05kinki 1000043

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  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Information Sheet for Applicants forEmployers of Indonesia Candidates for "Kangoshi"

    Information Sheet for the Institution

    Institution ID Number



    Reference No. 1000043-A

    Reference No.Facility

    Number ofAcceptance in the

    Facilities listed on

    the right column



  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Inst itu t ion ID


    Reference Number


    92 24



    Total Num ber of Beds:

    General beds: Long-term care beds: Menta l beds:

    Region : Kinki Prefecture: Hyogo

    Tubercu losis beds: Infect ious disease beds: Other beds:

    Num ber of beds in

    each categoryBeds covered by me dical




    Pediatric DentistryDentistry an d

    Oral Surgery


    Radiology Anesthesiology Dent ist ry Orthodon t ics

    Ophtha lm ology Otola ryngologyBroncho-





    an d GynecologyObstet r ic Gynecology


    and UrologyDermatology Urology Venerology

    Neurosurgery Thoracic SurgeryCardiovascular




    Surgery Or thopedics P last ic Surgery Cosmet ic Surgery

    Cardiology Allergy Rheum atology Pedia t r ics



    Intern al MedicineRespira tory Gast roen terology Gastrointestinal Medicine

    Intern al MedicinePsychosomatic

    Intern al MedicinePsychistry

    Inform at ion Sh eet for t he Fa cility

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    13 to 1 25 to 1 to 1

    106 123


    33 12 P art -t ime: 21 )

    43 31 Part -t ime: 12 )

    0 0 Part -t ime: 0 )

    0 0 Part -t ime: 0 )

    17 10 Part -t ime: 7 )


    Vacancy 2

    Duration of Contract

    Pla ce of Work

    J ob Descript ion

    2. Rest 60


    10 days

    ( ) ( )


    congrat ulat ion or condolence leave, summer holiday

    days after working months

    2 Other leave: Paid:

    Day applied: ( )


    d ay of e ve ry wee k, N at ion a l H olid ays , Ot h er s ( )

    ( )

    Open in g h ou r: ( ) Closin g h ou r: ( )

    ( )

    ( )

    Open in g h ou r: ( ) Closin g h ou r: ( ) Day applied: ( )

    ( ) Closin g hour :

    ( 16:20 ) Closing hour : ( 9:20 ) Day applied:

    Labor Conditions

    1. Openin g/Closing H our


    Ratio and etc.

    Beds covered by m edicalinsurance

    (2) Modified working h ours s ystem: Modified working hour s or sh ift syst em on a

    (weekly/mont hly/year ly) basis, based on t he following combinat ion of work ing





    Assistant Nurses:

    Day applied:

    3 years

    ( )

    ( ) (2) Closing h ou r ( )

    ( )

    Opening hour :



    Time, Rest Periods,

    Change in Sh ift

    Work, a nd Overtime


    Rest day

    Average number of inpatients per day:

    3. Presen ce of Overt ime work

    Opening hour :

    In case of modified working hours s ystem for each year:

    At th e facility

    Assistance of m edical care for inpatients (assistance of eating, bathing, and toileting)

    (1) Opening hour

    Avera ge length of stay:


    Yes / No


    days per ( week / m onth ), Other s

    1 Annu al paid leave For t hose working cont inuously for 6 month s or longer

    Total Number of nursing staff:

    When t he following systems a re ap plied to work ers

    Ir regular ; 8

    Average nu mber of outpat ients per day:

    General beds: Long-term care beds: Mental beds:

    For t h ose wor k in g le ss t h an 6 m on th s ( Yes / No )

    Opening hour : ( 8:45 ) Closing hour : ( 17:15 ) Day applied:




    Registered Nu rses:

    Public Health N urses:

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    a.( 15,000 )

    b.( 10,000 )

    c.( 20,000 )

    d.( 8,000 )

    e.( 12,500 )

    125 %




    150 %

    ( Yes : 60 No )

    (Befor obtaining

    qualification) du tyallowance \

    Method of


    c. Additional a llowan ce for nigh t work

    4 Closing day of pay roll:Month ly salary last day of every month

    allowance \

    allowance \

    allowance \Method of


    Method of


    2 Amoun t of allowan ce and met hod of calculat ion

    Method of

    calculationallowance \

    more than \

    more than \

    more than \

    more than \

    more than \ 136,100 more than \

    After obtaining qualification


    (After obtaining

    qualification) du ty

    Before obtaining qualification

    c. Hour ly wage

    a . Mon t hly wa ge

    1 Basic Salary

    (Befor obtaining


    service(After obtaining


    Method of



    b. Daily wage

    25th of every month

    3. Reason an d procedure of dismissa l

    Notice more th an 30 da ys before the da te of resigna tion

    a. Additional allowance for overtim e beyond legal workin g hour

    1. Ret irement age system: years old /

    2. Procedur e of resigna tion for per sonal rea sons:

    Social Insurance/

    Labor Insurance


    Resignation an d


    The cand idat e will be dismissed if they violate t he Rules of Employmen t

    an d fail to impr ove in spite of repea ted war nin gs, or if they cause serious

    danger or dama ge to the h ospital, within/outside t he inst itution. However,

    we have never experienced th is in the pa st.

    5 Pay day:Monthly salar y

    3 Additiona l allowance for overt ime/rest d ay work/night work

    Additional a llowan ce for overtime beyond scheduled working h our

    b. Additional a llowan ce for work on legal rest day

    Additiona l allowan ce for work on schedu led rest day


    *Application of Health Ins ur an ce, Welfar e Pens ion, Workers' Accident Compensa tion

    Insur ance and Employment Insur ance Yes / No

    6. Deduction from wages based on th e labor-man agem ent agreemen t: Yes / No

    7. Wage ra ise: (Time an d etc. )

    8. Bonus: (Yes (Time an d am ount : twice a year ), No )

    9. Retirem ent allowance: (Yes (Time an d am ount ), No )

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    System of Tra iningTraining Program



    All our sta ff member s work together to provide friend ly medical care t o our comm un ity.

    We hope th e can didat e to feel secur e in coming to our inst itut ion t o work together .

    (Method to reflect the experience as a nurse in Indonesia to the amount of salary, etc.)

    Distan ce from



    Other Descriptions

    After the candidate sta rts working at our facility an d we can evaluate t heir a bilities, we

    would like t o consider r eflecting th e candidat es nu rsin g experience from In donesia in

    th eir sala ry at our in stit ut ion. We would like to subsidize th e expense for the candida tes

    tra ining as mu ch a s we can, especially the su pport for t heir J apan ese training. All our

    sta ff member s will provide support in th e can didat es daily life un til she/he acquires th e

    qualification. We will continue providing support after their acquiring the qualification so

    tha t th ey can continu e working with a mbition.

    Amount of

    average rent in

    the neighborhood


    Full self-payment

    See attached Information sheet of "Kangoshi" Training Program


    Dormitory Available / Not available

    Full Gra nts (Cost t o the Em ployee: Free)

    (Cost to the E mployee: less th an \

    Accommodations(Employer sha ll secure

    accomodation for the


    45 minutes by ( bus / t ra in / walking )

    Partial grant s

    (Cost to the E mployee: less th an \

    Floor P lan Studio


  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Region: Prefecture:

    In form ation sheet of "Kan gosh i" Tra ining Pr ogra m

    Institu t ion ID Number 1000043

    Reference Number 1000043-A

    Region/Prefecture Kinki Hyogo

    System of Trainin g/Inst ru ction

    Qualifica t ion / Work exper ience Other descr ipt ions

    Per son in chargeof tr aining

    8/6/1962- Acquired th e license

    3/1990- 7/2000 War d Cha rge Nur se

    8/2000- Presen t Director of the Nu rsing Depart ment

    Received th e FY 2006 H yogo Prefectu re

    Nursing Achievement Award

    Person who

    supports tr aining

    6/19/1984- Acquired th e license

    4/1998- 7/2000 Ward Ch ief Nurse

    8/2000- Presen t Ward Cha rge Nurse

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Meth od of Tra ining

    Items Method of Train ing Other Descr ipt ions

    Subjects for



    1) Preparing for an environment of self-learning

    2) Ha ving the candida te ta ke a corresponden ce cours e if it is possible

    3) Listening to lectures at a n ursing tr aining school

    4) Supporting the can didate to prepare for the st ate examina tion for


    Insta lling standa rd textbooks

    Securing time an d space for self-


    Requesting N n ursing school for the

    candida tes listenin g to lectures




    1) Preparing for an environment of self-learning

    2) Attending a volunteer class in the local commu nity

    Support for studying Ja panese within

    the institut ion

    Attend club activities, etc.

    Securing time for th e can didate to take

    classes from a J apa nese lan guage school,


    Pr omotion ofadaptation to


    Acquisition of



    1) Acquisition through duties of assisting nurses

    2) Attend ing local or volun teer a ctivities in th e commu nity

    3) Sha ring th e ma nu al for sa fety cont rol and h ygienic cont rol,support for u nderstanding the ma nual

    Providing inst ruction inside/outside

    work h ours

    Pa rticipation in events, e.g. communitysumm er festival

    Support for participation in volunteer




  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Region: Kinki Prefecture: Hyogo

    ( 50

    7 ) days per year

    Appropr i 1 8 month ly weekly



    Allow one or m ore dictiona ry(ies) of field(s) relat ed t o the

    examination subjects

    to supplya study guide for examination subjects

    to prepare and lend

    Inform at ion Sheet of Tra ining System of the F acility

    Subsidize expenses for some subjects at correspondence course

    Subsidize expenses for some subject at training facility/nursing school/university to health and welfare

    Subsidize expenses for some su bjects at evening cour se of tra ining facility/nu rsing school

    (1)Tra ining system of special su bject

    )% of th e tota l expenses Others ( )Subsidize

    Provide an opportunity t o take var ious k inds of training in local areas, etc.

    Use a common spa ce in t he dormitory

    Prepar ation of mater ials for self-learn ing


    Ensu re t he time for self-learning du ring working hours

    hours during

    Ensure a place for self-learning

    to prepare and lend

    ID Number of Inst itut ion

    Reference Nu mber



    a book of past quest ions/simu lated qu estions for t he

    qualifying testto supply

    to prepare and lend

    hour working hours on

    daily basis

    ) Tra ining for

    (2) Self-lear nin g environmen tField of tr ainin g (

    nursing tr aining,

    medical safety tr aining

    Use a room (meeting r oom, coun seling r oom, etc.) in th e facility

    to supply

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043





    including utility costs

    excluding utility costs

    rented by t he facility

    rented personally



    30 days

    7 days

    as a team m emberAllow the In donesian to par ticipate in other meetin gs of

    mat erials for self-learning independently created by th e


    to prepare and lend

    to supply

    others ( )

    Tra ining for all employees

    Allow the Ind onesian to part icipate in t he service staff meeting as a tea m mem ber Allow the Indonesian t o par ticipate in th e case review meetings a s a tea m mem ber

    Adequately shar e informa tion concerning outpatients and inpatients thr ough meetings of service staff,

    review meetings of cases a nd implem ent a ctivities for impr ovemen t, etc.

    Implement for Implement 5 times per year

    to supply

    to prepare and lend

    ( )

    (4) Support for a dapt at ion to the workpla ce

    Implement for t imes per year

    to supply

    Tra ining for n ew employees

    Implement 1

    Systematically implement training for new employees, and training for all employees

    Supply a ticket usable at neighboring restau rant s to the extent yen per month

    (3) Living environmen t

    rent and utility costs


    of the pr operty

    Su bsidize ( )% of th e

    an E nglish-J apan ese dictionary, Ja panese-English

    dictionary, Japanese dictionary, etc.

    Have a dormitory, or arr ange a place for boardin g and subsidize ren t, etc.

    to prepare and lend

    Prepa re a r oom



    of which the boarding fee is ( ) yen

    % across th e board

    when st aff member u se a cafeteria in th e facilit

    yen per meal

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043


    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    Qua lified in

    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade ( )

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Have experice/s of studying in an English-speaking country/ies


    TOEFL score TOEIC score

    Marked in

    The U nited Nat ions Associations Test of English (UNATE) Grade

    The Indonesian Langua ge Proficiency Examina tion Grade

    The Indonesian Langua ge Proficiency Examina tion Grade

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    The U nited Nat ions Associations Test of English (UNATE) Grade

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    TOEFL score

    Marked in

    Sta ff Supp orter of Trainin g with t he following Indonesia n or E nglish pr oficiency

    TOEFL score

    Marked in

    TOEIC score

    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade ( )

    Qua lified in

    ( )


    TOEIC score

    Sta ff Supp orter of Trainin g with t he following Indonesia n or E nglish pr oficiency

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Have experice/s of studying in an English-speaking country/ies


    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

    The U nited Nat ions Associations Test of English (UNATE) Grade

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Have experice/s of studying in an English-speaking country/ies

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    The Indonesian Langua ge Proficiency Examina tion Grade

    Qua lified in

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Sta ff Super visor of Training or Su pporter of Tra ining with t he following Indonesian or En glish pr oficiency

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000043





    Subsidize 100 % of the t otal expenses

    (7) Pa st experiences of accepta nce

    Open pa rt of th e facility as a venue for regiona l excha nge

    Subsidize expenses to enter a special departmen t for foreign stu dents at the university center for

    intern ational education

    Other s ( )

    Participation in regional activities, home stay and similar, cooperation with a community, exchange ev

    Total num ber of foreign nu rses accepted to date ( )

    Pa st experien ces of accepting foreign nur ses (limited t o those who ha ve the st at us of residen ce in

    th e field of "medical tr eat men t")

    Most recent time of accepta nce ( ) month ( ) year

    Nu mber of foreign nu rses accepted most recently ( )

    Accept regional volunt eers

    (school nam e:

    Subsidize expenses t o join a J apa nese-lan guage school

    Par ticipate in r egional events

    Implement home stay Exchange with regional schools

    (university na me:

    Open th e facility to th e commun ity at t he t ime of even

    Subsidize expenses to att end a volunt eer class, circle, etc. for learn ing of Ja pan ese langua ge

    (organization nam e

    Currently accepting trainees from the training facility for "Kaigofukushishi"

    (5) Tra ining system for lear ning of J apa nese lan guage, acquisition of living ha bits, etc.

    Currently accepting trainees from the training schools for nurses or training facility for

    "Kaigofukushishi" for practical training

    Curr ently accepting tra inees from the tra ining school for nur ses for practical tr aining

    (6) Per form an ce of acceptance in the t ra ining of nurs ing and care ser vicesOthers ( )