七年级下册 unit 5 can you come to my party? section a grammar focus

七七七七七 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? Section A Grammar Focus

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Unit 5 Can you come to my party?

Section A Grammar Focus

prepare for an exam

go to the doctor

have the flu

help my parents

meet my friend


help my parents

go to the doctorprepare for an exam

have the flu

meet my friend

Yes, she can.

Can she come to the party?

Can she…

No,he can’t.He has to study.

Can he go to the baseball game?

Can he…

Can they come to the party ?

No , they can’t.They have to study for the math test.

Can they…

A: Can your mother go to the concert?B: When is it?A: It’s on Saturday evening.B: Sure/ Yes/ Certainly, she’d love to.

B: No, she can’t. She is doing housework. She has to babysit my sister. She has a party with her friends.

your motherconcertMonday evening

do housework

babysit my sister

have a party with

her friends

theyplay footballSunday afternoon

A: Can they play football with us?B: When is it?A: It’s on Sunday afternoon.B: Sure, they’d love to Yes, they can.

B: No, they can’t. They have an English test.

They are visiting their teachers.

They have to do their homework.

have an English test

visit their teachers

do homework

Accept Invitations:

Sure/Yes/Of course, I’d love to.Certainly, I’d like to.

Decline invitations:I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to look after my grandmother. I have a piano lesson. I am going shopping with my friend. ……

help my parents/ visit my aunt/ play football/ study for the English test/have a piano lesson/ go to the mall/ babysit my sister/ do homework/go to the movies/ go to my guitarlesson/ watch a football match/play tennis/ go to the doctor/ surf the Internet/ go fishing/ relax at home

Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Sure, I’d love to.Sorry, I must study for a math test.

Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?

Sure. That sounds great.I’m afraid not. I have the flu.

Can he go to the party? No, he can’t. He has to help his parents.

Can she go to the baseball game?

No. she’s not available. She must go to the doctor.

Can they go to the movies? No, they’re not free. They might have to meet their friends.

Grammar FocusGrammar Focus

Complete these sentences

1.I have to study A. a piano lesson at 3:00.2.You should B. my aunt. 3.I have C. go to the doctor.4. I should help D. for a test.5. I have to visit E. my parents.

Daily Exercises 对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示谢绝,

记住下面的原因和理由,并且翻译成汉语。-- Can you come to my party?-- I’m sorry I can’t. I _________________.1. have to go to my guitar lesson 2. have to go to play soccer 3. have too much homework 4. have to go to the doctor 5. have to study for a test 6. have a piano lesson 7. have to go to my cousin’s birthday party8. am not feeling well

巩固词组 (Ask and answer in pairs)

A. Can you come to my party?

B. Sorry,I can’t. I have to_________.

1. 为考试而学习2. 看医生3. 上钢琴课4. 帮助我的父母亲5. 拜访我的姑姑

study for a test

go to the doctor

have a piano lesson

help my parents

visit my aunt

3a Complete the answers with might and one

of the phrases in the box.

1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday?

B: I’m not sure. I might______________

2. A: What are you planning to do after school?

B: I don’t know. ____________________

watch TV on the weekend my cousin visit grandparents practice the violin

practice the violin.

I might watch TV.

3. A: When will you finish the science homework?

B: ____________________________________

4. A: Who are you going to the movies with?


5. A: Are you free to come to my place on


B: ____________________________________

On the weekend

My cousin

No. I might visit grandparents .

3b Complete the sentences below. Use the

words in brackets to help you.

1. Inviting: (can / play tennis)



2. Inviting: (would like to/ go to the movies)

Reason: (might have to)


Refusing :

Can you come to play tennis?

Sure, that sounds great.

would you like to go to the movies?

I’m afraid not. I have too much


3. Inviting: (can/hang out with us tonight)

Reason: (must)


Refusing: _____________________________

4. Inviting: ( would like to / come to my

birthday party)



homework to do.

Can you hang out with us tonight?

Would you like to come to my birthday party?

No, I can’t. I must finish my homework.

Sure, I’d love to.

3c Write down everything you have to do next

week. Choose a day and time to have a party.

Then invite classmates to your party.

A: Can you come to my party?

B: When is it?

A: Next week, on Thursday night.

B: I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test.

星期一 Monday

星期二 Tuesday

星期三 Wednesday

星期四 Thursday

星期五 Friday

星期六 Saturday

星期日 Sunday

Do you know week?

colorful weekend activities

go fishing

go shopping go skateboarding play basketball go to the cinema

climb mountains surf the Internet go to a party

go to the concert study for a test

go to the doctor

have a piano lesson

visit his auntgo to a baseball game/have baseball training

Weekend Activities

What do you usually do on weekends?

What activities do you do on weekends?

have to … 不得不

A: What do you have to do this weekend?B: I have to…

What weekend activities do you do?

study for a test

go to the doctor

havehave a dancing lesson a dancing lesson

情态动词主要有: may/might, can/could,

must, have to, shall/should, will/would,

ought to, need, dare, used to 。

Grammar focus

现在我们来着重学习情态动词 can 以及have to 的用法。其特征主要有:

1. 不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人


2. 没有人称和数的变化。 (have to 除外 )

3. 否定形式:在其之后加 not (have to 除外 ) 。

 疑问形式:情态动词提到主语之前 (have to 除外 ) 。

can 为情态动词 , 在本单元中表示请求 ,


受对方的邀请时 , 常用 Sure, I’d love to. /

Certainly. /Of course. 等来回答;若不接受 ,

常用 Sorry 等来有礼貌地拒绝 , 一般情况下


—Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow ? 明天你来参加我的生日聚会,好吗? —Sorry, I can’t. I am going to visit my grandpa.


1. can/may

(1)都可表示“许可” 。 may 用于较正式、客气的场合,而 can 比较随便(口语)。

You may/can smoke here.

Borrowers may not take out of the

library more than two books at a time.

The policeman says you can’t park here.

(2) May/Can I/we…? 表示征询对方许可。

Can you…? 表示请求。

— ① May I use your phone?

— Yes, you may./Yes, please.

/No, you may not.

   /No, you mustn’t.

/No, you’d better not.

/I’m afraid not.

/I’m sorry. I’d rather you didn’t.

②— Can I go out and play, Mum?

—Yes/Certainly, you can. /No, you can’t.

— ③ Can you help me with this bag?

—With pleasure./Sorry, I can’t.

(3) 都可表示“可能性”



Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill.

( 事实上的可能 ).

Mr. Read is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. ( 逻辑、理论上的可能 )

This news may be true. (=might/could)

( 事实上的可能 )

Wang Wei can be really stubborn.

( 有时或偶然可能会 )(=could)


This news may not be true.

( 也许不 , =might not )

This news can’t be true.

( 不可能 , =couldn’t)


Can this news be true?(=Could)

≠May this news be true?

(4) can 还可表示“能力”、“能够”

—You can swim, can’t you?

—No, I can’t.

I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do what I can.

Tickets can be bought from the Tourist Information Center.

2. might/could

(1)分别为 may 和 can 的一般过去时,分别表示过去的“许可”、“可能”和“能力” 、“能够”等。

  The children asked whether they could/might go for a swim.( 过去许可 )

I was afraid it might rain that afternoon.

( 过去可能 )

He asked if the news could be true.

( 过去可能 )(Can the news be true?)

She said he could speak several languages. ( 过去能力 )

I couldn’t find her telephone number.

( 过去能够 )

(2) 都可表示现在或将来的“可能性”。语气没有 may 肯定。

—① There’s someone at the door.

—It could/might(=may) be George. ( 肯定句 )

/It couldn’t (=can’t) be George.( 否定句 )

/Could(=Can) it be George?( 疑问句 )

② According to the radio it could/might/ may rain tomorrow.

③ Lightning could (=can) be dangerous.

(3) Might/Could I/we …?

Could you …?


—① Might/Could I ask you one more question?

—Yes, of course you may/might/can/ could.

—② Could you help me with these boxes?

—Of course I can./With pleasure.


—I wonder if I could/might leave now.

—I don’t suppose you could/might.

3. can/be able to  

(1)can= am/is/are able to

= shall/will be able to

① No one can do it.

=No one is able to do it.

② Can you come tonight?

=Will you be able to come tonight?

(2) could 表示过去的技能、本能 ; was/ were able to 表示过去某一具体场合经过努力而做成某事。

① I could swim when I was six.

② He started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train.

=…but he managed to catch …

=…but he succeeded in catching …


③Mr. Smith couldn’t/wasn’t able to see you because he’s got a bad cold.

(3) be able to 还有完成式和非谓语形式。 ① I’m sorry I haven’t been able to answer your letter.

=I’m sorry for not being able to answer your letter.

② To be able to run is very important for a footballer.


4. have to 的意思是“必须、不得不” , 往往


have to 后接动词原形; have to 有人称、

数和时态的变化 , 其第三人称单数形式为

has to, 其疑问形式和否定形式要借助于

助动词 do 或 does 来完成。例如:

We have to look after our sister at home.


Does he have to get up early tomorrow morning?


I don’t have to stay at home today.


情态动词“ have to” 与其他的情态动词如“ can”, “may” “must” 和 “ should”

不同。1) 这 4 个情态动词没有人称的变化 ,

而 have to 有 , 它的第三人称单数 为“ has to” 如: He should study hard.

He has to study hard.

2) 这 4 个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们放

在句首 , 在否定句中直接在他们后边加 not 即可。

我们以 can 为例 :

--Can he go with us? 他能和我们一起去吗?

--He can’t go with us. 他不能和我们一起去。

而“ have to” 要加助动词 do , does 或 did 才


5. must/have to

(1)must 表示主观“必须”; have to 表示客观客观需要,即“不得不” 。

I don’t like this TV set. I must buy a new one.

This TV set doesn’t work. We have to buy a new one.


You must get up at five tomorrow.

We (will) have to get up early tomorrow —we’re going to

Devon. (future)

I had to leave early because I wasn’t feeling well.

She said she must/had to see the manager.


表示邀请的句型 : ( 你能来参加我的聚会吗 ?)

Can you come to my party?

Could you come to my party?

Would you like to come to my party?

接受邀请 :

拒绝邀请 :

Sure, I’d love/like to.

I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to…/I’m V-ing…


一、选择正确的词• Thank you for (ask/ asking), but I can’t go to th

e movies with you.

• Paul has to study (at/ for) the math test tonight.

• My sister has too (much/ many) homework to do.





4. Can you come to my party (at/ on) Saturday night?

5. She invites me (watch/ to watch) the basketball

match the day after tomorrow.

6. I like playing (piano/ the piano).


to watch

the piano

二 . 对话填空。每空一词,单词的首字母已给出。A: Hey, Xiao Wang, can you go to the

m_______ on Saturday?

B: I’m s______, I can’t. I have too much

h_________ this weekend. And I’m not

f_____ ____ well today.

A: That’s too b____. What’s the matter?






B: I’m not sure. Maybe I have a c______, as

I’m feeling a little cold.

A: I think you’d b_____ go to the d_______.

B: I also t______ so.

A: Maybe I’m asking you to come another


B: Sure. T______ for asking.


etter octor



三、选择题1. Can you play tennis with on Saturday ?

A. us B. we C. our D. ours

2. Henry his homework this afternoon.

A. have to do B. have to doing

C. has to do D. has to doing

3. Tony is playing tennis the school team.

A. on B. in C. to D. with

4. Jim play soccer with his friend this

weekend, because he is very busy.

A. can B. cans C. cann’t D. can’t





5. - ?

-It’s October the 14th.

A. When is today B. what’s today

C. What time is today

D. What day is today

6. He is with his father the whole day.

A. fish B. fishes

C. to fish D. fishing



7. –Can you come to my party?

- .

A: Sure, I love

B: Sure, I love to

C: Sure, I’d love to

D: Sure, I’d love.


8. ---Would you like to play football with us?

---____________, but I’m busy.

A. No, I can’t B. No, I wouldn’t

C. Yes, I’m glad D. Yes, I’d love to

9. ---___________I take the newspaper away?

---No, you mustn’t. You ______ read it only here.

A. Must; can B. May; can

C. Need; must D. Must; must



It’s a Birthday Party

Friday,June30,at four hirtyLisa’s house ,15th Street

Come and have fun!

For whom :Time :

Place :


Write an invitation based on the following information.

