01 concept of medication therapy

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Concept of Medication



    Arif Muttaqin, S. Kep, Ns, MMRS

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Drug Names

    Chemical name Describes the drugs chemical composition and

    molecular structure

    Generic name(nonproprietary name) Name given by the United States AdoptedName Council

    Trade name(proprietary name)

    The drug has a registered trademark; use of the namerestricted by the drugs patent owner(usually the manufacturer)

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    Drug Names (cont'd)

    Chemical name (+/-)-2-(p-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid

    Generic name ibuprofen

    Trade name

    Motrin, Advil

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    Quality use of medicine

    The quality use of medicines refers to the process of: selecting patient management options wisely

    choosing suitable medicines if a medicine is considered necessary

    using medicines safely and effectively.

    This definition of quality use of medicine not only applies

    to medicines in the general practice setting, but also toall medicines used by individual patients that can affecttheir health. This whole-health system view is necessaryas general practice patients obtain their medicationsfrom a range of sources such as those initiated by

    themselves, other general practitioners, other medicalspecialists, pharmacists and complementary therapists.

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    Pharmacokineticsis the way thebody acts on thedrug once it is

    administered. It isthe measure ofthe rate (kinetics)of absorption,distribution,

    metabolism andexcretion(ADME).

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    Absorption is the movement of a drug fromits site of administration into the blood.

    Most drugs are absorbed by passive

    absorption but some drugs need carriermediated transport.

    Small molecules diffuse more rapidly than

    large molecules. Lipid soluble nonionized drugs are absorbed faster.

    Absorption is affected by blood flow, painstress etc.

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    Acidic drugs such as asprin will be better absorbed in the stomach whereas basic drug ikemorphine will be absorbed better in the intestine. Most of the absorption of the drug takes place inthe small intestine. Since the surface area of the stomach is much smaller than that of theintestine. Most of the drugs are absorbed in the small intestine since the amount of time that thedrugs spend in the stomach is less and also the surface area of the stomach is small. If a basicdrug is taken after a meal then the activity of the drug can be reduced whereas if an acidic drug istaken after a meal then the action of the can be noticed much more quickly, owing to the gastricabsorption.

    For a drug even though lipophilic to be absorbed in the intestine some portion of it needs to bedissolved in the intestinal juices which are aqueous. There are some substances that are partlysoluble in water and it is these that will be absorbed and then an equivalent amount will beabsorbed from the undissolved portion. Thus complete absorption will take place. There are bilesalts present in the intestine which will aid in salvation of the drug and their resultant absorption.Drugs that are amphipathic have no problem in getting absorbed. There are some drugs that arecompletely insoluble in water such drugs float as globules in the intestine but the bile salts willemulsify these into small enough particles such that absorption can take place. E.g. vitamins.Some of the drugs are similar to compounds found in the body for e.g. thyroxine and such drugscan be absorbed into the system by active transport.

    When drugs are injected into the muscle, subcutaneous layer absorption still has to take place butit is less dependent on the chemical nature of the drugs since the drugs are absorbed into thecirculatory system through the small pores in the capillary walls.

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    Distribution is the movement of drugs

    throughout the body. Determined by the

    blood flow to the tissues, it is ability of the

    drug to enter the vasculature system andthe ability of the drug to enter the cell if


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    Plasma Protein Binding

    The blood stream has the ability to transport relatively insoluble substances.

    These substances are transferred by binding to the proteins which have avery amphipathic structure. The hydrophilic group renders the proteinsoluble in water and the lipophilic compounds are attracted to the lipophilicgroup and are loosely bound to the protein molecule hence protein bound.Most of the drugs travel in the plasma are partly in solution and partly boundto the plasma protein. The bound drug is inactive and the unbound drug is

    active. The ratio of bound to the unbound drug varies. Binding is reversible.Generally acidic drugs bind to albumin and basic drugs to 1 acidglycoprotein. Diseased state can cause a problem on the effectiveness ofthe drug. As globin levels increase with age this factor should be taken intoaccount when treating an elderly person with a basic drug.

    The protein bound drug is in equilibrium with the free drug. That means thatonce the free drug enters the target tissue then the protein bound drug willbe released to maintain equilibrium. If two drugs bind at the same site of theprotein and are administered together then there can be problems. e.g.Warfarin and asprin.. asprin displaces warfarin from its bound protein as aresult of which there are elevated levels of warfarin in the unbound stateand this can lead to warfarin toxicity.

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    Tissue Distribution

    After absorption most drugs are distributed

    in the blood to the body tissue where they

    have their effect. The degree to which the

    drug is likely to accumulate in the tissue isdependent on the lipophilicity and local

    blood flow to the tissue. Highly perfused

    organs receive most of the drugs.

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    The role of the liver in drug distribution

    After the drug is absorbed by the GI tract, it is taken upby the part of the bloodstream called the hepatic portalsystem. Most of the drugs are absorbed into this systemexcept for the lipids which are absorbed into thelymphatic system and then delivered into the blood by

    the thoracic duct into the superior vena cava. The hepatic portal system is designed to take digested

    foodstuff into the liver where it can be processed, insome cases it is stored before being distributed and it ispossible that this may happen to the drug and the drug

    would be metabolized before reaching the rest of thebody. Such drugs that metabolized by the liver are saidto have a high hepatic first pass. Hence drugs with avery high hepatic first pass cannot be given orally.

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    The BloodBrain Barrier (BBB)

    The capillaries in the CNS are different they have poreswhich are sealed by the connective tissue and henceonly small molecules can cross the blood brain barrierand the substances that can cross over have to be verylipophilic in nature. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the

    protective mechanism of the CNS and is not presenteverywhere in the brain. This is sometimes useful as itavoids some drugs from crossing the CNS and causingdeleterious effects.

    E.g. neuromuscular blocking agents. Sometimes the

    blood brain barrier allows the transport of drugs resultingin unwanted effect for e.g. antihistamines cross the bbband result in drowsiness, now there are antihistaminesthat are made that are not so lipophilic in nature.

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    Metabolism or Biotransformation

    It is the process of transformation of a drug within the body to makeit more hydrophilic so that it can be excreted out from the body bythe kidneys. This needs to be done since drugs and chemicals areforeign substances in our body. If the drug continues to be in thelipohilic state and is going to be filtered by the glomerulus then it willbe reabsorbed and remain in the body for prolonged periods. Hence

    metabolism deals with making the drug more hydrophilic such that itcan be excreted out from the body. In some cases the metabolitescan be more active than the drug itself e.g. anxiolyticbenzodiazepines.

    Some enzymes are highly specific and will breakdown onlycompounds that they recognize for e.g. glucose dehydrogenase. But

    there are some enzymes such as pepsin which are not specific andwill breakdown most soluble proteins into smaller polypeptides oramino acids. This enzyme and many other proteolytic enzymesattack the peptide bond that joins the amino acids to make proteins,and in this way break the protein down.

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    Two types of enzymes are involved in metabolism:

    Phase I Metabolism These enzymes modify the drug chemically by processes such as

    oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis or by the removal and addition of anactive group.

    Phase II Metabo lism These include the conjugation of a drug or a phase I metabolite with a

    polar group to render it possible for excretion. e.g. sulphates andglucuronide

    The deconjugation of the drug by bacterial enzymes is called theenterohepatic cycle. Sometimes this deconjugation can lead toincreased levels of drugs in the body. But some times due to

    treatment with antibiotics there may be less or no deconjugation asa result of which there will be less drug in the body.

    Principal sites of metabolism are Liver and Kidney and once thedrug is rendered hydrophilic they can be easily excreted out by thebile and urine without significant reabsorption.

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    Enzyme Induction

    There are some drugs that can lead to an increase in

    the production of the enzyme and as a result speed

    up the metabolism of the drug and hence a higherdose of the drug is required to achieve the therapeutic


    Enzyme Inhibition

    Some drugs result in the inhibition of certain enzymesand as a result there is an accumulation of the drug in

    the body and can lead to drug toxicity. This is also a

    form of drugdrug interaction.

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    Excretion is the removal of the substance fromthe body.

    Some drugs are either excreted out unchangedor some are excreted out as metabolites in urine

    or bile. Drugs may also leave the body bynatural routes such as tears, sweat, breath andsaliva.

    Patients with kidney or liver problem can have

    elevated levels of drug in the system and it maybe necessary to monitor the dose of the drugappropriately since a high dose in the blood canlead to drug

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    1. You are caring for a client who has diabetes complicated bykidney disease. You will need to make a detailed assessmentwhen administering medications because this client mayexperience problems with:

    A. Absorption

    B. Biotransformation

    C. Distribution

    D. Excretion

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    Study of the mechanism of drug actions in

    living tissue

    Drug-induced alterations to normal

    physiologic function

    Positive change-Therapeutic effect-Goal of


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    Mechanism of Action

    Ways in which a drug can produce atherapeutic effect

    The effects that a particular drug has

    depends on the cells or organ targeted bythe drug

    Once the drug hits its site of action it canmodify the rate at which a cell or tissue


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    Mechanism of Action

    Receptor Interaction

    Enzyme Interaction

    Non-Specific Interaction

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    Receptor Interaction

    Drug structure is essential

    Involves the selective joining of drugmolecule with a reactive site on the cell

    surface that elicits a biological effect Receptor is the reactive site on a cell or


    Once the substance binds to and interactswith the receptor, a pharmacologicresponse is produced

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    Receptor Interaction

    Affinity- degree to which a drug binds with areceptor

    The drug with the best fit or affinity will elicit thebest response

    Drug can mimic bodys endogenous substancesthat normally bind to receptor site

    Drugs that bind to receptors interact withreceptors in different ways to either block or elicit

    a response

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    Enzyme Interaction

    Enzymes are substances that catalyze nearlyevery biochemical reaction in a cell

    Drugs can interact with enzyme systems to alter

    a response Inhibits action of enzymes-enzyme is fooledinto binding to drug instead of target cell

    Protects target cell from enzymes action (ACE


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    Non-Specific Interaction

    Not involving a receptor site or alteration inenzyme function

    Main site of action is cell membrane or cellular

    process Drugs will physically interfere or chemically altercell process

    Final product is altered causing defect or cell

    death Cancer drugs, Antibiotics

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    The nurse is giving a medication that has a

    high first-pass effect. The physician has

    changed the route from IV to PO. The nurseexpects the oral dose to be:

    1. Higher because of the first-pass effect.

    2. Lower because of the first-pass effect.

    3. The same as the IV dose.

    4. Unchanged.

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    Therapeutic Effect

    The expected or predictable physiologicalresponse a medication causes

    A single med can have several therapeutic

    effects (Aspirin) It is important for the nurse to know why

    med is being prescribed

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    Side Effects

    Unintended secondary effects a medication

    predictably will cause

    May be harmless or serious

    If side effects are serious enough to negate thebeneficial effect of meds therapeutic action, it

    may be D/Cd

    People may stop taking medications because ofthe side effects

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    Adverse Effects

    Undesirable response of a medication

    Unexpected effects of drug not related totherapeutic effect

    Must be reported to FDA Can be a side effect or a harmful effect

    Can be categorized as pharmacologic,idiosyncratic, hypersensitivity, or drug interaction

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    Adverse Effects

    Adverse Drug Events

    Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)

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    Toxic Effect

    May develop after prolonged intake or when a

    med accumulates in the blood because of

    impaired metabolism or excretion, or excessive

    amount taken Toxic levels of opioids can cause


    Antidotes available to reverse effects

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    Idiosyncratic Reactions

    Unpredictable effects-overreacts or under reacts

    to a medication or has a reaction different from


    Genetically determined abnormal response Idiosyncratic drug reactions are usually caused

    by abnormal levels of drug-metabolizing

    enzymes (deficiency or overabundance)

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    Allergic Reaction

    Unpredictable response to a medication

    Makes up greater than 10% of all medicationreactions

    Client may become sensitized immunologicallyto the initial dose, repeated administrationcauses an allergic response to the med,chemical preservative or a metabolite

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    Allergic Reaction

    Medication acts as an antigen triggering therelease of the bodys antibodies

    May be mild or severe

    Among the different classes of meds, antibioticscause the highest incidence of allergic reaction

    Severe reaction-Anaphylactic reaction

    Mild reaction-hives, rash, pruritis

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    Other Drug Reactions

    Teratogenic-Structural effect in unborn

    fetus (thalidomide)

    Carcinogenic-Causes cancer

    Mutagenic- Changes genetic composition

    (radiation, chemicals)

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    Drug Interactions

    Occurs when one med modifies the actionof another

    Common in people taking several

    medications at once One med may potentiate or diminish theaction of another or alter the way it isabsorbed, metabolized or eliminated

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    Iatrogenic Responses

    Unintentional adverse effects that occur duringtherapy

    Treatment-Induced Dermatologic-rash, hives,acne

    Renal Damage-Aminoglycoside antibiotics,NSAIDS, contrast medium

    Blood Dyscrasias- Destruction of blood cells(Chemotherapy)

    Hepatic Toxicity-Elevated liver enzymes(hepatitis-like symptoms)

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    Synergistic Effect

    Effect of 2 meds combined is greater than themeds given separately

    Alcohol & Antihistamines, antidepressants,barbiturates, narcotics

    Not always undesirable, physician may combinemeds to create an interaction that will havebeneficial effects (Vasodilators & diuretics tocontrol high BP)

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    Medication Dose Responses

    Serum Half-Life:Time it takes for excretionprocesses to lower the serum medicationconcentration by

    Regular fixed doses must be given to maintaintherapeutic concentration

    Dosage schedules set by institutions (TID, q8h,HS, AC, STAT, PRN)

    Peak & Trough levels Therapeutic drug monitoring

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    The time it takes for one half of the original

    amount of a drug in the body to be removed

    A measure of the rate at which drugs are

    removed from the body

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    Types of Therapies Acute therapy

    Maintenance therapy Supplemental therapy

    Palliative therapy

    Supportive therapy

    Prophylactic therapy

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    The effectiveness of the drug therapy must

    be evaluated

    One must be familiar with the drugs:

    Intended therapeutic action (beneficial)

    Unintended but potential side effects

    (predictable, adverse reactions)

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    Monitoring (cont'd)

    Therapeutic indexThe ratio between a drugs therapeutic benefits and its toxiceffects

    Interactions may occur with other drugs or food Drug interactions: the alteration of action of

    a drug by:

    Other prescribed drugs

    Over-the-counter medications

    Herbal therapies

    Drug interactionsAdditive effect

    Synergistic effectAntagonistic effect


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    Monitoring (cont'd)

    Medication misadventures

    Adverse drug events

    Adverse drug reactions

    Medication errors

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    Monitoring (cont'd)

    Some adverse drug reactions are

    classified as side effects

    Expected, well-known reactions that result in

    little or no change in patient management

    Predictable frequency

    The effects intensity and occurrence are related

    to the size of the dose

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    Adverse Drug Reaction

    An adverse outcome of drug therapy in

    which a patient is harmed in some way

    Pharmacologic reactions

    Idiosyncratic reactions

    Hypersensitivity reactions

    Drug interactions

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    The study of poisons and unwanted

    responses to therapeutic agents

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    Table 2-9 Common

    Poisons and Antidotes

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    2. A postoperative client is receiving morphine sulfate via aPCA. The nurse assesses that the clients respirations aredepressed. The effects of the morphine sulfate can be classifiedas:

    A. Allergic

    B. Idiosyncratic C. Therapeutic

    D. Toxic

    35 - 58

    Fi t P Eff t

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    First-Pass Effect The metabolism of a

    drug and its passagefrom the liver into thecirculation A drug given via the

    oral route may be

    extensivelymetabolized by theliver before reachingthe systemiccirculation (high first-pass effect)

    The same druggivenIVbypasses the liver,preventing the first-pass effect from takingplace, and more drugreaches the circulation

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    Routes of drug administration Enteral route

    Parenteral route



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    Enteral Route:

    Enteral route is through the alimentary canal.

    It might be:


    Sublingual Per rectum

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    Oral Route: Oral route is the most common route of drug administration. It is mostly

    used for the neutral drugs. It may be in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup,emulsions or powders.

    Advantages: It is convenient

    It is the cheapest available route

    It is easy to use

    It is safe and acceptable.

    Disadvantages: Less amount of drugreaches the target tissue. Some of the drugis destroyed by gastric juices e.g. adrenaline, insulin, oxytocin

    Absorptionhas to take place which is slow, so is not preferred during emergency.

    It might cause gastric irritation

    It might be objectionable in taste.

    It might cause discoloration of teeth e.g. iron causes staining, tetracyclines below 14cause brown discoloration so are not advisable during pregnancy.

    First Pass Effect: First pass effect is the term used for hepatic metabolism

    of drugwhen absorbedand delivered through portal blood. Greater the firstpass effect, less amounts of the drug reach the systemic circulation.

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    Sublingual Route:

    Sublingual route involves tablets placed under the tongue orbetween cheeks or Gingiva. The drugshould be lipid soluble andsmall.

    Advantages: Rapid absorptiontakes place.

    Drugis dissolved easily

    Drugenters the blood directly Less first pass effect.

    Spitting out of the drugremoves its effect

    Disadvantages: This method is inconvenient.

    Irritation of the mucous membrane might occur

    Person may swallow the drug

    Might be unpleasant in taste.

    Examples of drugsgiven by this route include nitroglycerin,isoprenaline and oxytocin. Nifedipine used for the treatment ofhypertension in emergency is given by sublingual route.

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    Rectal Route:

    Drugsin solid forms such as suppositories or in liquidforms such as enema are given by this route. This routeis mostly used in old patients. Drugsmay have local orsystemic actions after absorption.

    Advantages: This route is preferred in unconscious or uncooperative patients.

    This route avoids nausea or vomiting Drug cannot be destroyed by enzymes.

    This route is preferred if drugis irritant.

    Disadvantages: This route is generally not acceptable by the patients.

    Locally acting drugs include glycerin and Bisacodyl suppository Systemic acting drugs include Indomethacin (anti inflammatory) and

    aminophyllin (bronchodilator)

    Retention enema is diagnostic and is used for finding the pathologyof lower intestines.

    Drugsgiven by rectal route have 50% first pass metabolism.

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    Parenteral Route:

    Parenteral route includes: Injections:

    Intra muscular

    Intra venous

    Intra-arterial Intra-cardiac


    Intraosseous- into bone marrow


    Intraperitoneal Intra-articular

    Intradermal (Intracutaneous)

    Subcutaneous route (Hypodermic)

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    Classification: Site of Release:

    Site of release may be intradermal, intraperitoneal, intrapleural, intracardiac, intra-arterial, intrathecal (into meninges of spinal cord), intra-articular (into joint cavity).

    a. Subcutaneous: Subcutaneous route might be used for the arm, forearm, thigh and subscapular space.

    The volume used is 2 ml. Insoluble suspensions like insulinand solids might be applied bythis route.

    Advantages: Absorptionis slow and constant

    It is hygienic Disadvantages:

    It might lead to abscess formation

    Absorptionis limited by blood flow

    Examples of drugs given by subcutaneous route include insulin, adrenaline and norplant.

    b. Intramuscular route: Intramuscular route might be applied to the buttock, thigh and deltoid. The volume used is 3


    Advantages: Absorptionis rapid than subcutaneous route.

    Oily preparations can be used.

    Irritative substances might be given

    Slow releasing drugscan be given by this route.

    Disadvantages Using this route might cause nerve or vein damage.

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    c. Intravenous injections: Intravenous injections might be applied to the cubital, basilic and cephalic veins.

    Advantages: Immediate action takes place

    This route is preferred in emergency situations

    This route is preferred for unconscious patients.

    Titration of dose is possible.

    Large volume of fluids might be injected by this route Diluted irritant might be injected

    Absorptionis not required

    No first pass effect takes place.

    Blood plasma or fluids might be injected.

    Disadvantages: There is no retreat

    This method is more risky

    Sepsis-Infection might occur

    Phlebitis(Inflammation of the blood vessel) might occur

    Infiltration of surrounding tissues might result.

    This method is not suitable for oily preparations

    This method is not suitable for insoluble preparations

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    Inhalation may be the route of choice to avoid thesystemic effects. In this way drugscan pass directly tothe lungs.Drugsused involve volatile drugs and gases.Examples include aerosols like salbutamol; steaminhalations include tincture and Benzoin

    Advantages: Rapid absorptiontakes place.

    Rapid onset of action takes place.

    This route has minimum side effects.

    No first pass effect takes place.

    This method is easy.

    Fewer doses is required.

    Disadvantages: Special apparatus is required.

    Irritation of the respiratory tract may take place.

    Cooperation of the patient is required.

    Airway must be patent.

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    Topical route Drugsmay be applied to the external surfaces, the skin and the mucous

    membranes. Topical route includes: a. Enepidermic route When the drugis applied to the outer skin, it is called enepidermic route of drug

    administration. Examples include poultices, plasters, creams and ointments.

    b. Epidermic route (Innunition): When the drugis rubbed into the skin, it is known as epidermic route. Examples

    include different oils.

    c. Insufflations: When drugin finely powdered form is blown into the body cavities or spaces with

    special nebulizer, the method is known as insufflations.

    d. Instillation Liquids may be poured into the body by a dropper into the conjunctival sac, ear,

    nose and wounds. Solids may also be administered.

    e. Irrigation or Douching

    This method is used for washing a cavity e.g. urinary bladder, uterus, vagina andurethra. It is also used for application of antiseptic drugs.

    f. Painting/Swabbing Drugsare simply applied in the form of lotion on cutaneous or mucosal surfaces

    of buccal, nasal cavity and other internal organs.

    Time of Action using Different

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    Time of Action using Different

    Routes of Administration

    Drugstake different time durations after injectionusing different routes to perform their actions.

    This time delay is important, oral route has

    controlled release time, thus depot or reservoirpreparation may be made e.g. penicillin for

    rheumatic fever.

    Usage of drugdepends on its physical

    properties, chemical properties, speed of action,need and bypass effect.

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    Some of the approximate time intervals are given below:

    Route of Drug Administration Delay time for Action

    Intravenous route 30-60 seconds

    Intraosseous route 30-60 seconds

    Endotracheal inhalation 2-3 minutes

    Sublingual route 3-5 minutes

    Intramuscular route 10-20 minutes

    Rectal route 5-30 minutes

    Ingestion 30-90 minutes

    System of medication

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    System of medication


    Metric System

    Apothecary System

    Household System

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    Metric System

    Basic unit of solid measurement is the gram,basic unit of liquid measurement is the liter, and

    basic unit of length measurement is the meter.

    Variations of these measurements will includethe prefixes of kilo, centi, deci, milli, micro etc.

    Unit of measure follows the number

    Arabic numbers are used

    Fractions are expressed as decimals

    Example notations: 3 g; 0.25 mg; 500 mL

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    The Apothecary System

    Basic unit of solid measurement is the grain and basicunits of liquid measurement include minim, dram, andfluid ounce.

    Unit of measure precedes the number

    Roman numerals are used for smaller numbers. Arabicnumbers are more commonly used if larger numbers.

    Fractions are expressed as numerical fractions. A small"ss" may be used to represent 1/2.

    Example notations: gr iiss; drams 3 (NOTE: There aresymbols to represent dram and ounce which cannot bereproduced here. Refer to page 9 in the Drug DosageLab document to see these symbols.)

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    Household system

    Basic units of solid measurement arepounds and ounces and units of liquidmeasurement include teaspoon,

    tablespoon, cups, etc. Unit of measure follows the number

    Arabic numbers are used

    Fractions are expressed as numericalfractions

    Example notations: 1/2 t; 125 lbs

    The Nursing

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    The NursingProcess


    Nursing diagnosis

    Planning (with outcome criteria)



    The Nursing Process (cont'd)

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    The Nursing Process (cont d)


    Data collection

    Subjective, objective

    Data collected on the patient, drug, environment

    Medication history

    Nursing assessment

    Physical assessment Data analysis

    Th S

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    The Seven

    Rights Right drug

    Right dose Right time

    Right route

    Right patient Right to refuse

    Right documentation


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    A double-check

    The entire system ofmedication administration

    Ordering, dispensing,preparing, administering,documenting

    Involves the physician,nurse, nursing unit,pharmacy department,and patient education

    Other Rights

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    Other Rights

    Proper drug storage

    Proper documentation

    Accurate dosage calculation

    Accurate dosage preparation

    Careful checking of transcription of orders

    Patient safety

    Other Rights (cont'd)

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    Other Rights (cont d)

    Close consideration of special situations

    Prevention and reporting of medication


    Patient teaching

    Monitoring for therapeutic effects, side

    effects, toxic effects

    Refusal of medication


  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Ongoing part of the nursing process

    Determining the status of the goals and

    outcomes of care

    Monitoring the patients response to drug


    Expected and unexpected responses

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    The day shift charge nurse is making rounds. Apatient tells the nurse that the night shift nurse

    never gave him his medication, which was due at

    11 PM. What should the nurse do first to

    determine whether the medication was given?

    1. Call the night nurse at home.

    2. Check the Medication Administration Record.

    3. Call the pharmacy.

    4. Review the nurses notes.

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    The patients Medication Administration Recordlists two antiepileptic medications that are due at

    0900, but the patient is NPO for a barium study.

    The nurses coworker suggests giving the

    medications via IV because the patient is NPO.What should the nurse do?

    1. Give the medications PO with a small sip of water.

    2. Give the medications via the IV route because the

    patient is NPO.3. Hold the medications until after the test is


    4. Call the physician to clarify the instructions.

    Life Span Considerations

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    Life Span Considerations







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    First trimester is the period of greatestdanger for drug-induced developmental


    Drugs diffuse across the placenta FDA pregnancy safety categories

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    Table 3-1

    Pre nanc


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    Breast feeding

    Breast-fed infants are at risk for exposureto drugs consumed by the mother

    Consider risk-to-benefit ratio

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    Pediatric Considerations:

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    Pediatric Considerations:



    Gastric pH less acidic

    Gastric emptying is slowed Topical absorption faster through the skin

    Intramuscular absorption faster and irregular

    Pediatric Considerations:

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    Pediatric Considerations:

    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    TBW 70% to 80% in full-term infants, 85%in premature newborns, 64% in children

    1 to 12 years of age

    Greater TBW means fat content is lower Decreased level of protein binding

    Immature blood-brain barrier

    Pediatric Considerations:

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Pediatric Considerations:

    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    Liver immature, does not produce enough

    microsomal enzymes

    Older children may have increased

    metabolism, requiring higher doses

    Other factors

    Pediatric Considerations:

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    Pediatric Considerations:

    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    Kidney immaturity affects glomerular filtrationrate and tubular secretion

    Decreased perfusion rate of the kidneys

    Summary of Pediatric

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    Skin is thin and permeable

    Stomach lacks acid to kill bacteria

    Lungs lack mucus barriers

    Body temperatures poorlyregulated and dehydration occurseasily

    Liver and kidneys are immature,impairing drug metabolism andexcretion

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Methods of Dosage Calculation for

    Pediatric Patients

    Body weight dosage calculations

    Body surface area method

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    Geriatric Considerations

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Geriatric Considerations

    Geriatric: older than age 65 Healthy People 2010: older than age 55

    Use of OTC medications


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    Geriatric Considerations:

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy




    Gastric pH less acidic

    Slowed gastric emptying

    Movement through GI tractslower

    Reduced blood flow to the

    GI tract Reduced absorptive

    surface area due to

    flattened intestinal villi

    Geriatric Considerations:

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Geriatric Considerations:

    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    TBW percentages lower

    Fat content increased

    Decreased production of proteins by the liver,

    resulting in decreased protein binding ofdrugs

    Geriatric Considerations:

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    Aging liver produces less microsomal

    enzymes, affecting drug metabolism

    Reduced blood flow to the liver

    Geriatric Considerations:

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    Geriatric Considerations:

    Pharmacokinetics (cont'd)


    Decreased glomerular filtration rate

    Decreased number of intact nephrons

    Geriatric Considerations: Problematic

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    Sedatives and hypnotics

    Thiazide diuretics

    Ethical Nursing Practice

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    American Nurses Association (ANA) Codeof Ethics for Nurses

    Cultural Considerations

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Assess the influence of a

    patients cultural beliefs,values, and customs

    Drug polymorphism

    Compliance level with

    therapy Environmental


    Genetic factors

    Varying responses tospecific agents

    Cultural Assessment

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Health beliefs and practices

    Past uses of medicine

    Folk remedies

    Home remedies

    Use of nonprescription drugs and herbal


    OTC treatments

    Cultural Assessment

    ( t'd)

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Usual response to treatment

    Responsiveness to medical treatment

    Religious practices and beliefs

    Dietary habits

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Preparing for Drug

    Ad i i t ti

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Check the 7 rights

    Standard Precautions: Wash your hands!

    Double-check if unsure about anything

    Check for drug allergies

    Prepare drugs for one patient at a time

    Check three times Check expiration dates

    Check the patients identification (2 identifiers)

    Give medications on time

    Explain medications to the patient Open the medications at the bedside

    Document the medications given before going to thenext patient

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    Enteral Drugs

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Enteral Drugs

    Giving oral medications

    Giving sublingual or buccal medications

    Liquid medications

    Giving oral medications to infants

    Administering drugs through a

    nasogastric or gastrostomy tube

    Rectal administration

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    Parenteral Drugs

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Never recap a used needle! May recap an unused needle with the scoop


    Prevention of needlesticks

    Filter needles

    Removing medications from ampules

    Removing medications from vials

    Disposal of used needles and syringes Needle Selection

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Needle angles for various injections Intramuscular (IM)

    Subcutaneous (SC or SQ)

    Intradermal (ID)

    Z-track method for IM injections

    Air-lock technique

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Injection Techniques

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Injection Techniques

    Intradermal injections

    Subcutaneous injections Insulin administrationAnticoagulant administration (Heparin/Lovenox)

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    Injection Techniques

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    j q

    (cont'd) Intramuscular injections Ventrogluteal site (preferred)

    Vastus lateralis site

    Dorsogluteal site Deltoid site

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    Intra eno s

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    Medications Needleless systems

    Compatibility issues

    Expiration dates

    Mixing intravenouspiggyback (IVPB)medications

    Labeling intravenous(IV) infusion bags whenadding medications

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    M di i

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy



    (cont'd) Volume-controlled administration set

    Using electronic infusion pumps

    Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps

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    Topical Drugs

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    p g

    Eye medications Drops


    Ear drops


    Infant or child younger than3 years of age

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    Topical Drugs (cont'd)

  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy


    p g ( )

    Nasal drugs Drops


    Inhaled drugs

    Metered-dose inhalers

    Small-volume nebulizers

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  • 8/13/2019 01 Concept of Medication Therapy
