01. chapter one (introduction)

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction


    1.0 Introduction to the Research

    1.1 Introduction and Background

    Over the past few years BIM (Building Information Modeling) has being become one of the most

    concurrent and promoted issues (hn! "ee and Cho! #01$) within the construction industry% &inland is

    the homeland of the BIM adoption and was introduced by 1'0s (Crotty! #011)%

    *he process is based on the information management by during the construction pro+ects from the

     pro+ect earliest feasibility stages through design! operational and demolition (,oannides! Olbina and

    Issa! #01#) from its entire building life cycle% It ma-es best and most efficient way to produce the

    data% *he term BIM. Building Information Modeling is to be everywhere in the construction sector 

    nowadays and being hailed as a tool for improved productivity and /uality (attineni! #011) of the

    construction% *herefore! it is important to go beyond the topic area more than the general view of the

    concept for how technology adoption and BIM awareness across the atar construction industry%

    s part of the construction process! a wide range of documents are produced such as drawings and

    schedules (BIM *as- 2roup!#01#)% s well as providing the management of documents and data!

    BIM can also produce images or ob+ects in $3 models with adding ability to attach related data about

     performance! materials! /uantities! etc (utodes-!#011)% BIM also can apply for the roads! bridges!

    railways! process plants and infrastructure sectors too%

    BIM is not new to the industry! functionally rich $3 ob+ect based modelling tools have been widely

    available for over a decade (Bynum! Issa and Olbina!#01$)% 4owever! BIM goes beyond simply

    switching to new software% It re/uires changes to the definition of traditional methods and complete

    data sharing% *he interoperability of the BIM model re/uires the drawings! master specifications!

    standards! regulations! manufacturer product specifications! cost and procurement details!

    environmental conditions! emissions data and submittal processes (Crotty! #011)% *he whole process

    is about different information resources feeding into the documentation and then becomes a necessary

     part of the model (56citech! #017)%

    *his sort of functionality is not possible within traditional C3% Once the ma+or building elements are

    in place! it is possible for rchitects! 5ngineers and other construction professionals to wor- together 

    on the same model (by creating a Cloud)% *he impact of BIM will be felt by not only the across the

    construction industry but also throughout the build environment industries such as 8roperty!

    Construction and &acility management% It will be a factor for growth by reducing cost and ris-!

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

    tudent :o;0'#710#

  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    encourage use of construction (8aul! #01#)! but also by increasing value of many categories% *herefor 

    BIM will be part of the adaptation to a eith! #011)%

    *raditional building designs were basically dependent upon two.dimensional drawings (?idth and

    4eight)% ?hich has #3 computer aided drafting (C3) technology and now building information

    modeling beyond $3 (width! height and depth) and by adding *imeto the information in the pro+ect

    models% *he fourth dimension (73) based on the time which can be used for animations! safety

    analysis and to prepare site logistic plans with BIM% Cost as the fifth (@3)%it has ability of BIM

    models to contain cost information and /uantity schedules for ma-ing cost for a given design to be

     produced faster% A3 &acilities Management . By harnessing the data in the model! the client will

    gain a powerful tool that enables them to manage their assets% 4ere the principals are by adding datato the model as the pro+ect developers%3 ustainability and afety! 3 Maintainability! '3  

    coustics! 10 3 ecurity and etc% (2rilo! Dutshi! ,ardim.2oncalves! and teiger.2arcao! #01$)%

    Current 8rocess of BIM

    *he construction industry most popular in Computer ided 3esign (C3) software after auto des- 

    application were introduced%by introduce BIM software pac-age! it included variety of software

     bunch and still some software are introducing day by day% *he all of the software are very helpful for 

    wor- with BIM in different categories of the construction professionals% uch asE Fevit rchitect!

    Bently rchiC3! Innovaya! -etch up! olibri model chec-er! *e-la! yncho pro+ect constructor!

    Bently! utodes- naviswor- (8aul!#01#) etc are some of few software%

    till the BIM technology is in an initial stage of around the global construction industry and still

    construction professionals are practicing this new technology% 5specially in the G> construction! the

    British government mandate the BIM level # by #01A for over H@M construction pro+ects (BIM

    4GB!#01#)% "i-ewise! the ?estern 5urope! Canada and Me6ico! China! India and "atin merica arefewer countries to adopting BIM from their construction industry% But the merica (G) is well

     practicing BIM from their construction than the G> and &inland is the best practices in the world

    (Crotty!#011) and G> is the best for adopting BIM rapidly%

    *he purpose of BIM introducing due to targeting #0## &I& ?orld cup and #0$0 atar :ational

    vision% because it would be growth the construction sector by reducing the construction cost% ?hile

    using BIM to the construction pro+ect! the construction team can create a cloud for the specific pro+ect

    and then construction team members could upload the data to the cloud and wor- within the cloud and

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    ma-e better communication with all of the construction activities as a team using a cloud BIM hub


    dvantages! 3isadvantages and Challenges

    *he arrivals of new technology of BIM is faster! better and cheapest (BIM cademic &orum!#01$)% It

    is -ind of mantra of the entire product or a services in the construction sector% 4ere the design and

     build assets cheaper and faster and also having better performing (BIM 4GB!#01#)%

    *here are more benefits by using BIM technology% uch asE &ull collaboration within the pro+ect team!

    reduce the pro+ect capital cost! better visualisation! better multi.disciplinary collaboration! 3etailed

     pro+ect information and lifecycle of the pro+ect! Complete coordination of the components of the

     building! always up to date drawings are used% *herefore! reduce documentation problems! details

    drawings and $3 model use in site management! reduce the paper cost! easily chec- /uality control

    system! client has simulation before start the construction and many more% (BIM *as- 

    2roup!#01#)But also some challenges ahead% uch asE perceived cost . from the very initial stageE

    construction people need more training programmes! so it will ta-e more money% By adopting BIM

    technology to the construction is very costly! more wor- is included (contractors cannot submit their 

    own wor- without -nown his construction team.need more collaborative wor-ing

    method)!competence in BIM use (many construction people use the word BIM! but ma+ority of do not

    -now what is actual! lac- of -nowledge 9 e6perience due to because of new technology)!resistance to

    change (most of the senior construction professionals do not li-e to change on their way of 

    documentary preparation also BIM has too much documentary wor- unless wor- on live site

    environment)! ownership and protection of BIM data . BIM is life cycle% o! future owners can

    change the data or other team members can steal others data from the pro+ect%as this! the data

     protection insurance need immediately and also well.built data entry system.statutory re/uirement

    needs for the secure% (BIM *echnology! #017)

    re their ready for BIMJ

    Most of the global construction companies are get ready for using BIM technology from their 

    construction process from their own capacityassets%

    ?hen adopting the BIM technology to the construction company profile! first need to get s-illed

    construction people if not the staff should get proper training to the BIM%BIM is not a single software%

    *herefore! as a construction company! they need to get the sufficient BIM software (different

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

    tudent :o;0'#710#

  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    software) to wor- with BIM% *hese softwares are more e6pensive% *hus! the company must have

    sufficient funds to convert their whole process to the BIM% *he most important thing is *est

    connection% uch asE the ?i.&i communication internet web connection and ensure that the all of the

    team members can access to the BIM environment%

    &uture BIM

    Compare with the global construction industry especially in 5urope and G! the Middle 5ast should

    update the new technology to their construction%it is bit far away (Crotty! #011) from adopting the new

    technologies to the construction industry% *he construction professional bodies FIC and CIOB also

    now recommended to have more influence with the BIM technology adoption to the industry% 3ue to

    fastest grown with globaliKation with computer and software become more capable of handling

    greater amounts of information! thus BIM use will become more pronounced in design and

    construction pro+ects%

    *raditional methods still popular in Middle 5ast construction industry and when BIM become more

     popular to the Middle 5ast! the Middle 5ast construction mar-et could ta-e beyond the partnership

    with the other countries such as sia! ustralia! G and 5urope construction professionals%5specially

    in atar construction mar-et! still popular in traditional method but now some private sector 

    construction companies are practicing in BIM also there is number of s-ill peoples (BIM specialists)

    are wor-ing in the industry% nd also now the Gniversity of atar ta-ing BIM degree programmes

    from their academic%4owever! the state of atar could introduce BIM technology to their future

    construction pro+ects by targeting #0## &I& world cup and also the :ational vision of #0$0 atar 

    development programme% *his will help to reduce the construction cost and it would be addressed by

    the pro+ect management triple gems (*ime! Cost! and uality) successfully%

    s these reasons! the research going to identified how BIM technology could be adopting in the atar 

     building sector and what are the awareness behind the BIM implementation in the atar constructionindustry%

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    1.2 Research Aim and O!ecti"es

    1.2.1 Research Aim

    *he research investigates the technology adoption and awareness of Building Information Modeling

    in #atar construction industry%

    *he research aim was achieved through following the research ob+ectives listed below%

    1.2.2 Research O!ecti"es

    1) *o review by literature! the use of Building Information Modeling%

    #) *o identify by literature! the ad"antages! disad"antages! how to ado$t the technology! what

    are the barriers to adopt and BIM a%areness in the atar construction sector%

    $) *o collect data from construction professionals on BIM adaptation by /uestionnaire%

    7) *o analyse data collected by /uestionnaire%

    @) *o draw conclusion and recommendation on the BIM technology adaptation and BIM

    awareness within the #atar construction industr&%

    1.' Research (ethodo)og&

    *he research literature review is defined by the main body of the total pro+ect based on% *his helps for 

     bac-ground study about the research topic area and creating a general view about the research%

    nswering by the research designE the research philosophy is based on the atar construction

    industry% *herefore! the purpose is to investigate is based on how to adapt in BIM technology compare

    with other countries such as G! G>! ustralia! 5urope etc%

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    uantitative method is a research approach in this research% *he uestionnaire survey was one and

    only data collection techni/ues throughout the research% 3ata analyse done by through the pro+ect

    ob+ectives and answers are numerical% nd also created by the close ended /uestionnaires (0L) for 

    the purpose of ma6imum responders answering the survey% fter preparation of /uestionnaires!

    statistical method was selected for the analysis trough the surveyor and made a final recommendation%

    In this researchE the research methodology is the process to achieve the aim and ob+ectives of the

    specific topic area% *he methodology is going beyond personal e6perience! assumed! approaches and

    opinion (Bernard! #00A)% *he literature review is carried out by using secondary data collection

    method by des- study approach% 3escriptive data collection method and by e6amining literature

    from the boo-s! internet! +ournals! magaKines! newspapers! articles and electrical data base on the

    university online services would be the collection method of data gathering throughout the research%

    ampling is the method of selecting the specific population% *hus! selecting the most appropriate

    sample is a critical issue for research (*an! #00#)% In this research data collection was done by online

    /uestionnaire surveyor by send.off the /uestionnaires from the construction professionals through

    online survey software=s named as urvey mon-ey software% *he survey mon-ey software was help

    for the /uestionnaires create! distribute and analyse throughout the research% In this ampling

    methods! ample siKe! sampling method is common approaches% 4ere sampling method is tratified

    random sampling and participate in construction e6pertise% *herefore! positive answers were

    approached and this is the way of succeeding on the main purpose of the research aim and ob+ectives%

    4ere sampling method is a stratified random sampling atar construction professionalsE those who

    are currently wor-ing in the atar construction industry% &urther selection of the appropriate

    methodology! the research is based on the /uantitative research strategy! data collection techni/ues are

    depending on the /uestionnaire survey by email through survey mon-ey software through send off the

    survey lin- to my "in-edIn profile using stratified random sampling techni/ues by selected atar 

    construction professionals those who are currently wor-ing in the atar construction companies%

    4owever! data analysis techni/ues were used without any damages against the research area and also

    responders% *he research methodology is discussed in the bac-ground study! identified the research

     problem! literature review! research design! data collection and data analysis techni/ues


    3escriptive statistical method of analysis was applied as a data analysis techni/ues and it is very basic

    method of analysis the data and the data including measurement of central tendency and the fre/uency

    distribution (:aoum! #00)%Gsed 8ie chart! Bar chart and also mode= and mean methods to analyse

    the data in an appropriate manner%

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    1.* +co$e, Restraints and -imitations

    *he scope of this research mainly based on the nature of the atar construction industry construction

    organisations and the area based on the Building Information Modeling% *he /uestionnaires were

    send.off by using urvey mon-ey software from atar construction professionals% *he surveyor only

    for those who are wor-ing in the atar construction industry% 5specially rchitectures! uantity

    urveyors! Civil 5ngineers! 8ro+ect Managers and BIM pecialists%

    *he BIM technology is very new technology to the construction professionals% o! still most of them

    are practicingstudying on the BIM% *herefore! the survey is limited and difficult to find boo-s!

     +ournals and articles in relevant topic area during the limited time of research handover% 5specially in

    the 2ulf region% lso problem with assess the data base such as! Canadian! merican! ustralian!frican and sian% "anguage problem may occur during case study research specially Chinese and

    their native language etc%

    *he survey results are the sample of the whole tate of atar construction sector and more response

    were predicted% If the responses made less! the final recommendation would not be stronger and

    inaccuracy% "imited time period and the research needs to submit by # th &ebruary #01A and the word

    limit ma6imum #0!000 of the total research%

    1. E/$ected outcomes or e)i"era)es

    t the end of the research area! is Identified the advantages! benefits! how to adopt the technology to

    the construction industry and what are the barrierschallenges adopting the BIM awareness of the

    atar construction sector%

    4istory of the BIM! what is BIM (Introduction! process)! current situation about the BIM technology

    in the global construction industry! the opinion of the construction professionals! how they are ready

    for adopt the BIM technology to the atar construction sector! availability of how many

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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  • 8/18/2019 01. Chapter One (Introduction)


    Chapter 01 Introduction

    s-illeduns-illed people! the way of adopt the technology! whathow are the awareness of adoption

    and all +ustified by after review of the final outcome of this research%

    *herefore! at the end of study of this research area was identified the way of adoption! how to adopt

    and what are the BIM awareness of atar construction industry%

    1. Research Beneiciaries and issemination

    *his research will be mainly beneficial from the atar 8ublic and private sector construction

    companies! construction professionalism especially those who are wor-ing in atar construction

    companies (! 5ngineers! rchitectures! 8ro+ect Managers) and sub.contractors! suppliers!

    sta-eholders! company owners% :ot only that but also studentsacademic peoples those who are

    interesting and studying in construction sector! some construction researchers! those who has none of 

    -nowledge in Construction or BIM! oftware engineers (they can create new software for BIM)!

    university lectures those who are special interest% BIM academic lectures and also ma-e inducement

    with those who does not li-e on the construction field or a without Kero -nowledge about BIM%

    Once the research will be submitted to the Gniversity research unit! as a writer of this research! could

     be discuss about final findingsurvey results to the academic colleges! academic lectures and same

     professional bodies (CIOB members) about final finding and made interest what is happening

    currently in the construction sector regarding BIM in atar%

    BIM *echnology doption 9 wareness of atar Construction Industry

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