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Ignite Boston n

Event Date RSVPs Est Attend

First Ignite May 31, 2007 184 230

Second Ignite Sept. 6, 2007 233 (+21%) 300

Third Ignite May 29, 2008 355 (34%) 400

Ignite Boston 4 Sept. 2008

Future Ignite Boston: January, May, September

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Our Sponsor


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Three things

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Meet People#1

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#2But... be mindful of the speakers!

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#3Have fun!

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Ask Later5-minute limit

Plus 1

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Logistics๏ O’Reilly Folks here to help.๏ Agenda - Let’s stick to it.๏ Future Ignites - DIY and Boston 3 times.๏ Got a Talk! Get it ready. September is

just around the corner . . . summer.๏ Sticker/tag yourself.

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•Help us refine for future Ignites... not public display.

•Each speaker will be assigned a letter.

•Text/SMS IGBOS and that speaker's letter and a rating from 1 to 5 to 41411

•For example, if you were rating the second speaker a 3, you'd text "igbos b3" to 41411 and you'd receive the following autoresponder:

Thank you for rating this Ignite speaker.

Please visit ignite.oreilly.com for upcoming Ignite event details.

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RateLetter Firstname Lastname

igbos Hn John Viega Keynote: Security and Vulnerabilities

igbos Bn Fish Fishman Stage Magic in virtual worlds

igbos Cn Paul Oka Microsoft Research WorldWide Telescope (WWT)

igbos Dn Mackenzie Cowell DIY-biology

igbos En Juhan Sonin Interface Design Tenets for Beautiful Design

igbos Fn Lucy Mendel Buy It Like You Mean It

igbos Gn Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos Friend discovery and file sharing in downtown Boston

igbos An Johnathan Zdiarski Keynote: iPhone, Forensics & Full Disclosure

igbos In Shava Nerad Machinimeconomics

igbos Jn Clark Freifeld HealthMap: Automated disease outbreak monitoring

igbos Kn Joe Cascio Distributed Twitter

igbos Ln Bryan House The Open Source Marketing Checklist

igbos Mn Jesse Vincent Web 2.0 is Sharecropping

igbos Nn Ravi Mehta Digital Goods, The Future of Online Communities

igbos On Alexander Wissner-Gross The environmental footprint of a website

igbos Pn Benjamin Mako Hill Voting Machinery for the Masses

igbos Qn Overall Ignite Boston 3 Overall Rating of this event.

igbos Rn Andrei Kersha Telepresence Robots that do not Suck

Rate: Low Highn=1,2,3,4,5

Rating the Talks - Final Order

Text/SMS: 41411 igbos Xn

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Let’s Get Going๏ 2 Keynotes ๏ 15 Talks - five minutes each๏ Couple breaks... some questions๏ Try to be cognizant of the noise

level when speakers are talking๏ Raffles and fun giveaways

interspersed๏ Need to talk loudly - Go

downstairs, please

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Now to kick off our Ignite Boston event,

please welcome

Jonathan ZdziarskiOpen iPhone Application
