0], victoria, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is,...


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Page 1: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

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F 0 R 1 9 0 5,

1\'lTH J.





No,1.-[ls. Gd.]-3918.

Page 2: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

Prcparntion~Xot ~in~u. l'rintin:! (50() copies)


24 0 ()

Page 3: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



H.r;SltY t;, 'fUHXR!t, EsQ., l'.ltH,S., PT:.ESJ[JE.\'1:

THJ:: UUX. '>nt (l~;:\RY J. ~nUXO:-T, K.C.,Ln., K.\'., Y'JCE·PRf;J;WENT.

JA~I;.:i> ::>411'11, E~Q., J'REASrJT:l!l:,

EDWAlHJ JQIIK :.;'A~SOS, F..;;Q., )T.A.

HODE£\T L. J. I'.Lb!mY, EIOQ., C.\L<L, F.IL<, l<,l~.A5

ALEXA"N:OBll. 1,~;;~1'ER, EsQ., ~LA., U,,!,,

JJOLI'SWUXTH 1:, ;;HJH:!I;e, fuQ,

TL:·: 1\l\.Y. W, 11, l''ITCIIETT, B,A., LLB~

JVU~ ~'LnUl:;!{, F.;Q .

. -'ES.\TOn TU£ Jl(;!\, Hflt WU.LL\~l A, ZGAL, K.C.:'ILG.,

TJJ.E HON. 'l'HO~lA~ lJ.l::Sl', J\LL\.

\L".L'fi:J{ flALI!WlX t\t"t;C.C.EN, E~Q., ('.)1.0., :\L \., F.lU;;,

n:IW!.:IHCK ll. Hl~O:ULEY, En<., M,t..A,

UO!U:Il't MFl>hA'l" ·")Ill'H, K><i., l~.J.I.G., i>J,A.

'! UE !fEY. £, U. SUwn;;,;, M.A., U.i~X\

HI~ l{OSOU 111:1. JL'::'TlCE io'IJ.£t;KE1'r.

ElJ\VAliD CA.Rt.lLE, l:i:SQ., K.C.

,T. FOH.H PA.TEI\.SO:"', EsQ.

Lu:ttT~Cor .. W. 1'. REA¥.

ALEX. S. JOSKE, EsQ., ~l.D.


l:DY'CNJi LA 'J\Jl:CI.H: ARMSTltO'Stl., l! . .c", LI ... H.





WAL'J'Llt liA.LlHV1.ti !'il'EKC.b.U, C.M.G., l.f.A., 1-'.RS.




Fl!EDElt!Clt McC"Cti!HN


Page 4: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



I have the honour; on behalf of thx: Trustees of tile Puh!k Library, ~luseums, and National Gallery of Vlctoria, io .::ubmlt th(: ivllm·,ing report for tile ykar 1905 :-

J' TIIE 1' tiBLlC LIURAR );'.

The total number of volumes in ail lJranches of the lnstirutiun is now :220,116.

The Trusk-es feel that tl~eir lirst Uuty, in prt:seuting their Revurt lur tbe year, is to urge 11lNU thu Goverumcnt the nc--ct:ssr.) for mort: :.Hit:LtUUt\.' accommmLuio:1 ior tbest: V(.IUIDts, and fvr future i.t.Ci.:CS5ions. Larly .tl11j[ )i..'J.[ lllC) \l.;;_itcd uvvn the .P.tctm~·;·, and urged the Ut::siu:Jilily ill erecting new lZeu.timg Rovms b ket:pwg '\nth Ili.OUern requirement!). The time \\·as thought especially op:r"Jrtuue ior such .;.ctio~I, in view uf the retun1:ng _iJT06perity ot the couutr)', ~:nd fwm the i;,u::t tllat the juUik"e ul the Librarv wis shortiv to be cddmtted. That >Cdtlm.:.Lion i~ to rake pbce during the present year1 ami ~s it is twenty )tars since any adJitioncd S!JdCC \\ <.t.S proviU-eD fDr

Library purpores, the Trustee~ would again rei:ipectfu!ly urge tllc .:ae~e:.s:t) of adopt­ing some .such scheme as was !hen sulmutteJ. 1a a breat L1Unry scie.ntiilc cl<.tssilka· t1on is esse:r~ti:d1 and such classilication cannot Le 1noperly carried out Jn ov<...:rcru\\'ded and tm:mitable buildings. The Govcnmtent of Vktori~ 11J.s almvst always made generoas prorision for the l'ubli<::: Library J and t:H: State has thus Geen enaUkd to obtab a. L1brary that ranks very high amongst simittr inMitutions in the .l3r:titih Empire. The Trustees are anxious to uphoJJ the llrt:stigc of the LiUmry, IJut they are sadly hampert:U by the Jack of room. They lw.\·e lx::en COllll)eUcd to makc­use of such storage as was at their disposaL 111~\·entilJ.teU, .iE~lig!1teU, and un~uit­a'ble as this ..lCCorr.rnodation is, the time is almost at ha nU when 1-t \\ill be entirely exhausted. The Tru::'tees, therefore, desire to make an uq.;<:nt appeal tu the Goveru­Jnent to provide them with necessary means to carry out the great trust that lias lx.-cn committed to their hands. During the dark days of the Statt: they refrained from urging the needs of the Institution, Out with returning prosperity they venture ro claim a generous consideration for the really urgent requirem~mts uf 1.hc J?ulJ~ic Library.

The numl.Jer of books purchased fur the Library is considerably less than in the previous year J but in 1904 suiX: -...-ery large ~>et s ot works were added to the shd ves, and the number of volurnt:s Uoug:ht jn tbat y\":,U was, therefon::J greater than usual. The number of donations i:; a~mo~t <.:Xa<'tl y tlw s;une as in the previm:s ye.:u, ~ud the Trustees, in returning; gratdul ackmmlt>dg:nents to :he donor:..J would espcci::lly { 1r'aw the attemion of the Gmcrmnz'flt to t:w \cry liUcral treatment they receive in this respect. Th;:;y are anxious to reciprocate a:; Llr a:> pnssiUle, and they eumcstly hope that the (Joyernment \\ill :u~,'>i~>t tlu·m lJ) pro\ id!ng a, JilJ~ral numl)€'r of uflidal volumes for purposes of exchanges.

A Conunonwca!th Cop) right Act WJ.'i pas~;,.·d iluring tb: }\:ar, iKH at the im;t,1nce of the Trustees, the Ferh .. --ral Govt:Inrnent was good enough to resen--e the existing rights of the Institution in regard to the receipt ·of puhlicatior::.s i:;sucd :in the State.

The Trustees are plc<lst>d to report that thcr h:t n: lx."':::n able tu render a 1 aprer assistanoe than usual to the colllltry llhrarles in ViotoriJ. :\lore than 8,ooo volur~es We~e lent during the year, and, as the cases COlltaJn very little fiction, it is f-elt that the educational value of the3e drculating libraries mn~t lx_. \'er} oo:-~sideraUk.


In the ear]y part of the year the Director visited Europe O!l behalf of the Gallery, ma:nly wit!1 8. view to pt:rcb>sing works of art, .:~nd arranging for future purcha&."S under the terms of tf:e Ff>hon Bcque!'t. }.rr. Ha~l purch:1sed six oil paintings by ClauSC'n, Fis<:oarro~ Hohn:m Hunt~ ~feis}·oui,T, Amnn-Jean, and Jsa.h<'"Y; seven water-':olour drawings l;y ~hdox Brown. r M. \V. Turner, Varlev, Collier, Cox, and StanfieH; two chalk drawings b!· )bdox Rrown and Sandys'; ten pen and ink drawings; three f'ngravings; ;;, marble head and a l>ronre bust bv Rodin; two animal groups in bron;(• hy B,lr;.t:; antl :1 iJimlt:•.:' h<:ad ,md a bronze. o:.tatuett~ by Gilbert. ~fr. Hall also g·ot ieto -touch with many lc::Hling people in the world

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of an, and endeavoured to gain thr·ir interest for the National Gallery. On his return he submitted a. full and v:1lnahk: renort to the Trustff:s. who have sin<'\", with the CCHipeutlon of the l•'d!on Jkqur)sb C-::>nuniltee, :1rrangcd to cany out many of his suggestions. Otberf: :-~re sti!l under consideration, :md eYentually the T'lll~.tPes b":Jj"H~ lo- .trr:m;;e a r;du~mc 1Yhi('h will en:tb~P' the G:1l1err to reap t:.e fnll h:..:uefit of tho? magnifJ('f'Jlt l1\•quet:'t m·:r_ie by the Ja.t~ ).Jr. Alfrhi Fclton.

During tile :lhSent"f' of thf· Dirt'ct:orJ his p!ac.;:~ w~1:> Clcd h:- )Jr. F. :\kCnbbin1 who carried out t~1e duties (lf the oOi,~e to tl:e en1ire sntisf.1('tion of t~te Truste-es,

The triennial Travelling Schobr;:hlp was awarded to :Mr. Isaac Cohen for his picture, ''Reconciliation."

The Trustees are indebted to an nnkno-wu donor for a painting by Mr~ St. George Hare, entltlei 11 The Victory of F'aith," to }fr. Fnirfax :\Iurray for a copy of Rossetti's "Proserpine,P and to }.frs. Ed,"·ards for a land:K'flpe, n Southwnld,n by Ethvin F.dwards,


The Trm::tc"C:s ~:.:n·e nDthing- w report 2s to 1his sf'C:tion of the fnst:tution. \othing c:1n he done- to p:acc it on a s:1th:factory footing. until the Cnn:rnnwnt ~nablt:~ the Tras~ces to proYidc !he nwcss::1rr az~con1modat!0n for the exhibits.

"1· TuE XATIONAL Mus:Eu:1r.

The 8::1ditional lJt:i!ding~ for the Mu~·e11m {•n the Russell.strcet fronl wcrc fmished aet 1he end of t~tc yt>ar, wilh the exf'eptinn of the internal fittings, a:id the Director hopes to be able to open the::n at the time of tht• prop0:¥:d celel!mtion of the Jubilee of the Institution ln ~"-prll, 1906. '

The first nnmber of a r~ew ser:e.s of puhlic:1tions. to be known :.ts u Memoirs of the Nntional MtL~llmJ'-' was comple~.::d dur:ng the year, and :t h hoped vhat the series may be continucU 1 as such work is essential in the lnterestf: of the 1\[nsenm. The Director points out~ hmn:v~r, that the S<'"ientif.e :.t:tff is a Yerv small o1w, and it is almost impossiblP for the officer,:; to dc\·ote time tQ researC'h 'work.

The re-arr::tngcment and iahE"~1ing of the Austobsi;:m and foreign mineral coHet> rion:-; is now cnmp~etc1 .r,nd st{~~jy progres" has been mrvle in all departments of the Must·um. Jfcch of th0 \York done wili he 5ef::·n to better :1th":J~!f::ge wht>n the :1f'w

buildings are opef1('{1, r,nd the Dire-::tor ::10pt"s to m::kc the eoli~X'tion of Austr;llhn animals r:n e!=ipecia11y interesting feature of the Museum.

5. GENElV\:.,

The Honorahle Edward Langton, who had l¥.>en a Trust-::e for more than 30 years, and President of the Hoard since T 896, Jiecl 0:1 .the sth of October. The Trustees d.;:sJre to exprei=s 1'!-1.cir r0rognition of the many and valu:tble service_, ,YhLci_l he rendere-d to the Institct:on, and especlaEr their Dppreciatic)D of the er,rnest ond di::.intere.:<ted manner in which h0 songl1t to a:Jvr.uce th0 best interests of the· Ir.stlln~ tion during d:e ten H"ars in which -be fJiled lite office of rr{'sident. -:\[r, Henry Gyles Tl~rner was elWrcd Prt•sidt>n-:- in succession to Mr. Langton, and the Hunorabl~ Slr Henr~- Wrixon w:ts :1ppolnte1l Vlcx::-Pre;<;idi"nt. Mr. Jarr.t>s Smith wns chcsen to succeed ~Ir. Lmgton as C'h~·-irm:m of the :\"ational Gailc-ry Committee.

A racanc.y on th<: F('lton B{"f1Ut:sts Commith~e \nl;; also c:m~ed bv the death l'lf _Mr. Langton~ and _:xrr. John ~f;:~~lwr was el£'\;te"'l to rt"prcsc-nt the Trustees; in accord:mce w:th 11he ten;1s of !h: w;n of the latc- ~fr. Felton.

~ The Trnstet"s also regret to r<2'port thrrt Sir Br; an O'Loghl;;-n, who had beE-n a Trustef': si!1\e 1882, dif'd ln October.

:\ir. J 8me:: Smith w:1s re~elected a representath:e of the Trustee::; on the Council of the \\forking l\{enrs Co~legt.

Public Library,

I have the hOIK·ur to be, Sir, Your obed;ent servant,

HENRY G. TUR:\'ER, President.

Melbourne, 29tti March, 1906.

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Statement of Income and Expendifure

Suh· ! d!vit:"loltj


• 5

• 1

• 9 IU

ll 12


To 8a.lariC>s-l~ubHc Library­

Profe>:o;ional D!vi'lion · Clerical General



Industrial and Tcchnologic.nl MtF;cu:n-1-'ro!'essioual lHvl:>ion }~xclllpt Gcncra.l Divhdoa

NationnJ 1>fuseum­J}r-ofe~sional Division Clerical General EXI:'11f[!t


Xtttional Gallcrv··­l(xempt · ... Gencral Divl.,;Jou

To Contingencies

JAMES SMI1'H, Trca•uu•r.

... '

Amonn:. Tot.ul.


£ '· d. £ '· d.

2,7tll 0 u, l,!W 0 ~I :.:.uns 0

I 5.907 0 0

a no 0 n: 90 0 of

4139 0 0. _____ , 8.i9 0 0

I 600 (1 0 266 0 0

l,OfiW 0 0 '.!l2 0 u

------- 2,1'?7 0 0

970 0 o· 8t}\ 0 0

1,831 0 0 9,360 0 0

\ 20,134. {l 0

Page 7: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


:for F;'nancial Year ]904-:),


nv Sal~tdt:"<~ ·I' lll1!l\• l ,iborv­

l'rofp,osl~:nal Clerieal (ldH'ml





fndu<;t.rht1 ttntl Tl·chnolo~!C'nl ~fmemn-4 Profe11sinual JHviswn ;, Exempt (: (iencral Di~ii1'ion

"\ationnl ;\fusrum-Proft"ssi,mal c:erif:ttl {,eneml Ewm11t



Xatif,J1l1.1 (;11Hen~ n Ex(·mrl. · l:J (j:,m·•·al l>i>·isi"n

13 By ('vuliny<·J•cies

A:-:<n:.\T8 .1P~<kD,

l'ulolit' Lihrarv-Civric;,; Vldsion tf('H: r:~l.

fl~t1u:-rrln1 ;l!l<l Tc'-'hlJn!u:xical ;;lu:--vum-­(\ent·ral 1Ji¥;~inn

Frur~~"b; .d Divis.inu ('Jt.rbll G\~:il·J·:tl 1•:\(;1111''

Xnt.!owtl (ia!lcr>:­{ienvl':tl. Divi,.iut

... I

... i


Amonut. Tot.ol.

£ '· d.; £ '· d.

2,701 {) 0 1,00~ r, 8 !,:.!:tit l ~~ 9'

--I 5,63G 6 I>

300 0 " 90 11 n: 4S.B 17 8

~~--~--- .:-6~ 1C ' 591 3 4 265 2 8

1.060 4 :.t:W I) ll

2.149 I' • 970 0 i)

7n;" 16 [) ;

~--···~~- 1.6'7:"' J(j " !.I",IJi:iO " 11

]Ill 13 " 1\J') 0 3

" ' ,,

I 1\ 16 ,, 0 I; 'i 8 l~

~I 1:2 ()

1 ,j"'J ;; ; 451 <; 2 2fll) 16


20.134 0 0

··---~~·~ ·~·~~-~ ... ---

:E, J~· 1'. ARMSTRONG, Chief Librnnan ana SeC'l'ctnry.

Page 8: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j




Aug. 19, Oct. 3],

Dec. 8.

!90S. .Jan. 20. April 5.

MaY June

J.'l. 3.

12. H 27,

., 29. , 30. , 80,

Petty Ctuh Account, 1904-5.


To Ralnn<:c from 1903-4 ... . .. Fees, Pn.inting n.nd Drawing Schools." &le of CataloJ,tues Sale of Exhibits .. . Sale of Fittings .. . Suhprenns •H ..

Cheques-Books lost by Country Institutes Reeelpts, I.ending Library-

Fines, &c. ... .., Snle of Catalogues, &c.


Remittance to J. Longstaff ... .. By A. H. Massiua and Co .• Book-markers for Lending

l~ibro.ry .•• , .. . .. . •• rr_ Ramsay, expenses a$ .Tudge, Students' Exhibition

M •• Jamison, 1,000 Post-Cards, Lending Library Mutual Store-Luncheon to Judges-Students' Ex~

hibition ... ••• ... . .. V nrley Bro~J.-!i .000 Copies X ational GaHery Catalogues F. MeCubbin-llonororium T. ]". Moorc-Gra.tuity ••• ... . .. Vurlcy .DrofL-HJO Copies National Gallery CatalogueR

(bouud) ... F. :McCubbiu-Honorarinm Petty Cash Balance •••

;; .. d

li3 HI !_i 22 3

£ .. d.


£ .~. d.

936 " 6 1% 1 0 1417 6 18 12 I 2:? 10 0

4 4 (I

I 13 7

196 2 10

1,390 10 6

£ s . d.

100 0 0

2 10 0 2 • 9

4 3 4 2 8 0

179 ll 4 so 0 0

9 0 0

16 4 0 50 0 0

0 Sll 973 18 2

1~90 10 6

JAMES SMI'£H, Treasmer. Chief Librarian a.nd Secretary+

Page 9: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


--··----···--·---···--~·····---··· ··--·---

1904, July 1.

" 2fl. Oet. I.

" 21. 1905.

.f:ltL 1 &. J\l)Ti1 I, May 23.

To Ralanee from 1903-4 Interest on Fixeif Deposit [nterest on Debentures ... Interest on Fixed Deposit

Interest on l<'ixed Depol'it Interest vu 1 )ebentures ... Interest on F.ixeil. lkpm:it

N'oT£.-De.pnsit receipts, &c., hdtllly the Trustc<>F, 30th Jmw, 1905~

1904. Aug. 1;1, Nov. 22.

1\lll.'i, April 4. Juuc :w.

ll ;10.

~atioual Ba.nk of A ustrallt$Jia-

£2,8fl2 5s.,duc 12.4-.1905..

Commercial Bank of AustrA.Iia-

£2 1(l5,'ll0s. lOd., due 8.10.19051 and 30,9,14)06.

Special Assets 'frust­£1,535 Ss. &d.

Melbourne and Metropolitan lloord of Works-

Debenture~, £750, due 1,4. 1906,


By Dmft to )'fyH AHson, iucludlng is. 7d. premirnn ... Dmft to Myer Altson, including 4s. IOd. premium

Draft to Myer _Altsotl, h1clutl!ng 4.s. 10d. pr0mium Bunk charges Halnncc


... I

£ 8, d. 98 0 • :;s H 4 15 18 • 50 0 0

25 li 4 15 18 • 60 () 0

£ s. d. 31 17 7 37 14 10

37 14 lO 0 lO 0

167 9

28! 6 4


JA~ms SMITH, Treasurer.

E. L·.t T. A RM3TN.ON'G, Chief J,fbradan and l:Sccretary.

Page 10: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

-----···-·-· - ..



1904. • July l.

l!lf'..'i. J:u1y, JG,

1DOJ. Aui£. 9.

" ;H.

.Tune :;:1, B ::I:J.


To Baiance from 1005-4- , .

, Nntionnl ?IIutu;tl U~e As'locia•ion-R::-fnn<l


H.v Nn!!olnLl ).lntmtt Ut'e -\I'~Dti.at_im:--:tsqtranr:C> o! .r_ Lo:q:litn.lr , R·~·ute:r.-> Teh·gr,un t'oy.-t'.,t~;le 10 J. Lunpltilll'

ll.mk chn.r!!e>il lh1a:>et· fDf.w:wf to I \JU5-6

.£ '· d. ,').{ " " " ..

( "· d. t< ' l 1 ~ j u

0 l•J (, '1:-:- lj ,,

.;E< :c j(1

STATE\IF:;{T OF I!\::om: >\Xll F.XPI·:'lDlTL:RE U:>TIJJ>:R "SURT'Lt:,; Itr:VE\TE ~\Cl' I9nt.''

1901. 0l'l. ~-

,, :1 I. ' JUllP ;)P,j

l !)1)4. ()~·t. '15,

.. 16. ! Jnne :!'1, {

Oe:. L; .. , .Jnn<' :t7. r ])ee:. 14. l .rum• '16. J

l>JOU. ,Tune :ltl.

Tn Sjwi•Lt1 .ltlnwt··· J.y Trul~AI'.\'

• 1 ll,•_•iHil;nr~l'!\ll":!"


Cr:, ~~-~ <«·~···~~~--~~-~-

11\' B.c{' \ :::;nurt :w•i Tappi;.-.p-·of<-.;~LJJ>:•: ~en,'c0s; . \r. P. c;J:i,;t.•pllt'·r~ ... :-_ --:d,·J,><·'- ''I! •:mur:wl

Satit•;·:J Mn~un:: h:n!dlr::! ,..

, \\~ .. }. Sc.mu1od~~-c!erk d' \\'(>rkK-~a:~wy

hr ' 1'"• ti '!'! C·

E ~~.

l,:.uu n \l

£ d. ;\•;:\ } 0

' -l,i'L\1 ,, ,, ,-~ 0 H

ll; :o 0

!•j l " " 6,26::\ "

,, J A!.TES S.\flTH,

Treasm·e-r, E. LA T. AlDI~TRO:XC,

Cl!i(·f Libr:u<an awl. S1;u'ctary.

I c('rtify th:lt tlH:' lorqcoini! Etntnn('nj;; of Anouotil of tl1t> l'ahli< L[~,r:~r,l', ~ll!iV·JHl);;l,, n)l,) Natiut:al Galk:t,Y uf Viett,r::1 fdr tlw yc.u: 1!/tH<, ~HH'<:; b(,n cxami:wd w:•t ftH11hl cnrn·t:!. :m:l tbn.t T ban' in;,pectul the T>L•p~>;<.:t Rvn•lJ,[i! b:id loy t~'f' 'TtnsH't'" <•!J<t fi•!l!l'l :l){'H\ ,;t~n ('orn•t·:.

Tilf' ;\lswog-\•r of tlw B:mk <)t Aq~jra]n"\a <·Pni:f:tf; 1ktt rl1r: ~l•·liH,Uf!V :o~1d :.Idr<:po!Ilrm Board of '\Vorks De:bentnrvs :m:: hdtl by the Bnnk.

1'. 11. 1)RU1:-oRD, 28th Mareh, IBOG .-\ lJ 1lii. or·liCIH>ral.

Page 11: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



To tl;e Clurir;no;;

The Public Library, :;{eJbourne, I jth !\1uch, 1906.

ll?f library Ct'mmiitee.

The Chief Librarian lns the honour to submit the following report for the yenr J<)C5 :--

The r6IJ9S5·

r.u:r.l¥-:r of Yolc!l~es in :he Refcre!lc-e- Librr.rv at l he end of the year was Th~;: dddit:o:Ts f(t:- the \ <;:"''T \n::Te~

5,62+ Yolumes, 771 p:1mphlet~ . . 162 rn:I:Js,

4:? :9:? J lWWSfXlpt::·r:;:.

The number of visils pai(1 to the LlhJ;-JfY. ind~FHng a:1. estinv.te of those who \':s:tcd the Xf•" sp;tpcr H.oom, "-as ,)01 ·95.1· -

T11C' :1mmmt ;:;p;,nt 011 hindlng \\dS .£1 ,o,::;! T()r::. 9d., as £r,csT :r6s. 6d.

l wouh1 rei::erate wlnt has m,my Lirnt·s lx·cn said as to the necessity for pro­exlra accun~m0d::~t1on for t:J,- Lihnr_\. The lasl possible addition3l shehing

scpee/ed ]n1o ;he ~10!\.: 1{\,im. The l)uilding used for this purpo~o:: is ili-old, al1(: p:uti:dly 11t·l \Y!th >H)or_L ;_lJid tlw kml;or:try shelving is of common

\\l;od. Tn t:lis roa:I: :ae St\;;-.·d, er nc:,'c·s;,;(\·, thot:samls of nlnnble honks, what is pro:-:ald_\ !h,;• i'1ncst !d•r::c:~ of l'.atent pc:hli<:ntions outside Great

lh:t:;in. The (Vm;;cr frnm i!rt· is f'cn:.;:di -·.t'•h·. ·v·t'' lt:F~t::mding ,tJ: !be prec~llltio.cs of the Trustees. The ltJss of t]rc ;~<:::.oks l'l t;tis hui!ling; woul1J not only !)('- serim~s-it would !A· irr(·v;m:l~h·. So Ln the pt!h!ic ha:-; r;;r be:'L scr:ou:-1:-- :n(:om·e:ti<Bnced by t11i'> unfurtun;;t.;• ln<'k of rNn-:1; i>Ht: nnks,;; llto\·isi<n c:-m h-· mad+'" ror ~l:.e ac~:ommoJ:-t~ion of futur:.; 11dditions. serlou;:; .Hh:;inistr.lti\-t· dit1i·tdl;'-'K must ;ni;;:->-, a·1r: 1hc: Vlh;ic nmnot h: rz-.ttl:h s.z:rrt.:d, F0r !1\< nl\ \t>;;r,..; ihc onh :1·ltEtin:1 to tlF' a.<::rom:1lnt_L:"ctior: of t:l'-' Li1.ran· hns he:'f\. tht> Rntend:t: :hP room - n.'f('1"n__d !n, wh1d: has br·en ~lltnNl F<t<.) a":-mn:·.;nnm, Tlkn· -~~~·no ll'hl'lz.'.l \n tl:;• l,Jl,ran, DfJ ::>t:l<'k>r00ms

1 and

r.o pr;n·ii!iiof! for F'-.:p:-1'~--<i~Pl. EH'r"> e:,· ,·di, nt l :'11 n~··d to m.lk,_-. 1h0 Lest nf the :-pace av;dlr.blc !'or fw l.ih-.L"~ .. :~-·-J! ;J'i" ;v·· nn;n1r·dati<>n i" ,.,h.1u:;te.J, ;•nt1 :n t:u: m:ar ft:t:n:_· lr \\ ::; h :.r:ni(>":J,L• LJ p:.'Yi'!~l c•:nlusinn-. ;;hich is o1w of th0 w<Tst .-~dls th·.t can h:l:;p,:_-·) 'n ·'- Li>:r;~n .. \\h·'r,· s·.\~.-,1: :m(: :m~ essfntl.lL

Arno:1gst J:cn:tl;le i:o(,~(C: uhh·.-' ~P 1h· 1.iLr:n;. tluri::1~ th<" ;..::ar we-re th.:: folJowing: -~-J.'landin et Cn::<tt', rar.r-:.:e i'll F,?_•C: IJ.t rE':l'>(ll'., /)rah'illf;3 of il;e Floreuti;u Painter;· \\~drd ,~nd l<d;t·Ei. Noift;c:·I· \Yilli.:-_u:.on, l!t:.-hn,- oj Portrait ,1/il.<iature/ Fost~r .. Ff!rtrazturc of ./lllr1 -(J;rctn c;i ,'-,>rL.- :\lilk s. Jl<~;m1uh of Grr:ut lJrita!n; Uodki n::~on, Bah: l (!!t,,-t!l! Ta.:'i:l.':d; i'ri::< :/, 111 l Fxpcditious f(J Patagotria ,: Rcx 1::-:'~"· Nulu:n.i :. Il~'.ml_'nfJJ1, Ftr/t.i;:gs tJ/ /i'o!!hraudt; ::nd the co:np>:te works of Schum::mn nnd J:rucknor.

Till~ intc·rior d thL-· (2w·t·n·s !{c:H1iPg Ro~Hn was thoroughl: c:eaned and rederoratt".•rl rliJring the ;.e·.u. <1ml t!Jt--' l:::.nry Hail. l'.hi1·h l1acl l_,ccn sim]d_: limr~,\u:~!lcd whcr. ll W;l:-\ hui:r 1;1 1886, W:'.S painted for the first tinw.

Page 12: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


The tot~l numbe-r of borrowers in the I.cnrhng I_.ibran :1.nd the numhf'r of hooks rc:-~d are both sli;;htly less :h:m in t~1c: pw-:eding yE"ar. The 1111mlx~r of borrowers was 8d40, US ag~l:I:;t 8,731 for l~l(' prc\'iou:; :--ear, ~mrJ tlw numl?!'r of yr,]l1ll1051 iRSllf'Cl \VHS 172,It8, as a~-r,inst 181 1 ,)25 i""uL-0 in I904. This m~y lx• due fn \'arimt" ('n_t:sfs, }'rre Lending Liln:arics hnve been OfX'!ned by Hnrnc o( the mnnlcipJ~~ties, and ·works of fiction, for which. public df'm:tnd is nhva}s hcaYiest. are frrcly supplied thE'se 1iLmries. The Tntstecs, ·on the other hand, Inn: deddf'd not to incre:l!'e the works of fiction in the Public Lending Library. In this department alone tht:: issuE's ·were less thar. in the predous ye-ar by near·ly ;looo~ so that t~e fnl!ing~off in other depart­mo:nts is very trifling.

The readers j n the Lenrling Libr;uy are lX'ginning to understand the necessity for strictly enforcing the rules, Complaints hnve Elf"en few, fincs 1 for the most part, hav-e Wen paid ungrudgingly. 8.nd boo-ks han: hcen treated w:th more C'arE" than in the past, Thefts are pradir:ally unknown, nnd t::ases of p;rnss carf'1essnes;; nt'f" rare. Thf' svRtem of or:x;n acc-ess in this department may now be f:-tirly said to :-wve proverl t1w advisn­bility of its ad0ption. I regret to ha\·e t{} f('port~ howe'.Tr, that the want of ~pac.:: in t>.is bran<'h of the Library) afi \\'f'l~• rts in the Rcfert'nce Df•partmM1

1 :s. heginning tt\

he severely felt, and t:-le er<'ction of ncr('!>sary extra shf'lv1ng \l;i'll to some {''Xknt ;f"Silt'n

tht; rlirc>Ct supervision of borrowers whilst thf'y J.rE> looking ovrr the hn{)ks. On:v rh;ee books \V('te unaecmmtcd for at the annual stork·taking.


YEAR 1905.

llo<le oi AoquL'<ihlon.

Pnrch!LAe ••• 1lonation ...


£ it, d.

399 14 4 I 14 6

Tota.la 1,797 401 8 10

• tuclwlcs 801 ooptes ta repli\Ctl withdrawn worn-out, Jool!s.



Generul "\Vorks of Rt>.funmce L J>hilooophy 2. Religion ... 3. Sooiology 4. Philology 5. Natural Scien.;.e 6. Useful ArtR 7. ll'ine Arts 8. Literature 9. History

Fiction ·~·

us 205 53;J, 2,4-!14

1,~!'il) 4.737 1,652 4,556

108 311 1,218 4,919 1,863 10,985

947 5,819 3,0\l(l 12,304 6,319 24,618

·11 1·42 2·';5 2•64

•18 2·85 6•38 3•38 7'14

14'31 58•8 5,432 101,210



Page 13: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



Loans \Yere made to 63 Libr:ai.Ps i:1 Ylrious parts of the State: cltaing the ye'.H. On-r· 8,ooo Yolumcs 1n~re lent in. this w~1y, ond, as many of these circulate freelyJ it :n1.y fairly Le assumed that, Ly means of these Libnrit'S 1 u \'ery large amount of n:-:.:ful information was dissemin;:Lkd amo•ng-,r dw~llers in rernott: Cl)lmtry districts. Borrowing Institutes are gi\cn the uppurtlmity of stating the rcquir<:mt·:1ts of tl:eir district:; as regards agrlcullura1 1 mining, n~ otht•r technical infonnation, and 1 as far as ~imired means will allow, cYery effort is made to meet thei~ ·wishc·s,

The foil-owing table sho\\ s ddaiis of the loans ie this branch Jnring tl:e year under reYiew :-

BooKs } ... ENT To l1EcrrANICS1 lNSTn't.:1'.t:S uw frn:.& LruHAlHE~, 1905.

:San:c. of Insti~ute.

1\mphithcatre l!'rce l,ibm;y J1aJI!m Mechanlcs' In:;:iwt,o: Baringhup Ljhrary ... Beech Forest Lihnny Binf:'gurrJL Medw,uh:.s' lni'!ti~uk Ulackwot1d )Jeclmnks' In;:;titutu llloomfidd f'rc<! LiLra.ry BrltJ~Qlong ~1;;chu.nic:>'.In~<tituto Bright Frc<: I .. ibrary Butmgor J'"ltbJio Library Bungarec 1\:Iechanie<;.' inBtitntc }{yat!uk Mechanie~;' Institute ... Cape Clenr Free Li&rary Cobden .Fre<: J .. ilmu·y Coh!"'.uo )1cchnuics' Institute . Colnc l!'rnc I.ilmtry .. . Cowes Free Lihrary .. . lh)llltld 1\'f<--clr;uJiC;;.' lnstituh, Euat Brighton l'ub1i.- Library ... Egert.<:m ~1t;eit;lnif'_,; I1:stitute . Fcmtree Gully Pnhl:e Library Frnmlingh.am ::\Jee-lmnics' Institute Gerangamete Pnblic Hall Hamilton h-fcehanies' Instilute Heidelbf'rg Public Library Horstw.m M<'clmulcs' 1uslitutc.. l{aleno }feeluurks' lnsUtnte , .. Katamntite Mi:clHmie;;' Jnstitutc K!ewa PuhHe Library Koondrook Free Library Koo-wee~rup Mechanics' Institute Lanoefteld Free Library

No. ot Yolumes



10.5 91 44

196 50 99 1~1 4S 48 08

203 99

106 ]03 lOO 191 HH 53

lOO Ho

9tl I 189 205 I 198 189

I >5 ~Si

52 w:t 181


196 [94


?-"o. of Name of ll~~~~~utr Vnlumu


Brouyld fort•:arrJ 4,2!10 Lr,nlner M<:eha.nie£<' lnstitutu .•. ;J;)

Llutou I'ubllt' Library ,., 41 Lower Gellibrand Library ... i)ii 1Htthlou Atllen:etun ,., Hl6 Monbulk :Mechnulc!l' lns!itute 205 :Moort,lpna },1\!ehanks' !as!ilntc to:; Mmt!nke ::\tecl:n.nics' Institute 4; Narracan Free LHrral'J' 101 Narmcan Puht!c Hall 48 Neerlm East i\fcclmnii'ti' Institute 1B7 N uumrkah Mocha.nies' J ustitutc 198 Port )fclilfilll·ne Ifree Libmrv 191 Pt,rtland Fret• Library · 102 I'rinectowll Mechanic~;' lnstitntc 91 Romsey ::\lochnnlcs' Ins! i~u!c 294 R•,t!hcrgl•:n Public I.ilm;ry 178 f-ilK-ppltrt:m Free l'nh1ic Li!JNry :177 Snw:tton ,\1(>(•\mui.::>;' bi'l;t\ll\~ 0~1 Tal !Jot 1'uhlie Li!.mn·y 9i 'T'atura Mct:haHius' ln~titute J::l!i 1'noradln Mcchanie~' Institute Hl:! Trar.alwm Mcch::mit's' l nstitute 14~ VIolet Town Moclllmlcs' 1nslitute 1\1-1 \Varragui l'ublic: Library 101 ·webster1s Hilt Free Liltrary .l1 Weeaproiuah )lechu.nics' lnk1titntc I 01 Whitilesea Free Library 97 \Yillung 1-.{uehanics' Institute.. 45 \\'o(xfend :\Icchanks' In:,titulc 9:l Yarratn Meehanics' Institute '" YarraWOilga :M:ccha.niea' Institute 189

Total . SJli8 I

E. LA 'f. AICIIS'fRO~G, Chief Libre.ri•n.

Page 14: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



Appro'>:hnat<l \ah;e,

£ $ • d. .1:-'urctutse, including duplicates 3,522 ;l 3 " 3,7::!i 2,165 6 3

Dm:a.tion, including dupHca.tcs: 1,946 616 173 5 1 :'!, 102 ! ,391 I:! 5

Copyright 196 14;'.1 BG 24,098 3{13 " 5

Pamphlets bound into volumes 20 -----~--~

&,fi84- 42_.921 3,860 0 \Yithdra.wn 50

--~-- ~~-~~-

'I'otala 5,624, 42,921 3)86tl 0



TII15 Y BAR 190.),

Reli!tion Philosopl1y Sodal Science History t'!eience Fine Ar1s Arts and Trades Philology Li terntu:re Fidion Bibliogtaphy

!856 1866 1876 1886 1896 1~97 1898 1899 1900 HWI 190~

1903 1904-1905

Clt:iNHlca_Lion. YohutH;~·. t'am}•hl"h. Maps. \li,;;:('l!ll,f!<'QU<;,

--------- ----··

:~4(! :n 7~ 4

1.411 253 1,1(\(~ 98 12.1 1

782 219 5~ 2~q 2S l 86.5 ll;l 185 5 54 1

603 :li H

134 tlS ;

[)t684 83$ I 362 8 . -~


Yw.r. I ' No. cf VolumE'a-

1: (inclnditJ~ •.inplicatesl.

·-- ------ -------~----~-~ 2'2.769

2l5,3(t'J :i14-,HiZI 395.701 35.':..~1:!0

:1:18,50.'i .3-ll,G:H ,).)8,419 3(i 1>7~i ;~!h/,Otll


354,5B:t 3SU,I62 361,91$3

.'i,B4fi 41,232 13,20:2

108,784 140,120 141,90:) 144,5-!8 J47,t-i9 1:~~.9:1t) 158,!117 l(;.J,7(jl 170,715 177,544 183,168

Page 15: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



TT:TI(i:'iS 1~ V1croHu, tHSTRruuTt~o THnt;t:uu THI~ Puuuc: LIBUAJtY DCIU!'G 1 ~)(\).

'l'lrrnugh lhe :::;mithsor.ian Jnst.itllticn Hy po~:

Xo. oi l'ul>lkativn~.

4:17 581

10 Hy lumd .. , " . 'l'iJrough the Tender Bonrd

Total -------·--1:--- ---·---1-- _sn __ ,_

s 805 i 1,088


T.u:Lit i:hlo\nXG 'I'JJC ~cmnw OI<' CAJH:s A!\D PAJWEL::. FlW'I SotmnEs AND INsTI­·JTTWN"i ot:TSILlE oF YicToJtJA, 11J8HUHUTED Tl-IIWt:UH TUE PuBLIC LnmARY, 190ti,

Smitlwonia11 T11~ti:1:tinn l'\"w Sn11th \V a!, .. , iOovcrmw:Ht h:xch~l:r.ge Doa,rd :\linistt•r .,f l'n!•lit~ Jn~;-n:dim1, l't'alH'P ' I\ on :'ILgucHsch(' l'll )letH)rologische ( )b,.crnltoriun<,

Jj.,ttn via



2t> ; ;,



Ab!'r<h:et< PulJlic I .. ihrm·y • , Aead•:my of X~ttnrnJ i'Sclcnce;, P;:Hnddphia Apndi:mi<.' Royllle f!e [)('lgiqw: • . . . ALl vt·rti.~cr (Adelaide)~ 1?1'< ·: •rielors ;,( llm Advoc.1t'-·--~l'1opdet-ors of th• A;e~-Prnprkd.or~ nf tlK . , Alhnry lh'.Uy :\ews-Propdetors of the Ah•:-.audl't {.T.) Alirrll i!lHl f'o. Am\·rYFilll lll'U\I('l'~Pn,pJ·ictorR of the Ar:t(Ti,.;c.n 1•:.:-.dmngf' ~ai iouaJ Bank • , A:swrknn Ccv_c.r·aphicnl So•·iety of ::-.,·(·w Yo6: Amrrkr.u Hist<:rrf,•al As1od,aion .. . llUJHh ol P~y;-h[l',d :-:cil2:t(·f'-l'l'op!·itt<,r':' of Arnr01t. C'l!ronidv----Pro-prif'tors of tho .. Argu>~-Proprietors of t-he • , .. Art lnstHutt of Chir.n!!,o •. Ashton uutlcr·Lyne Ftoc PublH• L1hrarv Auckland Insti;uro and Museum ~

I r;


I l

483 i"


18 ·----·-736

313 52

513 313

104 Gl3

Page 16: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


ScaenuLE 6-continued.


Anstmlasian-Proprictnrs of t.ho , . Ansi.t·ala.r~ian A;;sOei!1 tion for Advmwt:mcnt of ~den eo AIIlltralasian StaJ.[e Ann1ml-Propdr:turn of the Austnllia,n Christi1m World-P:ropdetorii of the Amtralian Star .. ~l)roprietors of the Bailey (F. Thl.) 1Wuto!l (0.) • . . llat;J,vi:ta.1ch Gcnootachap vru1 Kunsten en Wet.onscha.pp,:n Buthurst Dmly Argns~Proprictors of the . . . , BatterSea J?ublie Librarie~> Ii:clgi:Im-Govetnrnent of Bcrrf;:rnn AdYQi.•nte~l~-'Oprictor;; of the Bibliotheca da Marinha (Rio de Jaudro) BiUliot!:w;:k dt'r Unht·l\·,iteit vnn .-\mstcr<lam BibliothPq ue Nationtde de Hio ;le Janeiro llibliotheque Publiqne de Gew}"·'~ Birmingham Free Librnr:ies Birmingham Univcr3ity Bodlciau Library, Oxford &okdel!er-Proprietors oi the Boston Public Library Brisbane Courier-Proprietors of the Bristol Art Gallery , . Drist.ol Public Lihraric~ Briti.s:l1 and Forei~n :\.J;.t..i.Sl~~·n·ry Sueict.y .. British Association fw tllc Advanoomcmt of &it:mce British AnstrniMian-Proprictors of tltc l~1itish {'AJhnnbin-Govcr!ltnent of . , Britislt }ledical .c\s,;oeiaiion (Australasian Brunclu;:;) BriHsL. l!!l.Seum-Truskiill ot the , • • . Britii:lh South Africa Compa.ny .. Bwwn (G. A.) •· Hruuo" .• Bur.rangong ArglL'I-Proprietorn of the Calcutta Imperial Library L~Hfornla Academy of &k•!ll:cs California. State :Ui1ard of Trade Ca.xnbridge Obst'rvatorv C[l,mbridie Puhllc Fm~ Lilnu.ry CarnbrJdge University Library Cameron (W. C.} Cttna.da--Oovernment of Ca.w·tdian IuaHtutc Ca.nter"!:tnry College (Nt~w %ea.la.url) Cape of Hood Hope-Government of Cape Times (Daily Edition)-Proprietors of the .• Cape Times (Weekly Etlition)-Propdctora of the Ca.pricornian-Proprietors of thn Carey (&v. S. P.) , • Carnegifl Froo Library (AUeghcny) Ca.rnegie Inetitution of Washington Camegie Library (Pitt>Sburg) Chleago Board of Trade , , .. Gltroniole (Adclaide}-Proprietors of the Chronir1uc de Frnnce-Proprietors of the Cinci.:nnati .Publi0 Library . . , • CUy of York C:orporttJion Art Gallery L'low (It. J.) . . .. Collcdgc n.nd Sons . . • . Colliery Guttrdian-Proprictom of tlte .. {)olonial Cunsignrncut a.ud Distrihuting Cou:pt:tny. l,ondon., Oommouweu.lth of .Antttra.lia Congress-Libtary of





i as ~ ..


I :ls


I"~ I '.~ g! :~!I :

l ..

• a '" • ~~ >l ~:t


G2 313



Page 17: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


ScHEDULE 6-con!inued.

~ !

I . ~:I i i. d Donor.

" !U_~ i ! ~ ;f~ ; "'"'

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station 1 .. I Oooigardie )Ilu<>..r~Propridors of the .• 313 Corowa l!'ree f'res'l~.Proprietor.i of the .. 104 Craft:>nHln--Propr.idor::l of the I Crc:<>cPnt C!nb (Bahimort:) . , I Critic (Adelaide)-Propdeton nf the 52 Cypruf<--Governrnent of I Daily Mail (Brh;bane)-.Pro:rwlc-torN of tl,e . , 313 Da.iiy Telegraph (Lo.unceston}-Proprietors of the 313 Dn.i!y 'Teiev:raph (Sydney)-Proprietors of the 3!3 Dar~ing Down" Ga""ette-.Propl'ietors of the 313 Daytun Pnblie Lih"ary aud Mus.eun1 I De Bunnwi<' ille (,T. ~.) . , I Decimal A;;sociation of London D"..1 Ingtmieur-Proprictors of the Derhy 1-'rPc Pnblit> LiiJrHry, )h!:iC':ml, /Uhl At·t Hnllery Df'd'rct &n1i-Wt>ekl:v Xews-Proprietor~ of the .. 138 Dighy, Lon,.t. aml (\>, I Dtoeese of PBrth (WPsi:Rm Aus.tra.lia) I Drtqrcr,;' Reemd--Proprieton;: of tho 4 Dulwieh College {ia\kry l Dmmtan 'l'imes-Propd0tors of the 52 Durand, Buel, and C'o. 1 Etll'l1lfHHl (L.) • ' I Blcctrital Engineer-Pr~Prieto;~ of thf' 2 J;;ngliilhman (Ca1entta.)-Proprietoro <Jf the 52 Enuch Pratt Free Lil1rary . , , . • . Evening Obdetwr (Hrhbane)---Proprjt>t.ors of the 313 Evening Post (\Vel]ington)-T'roprietor;; of the 313 Ex:nmincr (Tasmania)-Proprietot.i of the 313 FederaJ Standard (Wentworth)~l?roprietors of the 52 Field Colurnhlan 3Tnseum 4 Fiji-Govt;rnment of 1 Finley Free Press-Proprk-tors of the 52 F;Jr'\x;s Lihraxy {.\hsi'Juchm;ettG) I Fowlf'r P-lrs.) I -France-Govcrnment of 2 Ptet:tnan'll Journi\l (Sydney)-Proprietors of 52 Freornnn's Chronicle (Syduey)-Proprietors of 12 Oath1.~0 di Brane&ecio (G. R) .• .. I .. Uazeta Polska (Chicago)----Proprietors of the 52 G<'mlilde~Galeri!• (Wie::1} , . 3 G-eoiogical Sooiety of London . • • . 2 1 Get·a!Uton E~presa {WesLern Austra.lia)~llropriotors of the 52 Qiddom (J, l ,) . . . , .. . . .. I Giesaen University 3 97 Gl11sgow~City ot I Gonion and Gotch Limited I G-ospel Stn.ndard-Proprietors of tho 3 Grand Rapids Pnblic Lihrary • , I Great Britain-~Govcrnment of 741 109 168 Green (Dr. S. A,) 6 35 Grt'y River Argns-Proprietors of the 81 Ha.lhtek (I':. 11.) , . • , Hamilton Soi.cntific: Association I Ilarrb (A.) I Hnrh• (H. C.) I Hru.·vard Univemity 1 He~n0IJ\Vay(A.) •. ., •• Herald (~IelbontnB)-Proprietors of th.e .. 626 Holla:Hl---Uove:rnment of • . . . .. .. 7 Hollattdo;:che MMtschappij de:r Wetensoha.ppen, te Hn.arlem 4 I Howo.rd (J.) 8

3918. ll

Page 18: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


ScHEDULE 6---<:ontinued.


Illn.a:trttted London News----Proprietors of the India.-Governrnent of , , Indin.n a.nd E~tem En~ineer-Proprietors of the Indiana Acl\deroy of Sctenco . • • • • , l~a.acs (MoA-4) Japan--Govetnment of Jolm Crera.r Libra.ry John Ryla~trl1 Library Ka.iserliche }Jrmitn.ge {St. Peter<>lmrg} Kn.lgoorlie :'lliner~Proprietors of the Kon. PrerL":Sische Akn.derni.e der Wissen.schaften {Berlin) K6;1gl. Natlona.l-Gnlcric tn Berlin .. KO,gl Ungari,.chen Na.turwi~<stmtn:haftli,~hen Goo:elliwhnft., Konlnklijk Instituut van lngenieurs ('s-Gravenhage) .. Koninklijlm AJta,demie ntn \Vis~enschttften (Amsterda.tn) Konbklijke Bib!iothook de 't<·Gra.venha.ge Lake \Vakati.p Mail-Proprietor:. of the., Lender. --Proprietor!\! of the Lo O<;voir-Proprietol'fJ of Leeds City Art Gallery Leip.::ig t:" niversity J Lenchan (H. A.) Linneo.n Society of Xew South WalecJ Liverpool Puhlic Librn-rieil, Mnsenms:, and Art Gnllery London and Provincial Directorv and Continental Guide-

Proprietors of the . . . • ~ .. London C.ommittoo of Deput:ca of the Brit-iJJh Jews London County Conndl . • . . . . Lyttelton Tilnes~Propriet.ors of the ~Ia.ckay Chronicle-·I)roprietort> of the Mackt>y :Mercury~~ Proprietors of tho Mackenzie (Sir E. ~1.) !fAnchester Art Gt>\lcry Manitoba-Government of ~fnryborougb Chronicle (Queeusln.ndj-Propdetors of lihe Mealy (J. D,) Melbmmte and }fetropolitan Board of \Vork'l Melbourne University Melbourne Cniver>~ity Library Mercury (Hobart)-Proprietors of , • . • • . Messenger of the Pre~byterian Chnreh (New South Wa.lfB)--

Proprietors of the . , , . • . ~[etropolita.n Mnseum of Art (New York) . . . , ~lining Engineering, &<'., .Journal (New Zea.land)-Pn:>w

prictor,. of the : , , .. Mining News {Cr~)yUon)~--Propdctors of the ~I1ssouri Botanical Ga.rJens .. Mo,titor (Ln.nnces:tou)-Proprietora of the ~Ioore (W.) .. ~for daunt ( E- A. R.) . . . . Morning Her<l.ld {Pei-th)~Proprietora of the Morning Post (Cairns)-l'roprieWr!l of the Morris (W.) • • . • • • . , Mount Magnet ll!ner-Proprietors of the Murchiaon Times>-l'roprictor3 of the .MusCe Teyler • , }.fusees Roytmx de Peinture et de Sculpture Bc1gique }.lna.oo Civico di St(Jria Naturale di Genova ])fulleQ Nacional de .:\fexico Museum of Fine Arts {Boston) .. lt!m~ica.l Herald-Proprietors of the Na 11!\ta-·-P:roprietors of Na.tal-Governmeut or


98 141 2


2 1 7 3 9 1

3 4 4

1 1 1

1 9 1

1 2 1 • 1 4 5


1 2


l 2

l 2 I I 4 l





62 33

313 156 I 56



12 62

3!3 313

52 156


Page 19: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


SOI!EDULE 6--ccntinued. -------

·-----------Do--oo·-'-· ____________________ l__1l__~--~-·~----l-~--~~---i_· __ l __ !l National Gallery (L-oudon) National Gallery and 'Na.tional Portrait, National Gallery of British .\rt Nationu.l Gallery of Scotland

Gallt:ry (Ireland)

National Portrn.it Gallery Natnrfor8ehenden Gc-flell~ehaH za G6rlitz Natuurkundi.:.; <knootschap t(l Groningen New Sonth Wales~Government of , .. Ne-w Sonth 'Vales Zon]ogical .Society .. New York Public Library . . , . . , 11rew York Sbk- Ho .pi tal for Crippled and Deformed Children !\"'ew Zealand-Go,.-~rt.Huent of •. ::few Zealand Her-ald-Proprietors o.f the )lew Zealand In3titute • , , . New Zealand Lnivernitv Nort,h.Wcst 8mu~t 1'o1;rist Aflt;ocjation (Ta!llnanlaj Northam Advertiser--Proprietors of the Norwtly-Government of . • . , Nova Scotietn In~titute of Scit•uee Ontario~Government of Osaka Library •. Otago Daily Times-Proprietors of the •• Ont and Home-Proprietors of .Peabody Inatitute of Haltin:ore Perry and Co. Phil:P (Re\'. tt.) .. Polyne:J.ian Gazette-Proprietor;~ of the Polyuesian Soelery Positivist Revi;c>.w-Proprietorn of the Prat·t Institute (~ew York) Prideanx (W. R. ll.) .. Prince ton University • . • • Puhlic Library of the District of ('_,olumbia Public Library, Museum, and Art. Gall~~ry of South Australia Punch (~telbourne)~Proprietor:i of , . . . . . Quoonsland-Government of Quoonsland Times-11roprietors of thf' Queenslander-Proprietors of the • , Rateigh Snn (New South Wa.lPfi)-~PrQpriet.ore of the Real .Aca.demla de Cienciaa (Madrid) . • , • Regiaoor (Adelaide)-Proprletors of the Richmond River Express-Proprietora of the Riverina Gra.:.der-Proprietors of the Rivecina Recorder-- Proprietors oi the Rotlier (W.} . . . . . • ~oyal Agr.icultural Sooiet.y of Engl!Uld , . Rova! Colonial Institute Rojal Geographkal Society (London) Royal Picture Gallery in Dresden Royal Se-ottish Academy oi Painting, Sculpture, and Mehi·

tee tu re RoynJ Sooicty of Canada Royal Society of New South Walt•i! Royal Society of Queen~lund Royal Society of Sout1 Austruliu. Royal 8tatistical Soei('ty (Lor.don) Royal United Service lnsLitutiou •. St. Louis Mereantile Library Assoeiation St. Louis Public (Free) Library Sa.lelll Public Libra.riea . . , , Sa.mo.a.niaclie Zeitung-Propriet;ors of the Sanderwn (W. A.) • • . . , , Sehuyler (P. P.) ·


I 2 I 2 1 I 1




3 1


1 5

2 2


1 2 I 1

1 2 1 1 I 1 1

I 2 I




I 1

1 1 1




313 12


156 52 lili

313 208 104



Page 20: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

Scottish Na.tiono.l Pod:ra.it. Ga.llcry Sora.nton Public Library . • . • Senckenbergi.~chc Nat..miorscho?nde Ge'*'llsclw.ft. in Fta'-l.k.furt

f1m:\1a.in . . . . .Sherwood (Q, F. T,) , . Sk1rra l..cone~Govornmcnt of Smellie (E. :S.) Smith (W. :Unrray) . , Smithsoni11n In-;titution Sociedo.Uo de Gc;ographia. de Lis boa Societas pro F~tuna et Flora Fennica Societe dt' G6ograph!o de P;Lri~ SociVM R )yalc 2\Ialaeologiq:w: de llelgique Society of Antiqun.ries {London) ~ >d;•ty of the Friendly '-;ons of St. Patrick, New York .. South African Art Gn.lle~·y {Cape Town) ~ooth _\a'itrali.a .___.{jovf'rnmPnt of .. South .\n-;tnlia School of Mines and T"lduetries :!cJ. tfod (T. \\.".) , • St.,tf,e of New York -Cl-oYcmmcnt of tho .S••z-ri~t·s O.llcntli;.:a BihHotek .. Hwcdi;,h RoyRl .\,·oHl{'PlJ ot Science Sydney }In,il~Propri~:.•tor;; of the Sydney }forning Herald~-Proprietors of tho Sydney t:niver!ilty Table Ta.lk-ProiJrietors of Tallxlt (Six R.)

Tasmania-Govornment of 'l'eppor (J. G. 0.) .. Texas State Histori<'al A.~Bociation Textile Industries-Proprietors of Timewell (J,) Toronto Public Library Town and Country Journal (Rydney)-Proprietors of the •• Tropiotll Agriculturist-Proprietors of the Turnbull (P.) United Stn.tes~ovcrnment of tiw C'nivcrs:ity College (London) Gnivt'rsity of Adelaide University of. California University of Chicago Univerl'ity of Ta.smania Univeraity of 'l'oronto Ure;;rntty-{k.vernmeut of V ail (E. L.) Vancouver Board of •rnu:le ,. Vcreiu fUr vaterliindische Naturkunde in WUrttemberg Vietoria.-Gov-emmcnt of . • . . • • Volekmn.r (F.) \Valch {J.) ant! Sons Walk-er (Hev. E.) Wara.ce f'-<~;lt><'tion .. -Trusteecs of the Wellia (.J.) . . • • Watch 1'owPr JHSle and '.frae:. So.;_·iety (Aw:.tra)&sian

Bro.:1oh.) Weekly Conricr {Tasmania)~Propriet.ors of the Weekly Times-Proprietors of 't.ho .. Welcker (A.) West Australian~ Proprietors of the West Australia.u Record~Proprietors of the W.;etern Australia~Gov-ernment of Western Australian Museum and Art Gallery Western MB.il (Pe:rth)-Proprietors of the


I 2 8 2 1 2 1 2 :l I I

lil I

72 l




1 3

I 1

203 I 2 l

10 l 1 I 4 I I


1 I 4



9 1







15 I 1


52 313




52 62

313 lOO

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ScHEDULE 6.--ccntinued.

Donor. j I! -Ei • ,trl "' !<;~

0 .s c d ~~ ~ ::.:~ ~

-------------~-·· ----- ------ ---... ,

Weatern Fo.cific Herald-Proprietors of the .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 Westminater Po.blio Libraries .. .. .. .. l .. .. .. Wide- Ba.y and Burnett News-Proprietors of the .. .. .. .. .. !50 Wild River Times-Proprit;!tors oJ tho .. .. .. .. .. .. r.z WH!cocka {Sir W.) .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. Windsor PUblie Library {Canada) .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. Worcester Public Libra.ry. Munrmm, and Art Gallery .. .. 1 .. .. .. Yass C.Ourier~Proprietors of the •• .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 Zoohan and Dund&S Hcra.!d--Propti.etors of the .. .. .. .. i .. .. 313 Zeeuwsch Gonootoohap der Wetemwhappen .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. Zurich Sta.dtbibliothek .. .. .. .. .. l .. .. ..




To tlte C!tairman of the Industrial attd TcrJmological Afuseum.

Industrial and Tecbno~ogical ~·fuseum, Melbourne, 7th March, tgo6.

J have the honour to submit the following report for the year 1905 :-

Miss Cane has completed writing up the new stock~book,, and re-numbering the ~pecimens in accordance with it This work h:ts emtailed a considerable amount of trouble1 a.s in many instnnres no records were available. A card C'£~ta1ogue has nls0 bf>en prepared, and classified after the system adopted in the arrangement of the coflectlons themselves.

The prospects for the future of the :\1us.eum are no brighter now th.:m thev were }eMs ago-indeed, the pres-ent state of stagnation is likely to proYe fatal, unlesS some st€·ps are taken to have suitable nr__commodation provided for it, so th:1t it crrn be m0rle a Jive and serviceable •XJn(·ern, No possible hope C:tn be entertained of making am'· thing of it under ex~~ting cnnditioos. This is the more to bt· deplored ,ihen it is re:tUzed what the objeds were for founding the Museum, and nnthir:g but rf'gret shonld be felt 1t the decay of what promised to he an import::nt factor in forwardi 1 g t0chnical education, and encouraging our natural resourc-es nnd m:rnufact1:rts.

I have the honot:r to be, Sir1

Your obedient servant,


Page 22: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


DO>UT!ONS }'OR THE YEA}( 1905.



Imperial Institute, London New South ·wales) Department of

Mines and Agriculture

South Australia, Department of Mines

South Austrnli,1., Department of Lands

South Australia, Government Geolo. gist of

South Australia, Public Libmry, ~1useum, and Art Ga.lllery

Townsend, G. H., Mellxmrnc Uncles, W. C. 1 Albert Park

Victoria1 Department of Agricul-ture


Du1letin of the !F.~perin.l Institute, Vol. H., 1904. The Agriudtural Gazette of Kew South Wales, VoL

XVI., anJ Index to Vol. XV. "Reeords of the Geo:o­gi<::nl Snrvey of New South 'Vales,'' VoL VIII., Part I, I905.

"RecorJs <1£ the Mines oF South Austraii.1 "---Supplemen~ tary Issue.

" A ReYiew of Mining Operations in the Sta!e of South Australia," for the half-year ended JlSt Decemb..-r, 1904-, and hnl:f-year ended 30th June, t905· The Crov.:n Lands Laws of South Australia'} (DuffielJj.

Report on Geolo::icai Exp:orations in the \Yest and Noi:th-West of South Australia,'' &c. {Drown}.

Repmt of the Doard nf Governors for t(J04~5.

17 samples of Timbers from the Philippine lslanJs. Sample of the B::nk of the: '' Swamp Tea Tree " (Meh~

Jem:a eric~!oli.• ). The Journqj af the Department of Agricuftun af Vie¥

tana, Vor Ill., and Index to VoL II. ~--~--~----~~

-~··~-.. ~-.. ~--


6th March, 1906. To tJi.e Clthitman of t/Jc A7ational Galluy Committee,

SIP, l have the honour to submjt to }OU the following report on the work of the

Xational Gallery for the year 1905 :-·-Many additions \vere made by pui"~.has-e ln Europe to the ~oHections during the

•:ear, ·the honour of selecting the s::.me having been committed to :rn.e hv the Trustees~ The Commission was a unlquf' one, it b:ing1 I be!ieYe, the first time irl the !:listory of the Gallery. thnt )'OUr salarit·d and responsible ad\'iS<'r has been askf'd ro accept this ~'<"!'ponsibili'ty with regard to purchases. The tohl number acquir.ed !n this \Yay--at a. r.ost of £4,897 r2S.-··--was .:;S. 25 of whif'h represent British art. and 13 foreign.

I have ahea..dy_. in my ttjJm1: (;f the 27tit Jul;., givf'·n details of thr·se purchases. :md I can onlv add that I t_m nroud to ha,·e had mv name ronneeted \Yith, this initial t>xpenditure of the Felton fund~. -

During my seven month.s' :J.bsenf'e my place was taken by )Ir. F. l\Ic:Cnbbin, wh.Jse poshion was fillf'd by ?I.Ir. J- Sommers~> an old student of thE" Gallery. On my return, b July, I found everything satisbr:tory and in good working ordP"r.

Th{.; n11mb.":r of stude-nts in the Painting classes ''·as 2.:5 in each term. I enclme )fr. ).kCubbin's report upon the Drawing Cbsse.:;, also the list of

;,\vards made by the gt>ntlemen appointed to act as Judges at the Students) Annual ~'x 1>ihitio'1, Tb{' shO\\' of p;rinting-~ was one of the lx""St we eYe-r had. From the lack

: · ~ :n tl--f'" :1nq'1lk' dr;1wlng:-;, hom:Yer, I anticipate a w0ak show of p:tintings "" • "''-'f:' ~·ears henc<:. The 1crompan~ing S<'hN1lllP::o afford partin1hrs of the permanPnt :Jd(1itions and

loans made to the collection ~du:'iCJg tbe year.

I have H)e honour to he, Sir, Your ohPdii"nt se-n':1"1t:


Page 23: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


National Gallery, J.Ielbourne, rgth :\larch, 1906.

To the Director of the ;.Vatiottal G'alltTJ.

SrR, T haYe tht> hon,:;ur t•> submit the n"'port ot the Dr'awing Sci!()Ql of the Xntivnnl

Gal !ery for last yeaf.

The attendance for 1ast year shows a marked i'nrn:1.se on ;lre-vious years. The work executed by the students during the last two terms was well up to ihe a\'erage, both in the antique and life classes.

The attendance for l;:un year was as foJlm,•s:

For the term ending July: :\I.ales, 30 j ff'malf's, 51. Tot<tl 8z. For the term endin14 December: J.fales, 26; ff'mah"'s, 6o. Tot:~J 86.

1 have the honour to bE>, Sir,

Your obedie-nt serv:mt,

F. :'llcCURBI:-::,

Xa.tional Galler.\, 18th Dec.eml.Jr~::•r, 1905.

T.~ tlte Trustees of t!te .\'atumal (;aUery.

\Ve have the honour to r<1l0rt that we h:~Yt> inspected the work of 1th.StudenLs, find submit the list of prize winners herewith.

\Ve find the exhibition, as a whole, up to tht: level of predous years. The paint~ ing from life is scar{'t·ly up tn the ayerage of Students' exhihitlom:, though the painting of the flf'sh is g(KX1 in a numl.>er of cases.

The dr;Jwing from the antl(]t!t' is good, and the thrtt studies of tlw :\ficha{·] Angdn figurr are full of mt"'rit.

The drawings. from life are rather below the .1verage,


The judgi"s are un::tnimous in the op1nion that the picture entitled "Reronci!Lt~ tlon/' and numbered I., is th(• hest work of the four submitted for ccmpet1tion, and is deserving of the Traveliing Schol<~rsh:p. We <l'lso consider lt supnlor to the prize work of the last competitlon.


Page 24: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



Painting frorn the nude--

1St. E. S. '!acky. znd. C. Wheeler.

Drawing from the nude-

IS!. E. S. Macky. znd. C. Wheeler.

Drawing from the nntiqu~

1st. Miss F. V. Lahev. znd. Miss M. Rowed.·

Drawing hea<l from antique (painting students)~·­

ISt. E. S. Macky.

Painting head from life-

IS!. Miss R. Sutherland.

Drawing head from antique-

IS!. Miss M. S. Roxburgh.

Painting still life-

IS!. Miss J. C. Stew art. 2nd. Miss D. Bagge.

Drawing head from life-

'st. Miss V. Meyer .

Drawing haods and feet-

IS!. Miss F. V. La hey.

Drawing anatomical figure-

rs!. M.iss M. Rowed.

Painting from cast-

rst. J, Adam.

Page 25: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

ND.me o Artist.

Cla.usen, G., A,R.A. Pisl:!atrn, C. . .. Hunt, W. Holmau Mcisson.icr, E. Anmu.Jean, E. Isabey, EugCne Waite, J. C.

Brown, Ford Ma.dox " .,

Turner, J. :M. W., RA. Vu.rley, John Collier. Tom. Cox, Dftvid Sta.nfieJd# \V. C., R..A.

BNwn, Ford Ma.dox

Sandys, G. F.

Rnckham, Atthur Townsend, F. IL Vierge. Daniel

Snllivau, R J.

Kecnc, Charles

" "

Pegnu~, Fred


Swain, C. Cotet Timothy

l'hoenem:mn, A .•••

Rodin, A. Barye, A. J.,,

GUbe;t, A., RA:··

Rodin, A.


PuttC.rtAsEs lrADE DURING THE YEAR 1905.

"Tht: Plou_gohma.u's Brrukfut" "Bnulel':trrl ~tontmartre" 11 Importuntttr· Neighbour'' ... "L'Amnone ;• ... H ]~a femme Coueh(.e u •• PriM€ ilnr1s la Chapc·lle •• ••• Portra\t, of Alfred Ft.>lion

\VATER CotocR DRA.Wnws,

u The Entombment" " Ha.lrlee aud ,Juan" 11 Okelmmpton Cti.Stle" 11 Italian Landseape" " Cornfield" "Mountain Road~> "Delphi"


"Baptism of Edwin, King of Nor· thumbria"


"Windfall;;" '' Swcetlwatta" Four Illtts\.nttions for "Pabio di

Segovia. '' Two Illustrations for "Rubaiya~" o-£

Omat Khayyam 8tndy ol Horses ,.. ... ... DiHrsions of DriU {Punch 1 March 20,

"") Reoteh Sailors Two F!gn'f()S iu the Pnrk Woman watching Tr::tin (Sunday a.t

Home, 1904) IHustmtion to " Mid tbe thick

Arrows,'' )fH-x I>emlwrton ("The Queen/l 1904)

Danai' in the Brazen Chambe-r Uido builrling Cartbage, after J. M. W.

1'urner, R. A. Study of n Jiead, alter n. drawing by

A. vou }fenzi:l


Ma:rble Head, "Minerve sans Ca.sque,. Bronze Grour~ I'antbt!r and Gazelle ... Brouz.e Group, Litm aud Boar Bronze Head of Fisherman Bronze St'ltuettc, l1cr~;e!lS arming Hronze Dust, .Ll). I.aureus ...

HQw at.:quired.

Felton Bequest ...

" " .. "

" " " .. " " "

.. "

" • " .. , "

" .. ..


" " " , "


£ ~. d. 300 0 0 301) 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0

40 0 0 17:1 4 3 lOO 0 0

400 0 0 t:.w 'o o

J,lOO 0 0 27 0 0 37 0 0 sn o o 35 0 0

500 0 0

25 0 0

31 10 0 10 10 0

lOll 1 5

ill 10 0

3 3 0 , 0 0

' 0 0 5 0 0

' 8 0

10 10 0

1 1 0 ' 3 0

2 lO 0

2:19 0 10 so n o ·.w o o

}03 0 0 26~ 10 0 lOO 0 0

Page 26: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


PUnCfB._1H:!:S MADE DURING TUI YEAR 1905-continued,


············~---·--· ----···--~~~-------- -----


The Opening of the Fir$t Parliament of the Commonwenlth of Australia with Key, by Tom Robert:!! (Artist's proof)


Viaw of City of Melbourne in 1854, from the South bank of the Yn.rra Yarra, looking vorth-west~ by S. T. Giil

Melbourne in 1854 (from Emerald Hill}, by Ed, Gillet

MUSICAL 1 SSTRUMENT • . Spinet, English, 18th century t (Stephen Keene, maker, London}



Desrriptlon. Name ot Donor.

J..,ady McCullocb Beque•t.

10 10 0



20 0 0

4 10 0


ncltrist's Lesson in Humility." by C. R. Leslie, R.A, ... ucanute listening to the Monks of Ely," by W. Ca.ve Thomas Re•iduary Legatee uuder will of

tt The Vietory of Faith," by St. f'xeorge Hare ... t•Proaerpine," D. G ltusettt Copy by C. Fairfax }.Iurray "Southwold, ,Suffotk," by Edwin Xdwardi! .•


Ma.rble Bust of Sir Jam ea 'McCullooh. K. C. M. G. Plaster Cast Ana~omic:\l Statuette cf" The Roman llerculea"


Head of Chris~, by Cla.ude Melln:o ...


Portrait of David St.ea.d, early •ettler near Gee long (framed) Portrait of John Anthony Cowie, early 11ettler near GeeloRg

{framed) MEDAT-S.

'l'wo Silver Medals, Bust of Rtlwarrl Vlf. Rex:. Imperator, Commonwealth of Au<~tralia, Sii!aled Pattern-(1) ' 1 }for long Service and Condu·:t" ; {':!) "]!.~or Meritorious Service"


Lady ~fcCulloeh. Unknown. C. Fairfa.x Murray. Airs, Edward:::.

I~ady McCul1oeh Be<tueat • . Mr. &. S. Smellie tin exchange for

photograph of Girl's He&d, after a. cr"'you by F. Dickaee, R.A.).

I Mr. L, Bernard llitH.

Mr. S. V. Stcn.d.


D.A.Q .• M.G.

Copy of "Portrait of a. Man a.tHl CbUd," by Van Dyck: pa.inted by Mr. Myer Altaon, under the tenna of the Travelling Scholarship awarded to him in 190:!. '!'he originn.l is in the Lou"Vt"e, Pari•.

Page 27: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



LoANS TO THE GuJ,IUtY DURING THE YEAR 1905. ·······------------~-~

Descriptlon, By whom Lent.

OIL PAI::-TING. «,The Firth of Clyde, from Greenock," by C. E. Johnson Mr. C. Shannon

ARMS, Samurai Sword·····Rnuo-Japanese War, 19(H Col. J. C. Hood, C.M.G.




OIL PAtNTlNGS. ~.A Sheik and his Son entering Cairo," by R. Dowling 1' Morn1ng," hy FrRnz Courbens ... ... ... • •. "Memories of the Firat Palm Sunday," by Edith Courtauld .•• "Waterpool at(.4)leraine," by L. Bunlot ... "Watergate Bay:• by John :Mogford ... ·- ... "Fishing Boats leaving Boulogne Harbour,u by Th. Weber ...

To Whom .LtlD.I.

Geelong Art Gallery

" "

H Jt

" » H n


To tlte Presidettt of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums) and .lllational Gallery of 1.-'ictoria,

SJR, I haY-e the honour :o forward herewith the reports of the Curators of tbe

Zoological and Geological Departments for the year 1905. Tbe most important eYent of the year has been the completion of the new wing

of the Museum buildings on the Russell-stn-et frontage. This provides work and storage rooms on the hag,pm+.:-nt floor, a· l::lrge E-ntrance h,11l on the ground floor, a hall of similar size on the first floor, and -..york·!Dtims for the taxidermist and osteolo· gist on the upper floor.

The hall on the first floor will be devoted to the exhibition of Australian animals, and this1 when complete, will form 1 perhaps 1 tr~ most interesting feature. of the Katural Histon· collection. The removal of the Austrnlian collection -from the tn.flin hall will hoth ~PliPve thE" pr<"seut <'ong;;~ted~ st<tte of this part of the Musemn, and ;tllow of the exhibition of specimE>ns which at present, for lack ofl room, are stored in the basement. A large amount of work has hePn done in prt>paration for the exhibi~ tion of the Australian colle:-tinn. ,,·hkh will he thrown OPf*n to the public at the r:elehratinn of the Jubilee of the Public Library. The remormting an.J proper labt:lUng of spe-:imens wlll st.~H oc-cupy ,'!. o:msiderable .t:me.

In the Geological Department the re-nrungement of the Australa'Sian and foreign mineral col:(':(·tions and the r<:;.-1al:K>lling of the same has 'been a work involving much labour. and ron-siderable progress, has also Uecn made in the arrangement and labelling tJf the pala~:mtological ('Ollection. In hoth cases these colleotions have been dealt with in such a way as to render them of as greilt use and interest to the pnb)ic a~ possible.

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Through the courtesy of the Hon. the Minister of Mines, and with the cordial co-operation of the Din .. x:tor of the Geological Survey, an arrangement has been made wheceby the type and figure1 specimens described in the Records of the Geological Survey are plared in the Musewn, the latter, :n return, assisting the C':reolo~ical Department by furnishing information :n regard ro fossils submitted to it, and gene­rally affording any assistance in its power to the officers. of the Department.

Through the courtesy of the Hon. the :\Iiuister for Lands, the :.ruseum has been presented with a complete set of the County Maps of Viotoria.

For many years the publica,tion of scientifil: rnemdrs by the ::\fnseum has cea~.ed. This has been a matter of much regret, as it not only meant that the i\Iuseum was fa.iiing to keep abreast of the times, but a]S()J by lack of having publications for. exchange, its Library suffered materially. During the year a fresh start has been made, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, F.R.S., has describe"] a coUect~on of fossil fish from Mansfield, drawings for \vhid: bad been under the d:rection of the late Sir .F. ~fcCov, though no letterpreSs had been written. This forms the first of a series ·which it iS hoped ~to continue from time to time, :ts. funds are avrjlable, under the title ~··Memoirs of the National )fuseum, Melbourne.;) A large number of pJates illustrating rarious examples of the Victorian fauna have for many years been lying unused in the :\iuseum, and t:le necessa1'y descriptive letterpres's is now being prepared with a view .to pubHc:ttlon at an early date.

In conclusion, I desire to pornt m:t thJJ, in Ct){Dpariwn with the corresponding institution in Svdnev, the scientific staff of the ~!useum is C>Xtrerr.elv small and jnade­quate. InSitead of· the se\'en memb.ers comprising tl'.e Sydney st<lJf, i\1eibourne has three. Of these, the P'alreontologist :is ahle to devote the whole of h-is t:me to one particular branch with mcst satisfactory results. On the other hand~ Mr. \Valcott, the Curator of tr..c Geological D.::•p:utment, has not only to take general charge of this, and to dea.l single-handed with ,the Yery large and jmportant mineralogical col­lt"Ctions, bat has a1so to supen·isc f:lc tochnologkal and cthnologk-aJ collections. :\fr. Kershav,.·, the Curator of the Zoological Department, has to deal with .the whole of the zoological collections, rhe ·work assoc-iated with \\·hich is apvortioned in Sydne~· amonw;t six officers, Inst€'ad of }.eing able to devote at J~ast a portion of t!le~r time to research work, i:he whole of it is of necessity occupied by f(,tttlne ·work} and the efficient state of the collections under the charge of :\1 r, Kersha w and Mr. \Va1cot.t is due to their indefatigable work on behalf ·of the Museum.

I have the honour to 1'emain~ &c.,

W. BALDWIN SPENCER, Hon. Dire-ctor.


To ilu: Director of the National ~~luseum, SIR,

I have tht: honour ro suhmit the following report dea!!ng with the work of the ZooJogilcal Department for the sear Igos :-

During the year my time has been occupied to a great extent with the identifica­oion and re-!abelling of the coHections, both on exhibition and in the reference collec­tion, together \Yitl: the various spe('lmens rcccived from time to time. The Australasian birrls and mammals in the main :nll were chiefly dealt with, in view of thei'r removal to, and rertrrangement in 1 the new building, now nearing completion. The greater pitrt of this oollection ha,·e now been re-labellerl. :md the specimens re-grouped and remounted on new stands. In seYeral imtances it 'vas found nec.essarv to replxe old and faded specimens with better examples, and it will be advibable .. to continue this with many of our commoner species as opportunity permits.

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The preparation of the register and card :atalogue of the reference collectiuns of skins, skeletons,, and spirit sp~irnens has been proceeded with~ and, considering the limited time that I haw: been able to devote to this tvork, good progress has been made. During the year nearly 900 specimens have }jt;:,,-·t'n idt:ntified, numbered and emered up.

A good deal of tlrue has been devoted to the entomological collectionsJ and a ;nrge number of specimens previously unnamed have Let!n identified. In ron::Kquence of the continual gruwth of the Australian cuHection, chiefi) by means of donations, the :::;abinets have lx>COme greatly overcrowded, and additional cabinet room is be­coming urgently necessary.

The t.:ollections on exhibition haYe rcx::eived careful attention, and, on the \\h:Yle, are in a satisfactory condition. Owing to the pressure of other work, howcrer1 the larger mammals exposed on the groups han; not reoei,,ed such regular attention as is deFirable.

An unusual number of large marr.rnals were Uon,ated during the year 1 the neces· sary attention to which has occupied much of the time of the articulator and taxider­!lll!:ltS, to the detriment of other 'vork, These include hvo Indian -elephants) kindly presented by the proprietors of Fit.zgcrald Brothers' circus; and both the s!Gins anti complete skeletons -were prese-ryed. A single~hurnped AruLian Camel ::md a two-humped Bactrian Camel, together with an 1ndlan Tap1r1 Cheetah, Banteng, Urial 1 Chacma, two CasS()waries, and an Emu -were, among others 1 receiw:::d from the Zoological and .\(dimatisation Society. Three exceptionally fine examples of the Reticulaten Python, from Singapore, measuring froru ZI to 23 feet in length, togethf'r with a small specimen, about 9 feet ~n lt::ngth, were k~ndly presented by ~lr. P. Ponsolle. Two of the large;;t specimens, togetller -with a complete skeleton, have been carefully mounte:d and placed in .1 sp~iai case in the main hall, where they have attracted considerable attention.

With the obie'ct of gradu~lly replacing m1ny of the old and badly-mounted kan­g•uoos, several of the larger species bave bc:en stuffed and temporarily placed i11 one of the cases in tbe low·er halL Some of the specimens already on exhibition have hoon renovated, preparatory to their remm·al into the htrgf' kangaroo-case no-w in progress. In adclit1on, a limited number of srna!ler mammals have l~ stuffed and ulaced on .e:xhlbition. ~ The preparation of special groups of Victorian birds, with their nests and natural surroundings, has heen continued, and these form most attractive and instructh·e t'xhibits, The :.Uuseum is rm:ch indebted ~o Messrs. C. L. :Barrett, J. Gabrid, and r;., E. Shepherd for their assistance in procuring many of the nests used in theSf' groups.

The more important of the skektons prepared for exhibition hy the articulator wNe the large python alreJ.d~· referred to, and the •:"ast of th€ skeleton of th.e- Tas­mani1an ahoriginal '' Truganini." A number of disarticulated skeletons and skulls have l:,e.en prepared for the referenre C'Olle<::tion, and several of the otd mmmted skeletons cleaned and remounted on new stands.

The skln, spirit and invertehrate collections stored in the basement have been ex'lmined from time to time, and are in good condition. The increased ac'CO!nru00a­ti01l provided in the new building will greatly relieve the over-crowded state of these collectinns, and aJlow of their frequent examination und£>r more fa,·orable t.'Onditions.

Spe:-.irnens submitted for j·dentifirntion, and in(juiries. both personal and by letter, havf' been more nurnerous than 1Isual, whi!e every faci1ity l1as continued to b£' given to students and others to h,we access to t'he collections and book~ not on exhibition.

The number and variety of thi':' donntions received compare f.worably with those of recent vears, and have been dolv identifierl ~nd a('knowledgefL

The ~ccompanying schedules ~how the rlonations. purchase-:;. and exchanges far the year.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient serv'lnf,

JAS. A. KERSHAW, Curalor of tke ZoologQI CJollections.

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COLLECTIONS. To 1/Jhc Director vf tlt.c National Museum.

~ational Museum, 15th March, r9o6.

I have the honour to submit the following report for the year 1905 :­


~he work of. repai:ing and ma~i'ng cht~t~proof the cases cont;1ining the Aus~ tralastan and foretgn mmeral collections, ,y}uch was commenced the preYious year, has been completed, and also the re-labelling of bOth these collections.

The care constructed for a collection illustrating the oc-currence of gold in Vic­toria, but used for other purp~. pt:mding the completion of the new building, has het.'fl placed in its permanent pos1t100, preparatory to utiHzing it for its original pur~ pose. The foreig:n rocks haYe been arranged according: to the svstem adopted by J. J. Harris Teal!, in his 'WOrk on British petrography. They 'were also reduced somewhat in number, on <R'Count of' the cases being unduly crowded. The Victorian rock collection is not in a Yery satisfa.,::tory condition, Lut it is hoped to remedy this defect during the current year by a general rearrang.tment, and the formation of a separate stratigraphi'cal series. ?\o additions of note were made to either the mineral or rock collect.ions during the ~·ear .. A number of' inquiries were received concerning th~ nature and value of certam mmerals and ores, and the fact that the ~1useum offered such a ready me;uts of obtaining the desired informatk:m seemed to be mUt::h :1\!preciuted. The laboratory provided for in the new building will matetiaHy assist this very useful work.

The systematic arrangement of the palreontologital collections is progressing satis~ f1ctorHy, a:i5d

1 by the time the rest of the gallery set apart for this section is available,

the foreign coJiection for public exhibition wiB 00 well advanced. The type a.nd fit:ured specimens Oescribed in the Records of tbP Geologk;al Survey of Victoria have hcen receh·ed from the Department of Mines. Among the don.itlons for the year were a number of vaiuable and interesting specimens) for wh:ch we are particu]arlv in~ debted to the liberaEty of ~lessrs. D. Carson, J. H. Gatliff, R. Hughes, A. E. Kitson, F.G.S., J. D. ~lahony, B.Sc., J. Reed, A. J. Shearsbv, Gro. Sweet, F.G.S., Thos. Warr1 and Rev. R. Thorn.

The report of the Palreontologist, detailing the ~ear's work, is herewith attached.


No work of any importance has to be reported in oonnexion ""·ith this section. Verv little trouble is now experienced in dealing with insect pests, which at one time cauSed a •:onsiderable amount of destruction.

Of the accessions1 the collection of over 40 inlaid i>owis and omaments from the Solomon Islands: purchased from )!r. Carl Pinochof, is the most noteworthy; and is a decided ucquisition.r more especially as it includes a large food vessel not easily procurable. Mr. Atlee Huntr bes!des donating some interesting specimens from New Guinea, placed on loan an elaborate compound heod·dress. From Mr. M. R. Cud­mnre we m~ived a number of Australian stone implements, which, wi~h those pre~ viously presented by him, form a valuable addition to the collection. To him, and also to :Hessrs. A. R. ~lcCrae and J. G. Gray. our thanks are due for the trouble and expense they ha,'e taken upon thernsel;'ffl in _obtaining and forwarding specimens, and it is a pleasure to place on record theu servu::es to the Yluseum.

The Police Department has given every facility for securing any aboriginal :skeletons which mav have come under their notice~ and in this way, with the sanction of the various CorOners, we have added materially to our collec.tiol:t.

I have the honour to be. SiD, Your obedient servant,

R. HENRY WALCOTT, Curator of the Geological, Mineralogical, and Ethnological Collections.

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To t!tc Curator tJf the Geological and Mi1~ertJlogical Collections.

X ational .Museum, x9th February, 1go6.


ha\·e the honour to submit t;1e subjo:ned report for the ;.ear j905 :-

FellmYing the work of completing the exhibition series crf Australasian fossils, so far as they could be shown in the space avaibble~ the whole of the resen·e series ·Hl.S put into gt'neral order and classified ao::ordinrg to age. This series is now con· tained in 5e\'enteen preRses. An e:x<:hange collection of Australian fossils has aJso ~n formedt togeth<:r with one for reference purposes. The latter collection will be of greJJt servic't to \\Orkers jn Palreuntology 1 and additions to it are being constantly made. The syecimens tomprising th~:: Yaluable referenre ~ri.t..-s of the 1\latgillivray ;md ~laplestont: ty~s of Victorian Polyzoa han_• been sorted_ and arranged, and they are now partly indexed in the T~\ pe Catalogue. I have nearl: c-ompleted :t card Cata­lo~ue of Types and Figured Specimens of Fussi'ls :n the )Juseum; and another cata~ logue, showing the localities of the Geological Sun·ey indices marked on the quarterM sheets of the SurYey.

I have {:ommenr-.ed work upon what will e\·entually be u represent:lti,·e collection of for(:ign fossils from all formatiuns 1 whi'ch will afford useful material for corn· 1:ar:son with our own Aus:ralian fossH fauna and flora.

Another colh:ction in hand is a series of fossiJs and de-scriptive labels, giving the Katurai History of a Fossil. This collection, it is hoped, will sti'mulate an interest in Palroontology amongst nature students. ~md also serq~ as a means of introducing the su'Jject to the ordinary }Iuseum visitor.

The numLer of specimens registered from my identification," during the yenr 1905 w:•.., 252, the small number i>eing accounted for by the fact of the registration work I:M...ing held oYer for other of a more prPssing kind.

During the ye::r a large and interesting series of fossils has been coHPCkd from tbe se\-eral cuttings in Silurian strata, near the Botanical Gardens. and this \\ill use~ fully supplement other colleo'tions from the s:tm.:- source, to form the basis of descrip~ th·e papers on the undescribed fossils nf our Silurian bedS~,, upon \Vhkb 1 haYe been .._•ngaged for some time.

Tfie numi::x:r of fosslls det<?-rmim:d for the publi-c during the year was 385. }I:tny of the more interesting of ther.e specimens were presented to the Museum.

I have published during the past year the following papers, descriptive of mate­r1aJ in the :\Iuseum :-

01 Notes on the Fossil Casts in Terti'ary Ironstone from Stawell, figured by ?.IcCoy. 11--Fidorian Naturalist~ VoL zr, 1905. pp. :q8Mr8o.

"Xew or Littlewknown Vi<'torian Fossils in the Xatio-na1 \fuseum, Melw bournef Part 5; on the Genus Receptacuiites, wi:h a note on R. a us~ tralis, Queensland. · 1 ~Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., VoL r8, n.s., Part r, 1905, pp. 5-15, pls. z-4.

"Xeow or Little-known Victorian Fossils. &c., Part 6; Xotes on Devonian Spirifers,"-lbid, pp. I6wi9, pL 5·

A!so a paper. ~' ~otes on the OlOer Tertiary Foraminiferal Rocks on the \~lest Coast of Santo. ~ew Hehrides."~-Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.TV . ., 1905, Part z, pp. z61-274, pls. 5-8.

I have the honour "to be, Sir.

Your obedient servant,

FREDK. CHAPMAN, Palleontologist,

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Academic Imperia.;e des Sciences de St Petersbourg; St. Peters-

' burg :



Annu.<tre tlu Mm0e Zoologique de PAc.v1Cmie lmpCrlale des $t:ltfi<.C~ (!e ~L Petersburg, l(J04, vol. 9, No. J, 4·

Academie des Sciences et Lettres' Mt:IT.oires Ue ~a Secti<Ju des Sciences1 2 ser., No. g, 1904· de Montpellier; :\fontpelher

AcaJemy of Science of St. Louis; St. Louis, U.S.A.

Auckland Institute and Museum; Auckland, N .z.

Austtalasian Ornithologists' Unioll; Melbourne

Australian Museum; Sydney

Camhrid;re Phiio¥lph:cal Soc:c:ty; Cambndge, Eng.

Carnegie Institute; Pittsburg; U.S.A.

Cincinnati Museum Association; Cincinnati, U.S.A.

Colombo Museum; Colombo, Cey· Ion

Colorado U.S.A.

Collegt'; Colorado,

Fie!d Ni'lturalist~' Club of Victoria; Melbourne

Gatliff, J, H.; Carlton

RecorJ~, ".0;, 5 (6), 6 (r, 2)1 HJOj· CJt. No. 6. CtL of Library of Ao»it:J.liau ::Vfuseum} 2 et!., pt. 3; 1\tmplllets, r893 and r905· Report for year 1903-4,

.Proceeding::;., vol. 13 !,I-Jj. Transactions, vol. 20 (l·6}.

Puhlkations of tbe Camegie Muset.:n~ seri::t, 27-29, 33, 34, 36. Ni::t!h ee!eb:ation of Founder's Day.

246 Annual Repor~, yen 1904- l.Hum Memorial Cata­logue.

Spo!ia Zeylanic::t:~ '\'Ol. 2 (8/. 3 (9, lo).

Colomdn College Stmli<·;;, gen. st:t., :Xo. IJ, 14 tScieocc scr., :fo. 33, 34).

V(ctori::u N;:.!uraHst, vol. 21: (g-u), 22 {t-8).

Cat. of Victorb. E2tuarinc lbi\'Hlve _}follusc~; 'by d!\HM. Desc. Two !\ew ~pecks of Shells of the Gcus Leucon­opis; by donor. Chinese nnd Borne an MoHusca; by K. H, Jones :md H. B. Preston.

Geelong Field ~aturalists' Club; Gedon;.; ~<!tmulist, s<::r. ::, YOL r (4), :: (t). Gee long

Gt'Dlogical Institution of University, flutlctin, vo: 6 (tt, r2}. of Upsuh; L'psah

Government Museum nnd Conne. Arlm.iuistration Report, year r904·5· mara Public Library; Madras

Hamilton Scientific Assoc!:aHon; Jour, a::;t Proc., scssio:1 rgo3-4, No. 20. Hamilton, Canada

Imperial Institute; London India; Geological Survey Indian Museum; Calcutta

Instituto Geologico de Mexico; ~iexico

Linnean Society of New South Wales; Syd:1ey

Mona<'O, S.A.S. Prince Albert de; Monaco

Museo Nacionnl Me'Xko

Museo Nneion:\l Montevirleo

Museo Nacionnl;

rle ~fexlco;

de Montevideo:

San Jose

fiulktln, voL 2.

Pahrontologlc,J lntiica. new ser. Yol. ;!1 IT'.emoir 2.

Cat. Indian 11eeapod CrnsUtce:~ in Collection of the Indian 1fuSt:'um, pt, 2. Anomc:_ra. L;<:e. 1, Pagurides. Account of Deep St.::': 1Ioloth·:.•ioi!1Ca co;Jccted by Roy. In(!. M:ain(' Scrv. Ship Jnvestigat()l", Annual Report, 1903~4-

P:nergones, vol. r {4-Sl.

Proceedings, 1904, pt. 4; 1905 (r-3, supp). Act of Ineor. poratlon, Rules1 &c.

Rcs:!lt:>ts de::; C:tmpagncs Sclen!ifiques Accomplies sur son Y;tcht p:u A.\bert ter, Prince Sonvemin de M.onaco, fnsc. 28·30. Bulleti:t 61 Mus:fe OrCnnogra?hi'.JU.O de Monaco, No><, 2o-_s2. Experlrnc.os t1.'cnli,vcmeut d't;n Helicopthe, by dorwr. Sur la Cami_"mgnc de la Princess-e Alice, by Conor.

Anales_, 7 ep., vol. I (to-12), 2 {r-9}.

Ana:es, voL r, 2.

Pag"inas Tbstradas, Ano r (n, 17, rg.;:n, 33 1 42-3, 47-8, JO•t).

Page 33: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



YEAR I90S-ccmtinued.

r .-Publications--continued.


Museo Nacional; San Salvador Natal ; Geological Survey

Naturhistorischcn Mus. in Ham· hurg:; Hamburg


Anales, vol. I (I, 10-I4). First 1\cport of the Gcol. Sun·. of Natal and Zululand.

Second ditto. Mitteilungcn, Jahrgang 21.

New South '\Vales; Department Annu<J.l 1\eport, year 1904. Records o£ lhc Mines and Agrieufturc Survey of New South \Vales, vol. 7• pt. 4·


New South \Vales; Fisheries Corn- Report, year rgo3, pt. r. mission i

Olago University Museum; Otago, 'j Curator's Annual Report for year 1904. N.Z. I

Philippines; Bureau of Government l'uGlication, ~o. 25. Lnboratories; Manila

Queensland Museum; Brisbane H.hodesia Museum; Dulawa:yo Rhodesia Seientific Association;

Dulawayo Rijks Ethnographiseh Mus.

Leiden; Hague ,,

Annals, No. 6. Third Annual 1\~port. Annual Report, year ending 31st

vol. 4, 5· Ver::.lag van den Direetcur, 1903-4-

May, 1905. Proc.,

Ro:•al Society of Queensland; Proceeding-s, vol. rg, pt. 1.

Brisbane Roval Society of South Australia;

Adelaide Royal Society of Victoria; Me!.

bourne Smithsonian Institution; Washing­

ton, U.S.A.

Socierl:1d Geologica Mexicana; Mexico

Svciet~ des Seience,; ties Arts et ries Lettres du Hainaut; Mons

Societ~ N euchateloise des Sciences N aturclles; N euchatel

Trans. and Proc., vol 28.

Proceedings, n.s., vol. 17, pt. 2, vol. z8, pt. 1.

U.S. National Museum: Special Bulletin, American Ilydroids, pt. 2; Bulletin No. 50, 53 j Report for year ending June 30, 1903; Contributions from U.S. Na­tional Museum Herbarium, vol. 9; Proeeedings, vol. 27.

Doletin, July-Dec., 1904.

Memoires et Publications, ser. 6, vol. 6.

Bulletin, vol. 29.

South Australia; Department Mines

of Record of Mines of South Australia, supplementary issue.


RcYie\v of Mining Operations, half-year ended Dec. 31, 1904; year ended June 30, 1905. Report on Geological Exploratiors in W. and N .W. of South Australia, 1905.

South Town

African Museum; Cape Annals, vol. 3, pt. 6 (7), 7·9· Report, year 1904.

Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens; Hobart

Tokyo Imperial Museum; Tokvo ... Tokyo Zoological Society; Tokyo University of Melbourne


Report of Trustees, year 1904.

Proc. Dept. Natural History, vol. I {r, 2). A1:notationes Zoologicre J aponensis, vol. 5, pt. 3, 4· Select Extra-tropical Plants, vcn Mueller. Select Plants,

von Mneller. Fragmenta Phytographire Australire, von ~!ucllcr. British Museum-Introduclion to Study of Meteorites; Cat. Reeeut Echinida, pt. 1. Geol. Sun·. India, Memoirs vol. 30, pt. 2; Gen. Rep. of Work, 1 Ap., 1900--31 Mar., I9QI. Roy. Soe. S. Australi:1 Trans. :.md Proc. and Rep., vol. q. Annals of Nut'. I-Iist., &c., vol. 1. New Zealan-d lnst.-Trans. and Proc., vol. JI- Reporls on Scientific results of Explor. ing, Voyage of H.M.S. Challorger, Zoology, vol. 21, pt. 5.1• vol. 25, pt. 63. Trans. S. Africnn Philosophical Society, vol. 12. Gen. Guide to Brit. Museum (Natural History). Royal Irish Academy, Proc., vol. 8 (pp. 6i-8o, pl. J·IS)- U. S. Dept. Agriculture, N. A. Fauna, No. to, Entom. Soc., Lond., Trans. n.s., vol. 2 (2), 5 (I·J, 7-10). Geol. Surv., N.Z.-Ann. Rep. on Colonial Museum and Laboratory, 4th-15thJ 17th-27th.


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Donor. Publications.

Victoria.; Dep.ubneut Agriculture Journal, vol. 2 (index}, 3· Victoria j Depa.rtmeu: Land!i and Set County Maps of Victoria, F<.:.:-ish Plan of Moorool-

Survey I bn-rk Victoria; Departn:ent Minet ••• Bulletins o~ the Geol. Surv. of Vkt._. No. 14. Victoria Museum; Launceston , Memoir o;:. ~l:Jcropos ;l.-nak from King I. \Vestern Ausaalia; Government [' GeoL Surv.-llulleliu 14, r6-2o. Aanu:1l Progress Rep. 1

Geologi,t year HJ04· Salient Geolog1cal Features of Br::t. New Guinea.

z.-Specirmms (Zoology).


------···-·-A.nderson, R. B., Fitzroy Anderson, T., '\-Varburtou Baker, 1-' ., Richmond Baii.Lie, Be;;s:e, Mordi4.Eoc B.urett, C. L., Middie llrighton

B.ttdtt>lor, N., Quecn:-.c:~rr IJ.oolh, Juo., C:ultou Urown, Alcx,, }iordlalloc Campbell, A. J,, H.M. Customs

Ca.rson, Davit.!, Eh-ternw•ck

Chubb, J, E., 'Natioml Museum

"Cleopatra,'' Melbourne ... Cog-hill, Geo., Melbourne

Coghill, L. B., Tallang.-.lta Coles, Alfred, Melbourne

Conrad, E, C., Wa.rburton Cumming, R. C 1 Goornong

Dall. \Vm., Fltzroy Davcy, W. H., Diight



! Platycer:us eximius1 yellow var. {Korwinguboora.j z Asta.copsu: serratus, var. yarraensis (V\Tarburton). (J An:.phibola fragilis {AHona Bay). ~e;;t of Merula merula (MordiaLoc). x l'on:ana fluminea (Br-ighton); J Pentagonaster (TosiaJ

;;.u,tl:.E", 9 1'. (T,) aurata.~ 2 Blenny \yoW1g), I Leather· jacl.ct (youngJ, I Murcx tri:Cormis$ 1 Lotor~um verruco­.su:«, 1 Eba1ia intcrmedia, r Alpha:us socialis-{Point Cook}. N..:,:;b: r Ptilotis ~hrysops {Olinda Ck.j, r Rhipidnr,, .tlln"~··~pa (l<.ingwood); r R. tri~olor; 1 Eo•J, o;altria au~d"cd~:>, 1 Oriolu~> vindis, 1 Pachycephala. :ruti.. vcnlris tOl:mLo Creek;; 1 Auocephalu.i austraHs (Yarra K, near 1felbourne}, r Cislicoia exilis (Sandringham), 2 ,Acc~utb:za lin.eatA. (Danri.eoong Ck. J, I A. pusilla (l~ms:wood)1 I Zo;;teror:s c;;erule:;cens {Sandringham).

I :,(JHmculus. Head o£ Ptilooorhynchus viD!aceus (Fish Ck.). I Lucitu, r Hhipidocera mystacina-(Mordialloc). t Puffinus tenu'.rostris~ pied var. (Phillip I.). t Bat

(Morn.ington). 3 Per:iophtbalmus kcel:reuteri ( ?J-(Cooktown, QueenslanU).

.1 Spider and nest, I Earthworm~ r Chalcopbora vittJ.ta, t Stigmodera {RQ!Qa, Queensland).

2 Chrysopa insignis (Auburn), r (..'haulioides guttif<nus (lia.wthorn).

I Python sebre {S. Africa). I Phreatoi.oopsis terricola, Paraphanta atrao::u~ntaria, r

Vitrina ver:teauxi, Rhytida cspillaeea. Colle;;tion Insects-.rr species {Apollo Bay). 2 Tryphocaria mas­tcrsi (Canterbuty).

2 Uro::ctns audax (Tnll..tnptta). Skeleton of body of Dendrolagus lumholtzi (Que¥nsland),

1 Motdaci:t mordax (Gippslancl Lakes}. Dody of Rostu~ tuhl australis (Door!).

1 Die1n~l)l,t biwlor (Warburlon). t {;:dop~is. lt'>onnnratu;;, young, 6 Oligorus maC<{tlariensis,

wmng-·-(\ ",tf.ljiO...,.pc R.} . ..: I 'orals (hlauritiu:r.). C.Jll. Fil<h, Crustacea, &c. {Port Fairy and Porlland). ra

Dd:n.l fra..,eri, T Diemenia textilis, 2 Hinulia lesueurii, 4 CymnoJ[.ctyln:> miliusil 1 I Diplodactylus tessellatus 2 Rhodona boug::tinvillii, r Hemiergis de.::resiense, r Am~ phiholurus barbalus, 2 Phyllodactylus tnarmoratus, 3 Liolcpil:im.t guichcnoti-(Vidoriu.).

Page 35: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

___ , ________ _


z.-Specirrten .« (Zoology )-continued.


Dods, W. \V., Melbourne Fitzgerald Bros., Melbourne French, Chas. 1 F.E.S., Melbourne French, Cho.s. 1 jun., Melbourne ...

Fultuco, 5. \V., MelbournE Gabr!el, C, J., Abbotsfon:

Gubriei, }os.~ Abbotsford

lhll, Robt., Dox Hill .H.ucly, A. D., Melbourne

Hcnnell, Rev. l~. H., Lornc

Hi~!, J. X, Kcwcll Hill, W. F., \:Viud;:;nr In;;rle, H. H., Ro.,t-d.lle

Jenkh,;, P, k, '\felhournc Ke,utbnt1, G. A., Preston Kcnn::dv, '.V., \V;,itchit! Kcr.,lm,~t, J. A .. ~din:·:tl \fw,·~:"'1

Kilsnn, A. E., F.G.S., \1<>ibomnt: ~L.cdon.cld, Don:tld, Argus, Md.

bourne -

McGowa:-., J. 1 Fituoy Mc'Mahou, J. ]., 1felbonrne P11"1J.

lie Libtafy McPhersor., Geo., Foorscray M.u!'.!mll, ~, Mordi:-.l!oe- · Miller) E. M., l:LA. 1 Mc!bomnP

Public Ltbrn.ry Murdoch, J., Abbotdord

Coli. Vic:or:an Marine Shells. 2 Elephas indicus 1 young. 6 Morphnos besti (n:ampi::m Ranges). 2 Tmgocen:s lepidoplerus:, 2 DiphueepbJa. clegans, 3 D. frenchi~(Vidorian Alpt>, ncH Hrightj. Helix capcrata, Hulimus aculus--(Hawthoru : introduced species). w Helix (Bulf:1l0 :Uts.). 7 Culex Jabeculosu::;. (Conde I.}. 2 Rhitida capill.1cea, 1 Helix sp. ?, I Endodonta de­presslt CVictorhn Alps), r E. depre:,sa (? Oaklcigh), I

Ai>t:<copsis serratus (Monhulk). 1 E"p:>Ft!S (2.Iortlnke), J Engrem (Bm:: Hill). 2 C!ou:Js TFna;::odcs weidii, 2 ~rol\l)S e.o:::=:-·ca.;;es (\Veslern·

pnrt), 3 Turri:er,t D'-)':tcris, 2 Jluliuelh :nad:i~, 3 Zemiw ;111~tr:dis, 2 Anci:IH oblongn 1 3 Cith'J.Ta cogn:da, 1 Myo-1!o:n nvf',t:-t~(\Yesternport;. 4 Cor:.ns aucmone (Ph-iJ;ip I.), 2 Dd:li,t quc:yi (\V\;'strrnport), I ~':.ndiur:1 .~yg­norum, 2 Cyprre.:t :m:;tnst::t1:t v:tr CO!nptont, 4 Carruur;• pulchelh:m, 2 !vfilrm:w:-pha, 2 Mrmg-elia incerta, 5 Trl­YL'l an~tralls, x Terebra lictllis, 2 T. inror.spicua, r ::.;: .;_tica beddomd, r C:~lliostoma ht'dlcyi, I Modioh :uborc';n:u~(\Veslcrnpori). 4 D!loma odont~s (I'hillip I.)

CoiL Fish, Crw;:!ncea; &" ~{Wcsternport Ba:; /. r Geoi· plnna med1oLnentft iCollinf:;wood) r Gorgonm (Fur. nef\uX Group. Dns,; Sq. Nests: 1 Aumth'ixa rr>guloides (near Doncastcr); r Fa!cunculus fwntatm, I Acanthor~ ;, yr,chus knuiro,;,td". r Mr!i:hrcptus lunubtu,, 1 M, :ncvhostr;s, t Pti:otis lcwini, t Acanthi:za lincJ..ta, r Atr~cep!l:tiu?. a u;..trft: i~:::fDc~ucas!er}.

; De:-w;omrt c;lrono.;le~ l~lrrtLiOOg:e) . r Tro!Jndendron f•~ci:'n:al:t:n, r Trvx:J.lis ung-:1icHlatrt, 1

J.estis n.n .• ~l~, l T •• d~'lic.uub~!MelbnJ:mel. 2 ('ri"tic.:ps :tm<rO\H ( ·2}, 2 Gorrlins \Yorm~; (Lomc).

Vitrin~~ verretttn:L T \tus muscn1ns, 6 Tricten~: (Kcwe:l!,\. Col!. Inset!$ (1\ew 7.e:tbntl), -:'.fr-,l :1nd egg~ of YelloW·1t1mpNT Tit, 2 egg-.~ nf lironw

Cw::'!<on, ~<FtH!n. m::nti~ (Llh's Enlr:t11Cl', C~ipp~bndj.

2 !'n:phH'l :U"!;I;('l11f:.1 I\VYnrlh.1m, N. An~lcdi:~). r Cy~~~m!:tdy;u~ miliusiC [ c ... y:lopag::nl~ !ilhn<1nmm; {S Auo..lr:di.,\, I Jlre\·ni:t ~.m:.

tr":l'.:l;r., 1 1',•ron{':L'\ 1ieC':trr.on ~~is, r Ar:•(:!t':lnidr·s .ph cent:-~, 1 E:""hinndt"f:~~\Qucc~sLt':!il). 2 Ech:r:orlcrms {\Y. }\n«lr:dk). r Tnsh 'l.'!O:trdiot, I J'cr;l:'g:nn.t-.lcr .tt:r:-..lrt~ f;'-;:1ndri11gh m:). 1 V~g·t.lS<" of C:"".:!i,~l:ynchtts :ml.Fe:n1s (l'L Lon.;<hk}. ro Parnpln:tlrt nlr:-.mt'ntrn:a {F<"rn;;haw].

rolL lm;ecb, J:i! Porimt f.:;woma~n!H:t, 4 J'::t-i~o:r:ucn H'nc...:--- (1':\l;cnhnm ).

f'olL Cnlcoptcr:t (S'1n Rt'mo). r Tvplrlops poly;:t:tnun\cw;, 3 P;:~nhlotus nru:t~as, I n{'st

of f:isticnL: n:fict"p!<, t stcmum o:f Crtnis yulpes, Ph:tscolo~,1lc !twip<"s, 1 P. pf'nicill:ttn., r Strh: rkiJca. l;oh-(Virlori:t).

I G.-:otria :!lJStr:11l'< (Y :err.'\ R ). Col:~. Mari:1e Shells (Flindcrs).

I Smintho;>~;s cr.l.S->ic::mdata (Kei'f!T). "i Dris!le-worms (Mordialloc), r ::;c~t of Ac::ncephr.~'ts nustralis (Fiemington).

Trictena. labyrinthicn (Abbo-tsf<nd),

Page 36: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j


ScHEDULE A.~Do:ro;AnoNs TO THE NATiONAL MusEUM FOR THE YEAR I 90 s-·continued.

2.-Specimens (Zoology)-continuef!.


Nicholls, E. B., Melbourne

Ponsolle, P<Jul, Melbourne Prentice, A. L ..•.

Quiney, H., Mortlake RatclHf, -, Lyonvi:Ie Scriven, C. VV: A., South Yarrn ,., Shepherd, F., Somerdlte Shepherd, G. F., Somerville

Steel, J. H .• Windsor Steel, Thos., F. L. S., Sydney Stcvens, G. F. H., Cn.pe Nelson Stone, A. Chas.~ Lake Bog;~. Story~ L. and M., Mordia:loc Thiele, E. 0., Sale Town!>end, R E., Mornington Trebikoek, R K, Gee long

Wn.Htins, J., Morfli<llloc Young, Chas., \V. Melbourne

Young-, Wm., \Vinton, N. Zoo!og:lcnl and AccEmil~isrrtion

of Vi et,, Ropl Pnrk Soc.


:l Sminthopsis murina, 2 Dromicia ooncinna, x Perameles obesu:al ColL Reptiles and Land Shells-(W. Au$~ tralia).

4 Pr·thon reticulatus {Singapore). 2 v:llves .l'e:ul Shell, 2 Whale's Teeth, t sa\'\ of Snw-fish~

2 prs. Duii.1lo Horn~~(Northern Territory). 2 Mus, I Trh::hosurus vulpccula {semi-albino \'aT.).

l'hascolognlc peuidllata, Turnix varia 1Jindivi.ck}.

1 Nesc of Stipiturns m:\lachurus (Somen·llle). i.; ests :~x Edoliisoma tenuirosttls, 1 Stipiturus m:llachurus,

r Petnl"'.'a b;co;or, 1 Pacl\ycepha:a. glaunu:~, 2 Acan~ thiz:a lineil.ta, 1 A. pusitlu, 1 Micrreca hscinnns, 1 }{eiiornis novae.hollandlre, 1 Grauculus melrmopsj t Sittella chrysoptera~(SomervHle), 1 Gymnorhina leuco. nota, semi-albino vnr. (Somerville).

Portion of sku:t -of Camel? (N.W. Australia). 17 Petipatus leuchnrti, vn. orie-ntnlis \N.S.1,V,). I An:her::ctt eucalypti.

Gymnodnctylm: millusii (Lake lloga), E1:dyptuls minor \Morc!ial1cc}.

t) Gnhxi:1s algothonk, 2 Arnphlboluru~(N. Gippslnnd). 1 Zygrena rn:11leus {Mornington/.

Pamcephnla muTinc., 1 H.1p onyx. r Geoscaptus l:r:vis­simns-{Geelongj. r Me!obnsis sexplngia (Es:t!ndon). Tritlmulax philippi (Dox H-ill).

r ..Aulopns purpmls:;tus (~fordialloc), r Rat (RichmonC)l r Hy<iropbilus Lttipalpus (N. Mel·

bourn e). 1 Phascologale swainsoni? (Mokoanl. 66 MammJl~, 45 Birds, 4 Reptiles.'

--···-~- ·-~-···---···-~·-··---···-~- ---

Page 37: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j



2.--Spccimcf!s (Geolagy and Mineralogy).


Bird, C. E., SL Kilda .. Cnmpbell~ A. G. 1 Dnrnley

Cha.pman, \V. D., Auburn Cule, 1'. C., Mdbonruc ...

Cas, Rev. Geo., Hawthorn

Cr:twfor<l, Hy., Eugonia t:rcs:swell, Rev. A. \V., M ... >\ C;tm·

b.:rwe:!. Cu<!mme, M. R., South Yarn.

Dixon, J. R., Richmond

I;letchf':, J.:-s., Stockton

Fn.•ncll 1 Ch:u;., jun., Melbonme

Fu!ton, S. W., J,fclbourne

Gatli!T, ], H., Ctrltou

Gmh;-_m, Geo. 1 Soott's Cre<:>k Hctll, T. S .• M.A.~ Melbourne Uni­

versity Hussell, W. W.) Ni:netybelle,

N.S.W. Henderson1 A. A., MeltJoume Uni.

V<:Crsity Hin, Jos. A., Kewell Hughan, R., Hamilton

K:me, Jas. and Wm., McKenzie's Creek

Keays, fhos. H., Footscrny

Kep, Thos:., Ascot Vale


AUl'iferous sp. {J;;~etton). Concretions of C:ub0n.1te of Lime and S,md, &c. {Kan·

garoo I.). F;:vosiles gwml1pora (Silurian; Li.lydale). Yellow Limestone with embedded fragment of Bone

(~.\V. Queensland}. Concrefionarv Limonite, Silicified \Vood, Common Opal,

Li:nonlte, 'Aragoni:e in Bas;::.lt, fragments of leaves_ of Txn:opteris diantreei in Mesowic S3.ndstone, ? TremOp· teri~, portion of stern of i ?) Fern in Meso:toic Sand· stone~(V:ctoria).

Meteorite (" Ellerslie "). 3 Ommatocarc:mJS cor:oensis, types (llalcorobian j C'ur­

!ewis), 2 Ob:.:dianites (N.S.\V.), Mandibles of Ka.ng,uoo

(N.S.W.). f'::~t of Cephtdoid Shell {Silurhn; Woori Yallock). 2

Voluta und-uhta (Aho=ta Bay). I L:ut:!e ltee-:<tem~ordcdtes or Aranc;uioxylon {Coal

\f>:::>u;ures; Stockton, N.S.W.). PL:cotrochus mrtgnus, 2 (?) Cellepora, 1 Spondylus g;!_•rleropoides, 2 Cucullre:t corioensis, l Meretrix tenni~­{Tertiary, Jankuki;m; Tahle Cape). Fragments Unio IP\eistoce!lc or ;mhreccnt; Koondrookj. Dendrites (Wan. r!in}. I Pebhle with Quartz vein. 1 Pnly:wal Rock (Ihrwonian; Hamilton).

Fo~>'iliferous Conglomeri~e (a. Upper Silnrian, Yeringian; Doanetley's Creek) co!ltaining :~? Zaphentld Corals, (;rinoid Stems, ? Athvris, Favosites, Atrypa reticularil'L Stmdstone {Silurian, &telbournian; Rroadford), co!ltain­i.ag: Strophcodonta, Pentamerus~ ? Orthis, Crinoid Stems, ? :\lonotrypa, Rhynchotrema liopleura.

Silmian Fossils, :nduding Pabeoneito, ? Rhynehonella nnd Loxoncma-·-(Heathcote}. ColL fossils {Tertiary, Jr-.nkuldan; Torquay, Vie!.), inch1dinr, :~Lunu!itcs, Ma.gasella cornpta, F.chlnocyanus (Swtellinal patella, Love:tia iorbesi, Paradoxechinu;; novus. Trigoula llemiun<lulr,tn., Limopsis insolita, Glydmeris maccoyi, C:tUoenrdin. caino1.0ic.:~., Cardita polyrlema, Natica wint· lei, VolutilHhe£, Tarritella, Pleurotomn, Typhis.

Ob~idinu Bomb, 3 Ommalocarci:t:IS cori.oensis (Balcombi:m.: Port Camp·

hell}-figd. specs. Pyrite, with Galena a:td Sphalerhe.

Fr:tgments of Cepha.lopod SheH (Ordovician; Gippsland}.

Sapphire {Mt. Werong, X.S,\V.). Voluta fulgetroides, Glydmeris halli, Cucullrea corioensh:,

Ostrea. manubriata {Upper Beds; Muddy Ck., HamH· ton}. Cyprrea ef. scalena, C platypyga. (Lower Deds, Murldy Ck., Hamilton).

l Obsidianite.

Decomposed :A1.!>alt, Jasper, &c,, Sandstone-(near Horse~ 11hoe Bend, SCJ.ltwater R.) Caleite (Ascot Vn.!e).

2 Natka p!llmbea, t P•.ltamides austra1is:-(Pldstocene; near Ascot Vale).

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YEAR rgos-contimud.

z.-Spcdmens (GeoloK)' and Jl!incralogp}--mntinued.


Kitson, A. E .• F.G.S., Department of Mines, :Yielbourne

Leach, J. A-~ R.Se., Meibourne "" McMabou, J. J. 1 Melboume Public

Library Mahony, T. D., Melbourne Un.iver.


Main, J, ·w., \Vest W:ubnrton :Marrow, J., North Fituoy M.1w00n, I)ougbs, D.Sc. 1 D.E.,

University, Adela:de

Murphy, C J., Ryan's Creek Ouge, Robt. .P., ~{oouce Ponds Quiney, H. 1 Monhke

Reed, ]no., Terang

RoHason, Thn~., Melbonrne Shcflrsby, A. ]., Vass, N.S.W.

Spry, F. P., N;,.tiona_l Mmetlm

Sweet, Gen., F.f;.s., Dmns.wick

Thiele, K 0 ~ S,tle

'fhom, Rev. R., Mansfteld

\Van, Thos., Melbourne ...


i Glossopteris b:ro'\\·niana, r G. trenicpteroides, r G. com­munis, 2 Phyllo!heca. australis, I Ovopteris alata, Noeg~ gerath:iopsis media, r Vertebraria, r Calamoeladus, 4 Fossil \VooC, 5 Co.:1l Concretions, I Columnor ? Anthra. citie Clay, t altered Gtossopteris shale, t ? Columnttr Dvke Rock~{Newcastle Coal Measures; Stocktm•, !(S.W.). t Th!tmfe:db. odontopteroidcs i]urassic1 Din. r.tore, Queensland). t G:ossopteris amp1a, 7 G. brow­ni,m:t, t ? Vertebmria (Carbo-Permian; Latrobe, Ta.s~ man;aj. Gold with Bomite, &c. (~. Mt. LyeU, Tas­manifl). ? Palre,matini1 (Silurirrn j 8. Y::o.rra).

Crinolt! Stews (Sihubn Mutbtone; llobinawanah). C,dcium Carbon:1le in c: silicious Limestone (Clifton Hill).

9 S la le sps. {L, Ordovician; Dullagamok) containing :~ Phvllograptus typus, DidymogrJ.;)tus t'rnluceus, D. cf. extefl:ms, D. er: pritehardi, TetrUgraptus ( ?} (lccipien::, RllinoptNocuis mJ.ccoyi.

Alluvhl \Volframite (W. Warb11rton). Pyrite, rcpttcing' a tree-root (Glad:stone, Tasmnnia). Tr:!boEtic Lime~tone, Archxocvnthiua Limestone, s micro·

senrzic !.ectious of c;ome, Vok;tr:ic :tg:;;lomerute, Cvdo­nema lily:Lden~is (Sihtrian. Yeringi::m; Lil_rdaleJ. Stromatoporotd {Silurittn, Yeri.ngi:>n; Lilydale).

Tnt(inols in :na.trix: (Ry:t!l's Ck). SdsM:>rs, rusted flnd cemented in s:mc! (Sorrento). Febpar (Oligocbse), Olivint"', Scoria, Do!nbs, 3 Obsidia­

nites~{:Mortbke). Fra~mcnt.~, SluH of Phasco!omys mttehelli, Pecten foul~

ehcr:, Pecten, Eehinohmpus posleroeps~:l~, Casshlu:ns australi~(neur Col:le).

Chalcodte, in the form of Galena. (T:t~maniaj. 1 Pi~ocrinus Y:'lii~Pnsis, v:u. loh:d:a, I ( ?) f'entmnelia~

(Yass, N.S.,V.t Siluminn Sflu<~stone with ioint:-> and os;;i. des of Crino\d, Crania, Tnrrilepas, l':t!re.::meilo} Athyri!", Phacops, f?) Calymene, Dinobolus--(Y,ul Yea:1) .. t Clo~ind:t lln1,;nifer, nr. william;;oniJ cast of type Rhwo. phyllum y:\tsense, cast of type R. rolm:,tum, 1 R. inter· punctrttum, t R. am.tra:e--(Yass, N,K'\>V.j.

4 Mytilus p!anulntus (S. Melb.), 2 Pecten hochstellcri {N.Z.). 2 sps. Gypsum {S. Kem:.ingt•m) ..

Colk }t:rassic fossil Plants (Heiween Gnce's f:k. nw\ Morning-ton), Terti;uy (B~Icombbn) specimens fwm Grlce's Ck. nnd Kttekernbolte (Denn:wt) Creek. 3 sp~. Lignite (Dnlr.ombc's fhv).

Clim>tcogrnptus bicornk C hrtstatus, Diplogr;1ptu:< cnrne;, Diu\lograptus, Siphonotret.1. ef. rliscoidnlis (C-ippsbnd).

t StrophCodonra (Brnehyprion) Elyd.tlensi", :>. ( ?) Strapn~ rollu!>J t ~ ?) Spirifer with 1 ( ?) Pterinea (Loynb).

2 Actlnopteria, .1 Strophone1la, I \Vilwnia, Fenestelln, Leptrenrt rhomboidalis, Chondcs d. robnfll:t, Stwphon­eib, Pentl.rnt'ru;:<: .lillltralis, Acli.nopteria~(Kilsyth}.

--··--··--··-·~~~-'"""" ___ -----·------

Page 39: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j

ScHEDVLE A.-·DoNAnONs To THE NATIONAl. MusEUM :FOR nm YEAR I90J-·continucd.


AHen) Jas.t Barmah Brown, 1'. 1 .Mordi:lHoc Coghil11 Ue-o., Me-lbourne

Cox:, Rev, G •• Hawthorn

Cudmore, M. R., South Y.tna

French, O.tns., jun._, Melbourne

H..trrison, Mi:>~, Engl.tnd

Hunt, Allee, Melbourne McCrae, A. H.. 1 Deniliquin, N.S.W.

Mattingley, A., Melbourne Prenlir.:e, A. L.

Quiney, H"~ :\fortlnke

~tnitll 1 H.> Monbu:k Spry, F. P., ~atiom.1.l Musenrn

'\VooJ, W. H. 1 Scrvicet.on


Grin.J;)tone, Pountl.'ing or Grint..lstcme--{Bannah). 3 !:i.tone A:xes (MortliaUoc). t,tone Chipplogs, Shetls, &e.~ from Aborigines' Kitehen

Mitlden. Chipped Quartzite;;, Rougb Axe or Core of Quartzite­

(Allarnbee). 25 Grindstones (upper ami lower), 3 X;:;.rduo Mills, 8

lloumiiJl,l£ Stones, 3 Cores, Stone Flakes-(Milkengay Lake, N.S.W.).

1 Aboriginal Sknll (Murrahit) 1 1 do. (Swaa Hili), 1 Stone Axe, imperfect [Easter I.).

Cup·dtaped Vessel, Fragment uf Urn, Fragment base of Urn~ Fragment mouth of cinerary Urn-(Early Iron Age; England).

Wood Food Vessel, 3 Masks, Fisbiog Kite-(New Guinea). Carved Tree-trunk, 3 Stone Axes, Grindstone {lower},

Sharpening Stone ( i')-(Deniliquin. N.S. W.]. Canoe {IIiuchinbrook I., Q:Jcenshlnd). 2 Orn:tments (('M:uimb<t "f, 16 Ornaments, 2 Aprons, 1 pr.

V·/oYen.c.me Armlets, 7 Spear~throwers, 1 Bark Belt, t

Fisl~·hook, 6 Spe4r~heads1 1 Fire-stick, 43 Speus-­(Northern Territory;,

2 Aborigln:tl Skulls (Mt. hlejJhantj, I do. (Western Dis­trict), I do. {C: •• ramut}, Luwer Juws of Aboriginal Skull (Mortlake).

St:me Axe {? Monbulk), 3 Chipped Stone Scrapers (Hamilton), 2 tlo. (Little 1Uver)t

I St<:Jne Arrowwhead (U,S.A.}. Chipptd StomAia.kes (Altonn Bay).

1 Aboriginal SlH:h:ton (llopeto:.m), r Ahorigin.tl Skddow .. -iemale with 6 bones of u:1hmn inf.mt i I':Jrt Fairy), 1 Aborl:gh:al Skeldon (Buckley'~ Roa:l), port:.on SkuH {Ril.ey's Creek),

t Grinding .::md Pounding Stoae (ne:u Servieeton).

Page 40: 0], VICTORIA, · 1 9 0 6. victoria. report op rrhe trus1'ees qf tue public library, ~iuseu~is, and national g-ali1ery 0], victoria, f 0 r 1 9 0 5, 1\'lth j





Asker, Frank, Melbourne Coles, "Aj fred, ~Ielbourne Elgnrr, H., QueemLtnd ... Gatli!l~ J, H., C:rlton . ., f-Ienderson, \V., 3felbourue Hill! E., Geclong:

Le Souttf, Dudley, Roya: Park \Valkins~ w-., Melbourne


1 Eudytpula (Brighton). 1 Ne~t of F,J.lcunculus fron!ntus. Nt~~t and .:gg:s of St>ri,·omls gultumli:. (Queem~la.::d).

, t l'cden (Chlumys) farreri, cotype. : 3 Heron (BaUarat}. I Cull. Western Anstr::.lian Dinls~ Eggs, &c. Coli. Vivtorbn ' DiHls. ; CalL Lepldopten {~ew Gt:..iuea). i 18 l'tt:t,l!ilu. mirabilis (Port Dan\in).


z.-Geology awl Mineralogy.


Adlard, G, E., Ararat Bartlett1 J.ls., Melbourne Mulder, J, F .• Gcelong ... Perelle, Herbert, Melbourne Tacke, H., Melbourne


r Fm£ilisrd Egg. •.. 1o C<Lsb; of Fo~>s.il Shell:; (WaHingtonJ Geelong).

I, CoiL Fossils (Bales for(~' Geelong).

Minenll sps, Mineral sp.


3.-EL/mology. --------------~- ·-~-------------


Coles, Alfred, Melbourue French, Chas. 1 jun., Melbourne

Pinsdwf, Carl, Melbourne Wright, J. J., Melbourne


:2 Mask-house Ornaments (New Ireland). ColL Ethnoiogie:ti spedmens (Victoria).

Skeletons, ro Aboriginal Skulls, Jaws Skulls.

CoiL Bowls, &e. (Solomon h.j. t Aboriginal S:CnH (Lake Bnloh).

4 Aboriginal of Aboriginal

--····------···---····--·-····---- ····--------



Received from l\Iaster Ta\·erner, CamberweH :~z slabs ( ?) Ceratiocaxis; in exchange for I Ammonites fibula.tus.

Received from R. J. Tallyard, Sydney :-z Neurothemis oculata, 2 Diplacodes hrema­toides, 2 D. trivia list 2 B.radJydiplax australis, 2 Pseudagrion ( ?) prU.:ne&:":ens, :2 P. australasire, 2 Agiocnemis rubescens, 2 C eriagriGfl glau::nm ; in exchange for Australbn Xeuroptera.

Received from )fort lake ~lnseum :-3 Aboriginal Skulls, 1 Shield. 4 Clubs, 2 Spear· throwers, 4 Grooved Axes, I ObsiUianitt: j in exchange for 4 show ·cases.

By Anthorit,;y: J. KE!I!P, Acting Government Priater, Melbourne.