
V.. NS. 8,499. XXIII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. MAY 16. 186*. ^NITBD STATES MARSHAL'S SALB. AUCTION SALES. *ptprb mn. gY 6KEEN 4 WILLIAMS, AtetioMiri. JW£T>%'£ £^£20F twohandsomb b. \d- I75M>T8*A8T OFTHB CAPITOL AT A JO. TIOB Ob FRIDAY, the 30th instant, I shall Hll, in front of th« pre ml see, at« o'clock, p. m., by virtue efadeed of trust to the subscriber, bearin* date the 1st day of July, 1959, and recorded in IaW J. A 8 ,No. 193, folios, 396, J97,and 3W, one of the land records for the eouotr pT Washington, Id the District of Oolumbls, the folk)win* named proper¬ ty. tying and being in tbe oity of Washington, Dia- t*ic* aforesaid. : I»ot« numbered nineteen and twenty. In Square numbered ten hundred and twenty-nine, contain¬ ing orer nineteen thousand square feet of ground. This property fronts on# hundred and twenty-oae tsetsiv inches on north P. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets east, near Maryland ay .TT?q° **leJ One-fourlh cash; the balance in «, Jf- *nd 18 months, the purchaser give notes for tfcs deferred payments, bearing interest from the dajr^of sale. A deed given and a deed of trust All conveyancing at the oo«tof the purchaser. If the terms are not complied in five days the Trustee reserve the right to resell the property, *t the.nsk and eost of the first purchaser, bv ad¬ vertising the same three times in the National In¬ telligencer. ROBERT RIOKBTT8. Trust#*. my.8 GREEN ft WILLIAMS, Auats. Auction sale op valuable real es¬ tate ON THE POTOMAC RIVER, . . Ill Alixasdkia OopiTTy, Va. By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Gaspar ~cc~man,and AppolloniaJ. Toehman, his wife, .ated Julj 14.1857. and recorded among the land reeordsor Alexandria Oo»nty, Va.,.the said Oas- nar Toctrman beingengaged in the rebellion against the sovereign autnority of the United States, and the interest on tbe debt secured by said deed of trust being in arrear and unpaid from the 30th day of October, 1861,.I shall proceed, by order of the warty secured, and by virtue of the authority con¬ ferred by said deed, and the statute in such case made and provided, and on the 19th day of May,1864, I shall eel) at auction to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Mayor 's office in the City of Alexan- *i. at 13 o'clock, m., the property named on ¦aid deed .that is to say the farm called " Summer Bui on the Potomac river in said County,.the same com prit ing about one-hundred and fifty acres, gid being situated about midway between Wash¬ ingtonC:ty and Alexandria, Va. .further particulars of the saJe will be given at the time thereof. *9 3<Md J. M. STEWART, Trnstee* I In virtue of a writ of Pieri Facias. Issued from the Clerk's Office of the Bupreme Court of the United "States, for the District of Columbia, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the front of the Court House door, of said Coun* xt, cn WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of May next, J8A4,atl2 o'clock in., all defendant's right, title, claim and interest in and to the north part of Lot No. 34,in Square No. 877, bounded as follows:. Beginning for the same at the southeast corner of Lot No 33, on the line of Seventh Street east, run¬ ning thence west ?T feet, thence north 3f) feet, thence east 97 feet to the beginning, together with all singular, the improvements thereon, seized and levied upon as the property of Samuel and Joseph Arnold, and will be sold to satisfy Judicial No 2W. i? fA\°-r of White, Middleton ft Beall, use of Elias B. Wk;te. my 3 WARD H.LAMQN, U.S. Marshal,D.C. pv J. C. McQUIRB ft CO., Auctioneers, TRU8TEF.B SALE OP PINE BUILDING LOT ON SIXTEENTH STREET BETWEEN MAS3A CHUSBTTS AVENUE AND NORTH P STREET. Oa 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 21st, at C o'clock, on the premises, by virtue or a deed of trust, dated April 21st, 1*VJ, and duly recorded among the land records for Washington County, D. C,, at the request of the holder of the note there¬ in secured, I shall s»U, Lot No. 6, in W. M. Mer¬ rick a sub-division of the south part ofk8quare No. HI, fronting 22 feet on Sixteenth street west, be¬ tween Massachusetts averue and north P street, and running back 125 feet to a wide puhlio alley Terms: One-third in cash; the remainder In 'six and twelve months, with interest, sccured by deed of trust on the premises. Conveyances at the cost of the purchasers. THOS.J. FISH FR, Trustee. _ "»y.S-eo&<*s J. C. McQUIRB ft CO., Aucts. jgT J, C. UcGUIRE ft CO., Auctioneers. TRUfTEE S SALE «~F~ BRICK DWELLING HOUSE AND IOT ON NORTH H. BETWEEN THIRTEENTH ASD POURTE1NTH STREETS WEST. By virtue of a deed of trust from William H. Clampitt and wife, dated the twenty third day of Sep'ember, eighteen hundred and rilty-eight, and dull recorded in Liber J. A. 8., No 1«1, folios 4^, 438, aed 439. one of the Land Records for Washing¬ ton county. District of Columbia, I shall sell at Public Auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON. June 2d at 6 o'clock, all that lot or parcel of land in the City of Washington, and Ois- trict of Columbia aforesaid, being part of Lot numbered one twenty-nice, and thirty, (1.29, 3M in Square numbered two hundred and fifty (350,) ss *aJd Li ts and Square are marked, laildown and distinguished on tbe plan of Held city: beginning for said part at a point on the line of I' street nerth, eight feet four inchts feet 4 inche.; east of the southwest corner of said lot nunbered one, and running thence east sixteeo feet 3 inches, (H feet8 inches.) thence north ninety two feet, (92 feet.) thence west sixteen feeteinht inches, <16 feet 8 inche*!.) tb«*nee south ninety two f«et, (92 feet) to the pUco of beginning, improved bv a well built Brick House, with all the modern improvem»it* This property lies just east of the Demenou build¬ ings, and opposite the Presbyterian Ci urch. aud is one of the mort desirable residences of it* c!ass in the city. Terms One-third of the purchase money in oathi the balance, with inteieet, in six months. A deed will be given and indeed of trust taken to secure the deferred payments. All conveyances, including revenue stamps, at the cost of tfce purchaser ghonld the terms of sale not be complied with within three days, the Trustee reserves the rl«ht to re-sell at the risk and e\p»nses ofihe pur¬ chaser, alter gniug oneweek:s i otice in the Na¬ tional Intelligencer, or other newspaper pub¬ lished in Washington. J NO. D. MoPHF.R'ON Trastae. J. C. MoGUIUB &. CO.. A'icts>. ^ALE OF CONDtMNED HOR3E8 AND MULKS. ChUf Quarterrra*t Js Qfir'.. Dtpot of Washington.) Wj-SHISotos, D.C., April 27,18M. S Will be sold at public auction, at the Corral, near the Observatory, in the City of Washington, D. O., on WIDNESDAY.Mayll, 1364, and WEDNESDAY, May 25.1664, a lot of. BORSE3 AND MULES, condemned as unfit for public service. Terms: Cash in Government funds. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. D. H. RUCKBR, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, ap.27 35t Depot of Washington, D. C. Ruction kale of condemned horses. W/R DEPAXTMKH*, CAVAI.XV BORKAT7, Orrics or Chief Quartbrmabtse, Washington. D. C., April 25,1 Will be sold at public auction, to tbe highest bid- ier, at the times and places named below, viz: Newport, Penna , Thursday, May 5th, GettyBbury, Penna.. Monday. May 9th, Altoona. P'una., Thnriday,May 12th, M ifflin, Pe^na , Thursday, May 19th, Reading, Penna., Thursday, Msy 29tk, Lebanon. Penna., Thursday, June 2d, Northumberland, Penna., Thursday, June !>th, Scranton, Penna..Thursday, June 16th. William sport, Penna , Thursday, J.une 23d. One Hunared (MO) horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hundred and Fifty <25o> at each of theether places. These horses have been condemned as unlit tor the cavalry service of tbe United States Army. _ For road and farm purposes cany good bargains may be bad. Homes will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 a m., and continue daily until .11 are soldT Terms; cash, in United States Treasury notes oily. JAMES A. EKIN, ap 3trt.ie20 Lt. Col andC. Q.M Cavalry Bartau, |JN1TED bTATES MARSHAL'S SALE. In virtue of two writs of Pieri Pasias issued from the Clerh's office of the Circuit Conrt of the District of Oolumbia, and to me directed. I will exposedo »ublic sale, for cash, at the front of the Court Housedoor,of said county, on MONDAY, the 6th day of June next. 1.S6I, at 12 o'clock M . all de¬ fendant's right, title, claim, and interest in and to Lots No. 1. 2. and 3, in Square No. 9>. being the nndivHed third part of said Lots, seized and levied upon as the property of William Douglass.aud will be sold to satisfy judicial No. 2JW and 299. to Octo¬ ber term 1859, in favor of Wm. G. W. White and Brother, use of James R. Smith, use of Henry Douglass. WM. SELDEN, late U. S. Marshal. D. US. MILITARY RAILROADS, . Otfict of A»si.Un»t Quartirina.itn, Washi.nqtox. April 15. lata. AUCTION..Will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the )f"h day of May, at the Baiiroad Depot, in Alexan¬ dria, Va.. too Toes of Old Rati road Iron, 100 Tods ef Old Car Axle*, 250 Tons of Cast Scrap Iron, K>0 Ten* of Wrought Iron, 3 Tons of Old Brass and Copper, 9no Oil Barrels. Terms: Cash in Government Funds. Ten (ID) Cr cent, to be paid at the time of purchase, the lance on delivery. , , . Tbe property must be removed ^hin^ ^1 n days rom date of sale. H.L.ROBlf'SOS. ap ltf-dts. Captain and A. Q M. o, ) '¦», > 25,1SS4.1 VAVY DEPARTMENT, i> Wabhiigtow, May 2, itf>4. . COPPER SCALE. There will be offered for sale at public auction on THURSDAY, June 2, at 13 o'clock, m , at the United States Naw Tsrd, Washington, about sev¬ enty five thousand pounds of Copper Scale. day sesle bare sBowb 8* per ©e it. of metalhc copper. Twenty per cent of the purchase money must be deposited at tbe time of tbe sale, and twelve da.r* will be allowed to remove it fron tbe yard; and.if cot so removed, the deposit will be forfeited to the Government. All payments to be made in Government fundi, and before tbe scale is remored from the Navy Yard. my.4eo2w ALLEN'S P.URAL ARCHITECTURE fl.25. Downins's Country Houses: $j. Vaux'rt Villas and Cottages; $2. Loudon's Encyclopedia of Architecture: London. llatt'<-ld's American House Carpenter; $3. Hoily-'ti Country 8eat<-; 93.4". Village and Karm Cottages; fi.S'*. A Heuse for the Suburbs; London. 1 ield'ft Rural Architecture; $2. t-loan's Constructive Architecture, 4to; 13. Slran's City and Suburban Vr-hitecture. fo'io _#)2. [ap 19] FRANCE TAYLSR^ UILLIARD TABLES VOB 8ALB.-The SubMH- u ber haa three flrst-clase Billiard Table*, nearly he will dispose of very low. Iniulre r JMDUrd room corner of ljth gtreet and I«uii1tu4 avute. cjj if)f AUCTION SALES. BT J. C. McQUIRJB & CO., Auctioneers, TWO FRAME HOUSES AND LOT8 ON FOUR- street, between Maryland avenue and SSSh'jSSr1'?rflCK HODS* AND LOT o^8*t- Yard, Handsome H.9U 8 K *Qd VACANT LOT *TlVanfa »°enne ,trMt ea8t"d *."* Ob THURSDAY A^FTIRNOON, May 19, at O clock, on the premiaea, commencing with the first-named and following in the order Hereinafter ^ 9? * decr«® of th® Supreme Oonrt of the Dutrict of Columbia, sitting in Chancery paaaedon the 9th day of April, 1864, ina causJ' wherein Geo. W.Miller is complainant and Ellen MDlar et al., are defendants, No. l«, weahaU aeH f?b-dirfgiona and O, in Eauare No. 49J, front¬ ing 62 feet on Four-and-a-halr street went «m« between Maryland avenue and south o' street, and rnnning bach 140 feet, im pro Ted with two fraSe dwelling-houses, to be sold separately »..? to IMMSDIATSLT APTBR. fwft a ¦ % beginning at the end of 61 1? r ^ from the northeast corner of an reit' wDhi?*0n fanning thmee south 23 th« Brnfh 7i0n "r H1®/', th«nce west 50 feet to the scuth line of a I t leased to Wm. O'Brien. th«Bh»^««- ft 2 ineh®9» thence east 50 feet to in» * ?*"v /°» ***? °f Square begin #S5 « inches from the northwest corner and fronting on Seventh Btreet east 23 feet 2 inches, thence east 76 feet, thence north 23 feet 2 inches, lhenim-TStt.76.fs?t t0 the ^«in^ng. togethe? wiA dwellhiV fco,«2nfrA^URlst.ln*«of *tWo stor* br»ck n ear I?ftreet south * °n «t east, T«+.XT « » IHMIDUII1Y AFTEE, l^a'T^Brtivai'S'*D ' ln,Square N°-99'» front- .l.iT on Pennsylvania avenue. Eleventh 5*»t. »nd south G street. Lot No 6 is im- Stfh^.v£!l » handsome brick dwelling-house. J&Pvfiln*9« ,"t?bl,e' carriage-houses, to , /$. "ItSS? ?f theJ!at® Charles Miller. '' ^ » ' One-third In cash; the remainder in three mnn h n^?#n? 9iT. twelve, and eighteen 5hi?i J liitwcKt, tur which the purchaser TvJiitfi7.8 n£^8 8ecni:ed t0 the satisfaction of the WtaT& in casfUrC 8er to Uve the optioD of th^°puVrchMer8 revenne st4mPs at ±he eoet of > teri?" °LBal®»re not complied with in five rflVaiUMil f the Jrutiteea reserve the right to re-sell at the risk and cost of the deftalting pur- lig"ncer°n °n* week'1 notice in the National Intel- GEO. A. BOHRER, ) E, 0. MORGAN, » Trustees a.tbob. braAly.S rasiee8- ap.21-eod&ds J. C. McGUIRJI & CO., Aucta. C. McGUIRE & CO., Auctioneers. PPHOPWftT\?']rnSf r-nAIlFABLB IMPROVED ( ISLAND ) C0RJ,ER OF SIXTH AND D ST3., of the order and decree of the Orphans' mltti,itk °f Columbia, passed in the »4?" Elizabeth and Mary Ann Barnes n^rh^i.-Vl Hanson Barnes, deceased, bearing date' on the ICth day of February, A. D.. 18(U and dul* t7nh ®uPre.® Court of the District of P^bite *a?9^anc(erTu,tJ1-D.' 1 sha!l off,r far sale at Puolie Auction, to the highest bidder, in front r^.V/'TJn- on MONDAY, the 2Sd day of May, 1S64, at 6io clock, p ni.. the entire undivided ri^ht VlarC a.htere«?r the ssid Ann Elizabeth and Mary Ann Bartes, infant children of the said Han- ec*,s^, and to all t hat certain if U'. m ( "ituate, iTing. an'l being in the City ,D D',l,tr:ct Columbia, V,1an lot cumbered twenty on^ < 2> >»n'Todd and Guunell's" sub division of 8oua?e nanioered four hundrf d and sirty-five (4p5)oftht» plan of the City of Washington with the iinorove- ?n^Uf » .e"Dn' C0,1Si*lin* .>f a lar«« aud couveni- ent fran e dwelling house. Tbis Taiuabic t ro»er1 v is situated on the corner of Sixth street we»t n.nT D lout?'in the Seventh Wa" in a healtby pi'-'-haserR0 aDU ^ Kn'at d Term#: One-half cs»h : the balance in 6 ami 12 moi ths, the purchaser giving hi* note, or notc.< fJt the deft rred payment, with approved uecr.ritx, bvriug in'e est from the day of sale. T-tle deea to regained until the whole of the purchase montj is paid All conveyancing at the e«st of the onrchaser. Guardian to Ann llizabeth'a^'^r^'An'n^Barnes. At the same tune and place, and on the sa*ae terms mettioned in th^ abov«;'dverti>enient, 1 am specially authorised to offer for sale the right, tit'e If 0 JaMC8 H; r:'iTD' S- adult heir of said lianscn Barties, decessed. of, in. and to the the said lot No 21, in "Todd and GtinneilV'sub -livigion of fon ^are 46F', 01 tbe plaB 0f tho Cit>"of Washing- All convesancing at the cogt of the purchaser. 3 ai tne coat of the purchaser nr. JOBIAHSIMPSON Agent." my.]2 eotd J. o. MnGUTKK A CO., Aucts. ASONIC HALL ASSOCIATION OF >7 V 1NGT0N CITV.D. C. M _ "NUT11 «.B'it-nU.\STU caV' it °'l M'OCk. 8CB" *^nnfn^dinCet*i-tl1 1,!e fo,lrth section of the »L", . 8 f iJ° incorporate the Masonic Mall Anrif v; i°n.0' Washington city, D. C., approved 811, ^ J l whtch provides as follows : 4^, : ' it further tnatui. That within tTvei-tj days after the passage of this act the cor¬ porators named in the first section, or a majority orAf,auy refuse or negUct t0 act. tWn a RuWrinti^n r10 "ball cause books of subscription to the capital stock of the said cor- poration to be opened and kept opea in such itl iee a'raJi^f fiperr«'i to fivsed by Kai'1 corporators' or a majority of tlietn. public notice of which may fnrt? a<1v^r^twement or otherwise as said cor- ^oratoruor a majority of them mav determine' rfli e" Upon said bof>k' td the capitaf stock of the corporation shall be held to be stock¬ holders: Prpvidtd That every subscriber shall ^/n'kL .? ?f ^scribing, such par centum (ten has been determined upon by the corpora¬ tors! of the amount by him subscribed to tho «Cer ele?te<* or appointed by the corpora tors, or-a majority of them, as may be required by said corators or a majority of them, or hiR subscription shall be null and void And when the books of subscription to the capital stock ot ^aid corporation shall he closed, the corpora- thImMIISr m 1 first section, or a majority of 1 "f1"'aDi* in case any of them refuse or neglect to ? a »«4<>rityof remainder shall, within twenty dt«vs thereafter, rail the first meeting of th.® S'^ckholdera of sjid corporation, to m»et 7'thm ten days thereafter, for the choice of di rectors, cf which public notice shall be given for three dav« in two public newspapers published daily in Washington city, or by written personal notice served on each stockholder, by tbe secre¬ tary < r clerk of the corporation. And in all meet- 'he.stockholders each share shall entitle byftproxye"'t0 oue vote-tu «i^n in person or 'The amouEt of Capital Stock fixed upon within tbe liniitation of the cliarti-r is $15o,'.i(io Notice is hereby given that the books of sub¬ scription will be opened un FRIDAY, the 13th in- staat. at the connting-room of James C. McGuire A Co.. and will be kept open Tor sixty days Jiy order of the corporators. ROBERT 3IcMURDY, my 12 r.t Secretary Board of Corporators. PKliKINS, STERNE & Co., 180 Broadway, N. v., EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN CALIFORNIA WINE. We guarantee them all to be ABSOLCTELT PURE. For aale by all first-elasa Grocers and Drnggista everywhere. mh30-3m» pAPERHANGINOS. - '"form my customers and the public in general that I am now receiving niS/onifrrl of American and French PAPEIt- of the finest French Gilt bers and halts parlors, dining rooms, cham- r^.rei.Pt of a large assortment of Oil t aud^aHsi ls ^in<*oW Shades and Picture Cord All itrsonswifhiDgto purchase will do well Io look for themselves before buying elsewhere, as I bare the largest assortment of the above goods in thec,.ty ,, J011N ALEXANiSER, my 9-eo2m [Intel.] No. 34O Pa. avenue. REFRIGERATORS! RBFRIG BRATORS ! REFRIGERATORS' MATTING! REFRIGERATORS I * MATTING ! MATTING! CARPETS! MATTING! CARPETS! CARPETS! For sale by GREEN k. WlLLIAMsJ8' my 31-61 No. 320. cor. 7th and D sts. north. ROOFING FELT AND PITCH. " . Just received and for sole, a choiee lot of Felt iTu«,piJST^*iC.tfiSNMT!'3a'R";«L" "i" FEN WICK St STEWART. aplS-lm* west aiao 7th fit.. Canal bridge W«T«». FLUTING! WANTED, Every lady In the District to know that I have, st considerable expense, had built a very elegant machine for Fluting or Crimping Dressea, Ac. Dressmakers and others can have any kind of goods Crimped at fhort notice, in as good style, and as choap as in any other city. Ladies, remember this is the only aiachine in town, and done at the only place to get stamping done. 381 F street, oppo¬ site Patent Office, Stamping 1 nd Machine Stiich- Icg Depot. my 3 IPRJ0E8 CASHED N All legniiied lotteries. Information given. Circulars sent free, and all orders promptly at- te&C£d to. Address JOSEPH BATES, 11 Wall street. N Y , ftjcXlm* Feat Office Bo* 4,404. AMUSEMENTS. CANTERBURY HALL. MUSIC JCANTERBURY HALL, I AND HAL LjCANTEBBUBY HALL, { THEATER LoniBIAHA Avihdi, Ntar Comer tj Sixth Strut, Run of National and Metropolitan Hottls. Sign of the Bis. Calcium Light. 910MI Lia. .......Proprietor W. E. Caxatacgh., 8tweltut|«r. GREAT EVENT OP THE DAY, Performed at four different Theaters in New York on the same night to ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCES ! JOHN P. POOLE'S VERSION OP CUDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'8 CAVE, CUDJO'S CAVE, CFDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'S OAVB, CUDJO>8 OAVK, CUDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'S CAYJ8, CUt'JO'8 CAVE, CUDJO'S CAVB, CUDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'S CAVE, CUDJO'S CAVE, OR THE BATTLE-CRY OF FREEDOM. BATTLE-CRY OF PREEDOM. BATTLE-CRY OF FREEDOM. BATTLE-CRY OF FREEDOM. BATTLE-CitV oF FREEDOM. BATTLE-CRY OF FREEDOM. NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. A Village in East Tennessee. A Ravine in the Cumberland Mountains. F>arber Jim's Cellar. The Burning Mountains. Water falls and Cliffs in the Cumberland Moun¬ tains. l Machinery by II. Walker. Appointment* by Mr. Sullivan. Music arranged by Joe Braham. The Burning Mountains and Rescue of Virginia Villars is one of the most awfully grand illustra¬ tions ever presented to the public. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, And on SATURDAY AFTERNOON,at2 p. m., will be presented the New Drama, dramatized express¬ ly for the Canterbury, bv John F. Poole. Esq., en titled CUPJO'S CAVE, OR 1HK BATTLE CRY OF FREEDOM. POMP, a self-emancipated bond¬ man... J.DEFORREST Cudjo. a deformed negro .and a fugi¬ tive. hut sound in heart Billy West Penn Hapgood .a (luake r school mas¬ ter /, - J.J.Dcugherty Cart Minnevick, a German boy, fall 01 courn ge and of curnitig W. B.Cavanagh Rev. Mr. Villars. an aged clergj man and blind _«..Mr. Toby, an eld negro, and servant to Mr. Villars John Mulligan Stackbridge j \. ..Mr. Leffert Withers . ! Tennessee Unionists !. .Mr. Harper Grodd \ f.. McPherson LysanderSprowl...,! i Silas Ropes I i Aug. Blythewood... | Mr.Williams Dan Pepperill > Secessionists. {-Mr. Sullivan Gftd . I Wilson Derring | I Howard Davis j I Johnson Virginia Villars, the clerg)inan's daughter _ Jennie Forrest Mrs. Surowl. a widow as has lost her brother - ~~~Lucy Clifton SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY AND INCIDENTS. SCENE f..The First Mutterings of the Storm in Tennessee.The Vigilance Committee.Prepura tions to Hang the Schoolmaster." What's the Use of Eddication?".The Hanging inteynpted by Pomp.The First Blow for Freedom.Tauleau.The Lone Wirtdevand her Hopeful Son.A Bright Pros¬ pect in View. Niggers Cheap and Money Plenty. The " Wanderers on the Face of theArth".Vil lar:s House.The Schoolmaster Hunted Down- Southern Hospitality Illustrated.Toov and " de Debil''.Silas Bopes in 1'urRoitof the Fugitive. Al ysteriousi Disappearance of Penn Ilapsooa.Ttasre of the .Man Hunfers.Whipping a Free Nigger- Carl Works a Miracle.Attack upon Villari.A Daughter's Devotion.Struggle with Silas Ropes. ." Pomp, the Sjave ." No. Pomp, the Freeman .Tableau.Exterior of Cudjo's Cave.The Fugi live Finds a Friend.The Cave a Refuge.Is it Gloomy?.The House of Bondage is Gloomy.Is it Dampy.It is not with the Cruel Sweat of the Slave's Brow and Back.Is it Cold y.The Hearts of our Tyrants are Colder.Mountain Pass.The Committee Still in Pursuit.Capture of Penn.A Moment «f Peril.Sudden Appeartmceof Pompand Cudjo.One Wiped Out.Pomp's Swing for Life. Preservation of Penn.Grand Tableau.The Bat tie Cry of Freedom. M SCENE 2..The Return into Danger. Penn Finds a t-uhstitute. a Volunteer for Lysander.Stack ridge's Hat and Coat get arrested.The Guard Home.The Dark Ifour Before Dawn.Car! a Con federate Soldier.The Drugged Liquor.Cudjo on Hand.A Willing Prisoner.Pomp to the Rescue. The Triumph of the Bayonet.Escape ofthe Priso¬ ners.Tableau.On the Mountain.Carl in the Hands of the Philistines.A Stroke for Liberty.A Phrenological Developement.The Trust at the Round Rock.Virginia iir the Wood.Hopes and l>ars.A Da'k Night and a Sad Road.Silas Ropes Still in Pursi'it.Ilis Desperate Resolve."Fire in the Mountain, Burn 'em Gut'.The Mountain For¬ rest on Fire.Perilous Position of Virginia.Saved l.y the Desperate Heroium of Pomp-thrilling Tableau. (This scene occupying the entire length of the stage, is one of the most magnificent and effective ever presented.) SCENE .'{..Interior of Cudjo s Cave.Blythewood a Prisoner.Master and Slave Change Places,.The Hour of Vengeance.Blythewood's Life Saved by Virginia. Attack Threatened . Treachery7-Vir- "ir.ia's Defense of theCave. Death of lllythewood. Tableau.The Lone Widder's Idea of Confiscation . The Women Whippers.A Little Mistake.Cudjo After " Provisions".Comes Off Well Loaded. Cndjo's Cave.Love Making in the Wilderness. The Council of War.The C*ve Discovered by Silas KopeR.Preparations for Defense.The Attack.A Warm Welcome to Cudjo's Cave.Grand Tableau. The Runaway and the Free Nigger.Is Carl a Coward?.Villars a Prisoner.Virginia's Appeal to {jilac_IIer Heroic Resolve.Capting Sprowl Makes a Speech.The Mountain Torrent.Desperation of Virginia .Timely appearance ot" Pomp. Cudjo's Vcngeance . Startling Death of Cudjo and Silas Ropes.The Last Attack.Defeat of the Secession¬ ist-.The Old Flag Floats Agaiu in Tennessee- Grand Tableau of Victory. First appearance of the Great Coniortioni-it, DON SANTIAGO OIBBONNOISE l)ON SANTIAGO GIBBON NOHE DON SANTIAGO OIBBONNOISE DON 8ANTIAGO OIBBONNOISE. DON SANTIAGO GIBBON NOISE DON SANTIAGO GIBBON NOISE. Return of the favorite Ethiopian Comedian, BILLY WEST, BILLY WEST, BILLY WEST, BILLY WEST, BILLY WEST, BILLY WIST. JOHN MULLIGAN, JOHN MULLIGAN, JOHN MULLIGAN, JOHN MULLIGAN, J. J. DOUGHERTY, J. J. DOUGHERTY, J. J. DOUGHERTY, J. J. DOUGHERTY, H. W. WILLIAMS, II. W. WILLIAMS, H. W. WILLIAMS, IN THEIR ETHIOPIAN ECCENTRICITIES. MISS JENNIE BN0EL, MISS JENNIE ENGEL, MISS JENNIE ENGEL! JENNIE AND ESTELLE FORREST, LUCY AND EMMA GARDNER, KITTY LEE, MISS NAOMI PORTER. LUCY CLIFTON. MI8S EMMA 8CHELL, MAGGIE WIijSON, Ac. &c. &c. In their Charming Ballets and Divertissements. Change in the Olio Department Each Night, Change in theOliw Department Each Night. Change in the Olio Department Each Night, Change in the Olio Department Each Night, Change in the Olio Department Each Night, Change in the Olio Department Each Night. Admiwion . Jo ft 5 Orchestra 50 Private Boxes, holding six persona...ft uo Doors open at 7 o'clock; Performance to com mence at 8 otlock. FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT TWO O'CLOCK. Ladies 25 cents; Children It) cents. M'LT.E MARIETTA RAVEL, M'LLE MARIETTA RAVEL, The beautiful Spanish Danseuse and Tight Rope Performer, will make her first, appearance in Washington in three years. Also, the celebrated Dancer, x01l8 HAPTISTW MONS. BAPTI8TIN, With an entire new Ballet Troupe, in a few days. AMUSEMENTS. FORD'S NEW THEATER, Tbjith Stbbbt, abovb Pbhhsylvaria Aviso. Engagement, for Biz nights only, with the ac¬ complished actress, MISS MART MITCHELL. THIS (Monday) EVENING, May M, l&H, will be presented Sheridan Knowles' beautiful Comedy of the LOTS CHASE. Constance Miss Mary Mitchcll To conclude with the amusing petite comedy of A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. Lady Elisabeth Freelove.Miss Mary Mitchell TO MORROW, second appearance of MISS MARY MITCHELL. The grand spectacle of the NAIAD QUEEN will shortly be produced in a style of unequaled splen¬ dor^ GROVER'S THEATER. PlCBBSYLVANIA AT., KHAR WlLLABD'8 HoTBL. Lsobabd Gbovkb. ...-.Director THE COOLEST THEATER IN AMERICA. VEN¬ TILATED BY OVER 100 WINDOWS. ICE WATEK FOR THE A UDIEXCE MISS MARY PROVO8T. the most accomplished versatile actress in America THE FAREWELL PERFORMANCES ofthis accomplished lady will present her in her favorite and most impressive impersonations. Tlioie great representations which have won for her an enviable and undying fame throughout the entire American Continent. On MONDAY EVENING, May 16, she will appear in her latest great success, the im¬ personation of ROBERT BRIERLY, in tte beautiful drama, written by Tom Taylor, entitled the TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. which hss gained the warmest eulogy an<l strong¬ est proof or approbation from crowded and fash¬ ionable audiences, of any play written in modern times, wherever it has bsen represented. The cast, comprising one of the grandest collec¬ tions of characters ever assembled in one plaj, it is believed is one of the strongest ever yet given this drama. Time.The present day. Place.Londop. ~METROPOLITAN MUSIC HALL, PlJIBBTLVARIA AVBBUB ABD ELEVKRTH STBBBT. R. OARD'NER A H. ENOCHS .Wonrietors. PROF. HOLDEN~. _Mafieal Director THE COOLEST PLACE OF AMUSEMENT IN THE CITY! THE LARGEST COMPANY OF ARTISTS! BEAUTIFUL BALLET8! COMIC PANTOMIMES! .- NEGRO BURLESQUES J COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL SINGING BY THE UREA T METROPOL1 FAN TR0 UPE. Admission 25 cents Orchestrrf'Chairs 30 cents Private Boxes £3 and f5. A GRAND MATINEE EVERY MONDAY FOK LADIES AND CHILDREN. GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS High street marketT No. 74 Opposite Pbospkct Street, Georgetoivn, D. C. We, the undersigned, beg leave to inform the public that we have on hand a choice as6'"-*ment o&'Fsenh Meats of all kinds. Poultry, Game, Ac. Xggs wholesale and retail. Apples and Potatoes by the barrel. Canned Fruits of all kinds at market prices. my 3-lm* H. W. FI3HER &. CO. STOCK OF THE CORPORATION OP GEORGE¬ TOWN, D. C..Persons who would wish to pur¬ chase Htock of the Corporation of Georgetown. D. C., on which interest will be payable quarterly, can obtain some on application to WILLIAM LAIRD, Esq., Clerk of the Corporation, an I8a3w N I T E D ST A_T_* S MAIL. OVERLAND CALIFORNIA ROUTE. Post Ofpiob Dbpartmshv, » Washington Ciiu. March £i, 1864 Ji Proposals will be received at tie Conti act Office of this Department until 3 p. in., Jane 14,1364, (to be decided next day,) for conveying the mails of the United States in the State of Kansas and the ¦ Territories of Colorado, Utau *ndNKvADA. from the 1st of October. 18t4. to the 3ith of September, lgf8. inclusive. 00 the routes an 1 by the schedules of <tepaitur»s and arrivals herein «pajii3ad, consti¬ tuting the overland rout : to California. KANSAS. Rout* No. 14,260.From Atchison, Kansas, or Saint Joseph, Missouri, to Salt Lake City, Utah "territory. 1320 miles and back, daily, sjppiy ing tuch offices a' may he on the route. Schedule from 16/ of April to 1st oj Deumbtr, (8 months,) Lf ave Atchison or Baint Joseph daily, at 3 a. m; Arrire at BaltLakeCity eleventh day, by 11a m. (243 hoars;) Leave Ealt Lake Oity'f aily, at 10 a m ; Araive at Atchison or Saint Joseph eleventh day. by if m.,<243 hour*;) Sditdule from lit oj Dectmbtt to 1st of April, (4 * months ) Leave Atchison or Saint Joseph dai>y. at8 a m Arrive at Salt Lake vity fourteenth day. by 2 a. m., <3<'6 hours;) Leave Bait Lake City daily. at 7 p in.; Arrive at Atchison or ttaint Joseph fourteenth day. by 1 p. m.. (iOfl hours;) Bids to extend the daily service from Salt Lake City, by Virginia City, to Folsom, 691 miles furth er, supplying such offices as are on the route, and (applying Deuver, Colorado Territory, oailv, by the most direot route, forming duo connections with the main line, will be considered If service on this route, as exteaded, be let, that on routes Noe 14,626 and 18.761 will not be. The aoceptei bidder will have the privilege to commence service on the 1st July, 1861. N. B.The paper and document mail for the Pacific coast to be sent by sea. UTAH TERRITORY. Route No. 14,6)6.Fic m Salt Lake City to Virginia City, Nevada Territory, 508 miles and baak, dally, supplying such offices as may be on the route. Schedule from Is* of April 10 1 st 0/ December,(8 months.) leave Salt Lake City daily, at 1 p. m,; Arrive at Virginia City sixth day, by II a. m , (118 hours;) ave Virginia City daily, at 10 a m ; Arrive at Salt Lake City sixth day, by 8 a. m.; (118 lfbnrs;) Schtdule from 1st of December to Is* of April (4 months.) LeAve Bait La<u City daily, at 6 a.m.; Arrive at Virginia City seventh d»y, by 1 a. m., (13# boars;) Leave Virginia City daily, at 10 p. m.; Arrive at Bait Lake City seventh day, by 6 p. m. (139 honrs.) If the extended service Invited on route 14,264) be let to contraot, service on this route wiil not be. . NEVADA TERRITORY. Route No >0.761.From Virginia City to VolsomCity, California. 140 miles and baek, daily, sup¬ plying such offices as may be on the route. Schedule from 1st of April to 1«< of December (8 months.) Leave Virginia City dally, at 12 m,; Arrive at Folsom City next day, by 11 a. m., (33 hours;) Leave Felsam City dally, at 10 a. m.; Arrive at Virginia City next day, by 9 a. m. (79 hears.) Schtdule from lit of JJectmber to 1st of April (4 JF months.) Leave Virginia City daily, at 2 a. m ; Arrive at folsom City next day, by 1 p. m., (3* hour*;) Leave Folsom City daily, at 10 a. m.; Arrive at Virginia City next day, at 9 fr. m , (35 honrs ) If the extendet service invited on roate 14,*P be let to contract, service on this route will not ba. NOTES. Each rout* must be bid for separately, with sep¬ arate guarantee and certificate, and mast provide tor the conveyance of the mail ''with celerity, cer¬ tainty, and 1 Gearity " using the terms of the law, . It will be perceived that the schedules for thg running time are arranged so as to form one con¬ tinuous line from Atchison, Kansas, or St. Joseph, ft.i/Koori, to Folsom Oity aed back, conveying the nail, each wav. in 16 days, eight months la the year; and in 30 day* four months in th« year. For form of proposal, guarantee, and oertlfleate* and for instructions, requirements, &.c , bidders ace referred to the pamphlet advertisement of October lfi, 1863, at tbe principal post offices. Bidders should be careful to post-pay bids. jnh23 M. BLAIR. Postmaster Peroral. ORPHANS' COURTTMarch *), 18W..District of Columbia, Washington County, the matter of the petition of James MeSherrv, ruardian to Helen N., Mary O.', and James C. McSherry.infant heirs Df Mrs.Helen Mary McSher. ry. deceased, for sale of real estate. The guardian aforesaid having this day made a report or the sale in pursuance of au order and decree ofthis Court, which has been dulv ratified and confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Dis¬ trict of Columbia, sitting in equity, it is ordered that the said sale be confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before the first »Liy of June next, provided a copy of thi*<>rder be pub¬ lished In the National Intelligencer and Evening Star onee a week for three consecutive weeks prior to that time. WM. F. PURCELL, .Sole Judjc of the Orphan*]! Court. A true Copy.Test: Z. C. BOBBINS. ap 2S-w3w Register of Wills. abai a PUILADE^l^I1fQHT ALB DEPOT, 57 Louisiana avmtti, between ith and7th sts. Now selling at 19.50 jfcr cash. my 10-eo3t* [From Sunday's Extra Star ] Late and Important from the Front. The latest dates from the Army of the Poto¬ mac received by the War Department this fore¬ noon i are to half-past six of Saturday morn-* ing. The 5th and 6th corps bad advanced by the left during the night, and were to baTe at¬ tacked the enemy at daylight; bat no soand of battie had been heard, and it was conjectured that Lee had withdrawn during the night. Our advance from the direction in which it was made, would compel him to fall backon Lynchburg. The rebel papers regret that our lorces under Oenerals Crooks and Averill had destroyed the great bridge over N»w River, on the Lynch¬ burg Railroad, and also destroyed a large ex¬ tent of track, and a great quantity of supplies. General Sheridan, with his force, reached Turkey Bend, on the James river, yesterday at 3 o'clock, and formed his junction with (Jen Butler's forces. GEN. BUTLEB'S MOVEMENT UPON RICHMOND. May 11.11 P. M..Official dispatches have bee* received from Gen. Grant down to 6.3o p. m. of yesterday. Lm'« Position The enemy lias fallen back about four miles and held their position. There was no fight¬ ing yesterday. Progress of Gen. Sherman. Dispatches lroro Gen. Sherman state that his movements had compelled the enemy to evac¬ uate Dalton, and our lorces were now on the rear and flank of the enemy. The operations of Gen. Butler are detailed m the following telegrams: From Major General Butler. [Received in cipher, 6.33 p. m.l . Halk-Wat House, 8 a. m, May 14, 1864.. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: We are still before the base of the enemy's works at Drurv's Bluff, Fort Darling. The enemy are here in force. Gen. Gilmore, by a flank movement, with a portion of his corps and a brigade of the leth corps, assaulted and took the enemy's works on their right at dusk last evening:. It was gallantly done. The troops behaved finely. We held our lines during the night, and shall move this morning again. B. F. Butler, Major General. General Butler to the Secretary of War. TKecelved 3.30 p. m., in cipher.] Headquarters Half-way House, May II, 10 a.m., 1S64..Hon EdwiiiM. Stanton,Secretary of War; General Smith carried the enemy's first line on the right this morning at 3 a. m.r loss snail. The enemy have retired into three square redoubts, upon which we are now bringing our artillery to bear with effect. Benj. G. Bptlf.r, Major General Commanding. Washington, May 11,10.10 a. m. ilojor General Di.r An ofllcial despatch from General Sheridan, dated at Bottom Bridge, via Fortrpss Monroe, i:.tb, states that on the oth instant, he marched around the enemy's right Hank, and, on the evening of that day, reached the North Anna river without serious opposi¬ tion. During that night he destroyed the ene¬ my's depot at Beaver Dam; three large trains of cars, numbering one hundred; two fine lo¬ comotives; one hundred thousand pounds of bacon, and other stores, amountn.<? in all to one million and a half of rebel rations; also, the telegraph and railroad track for about ten miles, embracing several culverts; recaptured thrte hundred and seventy-eight of our men, including two colonels, one major, and several other officers. On !he morning of <Trr- ations, crossing the South Anna, at Grand Squirrel Bridge, and went into camp about daylight. On the 11th he captured Ashland Station, destroyed here one locomotive and a train ol cars, engine nonse, two ot three Gov¬ ernment buildings, containing large amounts ol stoies; aiso, destroyed six miles of railroad, embracing six culvert?, two trestle bridges, and the telegraph wire. About 7 a. m. of the llth he resumed the march on Richmond. He found th* rebel Gen. Stuart with his cavalry concentrated at Yel¬ low Tavern; immediately attacked liim, and, alter an obstinate contest, gained possession ol tlifc Brock turnpike, capturing two pieces of artillery and driving his forces back towards Ashland, and across tbe north fork of the Chickaiicminy, a distance of lour miles. At the eame time a partv charged down the Brock road and captured the first line of the enemy's works around Richmond. During the night he marched the whole of his command Be¬ tween the first and second lines of the enemy 's works on the bluffs overlooking the line of the Virginia Central Railroad and the Mechanics- ville turnpike. Alter demonstrating against the works, and finding them very strong, he gave up the in¬ tention ol assaulting, and determined to recross the Chickahominy at Meadow Bridge. It had been partially destroyed by the enemy, but wns repaired in about three hours under a heavy artillery fire from a rebel battery. Gen. Menitt made the crossing, attacked the enemy and drove him off handsomely, the pursuit continuing as far as Gaines' Mills. The enemy, observing therecrossing of the Chickahominy, came out from his second line of works. A brigade of inlautry and a large number of dismounted cavalry arriving at this juncture attacked the divisions of fck-ns. Gregg and Wilson, but after a severe contest were re¬ pulsed and driven behind their works. Gregg's and Wilsons divisions, after collecting the wounded, recrossed the Chickahominy. On the alternoon of the 12th, the corps encamped at Walnut Grove and Gaines'Mills. At 9 a. m. ol the 13th (yesterday) march was resumed, an.-l encamped at Kotium Bridge. The com¬ mand is in fine spirits. The loss of horses will not exceed 1C0. All the wounded were brought off, except about thirty cases of mortal wound3, and these were well cared for in the farm houses ol the country. The wonnded will not exceed 250; total losses no' over 350. The Virginia Central vailroad bridges over the Chickahominy and other trestle bridges- one sixty feet in length, one thirty leet, one twenty feet, and the railroad for a long dis¬ tance south of the Chickahominy.were de¬ stroyed. Great praise is given the division commanders, Generals Gregg, Wilson, Mer- ritr, and Generals Custar and Davis, Colonels Greqrg, Divine, Chapman, Mcintosh, and Gibbs, brigade commanders. All the officers and men behaved splendidly. Half-part, A. M..A dispatch this moment received from Admiral Lee, reports to the Secretary of the Navy, that Richmond pa¬ pers of yesterday mention the death of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, "shot in battle." This, no doubt, happened in the battle with Gen. Sheridan. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Congratulatory Order of Gem Meade. "Headquarters Army of thi Potomac, Hay 13,1S64..Soldiers : The moment has ar¬ rived when your Commanding General feels authorized to address you in terms of congrat- ulati.n. "For eight days and nights, almost without Intermission, In rain and sunshine, you have been gallantly fighting a desperate foe, in po¬ sitions naturally strong, and rendered doubly so by entrenchments. You have compelled him to abandon his fortifications on the Rap- idan, to retire and attempt to stop your onward progress, and now he has abandoned the last entrenched position so tenaciously held, suffer¬ ing a loss in all of eighteen guns, twenty-two colors, and eight thousand prisoners, including two general officers. Your heroic deeds and noble endurance of fatigue and privation will ever be remembered. " Let us return thanks to God for the mercy thus shown us, andask earnestly for its con¬ tinuance. " Soldiers, your work is not over. The ene¬ my must be pursued, and, if possible, over¬ come. The courage and fortitude yon have displayed renders your Commanding General confident yonr future efforts will result in snccess. u While we mourn the loss of many gallant comrades, let us remember the enemy must have suffered equal if not greater losses. "We shall soon receive reinforcements, which he cannot expect. «»Let us determine, then, to continue vigor¬ ously the work so well begun, and under God's blessing in a short time the object of our labors will be accomplished. "Geo. G. Mkabe, "MajorGeneral Commanding "Official.S. Williams, A. A. GK'- FROM THE SOUTH. KXBIL CASUALTIES IP THE LATE OREAT BATTLES. LEE RETORTED TO ACKNOWLEDGE A LOSfl OF T1IIBTY THOUSAND. AVER1LL AT If'ORE. Bbbmvda Hcbdbbd, 8 p. m., May 13, Tia Fobtrsss luONmps._Tbe rebel piisoners cap¬ tured last evening say Lee admits a loee of 30,000. The Peters burg Regiater, May l'2th, sayec "Gen. Walker, of Virginia, was wounded at Spottsylvanta. He lost a foot. The enemy are certainly fighting with raoCh desperation and uerve. Gen. Hays, of Louisiana, was wounded yesterday. Gen. L. A. Stafford, of Louisiana, died yesterday in Richmond." Wilmihstok, N.C., Maya.The iron-clad Albermarie engaged nine of the enemy's gun¬ boats and sunk one. The Yankee raiders have burned the bridge on the New river. The Virginia and Tennessee railroad has been de¬ stroyed. Also, the Dnblin depot, with all the supplies, Ac.Avertl's work. ..The Central Railroad was destroyed by the enemy at Beaver Dam, in Hanover.'* The Register give* the names of eighty-Ave captains and lieutenants killed and wounded. POSTAL PACILITIE8 FOR THE ARMY. Col. A. H. Markland, postal agent for the armies, who has been heretofore with General Grant in the West, so efficiently overlooking the postal arrangements in that quarter, left this morning for the headquarters with a large mail with a view to permanently establishing the postal facilities for the army. After the arrangements for the army are perfected* the routes and offices in that portion of the country are expected to be opened, and Col. Markland expresses the hope that the great Southern mail between this city and Richmond Will shortly be opened. Lieut. Parker, a gentleman well qaalltted for the position, will remain in charge of the nu^ls here as heretofore. ARRIVAL OF WOIJNDKD, Yesterday evening &: 6 o'clock, the steamer State of Maine arrived here from Belle Piain, having on board 520 wounded. The majority of these were serlons cases, but few of them being able to walk from the boat to the wharf. There were a number of Confederate wounded among them, one of them being a captain in a Virginia regiment. The steamer Connecticut arrived at an early hour this morning, bringing up «S5 wouuJetf, and were distributed among the various hos¬ pitals. They were in charge of Dr. Hood, and are composed principally ot Hancock's men, who were heavily engaged on Thursday, but the most of them are slightly wounded. Among them wer^fome twenty or thirty officer*. FINE TROOPS SENT TO REINFORCE GRANT. Among the troops passing through the city to-day to reinforce Grant, is the superb First Maine heavy artillery regiment (armed with Springfield rilles as infantry) eighteen hun¬ dred strong, of tbe best material uossibie; and the equally fine Seventh New York heavy ar¬ tillery, nineteen hundred strong. Both regi¬ ments have been doing garrison duty in this vicinity, and their places have been supplied by some of thelinety days' troops. GEN. BUTLER DISGRUNTLES THE CHIV¬ ALRY. A dispatch from Fortress Monroe states that a large batch of rebel officers of high and low degree, taken bv Gen. Butler, had arrived there under a colored guard specially designated by Gen. Butler lor tlieir escort. The rebel officers were terribly disgusted; and the darky guard were correspondingly delighted with the change of statu?, and "grinned all over.7' THE FREDERICKSBURG RAILROAD TO BE OPENED. The railroad from Aquia Creek to Fred¬ ericksburg, we b?ar, will be repaired imme¬ diately and .placed in running order. Tne engineer brigade left yesterday afternoon for that purpose. INSPIRITING 1 Could Lee hear tbe steady tramp of veteran troops passing through our streets Grant- ward, it would be as dispiriting a sor.nd to him as it is inspiriting to all Union ear?. SKED \DDLEJUS SENT TO THE FROST. To-day three hundred and sixty.five ske- daddleTs will be sent back to Belle Plain, to be returned to their regimenrs. List ok letters remaining in tub potr OFFICE. GEORGETOWN. D. 0., May 11, 1S64. . To obtain any of these letters, the applicant icurt call foj- " advertised letters.' give the date of this list. an'', pay one cent for ad vertising. II not called for within one month, ihey will be =ent to the Dead Letter Office. Place the postage stamp on the upper right-hand corner, and leave space between the stamp and direction for post-marking without interfering with the writing. A rawest for the return of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within thirty days or less, written or printed with the writer's name, post office, and State, across the left-hand end of envelope, on th« face side, will he complied with at the usual pre¬ paid rate of postage, payable when the letter i4 delivered to the writer. LADIES' LIST. Arnirgton Mrs 31 O Mattingly Miss M K Ber.dy Miss Margaret Mullen Mrs Lou;s Bell Miss Mary Merry Mrs L O Cole Mrs Sallie A Mitchell Mrs James Carryl Miss Julea Murray Mrs Isabella Cartwright Mrs Julia Nichola Mrs ft.illic £ Cartter Mrs Jane Paxton Miss Alma Deeley Miss Mollie Oueen Miss IU>se Deen Mi' ¦ Mary Ryan Miss Wiuefi>~ . I>oolittle Miss Jennie Recarr Miss M Ferguson Mrs Mary Randalls M ss Edith Golden Mrs Iraocis Shermer Mrs llarmon Miss Virginia Stone Miss Lucy S How ard Mrs Mary K 3*well Mrs Joseph W Howard Miss Jennie Stoce Mrs Ellen Johnson Mrs Marcia A bliipmau Mrs C A Lee Miss Aniiic GENTLEMEN'S LIST Andrews JnoF Foster Fredk NoelChnsH Atwood CsptEH Fisher Jno Oroaek Tbos Atkinson OR FosterFF Ogd>nCaptL Butler llobt French Cpt F II P&u e> &. Rusk Batiiwell P G Fields Capt A B Primrose S F Beil K Z Garvitson J Pryor G W Blake J W-2 Hicks Stephen PaynoJos Baien Jacob IlanceWm Peterson EC Barton II Harper Thos Perkins Au# Beyer T M Hirst Jno J Roland Jno T Colehan S J HainHC Reynard J B Carey P H Hurd C8 Ryan Cornelius ConleyC ptL II-2 JaCkson J as W Smith Thos Cho ir Justus Johnson D R Sterling TW Chollar J & Co James Alex Smith Martin Cochran Jno Lohmau Geo 2 Smith Jt,»-2 Colbert Sandy Lord Capt JJ Seguraon 0 Dygert WII Linthicum T 8mitbJnoT Doherty Wm Means Capt SC-3 Shiling Edward DruryWm Martin Willie Smith Ephraim Donivan Wm Mitcholl R C Shea A G Doggett Poter Miller L W Travis S L Donaldson M Maier Prof TalpeyMJ-2 DuBoisLD Mitchell Lee Taylor Cyrus Dodge J as A Mitchell J L-3 Waters Bodger Daley Jno Morgan Geo Woolfjno Dow Geo W Morris H J Walker J W Emery R O Main J A White Geo ElwellJasE McCuenJas Williams Geo Entwisle Isaac Macdonald J W Windson Elijah Knos Antone Nicbolls W P WadsworthEC Ferris Michl NveThosL Williams David MISCELLANEOUS .-Cash It HENRY ADDISON. P. M. QUERY?.Who has the largest assortment of pattern for Stamping? Who is the only prac¬ tical person that Stamps t Who has the largest number of hands at Embroidery? Who has tha finest stock of Embroideries, Braids, &c., and who is the only person in the District that does fluting for ladies dresses? »-PRINCB, 3«1 F STREET.^® where ladies can Relect from 25,ono choice patterns for any kind of work, and where they can set ANY PATTERN stamped. Having stamped for 80,000 ladies is proof that he knows his business. Ladies who do not want tbeir goods spoiled, but stamped as tfcey should be, go to the only person in *»he city w ho does good work. FLUTING! FLUTING! FLUTING I The only machiiu in town now in operation. Fluting done as goo 1 as in new York or elsewhere. my 9-tf <^*331 F street, opposite Patent Office. FRANKLIN & CO., .I OPTICIANS. . 244 Pa. avenue, between 12th and 13th stre and 39S Pa. avenue, under the National Hatel, offer to the officers of the army their well selected stock of FIELD GLASSES, .ingle or double, with the best aenromatie lenses. Opera G lasses and Compasses at the lowest priees. Barometers. Thermometers. Mathematical In¬ struments, Photograph Albums, Cartes de Visits, plain or colored, 8tereoscop«»s and Views in a great variety, Brazilian Pebble and Ptriscopie Spectacles and Eye Glasses, carefully suited for eVery par tie- ular eyesight and warranted. ap» MARCHING OUT. A Manual of Military Sur veying. London. « Paterson's Military Drawing and Surveying.. London. Osankm.Methode de lover les plans. Paris. Lalobbo.Coura de Tcpographie elemental rs. Paris. L'Art de lever les plans. Parts. apS7 FRANCK TAYLOR. 486 windowshm>es.^ Different colors and sices Winds* -Shades ia Btore. Any required style or slzs Shade mads to order, at J. MARKRITER 3. 4&6 Hh strwt? Eight doors shove Odd Fellows' Ball. TcrmB csfch. apft-louf*

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V.. NS. 8,499.XXIII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. MAY 16. 186*.


AUCTION SALES.*ptprb mn.

gY 6KEEN 4 WILLIAMS, AtetioMiri.

JW£T>%'£ £^£20F twohandsomb b. \d-I75M>T8*A8T OFTHB CAPITOL AT A JO.TIOBOb FRIDAY, the 30th instant, I shall Hll, in

front of th« premlsee, at« o'clock, p. m., by virtueefadeed of trust to the subscriber, bearin* datethe 1st day of July, 1959, and recorded in IaW J.A 8 ,No. 193, folios, 396, J97,and 3W, one of theland records for the eouotr pT Washington, Id theDistrict of Oolumbls, the folk)win* named proper¬ty. tying and being in tbe oity of Washington, Dia-t*ic* aforesaid. ?« :

I»ot« numbered nineteen and twenty. In Squarenumbered ten hundred and twenty-nine, contain¬ing orer nineteen thousand square feet of ground.This property fronts on# hundred and twenty-oaetsetsiv inches on north P. between Thirteenthand Fourteenth streets east, near Maryland ay.TT?q° **leJ One-fourlh cash; the balance in «,Jf- *nd 18 months, the purchaser t» give notes fortfcs deferred payments, bearing interest from thedajr^of sale. A deed given and a deed of trustAll conveyancing at the oo«tof the purchaser.If the terms are not complied in five days theTrustee reserve the right to resell the property,*t the.nsk and eost of the first purchaser, bv ad¬

vertising the same three times in the National In¬telligencer.ROBERT RIOKBTT8. Trust#*.

my.8 GREEN ft WILLIAMS, Auats.

Auction sale op valuable real es¬tate ON THE POTOMAC RIVER,. .

Ill Alixasdkia OopiTTy, Va.By virtue ofa deed of trust executed by Gaspar~cc~man,and AppolloniaJ. Toehman, his wife,.ated Julj 14.1857. and recorded among the landreeordsor Alexandria Oo»nty, Va.,.the said Oas-nar Toctrman beingengaged in the rebellion againstthe sovereign autnority of the United States, andthe interest on tbe debt secured by said deed oftrust being in arrear and unpaid from the 30th dayof October, 1861,.I shall proceed, by order of thewarty secured, and by virtue of the authority con¬ferred by said deed, and the statute in such casemade and provided, and on the 19th day of May,1864,I shall eel) at auction to the highest bidder for cash,in front of the Mayor 's office in the City of Alexan-

*i. at 13 o'clock, m., the property named on¦aid deed .that is to say the farm called " SummerBui on the Potomac river in said County,.thesame com prit ing about one-hundred and fifty acres,gid being situated about midway between Wash¬ingtonC:ty and Alexandria, Va..further particulars of the saJe will be given atthe time thereof.*9 3<Md J. M. STEWART, Trnstee*

IIn virtue of a writ of Pieri Facias. Issued from

the Clerk's Office of the Bupreme Court of theUnited "States, for the District of Columbia, and tome directed, I will expose to public sale, for cash,at the front of the Court House door, of said Coun*xt, cn WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of May next,J8A4,atl2 o'clock in., all defendant's right, title,claim and interest in and to the north part of LotNo. 34,in Square No. 877, bounded as follows:.Beginning for the same at the southeast corner ofLot No 33, on the line of Seventh Street east, run¬ning thence west ?T feet, thence north 3f) feet,thence east 97 feet to the beginning, together withall singular, the improvements thereon, seized andlevied upon as the property of Samuel and JosephArnold, and will be sold to satisfy Judicial No 2W.i? fA\°-r of White, Middleton ft Beall, use of EliasB. Wk; 3 WARD H.LAMQN, U.S. Marshal,D.C.

pv J. C. McQUIRB ft CO., Auctioneers,TRU8TEF.B SALE OP PINE BUILDING LOT ONSIXTEENTH STREET BETWEEN MAS3ACHUSBTTS AVENUE AND NORTH P STREET.Oa 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 21st, at Co'clock, on the premises, by virtue or a deed oftrust, dated April 21st, 1*VJ, and duly recordedamong the land records for Washington County,D. C,, at the request of the holder of the note there¬in secured, I shall s»U, Lot No. 6, in W. M. Mer¬rick a sub-division of the south part ofk8quare No.HI, fronting 22 feet on Sixteenth street west, be¬tween Massachusetts averue and north P street,and running back 125 feet to a wide puhlio alleyTerms: One-third in cash; the remainder In 'sixand twelve months, with interest, sccured by deedof trust on the premises.Conveyances at the cost of the purchasers.

THOS.J. FISH FR, Trustee._

"»y.S-eo&<*s J. C. McQUIRB ft CO., Aucts.

jgT J, C. UcGUIRE ft CO., Auctioneers.TRUfTEE S SALE «~F~ BRICK DWELLINGHOUSE AND IOT ON NORTH H. BETWEENTHIRTEENTH ASD POURTE1NTH STREETSWEST.By virtue of a deed of trust from William H.Clampitt and wife, dated the twenty third day of

Sep'ember, eighteen hundred and rilty-eight, anddull recorded in Liber J. A. 8., No 1«1, folios 4^,438, aed 439. one of the Land Records for Washing¬ton county. District of Columbia, I shall sell atPublic Auction, on the premises, on THURSDAYAFTERNOON. June 2d at 6 o'clock, all that lot orparcel of land in the City of Washington, and Ois-trict of Columbia aforesaid, being part of Lotnumbered one twenty-nice, and thirty, (1.29, 3Min Square numbered two hundred and fifty (350,) ss*aJd Li ts and Square are marked, laildown anddistinguished on tbe plan of Held city: beginningfor said part at a point on the line of I' streetnerth, eight feet four inchts feet 4 inche.; eastof the southwest corner of said lot nunbered one,and running thence east sixteeo feet 3 inches, (Hfeet8 inches.) thence north ninety two feet, (92feet.) thence west sixteen feeteinht inches, <16 feet8 inche*!.) tb«*nee south ninety two f«et, (92 feet) tothe pUco of beginning, improved bv a well builtBrick House, with all the modern improvem»it*This property lies just east of the Demenou build¬ings, and opposite the Presbyterian Ci urch. aud isone of the mort desirable residences of it* c!ass inthe city.Terms One-third of the purchase money in oathi

the balance, with inteieet, in six months. A deedwill be given and indeed of trust taken to secure thedeferred payments.All conveyances, including revenue stamps, at

the cost of tfce purchaserghonld the terms of sale not be complied with

within three days, the Trustee reserves therl«ht to re-sell at the risk and e\p»nses ofihe pur¬chaser, alter gniug oneweek:s i otice in the Na¬tional Intelligencer, or other newspaper pub¬lished in Washington.

J NO. D. MoPHF.R'ON J. C. MoGUIUB &. CO.. A'icts>.


ChUf Quarterrra*t Js Qfir'.. Dtpot of Washington.)Wj-SHISotos, D.C., April 27,18M. S

Will be sold at public auction, at the Corral, nearthe Observatory, in the City of Washington, D. O.,on WIDNESDAY.Mayll, 1364, and WEDNESDAY,May 25.1664, a lot of.

BORSE3 AND MULES,condemned as unfit for public service.Terms: Cash in Government funds.Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.

D. H. RUCKBR,Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster,

ap.27 35t Depot of Washington, D. C.

Ruction kale of condemned horses.W/R DEPAXTMKH*, CAVAI.XV BORKAT7,

Orrics or Chief Quartbrmabtse,Washington. D. C., April 25,1

Will be sold at public auction, to tbe highest bid-ier, at the times and places named below, viz:Newport, Penna , Thursday, May 5th,GettyBbury, Penna.. Monday. May 9th,Altoona. P'una., Thnriday,May 12th,M ifflin, Pe^na , Thursday, May 19th,Reading, Penna., Thursday, Msy 29tk,Lebanon. Penna., Thursday, June 2d,Northumberland, Penna., Thursday, June !>th,Scranton, Penna..Thursday, June 16th.William sport, Penna , Thursday, J.une 23d.One Hunared (MO) horses at Gettysburg, and Two

Hundred and Fifty <25o> at each of theether places.These horses have been condemned as unlit tor

the cavalry service of tbe United States Army._

For road and farm purposes cany good bargainsmay be bad.Homes will be sold singly.Sales begin at 10 a m., and continue daily until

.11 are soldTTerms; cash, in United States Treasury notesoily. JAMES A. EKIN,ap 3trt.ie20 Lt. Col andC. Q.M Cavalry Bartau,

|JN1TED bTATES MARSHAL'S SALE.In virtue of two writs of Pieri Pasias issued from

the Clerh's office of the Circuit Conrt of theDistrict of Oolumbia, and to me directed. I willexposedo »ublic sale, for cash, at the front of theCourt Housedoor,of said county, on MONDAY, the6th day of June next. 1.S6I, at 12 o'clock M . all de¬fendant's right, title, claim, and interest in and toLots No. 1. 2. and 3, in Square No. 9>. being thenndivHed third part of said Lots, seized and leviedupon as the property of William Douglass.aud willbe sold to satisfy judicial No. 2JW and 299. to Octo¬ber term 1859, in favor of Wm. G. W. White andBrother, use of James R. Smith, use of HenryDouglass. WM. SELDEN, late U. S. Marshal. D.

US. MILITARY RAILROADS,. Otfict of A»si.Un»t Quartirina.itn,Washi.nqtox. April 15. lata.

AUCTION..Will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the)f"h day of May, at the Baiiroad Depot, in Alexan¬dria, Va..

too Toes of Old Rati road Iron,100 Tods ef Old Car Axle*,250 Tons of Cast Scrap Iron,K>0 Ten* of Wrought Iron,3 Tons of Old Brass and Copper,

9no Oil Barrels.Terms: Cash in Government Funds. Ten (ID)

Cr cent, to be paid at the time of purchase, thelance on delivery. , , .Tbe property must be removed ^hin^ ^1n days

rom date of sale. H.L.ROBlf'SOS.ap ltf-dts. Captain and A. Q M.

o, )'¦», >25,1SS4.1

VAVY DEPARTMENT,i> Wabhiigtow, May 2, itf>4. .

COPPER SCALE.There will be offered for sale at public auction on

THURSDAY, June 2, at 13 o'clock, m , at theUnited States Naw Tsrd, Washington, about sev¬enty five thousand pounds of Copper Scale.

daysesle bare sBowb 8* per ©e it. of metalhc copper.Twenty per cent of the purchase money must bedeposited at tbe time of tbe sale, and twelve da.r*will be allowed to remove it fron tbe yard; and.ifcot so removed, the deposit will be forfeited to theGovernment.All payments to be made in Government fundi,

and before tbe scale is remored from the NavyYard. my.4eo2w

ALLEN'S P.URAL ARCHITECTURE fl.25.Downins's Country Houses: $j.Vaux'rt Villas and Cottages; $2.Loudon's Encyclopedia of Architecture: London.llatt'<-ld's American House Carpenter; $3.Hoily-'ti Country 8eat<-; 93.4".Village and Karm Cottages; fi.S'*.A Heuse for the Suburbs; London.1 ield'ft Rural Architecture; $2.t-loan's Constructive Architecture, 4to; 13.Slran's City and Suburban Vr-hitecture. fo'io

_#)2. [ap 19] FRANCE TAYLSR^UILLIARD TABLES VOB 8ALB.-The SubMH-u ber haa three flrst-clase Billiard Table*, nearly

he will dispose of very low. Iniulrer JMDUrd room corner of ljth gtreet andI«uii1tu4 avute. cjj if)f


street, between Maryland avenue and

SSSh'jSSr1'?rflCK HODS* AND LOT o^8*t-Yard, Handsome

H.9U8K *Qd VACANT LOT*TlVanfa »°enne ,trMt ea8t"d *."*Ob THURSDAY A^FTIRNOON, May 19, at 4«

O clock, on the premiaea, commencing with thefirst-named and following in the order Hereinafter^ 9? * decr«® of th® Supreme Oonrtof the Dutrict of Columbia, sitting in Chancery

paaaedon the 9th day of April, 1864, ina causJ'wherein Geo. W.Miller is complainant and EllenMDlar et al., are defendants, No. l«, weahaU aeHf?b-dirfgiona and O, in Eauare No. 49J, front¬ing 62 feet on Four-and-a-halr street went «m«between Maryland avenue and south o' street, andrnnning bach 140 feet, improTed with two fraSedwelling-houses, to be sold separately»..? to


fwft a¦% beginning at the end of 61

1? r ^from the northeast corner of an

reit' wDhi?*0n fanning thmee south 23th« Brnfh 7i0n "r H1®/', th«nce west 50 feet tothe scuth line of a I t leased to Wm. O'«Bh»^««- ft 2 ineh®9» thence east 50 feet toin» * ?*"v /°» ***? °f Square begin#S5 «

inches from the northwest corner andfronting on Seventh Btreet east 23 feet 2 inches,thence east 76 feet, thence north 23 feet 2 inches,lhenim-TStt.76.fs?t t0 the ^«in^ng. togethe? wiAdwellhiV fco,«2nfrA^URlst.ln*«of*tWo stor* br»cknear I?ftreet south * °n «t east,

T«+.XT « »IHMIDUII1Y AFTEE,l^a'T^Brtivai'S'*D ' ln,Square N°-99'» front-

.l.iT on Pennsylvania avenue. Eleventh5*»t. »nd south G street. Lot No 6 is im-

Stfh^.v£!l » handsome brick dwelling-house.J&Pvfiln*9« ,"t?bl,e' carriage-houses, to ,/$. "ItSS? ?f theJ!at® Charles Miller. ''

^ »' One-third In cash; the remainder in three

mnn h n^?#n? 9iT. twelve, and eighteen5hi?i J liitwcKt, tur which the purchaserTvJiitfi7.8 n£^8 8ecni:ed t0 the satisfaction of the

WtaT& in casfUrC 8er to Uve the optioD of

th^°puVrchMer8 revenne st4mPs at ±he eoet of

> teri?" °LBal®»re not complied with in fiverflVaiUMil f the Jrutiteea reserve the right tore-sell at the risk and cost of the deftalting pur-

lig"ncer°n °n* week'1 notice in the National Intel-GEO. A. BOHRER, )E, 0. MORGAN, » Trusteesa.tbob. braAly.S rasiee8-

ap.21-eod&ds J. C. McGUIRJI & CO., Aucta.C. McGUIRE & CO., Auctioneers.


C0RJ,ER OF SIXTH AND D ST3.,of the order and decree of the Orphans'mltti,itk °f Columbia, passed in the

»4?" Elizabeth and Mary Ann Barnesn^rh^i.-Vl Hanson Barnes, deceased, bearing date'on the ICth day of February, A. D.. 18(U and dul*

t7nh ®uPre.® Court of the District ofP^bite *a?9^anc(erTu,tJ1-D.' 1 sha!l off,r far sale

at Puolie Auction, to the highest bidder, in frontr^.V/'TJn- on MONDAY, the 2Sd day of May,1S64, at 6io clock, p ni.. the entire undivided ri^htVlarC a.htere«?r the ssid Ann Elizabeth andMary Ann Bartes, infant children of the said Han-

ec*,s^, and to all t hat certainif U'. m (

"ituate, iTing. an'l being in the City,D D',l,tr:ct Columbia,

V,1an lot cumbered twenty on^< 2> >»n'Todd and Guunell's" sub division of8oua?enanioered four hundrf d and sirty-five (4p5)oftht»plan of the City of Washington with the iinorove-?n^Uf » .e"Dn' C0,1Si*lin* .>f a lar«« aud couveni-ent fran e dwelling house. Tbis Taiuabic t ro»er1 vis situated on the corner of Sixth street we»t n.nTD lout?'in the Seventh Wa" in a healtbypi'-'-haserR0 aDU^ Kn'at dTerm#: One-half cs»h : the balance in 6 ami 12

moi ths, the purchaser giving hi* note, or notc.<fJt the deft rred payment, with approved uecr.ritx,bvriug in'e est from the day of sale.T-tle deea to b« regained until the whole of the

purchase montj is paidAll conveyancing at the e«st of the onrchaser.

Guardian to Ann llizabeth'a^'^r^'An'n^Barnes.At the same tune and place, and on the sa*ae

terms mettioned in th^ abov«;'dverti>enient, 1 amspecially authorised to offer for sale the right, tit'e

If 0 JaMC8 H; r:'iTD' S- adult heir of saidlianscn Barties, decessed. of, in. and to the the saidlot No 21, in "Todd and GtinneilV'sub -livigion offon ^are 46F', 01 tbe plaB 0f tho Cit>"of Washing-All convesancing at the cogt of the purchaser.3 ai tne coat of the purchaser


my.]2 eotd J. o. MnGUTKK A CO., Aucts.


"NUT11 «.B'it-nU.\STU caV' it °'l M'OCk.8CB"

*^nnfn^dinCet*i-tl1 1,!e fo,lrth section of the»L", . 8

f iJ° incorporate the Masonic MallAnrif v; i°n.0' Washington city, D. C., approved

811, ^ J l whtch provides as follows :

4^, : ' it further tnatui. That withintTvei-tj days after the passage of this act the cor¬porators named in the first section, or a majority

orAf,auy refuse or negUct t0 act. tWn a

RuWrinti^n r10 "ball cause books ofsubscription to the capital stock of the said cor-poration to be opened and kept opea in such itl ieea'raJi^f fiperr«'i to fivsed by Kai'1 corporators' ora majority of tlietn. public notice of which may b»fnrt? a<1v^r^twement or otherwise as said cor-^oratoruor a majority of them mav determine'rfli e" Upon said bof>k' td the capitafstock ofthe corporation shall be held to be stock¬holders: Prpvidtd That every subscriber shall^/n'kL .? ?f ^scribing, such par centum(ten has been determined upon by the corpora¬tors! of the amount by him subscribed to tho

«Cer ele?te<* or appointed by the corporators, or-a majority of them, as may be requiredby said corators or a majority of them, orhiR subscription shall be null and void Andwhen the books of subscription to the capital stockot ^aid corporation shall he closed, the corpora-thImMIISr m 1 first section, or a majority of1"f1"'aDi* in case any of them refuse or neglect to?« J» ? a »«4<>rityof remainder shall, withintwenty dt«vs thereafter, rail the first meeting ofth.® S'^ckholdera of sjid corporation, to m»et7'thm ten days thereafter, for the choice of directors, cf which public notice shall be given forthree dav« in two public newspapers publisheddaily in Washington city, or by written personalnotice served on each stockholder, by tbe secre¬tary < r clerk of the corporation. And in all meet-

'he.stockholders each share shall entitle

byftproxye"'t0 oue vote-tu «i^n in person or

'The amouEt of Capital Stock fixed upon withintbe liniitation of the cliarti-r is $15o,'.i(ioNotice is hereby given that the books of sub¬

scription will be opened un FRIDAY, the 13th in-staat. at the connting-room of James C. McGuireA Co.. and will be kept open Tor sixty days

Jiy order of the corporators.ROBERT 3IcMURDY,my 12 r.t Secretary Board of Corporators.

PKliKINS, STERNE & Co.,180 Broadway, N. v.,


ABSOLCTELT PURE.For aale by all first-elasa Grocers and Drnggista

everywhere. mh30-3m»

pAPERHANGINOS.-'"form my customers

and the public in general that I am now receivingniS/onifrrl of American and French PAPEIt-of the finest French Gilt

bers and halts parlors, dining rooms, cham-

r^.rei.Pt of a large assortment of Oil t

aud^aHsi ls^in<*oW Shades and Picture Cord

All itrsonswifhiDgto purchase will do well Iolook for themselves before buying elsewhere, as Ibare the largest assortment of the above goods inthec,.ty ,,

J011N ALEXANiSER,my 9-eo2m [Intel.] No. 34O Pa. avenue.






For sale by GREEN k. WlLLIAMsJ8'my 31-61 No. 320. cor. 7th and D sts. north.



Just received and for sole, a choiee lot of Felt

iTu«,piJST^*iC.tfiSNMT!'3a'R";«L" "i"FEN WICK St STEWART.

aplS-lm* west aiao 7th fit.. Canal bridge


Every lady In the District to know that I have,st considerable expense, had built a very elegantmachine for Fluting or Crimping Dressea, Ac.Dressmakers and others can have any kind of goodsCrimped at fhort notice, in as good style, and as

choap as in any other city. Ladies, remember thisis the only aiachine in town, and done at the onlyplace to get stamping done. 381 F street, oppo¬site Patent Office, Stamping 1 nd Machine Stiich-Icg Depot. my 3

IPRJ0E8 CASHEDN All legniiied lotteries. Information given.

Circulars sent free, and all orders promptly at-te&C£d to. Address

JOSEPH BATES, 11 Wall street. N Y ,

ftjcXlm* Feat Office Bo* 4,404.



LoniBIAHA Avihdi,Ntar Comer tj Sixth Strut, Run of National and

Metropolitan Hottls.Sign of the Bis. Calcium Light.

910MI Lia. .......ProprietorW. E. Caxatacgh., 8tweltut|«r.

GREAT EVENT OP THE DAY,Performed at four different Theaters in New York





A Village in East Tennessee.A Ravine in the Cumberland Mountains.F>arber Jim's Cellar.The Burning Mountains.Water falls and Cliffs in the Cumberland Moun¬

tains. lMachinery by II. Walker.Appointment* by Mr. Sullivan.Music arranged by Joe Braham.

The Burning Mountains and Rescue of VirginiaVillars is one of the most awfully grand illustra¬tions ever presented to the public.

EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK,And on SATURDAY AFTERNOON,at2 p. m., willbe presented the New Drama, dramatized express¬ly for the Canterbury, bv John F. Poole. Esq., entitled


BATTLE CRY OF FREEDOM.POMP, a self-emancipated bond¬man... J.DEFORREST

Cudjo. a deformed negro .and a fugi¬tive. hut sound in heart Billy West

Penn Hapgood .a (luake r school mas¬ter /, - J.J.Dcugherty

Cart Minnevick, a German boy, fall01 courn ge and of curnitig W. B.Cavanagh

Rev. Mr. Villars. an aged clergj manand blind _«..Mr.

Toby, an eld negro, and servant toMr. Villars John Mulligan

Stackbridge j \. ..Mr. LeffertWithers. ! Tennessee Unionists !. .Mr. HarperGrodd \ f.. McPhersonLysanderSprowl...,! iSilas Ropes IiAug. Blythewood... | Mr.WilliamsDan Pepperill > Secessionists. {-Mr. SullivanGftd. I WilsonDerring | I HowardDavis j I JohnsonVirginia Villars, the clerg)inan'sdaughter _ Jennie Forrest

Mrs. Surowl. a widow as has lost herbrother - ~~~Lucy Clifton

SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY AND INCIDENTS.SCENE f..The First Mutterings of the Storm in

Tennessee.The Vigilance Committee.Prepurations to Hang the Schoolmaster." What's the Useof Eddication?".The Hanging inteynpted byPomp.The First Blow for Freedom.Tauleau.TheLone Wirtdevand her Hopeful Son.A Bright Pros¬pect in View.Niggers Cheap and Money Plenty.The " Wanderers on the Face of theArth".Villar:s House.The Schoolmaster Hunted Down-Southern Hospitality Illustrated.Toov and " deDebil''.Silas Bopes in 1'urRoitof the Fugitive.Al ysteriousi Disappearance of Penn Ilapsooa.Ttasreof the .Man Hunfers.Whipping a Free Nigger-Carl Works a Miracle.Attack upon Villari.ADaughter's Devotion.Struggle with Silas Ropes.." Pomp, the Sjave ." No. Pomp, the Freeman.Tableau.Exterior of Cudjo's Cave.The Fugilive Finds a Friend.The Cave a Refuge.Is itGloomy?.The House of Bondage is Gloomy.Is itDampy.It is not with the Cruel Sweat of theSlave's Brow and Back.Is it Cold y.The Heartsof our Tyrants are Colder.Mountain Pass.TheCommittee Still in Pursuit.Capture of Penn.AMoment «f Peril.Sudden Appeartmceof PompandCudjo.One Wiped Out.Pomp's Swing for Life.Preservation of Penn.Grand Tableau.The Battie Cry of Freedom. MSCENE 2..The Return into Danger.Penn Finds

a t-uhstitute. a Volunteer for Lysander.Stackridge's Hat and Coat get arrested.The GuardHome.The Dark Ifour Before Dawn.Car! a Confederate Soldier.The Drugged Liquor.Cudjo onHand.A Willing Prisoner.Pomp to the Rescue.The Triumph of the Bayonet.Escape ofthe Priso¬ners.Tableau.On the Mountain.Carl in theHands of the Philistines.A Stroke for Liberty.APhrenological Developement.The Trust at theRound Rock.Virginia iir the Wood.Hopes andl>ars.A Da'k Night and a Sad Road.Silas RopesStill in Pursi'it.Ilis Desperate Resolve."Fire inthe Mountain, Burn 'em Gut'.The Mountain For¬rest on Fire.Perilous Position of Virginia.Savedl.y the Desperate Heroium of Pomp-thrillingTableau.(This scene occupying the entire length of the

stage, is one of the most magnificent and effectiveever presented.)SCENE .'{..Interior of Cudjo s Cave.Blythewood

a Prisoner.Master and Slave Change Places,.TheHour of Vengeance.Blythewood's Life Saved byVirginia. Attack Threatened . Treachery7-Vir-"ir.ia's Defense of theCave. Death of lllythewood.Tableau.The Lone Widder's Idea of Confiscation.The Women Whippers.A Little Mistake.CudjoAfter " Provisions".Comes Off Well Loaded.Cndjo's Cave.Love Making in the Wilderness.The Council of War.The C*ve Discovered by SilasKopeR.Preparations for Defense.The Attack.AWarm Welcome to Cudjo's Cave.Grand Tableau.The Runaway and the Free Nigger.Is Carl aCoward?.Villars a Prisoner.Virginia's Appeal to{jilac_IIer Heroic Resolve.Capting Sprowl Makesa Speech.The Mountain Torrent.Desperation ofVirginia .Timely appearance ot" Pomp.Cudjo'sVcngeance . Startling Death of Cudjo and SilasRopes.The Last Attack.Defeat of the Secession¬ist-.The Old Flag Floats Agaiu in Tennessee-Grand Tableau of Victory.








Ac. &c. &c.In their Charming Ballets and Divertissements.

Change in the Olio Department Each Night,Change in theOliw Department Each Night.Change in the Olio Department Each Night,Change in the Olio Department Each Night,Change in the Olio Department Each Night,Change in the Olio Department Each Night.

Admiwion . Jo ft5Orchestra 50Private Boxes, holding six persona...ft uoDoors open at 7 o'clock; Performance to com

mence at 8 otlock.


AT TWO O'CLOCK.Ladies 25 cents; Children It) cents.


The beautiful Spanish Danseuse and Tight RopePerformer, will make her first, appearance inWashington in three years. Also, the celebratedDancer, x01l8 HAPTISTW

MONS. BAPTI8TIN,With an entire new Ballet Troupe, in a few days.


Tbjith Stbbbt, abovb Pbhhsylvaria Aviso.Engagement, for Biz nights only, with the ac¬

complished actress,MISS MART MITCHELL.

THIS (Monday) EVENING, May M, l&H,will be presented Sheridan Knowles' beautifulComedy of the

LOTS CHASE.Constance Miss Mary MitchcllTo conclude with the amusing petite comedy of

A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING.Lady Elisabeth Freelove.Miss Mary Mitchell

TO MORROW,second appearance of

MISS MARY MITCHELL.The grand spectacle of the NAIAD QUEEN will

shortly be produced in a style of unequaled splen¬dor^


Lsobabd Gbovkb. ...-.DirectorTHE COOLEST THEATER IN AMERICA. VEN¬


MISS MARY PROVO8T.the most accomplished versatile actress in America

THE FAREWELL PERFORMANCESofthis accomplished lady will present her in herfavorite and most impressive impersonations.Tlioie great representations which have won forher an enviable and undying fame throughout theentire American Continent.

On MONDAY EVENING, May 16,she will appear in her latest great success, the im¬personation of

ROBERT BRIERLY,in tte beautiful drama, written by Tom Taylor,entitled the

TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN.which hss gained the warmest eulogy an<l strong¬est proof or approbation from crowded and fash¬ionable audiences, of any play written in moderntimes, wherever it has bsen represented.The cast, comprising one of the grandest collec¬

tions of characters ever assembled in one plaj, itis believed is one of the strongest ever yet giventhis drama.Time.The present day. Place.Londop.~METROPOLITAN MUSIC HALL,






Admission 25 centsOrchestrrf'Chairs 30 cents

Private Boxes £3 and f5.A GRAND MATINEE EVERY MONDAY


GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTSHigh street marketTNo. 74 Opposite Pbospkct Street,

Georgetoivn, D. C.We, the undersigned, beg leave to inform

the public that we have on hand a choiceas6'"-*ment o&'Fsenh Meats of all kinds. Poultry,Game, Ac. Xggs wholesale and retail. Applesand Potatoes by the barrel. Canned Fruits of allkinds at market 3-lm* H. W. FI3HER &. CO.

STOCK OF THE CORPORATION OP GEORGE¬TOWN, D. C..Persons who would wish to pur¬

chase Htock of the Corporation of Georgetown. D.C., on which interest will be payable quarterly,can obtain some on application to WILLIAMLAIRD, Esq., Clerk of the Corporation,an I8a3w


Post Ofpiob Dbpartmshv, »Washington Ciiu. March £i, 1864 JiProposals will be received at tie Conti act Officeof this Department until 3 p. in., Jane 14,1364, (tobe decided next day,) for conveying the mails ofthe United States in the State of Kansas and the¦ Territories of Colorado, Utau *ndNKvADA. fromthe 1st of October. 18t4. to the 3ith of September,lgf8. inclusive. 00 the routes an 1 by the schedulesof <tepaitur»s and arrivals herein «pajii3ad, consti¬tuting the overland rout : to California.

KANSAS.Rout* No. 14,260.From Atchison, Kansas, or Saint

Joseph, Missouri, to Salt Lake City, Utah"territory. 1320 miles and back, daily, sjppiying tuch offices a' may he on the route.

Schedule from 16/ of April to 1st oj Deumbtr, (8months,)Lf ave Atchison or Baint Joseph daily, at 3 a. m;Arrire at BaltLakeCity eleventh day, by 11a m.(243 hoars;)

Leave Ealt Lake Oity'faily, at 10 a m ;Araive at Atchison or Saint Joseph eleventh if m.,<243 hour*;)Sditdule from lit oj Dectmbtt to 1st of April, (4* months )Leave Atchison or Saint Joseph dai>y. at 8 a mArrive at Salt Lake vity fourteenth day. by 2 a.

m., <3<'6 hours;)Leave Bait Lake City daily. at 7 p in.;Arrive at Atchison or ttaint Joseph fourteenthday. by 1 p. m.. (iOfl hours;)Bids to extend the daily service from Salt LakeCity, by Virginia City, to Folsom, 691 miles furth

er, supplying such offices as are on the route, and(applying Deuver, Colorado Territory, oailv, bythe most direot route, forming duo connectionswith the main line, will be consideredIf service on this route, as exteaded, be let, thaton routes Noe 14,626 and 18.761 will not be.The aoceptei bidder will have the privilege to

commence service on the 1st July, 1861.N. B.The paper and document mail for thePacific coast to be sent by sea.

UTAH TERRITORY.Route No. 14,6)6.Ficm Salt Lake City to VirginiaCity, Nevada Territory, 508 miles and baak,dally, supplying such offices as may be onthe route.Schedule from Is* of April 10 1st 0/ December,(8months.)leave Salt Lake City daily, at 1 p. m,;Arrive at Virginia City sixth day, by II a. m , (118hours;)L»ave Virginia City daily, at 10 a m ;Arrive at Salt Lake City sixth day, by 8 a. m.;(118 lfbnrs;)

Schtdule from 1st of December to Is* of April (4months.)LeAve Bait La<u City daily, at 6 a.m.;Arrive at Virginia City seventh d»y, by 1 a. m.,(13# boars;)Leave Virginia City daily, at 10 p. m.;Arrive at Bait Lake City seventh day, by 6 p. m.(139 honrs.)If the extended service Invited on route 14,264) belet to contraot, service on this route wiil not be.

. NEVADA TERRITORY.RouteNo >0.761.From Virginia City to VolsomCity,California. 140 miles and baek, daily, sup¬plying such offices asmay be on the route.Schedule from 1st of April to 1«< of December (8months.)Leave Virginia City dally, at 12 m,;Arrive at Folsom City next day, by 11 a. m., (33hours;)Leave Felsam City dally, at 10 a. m.;Arrive at Virginia City next day, by 9 a. m. (79hears.)

Schtdule from lit of JJectmber to 1st of April (4JF months.)

Leave Virginia City daily, at 2 a. m ;Arrive at folsom City next day, by 1 p. m., (3*hour*;)Leave Folsom City daily, at 10 a. m.;Arrive at Virginia City next day, at 9 fr. m , (35honrs )If the extendet service invited on roate 14,*P be

let to contract, service on this route will not ba.NOTES.

Each rout* must be bid for separately, with sep¬arate guarantee and certificate, and mast providetor the conveyance of the mail ''with celerity, cer¬tainty, and 1 Gearity " using the terms of the law, .

It will be perceived that the schedules for thgrunning time are arranged so as to form one con¬tinuous line from Atchison, Kansas, or St. Joseph,ft.i/Koori, to Folsom Oity aed back, conveying thenail, each wav. in 16 days, eight months la theyear; and in 30 day* four months in th« year.For form of proposal, guarantee, and oertlfleate*

and for instructions, requirements, &.c , bidders acereferred to the pamphlet advertisement of Octoberlfi, 1863, at tbe principal post offices. Biddersshould be careful to post-pay bids.jnh23 M. BLAIR. Postmaster Peroral.

ORPHANS' COURTTMarch *), 18W..Districtof Columbia, Washington County, To-wit:.lathe matter of the petition of James MeSherrv,ruardian to Helen N., Mary O.', and James C.McSherry.infant heirs Df Mrs.Helen Mary McSher.

ry. deceased, for sale of real estate.The guardian aforesaid having this day made a

report or the sale in pursuance of au order anddecree ofthis Court, which has been dulv ratifiedand confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Dis¬trict of Columbia, sitting in equity, it is orderedthat the said sale be confirmed, unless cause beshown to the contrary, on or before the first »Liyof June next, provided a copy of thi*<>rder be pub¬lished In the National Intelligencer and EveningStar onee a week for three consecutive weeks priorto that time. WM. F. PURCELL,

.Sole Judjc of the Orphan*]! Court.A true Copy.Test: Z. C. BOBBINS.ap2S-w3w Register of Wills.

abai a PUILADE^l^I1fQHT ALB DEPOT,57 Louisiana avmtti, between ith and7th sts.Now selling at 19.50 jfcr cash. my 10-eo3t*

[From Sunday's Extra Star ]

Late and Important from theFront.

The latest dates from the Army of the Poto¬mac received by the War Department this fore¬noon i are to half-past six of Saturday morn-*ing. The 5th and 6th corps bad advanced bythe left during the night, and were to baTe at¬tacked the enemy at daylight; bat no soand ofbattie had been heard, and it was conjecturedthat Lee had withdrawn during the night.Our advance from the direction in which it wasmade, would compel him tofall backon Lynchburg.The rebel papers regret that our lorces underOenerals Crooks and Averill had destroyedthe greatbridge overN»w River, on the Lynch¬burg Railroad, and also destroyed a large ex¬tent of track, and a great quantity of supplies.General Sheridan, with his force, reached

Turkey Bend, on the James river, yesterdayat 3 o'clock, and formed his junction with (JenButler's forces.


May 11.11 P. M..Official dispatches havebee* received from Gen. Grant down to 6.3o p.m. of yesterday.

Lm'« PositionThe enemy lias fallen back about four miles

and held their position. There was no fight¬ing yesterday.

Progress of Gen. Sherman.Dispatches lroro Gen. Sherman state that his

movements had compelled the enemy to evac¬uate Dalton, and our lorces were now on therear and flank of the enemy.The operations of Gen. Butler are detailedm

the following telegrams:From Major General Butler.[Received in cipher, 6.33 p. m.l .

Halk-Wat House, 8 a. m, May 14, 1864..Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Weare still before the base of the enemy's worksat Drurv's Bluff, Fort Darling. The enemyare here in force.Gen. Gilmore, by a flank movement, with a

portion of his corps and a brigade of the lethcorps, assaulted and took the enemy's workson their right at dusk last evening:. It wasgallantly done. The troops behaved finely.We held our lines during the night, and shallmove this morning again.

B. F. Butler, Major General.

General Butler to the Secretary of War.TKecelved 3.30 p. m., in cipher.]

Headquarters Half-way House, May II,10 a.m., 1S64..Hon EdwiiiM. Stanton,Secretaryof War; General Smith carried the enemy'sfirst line on the right this morning at 3 a. m.rloss snail. The enemy have retired into threesquare redoubts, upon which we are nowbringing our artillery to bear with effect.

Benj. G. Bptlf.r,Major General Commanding.

Washington, May 11,10.10 a. m.ilojor General Di.r An ofllcial despatch fromGeneral Sheridan, dated at Bottom Bridge, via

Fortrpss Monroe, i:.tb, states that on the othinstant, he marched around the enemy's rightHank, and, on the evening of that day, reachedthe North Anna river without serious opposi¬tion. During that night he destroyed the ene¬my's depot at Beaver Dam; three large trainsof cars, numbering one hundred; two fine lo¬comotives; one hundred thousand pounds ofbacon, and other stores, amountn.<? in all toone million and a half of rebel rations; also,the telegraph and railroad track for about tenmiles, embracing several culverts; recapturedthrte hundred and seventy-eight of our men,including two colonels, one major, and severalother officers.On !he morning of <Trr-

ations, crossing the South Anna, at GrandSquirrel Bridge, and went into camp aboutdaylight. On the 11th he captured AshlandStation, destroyed here one locomotive and atrain ol cars, engine nonse, two ot three Gov¬ernment buildings, containing large amountsol stoies; aiso, destroyed six miles of railroad,embracing six culvert?, two trestle bridges,and the telegraph wire.About 7 a. m. of the llth he resumed the

march on Richmond. He found th* rebel Gen.Stuart with his cavalry concentrated at Yel¬low Tavern; immediately attacked liim, and,alter an obstinate contest, gained possession oltlifc Brock turnpike, capturing two pieces ofartillery and driving his forces back towardsAshland, and across tbe north fork of theChickaiicminy, a distance of lour miles. Atthe eame time a partv charged down the Brockroad and captured the first line of the enemy'sworks around Richmond. During the nighthe marched the whole of his command Be¬tween the first and second lines of the enemy 'sworks on the bluffs overlooking the line of theVirginia Central Railroad and the Mechanics-ville turnpike.Alter demonstrating against the works, and

finding them very strong, he gave up the in¬tention ol assaulting, and determined to recrossthe Chickahominy at Meadow Bridge. It hadbeen partially destroyed by the enemy, butwns repaired in about three hours under aheavy artillery fire from a rebel battery. Gen.Menitt made the crossing, attacked the enemyand drove him off handsomely, the pursuitcontinuing as far as Gaines' Mills. The enemy,observing therecrossing of the Chickahominy,came out from his second line of works.A brigade of inlautry and a large number of

dismounted cavalry arriving at this junctureattacked the divisions of fck-ns. Gregg andWilson, but after a severe contest were re¬pulsed and driven behind their works. Gregg'sand Wilsons divisions, after collecting thewounded, recrossed the Chickahominy. Onthe alternoon of the 12th, the corps encampedat Walnut Grove and Gaines'Mills. At 9 a.m. ol the 13th (yesterday) march was resumed,an.-l encamped at Kotium Bridge. The com¬mand is in fine spirits. The loss of horses willnot exceed 1C0. All the wounded were broughtoff, except about thirty cases of mortal wound3,and these were well cared for in the farmhouses ol the country. The wonnded will notexceed 250; total losses no' over 350.The Virginia Central vailroad bridges over

the Chickahominy and other trestle bridges-one sixty feet in length, one thirty leet, onetwenty feet, and the railroad for a long dis¬tance south of the Chickahominy.were de¬stroyed. Great praise is given the divisioncommanders, Generals Gregg, Wilson, Mer-ritr, and Generals Custar and Davis, ColonelsGreqrg, Divine, Chapman, Mcintosh, andGibbs, brigade commanders. All the officersand men behaved splendidly.Half-part, A. M..A dispatch this

moment received from Admiral Lee, reports tothe Secretary of the Navy, that Richmond pa¬pers of yesterday mention the death of Gen. J.E. B. Stuart, "shot in battle." This, no doubt,happened in the battle with Gen. Sheridan.

Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

Congratulatory Order of Gem Meade."Headquarters Army of thi Potomac,

Hay 13,1S64..Soldiers : The moment has ar¬rived when your Commanding General feelsauthorized to address you in terms of congrat-ulati.n."For eight days and nights, almost without

Intermission, In rain and sunshine, you havebeen gallantly fighting a desperate foe, in po¬sitions naturally strong, and rendered doublyso by entrenchments. You have compelledhim to abandon his fortifications on the Rap-idan, to retire and attempt to stop your onwardprogress, and now he has abandoned the lastentrenched position so tenaciously held, suffer¬ing a loss in all of eighteen guns, twenty-twocolors, and eight thousand prisoners, includingtwo general officers. Your heroic deeds andnoble endurance of fatigue and privation willever be remembered." Let us return thanks to God for the mercythus shown us, andask earnestly for its con¬

tinuance." Soldiers, your work is not over. The ene¬

my must be pursued, and, if possible, over¬come. The courage and fortitude yon havedisplayed renders your Commanding Generalconfident yonr future efforts will result insnccess.u While we mourn the loss of many gallantcomrades, let us remember the enemy must

have suffered equal if not greater losses."We shall soon receive reinforcements,which he cannot expect.«»Let us determine, then, to continue vigor¬ously the work so well begun, and underGod's

blessing in a short time the object of our laborswill be accomplished."Geo. G. Mkabe,"MajorGeneral Commanding"Official.S. Williams, A. A. GK'-




AVER1LL AT If'ORE.Bbbmvda Hcbdbbd, 8 p. m., May 13, TiaFobtrsss luONmps._Tbe rebel piisoners cap¬tured last evening say Lee admits a loee of30,000.The Petersburg Regiater, May l'2th, sayec"Gen. Walker, of Virginia, was wounded at

Spottsylvanta. He lost a foot. The enemyare certainly fighting with raoCh desperationand uerve. Gen. Hays, of Louisiana, waswounded yesterday. Gen. L. A. Stafford, ofLouisiana, died yesterday in Richmond."

Wilmihstok, N.C., Maya.The iron-cladAlbermarie engaged nine of the enemy's gun¬boats and sunk one. TheYankee raiders haveburned the bridge on the New river. TheVirginia and Tennessee railroad has been de¬stroyed. Also, the Dnblin depot, with all thesupplies, Ac.Avertl's work...The Central Railroad was destroyed bythe enemy at Beaver Dam, in Hanover.'*The Register give* the names of eighty-Avecaptains and lieutenants killed and wounded.POSTAL PACILITIE8 FOR THE ARMY.

Col. A. H. Markland, postal agent for thearmies, who has been heretofore with GeneralGrant in the West, so efficiently overlookingthe postal arrangements in that quarter, leftthis morning for the headquarters with a largemail with a view to permanently establishingthe postal facilities for the army. After thearrangements for the army are perfected* theroutes and offices in that portion of the countryare expected to be opened, and Col. Marklandexpresses the hope that the great Southernmail between this city and Richmond Willshortly be opened.Lieut. Parker, a gentleman well qaalltted for

the position, will remain in charge of the nu^lshere as heretofore.

ARRIVAL OF WOIJNDKD,Yesterday evening &: 6 o'clock, the steamer

State of Maine arrived here from Belle Piain,having on board 520 wounded. The majorityof these were serlons cases, but few of thembeing able to walk from the boat to the wharf.There were a number of Confederate woundedamong them, one of them being a captain in aVirginia regiment.The steamer Connecticut arrived at an early

hour this morning, bringing up «S5 wouuJetf,and were distributed among the various hos¬pitals. They were in charge of Dr. Hood, andare composed principally ot Hancock's men,who were heavily engaged on Thursday, butthemostof them are slightly wounded. Amongthem wer^fome twenty or thirty officer*.

FINE TROOPS SENT TO REINFORCE GRANT.Among the troops passing through the city

to-day to reinforce Grant, is the superb FirstMaine heavy artillery regiment (armed withSpringfield rilles as infantry) eighteen hun¬dred strong, of tbe best material uossibie; andthe equally fine Seventh New York heavy ar¬tillery, nineteen hundred strong. Both regi¬ments have been doing garrison duty in thisvicinity, and their places have been suppliedby some of thelinety days' troops.GEN. BUTLER DISGRUNTLES THE CHIV¬

ALRY.A dispatch from Fortress Monroe states that

a large batch of rebel officers of high and lowdegree, taken bv Gen. Butler, had arrived thereunder a colored guard specially designated byGen. Butler lor tlieir escort. The rebel officerswere terribly disgusted; and the darky guardwere correspondingly delighted with thechange of statu?, and "grinned all over.7'


The railroad from Aquia Creek to Fred¬ericksburg, we b?ar, will be repaired imme¬diately and .placed in running order. Tneengineer brigade left yesterday afternoon forthat purpose.

INSPIRITING 1Could Lee hear tbe steady tramp of veteran

troops passing through our streets Grant-ward, it would be as dispiriting a sor.nd tohim as it is inspiriting to all Union ear?.

SKED \DDLEJUS SENT TO THE FROST.To-day three hundred and sixty.five ske-

daddleTs will be sent back to Belle Plain, to bereturned to their regimenrs.

List ok letters remaining in tub potrOFFICE. GEORGETOWN. D. 0.,

May 11, 1S64. .

To obtain any of these letters, the applicant icurtcall foj- " advertised letters.' give the date of thislist. an'', pay one cent for ad vertising.

II not called for within one month, ihey will be=ent to the Dead Letter Office.Place the postage stamp on the upper right-hand

corner, and leave space between the stamp anddirection for post-marking without interferingwith the writing.A rawest for the return of a letter to the writer,if unclaimed within thirty days or less, written or

printed with the writer's name, post office, andState, across the left-hand end of envelope, on th«face side, will he complied with at the usual pre¬paid rate of postage, payable when the letter i4delivered to the writer.

LADIES' LIST.Arnirgton Mrs 31 O Mattingly Miss M KBer.dy Miss Margaret Mullen Mrs Lou;sBell Miss Mary Merry Mrs L OCole Mrs Sallie A Mitchell Mrs JamesCarryl Miss Julea Murray Mrs IsabellaCartwright Mrs Julia Nichola Mrs ft.illic £Cartter Mrs Jane Paxton Miss AlmaDeeley Miss Mollie Oueen Miss IU>seDeen Mi' ¦ Mary Ryan Miss Wiuefi>~ .

I>oolittle Miss Jennie Recarr Miss MFerguson Mrs Mary Randalls M ss EdithGolden Mrs Iraocis Shermer Mrsllarmon Miss Virginia Stone Miss Lucy SHow ard Mrs Mary K 3*well Mrs Joseph WHoward Miss Jennie Stoce Mrs EllenJohnson Mrs Marcia A bliipmau Mrs C ALee Miss Aniiic

GENTLEMEN'S LISTAndrews JnoF Foster Fredk NoelChnsHAtwood CsptEH Fisher Jno Oroaek TbosAtkinson OR FosterFF Ogd>nCaptLButler llobt French Cpt F II P&u e> &. RuskBatiiwell P G Fields Capt A B Primrose S FBeil K Z Garvitson J Pryor G WBlake J W-2 Hicks Stephen PaynoJosBaien Jacob IlanceWm Peterson ECBarton II Harper Thos Perkins Au#Beyer T M Hirst Jno J Roland Jno TColehan S J HainHC Reynard J BCarey P H Hurd C8 Ryan CorneliusConleyC ptL II-2 JaCkson J as W Smith ThosCho ir Justus Johnson D R SterlingTWChollar J & Co James Alex Smith MartinCochran Jno Lohmau Geo 2 Smith Jt,»-2Colbert Sandy Lord Capt J J Seguraon 0Dygert WII Linthicum T 8mitbJnoTDoherty Wm Means Capt SC-3 Shiling EdwardDruryWm Martin Willie Smith EphraimDonivan Wm Mitcholl R C Shea A GDoggett Poter Miller L W Travis S LDonaldson M Maier Prof TalpeyMJ-2DuBoisLD Mitchell Lee Taylor CyrusDodge J as A Mitchell J L-3 Waters BodgerDaley Jno Morgan Geo WoolfjnoDow Geo W Morris H J Walker J WEmery R O Main J A White GeoElwellJasE McCuenJas Williams GeoEntwisle Isaac Macdonald J W Windson ElijahKnos Antone Nicbolls W P WadsworthECFerris Michl NveThosL Williams DavidMISCELLANEOUS .-Cash


QUERY?.Who has the largest assortment ofpattern for Stamping? Who is the only prac¬tical person that Stamps t Who has the largestnumber of hands at Embroidery? Who has thafinest stock of Embroideries, Braids, &c., and whois the only person in the District that does flutingfor ladies dresses?»-PRINCB, 3«1 F STREET.^®where ladies can Relect from 25,ono choice patternsfor any kind of work, and where they can set ANYPATTERN stamped. Having stamped for 80,000ladies is proof that he knows his business. Ladieswho do not want tbeir goods spoiled, but stampedas tfcey should be, go to the only person in *»he cityw ho does good work.

FLUTING! FLUTING! FLUTING IThe only machiiu in town now in operation.Fluting done as goo 1 as in new York or 9-tf <^*331 F street, opposite Patent Office.

FRANKLIN & CO.,.I OPTICIANS. .244 Pa. avenue, between 12th and 13th stre

and39S Pa. avenue, under the National Hatel,offer to the officers of the army their well selectedstock ofFIELD GLASSES,.ingle or double, with the best aenromatie lenses.OperaG lasses and Compasses at the lowest priees.Barometers. Thermometers. Mathematical In¬struments,Photograph Albums, Cartes de Visits, plain orcolored,

8tereoscop«»s and Views in a great variety,Brazilian Pebble and Ptriscopie Spectacles andEye Glasses, carefully suited for eVery partie-ular eyesight and warranted. ap»

MARCHING OUT. A Manual of Military Surveying. London. «Paterson's Military Drawing and Surveying..London.Osankm.Methode de lover les plans. Paris.Lalobbo.Coura de Tcpographie elemental rs.Paris.L'Art de lever les plans. Parts.apS7 FRANCK TAYLOR.486 windowshm>es.^Different colors and sices Winds* -Shades iaBtore. Any required style or slzs Shade mads toorder, at J. MARKRITER 3. 4&6 Hh strwt?Eight doors shove Odd Fellows' Ball.TcrmB csfch. apft-louf*