05 may 2017 - amazon s3 · week adult enrichment class called neurotheology: spirituality and brain...

TRINITY VIEW Church email: [email protected] Pastor’s email: [email protected] Phone: 805-528-1649; Fax 805-528-2504 Website: www.trinitylososos.org STAFF Bishop: Rev. Grant Hagiya District Superintendent: Rev. James R. Powell Pastor: Rev. Gilbert Stones Lay Leader: Dick Kane Dir. of Discipleship Ministries: Jeff Manildi Admin Assistant: MaryAnn Jakes Music Director/Organist: Barbara Hoff Trinity Ringers Director: Rev. Richard Bolin V.C.C. Director: Valerie Voglin Contact Us May 2017 Inside: Music & UMW News 2 3 4 5-6 Pastor’s Message Spiritual Growth Congregation Connection Back in the Day… 7

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Page 1: 05 May 2017 - Amazon S3 · week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous


Church email: [email protected] Pastor’s email: [email protected] Phone: 805-528-1649; Fax 805-528-2504

Website: www.trinitylososos.org

STAFF Bishop: Rev. Grant Hagiya District Superintendent: Rev. James R. Powell Pastor: Rev. Gilbert Stones Lay Leader: Dick Kane Dir. of Discipleship Ministries: Jeff Manildi Admin Assistant: MaryAnn Jakes Music Director/Organist: Barbara Hoff Trinity Ringers Director: Rev. Richard Bolin V.C.C. Director: Valerie Voglin

Contact Us

May 2017


Music & UMW News





Pastor’s Message

Spiritual Growth

Congregation Connection

Back in the Day… 7

Page 2: 05 May 2017 - Amazon S3 · week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous

To the Saints who are in Los Osos,

It was a year in the making, but we successfully completed our Three-Year Planning process. Thank you to everyone who participated either by studying the “Twelve Keys to an Effective Church,” attending the book study classes, and or participating in the planning days. The objectives we developed from out planning are highlighted elsewhere in this newsletter.

I want to say a little about one of those objectives: Under the heading of One Major Mission, we accepted the objective of hosting a community dinner on Monday evenings. The idea for these dinners was prompted by the expressed desire to assist hungry and homeless persons here in Los Osos. As the idea has developed they will be billed as “Community Dinners” where anyone is welcome to come. The idea is that no one will be turned away. We will begin on May 1 and at the outset the dinners will be served on the first and third Monday of each month.

To do this, we are partnering with a variety of other community groups under the umbrella of Los Osos Cares. We will have at least two people from our church here to welcome guests, answer questions, open and close the building, and generally keep an eye on things. The actual dinners will be prepared and served by our partner groups. At present we have four groups who will be

providing a dinner once every other month. They are St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church, Los Osos 4H, The Maharlika Christian Fellowship, and the Los Osos Rotary Club.

I accepted the responsibility of chairing the dinner subcommittee of Los Osos Cares, as well as a smaller steering committee. Each of these has met once and will continue to meet in the future as necessary. I am hopeful that our participation and leadership will enhance our mission to our community.

I have three invitations to offer. First, if there are any who would be willing to be one of our Monday evening helpers I would invite you to talk to me. If we have people who would volunteer once a month it would be wonderful. The second invitation is just to come one Monday to see how things are going and to greet our dinner guests. Finally, we are beginning with first and third Mondays because four groups have agreed to provide meals once every other month. If you belong to a service club, community group, or have contacts with them, please talk to them and invite them to become a meal partner. If we get four more groups we can offer dinner every week which will be a great help to many here in town.

I am excited that we are beginning this new ministry to live the Gospel. “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? . . . “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:37, 40 NIV

See you in Church, !

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? . . . “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:37, 40 NIV

New mailing address: P.O. Box 6775

Los Osos, CA 93412-6775

New email address: [email protected]

Update your address

book and contacts list

with our new contact


Page 3: 05 May 2017 - Amazon S3 · week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous

Classes are held Sunday mornings immediately following the worship service. Classes run 3 – 6 weeks and feature different topics and leaders.

Starting Sunday morning May 7th (no class on Mother's Day, May 14th or Father’s Day, June 16th) we will be starting a 6-week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous progress in the area of neuroscience. These developments are likely to provide significant benefits for the world. But do these new insights into how our brain works have anything to do with our faith and spirituality? This class will attempt to answer that question. A lot of the material in this class will come from the work of Dr. Andrew Newberg. Dr. Andrew Newberg is a neuroscientist who studies the relationship between brain function and various mental states. He is a pioneer in the neurological study of religious and spiritual experiences, a field known as “neurotheology.”

Adult Enrichment Classes

Sunday mornings at 11:30

Trinity UMC has an on-going home group centered around connection and conversation. The home group meets most Mondays at 6:30pm. We've tailored the home group in such away that allows for people to come and go as their schedules allow. We've divided our gatherings into 'seasons'. Each 'season' lasts 6-8 weeks and allows for people to connect during seasons of their own lives.

For questions and driving directions, email our Director of Discipleship, Jeff Manildi, at [email protected].

Spiritual Growth

Home Group Monday evenings at 6:30

Page 4: 05 May 2017 - Amazon S3 · week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous

Music Notes

St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble Concert Monday, May 8

7:00pm This year we are again privileged to host the St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble from Russia, an a cappella quartet who introduce the audience to Russian folk songs, secular and ecclesiastic compositions, as well as modern composers and transpositions of popular melodies. They present examples of Russian sacred music, starting from ancient songs of the Orthodox Church to works of little-known, but remarkable composers of the 18th-20th centuries, as well as famous masters - D. Bortnjansky, P. Tchaikovsky, P. Tchesnokov, A. Gretchaninov, S. Rachmaninov, I. Stravinsky and others. They make their own arrangements of folk songs. Secular songs of Russian classics, such as S. Taneev, P. Tchaikovsky, S Rachmaninov and others represent another side of their creative activity.

UMW Executive Board: Monday, May 8, 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Board meetings are open to any interested member.

Women of the Bible Circle:

Thursday, May 11 at 2:00pm at Catherine Topp’s home in Los Osos. All women of the church are invited. For information contact Alta Hall at 528-2021.

Book Club:

Thursday, May 18 at 2:00pm in the Opal Room of Trinity UMC. The book club does not study one book but invites participants to talk about books they have read. For more information, call Donna Asire at 528-0342.

Layette Project: During the month of May, United Methodist Women will conduct their annual Layette Project. For many years, we have collected layette items that are then donated to the SLO County Health Department to be given to local low-income mothers and their infants. These items can be blankets, onesies, nightgowns, towels and washcloths, baby toiletry items, soft toys, rattles, and so on. A table will be set up in the Fellowship Hall to receive donations. We appreciate all the support given to this project in the past and the recipients are always grateful.

Monday, May 8, 2017 – 7:00 P.M. Trinity United Methodist Church

490 Los Osos Valley Road, Los Osos - Goodwill Offering - Info: (805) 543-2261


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12-Keys Planning Results In New 3-Year Plan

Three planning meetings were held in March and April to identify our strengths as a congregation and to develop a strategy to achieve our new goals. Here are the results:

SIGNIFICANT GROUPS CREATE NEW GROUPS 1. Day Trips and Lunch – Organize trips to local sites

of interest followed by lunch (optional). These trips will occur four times per year.

2. Church Work Parties – Organize work parties to clean, paint, etc. all areas of the church and parsonage twice annually, including outside gardening. (Trustees will organize the work parties}.

GROUP TO EXPAND…. 3. Built in the 50’s – This group will coordinate four

events by the end of 2017. {Various members will organize the events}.

MISSION OUTREACH OBJECTIVES 1. Community Dinners – Partner with Los Osos

Cares and other community groups and organizations to provide free community dinners at Trinity UMC on two Monday evenings per month.

2. Tutoring – Explore the need of a tutoring program in Los Osos schools and establish such a program, if viable. The program will begin in the fall semester of the 2017/2018 school year.

3. Community Work Teams – Create work teams consisting of various community groups and churches and provide man/woman power for community wide projects. The teams will be established and begin work by January 1, 2018.

4. Adjacent Property Use – Create a task force to explore use of lots adjacent to the church. The recommendation will be presented to the church council by April 2018.

Smaller groups will pursue two additional mission objectives:

Trinity UMC of Los Osos provides post-high school education scholarships to deserving students who are members or constituents of our congregation. Applications may be obtained in the church office or by visiting our website by clicking HERE.

Applications for 2017 must be received or postmarked by May 12, 2017.

Meet the Village Children’s Center Committee

(VCC Preschool) The VCC Committee consists of church members, teachers, and parents. The purpose of the committee is to oversee the activities at the preschool and to advise the director, as needed. In 2016 the committee helped VCC celebrate its 50th anniversary. One of the highlights of this committee is seeing the positive impact of the school on the students they serve and on the community at large. The Village Children’s Center Committee hosts coffee hour in May. Take a moment to say hello.

Trinity’s Income/Expense Report March 2017 2017 Year to Date

Income $26,393 $66,590 Expense $19,894 $59,405 Net $6,499 $7,185


1. Medical Care – Partner with a medical group to provide medical care in Los Osos to people in need once per month.

2. Exercise for Seniors – Provide space to groups who will lead exercise classes for seniors in the community.

Congregation Connection

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May Birthdays

05/01 Marsha Carlson 05/01 Ruth Fedor 05/01 Cynthia McCabe 05/02 Cheryl Dove 05/13 Bill Awbry 05/03 Wendy Porter 05/06 Solomon Wells 05/07 Ruth Gabriel 05/10 Sequoia Clokey 05/11 Sophia Steen 05/11 Dawn Tyra 05/13 Janet Neilson 05/15 Jim Holz 05/18 Jean Gandy 05/18 Robert Johnson 05/24 Amber Heffner 05/26 Liz Blake 05/31 Emma Hollis

Congregation Connection Church Party Bridge

Friday, May 19 7:00pm

May bridge will be at John Peterson’s home in Los Osos. Please RSVP to the John at 528-4463.

April bridge at the Tatton’s provided plenty of good snacks, lively conversation, some good hands-Karen Shong had a great one, and we learned what Jan Carpenter means with an opening two bid. Remember: Experienced players, inexperienced players. The world’s most relaxed bridge is played at Trinity. See for yourself! Even if you don’t play bridge come and have a good time.

The bridge over Boulder Creek on U.S. Highway 36 west of Last Chance, Colorado.

Photo courtesy of Bill Fairbanks

Lunch and Program

Thursday, May 4 12:00 noon


Born in the Twenties

In May the 55 Plus Lunch program will celebrate those in our congregation who were born in the 1920’s or before. These Roaring Twenties “babies” have lived through much of our nation’s more recent history: the Great Depression, several wars: World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War and now the present conflicts. They have had jobs, most have married and raised families; most have lived in many different places and are now our neighbors and friends. You are invited to come to the luncheon and to hear their stories.

For reservations, please call either the church office (528-1649) or Alta Hall (528-2021).

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Carole and I have received several positive comments from visitors that our church is very welcoming. Without the members of the congregation being willing to greet, sit with people they don’t know, and engage newcomers in conversation in church and during the Social Hour we would not hear such positive comments. Without being asked many of you have set out more chairs and tables when they are needed during Social Hour. Thank you for making Trinity a hospitable church. It’s great to have such great congregation.

Bill and Carole Fairbanks: Co-Chairs Hospitality Committee

Page 7: 05 May 2017 - Amazon S3 · week Adult Enrichment Class called Neurotheology: Spirituality and Brain Science. Over the last two decades the scientific community has made tremendous

Back in the Day…. History has always been a favorite subject of mine. Not the textbook style with dry numbers and static facts that are cures for insomnia, but the real, first person accounts of what was happening at a given moment. Ordinary correspondence between family and friends, notes in the margins of old books, meeting minutes, letters to the editor, etc., are all fascinating to me. Reading the long hand script ignites my imagination. Lately, I’ve been reading accounts of who, what, where, and why of Trinity Methodist Church of Los Osos (United didn’t come until later in our history) and I want to share some of that history with you. I’ve discovered:

• the names of some of the charter members and early pastors • that this congregation has been active in the community from the beginning • that several of my friends here grew up in this church • that our sanctuary was originally supposed to be the fellowship hall and that it was

designed so the big windows face Morro Bay There’s a lot more to come and I’ll share more with you each month. SAVE THE DATE for our 60th anniversary celebration in April 2018. In the meantime, take a look at the pictures of some of the people and events from back in the day. MaryAnn

Rev. W.F. Oglesby


Rev. Benjamin Torres


Rev. Rex Britt 1960-1961

Rev. Mack Mitchell







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P.O. Box 6775 Los Osos, CA 93412-6775


Chancel Choir Rehearsal: 9:15am Worship Service: 10:00am Adult Enrichment Class: 11:30am 12-Steps Couples Group: 4:00pm – 1st & 3rd Sun

Monday Knitting, Etc.: 2:00pm Community Dinner: 5:00pm, 1st & 3rd Monday Girl Scouts: 6:00pm, 2nd Monday TUMC Home Group: 6:30pm Literacy for Life: 6:30pm

Tuesday Tuesday Work Crew 9:00am Food Box Distribution: 10:00-12:00 Cub Scouts: 6:30pm

Wednesday Staff Meeting: 10:00am 1st & 3rd Wed Prayer & Care Group: 11:00am Bell Choir Rehearsal: 6:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous - 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal: 7:30pm

THURSDAY Literacy for Life: 6:30pm

FRIDAY Food Box Distribution 10:00-12:00

Events Calendar Snapshot SPECIAL EVENTS:

May 3, 9:30am Hymn Singing, Bayside and Casa de Flores May 4, 12:00pm 55+ Luncheon & Program May 4, 6:30pm CCHE Potluck May 8, 7:00pm St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble May 11, 2:00pm Women of the Bible Circle May 12 Scholarship Applications Due May 14 Mother’s Day May 18, 2:00pm Book Club May 19, 7:00pm TUMC Party Bridge May 21, 3:00pm San Luis Chamber Orchestra Concert May 25, 12: 00 noon People’s Kitchen

COMMITTEES May 2 Missions Committee – 12:15pm May 7 Church & Society – 11:30am May 8 UMW Board Meeting – 1:00pm May 9 Finance Committee – 7:00pm May 11 Trustees Committee – 7:00pm May 20 TRINITY VIEW DUE DATE May 28 Worship Committee – 11:30am