· web viewremember that associating a physical gesture or mnemonic with each word will help you...

Français I Nom: Hello and goodbye Bonjour. Hello Salut. Hi Au revoir Good bye A tout à l’heure See you later A bientôt. See you soon A demain See you tomorrow Ciao. Ciao (bye) Asking how someone is and answering ça va ? How’s it going? (how are you to a pal) Comment ça va ? How’s it going? (how are you to a pal) Super ! super! Très bien very good/well Ca va. fine Comme ci comme ça so-so Pas mal. not bad Bof ! Pas terrible Asking about age Tu as quel âge ? You have which age? (How old are you?) J’ai quatorze ans. I have 14 years (I am 14 years old) J’ai quinze ans I have 15 years ( I am 15 years old) J’ai seize ans I have 16 years ( I am 16 yrs old) Il/elle a _______________ans. he/she has __ years (He/she is __yrs old) 1

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Franais I


Hello and goodbye

Bonjour. Hello

Salut. Hi

Au revoir Good bye

A tout lheure See you later

A bientt. See you soon

A demain See you tomorrow

Ciao. Ciao (bye)

Asking how someone is and answering

a va? Hows it going? (how are you to a pal)

Comment a va? Hows it going? (how are you to a pal)

Super! super!

Trs bien very good/well

Ca va. fine

Comme ci comme a so-so

Pas mal. not bad


Pas terrible

Asking about age

Tu as quel ge? You have which age? (How old are you?)

Jai quatorze ans. I have 14 years (I am 14 years old)

Jai quinze ans I have 15 years ( I am 15 years old)

Jai seize ans I have 16 years ( I am 16 yrs old)

Il/elle a _______________ans. he/she has __ years (He/she is __yrs old)

Talking about names

Tu tappelles comment? you call yourself how? (whats your name)

Je mappelle .I call myself. (my name is)

Il/elle sappelle.He/she calls him/herself (His/her name is)

Where someone is from

Tu viens dou? You come from where? (where are you from)

Je viens de I come from (Im from)

Il/elle vient de. He comes from (Hes from)

TPR list- Franais 1

Les verbes : remember that associating a physical gesture or mnemonic with each word will help you remember it.

Il/elle/on = He/she/one

1. marche (vers) walks (toward)

2. saute (une fois, deux fois, etc.) jumps (1 time, 2 times, etc.)

3. regarde looks at

4. voit sees

5. cache hides

6. coute listens to

7. pense thinks

8. jette throws

9. attrape catches

10. parle () talks/speaks (to)

11. crie screams/shouts

12. touche touches

13. frappe hits/knocks

14. ferme. closes

15. ouvre opens

16. coupe cuts

17. tudie studies

18. dessine draws

19. danse dances

20. chante sings

21. applaudit applauds

22. cherche looks for

23. trouve finds

24. donne gives

25. reoit receives, accommodates, gets

26. prend takes

27. met puts

28. (se) lve stands up/gets up

29. telephone phones

30. mange eats

31. boit drinks

32. nage swims

33. joue (au football, etc.) plays (soccer, etc)

34. tire

35. pousse pushes

36. grimpe climbs

37. casse breaks

38. indique

39. comprend understands

40. embrasse kisses

41. cuisine cooks

42. conduit drives

43. choisit chooses

44. entend hears

45. dit () says (to)

46. descend goes down/gets down/comes down

47. monte to ride/to go up

48. perd loses

49. gagne wins

50. vole flies

51. vend sells

52. court runs

53. dort sleeps

54. (se) reveille wakes up

55. sourit smiles

56. rit laugs

57. pleure cries

58. va goes

59. sort goes out/ gets out/dates

60. revient comes back/returns

61. arrte stops

62. tombe falls

63. allume lights/turns on/ignites

64. teint to turn off/ puts out/extinguishes

65. aime likes

66. dteste detests

67. achte buys

68. commence starts

69. finit finishes

70. oublie forgets

71. se souvient de remembers/recalls/bears in mind

Les couleurs

1. Rouge red

2. Orange orange

3. Jaune yellow

4. Vert(e) green

5. Bleu(e) blue

6. Violet(te) violet/purple

7. Rose pink

8. Gris(e) grey

9. Noir(e) black

10. Marron brown

11. blanc(he) white

Les parties du corps The parts of the body

1. La main the hand

2. La jambe the leg

3. La tte (the) head

4. La bouche (the) mouth

5. Les yeux (the) eyes

6. Le nez (the) nose

7. Loreille (the) ear les oreilles (the) ears

8. Le genou (the) knee les genoux (the) knees

9. Les cheveux the hair

10. Le pied (the) foot les pieds (the) feet

11. Le bras the arm

12. Le dos the back

13. Lpaule (the) shoulder les paules shoulders

14. La figure the face

Le temps The weather

1. Quel temps fait-il? Whats the weather?

2. Il fait beau Its beautiful

3. Il fait froid Its cold

4. Il fait chaud Its hot

5. Il fait frais Its cool

6. Il pleut Its raining /it rains

7. Il neige Its snowing/it snows

8. Il y a du vent Its windy

Les objets de la salle de classe

1. Les ciseaux scissors

2. Lhorloge clock

3. Le crayon pencil

4. Le stylo pen

5. Du papier (une feuille de papier) some paper (a leaf of paper)

6. Le livre book

7. Le sac dos back pack

8. Le cahier notebook

9. La gomme eraser

10. Le tableau board

11. Lordinateur computer

12. Le pupitre desk (student)

13. Le bureau desk (teacher) /office

14. La corbeille waste paper basket (trash can)

Les adverbes

Vite quick

Lentement slowly

Introductory vocabulary

Oui yes

Non no

Mais but

Et and

Ou or

Cest it / this/ that is

Avec with

Beaucoup alot

Parce que because

nest-ce pas? isnt it?

Un garon a boy

Une fille a girl

Comment dit-on? How does one say?

Quest-ce que a veut dire? What does that mean (literally: What does that want to say?)

Petit(e) small

Grand(e) tall/big

Question words

Est-ce que literally: is it thatjust intrudes a question

Quest-ce que. what

Qui who

Quoi what

Quand when

O where

Quel/quelle which

Comment how

Combien how much

Pourquoi why


A- aah N- en

B- bay O- oh

C- say P- pay

D- day Q- coo

E- euh R- air

F- ef S- es

G- jay T- tay

H- ash U- ew

I-eee V- vay

J- gee W- double-vay

K- kah X- eeek-s

L- el Y- eee-grec

M- em Z- zed

Pronunciation and spelling guide

These rules will help you understand how to pronounce different words you see written in French. If you remember these rules, you will be able to pronounce lots of new words easily.

1. When you seen the letter i, like in the word il, (he), it sounds like ee.

Il =eel.

2. When you see an e with an accent on it, like this: , it sounds like ay in day. So the French word for baby, bb, sounds like bay-bay.

3. When you see au or eau like in the word bureau, (a desk or office), it sounds like oh.

4. When you see eu like in the word deux (2), it sounds like euhhhhh. Pretend you are thinking about a question but dont know the answer.

5. Nasal vowels: when a vowel is followed by the letter m or n, it usually makes a nasal sound. Think of plugging your nose or a duck quacking. Notice that the n or m at the end of these words isnt really pronounced. Your tongue should not touch the roof of your mouth.

The word vin, (wine), sounds like :vaahhhhh

The word un, which means a or one, sounds like uhhhhhhhhhn

6. A double LL is almost always a y sound. The word fille, which means girl, sounds like fee. There are a few exceptions to this rule, like the word village, sounds like vee-lage.

7. The letters ou before another vowel sound like a w. The word oui (yes) sounds like wee.

8. You NEVER pronounce the letter h in French! Hamburger sounds like amburger. Hamster sounds like amster.

That also means that th just sounds like t. The word th, which means tea, sounds like tay.

1. The letters qu sound like k. You will see this in a lot of question words, like qui, which means who and sounds like key.

10. The letter c with a little accent below it, called a cedilla, sounds like an s sound. The word franais (French), sounds like fran-say.

1. The letters ch in French sound like sh. The word chien, which means dog, sounds like shee-en.

2. The letters gn together sound like nyuh. Magnifique, which means magnificent, sounds like man-yee-feek. This of how we say the word lasagna in English.

13. The last letter of a word is usually not pronounced. This is a very important rule! For example, the word chat, which means cat, is pronounced shah. You do not pronounce the letter t. (possible exceptions are the letters CRFL, or CaReFuL).

Also, if you make a word plural by adding an s to the end, you do not pronounce that s either. Chats (cats) still sounds like shah.

14. If you have two words together, and the second word starts with a vowel, pronounce the last letter of the first word to make the words flow together. This happens a lot with the letter s.

For example, if you want to say les amis, which means the friends, you would say layz-ahmee. The s in les (the) sounds like a z. Making words flow together like this is called a liaison.

Vincent accent


= the aigu (pointy) accent. Only on the letter e. Makes the sound ay. Used for adjectives or the past tense.

= the grave.

: the circonflexe indicates that there used to an s in the word (i.e. hpital)

, : the trma. Indicates that two vowels mae two separate sounds (i.e. Nol)

: the cdille. Indicates that a c should be pronounced like an s

Les numros

0 - zro1 - un2 - deux3 - trois4 - quatre5 - cinq6 - six7 - sept8 - huit9 neuf

10 - dix11 - onze12 - douze13 - treize14 - quatorze15 - quinze16 - seize17 - dix-sept18 - dix-huit19 - dix-neuf

20 vingt

21 vingt et un

22 vingt-deux

30 trente

31 trente et un

32 trente-deux

40 quarante

41 quarante et un

42 quarante-deux

50 cinquante

51 cinquante et un

52 cinquante-deux

60 soixante

61 soixante et un

62 soixante-deux

70 soixante-dix

71 soixante et onze

72 soixante-douze

80 quatre-vingts

81 quatre-vingt-un

90 quatre-vingt-dix

91 quatre-vingt-onze

92 quatre-vingt-douze

100 cent

Telling time in French is just a matter of knowing the French numbers and a few formulas and rules.

The French word for "time," as in "what time is it?" is l'heure (hour).

In English, we often leave out "o'clock" - it's perfectly fine to say "It's seven" or "I'm leaving at three-thirty." Not so in French - you always have to say heure (except with midi and minuit).

In French, the hour and minute are separated by h (for heure) 7h 30 = 7:00

French doesn't have words for "a.m." and "p.m." You can use du matin for a.m., de l'aprs-midi from noon until about 6 p.m., and du soir from 6 p.m. until midnight, but time is usually expressed on a 24-hour clock. Thus 3 p.m. is normally expressed as quinze heures or 15h00, but you can also say trois heures de l'aprs-midi.

What time is it?

Quelle heure est-il ?

It's one o'clock

Il est une heure


It's two o'clock

Il est deux heures


It's 3:30

Il est trois heures et demieIl est trois heures trente


It's 4:15

Il est quatre heures et quartIl est quatre heures quinze


It's 4:45

Il est cinq heures moins le quartIl est cinq heures moins quinzeIl est quatre heures quarante-cinq


It's 5:10

Il est cinq heures dix


It's 6:50

Il est sept heures moins dixIl est six heures cinquante


It's 7 a.m.

Il est sept heures


It's 3 p.m.

Il est trois heures Il est quinze heures


It's 6 p.m.

Il est six heures Il est dix-huit heures


It's noon

Il est midi


It's midnight

Il est minuit


Les jours de la semaine the days of the week

lundi. Monday

mardi Tuesday

mercredi Wednesday

jeudi Thursday

vendredi Friday

samedi Saturday

dimanche Sunday

Les mois de lanne The months of the year

janvier Jan

fvrier Feb

mars March

avril April

mai May

juin June

juillet July

aot Aug

septembre Sept

octobre Oct

novembre Nov

dcembre Dec

Quelle est la date? What is the date

lundi lejanvier. Monday, the January