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Year 12 Media Studies Science Fiction Study Pack

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 Year 12 Media Studies

Science Fiction Study Pack 








This booklet includes:

Assessment schedule and moderators report from last year’s exam Genre definition Science Fiction definition Dystopian definition and characteristics Utopia definition Structuring your essay Essay on Science Fiction Activities to assist you in your study Useful links to websites and readings

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence

Demonstrate understanding means to provide a description of an aspect of a specific media genre.

Demonstrate in-depth understanding means to provide reasoned explanations of an aspect of a specific media genre.

Demonstrate critical understanding means to examine the implications of an aspect of a specific media genre.

Moderators Report 2012

In your exam you need to write an essay on the Science Fiction genre. Here is the moderators report from last year- have a look at what students were doing to get different grades. ALWAYS AIM FOR EXCELLENCE!

91251 Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of a media genre

ACHIEVEMENTCandidates awarded Achievement typically:

clearly identified and described an aspect of the genre used supporting evidence from at least two texts with some detail discussed in terms of genre rather than specific texts demonstrated an understanding of what the question required of them. attempted to give reasons for why the aspect functions in their chosen genre chose and understood the question that best suited their knowledge of the topic (for

example, instead of writing on a change to a genre that has changed very little they chose to write about audience expectations of, and response to that genre – which gave scope for a stronger, more reasoned response).

NOT ACHIEVEDCandidates awarded Not Achieved typically:

failed to demonstrate understanding of an aspect of the genre discussed change, audience, or commercial considerations but did not link this to an

aspect of the genre did not provide enough detail to support their discussion- no specific scene or

character names or events described did not provide evidence from at least two texts made over simplified or generalised discussion not linked to a specific aspect or

genre NCEA Media Studies Level 2 Assessment Report, 2012 – page 5 of 6 wrote an a theme or character essay rather than engaging in discussion of the aspect

and how it functioned in or impacts on the genre gave a history of the genre covering many decades without engaging in discussion of

a specific change discussed more than one aspect, but did not cover any particular aspect in detail.

ACHIEVEMENT WITH MERITCandidates awarded Achievement with Merit typically:

made valid comments about the chosen option’s significance to the genre consistently used text to support their argument, relating this to the genre as a whole provided detailed and relevant descriptions of TWO or more films from the chosen

genre gave an explanation about how the genre changed/ affected audience expectations

or was affected by commercial concerns provided detailed evidence of texts through discussion of character, narrative, scene

or quotes from each text defined and explained their aspect clearly early in their response and then focussed

on an explanation of how/why these changes were significant for the genre discussed the genre as a whole rather than individual texts focused the discussion on one significant aspect of the genre across texts which

allowed the response to develop depth and detail.

ACHIEVEMENT WITH EXCELLENCECandidates awarded Achievement with Excellence typically:

supported comprehensive analysis of the genre with detailed, relevant examples presented material in a coherent and well structured way discussed a wider implication of the aspect such as how the aspect has affected

other genre or society showed an appreciation for the complexities of what makes a film/genre successful

and/or why they need to adapt to meet audience expectations (regardless of theirchosen aspect)

went beyond the texts and included information from other sources such as statistics, box office numbers, quotes from film theorists, etc.

made valid and reasoned predictions about the future of the genre backed up withevidence

looked at commercial viabilities of the genre compared and contrasted the texts and the genre throughout the essay rather than

isolating the texts demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the genre throughout the discussion

balancing aspects with text evidence and contextual discussion effectively built an argument and drew reasoned conclusions about the aspect.

NCEA Media Studies Level 2 Assessment Report, 2012 – page 6 of 6

OTHER COMMENTSMany candidates wrote on two or more aspects and this often weakened their response as they did not engage in discussion of how and why the aspect impacts on the genre.Some inappropriate texts being used, for example gangster films (which were mostly R18

What is Genre?

“Genres are produced by the complexly determined , socially situated positions from which they are viewed, but are often treated as if they are pre-existing phenomena with fixed, essential forms” -Dr Mark Bould

Media products can be classified into categories or genre. The word 'genre' comes from the French word meaning 'type' or 'class'. Media genres appear within a medium (film, television) such as the "horror" film or the television "situation comedy".

A genre can be recognised by its common set of distinguishing features (see discussion on codes and conventions). These features associated with a genre's style and content may be, for example, a particular setting, character types, technical codes (lighting or music). You may also find that some media texts blur genre boundaries.

Audiences recognise these features and therefore expect certain things. For example, at the end of a romantic comedy film the two lead characters will realise they are in love. Audiences may even select a text on the basis of its genre.

Producers market texts according to genre because a niche audience has already been identified as taking pleasure in that type of text.

However, a genre is not static – it changes all the time – resulting in hybrid (or sub-) genres and changing codes and conventions. There is also a relationship between genres and the societies in which they are created.

What is Science Fiction?

The science fiction genre, an exciting collection of intellectual and physical adventure, overlaps a great deal with all other genres. As a result, it is very difficult to define the genre with one simple, straightforward definition that clarifies its relation to other genres. In particular, there is great debate about the differences and overlap between fantasy and science fiction. Science fiction fans, even those most entrenched in the genre, often have very strong and very divergent views on what constitutes a science fiction work.

In general, science fiction is considered to be a genre that explores the question "what if?". It continually investigates moral, philosophical and technological possibilities by creating new and exciting realities. Diana Tixier Herald offers her personal definition of science fiction in Genreflecting, expressing the idea that science fiction deals with "scientific topics, space travel, aliens and recognizably Earth-variant worlds or life forms that have not been touched by magic". Time travel is also a common theme in many science fiction novels.

With roots in the nineteenth century, science fiction is often recognized for its long and rich history as well as its intellectual content. It is also recognized for its diversity; within the genre there is great variation in the topics, themes and length of science fiction works.  The following is a list of many of the themes that are covered within the genre of science fiction: Hard Science, New Wave, Ecology, Messianic/Religious, Dystopia/Utopia, Apocalypse, Alternate and Parallel Worlds, Time Travel, Time Warp, Lost Worlds, Immortality, Psionic Powers, Space Opera, Galactic Empires, Militaristic, Space Travel, Alien Beings, Computers, Automation, Cyberpunk, Robots, Androids, Cyborgs, Social Criticism, The Superhuman, Women in Science Fiction, Love and Sex, Detectives in Science Fiction, and Science Fantasy.

Dystopian Definition and Characteristics

Dystopia: A futuristic, imagined world in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system.

Characteristics of a Dystopian Society

• Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.

• Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.

• A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.

• Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.

• Citizens have a fear of the outside world.

• Citizens live in a dehumanized state.

• The natural world is banished and distrusted.

• Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent is not tolerated.

• The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.

Types of Dystopian Controls Most dystopian works present a world in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through one or more of the following types of controls:

• Corporate control: One or more large corporations control society through products, advertising, and/or the media. Examples include Minority Report and Running Man.

• Bureaucratic control: Society is controlled by a mindless bureaucracy through a tangle of red tape, relentless regulations, and incompetent government officials. Examples in film include Brazil.

• Technological control: Society is controlled by technology—through computers, robots, and/or scientific means. Examples include The Matrix and The Terminator.

• Philosophical/religious control: Society is controlled by philosophical or religious ideology often enforced through a dictatorship or theocratic government. Examples include Demolition Man.

The Dystopian Protagonist

• often feels trapped and is struggling to escape.

• questions the existing social and political systems.

• believes or feels that something is terribly wrong with the society in which they live.

• helps the audience recognise the negative aspects of the dystopian world through the character’s perspective.

Structuring your essay

Your discussion should include:

• a description of the aspect

• an explanation of how and / or why the aspect functions in, OR has an impact on your chosen media genre

• an examination of the possible implication(s) / effect(s) of the aspect for the media genre, its audience, other media, OR society

• supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other sources.

Question: A change in the genre (e.g. development of sub-genre, changes in the use of features).


(Reword the question here into a statement)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Describe the aspect here- what changes have occurred? 2 features that have changed) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Make a statement about how these changes affect society)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Provide a definition of genre)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Provide a definition of Science Fiction)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph One

(Restate the topic of your essay and the features you are discussing)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain how the Science Fiction genre originated and the use of those features________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Provide an example from a film that shows use of that feature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the effect of that example (relating it back to the main topic and the genre_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Make links to society (what does this reflect about society? How does society affect change in Science Fiction?, How might these changes affect its audience, other media, OR society?)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph Two

Make a statement about how Science Fiction has changed, in particular the use of the 2 features, making comparisons to ideas in your first paragraph______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain why you think this change has occurred___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Provide an example from a film in this era that shows the change in the use of feature_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the effect of that example (relating it back to the main topic and the genre_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Make links to society (what does this reflect about society? How does society affect change in Science Fiction? How might these changes affect its audience, other media, OR society?)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph Three

Make a statement about how Science Fiction has changed, in particular the use of the 2 features, making comparisons to ideas in your previous paragraphs_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain why you think this change has occurred______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Provide an example from a film in this era that shows the change in the use of feature________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Explain the effect of that example (relating it back to the main topic and the genre_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Make links to society (what does this reflect about society? How does society affect change in Science Fiction? How might these changes affect its audience, other media, OR society?)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph Four

Make a statement about how Science Fiction has changed, in particular the use of the 2 features, making comparisons to ideas in your previous paragraphs_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain why you think this change has occurred______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Provide an example from a film in this era that shows the change in the use of feature_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the effect of that example (relating it back to the main topic and the genre_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Make links to society (what does this reflect about society? How does society affect change in Science Fiction? How might these changes affect its audience, other media, OR society?)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Restate your main point and the 2 features that have changed____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the effect of the changes to Science Fiction genre and why you think they have occured_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Identify what you think the future implications of change may be for the Science Fiction genre and explain why________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Essay on Science Fiction

The Dystopian Science Fiction (DSF) genre is a product of the society in which it was created, and therefore reflects society. Films of the genre are set in the near future where society has become corrupt usually due to the ill use of technology. Technology is relevant to other genres but is particularly relevant for the DSF genre as it is set in the future. The protagonists of the film genre are the lens through which the audience is shown the futuristic world is infernal as they become aware of restricted freedom that comes from the ill use of technology. The genre is visually characterised by two aesthetic styles being Used Future and Shiny Future. Used Future is implemented by the genre which makes use of a grimy and grainy look. In Used Future buildings are dirty and the sky is polluted. This style of the DSF film genre is used to represent that the future is not perfect. Such a style is incorporated in Children of Men (2006, Alfonso Cuaron) for example. In the film the streets are chaotic and dirty. The genre uses Used Future to clearly communicate to the audience that the world depicted is dystopic and is very suitable for the genre as such a setting enhances and alludes to the themes of corrupt technology that the genre exhibits. The other film style the genre uses is Shiny Future. This is characterised by a very polished and glossy look to the film where everybody and thing looks clean and efficient. The genre uses this film style when dystopian plots on the surface may appear utopic, hence the cleanliness, but on closer inspection the inferno of the dystopia reveals itself. Shiny Future is utilised in Gattaca where there is a gold colour filter, everything is clean and orderly which gives the impression to the audience that the world depicted is positive. However as the plot thickens the audience soon see that there is genetic discrimination and glossy world applies only to the elite. This film style is effective for the genre as it often deals with captious issues that have varying opinions so not to offend film of the genre use shiny future to subtly introduce to the audience that the given technologies are harmful. It is also used to throw the audience off balance as to not be suspecting when corruption arises for the shock factor. The genre picks up on current technological and sociological trends in society and responds with DSF films, therefore the genre is a product of the society in which it was created, hence reflecting it. The genre reflects Western society and acts as a warning and stimulator of discussion as to the potential direction current societal trends may lead to in the worst case, so film of the genre is mainly relevant only to the audience it was made for. The genre is a safe way to discuss captious ethical issues in society, this influences society, but for the most part the genre takes its cue from society, reflecting its fears about the present. 

In 1990 genetic experimentation was a huge concern of society as the media was full of hype about genetic screening. In 1990 the Human Genome project was launched to map the human DNA and in 1994 Dolly the sheep was cloned. Society was anxious and concerned with these new technological developments and the DSF genre picked up on this. As a purpose of the genre is to look at the present day trends and where they could lead in a worst-case scenario the genre responded with film pertinent to the issue of genetic modification and experimentation. Gattaca (1997, Andrew Niccol) is an example of this. The protagonist of the film, Vincent, is born into a world where “birth is no longer left to chance”. Babies are selected through “preimplantation genetic diagnosis” where they are selected the best hereditary traits of their parents. However, Vincent was naturally born and genetic testing showed his genes were weak. Because of this, he was labelled “invalid” and was unable to get his dream job of space travel. Jobs that were not menial were reserved for only the genetically superior. Vincent manages to subvert the system by purchasing a preimplanted man’s blood, urine and tissue so that he can be “valid” enough to have his dream job. This film is an 

example f the genre reflecting society and being a product of society as the issues of the film are [predetermined existence through genetic altering means and tests. The genre takes the genetic breakthroughs of society at the time and forms them into an onscreen hypothetical world showing potential negative impacts. This influences society into taking into consideration ethical implications of the genetic technology. The genre is responsive to technological trends, serving as a warning, so is a product of society. 

By the end of September 2001 the social climate of the world had changed. America was brought to its knees after the terrorist attacks on New York’s twin towers. This created fear and insecurity in society. Society responded with the Patriot Act which was enforced in October 2001. The act gave authorities greater access to search individuals (who are suspected of terrorist activity), personal records and detain them without trial. The genre which is a product of society at the time therefore picked up on these laws and responded with an influx of films. An example is Minority Report (2002, Steven Spielberg) which was produced and released the year following the attacks. The film is about John Anderton, a law enforcer. There are three “precogs” (precognitive/psychic) people who are left unconscious and plugged into a machine which shows predictions of crime set to happen in the near future. Anderton is hired to act on this information and arrests and convicts the criminals before they commit the crime. The film has clear parallels to the societal conditions at the time it was made. In the film criminals are assumed guilty and convicted without solid evidence. This mirrors the Patriot Act where alleged criminals are also assumed guilty until proven innocent and are too arrested without solid evidence or explanation. The genre is roused b y the captious happening in society and responds with an onscreen exaggerated criticism that is intended to “create debate and discussion” according to Spielberg and in the case of the time period of the early 2000’s terrorism and surveillance that were dominate concerns of society. Therefore the genre responded with plots around these issues and the laws attached to them. It was also in the early 2000’s where reality shows featuring psychics started to surface in large numbers normalising the idea in society. The genre responded top this in the dystopic tradition predicting how in the worst case psychics could be exploited as shown in Minority Report. As the issues dominating society change the issues dominating the DSF film genre change as the genre reconstructs itself to be relevant to the audience of the time. DSF is a product of society and thus reflects society in blowing up and projecting into the near future the concerns of the society. 

The DSF film genre also has elements that are not bound to the time in which films of the genre are made. Gender archetypes stand out of the influence of the changing societal climate. In the DSF genre it is men who are always the protagonist. This is because the protagonists of the genre tend to courageous, system cracking and determined. These traits are all inherently masculine thus the genre uses men as the hero. The traits suit the protagonist character in the films of the genre as dystopian science fiction deals with morally corrupt systems thus it takes such traits to rouse the action and bravery to subvert them. This is shown in Gattaca where Vincent cracks the system so to speak in managing to assume the identity of a ‘valid’ which was a courageous act of bravery in his determination to get his dream job. The genre also reflects the ingrained female archetype of compassion, empathy and humanity due to inbuit motherly instincts. The genre uses the female archetype to represent what is lacking in the dystopic future ad females are used in the film to awaken the male protagonist to the injustice of the genre's dystopias by giving them a glimpse of tenderness feeling and hope. In Minority Report, it is a female ‘precog’ Agatha who awakens Anderton to the cruelty of her being used as a tool and thus the corruption of the system. In Children 

of Men it is Kee who gives the feeling of hope for fertility for mankind and so spurs the male protagonist to save the day in delivering Kee to a sanctuary. The genre is reflective of how ingrained and important gender roles are in society. The way that they are approached in the genre determines society’s attitude toward the archetypes. Therefore DSF is a product of society, reflecting it’s attitude of gender and also the thinking that dominates in society being the both genders make a whole, a couple, balance. The genre shows this by the heroism of the dystopic plot only being completed through the archetypes thus reflects the beliefs of western society. 

Contrary to the one-sided relationship the statement “genre is a product of the society in which it was made, and therefore reflects society” the DSF genre also has a major influence on society. When interviewing people to gage societies attitude toward advancing technology, I asked the question: are you concerned with the way technology is progressing? 95% answered they were and a further 75% described as dystopian sci-fi film plot before even being asked why they were concerned. This shows that the genre has deep seated impacts on society’s minds and indeed fulfils its purpose of rousing discussion and debate around current trends like advancing technology. The genre intends to make the audience wary of the future of current trends and bringing them to the forefront of public consciousness ensures that it current trends to tend to lead to a dystopic future in having them out in the open it may allow greater democracy on the issues. In this way the genre not only reflect society being a product of it but DSF film influences society into wariness and also inspires people to do what they can to prevent dystopic, informal futures. 

As the genre is largely dependent on the societal context, timewise, from which it was created, if one was to predict the future of the genre we must look at present society. Captious ethical issues surround stem cell research, global warming and pollution and nuclear warfare after North Korea tested a nuclear missile earlier in the year in May. One would imagine a world being women may be forced to grow foetuses for stem cells being a dystopian science fiction example of the genre that would be relevant to present society as it’ll play on fears about the future of stem cells which are today being debated. In this way this potential futire of the genre would be a product of and reflect today’s societal climate and fears about the future direction of technology. 

The dystopian science fiction genre is a product of the society in which it was created. The genre takes current day issues and then reiterates them dramatically onscreen, thus is a reflection of society. The genre does for the most part depend on current day events but certain things like gender archetypes stand outside the changes in society in time. The genre’s dependence on society is very strong as without society to inspect the societal criticisms produced by the genre would not exist. The genre heavily is influenced by society but also influences society. It does this by creating discussion around the issues that inspired the film and in this way, contrary to the mostly pessimistic character of the genre, it allows the issues to be put into the minds and hands of the audience in the hope that the dystopic futures will not manifest. 

Revision Activities

List some key ideas you discovered from reading the essay on Science Fiction






Make a list of Science Fiction features below









The developing role of women in Science Fiction- Reviewing key ideas from an article

What key ideas did you gather from the reading? Write quotes and paraphrase ideas below.



List Science Fiction films from different decades (remember to include director’s name and year of production)






Features used (when, how and why):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Features used (when, how and why):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Features used (when, how and why):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Features used (when, how and why):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Features used (when, how and why):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Research film history and make notes on each decade- then summarise the main events, e.g. the introduction of colour technology

1920s: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

















Research the changes in society and the Science Fiction genre over time and make connections- how do these changes in society (such as events, advancements in technology etc) directly influence the Science Fiction genre?


Society: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Science Fiction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Society: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Science Fiction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Society: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Science Fiction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Society: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Science Fiction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Remember to go to our class website for notes:

Also email me any draft essays or questions you have: [email protected]

A list of websites and readings that may be helpful:

Also do your own searches online- there will be lots of information out there. Google Scholars is also helpful.



Film History

Science Fiction id=izKtL3IFBXcC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=the+development+of+science+fiction+film&source=bl&ots=Zq-ymH2Yds&sig=tSgiydk1j1rIZ_SItwu2-ho05bU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tmNDUoesKeuQiQef_4GoDw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=the%20development%20of%20science%20fiction%20film&f=false