01- zavisnost evrope od ruskog prirodnog gasa - perspektive i preporuke za dugorocnu strategiju;...

9 ЗАВИСНОСТ ЕВРОПЕ ОД РУСКОГ ПРИРОДНОГ ГАСА ПЕРСПЕКТИВЕ И ПРЕПОРУКЕ ЗА ДУГОРОЧНУ СТРАТЕГИЈУ * Richard J. Anderson ок садашња политика енергетике ЕУ у одређивању циља об- ухвата изворе обновљиве енергије, уштеду и смањење еми- сије, пропуштено је препознавање безбедносне претње у виду рас- туће зависности од руских угљоводоника посебно природном гасу. Овај текст је превод изворног текста који је публикован сеп- тембра 2008. у Occasional Paper Series No 19, у Европском цен- тру за студије безбедности Џорџ К. Маршал. Кључне речи: Европска унија, Русија, енергетска безбед- ност, природни гас. Увод Европској унији (European Union 27) тренутно се ослањају на Русију за скоро 38% од укупног увоза природног гаса, 1 a потрошња ће поста- ти знатно већа уколико европске државе имплементирају своје тренутно формулисане политике енергетике. Уз планове за постепено укидање ну- клеарних електрана у неколико европских земаља, циљ ЕУ јесте да се сма- * Ова студија је урађена као део вишег истраживачког пројекта, који је реализован у Европском центру за студије безбедности Џорџ К. Маршал, у Гармиш-Партенкирхену. Публикована је под називом „Europe's Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy“ у часопису The Marshall Center Occasional Paper Series, No. 19 (September 2008), а са енглеског језика превела ју је Љиљана Брчић. 1 Ради доследности, у овом раду бројчани показатељи који се односе на природни гас изражаваће се у кубним метрима. Док EIA обично презентује податке у кубним стопама, мерна јединица у Европи је кубни метар, а јединица запремине у трговинским споразумима за промет робе обично је 1.000 кубних метара природног гаса. Податак који говори о 156,1 милијарду кубних метара гаса за ЕУ (EU 27) у 2005. години, проистиче из Гаспромовог извештаја, који је верификовао независан извор, и који је успоређен са бројчаним показатељима BP-а за 2005. о европском увозу како гасоводима тако и кроз испоруке текућег природног гаса (ТПГ) (liquefied natural gas – LNG). Укупан увоз гаса у Европу изно- сио је 413,46 милијарди кубних метара гаса, од чега је 356,86 милијарди испоручено мрежом гасово- да, а око 47,6 милијарди кубних метара кроз испоруке ТПГ танкерима са контејнерима. Д У УДК: 339.972:620.9 (4-672EU:470) ; 327 (470:4-672EU)"20" МЕЂУНАРО Д НО ОКРУЖЕЊЕ

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Zavisnost Evrope


  • 9


    Richard J. Anderson

    - , -

    , - .

    - 2008. Occasional Paper Series No 19, - . .

    : , , -, .

    (European Union 27) 38% ,1 a -

    . - , -

    * , . , -. Europe's Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy The Marshall Center Occasional Paper Series, No. 19 (September 2008), .

    1 , . EIA , , 1.000 . 156,1 (EU 27) 2005. , , , BP- 2005. () (liquefied natural gas LNG). - 413,46 , 356,86 -, 47,6 .









    ) ; 3






  • , /2010


    , - . - 50 60% -, .2 . - - ( , . .).

    , , - . - , , , - . - , , - . - - . - - . - . , - - , .

    , . 17% - .3

    2 ( , . ) Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Brussels, 2006; . 3; Energy Information Administration,International Energy Outlook 2006 http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/nat_gas.html.

    3 2003. 73,7 (1015) BTU ( - ) (British Thermal Unit, BTU) 17% . 2005. 17% .

  • 11

    : 43%, 24%, 14%, 13%, 4% 2% ( , , - ).4

    1 ( )

    , - - . , - - , . -, , , .5 , , ; 22% .6 -

    , 2003. 24%. Energy Informa-tion Administration, Country Analysis Briefs: European Union,http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Euro-pean_Union /Full.html Quantifying Energy: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006, p. 27, http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/stati-stical_energy_review_2006/STAGING/local_assets/downloads/pdf/natural_gas_section_2006.pdf.

    4 . 5 BTU The Uses of Natural Gas NaturalGas.org, http://na-

    turalgas.org/overview/uses.asp. 6 . , -


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    . - , , - , . , , . . , , .7 , , , , , - 2030. , .8

    , (3,7% 2005. ). , , ( 31% 2005. ).9 ;

    7 . 70 -, 89 , 87 -. .

    8 World Total Energy Consumption by Region and Fuel, Reference Case, 19902030, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/pdf/ieoreftab_2.pdf Commission of the European Communities, Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Com-petitive and Secure Energy Brussels, 2006.

    9 , . 2005. 56,59 West Texas Intermediate, 54,52 Brent, 3,7 , -. , - . - 8,79 $ BTU, 6,28 $, 6,05 $ - ( , .) . 31%. British Pe-troleum Statistical Review, Spot Crude Prices: From 1972 and Natural Gas Prices from 1984 http://www.inve-stis.com/bp_acc_ia/stat_review_05/htdocs/reports/report_20.html http://www.investis.com/bp_acc_ia/stat_revi-ew_05/htdocs/reports/report_21.html.

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    -260 F [-162 C], 600 , , (). , - .10 - , - . , - . ( ) - .11 - , - , - .

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    10 , . (EIA) LNG Importers http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/global/importers.htm

    11 , . , , . . Nick Blenkey, LNG boom continues MarineLog.com, http://www.marinelog.com/DOCS/PRINTMMV/MMV Feblng1.html.

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    13 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Natural Gas Prices http://r0.unctad.org/infocomm/ anglais/gas/prices.htm.

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    - , . , , . , - .14

    - , . . 2005. 22% .15 47,55 - .16 27,5 . -, , 15,9 14,9 . - . , (25%).17 , .

    () 50

    . 2030 70 .18 - . ,

    14 1995. , . 1,69 $ BTU, 3,46 $ . , 100% 31%, .

    15 Quantifying Energy: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006, . 24, http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_in-ternet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_review_2006/STAGING/lo-cal_assets/downloads/pdf/natural_gas_section_2006.pdf.

    16 , International Energy Outlook 2006, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/nat_ gas.html.

    17 , Saudi Arabia ( ), http://www.eia.doe.gov-/emeu/cabs/saudi.html.

    18 , Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Brussels, 2006, . 3.

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    .19 - ( ), , , - . -, 1,4% 1% , , ,20 .21

    , -. , , , , 47 .22 , -, . , ( 15) 20082012. 8% 1990. .23 , , , - , , .

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    19 : 2005. 7,2 , 17,1 . / 12,9 . , , , . , .

    20 , International Energy Outlook 2006, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/nat_ gas.html.

    21 Falcon Oil Gas Limited 509 1,28 m3 . , 0,7% 100 , . , . - , - . Falcon Oil Gas Limited - , . Michael Logan, Europe Swiped in Friendship Fight The Budapest Times, January 15, 2007, http://www.budapesttimes.hu/in-dex.php.

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    23 , Country Analysis Briefs: European Union, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/ cabs/European_Union/Full.html.

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    , , - - . kWh 3,2 , - , , 3,7

    24 Germany Committed to Phasing Out Nuclear Power ( ), Deutsche Welle, May 1, 2006, http://www.dwworld. de/dw/article/0,2144,1845437,00.html.

    25 16 2006. . Platts, January 12, 2007, http://www.platts.com/ Nuclear/News/8826117.xml?src=Nuclearrss-headlines1.

    26 CIA World Factbook, France and Germany ( ). https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/gm.html https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/fr.html. 27 , 85 -

    2122 , . 1% .

  • 17

    .28 , - , 8 - , - , -.29 , - , - .

    , . 37,7% 27, .30 , , , 99% . - .31

    25 80% , 60% ,32 . , .33

    28 Miklos Losoncz, Analysis: Energy Dependence and Supply in Central and Eastern Europe EurActiv.com, http://www.euractiv.com/en/energy/analysisenergydependencesupplycentraleasterneuro-pe/article155274.

    29 4,1 , - . Erik Morthorst, Wind Energy: The Facts Volume 2 Cost and Prices . 13, http://www.ewea.org/fileadmin/ewea_d-ocuments/documents/publications/WETF/Facts_Volume_2.pdf.

    30 1. 31 Miklos Losoncz, Analysis: Energy Dependence and Supply in Central and Eastern Europe EurActiv.com, http://www.euractiv.com/en/energy/analysisenergydependencesupplycentraleasterneurope/ article155274. 32 , Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Com-

    petitive and Secure Energy (Brussels, 2006), . 3, Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006.

    33 30% . - . Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006 Country Analysis Briefs: Russia, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Russia/Full.html.

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    1 34

    ( m3/god)


    1,3 100 1,4 100 2,8 100 2,8 100 19,8 99 2,8 99 6,4 99 4,6 98 2,2 82 7,2 77 6,0 69 14,3 65 9,0 64 0,56 52 6,0 43 36,5 42 24 35 24,2 31 11,5 28 3,9 22 2,7 6

    , , -

    2030. , - . - 2006. 2006. , - - .

    34 35% -; , . , , , -, , 1% . ( ) , . 2004/2005 , , . . , : Bernard A. Gelb CRS Report for Congress, Russian Natural Gas: Regional Dependence (CRS, Congressional Research Services), http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS22562.pdf.

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    35 , Altai Project, http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article22202.shtml.

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    m3 .36 4,5 5 2.800 , -. 68 m3 .37 2005. - 156,1 m3 76,6 m3 , - .38

    , - (Unified Gas Transportation System UGS) - 155.000 - .39 - . , , , 30% - . , , - , , .

    , , , . . - - . , 2006. , ; - , .

    , - , . , , - - 40 , -

    36 . 37 . 38

    , . 232,7 m3, 25% , . Gazprom Corporate Website, , http://www.gazprom.com/eng/artic-les/article20160.shtml , : , Internatio-nal Affairs, Vol. 52 No. 5, 2006, p. 147.

    39 , 2005. . http://www.gazprom.com/do-cuments/Annual_Report_Eng_2005.pdf, p. 5455.

    40 , TNK-BP. (- .).

  • 21

    . , ; , .

    , 11% - . , . .

    , - 4,5% 6%.41 .42

    , 281 , 9,5% , . , - 8,5% 2030. .43 - , . -, - , .

    (-) - . . - .

    41 60 74 . BP Statistical Review Oil and Gas Journal , , , http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/reserves.xls.

    42 , International Energy Outlook 2006: World Oil Markets, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/pdf/oil.pdf.

    43 . 2030. , - .

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    , . , -, .44

    a . . 2006. , 235 1.000 m3 2007. .45 , -, , - .

    , , , - , - . , - . , , , , e, , - . 20% : , , - .

    , - , 270 m3 2030. ,46 230 250 1.000 m3, 65 -

    44 Aleksander Medvedev, Gazexport: Achievements and Prospects, International Affairs, Vol. 52 No. 5, 2006, p. 149.

    45 Andrew E. Kramer, Gazprom of Russia to Double Natural Gas Prices to Georgia, International Herald Tribune, 22. 2006, http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/22/business/gazprom.php. 46 2006, 156 -

    m3, - 2030, , , - .

  • 23

    . -, - , , .

    2006. -

    - . -, , , , , - , .47 : - . , .48 , - , , 2006. .

    : , . , , .49

    -, . Energy Business Review The Fi-nancial Times .50 . - -

    47 NATO Fears Russian Plans for Gas OPEC, Financial Times, 13. 2006, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/af125540735811db9bac0000779e2340.html.

    48 . 49 Kremlin Insider Defends Russias Energy Giant Newsweek International, 29. 2007,

    http://www.msn bc.msn.com/id/16735523/site/newsweek/. 50 Carola Hoyos, The Hurdles for Moscow on Path to Gas Cartel Financial Times, 13. ,

    2006, http:// www.ft.com/cms/s/054d0d62737011db9bac0000779e2340.html Emergence of a Gas OPEC Remains Unlikely Despite NATO Warning ( -), Energy Business Review, 16. 2006,


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    , , , - . , - 10 25 , , . - OPEC-, . , , - , , - .

    , . - , - . , - , , . , - , . , , 30% 2 3 , - 2009. .51 , , -. 2007. , -. - ( , 4344% - ), - OPEC.52

    2006. , , , 16% . - , , 7,5 .53 , - ,

    51 ; , 8 m3 . Gazprom Corporate Website, Business Strategy, http://www.gazprom.com/eng/a-rticles/article8523.shtml , Iran: Natural Gas http://www.eia.-doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Iran/NaturalGas.html.

    52 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Newsline, 29. 2007. 53 Carmen Gentile, Algeria Trades Oil Rights for Russian Arms International Relations and Security

    Network, http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?id=15542.

  • 25

    (Rafael Urdaneta Urumaco). - , , , , - , 2006. ,54 . , . - .55

    - . , , , - . - , OPEC.

    , - , . -, . , .56 - , , . , , , .

    54 Gazprom Corporate Website, Business Strategy http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article8523.-

    shtml Gazprom to Explore Egyptian Gas Middle East Times, 27. 2006, http://www.metimes.com/story

    view.php?StoryID=200612290535401035r. 55

    ,. Jonathan Stern, The RussianUkrainian gas crisis of January 2006 The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 16. 2006, . 9.

    56 Carmen Gentile, Algeria Trades Oil Rights for Russian Arms International Relations and Security Network, http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?id=15542.

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    . - , - - . , - .57 -, - . , - . , , , OPEC-.

    , 2007. , : , - , . .58 , , , , : ... , , . , .59 , - , - . () (2030) 20% - .

    , . - .

    57 , 11, ( , .), . - , . , -, , , - , , .

    58 Russia to Consider Idea of International Gas OPEC RIA Novosti, 1. 2007, http://en.rian.ru/russia/ 20070201/60048917.html.

    59 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Newsline, 13. , 2007.

  • 27

    . , - ; - .

    . - , , . - (Russian Unified Gas Transportation System, UGS), , , , . , .

    , -

    , - . .60

    2005. , , , 10,74% .61 50% . - .62

    60 270 , General Electric and Ex-xon Mobile. Bloomberg, Gazprom Passes Microsoft as Third Largest Company 28. 2006 [: 2007. PetroChina , : PetroChina- - , . (- : Open JointStock Company, Inc. or LLP ) , , -, 1 , -, , 2008, - 296 . http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087& refer=worldwide&sid =aQyRJI72Kor8 ( 14 2008).]

    61 Gazprom Corporate Website, Shares http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article21713.shtml. 62 Gazprom Annual Report 2005, . 18.

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    - ( , ), - 1991. , , () 14 , -. , - , , - ; , - . 60% . , - . 29,1 m3, .63 .

    , 166 . , , , , , , , -, .64 , - , 50% (Beltransgas), . , . , , , . , , 35% Wingas, 50% Wintershall Erdgas, 49% Ditgaz 5,3% Verbundnetz Gas.65

    , , , . , , . (Northern European Gas Pipeline, NEGP), (Nothern stream). , ,

    63 (61%) . , , , , , . Gazprom Corporate Website, Gas Resources, http://www.gazprom.com/ eng/articles/article20150.shtml.

    64 Gazprom Corporate Website, Subsidiaries http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article22042.shtml. 65

  • 29

    , Izvestia NTV. , - , .

    , , -

    . - , , - . - . - .

    -, 1999. , - , - . , , a a -- , . .66

    , -, , , - - .67 , - - .68

    66 Vladimir V. Putin, Mineral Natural Resources in the Strategy for Development of the Russian Eco-nomy M.E. Sharpe, Inc., : Problems of Post Communism, Vol. 53, No. 1, Janu-ary/February 2006, . 49. (St. Petersburg Mining Institute) 1999. .

    67 , . 51. 68 , . 52. ,

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    -, 30. 1999. , , . , , : . - ; .69 - , , , .

    -, . , - . - . , -, .70

    , - - , . - , , , - .71

    , (Rosneft) -, - , . , - , . , , -. 2004. , , -, , , - .72

    69 Vladimir Putin, Russia at the Turn of the Millennium http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/parliament/3005/poutine.html

    70 [: 2008. ), http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/06/27/business/27gaz.php ( 14. , 2008).]

    71 , 0,007%. . Gazprom Annual Report 2005, 1922).

    72 Yuri Zarakhovich, Inside the Yukos Endgame Time, August 22, 2004, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,901040830685965,00. html.

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    , , ( - , , -) ( , . ). - - . , , , , .73

    - . - - ; , . - , - . , - . 166 ( ) .

    - ( , .) . - 2004. , , -. 50% 50% ,74 Raiffeisenbank, 50% .

    , , : - , -, ? - . , - .

    73 , , . .

    74 Catherine Belton, Gas Trader Emerges from the Shadows Johnsons Russia List, May 3, 2006, http:// www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/200610331. cfm.

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    - - .75 , , .

    , . 50% . : - -. , . . - Raiffeisenbank, , , . , . : - . , . . . . .76

    . , - . . , , - , - . , - .77 , , - , , . , .78

    , , , .79

    75 4, 24. 2006. , Its A Gas Funny Business in the TurkmenUkraine Gas Trade Global Witness Publishing Inc, Washington DC 2006, . 50-51.

    76 , 7. 2007. President of Russia, Official Web Portal, http://www.kremlin.ru/ eng/text/speeches/2006/02/07/2343_type82916_101277.shtml

    77 Its A Gas Funny Business in the TurkmenUkraine Gas Trade Global Witness Publishing Inc, Washington DC 2006, . 50.

    78 . 56. 79 , .

    1% 2003. 2004, 35%. -

  • 33

    : , - . - . , , . -, - , , -, , . - - . - - 80 - .81


    , 2006. . , 130 1.000 m3, : (1) -, (2) - 2017. , -, (3) (4) .82 , - . , , , , . . , , Michael Freedman and Heidi Brown, Energy Tsar Forbes.com, July 24, 2006, http://members.forbes.com/forbes/2006/0724/094_2.html.

    80 Vladimir V. Putin, Mineral Natural Resources in the Strategy for Development of the Russian Economy, , Inc. Problems of Post Communism, Vol. 53, No. 1, January/February 2006, . 52.

    81 Vladimir Putin, Russia at the Turn of the Millennium http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/parliament-/3005/poutine.html.

    82 The Price of the Vote//: Kommersant, October 20, 2006, http://www.kommersant.com/p714949/Referendum_ NATO_Ukraine/. [odatak:

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    ,83 - . - , - , - . -, , , .84

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    - . , -, -, Russia, Inc., , .85

    2006. , , . - 1.000 m3, . http://www.unian.net/eng/news/news235920. html http://unian.net/eng/news/news239931. html ( 14. 2008.)]

    83 35 % . - , , , . -, 80 % , .

    84 , , 2006, , - . - , , - , -.

    85 Russias Energetic Enigma Economist.com, 6. 2005, : http://www.economist.com/dis-playstory.cfm?story_id=4484349

  • 35

    , ...86 - (Unified Gas Transporta-tion System UGS), .

    coup de grace - 2007. , , .87 - , 60% . - , : , , Nortgaz, Rospan International.88 19,9% -, , . , , - .89

    , - , ; - .90

    , . 2006. -, 230 250 m3 . - 26 49 m3 .91 -

    86 18 2006 . N 117 - [Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 18 July, 2006 on the Export of Gas, http://www.rg.ru/2006/ 07/20/gazexportdok. html.

    87 Gazprom Free to Buy Up Russian Gas Producers Kommersant, January 15, 2007, http://www.kom-mersant.com/ p733954/r_500/Gazprom_Gas_Production/.

    88 47,5 m3 , - 29,1 m3. - , , , Nort-gaz, Rospan International. Russia: Permission for Gazprom to Rule the Energy Sector, Stratfor, http://www.stratfor.com/products/premium/read_article.php?id=282974.

    89 . 90 Checkmate Novatek Deal Strengthens Gazproms Position in Russia and Beyond Global Insight,

    http:// www.globalinsight.com/SDA/SDADetail6239.htm. 91 Gazprom Corporate Website, Distribution, http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article20159.shtml. -

    26,5 US .

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    , - . , .

    , - . - , : - , .

    2 -

    - , 2, - 2006. . - 2 (Pro-duction Sharing Agreement PSA) -- (Royal Dutch Shell) (Mitsui) (Mitsubishi). , . -, , - , . .

    , 100% -, , 2007. 2008. . - . 2 498 92 100 .

    92 Energy Information Administration, Sakhalin Fact Sheet http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Sakhalin/images/sakhalin_0905_wk.html.

  • 37

    2006. , - , - .

    - -e Sakhalin Energy Investment Corporation (SE-IC), .

    2006. , - , 50 SEIC 7,45 , 11 .93 , , , SEIC- . - , , , , : - , - .94

    - - 2. . - , , . -: . [...] , .95 , - , , , . , - - 1999. - .

    93 , SEIC . Gazprom Secures Half of Sakhalin2 for 7.45 Billion Dollars AFP Business News, 22. - 2006, http://au.biz.yahoo.com/061221/33/10x70.html.

    94 Japan Urges Russia to be Responsible After Gas Takeover AFP Business News 22. , 2006 http://au.biz.yahoo.com/061222/33/10yr8.html.

    95 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Newsline, December 22, 2006.

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    . (RU-SIA Petroleum), TNK-BP (British Petroleum) (Interros), , .96 , , . PSA ( - , . .), - je 2006. - 9 m3.97 , . - - . . , , - . , .98 , , - - .

    - , , , - -, - .99 .

    2 - . ,

    96 2, New.RU.com, January 18, 2007, http://www.newsru.com/finance/18jan2007/prirodnadzor.html.

    97 TNK-BP Unable to Eliminate License Violations Kommersant, March 6, 2007, http://www.kommersant.com/p10254/ r_529/kovykta_license/.

    98 2, New.RU.com, January 18, 2007, http://www.newsru.com/finance/18jan2007/prirodnadzor.html.

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    107 Igor Tomberg, Thus Spoke Putin: Russia Upholds Principle of Equality in Energy Sphere The Ja-mestown Foundation, September 15, 2006, http://www.jamestown.org/publications_details.php?volume_id=414&issue_id=3856&article_id=2371449.

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    110 Stephen Boykewich, St. Petersburg Mining Institute Rector Makes Plan for the Creation of Russia, Inc. The St. Petersburg Times, June 20, 2006.

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    111 Russias Energetic Enigma The Economist, October 6, 2005, http://www.economist.com/business/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4484349.

    112 : William Pfaff, Russias Deep Ani-mosity International Herald Tribune, March 5, 2007, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/03/05/opinion/ed-pfaff.php.

    113 Vladimir Putin, Russia at the Turn of the Millennium http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/parlia-ment/3005/poutine.html.

    114 Roundtable discussion of Russian policy makers from Russias Priorities International Affairs, Oc-tober 2006, East View Publications, Moscow, . 33.

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    115 : William Pfaff, Russias Deep Ani-mosity International Herald Tribune, March 5, 2007, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/03/05/opinion/ed-pfaff.php.

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    1064. 118 :

    , . Vladimir Putin, Russia at the Turn of the Millennium http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/parliament/3005/poutine.html.

    119 Russia Prepares to Revise Military Doctrine in Response to USAs Missile Defense Plans Prav-da.com, 5. mart 2007, http://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/05032007/88005military_doctrine0.

    120 Vladimir Putin, Russia at the Turn of the Millennium http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/parliament/3005/ poutine.html.

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    125 Mikhail Dmitriev, Russias Energy Key Strategy Russia in Global Affairs, No. 4 Vol. 4, 2006, . 122123 Vladimir Milov, NeoCon Plans and the Sober Reality Russia in Global Affairs, No. 4 Vol. 4, 2006, . 124.

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    129 World Bank Website, China, Country Partnership Strategy http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EX-TERNAL/COUNTRIES/EASTASIAPACIFICEXT/CHINAEXTN/0,,contentMDK:20583507~pa-gePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:318950,00.html.

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    134 Damien Gaul and Kobi Platt, Shortterm Energy Outlook Supplement: US LNG Imports The Next Wave, Energy Information Administration, January 2007, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/steo/pub/LNG-_Jan2007.pdf.

    135 Aleksander Medvedev, Gazexport: Achievements and Prospects International Affairs, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2006, . 154.

    136 William Underhill, The Big Burst: Fusion is Back, Newsweek: Special Edition Breaking Out, Whe-re the Energy Boom Will Lead Us, 2006, Newsweek Inc., New York, . 8283.

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    , - . 2,9 m3, , 2006, - , 7 - m3.144 , -

    139 Energy Information Administration, Central Asia: Natural Gas http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Centasia/ NaturalGas.html.

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    o 2006. 56 m3. , - . Jonathan Stern, The RussianUkrainian gas crisis of January 2006 The Ox-ford Institute for Energy Studies, 16. , 2006, . 9.

    143 Aleksander Medvedev, Gazexport: Achievements and Prospects International Affairs, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2006, . 148.

    144 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Newsline, Turkmenistan: Potential SuperGiant Emerges on Energy Scene November 10, 2006, http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/11/CB06DCDEC0D740C7B0E98AC1BD48F6 F2.html.

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    149 Gazprom Corporate Website, Business Strategy http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article8523.shtml 150 Gazprom Corporate Website: Business Strategy http://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/artic-

    le8523.shtml Major Projects http://www.gazprom.ru/eng/articles/article21712.shtml, Energy Infor-mation Administration, Sakhalin Island http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Sakhalin/Full.html.

    151 Gazprom Corporate Website, Annual Report 2005, http://www.gazprom.com/documents/An-nual_Report_Eng_2005.pdf, p. 58.

    152 Jonathan Stern, The Future of Russian Gas and Gazprom Oxford Energy Forum, 2005, . 12.

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    160 Exxon Mobile 2005. - 36 ; Royal Dutch Shell Fortune Glo-bal 500, http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2006/snapshots/ 979.html.

    161 Russian Oil Fund Surges to $88.4 Billion Alexanders Oil and Gas Connections, http://www.gasandoil.com/ goc/news/ntr70531.htm.

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    169 Jonathan Stern, The RussianUkrainian Gas Crisis of January 2006 The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 16. , 2006, . 2.

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    Security or Political Pressure? Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, http://www.swpberlin.org/de/common/get_document.php?asset_id=2439

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    177 Nabucco Gas Pipeline Project http://www.seerecon.org/infrastructure/sectors/energy/documents/031005gas/Nabucco%2-0Presentation%20Belgrad%20Oct%202005.pdf Corporate Website Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH. Project Timeline http://www.nabuccopipeline.com/project/projecttimeline/indexkopie. html

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    180 Jonathan Stern, The RussianUkrainian Gas Crisis of 2006 http://www.oxfordenergy.org/pdfs/com-ment_010 6.pdf.

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    - . - 1,4 m3 K ora.185 e e - , e e . , - , . 2007. - . , -, 20 2012. ; 50 100% .186 ,187 , . 10 20 % , . . , , - .

    183 26. 2006: Andris Piebalgs,Nabuc-co Pipeline Searching for Alternate Routes for our Gas Supply http://europa.eu/rapid/pressRelease-sAction.do?reference=SPEECH/06/413&format=PDF&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en.

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    sets/bp_internet/ globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_review_2006/STAGING/lo-

    cal_assets/downloads/pdf/natural_gas_section_2006.pdf. 186 US Official-Azerbaijan Eyes 20 bcm Gas Exports http://www.bakutoday.net/view.php?d=33513. 187 [Supplement: Information on production only available as recent as 2006]

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    188 Medgaz Corporate Website, FAQs, http://www.medgaz.com/medgaz/pages/faqseng.htm Sonatrach Corporate Website, Galsi, the New Route for Algerian Gas to Italy and Europe www.sonatrachdz.com/presentations/session32/poti.pdf.

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    www.zawya.com/story.cfm/sidv49n271TS04. 191 Energy Information Administration, LNG Exporters http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/glo-

    bal/exporters.html. 192 2010-2011. 90 -

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    194 Jonathan Stern, UK Pipeline Gas and LNG Supplies from the Middle East, Africa, Caspian, and Russia: Prospects and Consequences Power Point Presentation by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, London.

    13. 2006. , . 18.


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    195 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006: Natural Gas, . 22, http://www.bp.com/liveas-sets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_revi-ew_2006/STAGING/local_assets/downloads/pdf/natural_gas_section_2006.pdf.

    196 , (, ) ( ) .

    197 14 - . LNG in Europe: An Overview of European Import Terminals, Law Firm of King and Spalding, http://www.kslaw.com/library/pdf/LNG_in_Europe.pdf.

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    . -, 20252030, 24 % ( 2005) 3334 %. 647 m3 . 176 m3 , , -27 . -27 199 - m3 2005. . 20 , R/P (Reserves-to-production ratio ) 12,9 ; , . , , .

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    , , - .206 , . ( ) ( ), 65 - .207 , - , .

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    206 (R/P) 65 . , , -. , , , - 2030. . , . - e , - . 179 m3 - 119 m3 . , - , , . Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/nat_gas.html.

    207 . - ; . , - . Dudley Herschbach, The Bottomless Well Newsweek Spe-cial Edition: Breaking Out, Where Will the Energy Boom Lead Us? December 2006, p. 7273.

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    208 () 24 % - . 39 % 2030. -. . Energy Information Administration, Internati-onal Energy Outlook 2006, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/excel/figure_42data.xls and http://www.natu-ralgas.org/overview/uses_industry.asp.

    209 EU Sets Target of 20% from Renewables by 2020 RenewableEnergyAccess.com, March 12, 2007, http://www.renewableenergyaccess.com/rea/news/story?id=47722.

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    212 Constant Brand, EU to Make Renewable Energy Targets Binding CNEWS, March 8, 2007, http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Science/2007/03/08/3715776ap.html.

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    213 Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Energy In-formation Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006, . 9.

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    2007. , -, CO2 .218

    214 Thomas Graham and Michael Howard, The Lost Chance Newsweek Special Edition Breaking Out, Where Will the Energy Boom Lead Us?, Newsweek, Inc., New York, 2006, . 81.

    215 The Future of Nuclear Power An Interdisciplinary MIT Study 23. 2003, http://web.mit.edu/nuc-lear power/.

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    (R/P) 180 -. Energy Information Administration, World Coal Markets http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/coal.html.

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    219 Emily Flynn Vincent, The New Coal Car Newsweek Special Edition Breaking Out: Where Will the Energy Boom Lead Us?, Newsweek, Inc., New York, 2006, . 68.

    220 Energy Information Administration, World Estimated Recoverable Coal http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/internat-ional/iea2003/table82.xls.

    221 Energy Information Administration, Coal (), www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/coal.html. 222 CIA Factbook, Country Reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/


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    223 Energy Efficiency in Ukraine, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, http://www.ebrd.com/ pubs/factsh/themes/eeukr.pdf.

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