unitary confederate federal one central government has all the power to make laws and decisions...

Download Unitary  Confederate  Federal One central government has all the power to make laws and decisions for the people

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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One central government has all the power to make laws and decisions for the people.


Unitary Confederate Federal One central government has all the power to make laws and decisions for the people. Central Government Direction of power States Individual states/countries make their own laws and decisions and are loosely aligned to a weak central government for some common purpose The central government is only concerned about defense and trade Example: European Union Central Government Direction of power States Power to make laws and decisions is SHARED between central government and states Central Government Direction of power States In Nigerias government, power is divided between Central and regional authorities. This is an example of which government type? A. Unitary B. Confederation C. Federal D. Parliamentary In Nigerias government, power is divided between Central and regional authorities. This is an example of which government type? A. Unitary B. Confederation C. Federal* D. Parliamentary