017445 - april 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their easter glory. jesus's act of raising...

B lessed S acrament C atholic C hurch 7001 12th Avenue South Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: 813-626-2984 Fax: 813-626-2842 [email protected] www.BlessedSacramentCatholic.org Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa Saint Faustina Pray for Us FIFTH SUNDAY OF LEN T April 2, 2017 Pඉඛගක Kazimierz Domek Pඉකඑඛඐ Oඎඎඑඋඍ Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wඍඍඓඍඖඌ Mඉඛඛඍඛ Saturday 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) Wඍඍඓඌඉඡ Mඉඛඛඍඛ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. Cඖඎඍඛඛඑඖඛ Saturday 3 p.m. Eඝඋඐඉකඑඛගඑඋ Aඌකඉගඑඖ Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Welcome to our Church I am the Resurrection and the Life... Jn 11:25 - 27

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Page 1: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

7001 12th Avenue South ▪ Tampa, FL 33619

Phone: 813-626-2984 ▪ Fax: 813-626-2842

[email protected] www.BlessedSacramentCatholic.org

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa

Saint Faustina Pray for Us


P Kazimierz Domek


Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.



5:00 p.m. (English)

Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

8:30 a.m.

Wednesday at 7 p.m.

C Saturday 3 p.m.


Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to our


I am the Resurrection and the Life...

Jn 11:25-27

Page 2: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent



S , A 2 Fifth Sunday of Lent Spanish † Georgina Quiñonez 7:45 a.m. by Isabel Echavarria .

English † Tom Anderson 10:00 a.m. by Familia Reyes

Spanish † Irmina Leyva 12:00 p.m. by Madeyn Ruiz e Hijos M , A 3 Spanish † Edna Vanhorn’s 8:30 a.m. by Familia Viana T , A 4 English Michelle Eastman 8:30 a.m. by Michelle Eastman W , A 5

6:00 p.m. Via Crucis—Spanish Spanish Por la Salud de 7:00 p.m. Julio Calderon by Aida Calderon

T , A 6 English For our Candidates & 8:30 a.m. Catechumens by Fr. Domek

F , A 7 English For the spiritual peace 8:30 a.m. of Pedro Moreno by Javier Ortega Bilingual Chaplet - Divine Mercy 3:00 p.m. La Divina Misericordia

6:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross- English

8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

S , A 8 English † Bob Owens 8:30 a.m. by Joan Owens

3:00 p.m. Confessions English Chaplet - Divine Mercy 4:30 p.m.

English For Our Parish 5:00 p.m. by Fr. Domek

** ** IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, please pray for those who are ill, home-bound; or confined to hospitals and nurs-ing homes, especially for the following:

- Marta Troncone - Hilda Vega - Jaime Caballero - Angel Enrique Rodriquez - Victor Rodrigues - Imogene Rodrigues - Natividad Nieves - Coki Bellosi - Bartolina Angeles - Gerri Slaton - Rudy Hernandez - Carmen Vasquez - Carmen Stack - Julio Calderón - Jose Ortiz - Martha Burges - Loris Murray - Leroy Miller - Francisca Cardenas - Thomas Bailey - Dessire Cuevas - Romana de Guzman - Winifred Lankford

- Ignacio Fernandez-Stearns Anointing of the Sick and Visitation If you or a loved one are homebound, ill or will soon be undergoing a serious medical procedure, please contact the parish office.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

- Dorothy Breene - Monsignor Laurence Higgins - Willard Murray - Samuel E. Melgar - Lito Rubio - Pabozi Ani - Bob Perricone - Methujael A. Martinez - Aileen Niggermeyer - Esther Barnes - Wiesia Kraus - Edna Vanhorn

And all our beloved members of Blessed Sacrament who have recently passed away.

Eleazar Horta Remy Herrero Samantha Linkiewicz MarcAnthony Paz Mario Alemán Mario José Alemán II Rosana Iribar Manuel Roa Jacob Rodriguez María Martinez


B S !

We extend a special welcome to all our visitors and new parishioners who have come to celebrate Mass with us today. If you live in this area and attend Mass, we invite you to join our parish. Registration is important for matters pertaining to baptism, confirmation, marriage and burial. You can schedule Masses for your loved ones as well as Quinceañeras, Weddings and Funerals.

B B S !

Saludamos a nuestros nuevos feligreses y visitantes que nos acompañan el día de hoy. Si vive en esta área y participa de la Misa regularmente, lo invitamos a unirse a nuestra parroquia.

Registrarse es importante para asuntos de bautizo, confirmación, primera comunión, unción de los enfermos y funerals.

We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers,

Ushers, Lectors, Homebound E.M.H.C.


Ujieres, Lectores y Ministros de Eucaristía

Call us / Llámanos


Page 3: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent

Meditation/Meditación D I O S N O S L L A M A A U N A N U E V A V I D A

E n este quinto domingo de Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos invi-ta a dirigir nuestra atención a una realidad que tal vez

la más "impactante" de la experiencia humana, la muerte de un ser querido. En este Evangelio vemos a todos apo-yando a Marta y María en el momento de la muerte de Lázaro, su hermano. Anteriormente este domingo era llamado "Domingo de Pasión", porque marca el comienzo de la Pasión, el

empo más profundo de Cuaresma. También es el tercer domingo de los es-cru nios para la preparación de los con-versos adultos, y el úl mo de Cuaresma antes del comienzo de la Semana Santa. Jesús muestra su poder sobre la muerte para que cuando Jesús muera, los que creen en él puedan recordar eso y llenarse de esperanza. El acto de resu-citar a Lázaro demuestra el poder de la gracia de Dios y de nuestra conversión, de nuestra transformación. ¡No hay lími-te para la misericordia divina que se ofrece a todos! La vida en Cristo exige sucesivas muertes y renaci-mientos. La maduración y el crecimiento espiritual requiere de un reencuentro doloroso con nuestro ciclo de vida, de renacimiento, sacrificio, transformación, muerte y renaci-miento. El Evangelio nos llama hoy a reflexionar sobre el bau-

smo como un morir y levantarse con Jesús. En el bau s-mo nos unimos a Cristo, que conquistó la muerte para que los que creemos en él, tengamos vida eterna. Con Marta y María, somos llamados a profesar nues-tra creencia de que Jesús es realmente la Resurrección y la vida. Sabemos que somos llamados, a salir de la tumba, a estar plenamente vivos. Esto es lo que Jesús quiere para cada uno de nosotros hoy. A cada uno de nosotros le dice: ¡Quita la piedra! El regreso a la vida de Lázaro es un an cipo, una pro-fecía, de lo que será en el futuro la resurrección de los muertos. Los amigos de Jesús, sus ín mos, sus más queri-dos, volverán a la vida ante el asombro de sus enemigos y las miradas mezquinas de los que en vida no acogieron a Jesús en su corazón. Pidamos a Cristo en este día que guarde un puesto para nosotros en su corazón y reanimados por la maravillosa experiencia vivida en nuestra Misión Cuaresmal con los Hermanos Cheos, digámosle a Cristo que queremos ser sus amigos, sus mas íntimos e incondicionales amigos.

G O D ’ S G R AC E AT W O R K …

L osing a sibling is an unse ling lesson in life's imper-manence in life’s impermanence . We grieve from a

certain genera on distance when a parent dies, but the death of a sister or brother brings us closer to our mor-tality. A er raising Lazarus, the Lord would soon face his own death and his disciples would see him depart from this world. In our struggle to keep the departed near to us, we believe that to “re-member” is to make lost love

present to us once again. To this end, Jesus o ers a signifi-cant line at the Last Supper when the disciples are struggling with his depar-ture: “IF I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you”. Jesus affirms the startling paradox that if he does not leave, he cannot truly be with us. The mystery of faith is that Christ is more fully present to us now than when he was on earth. The dead are not with us in body, but they draw closer to us in com-

for ng, advoca ng spirit. In the solemn days of Holy Week, we carry the memory of our dear departed in Christ. We sit with them at table, we bear the crosses they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent of our conversion, our transforma on. There is no limit to the divine mercy offered to everyone! As Jesus is resurrected his own body and does not return to an earthly life, so too will be raised with our bodies wich will have been transfigured into glorified bodies. He expects us to be with the Father , and by the power of the Holy Spirit, who raised him, he will also raise those who are united to him. No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed upon us by his boundless and un-failing love. He makes it posible for us to li up your heads and to start anew. Let us not flee from the resu-rrec on of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May nothing inspire us more tan his life, wich impels us onsward! Let us ask Christ on today to keep a place for us in his heart and revive by the wonderful expe-rience lived in our Lenten Mission with the Cheos Brothers, let us tell Christ that we want to be his friends, his most close and unconditional friends.  

Page 4: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent

Information / Información EL EVANGELIO DE LA SEMANA

Lunes 3 Juan 8:1-11 Martes 4 Juan 8:21-30 Miércoles 5 Juan 8:31-42 Jueves 6 Juan 8:51-59 Viernes 7 Juan 10:31-42 Sábado 8 Juan 11:45-56

THE GOSPEL OF THE WEEK Monday 3 John 8:1-11 Tuesday 4 John 8:21-30 Wednesday 5 John 8:31-42 Thursday 6 John 8:51-59 Friday 7 John 10:31-42 Saturday 8 John 11:45-56

Please remember to submit all bulletin articles and any updates (or corrections) to your ministry into to: [email protected] The deadline for submission is on the Friday prior to publication (i.e. 8 days in advance) Por favor recuerde enviar todos los artículos para el boletín y cualquier actualización a: [email protected] La fecha límite para la presentación es el viernes antes de la publicación (es decir, 8 días de antelación)

EARTH DAY 2017: KNOW THE CREATOR THROUGH CREATION! We invite you to open your spirit to the interconnectedness of the wonders of our world, which draws us ever closer to the author of the universe and challenges us to care ever more deeply for the earth, our common home. the Catholic Climate Covenant's Earth Day program includes prayers, Scripture readings, a short video, discussion questions, and suggested activities on Catholic social teaching and climate change.

Contact: http://www.catholicclimatecovenant.org/earthday

MDS  es un grupo de apoyo para toda pareja que tenga un matrimonio o relación, estén decididos a pasar el resto de sus vidas juntos y quieran vivir la vida matrimonial más

intensamente. El Diálogo Matrimonial ayuda a profundizar y enriquecer las experiencias que la pareja comparte juntos en la vida, ya lleven poco o muchos años de casados.

Los invitamos a nuestras reuniones todos los lunes a las 7:15 en el Salón Social.

N – D 21‐23- Durante el fin de semana se presenta una serie de charlas dadas por el equipo de parejas entrenadas. Cada charla brinda la oportunidad a los esposos, primero de mirarse a sí mismos como individuos diferentes el uno del otro luego de mirar su ma-trimonio y su relación como pareja y por ul mo desarrollar otras áreas de su vida conyugal. El costo es de $175.00 esto in-cluye la estadía de las dos noches, comida, refrigerios y el material que se les entrega en el fin de semana.

Para más información pueden contactar a Fabián (813) 333 ‐ 3442 o con Lizbeth (813) 363‐ 0582.


Our Catholic community in the United States does something amazing each Lent. We come together to practice prayer, fasting and almsgiving—and by doing so we help lift families and commu-nities out of poverty and put them on a path toward resilience, pros-perity and stability. That’s the CRS Rice Bowl effect.

Through this tradition, we have helped families around the world and in our own backyard by raising our voices and our prayers, and by making sacrificial gifts. T .

Page 5: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent

Information / Información


Alcohólicos Anónimos En casa de María Faus na - Jueves 7:00 p.m. En casa de María Faus na - Sábados 4:00 p.m.

Al Anon En casa de María Faus na - Lunes 7:00 p.m. Movimiento de Juan XXIII Carmen Colón 813-475-1753 Martes 7:00 pm Legión de María Angel Rodríguez 787-225-3721 En casa de María Faus na Jueves 5:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración (Carismá cos) Antonio Reyes 813-478-3825 Miércoles comenzando con la Santa Misa 7:00 p.m. MDS—Matrimonio Dialogo y Seguimiento Fabián 813-333-3442 / Lizbeth 813-363-0582 Salón Parroquial - Lunes 7:15 p.m. Pequeñas Comunidades Nilda 813-628-0553 - Lunes 7 p.m. Carmen 813-650-5237 - Viernes 7 p.m. English Choir Mee ng Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Mee ng Ac ve Councils are Successful Councils Third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Mul cultural Group Felicia Glover 813-843-4432 Parish Council Mee ng / Reunión Consejo Parroquial First Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Primer Lunes de mes a las 7:00 p.m. Youth Group / Ministerio de Jóvenes Connected with Christ / Conectados con Cristo Friday / Viernes 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual) Luisa Salazar 786-308-5442 Rediscover Catholicism Martha Burgess 813-626-2984 Third Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Divine Mercy Group Kathy Vivirito 813-626-2984 Saturdays at 4 p.m. / Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Dante Burga (813) 603-4420 Viernes a las 3p.m. / Primer Sábado las 9:30 a.m.

Church Date Hour Resurrec on April 4, 2017 7:00 PM

St Anne April 5, 2017 7:00 PM


i� WEDNESDAY 6:15 p.m. Spanish i� FRIDAY 6:30 p.m. English




Uno para Jóvenes mayores de 18 y hasta 35 años de edad (Español) y otro para jóvenes Adolescentes de 12-18 años de edad (Inglés/Bilingüe/Spanglish) Ven acompáñanos en este día donde celebraremos la resurrección de Cristo y aprenderemos más de su mise-ricordia infinita. Sábado 22 de Mayo, 2017 9:00 AM a 3:00 PM St. Francis of Assisi, Seffner Más información con: Gustavo: (352) 999-6614 Enrique: (813) 528-7539 Office of Youth and Young Adult (727)344-1611 ext. 5328

Úଫଢଢ ଞ Pଯବଠଢରବ: Lଞ Vବଷ ଡଢ Jବଳଢଫ ଢଫ ଢ V Eଫଠଲଢଫଯବ.


Page 6: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent

Sharing / Cooperación

Total Goal $27,262.00 Pledged $10,713.00 Paid $5.732.30 balance $21,529.70 # of Pledges 43 # Average Pledge 249.14


Total Goal $500,000.00 Pledged $236,708.00 Paid $110,684.08 # of Pledges 201 Balance $389,315.92

5:00 PM 49 $259.00

7:45 PM 174 $1,138.00

10:00 AM 96 $625.00

12:00 PM 306 $1,426.00

M A O M 25 26 2017

Our Garage Sale wants your un-used treasures! Donations can be dropped off at the church office.

Hours of Operation Wednesday 7:30—11:00AM

At Pastoral House

2nd Saturday 7:30—11:00AM Sor Faustina House

1209 W W , T , F . 33619

[email protected] 813-280-9585

Clases de Inglés: Martes 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Clases de Ciudadanía: Jueves 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Estudios Supervisados

Labor comunitaria para Jóvenes

Belleza Activa

Lunes y Martes 6-8pm

Horario de Oficina : Lunes-Jueves 9am - 12:30pm



Apr 10, 2017 Apr 24, 2017 May 8, 2017

De 11:00 AM a 2:00 PM


Apr 6, 2017  Apr 20, 2017 May 4, 2017 

De 1:00 PM a 2:00 PM

Page 7: 017445 - April 2 - 2017they carried and we glimpse their Easter glory. Jesus's act of raising Lazarus shows the extent to which the power of God's grace can go, and thus, the extent


Catechesis Phone: 813-252-5032 Email: [email protected]

i� Office Hours ‐ Tuesday ‐Thursday 9:00 am ‐ 1:30 pm

i� Office Hours ‐ Tuesday –Friday 6:00 pm ‐ 8:00 pm

i� Catechesis English Classes: Sunday 8:30 AM‐ 9:45 AM

i� Clases de Catequesis en Español: Domingo 10:30 AM‐11:45 AM

i� Confirmation & RCIA, Teen RICA: Wednesday 6:30PM‐8:00PM

God Bless our Religious Education in our Parish for the best life!

APRIL 2 5to DOMINGO DE CUARESMA—Tercer Escrutinio Misa 7:45 AM 5th SUNDAY OF LENT—Third Scrutiny Mass 10:00 AM

Candidates preparing for Confirma on have varying degrees of commitment to the life of faith. A retreat experience is an invaluable way to inspire and awaken a desire for a deeper life of faith. The retreat help the candidates fully engage in their prepara on for Confirma on. Candidates are inspired and challenged to a stronger commitment to a life of holiness and discipleship a er being introduced to the gos-pel message and the person of Christ and his cross. Sਁਔਕਁਙ, Aਐਉ 8ਔਈ, 2017 Aਔ Bਅਓਓਅ Sਁਃਁਅਔ— Fਏ 8:00 AM ਔਏ 5:00 PM

Los candidatos que se preparan para la Confirmación enen diversos grados de com-promiso con la vida de fe. Una experiencia de re ro es una forma ines mable de inspirar y despertar el deseo de una vida de Fe más profunda. El re ro ayuda a los candidatos a par c-ipar plenamente en su preparación para la confirmación. Los candidatos son inspirados y desafiados a un compromiso más fuerte con una vida de san dad y discipulado después de ser introducidos al mensaje del evangelio y a la persona de Cristo y su cruz. Sਣਂਁਏ 8 ਅ Aਂਉ ਅ 2017 Bਅਓਓਅ Sਁਃਁਅਔ— Dਅ 8:00 AM ਁ 5:00 PM

Scripture Reference: John 11:1‐44 Story Overview: Mary and Martha sent for Jesus when their brother, Lazarus got sick. When Jesus arrived at the home of these good friends, Lazarus had already been dead four days and he was buried in a tomb. Jesus was sad to see his friends so sad. He stood in front of the tomb and called his friend’s name. Lazarus came back to life and came out .

Referencia de las Escrituras: Juan 11: 1‐44 Resumen de la historia: María y Marta en-viaron por Jesús cuando su hermano, Lázaro enfermó. Cuando Jesús llegó a la casa de estos buenos amigos, Lázaro ya había muerto cuatro días y fue enterrado en una tumba. Jesús estaba triste al ver a sus amigos tan tristes. Se paró delante de la tumba y llamó por su nombre a su amigo. Lázaro salió y volvió a la vida.