· ). vol...

). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. Fe"bru.a.rY- ::2, 1993 . - - ----- ·- . --- - --- D ·1 T 'b . . • .- - . ,-- --::::- ,\DYERt.LSbfE.NTS. · a1 .Y r1 uhe . ,/ NEW ADVERTISEi a:ns: 0 Tud T 1uuu:-a: _ is pulill•h «d £'\:., _/J.. - ..i.. -= ..i::;v_ · · -S11bscr;iptio11 andA1lverti>iug Bl\IC11. 1 •• a · O_l\ _F __ FA.,-:::)E ...,.. L:l . C andles ·! MA"NHEIM INSURANCE CO. rrom ih" •Ubscrilicr'• onlc•·. r.t 1hu Ull Sul. i!J 'Suifl.ioRIDER, Marine \ r his :\llll!nry-roncl j , $hirm.':tt uf1> .011)T P.\!'F.RS hnojullt i>rcn oponccl nL · E"!lr,, _ wn rly the C'ulonlnl .H n<•l' lt<•r,..our.;. whlch wlll bo ·w AX CANDLES- I lb. p:1cketa Ct11>l k1l JIUd i\JiiCU Excee d 'l ' wo. Bwlcl,'.( 't'· E111ro11c<ttooitlt:rfro111 Bnn- 1 . . · . . . , -. , . . . , - -;. , . , . . , , . , - PA RA}'IN l b. p:ickol! nu1l-o.HtllfJUIUlou Dollars. .Aff r1"-ces -- - SPERM C.ANDtES-l ib. p!lCkct s. , ' .. .. ...... .. . .. ICribeN outside of tffc ·colon\ Sl.60 ' ThCSl':\NJ··• ... \)tni:wnntl(I now n. ·bullcllngnncl house-- Jo"h.,.., J. o·neilly, H . M' M . per uru 6 inclullln::1,sstni;":...h1 !Ill f< r .tung. We h nv" :it.o n lot or · I .Jill On onroe c:>seo :t)":l le lu :id, · :i1 ·c. . . !"" WATER STREET, ,. J 161'" ho nd, ·crtlsin r :l!C'I will be OJ)D l)JE'("·. '-.: _ ', ' ,'L .. ·D ":\{.\ GED •vv 60 ecn er inch ror flnit inscr- I , rt. no\··t· St. John•a. . ror Nowfoundlaud. . tlon nn rent• ch r... r Mch \\ "h:ch wn 1; h"N1 :iw:iy reg:irdl or eo•t. On Sale, Subscr_ibet, J2S,t2l,ood. ' < 'nch 011tlnu: 11lon. On qunrt<'rh·, D ncd iueata BLlcnlita-uaorted,BoU.r, all kinda o comlln1ntl n. Smnll :isoal nd,·er- . OF LEOJ?.A.ED . . C M C pH [ FLOllll,,POll.. • , Jo .POU F. tiOn\n d for oJcry thr'eo wor.I• J>cllMt HalllJI d coo, Oan- Deal er In St ovlMI, Goth Grat.ea d nrh · etr vtnrl contractts n ----- OhoAoA T.ea Ooll' ee Cocoa 811.,.r •\ c!lui1i. ro1i1 rMes will be mncll'. • ! T S""r::;"1 Ole!M. and 'Ooba:iioiaUe.; •;• TT •;• liiY" llHln<•• l<; t t crs or eorrcsp1>ml- \,..) Rico, uaoadlan 8cotoll'Oa&- Worbbop : Newe•u! .r Only Christopher's Lung ( F 'I' \1' t" ' "D HOREll Ol'''D J"IIN J. O'REILLY, Wlthflllll&OC'lcofS&o"9a: 'l'bnraN. ( · ··-r«lu l f •• J ... ,-.r -;-:I.) ) ' · " . \ ... , ' ... , · At the old •tand, 90 Wa .......... :I Tlw r.11 ous en1cd, · forC.m;:l». Col d• nnd th'°nt nncl nov4 P.O.llaowread:rtorecelTeorden MA K E T N 0 T E S T I:! ,. ·h:( .. ,·»1 lun\b:ia CIU"l'd will ouro you. BQ'J D STREET t>P Lobeter l1am. ll!lri,lw. . . .- 1 .• . ''.' ,. ':!'"'l. ·<'I · 1,,,. /101/C". lr/111/1 <Ue ul If.I Tl'O.Y''S .._, AND - FRESH MINED - / f'.T Jh e , Wll Pri ces, I ''.".' . IEiv 10 ___ .. Coal bri:< 11crd1111t,J.!,._1·r.1:l.i' I l•• C M U S OPENED -, ..,. .,. ::-.1111!11 ··r··h1111,lo!qr•1tl :11;1 ' abinet- 'la ker and pholsterer . A •OIJolco !lcloc or :Sow Te&11 ExDo ll4, ror11alo by 1 \: 1 1 , In pWn, emboeaed and ranc1 p R g & s "1:c ... .... '·I" r·t• ···-· .: \l"i· hrn lO iah>ml hi.J frlend-1 :mil :hl' publi u !(l'nernlly thM ho has commcu- abapcdl Jewelled aocl other new aoii 0 arson on. "' •.1·n i•• r : 1 1 ... ,1 b1i-i11•· - o• '"own •cc.>:u1t, ;111d 11 \>:'t'parCU to :iuhortc.tnotlco unlquu uylea, from l e. to 60c. each. \\ _,.,t 111•1: •· pr.•1tl. I .t;.: :l '" I •r.-, pln!t_ '6rWo wcluld draw apeclal ati.,DtloD \\ -.t!L h .• 1 .1 .• 1 tL -i: •• !I ., • t oour t.°cketaor NEW YEAROJJU>s BY Cl:IIT, WOOD& CO. l .11.r.1•lr.:r. per •:t I. ...... .. ·1 ;.. u p ho lfe ri .ig and F rcnch Polisl 1i n g. .. Wei ,::. 8 barrels Jft"lme, l'resb ll 1< I.. I'" . 1 :L. -----·· _ _ ;o, 1 1 Pannlpa, Onrro14 lllld blood-rod t\,.I " ', ,_.:nu .... .... .... ., ! To:r11lni:or:l1 cl<'"'<'riptiun•. Xc\\d Po>•I•. Bn!h1JotrndM1. 11o•ottes, &.c., :con- pect \"e Beel.5 por wtonmcl" Oacouna from IV· , 1 !'"'' tuu .... ; ,. "" J •1a111h nn ·"''l..,::1r·1<"11t.-.0:-•ll 1. J.-J '.' •>rk•hop fur the prc•cnt, Oh:irlotlotown .P.E.I. nov Soil 1 \•• ")l'·rtun ... ;;.;, ,. f:0.42, xEAR STOVES·& G: GRATES jl, (ii}F"lll pcn 111 ;,:! "" cw .. --w PR.E!iENTS . · · ... r:r J - D UI.lo , -y- &- db NEW OATS. ll crriuf:. L11'r•1le1r.rr hrl. :i ''. V :.i3. ·- - - - And to orrtvo ID a row dl\ya c .... ·Su 1 11.;, ·' ·•'I Watrhmakers. JcwrllL'?'l\, 1 OpticiaUJi, 300 p AIRS of SASHES "':-Tu•"· S le' D 1:1\Jl By CLIFT, & · CO •, .i.:oo DOORS . oJl ol•n. .. I all toti t•U L arae tOCR ntsre.y niew D 3,800Bu1holaneavyBlack01ll9.' A 'l ' R CALLAHAN'S. }"jour. ><'r brl. -ni••n<ll' :l :1lltul v.1 .--- --ALJ, OF-- , d cc:.!,llreul, •u. I. l"'r h.1,;.... 1 7ll Pot Shew.· 76 rat livo Oc Qlffl. --'-- ------::----- .. .. :l i U r-"O I 11r Alb PE I J( e T'OSene 0i , Cornn eil, 111·r 1.r1.::.. .. 3 70 . "°' . , - "-"· ar r o ' rom ertoo, . . ..._ O•lm• :.rin . e "VV:e ]_ e r y Af4TKRICJU Sugar, · htb'"'o J>llT'cwt$tf'°GO to . o oo _o i. c .o o_§__o o o c .o o o o _o co.; oo o o oo-o o Now Ln'lJllng nt Ut o wbnrror :!5 hl\lrCl\llh& Jtcro5one 011 (1 60 lCBL ). Sugsr, !lalltoH Supplied nt ah notice. , '\ . · JOHN WQO"'S ·& SON F.x 11 Amoll&Oorkum"from noat.on. Sujj'lr, uaf.;p<"r c" t .. ..... 10.611 U nov23 1111 Weqding and E:ngagernenf Rih gs a Spec· a lty. 450 . $1- O O . · Po A<r ru1 •· 2 I 00 29() WATER ST REET, C 9 A. L Roceed pe r e.o. " Oapo Breton\ ' " t<-• pri1u1 lU< ... 00 .nov-7.ood,lf _., __ doo"' or Boele'• Covo Fur Sto d N t P'i>n. f"' url.. rump ....... 00 nace, Ve an U • CLll'T, ·w oOD & CO. P , fCtbrl., ju><b ...... 1;. Of,. .. : :unver ic Jc•· Brnn.d. PCBLff1 XOTICE. Sent homo at LowesL lhrlce"t. rat•a llo Oougall'a whrr . Pork, t<-r l1rJ., .. ..... llO whllstdlacbarglng. TEn!i.80.\Bll. --· - )lilun J "'r lb. ············· .. Boston Kero Oil ,u ,LPR01·1m :TOn so.-Pno- Jru11z,tr 1ior lb. . ... ........ 11 w Ii pcrty ntrectOJI by tho now lines or Beef.J r t.. rl ...• ............ !l:.(llo 11 no Now I.nncled nrc hereby notlnccl that tll O NOT/CE. ' SI 0 n Kol per ir•I .•...••. 25 Brls. Boston Kerosene Oil. ' m l s 10\V-l'O I . P-, r lirl. (roun•IJ .. .. :l ill CLTFT. "'WOOD&. 00. .. or olhor mntcrlal 01 oonroundrcm ,·ln1r o ral t.orluga111 or u "\ !'.e. r lirl. (oplit). ... l 00toli.5U - nny \"!liac rem11h1lll1t on the lnnd ap- the Surveyor'• AJIK:S or Streethnce Cab J><'r Joi ........ l 00 Furn 1tu re 6. J"" 'proprlnted rorpublfc o•o, must be ro- or grncllnl!' within llro Street• of St. THE LARGEST IN TOWN. p.rLrl •.• , ........ I ' <K' ''a 1novcd ·wilhouL dclny. Attention LI J olin••, wlll bo prooccoted at lnw It 11 uow llllell " 1th FANCY GOODS Canol9.)Jer Lfl ............. :? 0<1 -- nl•o de. lrc1l to the pro, •lalons or and" rawft rcl or Twenty Dollani wi. ll nnd Loya for Obristo>aa. · = 1,JF. btl ..••..... 2 50 W 8 lftr'IANO J' nov.2$ Celal')' J>ft "bfl..1.. ••• ••• ·· ' 2 00 build, It Ill ni'C"""'1IT to mako n Wl"lt- lion orthe p:in y ao ol!'endlng. . C per lb ......... ••·•·• 1:. ('abloehnnker &; fpltolsler< •r ten :ipplicntlon to tno Run,oyor Oen"- H.J. B. wooDs, H11111. 1,.r lb, Canadi>n, 11 to !!O ' ' crnl ror tho lino or street., nnd :ti.lo to Surveyor General. All 1>er11011s tr ll o ?11<11J lt<11•e f NOTICE. Ham, Jm lb. l!c<lf .. 1,...... tu { ll"vrl •!.nl': l/mward l I r umlsb " plan or, the clftlm• r or compqnndon ror dnmagl.'8 IWv. IL.•.... ·····•·· H A r.· 1)/,(lln"MI : D•ct/.-1 lng,_tobonppro\Cdorb) thoSun ey- p M h ' eu11Alned by ilio alter11tlon or ihe ........ ' • ' 11 SI _, I O< uooernt..:. a e· r 8Lroei !loco, &nil who lla\'O not alroa- ..,;1<•• IL"r -. oz............... .wrli. Sired, ' I (J' a .... ) \ u. J. B. WOODS, • ' dy appolntod aro ll•raby T urnip•, pt'r brl............ I ri l.20 All klbda orPurnituro mnclo to order- 'no YI. · j Surveyor Ocne.rl\I. BOOT & SH Q EM AKER noll6od to aubml,l:i. 1t l\t .Qlllont or tbo Ouio04, '6010 1 00 Venetian Blinds -- ... -1- - •nmotot.boSur"To rGonoralwitbout Blier, t 1t1r lb... 7 to 1 · ) JUST 1n :c 1; L VED dela .- cloc7,tr -------- D d Blind JIM rebuilt his pl•oo or bmlnoso on .llull o (the >r.) per lb. 7 tu 10 a o. s_, . . tmr. from X•w York nud Ordnanco Stl'Oat, or posll o .Railway FRESH OYSTERS. 111 1.L.\SEOVS. Blind Rouers, .•tmr. Cohnn from Dopot, whoro he wll bo prepared to Co>l>HI'. ton . Sydney. . G 00to5.50 I execute 1111 ot"dcn)n hla \Inc wi th dee· C03t, )'ict i•, pr.100..... 4 so And Ornaments for Furniture 250 Brl s. N;pw Ilca ry lLittlo 0 1:1', pr lOD 5 00 KEPT IN STOCK:. "1\ fr s wth<lr, ib prlb....... 38 to S' OJdeni left either 11 10 wort :- ..J..V..L-1:!:.1 M K E HO E u•tMr, eolo, pr lb. ...... IQ 1bop or o howroom will rc;.c•l ve -r::::> ""C7'" ' Le.11h r, h .. pr lb.... 35 prom pl at.tention. . novt, t ,.<, rp . _i:v - MllnnrAc lurer I Le>lh 1 1plit, pr lb. ..... . !!O I B I '-r O' T j B t & Sh Oats, rr b111he1..•........... 55 to GO I . _ _, i . · n Drls. Prime Fork, 00 S qs, I Rr11n, rcw.t . .. ...... ... .... I 50 IMPORTER OF WATOll F,S AlSt> I 50 llrls. J, olus, 11'/IOU ."SAL Eand m: AIL . C:tlll• Feed, l OOlb; a..cka I 80 OLOOK.S, 2 a0 B1·ls Clauss ncer I 200!b rb 3 GO n·• ;s . 1 I • • ' ' . Slneo tho Oro, 11.!. Kl!DOE .... n ... r to .......... ·•· ··· 211-410 Sp ccUclcs, "}'nullcnl l n• trumenls t 50 nrls. Yo rk \' Ille nccf. MO\'Cd h la atoro to tbe r cnr or lb old Ir :Fq drl r, pr ..... ... .... - - PlpMo.ncJJewcllery or all ltlncle. 1 ___ nnndll'llOO W.t.Tllll STRE.ET. Entra ce t' Ki!ro. il,pr .• 11... ·· · jBw22 306 w auir Stroot. St. Jobn'1, N.ftd.l HLj'JAR N& CO 'Z .. .. Jo 111 . pr. hr ..... . ...... ,PO \oppo8lte P. &. J ,. 110\-!!S .I!) :!O bRrrel.I or Prl'ah Just O.T lvod Crom P. E. Island. •115 CUI WOOD CO. 50, 00 ARrni.'H. mi PBEtt t 20.H t lnch llemlou. 80 M Hemlock Frninlng-, / = - 1 IBI" All orders Oiled wlU. prompt.- .U ice. GA s sro v ES. P. E .L PRODUCE . ON SA l, E BY m. son 300 TB . P:,..,LIO A.RE ". Til e St. .T111111 (:mt I. i111t t I 011 · W ood & eo Oor. Co lonial and· Gower ltreei.. Very "" ·' •· Oompnnv bovo juot rcceh-ed1\ shi p- lJ, (on t e o ld •lte). ' Oro wlll boll 1.Mm•e-to-houso mcnt orblUIStovco pero.•. ',A•syrlnn.• I Tho cnrgo or .i1e • l enmcr M. A. Provi s ions, Groceries, Shi' ngles .... , vl11lt lion by tho S:ml (ory Police, un- Tl.,.nSto, ·cs mlly now boacen nt tho I St nr r rrom Qhorlo(totown con,sl•Ung der Y ordeni; AS PalJllo lloRllh om- Con 11 lnny•s OOjcc. fi"' For rurlhcr or :!000 bushelnpw OATA, )00 brla. Tobncco, Cirnn."Pl>tn tooe1 Tumips. cer i i;,j;lt. John's, nnd under tho prpnrtf i:'ulflni, to(; I 2.J t.rlo. Cni·rol.9, 30 to1111 lmta, llte., &c. Act, 1689_, W . ./...E' T' l IB P.E. l tland II Ry (•mnll bide). nov4. .A.t I!'. w. HORWOOD, ltllLL. llud Act.a In amendment t ltorcor. J.'< l' .1. ' ' nov6 t.o I/ey nultADoo Is rolUlcl on 1my pro- d ccH. 'see. t, John'Clna l.t. ' Co St1:md11rd )lnrl> _ lc Works. _..... ,_ ___ 18'"Tlf et41 1hlngles aro admitted to the order lo romovo KOBE FLOUR re tho F!Ni:ST lo tbe llarkci, Hm wi thin t w.,oty•f<>tlr hou"" l• liot OCJ< 13 \ RY · . 1 - .t.L80 ,- aV i:Jili FT wocfo&'co JAMES Macl NTYRE, -- J0,000 Dreued Clapbeard, upeIU10or ao doing will be PllOBll.ICTOR By Clift Wood & Co ARCH H CAMPBELL recove-red rrom the ol!'ender i ummar- PORTY "OASKS \ - ower-ttreot- Fooi Bill. K b ' . ' llv. 'If .i ew or the present daner Extr 'ac tofHemlockBark 200 Barr o • P1ou.i--u: abor. ' '·I U r h""' It•- h John'•, No\Vf'ouud!Olld. Aaayr la ll. dec211 Dook It l priJll'Ulo-1\ . Via ta Ono !J v,..ra, ,. OJ'- - "Lion" brnnd, a J>ortle. n! l\ ' 2'1 - J ed L tbepubllc ln r.· O NUMl!'H.Q, HISAOSTON•S, ..;i;;::::;=• ""----.--------- un CODTO:tyGUES T OMB:· .. Wills 8c Sons. :BARBADOS/ MOLASSES. il:a?t-:sTu er. MARBLE WORK SUPmuffBN- ' l?Ot084LB tfr llH HD cmLEF£ED FOR llE. FOR SALE DY DENTS. & L TE s s I ' R, By £LIFT !!h.00 & CO P. & L. TES !ER moderate Chl\rgo. Oftlce: UOr. aod Duck- • .OHOIOE -::t GO b p and G0 1 h a1rb-:g. Br1lll, A{rew cuea or cholco OoTonpea. Deslms sen• on Application. :::..a:- &om lO BARB'DOS MOLASSES 60 pPrtahjJ&ttle:P- . oon:1 . ao..-11';\y , ' t' SELECT STORY. LADY PRIDE _, THE MISER 'S .. By Mrs. MeYel{Jli .lflller. The impudentupsl4rt I' she ex- claim&. Whnt cciuld abe me.111 by 1uch talk 1 It is not true , of course. H ow could she hold t my tlrunaging aecret or youfa 1 The idea.' ·The id ea. said lln. \V111. l\!P, but in a vety faint voice. •What could ahe know 1 She was trJing JO Crighten me and make me take her 't.ek. She wu a f oo l for her paiDt ' rm too old a Wd to be eauaht . With cbaft' lfi •!lien 7011 baYell't UJ llOl'lt, really, A1111t KatbeziDe r. S... llanm a ub, relieved, for -edaing · Kn. mliirf--. Thamdyb'a loob and bas for1bii eomehow impreued and atartltd illnlll iiDtl her. li do • A aecretl No, child, don't bo allly. In Come into the houe and (IP to bed.• ington &. Git - But, ob, auot Katherine, 1 forgot C111hionabl o a ud wealth to tell you: Alex Warren jumped aeek their amusement int o the w11ter girl; Uc 11.t the.'lbore or in tho ounwm, but may be drowned I' a.• 1]i ese form but a 1mall per cent.. J, et him drown then: What doc-s of The multitude. there is still la1ge mut ter to us 1 Como to.bed, Sercun, left to present A bus y and il's onor ten o'clD4:k.' bustling I nppeaN110C. They Wtllk OHAPl'ER .Xlll. }"tvK dnys af ter Uiat tmgic night, Alex Warren, walking slQwly al ong P cn°"y lvania A.\'enue, come.i foco to fo.ce wilb 11 Jruly 0 -lbe Wt onu be would have thought o( meeting io W:uhingtou- M rs . Thomdyke . - &th sl4rt, rind stop; both speak ut once. •Oh I Mr. \\'nrreu, tlll'n y ou were not drowuetl, ull !' bit ruother-i11-law, i.!!A.IJIJlUf\reliufi- 'No,' h e nnswer>; nod then both pnuse. .A 1•isible realrniut foUs uu both. Mr .'War rcu never m . ... Mrs. Tborndyke. A few nrtful word:i from ) Jrs. Wnrren h a\'O drop- ( >l"<I 'n sinister suspicio11 in his mind ngoiost her I but, in spite of h is pre- judice, his hcnrt softcns int o n nddcn pity ns looks nt her uow. She is dressed from to foot in mouruing-he. ivy,lus terl ess black. A Wack cmpc \'eil of the tbickes.t, hcn•·iesL qunlity is thrown O\"Cr he; li onnct, n11d al most to her feel. ·On l>cn11t1f11 l, high-Lrt'tl fncc is blnmpcd nn e xpr ession or utt er, hope- less desIX1ir. lier h"3vy ey es, tlmt seem to sec nothing through tlicir milt of unshed tenr.s, nole mec lmnicnlly lhnt he WCllr3 mourning too, not ostentatious wourning. but·n si mple, well-fitting blnck s uit nut! cmpc-bnuded hnt. There hns been some chnff nt first nt rcnppcnroncc in nc"·apapcrcircles in this guise. A few who know of tho n unt down on the cnst- ern shore inqui re kuowilM:IY if' tho rich old party hnd died ond Mt him her fortnnCl ;' Alex, witb thCl 111- conic nuswer, 1 Anot her rclntio n,' di s 111 is..<es the subject nL once nnd fore, •cr. So there is no tboro chnff, 11nd, nrter a little, Uie first wonder d ie s out;nnd it becomes a gcnomlly ncccpwl fcict t.bnt, lliough Wnrre has I 011t n relJ!tion, it is nobody's bos- iucss but liis own, nud ho d008n 't mcnn to become on ob j ect of condo- lcuce: B ut though be bas put on mourning for i bc yo1t11g liride so tra11ic:illy lost in tbe very hour of her bridal, t b• stc.m significance or ch11oge does not.atrike him so forcibly ood sharp ly 1111til he · seea • lf rd Thorn- dyko, 'i inky earb of woe. Then be realizes, sudden bitter thrill, this dtll-k nighL'1 work bns been to her. Ji thrill or pl'Ofolhfd- est pit)' goes through hi1 benrt. •Aro you h ere alone f Or is Mn. Warr en, or-noy 011e-witb you t' he il&lu!, in a :!::en 'Unusual cm- 1 ·I am qui t.e 1110 ' be iulswc/s. briefly 6od quietly . • Ybu)h an not left. Wanca Hall -f.or goOd niul all f' he uk.s, or ra. thu auerta,(or aometbiog iu bu ton• vaguely suggests it. • Yu ,' she answert. There. is a drenry , almoaL pntbetic quiotn.esa iu nil even pctvndiug her man aer. S he does nbt •ccm to WOl!tbat peop le g1anoo al them'cUiio.taly u they •taod talk- ,. S]o1rly nloug the p.we, past thn lnryc fiue shops nnJ palatial hotels, nnd emerge nt Inst in the bellutiful wall-kept pnrk surround . iug the gro nd white mnrblo C11pitol oqn shaded SC!ll close a lenping fountain, H1cy sit down nud rest, two i:loomy blnclc .6gurt1, seeming scnrcely suited to the bright nnd sunny s ceoe, the green, gross, the bright Oowera, and the little wjt-tcri ug birds hopping gayly alougthc wide gravcUed walks, chirp- ing in the gl adntu or 1heir happy henrts. · ··Aro you \hinkiug of teaching agniu r he nsk$ dncr a pause, io which be hns been rllvolvi ng in his mind her wt remark. 1 Thers i11 no other alternative. r lul\'c n little moncy-11 very Jiltlo- thnt I saved while I taught at War. ren Hall. Af ter tbnt is gon e-if I li ve-I musi seek anothe r siluntion.' '.Pho lone is. one of nhnost" tic indifference. '.!'lie (nee matche:a tho tone iu its stony cnlm, i t.s bopa- lcts sndneas. P lninl y, life b111 no- thing l eft for her. A md-oyed aad- l!Cl,lrted, while yet in her bcnuliful prime. W hat is the history of her life T-l he mys!Alry, tbnt infold her liko n gnnntlllt 1 He hM cea.'cd to lhiulc, ns Mu. Warren and Serenn'a subtle ituiou11tiom ooct vnguoly mndo him, that it may be a shameful mystery. WbnL disgrace cou ld to&cli this proua , pure-r11ced womnu, with that air or cold reserve slilelding her so eff ectunlly from vu!- • gnr curiosity. · •I bad tl!ougbt Warr en Hall wo.s your homo for lire ,' be observes, in n hnlf-inquiring tooe. She tunu and looQ at .him. A llash of wmtlj[ul pride speaks up f or a moment t b'C hopeless andoe5' of the face. 1 •IL seeiil.ed so,' ahe ans wen. •They woro well contenL to have " me. My aet\'iCCS and untie\ were maoifqld\ and oorrenly requitlcd. l'bcy al - ;.ays clnimed lhnt my ' inomnbrnnce ' ' little Gay, tlie justice of a ll beral Mlary. Still we wns at least n she lt e r for our forlorn licnds-umil tbat drcndful nijlht'- s ho shivers , nnd her low"voioo brenlcs slightly-thnt dreadful nigM when my darling- my darling--dicd-and they dro\•o me oot to face the world al one.' Alex W "T11. sprini,>s to his feet. God were th ey se cruel r bo en 11 n tempest of '"rotb. Why w bttd you done r • 1 told Sero1111 the truth-that b\r poisened toug_ue bad driven my liu.le one to l ie r( ebe alone had killed her. }.nd I.hen they heaped t he cruele3t abuH upon .mo, and drove mo in the nighl. and tbo dnrkness t6 nolt whllt sbd- ter 1: oould.' •She devels t' muttere d tho youn11 conupqndont. ' A nd where did you go then 7' • 1" went to some kind, humble people I lu1ow in town and atayed . ... Oil l'esrill pap) ...,/\ ,. '-

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Page 1: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------


VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY- ::2, 1993 •

. - - ----- ·- . --- - ---D ·1 T 'b . . • . - - . ,-- --::::- ~EW ,\DYERt.LSbfE.NTS. · a1 .Y r1 uhe. ,/ ~1r10 . ~~utrtistmcnt!.i. NEW ADVERTISEia:ns:

0 Tud T1uuu:-a: _is pulill•h«d (dnil~·I £'\:., _/J.. - ..i..-= ..i::;v_ · · -S11bscr;iptio11 andA1lverti>iug Bl\IC11. 1 •• ~- a· O_l\_F __ FA.,-:::)E ...,..L:l . Candles·! Ca~esll ·Candlesll' MA"NHEIM INSURANCE CO. rrom ih" •Ubscrilicr'• onlc•·. r.t 1hu • Ull Sul. i!J 'Suifl.ioRIDER, Marine ~nly.

\ ~or r his prcml~•. :\llll!nry-roncl j , $hirm.':tt uf1>.011)T P.\!'F.RS hnojullt i>rcn oponccl nL · ~ E"!lr,, _ wnrly ,oppo~1to the C'ulonlnl • .H n<•l' lt<•r,..our.;. whlch wlll bo ·w AX CANDLES-I lb. p:1cketa Ct11>lk1l JIUd i\JiiCU Exceed 'l' wo.

Bwlcl,'.('t'· E111ro11c<ttooitlt:rfro111 Bnn- 1 . . · . . . , -. , . . . , --;. , . , . . , , . , - PA RA}'IN OA.N~LES- 1 lb. p:ickol! nu1l-o.HtllfJUIUlou Dollars.

uc~1T~~~~,~~~~ii\~::·"rr:;~~\~~"t'1~~ c· !e~f!'~ '°'· .Aff a~ !k~wast-IB r1"-ces-- - SPERM C.ANDtES-l ib. p!lCkcts. , ~~~.~~~;;'it~ ~~'~.;~J~~n3';~i:,";ht,~ ' .. -~-,.)~:~--~-~1 .. ~--~· ·'-"·~ ~~ -~ -~ ...... -~ ·'"'~·--=· .. ~ b!tsq;~~;~Y fn':'j~J'i'~oolgobu~ o~nclles . J:~~o~·~!~~~\~ .. ~:~ ICribeN outside of tffc ·colon\• Sl.60 ' ThCSl':\NJ··• ... \)tni:wnntl(I now b~· !.>.~riles n.·bullcllngnncl house-- Jo"h.,.., J . o·neilly, H . M' M • . per uru6inclullln::1,sstni;":...h1 !Ill f< r 1· .tung. We hnv" :it.o n lot or · I ~ .Jill On onroe c:>seo :t)":l le lu :id,· :i1 ·c. ~ . . !"" WATER STREET, ,. • J

161'" ho nd,·crtlsin r:l!C'I will be OJ)D l)JE'("·.'-.:_', ' l~ ,'L .. 1 (~ H'l':!j;~ ·D ":\{.\ GED •vv 60 ecn er inch ror th~ flnit inscr- I • , rt. • no\··t · St. John•a. . ~ent ror Nowfoundlaud. . t lon nn ~; rent• P<'~i ch r...r Mch \\"h:ch wn 1;h"N1 :iw:iy reg:irdl or eo•t. On Sale, b~h Subscr_ibet, J2S,t2l,ood. '

<'nch 011tlnu:11lon. On qunrt<'rh·, D ~ ncd iueata BLlcnlita-uaorted,BoU.r, all kinda o

comlln1ntl n. Smnll :isoal nd,·er- . SIG·~- O F T~ LEOJ?.A.ED .

. ~1t?'.~ ~::1~~ir~11 'i-~" t;~nir.!:1~n~~~ C M C pH [ ~SON FLOllll,,POll.. • , Jo .POU ~ F . GUS~HUE, tiOn\n d ~cent• for oJcry thr'eo wor.I• ~ • Loh~, J>cllMt HalllJI d coo, Oan- Dealer In StovlMI, Goth Grat.ea d

hnlt··~· nrh· etr vtnrl contractts n di~· ----- OhoAoA T.ea Ooll'ee Cocoa 811.,.r ~ •\ c!lui1i. ro1i1 th~sc rMes will be mncll'. • ! T S""r::;"1 Bra~' Ole!M. and 'Ooba:iioiaUe.; •;• .&..L.L~ TT •;•

liiY" llHln<•• l<;t tcrs or eorrcsp1>ml- \,..) ~ • Rico, uaoadlan Oatme~ 8cotoll'Oa&- Worbbop : Newe•u! Stree~

.r :4£~:if.1~r::1i:~:~t;~~:~:~:;~~~:::: Only Christopher's Lung Bals~m Ei~¥~~5~ J~~T~~~, ( F 'I' \1 ' t" ' "D HOREllOl'''D J"IIN J. O'REILLY, Wlthflllll&OC'lcofS&o"9a: 'l'bnraN.


···-r«lul f •• J ... ,-.r -;-:I.) ) ' · " . \ ... , ' ... , · At the old •tand, 90 Wa .......... :I Tlw r.11 ous en1cd,· forC.m;:l». Cold• nnd nl~ th'°nt nncl Lun~ Al!'ectl~na. nov4 P.O.llaowread:rtorecelTeorden

MA K E T N 0 T E S • T I:! ,. ·h:( pr~p .. ,·»1 lun\b:ia CIU"l'd tl~w11111ds ~nil will ouro you. BQ'J D STREET t>P Lobeter l1am. ll!lri,lw. . • . .-1 }~ .•. ''.' ,. ':!'"'l. l~··":J~J· ·<'I· ".!~c·. 1,,,. /101/C". lr/111/1 <Ue ul If.I Tl'O.Y''S .._, AND -FRESH MINED

-/ f'.TJ h e ,Wll ~~~~le Prices, I ''.".' . ;;~~~£ ?;;,,~!~ ~:·" IEiv ~erR;;: 10 ~~~::~ Norl~ ___ S0yTd0Il~N~ .. Coal (~ bri:< 11crd1111t,J.!,._1·r.1:l.i' I l•• C M U S OPENED -, ..,. .,. ~

::-.1111!11 ··r··h1111,lo!qr•1tl :11;1 ' abinet - 'laker and pholsterer. A•OIJolco !lcloc or :Sow Te&11 ExDoll4, ror11alo by 1 \: 1 1 , Cnrcl~ In pWn, emboeaed and ranc1 p R g & s

"1:c ... .... '·I" r·t• · · · -· .: I~ \l"i· hrn lO iah>ml hi.J frlend-1 :mil :hl' publiu !(l'nernlly thM ho has commcu- abapcdl Jewelled aocl other new aoii • 0 arson on. !-.~ "' •.1·n ' · i•• r •tt~.I : 1 1 ... ,1 b1i-i11•· - o• '"own •cc.>:u1t, ;111d 11 \>:'t'parCU to ~upph· :iuhortc.tnotlco unlquu uylea, from le. to 60c. each. \\_,.,t 111•1: •· pr.•1tl. I .t;.: :l '" I ~11el:l--e•1..;F·.:•nil •r.-, pln!t_ a1~l fan1~. • '6rWo wcluld draw apeclal ati.,DtloD \\ -.t!L h .• 1.1 .• 1tL -i: •• !I ~ ., • toourt.°cketaor NEW YEAROJJU>s BY Cl:IIT, WOOD& CO. l .11.r.1•lr.:r. per •:t I. ...... .. ·1 ;.. u pho lferi.ig and F rcnch Polisl1i ng. ~~~l~tnl~6 .. Wei,::. ~~d a':,1:iz~·r~:~ 8 barrels Jft"lme, l'resb O~ton. ll 1< I.. I'" .1:L.-----·· _ _ ;o, 1 1 • Pannlpa, Onrro14 lllld blood-rod t\,.I " ', ,_.:nu ........ .... ;~ ., ! To:r11lni:or:l1 cl<'"'<'riptiun•. Xc\\d Po>•I•. Bn!h1JotrndM1. 11o•ottes, &.c., :con- pect \"e Y· Beel.5 por wtonmcl" Oacouna from ~._,1 • IV· , 1 !'"'' tuu .... ; ,. "" J •1a111h nn h~ml ·"''l..,::1r·1<"11t.-.0:-•ll 1. J.-J '.' •>rk•hop fur the prc•cnt, To~~~of:UD~lc~ln~ G~~~t!ityu:'J Oh:irlotlotown .P.E.I. nov Soil 1 \•• ")l'·rtun ... ;;.;, ,. f:0.42, OFF'JOHNSTREET.HEAO BRHlll'SSQU~RE. Fan~iriGooduuitableforNEW xEAR STOVES·& G: GRATES ~col jl, (ii}F"lll pcn 111 ;,:! "" Jnnlll.~_;!,;;:· cw .. --w PR.E!iENTS. · ·

~~.~ ... ~i;v~:"~;.i;:,\·.·~.· I~~:;: r:r J - D UI.lo , -y- &-db NEW OATS. ert~ll.~~:c~~Ji~~tl~;~~~.r. llcrriuf:. L11'r•1le1r.rr hrl. :i ''.V :.i3. ·- - - - • And to orrtvo ID a row dl\ya·.1>r. c .... ·Su 111.;, ·' ·•'I Watrhmakers. JcwrllL'?'l\,1 t:m~rarers, OpticiaUJi, 300 p AIRS of SASHES

Hn~ "':-Tu •"· S D~ le' • D 1:1\Jl By CLIFT, ~OD & ·CO •, .i.:oo DOORS . oJl ol•n. Flour,~.t.rl .. at····~-.'c~x.$ I all toti t•U L arae tOCR ~ ntsre.y niew D 3,800Bu1holaneavyBlack01ll9.' A'l' R CALLAHAN'S. }"jour. ><'r brl. -ni••n<ll' :l :1lltul v.1 .--- • ~ --ALJ, Kl~D!{ OF-- , 1n;.·~~$.;;s!i:,.~uor. dcc:.!,l· llreul, • u. I. l"'r h.1,;.... 1 7ll S'~ Pot Shew.· 76 rat livo OcQlffl. --'--------::-----Brc.ul,~· u.~,J••'rht:? . ... :l i U o;;iooc"ooc-c>oco o o~c:c:c.c'::>oooccoc'>occoooo ooe r-"O I 11r Alb PE I J(e T'OSene 0i , Cornn eil, 111·r 1.r1.::.... 3 70 . "°' . , - "-"· arr o ' rom ertoo, . . ..._

O•lm• l.t•": ~oc:;i~. :.rin . ~ e "VV:e ]_ e r y Af4TKRICJU COAi:~ ~~~1K!~~o~92J?c.~CO Sugar, · htb'"'o J>llT'cwt$tf'°GO to . o oo_o i. c .o o_§__o o~· o o c .o o o o _o co.; ooo o oo-o o o~ O_!?~ Now Ln'lJllng n t Uto wbnrr or :!5 hl\lrCl\llh& Jtcro5one 011 (160 lCBL). Sugsr, r,m~lnle<l, prc·"l !lallto H Supplied nt ah notice. , '\ . · JOHN WQO"'S ·& SON F.x

11Amoll&Oorkum"from noat.on.

Sujj'lr, uaf.;p<"r c" t ....... 10.611 ~C'J U nov23

· Pork,~ brt:,n~;t~~~~-~-s2o 1111 Weqding and E:ngagernenf Rihgs a Spec· alty. 450 to~~·r13~~t"'tehigh . $1-O O . · PoA<r brl.,· ru1 •· 2 I 00 29() WATER STREET, C 9 A. L Roceh·ed per e.o. " Oapo Breton\' " ~~t· t<-• ~·rl., pri1u1• lU< ... ~2 00 .nov-7.ood,lf _., __ ~\ few doo"' w~11t or Boele'• Covo Fur Sto d N t t~E~"r~ gg!p?~~ ~':,"';~r ;:.&i~.lnr P'i>n. f"' url.. rump ....... ~~ 00 nace, Ve an U • CLll'T, ·w oOD & CO. P , fCtbrl., ju><b ...... 1;. Of,. .. ::unvericJc•· Brnn.d. PCBLff1 XOTICE. Sent homo at LowesL lhrlce"t. rat•a llo Oougall'a whrr. Pork, t<-r l1rJ., l~tl! . ...... ~O llO whllstdlacbarglng. TEn!i.80.\Bll. --· - ----~~---)lilun J"'r lb. ············· ~3 tu~ .. Boston Kero Oil ,u,LPR01·1m:TOn so.-Pno - Jru11z,tr ~iISI"I"-/(jl~. 1ior lb. . ... ........ 11 w Ii • • pcrty ntrectOJI by tho now lines or

Beef.J r t..rl ...•............ !l:.(llo 11 no Now I.nncled ~trcet nrc hereby notlnccl that tllO NOT/CE. ~r11 · ' SI 0 n Kol • per ir•I .•...••. ~. I~ 25 Brls. Boston Kerosene Oil. ' \\:ri~~ ~f !;,~~:'.11~~11"1~1nb1ot~3~!ri~~ I:i l1c1·cl>yy~·c11,t11"t<m111>cr- ml l~an s 10\V-l'O I . P-, r lirl. (roun•IJ .. .. :l ill • novl~ CLTFT. "'WOOD&. 00. \mllo, cltlmnc~ .. or olhor mntcrla l 01 oonroundrcm ,·ln1r oralt.orluga111 or u

"\ !'.e. r lirl. (oplit). ... l 00toli.5U • - • nny \"!liac rem11h1lll1t on the lnnd ap- the Surveyor'• AJIK:S or Streethnce Cab • J><'r Joi........ l 00 Furn 1tu re 6. J"" 'proprlnted rorpublfc o•o, must be ro- or grncllnl!' within llro Street• of St. THE LARGEST IN TOWN.

p.rLrl •.• ,........ I ~o ' <K' ''a 1novcd ·wilhouL dclny. Attention LI J olin••, wlll bo prooccoted at lnw It 11 uow llllell "1th FANCY GOODS Canol9.)Jer Lfl............. :? 0<1 -- 1· nl•o de. lrc1l to the pro,•lalons or and" rawftrcl or Twenty Dollani wi.ll nnd Loya for Obristo>aa. · =1,JF. btl ..••..... 2 50 W 8 lftr'IANO J' ~~,;:.~~~a~t~~~~~';~;~~c~~~~ rf~ J:.:,a;~;~:~;vflf'I':~dir~·w.~·~;,!',.\~: nov.2$ Celal')' J>ft "bfl..1.. •••• ••• ·· ' 2 00 • • ~-t.. build, It Ill ni'C"""'1IT to mako n Wl"lt- lion orthe p:in y ao ol!'endlng. . C per lb ......... ••·•·• 1:. ('abloehnnker &; fpltolsler<•r ten :ipplicntlon to tno Run,oyor Oen"- • H.J. B. wooDs, H11111. 1,.r lb, Canadi>n, 11 to !!O ' ' crnl ror tho lino or street., nnd :ti.lo to Surveyor General. All 1>er11011s trllo ?11<11J lt<11•e



• Ham, Jm lb. l!c<lf .. 1,...... ~:I tu ~~. { ll"vrl •!.nl': CJ.If~:; l/mward l I rumlsb " plan or, the lnt~ndod b~lld- clftlm• ror compqnndon ror dnmagl.'8 IWv. u.1~r IL .•.... ·····•· · H to~O Ar.· 1)/,(lln"MI : ~t!O D•ct/.-1 lng,_tobonppro\Cdorb) thoSun ey- p M h ' eu11Alned by ilio alter11tlon or ihe ........ -· ' • ' 11 SI _, I O< uooernt..:. • a e· r 8Lroei !loco, &nil who lla\'O not alroa-..,;1<•• IL"r -.oz............... ~5 .wrli. Sired, ' I (J' • a .... ) \ u. J. B. WOODS, • • ' dy appolntod arbltra~n1. aro ll•raby Turnip•, pt'r brl............ I ri l.20 All klbda orPurnituro mnclo to order- 'noYI. · j Surveyor Ocne.rl\I. BOOT & SH Q EM AKER noll6od to aubml,l:i. 1tl\t.Qlllont or tbo Ouio04, p•rl~·--·· ·· ····· '6010 100 Venetian Blinds --... -1- - •nmotot.boSur"TorGonoralwitbout Blier, ~h1>qtr. t1t1r lb... 7 to ~ 1 • · ) JUST 1n :c1;LVED dela .-cloc7,tr --------

D d Blind JIM rebuilt his pl• oo or bmlnoso on .llullo (the >r.) per lb. 7 tu 10 a o. s_,. ~x . tmr. 1'04li~ from X•w York nud Ordnanco Stl'Oat, or posllo .Railway FRESH OYSTERS.

111 1.L.\SEOVS. Blind Rouers, .•tmr. Cohnn from ~l onlrral, Dopot, whoro he wll bo prepared to Co>l>HI'. ton . Sydney. . G 00to5.50 I execute 11 11 ot"dcn)n hla \Inc with dee· C03t, )'ict i•, pr.100..... 4 so And Ornaments for Furniture 250 Brls . N;pw Ilca ry ~r~¥~iidtn~'d~Yiit!~. ~~'dd8;0r:i._1 1tock lLittlo 0 • 1:1', pr lOD 5 00 KEPT IN STOCK:. "1\ fr ~s s wth<lr, ib prlb....... 38 to ~-0 S' OJdeni left either n~ 1110 wort:- ..J..V..L-1:!:.1 M K E HO E u•tMr, eolo, pr lb. ...... IQ to!!~ 1bop or ohowroom will rc;.c•lve • p~ -r::::> ""C7'" • ' Le.11h r, h .. pr lb.... 35 prom pl at.tention. . novt,t ,.<,rp . ~ _i:v ~ - MllnnrAclurer or-~

I Le>lh 11plit, pr lb. ...... !!O I B I '-rO'T j B t & Sh Oats, rr b111he1..•........... 55 to GO I . _ _, i ~'. . · n Drls. Prime ~less Fork, 00 S qs,

I • Rr11n, rcw.t . .. ...... ....... I 50 IMPORTER OF WATOllF,S AlSt> I 50 llrls. J,olus, 11'/IOU ."SALEand m: AIL . • C:tlll• Feed, lOOlb; a..cka I 80 OLOOK.S, E~GAGE~IBN't' A~D 2a0 B1·ls Clauss ncer c.~u ~ I 200!b rb 3 GO W£DDl~O n·• ;s. 1 I • • ' ' . • Slneo tho Oro, 11.!. Kl!DOE b~q-

.... n ... r to .......... ·•···· 211-410 SpccUclcs, "}'nullcnl ln•trumenls t50 nrls. York \'Ille nccf. MO\'Cd hla atoro to tbe rcnr or lb old Ir :Fqdrl r, pr ~ ........ .... - - PlpMo.ncJJewcllery or all ltlncle. •

1 ___ nnndll'llOO W.t.Tllll STRE.ET. Entra ce

t' Ki!ro. il,pr .• 11...(· ··· jBw22 306 w auir Stroot. St. Jobn'1, N.ftd. l HLj'JARN& CO 'Z .. :~r8St~g~[J:'g!,~';;: .. ~~:~~e1:'°m Jo 111 . pr. hr ..... . ...... • ,PO \oppo8lte P. &. J,. T~11•!o r1•>. 110\-!!S .I!)

:!O bRrrel.I or ranll~· Prl'ah Oy1tor.1~ Just O.T lvod Crom P. E. Island. •115 CUI WOOD .~ CO.

5 ·50, 00

ARrni.'H. miPBEtt t20.H t lnch llemlou. 80 M Hemlock Frninlng-, / = - 1 IBI" All orders Oiled wlU. prompt.-.U Publi~ ice. GA s sro v ES. P.E .L PRODUCE wddoepnlcW11D~Y



"\j . ~fW.!.~=~~il~::.~·a~f.

N~ISANCES ~ ON SA l, E BY • m. son 300 000•000000000~000 TB

. P:,..,LIO A.RE ". OTIPl~.D" Tile S t. .T111111 ·.~ (:mt I .i111tt I 011· f~ W ood & eo Oor. Colonial and· Gower ltreei.. Very Su~ncfr "" ·' •· Oompnnv bovo juot rcceh-ed1\ ship- lJ, (on t e old •lte). '

thR~ Oro wlll boll 1.Mm•e-to-houso mcnt orblUIStovco pero.• . ',A•syrlnn.• I Tho cnrgo or .i1e • lenmcr M. A. Provisions, Groceries, Pl~ned Shi' ngles • .... , vl11lt lion by tho S:ml(ory Police, un- Tl.,.nSto,·cs mlly now boacen nt tho I Stnrr rrom Qhorlo(totown con,sl•Ung • der Y ordeni; AS PalJllo lloRllh om- Con11lnny•s OOjcc. fi"' For rurlhcr or :!000 bushel• npw OATA, )00 brla. Tobncco, Cirnn."Pl>tntooe1 Tumips.

cer i i;,j;lt. John's, nnd under tho pro· pnrtfi:'ulflni, np~y to(; I Pot•~ocs, 2.J t.rlo. Cni·rol.9, 30 to1111 lmta, llte., &c. villa~ or~ PubllcH~nllb Act, 1689_, W . ./...E' T' l IB P.E. ltland II Ry (•mnll bide). nov4. .A.t C1u~rentPricef!I I!'. w . HORWOOD,ltllLL. llud ~bo Act.a In amendment t ltorcor. J.'< l ' .1.' ' nov6 t.o I/ey nultADoo Is rolUlcl on 1my pro- dccH. 'see. t , J ohn'• Clna l.t.' Co St1:md11rd )lnrl>_lc Works. _.....,_ ___ ~------- 18'"Tlfet411hlngles aro admitted to mla~and the order lo romovo ~e KOBE FLOUR re tho F!Ni:ST lo tbe llarkci, Hm within tw.,oty•f<>tlr hou"" l• liot ~1 OCJ< 13 \ RY · . 1 - .t.L80 ,-

:~a ate!l'~;~=C:t!~~~{:~t'it'. aVi:JiliFT wocfo&'co JAMES MaclNTYRE, -- J0,000 Dreued Clapbeard, an4~he upeIU10or ao doing will be • PllOBll.ICTOR By Clift Wood & Co • ARCH H CAMPBELL recove-red rrom the ol!'ender i ummar- PORTY "OASKS \ - ower-ttreot-Fooi T~ea\re Bill. ~· K b ' . • • • ' llv. 'If .iew or the present daner Extr'actofHemlockBark 200 Barr o • P1ou.i--u: abor. ' '·I U r h""' It•- h John'•, No\Vf'ouud!Olld. Aaayrlall. dec211 ~Ho.alalpal Dook It l priJll'Ulo-1\.

Via ta Ono !J v,..ra, ,. OJ'- - "Lion" brnnd, a J>ortle.n!l\' 2'1 - J ed L tbepubllc ~ ln r.· O NUMl!'H.Q, HISAOSTON•S, ~ ..;i;;::::;=•""----.---------~:;, or~::.ropl'!tlOuawllho un CODTO:tyGUES T OMB:· .. :::~;~6:,;~~:~~ Wills 8c Sons. :BARBADOS/ MOLASSES. • • P~bl~ il:a?t-:sTu er . MARBLE WORK AROlllT~j(~ SUPmuffBN- ' l?Ot084LB tfr ~

llH HD cmLEF£ED FOR llE. FOR SALE DY E~~~~en1:rTI'~~~l~ w~:t:.~r~ DENTS. & L TE s s I ' R, By £LIFT !!h.00 & CO P. & L. TES !ER moderate Chl\rgo. Oftlce: UOr. Pr~ott aod Duck- • .OHOIOE

-::t GO b p and G01ha1rb-:g. Br1lll, • A{rew cuea or cholco Ood· Tonpea. Deslms sen• on Application. ~0r!i~~~·,.~11106 :::..a:- &om lO BARB'DOS MOLASSES 60 pPrtahjJ&ttle:P-. oon:1 decl6,~ . ao..-11';\y • , """11,tlw~. ~ •~_.a-.i.. '




.. By Mrs. ~1exa11der MeYel{Jli .lflller.

•The impudentupsl4rt I' she ex­claim&. • Whnt cciuld abe me.111 by 1uch talk 1 It is not true, of course. H ow could she hold tmy tlrunaging aecret or youfa 1 The idea.'

·The idea. i~eedi' said lln . \V111. l\!P, but in a vety faint voice. •What could ahe know 1 She was trJing JO Crighten me and make me take her 't.ek. She wu a fool for her paiDt ' rm too old a Wd to be wliere!._!iD!~~e.\!!~ eauaht .With cbaft' lfi

•!lien 7011 baYell't UJ llOl'lt, ~ really, A1111t KatbeziDe r. S... llanm a ub, relieved, for -edaing · Kn. mliirf--. Thamdyb'a loob and ~ bas ~ for1bii eomehow impreued and atartltd illnlll iiDtl her. lido o~wide

• A aecretl No, child, don't bo allly. In Come into the houe and (IP to bed.• ington &. Git - • But, ob, auot Katherine, 1 forgot C111hionablo aud wealth to tell you: Alex Warren jumped aeek their amusement into the w11ter nf~r~that girl; Uc 11.t the.'lbore or in tho ounwm, but may be drowned I' a.• 1]iese form but a 1mall per cent..

• J,et him drown then: What doc-s ofThe multitude. there is still • la1ge i~ mutter to us 1 Como to.bed, Sercun, p~pclrtion left to present A busy and il's onor ten o'clD4:k.' bustling I nppeaN110C. They Wtllk

OHAPl'ER .Xlll. }"tvK dnys after Uiat tmgic night,

Alex Warren, walking slQwly along Pcn°"ylvania A.\'enue, come.i foco to fo.ce wilb 11 Jruly0-lbe Wt onu be would have thought o( meeting io W:uhingtou- M rs. Thomdyke. -

&th sl4rt, rind stop; both speak ut once.

•Oh I Mr. \\'nrreu, tlll'n you were not drowuetl, uft~r ull !' C~llims bit ruother-i11-law, i.!!A.IJIJlUf\reliufi-

'No,' he nnswer>; nod then both pnuse. .A 1•isible realrniut foUs uu both. Mr.'Warrcu bn~ never m .... ~i Mrs. Tborndyke. A few nrtful word:i from ) Jrs. Wnrren ha\'O drop­(>l"<I 'n sinister suspicio11 in his mind ngoios t her I but, in spite of his pre­judice, his hcnrtsoftcns into n nddcn pity ns h~ looks nt her uow.

She is dressed from ~end to foot in mouruing-he.ivy,lusterless black. A Wack cmpc \'eil of the tbickes.t, hcn•·iesL qunlity is thrown O\"Cr he; lionnct, n11d fall~ almost to her feel. ·On h~r l>cn11t1f11 l, high-Lrt'tl fncc is blnmpcd nn expression or utter, hope­less desIX1ir.

lier h"3vy eyes, tlmt seem to sec nothing through tlicir milt of unshed tenr.s,nole meclmnicnlly lhnt he WCllr 3

mourning too, not ostentatious wourning. but·n simple, well-fitting blnck suit nut! cmpc-bnuded hnt. There hns been some chnff nt first nt hi~ rcnppcnroncc in nc" ·apapcrcircles in this guise. A few who know of tho w~olthy nunt down on the cnst­ern shore inquire kuowilM:IY if' tho rich old party hnd died ond Mt him her fortnnCl ;' bu~ Alex, witb thCl 111-conic nuswer, 1 Another rclntion,' dis111 is..<es the subject nL once nnd fore,•cr. So there is no tboro chnff, 11nd, nrter a little, Uie first wonder dies out;nnd it becomes a gcnomlly ncccpwl fcict t.bnt, lliough Wnrre has I011t n relJ!tion, it is nobody's bos­iucss but liis own, nud ho d008n't mcnn to become on object of condo­lcuce:

B ut though be bas put on mourning for ibc yo1t11g liride so tra11ic:illy lost in tbe very hour of her bridal, tb• stc.m significance or ~h• ch11oge does not.atrike him so forcibly ood sharply 1111til he · seea • lf rd Thorn­dyko,'i inky earb of woe. Then be realizes, with~ sudden bitter thrill, wh~l this dtll-k nighL'1 work bns been to her. Ji thrill or pl'Ofolhfd­est pit)' goes t hrough hi1 benrt.

•Aro you h ere alone f Or is Mn. Warren, or-noy 011e-witb you t' he il&lu!, in a :!::en 'Unusual cm­barriJmtn~.

1 · I am quit.e 1110 ' be iulswc/s. briefly 6od quietly.

• Ybu)ha n not left. Wanca Hall -f.or goOd niul all f' he uk.s, or ra. thu auerta,(or aometbiogiu bu ton• vaguely suggests it.

• Yu ,' she answert. There. is a drenry , almoaL pntbetic

quiotn.esa iu nil her\wo~ n~d even pctvndiug her manaer. She does nbt •ccm to WOl!tbat people g1anoo al them'cUiio.taly u they •taod talk-


S]o1rly nloug the crowd~ p.we, past thn lnryc fiue shops nnJ palatial hotels, nnd emerge nt Inst in the bellutiful wall-kept pnrk surround. iug the gro nd white mnrblo C11pitol Ih~. oqn shaded SC!ll close besid~ a lenping fountain, H1cy sit down nud rest, two i:loomy blnclc .6gurt1, seeming scnrcely suited to the bright nnd sunny sceoe, the green, gross, the bright Oowera, and the little wjt-tcriug birds hopping gayly alougthc wide gravcUed walks, chirp­ing in the gladntu or 1heir happy henrts. ·

·· Aro you \hinkiug of teaching agniu r he nsk$ dncr a pause, io which be hns been rllvolving in his mind her wt remark.

1Thers i11 no other alternative. r lul\'c n little moncy-11 very Jiltlo­thnt I saved while I taught at War. ren Hall. After tbnt is gone-if I live-I musi seek another siluntion.'

'.Pho lone is. one of nhnost" npnth~ tic indifference. '.!'lie (nee matche:a tho tone iu its stony cnlm, it.s bopa­lcts sndneas. P lninly, life b111 no­thing left for her. A md-oyed aad­l!Cl,lrted, Jon~omau while yet in her bcnuliful prime. W hat is the history of her life T-lhe mys!Alry, tbnt infold her liko n gnnntlllt 1 He hM cea.'cd to lhiulc, ns Mu. Warren and Serenn'a subtle ituiou11tiom ooct vnguoly mndo him, that it may be a shameful mystery. WbnL disgrace could to&cli this proua, pure-r11ced womnu, with that air or cold reserve slilelding her so effectunlly from vu!- • gnr curiosity . · •I bad tl!ougbt tbn~ Warren Hall

wo.s your homo for lire,' be observes, in n hnlf-inquiring tooe.

She tunu and looQ at .him. A llash of wmtlj[ul pride speaks up for a moment tb'C hopeless andoe5' of the melau~ol{ face.

1 •IL seeiil.ed so,' ahe ans wen. •They woro well contenL to have" me. My aet\'iCCS and untie\ were maoifqld\ and oorrenly requitlcd. l'bcy al­;.ays clnimed lhnt my ' inomnbrnnce'

'little Gay, prcclu~d tlie justice of a llberal Mlary. Still we ~tnye<!-it wns at least n shelte r for our forlorn licnds-umil tbat drcndful nijlht'­sho shivers, nnd her low"voioo brenlcs slightly-thnt dreadful nigM when my darling- my darling--dicd-and they dro\•o me oot to face the world alone.'

Alex W "T11. sprini,>s to his feet.

~)' God were th ey se cruel r bo

en 11 n tempest of '"rotb. ~ Why w bttd you done r

• 1 told Sero1111 the truth-that b\r poisened toug_ue bad driven my liu.le one to lier ( ebe alone had killed her. }.nd I.hen they heaped the cruele3t abuH upon .mo, and drove mo ou~ in the nighl. and tbo dnrkness t6 nolt whllt sbd­ter 1: oould.'

•She devels t' muttered tho youn11 conupqndont. ' A nd where did you go then 7'

• 1"went to some kind, humble people I lu1ow in town and atayed

. EOo~ ... Oil l'esrill pap) •




Page 2: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------

- -"'\ \

!~ "-, J

. I "'J . v



.. ,


Too Jlutlr Adminislrafae llachincrr. Tho Cum1<liu11 Cu:•ll·· {Lou1lou),

•i,uo1cs, nppro,•iugly, the fi:>llo\l'iug fk>m <>lotter o/ )Ir. '1' . .)l. J:u.1cl, )I. I'.,

'- \Tho hll.i bceu tlelin•tin~ :ultlrc~ ... o rn· · 4•uGdn nml tho 1 ·nilcJ St<1tc• n~1i11$l

l t omo l:ulo :-• "l hn\'c, sny~ )lr . .ilus:icll, fou111l n

I·' dty 1£.roni; fl>c)ius lll'•'',"iliu~ 1h.•t untler Confctlcfutiou tho l'.irli.1111uut •)'•tcm hu bcon • o\'01·Jonc. 1si thr . nritirne l 'ro\'iocc,., 1•;opus1l>1 lnw .11>.

<ly hetm m;1<lo ~ •111nli:.lm~t• 1111 t 1r Lcgi151:lturcc..· .. \ nil ·' fi·l·ltu,:.;- i .. gro ·iug- tlrnt n ( \ tlr:ll l'.\tlia111t:nl,

'litl witlo muuicit"-' :ln'l cuuut ~· iu· " ituu ~, wunhl ~1 ''"'· uftie(•\l fur

.. t!.'ln.1d~ 1'hi:. w ~ir .Juh11. )ltc· •~!\>Id'• OWU or ' liOn. .\ml \\Ith l\'Pubr f:O' oruuu.~1pt, ~ginuin;; with tlH' townthip. S"Oinl;' on to tht' t'O\mty, Wen to ti1u l''n.wil(e:e, nthl cn,liu;.: \rith t~~ Uvmiuiun P.1rli.lmeut , JK'OJilo' ll\'·

• gin to think tbc~· Ju.!y h.\\ o too mnc11 or J &:->o'l thiu;;. Ct·rt~iul.'• ~i:;Ju

.( :

,--; l .o:;i•latnl'ti forth• 111illion• of 1"'01Jc 7 .tppt.·~ra !\ hrgl1 :iiupply. This uur;l1l

10 be ... ;.1, howen ·r ; thuy J o •·.·

(~ tti'·ol) liulc. for tho simply rn-vn th 1t

t oTO i• little for them to 110." l'ho' )Ir. l!ussollis prub.1uly influcnccil

t· jc the ,,1Jo,·c rc:inuki, IJy hi• pr\'ju1li\·l,

~r·,.,.__ ·~· .1iru.t ll qmu_1:u10 fur lru1'111l, iicn·r· I . ..... CXl~U>llCC of th1• 1•i.L 1lc"

f• n u <>r more. l'lihc.>wli l~1.1L l1w m.1iut4·11·

' a lC:\?' of :rn .rnnnal pro,·i11d.1i· . linruent, i:1 n l11xu1y \\ laich 1~.1~ h1•.1\"·


i~· on th,, pNplc, p.1rtic111.11h: of tlw i;11~r pNrinct·s. \ri1l1 th(\ c:-a~4.:p· li'o1-:tr 011t'\riu, thu ·inci J < tv\·• r. :· ult:ub ;\re un:iLlc to 11 .k1• l)()t l1 l"iJ1~it 1Ul'tt, wiU1 t h...i ~11L .. iliu w~idl t!:t•\' 11•

ctin> from Ott:\w.1; !\Ui 1Jt,. t l;lt: . 1.•rcn· :--o...\.-.ou witn\. ..... l' ;L"·u ,j, 1·

- k. c 01/b'mg fur f,,·01~ :·1um tlu.· l .., l:O\•otm1--ent. 't'h:_f_.•r !1 . .,,

~N:\3Jy h..-\1l 1u t \! ott tu .tirt_., t t'\ •ti.:1 · ~c~• ib l'ru,·iuciJl 410\t-t' 111•·1i:

f(o111 IL ukru111r y ; .11111 1i.,. .\1..lil;\.,, )'rcn·ioco will h:l\u ;o 110 1Ju, ;..in1t· J,. ..

~±'ro long. Ju o.nlcr 10 J""l' up 'I' J ':l.l'QDCU, :i Bl'\n atiou 1•oliry li:r..i lu I'° p ~UCll iu <WOry 11t.•p:trt111!!nt of th 11l1ulic ll(lrvicc, 03puciolly the kcopiu • ot ro>ds oud l>ri<1P:5 in rcpoir. .

W hen. II~ amollar pro1·iucc• \r.•ro .. ~ ~otl or .c.•jolod info jojm'i>i; 111 · r· t nus with lhu lorgor pro1·i1 "/


l noun, ihoy {.""'" up whntowr or I aaloli\'o imlepondonco thny I t 1 ;;,tr?y of lho oom~. It i• true the

n me of 1-e .. ing o (l>rlinniro1 m· 10.1ine1l ; bnl iL "'"" ouly a mon.

lldow. l'nJor tho pro1•i.iob, of th~ llritilh Xorth.A111orit::1 Ad. tho m tk­

/; ia~ of the t'u.tnn11' 'foritr the u111..,.i· ,. lion of impott we., tho r.:gul•ti11n of

lil<le ud commette, 'lwJ oil other iu1-pj,n.nt law1 ,..,,., gi"reD to the GoJ!l.·rol

Qegi.1a&111e, ud ~u loe:il legi•l uure•

~ left a!mvl1 lo .,.hnini•t. r thm

padl, llnd &ci i- a f.·w 1 ..... , ob ~ht• •lone with ••11111 if nut

r pnrpeea u.r • monic:p•l~it·•. only a qnes\ion of limo how mu~h

lcillger the local 101,-ialaturea, with nil tleir ox~naii·o ~nplwrnolb, "ill he

-ltept,up. Thoy hovt• •lro,~y v;,._.1 tlloir .. , oucl oro 11 "tul1•mtc1l through 1 timont, M I o wrou:l11•1l cling to th pnllry .ll'llpping>< of their ft)nuor nntuo ce.

! 'onfod~ ion lfQundetl tho 11 •. uh /' kni!ll o r 0 lcgilhth•u Uit1"pon1loncu

of tho ro11•\, pro•pcrou• liUlo colo­nie1 of rc;i< Rrit~iu on tho Gulf of SL f.n, onu, nu1l >oO it would io<l ,vith ~uwfoundl•nd.

I M6d°el of th;' Eurydice.' )(r. John :French, IOU of the IJ tO

U..j)!Ajn corpc rr9nch, h.u n inodol ._. ofiha ah J.urv1Ul:o •I hiJ , .. iJcn<o l. . .on King'• d, w$ieh iA wtll \fOrth ~ ~iug. o:\Stll'Cll 23 iotlios from /t•o qu•rlor to ~cod or lh• jibboom,

• •nd ir .. complotctl hy .ll.r. }·rquchju•I 'J be!oro Ibo July firo, 'tfter bciu" in h~nd. About ten mo11t,l>1. The n~ol is full rigged goip;r' free, nud with

~orf • litc11 of c:inv:1S act. F.,ery 1hy,

h l!,ord._ nu1l block, la in ils l'l•co, Iu lo tho bo•ta, c.1boos,, companiou­

way, port nnd •t.llrWl\l li11hl boud•, \ °' ' blnn¥1o, 11.<lpa loadlni; to thq qunrtor d ick, ~·ith bnw rnilil around thua.1mc, nro perfocll Th1eo Jflinituru .nilom ·a~ntl on thu look·out !0Nll1oocl, ono 1 im ia nt tho "heel! nnolbor nt Jiu·

• \ d nkoy·winch, \Yhi\c. tho blnck wol: hlla juat omor~d from Clio gnll~y wilh " cotro .. pot in -ono hlllld nnrl n pinto in tho o ther. Othor figuiu occupv dUTeryit partir oft.ho dtck. The Eng· IDlh ]Jatign ftoobl f rom lb• 10iuon pc•k nnd l!wr1. :Bainc,,Johnltouu'• fJa" u

·a)oW11 al tho moip 1011. A ltotethor l ' th modul ii ono of tho m09t 1W.ri>et of

I' 'IW kilJ..d tbiU Ibo writer h .. overl lolln.


ltr. F'Nlnch bas Nlfuaed f30\r~r it, na !}At t um would not · rcmuudrtitc him tor th- limupent iireomtructing it.


, Feb. 2, 1893 . ) 'l'~c Daily '.fi:lbm (e. ~t. John's, N

~~a~~.·md Com~re~QO~fhd~Prow_s_e __ ~N_n_v!A~vn~•~m~~=E~M1=~n=s=.~~~~.~.~1=1r=ru=,=~u=r=rt i=~=m=m;1~=. ~\~~~~~T~~=~~;u=~~~~.~~~~{ss-~E~-~~~=~~~ NEW YORK LETTER'. On!hr l1ireor~lli·i1;11lmh .lnly, I002. G RAND \LAKE

\.. '\..!Jh!l ttth. l. ~

WJIE.\T. Th .. ;n.:1t'uf J-.;\:?",r. :li'/111;.1~11 1

~ id'} l :l.G, t T'.'P ;,.,I, I '."i.000 111: ltl·! ... ; tlh• ;\Cl'\: •• :,;.• t..f J •.J;! \\",,:; :1~1:1:1I,130, ~· l1·l l l;t. !, t'lO}I Jl.i,!11~•.t'OO l I hl'I•. Tho popnbtfou h ... ;:~. it11 •l .• !"(,Int J."i 111i11iv11-.. l'h\: p1.1 C'.tpi\ ' i1l1"l•·1' " iu 1tl".1:1•.t .. u Uu·.(• ... 11 of 7ll uiilliuit.,.lm ... h· •' Ii; p1•r r•·~r t~ t' lauuw t.'Ull 11111rtiui1. The.• ,.un1l in ... r~.l..t' of If 111 illhn1"' Ht .: .. .t1•1;.. ... ·.t,P\Y..: t' 1<11,t dn fur !t ·r l·bim th .. : 11..,Hhinl, of tho l:i m1lliou. in· 1 , ......... in pt.:p.11.t~iu!t h}\t· ],.. ·v1mfl•y J.:uh or prt·f,·;.1•H •' i:tli ~Iii .Ill u ( dt!t-t.

IL app1· •f"> cun.·nmpllua l'l~·.-.. f.1 t•·• th1n 1h· 1 .l11cth.1tJ c,;f w1.!\lt. ·Thi w,::l·I'• .. a111•ly iu lt\OU. un,11itlt• c..f th\' l 'uit1•ol ~i t. .n.1 l '\· r.1'•11, w.;. l.i30 n1iilion 't>•"l"l" .\m· t.•t ic.;\ tlu.·n ;:r w t:l!J million\lJ. 111 JS!J:.! ti;.· w(lrl·I"• 'i'iM1 out .. hh· of ruit"·,1 ~u:c1 •n·l t'.~ l·l a \\ t ... 1.G~:.! williun l•:i...hc1... . \ \ l'r.'l;._'l' fur t:\"t'lt

~·~.if .. JI···~ ,.,._i.o( I .•if~ rnillluu huah 1,. \'J1iU;1I :..t.Ut•., :1;:11 <".·n:t1b iu "Pl ·' ,.4 prl.•lluttit.'11 1k11:1:.: lhc •l"'C.\\l~ f1ud1 t:m ~u :;;[ 1,1illiun t.·1~h~·J... l'11H· ·1 z-.\Lh:• -.u\.1 fron1 nup u f }:"" '1 !v utl11•t t:•Jll1l·

trh.•., _:. • uillioa ln: .. Jll'I· . It ·1pp~· 1h W<l · c th onl)i r<":H111y J./1\'" in~ in pt!)\ uctfon . •I n"'mnptiu~ nt th11 fiUh'. • I

'c rct.;1ll no l'-~l ".l.UI\ tin! J1.\'\

l,y, u \Yu?b1' \)l' , .f,on' t1yiug- tu \\·inlt·r wlin.H . Tllittg th· n llir. ,la,\• nutnmn IHhl bD\\;N 1.·uhl ... ,. :ht:r 1.1 f 1:,'l:? ntl l~!•:l. i ·rol·~ f..,Ho,,i11;.rt·\'t•r1· .~t·1~l!n:1 u-ut:.lh- mu•lm .. "· t uh· :\i1:..11ll fi.-, tu ;.; J •r c 0 ·;1:.' J'ldi. : i.:1~! ~. \'.', ~i.ti ·i· I,!•!,• dt'-Ht1ll:l" ;,.'J- i!1:d W' •' will J, t1""''" r ~:1• ,\·:r.~.,.-t1 .: l }' .. i111.t~· 1ct•·i1·t... t,. I.,\,· . .. . t·.nn .ry •, l ~ .~, ~lr ~ \\I •• 1' i:t •'11~ UP.., .. ';·I Tt •l d.1

0\s ! ·:_ .. J. al i;•1 •. Jl•l i: 1i

l.1."t I ·~:r:? '• <',1 }t \frfl•

I. 1 j "-'II ~· i' .. 7:11 \rt• f•:"\(•1

J.n,·in•· • :: !1· """'i· !:~ ·1 • l t'\t .l if 1:1 . Ul.1::~1. tl· li.:1 · llJ J "1 '"' 'I ll"U :!.·· !u : ··t'tl t.· .. 1 nti1.

('Ol!X. 1'b tiop i hc.1 :~ •·•wit i 11 i.11 '

..)~UH .II l\t•!.I" l,•"'i. f t 11; v ( r,. ···ipt .. uni~· . t. ·11~ l i I' t· r(':1t in· !l(•1 :-. rvntr.i··! ;;:-ld1· in ( "hir 1 •l'· 'J'J.,. 1\1.•1&1 11111 !t·r t"\t:L. n11 ~1:i·Jll i 1·111ph ,. !'Ii. 11hit1d1t::rn .. ?i)lt t•f Jl•l WI! th r "'ttl'li'1~·1 CJ\·,·r \;iii. ,t•· ~. 'l'h-·n·

:. •t•ni.. no r1..l.>rm lu t:XJ•~ t )•1.nk lO,JooQ,::J&t ,<:ll nt low 101·<b, i{. Ollc·hnl f tlli' i)...

rt~ .11,~ut •oem·ity 11f ho""' i .. 1111 .. l!umt1n .\h~ th .. t. l:'Lr&;t' Ct)u.•r.~t<u' .1rt• cnnc .. mtmtin:; a line of cu1 u t:ou tt.tcl" fvr )lny dclin·ry. 'rJw .,n·•.tgo pti\:~ (\ Ci\ih corn in c:hic.&:.;u fur 10 yt•.•t" l I lt1i- w~n alw\tl I~ .<out•, \I hirh w~, tl1u :wcr:tgc ptico iJr 1b!>.::f, ill-:"-tiu"t nr1 o\'er•so 111 11!91 of :;~g ccui., au•l in 11:1$3, of GI} cunt . Tho lo,r, .. t n.vcr.iga ot . ..1uy nn,• p~!\l' \\" 1 :'\ I~ c.tnt-1 ju 18.s!l. I~ wuulcl •t·t111 iuvt ~tor~ c.iu11or u1lk<' a ·riou~ lrrur iu htt\·iu" ·' J•roduct 111.11 i• cllinb nt ,1..,1it i\; :..\"'rt:tg•J f1.1r ,;a..,h yoou for ai'.tlt·tn ~~A. p~t. C 'oru i ~ nmY \runh nhonl i~ c-·nh t~ f,·oJ to hn~•· .\ 1IOll' i• 1<ilJ of nu llliu~u.,-fmncr who \I II.•

n k, 1 w !1it h '1'1U t;vini; to dv \\ il11 wJn Yi Ali1l Ju~." lHlrcorn.'~ "\\"li:'\t fur I" aai·I Iii» "w111irer, In 1rhic11 11t· l'f'..l)'OU1lt'tl, •• \UtlD;,.r IJl311 ! uel <'r tlo l111t OD•l thing-, ) n...-\ UlOn~y lO ltU,. curn :o fc •I hogs tC>-eoll lo j!jd money t.q li.1) wrn to , II to t."'l 111011ry to lmy eoru tu fwetl hot;• tu ··11, t tc." .\ 'ol:1tt1;"' woul11 nut ~\· mote_.

0\TS. 'fhr. vi~iblc contium:~ dt: r1 iu:.;.

,:;•l\tilncnl "Com• In 1io~tonn.1nt. !'on· 111mcn nl;,,orh uppli1·A f. ... 1er th· n f.11·· mcrs rol'l•ni•h t11rm. ~lnrkot flul'l113· liowr "~cm to U.• plnying t>~ with lhoii;· in othor i,>r.1iu pits. "·u h\vo 1111n:v fri~ll•I• in the co1omorrial Stol"" 1rhu look fo>r ·10 cc·oto.'I~ iu Chic:.11:0, in the ne~r future.

l'JtOYf l OXS . •'\ ut·' Ti n : Fu:L •

~No. t .) • P .\Ttlll"t" l°IT1.l'.\'Wllt'R ( {..'t11•1011-}..f;rm·n~

Public Notice I h.wv h\"f"lt ,, M•t\':\llL with )Ir.

Timutliv I hi nu~ Fn,.\tw .• tt. r J:o.-ul for nhout n'ino w.uw .h th·· limo of tho Hr,· "''' h.d


l1•u Cuw1-. tiix cowo il"cro in tho htJn, l~)himl Urim ' how.f'. ,\ fl1·' W~l 1uilkctl \hO.·C .ix CUl\'d

(.\1111~orii•1ln1l \\'. l:l''ll '"''" mill:· jtl'o~ with tno), J wou L in1ioe ulhur 1'1rh 10 milk tloc otlll'rfunr cow•~ I "cut i ll thi. 11.lfll finJt, [ Wolll UOl HlllOldng. ( h 111 nu pi pt. in 1")' muuth thnl •l•y.

·1 wn1 in thu li.un nl.out l 1•n ininulc. h.,r.,,. 119.o 0 ,. l.rok•' uut; I """' lhu hac lir l int t.• ""mt Jaw": t '-"Orlil1r of lhc l•un •• jt 1111ltir 1hu 1'\lt)(, It '"'' lolowini; • ~·lu ur win1l fro111 tl;u \\'l~t­\\,\fll, .Ulll tJM ~;VJ•Lc mud h1wo. CUUll! frum o huu.,., to \tfoclw•r•l uf ou.... 1 ;;ut tl111 tOWtl 3n1l lion- out. I ui.:do ltu illMl>pl 1u 1'111 out lh•• lihl. lly llw timl~ J ;.:\It ont 111\' co\\ .. JA11 hvr \.'• :lw whulu pl.\C~ \\'.U5 .ilh1.. Tln:rf '~ nu wat.•r 11nly iii th,. pump. I\\\.,. fif­h-~·u Jninuh.·• fru111 lh• fin· ·.I .tm uftlrt! 1)11f"tc tlh' lir.t t.:ni;iu.., rnrn ~nin.·il. TI1cl'\1 \,n .. nu ,r.\tt1r in tlw hytVmt only >rin•I. 'flwn• ,, .. ' ' 111n1: Ml('"r o r tium nut :t. ,1ro~1 uf w1k w:i.~ tht0wn ''" the fir«. Wu h •l ix or '0~1 ton• u( h1y •hugdlr.·r. l:il~ ti\'u or l'liX __,cwt. in L11lt l1uh 1 .l

crnght ""'· There w.'" unly o • C.1.•k of lto,.,,.l)ltO on in lho •hul'· fft.J11re hnd\L.!~11 wull•r thrown on thr firr• whoir th~.tgino c~mr, tlirn· wJ.'<' .1 ;:ou<l clw1co to 1111t out-+!1e>lire. If lions·• ho1l !i.•1•u pnllad 1lown, tho firu might h.\\o been s to11pcd. ~·ur 1111• lit~ )1.df nu hour no ath•zopL w m .•le

IQ[' 1lu1 tir,.. hi•

I' \Tl!lt ' l\ :.-:, l'ITl.P.\Tl:!l'J;:, J.1.11~.

:-;,,·uni .u11~ 111"', .. ~ ~;t. .John·~, t!ti 1 ; th •lo\' •.·f .~II~ I t, ,\, I)., ibti~.

!I \\', l'Ut>\\·s1:. Sli!' ·nili 11~-. :'\11°1.

I Y.' \01·1.1 , ~ ., ... : I .1:11 :t •t\.mtuf:\lr. Th1u•i1v f!iin··

l\\'u ~•·Ji' • tut of n.;.il!dn1; i:v\•.< f r-.:­nwtnl~·r F1id.1y, ~· Ji of .1~11~-. 1•\.-tli11;.;

vf 1111.• gt•·lt tit"l'. t tu th 1 .,·.·11i11;; \ bo\' u:nm'4l \rilli:uu J;,. rn, '"' h" i " it:1~1 pl~yi.:11 hl )Ir. lhiu; ... 111.1 1'·.'1i·k Fi tr.p:tlrid: Wt'l•' tpilking ~! .. • rvn·~ with uw. \\'r- tom:n,·uc1. .. l iuill.i1.;.;­,.uw •. lhoul i.-Hi ot t. :JO p.111. \\\•all


~'lktil lir>~iu onr •L•l•loo. Fil:p 1:l i-·k.

thcr •Cr\'3nt of )fr. llri1w'~ Ii, (, 1i. ~u 1\lhl milk iu :t.ll1''h•1 I.ii n or l.l'f' ht.•JtiJUI t iw ! ·,:i:. '\,\\\1 milk1•1t

r.r...,iu 1hu lr.11u huhin1l"J1•) hun~~. J•it i p.,lrh:k w. 11 nut b'OU · f wtn° lli un·r ~'"'11 or eight ntinuh-11 )1 fiJn· we lu•.1nl tl1u nlnrlll o r fir~ fn.111 }'it11u11ick. \\"hen ho •·nn ... 1 lir<•. I r n 11°11 into tlw clwellin~ 11011•"· Tl,,. , t.•l of :he lmu \<'hcr1• FillJ1'•1rick I. .1! I ••· 11 u1il!<­inh "'"'' OU tito. l J1 "' 1M;f•U !\ t-,.t• unt of )Ir. Jimolhl llr111,. fur clo1·cf1· yc•r•. Fit•'f> 1tricL: h. ~'"'" n ten·nut or ) Ir. l;riu.:'" for n1 ..... ~ll t·i-.;lit yt\.·u-1. llu hi.I Uc•·u tnruo•l air ,. An1'1 time• mil ta\::c·u lt~k :lpiu. ·

loor .\ '.\X :.-: XOJllH!;.

in.irk. Swuru ht.•fu1u UU!·, :it :-o;t:'l'l, this 'l~lh •I>)· uf ,\ug-11 1, .\.)),, IS9:!.

l•. w. l'ncnr::n-:, Stip .. n•h .1~-, :'(ft,l,

(No. :l. fr \1Ml\" Jh..11 1~ (Ja°i!l!Jt1°), 11 uru: •

I lh·o m1·1~ Urinu',.. 1 w.h on th,\ ~poL wll!'n l m Hl'o l1;uko uul : i: \'•1-~

·lx•twurn I.~ p. 111. n111l 1.1;. I""'· I ~\W ilhl "nlUkO rrOHl Jhint..' J :tt ll \\'Jw1t

· 1huy l·P':t> t••• .1l1t111 of fin· 11 w.~. m-.irly h.1lf nn h~ur fro111 tlo•· nl.11111 uf firu 00fut4J t ile ;,tc.1111 (•nglnc urrh'l.'11. \\' Jiun t.lio _qkam cftkiuo ntriH.'•l it. , ... l-. ual i11 wuuPint: urdrt; till.lam \\a, ;101.. UJ'. Them .. w~ly n1JU111. twu :t111l a h1l f f,·cl uf w11 111 till' t u1k. Som" week• '"1il"' t 1.1~ lho fin• • n~iuo hnd bt-t·H pr.\t"h"'ill(.:" tip th1•h.' .uul l!ic t~lnk wa. .. Ual'n • 1111,m• t11:t:1 tluN~·p:l : .. • 1up· tirtl , ·mil w, Jlt!\'Cr r~lilll'•l. .\t tlit• liml· uf tin· fir.! it Jn1I ouh· two i\!Jtl a 11 tl f fd'l 'J'Ja,. t rnk n:1 .. 1nuru ~It u1 h'H f1.1 t 1lc1·p. Sul1-Jn .. pt ttur ~ullh·.'" lultl 1111· tu s;:• t .t 1•0Jo to 11 ".:!\Ore t11c •l•·plh o t l\o.l•·r in tlw 1.1llk. The fi r<• in th1 .l! tc:uu t 11;..oi 1.<- woultl not l,uru, lUil liu 10 \\" uul CH•JU;.:h uf w.11cr in tl111 r~ ... 1·f\·u1r ro tmtnp. 'I It·~·uu 1·11· ~in+• wu .. uu :ltr i.:rountl an i1uur or mon1 l ... ·fv1e it ~~u\. into \\'ut kiu~ unlcr. Thi y 1· 111tt lu my pl11c1• :1D1l ;,"tit..) wo n.1 llut1:1 uf Ji.c•tUtl·H~ oi), l ilt• firo hc1,r.m to l1urn up tlwn; 11uL il n·:._~ UCil until tf10 -,t;•:\ru t.'n~im1 ~ut w.1t~l' throui;-h tho lo.,..u nl tho h1·;"l ~f l.011.:'• ll ill, tlnt tJi1 , 1te!l111 •:11g:mu tt•Jlly lwg-.1n lo wo1k. Thi• "'''" folly"" hnur afte r th1· 1·11gin1• nnh·etl. '1'111" flru J1:itl Hl.)1 ~ot cl O\\'U lllQll' th:m \W() 1aUU!fl'l'SOn lho F1t:"liw.1tf\r nn1l Jx;fun1 the t.!llginv be~ ;:•11 lu w111I.. )ly 80Jl·i11·l11w, Kolly, ~ountlNI tltt• t:\nk nf1f'r ~lu~ pt J" tico; Ill' fuuurl Olli \' tl .. reo f"t•t of wnlcr in 11. "'""'1; .1 ii fur S11u·l.n<pcc1<ir S 11lho "'tha fire; ! ouly fuun•l

1·0 '1wl ~ 11'.!tf f•·e~ in ii. 1 n r:x m.- nor..:.


LAD~~RS .. AIT' lit, 11'1,-;1,;;l~/1•1'.v /11 S t. J ohn'd, nr o.not lllcd th!\\ , hy Lnw, n subDtnnllnl Lntl.<lor abnll bo llxo<l to tho Uoor or c.l •ory D»·olllng l!oufll> nnd ltOJ>~ tu good repair, uxcup~ whcu a rc'"Ull\r nee~ lo tho roor, rrom t h o lnsl3o, Is provldctlb end Huch lntldor llhhll bo pr ovttlod y tho p roprietor o r auclt Dwclllng llouan. Anti 11vcry p roprltltor or" D\lo:Olllng llouao who sbnll nl.'lito tJ(•f1\Ult theroln 'nhnll ror e very ofrerico forfel~ nnd pay a. lino or I wo. dollnnJ, to bo roco,•ered wlUl costs Inn aummor wny \lororo nny Sllpc11dinry JlllLI ror t e Oontnil

~~lro:!· .,~:!ti.!.'\~ 'dr by :rt..!.~1e.~! goo<IH nnd clMatteh<. ~ l.:iw will bo inrictl) enforced, a.nd nil oll'enders prosecuted wbo nave ao~rovtded ~~~~~~~,.11:~h~1:.dden thin ten


M>~.rp Ltpl'ndlary Mag!Ara•. --~--- --

• Hin J:xcollonoy tho Oovornor 1 n Council hM boen ple""ctl to nltnr tho nam • or tho followlJig aoLUomcnl.8 :-

•• uutt~I'• l t lnntl," Uom1 v ista Brty, t.o b~·" SL Bre.ncln.n.0

" l,ower S hon! lfarbnr,'' Trl11i1y B:tv, t > bo "Clnrenvllto . .n

Sci:rctary•o 01\lcc, J 11I1. 31, 1893.

T I.IJ>: NT,:W ,

Photo~raphic Studio. Cor. Victorin nml Qo,.•or Sl8.

i:. Wo LOYN, PltO l>lt,[ETOR . .

'i'hia Studio wh(ch hn.s been built nnd fitted at great cxpclllO, is now open for l.n.Jnra.

l·:n:BYTJll~U ~mW ! I Tl:~ ln•trumen l.111 01.tlngB and occce·

fiorie11 ar.o tho ncwcwt. nnd •m08L Imp roved.

l'U!CES fOll WOllK WILL llE MODEl\ATK Aa o;(ponsoe ttrO noL 80 g r coL

as tbu oltl Wntor S Lt'cclOBl.nbllahmcnt . E11lnrgcnlClll8 mndo f'rom ncgnllvce or nny :wnllnblo prcturo In O il, Or ny­on tir lntlin Ink, or by t h o Bromide procest.. ®"Tho n ow populnr JOltl~ Oll portrnll, -. b COV)' gold (r11mo for $7.(111, Snmp)ea can be ocen nt the Stu<l!o.- fcb2 61,ood .

TOBE LET On building leases 1 1111 tint \\' ~tc,., l'roperty •i·

tue.te on tho south sld t> of W onir St., lntely iu t hi occnpMcy or Metllll'll. llttt\'oy & C A l8o-AU that wator­slde lntoly he d by tho Coast.Bl Slenm· ship Co. Alao-ellg;blo Building lots eltuRto on tho Slgnnl 11111 rond. For terms, apply to

'Vll .1. IA:lf C l .Al'!', Solicitor.

OFFICE:-Nco.r Senmn.1UJ1 Home. ~b!?,31,lh,s&t. •


D Tlit~ Down-Stairs purl ion of IH'w woo1h•n liou .. q on

All'Xnntl<'r Jtl'<!Cl. Apply t<> T homq5 .\lurph~, :!I ~loxnndcr 8t.rccl.- fb2 '!.: 1<'01· ,..ale- h y toudc"' l'

• Now J,ylng nt P. a: L. Tes. sler'a (upper premli!ea). Thia vcdel h:ui bucn recently rcbulll nnd enll\J'g· cd, 11lcatbod with Or~nhonrt PIAnk, for tho proaocutton of tho so111Rahory, and Is now ~Oii tona gro<!ll. and 2711 to1u nett. Pnrticulnrs can bo obtlllncd from t he Truatcea nt lho o mco or I'. &.J,, TCMler.

rldf' Sen led tenders to ho add.eased lo tho nndorelgnct nnt.l wlll ho rccol· \'Cd unlil noon on l'"Cbnrnry 8th.

W. J. S. DONNELl,Y} Trualoea J. OOODFEl,t.OW ·

rcb1 ,.n,w,th,r&.. R-1-~~Vl--S-I_O_N _____ -

Oj'"lltc LI.~/ oj' J 11rOi•x j o1· St . Jn1111 ·.~. f1>1· l'cm• 189.'l.

'l'hc J .l~tR orOrnnd lllltl P e U.yJ u • rom now untlor r ovl•lon wtll be opoo rur tho lnapcctton .g( tha publlo ror two weok• from lhlll tlat.o, t\Hbo pornry Court Howie, Soamnn•1 H omo.

/ D. W. PROWSE. J . 0. CONR@Y ,

Sllpend l•ry ?>fftailltratea ro r Nfld. Ja!!.!."•ry 31st 1893.-81.



'20 TU BS :l\L S. BU TTER.

2Cases,Egg s . 'l'WEN'l'Y-1"1VE OENTS PER DOZ£~. .

W .. E. BEARNS , .

C~psl A Full Stock Now on Hand.

Of all the Favorite Styles in 0 I o I '• ' f, '

Saiilt Bonaventure's College TJfJS COLC.EGB ftffiJl'I/.~. "' 11w1fr1·11/f' t·.r111:11sc. r .1·1·£·llc11t

nd\•nnt<>go• to aLudcnts. 'l'ho bu 1.l lhl11Ct1• of It• slLunllon, 1h" equipment o ll-o 1choola nncl lho g enornl rurnlshiug or the ~•tnbllahmonL lcrwo nothing to bo d eal r ed for tho comfort nntl lmprovcmenL o r t ho pup,18.

Three Counes:-Proparatory, Commercinl nnd !dntricul:ition (London Univ•ty

- TE.RMS :- Dny Pupll.8, ~12, ' tr., e tc ., per nnnnm, nccordlni; to cln .... --J.Jo u rc.lcr'"'-~ l Cl() J)PI' u unutu.

Prospe~lullCll :ind oth"r pnrticulon1 011 nl'pHcntlou 10 1

. J . :r ... ~Y .... A."JV.£'ERY.

50 Packages Choice Dairy Butter, 160 pnckngcs Choice Komo11M1kn lluucr 20 hair bnrroJ...rlp P~rk-t! J>Ccinlly for l'11mil~· nso,

600 Dushcls Hc• y Blnck Onu, 00 ion• Best llny, :!00 !;nok1 Ilrnn, 60 Snck• Mn rllo, 60 Sncks Shortn, 60 hrlw. Yellow Corn ~lent, . 60 hrls. Milt! Cured U:inle-1ho \'cry best lmportl'll, tO brl•. ~llld ~urcd Oncon



.. --llO " ' •.•-- . -.. 1\y u sing the•l 1.v\l. .\ l:l's & )IOl:l:JS' l'lrfcrtt'l

Spectacles ::-; and :-: Eyeglasses. Few are the Troubles Affecting the Eyes

vwhich cannot be relieved and cured by the timely us~ of a pair of l'::l<'Jl-l.l '"I~C"f.r Spe c•t.a.c l el"4 J,>rop«..•r ly l'"it.:t<'d.

Cnll ou tho only nuthorllt>d ngent1 who hru< tho proper ayete m nnd ln!ltru· manta ort.Cttttng t ne •lght nntl Rlt,lni;glt1R1ee.

l~ir.9~M~Nt4 Brazil '~ Squar~

flmal.1 ............ 60 c~nta ptr pnlr Largl.'.: .......... 60 t:t•nts per J"'lr Nlekel.plltl:cdSl.20 per po r


nud'Ho111c-f'arnlahlng Storo, l(J Now Gowor'Slrect. Sign orlho J.nC411dt!I· ceoL Lnmp.-JRu23.


stMltlo Llbrnry- lotcot luues. Wh b in nn Ace, by Mt9. O.J cnken,26<1. Sklrmlllhlng, by !lrt1. 0. J onltt!ll, 23c. Bessie Lnng, by Alice Oorkrnn, !!k. Tho Olty of Slirraa, by W. Alhworth Tn)~lor, 2Sc.

Around n Sprlng,by OWll.A\•O Droz,~ In Hot H IUltc, by Mary E. Unllftb :!6c. \3'nree Bower •• Wllo, by Pi>ul ten.

An~~· ~0m11U In Pari11 l50c. llilss lfi,, ldt!llda, bv A.O.OrunLor, l50c. Sir John Lubbock's Beat Hundred

Books, 40c~50C., llO. Rou1lcdi:o' llwny Llbrt1r~, 14c.

·Sometltlug cad, ''ol. 47 • ·Witnker'a A l\nnC, l&93-0lotl1 11nd

Poper Binding. Collins', IA>lta'• nntl Smith'• Dlorlc.,

1593-vnrtouo olxcs. . GAJUtE'r'.r BYRNE,

jnnl' Bookseller Md St.Atlonor.

Northern Mail Service Jlailx trill be :nc.~Jlfllr11 etT

\ivory Montlny nnd Thuniiln1·, until f'urthcr notice, ror Shon! llnrbor,

·Rnndom nnd Smltl>' .. Sounds, 'l'rlnlty, Cnlnllnn, · llomwlatn, King•• Cove, Olode Sountl, nnd Onmuo, closing llt 9 n'.nl. And mnlls wlll be despatched C\·ery Monday from !?ntl Jnttunry, closing nt 8 o •ciock, 11.m:.t for Ooo•o Dny,Indi~m,Sah•agc,uottcl'• 18ld, Ooosebe lelMd,Orccn• ond, Pool• Ialonll, th tllatrlctoorTwl~lngntellnd Fogo,'i.n4 for Whlh>U11y. • Tlicrowll\ be no Rej{l•trntton on m o,.ntnc or de•· patch, nJ\d nll nlall matter p· 1t~d nnor 8 •.m. w!U ~6n1oln In oOlce unl\I IOllowlng week. Books :md pntcel.8 or nn) deocripllon wlll not lxl ror· wordcd,.and tho publlo 11ro recom­mended to m..U.. nowapnpol'll on Ute SMurdny, BR whdh owing to on unuau. .-11nOwc of L<lttere o.nt.f P11port1, lho l etters would bo delayed tr tho wholo woro dealt with lndh1crln1lnnteJy. Pa port! wlll, 1Ju11chcuc, be l<eptboek for next despnlch. Tho oOlcc wll\ bo opened nL 7.20 tl.ln. fOr tho MIO of ~!.;Imps, commencing from llnd Jan•· .a.ry, 18!13.

. J. O. FRASER, I'. !II. 0. Oeoernl Pott OOlce,

St. John'•~ d ee. 28th, '92-Zw


0hSale I!>EN~!?E ~~1~ !~,!~~Y. 10001~~~~:.r::t~ers

Ca binet-Ma~er. and upholsterer. . ecoon.... C h olc"

Wlllhl'll to lnl'orm h ill frientls.nnd tho IU'hllc ccl.rl\11): thnt ho hM COnllllt!D• CIDCKEN FEATHERS. ood buslueu on b11 own account, 11nd Is prcp.rctl lo 1upply nlahoi:teel notice :ioo BMSTE \DS all~lll.llAC!! o!Fum lture, plain nnd rancy. All- lit! d ,_ '

(}111\ os an oues ..

. l!ph'ol~ering and French Polishing. " WdODS'CENTRALllARDW'R&



H<·porLI al.ow tho( t 'hic.'ld~ 1•ickr•l 18 po- cent. I hog- inro ~~rull•·r I. lh~n "''ruu i"'iio1l L_;~ <e.c10u. l!c· li:tblc tli\im'\tC'J iwlir\tu thl• ~!\Mtu• ... p:iddng Ll1l'r t will I .. ! uwlcr · l ,Goo, 000 hofr, agai~t !?,7U1j,fJ(IO l.1 l will· tC'r. Thb1 ineli~t"' th ·rt· L •1 Ct r 11 11rr ••nt, T hr f11li1~ off in "'' ii:;l.1 IO •l.<tO cr1u '"' l ~ 1•0UU•l .... ho~. "Phu, r 1r the :\\"t;r.•;.:1• w.:•i=;l1t h i:e 1~t·u tl~Iowc"t iu-tl -cAtl.-, aucl tluJ nct.ip: h \\'Ch cu thf' lighh-:.t. ~in,·u I}!"~. I~· . CHttly, lhu hu"" ""9't1 fut i.D:i In

. 100 JkUIUtl.i, which '' .~ lllf' hirih1· ·l "inc<' '.\by, 1~s3, .\t 1111 l'iin• Jil,., woulll C\.l!l: O\'i:r :-:to.:10 Jhi r l111utlr1·1I,

but V\'1•r '""11.:iO 1·11r 111m•lr1:d .u11l contr~\ct J"Jtk u\'t't ;~:?1l.:\H pol' 1,,,,,.1, 'Fol" moutli~ p.1~t th11 pn.wluct li:u· lwt'l1 3~1 i• now helow i i. t'»•I t~ m.muf•c· tut<·., )(O>t o r lhu ·2•011 lhu rxpurt tle1n:nut wn.•\.,l:i{,go j l t'('t•nt ly iL hM fnllen urr. :Sl<>"1• huw 110 m•l• rinl inet"·"'o. -Thr ¥ uw Englnml 1lomnu1l r~r 110~ hos. 11\0t'll llllll'IUnlh· bri;e.>0ml •hir,ii(ci11< of mrnl• h


1·.t· 1.1•1111 ma•l~oi!'on Stol t.'-<. The '"''" o f trad~~ \p:'l~krr" ;flul 0111 1clfo1-1 turt­liLtllO to l>t> nt dri lllCO. 1'hi\ h,\., lwC1n •tho ';::a"'° .. iuet· 1111'1· u1umf"r. Fh1ct:i.1tion< in tl10 ~rkcL 111 mu11• r<1pid, ·~d mor. <UHily nlrcrt"l hy hoi; n>C<•iph aud ,.,th,;:;r.. , !h'm for ye.11•. l'.1tkiDJ: h•L 1rceL: · )Ii C'hic"WJ w~• 2!):?,000 ho~ n~.lind .J;"i5,000 I ·t. year, nnd "~ :JI l'<>ill~• 11"'1 loeen :i,. 37!!,DOO hoS", •l(lin•t fi, iG!i,OOQ hoip

Sw~1n 1 •. r.,.., me, ~t St .. lohu'o, t hi• !Ith •lny ~r .\Ugtbl, ,\,II., 1802.

• 1>. \\' . l'JlOWSE, 81ipondior7 No1•foundland: (to bo conllnuodj

«'bniln ratt deacripllon•\''t"'c o1 :!.....~" ustrR c•1 lllOt • ... c., . con· 13 ·NEW GQ\UER·ST. ~ t · ~~ I p t <.. ti d R ~ .. • . And houoo .tumiablng ILOl'Cl,

•t.auUy hand and tu"rnea~rder. U1QrWorklh op ror th~p OHnll,1 t\ -;

· NO. ~2, OFHJQHN STREET,~ BRlZILL'SSQUlRE. Sign JncaudeKont L~mp. (" IMtrcuon. .- jl\JllO,aod,ly • ~ . an17,2l,w4:~


Page 3: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------


) -._T1le Daily _>i·lbune, St JoJm's,_Newfoumlland, Thursd~ty, F~b. 2, 1893. )

~=c-==_~==--=~~~--~-~~-~~~===~===~ =====;:=::::::;:=;::~===~======:;;:~=

i_ cl~grajllHC __ :~L_)..,.o..,s=\l="atcl1. !~:1~i;1~J::f.~:E:~;\g;:~~~~?:;: ~-'111:.r_~,1~~~~;~;}~1~~;:1.~l,iJ~:~ii :o:w .U1\' 1:1np;i·:~n:NTS. ~ pe~4 ... _~!.~1:_ ~u.~ll;\tillfe1, r Sale!_. M:.;~!"~J:_~E~y~~~co. •.. • n·ch·tl lJ\' ;in• illn. t1io11s <.:um,tlOlht \• <N ' ~II u ti.. '9;1) D 1111 en . ... . it?rnnce. aml Oana(la. \s1~~;\~!;·L":::11:;~\ll::~;:~:;:.t:llt::i~ ~~f~:~:E~~;<l~:~~r::~~:~~·::t;~~~~~~ ' ' l~ ~w· ·1·-L' ' L' ·1·A- ' M' : 'p' R,- .-E. w.-. ' ' ' . . c.Jasl)~~.(\Jl·l.~~R·~il~~es~yl~, i:Do·ccenollntdr!e~al,"0· .. f "r-~11·y of j ho ''UtOllMion of His lluli· log, bui, hoyou<l tho •hod:, tho other. N OTI c E . m -

" '"'"• " ol<·titll T" 11,111111 will hu , un:; '"''.' nil rish1: Tho ""c;ine will ho \ ......-- 1 • • Agont and Attornoy rorOll.lllldll llnd ·

··11r: IRISH IJO!L'E RULF BILL in 1l1u \' .. ,i .. J11 n. ilk.1 in thu nftur· rn1<otl from tho bottom ~~ ~oon M .Tito ultc1,!Uo1~ :.SJ the Public i• . . · ?Ivrowullnnd. · · I le. • ' 1 111 · - llwn. poasiulQ ' called IQ~clion •lti<ifili~St. Jo/1n'• Wllll-.dndur,thoH'olldny~o11orrorhlsEnttreSt.ookorJ?rnpcry. Ooodant • •

·~-- J.l-l\.u1h·r !h·1 clir.ictiou :lllcl_ JH• Rcb11iltli11q • .1lr~ :...:. 'bl"Cllth· llc c.h 1cQcl ¥rices. Spcclnl BnrgaUUI In L.~dlos• ) on M MonrOA .. ' f ~ S t' 110.";;"uf'th ~~d .. ty loruaniolic il?- .1 l I , " •" \"illO\" , 'E ·~ Drc1111 ,Olstor"1Jncl.toU11 C11pca,Muas,Sl:>ye,Bolilory · : • • --<;> ~

.UOmg·s \y -· 0.VU. CO la,. k r.•I>, ci .. cr0,.,., j ":lih thi• I \.Ok b"- tli:·.,.- \\ 10. WOU l. ll f ..uC " ., " ' VERY ARTY. WALL WITlrJN nml Gloves, 11nn nil goo.WI o(. priaslng fashion. Agent for Newfoundlnnd. ; ..,;.:r tho limits pro~cribcd for loo ot cc S · k t if 'bl 21 d

- ---- ""ntr.·.!1-i:c.•uti"< c~m111is.ion, rni• ·.-·•h • ·--- Uon or bnlldln1?'1 or ston~. brick As the whole Remaining toe n:ms , poS.Sl e, J:..211_,:..1_.;.•"°--·---~------ll .\l.1nx. ¥ .. l\·h. ~. J~()~, \\ Ill ) , . gh"n tu tho people ill iJllr Ju cu1l\·e1 .. ntion wilh nJ'.nk onlob l or other unlntlnmmnblo nrntorhU~ be cleared out no Reasonable offer will be· refused s . I t B ·11

11 .\ ol;Jf, :rc•I?\ ~ .. , ...... ,,, t' .:tleb ~·~' C~lll~h··· in J:om·· ,luring 11...,,1011 thi• rnurolngnTmocs1: rcportor .uked ~l:~lro~r'1i~C\o:Oi?'t~ • ..;1~~ ~~0J~c:! - . ' ~ILLIAM FRE"W" . \lec1a 0 Ul ( ers.

1. ucc• !t "' l • · t .. n ·''!:<•!. , l'.m.uh \ \' ""'" ' why iL w~s. thn~ nll th'• Imel ltol nuir no wood orJ.nllnmmnblc mntcrinl • -'-·I •t• ,.,1 th. ,1,,. 011 FMi .i, wine" I I- flu ;Jro l l:h, t . 1r', 1hu nomu 1ourch~s roclccl ta thum. Tho nn&wcr or nny descrtpllon, except doors, decomborlO Mnrkct.-HollSO DUI .

.. I\\!_ l't .n·" re , ;. ill • '..:i pru 1lnyof Iii• l1 oli11u» .-u · ur., a •01· lt.1•, ~hn• porch"• hoJ lJeton lmil~ fo:ull door-rrnmca, wit11low->1R1h<'ll, w)n. e;_ ::as: ___ t l a._·~: , i .. iniimn• of •Inly. ,.um T,· o. u 11, will ~ung in tho tho. w ra uud th:at nouu other lmd dow-ft::lmON nu roor-b nrding, ahnll p d J ust arrived-

~ The 111 ift 11ull l~ttl.- Bill.h '" l1ucll 1::1-'ifiooufS lltl 1~1.11i.1 ~ln:;i;ioru in thu thcru UXC•l'~ n _ruw crip1°1 .... but thoac ~~£.'~<ft,~··~~- ld~~rl: od:iS'~:;J~: re~p arc A CARGO OF~M ER, " rnlt!i~}1t 1!. JI i 1 llh ml~ t~ ~~ill l:. l \· · ;lfo: IHOOll. • , ltll\~r WO~~ tnlJl~tQ\l ~y n llltlnl on tho iog: and every •hhnno shnll <rx.tond

-,,.,,.,1 ,.,, . 1 . 11 ,,• , t''(' .. t f J.i- llul!":; 1hu .J)\011'<• yc·or, hoth 1iorch. [ Hlill, S.'1•1 thu tupollor, to n hcigM no le hnn t-,•o ·rcot b ! \ . '' r.- u <\l~ll\O 1,, .IUI . l '· J f I'' " l l f f d • er fl1o 1.:,Jt l.·;;ih:t1••\\ill h."''' t\\ u .1l11111~·· ·"l•l. 111<1<es.toue 1~rcotcr11,x· 1o t.'n nny~no wnu to in out nbovo thcrrldgc-p o. u.:rn Ooul. •Ungof ·

, ·pct I' ·h'u il , 1 I' . l h I c,L 11 1• llol11i<.•" wrll 1.-ccivo lhu Cn- n p.rttculnr w1doworcnppl~, '""'only l'I. J.B. WOODS ,, & l ~-'--'"' 1111'1 ui·:1~,;0~,.: 11 ::~ ·nl~\~~:;~~~-.~111~~.~;,~ .: tholic .\ --~~1a:i~nj.. nf J:oml! and the to discu\'ur th~ section nud hi! c:\u till SurveyorOe ncral. TO BUIL ERS CONTRACTORS 45 .w. .Lii. m a.w&UWL



Th" :-;"' t '"..ti\ J. ... ,Ll.iwi,:.h .,·iu·• l"'o1;l« of J;~"'" "'.. "''."'"! sroup•. by the. for!n•ll~n of tho. \rir<lh! ~··here --''----~------- ; 60 M fl;.2 inch HilDJOok I ... "" tJ,,. f 'v.I l:ill r; .. .,in .. tlh' 1 .. , ~. l f•- h'.ro1gn pt1i:111/l>g<• ma.'· pl:u thr obJcotof1111&Ullrch11 lom1c1l0<~." S'f'A1'U'f0RY NO'J'IOE AND -OTHE. RS. · 100 M ft. all

-. t 11 1 .1 • 4" • ' •• ·" 11 J'bcc du1111:: Rll thu months of,ihe Jcnr ·"I gu1)1)()ao110.":msworc t.11cotlic13L ~

i "'j.' 10~·(.~·"'' ""'''Yi~""'-'\J't·I~ l ~:•:l,.i.dtl101·willllilrecci1·tM1,y1ho " ll111lro1~\\·os il tbnt wiclow••n•l TOCBEDITQR.,.. 100 '·120 11 Pl .J T""""d . R.I G ed 60..,. ~l u;;; l"t'i -O!llJ"nv. ·t· J~lllUC• ' 11"1." F .1thor, ' proviJoJ tlno am111sc· cripple.. only, Sot porches. Do not' Ill IJ, IDW, lJlll611e IUU l'IOf .m; . ''. mcut• be """'" wi1h tho ccutr•lox~cu- other pcopJb t<lnuircto be 111.Ut• com· 111 l/1r 'l"ller o/ 11.r } u/ .A:c:c SPRUCE BOARDS

if .1 · '

., ~ ~l.\~!<l!'ill, 111/< u/ SI. Jolt1<' , iit tlir :\E\\" .l~•\·i:t:Tl,.;E~IEXT". li ,. 111mi.,•i~11, •clin:; in comt>loto forl.•blofl<! woll " C:!ldr.,/ J>i,f.-irl ,1 -'"•ir/t••mllflutl, • •

, ,. v11l l'ith :hv l1ouor:n-~ prcsidon~ , "\\'ell, you aeu, the wid • lfOro 'h«~l' Urot·cr,,·,- I\ · i:. ll~n• ns. : .\ ""'' . ·hili. \'iC.>r of !111' lloliuo"", ppoaetl, by tho Committee. lo ho ll"i•lmr, drr•:<1ml.

}~;,•.;'1'~"n~~:\~.~- '.'·c~l~~~·:•.~roon... " iu. wid1 iL.- wo1~i110~· 111·llSi•lout of llblo lucloyo//li1% Aud thu"ft. ~ •'11o<1 Purauru1t t.o tho pro,· l•lon. ortho P. &' LO· N• TS.A.LEE BYSSI:ElR , ' " Act pn.'11od ln th~ 4lst year or tho ( /•




PhoCoJ:T~phic ' 111<1io l·:. \\". L"""· I ''" •·<11llal .-x~culi \'u oomm1 ... iun, '.\Ion· 1>0rcl1~1. whil!\ cripples; " 10 <cro reign ofller Present lltaJOtit•· hu ltuled \\.:at... .efith." or.:mi-.1..·~ to lt..•t \\': l·tllp, ) '( .:.i~_no_r t;i.wtl~, t:.:\(Htti TcU4kcl1i, -<it:n..i consi.<lun...J to- ho nblu H' do 11~.r ' THE- TnUSTEa .Acr lS7S u NoUce Hom.t• tu"'J:.- \ . .J'homn~1 .,rur11h.'" I ' l • I t" b l to - •1 I I t 11- rntt·h.;•• ... 111;; pru·•r.nmuc. noi. nng,'4l0t. pore lO~ unt wtrtt no: 1.-... ere r a: ,·an u.J pcyson" o :\ m ..

: 1 '.,:•ltn-. l '.trocchi ho.' i,,.11~,J Um woll conahuo<cd. ThQn yqu inuskm· lbg bo On:~t rs bf or who m,.y

T IE P P I \ I ~· I · l I l I 1... b.t 'Id I hn1•0 . • oln[m r d11mnnd upon or l 0 ~~ Is 1-0 n:iL" f.I D ' f lb\\ in;: t..w· r :o I "' l' \l I01IC .,. . 'l•Ntn!" I Int llntucr lo. II por!l IC8 cfTeotlng 0 E&t ·e or AS!!Ct.S or ANN

L ~j I tJ .!:)., nn . '"'; '' \<II., GIVOI! to thoso .vho Jui.I mnn to MANNINO of s~. J11h11•s, la tho , • , j, ,._. 11.i::· 1·.- which. uuw fil'u Y"""' wurk for them, bnl thoy 1rcru loo loz~· 'Control dllltrlct of Nowfoundlni\d_,

1 - - I si tll.!t· , \\lJ I ti~dJ lJ l)i\·ith'.l'N\'i\foacc . .10 \•reel thom." deceased, who dic<l a.t s~. John's, P'A•p;miitllS lo G1·c1J11I fa•n!. OU ·~· ... :-1;;1;• : 1iull uf tho. :>o_mt•ir;u ". \\'ull, il i•. " c;oo!l thiug 10 lJo. ~~~~. ~~J~~,~~~ ~~fit ,;.!t:tt~

l l'out:t;. ·''" .the"t Iv ' '" h{1•1•1i;• ful· "Wt•low ROtnbhtni!!, thoui;h L <Ion'! wr.• grnntcd rorlb or Lho Supremo . - • ' I 1illcJ, 1 i~1· :;c ~:"HU\\ nppruachiug bciug: "StUI.! \\"i\h lhoCummit~C'~, 1n :1grucing Cour.t. on Lho dn~' or AprU, .A.

P11l! i'r.1::m111111t• nf tuc• .. \ 11;;-1i-1 I the tif;j .. ·h f1um ''>·tin which,. in tho tiu t thoy nul ablo 10 111> nnJlhiui:. D. 1692, to tno, P.ATDl\-K J. Scorr, 01 1·;' '-:"t ... - L':th· . ot •• ~.:t~~l~~ 1 aI lh.>\\' •i" l:u .1g~· · rh• . v:· ·\ ruH~~·~i .. : lctl p, . .,.. huuwu "Sou1u of th<"m .who were St. John1a,, tho t,.:','1",,' .... 1111,.~',·,'1 th< lthh1.t..1on t: .... hu1 .\lici1:y tb:1 .. 1·~.hull1au\ 'roi-th101y two mcn,hutt~ulll nnroe Exccutorln tho&a ld \ VUl nnmcd ,n-re

h • ' • • 1 • 1 ·i · 1 · l l • •1 Tl 1 1? .... hereby requested to aond to tl10 )

,..,,. L"I : :• ,.,;n.1111: Jll 11 oo in 1.1u ron· v:n 1 t ''' t o>nm1 t<o. 1uy '1uu " "" undcrsiguea, lo tho nddrcH gh•cn ·-- - . i . 1.t .,f tJ1 .. .-l1il·h, 11 "f · "'"" thruu:;h '1'101 iJcol with po1d1c1 !inti, uncl tl,1cn b()!Qw, tlio p:irLlculnrs, In wzlthlllJ. or

~ 1: tL.-:11. , .:. 1}.. • .. 'h ·i .l pr .. • j :h • .. ~;"}·· ··. ,,r!tl I."> unite in cd \lin: tine; if ~~ihh· i.·\ 1•t) On•1 li\'in; in thu~c lhclr c lnin1$, on or bcfof'O the 1{if· 1. t ~ti.· hH:ih . .,.. _-f11!11h:o1.· CJ f • .,.i,J. Jl~·au:itil '. ~h·' fi;·:i\".\l of our" _1r1io( <fhouhl. rccr_i~·u n Fimtl~r pro~, tc~nth clny or Fcbrun\•y, A. D.1893. !uh 1. .. 1. 1. !.tu "111. , ...... 11.t I .1tlu·1. l.uL lcl tlus Ii.: the rulo hon. Or co11rn1 11 poJp!lMlr'o too l.c Aud notico Is h~rcby l?h·cn, tbnt nt~or

l · f l · ~l lho I.LS~ m<>ntione<i dnt-0, (tho 16th 1- 111 p1op"1.11iv11 fur th,. ':f<Lii.•.. ct ·' ~ck:i·r:i•io1, •0 h>ppy-lh:1l _ult <>· 1 '".I'"' np I'""''.'""" '' r '"IDS SllJ'IP Fcbrui>n.- A. D. IS!l3), I, the snld Exe-

l' .. ; d ll , l! c::,. ·~, .ml :o rnd te ;!,,. I "'""I ul :lw lu\U lhat '' 1luo him froi\1 wnh tho nt"1ur1ul, woll, they Jc '\'U cutor, 1\:1(1 pro\C~d lO distribute tho :ilhf-11 :o ·-'·" l' l( iu 1lt .. j"'"'" hi.• -~u-., '\cty <•ffurt mny lie .lirucletl I tu ho le!t without thorn." :l'ISCUl ~ud proportv or ll!o 8Biddt1 ····nL t'h,h' ,,:iii t tl.:l· p l u~u in. t 1:,· tu iucr..:: ."'iug tho :,plcmlorof (ho .\pos· ..... ccru::.e<l nmong:it tlt~. 1 ... e~t"ces ill t"ho ~.111.:h ol '''" (;"'"• 1h tlw k<t ll11· ,. : l< •• ,,,.,.,_ ... '" in;,t.rnctiui; tho_ r_oung in Local and Other !+ems. snld Will nnme<l, nu.l •ach otllor pnr-

..j :r · • l I I l tic• ns mny be cntilk:l lo 4bBr<! thcre-lY8 uf U··~·cmh r lti!1.! .... ..,.~ "!,f1 1 1~t1.1tt:' u1:tnue-. .to ro l0\' t 10 I -------------- i 1 i d 1 t th cln'roo

. I f f I I l 16 ~ I ti o"r·,,~Aht1c• hng tr11°•~srhn°1th~v...9h.J' no11!cc. ~llClh.tll w1t I •• h~~IUh ~ v ; •. ,. ~ ~ .. t:lry udt lC. poor, . o.s c_~·-- II.' Tl1b Vi,·11/iti1rf~al.e ton Trcp:i$,',CynL l s~·J I 1' 1 "th d I .. ihiJt C •. ~ •; .. ::o Zuc ·!11 vf the !')o . •t:· '""'~ ~1 !\ll tv ~pa~r:it-rng, -~ Ji f; !\,1!1. to.J OY bou 1 WC'.st. Dated n~ t . o m'.u, l 1 11 tl a.yo r 1lC..ilh,._l'li t.-r-Wtl! \:"l)Udullu \\~ith 111 J•O~~thll', mil ':.U :.m• Uttm:ut hm1ls tlu.> .. ' ""' Je.m1:\fYt A. D. 1S9;J.

• 't• llc!11u1,J.11hmk-~·h. ,, 1~ Uoci f.,r , r.on;:th of u1c·h 11u:u, tho Cntholic · P. J. SCOTT,.

ln1JJiT l;ruujrh\. nt ti~·~-.., 'thl• ituctrim.•. '1' h.".sf6:llm.1r 'rliu loft l{:lli!.1x fot E:rrculoro/lhc IVill of thctat..eA~N"

l,iaco~111J J'uLfi •. ., •·f ,·. U·~·· Insomuch, 1h~n, rut tho Uol.'' }' iliW port r.t \ .JU. this •!toruiug. MA_:.o.'lso, <,!. r ~ .., ... Adtlreitq-No. 3.10 '.\':itor~trcct:

:?-Ou occ..-·iou -of .tho 1:1>ip ny of tl1ur, n1111ro,ini; !ho wishes of the~ · ~. nnll,l?lw ....- st. ~ohn!o. ~93 tll<' Huly_l;other will 1cco!·•v '',thu mil~u"<! wit.h iho duo keeping ~ 'J'hQ 1(0/1111/cw h~_•ajyod from !loo·

d~I."' of tho mu~l'llL•," ndlllll!ml: '" ut tl_u• . fosltl'a.I, \,.,.. oo!llm1tt•d ten, lo Clifl Wood & C'o.; hur cari:o l~ pr•·&uncc thu rh11Jrcu bclongiu" to £0 mo in Ju~ heu1gu~· 1ho honornry . will \io ruAtLy lo dbchorgl) to-11101row

\be f.uniliu< uf llonu·," who toguihur pre~iduncy uf tho oorurni£oion1 wl:ich nf,urnoou. · i<ith tlwir't'Ut• witt pn:.entan ulrur· '""" lllc>r. wolromu to 1M, \'IC.'1 mi? to hi" lloline- .. ~ M I '·"' 0 ( hi, HoliJtci.s, 1 hog yuu Thu ~tcmuor J:<tylr ond JV;.,,1,,,,.



DON'f ·BOTHER Trym tOftn\'tl your 1nonoy nnd deprlvo youl'clclror n good ault or clol11ee.

Your mont!y 11111 go ln spite or yon. Como U> ns ,.. ~ ' nnd wo wlll provldo for yon _

A Cood suit of Clothes ~ . .

,......_~you c..;; p~ ~your c1rcu-;;;;tru1ces wlll pormlt, -~o h ;n ·c t'ht' F lucNt C l oT.h c .. a nd bcRt T~·oocl,.. .


Kennedy· 8[ Malon~_.

Spl'lngdnlo 81.roet. ______ ,___ - ----Jau!2-l


OrdeMt :uoe now bclni: received for

Onr.pcntn· nail Dulldlng ... $1.60 per yr, 'Tbd Dnl!cltng N"ewa ......... 6.'.?0 pol' yr. Tho UIWlt r11tod Builder ... 2.00 por Jr. Tbo Scinntlflo American

T.\11.(lH:; AXU <:J.01'1Ll!·:H.', Bulldera•Edltlou, llh1•~ Opp011lto O. i\lnc)lh.crson•s, Wnter l:ltroot. ' trnted, \vlth coloured mu~,ly pin tes .......................... a.oo per yt .

Sclcntllln Am'on Weekly .. 4.00 per yT. Tho,Drick BuUdor, tnus-

i!':!~;;~i;JO" 'E;;g:i;;~·e~;·TL-:> cfai~l:i !l!nkor, Tho Grocer, Tho Drt1pcr llJld . nll Brilleh nnd Ameriun joumal1 de-

T he Newfoundland .·· t::i~~ r~:ll:~/:;J:~~ l~ade.o, lndaa· ·

FURNITURE and MOULDING~OMPANY, Ltd., "4~c~.ll .at1b~crlp~ }'ayablo In

' Aile PllEPAnr.D To DELIVER • S . E . GARLAND

No. t -and No, 2 CLAPBOARD, . .

In qunntitltu :1t rcquirod, :is Lowcst<Mnrko~ Rntw , for cnah.

:?9G U"ulr r Slr<d, AND 25 ,\ NJ) 27 D~'J) STREET. jnn~3 · ·

J-1°iJl'qr1l "" oncl uf .Tnuu,rv lhu with'.nco, )ly Lord hi•h'>p, L•1ie nra • till umlurgoiug repnil'>' 011 '-"Dtr:l o<~catil·,, wmwilt~ uf thu to cn1ploy all )<JUr nulo<l 110licitu1lo tho llry ]luck, nud will !IOI b. run1ly

/:; jnl ilc .. f•.l•h 1till J>r""'UI 10 lho SQ,·. ::l)•I pi<I.'' in nrr.wging nll me.lD> fur to comu j'I' fur 11uot iwr wu•k. • · •1tii;11 l'untitl tl1c "Sti••ntiGe l!omug.-" ving to thu :ipprooehing •olomnhy q!' •VIU • Jt.1Jint1 ''~tholi·· \trll•r-.. "ll• tb~ true •Jl\onJOr Of lhu O~)obr:1tfon lt11•to•l I<. tLo l:om~n Circle gf :ic1ini :h .i pr•t•dc1J iJ.... ludo~!, t)10 nuw ~01..,_ii IJ; nt1tl l'iign.11 me-rit .. whc-rowilh thi~ t~lOt-t

'l'ltc wo11t1r1f11l lm·rrei;t f/wl ill ever \•whcro tnken in innitcrn llcr· tllintnti to !110 World's Colu)11blnn l>x· position hn• crcnted ru1 enormous de· 1nnn1l for nn Ht~lorlcll~ Record or nil mn.ln' fcntures or tho GrenrwoRt.O•~ l,.;\Jn. The IVortd!f t?o!tcJ71bian E...:· poaitlon Jllu• !ra lcd'lneelll tlli• dcmnud nud Is the only Cl!tnbllabcd nnd o.u. U1ru.1~ic o!-gan or t ho Fnlr.

Stoclc nl \\T1 vs 011 hn.ud. ; nlso- •

Matched and Rough Lumber, Mouldi~gs', MnhiI's Gin&


' ..... \

. '

1-011 vce:uion uf the lo'cut of tho wi><· Poutilf Imo enriched hiw>1elt in l\,•1•~ri5i<>n o! tho lmm>0ul•te ('oucop· hi~ rchtiou not only IO tho L'huroh, Hon 01 t.ourtlo.1 <•" L. 11) ti.~ Citcloof bu: ll•o to ci\il society, dqring theau Inn IJ/lllll&Clll•to uf t lw Yuulh o! llv1111> reccut )'C>f', require ~b.-<olutcly lh.•' lf•ll'-Jl,...\ll to lh•Jloli1rn • 1in nl!Jum tlw gr>litudo 11uJ.fidoli1~or Cntholici. ~oul:linmg in ~JlJ>'! r)e-;i31:., thu luw:mb their 8Uf"'""" le~Jor may be ilo!o1 uf 11.>•1" for llis Holinc~ 1norr ni.nit',...i o\'un in face of lhoir~d­lturln..:tlco ycnr l !12 in tn·,ny piuu in· '"•:"'iri<'t'. . \nd ill M mue~ "· th~ro ftitut1on1 of lfo1u•" \t"ill be ro; Oll foot frc<1ue,,~ p1lgr11n·

5-Un Feb. Hi .. nol 17 bor~ will oi,>e• to Howu, I c~rneaUy llc..iro thnL t"l:c t•kite for 1npRNh• 0 ,4u>; tlw "'· ..your lordshi!>, in nny que..i~ion (b•~

tcp!icu thy tho lloly F thur of tho Tt~l- m.1y bnvo to h~ referred to mo (n! llD·

•n pili; 'tru1gcs. ik-J clu, ~rith tho honomblo coli· G-U Fob. 18 H i$ lTolinc.ia will miUoo), nnd in any mntl<lr concO.ning

tc,1il'u· ". prc•idency of the ponun· th~ llU<lot·ioking nnd tho 11.lPJ'Y 1~eco 112-

.(', ,•nt c 1wttco fur oongrcues, 11romo ph•hment ·of thuo holy ptlgnmogo, r tl1e colobr,tioia; tho cc11tr:1l ox· sh;tll frooly apply for i.nformMion nud

cnl \'ll~illco, "nhn•ofthoJubilco CDnnsel to my.nlf. l .cL u. nil unite 1. -," .wd tho commlUeo of Rom•ll in our plnus .1n•J our c~orL'. th:it tho :icl cs, \rho 11;u 11rea~nt tho \'cry rich nminor:ibl~ n••11ltf'.chio\'e<Lby tho groco

:OJOU which thu lfuly Fntbo.r will woor of Co..1, :inti in lhu .._1cord6tnl jubilou ci1milollu..-i11g llny in St.1>eter'e. On rnoy ho tilJl<'nt~cl ·niltl increo.•cd in the hi.• ol:c:uion. thoro "ill IJ<> pril!oJJtccl •)litco1uil jubilee to o.rhii:J1 wo so oogcr·

His Holin...., n aynoptib picluro of ly look fon .. ard, through which wo he )'crmnucnt work• founded iu J>Or· tru• t to oobin front tho J)i1·ino i;ootl·

~I memory of Hi& Epi.cop•I J ubi- nc .. , pmyrng .ilsu thnt you m•y re-l>t'. • cti\·i} t-Hi_tr i;:oo,1 from God .

i ~ !\oh. 'i, tho~•ion of thr Your ~10•> d~\'oted colle:1g<w, 'nhilc llill JI in0tts"wil dl!Sccnd into l't, ,crnn '.\l \Ill'• 1'.rnr. -P.\11occ111. :it. L'utor clcbrate . rn .... tl1oro, ...... wl1ieh wi.l ist 1111 tl)O'pilgrim• pro•· clll in Rome, niftl tho ,<.:Jtholico uf llornc. \ .:111' Down went the Engine.

tL-ln 1)10 :1!£)<:1:.:i;ilic.1 of 'St. J ehu lAtcr;1n, on fcb. ~o. in tho. houro of 12 M Pl d ' th · W t thu .1ftet11don, thll nnuiwronry of tho en unge In e a er.

J<.{oc11on of lii• JlolioCJs tu lho 80,·cr· -----uicu l'ontific:Al'10,J>CUrrio" on that <!Ay, .\ bouL S.311 this moruinr_.: '"hilo n

In •olemn Tc Il<nlll will b.; chnnted . ....._ 1n11ulx:r of 111011 ullj,'ll!;u•l iu bni!diug • 9-0ti Feb. 21, 2! nml ~3 •olcnu'1 , )fl""rs· Uon·oy;t wl111rf nt llroukin;;'• Ainctiqii. Ifill be hclil in tho Church wero tlril·\og p'ilc• with ~ •to.1111 pil<'· of f:faft Loronio hi l'•nispurno, \\·her11 driver, !hafboam• which supportc.l th11

"\ tht.> Holy Fathor rtscl1h·eJ ~piscopR\ rn!lr.h~nC 1-,.\,vP "\\'.tY uud t!Ut;ine, mull, coiurcr:1tion fift{ye>ra nr;o. ~ nn,l tiritl~1rcro phmsccl inJi~crimin·

I fO-Ou t h<I bc~1·0 of tho jnbilco, ly.,i0tl1n colol wo1(cr oou•nth. ) fr.

unru<'ly, J.'ob. 26. tho l:llntrnl c:xccuti\'o fill k, whu '"'!' .lrh·iug the cngino, oou1miSBio~ nft.or ]uwjug giveu nuu· nml wo othor c1en wero in lhO l1oui.o vuit.i of clothOI! to ono hundred 1100r built o"or the mncliin• ni \i.ho li1 f

lf •raon•, by means of l110 Ru111•nin11 t'ho :\Ceidont(tillt strnngc 10 "''Y h~y

'. "'1<i<·ty, )'"ill cpn1ltht thorn to tl10 i.1blo wcro neith~ \,110\70ccl nur •c u ly or thu Enchnrht ii\ the Ch~ch of s~n iujuretl. though thoy r•c··h·<tl • DIU

_:.- J,,,rt nzo in Panispt-nut, flU< nfiorwnnl.11 hrt\iAcit. 1'Ju .. ,:: wero JJUttiu~; ~ "''"' 1fill gh•e them 3 dinner, nt which tlwy pile in'plocu ~nil Ml•ecl ii olmOK~ tu ~ho !till lio •et\ ed hy lndi~lll gentlemen r.oquirll<l height. whoo it C3ught in oftho' ltoinnn nobili~y. . .01110 of tho old hnlf-burnud piles bo·

I .I :t


Ll- l n th1t..111onth of 'ubtuory, And low, nod lfi\h tile -.train tho uppor rfi tha Church <}C Cho Holy Apostloa, n h!J."n• g;i1·0 lYA)' tunrtll"ing the wholo 10lomn lit.orary nt1d rnusical A.cadomin pomphor1111lin into tho wnlor. T.velvo in honor of Hi1 llolinc_. " 'ill bQ giTon man iook iho plunge, md aomo ofthem

The :1choon~r O•prf:; lina nrri \'od in •ix ·lo~• from Boston ~ Clil\ Wootl & C'o., tlio cnrg,o \rill llO dolh·cre.t rro111 lholr wltntf to·m<ltt-ow 3rd ins t.

'i')l(t at~awor 1 ·irybu"u l ttkt went \J\!.lf 1~1. 7 o'olock la.,~ ·ovouing, hkiug lhu follo>ring pMSengcr.. lHIS<lci l;,i-.111 lf. Kelly,l [ni P. Wholnn, Rynu, Cnpt. CeofTroya, nml 6 in •••orng..o.

\\' c beg to romind ohr ro.idcrs of iha liblcrlllin.1nun~ lo bo hohl .•~ St. Thoin.3'• School-room to-uii;ht. IL i• UUQe;;.."l:/\ry lo ~A)' moro thnu thnt tboao·~;ii;o wish to •Co tho cntcrtnin­rl1out Ahould go cnrly. ..

T hu mcmbor1 of tho Soci•l Club t\ro holdiug t\ 1.moki~o concort, nt tlio~r room•a nt s.:ro to-::ighl. ;\fr . . r. ~-1.:e.itill"g .will prCJoiclo, 111ul ~I r. \\". Pnfl'OU• wffi]Con.luc~ tho musicnl por· tiou of th~~unuo.

\..., ,\ cor~spomlout writes 111 the of·

fccL th\! "one of tho c.1h111cu io 111 tho haLit of 1 ... n·iug· his l1orso s t:\Juling on X uw Ct owl r-st rtot. for l hrco or fonir ho111• •lmi11i; ihc10 cold night•, wilh­uul ;\rug or f\IJ.)" othor CO\'tring ovor him, until the poor .anin\nl i1 ucaly frOY.1!t1 "ti ff." O\ir corraspoudam. wnnt3 to know "when; tho s.P.t:.1\. i• , th>tauch ett111lnct iii n\lowod to bo pcrpctmtod.

Tito owuors o r Iha nl•cl: f)iam~ud Lino of •lcombonts aro mom~., of tho cou>p•ny to which thu )<ov.1 Scotia l;·gi•lot uro l>M gil'on R !~'""' Qf tho cc'l 111in08 in C• jlu llrolou. Tho cum· tMn.'' <-~11ec.l 10 1<orl: tf10 mine• ~o l'igo1011•h', th•L 1bor will lowor the l•<ico or c0·1l in tho United f;! con· HitlL•r.,My.


O'Toou~Lmvm.-At Romnn On­l hollo Cn\hcdrn11 by tho V~nornble Archdenoon Porr1st11l, on tho !?II ult.,

r . T . 0 1Tool0i U> llflll9 L. A. Lowis , II\ or Conce t lon linrbor.

IlciltlJ5. OANNlNO.-Qn Wcdnc?ldnv latlu.11t,.

Wllllnm 8. Onn1>tng, lntc R.lll.Q.111ged 61 ycara; funeral to-morrow (J:"fldllY), aL II o •ruook from hie lntc realdonee, John R. McC'Owan, E.q., Forest:-rond: (Tienda and acqunlntnnces r eapoct.­ruUy -requeatci:l to att.end wlt"b<tUt fur ther notice. ' \


DO YOU WA.NT 6 richh· illusLra­t.ed Encycloprodln or the Columbtn11 Expollitlon to enjoy yoursclfnnd lcnvu to your children?

IF SQ, sulmcrlbo for ~ho W orld'• Columbian Ezposit!on ltlu1trnlccl. This Is ono chnnco inn 1tro tlmo. 'rhi• Is tho only World 's Fillr wo•hnll o,-er ijOO. W e mnsL not lpt th'4 cbunco p!IAs by. Tho publlcnllon to ha• been pt!bli:Jhod monthly. Until tho opell1ng of tl:c Ex11osllton 1t will bo published •mnl-m11ntlily. During tho Fair IL will bo lr.suod weekly.

Subscription for 12 copies ... ti.76 SulJsc ription rur 21 copies... 7.00 ~·r-om J an., '93 lo J nn., '94 (In

nil 3S eopie•l-:.-:................. 9.50 • Q41' Sand Sile. for onmple copy.

World '• Fnlr Alb111n or Vlew~s only 20 cente.

D ..-F. 'VYll ~.

TRl':lJO"T .I! P.I .. Solo ni:ont fo r Nowfounjlcrnd.

jnnwtr ___ ~1---·-·----Cheap Stu~ding \Ve ha\lo on hnntl no nssortme.nt. o r \ s T U DDIN G , Vario\18

loughta nnd sizes, .whiCh '"o ' will dispose or

H·ard w-9od, &c. 1rurning q; Inacl2ine Work. Planing-,


Public 'Notice. CAR Y:> .

Se(l fetl f<'11t1r r.< 1l'ill he l'C· JNO. ~cJ?Y."-~TE cclvc<.I :>L thia omcc u11ti1 12 o'clock OFFICE :~H Ducl.·worlh Slrcot, St. "" 4th dayofFcbrunry, I J ohn's, JS".F. .dcc~,tm for the •u~•h· of Four Hundred Tons or Unrd, · Qu/\rry Sp~ll• for. mnc- N O':C'l:OE. , :ulnmiz.iug JUrposea. Tenders to 1u.nte price 11cr ton for which such Sp<tlls will be dcllvcrod . whcre re­quirc<I, within the' burnt district or St. Jolm•s, :uul to be mnrkcd " ' l'c 1i · tie r• for l.,ln:lrr1· Spall• ." · Tho Sun·oyor Oonor:il (10<><1 noll bind hhn­sol f~o nccopt the.lowcoLtender.

"'l,I. J . D . WOODS , . ~ Surveyor General. Snrvoyor Oenornll• Oillco.

Jnn :?3th, l693,ood.

Not l ee iM llcr cb'J yli-c11 to all pcrsonl< who mny hnvomndc nppllcll­tion nt tho Surveyor Gcncrnl'• oroco for Mtnornl Timber or Agrlculturnl Ornnle, Licenses or Lense• prior to the Sth dny of July, 1892, th:it their BP.plicnl1011• nnd nil records or the oa'mo wore dCj!troyed In tho fire ot that dnto. Appllcntion for lhe, re· uowntor tho srud Grnnts, LI•~ or •NOTICE Lca.aos, wlll be received a t tho obo,•e

..l... • • omco (upon aatl!f,ctory proor being given oftbc tiling or lha snme,)1 nnil

''\ - ' tnko prccedcnco or all others ror tho Pe1wo11.~ 'i,ttl cbtc11 /() ..1l fr •. enmo locntlon, unLU lbo llMtL dny or

IBRh' AN MlTOBEIJL, Qroccr nnd ·Mny noxL nrtcr which dnto nll nppll­l>ro\'laion Dealor,aro,~ercby request.- cntions win bo trc.~tcd iis h{lvlng been ed t.o mnlto \mmodlato pAymont to mado for tbo llitlt time. Dated l\t St.

Glvc11 the beat lintlllfaotloll.

.Af.L ._i,lEtmi\XICS !Bii.IT That l~widoubtcdly the~

ndhcsll'O thoy hn1:0 over 11Sed.

.EVERY H OUSEK.EEP:EB Ghould Rave a Bottle nnd Sho wW find it Mende EVERYTBIWO.

Retail. Prices 100£NTS AND 16 1:iEN'fS per bottle, with. b bnah nod cnp to ne. .a-To , bo had from almqst 3ny SE!OP·KE~BR lo I.own. .Por wholosnle lot.a ae111l to



\ BAitRJSTER;AT-LAW~ Soltcltol'f'Soa)ry._etc. omco, r preilOnl, Mlltt.llcy.t<ond, Knight oot opp. Bnnnennnn Pnrk. dool7tr

SEWING MACHINES. FRA.1\TTTD. LJT.LV, John'•, this 6th dny of Dcceruloer, x AM Inn 11osltlon to' ro1mlr nil

.l.ll .ll. tlcl'ti .I. A D 1892 kinds or Sowlnc -llicblnes, lllld will .At a :r ...... o,,- Fig·n1.:e. J~t,tr, ~~--~.!\.. · " · II. J.B. WOODS, nppreolllto orders rror.n "!Y !"lends.

P & L TE,SSIER ON SALE ;T . ' 81 rocryor.Goncral. ORDERS FOR SB\\'ING JtUOBIBES. . · P , & L. TESSIER S . S"T will fill nll ordoMt rorlhe voey

. <>OB ~ E LEONARD & SONS boat o r Stock, nt tho moat liberal

DICK. S ~~· C ZO L ayer Musc~i;{ Ra.isins· • · ::~o'~~e~~.;r t>°~t u:reo~~-'f~: ~ • 20 hnlfboxos I.ayer Muscntol Rnlslne. . London, Ontario. · my l'ricnda. ,'JOO lratei• S f/•eet. 20 qir. boxll!I Ln!;or M118cat.el Rnlalne, ENG JNES & BOILERS &Q:l\fy present nddresa Js No. l

60 boxes LoOllO l\Iusoatcl Rnlslnsd FOR ALL PUR~ES. Lion ';¥lUBr0. Popnla\' Gtuucs for 50 boxes Vnl0!1llln Rnleina. r potP Sten.m P ump• nnd Hc11tore, OcneM\ F. W . BOWDEN. Winter Evenine-s. FOR SALEl Y IUAOIDNERY. 11(. Jouu ,tm. "

S 0 d n::-' 0 P.iftOGERSQN SON, OomplotoSnwnndPlndlug llfUIOu :__..;.._ ______ _ llnlmn, udo, rnn ~~·OO 11mo, OU!. Electric J;igltt ~hlgh!19t G t] ' G t & St 6~~';;.M~~~~~~'m~~b~J::~•, ~~~: '30 Tub!IBll'l'TER, lll~~:.r.;~~0~Ia1og110 '"l.<I pn~tl- • ;..i.o ll(l ra es J ov~s noes, Oheokon1, P otor oddle•s Trip J.60 Barrels Oood POTATO"ES 1 culnMt to '~· V


U> Now York, nud olhers. 16 Bnrrole Selected QARROTS, GEO H EVANS C & Co 160 Dozen EGOS, , • • > Of nll lle1Gription1 DI KS ., 1000 Lbs. Wt;)OL1's ' ?.4naqor En.slqrn hforltimo BrAnoJt, We have a very Choice

nn21/ Bookbin<ro"' nnd Rt.nttonera. k~ fo~h~~A rro:U Obarl~tt.etOwd. 411 \ ~er-S~re•t, S~. I 11 ' · . . . COOKING STOVE ' Har JJ.el"IS ~eatbe~ nov•,llw. Freight from Bo~to,n . We highly l'0COJDlJlend.

SH G-LESI _ -curF'r, v.;ooD,. eo. . • .. --..---, ··- • TIIE goen. 11 uunmn " lltUn

tOOsld \CSO 1011thor,,tw11er :rOCIFT,WOOO&CO •'rom B0titob <Iii Sp~~~~'!-eo~~~~J~~~~eet.- g 'l'hA ee fron1 Louisburg. At Munlclpnl Doek, or~o l tho6lh Fl2nry. 1n1r, nod ov~tnlna1n • 00 :!!'. ' I !If. C-Odnr Sput; \ f ine n111\ Ap !,)• 0 MoaMt. AT• . Tlrunnltlilog ITno. r-

~N, LE oo.,stntos R- C II . h \. Snwu Sht.01rlc if W :, & rt,,. a a an

Which wm bo 30ld cbenp• t-0 eloec t, OOCL ""1•y ' • • At TRmmra ollloe. S&lce, Jont8 Jno27. • Alieute. i,an111,1w .,/'

. ~

Page 4: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------






~---Tho following wom wu wrlllcu by ~!co Koofo, formerly of Carbo­ncar; In rellgloo, flstor M. Dnrnard of tho order or tho Slaters or Morey, HOf&nlburg, FrllllkllnCo., N ,Y. Sor­&0&nt Wlna\ow, to wh<fm_ we nro lo·

..... clobtod fdr n copy o r tho poem, which la boautlf'ully printed In green nnd irold, Worms ua that thcro :iro 11a



DlAoy na a!xtoon young women from Newronndlc.nd In tho Now Yotlt bra_n~borpiooalcr,whlch ltAJlaovoral tlourllblng cducati9nnl cstn\lllsh­monta lo £h11.omplro atntc. •

ODE T&'COLUMBUS. C:1ombua, ~~r tbls fnlr ~new wo:ld

10-day, la glorlo~1 I nd, the nntion or tho

ft-co, '.fho crown uf nil tho. ch,er !shcd

• . dream r ycnra, I • From Heave llbou look'at to ace '

\ Fulnlled t · rondcat hope.


From br d Pnc lllc'a •now-c11ppcd mountain pcnka, •

T o whero tho blue Atlan1la w3len1 roll, From Arctic llopc1, 10 Chili '• aonth•

orn Jhorc, Almost rrom pole to polo,

Ascend• to Ood !'rom many million hCllrta

Tho \"Oleo or p r11yor nnd pr11lso.

Thy joy In Ucav•n In g rcntcr, uot bcc11u1c . •

The •• Occ:tin gntes unlocked \)·ere" by thy hnnd,

!S()t for thy triumph or tho mm thou'at. won ... By tbl1 rnlr lnnd ,

Prom d11r'lmei1 brought to light.

Ab no I fnr purer j oys a rc thine, T he sorrows by tho vcty I rlumphl



Theac m~do t hee Uko tho chosen onca or Ood-

Tho followcr~m who iaui;bt Ula leasoo from ho cro88.

t Thy chalaa-t roas t'hat won r!ly c ro1'•n-ln i~

Forgo t! ncglccle , and l11dea1hnlone, Dcpr ved of cla.lm to lands so trnly

,....- tblno; ~ ,.\!J thla bu "·on n hii;hor place in ' ~- qllu- . t A glory nil t blno own.

~ Bch tl)d I tbo land Is truly thlnt>­lhc hcar ta

OC all, o•en all tho little 'onH •re taught,

T o lovo and honor lheo And aU- becau10 thy meek eudurnnco

mndo Tbco llko Uio Lord- ror thou didst

work and wait. r Thy chain• and CAW1ed tllls !and

to bo Tho ho111,110Uho opprcose.d ori!v&y • -ellmo .

:r'ho notion o rtho f£Ao.

Oolumbua, tho wilt RI~ Who hRI tbla New Wort.lifiahfonad


all so Calr And mado ofjttho dwcnlug.ortfio

treo • •


That Ho pro.ervo It by RIA caro from , 1n11aellty,

Prom mltrole keep ll, blcu It ever.

Ania C~J: hom o!Ft!cdom, make '' boipe or 0 rit;y.



Ta IAr CltrgJJ alld CathoJir Laity of Ill~ Uni/~/ SI t•,

' ltsnaDD FATH : D r.An lln1:nl" 110 :f-:Tho Supori and Dil'ilclora of our S.chooJ. ha.a gun the prop•m· tory wark for holding a Cnlholio Edu ca, Ilona Exl1ibit at lhe Columbi•n Ex­

• on, and wo have received Msur­cu from tb~m, lhnt ample matori•I 1111.'rro,•ided to ilhatmta our edu· ticmal work and molhod1. Tho hold·

•DI! of th~ Eclucaliooal Exhibit in· ~· a co11.1idanble outlay o! monoy.

/''1'he nrioo• illllil ution1, which take Jl•rt io lho o:rbibit, will, it ;. truo beor

... portion or tho exponso, but if the p roj ect i1 to be eolirely 1ucceuful, ""

j, c y lo malto the ox'liibil \\"orthy of


t hno a fund "llpon which we m•y d w to profide wh\levor m•y bo ne·

f. uur ol tsbOn i.h the caoao of ucaliou. ~-Tho Secretory aod MOD r must~oivo pay for thu

. -wort, • uru• o r informlllioo, with

.. J <•lariod clerka, IJIUSt bo kep~ oirculoN, pamphltta ~-l.t&logue. oft he exhibits

• musl be. publi1bad and di1tributod, 1ana the rooma in which tbo o><hibits

. ' •

"ill be plocct!, mu&t bo odomod •nd mnd• attnctfv1. It ia alto the iotcn· lion to ;uko • ~omplele colloction°':l>C

• all booka writton iti Engluh by Cnth,,.• jlic •.)lthoN, •ud to publish A IOU\'CDU volome, ghing • hbtory of C•tholic

'\ education in tljO Uoitod &tata. l n ff\Ct, tho maDllJ:l)rl •re nn:ria\.t to mako lhia o:rbibit '10 eomplole and iotarcs· ling, th~il will t.ecomo and romoin n memonblo oYeot in lho hbl()ry of Am·

/•rican Catholic education.

Bnt to do thia, they mual hoTO • aumcieot 1no;na ~ tboir~poa:il, •nd 1inco th~ it a print& on rpriae, they are compelloCI to appeal t tho Catbolio clerll')' and laUy, to come to their aid.

+the-Roly FWior haa:int hitnpoatolic b1-iog to all 'lrho e put in tho. Jl'Otlt, and we-{ul co daol lhat argu­menll an not needed to iDdnco Iha



Ca.t1rolio clor<>y nml I 1il\·, tu Nllttilmtc trhM will be


n10\1h· '"uiH~·il•llt 1('1 nitl1'•• our L'>tholic :-luc.1tiu11 1l E"'hihit. which will!.., the uni» 1li•th1cthc 1,;,,. tholic fulture iu the \\"urlcl'r Fair, ouc of ito 11\0ol irnportrtnt • n, l \·:1ltn\ile 1lc­p~lrlmcnt!.. ~en. iu.onr d.~y •hill lrt' 4"'.liu h:.'rc :eu~h .m op11Vrt nuity to b~iog 31tr ulucoiJon1! wo1k, which i•

intim:lloly :te.iodnlcll ,\\ith nll our bighe•t dntcrc-t• "" L'.11 hulk"' nrnl Amcrh:.·m~, to public Rtll!ntiuu r ml iD5l-C~ti\lu. 1-"or muhilmlt".i , thi1 ~~· hibit will 11'! th<) stnu1l:ml, whcicb~· they wil.1 mc"'!uto 1 hu wortlt nu\! •lllri· OOC\" or our l \'8lC m nnl1 metl1otl1. Lnt no One rcm11i~ inJilfct('nt w11er tt~1 intur6 ts nro i11,·olrc1I. If t h•i cshiuil i.i what we ha\'o rcn:o,OH to huJi.,,·e it will t.c, it will:1w.1kcn 1ww fc•I, nm! gi\•c a fr~.J1 impul~O 10 IU t,!lU.tU Of L'otholic i:Ju e< · · thu \'11ite1! St:it'11. \r l' confith.11 y l>eliM·t' th:\t this :ippell will rnrct "ith n i;1•11rt011s ~ponStl frum ti ch nnll Jk>Or, :\Utt t h.1t multi1111lc• of tho (:iithful 1hnll hwe the .:11i;t1ctio11 tu k11u11 tlut 1 th1•y h:l\"o p.L:t in thi1 W\lrk.

ContliLutiou .. 111. ,y 00 j(\Ul to }:i,::ht He» .• I. J .• 'p>IJing, l'rcsiileot Cat ho· lie £duc.11iu11>! E<hiliil, )i. } :. corurr 35tb 8111,.1, a111I \\'nb.1·h .\1<n11e. Chic>i;o. Ill. i '

.Jaw..,, L' 1rJin•I Gililion•, ,,rchl.i;hor of n.,ltirooro; ) I ich1cl A. l 'orrig;in, \ rchbis hop of Xow York; Willi•m

I · t:hlor, .\ rchbiohop of C"iucln· uot" ·P>tricR .\. Fc~lin~, A1chl1W1ol' orClucngi> : \\'illi11111. !I, Gr11.- . , \rdF hishop ofOrego11 L'it~· l tlohu lrdnud, Arcl1Li•hop oi l:'t . l'nul; F1•11ci• J n11Mcn•, .\rcli1>i~hu11 of ~uw Url•.m•' Fmnci• X. 1\.11xcr . • ~rchlii•hop ~f )lilw:mkcC'; l ' etcr Hieluml_ l\cnrirk, .\rchbi•hop uf St. !.011i1; l 'olrick \\'. Uiunl•n .. \rd1lii•hop of;;on F1.11irioco; Patrick ,I. J:y1.n, .\1ch\ii.ihop vf l'hil· nJdphi.,: .ttihu 1:. ~>lpoiuto. ,\rclr· lo1.hup of l'aulo Fe.; J ohu .J-i•cph \\"il!hms. :trchllishop o!IJ~. :<!n.

Tll~ \E\\U' ~l.\llRIEIJ eorn.E.

(;h:u·nctcrls t ks qf'Princcs• J l n rlc n nd the C rO\\ u Prin~" of R 1111-mauiu.

l.u:<tio:<.~E,!mun1I· \'otcs ·~·,!or }>rinc:C':." )l.1ric nnJ l'riucu J•\·rJin.uiJ 1hus' '"lt i:t no 'll"l'rut. th:l: !lriuce" .\l;irie is J evotc.lh · nt1.1chcd lu l 'ri11cu J'~rdin;mJ, w110, .. 11u '1011\Jt, 1,,y thij time h~ ttttitc from his un· f~rtuuato l'""'ivn fur QuccrtJ'ijLlhcth'o m>id of lron.h-. l'tincu t'ol\1ion111! ought to fool hir;iily Ontturr1! l·~~t 10 prcful'l'ntu of Princcas ~!nrio, who, I 11 she • ceo so olis1>01tC<l, mir:ht prolJ,, ~· hM-.1 morrioJ n plince who nt t ho ·•· cnt time is thu l~t motch in " \,·orld. Prince ... :\Iorio i• not onl~· ""Y (Jrclty, b ut is liright •ml cle\•cr, RDd bus inherited hor tnolbor'• force of cb11rnc:for. '

Prii:ce'" :\lnrio, in chonn of poroou anti minJ, "'"'' p1obnbly tho p1izo in tl:u -royal m~lrimoniol mork..i. };,. copting tho l'rincc04 )fnud of \\'ales, ahe i• the prollie.1 o! the Qutrn-. tit· cont!oots. • he •f>C'~ks •nil 1ut!s }"reneh, Cernao, Englioh lip.\nuh •nll lblian, Uttt.i f= l•uh· •n1l 1la11ru .. ith gnict. She i• -.,1(.wi!lotl •n•I ••ry h•ught:r "'ith•I, M \fell u d iah· ing athletic nn1l nther incline•! to I·• bcwtroog. The crow-// prinro of Roumaoia is litor:iry, \IJlf>Ot••I to ,.;.,. lent oxerciflO Of •ny !.'\or!, miltl·mnn· oerecl and mlhor oentiwont•I. Th• czar, it i, atakd, f.,,,. thal the Prin· ccaa llltrio ... m exert h~r influence for Eag14nd ai:d Corm .. y i11l1ho JJ.,IL:itnd. ond •t first opro-e<I tho mnlch. 1-:w. peror \Yi!linm, howe\'cr, brought tho. wr 10 lonus.

Ratios of IHegitimacy. .-l hblu of alnU.ties o!illegitmncy in

'Europe, published by 1llr . .,\(~rt f..,.(. 'llnrell, 1how1 Iha !ri311 111 lio tho most. virtuous o!. •II tlu) r•opleo, tho ~tio of illogit imoU> births nmuui; tl"m being20 inavor~· 1,000.- Tho hngli•h mt4 it 48, •nd tho Scotch ~2 por 1,000. Tbua \fO moy roughly say thnl for., •. ery cbihl bom uu~ of wedlock in l ro· lanJ,,,)o •re born in fa1gloud •nJ three in Scotlnnd. In Europe •I h ri;u l re· lanJ i• clO'ioly followe1! in its ploC\l of !1onor bf n .... in, \filh tho low rnto or 28 per l ,OOQ, •n•l liy lloll•o1I with tho n ta of 3:! per l,000. Tire ltnlion and f'rorich mica nro rc.epccti•cly 74 •nd 2 per 1,000, comr•rc.d with the Scotch. Among countrioa 1hat • l1o w tho highesl 1•roportioq1 or illcgitiw•cy aro Sweedon, Soxony;"'" n .u·nrio •nd .Au1t.aiG, in which tho rntc r.ingu from 100 to l~o· per l,000. AuJlrfo is nt t.llo oppq•ito ~le from J rolnn•I, nnd takes th'li.lo)l'eet ploco in mornlity amons. tl(o .Europo•n nntio111 \Tith n rat~o! I G per 1000, Tho enquiry into t • conics of thuo \'arying rntta

gitimocy raises com1>liCAtoJ nod f o ereatfog probl~m1. Tho causco gen· era ly 1uppoeed lq be pri\cipol f •cto1'1

.io tho mnller >ro (JO•crt)', ign and lho coDt~niD3lion of gro•I itiea. Enmioinll" tnainOuence of thu r. Iltffingwoll-flnda it very alight. l u lNl•nd, lhe l\ weat mica orv io the J>OO!e.l coootna. R11.1ai1, with ouo Of l'lllU1 it ODO Of lhu JlOOl'­nt countries, •nd the onthor affirm• "there a now hare 111.!:h uniforw rel"' lion between Ibo ioaJeonco of A people


""\ -

Tb~ Dnllv Tlibnne, St - . . I

Tbm·,s.lay, Feb. 2,

_, 1111•1~1 .. )lr6\'•l•·UC~ of ilkgirnM'y M 10 ju-1,ir~· thu h)J•llht,is• .th11 )f.~'l.J'h·!"r of uilli"Ldchu')ueucy 111 en~· 1hs tr1ct or country c.>n 1.., 11r.:urnlcly ,1c...,ribe1l 118 C•U•ctl !11" it• )10\l'llJ. .\8 litll~ C.lll the iutfu~nce of {{r(~\L cilh:j AC·

count fur tlw 1•rc,·nlrmce o ( illrj;i1iiuo· c\" . .Eduflltion •1111 croctl •!>i'"" t{> h"'·o lfttlo infh11nc... \\'~ '""'~.•eek t!•e rc>I (Jctor• In nrcu nnd lrr1t•ht)-. lri;1~· lnth·o i-c,11tl':\iulit upon 111nr1 h J,:c, "'tw...ial UAUR"'" nt.Ul:- qlhcr circnml'ltnuct..·!t.'1-Fl·ur~ l/,e Scic.liCt'~ .\/v11thltt·

nil ~1ig t. · Af(cn1·nrd l ca1mo hero, n lik \\'n$hinglou: l lived here OllCI! WO years, WhCU ffi)' Jnughtcr wns n child. $he wroi bom here. 1 h1t1·1• n kind of 101·u fl,)r the pince.'

• Aunt Catherine is ns cruel nmf ,·indicth-o M •ome nnlutorc~I hea­then,' ho brc:1k11 unl nng1-illy. •Aud ~rc1~1, brought up b)( bcr, is no bculc. The ..:cngennc\ of htal"ttl >Till cnrtninly ovcrtnkl' both of them for t l1cir 11~ck~tlncss.' ...

She t1U'ni t'- h im •udden)y withnn cngor ftu.'!h in the great &irk eyes, •Yengcuro is in my lljlnds, lfr. \\' nrren. l kno"· s<>mcJ iuir thal wnuld .brinn dowu their pn in the duM, nm\_r:ri'I them fonwcr. 11 l nso it ngnin~t them 1 Shnll 1 tnku tu y ro~n:;t for ull they hn \"O Jone io mol' - •

'rhoru is ~i\cucc rorn mi11utl.'. J!e docs nol nnswor, nnu nft<•r n liltlcr sho goes on c~gerly:

' It won)J l)ll n grcnt 1"3Wnge for llll', and yet it would only be right. It wd\1hl be du net or jllSlicc to nn­

<•t hcr t hnt ha'< nlrenlly been (ll() long tlclnyL'\I, l hnvc bt'Cn wcnk nud ~1'1n.'<l 1hcm, lhiuking tlint )'C!hn1.s I nwed the m 11 little gr:ilitui.le. H11t-,-11ow-11ow there i3 not\)in:t to hiu. J cr : I wHI ~how thc~nt the <:ro<l-<ltn w(irm will t um· •

Hut then Alci.. Wnmm ;,h3kcs his l1t11d slt11dy'.

• Xo. ) I N. ThurnJyk~,' he n11-1we1-s, gm»dy, • 1 will not oonnscl yon to n r~wngc like . l.H them go, aml.)cn»e them lo the , . ..,11. gcnce of God, who ncl"er fori,-cts to puni~h i11 His om1 sOO<l time. I Jo not bclie1·0 it is right for ll:i to t:1kc thcso petty humnn . revcugc~ 11p1111 our foes. \'engcnOQ is n 11i,·i1:c (•fl' · rognli\'c. 1..qnvc it ~jl,11\·cn,'

~he studies hi111 with 11 keen, iu ­tcnt, lwlr dt1rprisc<I gn7.e.

• A re ypu so noble ?' s l1e :l!<ks nt lcuglh. • \\'oil, but, )J r. \\':irrcn, SUJ>po.;c tlu1t some one has bccu "rouged, nm! uothing cl·c Lm this rc»cn'->o of" bich l ~pcnk cull righl th11 ' hong. Wluit thcu 1'

, 1 T'' o wrtJag3: c::\U n<:\'cr !113 ke n

rig ht,' he nusw~r<, 'llowly. • I cnn only counst-1 you to let il I."'• )lrs. Thorndyke. You nrc a.ngry, nnd your <cn,e of right nnd \Hong mny he lrnrpt.-d by the srunrt of your pnin.'

lnto tho dark eyes of the wtpngcd worunn comes n gm"'• thoughtful look n~ if she were quelltioninl? her-•clf. •

• If you k11ow nil, if ~·on quite Ull·

dc;:;il\tid. 1 liulic\'e yon would think quitd /differently,' she answer:; like one Jiscn!l8i11g n · vexed prubl1•111 ;

" but it shall )>o ,ns you My. l "ill k'tl\"C!'il nfono now; J " ill lenw ittn tirno 1111<1 to.God-unless-'

Dul witl• thnt Inst 1oro\0 i.><> un. ~po' ·n she pn use~. lt<-r 511<1 eye:.• guziug ouJ....u1>0n thc henutiful, flow-1?1')' t1CC·nH,lcforc her, seeing c»cry­tl~ • ns lhrough n gl11Ss darkly'­tbc slmdo" y l"cil of SOITO\Y dim111inl! the hluc nnd •miling s ky, fotl!ni: t lrr rosy tints of tf10 flowc.,., hushir.;: tho j oyous ~ongs of the birtb until thl'ir hl\pp~· &lmin~ £1'1· 111 att1111c1I t" oor­rr1w. , • Y 0 11 know,' hy •.1,v<, n f1cr :i min­

ute's tboughtfnl s tudy t>I the quiet fore, • the p<KI hn• \\'riUc n, •To err is humnn, to !urr;i»c di\·int•.''

• Thcf\' i• no tolk or forgi»cn~s,' she nns wl'r:; n little s hortly ns s he turns bnck to hilll. · l do uol iutcml to forr:ivr Mrs. W nrrcn nnd her nic(!(', I only forego my nffcngc bc­cnuae you Mk mo. I t is onotbcr thing to forgive them:• .

' W ould it pnin you too much to te ll mo nll l hnt Sereno said to her thnt nig ht, )frs. Thorndyke 1-I menu whnt she anid to Gnbricllo 1 ' ho cn1110 U> me · so incohcrenlly-

1111id thnt ercnl\ had been enying somc.ll1ing-l could llCllrcdy gntl1er ' t, sho WM so ugilated. Then be­fore 111<1 smool11 iL) ov~r. for I co11lll 11ot tell n lio to that in nocent child, you know-she broke from me, nnd- nn.d-' suuddtring. he atop nud bide!l bis fa.ce on bis blnc~ cont elee,·~.

{to be continued).

1~t Co·odfeUow & Cos.

saleVery Cheap Aa tcrlli:e apnco 11 roqulrcd fo r other purj>O&Cll,

Joisting a11d gtucldhii--assorted gizes. LATHS, SHINGLES.

Aloo oit atoro {ooobnshehl Jic n vT" lllnclc .Ont.-. BrM, 011ttlo f'ced ' ' and Po tntoce, nt Priceil lowe~ In tl•1% trade.

S TORA GE Parties rcqulrlni: storage cnn bo accommoaatcd nc><t week with space to

contain ~000 brll. F1our and 1000 brla. Pork. Froatproof ,·nulls on pron11Acs c:npnblc orbaidln~ lnrgc .qu.~nlltl(l(\ oCpNiahable goo<hJ. To nrrh-e nc~t ~eek 11 cargo or Kiln-dried Ploughed an'd Tongued Mnlclted Botll'd and Jotating-long fongths. •

JOHN L. O'DWYER. · - .

FISH ERl·ES : 1893. ' The nndcrsli;ned n ro p ropnrln1: n foll ntoCk ofNci.tluir u1-.,I T ,.-lno of their own innnufucture, oulllt!Jlo for LhoNewfonodhuid nndLabrn<lor l"lllh· cries oftS1l3 nnd Invite ~ho ra,.ornblo attention or t heir pntrono bn tb1> l&lnnd. Pn;tlcula r nttcntll>n given to tho mnldni> ofCod1rapeandSeinr1 :md

Wiiii~ffi'"'Stowe, Gloucester Net & Twine Co.,


~e:ceived per·Recent Arrivals. .nrn }'OH ::;ALE ur

P .&L.TESSIER ' The followlng llll'<J1 t111rnt ~f 1".-LUJ I.J! FLO UR :

500 brls. Kobe. 500 b1·s . Azalea F F L 0 u ·R

500 IJrls. Dia11101ul • 600 l>rls.Shamrock

500 bl'ls. Su rprise

AOOtn·l s. l(alny<t L 200 brls. Ar1·~hirc.llosc ()

400brls.Rcliable ~ S 600 ch~c Xo. I & 2_ Ex's 200 b~. Crescent S 4 0 0 brls"{ .~~~~~~~~1:1'.~ .l!~:vorite.

!11 >1ldi1ion I<> thc .. \·e "·• ~lso bolt!



f:JE:sr SARBADpS "MOLASSES n Punc heons, Tlercee and B11rrcl1. $elected Onnadlan and NOVA Scotlnn.

BUTTER. Bright, Grocery Sugnr. 'J:'EAS In bnlfoheall!, cnddlca, 7Jb, lib nnd l lb paokal1t11_, llnrvey•a1and Brownlnga No. I nnd

l'l'o. :i BREAu. In bags and blllf·b1Ll19.

GLASGOW; FAIRY AND STERLING SOAPS Tobaeco In box ... half boxe. and qnador boua. • •

And a run atock o! Oonoral Stcro Goodo and OJ'Oceri08. All ofwh!on wlU bo 1 dltpoaed or a~ prl""' at our Retail &11d Oasb 8lora.

P. & L. TESSIEil:L nov4,tf .

Arlllils of Jo~ ,Prin~g ·execute~ at tlm ' TRIBUNE " OFFICE.



...,.,==-===========-~ -,,---==.::--.-~ ?lriu J,llurrti:itmrnts. " . .



J:om~mb.·r that the j1rowrb &nya

" Opportnnily Has .No Hair Brl1i So tuk" Tin,. by the F orcl...:k.

: ---- ·- .\ THIS /S YOUR GREAT CHAN~E~


t~~~~~ 11gv L8Rll0 1il :.:.~" ..... DICKS & CO, "(. C. GAMBER'G, . soo water street. I Pamter, Paper-hanger ~\:. lnri:<' .. ~::J;;;c n cccont I AND DECORATOJt,

nooks "II •!""" and rullnga-Sta- lJ'"orkJJllQP: Allen's Squan. tlonnry or ~\•Cry dc•crlptJon al lo w I . priccs-omcc rcqWBltcs.._ In grcnt. All onlDra Jlrolll(lt!y nttendetl to . . \'Rr loty. n,ov4,toy -J, ---~·-·

A lnl'i:<• fU<Mort111 <>n t o f" LUll"'BVR I !nl<-bottlc•. Wcldou•s, f\nd Young f,Ul\f BER! .l.U ~ • LRdl~a• JournRI for Jnnunry-Wcl~ t!onff' llBz..~nr r<>r J nn1111ry, Dcllnca- 0 tor for Jnnunry Rb\' lew o r Jle- BY Cl.IFT, WOOD&C . \•lcw•, Ornphlr. for December. so ooo reo~ 2-lnohl_P. & T .

' '' •' lclou.>4' JCi1lt1 e r. OroT- ' FLOORJ.N0-.1'10.1. r hot, nod fnncy \\'Ork only 6 ccnta :!5 ooo Hardwood Pllulk- aU ..... ench. omco nnd Pol!kct Dlarl~s, At ~Iunlcllll\I Dn•ln- Nortb 81••· 1 93. \Vhhtoker'A, Uucll's, .Am• loi•••nndBow-Bell•a Almnnno,18!13. fan5 ------------

jan7. u02R1~9c~~ .. ~'tS~,~~~· P.E.I. BUTTER! NOTIC:Ip. - F6R SALE BY

ALL p~~RSONS WHO II.AVE CLIFT, WOOD & co. elnimll ngnln•t tb~ Est11to of tho lmto 100 Small Tuba P.E.I. Butler. Ann :l.!n1uring, forme rly of St. Jobn•a, The ~t and but nrtlcl•. Imported • widow. dccll:lM'd. uo rcquC!tcd to "'A rurni•h 83 mc1.nndnllpcrsonslndebt- AG M'CQLJBREY ed to anid .:Stnto nre required lO , ,

1 mnkc pn\•mcnt on 'br bcrore the Jut In do» o r J tinnnry inotant, to Mis& Anntc Manurlloturer and dealer '"ef1 Ln\,·!or; niece of deceased, 330 \\"ntcr dcaorlpl!OD or

StreetoftO r.J.SCOTT, DOMESTIC T(NWARE E:xcculo• IAtc A.Mnnnlng, dcc:cascid.

St. John••, Jnnunry 2nd, 93. Oppoalte Olin, W ood & Oe.•a p ,. • Ofllce: 330 \ \'nter Street. ' mlsea, Wntor-•t., St. Jobn•a, 1',F.

2iw.2 . .::w~·-----------:-:- STO\ 'E ·, TIN\\' .AJU:; GlfT TO EVERY ONE OF OUR RUQ.ERS. E:SUfAl.U:O W4lnl,

HOl0 S EKEEPJms· REQUIS.1'(118,

"A YARD 0, PANSIES.'' llAJU) WAl!E, &c., &o.

By •pcclnl nrrnngemcnl wll.l1thep11b- D ,~es s C(l Cla1JIJoa11J ~~~".?<.~~ :::t1~~~1~~:~o::'t0~F::~Jr U. thesecxquh;ltQ Oil Picture•, 30 inclica ion¢, n con1pn11lon lo a -'Ynrd or Ro· ~ .um sea " whtcball h1\\'e&eenandndmlrod. S B d This c:rqulalt~ pirturc, " A Ynrd or \Pli pared pruce oar P AM!e• "wa& painted by tho ,anmo ~ noted n'rllst who did tbo" R~•." It Now la~dlng a~ 11 the •nmo slzc,ftnd 19 pronounced by ~ J>-~ ,.,..,9SSii:=!r'e art .. r111c. to be rnr 111pcrfor to the ---_QC.I ....,_... "'(' "Ro•ea." Th• reproduction la eqnAI e)t. achr . Loulla.' In every respect to 4'eorlglnal, wlilch 30 ) f . D,.,,..ed CIJ!pboard, coat SSOO, and accompnnylng It arc 1o ·:.t. P . T. nnd o. Spruce Boards, ruu dlrec11on• ro r rran•lng Ill nome .. t ~ T . a.co1tora fow<:ent•, l hua forming" p Oli L ess1er. beautJrul ornamen~ ro r your pnrl11ror • • • aanperb Ohrlltmnagln, worth atfeJUt Potatoes and Turnips. M.00. Send your nomo nnd addrCl!S Selllne Ohea.P to tho publlaher , W. J£!<1'o·n•os DE· • I MORA T, 16 Eut Hth Street, No ... • .AT PITTS' WHARJ? York wltb. lbreo 2-cent •tampa to pny for ~c'dng, malllnlf, oto.,nnd mru1tl9n tha' you are a render or the DAI LY TntDONBI and you will recolve by •<:· tum mo l ' one or the•o »alunble Works of Art.-;1An4,31,cod . •

CA.ED-Dn. KENDALL.- Re&ldcnec a:>.i

Surgory~junollol) o r Duclcworlh nnd Gower oto.- Oppoelt.e OaUa~an , 0 1111& &. Oo.

Roura: 10 11.m. • l! to S nn .30 to, p.m.

jn.ntG,tm lny, Onls nml cnUlo Feed

AIJ!o a r~w barHll earrol<I Tho toltg1nph lines arv intertuptod

ot Grconspond.

.J}'ST ~/VED

Sleigh Bells. NECJ{, BACK & DOD~


WOons·s ~ '0ontral BardwaH an• Jlou & P1ir·

nllhloir I t.ore, \I • ew Gower-SW. For aalo by lho aubacrlben : SIGI OF llvCAlfDJIClUIT ~-

Ay , ,_ 100 TONS PRIME TIM. H . c::AOE _ ~


•L- h 37 Bntclllnp1 '::lt:reet, St. Johll't,rN,f'. S- Tn nelta o 100 and 200..,. no · Otnc& honN-8 Ml 10 a.m.: S'\><f"4 jut Y' & L. ~SIER.. p.m. and 1 tc 8 p.m •1 ..

•i ,·