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1 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Queensland State School Reporting Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future. Every student succeeding. State Schools Strategy 2017-2021 Department of Education Gowrie State School

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Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.Every student succeeding. State Schools Strategy 2017-2021

Department of Education

Queensland State School Reporting


Gowrie State School

Contact Information

Postal address: Old Homebush Road Gowrie Junction 4352

Phone: (07) 4698 6888

Fax: (07) 4698 6800

Email: [email protected]

Webpages: Additional reporting information pertaining to Queensland state schools is located on the My School website and the Queensland Government data website.

Contact Person: Mandy Norton-McNeill, Principal

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School Overview

Gowrie State School is recognised as having a caring and supportive environment with staff working as a team and in partnership with parents and community.Our school along with our school community share the belief that all students can learn, given sufficient time and support thereby we have clarity of vision for every child progressing in their learning. Our motto 'Dignity in Work & Play' captures our commitment to an education that requires self responsibility and our shared responsibility as collaborative and innovative educators. Our ongoing focus on quality teaching as the school improvement driver ,with direct,explicit feedback on how we teach supports our journey to improving student performance. High student attendance, an Active Student Council and Student Leadership program, supportive transitions into Prep and onto Junior Secondary, well regarded Music Program and an authentic partnership with our school P&C Association account for some of the highlights of our school ethos. The school is set in rural environment with a welcoming culture and beautiful school grounds. Such aspects have been proudly nurtured throughout the long history of the school.

There is a strong and optimistic commitment by all staff to the school improvement strategy. The Gowrie School Community are strong partners in the belief that further improvement is possible. Our teachers take responsibility for changes in practice required to achieve school targets and are using data on a regular basis to monitor the effectiveness of their own efforts to meet those targets.

Every student succeeding is the shared vision of Queensland state schools. This strategy underpins regional and schoolplanning to ensure every student receives the support needed to belong to the school community, engage purposefully inlearning and experience academic success. When you visit with us at Gowrie State School you will witness our strong alignment to this vision.

Principal’s Foreword

IntroductionThis report provides an overview of the achievements, developments and challenges for Gowrie State School during the 2017 school year, and our future direction for 2018. The report is written in three sections: Our School at a Glance, Our Staff Profile and Performance of our Students.


Our School at a Glance details the school profile, curriculum offerings, social climate and parents, student and staff satisfaction with the school. This section also describes how our parents are involved with their child’s education and how the school is reducing our environmental footprint.

Our Staff Profile outlines the composition of the staff at Gowrie State School, teacher qualifications, expenditure on professional development, staff attendance and retention, and school income by funding source.

The Performance of our Students section provides information on student attendance and student achievement on systemic measures in Years 3 and 5.

As well as being published on the school’s website, this report will be presented to the Gowrie P&C Association during the July meeting, will be published over a number of issues of our school’s newsletter and be available as a paper copy in the school’s foyer or on request.

As learning is a journey, students at Gowrie State School will be known by the steps we take and the footprints we leave. It is with pride that I present the School Annual Report 2017 for Gowrie State School.

School Progress towards its goals in 2017

Throughout 2017 Gowrie State School worked hard to become a stronger learning community. With a focus, that was also reflected in the Gowrie State School Parent and Citizen’s 2017 Vision Board, our work was on continuous improvement. We invested in strategic planning and collaborative practices to build commitment at all levels—from the school Administration Team to the P&C Executive to the Principal to teachers to support staff to students to the larger school community.

In 2017 the school goals were declared in the 2017 school mantra: Enriching Expectations. Empowering Engagement. Exceptional Effort Every Day. Strategic planning was aligned to this goal structure and decision making was guided by the School Planning, Reviewing and Reporting Framework which is the improvement and accountability framework for Queensland State Schools.

The Annual Implementation Plan outlined 13 priorities for school improvement with three core priorities requiring targeted strategic planning to ensure there was a school wide ownership of our 2017 charter of expectations for school improvement.

Guided by the principles of collaboration, consultation, accountability, and being data-informed our thirteen improvement priorities and three core priorities (being the top three) were:

Reading: All students to meet or exceed Regional Benchmarks or identified goals of an Individualised Learning Plan.

Writing: School Assessment and Reporting Guideline to incorporate Internal Moderation schedule with the next step being regular internal moderation practices to add consistency of practice for assessment and making judgement.

Numeracy: All students to meet or exceed Regional Benchmarks or identified goals of an Individualised Learning Plan.

Science: Create a culture of engaged learning that improves achievement for all students; with a focus on "hands –on” experiences for Science from C2C units. GSS hosts the Small Schools Academic Challenge for Science.

Developing Staff Performance: 100% staff to have Developing Performance Plans by the mid Term 2.

Retention: Endorsement of a whole School Intervention and Support Model.

Attainment: Consistency of practice evidenced in student performance data.

STEM and future pathways: Cohesive whole school on- line NAPLAN preparation plan.

Transition: Completion of 90% of prep-preps interviewed prior to year of beginning school. 100% of SEP identified students attending a visit transition program.

Parent and Community Engagement: Improved P&C attendance and participation. Development of a yearly Vision Statement by the P&C in consultation with the Leadership Team.

Workplace Health and Safety and Well Being: 100% staff to engage in contributing to the annual assessment.

Closing the Gap between attendance and outcomes of indigenous and non-indigenous students: Increase indigenous parent and elder community engagement.

Attendance: reduced % of unexplained absence on a sustained level across the entire semester/year.


On behalf of the school community it is with pleasure that I provide a description of progress made on these priorities. It should be noted that each description of the progress made, this report also includes the school’s strategic response to data analysis and forward looking planning. Each class data set did not solely drive strategic thinking but as a whole school picture we based our decision making on identified needs, teaching and learning demands to support student additional needs as well as our shared responsibility and motivation to achieve high expectations.

This following narrative outlines


Using Darling Downs South West Regional Reading Benchmarks at the end of each term, Gowrie state School undertakes a whole school analysis of reading data. Purposeful use of data is a feature of how teachers make informed decisions about their students and to define and organise the teaching and learning strategies to progress student’s reading performance.

Gowrie State School is very proud of the data that indicated in every year level we had clusters of students achieving the end of year reading benchmarks at the midyear juncture.

The following table outlines the number of students achieving at or above the end of year reading benchmark.

Prep: In our class of 25 students, 18 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark.

Year One: In our class of 29 students, 19 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark. There was a cohort of students achieving just below the benchmark.

Year Two: In our class of 28 students, 27 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark

Year Three: In our class of 25 students, 23 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark. Year Four: In our class of 20 students, 19 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark.

Year Five: In our Year five cohort of 35 students, 33 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark. With this achievement in mind, the school

Year Six: In our Year Six cohort of 14 students, 14 students achieved at or above the end of year benchmark.

With these achievements in mind, the school undertook end of term whole school reading data reviews with the outcome being the following strategic decisions and forward looking direction:

To ‘raise the bar’ and strive for an end of year benchmark of a reading level 8 for Prep year. As well a strategy to ‘close the gap’ being implemented to provide targeted intervention programs with the support the school’s SWANS Team. SWANS is an acronym for Students With Additional Needs. This team innovated the whole school approach to learning support and intervention with a focus on individual learning improvement plans for students at risk.

The school’s strategic forward planning reflected the need to reconsider class size and teaching and learning demands in the early years. Along with community consultation the reconfiguration of classes for 2018 was realised and implemented with targeted use of the school staffing allocation. It was a remarkable outcome to end the 2017 year with a forward looking school plan of small classes throughout the entire school. The shared belief was that such an investment would enable more precise teaching, increased attention to building relationships with students and growing a teaching and learning practice being more student centred. To support this direction the school researched and trialled in the second semester, the impact of a whole school approach to the Positive Growth Mindset aligned to a case management approach to identifying and supporting student needs.

The school reviewed the teaching and learning practice of uninterrupted literacy blocks and daily sustained explicit literacy instruction. Throughout Semester Two, staff engaged in professional learning based on the research of John Hattie. Specifically, the high impact teaching strategy of school wide consistent practice of direct instruction of reading skills and knowledge. Towards the end of the year, the impact was visible in the school wide practice of using co-constructed learning goals and success criteria for all literacy lessons. Towards the end of the year, this practice extended to teaching and learning in all key learning areas in every classroom. A remarkable achievement which we are proud of and share responsibility with better informed parent and community engagement.

The school acknowledged the value of engaging with community specifically the valuable contribution of parent reading volunteers in classrooms throughout the school and our enhanced ability to implement the strategy of data informed reading groups. It is a lighthouse feature of Gowrie State School to have the resource of parent participation in classroom activities such as reading groups, Book Club and incursions such as Under 8’s Day.

The school reviewed the targeted of resources, specifically Teacher Aide resourcing. Our Teacher Aide Team work in close partnership with teaching staff and are a recognised professional learning community that is committed to the state school strategy of every student succeeding. Collaborative planning is an outcome of our school’s targeted use of resources.

The school confirmed the ongoing staffing commitment to the role and responsibilities of a designated literacy coach to work as part of the instructional leadership team to drive capability building initiatives,


specifically the evidenced based school improvement innovation: Putting Faces on the Data (Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan). The distance travelled in building teaching capability to innovate and further improve teaching pedagogy at Gowrie State School is visible in how we share practice about most effective approaches to teaching and learning. A collegial culture is a true asset to our school.

The use of an inquiry cycle model to direct and guide strategic thinking and collaborative planning gained momentum throughout 2017 and set up 2018 planning for the review of the school strategic documents: The Whole School Reading Plan (How We Teach Reading at Gowrie State School), The Pedagogical Framework, designing a Whole School Vocabulary Plan and the construction of a Data Wall for Student Reading performance monitoring.


To showcase our school’s commitment to improving student outcomes and also the whole school approach to explicit teaching of Spelling, I offer the following narrative of our 2017 journey.

2017 was a year of review and innovation. Together with feedback from feedback from both the Learning Walks undertaken by the Leadership Team and discussion at term Community Coffee Curriculum Conversations with parents the strategic direction of improving the rigour of direct instruction for spelling was viewed as a priority for innovation. The outcome was a whole school plan of daily focussed teaching and learning of spelling with explicit feedback to students in monitoring use of spelling strategies. Throughout 2017 this plan gathered strength with students gaining ownership of spelling learning goals and success criteria.

The impact of this innovation influenced the teaching of writing with a renewed focus on co-planning with the purposeful use of data and moderation of writing tasks. Anchor charts were co-constructed with students to identity writing skills and knowledge which empowered students to self- reflect on their repertoire of writing strategies. This was visible in student responses to important questions such as:

1.What are you learning?

2.How are you doing?

3.How do you know?

4.How can you improve?

5.Where do you go for help?

Students gained confidence and accurately when describing their learning, and how to improve to close the achievement gap.


Our intention as to build alignment in thinking and practice about improving students’ engagement with, enjoyment of, and achievement in numeracy.

Building teachers’ capacity to collect and analyse relevant data to inform their planning and actions together with encouraging teachers to take a ‘research stance’ in their work influenced our whole school approach to teaching numeracy. The resourcing and implementation of the Early Start program was the first step for our strategic improvement plan. An outcome was a school wide model of effective use of assessment tasks and analysis of student learning habits and skills.

The introduction of a Growth Mindset classroom culture supported the teaching of problem solving skills, group work activities and the level of questioning undertaken by teachers to design teaching and learning experiences involving deep thinking. In turn, the level of interaction in numeracy was enhanced with students enjoying numeracy and peer learning.


The school direction in teaching Science was influenced by a whole school review of the Science Curriculum Plan with the outcome of seamless transitions between year level Science Units and more class time dedicated to exploring the science activities. With the 2016 upgrade of a Science Teaching and Learning space, there was a shift from a dedicated Science fair event to creating stronger cross curriculum connections and enriching weekly Science teaching and learning.

STEM and future pathways

Gowrie State School pursued the priority of creating a plan of build teaching capability in Information Communication Technologies and Technology and Design. The school budget and staff resourcing allocation was reviewed and planning was undertaken to achieve the strategic direction of integrating daily classroom teaching of these key learning areas and shift from a model of a dedicated weekly lesson by a specialist teacher.

Futhermore, this curriculum integration was incorporated into the delivery of The Arts with the outcome of teaching collaboration between the year levels. The Gowrie way now features a weekly Artist of the Week learning experience which is showcased on Monday assembly and based on cross curriculum connections


between Literature, Literacy, Art and Technology. As well, forward planning for 2018 around increasing the use of ICT in the daily teaching and learning environment.


Endorsement of a whole School Intervention and Support Model was achieved through the formation of the SWANS Team (Students With Additional Needs) and subsequent implementation of a school wide identification of students at risk and referral strategy. An outcome was more efficient and effective use of targeted resourcing involving the role and responsibilities of a Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy, Guidance Officer service on a weekly basis, Special education Teacher supported by the school Leadership team.

Impact is visible in the shift from developing Evidenced Based plans for students with identified learning needs to Individual Curriculum Plans and Learning Support Plans for identified students and student cohorts, Whole class interventions were introduced for social and emotional skilling as well as Targeted Behaviour Improvement Plans. A showcase aspect of this strategic direction was the high level of parent engagement in the collaborative development of these plans.


A feature of Gowrie State School is our strong network with neighbouring state schools, both primary and secondary and early education centres. We achieved 100% participation with school transition programs with secondary schools as well as offering a robust Prep Transition program beginning in late term three. We have a strong tradition of embracing and valuing parent and community engagement and this is visible in the high attendance in our many school –community transition events. In 2017 this was most visible in the school’s budget commitment to staffing a fortnightly community playgroup-The Gowrie young Ones.

Parent and Community Engagement

2017 witnessed the start of a new tradition with the P&C Association working with community and school to develop a vision board. This strategic approach set a culture of high expectations for collaboration, direction and hard work throughout 2017 and leading us into 2018.

It is with pride that I feature the 2017 Vision for Gowrie State School P&C Association

Closing the Gap between attendance and outcomes of indigenous and non-indigenous students:

Increase indigenous parent and elder community engagement was achieved and made visible in our successful application for funding in the program- The Queensland Government, through the Embracing 2018 Legacy Program for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018), provided funding to Gowrie State School for the Gummingurru- Part of Something, You and Us.This project is part of the Reconciliation in Queensland Schools program, an initiative of the GC2018.


Many months of working with and alongside indigenous community achieved the outcome of a remarkable wall mural which welcomes student, staff, school families and visitors to our school. Although the mural design was created in 2017 the actual completion of the painting was achieved in early 2018. I will let the picture tell the story.

Future OutlookOn behalf of the staff, students and Gowrie school community, I put forward an outline of the 2018 School Improvement Core Priorities as incorporated in the Gowrie State School 2018 Annual Implementation Plan. Throughout 2017 we engaged in various cycles of inquiry to reaffirm our direction, share our understanding and beliefs, at times test and challenge our commitment to the role everyone had in implementing the improvement agenda throughout the school.

We believe strongly and optimistically that sustained improvement is possible.

School Improvement Core Priorities 2018At least one year’s growth for one year’s schooling for every student.

Deep engagement: Daily sustained focus on Literacy Instruction

Academic achievement: Case Management approach to Literacy Improvement

Powerful learning: Precision teaching of Reading, Writing and Spelling

Empowering relationships: Parent and Community Engagement

Improvement priority: The teaching of literacy- Know our learners.

Actions Targets

Develop capability of teachers and teacher aides through data literacy skills, specifically Putting Faces on the Data, Case Management, Data Walls.

100% staff engagementImprove 2017 SOS data:I have access to quality professional development76.9 to 100.0%

Implement and monitor the use of the refined Gowrie State School Pedagogical Framework and agreed school wide Guideline How to teaching reading the Gowrie Way- Vocabulary and Comprehension.

Finalised and implemented with invested consistency of practice by 100% staff

Teachers differentiate teaching and learning through literacy block support and processes, after data analysis and collaborative inquiry in SWANS and LLI sessions, to ensure every student at Gowrie State School is progressing at least 1 year’s growth.

100% teachers differentiating for precise teaching of reading informed by data analysis.From 93.9 % to 100% agreement .SOS Parent Data (My child’s English skills are


being developed at this school. 100% NMS50% U2B95% Regional Benchmarks

Use Early Start and P-10 Literacy Continuum to monitor student progress and enact early intervention plans

Implemented with invested consistency of monitoring for 100% students identified for ICP’s and ILP’s.

Actions Targets

Review and audit current practices at Gowrie State School on the teaching of Writing to incorporate the whole school agreed Learning Goals/Intentions and Success Criteria teaching practices.

100% staff engagement in Learning Walks

Collaboratively develop and implement the teaching of writing ‘the Gowrie Way” guided by the innovated Gowrie Vocabulary plan intended to challenge critical and creative thinking capabilities across the curriculum.

100% NMS50% U2BEndorsed and implemented consistently by 100% staff

Engage in collegial and cluster professional learning on moderation of writing to ensure consistency of teacher judgement

Staff engagement 100% Gowrie feedback model on assessment, moderation.

Improvement priority: Progressing student learning-Meet our learners’ needs

Actions Targets

Provide case management to put a spotlight on how all students are progressing- and next step instructional practices.

Staff engagement 75%100% implementation of Individual learning Improvement Plans This school provides me with useful feedback about my child's progress.90.9 to 96%

Initiate and investigate whole school approaches to staff and student wellbeing and mental health.

100% implementation of Student Learning and Wellbeing Plans SOS data: Teachers at this school are interested in my child's wellbeing.93.9% to 100%School Induction processes, Peer Mentoring plans be formalised and endorsed.

PACE and Positive Schools Teams work with P&C and school community to review and refine Gowrie State School Responsible Behaviour Plan to ensure systematic approach.

Endorsed RBP showcasing consultative framework.SOS Data: Teachers at this school treat students fairly. 84.8% to 95% and Student behaviour is well managed at this school. 84.8% to 95%

Improvement priority: Visible Engagement- Collegial, Parent, Community

Actions Targets Create a systematic approach to collaborative learning and consultative decision making incorporating:

Evidenced informed inquiries Annual Performance Review

Process Mentoring and Feedback to

improve teaching and leadership practices

Creation and implementation of Gowrie TeamsMALT- Management and Learning TeamPACE- Parent and Community Engagement TeamWHSW Team- Workplace, Health, Safety and Wellbeing TeamLCC- Local Consultative CommitteePositive Schools TeamLLI-Leading Literacy Learning TeamSWANS- Students with Additional Needs TeamSTEM Champion


Teaching Data SOS data- I am able to speak up and share a different view to my colleagues and the school leadership team.92.9% to 100%

Increase parent/caregiver engagement in the learning process at Gowrie State School, specifically:

Awareness of Student Learning Goals and Success Criteria; The teaching of reading behaviours; growth mindset for social and emotional intelligence.

Belonging to the P&C, attending functions and events.

SOS Parent Data: This school encourages me to take an active role in my child's education.87.9% to 97%

Utilising the expertise and interest of members of the Gowrie school and wider Gowrie community through supportive approach to assist with classroom activities and empowering communication for example, Friday sport activities, Wood Shed, Choir, Instrumental Music, Speech and Reading Support programs.

100% Agreement SOS Parent data: This school has a strong sense of community 91.5% to 100% and This school provides useful information online.


Our School at a Glance

School ProfileCoeducational or single sex: Coeducational

Independent Public School: No

Year levels offered in 2017: Prep Year - Year 6

Student enrolments for this school:

Total Girls Boys IndigenousEnrolment Continuity

(Feb – Nov)2015 177 97 80 15 90%

2016 169 90 79 12 96%

2017 185 107 78 13 97%

Student counts are based on the Census (August) enrolment collection.

In 2017, there were no students enrolled in a pre-Prep** program.

** pre-Prep is a kindergarten program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, living across 35 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, in the year before school (https://qed.qld.gov.au/earlychildhood/families/pre-prep-indigenous).

Characteristics of the Student BodyOverviewGowrie State School is a coeducational facility catering for students from Preparatory year to year 6. The school is located approximately 15 minutes north west of Toowoomba with the majority of our enrolments coming from the township of Gowrie and the surrounding communities. Some students travel from out of Toowoomba to attend the school.

Our school enjoys the benefits of having a relatively stable enrolment history. The school has a 7% Indigenous student population.Average Class SizesThe following table shows the average class size information for each phase of schooling.


Phase 2015 2016 2017Prep – Year 3 25 27 28

Year 4 – Year 6 28 31 25

Year 7 – Year 10

Year 11 – Year 12

Curriculum DeliveryOur Approach to Curriculum Delivery

At Gowrie State School, all students deserve a great teacher, not by chance but by design. We value interactive teaching to engage students in the learning process. We value data analysis to ensure targeted teaching occurs for all our students. This ensures our students have access to a quality challenging curriculum.

The final review cycle of our school’s pedagogical framework will be at the start of 2018 to best reflect current practices. This framework will have students at its core and have a strong emphasis on high yield teaching strategies, higher order questioning and the gradual release and or responsibility and acceptance model.


The Australian Curriculum is implemented at Gowrie State School through the Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) resource, which delivers a comprehensive set of whole-school and classroom planning materials for single level and multi-level classes, students with disability and for students who study through the schools of distance education.

In our teaching and learning areas at Gowrie State School, staff Are committed in nurturing a supportive learning environment to support our curriculum implement the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines in Prep. plan collaboratively with colleagues to inform a differentiated approach to teaching is used to meet the

needs of all learners. use a wide range of evidence to monitor student progress and regularly moderate with other schools to

validate teacher judgements. Are guided by the Whole School Curriculum and Assessment Plan Implement whole school reading program and encourage daily home reading. Continue to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and Sustainability into the

curriculum Support the Japanese (LOTE) for final two years of primary school Special Education teacher ( part time capacity)undertaking targeted literacy and numeracy support

planning with teachers Visiting Guidance Officer Specialist PE lessons

Co-curricular Activities Gowrie State School offers a variety of co-curricular activities that provide opportunities forstudents to pursue their interests and develop their talents. Please find below a selection ofactivities that were on offer at our in 2017

Students are encouraged and supported by staff to participate in district sporting competitions, and cultural events such as participation in theatre, drama and musical productions.

Instrumental Music Program with a specialist teacher visiting the school once a week to provide lessons to selected students in years 4 onwards

Upper primary years Student Leadership program and an active Student Council Prep transition and junior secondary transition program Cross Country · Swimming Carnival · Athletics Carnival · District/Regional/State Sporting representation · School Excursions

Gowrie State School Choir with one day a week specialist music lessons Arts Council performances Bi-annual school camp for years 4 onwards Sporting workshops- Auskick ,Basketball, NRL You Can Do It program for all year levels as part of Social and Emotional Learning Programs Engagement with community events such as ANZAC Day Commemorations, Toowoomba Carnival of

Flowers Competition, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

How Information and Communication Technologies are used to Assist Learning At Gowrie State School, all students from Prep to Year 6 have access to a fully equipped computer lab on a weekly basis. A specialist Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teacher is employed to explicitly teach the students computer programming, and basic computer skills necessary to engage wholly with the Australian Curriculum. ICT’s are embedded in curriculum plans and employed for direct instruction as well as individual learning opportunities. Additional desk top computers in a separate mini- lab, a set of laptops, ipads and digital cameras are available to all classes. All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and associated programs which are utilized in all key learning areas to explicitly teach and revise concepts.

Social Climate


OverviewThe school continues its improvement journey of positive and self –managed behaviour with a growth mindset for learning. The You Can Do It program is embedded in school culture as a framework for making positive decisions, building resilience, developing healthy relationships, understanding and enacting respect. This program supports the work that all teachers do to build every student’s social, emotional and physical wellbeing at the school. The Guidance Officer who visits the school for two days on a fortnightly basis, provides a valuable contribution to the school wide student wellbeing ethos. In 2018 the outcomes of our review on the effectiveness of the You Can Do It Program will be further developed through consultation with the end view of achieving and implementing the Gowrie 5R’s Respectful Relationships Plan. It is envisaged that this plan will incorporate the You Can Do It Program, The Growth Mindset Framework and DET’s Respectful Relationships framework.

A strong emphasis is placed on achieving a balance between learning and wellbeing for our students. In 2017 a case management approach was implemented to support student needs that are complex, require additional resourcing and/or analysis of student performance data indicates additional curriculum planning around differentiation.

Every Monday morning parents, families and friends of the Gowrie school community gathered for a weekly school parade Student learning is celebrated and pride in our school is showcased. The P&C Association and volunteers gift their time and effort to our school in the classroom for reading groups, in sporting programs and events, in the Arts such as Book Fair and as tuckshop helpers.

Positive behaviour for learning is the foundation for how the school builds a community where high expectations for learning and wellbeing of students are at the forefront. Our students are provided with clear teaching about how to be successful in their behaviour choices. Being responsible to Be Safe. Be Respectful and to Be an active Learner.

Parent, Student and Staff Satisfaction

Parent opinion survey

Performance measurePercentage of parents/caregivers who agree# that: 2015 2016 2017their child is getting a good education at school (S2016) 100% 98% 91%

this is a good school (S2035) 85% 96% 94%

their child likes being at this school* (S2001) 93% 98% 88%

their child feels safe at this school* (S2002) 92% 100% 94%

their child's learning needs are being met at this school* (S2003) 93% 98% 88%

their child is making good progress at this school* (S2004) 100% 98% 91%

teachers at this school expect their child to do his or her best* (S2005) 100% 100% 94%

teachers at this school provide their child with useful feedback about his or her school work* (S2006) 86% 93% 91%

teachers at this school motivate their child to learn* (S2007) 100% 96% 91%

teachers at this school treat students fairly* (S2008) 77% 96% 85%

they can talk to their child's teachers about their concerns* (S2009) 92% 100% 97%

this school works with them to support their child's learning* (S2010) 92% 93% 88%

this school takes parents' opinions seriously* (S2011) 91% 93% 88%

student behaviour is well managed at this school* (S2012) 85% 96% 84%

this school looks for ways to improve* (S2013) 92% 94% 94%

this school is well maintained* (S2014) 100% 100% 100%

Student opinion survey


Performance measurePercentage of students who agree# that: 2015 2016 2017

they are getting a good education at school (S2048) 100% 100% 93%

they like being at their school* (S2036) 100% 100% 94%

they feel safe at their school* (S2037) 100% 100% 96%

their teachers motivate them to learn* (S2038) 100% 100% 97%

their teachers expect them to do their best* (S2039) 98% 100% 99%

their teachers provide them with useful feedback about their school work* (S2040) 100% 100% 94%

teachers treat students fairly at their school* (S2041) 100% 100% 93%

they can talk to their teachers about their concerns* (S2042) 100% 100% 93%

their school takes students' opinions seriously* (S2043) 96% 100% 93%

student behaviour is well managed at their school* (S2044) 98% 100% 87%

their school looks for ways to improve* (S2045) 100% 99% 93%

their school is well maintained* (S2046) 100% 99% 96%

their school gives them opportunities to do interesting things* (S2047) 100% 100% 94%

Staff opinion survey

Performance measurePercentage of school staff who agree# that: 2015 2016 2017

they enjoy working at their school (S2069) 100% 100% 100%

they feel that their school is a safe place in which to work (S2070) 100% 100% 100%

they receive useful feedback about their work at their school (S2071) 93% 96% 100%

they feel confident embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives across the learning areas (S2114)

90% 100% 93%

students are encouraged to do their best at their school (S2072) 100% 100% 100%

students are treated fairly at their school (S2073) 100% 100% 100%

student behaviour is well managed at their school (S2074) 93% 100% 100%

staff are well supported at their school (S2075) 93% 100% 100%

their school takes staff opinions seriously (S2076) 92% 100% 100%

their school looks for ways to improve (S2077) 93% 100% 100%

their school is well maintained (S2078) 100% 100% 100%

their school gives them opportunities to do interesting things (S2079) 93% 100% 100%

* Nationally agreed student and parent/caregiver items# ‘Agree’ represents the percentage of respondents who Somewhat Agree, Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement. DW = Data withheld to ensure confidentiality.

Parent and community engagement

At Gowrie State School, parents are actively encouraged to participate in a range of school activities to enhance the education of students, and to celebrate achievements. These activities include weekly assembly, sports days,, Under 8’s Day activities, curriculum culmination celebrations of learning activities, special events such as Awards Night/Year 6 Graduation, ANZAC Day, Sing Out, and Choral Fanfare.

In 2017 the inaugural Gowrie Games was launched. This is an initiative of the P&C and was a successful afternoon of ball games and good fun. Parents enjoyed a shared lunch with students and staff followed by a number of ball game competitions.


Parents are encouraged to volunteer as classroom helpers within each classroom, specifically in the support of our love for reading and literature. Parents also volunteer to work in tuckshop either on the once a week tuckshop day or prior to this with cooking and preparation mornings. Pride for our school and community engagement is evidenced through the active Parent and Citizen Association’s fundraising ventures such as Book Fair, welcome BBQ’s, Mother’s/Father’s Day stalls, pie/ham/mango drives, trivia nights, school disco family night. Attending monthly P&C meetings or communicating with P&C Executive members about issues for consideration at P&C meetings are engagement practices recognised for respectful relationships.

The P & C also operates a uniform shop and an Outside School Hours Care Facility, both regarded as positive assets for the school. Strong communication is encouraged and valued between home and school to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of students. Attending parent-teacher meetings and keeping in regular contact with teaching staff are well supported practices at Gowrie State School. The level of quality communication in 2017 was a focus of collaborative planning between the school and P&C Association, specifically regarding a forward looking plan that is more innovative and diverse in achieving ways of communicating with community beyond the school newsletter.

Students with diverse needs at our school are also supported for through our relationship with internal and external services. These services support the students and the family. These support services include:· HOSES support from a cluster arrangement· Student services team –the SWANS Team with a visiting Guidance Officer, Speech Language Pathologist, Advisory Visiting teachers

Respectful relationships programs

The school has developed and implemented a program/or programs that focus on appropriate, respectful, equitable and healthy relationships

A number of programs were reviewed throughout 2017 specifically linked to the social and emotion wellbeing of staff and students. The Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee actioned an Annual Improvement Plan to bring to fruition the development of a Growth Mindset model incorporated into the You Can Do It Program. An additional element was trialed with the implementation of a student buddy system between younger and older students. The next step is the introduction in 2018 of the Focused Fuss strategy that will further support the Buddy Model of peer support. In 2017 our school used our peer support and growth mindset protocols to support student focus on respectful and positive relationships, where issues can be addressed and strategies shared in a safe environment. Students are shown and reflect on strategies to use in everyday life to deal with issues and enhance resilience . The Gowrie 5R’s is used as a schoolwide program to support NO BULLYING and dealing with it. In 2018 our school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students will undergo an extensive review cycle as it has not been updated in recent years to reflect the quality of supportive and responsive actions that are a feature of the Gowrie school community.

School Disciplinary AbsencesThe following table shows the count of incidents for students recommended for each type of school disciplinary absence reported at the school.


Type 2015 2016 2017

Short Suspensions – 1 to 10 days 0 0 1

Long Suspensions – 11 to 20 days 0 0 0

Exclusions 0 0 0

Cancellations of Enrolment 0 0 0


Environmental FootprintReducing the school’s environmental footprintAll students and staff are encouraged to be energy wise by reducing their printing and photocopying usage, turning off lights, air conditioners/heaters and computers when not in use. A recycling program has also been maintained across the school.

Reusable drink bottles are encouraged and our community has been very supportive of this practice.



Years ElectricitykWh

Water kL

2014-2015 67,312 862

2015-2016 70,099 1,803

2016-2017 65,653 989

The consumption data is compiled from sources including ERM, Ergon reports and utilities data entered into OneSchool by each school. The data provides an indication of the consumption trend in each of the utility categories which impact on the school’s environmental footprint.

School FundingSchool income broken down by funding sourceSchool income, reported by financial year accounting cycle using standardized national methodologies and broken down by funding source is available via the My School website at http://www.myschool.edu.au/.

To access our income details, click on the My School link above. You will then be taken to the My School website with the following ‘Find a school’ text box.

Where it states ‘School name’, type in the name of the school you wish to view, select the school from the drop-down list and select <GO>. Read and follow the instructions on the next screen; you will be asked to confirm that you are not a robot then by clicking continue, you acknowledge that you have read, accepted and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before being given access to the school’s profile webpage.

School financial information is available by selecting ‘School finances’ in the menu box in the top left corner of the school’s profile webpage. If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of income by funding source.


Our Staff Profile

Workforce Composition

Staff composition, including Indigenous staff


Description Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff Indigenous Staff

Headcounts 14 13 0

Full-time Equivalents 11 8 0

Qualification of all teachers


Highest level of qualification Number of classroom teachers and school leaders at the school

Doctorate 0

Masters 2

Graduate Diploma etc.** 2Bachelor degree 8

Diploma 2

Certificate 0

*Teaching staff includes School Leaders**Graduate Diploma etc. includes Graduate Diploma, Bachelor Honours Degree, and Graduate Certificate.

Professional DevelopmentExpenditure On and Teacher Participation in Professional DevelopmentThe total funds expended on teacher professional development in 2017 were $30 715

The major professional development initiatives are as follows:

Year level planning across all year levels - one day per term Reading benchmarking- each class – one day per term Data analysis development Differentiation Mandatory training in DET systemic imperatives, for example, Code of Conduct, Student Protection First Aid and CPR Principal Business Meetings and Curriculum Leadership workshops Principals Learning Community- Cluster Schools- Toowoomba North Provincial, Like School Cluster Teaching and Learning Forums- Support for Students with Disabilities, Students with Learning

Difficulties, Inclusive Education and Indigenous learners Numeracy The components of the Gowrie State School Literacy Block- teaching reading, boosting emergent

readers, Curriculum Unit planning, Purposeful Use of Data, Differentiation Health Seminars and training workshops- Mental Health and Well-being, Asthma Management,

Anaphylaxis Training- Finance, Planning and Accountability- School Budgeting Training- School Officer Training- Cleaners Specialist Teacher workshops- Music Collegial Networking- Report Card Writing, Moderation

The proportion of the teaching staff involved in professional development activities during 2017 was 100%


Staff Attendance and RetentionStaff attendance


Description 2015 2016 2017

Staff attendance for permanent and temporary staff and school leaders. 95% 95% 97%

Proportion of Staff Retained from the Previous School YearFrom the end of the previous school year, 92% of staff was retained by the school for the entire 2017.

Performance of Our Students

Key Student Outcomes

Student AttendanceStudent attendanceThe table below shows the attendance information for all students at this school:


Description 2015 2016 2017

The overall attendance rate* for the students at this school (shown as a percentage). 95% 94% 96%

The attendance rate for Indigenous students at this school (shown as a percentage). 92% 91% 93%

*The student attendance rate is generated by dividing the total of full-days and part-days that students attended, and comparing this to the total of all possible days for students to attend, expressed as a percentage.

The overall student attendance rate in 2017 for all Queensland Primary schools was 93%.










9Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

2015 93% 95% 93% 96% 96% 96% 97%

2016 95% 95% 96% 93% 93% 95% 93%

2017 96% 97% 95% 97% 94% 96% 95%

*Attendance rates effectively count attendance for every student for every day of attendance in Semester 1. The student attendance rate is generated by dividing the total of full-days and part-days that students attended, and comparing this to the total of all possible days for students to attend, expressed as a percentage.DW = Data withheld to ensure confidentiality.

Student Attendance DistributionThe proportions of students by attendance range:














0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%




Proportion of Students

Attendance Rate: 0% to <85% 85% to <90% 90% to <95% 95% to 100%

Description of how non-attendance is managed by the schoolNon-attendance is managed in state schools in line with the Department of Education procedures, Managing Student Absences and Enforcing Enrolment and Attendance at State Schools and Roll Marking in State Schools, which outline processes for managing and recording student attendance and absenteeism.

At Gowrie State School, attendance is monitored and reviewed on a daily basis by the administration team as part of the Same Day Response Process implemented mid-year 2016 as directed in all state schools across Queensland.

Rolls are marked twice daily by classroom teachers who utilize the prescribed codes at the commencement of the day and after second break. Administration inform class teachers of any known absences via the daily communication book or via the intercom. Unexplained absences are followed up by the Administration Team in a timely manner, usually within a short time frame following the publication of the OneSchool Daily Student Absence Report. The follow up process includes a phone call made by the Principal or designated officer, to the parent and are accompanied by recorded details of relevant details of the time, response and any concerns.

All frequent and long term explained absences are followed up by the Principal or designated officer, either through phone contact or letters. Reminders and clear school expectations about the importance of attending every day for student learning and achievement are communicated in the school newsletters, on assemblies and in class.

Ona regular basis,both on school assembly and in the newsletter, a data story is presented to the school community regarding the class attendance data and contribution to the Class and School Pride motivational program. The class with the highest number of student attendance rate at the end of each term is recognised with a certificate of achievement. All other classes are presented with a certificate of recognition.

Where students have complex social or emotional concerns or medical conditions that impact on their attendance, the school arranges referrals to the visiting Guidance Officer or community agencies where appropriate, and through a case management process, we work with parents and students on a suitable attendance plan that leads to improved attendance, increased learning engagement and improved relationships with others.

NAPLANOur reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy results for the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are available via the My School website at http://www.myschool.edu.au/.

To access our NAPLAN results, click on the My School link above. You will then be taken to the My School website with the following ‘Find a school’ text box.


Where it states ‘School name’, type in the name of the school you wish to view, select the school from the drop-down list and select <GO>. Read and follow the instructions on the next screen; you will be asked to confirm that you are not a robot then by clicking continue, you acknowledge that you have read, accepted and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before being given access to the school’s profile webpage.

School NAPLAN information is available by selecting ‘NAPLAN’ in the menu box in the top left corner of the school’s profile webpage. If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of our school’s NAPLAN results.


Gowrie State School’s improvement journey is signposted each year with a mantra that tells the story behind the strategic actions and thinking. Over recent years, the journey has been:

2014: Believing, Belonging and Behaving

2015: Connecting, Consistency and Challenge

2016: Determined, Deliberate and Discernment

2017 the Gowrie State School improvement mantra was :Enriching Expectations Empowering Engagement Exceptional Effort Every Day.