05_04_wh_luis agaton-bojorquez

Time Capsule By: Luis Agaton-Bojorquez

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Page 1: 05_04_WH_Luis Agaton-Bojorquez

Time Capsule By: Luis Agaton-Bojorquez

Page 2: 05_04_WH_Luis Agaton-Bojorquez

Medicine • Medicine has always been a topic of interest in history, but in the 20th century we have made

some remarkable advances to medicine. We have vaccines for almost any virus you can name. We are in the process (and in my opinion) very close to creating cures for cancer which is crazy to think about because just a few years ago we had almost no information about cancer. Also whenever we are presented with a new medical condition such as Ebola, we can find a cure very fast and have the resources to treat those people accordingly.

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Transportation• Modern transportation has made life for almost every one easier. I flew to London a couple of

years ago on a plane almost the size of a football field and the flight only took a 8 hours. That’s how easy it is cross an ocean now a days. This compared to use to have to ride a boat on a 2 week voyage is a lot better. Also once in Europe I rode on a train from Germany to France. The train got up to a high speed of about 150 km/hr. Unless you fly, there is no faster way of transportation available now. The advances we have made to transportation has made the world a smaller place for us.

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The Internet• Now you know how I said that the transportation made the world smaller ? Well we made it an

even smaller place. The creation of the internet has now let us communicate and interact with people on the opposite side of the globe instantaneously. I can, at the push of a button, now talk to my family that lives in Mexico whenever, and wherever I want. But the internet hasn’t just made communication easier but it has also made all sorts of everyday task easier, such as shopping. You can now buy almost anything online. And now to a less serious side, the internet allows me to stream music and movies at my hearts content, which for me is great.

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The Cell Phone• Now imagine if you could do everything you could do using the internet on a computer on a

devise that is the size of the palm of your hand. The cell phone allowed us to do just that and is combined with the use of a traditional phone. Now a days we use the cell phone for everything. If you go out to a mall and look around you will probably see more than half the people in there using their phones. It is not necessarily good that people have become so attached to their phones but it shows us how big of a part of our lives they are now.

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Alarm clock• Some people might say this is not that important but for me it is crucial to my day. Without my

alarm clock I would have been late to school at least 1,000 times by now. The alarm clock wakes me up in time for all my daily activities and all it takes is turning on a switch. Now I don’t have to worry about not waking up in time for something and just focus on replenishing my energy with sleep every night.

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My Top Five• I have showed you the advancement in order of what I think is the most important to the least

important. Medicine tops the list because we are now saving lives that just 20 years ago people had no idea we could save. We are also preventing a lot of pain from being inflicted into someone just by giving them one vaccine. Transportation is second because it is something that has positively affected virtually everyone in the world. The internet is third because it has made life easier for people. It is also available to almost everyone. The cell phone is fourth because it is very convenient and easy to use. It is also a great source of communication. The alarm clock is last because it is not as an important advancement but for me it is a curtail part of my every day life.