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.. Thr A Jrcht~r

time is nt hand. and you sure ly will want to get a new tlll/jil

lor f.he o ·casiou. \\ e exterr <.J a cor,lia1 invitation to all the students to como in and im~pPct o r11· beautiful line of Tail ~t r-

made or Ready-maue Clot hing, Slanes and G<'nts Furnis hing . \Ye are pre­pared to make yon as ui('e a t;ui t of clothes as can be prod need. \Ve em ploy none but tlte best tnil l)rs , a nd guaran· tee e \·e rytlrin~ we put out. \\'c cau safely say that our

Ready Made Clothing

is the best that can be bad foa· the Copfri..p';!

1907 money. \re alter aJl st~its that npecl

H owe ol K uppenbeimcr I . d d J Chiu~;o a terat10n, an o not se1H out any

misfits. \Ve also· pross , free 0f charge, any suit that is bought at our store. \\ e ha,·e an e~pel·ial large line of Llacl\ goods . J ust the thing for a graduating suit. Give us a chan<'e if you are in need of anything in our line.



Page 3: 04-01-1907


Hope's Alumni. The Alumni o f n ,)pe Q., lleg · are scattered o,·e r tho

face of the gl,>he. They ·arry t heir know led (Te and their training where,· r the.v locate. Nea rly every profes ion h:.s its q uota of Hope's representa ti,·cs. As far as we knO\V there is but on e o£ Hope's sons engaged in the

Bool£ Business. This is due perhaps to the fact that the other pro­

fessions and branches o( incl us t ry offer wider au van­tages. Of the many who can s ing. "Old llope. thy sons around t hee standing'', there is one who has ever re mained c lose to the scene of his college career and in ton h with the college boys and co1lego spirit. \\ e, therefore bespeak, in behalf of Illi:~RY \ANDER PLO l~G, '93, the goml· wilL and patronnge of all IJ ~J pe'~

Alumni. Books Are Nece~sity

to the professional man and college graduate. They are his tools, they contain the r1ourisluuent for his mind and soul. In these days when you are flooded with <·ir­culara of all sorts of books, and from all sources, w hv not inquire o[ Van der Ploeg whether be can furnish t.heru at the same reasonable price at which other A are offering them ?

Many of ou r fellow Alumni are doing this. Many more do not. It iR to these we appeal for hearty sup­port of the only business enterprise of its kind con­uc ted by a IIope Alumn us. Try it, for the sake of "Auld Lang Syne ., .

\Vhen in need 0£ anything in the line of hooks, Library Supplies, Typewrite rs, Church and Sunday School supplies, drop a card and you will get a-prompt reply.

~. V .A.~::O:EJ:e, ::PLOElG-44 E . Eighth Street, H olland, Mich.

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The Andu>r 3



GRAM \fA I{ ScuooL, C oLLEGI ATE A '!'l u T tn.:oLoc I CA L.


Ancien t and Mod~a.nJ(uaJZes unrt Llt.erat ur~lS: Ln~:lc. lthetn r lo '"'d Elocut.lo a ; ~at hematic& Ph;~j~~~nd A .. t r c, n tlo ay ; C'ht•uabt ry a ncl t; euiiiJ.!Y; The Uloloa lcaJ Sc i~IH'f'lil i PhtJoquphy ; "ac.: r N I L l t t! rntu r e; Geugr:~JJhy, H hllury . C' lvll Governmeo' " net I 'cd &gugy ; Ora ~~W lng li.lld M u slc.


C t.ASSi l'AJ., PJtfLOSOl'HJC'A L, S C IENTit' I C' A!li D NO RMAL.

Tf\COIO{JICol Deportn\Cilt. Thfi \V et~ lerta Tlaeuh•~th!l~l ~f' •u ln"ry Juts a cnu rtltt u f .. , udy as full and prl\ctlca.l aa Its slt~ter sernluarles lu the We11t.

Corps ot LXP ~rtenced Instructors.

LOCATION :- Ou t he P ert> :\flo\rquett e rallwav. teo m llf's rrum t 'hlcar:n. 2~ mllea t rmn (; I'R.nd Rapid A.

Expenses Moderate,-Fc.r further Information or ( 'a~Alogue npply to

PROF. G. J. KOLLEN, LL. D., Pres.

Page 4: 04-01-1907

.j Tlu A nr/,,1,

Graduate Schools ot HARVARD UNIVERSITY.

The foll owing proft ·~~ i oual sdwols in lf:trntrd Un i· \·ers ity are Open to h oJJl' I"S or a lJ:wheJor's tl..·grco:

LAW SCHOOL. A three \·ea r~· CO il I'AC I Pad s to the dP_grcP nf L L. n.

Resid e nre f,1;. tltrc·e years is rt•quired, but rP=--idt•twc at :mot hPr three \'Par"'' . ,•hool mny b~ ac-c·PptPd :1 . a I'll h­Rfftute for one ·of th e \'Pars of reRidcn<'e nt this ~chonJ. Tit ree ann na I f'XH 11 1 i 11 a'r inns are r CCJ ui rPd.

Inqu i r i es may be addreesed to

H. A. FISCHER, 20 Austin Hall, Cambridge, Mass.

MEDICAL SCHOOL. A ft) ttr \'e:t r"'' t'111 1rse leads to fh l• :\J. J). dcgn'P. Tlto

\ :hnol olfc · r~ gr.tdiJ ,JI <' t'Ollrses open to hold Pr"" 11f the )l, f>. dt•grl'l.' , :tnd j II j ( S new JniJnraf ori C'S oJft~ J':"\ greatly exteiHlt.•d f;wi liti.-s fo r rc!'=c>n r ·h. F11r c·atai'JJ.!llf'R, fo r grad uatc n n r1 s 11m rnPr t•on rRPl-1, for re:-;(•an ·It au d t' pcl'iR l ('onr~es. addr('s ( ' TIARLI~ ?\1. GREI·:~. :\t. P .. 104 Admini, lmtinn nnildit:g, HarYard :\l cdi t:al 'l'hoo], Boston , :\la!-:s.

DIVINITY SCHOOL. This is an ulldl•nnm inational S<'hool of tlaPI)Jogy

ofT~rin~ instrn tion leadiug to the dep-ree of B~u · hc·lor of J)i,·i ni ty. Inquiries may l1e aclllrPsst•d to R . S. i\!0111-0N, 5 T>ivinity Librar.v, Cambridge, :\lass.

GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. lnstruet it) ll i s o fTerPf l leading to t Ito master' A and

d o ·tor's de~rees in the full owi ng fields : ] )hi lology (.Anc.: ieut nnd :\l o<l<." rn LangnngPs and Literatnre) Ili . tory, Political . tciPnN•, EPonomics, Philosophy, f:dut'atinn and Fine _.X rf ~. ~lusit ·, ~I atlternat i 'M, Physi1·s, C'lwmi~t r.r, Bi­ology, G(•nlogy alld Antltrop0logy. ln CJ niri es may be R(ldre. spd tn C. \\~. H.OUIN. 'ON, 11 L"uiversit.y Hall, Cambridg,•, ~lasR.


l11~trnl'f ion learl ing to profe:.sional degrees i.· o fTered in the following subj ects: Civil, Mc<:hanieal and Elec t ric·al Engi nf'Pr i ng, AI ini ng, ~letclln ra-y, A rt·lti tectnre, Landscape Arc·hitertnre, Fore ·try, Applied Phy i1 ·s. Ap­pli<>d Chemi-..try, Appl ied l nology and Applied 0P<ll• gy. Inquiries may be ndcire~sed to \V. C. SAI31NE, 17 l ni­Yers i ty Ha1l, Cmll bridg e, l\1a s.

, .. • ... . ,

I "


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-&prra ht lira ··

VOLUMI! X)l API't i L , 11t07 Nu .... ael't 7 -- --- -


The p o liL·y o f rmr gnn.~nnn cnt in t h e I hilippine Island s ha~. frolll th e ,·cry h t-g-inning- o f ~\ m c r ican o c c upat ion, been t·haraclcrizl'd hy .1 !'pirit o f un:->clfishn ess and magnanimity whic h has no p ;1 r a llel in t h e histo ry o f natio ns. Trnc t o its trad it ion . and p rom pte d by the ln f t it.•:;t m n ti\·cs o f hristian l·h a rity. it h~s ri .~ l· n supl•rio r t o a ll the preccclents ancl la ws o f t·nl o nizin.g- n ;; t i nn ~ . and. instead f h o lding these e ight mil lio n :-ubjt-ds in .th l' Philippine archipela g-o. in th " bo ndage o f i ~nornn ce o r k l·e pir~ g- the m suppres.·ecJ b e nt·ath a conquer ing­migh t . it has g-i,·l• n frc l'ly o f its o w n hl oocl and treasure tu lvacl them in.t the ful l possc.·sio n o f man's ina li L• nahl e ri~hr-.; :tatd into thl' full en joyment of all the bless ings o f a Christia n l. i ,. i 1 i za t ion . •

< >n c ni the tlH st . triking o f the nt11n c ro us disclosures of n ur g"O\T rnm t: nt's purp ~e in th e is l:tnds . may lh fo ttn d in th <: L·tahlishn1l·nt o f thL' public school sy ·tem o fTc ring t o the Filipino children all th e advantag-es o f a liberal edttcatio n :t l

puhlic t'XJ>L'ttsc . .:\I indful o f its inAue n cc in foster ing that spirit of free~lom and democracy which has enfranchised t h · millions o f o ur uw n n : pi.tlJli •. and. a c kn o wl ·dp;ing- it as o n e o f th e m ost potent factors in raising- o ur natio n t_o the positio n o f a mig-h l_r w o rld po we r. the American autho riti \.:s , fro m the beg-inning-. hclicv cd it to he a fu n damental n cccs. ity in the rist: :t n d prl)g-rcss o f the F ilipino people and pru visi n ~ were at on e · mad e fo r its establishment.

It i:-; true that under the panish regtmc public schools

Page 5: 04-01-1907

TIU' A 1u h or

----hacl h '-' n e:;tah l i~lt \.: d l1y rnya l d .. 'en.·e t hn1tt~ l H1ttl tlH' an· h i­pe lag-c . bu t. judging- i rtllll 11 \lllH:rnus orfi c ia } n : pt)fl:-l J11;tdl• o n the . uhj ·ct o f -.'•i u c! t i· Ht. at th~ ' d mm c n -emc n t 11f .\ m , ri •: a n o c ' tt{ ati n, th e..;~ ~- c h •,nl:-; w ' r ·· Yl'ry d ·f,·t·ti'·"· a nd , ·\.·ry fa r fro m acrompli~hing- tin · ptt r r o:-;c foi· which thl'y had hc :: n c :-; t a h l i:-;h <.: cl. \ft r a tiHl ru ug h i11,·t·:- tig-:1ti u n. a n d as a ~um­m n ry f th · · ~ e o fli ·ial r epnr t s . t h ' T.tft <:om tni :-;~i 1 l ll mad ~ t h e f 11 0 \\' i 11 g S t a t e 111 C n t : " l t h :l S h C 11 :-~ t :.1 h. d t h a l i 11 I t~l) 7 t lJ C I' C

w e re in th e. e isl:'t n ds _,1 07 p ublic sch o ls. T h<: inel"lccti ,: c­n cs o f the c sch Is will h e sc " n w h ... n it is r em emhc r ct l th a t a sch o l under the S panis h r eg-ime w a . a str ict ly :ectaria n. un g ra d e d sc h c 1 \\· ith n pr ·-c rih ccl cour. e )[ . t u dy a ncl n o definite . tancla rd f0 r eac h y ear, ancl tha t they \\' ~ r .... in cha rge o f dttl) c erti fica t ed bn t h a rdly pro fc:;s io n ally tra ined or p ro ­grc s ive teac h er., h o n. cd in un s uita ble ancl unsanita ry b u ild­ings . :\iter three hundred y~a rs o f panis h d r) mina t i•1n t h e bulk o f the p eople ca nn o t r ead a nu writ e th e ir o wn la n g u :1g-c.''

Fully co nvinccll tha t b ett r e duc a t i n a l fac il ities w~:n: i p a ramount impo rta nce, th e T a ft c mm i s~ i n , c \·cn be for ~...· t h ey ado pted th e l\[uni c ipa l ode o r Pro Yin c ial A c t , e n acted :\ g en­eral sch o 1 la w o n th e 2 1 · t of J a nuary, 190 r. th e reby \' tr t u a!ly c t a bli:;hing th e :\me ri can sy s t e m o f free. n o n-secta ri a n , public

in tructio n in th e Philippin I la nd ' . That this i mpo rt;tn t w o rk m ig;ht b e u ncl c rta k en wi t h o tt t

delay, th e u p c rin t end en t o f I ubl ic In ~ truc t ion w as ;1. u t h n r izcd to secure fro m the l~nit cd t a t es o n e th o us and trai n ed U.:ach c r .­at monthly a laries o f n 0 t less tha n se,·en ty- fiy c a n 1 not m r c

than one hundre d and tw e nty-fixe d o llars . On th e 21 t d ay o f Au rru s l o f th a t sam e y ea r t he a rmy

transport " Tho ma " dr ppcd anch o r in ~I a nila h a rbo r la n lling 54-2 trained American t eacher o n P hilippine s il a nu t he

great tas k of educating a n a t ion w a b e(Tun. The scho ols arc n o w di,·idcd into primary, scconcbry, and

high schoo!s, each ha,·ing three gra d s . The la r ge m ajority

o f the children are in the primary gra de wher e th ey r eceive

the elementary in_ truc tion and \\·here a b gi nning is made

with the study of the Englis h language. The interm ediate

schools consis t large ly o f the grad uates o f the primary schools.

The pupils in th ese grade s arc taught g ramm a r, geogt·aphy,

civil goYernm e nt, alg ebra, hygiene, and agriculture. 'I'he high

' .. • .. . ..


• •·

7'11~ Anch or 7

s •. t~~~oo,ls ha ,·c . b ~.. .e n open ed more r cccnt ly wi t h t he g r.&Cic as \ h e Jll ll to r cia. . se,·e n t h

( ) \\" j 11 ( T l () l h c d . I '\ I I k . . .-. tC I<. c<. ac . o f dt"ct•)li n e in the S . 1 ~ch lflf .... the w o r l· f tl \ . • pants 1 , r\. · · , . ." 0 l C -· men ca n t t'achcr ha. hecn t tnu nail\' l: lllg'". I he c l11 lclrtn had h<.'l' ll ~1 c · u--=to -11 ~·<1 to IL · ·•t tl ,:

1 · • ... cu m·c an<. o-0

... 1\.::. r <~wn_ p t·asure, to ru:'lt in a bo dy to t h e w in dow wh~n ;;n , · l .t t! <.11:-'turl>:\ nce ;\tt r ·tctl'd tlJ t·r ·t t t .

I• 1 • t •1 e n Inn t o r cacl an I

t a " a n ~:d . :11 1 d a I I , t t J , . .... • • • · < a h.: s,.m<.: l llll l. . creatlllg ;t noise w hic h \\:t:-' m o:-; t di .... trac l i nrr 1 · · ~ al~( l't~ ll :ll '- 1 11~. l!ul order h a )) c'ell 1. rn;:giH (JUt lli cha( s. l I

. ..... . . .,. · • • • • II( ~ r tht• :.killful m:tn :tgcment o f the ... , .. ·i.·~..: ~l ... l .ih.u l .\llltrte<tn t"ach -.·r. th l' :.chonls tndav COllll)a rc .~\Oiol) \ ' a~ fa r a' r · .· ,. . ~ < . . . •. , • s <. 1:-.up Ill<.: 1:::: cnnc .. : rnetl with th , .

'' '-' 11 cn••ntn· T II · osc 111 o ur . . . n :l appcaranc-.·!-- . tht·:-.e Filii inc> ell., I c ·••>··J l, ,. 1 1 ' t.< ren are

· : ·•' c..: •· ll l' ' l' l < t: \'llopnl nt T ' . . ,.1 1

. : . · !lt ~ nt e eag-er to attend the :;~ ~::.(). :-. . t•ll Y ctCCflllr<.' the l ~ng-li:-;h i ~u~g-u a g-c wit h co m >arati\·,

.tn d _tl lc pnl~~-r<.·ss \': lt ic h tlwy ma ke in tli l'ir :tudie~ wou l ~l con J';!r<: J:t \·. ,rah h · w ith that o f the cl ill . -

'\ • • 1 t rcn 1n o nr c hools o f ' 111 -.' rll• : t. '

. T~l !--pi tc of th .: oppo~ i tio n tn thi~ public school ~" t en ("' l '<: l' l:tl!y o n tlw part o i t he H m;-tn C· 1 r ' .

1' b~,.·,·n :t mark .. ·d incn::t :;c in th e • ll.tt tn IC ch.urch, t here has

i .... n n• k .... ~ tl n n . . . I I l. e 11 I o me n t w h ' c h . a t pre c n t. • . • :--lx HllH nt th l ll~~nd I II ' . tl · 1 \ · ' · 11 a< c 1t1 o n to tht·

.nu:--anc . m . ncan teach e r there ;-tr· fi ., · . . ,. . . , - · · · n o w !--O lllC ,.e t hou. and n .. lt\~ tt.: .tt htl!" ;H'll\t' . Y enrrarrcd in tl · .. I .

\ • • M :-... 11s t< ucatJo na l c n te r pri c . n u l lll:l l s c hool h ;ts h l'e n e!'tahli·.;hecl . \ I· .I .. 1 1

· · ' · . I ll . • t n t a w he r -- eve r:ll 1 ttt < 1 "c,:"' ol tlt<.' s .. kc tcd nati,·e t . ·J · ~ . • t.:ac l CJ s a r c r ec ln ng inst r uc-

tion . l tc, idc· . eac h educationa l d i,·ision h a i t~ .. n nnn:ll scllo I. w h-. rc not o n I\' the t cach r· r"" l)ttt• ·. J ·o . tl 'acattol n • • •• • ... ;" ( l ~ 10 e \ V 1 . t:-,ltt~...· t c ~ he te:tchcr :-' . r "'ce i,·e in .- t r u c tio n fo r abo ut t . - h o lt ·~ cnl t tl · 1 • \ \0 m o nt ~

.. ( ' 11 l :lt Ill t tc f u t ure t h i · n-r e;"tt , 1 · · · ·11 1 1

. · ~ , <: < u cat1on a l work \\ t 1a,·e Ln }e ca r n L· cl on la r rre)v by nati , ·e t I ,, ,. . . ~ · , • cac 1e rs a nd evcr v c .l:n:tragcml·nt I' gl,·en to the m ore a<.h·a ncc d Ht >ils in ... pn .·lt c ~c iH Htl ~ to b e co me intd!igcu t . tho ro ugl!l)·f CJ.ualifitcl~~. ag-t-.!"r '-'=-'="i,·c ic:tchcrs . u

. . · "The hnpe o f our country is iu our public sch ool .. . :--:1~ lllg" that has g r ')\\' 11 fami l ia r to e,·e rv \ . . . I a 1

· ~ . . r menca n ctt1zen . 1 ~ t 11. true o f ou r own countrv i t i n o )-' 1'1 . 1'1 ·1 · · · . . · , • ,. '- · app tea >lc to the

11 ll ' J> I Il C 1:-.l.tnds. I he people thcr ·lre 1 . • · I l . . t .. I . \ . . \.. c~ ( I \ I ( (.( 111 t 0 n u nl e r -n u:-- II> ~ =-- and g-t oups, each hav inrr it . o . 1 . TJ · ~ !S " 11 a n ,ruarrc o r <.ll alcct

tc ,· are \\' Hkly sep a rated in a ll tint con ~~itL~l's n ationa i

Page 6: 04-01-1907

----- ---tit~ ~tandp0int of th~ \\"all ~tr ct bro k e r o r the n~xtc r street unity. hut the public sdt0< l ~ thr0ug-h o ut the archipelag-o. u . in~ tht• same text 1H10ks. incn 1ctting the same principles o f ciYili7a­tinn. teaching- the ~amc bng-uag-c. arc bridg-ing- this chasm between all these distinct tribes and Lknding; th ·m into ont: nat ion with coherence ancl unity. and arc thu · pr paring- them

fl, r tlttir natio nal inclepcnclcnce. l·ntil recently only tht.• f;H·or(.'d fe w njo yed the ach·an-

tag-t.'S 0f the lih er~ l education whil' the masses were con­demned to h(lpcl .. s..; ig-nnra11 ce . The public scho ls arc to<la , · bringing- the ach·ant~g-c·s ni a liberal educatio n within reach c~i all and an.' thus fo~tering- a spirit of th•mocracy ancl hringin :~ in that tn!l' ci,·ilizatiun which rcco~nizcs the principle ' 'that

a!l men are creah.·d Lqttal." The Ppininn pn:\·aib amo ng; the Filipinos that it is a di~-

g-:·al·e t o w o rk . They Ita n~ neYer hL·cn taught t lw dig-nity c•f \11il. .-\:' a r e:'ttlt t h L· fields are n o t broug ht un cle r c ulth·ation a 1Hl th '-' rc~nurce:-: of th ~ co untry r-.·m :-t in mtdc,·cluped. There h as b~cn n o prng-n.·:-::-:. 'T'oday, hnwc,·er. the six h undrc.:d th ousand childn·n in the public sehoul:; ar · taug-ht. hy precept ;tncl cxampk. that lab o r i. n ot a di:-:gracc <,r a mark of in­fC'ri n rity. hut that it is only thronRh effort and faithful t ni l that th~· indi,·idttal or natio n can attain to the hig-hest state o i

ci\·ilizati0 n. In\\'~\· . too numero us to mention the:-:e public school-..

nrc n . hering- in an era of enlig-htenment and prog-rc~s which i~ fu ~ l oi h o pe and prom i. c for the inhabitant~ of these islands.

For the maint t nance ancl furtlH·rancc o f thi!" great work the :\merican ,o ,·e rnmcnt has gi,·cn fn·t·ly and libera~ly . \\. hc.:n the ed nca tio nal department wa~ )rgan ized in 1901 thert' ,,·,:re n o . cho 1 bnilding;s, no books. n o fnrniturc. n t eacher~ . while co n . irlt-r:-thl e oppo~ ition an<l host ility were manifcst<.·cl

1 •l1 the part oi the nati\' lS to war<.l the undertaking. ix year~ h:.t \'l' pa:-:H·cl and tt,day. in addition t o th e lar~e annY o f train d. " ·cll-p t:l id .\mcrican U:ad1ers bro ught tt. the i:-:Ian~ls anti . up­J·t>rtec\ there at public t•xpcnse, there is a wdl furni !"hcd schocd building- in allno~t ,·c·ry town, whi~e the cdncational cxpendi­

tur · is on?r two !llillinn dullars golcl annually. J )oc. it pay:- J:-: it not a needles · waste ? \\ idcly different

t •pinions a rc ente rta ined and these are brg('ly det ermined h y t h r p ui nt o f Yicw from which this matter is con::>i<.kred. Front


. . . •

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••• •· •

' ' ncl .:r it j..; 11 • • • ' . . nt ,J payntg- 111\'e:O: tlllClll r . t h~,• h.omant:-:l. who hn tc . tl . . . r m the n e wpoint of

I · ' ~ H.' puld tc sh 1

n n e ytnft· h:ttrcd tl ' . . ~ coo systl.'m \\'ith an 1'1 .,. :-:- • tc llltro du c tto tt oi tl ..

lt tpptn t· 1:-.lancl:-: ,, .. ,sa 11!; systL'm into the 1. .. , ' ~ 11 un ;,•arrantcd int . ·

l:o-:-; \\':1:-:te. J• ro m the ~ La I . rtbton and a need-. , .

1 · · · nc J>O!llt of those wh 1 · • .'.n~ u t ll.:r=-- :-:nppres!'cd in ord ~ o )C teye 111 ke"'p-

hc,,·er=-- o f \\;ood :llld . .. er that these may Le their F 'I . . . . car ncr. o f \\'a t·c r . t h . . . I .

1 tptno~ t::; an unmistakal I I I ts d u cat!On of the

tl · f · J e J under j' t tl

liS ru m the hroad -' . . . . · .J\1 lO'e who con. id e r

I . ul: 11HKJ attc hun . .

,,. to regard it in the I' I f . . lanttanan ·tandpo int and . ·

1 . tg 1t o nat tOnal d t

t.•m::;H er It a. a mo.· .. JJrol"t . I I . ' u y and ho nor. will . I ~ I a ) e 111 ,·e s t me t I . I nc 1 rl'turns at ll'n t . I . . n w tiC l will vil'ld its · ' ~ Ill l h.: ~Oll SC IO t · · · · f .

and Ill the jov o f ·I' . . . . t~Jll.: ;o,;o, o duty well done.: I * c.: c\ atul o- a n ·ttto t .

t wught and acti,·it,· and I.:-. 1' ., . n o a htgher plane of . *' ca<lllgctg-htm'll' f

race mfo the · hlcssin (T . f I .. . 1 to ns o th e human . I ' ::-.~ o a at O'Cr It b ert'-· .... . .. tnt n u h1cr ci , · il izat = t:-. • .1 • purer Chrrstianit)·

. . ~ ">n . tt r pub IJ • , I I . ' :-; l· ::;~tuns m ··ri t th ' . c sc 1oo s Ill o ur new po

c ~uprwrt of c,·en· t. \ . _ - 1 ttc -· llll'rtcan citizen. . . ]. \:\11·~~ OSSE\\' .\ :\Rr>E

F o rt L ChaplalJl T\\'enty-fit· ·t I f U ~ -· gan , Culurado. n . . ~ . : \rmy.

THIRTY YEARS AGO. Th~ ~tudents of the pr~sent I .

cxtensi,·e and rar>id has b · , c a) can hardly realize h o w .. .. . een t le de,·elor) f ,radnates uf l>tlt a fe llll:nt Hope CoJI. .. £rr . · w years a .. ·

' " ·h r n th t \' Yis it th ,· I . . g-o arc, how ,·er, amazed I II - tr a ma mater tn th s I tan Y realize th ·tt 't · tl . e. c < ~ys. The,· c~u1

' I 1 le same tJBtit t. f . ' \\' t' re graduated hut a I t . ~ tt to n rom which they

s 1 r time arro V \ ' I me men to of piuneer d . . t- • an eck FI all. the . ·I I I . . a) s , together with tl , I I

:-.<.: too nuldmg- an· the o nh· 1 1 h : o < g-rammar \\ ' hen th. ' . ."' an< marks o f fo rmer cJa,·

. e prc.::-.cnt \\Ttter was en 11 I * . til the fall of 1 7"' tl C 1 • - ro. C:"C a : a student. it wa . :;,, l e o I cgc as a cor . . .

. 'car · o ld. In·thes• ) 't!ar · th )' potatto n. wa · nine no t 1 · er(' 1ad b en pro,Trt· . 1 · a p amly Yi · iblc . · 1 s , JUt 1t wa

T a mtg lt be expected o the buil<.lino- alrcad , .

\ ' leek IIall, the old~ G. } on the campus in 1866, \ f an I ) mnasnnn anJ the )0' I H >C -.·n added hart c r IIall ' ge o use, had , a o ne- ' tory b ·1 1·

unly fo r its steep roo f a 1 1

. lll t mer, remarkable mar school b ··I I' .~ nc < tngy recitatio n rooms the Gra

ttl ( tn <T stdl tan r I ' m-so far it was the do~ of m ( m~, anc the old laboratory. In m o dation . y ~ all thmgs, makeshifts and accom-

Page 7: 04-01-1907

Tlt e A nri1M· 1()

( )n th e pla t fc,rm o f the n lcl -hnpel. the n.•mnc\,:lcd ,ym­

na~ium . which t he l.u ys of · >2 h at\ huilt . . at. at m o rning pray­e r~ . a fac ul t y of :-:c,·c n, on e mon.' the ugh in '(il . < f that n u m­hc r hu t o ne i. now conn <: t ed w ith th e instituti nt. D r . ;_ J. K o lle n. a nd a ll t'='C C' pt tw h a\'c ~on ~ to tlll'i r rcwnrd . Thc~e ~t· ,·en w L~ r c ~uppn:-:ccl tu take ch a_r~e f twe~ \' e cla~.:.;c~ in the three depar tment~. T his is t h e w a y it wa:; ch ne : T h e pro­f ,__·:.;~or~ t a u g-h t the t h en\ ~ia n ~ a n d colk: .. (i:-tn~ a n <l 1 ·ft th e ·'pr eps' ' to t h e tender m crcit:s o f the upper classml'n . wh thus g-aint>cJ experi m en tal k now\ dg-e of t h e a r t o f tca r hi ng. The fac ul ty numbered . even, but th e teaching- fc r e w as pcrhap~ a score. T h e re w ere no ~pecialist~ in those days. in tlee<l t h e profes ~ or in c h a rge of a ny cl part m cn t w as in ch nr g-c f a g r eat m a ny o t her things; t o m en tion just t w o . Dr. Scoll, a fte r­w ard s pres ident. was, T b cli eYe , profc~sor o f nntnra l hi:-;to ry and in c h a r ge f gen e ra l hi stor~ , ch urc h hi ~tory a n cl gn,·crn ­m en t a nc\ ch emi~try; b cs iclc · h e sometimes taug ht ph y . ic:-; a nc\ h.•cturcd o n h r i. t ia n e , ·idences. lt g c w ith u l ·ay 111 g- th at

h e h acl charg- o f t h e lab nrato ry . ,oocl Dr. 11eck fa r ed li ttle better, Lati n . Greek ant \

lT "br ew w er e his regula r bra n ch es. hu t that h is t ime- m ig h t h e

nccu p ied phi s in l g-y a n d log-ic ' "ere Cl<hl d . D r. C ri sp 1\ w:ts pro fessor of th eology in its ,·arinus

hranche~ . but f Hl n <l time, o r m ad t ime, to t each a~trnnnmy a n d hig h e r mat hematic . .

n cb w e re th e concl ition s ~ntil '77 ,V'tten th ~ t h eolog-ica l cl ~. partment w a . st t. penclc<l a nd th e cla ~ scs were consequ entl y r cclucccl to ei~ht. T n '78 nr~. P h elps a nd ri spcll res ig n C' d and Pro f~. P,oet· a nd K lei nhekse l w ere a<lclc<l t th e Faculty and th e Coun cil aha n <lnn ·d the e m p loymen t r sttt<J ··n ts as

t each ers, at lea. t. in a genera 1 way . O n e s t atcm n l 111 )fC <uHl I h a ll h ave com p leh.: d t h e ptc-

t urc. Th e ex pen cli t urcs of th . e days w er e a h u t $8.ooo. a n d th e inco m e co n s iclera hh· lC'ss. T h e en rlow ment amou n ted to $40,000 plu la r g-e ho p es a nd un . w e r v ing faith in t h e fut u re.

n these ho p es t h e in :-;titution h as r eali zed in la t e r years . } l o p e has b ee n tra n sposed into t hing ton g-able, in enlarged endo wments, b e ller equipmcnts, a n d y et l[op.! re m ain s un­

d iminis hed fo r y et la r~e r things in the futur e. Vriesla n d . G. D. J NGE.

• •·



T lu A ll£·hor

" THE PILGRird s . ,.

\ \ .hen star-crnwneJ T 1 . · aunts >reaks w · 1 . · • \I tid clnud~ th<..'it" cnrl . 1 , .1. ~ . t:1r< "ml r bound,

\\ ' 1! }'. . . } )Cl\C, I l t011S ~!tower. '- n I I~: ~tH ntg~ forth in 111\Tia I 11 ,

. \nd natur. - ... ~ c mot a nd .oun I. t pt O \ .. ~ h~ r n •no \·ating- po w '-.· r:

\ \ .hen . il<:nt tr · · · t I : c:-; 111 o u d mn~ i c l> r ... ·ak [ Tt)Jl l thrO;-l t~ o f~ J- "J ' ' \ \ ' I , · o u h J ... d ,,·arh lc rs no w t 1

H. ll pro u d hrutc..:-mu thl·r thr ' .· ' re urne( . Th ... ·ir darling ofT . . Hlg"d lt l'll Ill adow:.; take

. pnng. pry and unco nctrned. '

\ \ "h ·n thrifl - t l · · •t·l . · . te atr With sho uts o f childhoocl J·u ,· lltr pcnn etl t J"f · \ \ ·h :· ~p I c n o w o nce agai n "t·t free. ~

e n mer;·,· nHt Hkn ~ 1 1 ' y .. I - . aug 1 and :ong cmpJo, . c,t, leaven and l"a rt h p roc la im a jubilee-- ,

' ' (.;u , ·isit l loJ>e 1•11 1 -· . une r Is ... -.kec.·l t i I .I I

· I } n . 1e \ \" 11 C ~ 1a 1 forsoo th fo ·1 . · 1\l · · r lance so potnts the wa · r ·

o:-. t fa , ·ored t11 (J rta ls th · · · . . " ) ·

\ . I . <.:), neath heaven: smile.·

.I llJ t~"lt IS pa · t U . ' ~ · ' n o w aw ns a happy day.

J\ s I o 11 g~ . w i f t :; w a II o w fu r h e r o \ . • \ s pa nt cha . ·d 1· f . '~1 w cet h o me,

S o . . f. [I t . • art o r . u l re !rc hin cr fount !::iO il:s o ope 111 • • • :-. ' , · . · .. spnngt~tnc..: yearn to r

l o l>l .p:.t~n Jtelds, to sacred gro ,·c a d oa m n mount.

Th l') " S3)' . II • • • c..l COILClflletlCCS C:ltt ~ e ) . ·J . . aId w 1...' II ·n . . . I 1 oc a lnl.

\ \"hy ·igns .o f S J;~/r,tn~~~ no'~ whc..:uce _this pilgrim llloud, To seck h Lr fac o . · IOJ>1c o wn ~nth ardo r flame

c, ' 'It 1 OYC and JOY imbued.

\s when fo nd 1 . m o t ler trains unco n sciou . child o t t may ·cc a I I '

l' . tll tear and know and d . ) , . \·a ned ere "ll 1 k .


1 ~ ~ tr e oo ·, e en accent wi ld o l lo p(! her children taught-a m o th,cr t r ue.

Sh e cau t d.th" 1 r l , . . . . c > llH ea r tn s man·els to lJ 1 1 I ~he taught th . de·tf a .. . . 1 c 1o < •

D.d ' 'ano u anCTnarre '' h ar 1 realnts of th n u o·ht 1 °. ' ' 1..

• I ·I· .:- to s Houded mutd uniolcl n Ot: ... l~ti m ,. ·ter . ., ~ wus treasures-brought Gou I tt a r!


Page 8: 04-01-1907

Tlu An~hor 12 ------------------------- -

1 t f 1 · ,,, frc,tll fat· and tli..'Clr , They cu mc. ter g-ra e u ~cJ . . Heli t ,-~cl the whil · f oncrou~ di gnitie~ .

( }j trying ta:::k, harcl po~t. of care , o f f~· ar T turn once mo re t o joyous rc,· c lnc~.

Tht·Y glow. they s mil e . they laugh. tlH·y joke. they ~i ng-. \\:ith \\'ilcl bewitching- juy the way alJo tnHl ~ .

tiJ ibrious mirth. the lik e..· nn god~ could br i n ~.!) One c!imax only . uits- 1 lope's sacred g-rounds.

llow man·elou~ is th1~ pl ace! :\ly teriou~ llf"" Fr m num crntts ~nurcc:-' !ill' the swellinp; hre~ts t.

J-lop~·s queenly grO\\' th ~ lo ne pilgrims gro wth re,·i\·c; ller fruits of 1 arning ~m~H·k o f nectar bl est.

Kow cope~ th min<l \\ i!h cute philo~nphic:, Then thrill s the :oul w ith music s w ee t and ~trnn::r.

K o w ma n ·cls cy e at v; o ndrons scicncies, ,\h . could poor pilgTim h ere the h t) llr~ prolnn~!

Cnn!d ~il::nt nook and s hading- tree r elate Th · intrinsic joy irom o ld tal c~ not grown uld .

Th t rc sharecl hy pil~rim friend~ in rapturous ~tate. 1-fea.\'en's rche::ras \\' ulcl fain . uch joy: unfu ld!

'rh e gathering pa~t. exchange o f hie~. ing now: "D.car ~lnthcr. thin he peace. prosperity.

Thy ~on~ ancl clauf!bter~ nC\\' allcgianre ,·ow. :!\one shall t ' cr b ast n oble r posterity.''

"~l y pilgrims hands. yet truly comfort me. (. ft dicl the waiting \\' Orld your merits learn;

:\I,. ble · ing on you r w ;,y. a hi es ing b e, .. ., Again I send , ·ott forth- but to re turn.


Alumni Banquet, 1-Iope College, June 19, 1906.

i:ratres Alumni: I am no t o f th at number \\'ho think that

' ·t· longs to the pa..;t. J belic\·e that it ha :-' r resent and that it i · tu ha,·c a future mor

th " ~m a ll col lL'f..!" '-'

an indi :-' JH.'n::ahlc glorion~ than it~

• •

f •

,. -· -a

Tlu A 11rltnr 13 --- -- ----------------------

p ·bt has hL' CI}. !'ay thi:-; whi k r ccogntztng to it ~ full extent the tH.' Cl'S:-'ity in lHtr gn·at edttc..::-ttinnal system of the large cnllcgc. the t l·chni ~.·a l school. •~ncl the t111i\·e r:ih·.

~<tid :\I r .• IUi :-.~ Uerry. editor of the .\t l:\ntic .\[ nthly. at a llll.' ting of the graclutl':" ui \\' illiam~ ··< llc~c held a few year~ ago in l~nston: " In th e larg~ college~ the stud •nts ha\·c n o

lime to think. In my expcri l'nc <: in l'rince to n l found that the best thinh.: rs we re those \\ ho camL' from th ~ little un­kn w n colleges oi the :\I idcllc \\" c..;~. The~c m Ln pos~e. s a certain pOWl' l' of relle ·tioll a11d of a:-;..;imilating thl..' fL \\' facts \\'hich they po..:st·ss \\·hich is not ftntncl in the uniYer:;ity ~tudent. The tl'nclu1cy in the uni\·ersity. g-ro\\'ing mor~ and mnrc st ro ng . i s to'.\ arc ) the re prl..'s~i n of i nd i ,·id ual opi nio n. It tak t s great courage to ~ta n<l up and assert yuur:-;clf against th e uniycr~ity. mol>. The type oi men wh o can do this is \\'hat the sma II col ::Cgc can and :-:h uld <IL , -clop . "

r\ ddtingtr.i sl!cd alumnus of fiamilton ~< liege , Ifon . l~lihu R oot. at the comml·nceml..'nt o f that college in tgc>r , had thi ::; to ~ay: .. I h d ic,· ' that the :\m e ri ·a n b oy has better chances for ed uca ti on. for training. for making- a true · uccess nf his lif~ . in a college f no t m ore than 300 s tudents, remo ved irom the g-r<:at centers of population where: student · are hro ught into intitltatc association \\'ith th ~ ir instructors; wh ere the air is full of college spirit ; wh r c he is breathing a ~cholastic a tmosphcr • year by year; and wh ere the col lege i · t h l' all in a II c' i co II c g-c 1 if I?."

'The small college in the e remarks is o n e [ three hundred

:-:tuclcnts o r lc:-;s. During- the pa:-; t thiny years I ha\'c been thrown into

co ntact, o r mon accurately s peaking. h a\·c worked side by side with m en and wnmcn who ha\·c hccn trained in all kinds o f educat i< nat inst itullo ns. located in nearly en.' ry part of the

·nited tates of .\mcrica. I h av there fore a fund o f personal obst•n ·atio n and e~perience upon which to draw in order to reach s me cunc! u~ions . :\L o r co ,·er, 1 ha \ ' C su pcn·ised the wo rk o f men from Jlan·arcl and fro m other great uni,·er · iti cs as w ell as that o f men and women from state n ) rmal schools ancl from small coll eges. Xnt o nly ha,·c I s upervised the work of these indi,·iduals, hut r have freely ming led with th em in socia l a nd in ci\·ic life. ~ l y conclusions coincide with tho c of the \·ery eminent me:n who m 1 jus t now quoted.

Page 9: 04-01-1907


Y o ung m en and yt1tt llg- wunH II in th e earlier y ear:--< i tlwir traininrr n C'cd not mcn.·ly g-ntHI h••nk..., and g'(ltH I lalHlralt~ril'~ but th~Y nee<l a l:'o th e cnn~tant in ~ piratinn "hich i:-: g-ainer! onh· fr.o m (bi !y and intimate a:--.-. tH: i:tt iP n wit h g-o<H I an d tca;·ne<l me n. Th L'.Y ll l' l'd t h at dc ,·l·lt) J'llH nt of in di ,·itluality which is SL'Cttrcd on ly hy t ill' ch :dl ng·c (n op ininn. to idl'a. t1) theo ry to doctrin · , whi ch the skilliul in..;tn_lct n r will daily hurl to each indi,·iclual of hi s cla ~s . ~ < )\dH'rc l>ut in th e s mall t·o lle<Ye with it s s mall cla s~t·~ ca n hand t o ha nd intdkctual

~ . en gagements frequ en tly occur. fn the l:lrge cnlleg·l·s and sn th e uniYcrsi tics th l.! firin g i~ at ln ng rang-e wit h t)llly a smJ I1 po r tion o f the force~ at any ) ll e tim ~· l ' llg":t~c<l.

I haYe read somewhere that ·•a grain <i f in:'piratinn i~ worth m a ny ounces o f info rmati n; a n ttn c t· o f t•ni11pn· he n ­sion is w orth many po unds f a~g-reg-:\ti on; a si ng-le p< uncl ll f art is w o rth many to ns o f sci e nce." .\11 the:-:c. in ~ pi rat io n. comprchen~ion art. arc fro m th · nature o f the ca :e to h e foun d in the small coll't·ge r at h e r than in the l arg~...· co ll..·gc o r

uniYersit , . . f-'urti1 e rmo re . in the cl e, ·e!opmrnt o f ~trnng- characte r.

con s tant and intimate a . :-;oc iatio n with m en and w n nn n < f rich er and r ipe r exp.:- ri cn ce, f finer r.n d broader culture . and of . upcrio r ancl bett e r trai ned thinkir:g- pt) \\·ers is among- tlh'

c~sentials. It was Bu rke who sa id : ·· ,\ nni n w it h a n eq ual tmd erstanding- do ubles o n e's o wn. hut a uni m with a :-;uprrinr unders tanding ra ise!' OlH:'s o wn to th e lc\'C.~·l lf that superio r understa nding." \\'h er ca n this co n:-;tant and in t imak a s:'O­ciatio n be found if not in th e sma ll coll rgl' ? \\' h at is o f m o re Yalue than a s trong- character? If it ca n h e pro Yc<l. a:-; it <..'a:'i ly can b e , that in n o othe r instit utio n can the d ~vdopnll'nt o f strong character proceed ~o successfully as it pn C l d · in th e s mall coll ege. then fo r thi: r eason al nc th e cxi~t ·n ee and 1111 io n o f s uch an in ·titutio n w o uld b ahnnda ntly justifi ~d .

Finally, the quality o f loyalty is a n impo rtant p ossess io n. \Vitho ut it, h o m e w o uld be a hell , !'oc iety a s ink o i hypoc ri ~y the state impo s ibh!. It is this qua lity which the intima te relations o f the s tudents t o each o th e r and to th ei r tl!ach l' rs , r elatio n s found n owhere else in ·uch perfectio n a s in th e small college, engender and fo . ter.

Did time permit, I could present oth e r w eig-hty reasons fo r the existence and the p e rpe tuity of such an in ~ titution as



• • •

Tlu Anchor

] am proud c~l l a!ma m at ·r. Surely . th e in spirat ion t

study and to think . t he d . , ·clnpment o f d i;.;tincti,·e ind i,·id u­~ lity. lh l' nphuild ing- o f stro ng- and pure ch~ractc r . and the qui ckening o f the ~p irit o f loy:tlty t (;ocl and lo man, all o f ''--h il' h h a \' L' c ,·cr b t c n pcculiady, I m~y :'1y cxcJu..;i , ·cly. char­a t·t~.: ri:-- tic (ti th t rai nin :z ni the ~m~dl cnlkg-c, shall fu r eYe r ju:--tify i ts e'xi s ten c~ anti :- h a11 fCJ rcn~r sanctiiy its mi:'sio n.

1{. U. D. :t:\1 0 :\~'0 ~.

----- ----


< >ne clark night dn:-ing- my Fr ~hman y ear. l :-:tood w ith a h:tli dozen ft·llllw stucl ... nt~ in the din~y old r:tliroad ~tation at I !(llland. \:\'e bad ·r, mt• d n\\' n tn :'ee oiT . Jr . L. D. \\'is h ard . the Tra\·t' li ~1g- Sccrd:lry o f Cl ll q~t· \'. ).1. C . . \.'s. T\\'0 < f U:'

\Y:\tciH' d nur cha n c·· . drC\\' ::\ lr. \\ ' i:-:hard o ff into a · n rtll' l- . a n d a~b.·d h im 'Whether w ' would nnt dn a gr ... at d a l h ctler for onr:-;<'hT :' i!. we shrHll d break away frnm th .. · limit --<1 oppor­tuniti e~ o f t h e :'lll'tll ndlcg-c w e w ··rc ~itlt' JHling-. and strike out tu enj oy th ;.· m n rc extt'!Hlc cl ach· :1.nta~c~ that w~re a , ·ai !ablc in the larg-er and ol<k r cnllegt'. of the l·:ast.

< lf course w e had 11 <) bnsi n(·~s to put a q uestion like tha t t, :\ l r. \\' i~h:ncl. and had no right t( expect a direct and sati.;­iartnry an:-.\\'\..' r . I fe~rgnt w hat h l' did . ay in reply. n ut I h :1,· ~ thou ~ht o f the ncc ttrr t n cc u ft ... ·n a nd T am ~n rc matH· ' . antJl lh·r :'Oil o f 1 Iopc. has had h i~ mi::~·i,· ing-s n n the · ame . ub-j e,· t. and h ~s wi:'ht·d the re w ere . ome one from ''ho m he co nld gd an au thorit at i,· ' n •ply . Uu t it is a Ycry diffi ult questi o n to ans\\'t r. and the bett e r qual ified a man i · t o an. w er it the· k ss ready doc:-: h e fel'l to log-m:1t ize o n t h e suhj ' Ct.

The writt•r . tayt•d o ut his four Y\.'ars at I lope. l-Ie has tr::~\· t· l •d :'< lll <.' what since. and h:1~ se ... n con"iclerab lc o f m en . th<Hlg-h it i;-; trtt L' t hat he h;ls s een li tt le o f cCtlkg- ~ in th e la!'t twcnt ,· y ear~. li e . n f course. cannot _a\' n o w that he mi (Yht - ~

n ot ha\·e mad fa r g-r , ater <Hh·anccm ·nt. that he might n o t h :n·c attainul iar morr creditable dcn~!opment if h~ hacl le ft J I <lj lC at tht• end o f hi~ Fr~shman y ea r ; hut h e ha~ neYer rq~r<.' tlt.'d t l tat he stayed . thuugh h. h as r cg-rctll·d that he did n o t add at .Ieast o n e to the ,·ear · o f his acadrm-ic and theo lo rY-:-..

icaJ stud ics.

Page 10: 04-01-1907


ln t h i :-; c u 111 H : c t 10 n k t h i Ill h r i c..• fh · m a k · n Cl t l' u f t h r c 1.:

point:-:. Fir:-;t. ~omc o f hi :-: tc~H .. · h t·t· =-- in th e '-' t>lkg-c \Y ~·n· ,-e n · ~nod .

and other~ wc..• r ~.· pr11hahly 11 11t =--o !_!IHHI. lmt he i:-- c..- hi ctl _,. im­pres,cd \\' ith th e i~t c t th ~!l he..• did n•H ~l't the n tn:--t th:1t h ... · mig-ht h n ,·c g-ot out , f c..·,· llt th e l<'a:-:t cfii ~· i c..· nt c•f tlt t·nL I ! l' i=-­con ,·incccl that it is ,· c: ry. n •ry s<:ldum th nt it is si 111ply the fact o f a n inf~r inr t c ·tchl'r that \\' ill cxplnin a ma n's l :u: k of ;uh·a n n·. Of co urse there arc sonH· teach ers fa r more Lanh.' d tha n o th e r :-:, s t me \\'it h a pu . ..;i ti,·c g '-·n iuu s fnr in s trll ~: ting nn d t ' ll Jt p ~: int..". h~!t oi t h ~ \\'ritl·r·s inst ruch rs there is n nt n n e n f who m h ~ docs n o t fu.•l fro m the \' iC\\' lH> in t t 1i l tHby . that tlwn· " ·a, phnty lll<•rc t t~ h e ha d if h e h ~ d n ·ally \\'ished it and tri\·en t ~et it.

The n ext pn in t is that. after all. it is th e character o f the m en tha t i:l :·art! L'l yt~u. n t t so Jllll r h ~ h eir k: t rni; ; !~· . that i:-; t lw thing o f ,-aln : . l \\'cHi ld n o t h a \'1..' h -·l iL'\Td that frt~m Ill\' h .·art twenty yc:trs ago. :\ n ·rtain d eg-rt•·: n f tc..· ·lm iea l ~k ill. m n n· n r It-. .:'. n 11 t h c p :n t o i a t l' a c h e r i ~ a m : 1 tt c r o i r l' Ia t i ' · L' 1 y 111 i n n r i111port:utct·. T he diiTt·r~· nt d('g-r ... cs o f srlt n l:trl_,. t'lptipment Clll

th e part ni thn:::e who taught 11ll' cl••t·s n ot .... ta n d out p rom i­nently a t al l to day: hut thc..·ir diffe r e n ce in m o ral eq uipme nt dn t•s. I re l ~H·mher \\'ith th . kc· .... ·n es t :-!rati t udt• th l' ll..•ach L' r \\'hn w as unfail ing- in th e faithiuln e:'s with wh ic h he rl'lurncd n ur red-ink-corrected ex<.rci~c:-: . and the o n e t hat ~tood n·ady. nay. \\ n~ \·:tg-c..· r . t o r . peat th e exp lanat i·· n ( f n clirticnlt point n t

Pill' <.'. but a d ozen t inH'='· prtJ\·idcd un !y the pup il s in ce rely wislwcl to und e r. tancl.

Re:tlly. th e qu estin n whether a ~mall \\'estern C<J II cg-c nr s ... ·min a ry. or a larg-l' J-::1 ~tc rn o r \\'c...:t ... ·r n u nc is hctt ~.· r fo r o nc'=-­dc,·c )c,JHlH'nt. is a qu estion that can ,,nh· h e :tl1'\\'l'n·d each fc r each . h u t looking hack at my 0 \\'11 .;;rJ;oul da , ·s . wh ile 1 m:t, nH· r it the c ri tici:-: m n f IJe ing- -utw.mhit io u s. m,_- " ·o n<kr is o nJ·,.

that t h e questio n inte rest t•d me a~ much ;t~"' it did. and m~· r , gret i!' o nly that 1 ft·ll so shorl l>f \\·orking- the 111inL' al h nn ~ l fnr \\'hat it \\'a~ r e.dh· ,,. rth.

:\'o r do J think I ~lppr<'ciatt· d the impn rt a nn· ,·,f th~.· =--tudc..·ttt l1ndy. n o r th e dig-nity o f my 0 \\'11 p ns iti.tm as a st ud e nt o f th L·

culll-gt. ( )rdinari ly I do n o t think I fel l ,·en · iar s h n rt in 111'

d~ttics: ~ n e_,·er m a d e a gr~.· at deal of trouhl t~ : and I certain!:,. <.lld a kw thmgs calculatL'd t o h e lp o ut all around ( L'. g .. I ran.c...:·




Tlu A ndttJI' 17

the..: c >lh-~~ 1>~.·11.) Uut I n~\· cr realized t h at a ~trong faculty, a ..:.t rong- rc ltll lc..·il al n nl· were unable to make a strong in t itutio n •1f learning: t hat it wa~ n ecessary fo r the student t ha\·c not •n1!y a hig-h id ea l fo r him~clf . hut a hi g h idea l fu r the tudent body as wd I. I n c \·e r s uffi c iently r eal ized t h a t colleg-e d ays \\'ere days when o n wa. to ri . e fa r a b o Yc t h e p lane of being drugged al o ng- hy in:'tructors, or o f b eing k e pt in lin e hy t h e cli:-;cipli n a ry dril l m~L tcr; the day fo r e n dea ,·oring to h elp ma intai n a · high- to ned stu dent m ora le , not a whit infe rio r to the highest ideal held fo r t h e Faculty o r C uncil.

1''-·rhaps it is a li tt le unrea. e nabl e t ex pect y ouths under t w enty tc) take quite st> re.spon ~i bl e c:t , · ie w as that but some men did. ;u_1d it \\'Oul <.l h a , ·e been better if all hau.

aga, Japa n. H. V. , . PEEKE.

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t rcot.

Tlu A m·J,,.,.

F:.ll;lh FIIHW IU t ll \ , ~F. 1

. ~ I J -- ~~-~ 1-- ,--- - -- - 8 • -· ~ #JEft?==_-=--• -=pI • ~ ~ '"' I ~ i~ -. "ii ~ ~ _ , ~ ;~6 · - · -.--i # tl • -c- -~ ·~ -,- - J - ,. ...

1 ers Of J~-: 11 ..: ' nante \V ho answLri n,,. tu t h~ l\f a~tcr's call, B est m esseng \,; · ·~ .. · · ;-.. . I. A_ mid the battle's nobe and d in. Lord. keep · ~·h y ~~· n·aot's ~mnor hrl~~ht. ;: Our farewell is Christ's welcome voice 'I' hat calt~ tb~·c tu t h..: field a-" ay.

.... I

~~~~L 1:!:-,!' ~ ?I :-.k=i:::-e-}i: !?.;·- 2~~ t~: I~ F F _,. I I I

J -J -~ ;

-tt:±=-11~1==±:! ~P=-l~ -j J _ -:~- __, F-1 : ~- (~--1 - i _ ~ 4 ~ ~- ~ f! · - l!r ., r-; - ; - ~ ""' Ji., ... - -----,- .--- . . • • - .., - ... ..- ... I ,.._ • - .._ I fr --._) -#-

,1 Declare His love, His truth proclaim. 'l'n res-cue m e n ft:om ·~tan's tll::t.\1 : Thy love 'mid ev'ry conquest win. 'l'b?· ~'pi t~i t .l·r ush wron_g s p:n'· r ~~r~\ mt~.~ ~~~ His ·word Thy sword, His will thy chutce; \\ h:k wt:. the L hurcb u-o:t (\ , P· ~l} .

=! L L r-: h,. - ~II.. -4~~ ] J CJ. ~ . - ~-- ~- ~-· . ,_ .. j,.~ t# • ~ (1

·~ :.J-. =.c =t== :~-?,=-.-; -==- !! 1"' .... • ~ - ... ~ = ~ ~· ~~ ::J II --· _ .. ·- \9 - 1 _ _ • IJ t-:= _ I if --~~_J_.:....,_ __ -t-1 - , I I I I --- ~ ....

~ J-:!~ ..::!~31 ;J~ -~ I -;! r:· ~ ~ 1 -,. - !~·--~_M •- -• =- -~--=---=- Fli ., tl • . - ~ ~ -~ . ~.~ -+- - •• - ~- ~ -- -T I #1- -,- · • · •

Go forth to bat-tle with the foe. Till at the clos - i n~ ,,f the stnfe Their faith in Thee, Lord, strong and pure. That Satan shall L·c !. rui:.;'d en:: l ong:

Lord Sa-ba-oth ! help,strengtbeu,cheer 'fhy servants thru the toilsome clay;

-·· ~ 1 ~ i I

• " II

• I •

THE ANCIIOR. Published by THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATION, Hope College, ft•llaa•, Micla.

F.tliwr-io- 'hirt Assistant t:dil.ora J..- ,t·a l ~tl i tors S od e 1.y E chror A lu moi Ed I t.or Jo; xchan iCe t-:\lit.or A t.hletic E •J i tor s~nrr ,, r tlst. ~ulJ:.cri l'l i l •O :O.Jao ai! .. r R !t itl .. s M alla:!•'r A s:-h.thnt Uu:.i n • "'" .Mana~E'r

BOARD OF EOITOR.S Ell ?.alJet.b L . Grotemat

'\\· yn:lntl \V kher s , A, D. Hc hnt•kr .\l ih.l rc tl W c:. t o n . J as. D) kc ut.,

- Ml lt.on J . H olTman - Job o J . \'andcr :-'chaur

Herman Heoskcr~t Jl c o r.r A. Vru\\ ink

llcnr.r De Krult T eunis E . Uouwco~ - Ft·n.ok K . W \' D i a V Ictor w. Blekid a k

Acl<lr•·R~all l'Owm unicution to 'l'HF: ... I'H' II u rt. HOP<' Collearc. Holland. Mkbl~an. 1-.,or Ach ·Prt.i,.,i nl! l t:l.l s av&•l.r hJ Businc::.~ ~fau :.~.;:l·r . Jo:nter <1 :t' ~h~ P ost OOk~ at H ollan<l. M ichia:an. a'> second-class m a ll matter.

\\' ith t hi!' i~~u~ o f the Anch r , th e n ew :taff takes up the

wo rk perfo r nH.·cl so efficiently and fait hfully in the p ast by

inrm~r college ~tucknts , o m e of who m ha \·e long s ince left

<.'u r cam Jm:-; and ot her, of who m arr ::ti ll with us fo r a short

time. As w e look o \·er the fil es o f old Anchors-way back

th n ug-h tht' years as far as '9-+ and 'os-and sec a ed itors an d

staff-mcmbl·r.s, the na me. of thos · who a r \.! no w o nr ho no red

profc~:ors o r mini t er s of our larges t churches o r fi lling other

rc~p )n sib1e positio ns. w e have a qu ct: r l ittle feeling o f doubt

and dread and rea lize h o w Yery s mall our feet are to occupy

the s hot' , lc·ft beh ind for us and w e can on ly hope that whe n

the year is past we s ha ll have hon e t ly done our he. t to fill at

lea ·t a litt le co rner o f these cast-off sho "'s. \ Ve begin with nn

apo log-i<:s ; \Ve make no pr mises. \\'c ask the help o f every

a lumnus and . tudent in order to make the Anchor a success.

It is y o nr paper, not o urs, and each o ne s hould help in hi!'

share of the work . \\hen yon receive your AllC·b or at any

time rluring the year, after look ing i t o,·er, llon't l'a t it aside•

w it h a m ere passi ng r emark of "\;V orsc than eyer ' ' r " Punk:·

but tell us hotH.' tly where and , how w e can impn'l\'t' n tr pap~ r

Page 12: 04-01-1907

TJu A nrlt'' "

----or k i n cl h · h a n c1 t o t h c l' d i t ) r a I i t r a r r p r n cl tt c t i n n n f n H\ r w H

,._·hich will h elp a li ttk in bring-ing· th e .\nch (l r up t n tlH·

stnndard o f an id c:al colic~ papL·r. \\. '-' <::-'Jll:L·ially a~k t he

:uh·ice anc.l critil-i:-'tll o f the fa cttlt\· and w ill app rl:riatc an,·

hdp they will ~i,·e u~ in thi direc ti n. The :.ll umni ha,·c ag-ain ~h c l\\"11 th ~: ir intt:n·:.;t a nd :q>prc-

ciation in h ;H·ing- planned for some m n nth!" back th is i!"s tt v , , j

t h ~ , \ n c h r . \\ · l' w i :- h to th a nk t h 1..' 111 i o r Ill :1. k i" g· this nnm 11 , r

a uccc"~ and also tt r fl' ll(lw-~t udc n t:-' fnr tiH: ir kin d !"Upp(l rt

and c nco uragl' tll<' llt. a!" " it h \1\llCh cl o uht and lh·:-'itation we

launch o ur crait o n thL· tn nt blnu~ sea o f cull t.'~L· juurna li~m.


n the m u rning- of l\ larch 28. thL ~tnclcnt b >dy prl'scn t .. :d

1\Jr. n. lllOC tnenda\. ()l\ r janito r. With a go~ (\ wa tch :1. ~ a tOkL·ll

o f their appreciati 111 o f his " o rk wi t h th e hnh) lll a nd brn..: h .

n the same day th e Faculty also prc:;entcd him with a put·:-c

of twenty cl li ars. ln thi s way :\Jr. lHo(' m ... ndal was happil ~· remindccl that it i r- o w twenty yea r ~ that he lt:ts served I lope

a llege as jt!nito r. Faculty and stucl c: nts he lic ,· c that " la h<' r.

:.til labor is n ob le ancl h o l_r" and therefo r e clescn·cs its r e ward .

The Alumni ha,·c f nd reco llectio ns o f the geni:1 l janitor.

They rejoice in thi oppo rtunity to voice th :. ir r espect a nd

lo ,·e for him. 'The y('ry fact that ~Ir . Bloemrn<lal has kno wn

eyery g ratluate of 1 T pc fo r t'"·enty years pro ,·es th e h a ppy

r elatio ns e .· i ting bt·tw-een him and the stu dents. Th e tndents

lo Ye him fo r his faithfulness and th ey lo ,·e t o look into hi~ cheerful face. He ha been s u ccessful in his . pherc an<l has

been crowned with triumph. ~Jay he co ntinu e in these rela­

tio ns for many year, t o come. In their humble w:ty thl'

s tudents have tes tifi ·d that they see in all h o n est labo r a

loY ely face.

.. . • •

• - .

The Anchor . 21


Tlo pe's lecture cuurse o f this year is ngni n to on r sorrmY a

tcJ~tzs /Jun. " The last number occurred ~larch 18, when J. Adam

I3l~lle poke ou '· ur Country nnd It · Pr\> blem . . " \Vith a promp­

tilude o f historical allu ions , with a cl e pth o£ rr·scan·h mill wita

wo rds of rloq n nee he p ictnretl the e ,·n lutior\ o [ our country a1 d

on r responsibility for the welf<Lre o[ othe r nntious. He proved con­

clusively thrrt the Rolution of n problem brings u npon a high1·r

f9nting and t_lt<\t from this stantlp. int nt h r proble ms pre ent th ern­

S(•hc~ to Yiew. lliR plea wa that w0 ~la.mld not be o\·erhaqty f l) l' . ' time will soh·e all prohle ms , howc \·e r gr:l\'C their nature .

\Ye had some ,·ery g nod numb.-•rs on our course tbi year and

we npprel' iatetl them. Let. t.he good W l) rk continue. ~othing but

the best is good enough for Il')IJe. =z


R l'Y. n: c. Rui ~yh writ s from :\1 •ri nka . J apan: Tho ug-h o rig-in a lly ~ent o ut h y t h e n oa r cl o f FnreiCTn ~r i---

. f 1 . 1"' h . t on~ o t 1c '-· . A. a s a missio:wr y to hin n, I am now lnc:· t c d in the n o rthern part o f Japan. Thi. is o win g- t o thL' fact th a t a three y ea rs ' trial o f the clim:1.te o f . \ moy cunYinrcd th l! physicia n s that it w as impos~iblc for me: t o r e1;1ain in that fidd f lal~or. Th ( b oard therefo re tra n. fcrrt'cl lll l' 'ro tht•

!'orth J :_tpan ~.li :s ion .. \ftcr s tudying the lnag-ung-c fo r a year 111 the ~tty o f [ o kyo I w a a s ig-n e 1 t the c ,·nn~cli !" tic w o r k in this n o rth co untry. \\ c are living in th e citv, o f :\l o ri o k:t. which is th e capital o f thi prcfcctnre . lt i a -ci t , · of somL'­t hing o ,·cr 30.000 inh abitan L. \\'ith th e ex ceptio n -o f a (a mih­h<:lo n g ing t o the Baptist ~li " io n w e a r c n t o nlY the on \~· Euro p eans in the city. but the o nly l:.nropcan ,::; w ith.in a radit;, o f O \ ' r a hundred mill's. A uffici ently larg e pari~h f r thL·

m ~t ambitious w o rk e r. \ -ery si nc~n·ly your fe ll o w A_lumnus.

D. C. RCIGH. .,

I s it w 0 rth while to stu ly Dutch? ...-R ead what ~ [r. .Tuhn K . \ andcr \ ' rics o f the "Cnivcrs ity of l(ansa s writes:

Page 13: 04-01-1907

TJu A ncJt,,.

1f there is anything- that s hould he impr..:sscd on th e _,·otlllgc..~r g-en c r:ttio n at II l J>C it i. th e cli~tinct ;t<h·antag-c n f IH:- in g ahlc to s pc..·a k 11ul1and intellig"l.' lllly. E,·c..·r_v additi•Ht <d l.tng-ttag-c at o n ··s comtnand is that mth: h :tdditional capital. rhe ttn i ,· cr~ity here h :ts jus t add ed to the l l':tc hi ttJ.,!" it>rC(' lf it:-­Finc :\rt s school an instntc h >r 1J ll th e ,· ic l)cllK l'll n. a .\Jr .. \pp~ .

inrml·rly o f -"\msh·nbm. a th ornt1g-h -g11ill!.!', j.dly l ) tltcltlll :\11 . Heing the Only two here . .' who Call C'O ll\ l ' l !'-1..' ill t ill' g-ond oJd !ang-uas-c. in which :tccnrding- to Jllany a )' i"tl -' :-:cllJI. th '-· Hit. \· was writt<'ll . w h:nc many a ~<uHl tim e at tlh.· c xpl.·n sc o f tl h . . th cr~ .. \ year or m o r e ag-11 I had tlw pka:--un· nf c ntt•rt :ti n in:.,:· i<J r a coupk of day :'. :\Jr. \ '::t n C >ordt. thl' violin :-:nlnist. th ~ n w ith the Tho mas t n :lt :; Ira . .:\ happic..·r 111a11 I h :t,·c harcl J_, 1.: n : r ~ccn. fu r l \\'as th l' lir..;t perso n \\'hom he h :td met on t h •· -_,·hole tour u f tltc u rdH.::--tra "i t h \\'h llm he cu uld ~peak in l1 i ... 'J ld honk to ng-ue. If thl:rt.: is o ne thing- I \\'i ~h you w otdd impn.~ss o n the bnys oi ll()pc..· fo1· me. :md I repeat thi s pur­po ·cly. it i ~ the hnnPr a~ ' " ell a~ th e profit. int c lkc t ual , social :md u tht.:n,·ise . )f l>t.:ing- d c~ccndt.: d fro m the g-rt•atc:'t rare on c::uth ~ nd nf heing- a hlt.: to s peak h er h atttifu! languag-e . :\Ta ny a plutocr:tt of :\ c.: \\· \' rk C ity . ~ewpnrt and el sl.' \\'h c r-e w o uld ~i,· c untold ~nm !' t b ahl · t pro ,·c a s train o f pure Dutch l•lo ocl in his vein~.

I ha\'e enclosed my .. cartwheel'' for clues fl)r 1900 and 1907· (;or>rl luc k a nd ~ ncccss t o you in your w o rk.

Yours inccrel Y,

J H ·;.J N. \' :\~I>I:,R \.RIES.


1· n m ).J .. lur. South India, come~ the f( 11 1\ving, written hy :\fr. Je~hn Banning-a:

~lclur i.· ct t o wn o f 10.000 inhabitant. and th c.: \\'ho le t e rri ­tory und e r my s upen·i. iu n has 340.000 peopl e in it. Tht• mis:' i1 >n ha~ 15 scho Is in thi · t erritory and :tl ~o Catechists and Dih l '-\\'Omen. '\' c arc located 18 mi les frnm our neaH·:-: t white IN. ighbo r . but ~cldom fee l lonely a s the Indians h er,· arc ,·c ry fri e ndly and arc fine people. This .·tati n has n o t a large tntmbt: r o f Chri ~t ian!', but we tru:;t that thei r nnmb ·r will in cn·a!--t' as the years g-o hy.

Tt is mis-hty int eresting living- in the E;' . t at present. Japan has dune great thing-~, and China is about to Jo great c.·r.


. .

• •

Tlu Anchor 0"' '- • I

\\ !Jil c lndia is m:tking ,.a~ t stride:~ tuw~nl. c ivili zati n that ltaYc not b ... ·cn n o ticed much in th e ( cc iden t because thev Ita\·\· IH' l ll mad ' sn qui e tly. Chri . tianity h a::; mad e a. d ee p ir~1pres ­c:.io n o n 1 nclia . ancl tho ugh it s adherl'llt~ o nly number abotn • l ll(' p e r cent of the pop ulation th:t t h~· no means represent ... t h.: amo unt c1f their inAucnce. The \\'h o le country bet s b et•n ka \'en cd hy .the truth~ of the relig-in n f the :\Ian o f Galil c-L' :trHI som da} so o n there arc going- to bt• va ·t ma::; mo,·cm c n t ... ttHYards C hristianity. The exampl~ f Japan has had a trc­lllendous influen ce in Jndia, and in many resr<·cts Japan' :-­ad \·anc~ is readily aumitt l.' d t o h e due tn her relati >n to Chri~­

tianity and her acceptance o f the civilization \\'hi(:h Chri. tian i ty alone · can gi , ·e. It is true that much o f the agitation that is takino- place in In lia does n o t sc.:e rn to b e favorable t<• 'hri. tianity n o r to the Britis h g-ov-e rnm e nt, but it is w e ll t e~

remember that thl.! loudest talkers arc not always th e:! mo~ t

intluenti :\1 or th e largest in numbe r. The majority are quil·l anu do their d ay ·s w o rk without much .. tir. y e t they arc:! tilt me · that mus t be recko ned with. India' progress may seen!

:; )o ,v but there is progress. T oday i · n o t as was ye · tenlay an d t n morro w wi11 be diffe r "nt from today. And another g enera ­ti o n will see a ne\v a n u entirely changed India. 1, fo r one, a n ~

;.!'lad to be he re at this time. The only fly in o ur 0 intml nt i-­thc limitatio n that i. put up n u ~ hy tiP l imited mean .~ s u p­pi icd us for work fro m ho m e.

Off Sharp .Peak I. land. Hi,·e r Min, Fu-IGc11 , China, eptc.·mlH r 9. r !)OG.

J )car Ancho r Rea ders: I r ccei,·cd a I tt ~r concerning- the propo ed :'\lumni nnm

b~r of "The ,\ nchur" some wc('k!' ago, and at o nce wrot,· S<c: \' et'a l letters to oth er a lumni in A · ia , u rgi n g t h em to cn r! their co ntributio n s in time. It is hig h time that 1 was accept ­ing my o wn .a<.h· ice. A typhoon i ~ blowing o ut s ide . ~Jowl_-.

making its \\:ay up the 1:ormosa channel. 'Ve ha \'e bee n anchored h l' rc for twenty-fo ur ho urs . and it i probable tha t we hall be here for as long again, and then it will tak~ a t least e ighteen hours steaming b e fo r e we anchor in Amo. harbo r . In the intervals between discussions with our go .' captain concerning the w <!ather, I ·hall try to writ~ a l ett..:r

Page 14: 04-01-1907

:?l Tlu Anchor

11U t n i whi:h ~ott lllay ;-;C'icct a paragTaph n r twn f,>r ··The

. \ncho r." " ThL· r~ ~~ ~~ ) n~udt of gTL'a t imp< rt anc' h appenin g in h ina

at prc~cnt that it hL'C1Hn '=-' quil l' diffi cult t" gelt:ct Oll l' )r two tnpic~ io r :o;uL·h a L ttcr a~ thi :-; . [ \\· a~ int -.' r sled \\'hit ' in F"nochnw la:o;t \\ L'C!' hv thL· po~lt'r:' 1)r nuti C L' ~ whi ·h I c h:1n cc<l lt) ~c~ in a grc:1t Jll :l i~Y shnp~. and 1 ha\·c tlHntg-ht o f m aking

th\.'!'C my text. and \\ ill t ry to ;-;ti ,~k cl o~c to it. ""\\"t· haYt' agreed t >burn o nly Ch in -.· ~c oi l." is th e tran!'­

lati n n o f a n otice po:'t cd up in the s it ps fa g r eat sedic n of the city . and it will . e n ·c as an introd uction to tht• serm o n. In q uiry has explained t o m e that thi~ not ice is only fo r t h e ;-;ake o f pro t ;.·c t iun agai nst fir e. Th e r e h a \·e b een a ttttmbcr of l:trg e fires in F ooch o w during the pa. t y~ar, and several o f the;; ~ w e re caused h v accidents with k e rosene lamp~. o by comm o n cons~ut through all thi s part o f the city, s u c h lamps ar e fc rhiddcn, and th l peo ple are trying to ~et along again as they u sed t ) do with th e dim, fli ckerin g. s m o king, peanut il tlame. It is an example f the w o n ,krful p o w e r fo r combi na­t ion which the ·hinc·se po~se:s. EYcry one of th e~e p eopl e is incon\·eniencecl hy the chang-e back t ))l'anut o il lamps, but th e r e is probably t:ttlc o r no co mpbint in carrying- o ut this plan u pon whid1 they ha\·~ all agr e <l fo r th e ir mutual prntec­ti( n. This fact ~md the w o rding- o f the n o tic e sugg-e. t m e m o ries o f th l' .~\m erican b oyco tt, whic h heg-an last y ear and ha~ n t \·et e n li r ·h · cea:ccl. Still in Fooch o w it. elf th " b o Yco tt

.; . . ha: been at an ~nd fo r some time, and th l' e n o ti ce:-; arc n o longer writtut as w l re last v ar, "\\ (,:; do not usc .\me rican . .; , () i 1."'

Thi~ reft·n ·n ce t o th t..• hoycnt t sen ·es t o intro<lucr us to the next p o · tcr w e u ot ic<·. which r ·ads "\\ e hav "' w o rn ofi smok­ing op ium."' Duri:tg- th e b oycot t. great public m e tings were hl'ld t o urg-e peop l ~ n ot to use ,\mcrican goods. uch public meeting.~ w ... re fo rm erly unknown in C hina, but at o nce prove d to be very p pnl:lr. As the b oycott lo. t its strength, the m·cetings were till continued. and the speaker made adore _ es ag-ain t foo t binding, opium , and finally idolatry. The re ult has b~en that the anti-foot-binding movement has gained great !'tr e n gth during ' the past year. The opium prob!em is n o w a que ·tion n o t m e rely of history, n o r of pr sent English politics, but it is really a Chi n l·:c questio n, a nd the force· w o rking to

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Tlu Anchflr 2.) --------------------------

;d l~ di ~ lt the r ;.Li:--ing- o f th e p o p py a nd to pre \·ent 111 ... 11

11 ~ Jilg". the Cl pltllll <l r t' rari d l\· lh' t"(llllillg' \·er\" ~ t ronrr . fro m Thi ~

<.'Xj·l·tlll:' tit :.' nn t i c :..·~ in th e ' · sh cl· 1.;; ' 1·1,,.. a rl.l ~ f 1

• • ... • • • • • • • • c re~s.:;-; o th e~c J' li ,,ll c sll nl ·c r ' · · t · 1 1 • · · " ' ~ .t~:t :n :' I<,, :!try a n : \'L' n · i n t t•n·~tinrr. "rh c,· :-!ln-a \ s h e n·in 1)\· ' L ca r · f II I 1 . . . ~ -

• . · ...... . . • • t tt Y " fl!"( < l!l t ro dt H·t m n cxpl a ininrr th .lt the 'J l l'~t · cr 1 • • l'l · · .... . ·, · · ' . ~ n c>.. :t l rt .. tl <! n. hut ar~u t·~ : t~a111:t ido !atn· :1" ht' n-oulcl ag:tl ilF-t a ll Mll >:.. r :--titi t n () 1. h:tnn f;d prac tices .. n ~l th ,_. ...... adcln·~~t'" ;l r t· n n • w i ;.l .un t t c , •il t. Th e p r • :-=cn t i~ th tl r liHl lltil !, f th , y<.: :o r \ \ h ... n lh :..· h •)Jll · · c.·.;~ !'!' ir it .. :ue n-nr~hi pp c·~ l 1:,· e\·e r ·n n l· ·tnd ·•-rt· .., • I .. ) ·c .. · .

; . - • •• .... t ·• 1 .. ':o-111 11 .; a r ;;: urg~ nt :~cd l'ar' h cYenin "·. f. q t 1 I, 1 • ' ear 1 1 ~

· :-. . • 111 lll :t n:· 1' :l. ' ' t • .... t H·' <' pnlC l's~ inns Jn,·c n o t t :t k e n rl:t c c. a nd th e lllO ih .'Y h ;-...; l> . Cll g"i\·e n to ;o;c h o , >J-;. o r o ther u~eful pu rJ •O"<.' ~ •

. . _Th_i-. rcfenn cc t o the schot>ls remind~ me o f all the poste rs '.'.h 1( h 11~ Ia rg c cha r;1 n c r~ ;· 1 h ·cn i.:cd t h c n·orcn i n g- of pu h i ic !-'< hnnb tnr t IH· fall term. 1·:\· t rywh -r, in the cit\· ( n alm o~t l'\·c-ry hlank \\"'tilth\.·-;~ pn "'t e r~ attt·ac t u l the c, · e~ S o m e re­fe r r l'd. tn ~Ch llOl !' t:-tnl>li~ll l'd hy the g-o \·,·rn nw ;1 t . and otiH·r:;, t I) I d I )I "<" J, fl(" • (.' • t I 1

• ·I I I . · · :--. :-- n. ' I" 1, < 1y grou p~ n f peo p le hu t all f,)1J o w-111 g t ht• llC\\"Iy 1:-'SIICd ~() \ ~· rnllH' Ill COll rH ':' o f :-:ttuh·. f Yi:--i tcd ~ t1 1 ~ l t· o f l hc~ ~' ~ehno l!". hut cannot in a ~ma ll ~par: ~· t-.· 11 \·ou < f Lh t: lll . f fn und thL· ~IJrmal ·c- huol wi t h accomndatiu·n~ fu r f,_Htr h:11_ulrc d :-'tlldl'nl~ ;1ncl ot h cr~ hui l d i n[!"~ oi g- ; · c~t t cFm c:l­~1011~ b-.lng- c r ~ted . which w o uld when cumpl c te;l make r o o· n fnr 1· 1llr hundt cd mnr .. · ~ t : ul · nt~ '1"!11· ..., ,·.., c> tl l '· <> tl • . 1 · · · · ., ... .· · .. : <.. ~. a mp e c d

hnw th e g-on ·rnmc· n~ i;-; IJ11ilclin ;!.!" up a ~_\":'l l' ll1 of ~choc !~ w he r t· t h l' r c w_e n.· ' .' n n c h c I n r L' • a ll d o f t h c r ;'I p i d i t\. w i t It w h i c h t h tt l sy~t· ... ·. ~~, ts bc_lllg e~tabli~hcd. I al:-;o \'isitl·d th e depot o f chool ~1upp : 1l' ~ wl 11 d1 the l'nn·in c ia l Bt,ard o i J·:ducatinn ha~ op~n cd t .H·rt·. :uHI , fl.Hind a maiTclon~ty largt' ~upply of 111 dern t e xt hnol · ~ 111 lll:ll'Se. and sc: hn ol ::t pparat 11 :-: . which h<l\·e al l b c en pr ·pared dunng- th e l a~t two \" ars.

Th c r L' wcrc many oth r i>o!--tt:r~ and :-;ig-n hoards which attracted my. att c nt iun as I pa~~cd thru ugh the city ;-;trec t...;.

h _ut_ .' ha _,- ~ rcf~rrcd l t ~ l no:tgh t l) s lHh \" tl 1e w o ntlt·dul pro g-rc!-- ....

'~ ~~ ~' h_ l IHn·a· ' ' m~• !"n;!.!". .,_hr .. · , ) car:.; ag-e) th l'n' ,, ... re pra c­\ ILt_ll) th : d :ul:~ nt· ,·,_- ~l_l:tpt· rs 1~1. "hina .. non- 1 ~ ·tw . hemp :'t,:d t P 111 tht: tt:a ~lt(Jfb lc' r tiH: tn tnrmallo n uf a n ,· who can·cl · ,, r L•ad t!J Ill. Jn this transfo rmatio n of t! · i .... l;•ttinll eyre t ~ c IJ: ; r :l '" h ., r . ' II . . • . ::. a t 11 a:.; '' L .1~ pnpulattnn. all ~un · o f fo rces arc at w o r k E\·{·n the t hac t · ,, • co rust 1:-; not mis!'ing the opp o rtunity which

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Tlu Anrhor

the ~rowi 11 ~ taslt' of l hl' 'h int•,c for 1114 >.! l' rll I h i 11 ;:'S II ri l'rS, a 111!

the: hrillianth en H'l'd po'-'ter~ nf .-\nwric:tn ci~ar •tt <.· ~ ctl\' CT'

thl! w all s n ea r th<.· rity gat<.'~ of Fo, ,·bll \\' nnt 11t1ly . hut a\"'' ) l)i

almost all th e walkd cit il~ u f 'hina . E,·c·ry day tll l'n' are nc\\' d~·,c:\~~ 1 • 111'-"'n t ~ in th :..· :\W=tl,cn in g

o f China. all (If \\'hirh to ~Lm t c c:-: t :..' llt ~\··:· .. :c t th e: " ·,.: \fai'c ~ ~ r a fourth i th ~ h unnn racc:. "\ton· pru .. ~r ' .... .... i:-- thJ\\. l rl' tllg' m :td t.. in China than in any oi.h<.·r part u f thl! \\·w·!d. lt mal'~:~ one: kel a n a\11\ >St <k-..per~l lc <k-i re th ·t~ tll.: l 'h :1n·h ni ' hri~l w ultl awak l' n to h Lr d\l ty . The ~itnaiitrll \ttl..' d · :11:tnd~ tPt..' ll -men in th~..: true~l. hig-hc~t :--cn:--c: <,f t h l· W ( lrt\. ( >11\ , . the ,·en ~trnn~c.:~t and the ~reau·s t nn·n \\'ilich t\H.' h PiilL' churc h ha:-:. produced will ht· qualiiic<l to h e· t h·: k:~< lcrs ni t he• p;rnwi11 '~ (hint'S!..! rhnrch . :t thl Il l' n : hc.:r tlll'll \ ,n t thu~ · '' ho can be !cackrs sh o uld lJ<.' :--t' tll. iur a ll the ' thcr \\'ork w ill l>L· \\Til

taken l-:'.re o f by th ·· l ' l1 itH'~ c.: th • m~ch· e~ . .\nd th ... · t im ~ dl'­manc.l men, \\ ho will ~i''l' up ~c:li f, r the !--akc <' i tlll'ir cau~c. \\'e mu~t ha,·e h ~..· nH.: ~ .. \ ~ I write . 1{ \.' \ ' . 11. \\'. Uldh :lm. whu w a · i n · h a n g- f o o d u r i n g t h c r in t t h 1.. r • 1 a:-; t F l ' h r u a r y . i ~ : i t -ting o n the deck within call. ln th e ~am' room with Ill<.' an· the two ·tewards, hru the r and ~i ·ter, th ~ chihlrc n o f tw o f the l'uch eng martyr~ of tw l'h ·c.: ~ l· ~rs ag-o. The ~ ,m n~ la<ly. t h c n a 1 ittl c girl. w as the h<.' f'l l in c w h n·~c u d h ·r ohkr sis tt·r ancl ano th er youn ~tr hro thcr, whe n th e h o u se h ad bcc: n ~<.· t 0 11

fire after the munl e; r of hc.:r parents. \\' c mu~t ha ,·c m e n whP \'\tll count n o cost too ~re~t if th ey can hut g-d int o the placl~ \\'h e re they can (\o th e grc~tc~t !'c·n ·icc t o k\luw-m:1n an<l tt• (;ocl. There is no fi eld whir h ffl' r s . uch g-n·at opportunitic~ fo r ~ervice a~ :ltina to day. Am< n g- th · utHkq~t·adua tts. ancl yo unger alnmni of n o >thcr co\leg"' rlre there ~ many men whose duty call::; them t o think as the r e arc among the sanw numl>er of the sons f ll npc. \\·e in :\moy :lre lnokin~ for large r einfo r cem ent. o i these m e n in rc~pun s · to a twenty­year-o ld cry. n o w 1ll<llk m o r e emphatic hy n e w conditi t)ns.

"Three empir~..·~ fill tlll' Yi~ion f the fntur~:. th · l·nitc ,\ Stat ~-" s . R tt::.:; i a and · h in a ... 1 n t h e r c \ ~ t ion:-:.. w h i 1.. h t h c l' n i t l ' d ~tat :..s is to ha\'e with 'hina ll pc Coll cg<.· has a larg~ s h are tli

re~pon s ib i\ity . 1 am. ·y o ur faithfully , A. L . \ \' :\ R :-\ S l t L' l S.


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Tlu A nrl1nr


llope Ilospital, ' h ina , :\ugust 27, 1900.

lndia (11anning-a) came t o Chitn , and a n e w child of I lope wJ~ born. Sh e i .~ n o t Ycry large as yet. n o r ha h er hirth been official ly anno unced, bu t th e attendi ng phy ·ician (a IJut ch-:\meri can-Chin c~c) YOuches fo r the existen ce of th e y o un g-. t c r. a nd ha ..; c \·cn d a r ed to s ug-ges t a nam·r . which mu t

he ad pt •tl. Th e chi ld is a nc\v .. \l umn i .\ s:oc iatio n , an o ff:-:hoot o f l l ope' Ia,rgc r o rfTanization . Its parents wen• lktnninga ( buli a) a nd \\'arn ~Jwis (China). I ts nur ~e w a:-: Hoot. a nd t he att\.!ndi ng phy ·ic ia n-th c writ er. It· birt h ha:­cat! ~ ecJ r cjo ic ing- every where though in Japan ( tlky being :1

littl e uppis h ju .~ t n o w, a s they whipped th e bigge t power on t.•a rt h) is n ot qui te a ~ exube ra nt a . th e r est o f u s. EYen tht.• Philippines have b een hea rd fro m , and thus military ecla t ha :-: b een gi,·en to it s futur e.

But to come do wn to sense. A Iio pe Co llege Asiati-..: Alumni Association h as h een fo rmed . I t n ame will be. ··~I c:'senger. of I-f ope." Its members-all o f I lope's gradu­ate. in J'\ s ia and • \ frica, and its o bjec t, th e co llec tio n of ooject:­uf inte r est fo r IJopc's .:\Iu cum. hopin O' in thi ·way to sti mu ­btc the m issiona n · zeal o f o ur ··atma mater.' '

Y o u c ut ·th <.: h e t part o f ~Irs. Otte' last a rticle fo r th e .\nc ho r , so. fo r fear o f a • imil ar amputatio n. a nd mutilatio n . [will hcl\' e to say "time up," an d quit. Jus t print this in ma i ty pe and thus make it look s ho rt.

Ju ·t o ne w rei m o re. !-l ow I pity those of o ur nnmher w o rking at h0 m c ! \\' h e re o n earth can a m o re happy fi e ld ,; labo r h e f und tha n here in r cju,·cn a ted 'hina? F o ur hundred Ill ill ion · of , ·cri lt huma n b e ings o n the tno,·e! T hink f it ~

,\nd we ha ,·c· the Je ,·er in hand to t urn that m o ,·em ent o n ttt the road that l<.:ads to th e Jo ,·e o f Christ. I am pretty Io n '"'­som e witho ut that litll e grad uate o f r882, but in spile of thi ;-;. J o fte n fel l 1\ke sh o uting, ·· od ho w g ood Y o u were to send me here to hina.'' J. A. OTTE, '83.

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r~ "1~ 1 f tl · r«Tanizatil111 ~hall he \\,::;-1. ::\A\1 ~. 1, name n 11s :-...

~cngc r · of llo pe. 2

. UUJ E.C'l'. The ohject n f thi:-' a~~ociati1lll ~hall he t'1 l"xchangc i<l cas in r q.:;anl lt work. pla ns. ancl sudt 1>l hl:r nn~­tcrs a:-' arc of common interest to the member~. and tn cultt­,·atc the ~pirit f mi~ :--i <ms in I lope Culkgc through the prc~s. platform. and nHtscum .

3 uRt~ .\::\LZ .\T(()::\ . The o rganization s hall cn n .... i.;t

fa GctH~ ral Secretary. who :-;h:lll al~ aLl a:-' Trea~nrer. In any country whct·c there arc Ill re than two g-r :l.dn::lte~ .. tlH·y ~hall select on ~ f the ir tHIInbt·r to act as a n :\ ~st~ta t1l Sc,·rc­tary for that c unlry. \\' hen the gra_duates in a .cuu ntry num­b er only o n e r twv. the ·cncral ccretary wtll correspond

with each member direc tly. The General lcn: tary ~ha ll h e ckcted hy a plurality uf

the y tcs f the members. and !'hall scn ·l' until hi s succt·!'s,,r is 1 1 1:-fi.'"' t e rm of fficc s ha ll be fo ur years, or unt il h ~..· c .cctct . ,,

returns to . \ m ·rica o n furlou g h or th crwise. 4· ~lE:\1 UER~IJ I P. t\11 g-raduates of the Cnll.g-iate De-

partment of I lope C \lege. a ncl n ·sid in~ in .1\sia t 'r . \ f rica sit a 11 he members o f this a. ~ociation.

An annual fcc o f s ha ll h e collcctccl. Th e mon..-y recciyec\ fro m th e payment of fees sh a ll h e used in dcfr:tying the expense~ o f th.! ( .cn cral Secretary. and the surplus ~h ~dl he spent frnm titlle t time in purchas ing- ar ti cles f,lr the c lllcg e- museum. These articles arc to he boug-ht by thl' mi:-;­!"innaries going- hom ... on furlough and gi,·cn to the museum in

the name o f the association. 5· D ·TrE OI· THE ~E RET\ RfE~. It . hall he the

dutv of the ~ cncr:ll Sccretarv t co rrespond with ind i ,. idna 1 me1;1 hers and the A ssistant ~ e.c reta ri es. and to edit and pn hi ish an Annual, consi ting of extracts fr m the l etter ~ or articles contributed by th~ members. lle shall al~o r epresent the a~sociation in corresponding- with the ~all eg-e o r th' .\lnmni

A s ociation. The A . istant ... .' ccrctari cs shall a~si st the G~neral Secre-

tary in keeping- the members in th eir rcs pcctiv·l' co untriL'S in

to uch with the a ssociatio n and it - objects.




T lu· An rlw r 2!1


.\ departm ent o f informati on. Otte!'ti n ~ relati,·e onlY t~l - . :o=t ud .. :nts and facu :ty o f Ilope Colleg-e can b ' answered. Full 11:1 me and ad(.lt ·~..· ~s must acco mpa ny ques tion:'. i\' o answers

.-- -.·nt 1)\· mail. .\I r. Schacfer- 1 n reply to y o ur inquiry we wo uld say

tltat y o ur :tpplicati nn f0r membership in the J) l\\'11 and ;,11

' lull lt :l!" hl'l'll rc<:iY(: d and fil " l with the s t·crcl:try ;tnd will!>~· ,·otl' d ttl'n n at the tH' Xt rcg-ubr m eeting- n f the club.

~I i~s l'ibwrt- \\' e an.· at a ln :-; ~ t n diag-no~c the malad~ \\' h ich ha ~ a tta <:keel th l' gen t1 L·ma n's re ~ t. Don btlcs. the 1 ~ tt~..·r cause h int n n .littlr incon,·cnicncc and we arc quit..: a:; so~i<:it­

u as you arc. F r the pr~~ent w e suggest that he walk h.:.; and tread o nly on c\.ment walks.

1\ lr. H fTman-Ycs. :\I iss nant;thy. has a . !'CftL'd that she is glad that h~-r home is so far do \\ n .n La1Hl s treet, as it aiel:-; h1..T in dct rmining her true friend s, who. notwithstanding tlH' distance, ~till continue to ,·isit her.

~I r. ;\ lulder-Th is depa rtnH·nl i . ..; not cond uctecl to scn ·c as an int t• rnH·diary agency. \\' c ~cnrch ·d unr fin g-er - on ce. Still. alth ugh we ha,·c not intc n ·i,: wed "\I r. Schae fer. we dan· say that he grants ) o u the utmos t liberty for y o ur latest con ­quc~t. (Sec an~wer in nuho 's Xoo k ti!Hkr "~ chacfer." )

.:\lr. Pla" l'tn an- l'rof. Kleinh<:k :5 .... l rr r dib \lr. \ 'c:.·nker ,,·ith g-nnd judg-tlH' nt. (~cc nennl'tt '~ Crammar. Sec. 310 I 1. .

:\nhnnt. etc.) :\Jr. R(IU .... t- Ycs . ind eed. a i1c,,. m ale quartet wo uld he

Y<.' ry welco me. Your sugg~ ·tio n that yo u ~ing the leading

Page 18: 04-01-1907

Tlu A ndttJ ~ ·~o .j

part i:-; a good o ne. ~~ r. ~rltenk \\' lllld do \\'l'll hut nc ·d-.; tn lh · "jig·g- red up" in h i~ tunc a :-- h · 1night nt ht•n,·i!"l.' b~. -:\lr. \\'ar11shu i~ c:tn man tlgt· tirsl b:1:' :-; if hl' cl~~~~n·, i11r· ~l'l lti:' \ok.:-. Your pun that you ~ekctcd ~lr . JPhll \ nn\ ink f,,r thl' inurth llH'I11hcr oi the quart<:l ue\.'au~ c u( hi:-; ~ll r~e~" n n 111U..: hal\ tl·:tl\1 i :-; p , • n n i :' ~ i b k . a lt h (\ u ~ h a !' t h c p > ,: t U u :\ r i c •l u .. :·..:\ .\ · ...; . .. n r a t i ' · a ntiquitatem r doh.·t'· or "th l· s pn' ·h . mack~ r•i the pa~t.'' Can' t you inr m a mixed or-tt•t? l'l.·nnit 11~ { tl :--~ • ggT:' t ). I i-....; lr 11 nru~:'(', ~~i ~-- \lar~ard \\ ' :th·h. :, t;, .... \lary l .ukkl· r and

~ I is~ :\ nn a 1 . c.· F c n ·..: . .l\ lr. Y(lnkcr-Ynur thrl' :t'"' nf , ·inlc tll"t· I nnd ... while Yd

we w ere a nomi nee fn r tlw oi!ln· \\' l' ll''". hc,Jd) if in the ach· \.·tH 11i ur ai.taining- th l..' l'·l ttllr:-dtip \\'~: mad\· u:--c ni ~tl\tr nanH' 111

o ur colum n~ ,,. TC Lntir l· ly uuH·ce~~ary. I t i"' ,.ur pnli~y to keep c ur p~tper · frec from an,·thin•'" th;~t m~"· ( all~l· i..·eli n g:-; tn

nnvbo(lv . . .


Are y o u lw ppy? ·I

1 £ear th e b \ne jay nO\\·ac\aY~? Is your r eturn a~ happy a::; th e rc,hin!->· ~ ).lr. James A. \'erhug- h. a. n. p. ~-h. l\ lr. ~fartin \' l..'rber~ h . a. n . p. g-. h . ~I r. T racy Elmer \ \ ' el·d h. a. n . p. ~- h. 1\ lr. James Jo:-; ia. De J..::rakcr h . a . n . p. g-. lt. ~ Jr. H enri )ilh<:rt De l~ruiiT. h . a. n . p . ~- h . 1\lr. \\"illiam \\ a llacc \'\~schcr h. a. n . p . ~- h . H aYc y o u a li t t le new p . f!· h . in your h (llllL'? 1\ lr. J a m e T hcr\dore \ ' l· n L'kla~cn h . a . n. p. g-. h. l\f r . I saac \"an \\' c:tcn hrugg-c ha~ a Ill·\\ lH·a rl ~ray hat.

l\1 r. l ,ct er 1-h nry I )IL'tlllc has a new pearl g-ray h at. r~n·t it ' tra n g-1! how yell \V y ou r la:'t ,. ·:u·'s :'t raw hat

looks? Robin. arc n o t a:-; plump n o w a s they "i\1 he late r n Ill

:\I r. A brah a m Van )J()lltCll has ckc:idcd up 1l a r o 1111 111 the sea. on.

\'oorltees l I a ll . Day?

, Benn ·tt"s <~ram .. ~l'C. 3o0· 21.

Apr il Fo l's . ee ..

ftceri~, etc . 1

~ ·


31 Tlu A nrhor - ----------- --

.:\ li :-;~ Ida \ l ay L:-nken attended chapl·l on ). l o nday. ~larch th e clL',· e tnh. \\Taring- her n ew sprin(T crat. It i:-; a creation 111

gTay with a g-reen yok . ··lt is mor · hlc~~ed t o g-i,· .. th~n to rec j,·e.'' Did y on

nnticc h ow happy L' \·lryu ody wa. aitcr th t' watch nLl'tin cr with

\ Jr. nh><: llH' IHlal? \\.hy. yc;;! .. pu~. y willo w · " ha,·e l>c n ut f r a month or

more. ,\:-;k the l ittle maid in blu e and white pinafo r e or tlh· marble pla) ing la\1 with ilccl k nuckk and sand stained

jumper. ' :\ me ng- thoo;c whn attended tlh' li\·et-Tlope ba ·k et bal l

g·ame \\' t' re ~.1 i:-s Hn!-.C I rarriet lhussc o i ll c>lland anu ).[r.

.\ug-u:-;t , . ccnk ·r of ' lara City. ). 1 in n . ). 1 i:-;s nru:-.se reports a

g-ood t im..:. It was with hc~itat i tJn unwarranted hv res ults that -:\li~~

~ ~~tclle -:\laric K ol~C i\ con~ente \ to oft1ciat~.: at the organ on thl· 11Jnn1ing f ).larch t h e twenty-sec m<l in the absen ce of tlH' d1apcl pialH). whid1 at th e tim e was ~il ntly gracing t h e gym­na.,.ium stage. Et pater et filia can draw notes fro m difficult

1 .rgan•sms. ).lr. ll t.' lHi ;ilhert De Kruif in his h ~slc to take the 4: 10

train f(lr <~ rand lTa,·en. where h l.' wa~ hilled t o gi,·e a cha\!, t alk. left hi ~ o \·ercoat :tt h ome. :uch clc,·otion to art is rareh s ·e n and w · prediLt a gr at future f, r :\1 r. 1 c Kruyf, provided the w eath er is n ot t o cold the n e~t time art and utili tv con-.. tl ict.

1\ fr. \\ ynancl \Vicher~ i: t h e: author of th e statement thai th .. : re arc no h y:' at Jlill~dak . at l ~!t:t St he didn ' t . ee any) an d that th.c young ladies are cx.c ·pli(.)nal \y ~ociable and e n tertain ing-. lfe i~ al~o quire sure tl}at h e mack a "hit.'' \\' ait a minute. boys! ~[a always passed the gingcr-~naps with a 1~1\· i sh hand wh ~: n -;pccial company came. Did \ Vynand fn ra .:t ~ . ~tay on the farm , l~ufus.

t\ lr. Jas. ] ykl.·ma, our e~teemed J )ke E litor. has given emphatic w a rning to the Editor that he will immediate\: a~cnnd up into the ether eal rcgi n s if w e cut out any j t~e. on nnrseh·rs. , K n nw in g ).{ r. Dykema· ~ a~pirin~ upward tencl~nc~ and fearing that if o n ce h e wcnl li P h e mig"ht not return 111

t imet g raduate with his cla - we allow a certain j k e (?) t 11

n : main.-(Thc Editor.)

Page 19: 04-01-1907

TJu .4 nrht1r ----------------\\ ' hilc Oil a I'L' t:Cilt \' i:.:it tn c;r;tncl Tfan.' n :\lr. fa lll l'~ Thl't)­

cl o_rc \ C tH.:kla~cn attended a ~t:~;-;io 11 o f th l' Circui~ ·011 rt with

.\ It !'; Lucy D- of th:-tt city. Th ey e njo y ed the ~ittin~ ~uch an cxtcn~ tha~ the bailiff awukc and \\'hi~JH' rcd tn thc

111 that con\'ersatton thsturhed th e jury. Lntcr we learned >f the ~nO'agcmc~t o f the popular t .. "'nor and his fair compan i~m. and tt seems ltkely tbat ~[r. \ ·cncklascn determitll'rl to sctt!t: hi~ ca. e then: and that it was the ··po p" that ~tartlcd th . ·uurt en c r. ·· Popper:-i'' usually disturb court crier~. '

A photograph of the ''A' clas~ :-> f 1 [o pe Colleg-e taken at th e hom~ of :\ft·. i\Jch·in \'erne ( g-gcl of thi~ cit\' rc..:n·als l\liss :\_rae Jnlt~ Van Drezc r kindly as~istin .~ l\£iss iJ \.•nril'tta a n I Je Ervc m her· attempt. to listen tn the ·ticking oi i\1 r f 1 ]) ' ) 1\'.. . 0 111 an~e ~c stnk s watch . \~· hich h e w •ars in an upper p~ckct

of hts wa t s tc~at \\ e rcJ Otce to not, inher it e d tendencies on t~1c pa r t o f 1\ ftss Van D r ezcr to catering and a natural inclina­t~on to ~arlor match making-. This we think p o rtends a lucra-ttve bu mess for so m cbod)"' within a fc· \v )·ears ( ~r J' . , . :' e w , run -\\'Jck, ~- Y., paper plea~e copy.)

ne of the m ost charming- C\'Cnts o f the ca!=ion o ccuned n 1\Ja~ch th~ fo urth when :\li~s Elizabeth Lorraine ;rot~mar

and ~ ~~~s :\ftl_drcd ._ arah \\ Lsto n g-a, ·e a mtL ical c t o a sl'lcct party of mttstc lovi ng- fri e nds at Fl oyd'. hall on East l'\inth street. Among tho~ c h o nored were :\I r. An thonv \ .. an Raalt e

a nd ~ fr. \rthttr ]. n l isnL·r w h o rece ived invitations whik s:andmg· ncar the Emporium de Ia Cart e P stale o f 1 J

11n ·

\ an d.t.' r Pl ~cg. 1\ f iss \\ 'r.ston's in terpretation of ' '\\ ' h r r e i~~ :\f~· \\•a n dermg- Uoy Tonight" on the ·erman fltt CTIC' horn and l\lt G t • 1· · :-.. 1 s r o _emat s r c n ( ttton o f a lkH·aritt n yocll<..· with x\'lnpltont• ~ccompanunent w ere the features o f the e \·ening-. ·Peon ies tormed th e decoration». -


Th~ A 11rltor 33

Kramer's $5.00 Book of Trad~ Secrets Reduced to $1 .25 Wh ile they last. Only e few oo~tles left. Every atudent who deslrea to mo~ke their own way through achool ahou l d heve a copy of thla book.

Tb.e p rice oJ "Kramer's Rook of Valuable Formulas, Recipes, 'I'rade Secrets, Processt•s Ate.'', has been reduced from ~5.00 to $l.25, Cor a short time. nl e r the bnnk while yuu ·au gf\t it. "[t's" a 1 ' pring tonic· for any L)ll:.;iuesii .. I )id "go" into every State anfl ( 'au1uia, besides several foreign eouutries, this yea r. ·'It" makes lm-;iuc:;d ''go" anJ bring::~ in th~ $ $ $ to y :,u. Endorsed by all Jllauufac turers. liAt~rt~ u •nl,y on• .kranurr'<~ :7./ooA-.

''Kramer's I3t>llk of Trade Heeret~" was wri tten hy Arlolplt K rnmer, Analytical .he Ill i:-;t, ns:-:.iste .J l>y othe r expert . ~I r. Kramer was l'Uucatec.l in Gernltln\· ·~ most. unted technical schools, autl was for ()\·er thirty years t 'Oll ;tet·lt•d \\'t Lll l:wge manufacturing coneerns in Germany anrl the U. 1 '. lt. is the most. complete til ing over writ­It'll on flavoriug extnwts, gi,·ing Jornwlas that ha,·e ne,·er bee n publi$hcd, costing from 3Uc p~r galit>n and whol esaling fo1· S3.:JO }l "r gallon up. 1t contains l111ndr~ds ~· f other formulas whi ·h ha\'t• lle\·er hc fnre app<'ared in print, " ·II P're t.l1e C'ust has ranged for each formnla to st>ts of fl>nuula,!o,, fro:n ~G t n ~100. l•: ,·e.r_v person who is nut. of emplnyment can make JW >re out. o[ t.his unok than a. person in ordinary uusiucss can on a ca.rital o f R ll ,000.

"Xramt~T ., fc• Crt~am .. l:i a hooklet \\ laidt has just bet--n is~•J P.d, t ~ lling liow to make a prime ic• cr"u7t for 2() c·puts a gallclfl , ab-;olut •ly pnrc. and will l':tSl!i iu au,v f,m,l Jaw stale, hesiJes gi,·in.u a unmber of other fonn •.Jlas •\lld inrln·m:u.ion. Can't tt>ll nll ahout i t here. n pgular pri ·e $2 .. 30, 1}() \\' $1 .00, or but h book~ !;)2.00 .

SIOUX PU8LISHINtJ CO l\1-'A~V, Sutherland, Iowa.

Come in and pcltronizc the ne\v firm,

J~UYTI1~R & DYI{:~~l\,[A, ~uccet!~on; to 'lnyter & Coover.

Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers. ~====~===-~-=======•E=a=s=t==E~ig==lt=tl=t=S=t=t=·e=e=t·=================---·~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I OI?'C>f!i'T C.A.Fl.l )S ~ ' o f e\·ery de:icri ption and pnce ~

! at ~

: , HRI~K, THE UooKMAN . ~ ~ Citz. Phnuc lla 20~ R1ver Street, Hollanit, }fich. lJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Page 20: 04-01-1907

:~ -1 - - .--------

~.:- -·---~;_ ~ i~-;:·~~;~~-- -;= _: .... ~-:::-· _.-:·. ~-"· -:-' .:"".:; -:..::-.. ~

" --= # ~..::: - _ ..... _ .....

~ - , ~ -~·-;~ - - - """!:. -. --- :.. - ' I -

·--~ .... . - "1 ~-·· .. -.. . ---..=:::· ,

•....::-"" ~ , ..,. . r ' .jl l • •_,-~ ~

; ·· il-- - -· -:r •• • #"'

- · ..

)f Oll'I'()X J~IXl~.

C llicao-o ,..., , Holland.

St. J.ose1)h, Benton. Harbor .. S a ugattlck .. Grancl Rapids,

fnt Pri f'l· ~li,·hi gan P' 'itat:o;, l.O\n·r l' ~ tt i n nla. ~l;u·ki nac, ~l a rq tt C'I t ~. ~a 11l t ~t C' . ~ l:n·it1, I I '" -~It to n, ll :tltnwk and I .:lhC Superi t~ r pt~int ~ .

SU .. \1 :\1 131~ SCJI JS,IJUIJB. -------- ------

Uulhuul Dhision Two t rip;; <•ach way d a ily.

Ut'ntuu Uarhor ·St. .11•S!'l•h Ui\'. Th rc· · Lr it •S C'ac:h way tlaily .

L ea,. l>ulu I h e ve ry F r iday. I P a ,-e Cit icngo c,·ery I· ritla , .. - - --

This i tlw m•) t di n 'l' t a nd qni t · k <•~' t ~crv i l·' lwtwl'l'll (:ran d Hapids and hi e:~go . The popu la r sll.'l' l !-, (l'anwrs J ' uritnn autl liollarsd p rf,H·m the s n ·ic·P, I ~av ing ll ol l.md ·n.••y m o rn i ng and t.Y ning. Ha tes lm\ l' l' th:t ll a ll -ra il. 'h)~ ~ t'ntl ll t:di t)Jt:-; arc mad e with the l'e re 2\l a rqm·t tc n ai 11 at Ottawa Ht.•a t.·h in a11d o ut, an ti wi t h the l nt<:' rllrh :tt t a t ~l :t<· : lf a wa ( ' ;~ rk . Tl tt H ih tla ' idt•a l trip for

a ll Ct.•n l. r:\1 a nd ~nr tl11 rn 2\li <·hi g an .

J . ~- ~ 1•• 1 ' 1 1 1:1 . l'n•-.. :lild t :. ·n I ~l : t : la ~· · r . lkl•l"ll l l ar lht l', ~ikh. ll •·nr~ ;\lt·:· .·rill ~. t:. P . a n d 1-' • • \ :!1'1:1. l 'llil-a.!"

t:hica::o Dud• 1-'uol u f \\'a lla .. h A,·,·uu•·· Tl'lt • t• ll•lll~'. :lJ\ .·! , ·,·snr:Ll.




' '

T lu A , ,·/tor

H6l.IO. HOD6it6S! Ou r line o f :--;pri ng Cl >thiug is the no bhie t C \'<:' r

displayr d in llnlland. w·e ho w all tlte lat e t e fTcd:; in

c lacck!:i and pla i,l ~ . \\re nl o ca r ry a ,·ery large, complete

stocl• n[ h ln a n d h lac·k . 'nme e legant styl e fo r

GOffiffi6ffiG6ffi8flt SUit~. Ou r to('~ o f grey tele~ cope and crush Hat~ ts agatn

comple te. 'ome in and look the m O\'Cr.

P. S. BOTE11. & UO. l G \\TEST EIG II T II TU '::ET.

•• xuu • m• =< •-= .cue.,.

For a nice, {r s h l)I>X o f Ull 'I u

.. -• ol

' l i ' ~

Cl1oco1a1 es C. Blom) Jr. - AS I> - The Candy ~bke r.

BonBons 18 W . E igllth '-= t . ,

J. & H. DeJONGH L end in

OROCERIES AND DR.l OOODS pecia l accommoda t ion t o l3oar J ing 'l u b s.

21 East Tenth treet, Holland, Mich .

Page 21: 04-01-1907

Tlu .4 nchor

~"·~~~--~~ ... ~~~'In·~--, t\c4•~ ~ .;£rNsN• !PIIolo!frap/u. . .;£11 work JfM«r«ni.,J l i f. f . @ : ~·

79 _9!nnnl .J>hut ~ j}·tund. ;1lnJt~tb, tV)}licfti1an

~ \xuflrtt$JI .~ ~~~~~~· '""'"" ... .....r-~~ The NL(JDBLi l .Jrug Store

HeadquarterM for fine Perfume. (";oltltm Rose onr specialty. ;~:; c~nts pH Onnce.

G. T. 1-IAAN, PrOfJ. Cor. 8th and River 'treet~. Jlnllnnd Mic·lri~an.

\tl1e jfraltltlilt 1ife 11ttsttraltce ~(to. Furuishes registered insuran,.e. Policies are also secured by deposit of entire RPsen~e with the Rtate of Illinois. See \V~f. J. OLlYE, \Vest Eighth St.

Telephone..«:J: Office, ~::3 :· re. i cleuce, !J'iA.

~ !loft-~t~~~-t!I\S~~--~

S When It Needs It I I Get your Watch repaired at Hardie's. Prices !

reasonable, and your money back if not satisfied. l')

i H dl th J 1 Cor . Ef~hth str et i i ar e, e e'\ve er, 1\01.1 (;t'ntrnl avenue . i ......... ~~~~~~..-~~~&--..~ ,.

Tlu A 1uhor 37

\Ye can show you a large assortment of

Carpets, Rugs .. Linoleums, Oil Cloths .. Draperies, Lac6 Curtains, etc.

Everything yuu need while Ilouse Cleaning.

A. C. l~ir1cli & Co. !i~f.O E. Ei"hth Street, Rolland, ~1icbignn

Picture~, Mirrors, Paper Holders, Clock Shelves, Statuary. etc.

to fit up your room~, come :mel Fee 11s. \Ye ·an J:trnish them to :suit tlw pocketbook.

'1·ron'1.p's ~Piottlre Store, - 52 E. 8th St.


f C. A. S~evensbn, The n.?.~.,. Jeweler ~~ ~ Is agent for L. E. Wat •rman and .John llolland trouutain Pens I ~·••••••o~oooooaaaooooooooooooooooaooba~~

l-Ioll<ti1d City Ne\vs Multler Bros. & Wbelau, Pr.•ps

1/fjl 00 a Year

All Kinds of Boolr and Commercial PRINTING

00000 0 0 DOOOOOOC.. OOOOOOOOOGQ-0000000 0 eoe>.J>OG 0 0 oooo•

8 H 11• h 'l'be College ~hocman. E 8th St I ~ • 10 an" Graduate in the Hoot anrl bboe bn.. • •

aooooooo~oooo .. oeaaaaOOOGoaaooo•o••--••oe~.

Page 22: 04-01-1907

38 --------

AIR TIGII"£ -HEATERS AT $2.()() ea<·h. They are bargain~ and are wortl1 ! ·:1 !iO.


ITY MERT Mf\RI\G T Fish a nd \"cgetabJ~s . Deli\·ery in Cit_r.

\'<'rn. Vu n dcr veer, Prop.

All kinds (I f Meat, Pot1 lt r\'

Phone 4~. 15!? E. Eighth Ktri"Pt.

THE SWEETEST PRESENT A box of our hest J) w GJt l KIN

GhOGOidt6 Gr6am Bon Bon~ I\. . Il Citz Phone 470. 2Uri River St .

WalkOV6F Sh06 For Men.

$3.50 $4,00 and $5.00

I~leyn's 28 E. Eighth st.reet.


I Perfumes I Drugs I Stationel')' I Cigars I l••••oooo~ooeo+ooocoooa .. oo+o•aoooaooeaoeoo•s 'So. G Eae& SU.1 s t. HAAN BROS CENTitAL DltUG STOltE. f' KoLt. a "v· M J CB . •' ct




.. ..




Tlr~ A ncltor 39

r~~~~=~ Fll~·S'I' srr Ari"E RA 1' I{ $

With Savings Department. S . Capital $50,oon.OO. S

1 Corner Jo;i~htb Street and Central ATe., - HoJJand, Mich igan ~


You Kn.ow From Experience that we haYe the finest room in UoJianrl for a crowd to enjoy tllernse) \·es over a social glnss of ice creum soda, and forget the bore of studying . ...... Largest asstJrlmrnl tif lu'gll Krade Ca11dies alwa.-rs on hand.

Holland CandJ-r .J{ltcben

We Appreciate, Your Trade, J~VgUYTHING I~ TIIR DRUG LINE at O"CR NE\V STORE .

Ghds. D. Smith, Druootst 47 EaRt Eighth Street, Bolland . Mich .

Citizens Phone 295.

Boone's Livery, Bus and Baggage Liiie. I HO~SES BOUGHT AND SOLD. I

209 Central Avenne. Citizens Phene 34. Bell Phone 20 l

Page 23: 04-01-1907

fO Tltr A ITt"'''" ---------

.. J RIBll<>N A.~]) FEL~'.

1 )"1.1 .at.t:e2a Bre>s.

SJlattlding, J~e<t(~h <ttld

D. & l\1. Atl1letic Goods of all kinds.

H. \ran Tongere~1 12 East Eigh t h Street, Hvlhu ul. :\fk higan

" e ha,·e c,·ery th ing in the line of

Fr6sh, Salt ana smoK6a M6ats. .1. 11. Dez1 1--Ierder.

Citizens P hone 5G. _2S River s treet.

·-·--··d·-~1~~~~~~~~1·-~ - I


~-Has t he largest circulation of any paper £ .. publitihed in the Hol1and langnag~ in the :A f: United States. Advertising rates tnade -a

I known upon application. •

$1.50 PER YEAR. f , I ·-----~~--------~~~-~~~-

.. .. -•

. ...

