" you are the light of the world.”

Mat 5:14 The images used appear to be in the public domain. If any picture is used inappropriately, please let me know I will correct it

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Page 1: " You are the light of the world.”

Mat 5:14

The images used appear to be in the public

domain. If any picture is used inappropriately,

please let me know I will correct it immediately.

Page 2: " You are the light of the world.”

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;

nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp

stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your

Father who is in heaven. Mat 5:14-16

Page 3: " You are the light of the world.”

…Therefore let us lay aside the

deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and

drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.

Rom 13:12-13

Page 4: " You are the light of the world.”

For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the

darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep

awake and be sober. 1Th 5:5 -6

…so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked

and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,

Phi 2:15

Page 5: " You are the light of the world.”

for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light

(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and

righteousness and truth),

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as

wise, Eph 5:8,9,15

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Page 7: " You are the light of the world.”

World of pain, agony, alienation, destruction, violence, brutality, chaos

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Self portraits

Won his first award at 14

Painted in periods: Blue etc

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Old Guitarist

Le GourmetLe Gourmet (1901) (1901)

Family of Saltimbanques


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Picasso’s Protocubism and Epoque Negre

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907

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Girl with a Mandolin, 1907Portrait of Ambroise Vollard

The Guitar PlayerThe Guitar Player (1910) (1910)

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Three Musicians, 1921Three Women, 1921

Picasso’s “Classical” Period

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Fernande Olivier

Olga Koklova

Marie Thérèse Walter

Françoise Gilot

“Let us behave properly…, not in carousing…, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, …” Rom 13:12-13

Page 15: " You are the light of the world.”

Disrespect for peopleDisrespect for people

“As far as I'm concerned, other people are like those little grains of dust in the

sunlight. It only takes a push of the broom and out they go."

" Women are either Goddesses or doormats."

Page 16: " You are the light of the world.”


1888 1888



Paul Gauguin(1848-1903)

Self-Portrait with Halo and Snake, 1889

Gauguin, Self-Portrait as Christ on the Mount of Olives, 18891888

Page 17: " You are the light of the world.”

Left his wife (Mette) and five children and moved to Tahiti in 1891 to escape corruption of the civilized West Took up with various Tahitian women, (Teha'amana, Pau'ura, Marie-Rose [early teens]) Children with different mothers Alcoholism Syphilis Attempted suicide

Page 18: " You are the light of the world.”

Was painted after attempting suicide.Gauguin,

Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going? 1897

tree of knowledge to understand life

innocence and birth.old woman contemplating death

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The Yellow Christ, 1889

Japanese believed that the color yellow symbolized hope

Page 21: " You are the light of the world.”

Charlie Chaplin in a fury at a hotel when he was

not recognized….

• “I am going home”• Get me 12 taxis.• “One to ride in and.. the others as escort “

Busy developing an image rather than becoming a Light

Page 22: " You are the light of the world.”

Married Five Times, mostly to Teens!!

• In 1918, Chaplin (28) married • the 16-year-old Mildred Harris

• At 35, he married the16-year-old Lita Grey after she became pregnant.. Divorced 2 years later.

• He was 47 when he secretly married the 25 year old Paulette Goddard in June 1936.• • Chaplin married actress Joan Barry, but ended it

when she started harassing him.

• He met Oona O'Neill, and married her on June 16, 1943. He was 54; she was 17.

Mildred Harris


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Help and with AIDS patients

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• Anti-landmine campaign

Promoted and achieved Landmine bill, 1998

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James Hewitt

James Gilby

Oliver Hoare

Hasnat Khan

Dodi Fayad

Will Carling

Page 27: " You are the light of the world.”

Founder of the Foursquare Gospel, a Pentecostal mission, in Los Angeles

Built the very first Christian radio station in the world

Angelus Temple, L.A. (1923-)

* 1.7 million followers

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Angelus Temple

•Pretended Kidnapping•With lover•Abortion etc•divorced•Affairs in an out-of-the-way apartment. •Among her lovers was a ghostwriter she hired to do her autobiography and a young comic named Milton Berle. He described her apartment as a love nest with a homemade altar in front of which she engaged in sex with him.•At the time of her death in 1944 -- from an accidental overdose of barbiturates

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Page 30: " You are the light of the world.”

In spite of suffering two nervous breakdowns, serious digestive problems, extreme melancholy Wilberforce led the campaign against slavery. Despite raising the issue of abolition every year Wilberforce was voted against by other MPs year after year. Finally, in 1807, the trade was abolished by Parliament In July 1833 Slavery was abolished in the British Colonies

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William Wilberforce

• His first anti-slavery motion in the House of Commons in 1788, in a three-and-a-half hour oration that concluded:

• "Sir, when we think of eternity and the future consequence of all

human conduct, what is there in this life that shall make any man

contradict the dictates of his conscience, the principles of justice and the law of God!"

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•Two years into Parliament, Shaftesbury commenced his efforts to alleviate the injustices caused by the Industrial Revolution: —prohibited employment of women and children in coal mines, —provided care for the insane, —established a ten-hour day for factory workers, —outlawed employing young boys as chimney sweeps. the building of model tenements (on his own estate) and "ragged schools" for waifs. was president of the British and Foreign Bible Society.--He supported: the London City Mission, the Church Missionary Society, the Young Men's Christian Association. He supported 33 philanthropic organizations in his life. To spread the gospel he started religious services in theaters and music halls.

Anthony Ashley Cooper,7th Earl of Shaftesbury

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Are involved in Community


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Do good works Be sober Above reproach Be blameless Be innocent Goodness Righteousness Truth

Abstain from:

Carousing Drunkenness Sexual promiscuity Sensuality Strife Jealousy