02 - making c2 your own

CAU Express 2013 1 Tailoring CAESAR II David Diehl © Intergraph 2013 CAESAR II Making CAESAR II your Own © Intergraph 2013 Introduction A majority of time allocated to pipe stress analysis is used in building models Many users use the software “right out of the box” even though there are many ways to improve input ease and efficiency Screen organization Program content Default settings Display Output Display and Management

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  • CAUExpress2013 1


    Intergraph 2013


    Making CAESAR II your Own

    Intergraph 2013


    A majority of time allocated to pipe stress analysis is used in building models

    Many users use the software right out of the box even though there are many ways to improve input ease and efficiency Screen organization Program content Default settings Display Output Display and Management

  • CAUExpress2013 2


    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure/Organization

    Executables - 1(the program)

    System folder - 2 Registry Data Folders - 3


    C:\Program Files (x86)

    \Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II 2013 R1


    \Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II


    x2x\Data Folders


    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    Executables(the program) C:\Program Files (x86)

    \Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II 2013 R1

    No reason to touch this

  • CAUExpress2013 3


    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    System folder C:\Program Data

    \Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II\6.10\System

    These files are under your control

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    System folder Data

    (.FIL) Units (.FAT) Fatigue data (.FLG) Flange rating [ASME-

    2003.G gasket diameter] (.EQL) Equipment data (.FRP) Fiberglass data (.UMD) User Materials C2RPTTMPL.XML stores

    custom output reports

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    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    System folder Control

    (.INP) Input report format (CAESAR.CFG)

    Configuration file

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    Registry Manages screen presentation (e.g. Element List) Do not fool around here!

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    Intergraph 2013

    Program Structure

    Data Folders Use to segregate

    projects Different settings to

    override defaults supplied by SYSTEM

    Set local control CAESAR.CFG

    (configuration) Set local units


    Intergraph 2013

    Data Sources for CAESAR II

    Control switches Configuration File (current folder or System)

    Program content Material data (program and user data) Nominal values Valve/Flange Data; Expansion Joint Modeler

    The piping model Special Execution Parameters And, of course, your input model

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    Intergraph 2013

    The CAESAR II Configuration (CFG) File

    The Configuration File (i.e. CAESAR.CFG) holds many general CAESAR II settings

    A program installation dialog will establish the CFG file and store it in SYSTEM

    If no CFG in the local folder, CAESAR II will use the SYSTEM CFG

    Any changes to CFG in the local folder are stored locally

    Use separate folders to separate differing CAESAR II settings

    Intergraph 2013

    The CAESAR II Configuration (CFG) File

    Many program settings/switches are controlled in the configuration file.

    Be aware of when the change occurs (activation point):

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    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    This is the initial screen layout with toolbars all around!

    This window area contains the model graphic; there is no piping input spreadsheet here.

    The piping input is currently rolled up in a tab.

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Toolbars My choice:

    or build

    your own!

  • CAUExpress2013 8


    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Building a Custom Toolbar

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Relocating Tools

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    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Update graphics (stored in CFG & Registry)

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Locating the Piping Input Spreadsheet

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    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Using Tearables

    Intergraph 2013

    Program Input Display

    Adjusting plot update CAESAR II will update the plot after each new

    element is entered to include the entire model using the default view (southeast)

    If you wish to stay focused on a particular section, turn off Refresh (This is automatically off on a return to an existing model.)

    Very large models may take time to update. You may wish to turn off plot update altogether.

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content

    Material data Fatigue, equipment, flange, FRP Valve/Flange data Displacement sets Dynamic data

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Material Data

    CAESAR II has hundreds of materials But maybe not yours You can define these materials locally:

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Material Data

    Or, you can add your material to the CAESAR II database




    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Material Data

    Note that if you are creating a unique name, build it as All Codes (then follow with a specific Code, if desired)

    Edit, then Search

    Different data for different Codes

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Material Data

    Edit then Save

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Material Data

    Your work will not alter the CAESAR II data (stored in CMAT.BIN)

    Instead, your data (stored in UMAT1.UMB) will overlay any existing data

    These files reside in SYSTEM:

  • CAUExpress2013 14


    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Fatigue, Equipment, Flange, FRP

    Data sets in SYSTEM can be added or edited Fatigue Curves - *.FAT Equipment Limits - *.EQL Flange Classification - *.FLG Fiberglass Material Data - *.FRP

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Fatigue, Equipment, Flange, FRP

    Formats are similar Lines beginning with an asterisk are comments Every table has a multiplier for use as units conversion

    or other factors (e.g. safety) Here is a set of fatigue data:

    N S

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Valve/Flange Data

    Data Structure Class identifies


    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Valve/Flange Data

    Data Structure Spec points to the

    data file

    Here, flanged 150 Class gate valve data (1 - 30) is found in \150 in the file GAT_F

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Valve/Flange Data

    Data Structure You can edit this data

    Here, flanged 150 Class gate valve data (1 - 30) is found in \LIB_I\150 in the file GAT_F

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Valve/Flange Data

    Edit data (Weights are generic)

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Displacement Sets

    Modular piping offshore can have many imposed displacements at many connection points requiring many displacement sets

    This data entry can be automated

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Displacement Sets Example

  • CAUExpress2013 18


    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Displacement Sets Example

    Edit the .CSV file in Excel. Here, identify labels and enter the additional displacement sets.

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Displacement Sets Example

    (Existing data sets table layout)

    New data

    Import modified data set

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Dynamic Data

    Applied dynamic loads in the form of response spectra and time histories can carry large amounts of data

    Response spectra apply to all piping on a single floor of a structure or to and entire plant area building once and using often is an efficient approach

    Transient hydraulic analysis tools can develop massive amounts of load vs. time data for direct use as CAESAR II input.

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Dynamic Data

    CAESAR II provides methods to store these dynamic data sets

    This dynamic data, whether provided by the structures group, process engineers or produced by CAESAR II, can be stored on the hard drive and attached to any set of dynamic input.

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Response Spectrum Data

    A response spectrum data set is shown here

    Two columns of data: period vs. g

    Comment lines begin with an asterisk

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Response Spectrum Data

    The response spectrum data can be linked to the dynamic input.

    Here is the processed data.

    The hash in front of the name indicates read from file.

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    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Response Spectrum Data

    The response spectrum data can be read in directly.

    This button will open the processor to acquire the data.

    Spectrum name identifies the two columns of data.

    Click here to bring in the data. Select the

    data source.

    Intergraph 2013

    Editing/Adding Stored Content- Response Spectrum Data

    Site or floor data for use in many CAESAR II models.

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    Intergraph 2013

    Building standard load case lists

    Many firms have standardized their load sets In more and more instances, these are very

    comprehensiveSeismic, wind, blastFPSOFatigue

    and therefor, tedious and prone to error You can copy existing load cases from one job

    to another

    Intergraph 2013

    Using Standard Load Case Sets

  • CAUExpress2013 23


    Intergraph 2013

    Using Standard Load Case Sets

    Intergraph 2013

    Using Standard Load Case Sets

  • CAUExpress2013 24


    Intergraph 2013


    Graphics display Input Echo Sorting output Custom reports Table display using MS Word Post processing results

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Graphics Display

    The overstress plot can be tuned in both color and the percentage (of allowable stress) it represents

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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Graphics Display

    Default Edited

    >90% is blue

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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo

    The INP files set the format for the input lists. Here is the beginning of the default element report

    format (ELEMENT.INP & ELEMENT0.INP):

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo

    Here is another ELEMENT1.INP:

  • CAUExpress2013 27


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo

    CAESAR II uses the base .INP file without a numeric suffix (e.g. ELEMENT.INP)

    The files with the numeric suffix are available for use (e.g. ELEMENT1.INP)

    You can build your own format files as well Copy the selected file into the base name to


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo Example

    Selecting the Element List

  • CAUExpress2013 28


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo Example

    Using ELEMENT.INP (duplicate: ELEMENT0.INP)

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Input Echo Example


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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Sorting Output

    Using node labels

    Choose your display

    Select Node Name under Options

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Sorting Output

    Sorting displayed results Simply double-click once or twice on a column

    heading:Original (sort by element) 1st double-click on ratio (small to big)2nd double-click on ratio (big to small)

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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Sorting Output

    Very large models have too much data to review Reduce scrolling by adding filters to the output


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Sorting Output

    Using filters

    The entire, filtered, report

    Filter displayed

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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Custom Reports

    Combine results in your own reports In this example the global X, Y, Z

    displacements will be displayed in terms of South (X), West (Z), and Up (Y)





    Intergraph 2013

    Output Custom Reports

    Combine results in your own reports Start by clicking on Add new custom report


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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Custom Reports

    Define your report content & format

    Sample Display

    Displacement in X will be in the first

    column (after node), it will be

    labeled South, Z is next, then Y

    Identify report type

    and title

    Define titles (default)

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Custom Reports

    Using your reports

  • CAUExpress2013 33


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Table Display using MS Word

    You can control the style of tables in MS Word by manipulating OutWord.DOT (a template file) found in the CAESAR II SYSTEM folder

    Set your table style and save as OutWord.DOTM

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Table Display using MS Word

    : Default table format

    Updated table format (stored in

    OutWord.DOTM) :

  • CAUExpress2013 34


    Intergraph 2013

    Output Post Processing Results

    Post processing in MS Excel or MS Access allows you to manipulate results outside of CAESAR II

    Here we will confirm the B31.1 expansion stress range formula used by CAESAR II

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Post Processing Results

    Generate the local element force and stress report

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    Intergraph 2013

    Output Post Processing Results

    Output now in MS Excel

    Intergraph 2013

    Output Post Processing Results

    Use those lists to perform additional calculationHere, comparing a hand calculation to CAESAR II reported stress:

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    Intergraph 2013

    Making CAESAR II your Own

    In this session we tailored:Screen organizationProgram contentDefault settingsDisplay Output Display and Management

    Intergraph 2013

    Making CAESAR II your Own

    Questions? Comments?

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    Intergraph 2013

    Making CAESAR II your Own

    Thank You