
TNT. DISPATCH. BY THE DIHPATCH COMPANY. CASH.Iff* A ni ABLY IN ADV A Si V. The DAILY DISPATCH ls delivered to rab* #. ii'-r. .1 nrraa** i k.nts ;«. -...i,. *.¦,,»., , the carrier wii-klf. Malled .il fS per Annum *. f.\ for*lt in..nth*: gl.Atl f-.r (hire month*: 50c. f..r cine month. The 8EMI-WBEK1.Y DISPATCH at fi per an* sum, ->r fl f-*r «ls month*. The Vt KKKI.V DISK A I (I! Al fal per ..niinin. ___..........__________ ll Itt****) NH IROX RITTKRM. pUJH rm ins. Thc ».1**<h1 ls the foundation or life: lt circulates' Watta part ol the Im.-Iv. and unh-ss lt I* pore sn.) rich good hesItit I* luipONsllde. If disease lia. eli lei ed Hie system the <, _/y sure and f____ ¦ av lo drive lt out ts to purify and en: Uh lim I.]i.,m1. Tliese tim pie ftrt. sit wi ll known, and Hie hl/h- eet medical suth*-Ttl.-* a. ree Hist nothing Lui Iron will re*t"tv the Mood t-- lt- natural eon.lill-.n ; and alan that all thc Iron pal __ratli.ini hitherto um-L' blacken Ihe teeth, eau* tieadat he. and are otlier- »li ii.iur, u HROWN'h IRoN HITTERS will tborouirhly and (juhkly assimilate the ki..i. piirifyiii- au<! .rtrenjrtbenlnf il, tad -Ria li*eve frotn ant part of *Le *y*teiu, rind it will nul Lia. k- ii the t. etK.r.-iUM li(.a-l:i. h.-or con- *tiik*.ri' h. aa 11- i*--*iiu- iv n-.t iiijiiri-.u*. BAYED DU (_______ 17 *> "ii Til I vv* * im i t. ll v ir rn-1:». Vin..) I Lrii.irv IB, Issi'. ( i.. .. -I'l-.n tl.e i. ..milieu l:itl"ii of a s k.i.i.vvs". laos Birrnaaaaioaie audi n.v .1 .ii-Lt. i. wl.'-lii I wu-t'.i.i- m .tlni; awa] with t-.ii- -'iiii|.ii..i:. il .* la. i '-' i -ii.ii.'iiter* bi Hm tcr- r 11 :. disease, andi r tbe 'ure of em in. nt j.iiy-i. ina, i tu at anytblag roald ana -i Ibe pr.-/: ' my ir rt at *nrpii-e. '. r bad brina oas bottle ol llioivvs's |ao_ Kt r 11 n*-1,. )m-'.in t.. tneii'l. mid aaa i* ¦.ni. _______! i i emmi btollh. k -fib ti i" ibow *lk'ii*..l'( i.ii*iimp[|ou.iiml a- iii.-I beqalekly aald, i id a ben Informed thal * taalag Rbowk's ik-.n ki i- TLli.* I- -I*. I'.- I. I Lal i- l-.I take UV Al.t-i: vm Pm i.i*. BR01* N:¦- IKun KIT III:- I ill) .liles DVsl'KI'-l V. INI.lui s |,,N, nod WT AK Ni S-. tod renders Hu nt itesl relief aad i-« n. tit toper* r ui* *i liv rim RM ION, Kin-,i v tty vii'i. vin | 7- ¦-!' | s PERRY HtllSS PAIN-KILLER. !1 MMl.i: ( oMI'l.M.NIs. vii inf the howeb are " ra md in,a,u i, ,..,.:, lacked kll'.vvl. . mi -I). l-i i:i;v RAM I8__ PAIN-KILI R lt a tot Dl.irihi- liv-iitety. siiluiui r i dat,< lera Morkar., etc., aad kptrfottlt III VD lill. 1 ul I.uWTNu: Ku-.' ill--.¦ N. V War.Ti BS, IB81. Kihi-.-, liAVia'e Pai.--_.ili.kii never/alis to imp .ml pain in tin Josi iii iii linn r, NT- HOI villi. \. V I-. hm uv 2, 1881. ... in.- I knott "i for .iv-.m. rv. -ii. : .mach, ll .ve i.-. i' v- H-. md ii reefer* Hine. .iii ii * U. lu i. Moinoona. Iowa, M ireh 18, 1881. v..ur Kai .-:, it i: i.i .-, vere eas* an.I lt -rave iutan I relief. L. E. Caldwell. I vt I \ II ' I I. v..' nv -J-, l-l. Portwent] v. in havi nw j ..m- p vi-,-\ p lib foi I...m U|_ II"! lei I 1 J. B. Iv ii s v- .-. vii -i.-iai irv 22, 1881. Han ur Dai i*'- P tix-Kii li ii f..r i' Hubie. N" molhi i He I .h.liv. II. I. N v.l -. OKI il v. N. V ,- I", rn nv IB, 1881. vv bes rn ii-it. ind lt Immediate relief Would hardly dare without a riot He in ti.*- house. w.n. Bpi kuy. i' rj 28, 1881. v rery family lu thi ret I -n I.. i- le. I MOBTO... 1 11 I * v 1i * 11\-1 vIi .i Rill m*ii I'll ia, Pth. 8. K98I. i I Liv- known Pr.RKl I) vv l*'-' P vis-1*. 11 I l: al- ii vi i* Introduced, and after iii. n and u-<- 1 regard it* pn In in, household as au (ii litpentnbli nt ci tt ity. I. -. Koli lil, I nit. I -late- ( "ll*lil. j J III i: iiiN-nN-Tl( i v r. ls... dav u IT. rin/ .< univ from narrien, a.-.;.. n nd v\ it li Intense nain, wheo I j; till v..iii PAlN-Kll iii:.- ".I Lanni all.t lu¬ ll, j. Booms. R] ROU v..I « RBI I. I...M".v. Km,. Haring a r. -el.-ii. ¦ ..I' t*v. nl--lhr. y. ar* in In- I. /iv. ii lt in unii) a of dtarrhma, dys* .iii, ia and never knew lt lo Ci) to I < 1.1. li. c_.titii ><;_. j BO VV1IIY CAN -VI ll.V Kl WTTIIOlT!1 Till- INV All Vlil.l K'KVII nv. ' lt* tates tin/- it vviihiu ihe 1-1 .-ie11 ..f ail. P*_r|. ll 'lui '/l-l-..f -.Ti. 51 e.. and -1 pat Lottie PERRI HW I- I sus. I'r.-i.iTrtor*. . 1 -,...]'. )"1 I'i-.x l-l. ii. IC. I. SI tl MONS Ul ER lllt-il I.YTOlt. Cl.M__.iN> LIVER KEUULATOB. D _ \*K un ki nv BKD !¦¦ ¦.. i: ietim of V' ear aad i Vi, rem: il-Di*..i-< T I'lili. lil, HOW I HI V KKi nV IK! D liealUi. (Tiurfnl i|,lril-, mid mad ai'i-eti'.e. tin y win i.u von i.v iakia_ BIMMONfl kivt i: ki OUL viol:. Pot DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JaaatBea, vii. i, -ii k Hi vu Mill.. ( '.Ik-. Da* a of -...lill-, -ul i: STOMACH, ll- arti.uni ___.-____, IT ll V- Nu I t..|' AL. aart railed -mtlhern remi ly v warranted ei i.. ..nt iii, . Hugh parUi le- i BfUM nu oraay lajartotti min. ral snbstanee, hui I* Pl'I.KL. V I (.KT VIII.K. If you feel drowsy, ilel.lllt.itcd, lure li.*iuiiit lii-adnrh. m..nth tii-te* Loll), poor n|.|M-tite and jl I'li/iii roated, v..u an *uir.*tTn/ lulu torpid liver, oi ** lui.-ii.ties,." and nothing will eur,- you bo -i-».niv aad pennant nUy as to : ti*. NMMON8 LIVER BBQ! l.v inp., it i%riven arith latfbtyaad Bkc baiMlaal result* to the luu*l diTleStC InKllll. lt Kll-e* the l.lai-e nfijill. ulm- sud Litter* .-f . very kind. II I* the Cheapest I h.-t family inr-ll.Tne in tl.e world. Beware t counterfeits. Tal..' only Ibe genuine, in _hl(, wraiiinT with red / In front, pia J Mired hy J. II. ZKIKIN A CO. sol. D HV ALI DR IT. i. l-l-- BpB-eO-H Vii3D HAUUDAVIATIR. TUE IMPLKIsllAHLK. PLRPLMK. Mt 'lt HAY 4 LANMAN'K FLORIDA WATER. 1.1 s ros i .. '..j *. TOILET, BATH, AND IIANDKEIM.TIIKP. j I nih 80-Tb,SaATuOmJ DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LXI. RICHMOND, VA., TUESDAY MORNING, JINK 20, 1882. NO. ur,. $irhmoitd Dispatch. ITKSDAY.JUNK 20. 18»2. SS-Tlll'. (TIM l LATIHN OF THE DLsl'ATCM ls I BIBTB THAN TIIK CflMIUVKI) ITHCC- L.Vi If UN Of ALL THE OTHER DAILY NKVS-- U VITUS Of THK (TTY. [Kntert-d at tbe PHB*RRM st Rtrhmond, Va., aa secfind-clas* matter. I WEATHER REPORT. iNuiftyifiNs rtiR To-Dat..Kor thr* Mid- tilt" Atlautie Matts, min, f,p|lrpss,",l Ly BBObST, fair weather, northwest to sontli- vvest wind*, anti higher tanrometer. Thr weather vehtehuay tva* partly cloudy and warm, with I heavy vvind-storrh In tin* aflernoon, accompanied liv it slight fall of rain. Tniinsi'MKTER Ykstebdav: fl A. M., 70; A. M.. S4; noon, 00; 3 P. 31., 04; tl V. M.. BA) midnight, 74. Mean temperature, 8,5 ft-cj. LOCAL MATTERS. I Tm. nil of fl ohos Titi stu,. Eat]. The flint ral of 31r. MOSCI EUytOU, who died Saturdiiy ev,"Straff, took place yester¬ day ¦onlag fruin the Sffoiid Bsptlit <, and was alt'Tidcl hy a lan.',- con- LT'.''itinn nf Hie relatives and friend* nf the dec, a*' (1, Ls the *nrv i vin.' liicmliti* of Um A hi I .ti dice ftijiiiiiitti ¦(", and hy mein- l.tis nt UM l'i,-. -.'eiiiiiilly. H,v. W. ft Hatcher, D, IL, opened (he sii'vie. - ls reading i part ,>f Um .".nth P-alm.'¦ Loni make bm to know minc cad mid Umrmb* -lin of my days*'; fnlldsved Ly part of tlc Ifith < li, j it <-r of Fn-t Corinthians.-'<. But ni'sv li i hri-t ri-cn from tlc dead mi'l bt> come the lir-t fruit- ol then thal sic pt."A e. ThereadlnRol tin-," Bcrlptures was lota lowed hs a lervenl prayer offered to tbe Throne ol Almighty Graee tay the Kev. J. M. Frost, ol Staunton, and thal by the Hinging Ol that mn-t I" Mttlful ii'idcon-nliti'.' liv mu- s it, p !u Jeana, Me* t I -lc, p, From which none ever wak, ito weep.'1 Dr. Hatcher said thal his remark- would imt psrtskeol thecbarrs**ter nf ¦ -ennnn, I nt be wniild read thal lttii of dis inc wi . dom containi d In tbe 18th and nth v, rm i of Um liist Epistle of Paul to Um Thessa¬ lonians : .. Bul I ss,mill nol have jrou to be Igno¬ rant, brethren, eoRcc ming tnt m which are islip that ye Borrow aol even m otben which have no hope. For If we believe thsl Jesus died and rose again, even io Umbi also which sleep .n .', ii- w ill (I od bring with him " lu. Hatcher aald lld- belief in tba resur- reel inn o' lin dead ll' he ( liri*! ian"- crt fal j vc Liiiid mir hopes ol future bappinesa itpoB tin ti iirtrlni "I Um desth and resur- rciiinii ol < lu i-f. While it vv:i- ind hi- CUStom to euloglXC thc dead be could md rt -nain hims, If from laying i lew words aboul tbe dear brother v. ii.isc iin-t was a'limt to Lc borne from thi- chorea to Um eeraetery, Hi- Ute wes s,> quiet, so lnniie-t, -ti lite from Ill-spoken istiiii- :ind rash acts and extreme opinions, hat while all cniiei-ded bil ss,,ith fess itopped to i hini ;it his real vain,. !<¦ wa* a man without (treat worldly Ban¬ din,n. iiml ssa- content to taketbeplaee n life (ioil had given him, ami do hi- best. Ie vvii- md a niiiii-tiiilivc man; wa* x v,r fii | fi, cine lo Um front, Ind nillir preferred to hide hlmsell away aa be humble Christian man he sva*. S'e-. it- sa il in < hri-t as his Saviour mil tried to maintain hi-lilith ;inil to ...lo- ¦i;y tiod by svhnt !,.. did. He ci, - to hi* n.ise flu- sinniiier da* ;i serviRl "f God Bl ic had been a lervanl of socletv. How leeply v.e feel the death ol a man like a blustering man. bul n quiet, ,-. fol. honorable citizen. And who bad hough) a- be sscnt aboul bis business,ti rn- elate and upright, thal he would di,- ess'' How flail, HOW ini'.ii-laiit ssc all ie! Ami where i- Um heart thal can look il thia spectacle nf sorrow- ai tbe circle hat is broken.and nol lympaUilze with hem iii their distress7 Dr. Hilt ind concluded with words ol flection ami romtolation lor wife, *,m-. laugbttrrs, brothers, and listen, and an- tounccd iiml th,- further aervicea would ic ttl the grave. .\s the coffin wai born irom the ehureh I.,- hymn ¦.Iv, ll* -1 lei lis- ids* as |** va- rang sv uh '_'i.;it sweetness ami patho* v Nhs. Scott Miltie. Thc remain* were taken to Bhoekoc .flin tcrv ;i lona |Hoeession followlng- md were buried close i»y the graves ol oin,-,,f his children and of his wife's mo- lei- mid father.Mr. and "Mis. RegnaulL ric -i ivies ronsisted ol a prayer and .en.ali, rion fruin Dr. Hatcher, and then be freshly-made mound wai heaped with lowen ami the sad company left Um s|int. .arrying with then tbe tenderest recoilec- inii- ol the ducascd, and linn in Um be¬ tel that lew better men ever lived or bot* r df st rv cl Um crowd ol friend- be had. Th,- lollowlng gentlemen acted a- pall. 'tiii't-i-: .lulu'.- lt. Win-ton. I.'. 15. snead. lobs Enders. William li. larawa, Frank l». lill. General Peyton Wive, Dr. Mahony. ,:isv. Loftier. C. 0*B. towanlin. A. P. Bennett, J.'hu ll. Montague, and II. W, Lubbock. Weil md truly tbe State say-: .. it w nen lived tin ir lisa * through in l'ielinio"il nore r.-*p, ,tcd than Moses Ellyson, ol tbs Dispatch, and linne have died mon dei ply .e_:r<tte(l by all who knew him. Theil,- innts of line nianlmml were *o evenly nixed in hi* disposition thsl il wa* dilli- nit to ny ss hieh frentle attribute in>>*i pre- liunin;it, d in a character bo well rounded mri imootb, tiul in which all these rlrtuea tren so faithfully exemplified. He had i it«*t of friend- and BO encniic-, and long viii he !». n iiieinltcrcd ami held in all'cc- ioii by Umbi aaiorlBtcid with bin la life. An rNTiii.ii nate Lady.Cali.ant Sons. fest) ida} al,ont 1 o'eloek 3Irs. 1 allnrinc larnett. Who lives OB UM canal hank le¬ sson Fifth and SiNlh streets, undertook o start a tire in the enokini*-stove. Bbc ook a can of kerosene oil and coiiinienced o pour tlie content* on lin- fuel. The .finnan! of tlie tire kindled winn hreakfast va- cooked caused thc oil lo unite and ex¬ ile), , -catt,iin'.' the burning Bald over Ur*. Barnett's person and letting h»r .lothiiiK a'plaze. lier two -on-, who were it hoinc from their work for dinner, l.romptly came to her rescue TatfUag heir nether in their ann* tins hore her to In- canal, and jumping into the water il,iicul her lieneatli it, ttti*aS"aU*blr*g the hums -not. however, la-fore she was seri- in-ly if not fatally injured, lier liinhs, uni-, face, and Lolly were liatlly luirm-tl, md last ul-jlit her cotiditioti was serious. Masonic Klittion..At thc regular roontbly cowmiinlcaRliiii of joppa Lcstae, No. 40, Ancient Free utld Aeeeptcl Ma- tons, heltl last nihill, thc followinj* officer* were elected for the BRBlllBf .Masonic year Wnrshii'ful Master, William O. Kniillsh; seiil," Warden, Janies Lyons, .Ir.; .Junior Warden, John ll. Powell; Treasurer, Howard Swiiicffiiil; Secretary. OfSRTBJB C. Jefferson; Senior Deacon, J. K. (ox; Ju¬ nior 1 Lacon, Thoma* 31. Hundley; Stew¬ ard, William K. Johnson ; Tiler, 1>. H. Col¬ lins; Steward's CutmultU-t-, ft F. Rust, J. T. Tolcr, John Hoiicher; Cliaplnins, John K. Edward*. IL M. Jackson, VV. C. Sehaeller, lt. N. Sledd, J. lt. Winchester. in.*iaiiiiti,.ii at 8 o'clock night, ot Juan X4tb at St. All-am, Hall. COMMON COI'NCIJL. Called Meeting-Thc Sprlng-Ntrcci llnine Appropriation Pa»*«cd Drer thc .Mayor's Veto.Appropriation* for Mrrrt I'nrpo.e*. The Ri. hniotid and Alltlinny Itnilrond DHTIi ultr Seitl.d lteanlinii.il_ Ire. A ______ uni line of tin- Common ('ulindi was held m-tenliiy iilleriioon. Present: Ifetan. Clarke (president;, ___nao___ ( asap. hcll, Cole, (urti*, Edwards Kile!!. I'er_n- son, Forrester, Fotttt, (.min sf I 'Itv, Har- jttams. Barta, Higgins, Hooper, Patton* 1'hlllips, riz/ini, Potts, and Wi Niger. TIIK RPRIKO-.TRKKT 11'iVIK. Tlie Council took 1 ij. and paned trttt tht Maid's veto tile resolution B|H_10|_j_Blllll 1 *_.()- for the Sprino-Slrei t BoflM bf . vote of live* Iii. noes -J. [The Hoard 'if Alder- ultu took action at lt- la*t mc ting.] THK ___N______BB AMI AKI.KdllAN V UAH.KOAH (iKIH.NANt K. The onllnance passed Kv the Hoard of Aldermen revoking et rtain privileges here- toforc granted to the EUchmond and Allc- ghany Railroad Coaapanji aroa token up. .Mr. Ellet*! moved !-. lay r,n tin- tallie. Mr. Curtis did not tliiiik tliat that was thc understanding liad with tin- chairman of the Street Committee, lie moved that the ordinance be IMj< dod. Mr. Ellet! thought that Hie tabtlng of the ordinance would aeCOBipliflh the oKji-et. Mr. Hooper wanted to know what had caused this chango. At thc 11*1 meeting of thc ("(Hindi it wa- thought iiecc**a.y to DBM this ordinance, aii'l he would like to hear iv hy the ncc. **itv had t_BBB__ to exist. He did not want to vote Mindly. Mr. Curtis explained that the railroad company had agreed to OpCR Ninlli ¦_!'___ Ky building a bridge acroei the boola at Ninth stn.(. Thc (hair tlun laid before thc Coundl the followhig paper: Ililli MOND ANTI Al.KK'll VNY 11 Al I. Ill > A1) I '()., 1 Vhk-I'kk-TIiKNT's (IPPII I". Richmond, Va.. June ii, 1881 J C. L. Todd. A'*'/., Chairman of Street Committee; Dear Sir,. lleeciit action of thc ("itv Council baa brough! formally for the iii -t time before this company a desire br the part of the Council to "have Ninth -tree! opened acroei the basia tot tbe paaaagc of -tint Hallie Thc company has ot all time* been ready to con-idol- th j* question when il has §p_ pealed important to thc city. Haring had an interview with yourself, and baring di*i ii**.al thc matter with othermembers of the Council, I am led t-. offer the lot lowing as a solution ol all pendingques¬ tion* or questions that -eciii likt iv tu ap¬ pear abore the -iirfacc to disturb toe plea¬ sant relation* existing between the dtj and the railroad company, I l>< licv. I am repeating in ubetance tbe liewa cxprebsed to-day Ky yourself and th general feeling :-f th members of both luau, hes of the Council wiih whom i have conversed. Tin- railroad company will agree as fol* ' : 1. IVithlfl four months to eoastrud al Ita own expense n pas-ago-tvaj for ordinary street IrarBl across the basin, on tbe line of Ninth st:-ci I, at __-1.i< 1 -. vv i'll it* track* Un¬ said posaago-way to be constructed _n a suiistantial manner of timber or other ma* tcriaJ at the railroad company's election. 2. Thc railroad company to keep thc said crossing In good order, to maintain watchmen at all times when trains. engines, or ears arc passing, and conform to all regulations ol tbe city applying to croaa Ings "f railroad tracks generally. .'.. Thc railroad company to be given the right, bj ordinal)..f thc < ullin il, to end "vertical arm-gates-'-1 at Beventb, Eighth, and Ninth streets, for the better protection of thc travel across its tracks, ami ai*o to close Bighih atreel with gate* at any time, for a period nol longer than thir- tv-tivc minutes, to permit the nccessarj shifting of cars for th- making up ol trains and disposing ol its traffic, ¦l. Tin- railroad companj col t" be dis¬ turbed in it- tue.for building or other purpos*.of an] pori of tbe basin east ol Ninth slr., t. ... 1 he ordinance passed Kv the Board ol Aldermen June I, 1882, and adopted by the Common Council June _. 188% to be re¬ pealed by the nexl Council. i;. The pending ordinance passed by thc Board of Aldernx n June IS, 1882, to in¬ laid on the table or reji cted by the pn ni Common Council at a meeting previous to July I, 1882. Respectfully, Dkini i: Amit.i, Vlce-Pn lidi nt. Thc pendingqueatii p being ordered, Ifr. Mil. it's m..lil.n tn tai'lc ibe ordinance was agrei d t". Mr. I.llctt then offered the following, nn hi, h after some discussion waa adopted: In it enacted by tin Council of tnt eily i- Richmond {thi Hoard of Aldermen i nerring), That the clerk be, and be i- In ro¬ by, Instructed to enter upon the journal a copy ol thc communication received from Decatur Axtell, Esq., rlce-presidcnl of the Richmond and Alleghany Railroad . om¬ pany, and to place communication upon hie. and that the Committee on ordi¬ nance- be requested to prest nt to thi* body as early as practicable an ordinance em* bodying the terms of agreemenl proposed Kv said railroad company, so far aa the .-ainc may be eonslstenl with the interests of thc city, and Inserting (in effed In thc nh section of said communication) after thc wori stied thc following words.viz.: .. Except by the rote ol two successively- cl. .ted Council-: and that for Wooden buildings or addition*, if any, thc com¬ pany shall be required lo obtain the cus¬ tomary Denni! from thc ( itv Council." RRRRI A-TBOnU v IONS, The Council concurred In the action of the Boord of Aldermen aa follows: Appro¬ priating 91.sr43._0 I" pave with granite spalls Venable from Seventeenth t" Eigh¬ teenth streets; appropriating 11,TS__U to extend the spalt-paving on Broad tixeeA fi nm fleury to Adams streets; appropria¬ ting $1,703.58 to pave v\iih granite blocks ob Shockoe Blip, HKI'INVNI KS. Thc follow in:.' i-rdinanc. - heretofore jia-scd by the Ol Aid.mun were considered and passed: An ordinance IO preserve macadami/cii street* from injury by heavily-loaded wagons. An ordinance enlarging tin* lawful loads of drays and wagon-. KESOl.I-TO.N. .Mr. Patti offered the following, which was adopted Eisolnd (the Hoard of Aldermen BOB- curring), That the Financ, Committee bc instructed to employ an expert book-keeper to examine thc papen, hook*, and re¬ cords of thc Treasurer, Auditor, and Tux- Collcctor's office of the city of Kichmond, and report the same to this hody. thanks to OfflCRBB, Mr. Higgins offered a resolution of thanks to 1'resident Clarke for thc faithful, efficient, and courteous manner in whicli lu- ha.- discharged the duties of bia office, which was followed Ky .t similar resolution, otlcrcd hy Mr. Forrester, in relation to Mr. Howard, City Clerk, and Mr. August, s,r- gcunt-at-Anns. Both resolutions were unanimously adopted. lt Keilli*'the last meeting of thc present Council, appropriate retiiari.s were matte hy Messrs. Higgins, Elicit, Forrester, ;iud Edward)*. AD-OmNMK.NT SINE HIE. President < larke. In adjourning the hody, made a short speech, in which he alluded to his luck of knowledge of the duties of a presiding officer when he wuk made president of the Council, and ol the old which he had received from tbe nicm- 1k-is and office i's. In conclusion, be de¬ clared \\ak Council adjourned sine die, I Timi 4 clt-tarotlan of thc Literary tur¬ riell** or Blrhntoiiil 4 nil,uga, "Commencement week" at Richmond College opened brilliantly la*t night with the joint final eelchntlon of thc Mn Sigma Rho and I'hilologian societies. Tlc chapel IWaSScrowded with such an intelligent mid appreciative audience as the-c annual cele¬ bration* never fail to attract. After a season of pleasant that, during which thc hand discoursed iweel music. Raw, I>r. c. Tyree, of Redford county, opened the exercises with an appropriate prayer. The preside***1 of the Mu Sigma Hbo So-- Ictety, Mr. Arthur E. Cox. of Richmond, th, n mail,- fin- "snlnlnt .v." in which he rordially welcomed the audience, and in- dii!|*,'d in some pleasant hil-, which seined tn Lc appreciated and cnjoyul. f- Mt. t ox tin n introduced as the ontol of the I'hilologian Society MR. -SOJIEW J. MONTAfJtE, OK MIIiId.K-EX rtlUNTY, XA. Mr. Montague naturally and appropri- alely introduced BJ his Un -nie "Cur Pro¬ gressive Age.*' He repudiated thc idea that IaU raero change i- progress, or that much of the so-called "progress" of Ann rica is pal. but showed that the very eircuin- staiic** siiriTiiinding the earlier -ctthrs of Amenta anti thc history of the country sinee Ind conspired to promote wonderful prag*reos in ali nf Um phyiiiesl leJerscas, Ile tiirnc'tly protest***] against tlc mate¬ rialistic tendencies of the agc, and happily illustrated and enforced hil positions. Ile dn-sv ;i vivid picture of fashion and lid power to bind and cntlu-all lnr vota¬ ries, and discussed the effect of the pro¬ gress of our day BOOB fashion, making some keen hits at the shallow Best of modern sufi, ty and it- ".-well," whose only claim to bc a devotee of " thc true, thc beautiful, ami thc good " lies in the fact that he fol¬ lows thc fa-hion in his <]nSI es < n to the aunfloWeTS and lilic-. Filtering a burning protc-t n-j-iiin-t tlc popular idea Hint politics -hoiild Le ban¬ ished from all circles *:ivi- those of tlc ]il:tce-s,ekci* iiml Hie demagogue, he tl, cined these OataSnC -hades a lit t iii lt place anil thi¬ ll fitting time to di-eii-- BOOM of tic under¬ lying principle-: of our Goveroment, ami pr.lied to d', so vs ith thc enthusiasm wc sst rc aeeiistoin, d lo witness j,, hi* di*tin- guisbed father (Judge RoImtI I.. Monta¬ gue). Quoting .indi.',' Tucker and De Tncijii,'villi, he Blade a vi'.'iii'niis protest against lotneof tlc evil tendencies nf the -.i-irailed progress nf tlc country, and cin¬ di!,h il ii-fiillnws: -T,, vfay fbi- madden¬ ing cniir-c of nmilt rn progress I -hall expect mm-li of you. my "eliow<*students. During my brief stay ben I bise been penitence ¦ closer observer of ms eloss- niii'i - than nf my t<\f-l,n,,ks. I kiinss (hil Ih-T'e Hie stuilell'ts here SS |., a I e d,'*t lill tn roO on tbe tsar of science, to confer len"! upi,n UM -"titty in which tiny nias live, and to weave ehapl t* in unfa ling laurel* full!,.' brow of their native land. From such men a* these I hope, w it li ail tlc hope¬ fulness ,,f youth, that milli, ,¦¦.iy be done in staying the evils to which .' tMvedli*ect- ed your atL-iitioii. .. Let u* bear in mimi that tier.-ur. rta In great principles which arc iminii! ildc and eternal; ht us bear in Blind the distinct- iie-of Um two realms ,,f selence; Iel us bear in mind that th djs n,,t true advancr- nieiit which irnden society tneaninglcs* iiiul void : Iel u* bear in mind thai these ure peat political truth.such a- virtue, moiiiiiiv. and |usUce, which progress can¬ not pervert nor overlook-.'in abort, let na ever nmecmber thal 'Time- change and men often ellam,'!- willi iheni. but princi¬ ples mver.' " Mr. Montague wa* frcpiiiitlv int, rrupted with appiausi" during the delivery ot hi- .rpeech, and sva* Innilly applauded ss hen be t,,"k hi* rsfsr*. De was also rewsrded with sundi v ll,dal t iii,ut, *. Mr. < barlas -. earthier. prc.*idcni of Um Pbllologbn Society, theil infrodlleed ii* the orator ol thc Mu sigma Rho Society Mit. I'EIII'V fi. LI-a,Vf. 01 NT.I.-nN ft il NTT, VA. Willi a graceful eomnlirac nt to bi* an- dience, a depreciation ol bte own possit*. and a humorous reason for hi- travelling on land rather Ulan issuing on lophor- mortc winga *unong tbe »tara and cloud*, fdr. EI*om announced aa bis theme "The rime -'! iblc nf I.ile." lie proposed to con- aider Life as tbe track, Man as Ibe train, and I ii;ty as the t mri ti. r. with ti .. is i.i -Kt deli rn' thc changing land- scapes along the route, bc in»i*tcd tbal In order te run the train aright n ral things vsii'e ,--iiiti il. 1. lt must bc switched on the right track. ¦j. Thc mit hillery mii*t Im understood. ::. li niii-i have the steam force*- Berg** and perot s llama-. Then, I io, he urged tin- ir iin must be nin nn schedule linn.neither tun slow iel-tm fist. He humorously sketched thc es il-ami dangenof being either too lion rn' t" fa-!, and made sum,, .noil hit- a! inch el !--. IL- then described several ol tlc trains which run usu-tin track of Ufo.the light¬ ning express train, the mail and passenger train, thc material train, and tin freight train.applying the-e to different classes nf im ri ami women. He concluded bs -using; "And noss, ft ll.iss-stinliTits, wc may imt Le aide to draw on our boots nf seven b agin > and -tcp lifter thc lightning express; wc may not all wield thc p, n ,,f brilbant writers m>r Le able to hohl thc multitude entranced Ly tluilliii-'. burning words of eloquence; w>- may imf. a- our Ulrastriou* trio ol itates* tii> n, i liv, Calhoun, and tVehatcr, enroll our name- on enduring Lil,ht- "f fanie. vii ne ,,.,,, with chivalric spirit and un¬ daunted comic,', fulfil our lif,-ini--i"ii |USt :i* nobly though in an humbler -ph, re. If at i iii- honored hist itutlon--tbe round¬ house iiml iniichin,--hop for h, art and brain.mir car i- not equipped with nil iiml ttecetoart repair* fm- thc 'ninnes "f life, the fault i< our-: if In ia the gnat pi'"- pelllBg power nol Imp ul an Impetus which, uiilxuimleil by time, will leach Hie shore* of »terni! v, thu honored faculty i- not to blanc: " Mr. Elsom'l sallie- nf wit and humor frequently elicited roar- of laughter, ami lite bite brought down tin- home and wis loudly applauded sv lull he tonk hi- -ed. II,, too. was n-wartlcd with llornl tributes Iron apple dative fair ones. Thc -peecbes ,,f both ol the onton of th,- evening wen refreshingly frc- (rom much nf the c!ai"-trap u-ual OB -Heh occa¬ sions. Then tallowed tbe raledh*tory, by .Mr. c. s. Gardner, of Ti nu..,re. Be -aid that he had tin- pleasant duty of switching off the train and saying "<innd-hye" for a seasnii. Ile gave a vivitl and witty sk.Uh .r thc joys of thc cliis-iiioin and the stu- dics of th,- ,-ollcge. and -iiid lliat to them In¬ st mild -iv, the "Iii*t honor-" in his raM* dictorv. In lit words he timi badi adieu to tin- ladies of Richmond, the faculty of the eol- Ifgf, and hi- fellow--tud'iit.*. Mr. Cardin-r i* evidently a vonni.' lunn of mature thought, and will make his mark in his ch, sin |ir,.f,s*i,'tL Ile was loudly Bp* piauded, ami gai hi* ab are of thc flowers. To-night then fal prniuisctl a ran- treat in the addi eas la-fore the literary societies by Hiv. Dr. .!. C. llidem A number of alumni from a di-tanc- have already arrived, and there is every pros*>fct of'a large and interesting gather¬ ing of thc elans of thi- grand old college. Rkhbono Coavj.tM'iTtY, Knights Tem¬ plar, have fleeted U"' following officers for theen-uingtsselvf months: Eminent Couimiimler, Isaac S. Tower; CcneraHssiiio, J. Thompson Hrown; Ca't- tain-fieneral, John F. Malar; Prelate, James H. Oajcan} Treasurer, R, ft Ma- eimlH.r; Reorder, J*. McO. Fisher; Ser-'ior Warden. A. ft Courtney; Junior Warden, (leorgc* A. Ainslie; Standard- Bearer, ft T. Howard; Sword-Bearer, J. E. Tyler; Warder, * baric* A, Wc?t, SI MlAV SIIOOIIM.. A OBUM of Ilrnir Tokrr Brings .More Blood thnn Hoot jr-A Horrible Way to Spend the Nablintli. Sunday afternoon between .1 and 4 o'clock, while nil mod citizens were enjoy-* hag iu a rational way the wi leoine r«'*t which the holy Sohlstfta bringa, there was bring enacted in a dingy, dirty, s'coiiil-iloi.r hack room at Nu. MU east Franklin streetB Scene vvliich was a di*. grace to civilization, and which is suffldenl to eanae wonder thal such things eon exlsl in a ( hristiaa communtty. About the hour Barnett, and at thc locality deoeribed. four men were si ated around a table pliiying what is known as the -AMD OF I'OKKH. These four were all alone, with the ex¬ ception of one unfortunate who laid in a corner of a room in a drunken stupor. How loni' tiny had played, or how much money had changed hands, it r Impossible to tdi. hut iii ali probability the game had been going on since thc night previous. In order that the reader may more fully understand thc matter, thc stat! Blent of W, .!. (-'andree, one of thc participants in thc game, la riven as follows: We (Beverly Williams, proprietor of tin- room; John Phelps,J. J. Johnson,and myself) wore engage.; In a game of draw- pokcr. I dealt, anti Williams was THK ANTK-MAN. Johnson and myself paseed out. leaving the contest between Williams and Phelps. Williams bri lifty cents on tin game. Phelps saw tint and trent one dollar better. Williams When they showed their banda Phelps mw be oma (.eaten and (Tab¬ bed Hu1 stakes. Williams remarked that that was a thieving way to do business and that lu- WOllld ]'liv no He th. n gathered np thc M checks " and wa-put tim them in a trunk when Pbdps started t>- wanls him. Williams Immediately left the trunk and took his position in thc corner of the room n. ar the door leading into thc paaaoge, and IV" Ul*. KU i'UKI n thtti if he followed him he (Williams) would shoot him. Phelps, however, paid tm attention to the warning, and advancing on Williams, *, j/,.,] bim Ky the throat with otic hand and aimed a I.low at his bead with tin- other. Williams, true to his word, drew a pistol- a small five-shooter- and fred, Un' hall taking (licet iii Phelps's lace immediately under tin- left eye. Th unfortunate man fell, and in a few moments he became unconscious. Officer Baker, of thi' First dtstriri, hear¬ ing ot tin- shooting shortly after it occur- red, weal up io tin- room. There he found Phelps I TOO UN' TIIK. Kl OOH with hi* li, .id in a pool of blood which bad (lowed fiann thc wouiul, ami Williams standing over hm. Tin- officer Baked, Who shot this man t" W miami prompt]) ni trered that be did, and handed the oO- c f hi- pistol, William Kl lt) ;! further to the officer thal Phelps bad cheated him al ear!- bul thal in- dill bc. -inxif him for thai, i.ut because Pbelpa had made in :iss_iilt upon him. Officer Maker took Wil¬ liam- Int" custody ami carried him to the Kirri police station. In th. mean time Bews of the shooting had been sent to the station-house, and Officer Hardie waa Im* mediately sent up to look into thc matter. Arrived at the seen,, of thc tragedy the ollie, r found A LABOR anti BACITBB CBOWB In front ..f thc boUOO. Going up to the room lu- found Phelp* stretched out on the Moor apparently in a dying condition. Thc room wa* tilled hy a thoughtless .uni curious iT'.vi ', whidi only added to thc ilreody pptcatve heat. The officer promptl) ..' rid cf lin' intruders, and procuring a b sdn ol water bathed thc h- ad of tin- nim until th-- arrival ..f th.- ambulance. Bbortly afterward* Phelps Wl's 1 I Ai KU I'S A IKKIi UKI!, taken out t > thc ambulance, and conveyed to the almshouse. When thc physician in (.barge of thc ambulance Ural saw Phelps he gave it as hi* Opinion lhat lu- OUlj ii ul :i few minutes to live, inn up to lari ac¬ counts tin- man waa still alive but uncon- __ious. Williams is from Chesterfield, imt has iniii living in Richmond staci shortly aftei ll... war. Ile i- what is knOWfl BS I .. SnOBT-( viii- '* MAN, ami ha- iain running a" where the shooting occurred for ai.out eight month*. Phelps is alu.ut ft-rty-i iglii years of agc, uni is n; ni of family, ll'- i- a tobacco- fui-.i. operative b) iradi-. Kui spends the prc iter 111 A Iii* time Dabing. Ile i*. a man of bod character, having served two K rms of Imprisonm* nt in the penitentiary, th. last time being for watch-stealing. rm: i UM in I ot ci. In th.- Police Court jresterdaj mornini th. case vva* called, and continued until to-uioiTow in consequence of thc absence nf the wounded mail. Thc physicians entertain some hopes of Phelps'* ii covery, although hi* condition i- rt goaded as critical. Iti'piiblieuii and lteu<l| niter t' euee. In accordance arith previous tn.tuc a number "f Coalition Republicans and Ile- adjusters, members of tin- State Commit¬ tees "f these parties, and representative men of each toction, met here hut night to confer a* to tbe luteresl of thc port] in ihe coming aropaign. Although .ailed to meet at ii I\ M.. it wa* ii before the crowd gathered, uh. n the f ll. vs lng _<ml. m. n orere found to bo pre¬ sent: General Mahone, Colonel Bradj j ex- Judge --tv-ii* of N(i*oii. James Frazier, Oem ral W. M. Elliott, Duff <*)" u. I. tw- renee Tallbifi rro "f Gloucester, Colon* 1 Martin ol Sorfolk, W.Frank Punrobrcr, Sires "f Lynchburg, Statham ol Lynch¬ burg, W. <'. Pendleton, 1'. h. Me* kuli, Sen- ai..i- r.ii**. General Bolling. Senator Jones, Thomas H. Cross, w. I'. Giddings. Ats Rogers, Captain C. ll. Cauaey, Senator Stevens, Colonel Lamb, Littleton Owens, W. A. Bond, a. w. ll uris (colored), Marshal Hughes, Bfarsbol Watt.s. Jun Wood of Danville, /kuguetna French, h. M. .\oit-.ii --'1-ii'cii), Robert Norton (co¬ lored), ('"lon, I llarrv Siblr, Judge .lohn Hooker. Peter .1. (arter ;.-.>...p.I), .Mark H. li.Mottii. M. W. Haslewood h. W. Jones, William N. Tinsley, Mr. Watkins of Appomattox, ami others, It wa* lo O'clock I-fore the "chin¬ ning" wa* over anil anvthing lil*'' bush m-ss undertaken. Tin ti thc OORfcrence people he-aril thc Moss give his id vu.*, ami it Leeann-apparent that thc lir*t I. isint'ss to be done woo to make known thechotooof the meeting for a candidate tor congress¬ man at large, and announce the neeesalt) for holding conventions in «tdi congres¬ sional district. The work for theos convrntionit will he the nomination of district andidatcs and tl,.-1mdoraatiaa of thc eondldate suggested by tin-conference, or falling in thi* BR**. thc tlplWahlR of a ih_eire for a State ( on- \ent.iii tn nominate | c.itidld.te for ("11- grcsaasnn at large, ol course nu State Contention Will bo hold. At a late hour tin- conference W0B still in session, having only agreed upon tko time (or om- or two district conventions. It is not understood that any thought was ^ iv cn the nha of holdlllK *m extra mh- sion of the Legislature. PiNAfoKK..Thi.. opera, which is to la given for the U-.l( tit of Mr. Hoff on Fn- dav. has alw .,-*, hun, and will ever he, popular wi Vu 'Richmond people. There will tn* a full rehcar-it. to-nt_ht if Mo^Vt Hull, I'er-oiitil anil Uriel**. Mr. James a. ( ow irdin lift the eifr on Sunday night for thc Healing Spiinrs. where be will sojourn during the summer. The name of fBptBhl H. C. Cook, col¬ lector of anet(IBM for thi* post, was writli. i as the eomtii.-iiih r of 1'hit. Kenrny Post, Xo. Kl. ('. A. H., in the notice which at- penrod Iii Sunday's losjmich, imt by sousa strange freak in the handling of Ihe types it was printed "Captain K. lt. Conk." A. J. Potter, formerly of York county, N'cvv York State, keeper of the Fair-Oaks National cemetery, died Friday, anti wis hiiricd Sunday at (ilendalc National ceme¬ tery. He was a memher of Richmond Lodge, Knightvof Honor, anil .1 committee of thc Lodge attended thc funeral. He leon - a wife .inti three children. Thc work of laying thc second track for Hie Main-sl.ccI extension of the street rail¬ way was commenced yesterday at Eighth street. The Hine*,' excursion to Baltimore is going to boo grand affair. The company will he quartered at the Butaw House, and they and all their Monda arc sure of a warm welcome from the gen-rroun-hcarted people of the Monumental City. Captain Eppa and Sergeant Hulce have returned from tho country, when they suc¬ ceeded in capturing a lot of valual'le stolen property. They got seven] seti» of boggy* borneaa, one lot of cart-harness, two light *>pring-wagons. rltling-sathlle., hridk.s. and other articles; ail of whidi may he .seen at the Third station-house. Saturday afternoon eX-Govenor Leland Stanford, of San Francisco, prescient of the (' l'acitic: Mr. ( halloa II. ( rocker, of San Francisco, president of thc South¬ ern Pacific, and Mr.C.P. Huntington, pre¬ sident of toe Chesapeake ami ohio, ami also vice-president of the Southam Picnic ami riee-preaidenl of thc i entral Pacific, I. fi here in a private carfor Newport News md old Point, aeoompanted hy .Mr. C. W, Smith, gemrd manager of tho Cbeaapeake .'lid nlii..; Mr. W. ll. Smith. general man¬ ager of the Western -Vasociated Pitas,and Bfajor J. 8. Morrison, chi' f engineer of thc work at Wu port News. Thc managers of thc Mozart ttt much encouraged over thc prospects of laving u new hall. Tin- membership of thc a**o- ciiiion i* now -United tn ahout Mn, but with thc Increased seating-capacity which th-' m vv building will -iv-, it j, expected that the roll of membership will be in¬ creased to I.Juli or I,.'.HU. Judge i mill's address before tbe Young Min's t'hi-i*tiaii Association of Washing- tmi ind I.ce I nivcrsjty was a reply to a sermon made by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in this sermon Mr." Beecher chimed that "no word is riven down t" the timi s ,,f ti,,, patriarchs that a belli f in immortality existed.***1 Judge Ould elo¬ quently proved ih.nitrir,. At a r.e. nt mei iiiig ,,f thc vestry of St. Paul's church a leave "f absence f'ir three month* wa* granted Mu- rector, ti:c Rev. Charles Mtnnigcrode, who will, it Is under* *t--.d. mil on Saturday next from New Yoik for Bremen. During ')r. Mlnnlge- rod.'s absence Rev. Pike Powers ha. been appointed acting rector of St. Tani's ami -t. Andr church, and has tn tered upon hi* duli. * as nie of Th.- ','.">:h- vii!.- Enterprise oi Thun lay reports that Senator ll ile, ot'(inn si,n. one of thc Famous Plvi is extremely ill. Th. time of tin* Hustings Couti was oc¬ cupied va -lenlay in considering thc appli- cation "f H. M. Smith fora mandamus re- quiring thc Treasurer to receive coupons cut from Mcculloch bonds in payment for tax.s. 'nu eaae wa* argued by Messrs. W. W. and W. T. Crump and lt. I.. Maury for petitioner, and Mr. >. W. ..itt for thi* Commonwealth. The court will rentier a decision next Wednesday a' I o'clock. .-saturday night al.out lu o'clock .lohn McEvoy, a young man, aged twentj years, rodding on Seventh street below Cary Street, (tempted to kill himself by faking a larg, quantity of laudanum. aDr. Boas was called in and rendered ile- accessory __edi> cal attention. The youngman had almost entirely i.rercd resterday. Thc eause of i!ic rash et could" not I..- aacertalned. Hiv Fourth l* terian 4 linreh. Tin Fourth Presbyterian church iu this iii w i* organized on Hundaj rening m ih.' i-ii'ip. it the west end of Grace street. Dr. I i.-gc opened iii- appropriate and im- pn *-iv> sermon Ith thc remark that there [s nothing more interesting than to watch the progress ol growth* * - ii r-t the Made, tiicn the ear, after that tbe full cora in the .ar"; thal N-iture accomplishes nothing at a (,'iml. bul the iw of growth is gradual. Following tbe analogj through the field- of -ri. nc ami literature, be showed this law lol. ihe-'un.-with regard lo the church of (."-I "ii earth and tbe growth ol grace In the indiv [dual heart. Ile then pave a ra] iii glance ni tbe history of bia own church from thc time he bad seea tbe ground on which il now stands marked "il and the foundation-stone bid. Touching noon bis desire even al thi* earl] dav to Itv tbe foundation of two Presbyterian churches in ihi. city, be *p"kc with gratitude of the consumuiation under -in-ii bappi auspices Ol tills ardent wi*ll. ami of all lil* lal..-,'* for ii* accomplishment. That this neal building had been i reeled at a cost of some 19,000, and, with tin- lot upon which il stands all poid for, thc tau church would organize witta tin* advantage in ii* favor. Thc nermon dosi il with a vi prow appeal for heartj Christian oct!vity and Butty. Thc covenant ol membership waa then given and assented to by the forty-two members whose names were read. The church then ky a unanimous vote elected t.. the olllce >.f ruling elder Messrs. ( uv in Wilson and I.i .'.¦ -.. I ooke, aad Mc-*.*-*. Link and Wade to thal of deacon. I bc congrt gat ion sang Bl a i" Bm lt*taal Mads Oar lu arl iii ( III li in l.'ie.'- ami tin- I., ii.'diction ua* pronounced. Those present al those Interesting ser- \ic* i.nh regretted that *.. manj were obliged i" go away, the house i.< lng filled at n .ar!} I,-.ur. ... Kt Bunda) a pastor will be '.died. rilOIK*1VM Kt* I*1 '('.ll. **l M'l V-s' -ll.ioI. I sion. IU' r.gul.if ni'itithly meeting of tl.,- Protestant Episeopol Stinday-f^hool Union ol Richmond waa held at st. Jame* church Sunday afternoon al B o'-** k. Th religious excreta-*** were conducted bj I'.-t. lkin. lin- following read bj -upcnut-ti'lent* report-) vu--* : - I' if I j nu John's .. *.2 Moauatealai. -**.'> i lir'.>l. M_rW .. **t. Vlir.'s ll iprl. r-l.raiil'*. M-MMN VI. i__._Lil. 29 X 150 18 til -Hi K17 Tri hm y4 >h, 4 7m 1511 ** h 7* .*. »¦ **3 t ti 1- ,, Il 15 74 ten as . i. ii c. -I.T.Jiu "i Mi_ai.ii- ail'l r-t. V.««*nrw'% un .M--.rt. The K«*t. rtBeton (.¦ Bfaaa. Wlverad a:i addf__B_ on "Thc Sunday Bathed ia ir* Re¬ lation Hf th* Ueligi-.u* Mt_t--.t_.cnt i,| tho Daft" which he tnated i* . very forclbia and iompiehiTi*ivc mo___OBt (in motion, the ( ha wiitin ap|>.>intcd a committee eottststlog _t Moaars. Putts, Mayer, and Po____n_Mh who n'|Mirt__l a .erie* of icsoliitions.» which vvn- adopted by a rising vote, tgtumnsttt ot the IOf___W of thc Inionat the death of Hcv. Holiert K. dickson, late rector ol Chriofa ehinch. The un .-tin/, also adopted thu following, on niotl'iii ff Mr. ftttki \\ hanoi welcitrnthatthe U. v.I>r. Cbarlrs MlBBlgTIfOdO. nf Itt POMPS church, vvlio for \o many year* vvsn president ol the l..nrin> Sunday-School Inion, and vvlio han done much for thc eau** ot our i-burc hes and Sunday whoo I* during his long iwl- denee In Richmond, contemplaU'B soon THE DISPATCH, TERM8 OF ADVTRTI8INO" . a-ii-inv '.hiaiilv i.v Any ami-a. One-*|ii-ir<-. one In cition.-. Rf) t»e. ^(tt'.rr. ftvn lii-ertl'.n.. I mi On," *,,uart", tliri« Insertion*. 1 ."io ,1 ¦.¦ ire. als Insertion.. S mt One -inure, iw. Ise insertion*. 5 50 one «.|iiire. one month. lo oo me ,,naru, two ,ii.nilli*. I* ml om .,|ii.".rc. three rn,inf!.*. 2.*> f'O" vi*iiing hi* tu ti ve ''Falherianil" iiiscnrrll of uuii'li-necdtd nat; tin rt fore Le if Re sol red. Thal we tandi r to Mr. Mitinl- geroflf our hest wadna, .inti assure him of mir pr.tyers for lila oatt voyage aBSj return to lu's family and churcta strength' n. .1 ami fully restored for his blior in th, *,;;.,t,«r*» vineyard. Kcsnheil, That the *r*matry**»n»I a copy lo> Dr, M mu-,-ro<|e. A iiiiiiilp,-r of i*ue*tiotw tv*re next lutnd- i'd ia and |*masstkd to hy Kev. Mr. Da- diielJisvlin h.tit charge nf thc f|Ucstioii-liox) iii hi* fefcWt-rBB st vie. Abott Which th,- Lined I,Thi*- wa* pro- iintinet a*, and ihe nulling adj.inned. Mt ttCtUnru Bt*BfSSS_v-a.*_qM srvsMtfcentli cssion of this selKitil tkCCCd ytstarday with liefollow'-tigilistrihutioiiof school honors; foNluir Unsnn*..r>1'l$(rm .V... C.trhite- Hlhhnn rr,titm.ntrt.-V. II. Iim-wn. I. Bf. III*,*!- laz, lt. f. Cri-tiran, II. Z,Et*l, fi. I. Krt-*»U< r. II. I. Hani., A. VV. HeeBB-r. J. I. .h-nkln*. IL R. Baara, Vi. A.Taatf, ll. t , Watkla*. lt. C. Wil¬ lam., if. vv. ttit-oti. ii. s. Wotustoo, invition to. il- Medals but for Ltits timi ran-r ,,r Mn.-h S'lTiim.-A. S. farr, lt. S. Cotem-in. Ul. li. Slr- nriy. lt. r. Mord...] vt. rTdlfln,, L. ll. ItiiiTln, ti. L. Taylor. VV. V. Tay!**. /,¦¦ i*,.- Sn. 4 Medals..K. Andertni,; dr.. I. U. .1. AiidMv.n. L. L. Catiij.l.ell. C. C. iMilin.AV. *. Ileeltlcr. V. Heeli¬ er. ) L. Il.,l.s..,i. .|-. M. P. Il,waul. r. U.llow- trd. fi. IL Kates, A. W. L,*'«V"v,,,,i|. dr.. IL IL si' ile. VV. A. M,,rrls«i. St. *, ot,|>< nlilm. \ lt. L. Willi,m.. Sf no,, iBSHir AVti(>.vriLf*T..Division ,., .V><-- "ii, 9. -C. K. ('annuli. H. A. Kind. II. T. Herns*.ls. t. SS. .Vil-oii. iH'iti'nsrt.. Mne-Riblmnlerti- lcatet.-J. IL fii.-ifllii, W. M.Crensasiw. lt. ll. Il ir¬ is. K. L. rtof'smi. dr.. ii. R. haU-t, **i. M. M.-irtlii, .. W. Mi-Vri/rli. lt. E. Montr-, st. .1. OniwnWaier, ,. II. I'.a.-ra m. li. ll. Uoar_.ii .). W. IT,lill,*.. L. II. .Titfin. W. li. saunders.'). V. skelton, K. II. Smith, t. i . Sn Uta. A. Mn;. s*»<m. ti. I WUIIata*. Hrision tl Crrti trotts.-lt. II. laker, *. Vf. Brodaax, K. tl Urotvu. v. s. f.try. V. ti. Kcr-»<i-<.ii. o. .1. Kr. offley. .1. L*. A. Hoi,*.,ii, I. P. Howard, P. Vi'. .lone*. .1. ss.*id..!. 1*. lc,ulre, W. V. Morrison, ll. H. I", K. A. ii.-pti.-rd. A. T.i'ott. vv. v. lo'vii,-. il. C. Wat- Ins. J. s. Williams, lt. , ss intatat, t. ii. S|*,tt*. Httelon IV..Purple Ribhcm*-A. Aniei-oii, r- J. IL J. .Vii.lers.ui. VV. jT. Brnvvn, L. L. f .luiit- ('..leiiiiin, C. C. Hi,nu. C. I*. Howard. .1. ..fenklii*. B. IL Vi, ole. U. |-. Morrl-, lt. L. I'.iw- r*. f. L, Taylor, VS. f. Taylor, lt. M. VV Basters*. l'll:ls*iglli'd LfCilllse of sicklies- iBBaBfl xamitiatioiis, I,'. C. ('roxton. I'lc s. -h.>o| -ch..I,i*|,ip for P.SJ '.li* tll- 'idfd among the Loss of tba Fourth dlvi- ion. Ry arrangeini'iit with Um Faculty of anil Lee I nive*.is the honor if Uni! Bcbohurshtp lielmigs to tba Fourth livi-ioii. and it i* niven to that worthy *tu- lent ss li" c\p, et* to gu up to that l.'nlvi r- ity. Cutler thal arrangement ic fell lo .isli.- L. Camphcll. The Behool (IcLating society held it* Jost im ting oil friday, wlicii Mr. lt. I*. t ':tiii|*- .ell, CHM "f the teacher*, deliserrtl, hy ¦ si. ilatitifi of Um -ocii ty. a c;ipil:il addia *-* PBUCB Coi kt..The f.illowim* esses s%re disposed of reeta rday i D, ni* ti'Neal, fharg.d willi thntiti-nuig; he life "f Mary B, Loughlln, wa* nqutoetl 0 :rivf surety for hi- geed hchatior -i luintli-. Aievaiiil t lurk, charged with a-sanl!- i.gand beating with a -'ick ticorgc W. biiiips, ii- tined *?*-'..iil. Hattie Wall alias Mattie Clair (co|,.re.t), Ti.ii fed svith u-ing Indecent language !>> he di*'tu haine of Nathan VI'aller*.!- in arni amiiy. was nqnfarod ta gis, rasnly for hav -ood lieltas (or tine month*. '".I I'hii.,1--, eiiigeil with Lreiikimc nd cut, ling in the night-time the ollie- ot L*. M. Poster and *t<almg therefrom om* ec of bogg*" liarni'-s and otto riding.Hil¬ de, t niitiniiefl until tlc .Ttl* iiuLuii ia onsequence nf the ulisenee of witnittsftt or UM pioseiTltiotl. .Mason Aningtnti, Hiv.riv H. Irving, uni .ferry Coghlan wen lined for Liing trunk and disorderly. George William* (colond) and F. M. -tom. ,-barged with Liing drunk, wit,; ioctl Bl, l.'achel CahtttCm (col, >.**.< 1^), eJiargeif .vifh being dl*Oa*derly and using juofan.f itnguage in the sf net. was tincl *.'). Wa-hiiigt-m llrown ((ol.vred). charged sith Liing dist*] di llj OB Uie street, sva.t im d *?2..*i0 "Alleiululfi*' ut tiielloii. We desin t>, i-nil speeisi attention to ,*ur ale, lin* rCBlng at fl o'clock, of th's ln-aii- Ifiiiautatirban pboe ,,t (ten inri*, bb shs .nut imi of Broadar*d franklin stnsts, ppposite tbe l-'aii I .ronmls, w ithiB i qijaur* «r, pf a mia- ,.f the 'its-. Bee adv, ni semi n1. \u oinnil'iis will be in leiiliii'-s al mir dliee to ei.llS'eV UBI ti M <I» -lilli _T In illtfnil. W. II. I.vsi; St t*ii.. Au, linn,-rs, lill Main -tret. Yo OI.!< ii- lime lit w ru-,*.'. Raspberry rlntrarai of i luperlar ciuaRt) an lu- bought of JOBaOBI M. Pi vii'. (.;..r. 82*1 Mun -ti.-f t. Excursion pirtii*. or theste having fhn Ity, d> -unii-... obtaining auprdte*, will .ro¬ ri Christian A- White'-, ssln IB Ihes will dui the largest and must t-otrjUttet* "tock OUthof Nev, ]'..rk, and d low li'Tirrs. I'in y atv ¦-. in nil .tgeiil- for J'.-iopp's h- irated V'lnrinal claret. BBBtBafBBB tl il t HMl, lim- II |**S*BS BBSSSaSB ...tor lill- ll <i'.-,irtM, i, ,11, a. r.,i! . I has il | ' M.VM.INS |. IV Kl! BBSS i. v I'ill ll in y xU-n-ivf pritiU'e f.r fi iel I' ../iv n ,. sud #n- .,t lind ll- BBJBRBWtRBtSBI "..!*. ds -i* pal i. .!¦ lt r ncrsoii. s*l:u-li,. ii'd.i- Ol*""1'- Voiii iraiy, .Issn.* L I4B0BV, M. Bu I'li'itrville, Ai*. o. BB ic BSSBBiaal illy B] - ll /ti i.v A .*?. Tuk t .n-a.*. ii,.-.! In tie f Mill.,:!. j;yk- .1 i-ski fl . fgi-ned Britta feelciit'llc ii swiracy. Ti. V au-tlee> lr. lu rbrOf *i»e a'.en it'ors md r.d.ii *,rl*-lilli*«s -md di- if** lin-t's..-_,. K-T .ih- bj -.ii laaalas Jet** ii"** -ci "i""' '-'-*. V ,. ra,.- .-' Bl ' a I "* -Ai .ra-.," and .1! |i|is*iaa4tlBj vs. li. Li CO. ar.. >«.¦?. If ,-t ir tv 1:1 T USU ,t* fla-.oi -...,, 4 i*-. i.-ii.r rh .iel la i.on.i.i ti., i". .¦.¦. rn-"' Baa* .. utm tn,,i i',.r i.i- - **u-. trace Am- st'vcti n.irii ,,,'.* toa i*bb bo a i pi i-. ..-.nd * aaa] sri llilfl.l -l I. - ll ,' m Hi -. .... .*,. sat] t"i it, -**." ' to st;. tts* Batta! .. la| inn :t .. M- ii- r> b*" -I"'* I' alCJt -. ||SI SB! » ». ',v*i l"'li' l> - _ieA ,'ttl' e. I'l, -\!< 'ITi.AIss *t<> .. Kvmtv n:u *..i my l.< fern BB^BaaSBIB the B* ilstrt**bi .iel iv«:fii;ii aflBaja .i a tntnhi -.i* viiii vs i * sv rz> .it vr*u.'J.**T.'' i, il*.- tc-s- noiiy of tlioii A.*!*. --i'l '.» til *ii/Klst*. III V Hilt *<ilt.ak. (Ma I'kiiHiS" .(c. art- -nasjtfeii tv Htad.i4-lie.Wvak- b*bb. lailtajaal'Si Lmo tat I**bjjb4I**i**sI DBfatat- ion -lea,I- iRi-.i r snlJiw** (oI.I'»:n's l.ltl»l<. H I.^l ll, l ,t M. S, I M B-1.1 .Ul' llNl, Invk.o- UTf*>M 1' ul '<. t*»- . T-t fr foldtn't* Tnkt , .". lu teBSa*_Bla chu-, (n;.4 irs. ats Al C ITOta SjaLBM TH 1*4 I'M Y. IV IA LIAM ll. L\ Sk, * I " | I*. M ***'. sere*, f laid '--iwiiis U.i-1-J si.'l I rn.VC. -tn. I,. I,li¬ nn.H.I,i> B*Sjfl**l|SOut Kilr-f.ioa^.|.. *4PPKBSO**l a ci.,* to p.RUacstarlstl***_itta UiK oil five. sUi.i'l'-"!' Mir.U!;!Ht«iii *d"ii- rtataaaj Hem) .n><t.; ilsa,IS ks MtasValasf. KKASK l>. MILL Ji ' ".. ii P. M .*"» JB Hie *"*>U -ldc of t:r-.i-i .in,: Ktfte.uili Baal sUUs-at!>*4l*«*'t». lill lUIiiMi ll V/AAIt. IO A,R..ll<.USttaotal ftr- iiltitie, Ac R 4 0M*ii:-*t4 r s:*4i:R4 issga. t<'tlMtiND (Ol.Lt'i.K. l iiSJMKNt KVUNT KXKItCISB.*-. Juneiuih: tessi f*s*"u of ttunry a^l*> Btm June '.'Otli: A dd rt*** befon- UUirttiy sxlell** t»y Kev.i.t. linns, til' .inti,-.IR: Adil*..-'.fore s.K"i*-ty of tiamat. Jun- lit: f .oBiiMnii'tiiK-iil I'nf'. , _. Hie fortifi'li\#«a'i'T"es aili t'.'tiri I In ina C ol¬ in-'. flia|» I, Ursimdni.' aa*a ulsl't »i *5:l&. '.(.Us |.l***-»- .-..j>y. ft IS-4t _ BUCK AND JOB WORK NEATLY KXKt l TKDat Uaj WttfATCU I'ltlMTMi UVVutl,

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CASH.Iff* A ni ABLY IN ADV A Si V.The DAILY DISPATCH ls delivered to rab*

#. ii'-r. .1 nrraa** i k.nts ;«. -...i,. *.¦,,»., ,the carrier wii-klf. Malled .il fS per Annum *. f.\for*lt in..nth*: gl.Atl f-.r (hire month*: 50c. f..rcine month.The 8EMI-WBEK1.Y DISPATCH at fi per an*

sum, ->r fl f-*r «ls month*.The Vt KKKI.V DISK A I (I! Al fal per ..niinin.___..........__________

ll Itt****) NH IROX RITTKRM.

pUJH rm ins.

Thc ».1**<h1 ls the foundation or life: lt circulates' Watta part ol the Im.-Iv. and unh-ss lt I*

pore sn.) rich good hesI tit I* luipONsllde. If disease

lia. eli lei ed Hie system the <, _/y sure and f____ ¦ av

lo drive lt out ts to purify and en: Uh lim I.]i.,m1.

Tliese tim pie ftrt. sit wi ll known, and Hie hl/h-

eet medical suth*-Ttl.-* a. ree Hist nothing Lui Iron

will re*t"tv the Mood t-- lt- natural eon.lill-.n ; and

alan that all thc Iron pal __ratli.ini hitherto um-L'

blacken Ihe teeth, eau* tieadat he. and are otlier-

»li ii.iur, u


will tborouirhly and (juhkly assimilate the

ki..i. piirifyiii- au<! .rtrenjrtbenlnf il, tad -Riali*eve frotn ant part of *Le *y*teiu, rind it

will nul Lia. k- ii the t. etK.r.-iUM li(.a-l:i. h.-or con-

*tiik*.ri' h. aa 11- i*--*iiu- iv n-.t iiijiiri-.u*.

BAYED DU (_______17 *> "ii Til I vv* * im i t. ll v ir rn-1:». Vin..)

I Lrii.irv IB, Issi'. (i.. .. -I'l-.n tl.e i. ..milieu l:itl"ii of a

s k.i.i.vvs". laos Birrnaaaaioaieaudi n.v .1 .ii-Lt. i. wl.'-lii I wu-t'.i.i-

m .tlni; awa] with t-.ii-

-'iiii|.ii..i:. il .* la. i '-' i -ii.ii.'iiter* bi Hm tcr-

r 11 :. disease, andi r tbe 'ure of em in. nt j.iiy-i. ina,i tu at anytblag roald ana -i Ibe

pr.-/:' my ir rt at *nrpii-e.

'. r bad brina oas bottle olllioivvs's |ao_ Kt r 11 n*-1,. )m-'.in t.. tneii'l. mid

aaa i* ¦.ni. _______! i i emmi btollh. k -fibti i" ibow *lk'ii*..l'( i.ii*iimp[|ou.iiml

a- iii.-I beqalekly aald,i id a ben Informed thal

* taalag Rbowk's ik-.n ki i-

TLli.* I- -I*. I'.- I. I Lal i- l-.I take UVAl.t-i: vm Pm i.i*.

BR01* N:¦- IKun KIT III:-

I ill) .liles

DVsl'KI'-l V.

INI.lui s |,,N, nod

WT AK Ni S-.

tod renders Hu nt itesl relief aad i-« n. tit toper*r ui* *i liv rim

RM ION, Kin-,i v tty vii'i. vin |

7- ¦-!' |


!1 MMl.i: ( oMI'l.M.NIs.

vii inf the howeb are" ra md in,a,u i, ,..,.:, lacked

kll'.vvl. . mi -I).l-i i:i;v RAM I8__ PAIN-KILI R

lt a tot Dl.irihi- liv-iitety. siiluiui r

i dat,< lera Morkar., etc., aad kptrfottlt

III VD lill. 1 ul I.uWTNu:

Ku-.' ill--.¦ N. V War.Ti BS, IB81.Kihi-.-, liAVia'e Pai.--_.ili.kii never/alis to

imp .ml pain in tinJosi iii iii linn r,

NT- HOI villi. \. V I-. hm uv 2, 1881.... in.- I knott "i for .iv-.m. rv.

-ii. : .mach, ll .ve

i.-. i' !¦ v- H-. md ii reefer* Hine..iii ii * U. lu i.

Moinoona. Iowa, M ireh 18, 1881.v..ur Kai .-:, it i: i.i .-, vere eas*

an.I lt -raveiutan I relief. L. E. Caldwell.I vt I \ II ' I I. v..' nv -J-, l-l.

Portwent] v. in havi nw j ..m- p vi-,-\ p libfoi I...m

U|_ II"! lei I1 J. B. Iv ii

s v- .-. vii -i.-iai irv 22, 1881.Han ur Dai i*'- P tix-Kii li ii f..r i'

Hubie. N"molhi i He I .h.liv.

II. I. N v.l -.

OKI il v. N. V ,- I", rn nv IB, 1881.vv bes rn ii-it. ind lt

Immediate relief Would hardly darewithout a riot He in ti.*- house.

w.n. Bpi kuy. i'rj 28, 1881.

v rery family lu thi ret I -n I.. i-le. I MOBTO...

1 11 I * v 1 i * 11\-1 vIi .i

Rill m*ii I'll ia, Pth. 8. K98I. iI Liv- known Pr.RKl I) vv l*'-' P vis-1*. 11 I l: al-

ii vi i* Introduced, and afteriii. n and u-<- 1 regard it* pn

In in, household as au (ii litpentnbli nt ci tt ity.I. -. Koli lil, I nit. I -late- ( "ll*lil. j J

III i: iiiN-nN-Tl( i v r. ls...dav u IT. rin/ .< univ from

narrien, a.-.;.. n nd v\ it li Intense nain, wheo I j;till v..iii PAlN-Kll iii:.- ".I Lanni all.t lu¬

ll, j. Booms.R] ROU v..I « RBI I. I...M".v. Km,.

Haring a r. -el.-ii. ¦ ..I' t*v. nl--lhr. .¦ y. ar* in In-I. /iv. ii lt in unii) a .¦ of dtarrhma, dys* .iii, ia and never knew lt lo Ci) to I <

1.1. li. c_.titii ><;_. j

BO VV1IIY CAN -VI ll.V Kl WTTIIOlT!1Till- INV All Vlil.l K'KVII nv.'

lt* tates tin/- it vviihiu ihe 1-1 .-ie11 ..f ail. P*_r|.ll 'lui '/l-l-..f -.Ti. 51 e.. and -1 pat Lottie

PERRI HW I- I sus. I'r.-i.iTrtor*.. 1 -,...]'. )"1 I'i-.x l-l. ii. IC. I.

SI tl MONS Ul ER lllt-il I.YTOlt.


\*K un ki nv BKD!¦¦ ¦.. i: ietim of V' ear aad

i Vi, rem: il-Di*..i-< T I'lili. lil,

HOW I HI V KKi nV IK! DliealUi. (Tiurfnl i|,lril-, mid mad ai'i-eti'.e. tin y

win i.u von i.v iakia_BIMMONfl kivt i: ki OUL viol:.

Pot DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JaaatBea,vii. i, -ii k Hi vu Mill.. ( '.Ik-. Da*

a of -...lill-, -ul i: STOMACH, ll- arti.uni

___.-____,IT ll V- Nu I t..|' AL.

aart railed -mtlhern remi ly v warrantedei i.. ..nt iii, . Hugh parUi le- i BfUM nu oraaylajartotti min. ral snbstanee, hui I*


If you feel drowsy, ilel.lllt.itcd, lure li.*iuiiitlii-adnrh. m..nth tii-te* Loll), poor n|.|M-tite and jlI'li/iii roated, v..u an *uir.*tTn/ lulu torpid liver,oi ** lui.-ii.ties,." and nothing will eur,- you bo

-i-».niv aad pennant nUy as to : ti*.

NMMON8 LIVER BBQ! l.v inp.,it i%riven arith latfbtyaad Bkc baiMlaal result* tothe luu*l diTleStC InKllll. lt Kll-e* the l.lai-e nfijill.ulm- sud Litter* .-f . very kind. II I* the Cheapest

I h.-t family inr-ll.Tne in tl.e world.Beware t counterfeits. Tal..' only Ibe genuine,

in _hl(, wraiiinT with red / In front, pia J Mired hyJ. II. ZKIKIN A CO.sol.D HV ALI DR IT. i. l-l-- BpB-eO-H Vii3D






1.1 s ros


Inih 80-Tb,SaATuOmJ


$irhmoitd Dispatch.ITKSDAY.JUNK 20. 18»2.


[Kntert-d at tbe PHB*RRM st Rtrhmond, Va., aa

secfind-clas* matter. I

WEATHER REPORT.iNuiftyifiNs rtiR To-Dat..Kor thr* Mid-

tilt" Atlautie Matts, min, f,p|lrpss,",l LyBBObST, fair weather, northwest to sontli-vvest wind*, anti higher tanrometer.

Thr weather vehtehuay tva* partlycloudy and warm, with I heavy vvind-storrhIn tin* aflernoon, accompanied liv it slightfall of rain.Tniinsi'MKTER Ykstebdav: fl A. M., 70;

)» A. M.. S4; noon, 00; 3 P. 31., 04; tl V.M.. BA) midnight, 74.Mean temperature, 8,5 ft-cj.

LOCAL MATTERS.ITm.nil of fl ohos Titi stu,. Eat].

The flint ral of 31r. MOSCI EUytOU, whodied Saturdiiy ev,"Straff, took place yester¬day ¦onlag fruin the Sffoiid Bsptlit<, and was alt'Tidcl hy a lan.',- con-

LT'.''itinn nf Hie relatives and friend* nfthe dec, a*' (1, Ls the *nrv i vin.' liicmliti* ofUm A hi I .ti dice ftijiiiiiitti ¦(", and hy mein-

l.tis nt UM l'i,-. -.'eiiiiiilly. H,v. W. ftHatcher, D, IL, opened (he sii'vie. - ls

reading i part ,>f Um .".nth P-alm.'¦ Lonimake bm to know minc cad mid Umrmb*-lin of my days*'; fnlldsved Ly part of tlc

Ifith < li, j it <-r of Fn-t Corinthians.-'<.Butni'sv li i hri-t ri-cn from tlc dead mi'l bt>come the lir-t fruit- ol then thal sic pt."A e.

ThereadlnRol tin-," Bcrlptures was lotalowed hs a lervenl prayer offered to tbeThrone ol Almighty Graee tay the Kev. J.M. Frost, ol Staunton, and thal by theHinging Ol that mn-t I" Mttlful ii'idcon-nliti'.'liv mu-

s it, p !u Jeana, Me* t I -lc, p,From which none ever wak, ito weep.'1

Dr. Hatcher said thal his remark- wouldimt psrtskeol thecbarrs**ter nf ¦ -ennnn,I nt be wniild read thal lttii of dis inc wi .dom containi d In tbe 18th and nth v, rm iof Um liist Epistle of Paul to Um Thessa¬lonians :

.. Bul I ss,mill nol have jrou to be Igno¬rant, brethren, eoRcc ming tnt m which are

islip that ye Borrow aol even m otbenwhich have no hope.

For If we believe thsl Jesus died androse again, even io Umbi also which sleep.n .', ii- w ill (Iod bring with him "

lu. Hatcher aald lld- belief in tba resur-reel inn o' lin dead ll' he ( liri*! ian"- crt fal jvc Liiiid mir hopes ol future bappinesaitpoB tin ti iirtrlni "I Um desth and resur-rciiinii ol < lu i-f.

While it vv:i- ind hi- CUStom to euloglXCthc dead be could md rt -nain hims, If fromlaying i lew words aboul tbe dear brotherv. ii.isc iin-t was a'limt to Lc borne fromthi- chorea to Um eeraetery, Hi- Ute wess,> quiet, so lnniie-t, -ti lite from Ill-spokenistiiii- :ind rash acts and extreme opinions,hat while all cniiei-ded bil ss,,ith fessitopped to i hini ;it his real vain,.!<¦ wa* a man without (treat worldly Ban¬din,n. iiml ssa- content to taketbeplaeen life (ioil had given him, ami do hi- best.Ie vvii- md a d« niiiii-tiiilivc man; wa*

x v,r fii | fi, cine lo Um front, Indnillir preferred to hide hlmsell away aabe humble Christian man he sva*. S' sa il in < hri-t as his Saviourmil tried to maintain hi-lilith ;inil to ...lo-¦i;y tiod by svhnt !,.. did. He ci, - to hi*n.ise flu- sinniiier da* ;i serviRl "f God Blic had been a lervanl of socletv. Howleeply v.e feel the death ol a man like

a blustering man. bul n quiet,,-. fol. honorable citizen. And who badhough) a- be sscnt aboul bis business,ti rn-elate and upright, thal he would di,-ess'' How flail, HOW ini'.ii-laiit ssc allie! Ami where i- Um heart thal can lookil thia spectacle nf sorrow- ai tbe circlehat is broken.and nol lympaUilze withhem iii their distress7Dr. Hilt ind concluded with words ol

flection ami romtolation lor wife, *,m-.

laugbttrrs, brothers, and listen, and an-tounccd iiml th,- further aervicea wouldic ttl the grave..\s the coffin wai born irom the ehureh

I.,- hymn¦.Iv, ll* -1 lei lis- ids* as |**

va- rang sv uh '_'i.;it sweetness ami patho*v Nhs. Scott Miltie.Thc remain* were taken to Bhoekoc

.flin tcrv ;i lona |Hoeession followlng-md were buried close i»y the graves oloin,-,,f his children and of his wife's mo-

lei- mid father.Mr. and "Mis. RegnaulLric -i ivies ronsisted ol a prayer and.en.ali, rion fruin Dr. Hatcher, and thenbe freshly-made mound wai heaped withlowen ami the sad company left Um s|int..arrying with then tbe tenderest recoilec-inii- ol the ducascd, and linn in Um be¬tel that lew better men ever lived or bot*r df st rv cl Um crowd ol friend- be had.Th,- lollowlng gentlemen acted a- pall.

'tiii't-i-: .lulu'.- lt. Win-ton. I.'. 15. snead.lobs Enders. William li. larawa, Frank l».lill. General Peyton Wive, Dr. Mahony.,:isv. Loftier. C. 0*B. towanlin. A. P.Bennett, J.'hu ll. Montague, and II. W,Lubbock.Weil md truly tbe State say-: .. it w

nen lived tin ir lisa * through in l'ielinio"ilnore r.-*p, ,tcd than Moses Ellyson, ol tbsDispatch, and linne have died mon dei ply.e_:r<tte(l by all who knew him. Theil,-innts of line nianlmml were *o evenlynixed in hi* disposition thsl il wa* dilli-nit to ny ss hieh frentle attribute in>>*i pre-liunin;it, d in a character bo well roundedmri imootb, tiul in which all these rlrtueatren so faithfully exemplified. He had iit«*t of friend- and BO encniic-, and longviii he !». n iiieinltcrcd ami held in all'cc-ioii by Umbi aaiorlBtcid with bin la life.

An rNTiii.ii nate Lady.Cali.ant Sons.fest) ida} al,ont 1 o'eloek 3Irs. 1 allnrinclarnett. Who lives OB UM canal hank le¬sson Fifth and SiNlh streets, undertooko start a tire in the enokini*-stove. Bbcook a can of kerosene oil and coiiiniencedo pour tlie content* on lin- fuel. The.finnan! of tlie tire kindled winn hreakfastva- cooked caused thc oil lo unite and ex¬

ile), , -catt,iin'.' the burning Bald over

Ur*. Barnett's person and letting h»r.lothiiiK a'plaze. lier two -on-, who were

it hoinc from their work for dinner,l.romptly came to her rescue TatfUagheir nether in their ann* tins hore her to

In- canal, and jumping into the wateril,iicul her lieneatli it, ttti*aS"aU*blr*g thehums -not. however, la-fore she was seri-in-ly if not fatally injured, lier liinhs,uni-, face, and Lolly were liatlly luirm-tl,md last ul-jlit her cotiditioti was serious.

Masonic Klittion..At thc regularroontbly cowmiinlcaRliiii of joppa Lcstae,No. 40, Ancient Free utld Aeeeptcl Ma-tons, heltl last nihill, thc followinj* officer*were elected for the BRBlllBf .Masonic yearWnrshii'ful Master, William O. Kniillsh;seiil," Warden, Janies Lyons, .Ir.; .JuniorWarden, John ll. Powell; Treasurer,Howard Swiiicffiiil; Secretary. OfSRTBJB C.Jefferson; Senior Deacon, J. K. (ox; Ju¬nior 1 Lacon, Thoma* 31. Hundley; Stew¬ard, William K. Johnson ; Tiler, 1>. H. Col¬lins; Steward's CutmultU-t-, ft F. Rust,J. T. Tolcr, John Hoiicher; Cliaplnins,John K. Edward*. IL M. Jackson, VV. C.Sehaeller, lt. N. Sledd, J. lt. Winchester.

in.*iaiiiiti,.ii at 8 o'clock night, ot JuanX4tb at St. All-am, Hall.


Called Meeting-Thc Sprlng-Ntrcci llnineAppropriation Pa»*«cd Drer thc .Mayor'sVeto.Appropriation* for Mrrrt I'nrpo.e*.The Ri. hniotid and Alltlinny ItnilrondDHTIi ultr Seitl.d lteanlinii.il_ Ire.

A ______ uni line of tin- Common ('ulindiwas held m-tenliiy iilleriioon. Present:Ifetan. Clarke (president;, ___nao___ ( asap.hcll, Cole, (urti*, Edwards Kile!!. I'er_n-son, Forrester, Fotttt, (.min sf I 'Itv, Har-jttams. Barta, Higgins, Hooper, Patton*1'hlllips, riz/ini, Potts, and Wi Niger.


Tlie Council took 1 ij. and paned trttt thtMaid's veto tile resolution B|H_10|_j_Blllll1 *_.()- for the Sprino-Slrei t BoflM bf . voteof live* Iii. noes -J. [The Hoard 'if Alder-ultu took action at lt- la*t mc ting.]THK ___N______BB AMI AKI.KdllAN V UAH.KOAH


The onllnance passed Kv the Hoard ofAldermen revoking et rtain privileges here-toforc granted to the EUchmond and Allc-ghany Railroad Coaapanji aroa token up.

.Mr. Ellet*! moved !-. lay r,n tin- tallie.Mr. Curtis did not tliiiik tliat that was thc

understanding liad with tin- chairman ofthe Street Committee, lie moved that theordinance be IMj< dod.Mr. Ellet! thought that Hie tabtlng of the

ordinance would aeCOBipliflh the oKji-et.Mr. Hooper wanted to know what had

caused this chango. At thc 11*1 meeting ofthc ("(Hindi it wa- thought iiecc**a.y to DBMthis ordinance, aii'l he would like to heariv hy the ncc. **itv had t_BBB__ to exist. Hedid not want to vote Mindly.Mr. Curtis explained that the railroad

company had agreed to OpCR Ninlli ¦_!'___Ky building a bridge acroei the boola atNinth stn.(.Thc (hair tlun laid before thc Coundl

the followhig paper:Ililli MOND ANTI Al.KK'll VNY 11 Al I. Ill > A1) I '()., 1

Vhk-I'kk-TIiKNT's (IPPII I".Richmond, Va.. June ii, 1881 J

C. L. Todd. A'*'/., Chairman of StreetCommittee;Dear Sir,. lleeciit action of thc ("itv

Council baa brough! formally for the iii -ttime before this company a desire br thepart of the Council to "have Ninth -tree!opened acroei the basia tot tbe paaaagc of-tint HallieThc company has ot all time* been ready

to con-idol- th j* question when il has §p_pealed important to thc city. Haring hadan interview with yourself, and baringdi*i ii**.al thc matter with othermembersof the Council, I am led t-. offer the lotlowing as a solution ol all pendingques¬tion* or questions that -eciii likt iv tu ap¬pear abore the -iirfacc to disturb toe plea¬sant relation* existing between the dtjand the railroad company, I l>< licv. I amrepeating in ubetance tbe liewa cxprebsedto-day Ky yourself and th general feeling:-f th members of both luau, hes of theCouncil wiih whom i have conversed.

Tin- railroad company will agree as fol*' :

1. IVithlfl four months to eoastrud al Itaown expense n pas-ago-tvaj for ordinarystreet IrarBl across the basin, on tbe line ofNinth st:-ci I, at __-1.i< 1 -. vv i'll it* track* Un¬said posaago-way to be constructed _n asuiistantial manner of timber or other ma*tcriaJ at the railroad company's election.

2. Thc railroad company to keep thcsaid crossing In good order, to maintainwatchmen at all times when trains. engines,or ears arc passing, and conform to allregulations ol tbe city applying to croaaIngs "f railroad tracks generally.

.'.. Thc railroad company to be giventhe right, bj ordinal)..f thc < ullin il, toend "vertical arm-gates-'-1 at Beventb,Eighth, and Ninth streets, for the betterprotection of thc travel across its tracks,ami ai*o to close Bighih atreel with gate* atany time, for a period nol longer than thir-tv-tivc minutes, to permit the nccessarjshifting of cars for th- making up ol trainsand disposing ol its traffic,

¦l. Tin- railroad companj col t" be dis¬turbed in it- tue.for building or otherpurpos*.of an] pori of tbe basin east olNinth slr., t.

... 1 he ordinance passed Kv the Board olAldermen June I, 1882, and adopted by theCommon Council June _. 188% to be re¬pealed by the nexl Council.

i;. The pending ordinance passed by thcBoard of Aldernx n June IS, 1882, to in¬laid on the table or reji cted by the pn niCommon Council at a meeting previous to

July I, 1882.Respectfully,

Dkini i: Amit.i, Vlce-Pn lidi nt.Thc pendingqueatii p being ordered, Ifr.

Mil. it's m..lil.n tn tai'lc ibe ordinance wasagrei d t".

Mr. I.llctt then offered the following,nn hi, h after some discussion waa adopted:

In it enacted by tin Council of tnt eilyi- Richmond {thi Hoard of Aldermen inerring), That the clerk be, and be i- In ro¬by, Instructed to enter upon the journal a

copy ol thc communication received fromDecatur Axtell, Esq., rlce-presidcnl of theRichmond and Alleghany Railroad . om¬pany, and to place communicationupon hie. and that the Committee on ordi¬nance- be requested to prest nt to thi* bodyas early as practicable an ordinance em*bodying the terms of agreemenl proposedKv said railroad company, so far aa the.-ainc may be eonslstenl with the interestsof thc city, and Inserting (in effed In thcnh section of said communication) afterthc wori stied thc following words.viz.:.. Except by the rote ol two successively-cl. .ted Council-: and that for Woodenbuildings or addition*, if any, thc com¬pany shall be required lo obtain the cus¬tomary Denni! from thc ( itv Council."


The Council concurred In the action ofthe Boord of Aldermen aa follows: Appro¬priating 91.sr43._0 I" pave with granitespalls Venable from Seventeenth t" Eigh¬teenth streets; appropriating 11,TS__U toextend the spalt-paving on Broad tixeeAfi nm fleury to Adams streets; appropria¬ting $1,703.58 to pave v\iih granite blocksob Shockoe Blip,


Thc follow in:.' i-rdinanc. - heretoforejia-scd by the Ol Aid.mun wereconsidered and passed:An ordinance IO preserve macadami/cii

street* from injury by heavily-loadedwagons.An ordinance enlarging tin* lawful loads

of drays and wagon-.KESOl.I-TO.N.

.Mr. Patti offered the following, whichwas adoptedEisolnd (the Hoard of Aldermen BOB-

curring), That the Financ, Committee bcinstructed to employ an expert book-keeperto examine thc papen, hook*, and re¬cords of thc Treasurer, Auditor, and Tux-Collcctor's office of the city of Kichmond,and report the same to this hody.

thanks to OfflCRBB,Mr. Higgins offered a resolution of

thanks to 1'resident Clarke for thc faithful,efficient, and courteous manner in whiclilu- ha.- discharged the duties of bia office,which was followed Ky .t similar resolution,otlcrcd hy Mr. Forrester, in relation to Mr.Howard, City Clerk, and Mr. August, s,r-gcunt-at-Anns. Both resolutions wereunanimously adopted.

lt Keilli*'the last meeting of thc presentCouncil, appropriate retiiari.s were mattehy Messrs. Higgins, Elicit, Forrester, ;iudEdward)*.

AD-OmNMK.NT SINE HIE.President < larke. In adjourning the

hody, made a short speech, in which healluded to his luck of knowledge of theduties of a presiding officer when he wukmade president of the Council, and ol theold which he had received from tbe nicm-1k-is and office i's. In conclusion, be de¬clared \\ak Council adjourned sine die,

ITimi 4 clt-tarotlan of thc Literary tur¬

riell** or Blrhntoiiil 4 nil,uga,"Commencement week" at Richmond

College opened brilliantly la*t night withthe joint final eelchntlon of thc Mn SigmaRho and I'hilologian societies. Tlc chapelIWaSScrowded with such an intelligent midappreciative audience as the-c annual cele¬bration* never fail to attract.

After a season of pleasant that, duringwhich thc hand discoursed iweel music.Raw, I>r. c. Tyree, of Redford county,opened the exercises with an appropriateprayer.The preside***1 of the Mu Sigma Hbo So--

Ictety, Mr. Arthur E. Cox. of Richmond,th, n mail,- fin- "snlnlnt .v." in which herordially welcomed the audience, and in-dii!|*,'d in some pleasant hil-, which seinedtn Lc appreciated and cnjoyul.f- Mt. t ox tin n introduced as the ontol ofthe I'hilologian SocietyMR. -SOJIEW J. MONTAfJtE, OK MIIiId.K-EX

rtlUNTY, XA.Mr. Montague naturally and appropri-

alely introduced BJ his Un -nie "Cur Pro¬gressive Age.*' He repudiated thc idea thatIaU raero change i- progress, or that muchof the so-called "progress" of Ann rica ispal. but showed that the very eircuin-staiic** siiriTiiinding the earlier -ctthrs ofAmenta anti thc history of the countrysinee Ind conspired to promote wonderfulprag*reos in ali nf Um phyiiiesl leJerscas,Ile tiirnc'tly protest***] against tlc mate¬rialistic tendencies of the agc, and happilyillustrated and enforced hil positions.

Ile dn-sv ;i vivid picture of fashion andlid power to bind and cntlu-all lnr vota¬ries, and discussed the effect of the pro¬gress of our day BOOB fashion, makingsome keen hits at the shallow Best of modernsufi, ty and it- ".-well," whose only claimto bc a devotee of " thc true, thc beautiful,ami thc good " lies in the fact that he fol¬lows thc fa-hion in his <]nSI es < n to theaunfloWeTS and lilic-.

Filtering a burning protc-t n-j-iiin-t tlcpopular idea Hint politics -hoiild Le ban¬ished from all circles *:ivi- those of tlc]il:tce-s,ekci* iiml Hie demagogue, he tl, cinedthese OataSnC -hades a lit t iii lt place anil thi¬ll fitting time to di-eii-- BOOM of tic under¬lying principle-: of our Goveroment, amipr.lied to d', so vs ith thc enthusiasm wcsst rc aeeiistoin, d lo witness j,, hi* di*tin-guisbed father (Judge RoImtI I.. Monta¬gue). Quoting .indi.',' Tucker and DeTncijii,'villi, he Blade a vi'.'iii'niis protestagainst lotneof tlc evil tendencies nf the-.i-irailed progress nf tlc country, and cin¬di!,h il ii-fiillnws: -T,, vfay fbi- madden¬ing cniir-c of nmilt rn progress I -hallexpect mm-li of you. my "eliow<*students.During my brief stay ben I bise beenpenitence ¦ closer observer of ms eloss-niii'i - than nf my t<\f-l,n,,ks. I kiinss (hilIh-T'e Hie stuilell'ts here SS |., a I e d,'*t lill tnroO on tbe tsar of science, to confer len"!upi,n UM -"titty in which tiny nias live,and to weave ehapl t* in unfa ling laurel*full!,.' brow of their native land. Fromsuch men a* these I hope, w it li ail tlc hope¬fulness ,,f youth, that milli, ,¦¦.iy be donein staying the evils to which .' tMvedli*ect-ed your atL-iitioii.

.. Let u* bear in mimi that tier.-ur. rta Ingreat principles which arc iminii! ildc andeternal; ht us bear in Blind the distinct-iie-of Um two realms ,,f selence; Iel usbear in mind that th djs n,,t true advancr-nieiit which irnden society tneaninglcs*iiiul void : Iel u* bear in mind thai these urepeat political truth.such a- virtue,moiiiiiiv. and |usUce, which progress can¬not pervert nor overlook-.'in abort, let naever nmecmber thal 'Time- change andmen often ellam,'!- willi iheni. but princi¬ples mver.' "

Mr. Montague wa* frcpiiiitlv int, rruptedwith appiausi" during the delivery ot hi-.rpeech, and sva* Innilly applauded ss hen bet,,"k hi* rsfsr*. De was also rewsrded withsundi v ll,dal t iii,ut, *.

Mr. < barlas -. earthier. prc.*idcni of UmPbllologbn Society, theil infrodlleed ii* theorator ol thc Mu sigma Rho SocietyMit. I'EIII'V fi. LI-a,Vf. 01 NT.I.-nN ft il NTT, VA.

Willi a graceful eomnlirac nt to bi* an-dience, a depreciation ol bte own possit*.and a humorous reason for hi- travellingon land rather Ulan issuing on lophor-mortc winga *unong tbe »tara and cloud*,fdr. EI*om announced aa bis theme "Therime -'! iblc nf I.ile." lie proposed to con-aider Life as tbe track, Man as Ibe train,and I ii;ty as the t mri ti. r.with ti .. is i.i -Kt deli rn' thc changing land-

scapes along the route, bc in»i*tcd tbal Inorder te run the train aright *¦n ral thingsvsii'e ,--iiiti il.

1. lt must bc switched on the right track.¦j. Thc mit hillery mii*t Im understood.::. li niii-i have the steam force*- Berg**

and perot s llama-.

Then, I io, he urged tin- ir iin must benin nn schedule linn.neither tun slowiel-tm fist. He humorously sketched thces il-ami dangenof being either too lionrn' t" fa-!, and made sum,, .noil hit- a!inch el !--.

IL- then described several ol tlc trainswhich run usu-tin track of Ufo.the light¬ning express train, the mail and passengertrain, thc material train, and tin freighttrain.applying the-e to different classes nfim ri ami women.He concluded bs -using; "And noss,

ft ll.iss-stinliTits, wc may imt Le aide todraw on our boots nf seven b agin > and-tcp lifter thc lightning express; wc maynot all wield thc p, n ,,f brilbant writersm>r Le able to hohl thc multitude entrancedLy tluilliii-'. burning words of eloquence;w>- may imf. a- our Ulrastriou* trio ol itates*tii> n, i liv, Calhoun, and tVehatcr, enrollour name- on enduring Lil,ht- "f fanie.vii ne ,,.,,, with chivalric spirit and un¬daunted comic,', fulfil our lif,-ini--i"ii |USt:i* nobly though in an humbler -ph, re.If at i iii- honored histitutlon--tbe round¬house iiml iniichin,--hop for h, art andbrain.mir car i- not equipped with niliiml ttecetoart repair* fm- thc 'ninnes "flife, the fault i< our-: if In ia the gnat pi'"-pelllBg power nol Imp ulan Impetus which, uiilxuimleil by time,will leach Hie shore* of »terni! v, thuhonored faculty i- not to blanc: "

Mr. Elsom'l sallie- nf wit and humorfrequently elicited roar- of laughter, amilite bite brought down tin- home and wis

loudly applauded sv lull he tonk hi- -ed.

II,, too. was n-wartlcd with llornl tributesIron appledative fair ones.

Thc -peecbes ,,f both ol the onton ofth,- evening wen refreshingly frc- (rommuch nf the c!ai"-trap u-ual OB -Heh occa¬

sions.Then tallowed tbe raledh*tory, by .Mr.

c. s. Gardner, of Ti nu..,re. Be -aid thathe had tin- pleasant duty of switching offthe train and saying "<innd-hye" for a

seasnii. Ile gave a vivitl and witty sk.Uh.r thc joys of thc cliis-iiioin and the stu-dics of th,- ,-ollcge. and -iiid lliat to them In¬st mild -iv, the "Iii*t honor-" in his raM*dictorv.

In lit words he timi badi adieu to tin-ladies of Richmond, the faculty of the eol-Ifgf, and hi- fellow--tud'iit.*.Mr. Cardin-r i* evidently a vonni.' lunn of

mature thought, and will make his mark inhis ch, sin |ir,.f,s*i,'tL Ile was loudly Bp*piauded, ami gai hi* ab are of thc flowers.To-night then fal prniuisctl a ran- treat in

the addi eas la-fore the literary societies byHiv. Dr. .!. C. llidemA number of alumni from a di-tanc-

have already arrived, and there is everypros*>fct of'a large and interesting gather¬ing of thc elans of thi- grand old college.

Rkhbono Coavj.tM'iTtY, Knights Tem¬plar, have fleeted U"' following officers fortheen-uingtsselvf months:Eminent Couimiimler, Isaac S. Tower;

CcneraHssiiio, J. Thompson Hrown; Ca't-tain-fieneral, John F. Malar; Prelate,James H. Oajcan} Treasurer, R, ft Ma-eimlH.r; Reorder, J*. McO. Fisher;Ser-'ior Warden. A. ft Courtney; JuniorWarden, (leorgc* A. Ainslie; Standard-Bearer, ft T. Howard; Sword-Bearer, J.E. Tyler; Warder, * baric* A, Wc?t,


A OBUM of Ilrnir Tokrr Brings .More Bloodthnn Hootjr-A Horrible Way to Spend theNablintli.

Sunday afternoon between .1 and 4o'clock, while nil mod citizens were enjoy-*hag iu a rational way the wi leoine r«'*twhich the holy Sohlstfta bringa, therewas bring enacted in a dingy, dirty,s'coiiil-iloi.r hack room at Nu. MU eastFranklin streetB Scene vvliich was a di*.grace to civilization, and which is suffldenlto eanae wonder thal such things eon exlslin a ( hristiaa communtty. About the hourBarnett, and at thc locality deoeribed. fourmen were si ated around a table pliiyingwhat is known as the

-AMD OF I'OKKH.These four were all alone, with the ex¬

ception of one unfortunate who laid in acorner of a room in a drunken stupor.How loni' tiny had played, or how muchmoney had changed hands, it r Impossibleto tdi. hut iii ali probability the game hadbeen going on since thc night previous.

In order that the reader may more fullyunderstand thc matter, thc stat! Blent of W,.!. (-'andree, one of thc participants in thcgame, la riven as follows:We (Beverly Williams, proprietor of

tin- room; John Phelps,J. J. Johnson,andmyself) wore engage.; In a game of draw-pokcr. I dealt, anti Williams was


Johnson and myself paseed out. leavingthe contest between Williams and Phelps.Williams bri lifty cents on tin game.Phelps saw tint and trentone dollar better.Williams When they showed theirbanda Phelps mw be oma (.eaten and (Tab¬bed Hu1 stakes. Williams remarked thatthat was a thieving way to do business andthat lu- WOllld ]'liv no He th. ngathered np thc Mchecks " and wa-put timthem in a trunk when Pbdps started t>-wanls him. Williams Immediately left thetrunk and took his position in thc cornerof the room n. ar the door leading into thcpaaaoge, and

IV" Ul*. KU i'UKInthtti if he followed him he (Williams)would shoot him. Phelps, however, paidtm attention to the warning, and advancingon Williams, *, j/,.,] bim Ky the throat withotic hand and aimed a I.low at his beadwith tin- other. Williams, true to hisword, drew a pistol- a small five-shooter-and fred, Un' hall taking (licet iii Phelps'slace immediately under tin- left eye. Thunfortunate man fell, and in a few momentshe became unconscious.

Officer Baker, of thi' First dtstriri, hear¬ing ot tin- shooting shortly after it occur-

red, weal up io tin- room. There he foundPhelps


with hi* li, .id in a pool of blood which bad(lowed fiann thc wouiul, ami Williamsstanding over hm. Tin- officer Baked,Who shot this man t" Wmiami prompt])

ni trered that be did, and handed the oO-c f hi- pistol, William Kl lt) ;! further tothe officer thal Phelps bad cheated him alear!- bul thal in- dill bc. -inxif him forthai, i.ut because Pbelpa had made in:iss_iilt upon him. Officer Maker took Wil¬liam- Int" custody ami carried him to theKirri police station. In th. mean timeBews of the shooting had been sent to thestation-house, and Officer Hardie waa Im*mediately sent up to look into thc matter.Arrived at the seen,, of thc tragedy theollie, r found

A LABOR anti BACITBB CBOWBIn front ..f thc boUOO. Going up to theroom lu- found Phelp* stretched out on theMoor apparently in a dying condition.Thc room wa* tilled hy a thoughtless .unicurious iT'.vi ', whidi only added to thcilreody pptcatve heat. The officerpromptl) ..' rid cf lin' intruders, andprocuring a b sdn ol water bathed thc h- adof tin- nim until th-- arrival ..fth.- ambulance. Bbortly afterward* PhelpsWl's

1 I Ai KU I'S A IKKIi UKI!,taken out t > thc ambulance, and conveyedto the almshouse. When thc physician in(.barge of thc ambulance Ural saw Phelpshe gave it as hi* Opinion lhat lu- OUlj ii ul:i few minutes to live, inn up to lari ac¬counts tin- man waa still alive but uncon-__ious.

Williams is from Chesterfield, imt hasiniii living in Richmond staci shortly afteill... war. Ile i- what is knOWfl BS

I .. SnOBT-( viii-'* MAN,

ami ha- iain running a"where the shooting occurred for ai.outeight month*.

Phelps is alu.ut ft-rty-i iglii years of agc,uni is n; ni of family, ll'- i- a tobacco-fui-.i. operative b) iradi-. Kui spends theprc iter 111 A Iii* time Dabing. Ile i*. a

man of bod character, having served twoK rms of Imprisonm* nt in the penitentiary,th. last time being for watch-stealing.

rm: i UM in I ot ci.

In th.- Police Court jresterdaj morninith. case vva* called, and continued untilto-uioiTow in consequence of thc absencenf the wounded mail.Thc physicians entertain some hopes of

Phelps'* ii covery, although hi* condition i-rt goaded as critical.

Iti'piiblieuii and lteu<l| niter t'

In accordance arith previous tn.tuc a

number "f Coalition Republicans and Ile-adjusters, members of tin- State Commit¬tees "f these parties, and representativemen of each toction, met here hut night toconfer a* to tbe luteresl of thc port] in ihecoming aropaign.Although .ailed to meet at ii I\ M.. it

wa* ii before the crowd gathered, uh. n thef ll. vs lng _<ml. m. n orere found to bo pre¬sent: General Mahone, Colonel Bradj j ex-Judge --tv-ii* of N(i*oii. James Frazier,Oem ral W. M. Elliott, Duff <*)" u. I. tw-renee Tallbifi rro "f Gloucester, Colon* 1Martin ol Sorfolk, W.Frank Punrobrcr,Sires "f Lynchburg, Statham ol Lynch¬burg, W. <'. Pendleton, 1'. h. Me* kuli, Sen-ai..i- r.ii**. General Bolling. Senator Jones,Thomas H. Cross, w. I'. Giddings. AtsRogers, Captain C. ll. Cauaey, SenatorStevens, Colonel Lamb, Littleton Owens,W. A. Bond, a. w. ll uris (colored),Marshal Hughes, Bfarsbol Watt.s. JunWood of Danville, /kuguetna French, h.M. .\oit-.ii --'1-ii'cii), Robert Norton (co¬lored), ('"lon, I llarrv Siblr, Judge .lohnHooker. Peter .1. (arter ;.-.>...p.I), .Mark M. W. Haslewood h. W.Jones, William N. Tinsley, Mr. Watkins ofAppomattox, ami others,

It wa* lo O'clock I-fore the "chin¬

ning" wa* over anil anvthing lil*'' bushm-ss undertaken. Tin ti thc OORfcrencepeople he-aril thc Moss give his id vu.*, ami it

Leeann-apparent that thc lir*t I. isint'ss to

be done woo to make known thechotooofthe meeting for a candidate tor congress¬man at large, and announce the neeesalt)for holding conventions in «tdi congres¬sional district.The work for theos convrntionit will he

the nomination of district andidatcs andtl,.-1mdoraatiaa of thc eondldate suggestedby tin-conference, or falling in thi* BR**.thc tlplWahlR of a ih_eire for a State ( on-\ent.iii tn nominate | c.itidld.te for ("11-

grcsaasnn at large, ol course nu StateContention Will bo hold. At a late hourtin- conference W0B still in session, havingonly agreed upon tko time (or om- or two

district conventions.It is not understood that any thought

was ^ iv cn the nha of holdlllK *m extra mh-

sion of the Legislature.PiNAfoKK..Thi.. opera, which is to la

given for the U-.l( tit of Mr. Hoff on Fn-dav. has alw .,-*, hun, and will ever he,popular wi Vu 'Richmond people. Therewill tn* a full rehcar-it. to-nt_ht if Mo^VtHull,

I'er-oiitil anil Uriel**.Mr. James a. ( ow irdin lift the eifr on

Sunday night for thc Healing Spiinrs.where be will sojourn during the summer.The name of fBptBhl H. C. Cook, col¬

lector of anet(IBM for thi* post, was writli. ias the eomtii.-iiih r of 1'hit. Kenrny Post,Xo. Kl. ('. A. H., in the notice which at-

penrod Iii Sunday's losjmich, imt by sousastrange freak in the handling of Ihe types itwas printed "Captain K. lt. Conk."A. J. Potter, formerly of York county,

N'cvv York State, keeper of the Fair-OaksNational cemetery, died Friday, anti wishiiricd Sunday at (ilendalc National ceme¬tery. He was a memher of RichmondLodge, Knightvof Honor, anil .1 committeeof thc Lodge attended thc funeral. Heleon - a wife .inti three children.Thc work of laying thc second track for

Hie Main-sl.ccI extension of the street rail¬way was commenced yesterday at Eighthstreet.The Hine*,' excursion to Baltimore is

going to boo grand affair. The companywill he quartered at the Butaw House,and they and all their Monda arc sure of awarm welcome from the gen-rroun-hcartedpeople of the Monumental City.Captain Eppa and Sergeant Hulce have

returned from tho country,when they suc¬ceeded in capturing a lot of valual'le stolenproperty. They got seven] seti» of boggy*borneaa, one lot of cart-harness, two light*>pring-wagons. rltling-sathlle., hridk.s.and other articles; ail of whidi may he.seen at the Third station-house.Saturday afternoon eX-Govenor Leland

Stanford, of San Francisco, prescient ofthe (' l'acitic: Mr. ( halloa II. ( rocker,of San Francisco, president of thc South¬ern Pacific, and Mr.C.P. Huntington, pre¬sident of toe Chesapeake ami ohio, amialso vice-president of the Southam Picnicami riee-preaidenl of thc i entral Pacific,I. fi here in a private carfor Newport Newsmd old Point, aeoompanted hy .Mr. C. W,Smith, gemrd manager of tho Cbeaapeake.'lid nlii..; Mr. W. ll. Smith. general man¬

ager of the Western -Vasociated Pitas,andBfajor J. 8. Morrison, chi' f engineer of thcwork at Wu port News.Thc managers of thc Mozart ttt much

encouraged over thc prospects of laving unew hall. Tin- membership of thc a**o-ciiiion i* now -United tn ahout Mn, butwith thc Increased seating-capacity whichth-' m vv building will -iv-, it j, expectedthat the roll of membership will be in¬creased to I.Juli or I,.'.HU.Judge i mill's address before tbe Young

Min's t'hi-i*tiaii Association of Washing-tmi ind I.ce I nivcrsjty was a reply to asermon made by Rev. Henry WardBeecher, in this sermon Mr." Beecherchimed that "no word is riven down t"the timi s ,,f ti,,, patriarchs that a belli f inimmortality existed.***1 Judge Ould elo¬quently proved ih.nitrir,.

At a r.e. nt mei iiiig ,,f thc vestry of St.Paul's church a leave "f absence f'ir threemonth* wa* granted Mu- rector, ti:c Rev.Charles Mtnnigcrode,who will, it Is under**t--.d. mil on Saturday next from NewYoik for Bremen. During ')r. Mlnnlge-rod.'s absence Rev. Pike Powers ha.been appointed acting rector of St. Tani'sami -t. Andr church, and has tntered upon hi* duli. * as nie of

Th.- ','.">:h- vii!.- Enterprise oi Thun layreports that Senator ll ile, ot'(inn si,n. oneof thc Famous Plvi is extremely ill.

Th. time of tin* Hustings Couti was oc¬cupied va -lenlay in considering thc appli-cation "f H. M. Smith fora mandamus re-

quiring thc Treasurer to receive couponscut from Mcculloch bonds in payment fortax.s. 'nu eaae wa* argued by Messrs.W. W. and W. T. Crump and lt. I.. Mauryfor petitioner, and Mr. >. W. ..itt for thi*Commonwealth. The court will rentier a

decision next Wednesday a' I o'clock..-saturday night al.out lu o'clock .lohn

McEvoy, a young man, aged twentj years,rodding on Seventh street below CaryStreet, (tempted to kill himself by faking a

larg, quantity of laudanum. aDr. Boas was

called in and rendered ile- accessory __edi>cal attention. The youngman had almostentirely i.rercd resterday. Thc eauseof i!ic rash et could" not I..- aacertalned.Hiv Fourth l* terian 4 linreh.Tin Fourth Presbyterian church iu this

iii w i* organized on Hundaj rening mih.' i-ii'ip. it the west end of Grace street.Dr. I i.-gc opened iii- appropriate and im-pn *-iv> sermon Ith thcremark that there[s nothing more interesting than to watchthe progress ol growth* * - ii r-t the Made,tiicn the ear, after that tbe full cora in"; thal N-iture accomplishes nothing ata (,'iml. bul the iw of growth is gradual.Following tbe analogj through the field- of-ri. nc ami literature, be showed this lawlol. ihe-'un.-with regard lo the churchof (."-I "ii earth and tbe growth ol grace Inthe indiv [dual heart. Ile then pave a ra] iiiglance ni tbe history of bia own churchfrom thc time he bad seea tbe ground on

which il now stands marked "il and thefoundation-stone bid. Touching noon bisdesire even al thi* earl] dav to Itv tbefoundation of two Presbyterian churchesin ihi. city, be *p"kc with gratitude of theconsumuiation under -in-ii bappi auspicesOl tills ardent wi*ll. ami of all lil* lal..-,'*for ii* accomplishment. That this nealbuilding had been i reeled at a cost of some

19,000, and, with tin- lot upon which ilstands all poid for, thc tau church wouldorganize witta tin* advantage in ii* favor.Thc nermon dosi il with a vi prow appealfor heartj Christian oct!vity and Butty.Thc covenant ol membership waa then

given and assented to by the forty-twomembers whose names were read. Thechurch then ky a unanimous vote electedt.. the olllce >.f ruling elder Messrs. ( uv inWilson and I.i .'.¦ -.. I ooke, aad Mc-*.*-*.Link and Wade to thal of deacon. I bccongrt gat ion sang

Bl a i" Bm lt*taal MadsOar lu arl iii ( III li in l.'ie.'-

ami tin- I., ii.'diction ua* pronounced.Those present al those Interesting ser-

\ic* i.nh regretted that *.. manj were

obliged i" go away, the house i.< lng filledat n .ar!} I,-.ur.

... Kt Bunda) a pastor will be '.died.

rilOIK*1VM Kt* I*1 '('.ll. **l M'l V-s' -ll.ioI.

I sion. IU' r.gul.if ni'itithly meeting oftl.,- Protestant Episeopol Stinday-f^hoolUnion ol Richmond waa held at st. Jame*church Sunday afternoon al B o'-** k. Threligious excreta-*** were conducted bj l»I'.-t. lkin. lin- followingread bj -upcnut-ti'lent*

report-) vu--*

: - I'

if I jnu John's .. *.2Moauatealai. -**.'>i lir'.>l.

M_rW..**t. Vlir.'s ll iprl.r-l.raiil'*.M-MMN VI. i__._Lil.

29 X

150 18 til -HiK17 Tri hmy4 >h, 4 7m

1511 ** h 7*.*. »¦ **3 t ti

1- ,, Il 15 74ten as .

i. ii c. -I.T.Jiu "i Mi_ai.ii- ail'l r-t. V.««*nrw'% un

.M--.rt.The K«*t. rtBeton (.¦ Bfaaa. Wlverad a:i

addf__B_ on "Thc Sunday Bathed ia ir* Re¬lation Hf th* Ueligi-.u* Mt_t--.t_.cnt i,| thoDaft" which he tnated i* . very forclbiaand iompiehiTi*ivc mo___OBt

(in motion, the ( hawiitin ap|>.>intcd a

committee eottststlog _t Moaars. Putts,Mayer, and Po____n_Mh who n'|Mirt__l a

.erie* of icsoliitions.» which vvn- adoptedby a rising vote, tgtumnsttt ot the IOf___Wof thc Inionat the death of Hcv. HoliertK. dickson, late rector ol Chriofa ehinch.The un .-tin/, also adopted thu following,

on niotl'iii ff Mr. ftttki\\ hanoi welcitrnthatthe U. v.I>r. Cbarlrs

MlBBlgTIfOdO. nf Itt POMPS church, vvliofor \o many year* vvsn president ol thel..nrin> Sunday-School Inion, and vvliohan done much for thc eau** ot our i-burc hesand Sunday whoo I* during his long iwl-denee In Richmond, contemplaU'B soon


. a-ii-inv '.hiaiilv i.v Any ami-a.One-*|ii-ir<-. one In cition.-. Rf)t»e. ^(tt'.rr. ftvn lii-ertl'.n.. I miOn," *,,uart", tliri« Insertion*. 1 ."io,1 ¦.¦ ire. als Insertion.. S mtOne -inure, iw. Ise insertion*. 5 50one «.|iiire. one month. lo oome ,,naru, two ,ii.nilli*. I* mlom .,|ii.".rc. three rn,inf!.*. 2.*> f'O"

vi*iiing hi* tu ti ve ''Falherianil" iiiscnrrllof uuii'li-necdtd nat; tin rt fore Le ifResolred. Thal we tandi r to Mr. Mitinl-

geroflf our hest wadna, .inti assure him ofmir pr.tyers for lila oatt voyage aBSj returnto lu's family and churcta strength' n. .1 amifully restored for his blior in th, *,;;.,t,«r*»vineyard.

Kcsnheil, That the *r*matry**»n»I a copylo> Dr, M mu-,-ro<|e.A iiiiiiilp,-r of i*ue*tiotw tv*re next lutnd-

i'd ia and |*masstkd to hy Kev. Mr. Da-diielJisvlin h.tit charge nf thc f|Ucstioii-liox)iii hi* fefcWt-rBB st vie.Abott Which th,- Lined I,Thi*- wa* pro-

iintinet a*, and ihe nulling adj.inned.Mt ttCtUnru Bt*BfSSS_v-a.*_qM srvsMtfcentli

cssion of this selKitil tkCCCd ytstarday withliefollow'-tigilistrihutioiiof school honors;foNluir Unsnn*..r>1'l$(rm .V... C.trhite-

Hlhhnn rr,titm.ntrt.-V. II. Iim-wn. I. Bf. III*,*!-laz, lt. f. Cri-tiran, II. Z,Et*l, fi. I. Krt-*»U< r. II.I. Hani., A. VV. HeeBB-r. J. I. .h-nkln*. IL R.Baara, Vi. A.Taatf, ll. t , Watkla*. lt. C. Wil¬lam., if. vv. ttit-oti. ii. s. Wotustoo, invitionto. il- Medals but for Ltits timi ran-r ,,r Mn.-hS'lTiim.-A. S. farr, lt. S. Cotem-in. Ul. li. Slr-nriy. lt. r. Mord...] vt. rTdlfln,, L. ll. ItiiiTln,

ti. L. Taylor. VV. V. Tay!**. /,¦¦ i*,.- Sn. 4Medals..K. Andertni,; dr.. I. U. .1. AiidMv.n. L.L. Catiij.l.ell. C. C. iMilin.AV. *. Ileeltlcr. V. Heeli¬er. ) L. Il.,l.s..,i. .|-. M. P. Il,waul. r. U.llow-trd. fi. IL Kates, A. W. L,*'«V"v,,,,i|. dr.. IL ILsi' ile. VV. A. M,,rrls«i. St. *, ot,|>< nlilm. \ lt. L.Willi,m..Sf no,, iBSHir AVti(>.vriLf*T..Division ,., .V><--

"ii, 9. -C. K. ('annuli. H. A. Kind. II. T. Herns*.ls.t. SS. .Vil-oii. iH'iti'nsrt.. Mne-Riblmnlerti-lcatet.-J. IL fii.-ifllii, W. M.Crensasiw. lt. ll. Il ir¬is. K. L. rtof'smi. dr.. ii. R. haU-t, **i. M. M.-irtlii,.. W. Mi-Vri/rli. lt. E. Montr-, st. .1. OniwnWaier,,. II. I'.a.-ram. li. ll. Uoar_.ii .). W. IT,lill,*.. L. II..Titfin. W. li. saunders.'). V. skelton, K. II. Smith,t. i . Sn Uta. A. Mn;. s*»<m. ti. I WUIIata*.Hrision tl Crrti trotts.-lt. II.laker, *. Vf. Brodaax, K. tl Urotvu. v. s. f.try.V. ti. Kcr-»<i-<.ii. o. .1. Kr. offley. .1. L*. A. Hoi,*.,ii,I. P. Howard, P. Vi'. .lone*. .1. ss.*id..!. 1*.lc,ulre, W. V. Morrison, ll. H. I", K. A.ii.-pti.-rd. A. T.i'ott. vv. v. lo'vii,-. il. C. Wat-Ins. J. s. Williams, lt. , ss intatat, t. ii. S|*,tt*.Httelon IV..Purple Ribhcm*-A. Aniei-oii,r- J. IL J. .Vii.lers.ui. VV. jT. Brnvvn, L. L. f ('..leiiiiin, C. C. Hi,nu. C. I*. Howard. .1...fenklii*. B. IL Vi, ole. U. |-. Morrl-, lt. L. I'.iw-r*. f. L, Taylor, VS. f. Taylor, lt. M. VV Basters*.l'll:ls*iglli'd LfCilllse of sicklies- iBBaBfl

xamitiatioiis, I,'. C. ('roxton.I'lc s. -h.>o| -ch..I,i*|,ip for P.SJ '.li* tll-

'idfd among the Loss of tba Fourth dlvi-ion.Ry arrangeini'iit with Um Faculty of anil Lee I nive*.is the honorif Uni! Bcbohurshtp lielmigs to tba Fourthlivi-ioii. and it i* niven to that worthy *tu-lent ss li" c\p, et* to gu up to that l.'nlvi r-ity. Cutler thal arrangement ic fell lo.isli.- L. Camphcll.The Behool (IcLating society held it* Jost

im ting oil friday, wlicii Mr. lt. I*. t ':tiii|*-.ell, CHM "f the teacher*, deliserrtl, hy ¦ si.ilatitifi of Um -ocii ty. a c;ipil:il addia *-*

PBUCB Coi kt..The f.illowim* essess%re disposed of reeta rday iD, ni* ti'Neal, fharg.d willi thntiti-nuig;

he life "f Mary B, Loughlln, wa* nqutoetl0 :rivf surety for hi- geed hchatior -iluintli-.Aievaiiil t lurk, charged with a-sanl!-

i.gand beating with a -'ick ticorgc W.biiiips, ii- tined *?*-'..iil.Hattie Wall alias Mattie Clair (co|,.re.t),

Ti.ii fed svith u-ing Indecent language !>>he di*'tu haine of Nathan VI'aller*.!- in arniamiiy. was nqnfarod ta gis, rasnly for hav-ood lieltas (or tine month*.'".I I'hii.,1--, eiiigeil with Lreiikimc

nd cut, ling in the night-time the ollie- otL*. M. Poster and *t<almg therefrom om*ec of bogg*" liarni'-s and otto riding.Hil¬de, t niitiniiefl until tlc .Ttl* iiuLuii iaonsequence nf the ulisenee of witnittsfttor UM pioseiTltiotl..Mason Aningtnti, Hiv.riv H. Irving,

uni .ferry Coghlan wen lined for Liingtrunk and disorderly.George William* (colond) and F. M.

-tom. ,-barged with Liing drunk, wit,;ioctl Bl,

l.'achel CahtttCm (col, >.**.< 1^), eJiargeif.vifh being dl*Oa*derly and using juofan.fitnguage in the sf net. was tincl *.').Wa-hiiigt-m llrown ((ol.vred). charged

sith Liing dist*] di llj OB Uie street, sva.tim d *?2..*i0

"Alleiululfi*' ut tiielloii.We desin t>, i-nil speeisi attention to ,*ur

ale, lin* rCBlng at fl o'clock, of th's ln-aii-Ifiiiautatirban pboe ,,t (ten inri*, bb shs.nut imi of Broadar*d franklin stnsts,ppposite tbe l-'aii I .ronmls, w ithiB i qijaur*«r, pf a mia- ,.f the 'its-. Bee adv, ni semi n1.\u oinnil'iis will be in leiiliii'-s al mirdliee to ei.llS'eV UBI ti M <I» -lilli _T In illtfnil.

W. II. I.vsi; St t*ii.. Au, linn,-rs,lill Main -tret.

Yo OI.!< ii- lime lit w ru-,*.'.Raspberry rlntrarai of i luperlar ciuaRt)

an lu- bought ofJOBaOBI M. Pi vii'. (.;..r.

82*1 Mun -ti.-f t.

Excursion pirtii*. or theste having fhnIty, d> -unii-... obtaining auprdte*, will .ro¬ri Christian A- White'-, ssln IB Ihes willdui the largest and must t-otrjUttet* "tockOUthof Nev, ]'..rk, and d low li'Tirrs.I'in y atv ¦-. in nil .tgeiil- for J'.-iopp's h-irated V'lnrinal claret.

BBBtBafBBB tl il t HMl, lim- II |**S*BS BBSSSaSB...tor lill- ll <i'.-,irtM, i, ,11, a. r.,i! .

I has il | ' M.VM.INS |. IV Kl! BBSS i. v I'ill ll in yxU-n-ivf pritiU'e f.r fi iel I' ../iv n ,. sud #n-.,t lind ll- BBJBRBWtRBtSBI "..!*. ds -i* pal i. .!¦ ltr ncrsoii. s*l:u-li,. ii'd.i- Ol*""1'-

Voiii iraiy, .Issn.* L I4B0BV, M. BuI'li'itrville, Ai*.

o. BB ic BSSBBiaal illy B] - ll /ti i.v A .*?.

Tuk t .n-a.*. ii,.-.! In tie f Mill.,:!. j;yk-.1 i-ski fl . fgi-ned Britta feelciit'llc ii swiracy.Ti. V au-tlee> lr. lu rbrOf *i»e a'.en it'ors mdr.d.ii *,rl*-lilli*«s -md di- if** lin-t's..-_,. K-T.ih- bj -.ii laaalas Jet** ii"** -ci "i""' '-'-*.

V ,. ra,.- .-' Bl ' a I "* -Ai .ra-.," and .1!

|i|is*iaa4tlBj vs. li. Li CO. ar.. >«.¦?.

If ,-t ir tv 1:1 T USU ,t* fla-.oi -...,, 4 i*-. i.-ii.r

rh .iel la i.on.i.i ti., i". .¦.¦. rn-"' Baa*.. utm tn,,i i',.r i.i- - **u-.

trace Am- st'vcti n.irii ,,,'.* toa i*bb boa i pi i-. ..-.nd * aaa] sri

llilfl.l -l I. - ll ,' m Hi -. ....

.*,. sat] t"i it, -**." ' to st;.

tts* Batta! .. la| inn :t .. M- ii-

r> b*" -I"'* I' alCJt -. ||SI SB! » ». ',v*i l"'li' l> -

_ieA ,'ttl' e.

I'l, -\!< 'ITi.AIss *t<>.. Kvmtv n:u *..i my l.< fern BB^BaaSBIB the B*ilstrt**bi .iel iv«:fii;ii aflBaja .i a tntnhi -.i*viiii vs i * sv rz> .it vr*u.'J.**T.'' i, il*.- tc-s-

noiiy of tlioii A.*!*. --i'l '.» til *ii/Klst*.

III V Hilt *<ilt.ak. (MaI'kiiHiS" .(c. art- -nasjtfeii tv Htad.i4-lie.Wvak-

b*bb. lailtajaal'Si Lmo tat I**bjjb4I**i**sI DBfatat-ion -lea,I- iRi-.i r l« snlJiw** (oI.I'»:n's l.ltl»l<. H

I.^l ll, l ,t M. S, I M B-1.1 .Ul' llNl, Invk.o-UTf*>M 1' ul '<. t*»- . T-t fr foldtn't* Tnkt

, .". lu teBSa*_Bla

chu-, (n;.4 irs. ats

Al C ITOta SjaLBM TH 1*4 I'M Y.

IV IALIAM ll. L\ Sk, * I " | I*. M ***'. sere*, flaid '--iwiiis U.i-1-J si.'l I rn.VC. -tn. I,. I,li¬nn.H.I,i> B*Sjfl**l|SOut Kilr-f.ioa^.|..

*4PPKBSO**l a ci.,* to p.RUacstarlstl***_ittaUiK oil five.sUi.i'l'-"!' Mir.U!;!Ht«iii *d"ii-rtataaaj Hem) .n><t.; ilsa,IS ks MtasValasf.

KKASK l>. MILL Ji ' ".. ii P. M .*"» JB Hie *"*>U-ldc of t:r-.i-i .in,: Ktfte.uili BaalsUUs-at!>*4l*«*'t».

lill lUIiiMi ll V/AAIt. IO A,R..ll<.USttaotal ftr-iiltitie, Ac

R4 0M*ii:-*t4 r s:*4i:R4 issga.

t<'tlMtiND (Ol.Lt'i.K.l iiSJMKNt KVUNT KXKItCISB.*-.

Juneiuih: tessi f*s*"u of ttunry a^l*>BtmJune '.'Otli: Add rt*** befon- UUirttiy sxlell** t»y

Kev.i.t. linns, til'.inti,-.IR: Adil*..-'.fore s.K"i*-ty of tiamat.Jun- lit: f .oBiiMnii'tiiK-iil I'nf'. , _.

Hie fortifi'li\#«a'i'T"es aili t'.'tiri I In ina C ol¬in-'. flia|» I, Ursimdni.' aa*a ulsl't »i *5:l&.

'.(.Us |.l***-»- .-..j>y. ft IS-4t_

