01_introduction to industrial eng_r1

06/18/2022 BDA40102: Industrial Engineering 1 Topic 1: Introduction to Industrial Engineering

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Introduction to Industrial Engineering


Page 1: 01_Introduction to Industrial Eng_r1

04/22/2023 1BDA40102: Industrial Engineering

Topic 1:

Introduction to Industrial Engineering

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04/22/2023 Industrial Engineering 2

Outline for today’s lecture

Definition of Industrial EngineeringWhat does an Industrial Engineer do?What is Unique about Industrial Engineering?Evolution of Industrial Engineering Relationship of IE to other engineering and

scientific disciplinesJobs and functions performed by Industrial


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Definition of Industrial Engineering

A branch of engineering that concerns the development,

improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated

systems of people, money, knowledge, information,

equipment, energy, material and process.

Draw upon the principles and methods of engineering analysis

and synthesis, as well as mathematical, physical and social

sciences together with the principles and methods of

engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate

the results to be obtained from such systems.

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Definition of Industrial Engineering (cont.)

A discipline built upon a collection of methodological

tools brought together to effect an integrated or "total"

approach to problem-solving in engineering and

management, with productivity improvement as its

overall objective.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do?

Industrial Engineers figure out how to do things better.

They engineer processes and systems to improve quality and

productivity. They work to eliminate waste of time, money,

materials and various resources.

While engineers from other disciplines apply their skills to very

specific areas, the Industrial Engineer has the opportunity to work in

a variety of businesses.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do? (Cont.)

The most distinctive aspect of ISE training is the flexibility and

versatility it can offer.

Whether it is improving product quality, planning manufacturing

resources or designing logistics distribution channels, all share the

common objective of cost-cutting, increasing efficiencies and

ultimately driving up the profit margins.

That is why more and more companies are hiring Industrial

Engineers and then promoting them into management positions.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do? (Cont.) Industrial Engineers are often required to solve large and

complex real-world problems.

To accomplish this, it is necessary to adopt a holistic and

integrated approach to problem-solving that requires a unique

blend of scientific analytical methods and creativity.

They are synonymous with a systems integrator, i.e. a ‘big-

picture thinker'. They also form the vital link between

management and engineering where scientific methods are

used heavily in making managerial decisions.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do? (Cont.)

Its application can be found in a wide range of areas. Some examples


Manufacturing industry: Ensuring that the equipment, manpower and

other resources in the manufacturing process are integrated in such a

manner so as to maintain efficient operation and for continuous


Logistics industry: Management of supply chain systems (e.g.

manufacturing facilities, transportation carriers, distribution hubs, and

retailers) through integration and optimization with the goal of fulfilling

customer orders in the most cost effective way.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do? (Cont.)

Service industry: Provision of consultancies in areas related to

organizational effectiveness, service quality, information systems, project

management, banking service strategy, etc.

Defence industry: Tools to support the management of military assets

and military operations in an effective and efficient manner.

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What does an Industrial Engineer do? (Cont.)

Typical job titles of new IE graduates include Industrial Engineer,

Logistics Engineer, Supply Chain Engineer, Quality/Reliability Engineer,

Procurement Engineer/Executive, Planning Engineer/Executive,

Operations Analyst, Quality Management Executive, Management

Consultant, and Business Analyst.

Experiences in other countries show that a high proportion of IE

graduates work in consultancy firms or as independent consultants,

helping companies to engineer processes and systems to improve

productivity, effect efficient operation of complex systems, and manage

and optimize these processes and systems.

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What is Unique about Industrial Engineering?

The domain knowledge of Industrial Engineering (IE) is derived

from combinations of engineering, mathematics, statistics,

computing and social sciences.

The IE discipline calls for the adoption of a holistic view in

resolving problems encountered and developing opportunities

presented, coupled with a strong emphasis on efficiency and

productivity improvement.

Organizations are becoming more complex and globalized, using

information and technology extensively. This result is in a greater

demand for engineers who are able to apply scientific approaches

in the design and management of both engineering and service


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What is Unique about Industrial Engineering?

Source: www.kwaliteg.co.za 

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YouTube 1: Why Industrial Engineering is the Best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agF1ZDMN


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Evolution of Industrial Engineering

Scientific Mgmt

Industrial Engineering

Industrial & Systems Engineering

1900 1920 1930’s 1970’s

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Relationship of IE to other engineering and scientific disciplines

(source:Turner et. al, 1993)

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YouTube 2 - MyCoolJob: Industrial Engineer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y5Auwf0n


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Jobs and functions performed by Industrial Engineers On demand

Investigate problems relating to component quality or difficulties

in meeting design and method constraints.

Investigate problems with the performance of processes or


Implement design changes at the appropriate times.

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Jobs and functions performed by Industrial Engineers (Cont.)

Specifically per product (short term)

Analysis of the complete product design to determine the way the whole

process should be split into steps, or operations, and whether to produce sub-

assemblies at certain points in the whole process. This requires knowledge of

the facilities available in-house or at sub-contractors.

Specification of the method to be used to manufacture or assemble the

product(s) at each operation. This includes the machines, tooling, jigs and

fixtures and safety equipment, which may have to be designed and built.

Notice may need to be taken of any quality procedures and constraints, such

as ISO9000. This requires knowledge of health and safety responsibilities

and quality policies. This may also involve the creation of programs for any

automated machinery.

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Jobs and functions performed by Industrial Engineers (Cont.)Specifically per product (short term)

Measurement or calculation of the time required to perform the

specified method, taking account of the skills of the operator. This is

used to cost the operation performed, to allow balancing of assembly or

machining flow lines or the assessment of the manufacturing capacity

required. This technique is known as work study or

time and motion studies. These times are also used in value analysis.

Specification of the storage, handling and transportation methods and

equipment required for components and finished product, and at any

intermediate stages throughout the whole process. This should

eliminate the possibility for damage and minimize the space required.

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Jobs and functions performed by Industrial Engineers (Cont.)

Specifically per process (medium term)

Determine the maintenance plan for that process.

Assess the range of products passing through the process, then investigate

the opportunities for process improvement through a reconfiguration of the

existing facilities or through the purchase of more efficient equipment. This

may also include the out-sourcing of that process. This requires knowledge of

design techniques and of investment analysis.

Review the individual products passing through the process to identify

improvements that can be made by redesign of the product, to reduce (or

eliminate) the cost that process adds, or to standardize the components,

tooling or methods used.

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Jobs and functions performed by Industrial Engineers (Cont.)

Generically (long term)

Analyze the flow of products through the facilities of the factory to assess the overall

efficiency, and whether the most important products have priority for the most efficient

process or machine. This means maximizing throughout for the most profitable

products. This requires knowledge of statistical analysis and queuing theory, and of

facilities positional layout.

Training of new workers in the techniques required to operate the machines or

assembly processes.

Project planning to achieve timely introduction of new products and processes or

changes to them.

Generally, a good understanding of the structure and operation of the wider elements of

the Company, such as sales, purchasing, planning, design and finance; including good

communication skills. Modern practice also requires good skills in participation in multi-

disciplinary teams.

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Useful Links

www.iienet.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/





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Thank you for your attention.