05kinki 1000048

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  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Information Sheet for Applicants forEmployers of Indonesia Candidates for "Kangoshi"

    Information Sheet for the Institution

    Institution ID Number



    Reference No. 1000048-A

    Reference No.Facility

    Number ofAcceptance in the

    Facilities listed on

    the right column



  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Inst itut ion ID


    Reference Number



    3 to 1 to 1 to 1

    81 59


    7.9 6 Par t-t ime: 1.9 )

    19.2 19 Par t-t ime: 0.2 )

    Par t-t ime: )

    Par t-t ime: )

    11.6 10 Par t-t ime: 1.6 )



    Ratio and et c.Beds covered by m edical





    Assistant Nurses:


    Tota l Number of Beds:

    General beds: Long-term care beds: Mental beds:

    Region: Kinki Prefecture: Hyogo

    Tuberculosis beds: Infectious disease beds: Other beds:

    Num ber of beds in

    each categoryBeds covered by m edical



    Average nu mber of inpat ients per day:

    Avera ge length of stay:


    Total N umber of nur sing staff:


    Average nu mber of outpat ients per day:

    Pediatric DentistryDentistry an d

    Oral Surgery

    General beds: Long-term care beds:


    Mental beds:

    Radiology Anesthesiology Dent ist ry Or thodont ics

    Ophtha lmology Otola ryngologyBroncho-





    an d GynecologyObstet r ic Gynecology


    and UrologyDerm atology Urology Venerology

    Neurosurgery Thoracic SurgeryCardiovascular




    Surgery Or thopedics Plast ic Surgery Cosmet ic Surgery

    Cardiology Allergy Rheumatology Pedia t rics



    Intern al MedicineRespira tory Gast roen terology Gastrointestinal Medicine

    Intern al MedicinePsychosomatic

    Intern al MedicinePsychistry

    Inform at ion Sh eet for t he Fa cility




    Registered Nu rses:

    Public Health Nu rses:

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Vacancy 2

    Duration of Contract

    Pla ce of Work

    J ob Descript ion

    2. Rest 60


    10 days

    ( ) ( )


    Congra tula tion or condolence leave

    Child-care leave, Nur sing care leave

    days after working months

    2 Other leave: Paid:

    Day applied: ( )


    day of every week, National Holidays, Others ( )

    ( )

    Op en in g h ou r : ( ) Clos in g h ou r : ( )

    ( )

    ( )

    Op en in g h ou r : ( ) Clos in g h ou r : ( ) Day applied: ( )

    ( ) Clos ing hour :

    ( ) Clos ing hour : ( ) Day applied:

    Labor Conditions

    1. Openin g/Closing H our

    (2) Modified workin g hour s syst em: Modified workin g hour s or sh ift s ystem on

    a (weekly/mont hly/year ly) basis, ba sed on th e following combina tion of workin g


    Day applied:

    3 years

    ( )

    ( 8:30 ) (2) Closing h our ( 16:30 )

    ( )

    Opening hour:



    Time, Rest Per iods,

    Chan ge in ShiftWork, a nd Overtime


    Rest day

    3. Presen ce of Overt ime work

    Opening hour:

    In case of modified working hours s ystem for each year:

    At th e facility

    Assistan ce of medical care for inpat ients ( Assista nce of eating, bat hing a nd t oileting )

    (1) Opening hour

    Yes / No


    days per ( week / m onth ), Other s

    1 Annu al paid leave For t hose working continu ously for 6 month s or longer

    When t he following systems a re a pplied to worker s

    Ir regular ; 2

    For those working less than 6 months ( Yes / No )

    Open in g h ou r: ( 16:30 ) Closin g h ou r: ( 8:30 ) Da y a pplied:

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    a.( 10,000 )

    b.( )

    c.( )

    d.( )

    125 %

    125 %

    125 %


    150 %

    ( Yes : 65 No )

    c. Additional allowance for night work

    4 Closing day of pay roll: 15th of every month

    allowance \

    allowance \

    allowance \

    num ber of attendances /num ber of obligatory


    Method of


    Method of


    2 Amoun t of allowance an d met hod of calculat ion

    Method of

    calculationallowance \

    more than \

    more than \ 1,300

    more than \

    more than \ 850

    more than \ more than \

    After obtaining qualificationBefore obtaining qualification

    c. Hour ly wage

    a . Mon t hly wa ge

    1 Basic Salary

    Method of



    b. Daily wage

    28th of every month

    3. Reason an d procedure of dismissa l

    2. Procedur e of resigna tion for per sonal rea sons: You submit your lett er of resigna tion

    at least 60 days prior to expected of retairement date.

    a. Additional a llowan ce for overt ime beyond legal working h our

    1. Ret irement age system: years old /

    Social Insurance/

    Labor Insurance


    Resignation an d


    5 Pay day:

    3 Additiona l allowance for overt ime/rest d ay work/night work

    Additional a llowan ce for overt ime beyond scheduled work ing hour

    b. Additional a llowan ce for work on legal rest day

    Additiona l allowan ce for work on scheduled r est da y


    *Application of Hea lth I nsu ra nce, Welfare P ension, Worker s' Accident Compensat ion

    Insur ance and Employment Insur ance Yes / No

    6. Deduction from wages based on th e labor-man agemen t agr eement : Yes / No

    7. Wage ra ise: (Time an d etc. May )

    8. Bonus: (Yes (Time: J uly, December am ount: basic salar y 2.8 months ( avera ge)

    ), No )

    9. Retirem ent a llowan ce: (Yes (Time an d amoun t You need work experience 2 or more

    years in our facility ), No )

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    System of Tra iningTraining Program




    Our h ospital specializes in reha bilitation, providing professional and pat ient-focused

    care The nur ses in our hospital work a s members of a mu lti-professional t eam,

    consist ing of doctors, pha rm acists, PTs, OTs, STs, na tional regist ered dieticians,

    medical social worker s (MSW), an d nu rses, cooperat ing an d comm un icat ing with oth erprofessionals. Our h ospital also has a home-visit n ursing st ation an d a home-care

    supporting center, positively involved in community medical care and home health


    (Method to reflect the experience as a nurse in Indonesia to the amount of salary, etc.)

    Distan ce from



    Other Descriptions

    Our h ospital has a neur opsychiatr ist and a n indust rial physician, providing

    psychological support to reduce any st ress t hat the candidat e may experience due to

    different cultures. We have a doctor who took par t in an intern ational cooperat ion

    activity in South ern Asia for 3 year s or more. We also have a doctor who stu died in th e

    US. We will be able to provide su pport for foreign m edical car e personn el,

    commu nicating and sh aring informa tion with them . (We are involved in gran t a id and

    project collaboration in establishing and providing technical assistance for the national

    nur sing school in Sri Lan ka.) We accept 30 or more tra inees in a year, who are not

    only nurses but also physical therapists (PT), occupational therapists (OT), speechther apists (ST), and nat ional registered dieticians. We ha ve much experience in

    teaching students and trainees.

    Amount of

    average rent in

    the neighborhood

    Full self-payment

    See attached Information sheet of "Kangoshi" Training Program


    Dormitory Available / Not available

    Full Gra nts (Cost t o the E mployee: Free)

    (Cost to th e Emp loyee: less th an \

    Accommodations(Employer sh all secure

    accomodation for the


    about 10 minutes by ( bus / t r ain / wa lk ing )

    Part ial grants

    (Cost to th e Emp loyee: less th an \

    Floor Plan Depend on demised prem ises. In case of 1R( stu dio apa rtm ent), about 25.


  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Region: Prefecture:

    In forma tion sheet of "Kan goshi" Tra ining Pr ogra m

    Inst itu t ion ID Number 1000048

    Reference Number 1000048-A

    Region/Prefecture Kinki Hyogo

    System of Trainin g/Inst ru ction

    Qualificat ion / Work exper ience Other descr ipt ions

    Person in cha rge

    of tr aining

    Nur se: 42 year s of work experien ce; Nur se: 13 year s of

    work experience

    Ha s served as the school board

    chairperson of an association

    Completed a tra ining program for

    becoming a n ursing in stru ctor, organ izedby a ministry Completed a

    tra ining program for clinical in stru ctors,

    organized by an association

    Person who

    supports tr aining

    Nur se: 9 years of work experience; Nur se: 12 years of

    work experien ce; Nur se: 16 years of work experience

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Method of Tra ining

    Items Method of Tra in ing Other Descr ipt ions

    Subjects for



    1) Prepar ing for a n en vironm ent of self-study (securin g time a nd

    space for self-stu dy durin g work h ours) 2) Stu dying the qu estions

    from th e past 3 years stat e examina tions (finding out th e fields that

    require furt her st udying) 3) Intensive study for th e subjects th at

    need further studying among th e required 10 subjects 4) Training

    progra m a t th e hospital, following the t endencies in the past 5 years

    examina tions 5) Listening to lectur es at a n ursing tr aining school 6)

    Taking an intensive prepara tory course for the stat e examinat ion 7)

    Taking a mock exam ination for t he st ate exam (including mock

    exams at the h ospital)

    * The hospital will arr an ge the time for

    the tra ining and pay the expense.




    1) Daily conversa tion pra ctice thr ough everyda y duties a nd life 2)

    Inten sive class on the J apan ese clinical term s tha t ar e commonly

    used in daily duties 3) Learn ing nursing an d medical term s that a re

    related to the state exam a nd the Chinese chara cters for these term s

    4) Learn ing nursing an d medical term s that a re commonly used

    when filling out m edical r ecords and the Chinese char acters for

    these t erms 5) Preparing for a n en vironm ent of self-study Self-

    study using a textbook of Chinese cha racters Taking a J apa nese

    lan gua ge course for foreigners living in our prefectur e (utilizing an

    intern ational association)

    * The hospital will arr an ge the time for

    the tra ining and pay the expense.

    Pr omotion of

    adaptat ion to


    Acquisition of



    1) Individual tra ining on basic Ja panese customs an d char acteristics

    of duties at h our hospital 2) Learn ing Ja panese customs thr oughcommun ication with patient s and th e staff member s 3) Learn ing the

    meth ods an d cha ra cteristics of J apan ese nursin g car e through

    pra ctical experien ce 4) Tak ing in-service/off-site tr ain ing program s

    on ma nner s of serving for J apan ese patient s 5) Positive interactions

    with other professiona ls at our h ospital (doctors, phar ma cists, PTs,

    OTs, STs, MSWs, dietician s, an d labora tory techn ician s, etc.) 6)

    Active participating in events a t th e hospital and in t he comm unity

    * The hospital will arr an ge the time for

    the tra ining and pay the expense.



  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Region: Hyogo


    ) days per year

    Appropr i 4 8 mon th ly weekly




    Use a room (meeting r oom, coun seling room, etc.) in t he facility

    to supply

    a book of past quest ions/simu lated qu estions for t he

    qualifying testto supply

    to prepare and lend

    hour working hours on

    daily basis

    ) Tra ining for

    (2) Self-lear nin g environmen tField of training (

    ID Number of Institution

    Reference Number


    Region/Prefecture Kinki Prefecture:

    Ensu re t he tim e for self-learning du ring working hours

    hours during

    Ensure a place for self-learning

    to prepare and lend


    Pr ovide an opportu nity to ta ke various kinds of trainin g in local ar eas, etc.

    Use a comm on spa ce in t he dormitory

    Pr eparat ion of mat erials for self-learn ing

    )% of th e tota l expenses

    Other s ( Offer a scholar ship. Forgivable

    loan is available by academic and work


    Inform at ion Sheet of Tra ining System of th e Fa cility

    Subsidize expenses for some subjects a t corresponden ce course

    Subsidize expenses for s ome subject a t t ra ining facility/nursin g school/university to hea lth a nd welfare

    Subsidize expenses for some subjects at evening cour se of tr ainin g facility/nu rsin g school

    (1)Tra ining system of special su bject

    one or m ore dictiona ry(ies) of field(s) relat ed t o the

    examination subjects

    to supplya study guide for examination subjects

    to prepare and lend

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048





    including ut ility costs

    excluding utility costs

    rented by the facility

    rented personally


    7 days


    as a team m ember

    (The facility will pay par t of the costs for work day lu nch. Th e cost of meal of day of duty

    (Weeknight dinners, Sa tru day, Sunda y, and h oliday's breakfast, lun ch, dinner) will be fullcover by the facility. )

    (irregular date, im plem ent im m ediately afterassigm ent)

    (m ore thatn 30 tim es, as needed)

    Allow th e Indonesian to part icipate in oth er meet ings of ( infection cont rolnutrition management )


    % across t he board

    when st aff member u se a cafeteria in th e facilit

    yen per month a s a maximum

    Pr epare a room



    of which th e boardin g fee is ( ) yen

    rent and utility costs


    of the pr opertySu bsidize ( 20-30 )% of th e

    an E nglish-J apan ese dictionary, Ja panese-English

    dictionary, Japanese dictionary, etc.

    Have a dormitory, or arr ange a place for boardin g and subsidize ren t, etc.

    to prepare and lend

    (3) Living environmen t

    Supply a ticket usa ble at neighboring restaur ants to the

    extent ofyen per month

    Tra ining for n ew employees


    Systematically implement training for new employees, and training for all employees

    (4) Support for a dapt at ion to the workpla ce

    Implement for

    to supply

    to supply

    to prepare and lend

    Tra ining for a ll employees

    Allow the Ind onesian to part icipate in t he service staff meeting as a tea m mem berAllow the Indonesian t o par ticipate in th e case review meetings a s a tea m mem ber

    Adequately share information concerning outpatients and inpatients through meetings of service staff,

    review meetings of cases a nd implemen t a ctivities for impr ovement , etc.

    Implement for Implement

    mat erials for self-learning independently created by th e


    to prepare and lend

    to supply

    others ( )

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    Marked in

    Qua lified in

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Sta ff Super visor of Training or Su pporter of Train ing with t he following Indonesian or En glish pr oficiency

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

    The Un ited Na tions Associations Test of En glish (UNATE) Grade

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Ha ve experice/s of studying in an En glish-speaking countr y/ies

    (Holding Indonesian or English qualifications)

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Ha ve experice/s of studying in an En glish-speaking countr y/ies


    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade ( )

    Sta ff Sup porter of Trainin g with t he following Indonesia n or En glish proficiency

    TOEFL score

    Marked in

    TOEIC score

    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade ( )

    Qua lified in


    TOEIC score

    Sta ff Sup porter of Trainin g with t he following Indonesia n or En glish proficiency

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    The Indonesian Lan guage Proficiency Exam inat ion Gra de

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    TOEFL score

    Marked in

    The Un ited Na tions Associations Test of En glish (UNATE) Grade

    Qua lified in

    The Indonesian Lan guage Proficiency Exam inat ion Gra de

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    TOEFL score TOEIC score

    Marked in

    The Un ited Na tions Associations Test of En glish (UNATE) Grade

    The Indonesian Lan guage Proficiency Exam inat ion Gra de

    Ha ve experien ce(s) of stu dying in an I ndonesia n-speakin g count ry(ies)

    Ha ve experience(s) of conducting bu siness in Ind onesian

    Ha ve experice/s of studying in an En glish-speaking countr y/ies


    Test of Pr actical English P roficiency Grade ( )

    Qua lified in

    Experience of using Indonesian or English

    Qua lified in

    Other qualifications

    Qua lified in

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

    Ha ve experice/s of condu cting business in an En glish-speaking coun tr y/ies

  • 8/14/2019 05Kinki 1000048


    Subsidize % of the tota l expenses

    Currently accepting trainees from the training schools for nurses or training facility for

    "Kaigofukushishi" for practical training

    Currently accepting trainees from the training school for nurses for practical training

    (6) Per form an ce of acceptance in the t ra ining of nurs ing and care ser vices

    Currently accepting trainees from the training facility for "Kaigofukushishi"

    (5) Tra ining system for lear ning of J apa nese lan guage, acquisition of living ha bits, etc.

    Others ( )

    Par ticipate in r egional events

    Implement home stay Exchange with r egional schools

    Accept regional volun teer s

    Subsidize expenses t o join a J apa nese-langu age school

    Open the facility to the community at the time of even

    Subsidize expenses to att end a volunt eer class, circle, etc. for learn ing of Ja pan ese langua ge

    Other s ( )

    Participation in regional activities, home stay and similar, cooperation with a community, exchange ev

    Total num ber of foreign nu rses accepted to date ( )

    (7) Pa st experiences of accepta ncePa st experien ces of accepting foreign nur ses (limited t o those who have the st at us of residen ce in

    th e field of "medical tr eat men t")

    M ost recent time of accepta nce ( ) mont h ( ) year

    Nu mber of foreign nur ses accepted most recently ( )

    Open pa rt of th e facility as a venue for regiona l excha nge

    Subsidize expenses to enter a special departm ent for foreign stu dents a t t he un iversity center for

    intern ational education