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Page 1: · Web viewAllan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939, Long Beach, California, 4:03 AM, Pacific Time, written in Bakersfield,

Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939, Long Beach, California, 4:03 AM, Pacific Time, written in Bakersfield, CA, on July 16th 2014.

Suppose we make a octahedron out of the trigrams of the Chinese I Ching /Chinese Book of Changes/Yi Ching, using the three kinds of yang in the Heaven Trigram and the three kinds of yin in the Earth Trigram as the six kinds of questions you might ask. Let one vertex of the octahedron, or side of a square, or vertex of a buried cube octahedron emerging as a great pyramid, let one Heaven Trigram vertex be eldest son yang as the thermodynamic HOW and let another Heaven Trigram vertex be middle son yang as the integration of all meaning in WHY and the final youngest son yang vertex and the inversion of all meaning in the existential phenomenological infinitesimal moment of here and now time in the WHO that changes emotion into passion and information into knowledge and integration into pleasure and disintegration into pain and dissociation into self and association into communication in time and space.

Let the vertex of eldest daughter yin Earth Trigram be the WHEN of natural history and historical time and the middle daughter yin be the WHAT of quantum mechanics and the particles and atoms of the natural world, and the youngest daughter yin be the space time relativity natural world WHERE.

Suppose this octahedron cube pyramid is the human brain. Suppose the WHAT are of middle yin is the fact oriented left hemisphere, and suppose the WHY is the meaning oriented focus of the right hemisphere of the cerebrum. Suppose the WHO focus vertex of

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and suppose the WHERE of youngest daughter yin is the association areas in the Parietal and Occipital, and Temporal lobes back of the central sulcus that divides the Frontal lobes from those behind them. Suppose the eldest daughter yin is the memory function of the Hippocampus and its connections with the cerebral cortex and its knowledge of WHEN and suppose eldest son yang is the connections of the basal ganglia and cerebellum and amygdala with the upper brain and its ability to coordinate the conscious and unconscious skills necessary for life, including control of the autonomic system in the limbic lobes and hypothalamus.

Suppose the equivalent to the WHO in psychological function was the Adult or Ego and of the WHY was the Parent, or Super Ego, and of the WHAT was the Child (developing Ego functions) and of the HOW was the Infant (emerging Libido), suppose the WHEN was the Elder, the Freudian Thanos, or Death Wish, suppose the WHERE was the Egg (Id, Anima, Animus). Suppose the Adult was in charge when activated by the reticulate activating system and the sympathetic nervous division of the autonomic nervous system, while Id and Egg functions belong to sleep and dreams and the parasympathetic autonomic functions.

The Heaven Trigram function, ruled by the Adult, Parent, and Infant, is basically magical and aboriginal and romantic, while its Earth Trigram opposite is ruled by Child, Egg, and Elder, and is basically naturalistic, scientific, and realistic, it is the democratic and utilitarian function of the state, it is all about the basic facts of WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN, the measurable dimensions.

The Wind Trigram function is ruled by the Adult, Parent, and Elder, and the WHO, WHEN and WHY, is basically metaphysical and idealistic, while its Thunder Trigram opposite is practical, technical, and business first, with its focus on the WHERE, WHAT, and HOW of getting the Egg

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and the Infant, and the Child to cooperate in the emergence of the future ego.

The Flame Trigram is the HOW and WHO and WHAT of the Child and the Infant and the Adult in their early adventures of exploring the world. It is experimental and artistic. Its opposite is the WHEN and WHERE and WHY of the government and law focused WATER WELL TRIGRAM and it’s Elder, Parent, and Egg. Flame is all about early childhood and Water Well is about old age and death. Flame is Karma and action and Water Well is Dharma and justice.

The Mountain Trigram is the WHEN and WHO and WHAT of the Child and the Adult and the Elder and their mindset and analysis of their experience in the world. It is skeptical and logical and is the opposite of the Lake Trigram of the Parent and the Infant and the Egg. If Mountain is mind, Lake is dogma, is judgment, is systems of birth and rebirth, is Jungian Synchronicity. Lake is the missionary church and the Marxist ideology. It is not WHO but WHERE, not WHEN but HOW, not WHAT but WHY.

If Heaven Trigram is an aboriginal shaman, Earth is a scientist. If Flame is an adventurous artist, Water Well is a strict judge. If Mountain is an empiricist and skeptic, Lake is a dogmatic Daoist applying ritual and formula to mythological interpretations. If Wind is a classical idealist, Thunder is a practical business person and technologist.

Heaven is inspired by the gods and Earth studies science. Wind is compulsive in adherence to classical metaphysics and Thunder is evolutionary and focused and contemporary practice and technology.

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Flame is existential and Water Well is astrological. Mountain is empirical and Lake is passionate about dogma and myth.

The specialist stuck in print media associated with science cannot see that the medium is the message. The specialist is a product of the print media, the textbooks and journal articles that created the specialists story, his or her special version of geology or biology, special version of the WHEN.

The new cool medium of the web page allows access to a number of options. Sacred objects from the aboriginal stage, dialogues from Plato inspired by oral speech, written notes from scientific experiments, a text book account of the latest technical advances, an art movie, an old television debate, a web site on astrology or life after death. Each of these are potential contents within the larger structure of evolving automation, electronic media, computer and web systems. These new media relationships create new relationships within the content of media. Simpler media relationships necessitated simpler models, as the simple falls away a new possibility emerges.

The old world that allowed only one set of possibilities was the limited product of specialized print media and their specialized knowledge focused publishing. We know are exposed to more than one possible story, logos, version of the WHEN.

Lee Smolin in his book TIME REBORN (2013) presents a version of time different from the old methods of physics that made time a part of the WHERE of relativistic space, a notion more a product of the universal print media that presented the idea, then of actual data from science. As we suggest, the HOW of eldest son energy can generate many WHEN time sequence and stories that integrate only in WHY systems like our I CHING dogma related above.

Page 5: · Web viewAllan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939, Long Beach, California, 4:03 AM, Pacific Time, written in Bakersfield,

William James presented the notion of pluralism, of many possible approaches to reality. It was Hegel that took the contradictory ideas of Kant and tried to make them into a single dialectic. Kant placed the infinite (our Heaven) against the finite (our Earth) and open (Flame) against the closed (Water Well), simple (Mountain) against complex (Lake) and necessary (Wind) against contingent (Thunder). We view Hegel’s solution as simply one among many. When we offer a synthesis, it is not meant as a fact, or an objective truth.

Each of the systems has its own weakness. The romantic is overtaken by the inspirational source of its own primitive aboriginal sources, the classical by axiological assumptions built into oral language, and the realistic by utilitarian assumptions built into written language, the expressionistic by practical assumptions built into the print medium. The heat of radio is a source of the existential assumption and the cool of television is a source of the analytic, this current multidimensional harmony is in accord with the notion of a higher hidden government, and its extension, is in accord with the notion of higher complexity.

There is an appeal to ignorance behind the idea of Heaven Trigram and the improbability that becomes probable in an infinite flux. There cannot be a real proof that this idea applies to actual events. But, the scientific is largely an ad Hominem appeal to expert testimony, a real expert cannot be wrong. But the practical and pragmatic realm of the contingent often comes down to an appeal to numbers. Often the existential seems nothing more than a set of hasty generalizations and the empirical and skeptical no more than a lot of special pleading. Most metaphysics begs the question and most rationalism is simply an appeal to authority and the dialectical and dogmatic is rarely more than appeals to emotion in the form of divine command, etc..

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It is not possible to establish a final system of truth. What you have is a system of plausible hypothesis and tentative suggestions. There is no final proof, no perfect theory, but practical pressures demand choices and actions regardless of our preparation for selection of options. This is well discussed in various works on pragmatism by William James.

In Andrew J. Beck, INTRODUCTION TO WILLIAM JAMES (1967), Beck discusses how James distinguished between Pluralism and Absolutism. According to James, Absolutism wants a divinity that is complete in its totality, Pluralism accepts the fact that there may never be any final all.

Here we see the philosophy of pragmatism that sees the WHY of all meaning and the WHAT of here and now particulars as emerging from an ongoing HOW of practical functions. Daniel R. Brook and E. O. Wiley in EVOLUTION AS ENTROPY show how the logos of WHEN associations of WHERE dissipative structures emerges from a HOW of evolution as flow of energy toward the atomic and molecular WHAT of entropy. This how involves a natural selection of energy dissipative structures.

In his contribution to Volume I of THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE (edited by Sol Tax, University of Chicago Press, 1960), Bernhard Rensch (op. cit., 95 to 116) describes laws of parallelism (laws of WHO phenomenology), laws of logic (laws of the logos, the story, of logic, of the WHEN of sequences and time), and causal laws (laws of WHAT, of quantum mechanics and physics and chemistry and biology, etc.). Rensch describes these laws in depth in EVOLUTION ABOVE THE SPECIES LEVEL, (Columbia University Press, 1959). The basic questions of the relationship of HOW in thermodynamics, WHAT in quantum mechanics, WHERE in space time relativity, WHO in phenomenology, and WHY in integration of WHEN time and logos sequences is brought up in Lee Smolin’s TIME REBORN, referenced above.

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Process Philosophy was developed by Alfred North Whitehead and is discussed in his SCIENCE AND THE MODERN WORLD (1925). On page 89 of this work, he discusses “value” and “events,” in our system they are Wind Trigram and Thunder Trigram, the realm of WHO and WHY and WHEN is value, the ideal, the realm of HOW and WHERE and WHAT is the practical world of events, entropy as evolutionary emergence. Value is the realm of our Adult voice and its relationship with its Elder voice and its Parent voice, Freud called this the Super Ego, what used to be called conscience. If we are stuck in the Parent and the Elder we may develop a Compulsive personality disorder. If we are stuck in the Elder and the Adult, we may become Paranoid, the Adult and the Parent may become Schizoid.

The opposite of the Paranoid is the Egg and the Infant in the Borderline, opposite of the Compulsive is the Infant and the Child in the Antisocial and the opposite of the Schizoid is the Egg and the Child in the Histrionic of Thunder Trigram at its edge with Earth Trigram.

Alfred North Whitehead will call this realm of Values that we call Wind Trigram, the realm of Eternal Objects, another word for the Forms of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Earth Trigram becomes Actual Occasions, and Thunder becomes Events, there are the Objects and Shadows of Plato’s Cave Allegory, see his REPUBLIC. The Sun that shines on these Forms outside the Cave is in the Heaven Trigram source, the realm of the God of Process in Whitehead’s system.

Gilbert Ryle explains the confusion that exists between everyday language and the special language of science in this book called DILEMMAS. When we confuse the specialize language of a WHEN story with the specialized language of a different WHEN, we make what Ryle

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calls a category mistake. Each category of human discussion and thought has its own logos, its own WHEN, its own story of things.

But, so does our brain. Ultimately our Elder will tell the story of our death and its relationship to our birth from Egg in the WHERE of our Nativity. This birth is the WHEN of our Astrology, a Water Well Trigram way of interpreting the government of our lives by the planets. Astrology is a unique system for interpreting the WHY of our lives that is mythological rather than realistic.

In his book, FINITE AND INFINITE GAMES, James P. Carse, explains the difference between the infinite game category, what we call HEAVEN TRIGRAM and the FINITE GAME category, our EARTH TRIGRAM. Infinite games are strong on HOW and WHY and WHO, but Finite games look more at WHAT and WHERE and WHEN facts and explanations. Carse explains that a finite game takes place within a WORLD, that is it has a WHERE association in space time, it is limited temporally and has a WHEN and it is limited numerically, it has a WHAT number that is rational and real.

Infinite games have a HOW but not a WHEN, the how is endless play that has no limit, it is the conservation of mass energy thermodynamics. Infinite games have a WHO but not WHERE, anyone can play them at any time and place, the have a WHY that is joy and love and serenity and faith but they have no defined WHAT. The WHO of the infinite game has a WHY but no WHAT, has a role but no name, has a meaning but no final form. These roles blend endlessly like the gods in Ovid.

To the extent that it is WHY rather than WHAT, astrology is an infinite game with connections to a finite game WHERE and WHEN. Its

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apparent violations of the boundary between the finite and the infinite are the source of its endlessly controversial status that necessarily has no finite resolution.

There is the Parent that produces the Egg in the World of Where. The mythical Parent is an agent of the mythological circle of Love in Pi of Euler’s Identity in the Goodness of Wind Trigram. The Infant is the natural log in e of endless development and the resulting child is the number one WHAT of narcissistic form. The Adult Who that starts this process is the creativity of the imaginary number and the Elder is the zero point of the story in the nativity of the astrological WHEN. All of this comes to an equals point in the space time dimensions of the World of WHERE associations that is the Egg that is fertilized in the process of the HOW that gives rise to the infant in Thunder that will become the Child in Flame Trigram adventure that will generate the Elder mind of WHEN that will tell the mental story of impressionism and empiricism in the philosophical world of Mountain Trigram skeptical analysis.

Astrology is the government of Birth and Death in the WHEN of the developing elder. Ancestry and reincarnation are the HOW of this process that moves from Death in Water Well to a new birth and the development of this new birth into the Infant voice in Lake Trigram ancestry complexity. Astrology is where the infinite game played by the Infant voice in Heaven Trigram where it emerges as the Adult and the Parent in the creative WHO and the integrative WHY, and comes out of the Eternal Object in Wind Trigram into the mechanisms of fate in Water Pit, so finally the infinite game takes finite form in the womb of Water Pit as Earth Trigram product.

Page 10: · Web viewAllan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939, Long Beach, California, 4:03 AM, Pacific Time, written in Bakersfield,

Astrology satisfies no one, being neither infinite game fish nor finite game fowl, yet without it there is no completion for the compulsions of the Parent or the masochistic dependence of the Egg. Only where Astrology in Water Well yields up to ancestral dogma in the Daoism of the I Ching game plan can the WHO yield up its WHAT to the higher integration that is the WHY of the endless Parent that is the loving higher power of all things in the pi of endless integration and inclusion.

Thus, for the addict, and the addicts powerlessness over the WHAT of his child’s addictive craving, there is no solution but in the highest integration of the loving God Parent Father Mother. Thus, the food and drug addiction, the sex addiction, the love addiction, the codependent addiction, the food addiction, the power addiction, the religious hysteria addiction, all are yielded to the second step of belief and the third step of surrender to the final WHY of the loving Maker and Provider in the highest WHY Parent voice. In the fourth step, the paranoid resentful Adult takes inventory with the Elder who remembers all and knows the schizotypal story of the crazy behavior of the Infantile King Baby HOW of addiction. The addict must find a higher schizoid form of transcendence and surrender to integration in the WHY that overcomes the trauma drama of the histrionic and antisocial narcissism and borderline self destructive behavior of addiction. So fifth step and sixth step and seventh step turn further material over to higher power and this continues till all of Heaven Trigram becomes the magical parent of the good result in the principles of 12 step classical ideals and virtues in Wind Trigram recovery.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, July 16th 2014

So the developing Infant generates the Adult and Parent voice of Heaven Trigram as the HOW creates the WHO and WHY centers of the personality that form the Egg voice and the WHERE in Lake Trigram as

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the developing aboriginal self makes a return to the ancestry and the family system that generated it in the deep synchronicity of birth and rebirth. It is this Lake Trigram that is the key to the dialectic of Classical Chinese belief with the WHO as the Buddhamind Parent voice and the HOW as the Infant Dao at work generating the WHERE in Confucian family system.

The developing Egg voice gives rise to the Infant voice and the Child voice in the emerging expressionism that is Thunder Trigram that brings forth the Adult voice in the development of the adventurous will in Flame Trigram which nurtures the aboriginal Parent and the return to the systems cycle out of its Dreamtime WHY source in Heaven Trigram.

This is the genetic HOW cycle of the Ego WHO Adult voice. The Elder voice emerges in Earth Trigram as the Egg WHERE confronts the Child voice WHAT in the early developmental issues of anal and oral development. As the Adult and Elder voices emerge, the beginnings of the Adult mind in the impressionism and empiricism of Mountain Trigram will gradually develop a true Parent voice in the idealism of Wind Trigram which passes at death back to the Water Pit Trigram Dharma that matches the Flame Trigram Karma that set it in motion.

Different therapeutic voices are need for these different aspects of the mind. Problems in Heaven Trigram respond to Mindfulness techniques and those in Earth Trigram to Reality Therapy. Problems in Thunder respond to Hypnotherapy and the methods of Milton Erickson, while problems in Flame Trigram to an Existential Approach, Mountain responds to Transactional Analysis and Water Well to Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Lake Trigram responds to Family Systems. Wind Trigram responds to 12 Step and Humanistic ideals and principles.

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Hypnosis applies role play to the developing HOW and the Infant voice. It applies suggestion to the WHAT and the Child voice, dissociation to the Egg voice and the WHERE of the deep collective unconscious Anima in yin and Animus in yang.

Transactional Analysis confronts the Child voice in the WHAT and the Adult voice in the WHO and the Parent voice hidden in various stages of the Elder voice.

Cognitive Therapy approaches the later developments of this Elder voice and Behavioral Therapy approaches its primitive roots. Freudian psychotherapy plunges deep into the Egg voice WHERE aspects of the Elder WHEN. Jungian Therapy looks at the integrative collective unconscious roots of these in the deep Parental voice WHY.

This synchronicity extends into astrology and the integrative therapy of the WHY in deep systems. The HOW of the Infant voice in Systems Techniques yields of the dissociation of Past Life Regression Hypnosis in the exploration of potential deep aspects of the Egg voice WHERE.

This Egg voice leads us to the deep WHERE as the Chinese Language dominates the Lake Trigram and its Japanese and Koran opposites rule Mountain Trigram. The Russian Language dominates Water Well and its Arabic opposite rules Flame Trigram. English rules Thunder Trigram and its Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali opposites rule Wind Trigram. German and French and Italian tend to rule Earth Trigram, but Indonesian and Malaysian languages rule Heaven Trigram, along with South American Spanish and Brazilian developments out of the empire of Portugal.

In religion, the Egg and the WHERE are Confucian and the Adult and the WHO are Hindu. The Elder and the WHEN tend toward Islam and the HOW and the Infant voice toward the Daoist and the Shinto and

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Animism. The Child voice and the WHAT tend to the Christian, but the WHY and the Parent tend toward Buddhism and the Mahayana.

In the geology of the earth, the HOW tends to be volcanic and the WHEN tends to continental shield, the WHO tends to be fault based thrusting and the WHERE to river basin sediment. The WHAT tends to be glacial in origin and the WHY tends to equatorial rainforest and a heavy biological component. Water Well tends to be the great basins and Lake tends to be marshes and rivers with alluvial aspect. Earth tends to be temporal glaciation and Heaven to tropical volcanism. Flame tends toward ocean archipelagos and Mountain to coastal peninsula and island formations, Wind to high mountains like the Himalaya and the Alpes.

The compulsive personality disorder is the edge of Wind into Water Well and the dependent of Water Well into Earth and the narcissistic of Earth into Mountain and the paranoid of Mountain into Wind. The borderline is the edge of Lake into Thunder and the antisocial of Thunder into Flame and the schizotypal of Flame into Heaven and the avoidant of Heaven into Lake. Sadism and negativism take Flame to Mountain and the schizoid takes Heaven to Wind, the masochistic and the depressed take Water Well to Lake and the histrionic take Earth to Thunder.

In religion, the New Age is narcissistic and the Protestant is histrionic, the Muslim is dependent, and the Catholic is borderline, the Orthodox is masochistic, Hebrew Orthodoxy is compulsive, the Buddhist tends to the schizoid and the Daoist to avoidant behavior. Jainism and Brahmanism tend to the paranoid and Hinduism to the schizotypal, Shinto and Zen to the sadistic and the negativistic, animism and cults to the antisocial.

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Where the brain of the animal and the mind of the language dominated planet and the systems of the media converge and diverge in the WHY and WHAT and the HOW and WHEN and the WHO and WHERE is impossible to determine, however, with a clue from Marshall McLuhan, signals and symbols tend to HEAVEN TRIGRAM and oral language to WIND TRIGRAM, written language to EARTH and printed language to THUNDER. Radio tends toward Flame and Television and Computers to Mountain. The Web tends toward Water Pit and complexities beyond the Web tend toward Lake, see the progress of ancestral DNA and ancestral record on the Web in this respect.

It is impossible, in the spirit of William James and Carl Jung, to say where reality stops and symbolism begins, where the finite games of James P. Carse, finally give way to the infinite game of Heaven Trigram.

It seems, that in Greek mythology, Zeus was narcissistic at the edge of Earth and Mountain Trigram, and Hera was paranoid, where Mountain turns to Wind. Athena appears to be schizoid on the edge of Wind and Heaven and Artemis to be schizotypal from Heaven to Flame, Apollo to Sadist and Negativist at the edge of Flame into Mountain, Ares to be antisocial from Flame to Thunder, Hestia to be dependent from Earth to Water Well, Hermes to be histrionic from Earth to Thunder. Aphrodite was borderline from Thunder to Lake and Demeter was depressed and masochistic from Water Well to Lake. Hephaestus was compulsive from Wind to Water Well and Poseidon was avoidant from Lake to Heaven Trigram.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, July 17, 2014