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ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 1 Dr. Harnett Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Announcements--some of them repeated : As I mentioned last time, remember that I account for trends in grades as the semester proceeds. It will take extensive learning and practice to become truly versatile and proficient at academic writing, which is exactly our purpose in this class! I will work with you, and support you, as you progress and improve with your academic writing. Essay 2 extensive planning and/or draft is due today. Hand it in or otherwise get it to me for credit. It and all homework assignments are due at the start of class for full credit. You may hand in work later for partial credit. Essays need to be printed when you hand them in for a grade, as will be the case next time. Let me know, and meet with me, if you have questions about Essay 2. Planning and preparation are key factors of efficient and successful writing projects, as is revision. SI meets M 10:45-11:15, 11:15-11:45, & 11:45-12:15 with Annie, and MW 12:30-1:00 & 1:00-1:30 with Ayesha, all in SG 138. Attend on at least 5 different days; some extra credit (and writing support) for staying the whole hour each time. See me if you have a verified conflict with the SI meeting times and I will arrange SI meetings and assignments with me for you. Mentioned last time: We will attend a performance of the play A Christmas Carol, Friday, Nov. 30, 8:00 PM, at A Noise Within Theatre. I received an invoice from them and need to pay them as soon as possible. We did get the group rate of $18 per person. Family and friends may get tickets and attend too. There will be a signup sheet and I will collect money for the tickets. Also mentioned last time: Please do your best and make the most out of your time in this class. Off-task distractions hurt your Participation. I am here to help and support you, and I continually am working to make

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Page 1:€¦ · Web viewPlease help us spread the word about this great opportunity! General Assembly. will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium. Consider

ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 1Dr. Harnett

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Announcements--some of them repeated:➢ As I mentioned last time, remember that I account for trends in

grades as the semester proceeds. It will take extensive learning and practice to become truly versatile and proficient at academic writing, which is exactly our purpose in this class! I will work with you, and support you, as you progress and improve with your academic writing.

➢ Essay 2 extensive planning and/or draft is due today. Hand it in or otherwise get it to me for credit. It and all homework assignments are due at the start of class for full credit. You may hand in work later for partial credit. Essays need to be printed when you hand them in for a grade, as will be the case next time. Let me know, and meet with me, if you have questions about Essay 2. Planning and preparation are key factors of efficient and successful writing projects, as is revision.

➢ SI meets M 10:45-11:15, 11:15-11:45, & 11:45-12:15 with Annie, and MW 12:30-1:00 & 1:00-1:30 with Ayesha, all in SG 138. Attend on at least 5 different days; some extra credit (and writing support) for staying the whole hour each time. See me if you have a verified conflict with the SI meeting times and I will arrange SI meetings and assignments with me for you.

➢ Mentioned last time: We will attend a performance of the play A Christmas Carol, Friday, Nov. 30, 8:00 PM, at A Noise Within Theatre. I received an invoice from them and need to pay them as soon as possible. We did get the group rate of $18 per person. Family and friends may get tickets and attend too. There will be a signup sheet and I will collect money for the tickets.

➢ Also mentioned last time: Please do your best and make the most out of your time in this class. Off-task distractions hurt your Participation. I am here to help and support you, and I continually am working to make the class interesting for you as well as valuable. Also, one way to enrich your participation is to meet with me individually, which I am glad to do, and which some of you are already doing.

➢ Scholars Announcements: o Pre-Med/Health Sciences Panel! Tomorrow, Thursday,

9-20-2018, from 12:30 to 1:30 in SR 138 (Kreider Hall), Scholars is hosting a Q & A for anyone interested in careers in the health sciences. The panel will consist of people who have recently been in Scholars and transferred, and people who have graduated and are now in various stages of their careers. The meeting promises to

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewPlease help us spread the word about this great opportunity! General Assembly. will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium. Consider

ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 2Dr. Harnett

be a very valuable and informative time for you! Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity!

o General Assembly will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium.

o Consider coming to Scholars Research Group, which supports you as you conduct your own individual and/or group research projects. All Scholars are welcome. You can apply to any of the 3 student research conferences and present your work if accepted. You may apply to the first conference of the year: The Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR). The SCCUR application deadline is coming right up on October 7, and for that conference, you will need to have a completed body of research and data, depending on the topic and field. See the SCCUR website at Research Group meets each Monday at 4:00 PM in LB 225.

o Remember to attend as many Scholars events as you can, especially earlier in the semester. You need to have attended 5 or more events at the very least by the end of the 8th week of the semester to be in good standing for Scholars Participation and Service, which is also a product of your active involvement in your Scholars Committee and engaged involvement at all meetings.

o Give all classes, meetings, events, and tasks in which you participate your very best! That includes attitudes, involvement, supporting others, and simple things like how you talk to people--civil discourse.

➢ Other? Questions?

Essay 2 Draft Development Workshop: Write notes for each item we address. Use a different color, boldface, a different font, etc., to distinguish your notes.

1. Summarize the goal and purpose of Essay 2.2. How does Essay 2 differ from Essay 1?3. Summary of The Biophilia Hypothesis.4. Selection of elements from Kellert’s Typology that Essay 2

illustrates.a. Element that applies most to Bryson’s experience.

i. Why this element?b. Element that applies most to your experience.

i. Why this element?c. Are you using Wilson as well? Why or why not?

5. Thesis Statements for Essay 2. a. Description of the thesis statement for Essay 2 in general,

including how it differs from an argumentative thesis.

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewPlease help us spread the word about this great opportunity! General Assembly. will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium. Consider

ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 3Dr. Harnett

b. Your own thesis.c. Another person’s thesis.d. A third person’s thesis.

6. Organizational Pattern for the Essay’s Development.a. Summarize Source-By-Source organization.

i. An advantage of it.ii. A disadvantage of it.

b. Summarize Point-By-Point organization.c. Your Essay’s pattern of organization.

i. Why this pattern and not another?7. Major Examples (plural) of Bryson’s Experiences in terms of

your selected element from Kellert.a. Why you need more than one example from Bryson.b. First example and why you select it.c. Second example and why you select it.d. Other examples and reasons for selecting them.e. Ideas from discussion on how to develop examples from

Bryson as true illustrations as opposed to summaries.8. Major Example from Your Experience vis-a-vis your selected

element from Kellert.a. Why you need only one example from your own

experience.9. In-Depth, Illustrative Development of Examples from Bryson—

extended, in depth.a. Definition of depth as applied to essay-writing.b. Block quotes.c. Short quotes.d. Paraphrases.e. Summaries.f. Citations.g. Notes on how to illustrate selected examples sufficiently

and vividly.10. In-Depth, Illustrative Development of Your Experience

from start to finish:a. Descriptions of setting and key placesb. Actionsc. Speech/Dialogued. Thoughtse. Feelingsf. Observations of others

Page 4:€¦ · Web viewPlease help us spread the word about this great opportunity! General Assembly. will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium. Consider

ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 4Dr. Harnett

11. A Photo or Drawing of Your Experience (optional in the essay).

a. Selection of the photo or drawing and why you select it.b. Description.c. What it contributes to your illustration.d. Format for including a figure in an essay.

i. Embedded.ii. In Appendix.iii. Caption.iv. Description within the Essay.

12. Conclusion.a. Summation.b. Implications.c. Final Thought.

13. Works Cited or Works Cited and Consulted in MLA, 8th Ed. format.

a. Purdue OWL MLA resource:

14. Discussion of the essay as a whole.

Page 5:€¦ · Web viewPlease help us spread the word about this great opportunity! General Assembly. will be Thursday, 9-27-2018, 12:20-1:30 PM in the Auditorium. Consider

ENGL 101H, Fall, 2018 MW Week 4 (Wed.) Class Notes 5Dr. Harnett

Left Over from Last Time: Videos. 1. The full trailer from the movie A Walk in the Woods . 2. A bat in a house! 3. A KABC-7 news report from September 10, 2018 of a

family’s bear encounter at Monrovia Canyon Park!

a. Which of Kellert’s elements in his typology are evident? b. What do the videos indicate about The Biophilia


For Next Time:Essay 2 is due for a grade next time. On-time essays are eligible for further revision, so be sure to complete and hand in yours, in hard copy, at the start of class next time.