06 -visual mt (manual) tgi-nde07.00 rev. 3

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  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline

    Technical guideline No: Page:

    TGI-NDE07-00 1 of 32



    Nondestructive Examination

    Visile !a"netic #article Examination

    SupersedesTechnical Guideline


    TGI-NDE07-00 $ev% 2 3

    Issuing Department: Approval: Previous Rev. Date urrent Revision Date

    &'(&) - *ouston Gene Ni+stad 01-,an-07 1-,ul-07

    T'./E )NTENT

    !." P#RP$SE $% TE&NIA' G#IDE'INE.................................................................................(

    )." TE&NIA' G#IDE'INE $*+ETI,E.................................................................................... (

    -." S$PE $% APP'IATI$N.......................................................................................................(

    (." DE%INITI$NS (

    ." /ET&$D 0PR$ESS1.......................................................................................................... ...(

    .! PR$ESS $,ER,IE2............................................................................................................ (

    .!.! This nondestructive examination technical guideline provides 3or 4oth visi4le 5et and dr6magnetic particle examination o3 3erromagnetic materials 3or the purpose o3 detectingdiscontinuities that are at or near the sur3ace o3 the part 4eing examined......................................(

    .!.) This examination method involves the pre7cleaning o3 the examination sur3ace8 themagneti9ing o3 a 3erromagnetic part8 the application o3 visi4le magnetic particles8 the removal o3

    the excess magnetic particles8 and the interpretation o3 the patterns 3ormed 46 the particles asmagnetic leaage 3ields attract them; there46 creating indications o3 ether a linear or roundednature. The indications are then evaluated and dispositioned; according to the acceptancecriteria o3 the applica4le code or standard......................................................................................

    .) R$'ES < RESP$NSI*I'ITIES................................................................................................

    .).! The +aco4s NDE level III Examiner=orporate 'evel III has the overall responsi4ilit6 3oradministrating the +aco4s NDE Program; including this Technical Guideline. The NDE 'evel IIIreports directl6 to the >A=> /anager. Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:.... ... .

    .).!.! Develop NDE techni?ues that are consistent 5ith industr6 practices and sa3et6recommendations.

    .).!.) /aintain the +aco4s NDE program and all Technical Guidelines 3or NDE methods and

    techni?ues; in compliance 5ith all current re?uirements o3 the latest codes or standards; includingapplica4le addenda.

    .).!.- Develop and administer 5ritten and practical examinations in accordance 5ith +aco4s5ritten practice 02or Instruction 2I7SR"!1 3or all NDE methods and techni?ues that the +aco4sNDE program consists o3................................................................................................................

    .).!.( Provide training and guidance to all +aco4s NDE personnel in the execution o3 theirassigned duties.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 2 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .).!. Develop and administer training programs and classroom instruction; 5hen application;3or +aco4s NDE personnel; or others that ma6 see such training................................................ .

    .).!.@ Administer the re?uirements 3or annual ,isual Acuit6 Examinations 3or all +aco4s NDEpersonnel.

    .).) >A=> Administrative Assistant 7 Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:..........

    .).).! /aintaining the training; education; ?uali3ication and certi3ication records o3 all +aco4sNDE personnel; in a current and validated manner........................................................................

    .).).) /aintain the NDE Experience 'ogs and the ,isual Acuit6 Examination records 3or all+aco4s NDE personnel in a current and valid manner....................................................................

    .).- The inspector reports to the >A=> Supervisor and the /anager >A=>. The Inspector isresponsi4le 3or execution o3 the re?uirements o3 this Technical Guideline. Responsi4ilities shallinclude; 4ut not 4e limited to:..........................................................................................................

    .).-.! Per3orming and evaluating NDE Examinations and=or revie5ing documentation 3orcompliance 5ith the criteria o3 the re3erencing code or standard; and this Technical Guideline.. .. .

    .).-.) ,eri36ing the ?uali3ications and certi3ications o3 NDE personnel engaged in per3orming andevaluating the NDE examination.....................................................................................................

    .).-.- ,eri36ing the accepta4ilit6 o3 the NDE method and techni?ue and approval; 5hen re?uired46 engineering and=or client speci3ications................................................................................... ..

    .).-.( Auditing the per3ormance o3 NDE examinations 3or compliance 5ith the re?uirements o3the re3erencing code or standard.................................................................................................... @

    .).-. /aintaining the records re?uired 46 this Technical Guideline.............................................@

    .).-.@ /aintaining current and validated >uali3ication and erti3ication Records........................ .@

    .).-. /aintaining current and validated NDE Experience 'ogs and Annual ,isual Acuit6Examination Records. @

    .).-.B Reporting on the results o3 NDE Examinations...................................................................@

    .).( The NDE Technician ma6 4e an emplo6ee; or under the direction o3 +aco4s as asu4contractor; or ma6 4e an emplo6ee; or under the direction o3 the ,endor=Supplier. 2hen anemplo6ee o3 +aco4s; the NDE Technician 5ill report directl6 to the >A=> Supervisor and the/anager o3 >A=>. Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:.......................................@

    .).(.! Per3orming and evaluation the NDE Examination in accordance 5ith the re3erencing codeor standard; and the 5ritten practices governing the NDE examination techni?ue. .......................@

    .).(.) Per3orming the re?uired cali4ration or techni?ue veri3ications; to assure the accepta4ilit6and validit6 o3 the examination results............................................................................................ @

    .).(.- /aintaining current and validated >uali3ication and erti3ication Records........................ .@

    .).(.( /aintaining current and validated NDE Experience 'ogs and Annual ,isual Acuit6Examination Records. @

    .).(. Reporting on the results o3 NDE Examinations...................................................................@.- PR$ESS DETAI' @

    .-.! Personnel ?uali3ications......................................................................................................... @

    .-.!.! Personnel per3orming; interpreting; and documenting examinations 3ollo5ing this technicalguideline shall 4e ?uali3ied and certi3ied in accordance 5ith +aco4s NDE 2ritten Practice; 2orInstruction 2I7SR"!. @

    .-.) magnetic particle ECA/INATI$N /ATERIA'S AND E>#IP/ENT......................................@

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 3 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .-.- S#R%AE PREPARATI$N...................................................................................................B

    .-.( ECA/INATI$N APP'IATI$N................................................................................... ..........

    .-. Techni?ue!!

    .-.@ INTERPRETATI$N = E,A'#ATI$N....................................................................................!

    .-. acceptance criteria............................................................................................................... !.-.B demagneti9ation !

    .-. post examination 'EANING.............................................................................................. !B

    .-.!" D$#/ENTATI$N........................................................................................................... !B

    @." RE%ERENES !B

    ." RE$RD !

    B." ATTA&/ENTS !

    ATTA&/ENT ! 7 /AGNETI PARTI'E ECA/INATI$N REP$RT..................................... ..)"

    Acceptance riteria )"

    ATTA&/ENT ) 7 PIE7S&APED /AGNETI PARTI'E %IE'D INDIAT$R.................... ......))

    ATTA&/ENT )A ))

    The E33ective Region o3 Examination 2hen #sing An $33set entral onductor.........................))

    ATTA&/ENT - 7 SING'E7T#RN < T2$7T#RN ENTRA' $ND#T$R TE&NI>#E..... .)-

    ATTA&/ENT ( 7 DETER/INATI$N $% ,ISI*'E PARTI'E $NENTRATI$N..................)(

    ATTA&/ENT 7 SE>#ENE AND TI/E $% ECA/INATI$N............................................. ...)

    ATTA&/ENT A 7 A2S D!.! 7 AEPTANE RITERIA........................................................-!

    ATTA&/ENT * 7 AS/E SETI$N ,III DI,ISI$N ! 7 AEPTANE RITERIA....................-)

    ATTA&/ENT 7 AS/E *-!.! 7 AEPTANE RITERIA....................................................-)

    ATTA&/ENT D 7 AS/E *-!.- 7 AEPTANE RITERIA....................................................-)

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 4 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    1.0 #5$#E TE)*NI)'/ G5IDE/INE

    !.! The purpose o3 this technical guideline is to provide the speci3ic re?uirements; methods;and techni?ues to 4e used 5hen per3orming; evaluating; and documenting /agneticParticle Examinations.

    2.0 TE)*NI)'/ G5IDE/INE .,E)TIVE

    ).! The o4ective o3 this technical guideline is to satis36 all applica4le re?uirements pertainingto AS/E Section ,; Article ; 3or /agnetic Particle Examinations.

    3.0 )#E '##/I)'TIN

    -.! This technical guideline is applica4le to the per3ormance; evaluation; and documentationo3 all ,isi4le /agnetic Particle Examinations per3ormed 46 emplo6ees o3 +aco4sEngineering Group; Inc.

    -.) This technical guideline applies to the detection o3 discontinuities that are open to or nearthe sur3ace on 3erromagnetic materials using the visi4le light; 5et or dr6 continuousmethod o3 examination.

    -.- The techni?ues descri4ed in this technical guideline are appropriate 3or magnetic particle

    examinations o3 5elds and 4ase material 0plates and 3orgings1. Si9es and shapes o3items to 4e examined shall 4e unrestricted; provided the re?uired magnetic 3lux can 4eproven ade?uate and maintained 3or the techni?ue used. /agnetic particle examinationsshall 4e per3ormed 5hile utili9ing one or more o3 the 3ollo5ing techni?ues:

    3%3%1 Foe techni?ue.

    3%3%2 Prod techni?ue

    3%3%3 'ongitudinal magneti9ation techni?ue.

    3%3%4 ircular magneti9ation techni?ue.

    -.( This technical guideline has 4een 5ritten to address the speci3ic re?uirements o3 theAS/E *oiler and Pressure ,essel ode; Section ,; Article in addition to the Standard

    Practice 3or /agnetic Particle Examination; SE7".-. This technical guideline is intended to allo5 the examiner the 3lexi4ilit6 o3 appl6ing

    5hichever method or techni?ue 5ill provide the 4est examination results; 4ased on theparticular examination conditions encountered at the time o3 the examination. $nce amethod or techni?ue is selected; compliance 5ith the re?uirements o3 that method ortechni?ue is mandator6.

    -.@ The se?uence and time o3 examination is de3ined; in Attachment to meet speci3icre?uirements o3 AS/E Section ,III 0Division !1; *-!.!; *-!.-; and A2S D!.! 3orexaminations o3 5elds and 4ase material.

    4.0 DEINITIN

    (.! /agnetic particle examination terminolog6 shall 4e in accordance 5ith AS/E odeSection ,; Article ; /andator6 Appendix II and Article -" or SE7!-!@.

    5.0 !ET*D 6#$)E

    .! #$)E VE$VIE8

    9%1%1 This nondestructive examination technical guideline provides 3or 4oth visi4le 5etand dr6 magnetic particle examination o3 3erromagnetic materials 3or the purposeo3 detecting discontinuities that are at or near the sur3ace o3 the part 4eingexamined.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 9 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    9%1%2 This examination method involves the pre7cleaning o3 the examination sur3ace8the magneti9ing o3 a 3erromagnetic part8 the application o3 visi4le magneticparticles8 the removal o3 the excess magnetic particles8 and the interpretation o3the patterns 3ormed 46 the particles as magnetic leaage 3ields attract them;there46 creating indications o3 ether a linear or rounded nature. The indicationsare then evaluated and dispositioned; according to the acceptance criteria o3 theapplica4le code or standard.

    .) $/E : $E#NI.I/ITIE

    9%2%1 The +aco4s NDE level III Examiner=orporate 'evel III has the overallresponsi4ilit6 3or administrating the +aco4s NDE Program; including thisTechnical Guideline. The NDE 'evel III reports directl6 to the >A=> /anager.Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:

    9%2%1%1 Develop NDE techni?ues that are consistent 5ith industr6 practicesand sa3et6 recommendations.

    9%2%1%2 /aintain the +aco4s NDE program and all Technical Guidelines 3orNDE methods and techni?ues; in compliance 5ith all currentre?uirements o3 the latest codes or standards; including applica4le


    9%2%1%3 Develop and administer 5ritten and practical examinations inaccordance 5ith +aco4s 5ritten practice 08or+ Instruction 8I-$0193or all NDE methods and techni?ues that the +aco4s NDEprogram consists o3.

    9%2%1%4 Provide training and guidance to all +aco4s NDE personnel in theexecution o3 their assigned duties.

    9%2%1%9 Develop and administer training programs and classroom instruction;5hen application; 3or +aco4s NDE personnel; or others that ma6see such training.

    9%2%1%; Administer the re?uirements 3or annual ,isual Acuit6 Examinations

    3or all +aco4s NDE personnel.

    9%2%2 >A=> Administrative Assistant 7 Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limitedto:

    9%2%2%1 /aintaining the training; education; ?uali3ication and certi3icationrecords o3 all +aco4s NDE personnel; in a current and validatedmanner.

    9%2%2%2 /aintain the NDE Experience 'ogs and the ,isual Acuit6Examination records 3or all +aco4s NDE personnel in a current andvalid manner.

    9%2%3 The inspector reports to the >A=> Supervisor and the /anager >A=>. TheInspector is responsi4le 3or execution o3 the re?uirements o3 this Technical

    Guideline. Responsi4ilities shall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:9%2%3%1 Per3orming and evaluating NDE Examinations and=or revie5ing

    documentation 3or compliance 5ith the criteria o3 the re3erencingcode or standard; and this Technical Guideline.

    9%2%3%2 ,eri36ing the ?uali3ications and certi3ications o3 NDE personnelengaged in per3orming and evaluating the NDE examination.

    9%2%3%3 ,eri36ing the accepta4ilit6 o3 the NDE method and techni?ue andapproval; 5hen re?uired 46 engineering and=or client speci3ications.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e ; of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    9%2%3%4 Auditing the per3ormance o3 NDE examinations 3or compliance 5iththe re?uirements o3 the re3erencing code or standard.

    9%2%3%9 /aintaining the records re?uired 46 this Technical Guideline.

    9%2%3%; /aintaining current and validated >uali3ication and erti3icationRecords.

    9%2%3%7 /aintaining current and validated NDE Experience 'ogs and Annual,isual Acuit6 Examination Records.

    9%2%3% Reporting on the results o3 NDE Examinations.

    9%2%4 The NDE Technician ma6 4e an emplo6ee; or under the direction o3 +aco4s as asu4contractor; or ma6 4e an emplo6ee; or under the direction o3 the,endor=Supplier. 2hen an emplo6ee o3 +aco4s; the NDE Technician 5ill reportdirectl6 to the >A=> Supervisor and the /anager o3 >A=>. Responsi4ilitiesshall include; 4ut not 4e limited to:

    9%2%4%1 Per3orming and evaluation the NDE Examination in accordance 5iththe re3erencing code or standard; and the 5ritten practices governingthe NDE examination techni?ue.

    9%2%4%2 Per3orming the re?uired cali4ration or techni?ue veri3ications; toassure the accepta4ilit6 and validit6 o3 the examination results.

    9%2%4%3 /aintaining current and validated >uali3ication and erti3icationRecords.

    9%2%4%4 /aintaining current and validated NDE Experience 'ogs and Annual,isual Acuit6 Examination Records.

    9%2%4%9 Reporting on the results o3 NDE Examinations.

    .- #$)E DET'I/

    9%3%1 #E$NNE/ &5'/II)'TIN

    9%3%1%1 Personnel per3orming; interpreting; and documenting examinations3ollo5ing this technical guideline shall 4e ?uali3ied and certi3ied inaccordance 5ith +aco4s NDE 2ritten Practice; 8or+ Instruction8I-$019.

    9%3%2 !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E E

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 7 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07


    !anufacturer Type Color Max Temperature Limit

    !a"naflux No% 1 Gra= 790?

    !a"naflux No% 2 @elloA 900?

    !a"naflux No% 3' .lac+ ;00?

    !a"naflux No% ' $ed ;00?

    )ircle =stems No% ;1 Gra= 00?

    )ircle =stems No% ;3 .ri"ht $ed 290?

    )ircle =stems No% ;; .ri"ht @elloA 00?

    )ircle =stems No% ; Dar+ .lue 00?

    )ircle =stems No% 73 #in+ 290?

    )ircle =stems No% 79 Green 290?

    0e1 8et visile or nonfluorescent ma"netic >articles approved3or use are as 3ollo5s:


    !anufacturer Type Color Max Temperature Limit

    !a"naflux 7) B 8ater .ath .lac+ 33? to 139?

    !a"naflux 7* B #re !ixed .lac+ ;0? to 120?

    !a"naflux C) B 8ater .ath $ed 33? to 139?

    !a"naflux C)! B #re !ixed $ed ;0? to 120?

    )ircle =stems !I-GloA 10; B il .ath .lac+ 32? to 120?

    )ircle =stems !I-GloA ;00 B il .ath $ed 32? to 120?

    )ircle =stems !I-GloA 90 B 8ater .ath $ed 33? to 120?

    031 %or the 5et particle application; a mixture o3 particles in a

    prepared 4ath is the pre3erred medium. &o5ever; 5hen the si9eo3 the part to 4e examined necessitates the use o3 mixedsuspensions; the 5et particle suspension shall 4e mixed inaccordance 5ith the manu3acturers recommendations. Theconcentration o3 the mixed 5et 4ath shall 4e measured andmaintained in accordance 5ith 'ttachment 4%

    9%3%2%2 !'GNETIING E&5I#!ENT

    0a1 /agneti9ing e?uipment capa4le o3 producing 5ithin the materialunder examination; a magnetic 3lux o3 the densit6; characteristic;and duration speci3ied 3or one or more o3 the magneti9ingtechni?ues listed in -.- ma6 4e used. /agneti9ing e?uipmentapproved 3or use is as 3ollo5s:

    !anufacturer T=>e !anufacturer T=>e

    !a"naflux @-; or @7 #ar+er $esearch D'-400

    !a"naflux #-C0 #ar+er $esearch D'-790

    !a"naflux #-1900 #ar+er $esearch D'-1900

    !a"naflux !-900 !a"naflux D-100e


    @o+e #ole /e" >acin"

    ) to ( 0" to !"" mm1 ( to @ 0!"" to !" mm 1

    ') !" '4s 0( N1 77

    D) -" '4s 0!- N1 " '4s 0)) N1

    9%3%3 5$')E #$E#'$'TIN

    .-.-.! Generall6; satis3actor6 results ma6 4e o4tained 5hen the sur3aces are inthe as 5elded; as7rolled; or as73orged condition. &o5ever; sur3acepreparation 46 grinding or machining ma6 4e necessar6 in somecases 5hen sur3ace irregularities might mas the indication o3discontinuities.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e C of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .-.-.) Prior to magnetic particle examination; the sur3ace to 4e examined; andan6 adacent area 5ithin at least one7inch o3 the sur3ace to 4eexamined; shall 4e dr6 and 3ree o3 an6 dirt; grease; lint; scale;5elding 3lux; spatter; oil; or other extraneous matter that 5ouldinter3ere 5ith the examination.

    .-.-.- leaning ma6 4e accomplished 46 detergents; organic solvents;descaling solutions; paint removers; vapor degreasing; sand or grit4lasting.

    .-.-.( The temperature o3 the 5et particle suspension and the sur3ace o3 thepart shall not exceed the temperature limits esta4lished in paragraph.-.).! 0d1 3or the 5et particle application.

    .-.-. The temperature o3 the dr6 particles and the sur3ace o3 the part shall notexceed the temperature limits esta4lished in paragraph .-.).! 0e13or the dr6 particle application.

    .-.( E

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 10 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .-.(.@ /agnetic particle examinations shall 4e carried out 46 the continuousmethod8 that is; the magneti9ing current shall remain on during theperiod the examination medium is 4eing applied and 5hile theexcess examination medium is 4eing removed.

    .-.(. %or dr6 particle applications ; the particles shall 4e applied 5ith an

    application 4ul4 46 lightl6 dusting the sur3ace to 4e examined;ena4ling the particles to migrate 3reel6 to possi4le discontinuities. Itis essential to care3ull6 o4serve the 3ormation o3 indications 5hile thepo5der is 4eing applied.

    0a1 The mechanics and timing o3 dr6 particle application shall 4esuch that indications 5ill have su33icient time to 3orm. Allo5 ! to- seconds 3or the particles to 4e attracted to the 3lux leaagesites 5hile the magneti9ing current remains energi9ed.

    041 The Accumulations o3 excess dr6 particles in examinations shall4e removed 5ith a light air stream 3rom a 4ul4 or s6ringe or othersource o3 lo57pressure dr6 air. The examination current orpo5er shall 4e maintained 5hile removing the excess particles.

    are shall 4e taen not to distur4 or remove lightl6 held po5derpatterns

    .-.(.B %or the 5et particle applications ; the particle suspension or 4ath shall 4ethoroughl6 agitated prior to application. The suspension or 4ath shall4e applied at the recommended concentration; 46 spra6ing or 3lo5ingover the area0s1 to 4e examined. are shall 4e taen to prevent ahigh7velocit6 3lo5 or spra6 especiall6 5here highl6 polishedexamination sur3aces are involved.

    0a1 The mechanics and timing o3 the 5et 4ath application shall 4esuch that indications 5ill have su33icient time to 3orm. Allo5 ( to seconds 3or excess particles to 4e carried a5a6 in thesuspension or attracted to 3lux leaage sites 5hile themagneti9ing current remains energi9ed.

    .-.(. Regardless o3 the manner o3 producing the magnetic 3lux; the greatestsensitivit6 5ill 4e to the linear discontinuities l6ing perpendicular tothe lines o3 3lux. As a minimum; it is necessar6 to examine eacharea t5ice 5ith the lines o3 magnetic 3lux in one test approximatel6perpendicular to the direction used in the other test.

    0a1 To ensure the most e33ective detection o3 discontinuities; thelines o3 3lux must 4e positioned as perpendicular to the main axiso3 the indication as possi4le. This can 4e accomplished 46repositioning the prods; poles; o3 coils as appropriate.

    .-.(.!" A di33erent techni?ue 3or magneti9ation ma6 4e used 3or the secondexamination; 5hen it is impractical to conduct the second

    examination 5ith the same techni?ue as the 3irst examination..-.(.!! Area o3 Interest: #nless other5ise speci3ied; the examination area 3or

    5elds shall 4e the 5eld sur3ace plus K inch o3 4ase material on eachside o3 the 5eld; except 5here ph6sical con3iguration prohi4its suchexamination. The examination area 3or ra5 materials 0plates and3orgings1 shall 4e as de3ined on the applica4le dra5ing; speci3ication;or 5or order.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 11 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .-.(.!) Examination overage : Examination shall 4e conducted 5ithsu33icient overlap to assure !""H coverage at the esta4lished testsensitivit6.

    .-. TE)*NI&5E

    .-..! @FE TE)*NI&5E 6/NGIT5DIN'/ !'GNETI'TIN

    (a) '>>lication J This method shall onl6 4e applied to detectdiscontinuities that are open to the sur3ace o3 the part.

    (b) 2hen the poles o3 a 6oe are placed on the sur3ace o3 a part;lines o3 3orce travel through the part 3rom one pole to the other.This magnetic 3ield extends out5ard; on either side 4e6ond animaginar6 line dra5n connecting the poles. These regions ma64e considered part o3 the accepta4le examination area 3or adistance not to exceed L o3 the pole spacing.

    (c) The ade?uac6 and direction o3 the magneti9ing current should 4everi3ied 46 using a Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle %ield Indicator3or each pole spacing that 5ill 4e used.

    (d) 'arger areas ma6 4e considered a3ter demonstrating ade?uatemagnetic 3lux at the extremes to 4e examined; using a Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle %ield Indicator as descri4ed in .-.(.-.

    (e) /agnetic particle examinations using the 6oe techni?ue shall 4econducted using the 3ollo5ing se?uential procedure:

    (1) Ensure that the poles are 3ree o3 3oreign material.

    (2) The area to 4e examined shall 4e magneti9ed locall6 46pressing the contact poles against the material.

    (3) Turn on magneti9ing current a3ter placement o3 the poles.Pole spacing shall 4e 4et5een - inches and maximumspacing used during 5eight li3t test.

    (f) %or the dr6 particle application ; dust the indicating po5der lightl6upon the examination sur3ace 4et5een the poles as is speci3iedin paragraph .-.(.. are3ull6 o4serve the examination sur3ace;5hile the current is on; 3or the 3ormation o3 indications during4oth application and removal o3 dr6 particles. Remove excessdr6 particles in a manner that does not remove lightl6 heldparticle patterns.

    (g) %or the 5et particle application ; appl6 the properl6 agitated 5etparticle 4ath upon the examination sur3ace 4et5een the poles asis speci3ied in paragraph .-.(.B. are3ull6 o4serve theexamination sur3ace; 5hile the current is on; 3or the 3ormation o3indications.

    (h) Turn o33 magneti9ing current. Remove poles. Record and maran6 relevant indications.

    0i1 Reposition the poles approximatel6 " and 3ollo5 the same

    procedure as a4ove; as applica4le.

    Note The re?uirement to turn o33 the magneti9ing current isnot applica4le 3or permanent magnetic 6oes.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 12 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    01 2here geometric con3iguration causes limitations; pole spacingless than three inches ma6 4e used provided the ade?uac6 anddirection o3 magneti9ation are veri3ied in accordance 5ithparagraph in .-.(.-.

    .-..) #$D TE)*NI&5E 6DIT$TED )I$)5/'$ !'GNETI'TIN

    (a) This techni?ue shall 4e used to detect sur3ace discontinuitiesand to some extent; near sur3ace discontinuities. $nl6 the dr6particle application method shall 4e used 5ith the prodtechni?ue.

    0!1 Direct or recti3ied magneti9ing current shall 4e used.

    0)1 The prod techni?ue shall not 4e used on machined sur3aces.

    (b) /agneti9ation is accomplished 46 the use o3 porta4le prod7t6peelectrical contacts pressed against the part sur3ace in the areasto 4e examined. A remote control s5itch; 5hich ma6 4e 4uilt intothe prod handles; shall 4e provided to prevent arcing 46permitting the current to 4e turned on a3ter the prods have 4een

    properl6 positioned; and turned o33 4e3ore the prods areremoved.

    (c) /aximum prod spacing shall 4e eight inches. Shorter spacingma6 4e used to meet the geometr6 o3 the area 4eing examinedor to increase sensitivit6. The area to 4e examined shall 4erestricted to the space 4et5een the prods; except 3or one7inchclosest to each prod. Prod spacing generall6 shall not 4e lessthan three inches since 4anding o3 the indicating medium ma6occur around the prod tips.

    0!1 The area su4ect to examination is also limited to amaximum distance o3 one73ourth o3 the spacing to either sideo3 an imaginar6 line connecting the prods.

    0)1 'arger areas ma6 4e considered a3ter demonstratingaccepta4le magnetic 3lux at the extremes to 4e examined;using the Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle %ield Indicator in.-.(.-.

    (d) The prod tips shall 4e ept clean and dressed; and the contactareas o3 the test sur3ace 3ree 3rom dirt; scale; oil; etc.; tominimi9e electrical arcing.

    0e1 The ade?uac6 and direction o3 the magneti9ing current should 4everi3ied 46 using a Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle %ield Indicator3or each prod spacing that 5ill 4e used. The amount o3magneti9ing current shall 4e 4ased on the prod spacing and partsection thicness. The 3ollo5ing re?uirements shall 4e used to

    calculate the re?uired amperage values:(1) %or section thicness less than -=(7inch; the magneti9ing

    current shall 4e " minimum to !!" maximum amp=inch o3prod spacing. There3ore; 3or a !=)7inch section thicness;using @7!=)7inch prod spacing; the re?uired magneti9ingcurrent 0amperage1 5ould 4e BA minimum to !Amaximum.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 13 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    (2) %or section thicness -=(7inch and greater; the magneti9ingcurrent shall 4e !"" minimum to !) maximum amp=inch o3prod spacing. There3ore; 3or a one7inch section thicness;using @7!=)7inch prod spacing; the re?uired magneti9ingcurrent 0amperage1 5ould 4e @"A minimum to B!)Amaximum.

    031 /agnetic particle examinations using the prod techni?ue shall 4econducted using the 3ollo5ing se?uential procedure:

    (1) The area to 4e examined shall 4e magneti9ed locall6 46pressing the electrical contact prods against examinationsur3ace.

    (2) Turn on magneti9ing current.

    (3) Dust the dr6 particles lightl6 upon the examination sur3ace4et5een the poles.

    (4) are3ull6 o4serve the examination sur3ace; 5hile thecurrent is on; 3or the 3ormation o3 indications during 4oth

    application and removal o3 dr6 particles. Remove excessdr6 particles in a manner; 5hich does not remove lightl6held particle patterns.

    (5) Turn o33 magneti9ing current. Remove prods. Record andmar an6 relevant indications.

    (6) Reposition the prods approximatel6 " and 3ollo5 the

    same procedure as a4ove.

    (7) are shall 4e taen to prevent local overheating o3 thesur3ace 4eing examined. Special attention must al5a6s 4egiven to the turning on o3 current a3ter placement o3 theprods; and the turning o33 the current 4e3ore removing prodsto avoid arcing.

    .-..- /NGIT5DIN'/ !'GNETI'TIN TE)*NI&5E

    (a) %or this techni?ue; magneti9ation is accomplished 46 passingcurrent through a multi7turn 3ixed coil 0or ca4les1 that is 5rappedaround the part or section o3 the part to 4e examined. Thisproduces a longitudinal magnetic 3ield parallel to the axis o3 thecoil.

    0!1 I3 a 3ixed; pre75ound coil is used; the part shall 4e placednear the side o3 the coil during inspection. This is o3 specialimportance 5hen the coil opening is more than !" times thecross7sectional area o3 the part.

    (b) /agnetic %ield Strength . 7 Direct or recti3ied current shall 4e

    used to magneti9e parts examined 46 this techni?ue. There?uired 3ield strength shall 4e calculated 4ased on the length 'and the diameter D o3 the part in accordance 5ith .-..- 0c1;.-..- 0d1; and .-..- 0e1. 'ong parts shall 4e examined insections not to exceed !B7inches; and !B7inches shall 4e used3or the part ' in calculating the re?uired 3ield strength. %or non7c6lindrical parts; D shall 4e the maximum cross7sectionaldiagonal.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 14 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    (c) Parts 5ith '=D Ratios E?ual to or Greater Than ( . J Themagneti9ing current shall 4e 5ithin !"H o3 the Ampere7turnsvalue determined as 3ollo5s:






    0!1 %or example; a part !"7inch long and )7inch diameter has an'=D ratio o3 . There3ore;

    turnsAmpere =+



    (d) Parts 2ith '=D Ratios 'ess Than ( 4ut Not 'ess Than ) . 7 Themagneti9ing ampere7turns shall 4e 5ithin !"H o3 the ampere7turns value determined as 3ollo5s:




    (e) I3 the area to 4e magneti9ed extends 4e6ond @7inches on eitherside o3 the coils; 3ield ade?uac6 shall 4e demonstrated using themagnetic 3ield indicator per in .-.(.-.

    Note: I3 the coil is in direct contact 5ith the part 4eingexamined; the next adacent examination shall include;5ithin the @7inches to the side o3 the coil; the area that5as previousl6 restricted 3rom vie5.

    (f) %or large parts due to si9e and shape; the magneti9ing currentshall 4e !)"" ampere7turns to ("" ampere7turns. The 3ieldade?uac6 shall 4e demonstrated using the magnetic 3ieldindicator in accordance 5ith in .-.(.-.

    (g) /agneti9ing urrent 7 The current re?uired to o4tain the

    necessar6 magneti9ing 3ield strength shall 4e determined 46dividing the ampere7turns; o4tained in paragraphs .-..- 0c1 and.-..- 0d1 a4ove; 46 the num4er o3 turns in the coil as 3ollo5s:



    = )(

    0!1 %or example; i3 a 7turn coil is used and the ampere7turnsre?uired are """; use:


    000,5%= ampers

    .-..( )I$)5/'$ !'GNETI'TIN TE)*NI&5E

    6a Direct )ontact TechniHue7 %or this techni?ue; passing currentthrough the part to 4e examined produces magneti9ation. Thisproduces a circular magnetic 3ield that is approximatel6perpendicular to the direction o3 current 3lo5 in the part.

    6 Direct or recti3ied 0hal375ave recti3ied or 3ull75ave recti3ied1magneti9ing current shall 4e used.

    0!1 The current shall 4e -"" amp=in. to B"" amp=in. o3 outerdiameter.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 19 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    0)1 Parts 5ith geometric shapes other than round 5ith thegreatest cross7sectional diagonal in a plane at right angles tothe current 3lo5; shall determine the inches to 4e used in.-..( 041 0!1; a4ove.

    0-1 I3 the current levels re?uired 3or .-..( 041 0!1 cannot 4e

    o4tained; the maximum current o4taina4le shall 4e used andthe 3ield ade?uac6 shall 4e demonstrated in accordance 5ithin .-.(.-.

    .-.. )ENT$'/ )ND5)T$ TE)*NI&5E

    0a1 %or this techni?ue; a central conductor is used to examine theinternal sur3aces o3 c6lindricall6 or ring7shaped parts. The centralconductor techni?ue ma6 also 4e used 3or examining the outsidesur3aces o3 these shapes.

    041 2here large diameter c6linders are to 4e examined; theconductor shall 4e positioned close to the internal sur3ace o3 thec6linder.

    0c1 2hen the conductor is not centered; the circum3erence o3 thec6linder shall 4e examined in increments. %ield strengthmeasurements in accordance 5ith the re?uirements o3 the 3irstparagraph under .( shall 4e used to determine the extent o3 thearc that ma6 4e examined 3or each conductor position. *ars orca4les; passed through the 4ore o3 a c6linder; ma6 4e used toinduce circular magneti9ation.

    0d1 /agneti9ing urrent. The 3ield strength re?uired shall 4e e?ual tothat determined 46 the -""7amp=in. to B""7amp=in rules; 3or asingle7turn central conductor. The magnetic 3ield 5ill increase inproportion to the num4er o3 times the central conductor ca4lepasses through a hollo5 part.

    0!1 %or example; i3 @""" amperes are re?uired to examine a partusing a single central conductor; then -""" amperes arere?uired 5hen ) turns o3 the through7ca4le are used; and!)"" amperes are re?uired i3 turns are used 0See'ttachment 31.

    0e1 $33set entral onductor. 2hen the conductor passing throughthe inside o3 the part is placed against an inside 5all o3 the part;the current levels; as given in .-..( 0410!1 shall appl6; exceptthat the diameter used 3or current calculations shall 4e the sumo3 the diameter o3 the central conductor and t5ice the 5allthicness. The distance along the part circum3erence 0exterior1that is e33ectivel6 magneti9ed shall 4e taen as 3our times thediameter o3 the central conductor; as illustrated in 'ttachment

    2'. The entire circum3erence shall 4e inspected 46 rotating thepart on the conductor; allo5ing 3or approximatel6 a !"Hmagnetic 3ield overlap.

    031 2hen the central conductor techni?ue is used; magnetic 3ieldade?uac6 shall 4e veri3ied using a Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle%ield Indicator in .-.(.-.

    .-.@ INTE$#$ET'TIN ( EV'/5'TIN

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 1; of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    .-.@.! Discontinuities on or near the sur3ace are indicated 46 retention o3 theexamination medium. &o5ever; locali9ed sur3ace irregularities dueto machining mars; magnetic permea4ilit6 variations or othersur3ace conditions ma6 produce 3alse indications.

    .-.@.) The interpretation shall identi36 i3 an indication is 3alse; nonrelevant; or

    relevant. %alse and nonrelevant indications shall 4e proven as 3alseor nonrelevant. Interpretation shall 4e carried out to identi36 thelocations o3 indications and the character o3 the indication.

    [email protected] An6 indication that is 4elieved to 4e non7relevant shall 4e regarded as ade3ect until the indication is eliminated 46 sur3ace conditioning andreexamined; evaluated 46 other nondestructive means anddemonstrated to 4e nonrelevant; or reexamined to veri36 5hether ornot actual detects are present.

    .-.@.( *road areas o3 particle accumulation; 5hich might mas indications 3romdiscontinuities; are prohi4ited and such areas shall 4e cleaned andreexamined.

    .-.@. '8 D1%1 - !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E INDI)'TIN EV'/5'TIN

    (a) The magnetic particle acceptance criteria in Attachment - are4ased on the si9e o3 the actual discontinuit6 and not the si9e o3the discontinuit6 as indicated 46 the magnetic particle7indicatingmedium. 2hen sur3ace discontinuities are revealed 46magnetic7particle means; acceptance shall 4e 4ased on a directvisual measurement o3 the actual discontinuit6.

    (b) 2here the discontinuit6 cannot 4e visuall6 seen 05ithmagni3ication i3 re?uired1 a3ter removal o3 the indicating medium;evaluation shall 4e 4ased on the si9e and nature o3 the magneticparticle indications.

    (c) %or su4sur3ace discontinuities; the evaluation must 4e 4ased onthe si9e o3 the discontinuit6 indication 4ecause the discontinuit6is not accessi4le.

    .-.@.@ '!E E)TIN VIII DIV% 1 - !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E INDI)'TINEV'/5'TIN

    0a1 Except as other5ise stated 3or '>>endix 2; in .-.@.@ 0g14elo5; magnetic particle indications shall 4e evaluated per thecriteria in paragraph .-.@.@ 041:

    041 An indication is the evidence o3 a mechanical imper3ection. $nl6indications; 5hich have an6 dimension greater that !=!@7inch;shall 4e considered relevant.

    0c1 A linear indication is one having a length greater than three timesthe 5idth.

    0d1 A rounded indication is one o3 circular or elliptical shape 5ith alength e?ual to or less than three times its 5idth.

    0e1 An indication o3 an imper3ection ma6 4e larger than theimper3ection that causes it8 ho5ever; the si9e o3 the indication isthe 4asis 3or acceptance evaluation.

    031 An6 ?uestiona4le or dou4t3ul indications shall 4e reexamined todetermine 5hether the6 are relevant.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 17 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    0g1 Appendix )@ 7 Pressure ,essel and &eat Exchanger Expansion+oints; paragraph )@7 0*ase /etal and 2elds1

    0!1 Indications shall 4e evaluated 4ased on paragraph .-.@.@041; except; an6 linear indication 3ound 46 examination shall4e considered relevant i3 the dimension exceeds t m=(; 4ut not

    less than "."!"7inch; 5here tm is the minimum 4ello5s 5allthicness 4e3ore 3orming in inches.

    .-.@. '!E .31%1 'ND .31%3 - !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E INDI)'TINEV'/5'TIN

    (a) Relevant indications are those; 5hich result 3rom mechanicaldiscontinuities.

    (b) '!E .31%1 nl= J Indications; 5hich have an6; dimensiongreater than !=!@7inch; shall 4e considered relevant. '!E.31%3 indications are not limited on sie%

    (c) A linear indication is one having a length e?ual to or greater thanthree times the 5idth.

    (d) A rounded indication is one o3 circular or elliptical shape 5ith alength less than three times its 5idth.

    (e) An indication o3 an imper3ection ma6 4e larger than theimper3ection that causes it8 ho5ever; the si9e o3 the indication isthe 4asis 3or acceptance evaluation.

    .-. '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I'

    .-..! #nless other5ise stated in the governing 5or instructions;acceptance criteria shall 4e per the applica4le code or standard as3ollo5s:

    (a) A2S D!.! - 'ttachment B '

    (b) AS/E Section ,III; Division ! 7 'ttachment B .(c) AS/E *-!.! 7 'ttachment B )

    (d) AS/E *-!.- 7 'ttachment - D

    .-.B DE!'GNETI'TIN

    .-.B.! 2hen re?uired 46 design; dra5ing or 5hen residual magnetism in thepart could inter3ere 5ith su4se?uent processing or usage; the partshall 4e demagneti9ed a3ter completion o3 the examination. $ne o3the 3ollo5ing techni?ues shall 4e used:

    (a) 2ithdra5al 3rom an A 3ield Items are inserted into an A coilthat has a 3ield strength; e?ual to or greater than that used 3ormagneti9ing the item. The part shall 4e slo5l6 and completel6

    5ithdra5n 3rom the in3luence o3 such a 3ield prior to 4e 3ield 4eingturned o33.

    (b) Alternativel6; the coil ma6 4e moved 5ith respect to the part in amanner that each portion o3 the part experiences a maximum A3ield graduall6 decreasing to 9ero 3ield strength.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 1 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    (c) Decreasing A %ield : The item shall 4e demagneti9ed 46magneti9ing in an A 3ield; e?ual to or greater than that used 3orthe examination. The A current shall 4e reduced in smallincrements to a negligi4le 0near 9ero1 value. This decrease incurrent shall 4e accomplished in at least ) small; nearl6 e?ualsteps.

    (d) Reducing; Reversing D %ield : The item shall 4e demagneti9ed46 magneti9ing in a D 3ield; e?ual to or greater than that used3or the examination. The polarit6 o3 the 3ield shall then 4ereversed; and the 3ield strength reduced in increments; thepolarit6 4eing reversed 3or each increment. At least ) small;nearl6 e?ual increments shall 4e used.

    (e) 2ithdra5al %rom an A %ield 0Foe1 To demagneti9e localareas o3 large parts; place the poles on the part sur3ace andappl6 current. /ove the 6oe around the sur3ace area and thenslo5l6 5ithdra5 5hile the 6oe is still energi9ed.

    .-. #T E

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 1C of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    @.- AS/E Section ,III; Division !; 'atest Edition and Addenda

    @.( A2S D!.! Structural 2elding ode; 'atest Edition and Addenda

    @. AS/E *-!.! and *-!.- Piping odes; 'atest Edition and Addenda

    7.0 $E)$D

    .! The Site >A=> Supervision or the Proect >A=> oordinator shall 4e responsi4le 3ormaintaining the NDE records; i3 re?uired; in accordance 5ith the speci3ic site or proectre?uirements.

    8.0 'TT')*!ENT

    B.! Attachment ! /agnetic Particle Examination Report.

    B.) Attachment ) Pie7Shaped /agnetic Particle %ield Indicator

    B.- Attachment )A E33ective Region o3 Examination 2hen #sing An $33set entral onductor

    B.( Attachment - Single7Turn < T5o7Turn entral onductor Techni?ue

    B. Attachment ( Determination o3 ,isi4le Particle oncentration

    B.@ Attachment Se?uence and Time o3 Examination

    B. Attachment A A2S D!.! 7 Acceptance riteria

    B.B Attachment * AS/E Section ,III Division ! 7 Acceptance riteria

    B. Attachment AS/E *-!.! 7 Acceptance riteria

    B.!" Attachment D AS/E *-!.- 7 Acceptance riteria

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 20 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT 1 - !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E E 2 ther pere&r!+ Col+: C @alf a'e Rectfed &ll a'e RectfedC pere+ rect Co!tact:: C @alf a'e Rectfed &ll a'e RectfedC pere+ Ce!tral Co!d&ctor: C C @alf a'e RectfedC &ll a'e RectfedC pere+

    p+/=!ch A;te!t of Co'erage $er Co!d&ctor $o+to! 9o8e: C C $era!e!t -ag!et ate #ft e+t $erfored: -a!&fact&rer: -odel: $ole *pac!g: eght t

    Lig#tig Lig#t Meter

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 21 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    Report No.: Cle!t: Examiatio Re"ult" Cotiue&

    Part%Wel& I&eti'i!atio A!!ept Ree!t Liear Legt# Alige& Rou&e& Dia Commet"


    Page ) o3 OO

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 22 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT 2 - #IE-*'#ED !'GNETI) #'$TI)/E IE/D INDI)'T$

    2hen placed on the part; in the area 4eing examined; a suita4le 3lux or 3ield strength is indicated5hen a clearl6 de3ined line o3 magnetic particles 3orms across the copper 3ace o3 the indicator 5henthe magnetic particles are applied simultaneousl6 5ith the magnetic 3orce. 2hen a clearl6 de3ined

    line o3 particles is not 3ormed; or is not 3ormed in the desired direction; the magneti9ing techni?ueshall 4e changed or adusted.

    'TT')*!ENT 2'

    The Effective $e"ion of Examination 8hen 5sin" 'n ffset )entral )onductor

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 23 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT 3 - ING/E-T5$N : T8-T5$N )ENT$'/ )ND5)T$ TE)*NI&5E

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 24 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT 4 - DETE$!IN'TIN VII./E #'$TI)/E )N)ENT$'TIN

    The 3ollo5ing tests 3or 5et magnetic particle suspensions should 4e conducted at startup and at regular

    intervals; not to exceed eight hours; to assure consistent per3ormance for non->re>ared ath materials:

    1%0 DETE$!INING .'T* )N)ENT$'TIN

    1 *ath concentration is determined 46 measuring its settling volume through the use o3 a Test/ethod D @ pear7shaped centri3uge tu4e 5ith a !7m' stem 0"."7m' divisions1 3or3luorescent particle suspensions.

    2 The magnetic particle suspension shall 4e thoroughl6 mixed to ensure that there is no settleout o3 particles in the 4ath on the sides or 4ottom o3 the container.

    3 Tae a !""7m' portion o3 the suspension 3rom the hose or no99le; demagneti9e and allo5 itto settle 3or approximatel6 @" minutes 5ith petroleum distillate suspensions or -" minutes5ith 5ater74ased suspensions 4e3ore reading. The volume settling out at the 4ottom o3the tu4e is indicative o3 the particle concentration in the 4ath.

    2%0 '!#/E INTE$#$ET'TIN

    ).! I3 the 4ath concentration is lo5 in particle content; add a su33icient amount o3 particlematerials to o4tain the desired concentration. I3 the suspension is high in particlecontent; add su33icient vehicle to o4tain the desired concentration.

    ).!.! I3 the settled particles appear to 4e loose agglomerates rather than a solid la6er;tae a second sample. I3 still agglomerated; the particles ma6 have 4ecomemagneti9ed8 replace the suspension.

    3 ETT/ING V/5!E

    -.! %or 5et visi4le particles; the recommended settling volume is 3rom !.) to ).( m' in a !""7m' 4ath sample; unless other5ise speci3ied 46 the particle manu3acturer.

    4 )NT'!I'TIN(.! Non-fluorescent sus>ensionsshall 4e checed periodicall6 3or contaminants such as dirt;

    scale; oil; lint; 5ater 0in the case o3 oil suspensions1; and particle agglomerates 5hich canadversel6 a33ect the per3ormance o3 the magnetic particle examination process. The test3or contamination shall 4e per3ormed at least once per 5ee; during examination periods.

    (.) #article )ontamination. The graduated portion o3 the tu4e shall 4e examined under visi4lelight 3or striations or 4ands; di33erences in color or appearance. *ands or striations ma6indicate contamination. I3 the total volume o3 the contaminates; including 4rands orstriations exceed -"H o3 the volume magnetic particles; or i3 the li?uid is noticea4l63luorescent; the 4ath shall 4e replaced.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 29 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT 9 - E&5EN)E 'ND TI!E Eection of !aterials >ara"ra>h 5G-C3 6d63 6.ase !aterial

    3%1%1 2hen speci3ied 46 engineering speci3ication0s1 or dra5ing0s1; pressure parts5elded to a 3lat plate thicer than K inch to 3orm a corner oint under theprovision o3 #27!- 0e1; the 5eld oint preparation in the 3lat plate shall 4eexamined efore Aeldin" as speci3ied in -.!.- 4elo5 46 the appropriatemagnetic particle examination methods.

    3%1%2 'fter Aeldin"; 4oth the peripheral edge o3 the 3lat plate and an6 remainingexposed sur3ace o3 the 5eld oint preparation shall 4e reexamined 46 theappropriate magnetic particle examination method as speci3ied in -.!.- 4elo5.

    3%1%3 %or i"ure 58-13%2the 5eld oint preparation and the peripheral edges o3 3latplate 3orming a corner oint shall 4e examined as 3ollo5s:

    3%1%3%1 The 5eld edge preparation o3 t6pical 5eld oint preparations in the

    3lat plate as sho5n in setches 041; 0c1; 0d1; 031; and 0n18

    3%1%3%2 The outside peripheral edge o3 the 3lat plate a3ter 5elding as sho5nin setches 0a1; 041; 0c1; and 0d18

    3%1%3%3 The outside peripheral edge o3 the 3lat plate a3ter 5elding; as sho5nin setches 0e1; 031; and 0g1 i3 the distance 3rom the edge o3 thecompleted 5eld to the peripheral edge o3 the 3lat plate is less thanthe thicness o3 the 3lat plate such as de3ined in #G7-( 0418

    3%1%3%4 The inside peripheral sur3ace o3 the 3lat plate a3ter 5elding as sho5nin setches 0m1 and 0n18

    3%1%3%9 No examination is re?uired on the 3lat plate as sho5n in setches 0h1;0i1; 01; 01; and 0l1.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 2; of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    -.) '!E ection VIII #art 5*T - erritic teel Vessels >ara"ra>h 5*T-97 6Nole'ttachment 8elds verla= 8elds and all other 8elds includin" Aelds forattachin" non->ressure >arts to heat treated steels

    3%2%1 2hen speci3ied 46 engineering speci3ication0s1 or dra5ing0s1; 5elds shall 4eexamined 46 the appropriate magnetic particle method; as 3ollo5s:

    3%2%1%1 No99le Attachment 2elds . i"ure 5*T-1%2t6pe no99les having aninside diameter o3 ) in. or less shall 4e examined. %or no99leattachments illustrated as setches 0a1; 041; and 031 o3 i"ure% 5*T-1%2; the exposed cross section o3 the vessel 5all at the openingshall 4e included in the examination.

    3%2%1%2 All 3erromagnetic 5elds; including 5elds 3or attaching non7pressureparts to heat treated steels covered 46 Part #&T; shall 4e examineda3ter the h6drostatic test; except that those sur3aces not accessi4lea3ter the h6drostatic test shall 4e examined at the last 3easi4le stageo3 vessel 3a4rication. A magneti9ation method shall 4e used that 5illavoid arc stries.

    -.- '!E ection VIII #art 5*T - erritic teel Vessels >ara"ra>h 5*T-9 6tructural

    and Tem>orar= 8eld

    3%3%1 2hen speci3ied in the engineering speci3ication0s1 or dra5ing0s1; temporar65elds and 5eld repairs shall 4e inspected as 3ollo5s:

    3%3%1%1 Temporar6 5elds shall 4e removed and the metal sur3ace shall 4erestored to a smooth contour. The area shall 4e inspected 46 theappropriate magnetic particle method 3or the detection andelimination o3 cracs.

    3%3%1%2 I3 repair 5elding is re?uired; the 3inished 5eld sur3ace shall 4einspected 46 the appropriate magnetic particle method 3or thedetection and elimination o3 cracs.

    -.( '!E ection VIII '>>endix 2; - #ressure Vessel and *eat Exchan"er Ex>ansion

    ,oints >ara"ra>h 2;-9 6.ase !etal and 8elds

    3%4%1 2hen speci3ied in the engineering speci3ication0s1 or dra5ing0s1; all expansionoint 3lexi4le elementsand 5elds shall 4e examined as 3ollo5s:

    3%4%1%1 All expansion oint 3lexi4le elements shall 4e visuall6 examined 3orand shall 4e 3ree o3 inurious de3ects; such as notches; crevices;material 4uildup or upsetting; 5eld spatter; etc.; 5hich ma6 serve aspoints o3 local stress concentrations. us>ect surface areas shall4e 3urther examined 46 the appropriate magnetic particleexamination method.

    3%4%1%2 All 3ull penetration 4utt7t6pe 5elds shall 4e examined !""H on theinside and outside sur3aces 46 the appropriate magnetic particlemethods efore formin". This examination shall 4e repeated after

    formin" to the maximum extent possi4le considering the ph6sicaland visual access to the 5eld sur3aces a3ter 3orming.

    3%4%1%3 The circum3erential attachment 5elds 4et5een the 4ello5s and the5eld ends shall 4e examined !""H 46 the appropriate magneticparticle examination method%

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 27 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    4.0 '!E tandard .31%3

    (.! )ha>ter VI BIns>ection Examination and Testin" >ara"ra>h 341%4%3 6oc+et and.ranch )onnection 8elds in ever )=clic ervice

    4%1%1 2hen speci3ied in the engineering speci3ication0s1 or dra5ing0s1; socet 5eldsand 4ranch connection 5elds; 5hich are not radiographed; shall 4e examined 46the appropriate magnetic particle method.

    (.) )ha>ter VI BIns>ection Examination and Testin" >ara"ra>h 349%C%1 6Examinationof 8elds in lieu of *=drostatic or #neumatic /ea+ Testin"

    4%2%1 2hen engineering determined the h6drostatic; pneumatic or a com4inationh6drostatic7pneumatic lea test to 4e impractica4le; piping 5elds shall 4eexamined as 3ollo5s:

    4%2%1%1 All 5elds; including structural attachment 5elds; not covered 46!""H radiograph6; shall 4e examined 46 the appropriate magneticparticle method%

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 2 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    0ontinued on Next Page1

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 2C of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    E&5EN)E 'ND TI!E E

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 30 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    E&5EN)E 'ND TI!E E

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 31 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT ' - '8 D1%1 - '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I'

    '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I' $ T'TI)'//@ /'DED NNT5.5/'$ )NNE)TIN

    2elds that are su4ect to /agnetic Particle Examination shall have no cracs and shall 4e

    accepta4le i3:

    0a1 Thorough 3usion exists 4et5een adacent la6ers o3 5eld metal and 4et5een 5eld metal and the4ase metal.

    041 omplete oint penetration groove 5elds in 4utt oints transverse to the direction o3 computedtensile stress shall have no visi4le piping porosit6. %or all other groove 5elds and 3or 3illet5elds; the sum o3 the visi4le piping porosit6 !=-) inch or greater shall not exceed -=B inch inan6 linear inch o3 5eld and shall not exceed inch in an6 !)7inch length o3 5eld.

    '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I' $ )@)/I)'//@ /'DED NNT5.5/'$ )NNE)TIN

    2elds that are su4ect to /agnetic Particle Examination shall have no cracs and shall 4e

    accepta4le i3:

    0a1 Thorough 3usion exists 4et5een adacent la6ers o3 5eld metal and 4et5een 5eld metal and the4ase metal.

    041 The 3re?uenc6 o3 piping porosit6 in 3illet 5elds shall not exceed one in each ( inches o3 5eldlength and the maximum diameter shall not exceed -=-) inch. Exce>tion: 3or 3illet 5eldsconnecting sti33eners to 5e4; the sum o3 the diameters o3 piping porosit6 shall not exceed -=Binch in an6 linear inch o3 5eld and shall not exceed inch in an6 !)7inch length o3 5eld.

    0c1 omplete oint penetration groove 5elds in 4utt oints transverse to the direction o3 computedtensile stress shall have no piping porosit6. %or all other groove 5elds; the 3re?uenc6 o3 piping

    porosit6 shall not exceed one in (7inch o3 length and the maximum diameter shall not exceed-=-) inch.

    '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I' $ T5.5/'$ )NNE)TIN 6'// /'D

    2elds that are su4ect to /agnetic Particle Examination shall have no cracs and shall 4e

    accepta4le i3:

    0a1 Thorough 3usion exists 4et5een adacent la6ers o3 5eld metal and 4et5een 5eld metal and the4ase metal.

    041 The sum o3 diameters o3 piping porosit6 in 3illet 5elds does not exceed -=B inch in an6 linearinch o3 5eld and does not exceed inch in an6 !)7inch length o3 5eld.

    0c1 omplete oint penetration groove 5elds in 4utt oints transverse to the direction o3 computedtensile stress shall have no piping porosit6. %or all other groove 5elds; piping porosit6 shall notexceed -=B inch in an6 linear inch o3 5eld and shall not exceed inch in an6 !)7inch length o35eld.

    Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most currentrevision of this document.

  • 8/12/2019 06 -Visual Mt (Manual) Tgi-nde07.00 Rev. 3


    Technical Guideline TGI-NDE07%00 #a"e 32 of 32Visile !a"netic #article Examination $ev% 3 1-,ul-07

    'TT')*!ENT . - '!E E)TIN VIII DIVIIN 1 - '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I'

    All sur3aces to 4e examined shall 4e 3ree o3:

    0a1 relevant linear indication8

    041 relevant rounded indication greater than -=!@ inch8

    0c1 3our or more rounded indications in a line separated 46 !=!@ inch or less 0edge to edge1.

    Part #&T; paragraphs #&T7 and #&T7B. In additions to the re?uirements o3 paragraph !.";

    magnetic particle indications detected and evaluated as crac+s; are unaccepta4le regardless o3length; i3 detected on %erritic Steel ,essel 2elds.

    'TT')*!ENT ) - '!E .31%1 - '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I'

    The 3ollo5ing relevant indications are unaccepta4le:

    0a1 An6 crac or linear indication8041 Rounded indication 5ith dimensions greater than -=!@ inch8

    0c1 %our or more rounded indications in a line separated 46 !=!@ inch or less 0edge to edge18

    0d1 Ten or more rounded indications in an6 @ s?uare inches o3 sur3ace 5ith the maor dimension o3this area not to exceed @ inches. This measurement is to 4e taen in the most un3avora4lelocation relative to the indications 4eing evaluated.

    'TT')*!ENT D - '!E .31%3 - '))E#T'N)E )$ITE$I'

    The 3ollo5ing relevant indications are unaccepta4le:

    0a1 racs are not accepta4le in 5elds.