-- v he until ttuetinsuffered much from headache. my akin was lrv"' 'vclfc(....

c iWWtsmssmmiimmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmt- - 'Mr St' fiE. Fi&ftffi' "JsrSBo 5 T JI . .T3Kw3iMl!slK;WIW!MHBlsP'yjsl !PvHHiHH9HBR!SHBSBHIllHHIIHtaMiMiiMBaaHBiBHaHBBaakaH jr.j' -- utr V He Until 3ff ttUetin f , v VOL. IX. NO. 1336. HONOLUH', H I., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BVKRY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SCKDAY BY THE Dally Bulletin Publlinlng Co., L'd , AT the office, it k 328 ntrcnanl St., flonoluln. H. I. BllBBOKIPTION-B- lx Dollars a Yeab, Delivered In Honolnln nt Firtr Cehtb a Mouth, In advance. mm - IS PUBLI8HKI) EQV3HH.V MONDA Y It Fooe Dollar a Yeab to Domestic, and Five Hollars to Foreign 8ubfir!br, oayuble In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IS IUTB&IOH STttS I'F.LKPHONE 250. 1. 0. BOX 8li Che Daxlt Bulleti Is primed ana iub Hrlied by tl DUy Bulletin Publirhlnp Company, Limited, at Its oUlce, Mor- - chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian lal- - anils. Daniel Logan, editor, resides on Alatrca rtreft, Honolulu, aforesaid Address Utters for the paper "Kdltoi rloLi,Tir;," and hnslness letters " Manager Dally Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may canoe dolny In attention. BualnoM Oardi. XVEWKB8 OOOKB, lUrOBTKRH AMD DIALERS IK LUMBER AMI) ALL KIKDS or BtJILDINO MATERIALS. Fort Btrtet, Honolulu. H. HAOKFKLD CO., UBHEBAL COMMIMIOK AUENTS. Oornvr Fort and Uneen Streets, ttuuuiuiu. JBO. 8. SMITHIES Auctioneer and General Business Aoent. Mahaaona, Kohala, Hawaii. TH08. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AMD WATCH- MAKER. Kokul Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs Campbell Block, Merchant Street. HONOLULU IBON WOBKB, Steam Engines, 8uoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Ibon, Brass and Lead Oabtinob. Machinery ol Kvery Description Made io Order. Particular attention paid to Bhlpe' Blacksmlthing. Job Work execnted at Short Notice. Atlas Assurance Go. or LONDON ASSETS, . - 110,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS Agents for Hawaiian Island City Carriage Co., Corner King and Bethel Bte. - BOTH TELEPHONES 113 - Flno Carriages & Civil Drivers To be had' at all boars. J. S. ANDRADB, IIMMf Mnnacxr. Consolidated Soda Water Go,, L'd HJSFT-iA.ISTA.ID- E: Cor. Allan ft Fort Bis., Honolulu. HO..M8T1QB to CO., 1065--tf Agents. ELEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE- - II AW A 11 A N JOCKEY CLUB K?32J5k4-- SSCTl 33E23!EiJ JUNE, 11, 1895. Official Programme RACES TO COMMENCE AT 10 A. M. SHARP. 1st BICYCLE RACE. Prize: Medn'. valueil at S.'O. F.n- - trneo fee $1.50. 1 mlludnsh Free or all. 2d BICYCLE RACE. i Prlte: Medal, valued at 30. Kit- - franco fee ft.ru. 6iulledash. V ccfor all. PURSE, S200. j Banning Baco; K mile dash. Frco for all. PURSE, F200. Trotting nnd Pacing, to Harness; 2:10 Class; mile he.ots, 8 In 5. Free for all. fith ROSITA CHALLENGE CUP, S2f.O ADDED. Bunnlng Bace; 1 mllo dHsh. Krc for all. Winner of I'un to leat record of Angle A (l:J5Ki and receive $50 oxtra LANI PARK PURSE $250. Trottlne and Pacing to Harness; miU heats, 3 In 5. Frco for all. 7th-OCE- ANIO S. S. CO.'S CUP, SIBO ADDED. Bunnlng Bace; mile dash, Hawaii- - an Bred. 8th PONY RACE, PURSE $100. 1 mllo dash, for all Ponies It hands or under. CUP PURSE, $1G0. Bunnlng Bace; 1 mllo dtsh, for Hawaii-a- n Bred Hones owned by members of the Club Winner to accept $100 In lien of Cup. 10th JOCKEY CLUB PURSE, $150. 2:50 C ass; mllo heats, 'J in 3. Free for all. 11th PRESIDENT WIDE MANN'S CUP, $1D0 ADDED. Banning Bace, i mile dash Free for all. All entries are, to be made with tho Secretary before '1 till KB DAY, Junii II, 18U5 Kntranoe fees to be lOpuruunt. of purse, unlesH otlnrwl-- speciiled. jrsr- - All Knees to be run or trotted under tho rules of tho Hawaiian Jockey Club. rar- - All Horses aro oxiected to start, unless withdrawn by 0 o'clock a. m. an Junii 10, lb'5 dene al Admission 50 Cents flrnnd Stand (Kxtra) 50 Cents and $ I Carriages (iiibldt ot courso) each $'J.50 Quarter Stretch Badgea $5 S. G. WILDER, Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club, IIi30-- A Chance for Horsemen FOR SALE 1 lattst Improved Frazler Sulky With Pneumatic Wheils. Also, 1 Set Ball Bearing High Wheal. All In Flnt-clas- s Order. Inquire of 1321-t- f 0. W. MAOFAULANE. INDIGESTION And Liver Complaint CURED DY USINO Ayer'sSarsaparilla Mr. T. J. CLUNE, of WnlkerTllle, 8. Anatrnlln, writes! "Six yearn ago, I had an attack of Indiges- tion ami I.ivcr Complaint that laMed (or weeks) I win unable to ilo ntiy hard work, had no npiwtltc, food dlitresjed mo, and I suffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick- lng catching ita-e- , ird VAnl'i-- M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies mid coimilteil a doctor, without obtaining any relief! dually, one my customers reeninmetnled Ater's Saraapv rlfl.it It helped tnu from the ilrit, In fact, alter taking six tiottlet I win completely cured, mid could cat an) tiling mid sleep llko a child." Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'l Has cured others, will euro you. MJe by Dr. J.C. A jcr A Co., Low ell, l!m.,U.8.A. Hollister Drug Co., L'd., 8ol Ant-i- t for ihc Hi pillule Hawaii People Alii ,) . II Al)to i lln M ' r on tviiitu'ritiii'fi innrvcl that busy business men '' stil cliiitc to the ni'ii pro QUfH. Thu biir-ii- n 8n man UMiitf ii typewriter would not volimtaily return to the old method, becaiu--e he can turn off more work, of a bettor muilitv. and with ks tffort on ( his iniiehino. p i Tne Mm Wh. Never ii II J T V ustu a lyiirwiiifir ' f Ihf tusk of ldin-in- j to wiite a difficult i i l... ,. ri' Others have learned ; you can. l our lirst attempt A uill probably reveal the , fllfiT" f lltif 1rll f'liuf .vu nua, j ""' work with thu pen. That's quite natural ; are just learning. V our next ttial will mir-pri- se you. Your fingers go io tho right keys in- stinctively . It becomes I easier und you will then I begin to r alize the use- - f illness and benefit of a typewiilcr. CHOICE OF A TYPEWRITER either make or mar vour writing happimss. For tho business man desiring a machine, thut comb nes speed, durabi- lity, docs perfect work, and the easiest keyboard to learn, buy the r NEW CAL1GHAPH. I This typewiiter stands at the head, t has all thu I I latest improve ments. l Let me fhow you a Nkw Caliokaimi. , 'i 1" W unDDHM Hn.nt 11 n. uuuu, xaiui. 1. jL- - y T'TT T'T TT"T T -- TL n HEY WILL I EI.EBRATK. And Do It Peacefully, Hospitably 1. and Otherwise. '2. 3. I. 5. Honolulu Will Be Treated to a Novel 0. Exhibition Our Japa- nese 7. Friends Will Keep open House. 1 '2. :. I, Th) Jatimcso fitizons of ITimn- - lul.t intoml to makoto morrow, Sat- - fr urdny, May 11, a day Ioiil' to b ro-- 1 " inoinbim'il in thonniials of llawaiiau 8 history'. Tho oooasiou will bo tlio coMiratioti of tho sii,'tiitj,' of peace iuK0tiatu)H8 butweiMi China and Japati. Several thoutaiid dollars have been Hiibseribud for the cole- - bratioa, even the. common day labor- - . . ,. . .,., ,, .i ur uuiiiiiiK iu mo irout nuerauy Willi hi, hard-earne- d dollam Tho littlo brown mun from the Laud of the Rising Sun have been busy durinu tho psst week or so makiiijj elaborate preparations for tho celebration. At (lilTtiritnt alnrua In IIiiioiIt- - nwm nm a . . manulacturiug tin swords, wooden ' 8"n, uniforms and other - and navy procession. Perhaps tho ( most busy qiiarter at preseut is iu the vicinity of tho lishmarket where men are rushing work 03 the Japanese man-of-w- to be called tho Slnnodi Khan. ' Tho model is the cruiser Naniwa. Tho Shiuodi Khan will, however, only carry two wooden gnus 011 tho bow ami three repre- sentations of guns painted on eaeh side. Tho miniature ciuiser is tweuty feet long and carries the usual smokestack and two masts, painted yellow. Tho ship will bo manned by three boys and an elderly I ". , n.iii"'"8 believes lastly, parnpher bark. i'wo timet Jap. committee privilege fire a a saluto on tho public road demon- strations iu that direction will bo made until the park is reached. procession leave Mauuakea street at 8 a. in., aud march to street and up Nuuanu street to tho Japaueso consulate A triumphal arch has been iu front of tho Cousulato. At 0 or shortly after the procession will start dowu Nuuanu street to street aud inarch to Iiido- poiidonco Park. Before leaving the Consulate a salute of twenty-on- e guns will bo fired. At 12 noon salute of twenty-on- guns will bo fired at the The grounds will bo gayly decorated. At 2 o'clock there will be athletic sports consisting of tug-of-wa- wrestling and other sports. A liter- ary programme which is appended will bo givou during tho afternoon. Iu tho evening the Japaueso quar- ters will be illuminated with lau-toru- s, aud fireworks of all descrip- tions will bo sot oir iu profusion. Tho Japanese intend to make tho ' i iVn , , a.. ...(. 1., ri. ,.. ...n. n.,.1 nl 4lllt.ll II OlimUaa 111 UtUlJ ItflJ ClUli V tho same time tho committee In charge of tho celebration, leading Japanese merchants aud citizens, aud iu fact everyone connected with thu matter, wish it plainly aud dis- -' understood that nothing of .. ., .... . ., .. .. . , ., n.i e ll ot k. a 11 1 ,1 n oa (tu uiiuiioi.u ui uioiiiiyiii , nircctiug Chiuoso or other nationali ties, has boon or will bo tolerated for a momout. Strict orders have been issued by Japanese officials to this ofloct nntl thoro is not tlio slightest of thoir btutiLr out, Tim follmviiiK U thn prograintno for tlio tsxurcifo.i at Iiidopoiidonco Park: Address of i h Irinan .Mr. Ooro Nn-lt- n 'J hrej- - Cheer for tlm llmperor. Muste, Kliiilgivo Jnpitieo S'nl otml Antliuiii. Bend ng ih ImpurUI Killet . . II. I.J. M S Coii.til d. rihlmUii Music, Klgen Saltitn-or- Itendliijr... .Mr. K. Iinanishl Mttiio, lmm o Dr. J. Ueiildii Mutc, Oraka. Address Mr. II. SlilmUu Muh', Munilili;e Aililn-- Mr 0. Halo Miiilc, akura Addre.i ... . .Mr. S. Mntiiiinurii MiKlf, Mntiit. lor Jnpm .... Jnpaiie-- e Atilhem llaP "" Jon 1'otntws. 15 .vani-- go "vL ot of you will has a. . 110 FC&TIVAL CONCEIIT IN TIIE AlTEItNOOX! PART I. Mnreh Ken Ivul Ilerger Overture Light t'ovahv Hnppe l''aiitiila Let's Ben Soliilrr..Kilinlnr Selection Popular Airs . ..ltnpiiov wnul-tel- fe; .. r llo.i Sclectlim-Jiip.nie- Mi aim. Hurler in. WntliliiL'tnn I'mt H'iuiii V Itcpublli' of Hawaii ....Be'ter Klmlttnyo. Hawhll Ponol. oahls at iat timk: Flroworks. Wrejtlliig.nt 't ,i in, Jiiui u- -e Ft iii'Iiik, at - p in , f'.intu, .,'., ?- - i; hiiu iniriiiiii-r- , Foot UK) turds go and luiek. . . nlln;i- i(- K ,, K0 jj"" an I Lack .Twoiimes TI.p..a.LV. tn vu-- i 'nin ....! i IUA urtLi: I i,iy Two Men. W ynnls-- go ami iae Twotiiiits -- 8 Heef W, ..rd.-- go -- ;l ... d TnR:nMvnr ;.:.;; .'..Onotlm" Banelng with o Swonl AT NIOUT! Jiipaniie Tlifatr", Maule Lantern, Musln, Flrvwnrks Sevoral kinds. Lantern l'rocets'oii, at 10 p. 111., preceded by tond 8TAI13 VS. KAMS. Xht-s-o Oluba Will Met Afternoon. Tho Stars and Kaniehamohns wilt meet for tho first time this season on the League grounds at !J:S0 hsvitigbeou practiiting hard lately, expecting to play against tho Coast battery. Tho Stars will have but one lango. Ernest Wodohouso will play second base and J. O. Car- ter will go out to left field. Follow-iu- g is a list of the players aud their respective positions: Tho uot having o'clock Tho Kamoha-bee- n granted tho to ) uiobai will put up strong game, Tho will Kiug erected o'clock Kiug direct o'clock another park. tiuctly uuaiuuim douht Address. lllmo partii. Bare, NTAR. riHITION KAtiritAMEIIA. Harry Wilder c It. Pnliau Lionel Hart I B. Ixmiioii J. (laiuel lb P. Davis K. WodehuiiM) ... 'i S Matiuka Sum Woods 3li W. Ahla W. Wild-- r us O. Bridges J. O Curlt-r- , Jr .If O Crowull I). MoNWinl .... of C. Kaauol W. C. Wilder ... . rf A. Uwelawo IN VHK OIROUIT OOURC The Cullon Murder Oaso Now Beforo a Jury. At the opening of court this morning tho trial of Patrick Cullon for tho alleged murder of a Chiua-ma- n at Koolaupoko was commenced, Tho prosecution is still eugagod iu examining wituesso, most ot whom aro Chinese. Tho case will prob- ably last two days. Attorneys Kinney aud Cecil Brown nre assisting in the prosecution, while General Hartwoll aud Messrs. Magoou aud Kaulukou aro looking out for tho defendant's interests. G. R. Harrison, practical piano mil organ maker and tuner, can fur- nish bust factory referenced. Orders left at Hawaiian News Co. will re- ceive prompt attention All work guaranteed to lx the same n 'lone in faotory. T V

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Page 1: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies


iWWtsmssmmiimmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmt- -'Mr St'fiE. Fi&ftffi' "JsrSBo 5 T JI . .T3Kw3iMl!slK;WIW!MHBlsP'yjsl !PvHHiHH9HBR!SHBSBHIllHHIIHtaMiMiiMBaaHBiBHaHBBaakaH

jr.j' --utr

V He Until 3ff ttUetinf , v

VOL. IX. NO. 1336. HONOLUH', H I., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS.




Dally Bulletin Publlinlng Co., L'd ,

AT the office,it k 328 ntrcnanl St., flonoluln. H. I.

BllBBOKIPTION-B- lx Dollars a Yeab,Delivered In Honolnln nt Firtr Cehtb aMouth, In advance.



It Fooe Dollar a Yeab to Domestic,and Five Hollars to Foreign 8ubfir!br,oayuble In advance.



I'F.LKPHONE 250. 1. 0. BOX 8li

Che Daxlt Bulleti Is primed ana iubHrlied by tl DUy Bulletin PublirhlnpCompany, Limited, at Its oUlce, Mor- -

chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian lal- -

anils. Daniel Logan, editor, resides onAlatrca rtreft, Honolulu, aforesaid

Address Utters for the paper "KdltoirloLi,Tir;," and hnslness letters " ManagerDally Bulletin Publishing Company."Using a personal address may canoe dolnyIn attention.

BualnoM Oardi.




Fort Btrtet, Honolulu.



Oornvr Fort and Uneen Streets, ttuuuiuiu.


Auctioneer and General Business Aoent.

Mahaaona, Kohala, Hawaii.




Kokul Jewelry a specialty. Particularattention paid to all kinds of repairs

Campbell Block, Merchant Street.


Steam Engines, 8uoar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Ibon, Brass and Lead


Machinery ol Kvery Description Made ioOrder. Particular attention paid to Bhlpe'Blacksmlthing. Job Work execnted atShort Notice.

Atlas Assurance Go.or LONDON

ASSETS, . - 110,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONSAgents for Hawaiian Island

City Carriage Co.,Corner King and Bethel Bte.

- BOTH TELEPHONES 113 -Flno Carriages & Civil Drivers

To be had' at all boars.

J. S. ANDRADB,IIMMf Mnnacxr.

Consolidated Soda Water Go,, L'd


Cor. Allan ft Fort Bis., Honolulu.

HO..M8T1QB to CO.,1065--tf Agents.



II A W A 1 1 A N


K?32J5k4-- SSCTl


JUNE, 11, 1895.

Official Programme




Prize: Medn'. valueil at S.'O. F.n- -trneo fee $1.50. 1 mlludnsh Free orall.


Prlte: Medal, valued at 30. Kit- -franco fee ft.ru. 6iulledash. V ccforall.

PURSE, S200. j

Banning Baco; K mile dash. Frco forall.

PURSE, F200.

Trotting nnd Pacing, to Harness; 2:10Class; mile he.ots, 8 In 5. Free for all.


Bunnlng Bace; 1 mllo dHsh. Krc forall. Winner of I'un to leat record ofAngle A (l:J5Ki and receive $50 oxtra


Trottlne and Pacing to Harness; miUheats, 3 In 5. Frco for all.


Bunnlng Bace; mile dash, Hawaii- -an Bred.

8th PONY RACE, PURSE $100.1 mllo dash, for all Ponies It hands orunder.


Bunnlng Bace; 1 mllo dtsh, for Hawaii-a- n

Bred Hones owned by members ofthe Club Winner to accept $100 Inlien of Cup.


2:50 C ass; mllo heats, 'J in 3. Free forall.


Banning Bace, i mile dash Freefor all.

All entries are, to be made withtho Secretary before '1 till KB DAY, Junii II,18U5 Kntranoe fees to be lOpuruunt. ofpurse, unlesH otlnrwl-- speciiled.

jrsr-- All Knees to be run or trottedunder tho rules of tho Hawaiian JockeyClub.

rar- - All Horses aro oxiected to start,unless withdrawn by 0 o'clock a. m. anJunii 10, lb'5dene al Admission 50 Centsflrnnd Stand (Kxtra) 50 Cents and $ I

Carriages (iiibldt ot courso) each $'J.50Quarter Stretch Badgea $5

S. G. WILDER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club,


A Chance for HorsemenFOR SALE

1 lattst Improved Frazler Sulky

With Pneumatic Wheils. Also,

1 Set Ball Bearing High Wheal.

All In Flnt-clas- s Order. Inquire of1321-t- f 0. W. MAOFAULANE.

INDIGESTIONAnd Liver Complaint


Ayer'sSarsaparillaMr. T. J. CLUNE,

of WnlkerTllle, 8. Anatrnlln, writes!"Six yearn ago, I had an attack of Indiges-

tion ami I.ivcr Complaint that laMed (orweeks) I win unable to ilo ntiy hard work,had no npiwtltc, food dlitresjed mo, and Isuffered much from headache. My akin was

lrV"' 'Vclfc(.""'o-Pick- lng

catching ita-e- , ird VAnl'i-- M

sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I triedseveral remedies mid coimilteil a doctor,without obtaining any relief! dually, onemy customers reeninmetnled Ater's Saraapvrlfl.it It helped tnu from the ilrit, In fact,alter taking six tiottlet I win completelycured, mid could cat an) tiling mid sleep llkoa child."

Ayer's Sarsaparilla'lHas cured others, will euro you.

MJe by Dr. J.C. A jcr A Co., Low ell, l!m.,U.8.A.

Hollister Drug Co., L'd.,8ol Ant-i- t for ihc Hi pillule Hawaii

People Alii ,).


i lln M'


on tviiitu'ritiii'fi innrvclthat busy business men ''stil cliiitc to the ni'ii proQUfH. Thu biir-ii- n 8n manUMiitf ii typewriter wouldnot volimtaily return tothe old method, becaiu--e

he can turn off morework, of a bettor muilitv.and with ks tffort on (

his iniiehino. pi

Tne Mm Wh. Never ii


ustu a lyiirwiiifir 'f

Ihf tusk of ldin-in- jto wiite a difficult

i i l... ,. ri'

Others have learned ; youcan. l our lirst attempt

A uill probably reveal the ,

fllfiT" f lltif 1rll f'liuf.vu nua, j ""'work with thu pen.That's quite natural ;

are just learning.V our next ttial will mir-pri- se

you. Your fingersgo io tho right keys in-

stinctively . It becomesI easier und you will thenI begin to r alize the use--

f illness and benefit of atypewiilcr.


either make or marvour writing happimss.For tho business mandesiring a machine, thutcomb nes speed, durabi-lity, docs perfect work,and the easiestkeyboard to learn, buythe r


I This typewiiter stands atthe head, t has all thuI

I latest improve ments.

l Let me fhow you aNkw Caliokaimi. ,

'i 1" W unDDHM Hn.nt11 n. uuuu, xaiui. 1.

jL- - y T'TT T'T TT"T T -- TL


And Do It Peacefully, Hospitably 1.

and Otherwise. '2.



5.Honolulu Will Be Treated to a Novel


Exhibition Our Japa-



Friends Will Keep open





Th) Jatimcso fitizons of ITimn- -

lul.t intoml to makoto morrow, Sat- - frurdny, May 11, a day Ioiil' to b ro-- 1


inoinbim'il in thonniials of llawaiiau 8

history'. Tho oooasiou will bo tliocoMiratioti of tho sii,'tiitj,' of peaceiuK0tiatu)H8 butweiMi China andJapati. Several thoutaiid dollarshave been Hiibseribud for the cole- -

bratioa, even the. common day labor- -. . ,. . .,., ,, .iur uuiiiiiiK iu mo irout nuerauy Willi

hi, hard-earne- d dollam Tho littlobrown mun from the Laud of theRising Sun have been busy durinutho psst week or so makiiijj elaboratepreparations for tho celebration. At(lilTtiritnt alnrua In IIiiioiIt- - nwm nm

a . .manulacturiug tin swords, wooden '

8"n, uniforms and other -

and navy procession. Perhaps tho (

most busy qiiarter at preseut is iu thevicinity of tho lishmarket where menare rushing work 03 the Japaneseman-of-w- to be called tho SlnnodiKhan. ' Tho model is the cruiserNaniwa. Tho Shiuodi Khan will,however, only carry two woodengnus 011 tho bow ami three repre-sentations of guns painted on eaehside. Tho miniature ciuiser istweuty feet long and carries theusual smokestack and two masts,painted yellow. Tho ship will bomanned by three boys and an elderly I

". ,





bark. i'wo timet

Jap. committeeprivilege fire a a

saluto on tho public road demon-

strations iu that direction will bomade until the park is reached.procession leave Mauuakeastreet at 8 a. in., aud march tostreet and up Nuuanu street to thoJapaueso consulate A triumphalarch has been iu front oftho Cousulato. At 0 orshortly after the procession willstart dowu Nuuanu street tostreet aud inarch to Iiido-poiidonco Park. Before leaving theConsulate a salute of twenty-on- e

guns will bo fired. At 12

noon salute of twenty-on-

guns will bo fired at the Thegrounds will bo gayly decorated.At 2 o'clock there will be athleticsports consisting of tug-of-wa-

wrestling and other sports. A liter-ary programme which is appendedwill bo givou during tho afternoon.Iu tho evening the Japaueso quar-ters will be illuminated with lau-toru- s,

aud fireworks of all descrip-tions will bo sot oir iu profusion.

Tho Japanese intend to make tho' i iVn , , a.. ...(. 1., ri. ,.. ...n. n.,.1 nl4lllt.ll II OlimUaa 111 UtUlJ ItflJ ClUli V

tho same time tho committee In

charge of tho celebration, leadingJapanese merchants aud citizens,aud iu fact everyone connected withthu matter, wish it plainly aud dis- -'

understood that nothing of.. ., .... . ., .. .. . , .,n.i e ll o t k. a 1 1 1 ,1 n o a(tu uiiuiioi.u ui uioiiiiyiii ,

nircctiug Chiuoso or other nationalities, has boon or will bo toleratedfor a momout. Strict orders havebeen issued by Japanese officials to

this ofloct nntl thoro is not tlioslightest of thoir btutiLr

out,Tim follmviiiK U thn prograintno

for tlio tsxurcifo.i at IiidopoiidoncoPark:

Address of i h Irinan .Mr. Ooro Nn-lt- n

'J hrej-- Cheer for tlm llmperor.Muste, Kliiilgivo Jnpitieo S'nl otml

Antliuiii.Bend ng ih ImpurUI Killet . .

II. I.J. M S Coii.til d. rihlmUiiMusic, Klgen

Saltitn-or- Itendliijr... .Mr. K. IinanishlMttiio, lmm o

Dr. J. UeiildiiMutc, Oraka.

Address Mr. II. SlilmUuMuh', Munilili;e

Aililn-- Mr 0. HaloMiiilc, akura

Addre.i ... . .Mr. S. MntiiiinuriiMiKlf, Mntiit.

lor Jnpm .... Jnpaiie-- e Atilhem

llaP "" Jon1'otntws. 15 .vani-- go











PART I.Mnreh Ken Ivul IlergerOverture Light t'ovahv Hnppel''aiitiila Let's Ben Soliilrr..KilinlnrSelection Popular Airs . ..ltnpiiov


.. r

llo.iSclectlim-Jiip.nie- Mi aim. Hurlerin. WntliliiL'tnn I'mt H'iuiiiV Itcpublli' of Hawaii ....Be'ter

Klmlttnyo.Hawhll Ponol.

oahls at iat timk:Flroworks.

Wrejtlliig.nt 't ,i in,Jiiui u- -e Ft iii'Iiik, at - p in

,f'.intu, .,'., ?-- i; hiiu iniriiiiii-r- ,

Foot UK) turds go and luiek. . .

nlln;i- i(-K ,, K0 jj""an I Lack .Twoiimes

TI.p..a.LV.tn vu-- i 'nin....!i IUAurtLi: Ii,iy Two Men. W

ynnls-- go ami iae Twotiiiits-- 8 Heef W, ..rd.-- go --

;l ...d

TnR:nMvnr ;.:.;; .'..Onotlm"Banelng with o Swonl


Jiipaniie Tlifatr", Maule Lantern, Musln,Flrvwnrks Sevoral kinds.

Lantern l'rocets'oii, at 10 p. 111.,preceded by tond


Xht-s-o Oluba Will MetAfternoon.

Tho Stars and Kaniehamohns wiltmeet for tho first time this seasonon the League grounds at !J:S0

hsvitigbeou practiiting hard lately,expecting to play against tho Coastbattery. Tho Stars will have butone lango. Ernest Wodohousowill play second base and J. O. Car-

ter will go out to left field. Follow-iu- g

is a list of the players aud theirrespective positions:

Tho uot having o'clock Tho Kamoha-bee- n

granted tho to ) uiobai will put up strong game,














Harry Wilder c It. PnliauLionel Hart I B. IxmiioiiJ. (laiuel lb P. DavisK. WodehuiiM) ... 'i S MatiukaSum Woods 3li W. AhlaW. Wild-- r us O. BridgesJ. O Curlt-r- , Jr .If O CrowullI). MoNWinl .... of C. KaauolW. C. Wilder ... . rf A. Uwelawo


The Cullon Murder Oaso Now Beforoa Jury.

At the opening of court thismorning tho trial of Patrick Cullonfor tho alleged murder of a Chiua-ma- n

at Koolaupoko was commenced,Tho prosecution is still eugagod iuexamining wituesso, most ot whomaro Chinese. Tho case will prob-

ably last two days. Attorneys Kinneyaud Cecil Brown nre assisting in theprosecution, while General Hartwollaud Messrs. Magoou aud Kaulukouaro looking out for tho defendant'sinterests.

G. R. Harrison, practical pianomil organ maker and tuner, can fur-nish bust factory referenced. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-

ceive prompt attention All workguaranteed to lx the same n 'lonein faotory.



Page 2: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies

t immmw&mmr' T

"""OB HPPPif'ta'


2 THE DAILY BULLETIN, MAY 10, 1895. ' .

Xho Way Navul EUquetto SalutesMust Bo Mtido.

Ot all profession?, tlio navy is themost jealous as far as salutes andcerotnotiies are concerned, and ittuay not bo amiss to enumerate afew of tho marks of respect both '

paid to and received by ships. )

On a vessel outoriug a foreign '

port tho Hag of tho country is first ,

nalutod, and if thoro are any mou-of- - j

war present, each one is saluted inturu. After tho salutes come thevisits paid by the officers of thevarious ships (.bound by the service '

regulations): juniors call on thesoniors, who return it within thetwenty-fou- r hours. '

Whou hoisting colors in themorning, after the baud has played"God Save the Queen," tho anthempertaining to each country repre-sented by a man-of-wa- r has to bogone through. 1 retnemoer ourein tho Mediterranean our flagshiphad to play fourteen various Nation-al Anthems bosides her own I

A curious form of salutation, forwhich there appears to be no author-ity, is what is termed "piping theside." This is accorded to flag andcommanding officers, and also theliou tenant for guard duties. " Pip-

ing" is done by a boatswain's mate,who "winds his call" on these officorsentering or leaving tho vessel. Theonly others entitled to it are corpses?f ...I It... -- !.!.. ! 1 .. !...!iUi tVIIUUl VI1U BlllU IB JJIJIUU Ull iuuirconsignment to tho deop, or whenlauded for burial ashore.

Boat salutes are frequently puzz-ling to an uufortuutte middy incharge of a cutter about to pas asenior officer; they are iudeed g

to one uninitiated. In apulling boat the officer, on passiugono of higher rauk, perhaps salutesby touching his cap, or his men mayhave to "lay ou" or "toss" their oars;and, again, in a sailing boat, tho offi-

cers, besides saluting, may have toriiicct tho sheets to be "let fly;"while in a steam launch tho ougiuesare ''eased" or "stopped," corre-

sponding to tho ''laying ou" aid"tossing" oars of a pulling boa.

Till quite recently, tho naval sa-

lute wis effected by raising tho cap,but now it is made more in conform-ity with the military idea of respect,aud though, at first, some grumbledat tho notiou of imitating the "grab-bios- "

their red-coate- brethren itis now universally admittod to be agroat improvement ou the old style.This salute is always made ou meet-

ing or passing a senior, going ouboard a ship, stepping on to thequarter-deck- , and other occasionstoo uuruorous to moutiou. J r.ffil

Social intercourse between seniorand junior officors in the navy is notthe eame as in a regimeut. It can-

not be, the exigencies of tho servicowill not permit of it; but instead ofthe familiarity which breeds con-temp- t,

a feeling of mutual respectgrows up, engendered by the strictenforcement of naval etiquette, andwhioln constitutes a bond so strongbetween officers aud men that allour great naval victories can botraced to it. Enyliah aper.

Telegraphic Notes,

Henry Stephens fell into a miningfiliaft UO feet deep at Stotts City,Mo., and was drowned in ton foot ofwater.

Three huudred coat-maker- s, mem-bers of the United Garment Makorsof tho United States, are out ou aBtriko in Baltimore.

At Brosiukor, in Prussia, sixty-fiv- e

houses have been burned. Eightyfamilies were rendered homeless.Three porsons perished aud manyare reported missing.

At Fort Scott, Kas., Noah Strovil,charged with the murder of hisfather, has boon acquitted. Hiswife testified against him, but theevidence was not strong enough toconvict.

Tho scheme of taking Frouch-Canadian- s

from tho American north-west back to Canada and settlingthem upon farms in the Nipissiugdistrict of Ontario has proved afailure.

The Supreme Court of Kansas hasdenied the right of thoGrnud Juryto inspect ballot-boxe3- , the Courtholding it would violato the socrecy

of the ballot and would also be auinfringement of the Coustltu'ion.

Receiver McNulta in Peoria hsfiled six bonds in tho sum of $100,000

each for tho operation of the Peoriadistilleries as manager of tho whiskytrust. Altogether ho will file bondsaggregating nearly 3,000,000 asmanager

Judge Bookstavor, in New York,has grauted an order permittingAttorney-Genera- l Haucock to bringsuit in the name of the people forthe dissolution of the EquitabloMutual Fire Insurance Corporation.

The New York Evening Postclaims the plan of the cordage com-

bine is to control the supply audprico of all the raw material usedby tho cordage companies, by givingto one man or one company thoauthority to purchase and coll it.

Mm g&v $$y J

x. w1wir35B!3wJJ57 2U, i. Chcuvront

Leonard, Mo.

In AgonyIS Years With Salt RheumHood's tarsaparllla Gav a Perfect

Cure.aO. I. ITood & Co., Lowell, Msss.i

" Hood's Sarsaparllta Is aneicelient medicine.I bad teiema la my left leg (or fifteen yean.Fart of the time my leg wa one man of scabs,and about every wek corruption; would Katheruuder the sklu and the scabs would slough oft.

The Itching and Burningsensation made me suffer Indescribable agonies.I spent a great deal ot money for different rem-edies but did not Ret relief. About a year ago,leading physicians advised inu to take Hood'srJariaparllla. l did so and bare taken fWe bot- -

Hood's'Curesties. Now all the sores, scabs and pain hareTantshcd and I am enjoying perfect health. Ithink Hood's Sarsanarllla Is second to none and

tally recommend It to all suffering humanity."M. L. Ciikuvuont, Leonard, Missouri.

Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly andefflcleutly.ou the liver and towel J. 25o.

Ho"bron Drug Co., L'd.,Bole Agonta (or the Repabllo of Hawaii.

IFyon Insure It is well to do so in com.penles whose reputations have builtupon strong foundations..

THECompanies represented by John M.Dow sett (successor to the luto 0. O.Burger) havo stood all the tests ne-cessary to ronvinco any one thattheir capital Is ample and the prtn.rlples upon which they are governed,the highest.

1 OSSESnro paid promptly and w Ithout

delays. The assets ot acompany Is the best proof of Its so-

lidity and ability to pay losses. Thelist given will satisfy even "The OneHundredth Man."

The New York Life,Assets, $155,453,428.73.

London & Lancashire Fire Insur-ance Co.,

Assets, $2,641,029.U. S. Branch.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,378,092.

Palatine Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $2,255,974.

U. B. Branch.

Thames & Mersey Marine Insur-ance Co.,

Assets, $6,124,057,

K" Policies for oilhor Life,Firo or Marino Insurnuco issuediu any of tho abovo named Com-panies at tho lowes-- t rates and onany of tho numerous plans

Your patromigo is so-



1290-l- Merchant Street, Honolulu.


Spreads !

I have just received a com-

plete line, in the LatestDesigns, in



The qualities and patterns

are very choice and were im-

ported specially for my fine-trad-

Also have a full line of

Honeycomb and


Marseilles Spreads

At Reasonable Prices.

OQsT While you are wait-

ing for the car come in and

see them.

514 Fort Street



Wholesale Dealers In

Lllim anil Manila CigarsAVD

General Chinese Merchandisesoon as

Nut Oils, Rice, Matting,Chinese Silks, Teas, Btc.

English and American Grocer!By Every Coast Steamer.



The Best lunch in Town

tearfria. eund Oofltea



Cigars and Tobacco1LWAT1 ON HAMS.

H. J. JVTOI-iTE- J, Prop,

A Chance for HorsemenFOB BALB

1 Latest Improved Frazlei Sulky

With Pneumatlo Wheels. Also,

1 Set Ball Bearing High Wheels.

All in First-cla- ss Order. Inquire of0. W. MACFARLANE.


41 Nnuiinn (iiji-- f

Tinsmiths, PlnuibiuQ, Etc.



The business of the country itsettling into its former groove. Our

driver has returnedrom his vacation, the cows in the

switch flies instead of bul-ot- s

with their tails aud the cream itricher iu consequence. We beliovewo have satisfied overy ouo of ourcustomers who have tauon milk fromus aud wo are in a position to sup-ply a great many more The peoplewho from choice or necessity visitedWaialae during tho past two weekshave had an opportunity to see justwhat sort of diet our stock feedupon, and no longor wonder at therichness of the milk from our dairy.

Our facilities for delivery aro thebest. With the exception of a dayor two early in tho Into unpleasant-nes- s

our drivers have always beenon time at our customers' residences.We take this opportunity to thankthose who havo been patient with ufand to solicit a continuance of theirpatronage Wo will be pleased tofill all orders telephoned to us andguarantee all milk to be pure audfree from adulteration.


Boon for Dairymen



For Ml'cU Cowh and Yonng Stock.

Acts ns a tonto an 1 greatly increases andenriches the milk. Young Stock will thriveand develop fully CO per cent, by its use.Bold in 7 lb. baps nt 15a. per lb.

C W MACFARLANE,x Agent for Dr. Pottle's Kemedles.


Partnership Notice.

H WILLIAMS- ANDHENRY A. Williams have this day dls-lolv-

the partners lilp heietufore existingoetween them under tliu llrro name ofPioneer Furniture Company as well as ofWilliams Brothers In the Furniture andUndertaking Business in Honolulu, in theCsland of Oahu.

Henry H. Williams retires from sldInu and bustnes end Edward A. Wil-Jam- s

remains In said business, havingformed a partnership therein with hisrather, O. E. Williams.

The new Qrm consists of O E. Williamstnd E. A. Williams, and henceforth willsarry on said Fnrnituro and UndertakingBusiness In said Honolulu, under the firmlame of 0. E. Williams li Son.

The new firm will collect all accountsjwing to tho old firm and pay nil liabilities'.hereof.

DatedMarch 30th. A. D ISIM.H. H. WILLIAMS,KD. A. WILLIAMS,


BOCK BEER!First Consignment of DOCK BEER

arrived at


From the Frcdcrlcksberg Brewing Co.of San Joso, Cnl.

2For 25c.--- 21300 WM. CUNNINGHAM. . lw

Regan Vapor & Pacific Gas

Engines & Launches !


They cannot be surpassed for motivepower.


JOS. TINKER,1033--tf Bole Agent, Nauanu street.


A Valuable Fish PondAND

SEA FISHERYYielding a safe Income. Address

"B. C."1320-3- m Bulletin Olllce.


MEN Sptcial Doctors for Chronic,I'riuUeaiul W'dttiiii)


Dr. I.Ioblg's Inviporator the greatest re-- ,niedy for Seminal Weakness, Loss of Man-- jhood and Private Discuses, overcomes Pr.matureness and prepnres nil for marringlife's duties, pleasures and responsibilities;$1 trial bottle given or sent free to any oneuescriuing symptoms: can or auuress twGeary Bt., private entrance 405 Mason St.,Ran Franeltro. 1113-3- 3 lv

The Daily liulktin, 60 cent permonth, delivered by carrier.





Pour great requisites of

Men's "Wearing Apparel to

be found in all the Suits

made by Johnston & Sto-

rey. Mr. Storey was for

some years one of the best

known cutters on the Coa6t,

consequently the best dress-

ed men in town wear clothes

made by

Johnston & Storey,

4 13 Fort StreetW. W. AHANA.


Merchant Tailor,333 2Tu,ua,vi Btxcat.


Knglktt, Scotcb and Americao Goods.

Btyle and Fit Guaranteed.

Cleaning A RepairingiDtail Tele. 868. P. 0. Box 14V


BeautifulfeHorses !

The Celebrated Bayswater Stallion


Also the Splpndld

SPAN OF GRAYSBy "Ivanhoe" are for sale, Apply to

GEORGE HOUGHTAILING,1301-t- f . Bay Horse Stables.



Practical Carriage Trimmer(Has no connection with any car-

riage shop.)

TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONFenders, Dashes, Storm Aprons, Etc.,

at Lowest Possible Prices, andWorkmanship of the Best.

I use First-clas- s Material of my own im-porting. Manufacturer of all kinds ofHarness.

Workshop S10 King Street near Maunakea.V. O. Box 490.

W. M. SMITH,Ejleotrioia.ii.


Electric Bells.Dining-roo- m Bells,Burglar Alarms,Private Telephones,Everything in the Electric

Line.K3 Refers to E.O.IIall &

Son, where orders may be left.

0ndin l( tit the sutfU QAv&vmw

(toutymril'ft l1 wltt 1

trrciitpltu xttoiAvtt i,fcotlffc Titptkona lit,

THTQ PAPPR I"!'1 " nle nt E. C.laiOrArlJllDAKK'S AdvertisingAgcnuy, lit and OS Merchant's Exchange,Han Francisco, California, where contractsfor advertising can bo made for It,

Page 3: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies












Stop That Cough!B



HOLLISTER DRUG CO.!533 Fort Street.

Medical Hall, - - 316 Fort Street.

C. E.Williams & SonEQST-A.BH.ISH3-

D 1 SB.The Largest Stock of Bedroom Sets

Ever imported to Honolulu. Eight Different Stylesto Prices are a clincher

e'r.om: oo xjf.Also a Fine Lot of I KK8 of the Dolgns nnd Patterns.

Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattingPer Kol of JO

And a Fine Quality $9 Roll

Headquarters for Bab? !

TELiEFHO NE 178Pioneer Furniture House


609 AND 611



Tobaccos Mfrom all the Celebrated W ms&

.. ramin tne umtet ety iJK mm

" Via IStates VE

Pipes and



Daily Bulletin


- w lW

THE DAILY MAY 10. 1895


loughs ii

select from.

sssCHIFFON Latest

Yards, Ik'.OO.

for per

Carriageswar "t&a

. w-'V-




4 mma& hh?.chvy s.vfc

i a saiwonrare mkjw??''UUJ wcisj U UMSi JHH !s1hskS

50c. per Month


Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Gigais,

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

Odd Telogrnms.

"We are nil well but Sam, and hodied yesterday," was probably indi-cative only of the sender's desiro tobn-a-k the news gently not of anyfear for SatnV future happinessAnd it is scan-- i ly to be supposedthat any ghotly visitation inducedthe communication, "Your motheris dead aud wants you to comehome." "Just send five to help me;am starving, by telegraph," was thocry of an impecunious soul; and thewonder has been since is to theexact method of procedure in a caseof "slnrviug by telegraph."

A source of amusement to thetelegraph operator lies in the curi-ous names which come up in thecourse of business. When Mrs.'Wbotstone" and Mrs. "Firrnstone"send telegrams in one day, the ques-tion arises a to their possible rela-tionship; and whether Mr. "Morn-ingstar- "

and Mr. "Wintemlght" areneighbors might be an interestingdiscussion.

An old man went, pauting, into atelegraph cilice aud indicated hisdesiro to telegraph a small package '

that ho held in his hand. lie metwith blank unbelief nil the state-ments to the effect that such a thingcould not be don, and persisted inhis request.

"It just must go!" ho exclaimed."They are my wife's teeth 1"

Drunken men furnish their quotaof odd sayings and doings for thoamusement of the telegraphist.

' say, what'll you send a mesiagofor to my wife at M T" inquiredau intoxicated customer of thooperator.

"You write it for mo," was thonext demand.

"It's to my wife,"ho went ou;"nevermind the address; now, that'snone of your business where shelives."

Being induced to give tho neces-sary destination, he continued:"Tell her I'll be homo when I come;and, I say, tell her I'm drunk, but Iain't locked up vat."

ills' WHIN.

There is no one in tin- - world

so cheerful as a woman who

knows she has on a pretty


Nowhere will you sucha collection, such a variety, aswe offer.

The styles ure elegance it-

self, while tho prices are ho

regulated that those of themost slender meuns can keepwell within the range offashion. These Capes will

add grace and beauty to anyform, and soften t.nd refine

the figure that knows how togrow old gracefully.



Never before weie we bet-

ter equipped to supply youwith Shirtwaists, we arestrictly in it and so will yoube if you purchase one of ours.


bHIRTWAISTS,Easy and comfortable, theyalways look well, wo have anendless nriuty of patterns topick from. Look at them.


- ? c 2 i f W

la S I

fan A I

mm h I.MF x - i 3 f

!:, LH r S3 Sit

Ia 5S4i m Mi



Speaks !



At 7:30 o clock at


Skquau will lecture from

his Gilded Churiot on his





53.For your own benefit,come, see, hear and judge foryourselves.


Speaks !






especially DesignedFor INSIDE Work oa . .

Fac?oi les and Public Buildings

Ic a dy powder which can lojrepiutd for tue by simply stirringn COI.l) WATER uixl can ho

by anyone mul will nlwnys pro-lu- ce

good workIt is VKItY WHITE, extremely

and hiinlciis on a wall HkVtone and will take any tint

It will last for year?, and isby gncs.

Ono coat covers hotter than twouatsof oil paint or whitewash.

It can bo used on any surface andor all classes of work, even for theInept decorating,

It will not rub, fcalo or cracl'. norill it Hofton with ago or discolc-- .

It will not pot in the mixing el,n fact it improves by Mandiug u fewlays.

It can be used to good .idvantagovor old whitewash without scraping.IT DRIES OUT WHITE AFTER

3EINQ WET.It is cheaper than whitewash, dura-

bility conitlered.Is ib sup.li((l in lmrrels from 300

u 100 lbs, abo in hoxc of 100, CO

Old 'J") pouildr.

Outside IndurinelThis is for OUTSIDE Work

such as Fences, Outbuildings andLaborer's (iuariers. It is iv thickjuste to be diluted with cold water;Hands rain and exposure as well ns)il paint, ami codIh but a fraction asiuu:h. It is as it cou-jiii- m

no oil, and has no equal as aiglit retlector in dark basement,lamp cellars and similar places. It

supplied in colors.

.... FOR SALE II Y ....


tJtau Inr i) H?.wmih Islands

EncyclopedicIs a tftm that has been justlyniiilleit by ninny to I lie treat- -meat (;lven uhj-c- ta In the



A doz-- n new ways of tltdliiKthe word yiui want. A Scientific!Alphabet to aid In the proiiun.cliiutm. Isreeonnlted authority.

For partlou'ars address

A. W. EVANS, Agent,

I318-t- m Oleneral Dullvcry.

Beach House To Let

AFUKNI8HK1) IIOU8KIcaso at i&,

' Walklkl beach, a few lain-- 1 UmlHEm' utea' wane troia the trniu- -rar. It has Uoolc House, Hath House midGood Sea IluthliiL'. Ilousehohl Utensilsand Dishes are all complete. Kooms innybe let wltlibathliiK privileges, If the wholepremises are not taken.

llnve other linusut in town and suburbsto let, furnished and unfurnished,

Also, llulldlni; a)U for mle.IiKmlreof DAVID DAYTON,

1277-- tf 4'J Merclunt ttreeu

Merchants' Exchangel.iiHAW, I'roprleli.r

Cor. KIiik nml Niuiniiu Strret, Honolulu.

Choice .Liquors and Fine Boer.


Page 4: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies




Owing to the drought and scarcity ofwnler, tho resident nbove Jiidd mietniulon the elopes of Punchbowl Hill are

to collect whut water they mayraqulre (or household puriiosos bctweonthe hoars ot 5 and 10 o'clock a. m.

ANUUKW MHOWN,Huierintendent Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, April U, 1S'A3. 13tl-t- f


Holders of water privileges, or triospnyitig water rates, are hereby notifiedthat the hours for Irritation purposes arcfrom 7 to 8 o'clock a. m. and 5 Id 0 o'clock

m. ANUItKW IMOWN,Superintendent of Water Works.

Approved:J. A. Kino,

Minister of the Interior.Honolulu, March 12, 1M) 12R-t- f

fyht cDnihi AhitlcHn.J'l'dgrd to neither Sect nor Party,Hut Eitablithed far Ihf Bene fit of All.

F1UDAY, MAY 10, 1893.

Whoro aro wo alT

Wo have heard of a coucliunt lionbut until to-da- y did not know therewas such an architectural curiosityas a "triumphant arch."

It is customary in civilized com-munities to afford journalistic courtc-sie- s

from one member of this pro-fession to another, lias this beeiidone in Honolulu T

The Snu Erancisco Bullotiu statesthe case in a nutshell when it says:"an American fleet is expected toarrive at Coriuto shortly. The Brit-ish fleet arrived some 'days ago."

The moruing papers weredull to-da- Thro was not

half adozeu items, local or forelgu,inoillior of them which did not appearin yestorday'scBuLLETiN. Get a moveon, boyti, or you will not be in itwith thia paper.

It is somewhat amusing to havea contemporary claim all tho creditof raising the funds for the pur-chase of the new instruments fortho band at Molokai. While ournoighbor can have the credit of in-

augurating the idea wo prefer togive Captain Cochrane the credit ofgotting the money.

Wo believe in devoting our editor-ial column or columns to local affairsas much as possible, but cannot re-

frain from mentioning that it mustbe apparent to an ordiuary school-

boy that Oroat Britain is backingJapan, Why she has thrown off onher ancieut and subservient, ally,China, is either a question of dollarsand cents or one that may be refer-

red to Lord Kimborloy.

Tho reported discovery in tho In-

terior Office of the applications ofT. B. Walker and W. H. Rickard tobecome Hawaiian citizens does not,an stated by one of our morningcontemporaries, put any now lighton tho affair. Even the editor oftho said publication might apply fora position as a common every-da- y

reporter, but wholhor he would getit or not is another thing. Thequestion, aud the only question in-

volved is, not whether Rickard andWalker appliod for naturalization,but whothor they got it. That istho riddle which Great Britain is

now domanding Hawaii to solvo.

There is much trouble on tho nowUnited States warship Olympia, anddesertions are so frequent and theimpossibility of obtaiuing now menso evident that under preeout condi-

tions it is hardly safo to send thovessel to sea, not oven in tho placidwaters of tho Pacific. Tho mencomplain of arbitrary aud crueltreatment from their officers, audpublished accounts would seem toboar out their grievances. Life onboard ship is hard enough at best,but when it is embittered by por-Hou- al

aud petty bickeringsbetween officers and crew it mustbo worse than miserable. There is

consolation in tlio fact Hint an en-

tirely JifTerent state of affairs pre-vails on the Philadelphia, on whichship such a cordial feeling exists be-twe-

officers and niou that, were ituniversally known, would creatoenvy on every warship in tho world.Ask one of the Philadelphia's crewhis opinion of his officers and hewill answer immediately, "Wo can-not aik for better. Wo are welltreated, not worked hard and get allthe liberty we want if we behaveourselves." Ask tho officers theiropinion of the crew and they willanswer, "Wo do not want a bettornet of men. All h Ask of them isto do their duty. Having done thiswe know of no reason why theirlives should not be made as pU asautas possible." With this spirit pre-vailing between officers and men is

it any wonder that bluejackets claimthe Philadelphia tn be the finestship in Unele Sam's navy J


Edward S Coflln Has Joint d theOr Majority.

Another old kamaaina has gono tohis rest. Edward S. Coffin died atthe Queen's Hospital early thismorning Ho went thero only lastweok, suffering from paralysis. Thedeceased was a native of Kan-tucke- t,

Mas. Ho came hero fromthe California gold fields in 1350,and shortly afterwards entered thoemploy of tho late Qeorgo Lucasaud stayed with tho firm until horetired from activo work aboutthreo years ago. He was regardedby his omployers and fellow work-man as a straightforward, honest,industrious mechanic. He was alsoconsidered to bo the best fratuerwhoever came to this city. GeorgeW. Lincoln and all the old-time-

know the deceased well and speakhighly of him.

E. S. Cofllu was sixty-si- x yearsof ago on November 1, 1891. Hewas married to an Hawaiian ladywho died sometime siuco. Heleaves a brother who in in the East-ern States. Coffin left S2000 in cashin the Postal Savings bank. It isnot believed that ho made any will.

His funeral takes place from theQueen's Hospital at 1 o'clock thisafternoon aud will uo doubt belargely attouded.


The Amorlcan Vico-Consu- l.

It affords tho Bulletin satisfac-tion to bo able to auuouuco thatvice-cons- Porter Boyd of tho Am-

erican couRtilnto will remain with usfor a time at least. Having recontlymarried a Honolulu girl and fromhis long residence here he has natur-ally become attached to Hawaiiansoil. Although just appointed to amore important aud lucrative officein Australia he has applied to theUnited States Foreign Office forpermission to retain his presoutposition. That this has boon grant-ed in evidence that Mr. Boyd's ser-vices in the consulate are appreciatedat home as woll as abroad.

Badly Burned.

A sailor on tho British ship Troopwas badly burnod on both legs byburning oil this morning. Tho manwas ongaged in mixing paint on thewharf wheu ho came too near theembors of a furuaco causing tho oilto ignite. Tho man throw himselfaud oil into the sea, not quickenough, however, to savo himselffrom serious injuries, Tho sailorwas taken on board aud properlycared for,

Arrested and Discharged.

Special Gus Cordes brought in anelderly Chinaman yesterday andcharged him with having opium un-lawfully in possession. Tho spooialalso had with him a pile of emptyopium tins, but tho quantity ofopium exhibited was so small that itcould hardly bo scon. ConsequentlySeuior Captain Parkor ordered thoman's immediate release which wasdoue.

While iu Stockton, Cal., some timeago, Thos. F. Langan, of Los Bauos,that state, was taken very severelywith cramps aud and diarrhoea. Hechanced to moot Mr. O. M. Carter,who was similarly alllicted. He says:"I told him of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, andwo wont to tho Holdon Drug Store

'l'!'',",p'"?r!!'wr T'


Jimely Jopie5

Yesterday witnessed one of

the quietest elections ever held

in Honolulu or elsewhere. It

was a good deal like some of

the elections in the South

American republics where youalways vote the government

ticket or stay away from thepolls. Although only 111

votes were cast, that numberwas even larger than was ex-


Talking about the election,

however, reminds us that wehave just received a novelty in

the shape of a newly invented

can opener, which is simplicityitself. If is called the A. B. G,and we are the only firm hand-

ling them. This can opener is

different to any other in use.It takes the entire top of thecan off with a single turn ofthe wrist. All you have to dois to lay the machine on thetop of the can, strike a little

wooden knob similar to thoseused in opening soda-wat- er

bottles and the can opener doesthe rest. There is no possibil-

ity of injuring the hands orlosing your temper.

Did we hear anyone call out"rats?" We thought we did,and that brings to our mind

another novelty in the shape ofa French rat trap. This is afamily concern and will accom-

modate whole families of thesepestiferous rodents. Ar. Ratwalks into the trap until hereaches a little platform whichgives way under his weightand he is caught before heknows where he is, beinglanded in an entirely differentcompartment to that which hefirst entered. Atrs. Rat followsto see what the old man wasdoing out so late at night and

soon joins him. We have

caught ten rats in one night in

one of these traps. They mustbe seen to be appreciated.

This warm weather makes

one think of ice-cre- am and

an ice-crea- m freezer thatwill suit a small family is

a desideratum. We have justimported a new style of freezer

which cannot fail to commend

itself by its usefulness. It is

provided with a heavy cap

which fits tightly over the re-

ceptacle holding the cream,and is so constructed as to re-

quire less ice, less salt and less

time in freezing. If you wantone of these ask for the Gem.It is a gem and we guarantee


aud procured a bottle of it, It gavevo;;cteriti,nintg SSS me!-- 1 IS The Hawaiian Hardware Co, Ltd.sale by all dealers. Bouson, Smith ,,.,.& Co., agents for tho Hawaiiau Isl- - . ow"""auds. oo7 port wrwicxcjp.

IT PROVED ..to me that good goods and lowprices are still appreciated in Ho-nolulu. T therefore intend to givemy customers and the public ingeneral another opportunity. Ibeg to call attention to the specialbargaius in our line of

Wool Goods, Cashmere, Flannelettes & Flannels.

Sale will commence MONDAY, April 22d.

:m:. s. levy,"fort, Street,

Havana Flats

is tho latent novelty iu cigars. This is a per-fectly Hat cigar. The filler is Havana of avery high grade and laid in, like the sheets ofa book, in the same way as cigars that cost$150.00 per thousand The- - outside appear-ance of the cigar conforms to the filler, and isperfectly Hat. Those of our cigar customerswho have sampled them pronounce tho Ha-vana Flats of excellent quality and of uniqueand attractive shape- -

Havana Cigars

by reason of their superior quality and nameare usually sold at high prices. "We have anexcellent line of these cigars direct from Ha-vana. While the quality of these cigars ia attho top-not- ch our prices have been scaled downto bring these popular cigars within the reachof all.

Manila Cigars

need very little said in their praise, for they arowell known here to every smoker. It wouldbe difiicult to get a better cigar for the priceat which Manilas are sold. "Wo allow no oneto undersell us in this line. Wo compete withany nationality. Remember that when look-

ing for Manila Cigars.


New Goods ! New Goods !

Suitings, Serges, Trouserings,Linen Duck, Linen Drill, Flannels.

Lace Stripes, Organdies, Pongees, Ginghams,Sateens, India Linens, Victoria Lawns,

Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons,Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Etc.

SjSlILOIR, lELA.TS !Mosquito Nets, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, Madapolains, spe-

cially adapted for Ladies and Children's Underwear.SOLE AGENT FOH THE

Renowned "PEARL" Sewing Machine I

At tho inarvelously low price of $30.00. Guaranteedequal if not superior to any machine over imported.

L. B. KERR, Queen Street, Honolulu.

Page 5: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies

iW k? j; J ,;! c-'- t"HP: nf i "XI y 3K V J5 Vs"" r h """" (f"3' v .r "'( krF'ji" ;"V ., ...:. In. V' TP ?.?$



Kamebatnclias vs Stars tomor-row afternoon.

Jim Kukona Is under arrest forthe larceny of $10, tbe property of a

v Japanese!

J. 0. Edwards was a lone passen-co- r

for the Volcano by the steamurW. G. Hall today.

During tho absence of tbo Hawaii-an Quintette Club tbe KawaihauOlee Club will fulfil all ordors leftfor that club.

Tbo Bulletin is still in tbe ringand prepared to do first-clas- s workin tbo job line at reasonable prices.Fleaso do not forgot this fact.

Tbe Royal School and Fort streetbaseball clubs will play the nextgatno in tho Junior Loaguo series atJ:30 o'clock morning.

Tbo Loilaui Boat Olub will holda spocial meeting at tho HawaiianHotel at 7:30 this oroning. Voryimportaut business will como up.

Tbe government band played attho departure of tbo S. S. Alamedafor tho colonies yesterday afternoon.Thoro was not a largo crowd present.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuauu streets, lodging by day,week or mouth. Terms: 25 and 50cents per night; SI and $1.25 perwwk.

The season of the Honolulu CricketClub will begin afternoonat 1:150 p. in., at the old baseballgrounds. Not prautico will bo in-

dulged in.

A nicoly finishod and framed testi-monial to Dr. Soquah can bo soon intho window of tho Golden RuloBazaar. It is from cortain residentsof Ipswich.

Mrs. J. Sylvester and Miss LizzieSmith, daughters of F. Smith, thobus man, loft by the S. S. Alamedayesterday to visit relatives andfrionds in Brisbane.

For playing tho truant duringtwo weeks past. Apenola was re-primanded in the District Courtto-da- y and sentence is suspondodduring good conduot.

G. Narita, secretary of tbo Japa-nese Legation has favored tho Bul-letin with passes to the Japanesefestivities at tho legation and parkto tako place

The attention of dress-make- rs andladios gonorally is invitod to thenow adv. of N. S. Sachs which an-nounces a line of goods especiallyimported for their benefit.

Gonoral Sam Nowlein, Mrs Now-loi- n

and daughter, Mrs. G. E.Smithies, loft by tbe steamor W. GHall for Labaina this morning,wbero Mr. and Mrs. Nowlein intondto makt their future residence.

United Carriage Company's stand,besides having superior backs al-

ways roady at tho call of "290," fur-nishes fino livery outfits at tho short-est notice good horses and nice car-riages, from buggy to wagonette.

Tho members of tho H. A. A. C.havo begun training for tho handi-cap mooting to take placo on Juno15. It has boon decided to bavo thesports at Kapiolani Park, owing tothe poor condition of the baseballgrounds.

Colored lithographs of tho Ki-lnu-

crater exhibition in thoGettysburg Building, Boston, U. S.A., also of the quartette of Hawaii-an singers are on exhibition in thoHobron Drug Company's storo onFort street.

A native couple woro brought totho Police Station by special Cordesyesterday afternoon. Both woromore or less undor tho influenco ofsaki. The man was looked up andcharged with assault and battery onhis wifo. Tbo woman was releasod.

If you want your watoh repaired.If you want jowelry mado up neatly.If you want souveuir spoons, or any-thing in the jewelry line. H. G.Biart, at O. Gertz's store, Fort street,is your man. Ho was for ten yearstho practical watchmaker for Wen-no- r

& Co.

Tho program for the eloveuth au-nu- il

meeting of tho Hawaiian JockeyClub appears in 's issue. Therearo elovon events and in oaeh eventa good substantial prize is offored.Since tho of tho clubtbo mombers soem to havo takengreater interest in horse-racin- g andtho coming mooting ih expected toeclipse all provious moots.

A Chiuamau was brought boforoJudge Wilcox iu tho District Courtto-da- y ou tbo chnrgo of being with-out lawful moans of support inHonolulu during six months lastpast. Ou beiug arraigned tho manplead not guilty ami stated that hois uow in tho employ of CaptainScott of the police force. Accord-ingly a nolle pros entered.

Thero will be a road race thisevening between members of thoHonolulu Amatour Athletic Club.The start will be from the Waikikibridge and finish at tho Operahouse. Tho entries booked are W.Bolster, W. Lyle, B. Petrie, B. F.Boardmoro and Charles Brewstor.Others will probably keep thoathletio's company. A silver-plate-

shaving mug will be given tbo win-

ner.m m


Xxprestman Nle-pe-r Trios to Btop aBunaway and goes to the Hospital.

Thero was a double runaway onQueen street shortly before 10

o'clock resulting in serious injuriesbeing sustained by J. Niepor, thowell-know- n expressman. A runawayhorse attached to a brake csme fromtho diroction of the fishmarket andwas soon eaught up by anotherowned by Storliug, the painter, neartho cornor of Fort street. Tho firstrunaway was somo distance ahead.Noiper who was standing at thooxpress stand ran out to intercoptthe runaway. Ho had not seen tbosecond brako. No sooner bad bogot out ou tbo stroet when ho wasknocked down by tho second run-

away and badly injured. It is be-

lieved his right leg is broken. In ad-

dition ho sustained sovoral nastycuts in the head. Nelper was pickedup and brought to the sidewalk withblood flowing from tho wound inhis leg. Later he was takon to theQueen's Hospital.

It was learned later that the firstrunaway belonged to Jollivar, whoformorly kept the three quarter milohouse in Nuuanu Valley. Ha jump-ed'ou- t

of his brake and left the out-

fit without anyono to care for it.Tho animal became frightened atsomething and started on the runwith tho result montioned. Jollivarwas brought to tho station afternoon and held pending the result ofthe injurios to Neipor.

As tho Bulletin goes to press thoreport is that Noiper is in a seriouscondition aud, owing to the loss ofblood be has sustained, it cannot betold whether he will livo or dio.

An Important Socumont.

Tbo following was filed in theCircuit Court this morning:

Honolulu, 10 May, 1805.To whom it may concern:

I have known Mr, Edmund Pear-son Dole since his childhood andcan say that his moral character isabove reproach.

Sandfobo B. Dole.Tbe above was made nocessary by

the application of Mr. E. P. Dolo tobo admitted to practice law iu Ila-wri- i.

Lylo A. Dickey has also filed asimilar application and his certifi-cate of moral character is signed byW. O. Smith and Alfred W. Carter.

Lady: "How is this insect powdorto bo applied?"

Assistant (absent-mindedly- ): "Givo'em a toaspoonful after every meal,madam."

Tho Yacht Tolua was at anohorin Refuge Covo, HawkoBbury River,ou April 13th. Tbe Tolna was herosome time ago.

Tbe Stars aud Kamebamobasplay on tho League Ground

afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.

Beyond CompanionAre the good qualities possessed byHood's Sarsaparilla. Above all itpurifies the blood, thus strengthen-ing tbe nerves; it regulates tho di-gestive organs, invigorates the kid-nn- js

and liver, tones and builds uptho entire system, cures Scrofula,Djpensia. Catarrh and Rheumatism.Get Hood's and tho only Hood's.

Hood's Fills cure all liver ills,biliousness, jaundice, indigestion,sick headache. 25o.


NOTIOK IS HBKEBY GIVEN TO AILthat thoro are at the Govern-

ment Found at Makikl, May 8, 18113, C

Kitray Animal, viz.:

1 dark horse, hranded V on both hips.1 bay sttalllon without brand3 buckskin colorod donkeys.1 bay Btuhlon without brand, will to streak

on forehead and white Bpots ou (oreand hind Iocs.

Any person or persons owning thoso ani-mals are requested to come aud take thomiiiu on or hufore VI o'clock noon SAT UH-DA-

May 11th, othorultu said animalswill bo colli at publla auction on said datenndhour. HENltY KUAMI,

1335 3t Found Muster.

I Look At This j;

jlj and Smiip.

Fine Soft Kid ButtonBoot, new diamond tip..J ? T. 1. -- . 1 '!

aim npauiHii arcn, oniy

ss.oo.Out of Sight 1

Elegant French Kid Oxford, Pump sole, patent 'back stay, for


if S2.BO. I

j? Mclnemyi Shoe Store. jj

Jewelry !

Our stock of SpringGoods is acknowledged byeverybody to be the fineston tho Honolulu market,and consists of everythingUseful and Ornamental.Our prices are moderate.Jewelry in special designsmanufactured to order on

short notice.

JAGOBSEN & PFEIFFER.IF. 0. Iiox as:. Street.


1 IUHT HAY UII).J--j linr Jloree. itosized and .1Duuny animal.for sale. Also a goodMilch Cow.


5SMltS. 0. W. A8HF0KI),

1300-- tf Near Ice Works,

Dress Makers ! Attention!Have you seen the lateht material for Skirt LiniugsV

It is . . .


Used by all Dress Makers in tho United States.

Hair Olotto.! Hair Olotli!A very scarce article. We Lave a limited supply.

The Corduroy Skirt Bindings!No dress complete without it; we have It In all colors

Feather Bone! F'ea.tlier Bone!A light, plUh'e, elastic Bono, Jmt the thing (or Wash Materials.


A Full I.inoo(DKKS3 M KKKS' FINDINGS always on hand.

ISJ. . SACHS,520 Fort St - - KorLolixlix.


iTtLeit's "WHat X Xiilsie.Everybody likes IIIREb' J?oot Bkku because it

gives everybody health as well as pleasure. It's the purestbeverage that human skill can compound from tho purestingredients or nature. Thero is not one drop ot anythingin this delicious temperance drink but what promotes goodhealth and happiness It's del cious llavor is acquired bythe skillful blending of the most wholesome herbs, roots,barks and berries, and not by essential oils and flavoringextracts, of which the many counterfeit ' Root Beer" arocomposed. A package of the Genuine

Hires1 Root BeermaVes five gallons of good, pure, health-givin-g Root Beer.

IS Ask your storekeeper for it. Madeonly by the Chaklfs E. Hikes Co., Philadel-phia, XL S. A.

TestirraLorisLls :"1 have used over fifty bottles of jour Hoot llcornml ulwaj'd

havo it on liiuul. Siw. J. II. Walkkii, X. E. Cor. It. It. Ave. &.

Schillor St., Aknmlu, Cul., U. S. A.""Wc have used your Hoot Deer for several years and do not

holievo it could ho excelled. 1). ll.Mi.MKH, 2210 Hancock St.,IMiiln., la., U. S. A."

JOBBH3R.S:Hobron Drug Company Wholesale DruggistBenson, Smith & Company "Hollister Drug Company, Ltd. .. . " "Lewis & Comtany Grocert

The Favorite Gurney ,

Refrigerators and Ice Chests;


Jijist ReoerveciBY





Page 6: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies


Theo. H. Davies & Co.



White Brothers Cement,

Corrugated Iron Boofiing,

Galvanized Water Pipe,

Paints and Oils,


Roche Harbor Lime,

C. & C. Fine Flour,

Bay, Grain and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc.,


(mporter awl Dealer la Boroveau Dn it Fancy BoolLadies' Warei of every description. Alco, fresh Hue of Chinese Goods.

Pongee & "Wliite Silk Pajamas.No. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

Best Black and Green Chincuu Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc.

i4:e3ioe:a.n-- t tailoringgtf Fit Guaranteed. Prices Moderate, -- d

tar :M!Tjrtij.ELl TeleDlione B"3:3 wriLBPHONB us



Presb Calllornla Roll Butter and island Butter

S0T ALWAYS ON HAND jpfin Goodh K&celYed by livery

J-- Orders taitlldlllr Hncl touinniurt nd packed with rmr

Lincoln Block, Kino Stbkct,



iiiiiii1m, whoW

IOEIsitrtD!) gW

rl.KHiiH -


Etc., Etc.



Steamer San Pimdckci.





Retail linicers



SATiirtnTiii (iniTiiKINU

Provision Dealers! & Naval Suppliesby Zioty California Steauez

HOUSE GOODS SPBOIAWiSouoitkd, SiTisrAorioN Qoabantkkm


Groceries. Provisions and FeedNt UimiIh by ttom bhhm Kiiroi


Mi Ordvr Ntthiallvan nf th

fi.Ani Oui)vn Holiuitcii

WH- - l)KNIH KltKi

-- P. O. 372


HRtlfiitti nnrnilioit

Foht ani Aukica Srasm.

t 2D7



p o i

irri ni!Aru.N r

to and )HTrri w. cn


Prean Qoodi

A- - - -Oboebs mjgH



Ufiwivwi Kvery picket Uib Xi.firii -



" T f" ' f

..WIKIP s'v, fi rrf" tfk


No Usn for Boots.

Among tho converts from dissontia a certain parish wai au old blankotweaver, who, whonuver particularlytouched by anything in the prayersor tho sermon, could not refrainfrom giving vent to his feelings bysuch ejaculations as "Ainonl" "Halle-lujah I" etc.

The vicar had frequently spokento him about thi, aud (ho old manhad as frequently promised that howould try and give up the practice,but as sure as the next Sunday oainehis feelings wore curtain to get thobettor of him.

The congregation, at length be-

coming impatient at this tver-recur-rin-g

disturbance to their devotions,roquestod that the old man shouldw forbiddcu to enter tho church.

Not wishing to resort to so summarya measure, the vicar told him thaiif he would keep quiet for tho nextsix Sundays ho would give him apair of boots.

All went well till the sixth Sunday,when au unusually stirring sermonwas preached by some dignitary ofthe church. The old man was no-

ticed to fiJgot about aud mutter toto himself a good deal during thediscourse. I ill at the close, being uu-ali- le

to coulain himself any longer,ho shouted, "Hoots or no beois, thoLord bo praised!"

lilts from Tit-Bit- s

Efh'e: "Mammy, why do they huntlions-ani- l tigorst"

Mamma: "Uooauxo they kill thepoor littlo sheep, Ellie."

Ellie (after a paure): "Theu whydon't they thekill butchers,

She: "What a lovely rose I Whatwould you say if I asked you to giveit to met"

Ho: "I would say it was like yourcheokl"

Any one who has ever had an at- - '

tack of inflammatory rheumatismwill rejoice with Mr. J. A. Stumm,220 Iioylo. Heights, Los Angeles,over his fortunate escape from a ,

siege of that distressing ailment.Mr. Stumm is foreman of Merriam'sconfectionery establishment. Somemonths ago, on leaving the heatedwork room to run across the streeton an errand, ho was caught out in i

the rain. The result was that whenready to go home that night he wasunable to walk, owing to iuilamma-tor- y

rheumatism. Ho was takenhomo, and, on arrival w as placed infront of a good fire and thoroughlyrubbed with Chamberlain's PainBalm. During the evening and uighthe was repeatedly batheU with thisliniment, and by morning was re-

lieved of all rheumatic pains. Honow takes especial pleasure in prais-ing Chamberlain's i'aiu Btdm, audalways keeps a bottle of it in thohouse. For sale by all dealers, Ben-

son, Smith Si Co., Hgeuts for the Ha-waiian Islands.

If you want to buy a really goodolock or wateh at Coast prices in- -

ipoet tho stock of Brown x Kubey,t fl,4, .naeonic leinple; there you

will liml the largest variety in hi

at tho lmvuat prices; clockssnd watches sold on weekly andmonthly paymeutn. Brown Si Kubeymake a sponialty of rubber stamps.

Criterion SaloonFiirt, aear Hotel St.

Chas. J. McCarthy, Manager.

Popular Brands o! Straight Good


Try thi Great Appetizer This HtohnieCocktau. a specialty lih this renin

DKroT or TUK

FamouH Wieland Lager Beer.

FITS CUREDFrom U. S. Journal oMtdieine.)

Prof.W.II.lVckp.wliomskoiivilieclsllj-ofEpUcpay- ,

Irio w Ithiiut iloubt trcati-ilsni- l cured moru caaca llwua!iyllvlDKriiylclin;Ul4iiiccenUu'loi)llilii. Wo

iu o liiuril of cai' uf iilyctira'atanillni; cuml by htm.lIopablUhi'aaalunbonrkontlii(lltcai'lilcUlioK'liiU llli n largo hottlo of In linlnio cure, fno tonny sufferer wliainay send their I'.O.nnilKxprc" e.

Wo rnlvUe nnyono wlihlns n euro to addrt n,l'rof. W. II. l'KUKE, F. D., 4 Cedar M., Now York.

N. F. BURGESSIt now prKjinred to repair 0.ntu HieSprll'klers, Waier Tap, et'. ovv Filliitand nil kind- - nf To1 Is Btirp.'lit!. m cliiilnt l'rv!fif Knlvfn nn ricli-.or(- UiMorn iei'1 t- -i alfo P"tilne (1'mc; lfatal kliidt nf J libln,'. 'Vnris ea'l"! fur

and r"tun td up 811 M'ltnal TuIm-phon-

HTU-t- f


Mr. John A. Scott, Manager of tho Hilo Sugar Company, gives the follow-ing wonderful record of tho working of the NATIONAL CANE SHRED-DER, which was crertod by their work at tho commencement of tho cropjust hiirvcbtcd:

" During tho past week tho Hilo Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by eloping tho 125 hours grinding with nn output of 300tons. This is fully 10 percent moro than Iho best work of former years.

"Tho threo nHcr mill being 2G in. by 51 in. and the wo roller mill 30 in.by GO in. Iho first mill doing this amount of work in an efficient mannorand with great ease, compared with work on wholo cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of the cano by the National Cano Shredder, recently erected bythe Company.

"And by its utc the extraction has been increased from 3 percent to 5 per-cent on all kinds of cano, and in somo cases 80 percent has been reached;the avcrago being 75 to 78 percent, according to quality.

"I continue to llml Die incgiiss from shredded cano better fuel than fromwholo cane,

"Tho shredder has been working day and uight for seven months and hasgiven mo entiro satisfaction, having shredded during that timo about seventythousand tons of cane, aud a large part of it being bard raloons.

"The shredder and engine require very littlo care or attention."fjsT"Tlun and specifications of these Slueddors may bo seen at tho office of

W"M. a. IRWIN & CO., L'd.

20 lbs. W Tour doctorwill tell you

ot y. it la thesafest diet

Nestled $ for baby


HOLLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,Agents for the Huwnllun Islands.

Illustrated CataloguePxoa-l-Q- A DPacroa.

We EXPORT General Family and Planta-tlu- n

Supplios in any quantity, fiend forour Yearly, Monthly and Daily Price List.


5aISM414-41- 8 Front Street,

Ban Francisco. California.

Wall Paper !

We lmvo Jnst Received direct fromNew York the

Largest InvoiceANP

Greatest Variety. Ever brought here at one time.

Patterns of 18951'rlcfB Reduc-ed-l

WILDER & CO.,Limited.


Carpenter and Builder

- KfiTlMATKS OJVKN ON -Brick, Stone & Woadon EnUtlings

Jobbing jiromptly attended to.

73 King 8trat, Redward'a Old Stand.

Baldwin Locomotives.

'A&uw-i4- ''

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFROM THE WORK8 OF

Burhara, Williams &c Co.,Philadelphia, Peun.,

Am new prepared to give Estimates andreceive Orders (or these Knglnes,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted far Plantation Purpose!A number of which have recently been

received at these Islands, and we will havepleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes Is known not onlyhere hut Is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sola Agents lor the Hawaiian Island!.



Safe Depoats InrebimentOoL

Have for sale a few Shares of





tMT" For partlnulurs apply to

The Hawaiian Sife Depotlt and Invest-

ment Company,


California and Hawaiian Frnit


Opp. 0. R. & L. Depot, on King Sffiet.

Groceries, Provisions and Ico HousoGoods, Fish, Vegetables, Frozen Oysters,Etc.. received liy every steamer from Sani'ranolrco and Vancouver.

Tr.e Shipping Trade supplied.

Geo. Cavanagh, - Manager.TELEPHONE No. 765 -


Page 7: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies

jjr",sp'sp ' '"" " ' ra v- - jspf "f.WPfiPipi!l mW ''PiP'JPfP'r,T . 2f- -



New Furniture !

New Furniture !

JXJST ARRIVEDPer bark "Andrew Welch," Schoouor "Robert Lowers" and

Steamer "Australia."

1" Every variety, stylo and price in the Furniture line. Tho

best and most varied in Honolulu. Call and inspect our stock.

:Ho;pp Sc Co.,JSTo. 74 Xing Street.

H. Hackfeld & Co.,Offer to tho trade on the most liberal terms their

large and varied stock of


Boots and Shoes, Hats, Shawls,Clothing, Saddlery, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Furniture sP Hardware,Bags, Bagging, Building Material, Crockery and Glass-

ware, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Etc., Etc.


Oolcien. Oate Flour,Sparry's Flour,

DlELXXioxicl Flour,Mierohsixit Flour.

Fort Ss Q,T3.ee:ci. Streets.A-rtist-


House Furnishing






IS OTTIR, JJIJSL..Yours Artistically,

Ordway & PorterHotel Street, "Bobhwon Block."


Naval Notes.Admiral Meade, who hfs just re-

turning from a cruise in the Carib-bean son, has filed a report with hissuperiors showing that all sourcesof coal supply in that aud adjoiningwaters are in British hands. Thoreport is causing Washington navalauthorities to do some very soriousthinking.

Tho Uiiitcil Status cruisorj Colutn-- ibia, commanded by Captain Sumner,and the New York, Captain Evans,which woro detached from AdmiralMeade's squadron at Kny West andordered to proceed to tho NavyYard and Brooklyn to prepare forparticipation in tho ceremonies attho opening of tho North Sea andBaltic canal in June, hsvo arrived atNow York.

Tho Olympia is still on the Coastand thero is no likelihood of herbeing ordered here.

Officers of II. M. S. Nympho, justarrived at Esquimau, report, in anarticle in tho Victoria Times, thatshortly after leaving Honolulu "for500 miles they ran through watersimply covered with a species offloating jelly fish known to sailorsas 'Portuguese men-of-war- ,' dorivingtho namo from tho fact of appear-ing to carry a miuiituro sail. Thooldost salt in tho ship novor saw i o

many bofore."

Whooping Cough

Thero is no danger from this dis-- ,ease whou Uuamuerlattrn UougaRemedy is froely given. It liquefiesthe tough mucus and aids its ox pec t--1

oration. It also lessons tho severityand frequency of parozjsms of i

coughing, and injures a cpoody re- -

eovery. There is not the least dan-- 'ger in giving tho remedy to childrenor babies, as it contains no injuriouisubancc. For sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., igeuts for thoHawaiian Islands.

Now that the war of the revolu-tion is over, it is tho duty of ovoryman to support tho existing form ofgovernment. Although things maynot movo with that cordiality thatwould ensure an evorlastiug peace,still they may be allowod to subsideinto that indifference without animo-sity that would allow either parlvto work out their best interests. Allthings considered it may bo for thehost, but timo, tho only arbitrator insuch cases, must alono decide thatJames T. Stewart is a Plumber andwill do your work in good shapoand at hgures that will give yousatisfaction.

James T. Stewart.15 Bethel Street. Honolulu.



Several Collages at Moderate Rentals.


House Lots, VA miles from Post Olllco, onand near King Btrcet, a few steps

beyond tlie KamehamehaHchool grounds.

Ok-- This oilers a good chance to securHomesteads at modorate prices. With an

assured in the noar future, nHouse Iot co near tho business centerforms ouo of the most desirable Invest-ments for a mull sum of monoy.

k-- Corporations or anyone desiringto Invest In I.iuho Tracts of Btiburban

can be accommodated at reasonablefigures with Truc's of from 5, 10 to 00Acres.

Land on the other Islands, inTracts suitublo for a Dairy, Hog Hanoi) orCotlee and Blsal 1'IantuUon for salo orleaeo. K n (Hiiro of

.12H2-3- m E. M. NAKUINA.


Gentle toHouse

saddleand harness) Harness Jm:and Lie lit Easy Drake.The oatilt $80 cash.Address "B.,n this OUtce 1323--tf


A COTTAGE AND LOT lttfor sale. Inquire atthe Arlington Harbor ShopHotel Btreet. l&IC-l-


FINE HOUSE OK 8 AskrA Rooms, Parlor, 1)inlngJtooin, Bedrooms, Bath-room, oto. Wilder Avonear Hall Grounds. Kino Flower Garden,$ 18 per month. Iii'iulru at this Olllce,

l!CI3-- tf


AND HOAHDROOMS few persons can bo ,AFff "K

mm ai wuniwai, on me wul-ki- sfniSbench.W. S. BAUTI.EIT.

1176-- tf Proprietor.

JOB PRINTING of every descrip-tion done hv the

IIuilktis' 1'uniasiiiMi Co.. 1,d. FIrat-cli-

Commercial Work a Specialty. Estimatesiilveu. Orders promptly exeauted.


m - A

Nik J&Wm


Mr. It. D.Dlocticr,

Tho poisons with which the system isprrmcntPil in typhoid, mnhirinl andFcarlct fevers, nnil other wasting (lis-ens-

arc not easily gotten rid of.When the patient gets "on his feet"

once more, the uncertain step and feel-ing of intcnoc weakness remind him ofthe severe struggle lie 1ms been through.

Often the poisonous accumulationsin tho blond break out in dreadfulsores, and then what misery must beendured no one can tell I

The inestimable vnluoof Hood's Sar-sapari-

in all such cases, to thoroughlypurify tho blood and drive out tho lastvestige of deadly poison, is well indi-cated in tho following letter from Mr.Ilradflcld:

" Btocher, Ark., Sept. 0, ISM." C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mast.:

"Dear Bin: Up to tho 25th of Decem-ber, 1803, I had enjoyed good health. Ihid not had a spelt of fovcr since 1859 andbut little sickness ol any kind. On thoabovo date I was taken down with sick-ness, which developed into slow fever andconfined mo to my room for six weeks.

Hood's SarsaparillaDuring my Illness a severe pain settled Inmy left leg below tho knee. Tho calf of

Tho Log Was Swollento almost double its natural size. Fallingto get any relief from my family physi-cian, I went to Hot Springs and treatedwith a doctor who was said to bo ono oftho bent at that placo. I took his proscrip-tions and Hpeclal baths for two weeks andthen returned homo and continued thotreatment for somo days. When I hadnearly finished with tho courso of treat- -

of by notworn


Per 8. S.



H J.YJUO-- tl Fort Street.



rou ,y have Building Lots!Luor

many hours comforthaving

Agood reliable

PAIR OFWichman's

GLASSESTake hint. Don't buy





Genuine German

Bologna Sausages


ment prescribed at Hot Springs, I went tobed with a second attack of fever.- - Mylimbs began to break out with somethinglike eczema, which extended all over mybody. From tho top of my head to thosoles of my feet v

I Was Covorod With Plmploi.Every sweat poro seemed to lo filled witha clear sticky fluid, which when driedwould become a small black scab.XTho'flesh was swollen and tho Itching was so'Intense I could not sleep but for a fewminutes at a time. No tongue canUlland no pen can wrlto what I suffercd.Injtho morning, where I had slept at night;tho bed looked ai though handful ofwheat bran had been thrown upon it.1This tasted four or five weeks before I gotrelief. I was reduced to almost a skeletonI could not bear any weight upon my loftfoot, and I was without an appetite.) Icalled in my family doctor again and hegavo mo some relief and

Advised Ms to Take Hood'sSarsaparllla. When I had used one bottlomy appetite had returned. I am now tak-ing from tho fifth bottlo and feel llko

now man. My skin Is as smooth as couldbo desired and I foel as well aa ever. I am06 years old, was born and raised In Ham-ilton County, Tcnn., and havo lived Inthis stato about eleven years. Tho abovofacta can bo proven by any of my neigh-bors, and I send you this, my statement,so that you may give It to the publio forthe benefit of other sufferers, if yon sodesire." D. B. Bbadfielo.

Hood's Pills are the best family catharticand liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure.

$200, $250, $275.$375 and $550.

Easv Payments,exgkllent location,

Magnificent View.- ALSO -

$1000, $1200, $1300.$1600 LOTS.

ttf" Inquire,O. 3D. CHASE

Safe Deposit Bnlldinc, 100 FortStreet.

EMPIRE SALOON,Corner Nuaauu and Hotel Bts.

E. N. HEQUA - - Manage)

Choice Wines, Liqoors, Ales,


Half and Half on Draught,MoBRAYBR' S

Hand-mad- e Sour MasbA BI'EOIAI.TY.

MERCHANT TAILORFine Casslmores, Sorgos,

White Linens, Etc.

i suits m, to ordON SHOUT NOTICE.


O. AKIMA Ntuirinii- - 10 StroovI20(M)iu

Page 8: -- V He Until ttUetinsuffered much from headache. My akin was lrV"' 'Vclfc(. ""'o-Pick-lng catching ita-e-, ird VAnl'i--M sallow mid siren did not refresh me. I tried several remedies

Real Estate and Loans

The enlargement of the LOAN Markutso as to cover the wants and necessities ofthe large number of honorable people whoare not owHors 01 unincuniucreu nemEstate was one of the most necessary Inno-vations of recent years. To many It hasmeant relief from pressing claims at thevery time when most essential. Whenproperly and honorably condncted thisbusiness is of equally great Importanceand value to the community as Buildingand Loan Associations have proved themselves to be.

The Hawaiian Investment Co.

Makes a specialty of Negotiating and Pro-curing Loans for Borrowers who are un-

able to discount their Notes at the Banksand who do not care to obligate them-selves to somo friend or acquaintance byasking his endorsements to their Note.

This Company will make Loans uponHousehold Furniture, Pianos. Organs.Horses. Mules, Wagons, Carriages andPersonal Property without removing theProperty from the Borrower's possession,and all business will be conducted on bbTUIOTLY CONFIDENTIAL BAB18.

The Hawaiian Iuvtment Co.,

General Real Estate Agents,

13 and IS Kaahuroann Btrets,(Nrar Post Office )

Notary Public. Mutual Telephone 639,

Wholesale & Retail.


Japanese1. Goods I

Silk and Cotton Dress Goods.

to.. to.. Btc. Rl.

Silk, Lioeo and Crape Shirk


Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama

gm When you are In need of any lineof Japanese Goods, give us first call unitsave going all around town.

ITOHLAJSrSOS Fort St-- naax Cuitom. Koua

Wm.G. Irwin k Co.(LIMITED)

Wm. O. Irwin, President and ManagerOlaus Bpreckels, - -W.M.Glffard, Becretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter Auditor

-- A.ND-


Oceanic Steamship Company,OF BAN FKAN0IB0O. OAL.

Bell Tel. 381. Mctoal Tel. 607.P. O. BOX 321.

HONOLULUCarriage Manufactory

128 & 130 FORT STREET,

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.


OrderB from the other Islands In

Building, Trimming, Fainting, Etc., Etc.,

Promptly Attended to.

"W. W. WRIGHT, Prop.(Bnneessor to Q. West.)


JONES & SIMPSON,Accountants and Commission Agents.


General Business Agency,Conveyancing and Local Documents


- Translations In French, German.Spanish, Portuguese. Dutch, Italian andHawaiian. Bills Collected and AccountsAdjusted.

Offloo, 30S IIoi'oUa.n.t St.O. B. DWIOHT

Does ail klmiB of Work in

foment & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing.

He has on hand a lar! supply of Chi-nese Granite, Curb and alway keps Ha-waiian Curbing Stone. Rtiiuste givenand lowest prions nsmired Bell Telephone811. IHI2-t- f

Wildert Steamship Co.

TIME TABLE0. L. WIGHT, Pres. 8. B. KOBE, Sec.

Cat. J. A. KINO, Port Bupt.

Stmr. KINADCLARKE. Command!.

Will leave Honolulu at 2 p. m.. toucniug atLahalna, Maalaea Bay and Makena thesame day; Mahukona, Kawalhaeand

the follnwlnir day tHllo the same evening

ir.AVie houoiuiu. akriyes Honolulu.

Friday May 3 Friday. . . ..May 10

Tuesday May H Tuesday. ...May 21

Fridav. ... .May 24 Kridav... ...May 31

Tuesday ... June 4 Tuesday ...June I)Friday . ... .June 14 Friday . .. June 21

Tuesday . . . .lime V!o Tne-da- .. July 2Friday .July fi lriony .. .. July 12Tuesday ... .July in Tuesday. ...July 23rrlday. ... .July:."! rnuay. ...Aug. 2Tuesday... . AUf. 0 Tuesday .. Aug. 13Friday Aug. ill Frltlny... ...Aug. '

Tuesday.... Aug. T Tuesday. .. bept 3Fri.iay .Sei. I! Friday... ...Hept. 13

Tuesday . . Sept. 17 Tuesday .. Sept. 21

Friday Sept. 27 Friday ., ....Uc. 4Tuesday .... . Oct. H Tutsday, ... Oct. ISFriday . (Ic.10 Friday.., ....Oct. 25Tuesday.... ..Oct. 2U Tui-sda- ...Nor. 6Friday .Nov. B Friday.. ...Nov. ISTuesday.... Nov. 1!) Tuesday ...Nov. 2ttFridav .Nov 2!) Friday.. ... Her. (I

TutdBy . . . . DrC, '0 Tuejday ,.. D.c. 17

Frldry I). C. VII Friday.. .. Dec. 27

Keturnlug will lenve Hllo at 1 o'clockr. m., tourntng at Laupahoehoe. Mahu-kona and Kswalhae same day; Makena,Maalaea Bay and LahaliiB the followingdav; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tusiia)s Htid Fridays

gm No Freight will n 'rirt hr12 nnnn on dav nf sailing

Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMERON. Commander.

Will leave Honolulu Tueailnjs at fl I: ..touching nt Kahulitl Hktib, Hamoa andKipahulu, Maul, Returning arrives BtHoimhiiiii Htindny mornings

will cnll at Mm. Knpi, on tripof cnoli mnnth.

fW No Freight will n mpvi.i after4 p. u. on aay of nailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in the time of departuiu nndarrival of Its strainers without notice andIt will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold Itself restionsihle for freight afterIt Mas been landed.

Llvo Stock only ot owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valunblcs of passengers unlessplaced In the care of Parsers.

Passongers am requested to purchasetickets b. fore embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to nil additionalcharge ofnwcnty-liv- e per cent.


Limltea- OFFElt FOB 8ALE -


CflloDrated High Grade Cane t&nam

We arq also prepared to take orders for

lnaiBr. N. OUlObXlCIt On '

fartlllzerciInjuring prompt delivery.


This Is a suierlor Paint Oil, con.Burning less pigment than Linseed Oil, and

lssllna brilllancv to colors.sed with drier It elves a splandlrl Hoor


Ltxxi, OementRefined Sugars, Salmon,

Fairbank Cuming Co.'i Cornmi BhoI


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

liid'i Pitent Steam Pip Cowim

Jarboea' Diamond, Enamel BverlaiHng Palm

Especioily designed for Vacuum Pons

Jose Do Espirito Santo,

Guitar lVIaker

Taro Patch & Ukulele Guitars

Made of Hawaiian Wood,


130 Fort Street. Opposite Club Stables.


TiicimdaVi May 9.

Stmr Kanla from KahuknFmoat, May 10.

Stmr Klnau from Hawaii and Maul

PeprtureFriday, May 10.

Stmr W U Hall for Maul and Hawaii at 10a m

Stmr Jas Makee for Kapaa tit 4 p mStmr Kanla for Kahukit at 12 m

Veasela Leaving w

Stmr Kllnuea Hou for ports on Hawaii at2 p m

Oaritoas from Island PortStmr Kaala 225 bngi sugar, 110 bags rice

and 110 bags paddy


For the Co'oiiIps, per rt M 8 S Alameda,May I Mr and Mrs Klemmlng and child,JM Mcl-cod- , J Jackson. II O Disstnn. H ONewman nml wlfo, M Katzmstcin, Mrs JS.wves'er and child, Miss I lizlc bmlth

For Maul and Hxwal', icr stmr W QHall. May J C Edwards.Wnyports: 8 Nowlcln and wife, Mrs UKSmithies, l)r A MoWayno, Mrs I.vle, MissLyle, H Catton, Mr Ewurt, Miss Mayhspindn, Mrs Brims, TO Wills. LtleA.Dickey, V A Wall and wife, J Hutchlngs,I Sherwood. Geo McDoupnlf, O Aloiu, AhMan and UOdeck.

Shippmtr Not.Tho hooner Jennie Wond has been

chartered in San Francisco lo load furMuhukona.

Tho ship Troop has finished dlchargingher conl. alio wi'l likely Ituvu for thoBound In ballast.

Tho steamer Klmm will bo duo this even-In- g

from Maul and Hawaii. The Klnaugenerally cunu-- s down mi time.

The harks O. I). Br) ant and MarthaDuvls began binding at Sun FrnncisronnApril 21! nml May 3 retpcctlvclv for thisport.

The barkentlne Irmgnrd will leave forSan Frunciseo on Monday or luosilnyofnejit week. She will prol tibly gtt in a fullload


8IKATEMEYEH In Fnn Francisco,April 0, 1b!5, to the wife of George O.Stratcmeyer, of Honolulu, a son.



fromAlameda, " San Frorci'co.... JfayChina, " I'hina.and Japan .May 20Miowera, " Vanromu' MnyUlAustralia, " San Francisco May '27

Aruwn, " Colonies Muy30Warrlmoo, " Colonies June 1

City Peking, " Bun Francisco . . . . Jnnu 1

Mariposa, " San Francisco.... June (1

Coptic, " China and Japan.. June 17Australia, " San Francibco. .. Junu'JlWarrlmoo, " Vnncouver InncStAlnmeila, " Colonies Jtine'J"Mlonera, ' Colonies. July '1

Arawa, " ban Francisco July 1

Coptic, ' Han Francisco lulylOAustralia, " Son Francisco. .. July PCity Peking) " China and Japan July 17Miowera, " Vancouver. Jnly?lMariposa, " Colonies July 23


FurAustralia, " San Francisco Mov 8Alnmedu, " Colonies May 0China, " San Francisco May 20Miowora, " Colonies May iiArawa, " Frunciseo May 30Warrlmoo, " Vancouver June 1

City Peking," China and Japan. .June 1

Australia, " San Francisco June .'I

MBrlnosu, " Colonies June (I

Coptic, " Son FroncNco June 17Australia, " San FrHUclsco ..June 21Warrlmoo. " Colonies June 21Alameda. " San Francisco Juno 27M ov, era, " Vancouver July 2Arawa, " Colonies Inly 1

Coptic, " China and Japan.. .July '0City Peking, " San Francisco Ju y 17Australia, " Ban Francisco July 20Miowera, " Colonies July 'J tMariposa, " Ron Francisco July 25

Valuable House Lots

Poi Sale I

USteitOFFER SOME VERY CHOICEWE Lots on the premises formerly

owned by J. A, Hasslngrr, Esq,,, locatedbetween Punsacola and Pilkoi streets.These Ita are of uniform s ze, 80x170,which Is us largo as most (ursons like tohave tho cure nf. The soil Is very rich andthere are many well grown Fruit and Or.nomental Trees on all of the Lots,

If you want a home in a good, quiet, res-

pectable and heolthy neighborhood, takeone or more of these Lots, which we oilerut reasonable prices aii'l upon easy termfas to payment.

tu For particulars apply to

The Hawallaa Safe Deposit ana Invest-

ment Company,

409 IF'ort Street.ll'CXM


Accountant, Colinctnr mid Copyist.

Olllce with 0. D. Chuse, Safe Deposit Build-ing, 400 Fort Street. Telephone IH.

rr The Collection of Government Bills127S-t- f

Canadian-Australia- n

Steamers of the above Line, running In connection with the -

CANADIAN PACIFIC. RAILWAYHetwMii Vaneonver. H. II., and Bydney, N. B. W., and rRllln at Vtotorih. B o.

Hnnolnln and Suva Ftl.

A.RH3 DTJB3 A.T HOISTOLXJIUOn or abint the dates below stated, viz,:

From tlyduey mid ttuvn, tor Victoriaand Vancouver. B. O.t

Btmr'WARRIMOO" June 1

Htmr "MIOWERA" July 1

8tmr"vVARHIM00' August 1

Through Ttcktta Uanad rrora Bnaolnlu


U. MiNICOLL, Montreal, CanadaROBERT KERR, Winnipeg, CanadaM M. STERN. Ban Francisco, Cal.Q. McL. BROWN. Vancouver. B. 0.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Strvu.r

Cor San Franciscuriir tin and Fine Al Bteel Hi.i...i. ,

"ARAWA''Of tlie Ocennlc Btcaiushtp CouipMut r)ltbe dno at Honolulu from Bvdnrv anH

on or nhout

May 30th.And will leave tor the above port withMalls and Passengers on or about tbatdati.

For Sydney and Aocklaud:

l'h New and F'ue Al Pteel Stmttiialili

" "ALAMEDAOf toe Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from Ban Krnrlro.on or abnnt

May 9 thAnd wtlt nave prompt desbatun withMalls and Passengers for thp above port

The undersigned are now prepared Ut Issue



For further particular renardinvrreicni or rassage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN CO., Ltd.,

General Agent

Oceanic Steamship Go.

T?ime Talole,



Arrive Honolulu iaave Honolulufrom B. F. for B. F.

May 3 Mnv 8May '1 June 3June 21 June 21July 16 Jmy 20Aug.O Aug. HBept 2 Bept 7Hept 30 Oct. 2Oct. 21 Ont. 27Nov. 15 Nov.20

THROUGH LINEFrom Ban Francisco From Bydney tor

for Sydney. Ban Francisco

arrive ifotiolulu l.eavt Honolulu

ALAMEDA.. May 0 I MARIPOSA .May 2MARU'OSA..JuueUi ARAWA.. ..Mai 30ARAWA July I ALAMEDA.. June 27ALAMEDA. .Ann 1 MARIPOSA. July 23MARlP08A.Ang.29 i ARAWA..., Aug. 22ARAWA.... Bept. VO ALAMEDA.8-pt.1- 9ALAMEDA. Oct 24 I MAIUPOBA .Ont.17


General Business Agent3?. O. T3ox 4 11.

AT THE ANCHOROytor Oocktailu I

Bauor Brunnon 1

Frndoricksburg Botr I

--Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds aud Best Quality,

ttnatbwesl flnrnor King & Nntunn 8t.

Steamship Line

From Victoria huo Vauuouvoi. b ufor Suva nnd Sydney;

Btmr "MIOWERA" May 218tmr"WARRIMOO" June 24Btmr "MIOWERA" July 24

to Canada, II idler) 8Utas urt Bnropa

For KTMlchi. nml Pu...u. ... i.Oeneral lnfnrniatTon, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.Agent for IKt Unumiiim Iilandt

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.

anli t'M

Occldeniai dnd Oriental S. S Go.



rut YOKOHAMA and H0N0&UNUyyV??n V'.11'' t,' Companies wJLcall at Honolulu on their way theporta on or about the following dateStmr "CITY OF PEKING'8tnVrrorrVcV.".-"jJuTv0io'''- j


iJ!:!.8oV,AC.C...Nom'oeBtmr "CITY OF PEKING .."."..'.

Dtcembor 4n,' wv

for SAN FRANCISCObieaiiiei oi tl, uUove Oomiamet w,i,

knL'inH viU " on tbe,r wy ''"W Hong?SK 8"Ay.k0""'.'" u' tIle '"' Port onor following dates:8tmr' CHINA" Mav"0 1R0Btmr "COPTIC".Btmr "Wn OF PEKING-""V.:.!!-

Btnir 'iikui iu: :::::: x&"' XBtmr "UITY OF 11IO i,K JaEIr'o"

.B.e.POcrobeJ o" iSw


SimrraKTicV;:."Btmr CHINA"... V.g,",. jj Hgg


ro toko to HOBO.A. OBO,

OaoinlVouna-- Wp

i,,B M

months ggs v, .,. o.European BUserage. go Ou "bo w

fn- - Vtai oU return far If returnwithin twelve months.- For Freight and Passage apply tc


"u Apeati.


At Walklkl on car line and on PalamaRoad near FertlllrinK Plant. These Lotare Very Cheap amT Bold on easy terms.Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for Bale.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands.on.. Fort Street, near king.


S1KWGST. jfWholesale and Retail Butchers



G. J. Walleh. ! Manager.

California Fruit Marketv

Corner King nnd Alakea 8ts.

Ilaiimrino's Refrigerators

By Every Steamer from SanFrancisco with

Fresh Fruit, Oysters, .,

I Salmon, Poultry, Etc., Etc.