oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · 0 0 0 4 the ehterpris i 11sc t 0jeg1 city, oregon, feb. u, is7j. i...

0 0 0 4 THE EHTERPRIS I 11SC T 0JEG1 CITY, OREGON, FEB. U, iS7j. i To the Citizens of Oregon City. . v. . Vfiereas, the State Board of Im vi 1. migration has recommended the formation of County Committees in each county of the State, -- 'to whose care emigrants can be forwarded for guiJjvaco and assistance, and for the ce.pt purpose of raising funds to publish lis information as to the local advanta- ges, etc." Therefore, to bring about the for- mation son, of such a Committee, for Clackamas county, I would respect- fully request the citizens to meet at the Court House on Saturday, the 13th cf February, at 7 o'clock v. m., and take such steps as in their judg- ment they may deem proper to in- duce immigration and disseminate information with regard to the os of our county. We have immense quantities of valuable tim- ber, coal, iron and undeveloped mines of precious metals, and the ai finest fruit growing region in the State, while our cereals com- mand me the best price in the mar ket, oil that is necessary to populate of our country is to inform the starving thousands of the devastated btates of Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, and Xe by braske. that not only grasshoppers, drouths and failure of crops are un known to our favored land, but that wealth lies out of doors to be had by compotant industry. T. O. McCowk, Mayor of Oregon City, Aldeii Fruit Factory. The Alden Fruit Preserving Com- pany in of Oregon City was incorpo- rated last Saturday, with Messrs. Charman, Latourette, "Warner and TInnsiker as incorporators. The . Cuimai biuun. lum iu ,i-.- , and i;8,000 is already subscribed They have purchased the county right, and begin immediately the erection of suitable buildings for the of reception of the necessary machinery of im its arrival from New York. This is a much needed enterprise, and should receive the hearty encourage ment of our citizens. grow ers should now prune their dilapi dated orchards, and stimulate their row intr 11 nv bean 11 IT llie. tor ft Tvmrtrit will lin mened to them at The known integrity of tbo' parties engaged in this enter prise, is a guaranteo ot its success. A matter f ftoiu'se the first sea- - noa xrill be an experiment, a with all new enterprises, so far as Oregon City is concerned. Hut the mole itself has been thoroughly tested, to and several years experience fully sustain its reputation ns the best and cheapest mode of ntih-:in0- ' tho fruit interests of the country. Ti.rt eoinint,' se;iso;i, we are inform-4.- , tiMvy will nive employment to Home twenvy-ftv- c ,;m,k will coinume about o'.0:v.) Ims'.itU of a;. at pie, pears, pl unbs, prunes, ;ot o:ion-t- , jjreen peas, string beans etc. ' Producers should make early cmtriet-- i f'r t.uso products so jis to socire a sale, of their fruits and veg-I'talile- s, and insure a continuous ran of t) factory. The company will soo be readv to contract, and the Irv will bo ready for the first frii of summer. Kits. Hose Co. Xo. 2 elected the followinir oilicers for the ensuing year at the meeting held last Wednesday evening: K. Mathers, l'oromaii ; J. Kelly, First Assistant; It. Sial. Srtcond Assistant ; A.t'. liailov, Sim.t. t irv ; W. 11. Hizhriel l. Treasurer ; Joh'-- - Myers, President. 1 he ( ompany also placed in nomination John Myers for C;iiief J:iirineer anil J. 1.. l.ariow for Assistant Knincer at the approjeh-in- g Election. Iuxk. Caj)t. Isaac Smith, who en- gineered tho work on the Iocks, left Portland last Wednesday with the in- - tentiini of Roitig to I'eru. A. X. Kin:;, whjAv-a- - b ok-kee- er for theljock Co., left! Ir Sitka the samo day. wiiere he lisf Vosition of Deputy Collector. Yv wis'otli these ije'itlemen a pleasant jourTf'V, and tru-- t tiiat they may soon be back to Oregon. K. C. Tilton Mr.Sniith to South America. ArroiNTKO. We aro glad to learn that lr. S. Parker, of. our city, has ed an appointnicnt from the Pen-io- n Iiureau as Kxaiiiinini; Surgeon for Pensions, a jK).sition formerly held by the late Dr. llarclay. This appoint- ment will ho a benefit to all pensioner 'n tliis eonntv, some of whom have ordered a's far as Ko.se burg for the nev-- jary examinations. fiiuND IlALt-T- lie Turn Vereins of thi vlaee are making extensive prepa- rations for their laU next Mondaj' cvev.mg. The Committee are sparing no liainM to make it one of the finest halls of tiie season. Excellent music has teen eniaijed, and we ma3' expect to see Porie's Hall filled on the occason. Tickets, including supper $3. Came Down. The steamer Alice, which was badly damaged last week, was sufficiently repaired to be brought down to this place, and reached the Company's basin last Mondav, and will U speedily repaired. The damage done to her is rather more than was at hrst supposed, yet she will soon again be read3' for service. Is- - ToIlkm". Uayd.en. of Polk, was m town last Tuesday, looking as natural as life. He says that if the ac-ti- on of the Radicals m the .afTx!r . d. .Louisiana -- that stai'e. ,iJV v:urse it, it is beyond x' u.lVnrrh0.Chne-- e In this UJ, e luui a week of holid iy, and ne maae considerable noise in firinsr n;y,'S "of their . vinc' i iii nAi r L factory has leen closed. "I mis. tue Service. Rev. Mr Sclhvood will hold services on Wednesday t 10S o'clock, and Friday evenin- - morning 11 7 o'clock, every week durin- - the I?ent en season Cone. E. D. Whitlow, w ho recentlv came to this place from Albany, left us last Monday, to take up his residence : t. i n ti-- . , iu j uiiwiiu. e nave only space to VfT ' 111 " ia"guage oi a noted writer VV hit, "tie virtuous, and you will bo happy." Died. The little daughter of Mr. R.N. Warsham.of this city, aged about 1 . . . " "y "iori.mg. rai took piaca troni the M. E. Church on Monday, and was largely jiufu-icu- . II . ;352ss- - - I,KTTRR JjIST I (i i i 1 Of tlia i at setters cw remaining iu the Ijot.sot?, 'z. E &lnLer'Misf Uosev; this aitte, lion." f V? ,UV". Mary a : llm . T V -- viuert . : Hull I) 'aniel ' J ' X. ml I III II . 1 ,' . 1 ' "11 .ah. "iiai V. .IoK.. . rv""""m. .Mar i' suae. Wvant the "sod.' F ? vnen adver- - Rut n of the Benton CTi 1 pnonsued by v n f, J ,1 rtimr ot Corval- - couuy.1S ery Citable to Benton rnKsii.KNT.-MrTT- TZ: t i- - of this city, ilas 1ae.1t of the Woman'., snVae Asso- ciation for OroL'oti rz The Lu,t, tlc7 Should any "doubting Thomas" bo'iot.Vor S,t,rd ide2 will " xmement of Library (Jift Concert, ?im- - . . let l,h , t i.it v 13: fully endorses the n.o...: liramlette, the former nn ' n,t ri. concert does not take place at the time sjcciucu, uie money will be refunded oncetOllie tlCKet-holde- rs T.rt bini iuriner observe that Mr. !- -; lms seeut e J, of course at enormous ex ponse. st-iMt- oi ine greatest leaner 111 America, witn jus orchestra 100 select performers, who will con elude the series of concerts with such a burst of harmonv as has never before awakened our western homes. And. the way, let him also remember that it he does not possess at least coupon iiciver, mis music will never reach ins ears. Eagle Crock Letter. Eagt,e Ckeek, Feb. o, 137 Editor Enterprise; Being a pat ron 01 your valuable paper, and knowing you to be deeply interestet the prosperity of this county, I thought it would not be a miss to drop you a few lines concerning this locality and what we are doing in the way of producing grain, am other products. I am of opinion that we have as productive sou as there is in the State. I have raised forty bushel wheat to the acre and fifty bushels oats, and all kinds of vegetables do well. I have raised carrots twen- - tv eight inches in length and four inches at the big end. I have raised potatoes weighing two and a half pounds and apples one and a half pounds, and other vegetables dofully as well as those mentioned. Persons desiring' a home in such a locality as this, can find some rail- road and government land, and I know of two or three f irms for sale. Wo have the finest quality of timber be found in Oregon, and our wa-t-- ?r power cannot be beat to saw the timber and grind the large crops of t who it that wo raise in this section. But wc are badly in need of mills. Wo have no grist-mil- l within conven ient reach, and only two saw-mili- s, a in-ca- t distance oiT. Any person wishing to invest a littlcj capital, could not do better than to build a grist-mil- l in this vicinity, and also a saw-mi- ll would be a in vestment. We raise a great deal of wheat, of the verv best mialit.v. and the quantity is increasing every year, and we have no grist-mil- l above Alarshfield on this side of the Clack- amas river. There is also a great deal of sociability among our people, parties and dances being the general order, which are gotten up by our people. If any should see this letter who desire to locate in- - this section, bv calling at Philip Foster's thoy will find Mr. A. J. P.urnett residing there who takes great pleasure in showing ine new-come- rs ine oest lands va- cant, and he is well qualified for the business, as ho has surveyed nearly all the land in this vicinity. We li'-- d industrious farmers, and to such, this section offers superior inducements. Yours truly, W. F. I). A Washington special s.iys there is universal in dignat'oa and surprise at tiie President's message on Arkan-s,- n matters, as it is held t'.iat all par- ties in Arkansas except a few carpet-baggin- g malcontents aro contented with the present eoiulition of affairs in the State. Tiie action of the Pres- ident Jk .regarded a3 esnociallv sur prising in the face of tho Poland Committee's almost unanimous re- - port in the case. A dispatch says the President has approved the following: An act granting the right of way and depot grounds to the Oregon Central Pa- cific llailroad through the public lands of the United States from Win-nemncc- a, in the State of Nevada, to the Columbia river, via Portland, in the State of Oregon. Xo Immediate Danger. There is no immediate danger, remarks the Indianapolis Union, of the Presi dent's message npou Louisiana affairs being adopted by our public schools as a text-boo- k upon the science of llepublican government. David GofF, an old citizen, who lives near Dixie, and is father of Mrs. J. W. Xesmith, died last Sat urday. Tt is seldom that we notice anything in the medical line, nor would we now. unless we coald be convinced that we are not doing our duty as a journalist m recommendincr to tiie public the cel ebrated botanical nrenaration of Ir, Henrv. Whoever induces the victim of .scrofula or anv other disease of the blood, to use lr. llenrv's Extract of S irsnarilla. has beirun a sood work. There is no question as to the result of this medicine if nersevered in. It is a sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism, slt llheum, and indeed all complaints arisinir from vitiated rr imnnre blood. It is just what a irood nh vsician would prescribe for these complaints, and we eontidently reeoniWnd it as being the cm article now in use. Dr. Henrv llalsam is the most all'ective i remedy for allectiori of tho throat or " th wc have ever, known. It ir . uo. deleterious .. drugs, and . can i. i tv i 111. : a 1 ""Punity ami certaimy "ore thL? or the c,,re of coughs colds, val i 'tc- - 51 tands without a e"ry s Liniment as an allo-:.;lr- 'f Pai, is unrivnlfd bv nnv .jeiore . tho public : the sinle tri . iV ,,e convinced bv a T,n.i :Jt,'lvlU lovo itself a friend "mcu no tamilv b,,iH i., i wjLiirmr .jivt.tv janlom'j ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE ..MSZS. J A Ti lumph Over Humbug. It is not difficult to alarm the timid, and invalidsare proverbially so. Aware ot fact, the venders of pseudo bitters W. "entirely free from alcohol," hare raised false cry sainst tonic preparations con- taining spirits, and no doubt hav fright- ened a few siek folks into purchasing the dulv and fermented rubbish which they sell, and which is Infinitely more injurious than sell vilest drams drunk at q vrkfi Vki tc already a tremendous reaction has set against these abominable nostrums. at which, being devoid of the alcoholic basis which alone prevents liquid botanical preparations from turning sour, decom pose almost as soon as made. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters has lived and will live down multitudes of such impostures. A regular recurrence of the demand for the trreat alterative invigorant from those who Iv" alwjya Ixn its patrons, showing that they have not swerved in their time- - in uuuurcu auegtance to America's most pop- ular remedy ; and a constant influx of new orders demonstrates how little im- pression, alter all, the blatant denuncia- tions of the mock bitters men have made UP"" i"" general public. So long as Hos- - . '? ninunue to cure and vre- - . veni intermittent and remittent fevers. uyspepsia, constipation, kidney disease, and the numerous other ailments to which tney are adapted, thev will continue to S. uounn.in- - mo lactious opposition of hum- - . . . Km irt? 11.1.1 ii.il 1 v f u; Justus Ions as tney are manuiactured and sold. He It known to all bogus nostrum venders, of everv degree of audacity and knn-.i-- v that thev can never hope to pu ft t lie m selves into public favor at tho expense of Ilostetter's Bitters, the reputation of which is founded, as it were, upon a rock. Ilelijriouii. Rev. George II. Atkinson will hole regular services in the Congregation:! Church, in this city, on the first and second Sabbaths of each month. Morn ni services lit H)'i o'clock. On the first Sabbath at Holmes' School House at 3 o clock, i m. Croup IJinu riiied of its Terrors. Thecroupy cough so alarming to the ear and so dangerous to life to which ehildr'ii are subject, may be immediately relieved by administering a dose of IIai.k's llONKY OF IIOIIKHOCND AND 1 Alt. When given to a child who seems to be choking und r the elfe-t- s of a spasmodic and husky cough, the effect is electrical, as many mother will testily, in fact there is no air 'Ction of the throat or the lungs, short of t lie actual disorganization of the tissues a::d membranes, which it will not cure. I'ikk's Tootii-Acii- e Droivs Cure in one minute. In the Hands ofSrinc all things be- come valuable by (fijtiuent, and salutary bv upitHriition. Thus, 1K. J. W. Wai.kkk has obtained from certain vegetable pro- ducts of California, thnt have been tram- pled iikii for centuries by the ignorant, the invaluable curative kno.n tl.e Cal- ifornia ViXKOAK IHTTEKS, a medicine which Isexeitmgthe wonder of the com mu-ntt- v bv its operation in tie-wors- t, cases of Rheumatism. Pulmonary Dise-is- , J.?ncr:l D bility, Congestion of the Liver, Con.stijiat.ori, Scrofula a:ul Ma- larious Fevers. B'F r the very 1 st Photographs, go to P.kaiu.ka &. Un.oFso.Vs liallery with an Ki.evatok, 4- - Montgomery Sirr-et- , San Francisco. NEW TO-DA- Y. Sheriffs Sal?. VIHTL'K OF A DKCItKK AXD F.X- - 1)Y issued out of t lei Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, and dated fit h day of Janua- ry lST'i, in favor of It. 15. Curry and aorainst tiie Tualatin River Navigation mid Manu- facturing Company, and to me dir"etfd as S'n ritf of Ciaeka nas county, st:it' of re-go- n, for the sum of seven hundred and weny-tw- o and'&MOO dollar.s.gold coin, with Interest at t!ie rate of one per cent. ier month from t he I'iMi day of October 1871. "ots and disbursements of this suit, taxed at twenty-tw- o and 7)-l'i'- J d llar.s. Xo.y, 'therefore. 1 have this 8th day of February 1ST.), for want, of personal iroH-r-t- out of which to satisfy said jiidmeut, I liav levied upon the loilo.viuu; real est;it' to-w-it : Lot One in liloek Two, and Iot S;;ven in Illoek Kotir, li t lc town of Oswe- go, Clackamas County, )r gon, and on Monday, 1 se 15th tlnj- - of March, Is?.", at V) o'clock, a. i., at th'"! Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Ore-iror.- p I will s-- all th-- rhrhr., title, intres of t lis abovi- - named 'fun latin River Navi- gation Company to the above described '.ots, or so much thereof as may be ii"Cs-sar- y to satisiiy the above named Judg- ment, interest costs and accruing costs, at public auction to the highest bidder for L. S. gold coin to me in hand i : . J. T. Al'I'KItMOX, 12f Iw Shoriff of Clackamas Co., Oregon. to tome. Terms r.9ry ln.tl. Ad.lres lfebly G. VINSON A Co., Portland, Me. DOLLARS, To tiie Am-i'iii- f of TWO !UII.T.HV IV1-- ) Hl XDKKl) TIIOI SVXD are I.) !: e iis; I i !)iil-i- l on Uie 'iTUi :. n- - 1" tiie ii i;;.- - I,ilrar- - of KiMitiiikv, ipnii tilt; ourasian of their lifl an-.- l 4ist t itnrert. Hnnviiii LVrtain or jloimv Kfnii J.'tf. ne (irand r.isli iift .Si.ooo tie (jSrand 'asli iift . 10J.0OJ )ne tirarul Cash ii!'t . 7),0:V.) )ue ir in-.- l 'ns'.i ( iil't . ol.OOO One iraml "ash fJift . J."),!):) ") 'asli Silts. $ Jl.iVil each . 1') t:asli (iilts, 14,11 each.... . lto.mio 1) t:ash (iiits, 10.00J each.. . l),oor) ID I'Jash ( iit'ts, fi.O h each . 100,000 25 Cash tiil'ts, 4.0 )0 each . 100,000 .'10 Cash (ilftis, 3,0t)0 each . 90.000 50 Cash Clfts, 2,00:) each . 100,000 100 Cash (Jifts, l.ofW each . 100,000 2 M Cash ;i!ts. 5'X) each . 12O.O00 r,00 t;ash iilts. ' 100 each . ."n.ooo lO.mw Cash Jilts. 5) each . !).") ),0)'J Whole Tickets S.V). Halves Tenth r.r each Coupon $3. Kloven Whole T!el.-e- t For Tickets, or information, address THUS. K. I1HA M liK'lTK, Ascent and Manager, Louisville, Ky. Public Idbrary of Kentsicks . Dentil of Gov. 1!:. ,..!,. .t r tiie Irustees V Surtessor iijipoiiit--il--?- o ?I,)re Postponements Urun. iiitf C crlaiii February ?tli. 1 nic''tinSl of the Trustees of t h" Pu')-ll- c Library of Kentucky Jan. 1, 187.), it was resolved that C. Ks-- j who der the late Hon. TJ.otl .! .n. i in' reai uusiness of manager the Kift con- certs already KiVen in aid of the Public Library of Kentucky, be and he is herebv authorized to take the nlace ma. - vne.-.n- t by theUeath of said Bramlettc. Hsrement of the Fifth nml r.-i- nut i- - eert, and that the Dra-.vini- r announced for l eu Z7th, IS, , shall nositivelv n,i ,.r,. iiuivoeally take place on that da v wit lirtut my further post .iMwmont or di ik " rn tint- - account whatever. It. T. DLMtltri'T j"".- - o. iAi., l'resid' nt. S 'crctary. Hereafter all communications to the Fifth Concert should be addrl-ss-- to the undersigned, and I i.l-,- i.r '.if at the Drawing shall come or 27tlnrthat every dollar paid for tickets shall be returned. c. r. iiRiii(i Agnt and Maria 'er Room 4. Public Ubrarv Iluil, linn- - i. .... .3 i ville, Ky. NOTICE. miiR COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- - 1 fore existing under the nam of Norton 6 lifwis, is tiiis day dissolveil by mutual consent. All outstanding debts will be paid by tho senior partner. All persons knowing themselves indebted to Norton A IC wis will pleaso make imme- diate payment. NORTON A. LEWIS. Norton, Jan. 28, 1S73. feb.t f - Final Settlement! In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. Inthe matter of the estate of Jacob Kandle deceased : PERSONS INTERESTED ARE VLIi notified that the Administra- tors of the' above named estate of Jacob Kandle. deceased, have filed their final accounts and vouchers in the above enti- tled matter, and the Court has apjolntcd Monday, tiie Stli day of March, A. D.f 1T5, at the Court House, in Oresron City, as the time and place lor examinine said final account sand iieannjroi tiojeci nms mmw K. M. RILMN(i.S, GEO. C. KANDLE. Qflw- - Administrators. A Rf fc ree's Sale. ' George W. Prosser, Respondent, vs. II. Prosser et als. Appellant. VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN DECREE BY the Supreme Court of tho State of Oregon, made the 2 th day of January 1875, in persuanceof a mandate of said Court issued and entered, the subscriber, a referet- - dulv aniointed by said decree, will at public auction, to the highest bid- der, on Saturday, the thirteenth (13) day of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, State of Oregon, certain real estate directed by said decree to be sold, and de scribed therein as miwws: Situated in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, beinir part of sections eigm l) and nine (9) in Townsnip iwo wmiu, i-- one nist, and being a part of the donation land claim of Hnnrv Prosser and Mary Prosser. rlppxnca.i to-u-- it being the east half of said donation land claim set apart iu aiu iienrv Prosser the Iind Ollice at Oregon City," Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, and being the tract of land conveyed to the heirs of Mary Prosser, de- - cpasi'i . in accordance wan a tleeree oft Ho Circuit Court oi me niaveoi ur'jjon, for the county oi ciacKama", maae at the April and deeded to said heirs term 1S71, in per- - . , . ......... . . ; 1 V 1. F 1 I Kuiic; in suiu uc-wr- o j d. .v. r isner una wife, and bearing date 2J.d day of Mav,lS74. Terms f sale, one-ha- lf of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale in U. gold coin, remaining half in one year from date or sale in like gold coin, the un- paid purchase money to draw interest, and payment of same to be secured bv approv- ed security. ARTHUR WARNER, S. Huelat, Referee. Attorney for Plaintiff.. . N. ote. The - above land is situated n short distance from the. town of Oswego, and contains valuable deposits of iron ore. Announcements will be male at sale that will no doubt satisfy jersons desiring to purchase tlmt they will obtain a good title to the above premises. ; 5feb5w STATE EOAaD OF IMMIGRATION. PURPOSE OF AFFORDING ITIORTIIE to Immigrants and in- tend Emigrants to Oregon, now In foreign countries and sister States, and for circu- lating such information abroad by this Hoard, all persons in this State having Farms and Lands for Sale or Rent, or de- sirous of forming Colonies, will plense for- ward to this Hoard a soon as possible de- tailed descriptions of their Farms and Lands, Locat ion. Price and Terms of Sale, or conditions of renting: and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Laborers, wPl please, communicate direct with this Hoard. Itv Instructions of the Commissioners of Immigration. . WILLIAM RK! I. ofeblm A State Com'r of Immigration. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Treasurer's Offick, ) Salkm, Jan, 2!, 1ST-)- . J VOTICE IS IIERKBY GIVKN THAT jj t here is mo icy in the Treasury appli- cable to the p ivmejit of the following warrants drawn on the Treasury since the llth dav of September 1S71 to-wi- t: Nos. 2!IJ, JO't, :7, :t7l, .'1S1, :tSK, ;!!U, 3i'.", 101, fl)5, :)t, ;j'j7, 1!).!, K7, ;its, 4 in, i n, ;, 4 :0, 177, its, loo, 4S7, l iS, 4S!l, 4"d, F2, 1Y7, 4'xl, 4lil, W i, 4!l.', 4!)1, 4!)1, 4 IS, 4i)li, 417, IDS, I'.M, .)'). 4 111, .T)!, SI I, 51', oil, 51). olli, 517, 5i.il, 5J1, .")'2, 5j t, 5J5, 5J!, .).Jli, 5 57, 5.iS, 5!!l, 51D, 514, 51:, 51:1, 51'i, 5 IS, 51!, ")1. iVr, oliti. 5i7, 5S', Interest on the above warrants will not be allowed after this date. A. IL BROWN, 5feblW State Tr!nr ". 1 IA.111 JEWKLltV. IV! RS. A. P. B.iAYTON, HAS LOO VTED IN OUKttOX CITY, is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Just as tfood, and cheaper, than can be done in Sail Francisco. She also manu- factures hair, straight or tangled, into SWITCHES, CUKLS, AND FEIZZETT3. Nice, Fine Hair Switches for gale, at from J5 toi:. A full line of Tmitati m Good 'at San Francisco prices. Those wishing wok lf , or to ur.'liaH;? will do wl'11 to jjive her a call before oin to Port land. All communlc itions by mail promitly ans n'criil. All work warr mted to ive satisfaction. Instructions Riven in fancy work. Si I ver card-bo.ir- d fi r sn le. J i cembcr H. Executor's Sulc of Real Estate. 3Ur.UC NOTICE IS Hr.liKUY CIVKX j that by virt lie of uu or ier uiado by t he County Court, wit hln ami Itir the iounfy of Linn, Sr:ite of Oregon, on lies 4! h day of .January, 17), in the matter of the estate of Kdtvard S. Alir. e, d ceased, we, Mary A. Altree, , and Edward Walden, Kxeeiitor, oi t he last Will and Testament of the said lvl.var l .S. Altree, deceased, will, on Thursday, tl ltli tlay of February, 1ST."), at the Court House door, in Oregon City, in Claeknmas county, State of Ore- gon, between tiie hours oi'i) o'clock in the morning and I o'clock in the evening of t hat day, to-.vi- t. : at t he hour of 1 o'clock 1. M., otr-- r for s.--i I" at public auction the fol- lowing described l state, belonging to the said estate and situate in said county of Clackamas, to-.v- it : The south half of the Donation Land Claim of Edward S. Wilson and wife, being notification Xo. 7 and claim Xo. 11, being parts of sections Xo. 1 ), Hi, 21, 11, and 2S, in township Xo. 2 south, range 1 east, and bounded us fol lows, to-w- it a point 10 chains nort h and 10 ." chains east of t he sout h- - west corner of said !.". and running th-n- ee west 10 chains; thence south las chains ; t ii nc ; east 1)3 lo i chains : thencn north IS .)i chains ; thnee oast A) 0 chains; thenc! north SO :!7-l;- 0 chains, to tiie place ot beginning, containing ISS'i iicr's. Terms Said real estate will be sold for gold coin or the L'nited States: one-hal- f to be paid down on the day of sale, and the remaining half in nine months, oy mortgag: on the premises, M.VUY A. ALTUEK. Executrix. EDWARD WALDEX. Executor. Johns a .Ion ics, Atty's for Executors. Jan. 1"), lS.).-w-l JOHN S C M RA IV3 , Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AM) IMPORTER OF Saddles, IIarnes, S::I;lievy-II- :i rtl-wa- rc, etc., etc.. HE O EKE US AS CHEAP AS WHICH had in the State, at WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. C?l warrant my goods as represented 1,0 CO DEER SKINS WANTED, AXD ALSO, 4 LL OTHER KINDS OK HIDES, FOR which I will pay the highes market price in CA.sir Dring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN" SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, LS7:-m- 3. 1)1?. JOHN WELCH! DENTIST, 3 mmss OFFICE IN ORECOX CITY, OREGON. Hlsrliest Cah Price Palilfor Cotntlj- - Ortlevs. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE. o rpiIE TTNDERSpJNED PROPRIETOR OF X the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Hnggy florae, IltiggieH, t'nrriageii mid Hack. Prices Reasonable He will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SQDA SPRINGS i durin!r tne summer season, with sood horscs.com pctent and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FRAZER, Frorrictor. Oregon City, MayC7, 1S7J. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, SU Charle Hotel Building.J Southwest Corner Front and Morrison Sts. Poxtlarid., Oregon, JUST EEOEIYED, Oriflamme. we LAKGE INVOICE Or tfe LATEST STYLUS of all Kinds of Minalle O T Q. ANnieMACC j Itong-li- of the lanafiirturersKaut and lu Nuu f runcUru, FOR CASH. And will be Sold at UNPRECEDENTLY LOW PRICES. Our A(,KT Kutt ha. mtiit u Telejftaiti .tatin tliat our Order, lur u FULL LIINra OF Boots and iShoes Have been Filled, andj GOODS SENT BY RAIL.! We Slial J imie to liecelve hy every Steamer Lar;r Inrnirctn of tltosu Goods until our Stock is Full unl Complete, A SMALL LOT OF DAMAGED BOOTS AND SHOES On hand, which must be sold for ANY REASONABLE OFFER PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, tit, Charles Hotel Building. Southwest Corner Front nml .Uorrison Sts. C. A. PEASH & GO. October 3', IS" I. ff. For Sale. A HOUSE AND IlITtJfJY ITOUSF! TV1. JTK. iectiy sale. Apply to novl'lw2 MRS, HOLES. WAGON AMD CARRIAGE S AN U FACTORY I milE U.VDKItSION'F.n, having Increased thedi- - Qi . mensious of his promises, at V.-hZ- Z ... . . . - tne old stand on ine Corner of Main and Xlilrd Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa irons, and as many new ones as may bo pleased to call, that he Is now prepared, wit li n tuple room, good materials, mid the verv best, of mechanics, to bin Id anew, re construct, mane, paint, iron and turn out rul complete, any sort or a vehicle trom a common Canton concord Coach, lry me. Blacksiiiithinfr, Horse or Ox Shoring and Oeneral Jobbing nejitly, quickly, and cheaply done. IAV1I SMITH. THE SHIsT. WEEKLY AND DAILY FOIl 1875. APPROACH OF THE PRESIDEN T TIAL election srives unusual impor tance to thi events and developments of l.S7-- . V e shall endeavor to describe theni fully, faithfully and fearlessly. She U 'cktu Nun has now auaineu a cir culation of over seventy thousand copies. Its readers are found in every state and Territory, and its quality is well known tf) the public. Wc snail not only enueavor to keep 11 iuuy up xo me oiu sianoarn, uui to im nrove and add to its variety and power. 2Vie Weekly Sttn will continue to- - be a thorough newspaer. All the news of the dav will lie found in it. conaenseu wnen unimK)rtaiit, and at full Ienghth when of moment, and always, we trust, ireaieu in n ctenr. interest innrand instructive manner. It is our aim to mKe t ne n eeciy &vn me lx st. familv newsnai er in the world, it will bo full of entertaining and appropriate read ins of every sort, but will print noth Ing to offend the most scrupulous and dei-ecii- te taste. It will always contain the most interesting stories and romances of the dav, carefully selected and legible printed The Agricultural Department is a promt nent feature in the Weekly Sun, and its articles will always be found fresh and useful to the farmer. The number of men Independent In poll- - i Ics Is inereasinl. and the Weekly Nun is their naiwr especially. It belongs to no nartv. and obeys no dictatioT, contend in"-fo- r principle, and for the election of the best men. It exposes the corruption that disgraces th country and threatens the overthrow of republican institutions It has no fear or Knaves, and seeks no -- favor from their supporters. The markets oi every kind and the fash ions are reported In its columns. The price of the Weekly Sun Is one dollar a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty- - six columns, as t nis oareiy pays the ex pen ses of paper ana printing, we are not able to make any discount or allow anv premium to friends who may make sihj cial efforts to extend its circulation. Un dr the new law, which required payment of )stage in advance, one dollar a" year, Wlin twenty veins i tie cost oi prepaid Io.st age added, is the rate of subscript ion. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have the Weekly Sun at this rate. Anyone wno senas one aonar and twenty cents win gei me paer, oKt-pai- d, for a year. We have no traveling agents. the w eekly sun. Eight pass. fifty-si- x columns. Only fl lu a year, postaire . ..v...n..l .1:...... at i i1 J v ,ulJl 1111118 irom mis rate. IKE 1MU.T Sir. A large four-pag-e """I'-i- " ' ' mniiii'i-nicnmiii- ns. Iai ly circulation over 1JZ.W. All the news for . cent s. iMipscnption, postage prepaid V cents a mom n, or oil a year. To clubs of in or over, a oiseount of 3 percent. Address, THE SI X, New York City. FORSALE. rpiir: U.N DKlWKiED OFFERS Ills premises, in Otfwesro. for Rale at a bar- - pain, for cash.. . Thcr is a fine dwelling a .1 1 1 . ! . . . ... ana out wiuaui, orcn.imnna auout tnree acres ot land, r inely situated for a board- - inz house for the hands employed In the If'Ml OIIk.'. d. )Y. V.Vli n. Oswcso, Spt. in, 1S7I. 3w FALL 1B7-I- - Is your time to buy goods at low prices. L ban at ACKERMAN BROTHERS Has are now receiving large stock of in iau FALL & WINTER GOODS, Is the of Ml of the Latest Styles, which will sell ATLESSTHAN PORTLAND PRICES. nir stock has been, boueht for cash, and will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. TiTPWii.l.KAT TO EVERYBODY BE y fore you purchase or go to Portland. eoods and convince nr., iric nur i . n... .ui .- -- consists In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Oents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Groce- ries, Hard-war- e and a jrcHt many other articles too uumer-our- s to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS. PAINTS AND OILS, ' ETC. i ETC. We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACk'ERMAK HltOs. Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1S71. tf 'W. II. IIIGHFIELD. KutublLlieil since ' D, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An assortment of Wathes, Jcwel-ry.an- d Seth Thomas' Weight Clocks J. ."g all of which are warranted to be as represented. 7"Itepalring done on short notice, and inkful for past patronage. THE GREAT RENOVATOR! A C'ertn in Cure for Itlii-iim:i- t ism nml Jleretirial Ji U"e-- I ions, St-rnfi- i In, Salt lilieuni, Liver :d Kidney p!iii:itx, leaKiiess, unit II II Disease urii:i; fioiii nn iiitpnre of the ItluoiL Contains no Mercurial or Poisonous Sub- - stance . rrwiE STRONGEST WILL FIND THIS L a .v. itreliintj (.'an; It n ay be taken by the most delicate, with impunity, and the remaikabie success attending us use war- rants the proprietors in claiming it as the Most Reliable Illood S'ui ilicr in U&c. Its gentle action renders it rmiarkablv ctiications in DysiK-psi- a and Constipation, giving the organs the assistance needed, and impairing a tone and strength soon disM'nses witii artificial aid. Cut up in quart Dolt les. &olU uy all ueal- - ers, iroprietors. t;iiAitiKS ia.M)i,hi vv ct) Wholesale Iruggst.s, San Francisco. novl3m3 Farm to Rent. milK UNDERSKiNED WILL RENT X. his farm situated on the Willamette river two miles below Oregon City, and containing 310 acres, for two, three or four years, on liberal terms, the farm has ISO acres under new fence, 20 acres of which is beaver-da- m lnna, nicely seeded down to timothy, and is one of the best meadows of the size in the State. Adjoining this meadow, on the one side, is a field of 14 acres, well set in timot hy and clover ; and on tho other side is 90 of slash inir. done over a year ago. and burned over this fall. It's convenience to market, whether to Portland or Oregon City gives it auierior advantages. I will only rent to a person wno win live upon anu wont I tie larm. I have also a half section of good land. 4l acres of which is under fence, situated aliout three miles from Aurora, which I will sell on reasonable terms. For further particulars applv to the un dersigned at his residence m Oregon Citv. JU"- - . Nov. 18, lS71-fi- J. F. WAni). OBOROK A. IIAHDISG. WAED & HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. i:f.i- - uj.nsiastI.Y ON HAND A - general assortment ot ami CJliemitmlr. r f rrniuiiCTJ, oapt, Comlw unl UritHlie.. 1 i'UMMOJl. Supporter, Uraoe lancj-- B Toilet Article, . AT.SO ...... KeroNene Oil, Lnmn hi tuner?. UlaxK, Putty, Paints, Oilx, arniKlie and DyeKtnlTs PIKE WINES AXD Liqi ORS FOR )1E- - imi.VlL PIRl'OSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. 1'rescrij.tions can-fuii- v compriunaen, nna all orders cfrrcctly an- - swennl. B7(pen at nil hours of the nkrht. "All accounts mimt b paii monthly. noVWI WAKll & HAIiUIli. Administrator's Sale. "VTOTICE JS IIFUEBY GIVEN TIIAT X Jennincs Smit h. Administratorof the estate of John Albrijrht, deceased, as such Administrator, by virtue of an order oi tne County C ourt of Marion county, Oregon, will, at one o clock p. M., on Saturday, the 13th day of February, A. D. 1ST5, at the Court Housn door, in Ore- - pon City, in tne county oi tiacKanaas m the Ptate of Orepon, offer for sale at public auction, the followinjrdescribed real estate, Titlw'L1 ridian. belng part of the X. K. l4 of the N. 12, and part of the K. of the S. K. of section 11. and part oi the . Ji of the N. W. of section 13, in the county of Clack- amas, in the State of Oregon, for gold coin in hand. . JENNINGS SMITH, Jan. 13 lS"5-,w- 4 Administrator. Once More We Come! o o With a Stock of FALL & WHITER GOODS, AUG Ell AND MOKE AHKALinr. than ever before, bought from e preat Francisco Panic, and wuicn we ouer Greatly Reduced Prices. Our stocfc OLOTHIISTGr been larjrely increased and w can show as handsome a line of ready-ma- d eoods in Men and Bovs Business ami lress Suits, Overcoats. etc.. as can be found me country, and at prices mat cauuok 10 satisfy. Our ' DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT filled with a splendid assortment of all leading styles and fashionable shades goods Eaprf ClotU, Mokitirs, French and Amrrkau Uret. Goods, Black Alparra, Hrilliantinra, ("aslimerea, Wc. FLANNELS, Plaid, riain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. Bleached nml I'nbteBChed Cotton Flannels. Iadien' ami Gents I'oderwarc, snwi and Scarfi, Wool Blankets, Trunk and TrHi wJlnc Salchrln, - llaUamlCap., Oil Cloth for floor and Table. BOOTS and SHOES. We would call special attention to our stock of Men's and Boys' San Francisco Boots, which we have sold for a number of years past with Reneral satisfaction. Ev ery part warranted. . eomnlete stock of HARDWARES. FARMING UTENSILS: Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Iiow Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AM) rABMAX ISLAND SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Produce sand Wool. e seplStf I. SELLING. Town Lots for Sale, o VOTII T ISOIVEN'TO ALL PERSONS desirous of purchasing Town Lots in the County addition to Oregon City, Clnck-iimn- s county Oregon, that xre now ownd by Clackamas county, that application for the purchase will be received by the Cl-r- in vacation of the County Court, Mid acted upon by the Court in term time, and value placed on the lots to be sold. J. M. I KAZEK, Jan. 12 163. County Clerk.- - Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys- tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con- stantly growing rep- utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re- markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great Cor- ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous anil syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti- dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis- orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules Sores. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe- las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Riiifovorm, and internal Ul- cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liiver. It also ures other com- plaints, to which it would not seem especi- ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep- sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Female Weakness, Debility, and Iieucorrhoea, when they are manifesta- tions of the scrofulous poisons It is an excellent restorer ot "health and strength in the Spring. By renewing tha appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. o PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and3 Analytical Chemist. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS E YER T WHE RE. VEGETABLE SICILIAN FT 4 TT RENEWSR. Every ve.nr increases the iO'ularity of this valuable Hnir Preparation; which is due to merit alone. A e can assure om ohl patrons tliat it is kept full)- - up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep- - aralion for re.stonn.sj Gray on Taded Hair to its youthful color, making.it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. T u . t 1 fX it removes an eruptions ami uauui uu, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu- lates and nourishes the hair-gland- s. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restoics ine capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growtn, except, in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it required fewer applications, and cives tne nair a micuuki, O . . it . 1 T Ui.i. pearance. A. c. naves, m.u oiaio Assaver of Massachusetts, says uTho onnAtitnents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best I for its intended puiioses. IIEI'AKATION SM t K Druygists, nt'l Waters in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FQE THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many ese re- quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray r laded Whisk- - crf. we iavc v.reparetl thS dve, in On& . . , .. ,. . rflKtri(tlOn WIVlCIl Will jtTlCKIV ami cftectuallv accamT)Vh tUU result. It is easily applied, imd proluets a color which will neither rub nor wasu on. Sold by all Druggists. 'rice Fifty Lents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA, N.H. c o o o o O o o o O o o s o o lb to is i (5- J, 5

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Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · 0 0 0 4 THE EHTERPRIS I 11SC T 0JEG1 CITY, OREGON, FEB. U, iS7j. i To the Citizens of Oregon City. . v. Vfiereas, the State Board of Im vi. 1. migration








To the Citizens of Oregon City. .v.

.Vfiereas, the State Board of Im vi 1.

migration has recommended theformation of County Committees ineach county of the State, -- 'to whosecare emigrants can be forwarded forguiJjvaco and assistance, and for the ce.pt

purpose of raising funds to publishlis

information as to the local advanta-ges, etc."

Therefore, to bring about the for-


of such a Committee, forClackamas county, I would respect-fully request the citizens to meet atthe Court House on Saturday, the13th cf February, at 7 o'clock v. m.,and take such steps as in their judg-ment they may deem proper to in-

duce immigration and disseminateinformation with regard to the os

of our county. We haveimmense quantities of valuable tim-ber, coal, iron and undevelopedmines of precious metals, and the aifinest fruit growing region in theState, while our cereals com-


the best price in the market, oil that is necessary to populate ofour country is to inform the starvingthousands of the devastated btates ofMinnesota, Kansas, Iowa, and Xe bybraske. that not only grasshoppers,drouths and failure of crops are unknown to our favored land, but thatwealth lies out of doors to be had bycompotant industry.

T. O. McCowk,Mayor of Oregon City,

Aldeii Fruit Factory.

The Alden Fruit Preserving Com-


of Oregon City was incorpo-rated last Saturday, with Messrs.Charman, Latourette, "Warner andTInnsiker as incorporators. The

.Cuimai biuun. lum iu ,i-.- ,

and i;8,000 is already subscribedThey have purchased the countyright, and begin immediately theerection of suitable buildings for the

ofreception of the necessary machinery

ofim its arrival from New York. Thisis a much needed enterprise, andshould receive the hearty encouragement of our citizens. growers should now prune their dilapidated orchards, and stimulate their

row intr 11 nv bean 11 IT llie. tor ft

Tvmrtrit will lin mened to them atThe known integrity

of tbo' parties engaged in this enterprise, is a guaranteo ot its success.A matter f ftoiu'se the first sea- -

noa xrill be an experiment, a withall new enterprises, so far as OregonCity is concerned. Hut the moleitself has been thoroughly tested, toand several years experience fullysustain its reputation ns the bestand cheapest mode of ntih-:in0- ' thofruit interests of the country.

Ti.rt eoinint,' se;iso;i, we are inform-4.- ,tiMvy will nive employment to

Home twenvy-ftv- c ,;m,k willcoinume about o'.0:v.) Ims'.itU of a;. atpie, pears, pl unbs, prunes, ;ot

o:ion-t- , jjreen peas, string beansetc. ' Producers should make earlycmtriet-- i f'r t.uso products so jis tosocire a sale, of their fruits and veg-I'talile- s,

and insure a continuous ranof t) factory. The company willsoo be readv to contract, and the

Irv will bo ready for the firstfrii of summer.

Kits. Hose Co. Xo. 2

elected the followinir oilicers for theensuing year at the meeting held lastWednesday evening: K. Mathers,l'oromaii ; J. Kelly, First Assistant;It. Sial. Srtcond Assistant ; A.t'. liailov,Sim.t. t irv ; W. 11. Hizhriel l. Treasurer ;Joh'-- - Myers, President. 1 he ( ompanyalso placed in nomination John Myersfor C;iiief J:iirineer anil J. 1.. l.ariowfor Assistant Knincer at the approjeh-in- g


Iuxk. Caj)t. Isaac Smith, who en-

gineered tho work on the Iocks, leftPortland last Wednesday with the in- -

tentiini of Roitig to I'eru. A. X. Kin:;,whjAv-a- - b ok-kee- er for theljock Co.,left! Ir Sitka the samo day. wiiere helisf Vosition of Deputy Collector. Yvwis'otli these ije'itlemen a pleasantjourTf'V, and tru-- t tiiat they may soonbe back to Oregon. K. C. Tilton

Mr.Sniith to South America.

ArroiNTKO. We aro glad to learnthat lr. S. Parker, of. our city, has ed

an appointnicnt from the Pen-io- n

Iiureau as Kxaiiiinini; Surgeon forPensions, a jK).sition formerly held bythe late Dr. llarclay. This appoint-ment will ho a benefit to all pensioner'n tliis eonntv, some of whom have

ordered a's far as Ko.se burg for thenev-- jary examinations.

fiiuND IlALt-T- lie Turn Vereins ofthi vlaee are making extensive prepa-rations for their laU next Mondaj'cvev.mg. The Committee are sparingno liainM to make it one of the finesthalls of tiie season. Excellent musichas teen eniaijed, and we ma3' expectto see Porie's Hall filled on the occason.Tickets, including supper $3.

Came Down. The steamer Alice,which was badly damaged last week,was sufficiently repaired to be broughtdown to this place, and reached theCompany's basin last Mondav, andwill U speedily repaired. The damagedone to her is rather more than was athrst supposed, yet she will soon againbe read3' for service.

Is-- ToIlkm". Uayd.en. of Polk,was m town last Tuesday, looking asnatural as life. He says that if the ac-ti- on

of the Radicals m the.afTx!r. d. .Louisiana--

that stai'e.,iJV v:urse it, it is beyond

x'u.lVnrrh0.Chne-- e In thisUJ, e luui a week of holid iy, andne maae considerable noise in firinsrn;y,'S "of their.vinc' i iii nAi r L

factory has leen closed. "I mis. tue

Service. Rev. Mr Sclhvood willhold services on Wednesdayt 10S o'clock, and Friday evenin- -


7 o'clock, every week durin- - the I?enten season

Cone. E. D. Whitlow, w ho recentlvcame to this place from Albany, left uslast Monday, to take up his residence: t. i n ti-- . ,iu j uiiwiiu. e nave only space toVfT ' 111 " ia"guage oi a noted writerVV hit, "tie virtuous, and you will bohappy."

Died. The little daughter of Mr.R.N. Warsham.of this city, aged about

1 . . . " "y "iori.mg.rai took piaca troni the M. E.Church on Monday, and was largely

jiufu-icu- .

II. ;352ss-- -

I,KTTRR JjIST I (i i i 1

Of tliai at

setterscw remaining iu the

Ijot.sot?, 'z. E &lnLer'Misf Uosev; thisaitte, lion." f V? ,UV". Mary a

: llm . T V -- viuert. : Hull I)'aniel' J ' X. ml I III II . 1 ,' .1 ' "11 .ah."iiai V. .IoK.. . rv""""m. .Mar i'suae. Wvant

the"sod.' F ? vnen adver- - Rutn

of the Benton CTi 1pnonsued by v n f, J,1 rtimr ot Corval--

couuy.1S ery Citable to Benton

rnKsii.KNT.-MrTT- TZ: t i- -

of this city, ilas1ae.1t of the Woman'., snVae Asso-ciation for OroL'otirz

The Lu,t, tlc7Should any "doubting Thomas"bo'iot.Vor S,t,rd ide2 will

"xmement ofLibrary (Jift Concert, ?im- -. . let l,h ,t i.it v 13:

fully endorses the n.o...:liramlette, the former nn ' n,t ri.concert does not take place at the timesjcciucu, uie money will be refunded

oncetOllie tlCKet-holde- rs T.rt biniiuriner observe that Mr. !- -; lmsseeut eJ, of course at enormous ex ponse.

st-iMt- oi ine greatestleaner 111 America, witn jus orchestra

100 select performers, who will conelude the series of concerts with such aburst of harmonv as has never beforeawakened our western homes. And.

the way, let him also rememberthat it he does not possess at leastcoupon iiciver, mis music will neverreach ins ears.

Eagle Crock Letter.Eagt,e Ckeek, Feb. o, 137

Editor Enterprise; Being a patron 01 your valuable paper, andknowing you to be deeply interestet

the prosperity of this county, Ithought it would not be a miss todrop you a few lines concerning thislocality and what we are doing inthe way of producing grain, amother products.

I am of opinion that we have asproductive sou as there is in theState. I have raised forty bushel

wheat to the acre and fifty bushelsoats, and all kinds of vegetables

do well. I have raised carrots twen- -

tv eight inches in length and fourinches at the big end. I have raisedpotatoes weighing two and a halfpounds and apples one and a halfpounds, and other vegetables dofullyas well as those mentioned.

Persons desiring' a home in such alocality as this, can find some rail-

road and government land, and Iknow of two or three f irms for sale.Wo have the finest quality of timber

be found in Oregon, and our wa-t-- ?r

power cannot be beat to saw thetimber and grind the large crops of

twho it that wo raise in this section.But wc are badly in need of mills.Wo have no grist-mil- l within convenient reach, and only two saw-mili- s,

a in-ca- t distance oiT. Any personwishing to invest a littlcj capital,could not do better than to build agrist-mil- l in this vicinity, and also asaw-mi- ll would be a investment. We raise a great deal ofwheat, of the verv best mialit.v. andthe quantity is increasing every year,and we have no grist-mil- l aboveAlarshfield on this side of the Clack-amas river. There is also a greatdeal of sociability among our people,parties and dances being the generalorder, which are gotten up by ourpeople.

If any should see this letter whodesire to locate in- - this section, bvcalling at Philip Foster's thoy willfind Mr. A. J. P.urnett residing therewho takes great pleasure in showingine new-come- rs ine oest lands va-cant, and he is well qualified for thebusiness, as ho has surveyed nearlyall the land in this vicinity. Weli'-- d industrious farmers, and tosuch, this section offers superiorinducements. Yours truly,

W. F. I).

A Washington special s.iys there isuniversal indignat'oa and surpriseat tiie President's message on Arkan-s,- n

matters, as it is held t'.iat all par-ties in Arkansas except a few carpet-baggin- g

malcontents aro contentedwith the present eoiulition of affairsin the State. Tiie action of the Pres-ident Jk .regarded a3 esnociallv surprising in the face of tho PolandCommittee's almost unanimous re- -port in the case.

A dispatch says the President hasapproved the following: An actgranting the right of way and depotgrounds to the Oregon Central Pa-cific llailroad through the publiclands of the United States from Win-nemncc- a,

in the State of Nevada, tothe Columbia river, via Portland, inthe State of Oregon.

Xo Immediate Danger. There isno immediate danger, remarks theIndianapolis Union, of the President's message npou Louisiana affairsbeing adopted by our public schoolsas a text-boo- k upon the science ofllepublican government.

David GofF, an old citizen, wholives near Dixie, and is father ofMrs. J. W. Xesmith, died last Saturday.

Tt is seldom that we notice anythingin the medical line, nor would we now.unless we coald be convinced that weare not doing our duty as a journalistm recommendincr to tiie public the celebrated botanical nrenaration of Ir,Henrv. Whoever induces the victimof .scrofula or anv other disease of theblood, to use lr. llenrv's Extract ofS irsnarilla. has beirun a sood work.There is no question as to the result ofthis medicine if nersevered in. It is asure cure for scrofula, rheumatism,slt llheum, and indeed all complaintsarisinir from vitiated rr imnnre blood.It is just what a irood nh vsician wouldprescribe for these complaints, and weeontidently reeoniWnd it as being the

cm article now in use. Dr. Henrvllalsam is the most all'ective

i remedy for allectiori of tho throat or" th wc have ever, known. Itir . uo. deleterious.. drugs, and. can

i. i tv i 111. : a1 ""Punity ami certaimy

"ore thL? or the c,,re of coughs colds,val i 'tc-- 51 tands without a

e"ry s Liniment as an allo-:.;lr- 'f

Pai, is unrivnlfd bv nnv.jeiore . tho public : the

sinle tri . iV ,,e convinced bv aT,n.i :Jt,'lvlU lovo itself a friend"mcu no tamilv b,,iH i.,

i wjLiirmr .jivt.tvjanlom'j


A Ti lumph Over Humbug.It is not difficult to alarm the timid, and

invalidsare proverbially so. Aware otfact, the venders of pseudo bitters W."entirely free from alcohol," hare raised

false cry sainst tonic preparations con-taining spirits, and no doubt hav fright-ened a few siek folks into purchasing the dulv

andfermented rubbish which they sell, andwhich is Infinitely more injurious than sell

vilest drams drunk at q vrkfi Vki tcalready a tremendous reaction has set

against these abominable nostrums. atwhich, being devoid of the alcoholic basiswhich alone prevents liquid botanicalpreparations from turning sour, decompose almost as soon as made. Hostettcr'sStomach Bitters has lived and will livedown multitudes of such impostures. Aregular recurrence of the demand for thetrreat alterative invigorant from those whoIv" alwjya Ixn its patrons, showingthat they have not swerved in their time- - inuuuurcu auegtance to America's most pop-ular remedy ; and a constant influx ofnew orders demonstrates how little im-pression, alter all, the blatant denuncia-tions of the mock bitters men have madeUP"" i"" general public. So long as Hos--

. '? ninunue to cure and vre- - .

veni intermittent and remittent fevers.uyspepsia, constipation, kidney disease,and the numerous other ailments to whichtney are adapted, thev will continue to S.uounn.in- - mo lactious opposition of hum- -. . .Km irt? 11.1.1 ii.il 1 v fu; Justus Ions as tney are

manuiactured and sold. He It known toall bogus nostrum venders, of everv degreeof audacity and knn-.i-- v that thev cannever hope to pu ft t lie m selves into publicfavor at tho expense of Ilostetter's Bitters,the reputation of which is founded, as itwere, upon a rock.


Rev. George II. Atkinson will holeregular services in the Congregation:!Church, in this city, on the first andsecond Sabbaths of each month. Mornni services lit H)'i o'clock. On thefirst Sabbath at Holmes' School Houseat 3 o clock, i m.

Croup IJinu riiied of its Terrors.Thecroupy cough so alarming to theear and so dangerous to life to which

ehildr'ii are subject, may be immediatelyrelieved by administering a dose of IIai.k'sllONKY OF IIOIIKHOCND AND 1 Alt. Whengiven to a child who seems to be chokingund r the elfe-t- s of a spasmodic and huskycough, the effect is electrical, as manymother will testily, in fact there is noair 'Ction of the throat or the lungs, shortof t lie actual disorganization of the tissuesa::d membranes, which it will not cure.

I'ikk's Tootii-Acii- e Droivs Cure in oneminute.

In the Hands ofSrinc all things be-

come valuable by (fijtiuent, and salutarybv upitHriition. Thus, 1K. J. W. Wai.kkkhas obtained from certain vegetable pro-ducts of California, thnt have been tram-pled iikii for centuries by the ignorant,the invaluable curative kno.n tl.e Cal-ifornia ViXKOAK IHTTEKS, a medicinewhich Isexeitmgthe wonder of the com mu-ntt- v

bv its operation in tie-wors- t,

cases of Rheumatism. PulmonaryDise-is- , J.?ncr:l D bility, Congestion ofthe Liver, Con.stijiat.ori, Scrofula a:ul Ma-larious Fevers.

B'F r the very 1 st Photographs, go toP.kaiu.ka &. Un.oFso.Vs liallery with anKi.evatok, 4- - Montgomery Sirr-et- , SanFrancisco.


Sheriffs Sal?.

VIHTL'K OF A DKCItKK AXD F.X- -1)Y issued out of t lei Circuit Courtot the State of Oregon, for the county ofMultnomah, and dated fit h day of Janua-ry lST'i, in favor of It. 15. Curry and aorainsttiie Tualatin River Navigation mid Manu-facturing Company, and to me dir"etfd asS'n ritf of Ciaeka nas county, st:it' of re-go- n,

for the sum of seven hundred andweny-tw- o and'&MOO dollar.s.gold coin,with

Interest at t!ie rate of one per cent. iermonth from t he I'iMi day of October 1871."ots and disbursements of this suit, taxed

at twenty-tw- o and 7)-l'i'- J d llar.s.Xo.y, 'therefore. 1 have this 8th day of

February 1ST.), for want, of personal iroH-r-t-out of which to satisfy said jiidmeut, I

liav levied upon the loilo.viuu; real est;it'to-w-it : Lot One in liloek Two, and IotS;;ven in Illoek Kotir, li t lc town of Oswe-go, Clackamas County, )r gon, and onMonday, 1 se 15th tlnj-- of March, Is?.",at V) o'clock, a. i., at th'"! Court Housedoor in Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Ore-iror.- p

I will s-- all th-- rhrhr., title, intresof t lis abovi- - named 'fun latin River Navi-gation Company to the above described'.ots, or so much thereof as may be ii"Cs-sar- y

to satisiiy the above named Judg-ment, interest costs and accruing costs, atpublic auction to the highest bidder for L.S. gold coin to me in hand i : .

J. T. Al'I'KItMOX,12f Iw Shoriff of Clackamas Co., Oregon.

to tome. Termsr.9ry ln.tl. Ad.lreslfebly G. VINSON A Co., Portland, Me.

DOLLARS,To tiie Am-i'iii- f of TWO !UII.T.HV

IV1-- ) Hl XDKKl) TIIOI SVXD are I.)!: e iis; I i !)iil-i- l on Uie 'iTUi :. n--

1" tiie ii i;;.- - I,ilrar- - of KiMitiiikv,ipnii tilt; ourasian of their lifl an-.- l

4ist t itnrert.Hnnviiii LVrtain or jloimv Kfnii J.'tf.

ne (irand r.isli iift .Si.oootie (jSrand 'asli iift . 10J.0OJ)ne tirarul Cash ii!'t . 7),0:V.))ue ir in-.- l 'ns'.i ( iil't . ol.OOO

One iraml "ash fJift . J."),!):)") 'asli Silts. $ Jl.iVil each .

1') t:asli (iilts, 14,11 each.... . lto.mio1) t:ash (iiits, 10.00J each.. . l),oor)ID I'Jash ( iit'ts, fi.O h each . 100,00025 Cash tiil'ts, 4.0 )0 each . 100,000.'10 Cash (ilftis, 3,0t)0 each . 90.00050 Cash Clfts, 2,00:) each . 100,000

100 Cash (Jifts, l.ofW each . 100,0002 M Cash ;i!ts. 5'X) each . 12O.O00r,00 t;ash iilts. ' 100 each . ."n.ooo

lO.mw Cash Jilts. 5) each . !).") ),0)'J

Whole Tickets S.V). Halves Tenth r.reach Coupon $3. Kloven Whole T!el.-e-t

For Tickets, or information, addressTHUS. K. I1HA M liK'lTK,

Ascent and Manager, Louisville, Ky.

Public Idbrary of Kentsicks .Dentil of Gov. 1!:. ,..!,. .t r

tiie Irustees V Surtessor iijipoiiit--il--?- o?I,)re Postponements Urun.iiitf C crlaiii February ?tli.1 nic''tinSl of the Trustees of t h" Pu')-ll- cLibrary of Kentucky Jan. 1, 187.), it wasresolved that C. Ks-- j whoder the late Hon. TJ.otl .! .n.

i in' reai uusiness ofmanager the Kift con-certs already KiVen in aid of the PublicLibrary of Kentucky, be and he is herebvauthorized to take the nlace ma. - vne.-.n- tby theUeath of said Bramlettc.Hsrement of the Fifth nml r.-i- nut i- -

eert, and that the Dra-.vini- r announced forl eu Z7th, IS, , shall nositivelv n,i ,.r,.iiuivoeally take place on that da v wit lirtutmy further post .iMwmont or di ik " rn tint--account whatever. It. T. DLMtltri'Tj"".- - o. iAi., l'resid' nt.S 'crctary.

Hereafter all communicationsto the Fifth Concert should be addrl-ss--

to the undersigned, and I i.l-,- i.r '.ifat the Drawing shall come or27tlnrthat every dollar paid for ticketsshall be returned. c. r. iiRiii(iAgnt and Maria 'erRoom 4. Public Ubrarv Iluil, linn- - i . .... .3


ville, Ky.

NOTICE.miiR COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- -1 fore existing under the nam ofNorton 6 lifwis, is tiiis day dissolveil bymutual consent. All outstanding debtswill be paid by tho senior partner. Allpersons knowing themselves indebted toNorton A IC wis will pleaso make imme-diate payment. NORTON A. LEWIS.

Norton, Jan. 28, 1S73. feb.t f-Final Settlement!

In the County Court of Clackamas County,Oregon.

Inthe matter of the estate of Jacob Kandledeceased :

PERSONS INTERESTED AREVLIi notified that the Administra-tors of the' above named estate of JacobKandle. deceased, have filed their finalaccounts and vouchers in the above enti-tled matter, and the Court has apjolntcdMonday, tiie Stli day of March, A. D.f

1T5,at the Court House, in Oresron City, as thetime and place lor examinine said finalaccount sand iieannjroi tiojeci nms mmw


Qflw- - Administrators.

A Rf fc ree's Sale. '

George W. Prosser, Respondent,vs.

II. Prosser et als. Appellant.VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN DECREEBY the Supreme Court of tho State of

Oregon, made the 2 th day of January 1875,in persuanceof a mandate of said Courtissued and entered, the subscriber, a

referet- - dulv aniointed by said decree, willat public auction, to the highest bid-

der, onSaturday, the thirteenth (13) day of

2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the CourtHouse door, in Oregon City, Clackamascounty, State of Oregon, certain real estatedirected by said decree to be sold, and described therein as miwws: Situated inClackamas county. State of Oregon, beinirpart of sections eigm l) and nine (9) inTownsnip iwo wmiu, i-- one nist, andbeing a part of the donation land claim ofHnnrv Prosser and Mary Prosser. rlppxnca.ito-u-- it being the east half of said donationland claim set apart iu aiu iienrv Prosser

the Iind Ollice at Oregon City," Oregon,containing one hundred and sixty acres,more or less, and being the tract of landconveyed to the heirs of Mary Prosser, de- -cpasi'i . in accordance wan a tleeree oft HoCircuit Court oi me niaveoi ur'jjon, for thecounty oi ciacKama", maae at the April

and deeded to said heirsterm 1S71, in per- -. , . ......... . .; 1 V 1. F 1 IKuiic; in suiu uc-wr- o j d. .v. r isner unawife, and bearing date 2J.d day of Mav,lS74.Terms f sale, one-ha- lf of the purchasemoney to be paid on the day of sale in U.gold coin, remaining half in one yearfrom date or sale in like gold coin, the un-paid purchase money to draw interest, andpayment of same to be secured bv approv-ed security. ARTHUR WARNER,

S. Huelat, Referee.Attorney for Plaintiff.. .

N. ote. The - above land is situated nshort distance from the. town of Oswego,and contains valuable deposits of iron ore.Announcements will be male at sale thatwill no doubt satisfy jersons desiring topurchase tlmt they will obtain a good titleto the above premises. ; 5feb5w


tend Emigrants to Oregon, now In foreigncountries and sister States, and for circu-lating such information abroad by thisHoard, all persons in this State havingFarms and Lands for Sale or Rent, or de-sirous of forming Colonies, will plense for-ward to this Hoard a soon as possible de-tailed descriptions of their Farms andLands, Locat ion. Price and Terms of Sale,or conditions of renting: and all personsdesirous of obtaining Agricultural or otherLaborers, wPl please, communicate directwith this Hoard.

Itv Instructions of the Commissioners ofImmigration. . WILLIAM RK! I.ofeblm A State Com'r of Immigration.

TREASURER'S NOTICE.Treasurer's Offick, )

Salkm, Jan, 2!, 1ST-)- . J

VOTICE IS IIERKBY GIVKN THATjj t here is mo icy in the Treasury appli-cable to the p ivmejit of the followingwarrants drawn on the Treasury since thellth dav of September 1S71 to-wi- t: Nos.2!IJ, JO't, :7, :t7l, .'1S1, :tSK, ;!!U, 3i'.", 101, fl)5, :)t,;j'j7, 1!).!, K7, ;its, 4 in, i n, ;, 4 :0, 177, its, loo,4S7, l iS, 4S!l, 4"d, F2, 1Y7, 4'xl, 4lil, W i, 4!l.', 4!)1,4!)1, 4 IS, 4i)li, 417, IDS, I'.M, .)'). 4 111, .T)!, SI I, 51',oil, 51). olli, 517, 5i.il, 5J1, .")'2, 5j t, 5J5, 5J!,.).Jli, 5 57, 5.iS, 5!!l, 51D, 514, 51:, 51:1, 51'i, 5 IS, 51!,

")1. iVr, oliti. 5i7, 5S',Interest on the above warrants will not

be allowed after this date.A. IL BROWN,

5feblW State Tr!nr ".

1 IA.111 JEWKLltV.IV! RS. A. P. B.iAYTON,

HAS LOO VTED IN OUKttOX CITY,is prepared to do all kinds of

HAIR JEWELRY,Just as tfood, and cheaper, than can bedone in Sail Francisco. She also manu-factures hair, straight or tangled, intoSWITCHES, CUKLS, AND FEIZZETT3.Nice, Fine Hair Switches for gale, at

from J5 toi:.A full line of Tmitati m Good 'at San

Francisco prices.Those wishing wok lf , or to ur.'liaH;?

will do wl'11 to jjive her a call before ointo Port land.

All communlc itions by mail promitlyans n'criil.

All work warr mted to ive satisfaction.Instructions Riven in fancy work.Si I ver card-bo.ir- d fi r sn le.

J i cembcr H.

Executor's Sulc of Real Estate.

3Ur.UC NOTICE IS Hr.liKUY CIVKXj that by virt lie of uu or ier uiado by t heCounty Court, wit hln ami Itir the iounfyof Linn, Sr:ite of Oregon, on lies 4! h day of.January, 17), in the matter of the estateof Kdtvard S. Alir. e, d ceased, we, Mary A.Altree, , and Edward Walden,Kxeeiitor, oi t he last Will and Testamentof the said lvl.var l .S. Altree, deceased,will, onThursday, tl ltli tlay of February,1ST."), at the Court House door, in OregonCity, in Claeknmas county, State of Ore-gon, between tiie hours oi'i) o'clock in themorning and I o'clock in the evening oft hat day, to-.vi- t. : at t he hour of 1 o'clock 1.M., otr-- r for s.--i I" at public auction the fol-lowing described l state, belonging tothe said estate and situate in said countyof Clackamas, to-.v- it : The south half ofthe Donation Land Claim of Edward S.Wilson and wife, being notification Xo.

7 and claim Xo. 11, being parts of sectionsXo. 1 ), Hi, 21, 11, and 2S, in township Xo. 2south, range 1 east, and bounded us follows, to-w- it a point 10 chainsnort h and 10 ." chains east of t he sout h- -west corner of said !.". and runningth-n- ee west 10 chains; thence south laschains ; t ii nc ; east 1)3 lo i chains : thencnnorth IS .)i chains ; thnee oast A) 0

chains; thenc! north SO :!7-l;- 0 chains, totiie place ot beginning, containing ISS'iiicr's.

Terms Said real estate will be sold forgold coin or the L'nited States: one-hal- f tobe paid down on the day of sale, and theremaining half in nine months,oy mortgag: on the premises,

M.VUY A. ALTUEK. Executrix.EDWARD WALDEX. Executor.

Johns a .Ion ics, Atty's for Executors.Jan. 1"), lS.).-w-l


Main St., Oregon City.


Saddles, IIarnes,S::I;lievy-II- :i rtl-wa- rc,

etc., etc..

HE O EKE US AS CHEAP ASWHICH had in the State, at


C?l warrant my goods as represented



which I will pay the highes marketprice in CA.sir Dring on your hides and getyour coin for them.

JOHN" SCHRAM,Saddle and Harness Maker.

Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, LS7:-m- 3.



Hlsrliest Cah Price Palilfor Cotntlj- -




rpiIE TTNDERSpJNED PROPRIETOR OFX the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon

City, Oregon, keeps constantly on handSaddle and Hnggy florae,

IltiggieH, t'nrriageii mid Hack.Prices Reasonable

He will also run a hack to and from the

WILHOIT SQDA SPRINGSi durin!r tne summer season, with sood

horscs.com pctent and gentlemanly drivers.FARE AT LIVING RATES.

J. M. FRAZER, Frorrictor.Oregon City, MayC7, 1S7J.



SU Charle Hotel Building.J

Southwest Corner Front and Morrison Sts.

Poxtlarid., Oregon,



LAKGE INVOICEOr tfe LATEST STYLUS of all Kindsof Minalle

O T Q. ANnieMACCjItong-li- of the lanafiirturersKaut andlu Nuu f runcUru,

FOR CASH.And will be Sold at


Our A(,KT Kutt ha. mtiit u Telejftaiti.tatin tliat our Order, lur u


Boots and iShoesHave been Filled, andj


We Slial J imie to liecelve hy everySteamer Lar;r Inrnirctn of tltosu

Goods until our Stock isFull unl Complete,



On hand, which must be sold for



tit, Charles Hotel Building.

Southwest Corner Front nml .Uorrison Sts.

C. A. PEASH & GO.October 3', IS" I. ff.


JTK. iectiy sale. Apply tonovl'lw2 MRS, HOLES.



milE U.VDKItSION'F.n,having Increased thedi- - Qi .

mensious of his promises, at V.-hZ- Z... . . . -

tne old stand on ine

Corner of Main and Xlilrd Street,

Oregon City, Oregon,

Takes this method of informing his old pairons, and as many new ones as may bopleased to call, that he Is now prepared,wit li n tuple room, good materials, mid theverv best, of mechanics, to bin Id anew, reconstruct, mane, paint, iron and turn outrul complete, any sort or a vehicle trom acommon Canton concord Coach, lry me.Blacksiiiithinfr, Horse or Ox Shoringand Oeneral Jobbing nejitly, quickly, andcheaply done. IAV1I SMITH.


APPROACH OF THE PRESIDENT TIAL election srives unusual importance to thi events and developments ofl.S7-- . V e shall endeavor to describe thenifully, faithfully and fearlessly.

She U 'cktu Nun has now auaineu a circulation of over seventy thousand copies.Its readers are found in every state andTerritory, and its quality is well known tf)the public. Wc snail not only enueavor tokeep 11 iuuy up xo me oiu sianoarn, uui toim nrove and add to its variety and power.

2Vie Weekly Sttn will continue to-- be athorough newspaer. All the news of thedav will lie found in it. conaenseu wnenunimK)rtaiit, and at full Ienghth when ofmoment, and always, we trust, ireaieu inn ctenr. interest innrand instructive manner.

It is our aim to mKe t ne n eeciy &vn melx st. familv newsnai er in the world, itwill bo full of entertaining and appropriateread ins of every sort, but will print nothIng to offend the most scrupulous and dei-ecii- te

taste. It will always contain the mostinteresting stories and romances of thedav, carefully selected and legible printed

The Agricultural Department is a promtnent feature in the Weekly Sun, and itsarticles will always be found fresh anduseful to the farmer.

The number of men Independent In poll- -

i Ics Is inereasinl. and the Weekly Nun istheir naiwr especially. It belongs to nonartv. and obeys no dictatioT, contendin"-fo- r principle, and for the election ofthe best men. It exposes the corruptionthat disgraces th country and threatensthe overthrow of republican institutionsIt has no fear or Knaves, and seeks no

-- favor from their supporters.The markets oi every kind and the fash

ions are reported In its columns.The price of the Weekly Sun Is one dollar

a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty- -

six columns, as t nis oareiy pays the expen ses of paper ana printing, we are notable to make any discount or allow anvpremium to friends who may make sihjcial efforts to extend its circulation. Undr the new law, which required paymentof )stage in advance, one dollar a" year,Wlin twenty veins i tie cost oi prepaid Io.stage added, is the rate of subscript ion. It isnot necessary to get up a club in order tohave the Weekly Sun at this rate. Anyonewno senas one aonar and twenty centswin gei me paer, oKt-pai- d, for a year.

We have no traveling agents.the w eekly sun. Eight pass. fifty-si- x

columns. Only fl lu a year, postaire...v...n..l .1:...... at ii1 J v ,ulJl 1111118 irom mis rate.IKE 1MU.T Sir. A large four-pag-e

"""I'-i- " ' ' mniiii'i-nicnmiii- ns. Iaily circulation over 1JZ.W. All the news for. cent s. iMipscnption, postage prepaid Vcents a mom n, or oil a year. To clubs ofin or over, a oiseount of 3 percent.Address, THE SI X, New York City.

FORSALE.rpiir: U.N DKlWKiED OFFERS Illspremises, in Otfwesro. for Rale at a bar- -pain, for cash.. . Thcr is a fine dwelling

a .1 1 1 . ! . . . ...ana out wiuaui, orcn.imnna auout tnreeacres ot land, r inely situated for a board- -

inz house for the hands employed In theIf'Ml OIIk.'. d. )Y. V.Vli n.

Oswcso, Spt. in, 1S7I. 3w

FALL 1B7-I- -

Is your time to buy goods at low prices.Lbanat


are now receiving large stock ofiniau


Ml of the Latest Styles, which will sell


nir stock has been, boueht for cash, andwill sell it at a small advance above


TiTPWii.l.KAT TO EVERYBODY BEy fore you purchase or go to Portland.eoods and convincenr., iric nuri . n...

.ui .- --

consists In part of

Fancy and Staple

Dry Goods, Clothing,

Hats, Boots and Shoes,

Ladies and OentsFurnishing Goods,

Notions, Groce-ries, Hard-war- e

and a jrcHt many other articles too uumer-our- sto mention ;





We will also pay the Highest MarketPrice for

Country Produce.ACk'ERMAK HltOs.

Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1S71. tf'W. II. IIIGHFIELD.

KutublLlieil since ' D, at the old stand.Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.

An assortment of Wathes, Jcwel-ry.an- d

Seth Thomas' Weight ClocksJ. ."g all of which are warranted to be as

represented.7"Itepalring done on short notice, andinkful for past patronage.

THE GREAT RENOVATOR!A C'ertn in Cure for Itlii-iim:i- t ism nml

Jleretirial Ji U"e-- I ions, St-rnfi- i In, Saltlilieuni, Liver :d Kidneyp!iii:itx, leaKiiess, unit II IIDisease urii:i; fioiii nn iiitpnre

of the ItluoiLContains no Mercurial or Poisonous Sub- -

stance .

rrwiE STRONGEST WILL FIND THISL a .v. itreliintj (.'an; It n ay be taken by

the most delicate, with impunity, and theremaikabie success attending us use war-rants the proprietors in claiming it as theMost Reliable Illood S'ui ilicr in U&c.Its gentle action renders it rmiarkablvctiications in DysiK-psi- a and Constipation,giving the organs the assistance needed,and impairing a tone and strength soondisM'nses witii artificial aid.

Cut up in quart Dolt les. &olU uy all ueal- -ers, iroprietors.

t;iiAitiKS ia.M)i,hi vv ct)Wholesale Iruggst.s, San Francisco.


Farm to Rent.milK UNDERSKiNED WILL RENTX. his farm situated on the Willamette

river two miles below Oregon City, andcontaining 310 acres, for two, three or fouryears, on liberal terms, the farm has ISOacres under new fence, 20 acres of which isbeaver-da-m lnna, nicely seeded down totimothy, and is one of the best meadowsof the size in the State. Adjoining thismeadow, on the one side, is a field of 14acres, well set in timot hy and clover ; andon tho other side is 90 of slash inir. doneover a year ago. and burned over this fall.

It's convenience to market, whether toPortland or Oregon City gives it auierioradvantages. I will only rent to a personwno win live upon anu wont I tie larm.

I have also a half section of good land.4l acres of which is under fence, situatedaliout three miles from Aurora, which Iwill sell on reasonable terms.

For further particulars applv to the undersigned at his residence m Oregon Citv.

JU"- - .Nov. 18, lS71-fi-



i:f.i- - uj.nsiastI.Y ON HAND A- general assortment ot

ami CJliemitmlr.r frrniuiiCTJ, oapt,Comlw unl UritHlie..1 i'UMMOJl. Supporter,Uraoe lancj-- B

Toilet Article,. AT.SO ......

KeroNene Oil, Lnmn hi tuner?.UlaxK, Putty, Paints, Oilx,arniKlie and DyeKtnlTsPIKE WINES AXD Liqi ORS FOR )1E--

imi.VlL PIRl'OSES.

PATENT MEDICINES, ETC.1'rescrij.tions can-fuii- v

compriunaen, nna all orders cfrrcctly an- -swennl.

B7(pen at nil hours of the nkrht."All accounts mimt b paii monthly.

noVWI WAKll & HAIiUIli.Administrator's Sale.

"VTOTICE JS IIFUEBY GIVEN TIIATX Jennincs Smit h. Administratorof theestate of John Albrijrht, deceased, as suchAdministrator, by virtue of an order oi tneCounty C ourt of Marion county, Oregon,will, at one o clock p. M., onSaturday, the 13th day of February,A. D. 1ST5, at the Court Housn door, in Ore- -pon City, in tne county oi tiacKanaas mthe Ptate of Orepon, offer for sale at publicauction, the followinjrdescribed real estate,Titlw'L1ridian. belng part of the X. K. l4 of the N.

12, and part of the K. of the S. K. ofsection 11. and part oi the . Ji of the N.W. of section 13, in the county of Clack-amas, in the State of Oregon, for gold coinin hand. .

JENNINGS SMITH,Jan. 13 lS"5-,w- 4 Administrator.

Once More We Come!


With a Stock of

FALL & WHITER GOODS,AUG Ell AND MOKE AHKALinr.than ever before, bought from e preatFrancisco Panic, and wuicn we ouer

Greatly Reduced Prices. Our stocfc

OLOTHIISTGrbeen larjrely increased and w can

show as handsome a line of ready-ma- d

eoods in Men and Bovs Business amilress Suits, Overcoats. etc.. as can be found

me country, and at prices mat cauuok10 satisfy. Our'DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT

filled with a splendid assortment of allleading styles and fashionable shades

goodsEaprf ClotU,

Mokitirs, French andAmrrkau Uret. Goods,Black Alparra,

Hrilliantinra,("aslimerea, Wc.

FLANNELS,Plaid, riain and Opera Flannels, of all colors. Bleached nml I'nbteBChed CottonFlannels.Iadien' ami Gents I'oderwarc,snwi and Scarfi,Wool Blankets,

Trunk andTrHi wJlnc Salchrln, -

llaUamlCap.,Oil Cloth for

floor and Table.BOOTS and SHOES.We would call special attention to ourstock of Men's and Boys' San FranciscoBoots, which we have sold for a number ofyears past with Reneral satisfaction. Every part warranted. . eomnlete stock ofHARDWARES. FARMING UTENSILS:Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic

Family Groceries,All at Iiow Prices. Also,LIVERPOOL AM) rABMAX ISLAND SALT.

Highest Price paid for all kinds of

Produce sand Wool.eseplStf I. SELLING.


desirous of purchasing Town Lots inthe County addition to Oregon City, Clnck-iimn- s

county Oregon, that xre now owndby Clackamas county, that application forthe purchase will be received by the Cl-r-

in vacation of the County Court, Mid actedupon by the Court in term time, and valueplaced on the lots to be sold.

J. M. I KAZEK,Jan. 12 163. County Clerk.- -


Is widely knownas one of the mosteffectual remediesever discovered forcleansing the sys-tem and purifyingthe blood. It hasstood the test ofyears, with a con-stantly growing rep-utation, based on its

intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re-markable cures. So mild as to be safe andbeneficial to children, and yet so searchingas to effectually purge out the great Cor-ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulousanil syphilitic contamination. Impurities,or diseases that have lurked in the systemfor years, soon yield to this powerful anti-dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderfulcures, many of which are publicly known,of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases,Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis-orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches,Boils, Pimples, Pustules Sores. St.Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe-las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, ScaldHead, Riiifovorm, and internal Ul-cerations of the Uterus, Stomach,and Liiver. It also ures other com-plaints, to which it would not seem especi-ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep-sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease.Female Weakness, Debility, andIieucorrhoea, when they are manifesta-tions of the scrofulous poisons

It is an excellent restorer ot "health andstrength in the Spring. By renewing thaappetite and vigor of the digestive organs,it dissipates the depression and listless languor of the season. Even where no disorderappears, people feel better, and live longer,for cleansing the blood. The system moveson with renewed vigor and a new lease oflife.


Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,Practical and3Analytical Chemist.




RENEWSR.Every ve.nr increases the iO'ularity

of this valuable Hnir Preparation;which is due to merit alone. A e canassure om ohl patrons tliat it is keptfull)-- up to its high standard; and itis the only reliable and perfected prep- -aralion for re.stonn.sj Gray on TadedHair to its youthful color, making.itsoft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,bv its use, becomes white and clean.

T u . t 1 fXit removes an eruptions ami uauui uu,and, by its tonic properties, preventsthe hair from falling out, as it stimu-lates and nourishes the hair-gland-s.

By its use, tho hair grows thicker andstronger. In baldness, it restoics inecapillary glands to their normal vigor,and will create a new growtn, except,in extreme old age. It is the mosteconomical Hair Dressing ever used,as it required fewer applications, andcives tne nair a micuuki,O . . it . 1 T Ui.i.pearance. A. c. naves, m.u oiaioAssaver of Massachusetts, says uThoonnAtitnents are pure, and carefullyselected for excellent quality; and Iconsider it the Best Ifor its intended puiioses.


SM t K Druygists, nt'l Waters in Medicines.

Price One Dollar.

Buckingham's DyeFQE THE WHISKERS.

As our Kenewer in many ese re-

quires too long a time, and too muchcare, to restore gray r laded Whisk- -crf. we iavc v.reparetl thS dve, in On&

. . , .. , . .rflKtri(tlOn WIVlCIl Will jtTlCKIV ami

cftectuallv accamT)Vh tUU result. Itis easily applied, imd proluets a colorwhich will neither rub nor wasu on.Sold by all Druggists. 'rice FiftyLents.

Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CONASHUA, N.H.
















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