ch·inrs hntl nth•mlell tbe h1nr.rnl, mul 1 hun lll'\'!lr lll'Pn nble t o mulerstmHl how the mun who eouhl gire Hti'UilJret'S itwh n mrttl ns t.bnt fot• 2.1 ce111 8, nntl nllow only 'h�·tnn cJu1 i1eH' fnmg in hi� linUHL', t•oultl nllow hlH wlfe'H �I'R\'e to l1c m·crJ'llll with bladrlJcri'\' 1'\ne• nml \\'C('tlH-but, tl!cn, ns I fHdfl

.Uerof(', 1nt­

man nn l. tn·c h; u. fJUeeJ' thlngi "-S, Y. 8tm.

]IIIII)' HJU�L·Iu nr �,�,., •• 11' Thlllll'l· 'J'I1c t'lll'lllor of the biological clrpm·c·

Jlll'llt of t!Ic SmiL h•nnlntJ ln•t ltutlnn c•t lmnte• I hat lhCJ'e nJ·e 4r.ll,ll00 sprelliB of un !mnln In the wot•lil , of wlduh !!,Mm l1olong 1u tlw 11!11111111Uilnn gt•oup, 1 2,/i(Ul !IJ l r l i·ds, •1,·1110 !o rett!lie•, 1 2,0110 to fiKlu•K, 'l'ht'i'C 111'11 lO,OOll )titulH of Hplcler•, :Hill,lll)f) JclllllH of lllN<'I!I�, 11, 1110 �!JJ!JH ltf 1\'IJI'IIIH, J , r,(J() ltlrii]H nf H)llllllli'H 111111 II •n•t ll l trulll'r of othw tclml of uululnl• rhnt one wuuhl lmvc to Inuit np 11 clil!· tlonll l','' to 1wow 1111ythlug lt1Juut1 111�d then !mow I'CIJ' littlc.-Ciilungo Clirotl• lrtlc•,


COAL� Superior LEHIGH VALLEY COAL. The superiority of Leltlgh Valley Coal lies In the fact tb11t it Is har<ler, bnrn�long. er, give@ forth more h•nt, buruo upclPittLer, lsthe heat therefore the chenpest,


8. D. WI NTER, �� First St., Westfield, N, J, YAftt:l, PIC70N, N. oJ.

fOR SALE nlu·iuh; 1

<•f thu \'vry 11111�0, to \m HOlt\ 011 lliiHY lerUJH, i'trlly Wlll'flllltoi\ Iive \'HIIl'H, WIJPc•ler & \V II. son sowing uutchhiuH for Killo, Call nt

WELLESLEY ROBINSON'S F.lm � l l'llllf, lltUII' tii1Jtuf1 , \VVIIUhtlti,.N, .1.

"�• nr••• ., .... � ••.

llcJ1 101' m·f'r tlwn1, Hcnu n.t onec,- 1l'lntt •••• 11101 unt.

\Vh1111 lito !IUCl!l'tnlnty hiHI hecomo \Veil 1111!11 lnloluJ'ahlu, llclmrce voutnrucl tu go to tlto Hm·;wnt <ilrelllly,

"IM It Ill' IH It IIIII 11 ruut, 0 Hoa·· petit," nskocl llchme11, "tllllt you HWUl· low J'our fOUilll whou you III'U uttcwk· �Ill"

]lrrnl<rn (IJ ,_,h_e_, ..:...---- JJ'IIle (!mtolllCI'-olURt !JIKII II )ook ftt " lllfiMr<•llt 1'1•••· twl• "''" hit I I ll<lll�lit here lor n <lollnr

J.'u rmer J!ornbt•nl<-T' .,re, you trnml'• y<•;!Lq·<la,rl !l'lie tuhlute tiro rnln 11truuk wlmt '"'" you clnln' In rny hnymow In ' 11, It en t'l•<l I n ! . , i111• mlclcll� or tllll nfternoon 'I · I Ccrlfi•D! 1 ••hr-\'11!1, Ill)' frlenclt, ul )'Oil

Anll cl A]lnnncr-HitC)JIII11 bn!lo yfll r·t•memhnr, I l'ltnii•I! yon to tnlc� l'on "\l'n·nl, �It nut o' ltcrel 'fltl1 aiD't n! cloMe ]IIIIIII<I Irni ��fr•Jt�·-nln� cr.nrl lilll•

'" r•t""'''" "·-''"1"•· 1 prrlln• rvn 3'011 pottght l)ut lintl-l'ucll,

"Well, I nhl'liYH tt•y to holtl my own," J'cpllotl l110 llm'tll•nt tuotl<!Htly, It II trtll!, hlif UI'IINIVl'IY IVItiJtll, Alii! MO tho �ltlct• CUUII'UI'UI'H.V IVJICOI oa,-Putrolt Juurual, . ' '

To a few. If l.ou'ro of the ''few," buy Uywllero all!tew ...... ;;1 l'!JU must constdcr dollars and a:nta, cotnmon leuse muat Values count "'ith tho pnultlt, and our bnrguins prices are small, Credit ligurea lower hero than cash Four ncr<s of floor space filled with now and desirable your way-that's what we're here for.


$9.49 White Jhmmeled Bed, b r a w l rnll• n t hcntl nnd foot, brllsl c:cntreornamcot. RegLdarl7$1G,

CARPETS I Velvets, 69e. Axminsters; - 77c. Brussels, 45c. Ingrains, 25c. Oil­cloths, 19c. up. Mattings, 12c. up, Rugs-all sorts and sizes-complete assortment-low prices.

Tho " Portlnnd" Range is the one leading nmgo wortb its weij�ht ill golden dollarll­over 10,000 in Ulto

Oil Heaters.

Am�o�v���Y,��.����?;��td. 73 M::�et Note first nn111e 11Amos."

TcleJ!IIone 580,

A ·Warm Time All -If you secure one of our all wool


The are most positively the greatest

of this wonderful and progressive

Price $16.oo. COLYIR M Co.·

81! Broad Street, Newark, N. J• � . .



lll8tance far, Crowded tar; Lots of dirt, Saucy clerk; Prlres stout, All tired out-

That Is 11hopplnx at dty store. lleautllul atore, At your door; Variety great, No te�lou11 walt; Servl'e polite, l'rlceK tufit rlaht-

That IM shopJ!Intr at Harker'• •tor�.