the word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the greek word for water and aulos, meaning...


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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe
Page 2: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe.

Page 3: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

A fracture is the (local) separation of an object or material into two, or more, pieces under the action of


Page 4: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

Hydraulic Fracturing is used to get natural gas from shale rock. It is also called “fracking” for natural gas.

Page 5: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

One of the world’s largest shale areas is called the Marcellus Shale formation and was named after the town Marcellus in New York State. It contains vast amounts of natural gas, which is an important energy source.

Page 6: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

There are other parts of the United States where natural gas is found and being drilled for.

Page 7: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

Gas companies, politicians, businesses, and some communities want Hydraulic Fracturing because they say it will create new jobs, help the local economy, and we will use less foreign oil.

Page 8: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

Many other people are against fracking because they don’t think it is safe and feel there are cleaner ways to get energy.

Page 9: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

Some people that live near drilling wells have had their watercontaminated with chemicals. People worry that they will get sick from it, but gas companies say it is not from hydraulic fracturing.

Page 10: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

New York Governor Cuomo is deciding if our state should allow hydraulic fracturing.

Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

Page 11: The word "hydraulics" originates from hydor, the Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe

Your letter should start with:

The Honorable Andrew M. CuomoGovernor of New York StateNYS State Capitol BuildingAlbany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo,

I am (in favor or against) hydraulic fracturing because…