08 pricing preamble pp1-21

PROPOSED SUPREME COURT AT AL GHUBRA MAIN CONTRACT PRICING PREAMBLES PRICING PREAMBLES GENERALLY Principles of Measurement A These Bill of Quantities have been measured in accordance with the rules of the Principles of Measurement (International) for Works of Construction (June 1979) as prepared by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Notwithstanding this, the following are offered only as amplification or clarification to billed descriptions. Rates to be comprehensive B The rates for each item of measured work must be comprehensive and must include for complying with the details on the drawings, description in the Specification and the Bill of Quantities, cover all the obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper construction, completion and maintenance of the works. No claims for additional payment will be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor of the work involved. C All requirements of the Specification are deemed to be included in the items of the Bill of Quantities. Any discrepancies should be notified in writing and resolved prior to submission of Tenders. D The rates for each item must allow for complying in all respects with the requirements as stated above and include for all the following: (i) Labour and all costs in connection. (ii) Materials and goods including all costs in connection. (iii) Fixing materials and goods in their final position including hoisting to any height or lowering to any depth. (iv) Provision of plant, equipment and tools and all costs PP/1 Milcris Pvt. Ltd

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Principles of Measurement

A These Bill of Quantities have been measured in accordance with the rules of the Principles of Measurement (International) for Works of Construction (June 1979) as prepared by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Notwithstanding this, the following are offered only as amplification or clarification to billed descriptions.

Rates to be comprehensive

B The rates for each item of measured work must be comprehensive and must include for complying with the details on the drawings, description in the Specification and the Bill of Quantities, cover all the obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper construction, completion and maintenance of the works. No claims for additional payment will be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor of the work involved.

C All requirements of the Specification are deemed to be included in the items of the Bill of Quantities. Any discrepancies should be notified in writing and resolved prior to submission of Tenders.

D The rates for each item must allow for complying in all respects with the requirements as stated above and include for all the following:

(i) Labour and all costs in connection.

(ii) Materials and goods including all costs in connection.

(iii) Fixing materials and goods in their final position including hoisting to any height or lowering to any depth.

(iv) Provision of plant, equipment and tools and all costs in connection.

(v) Temporary works if not measured separately.

(vi) Working at any depth or height

(vii) Establishment charges, overheads and profit

E Costs relating to items in the Bill of Quantities which are not priced will be deemed to have been included elsewhere.

F Where the word 'allow' occurs the cost of the items shall be at the risk of the Contractor.

Units of measurement

G The units of measurement are the S. I. metric system.

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Units of measurement (Cont’d.)

A In the Bill of Quantities the following abbreviations have been used:

mm or MM millimetrem or M linear metrem2 or M2 square metrem3 or M3 cubic metreNo or no or Nr numberKG or Kg kilogrammeN Newtonst tonnesHr or hr hour


B All quantities will be the net measurement as fixed in position. The Contractor must allow in his rates for all laps, waste and trade or any traditional allowances.

C The Contractor shall not use the quantities in the Tender Documents as a basis for ordering materials.

Description generally

D The descriptions contained in the Bill of Quantities have been drafted in order to provide information of the quantities of work to enable tenders to be prepared efficiently and accurately and to provide use for the valuation of work executed.

E Work has been itemised in sufficient detail for it to be possible to distinguish between the different classes of work and between work of the same nature carried out in different locations of the site, or in other circumstances which may give rise to different considerations of cost.

F The descriptions identify the work covered by the respective items, but the exact nature and extent of the work is to be ascertained from the Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents as the case may be and read in conjunction with the work description.


G The Tender shall be deemed to allow for the requirements of the Specification, Tender Drawings and Bill of Quantities, all of which form part of the Tender Documents. Any discrepancies between the descriptions in the Bill of Quantities, the Specification and/or the Tender Drawings, shall be referred to the Engineer for a ruling as to the exact nature and scope of the works. However in such an eventuality then the rates and pricing shall be deemed to relate to the documents order of precedence set out in the ‘Form of Agreement’ i.e., Drawing, Specification, the Bill of Quantities.

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Attendance on Nominated Sub-Contractors

A The expression 'Add for attendance' in respect of Nominated Sub Contractors supplying and fixing goods and materials as used hereinafter shall be deemed to include on the part of the Contractor the following:-

(1) Allowing free use of scaffolding, mess rooms, sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities, providing office accommodation and sheds for storage of plant and materials inclusive of necessary lighting, power, providing light and water for their work, use of temporary works, all civil works and clearing away all rubbish. If the Contractor should strike off any scaffolding before ascertaining whether it is required by any Sub-Contractor he will have to re-erect it, if so required, at his own expense.

(2) (a) Provision of all transport for labour, plant and materials at site.

(b) (i) Taking delivery to the site of all materials, plant, equipment and tools.

(ii) Removal and placing in suitable store, stacking or placing adjacent to the works or under cover, as appropriate, where the nature of the materials is such that they may be damaged by inclement weather

(iii) Supplying full size setting out templates and giving and marking dimensions and taking responsibility for their accuracy

(iv) Other necessary and usual facilities, documentation, general inter-trade attendance, labour and assistance.

(c) Provision of all necessary labour and plant for general assistance in unloading, hoisting and distributing materials and plant for Nominated Sub-Contractors, for the provision of all necessary information and assistance, for setting out and for the provision of adequate and proper working space.

(d) Provision of electric power and water.

(e) Provision of all general facilities and supplies inclusive of fuels for testing of Nominated Sub-Contractor's work.

(f) Obtaining any necessary security passes, access approvals, identity cards and the like for Nominated Sub-Contractor’s personnel.

(g) Protection of the Nominated Sub-Contractor’s works after completion and acceptance by the Main Contractor of the same from the Nominated Sub-Contractor.

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Attendance on Nominated Sub-Contractors (Cont’d)

(3) The Contractor shall obtain from Nominated Sub Contractors their requirements for and carry out work involved in forming recesses, chases, holes and the like so that these may be formed correctly as the work proceeds. In the event of the Contractor failing to obtain and/or use this information, no extra charges shall be allowed for cutting recesses, chases, holes and the like and making good after incomplete or partially completed work.

The amounts to be set against 'profit' on work executed by Nominated Sub-Contractors are also to include for overheads and all additional fees and charges in connection with letters of credit, bank charges and interest.

Provisional Sums

A The amounts to be set against Provisional Sums for imported goods or materials are the nett C.I.F. value.

Fixing only goods and materials

B The expression 'Fix only' as used hereinafter in connection with goods or materials provided by a Nominated Sub-Contractor supplying only goods and materials shall be deemed to include on the part of the Contractor for his overheads and profit, taking delivery, paying all landing costs and transporting to site, unloading, getting in, stacking or storing under cover where the nature of the materials is such that they may be damaged by exposure to the weather, the full cost or replacing all items that are damaged, broken, lost or stolen from the time that the Contractor accepts delivery of the items until the works are handed over to the Employer, taking from store, distributing on site, handling, hoisting and fixing in position.

C The rates for 'Fix only' for materials expressly described as supplied by the Employer shall be deemed to include on the part of the Contractor for allowing for overheads, profit, the full cost of replacing all items that are damaged, broken, lost or stolen from the time that the Contractor has accepted delivery of the items until the works are handed over to the Employer, unloading at site, getting in, stacking or storing under cover where the nature of the materials is such that they may be damaged by exposure to the weather, taking from store, distributing on site, handling, hoisting and fixing in position.


D Rates are to include for protection of the works as necessary during construction and for handing over the works in a clean and undamaged condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer at completion.

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Demolitions Generally

A The rates for demolition, taking down, removing etc. shall include for all necessary temporary supports, wedging, pinning etc. and for taking all necessary precautions to provide a safe sequence of working, use of suitable plant and equipment, making good the areas thus disturbed if so required and for removing all debris from site, except the materials, equipment, fittings etc. which are specifically stated to be carefully removed and handed over to the Employer all as directed by the Engineer.

B Rates are to include for the full protection of those parts of the building which are to remain including the provision of dust covers, canvass or polythene cover, safe access and the like. Any damage caused to existing structure or finishes shall be made good to the Engineers approval.


Excavations Generally

C All Excavation disposal, filling, stone, gravel, sand and the like will be measured net area on plan and the rates must allow or include for any bulking, compaction, over break and also for any necessary additional excavation and backfilling for placing of Supports and shuttering and all other working space and access to working areas.

Excess excavations

D All excavations carried out by the Contractor beyond the limits shown on drawings for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to:-

(a) errors in setting out or machine control

(b) for the purpose of working space or access to work areas

(c) for providing self supporting cuttings or benching (Which shall in any way be to the slopes as approved by the Engineer) in order to save on the earthwork supports.

will all be classified as "excess excavations."

All such "excess excavations" shall be reinstated using approved fill material and in accordance with the specification requirements for compacted filling. The costs of such excess excavations and backfilling of same as above are deemed to be included in the contractor’s rates for earthworks.

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A 'Strip surface material' shall be measured as the plan surface area to the nominal thickness and over the areas covered by the permanent works as shown on the Drawings. The rate shall include for the removal of vegetation, and loose cobbles and boulders.

B The rates for excavation are to include for excavating by whatever means as necessary, including hand excavation, in any type of ground including boulderised ground, but not including rock, whether above or below water table level. Excavating trenches and pits or foundations, column bases and the like will be measured commencing from reduced levels and not from existing levels where formation levels are below existing levels, and commencing from existing levels and not 'made up' levels of above existing levels.

C Unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities 'Excavation' may be in open cut, foundation or trench.

D Unsound material below formation excavated, subject to the written instructions of the Engineer, shall be measured as the volume of actual excavation below the formation level shown on the Drawings.

E The rates for excavation are to include for trimming, levelling or grading to slopes and falls, ramming and compacting sides and bottoms of excavations, preparation of sub grade/formation as specified and stockpiling excavated material as required.

Costs of preparing records of ground levels and topography; providing and maintaining proper markers and profile rails; supporting excavations; making good slips, falls and excavations for working space or any other reason; trimming surfaces of excavations fill and embankments; making allowance for settlement or heave; location marking and shaping of disposal heaps; keeping the Works and excavations dry; blasting in excavation or quarry; storage of explosives; haul; placing materials by hand; preparing plans of earthwork operations; stockpiling and double handling resulting from use of excavated materials for fill are deemed to be included in the rates for earthworks.


F Rock is any material met which is, in the opinion of the Engineer, of such size or position that it must be broken up by means of wedges, pneumatic tools, explosives, or other special plant, but not excavators, rippers etc., before it can be removed and, isolated solid boulders if the volume of any such boulder exceeds 1.0 m3 (except that this volume shall be 0.3 m3

if the net width of excavation is less than 2.0 m).

G The rates for rock excavation must include for any additional trimming or appropriate backfilling to provide the specified or approved formation and profile necessitated by the uneven breaking up of the rock, finishing to slopes or falls, cleaning rocky surfaces by mechanical plant, taking all measures to prevent loose rock particles falling off until permanent protection works are complete.

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A The rates for backfilling selected excavated material and for stone, gravel, sand and other granular filling, surfacing and the like are to include for grading to slopes and falls, hand-packing to form vertical or battered faces, and for forming sinking.

B The rates for backfilling selected excavated material are also to include for treating and selection of suitable material prior to backfilling, proper compaction in layers, with control of moisture content, all in accordance with relevant clauses of the Earthwork Specification.

C 'Fill' other than for fill in making up levels shall be measured by volume between the original undisturbed ground surface and the final surface shown on the drawings or ordered by the Engineer.

D 'Fill' in making up levels shall be measured by volume between the limits of excavation and the various lines and levels and dimensions shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. Provision shall be made in rates to allow for scarifying and compaction of the stripped/prepared formation or previous layer of fill on which further fill material is to be placed and finishing the fill to the required slopes or falls.

The rates for all filling and surfacing, except suitable selected and treated backfilled excavated material, are to include for approved imported materials or materials from borrow areas. All measurements for filling will be for the nett measurement as per drawings without any allowance for bulking or working space excavations.


E Rates for loading and removal of surplus or unsuitable material from site shall include for multiple handling, loading to trucks and removal from site, unloading, spreading and levelling in approved dump areas, all as directed by the Engineer.

Rip-rap and Protection beds

F The preceding and following clauses of all Trades shall apply equally to relevant items included in this Bill.

Gabion works

G Measurement of gabions shall be based on the installed area in gabion boxes of the stated thickness and of sizes suitable for the location and as approved. The rates shall include for galvanised steel gabion boxes filled with suitably graded stones, tie wire, preparation of the formation and finishing to lines and levels as required.

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Poured concrete

A The rates for poured concrete are to include for mixing, placing and compacting in work of any sectional area of thickness, for forming any constructional joints including kickers and any necessary shuttering, for finishing to slopes and falls not exceeding 15 degrees from horizontal, for tamping or leaving the surface ready for screeds or paving, and for curing and protecting.

B The rates for poured concrete are to include for cutting or forming chases, rebates, throats, splays, chamfers and grooves not exceeding 0.0025 square meters in sectional area, for cutting or forming all holes, opening, mortices and pockets not exceeding 0.125 m3

(including those required for pipes, conduits, ducting, metal sections and the like), and for all subsequent making good or grouting in cement mortar.

C The rates for plain (unreinforced) concrete below formation level are to include for all necessary formwork to sides, edges and top surfaces to a slope exceeding 15 degrees from horizontal where required.

D The rates for reinforced concrete are to include for filling into forms and working around reinforcement.

E The volume of concrete in beds and surrounds to pipes or ducts shall be measured net, excluding the volumes of pipes or ducts thus enclosed or surrounded.


F The rates for reinforcement are to include for straightening as necessary, cleaning and removing mill scales etc., cutting to length, bending as required, fixing in foundations, columns, beams, slabs, staircases and any other position and supporting in position during concreting, including all necessary supports and spacer-bars, steel binding wire and approved distance pieces. Stirrups and links are measured and added to the quantity of reinforcement.

G The rates for fabric reinforcement are to include in addition to the relevant requirements of the last Clause, for all straight raking and circular cutting and notching around all obstructions, overlaps at intersections etc.

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A The rates for all formwork are to include for working in narrow widths and small quantities, for setting up, strutting and supporting at any height together with any necessary strutting and supporting, coating with shutter oil, easing striking and removing, cleaning, preparing for re-use and removal when no longer required, including all props, stays, struts, wedges and bolts, all overlaps and passing at angles and labours at intersections, raking and circular cutting and notching around all obstructions.

B The rates for formwork shall include for providing and building-in specified fixing ties for subsequent bonding to block work and/or the like.

C Formwork shall be measured to the final surfaces of insitu concrete where designed as reinforced concrete. Upper surfaces of concrete inclined at an angle exceeding 15o to the horizontal shall be deemed to require formwork and measured accordingly.

D Formwork shall be classified according to its angle of inclination to the vertical as follows:

(a) Horizontal : over 85o up to 90o

(b) Sloping : over 10o up to 85o

(c) Battered : over 0o up to 10o

(d) Vertical : 0o

E Formwork to designed joints or for joining and cutting water stops is not required to be measured, allowance shall be made in the relevant item for joints for such costs.

F The rates for formwork for various types of finishes are to include in addition to the requirements of the previous clauses for forming respective finishes to the concrete faces in accordance with the Specification.

Precast concrete

G The rates for precast concrete are to include for moulds and for forming a fair face in accordance with the Specification to all exposed surfaces, providing keys for interlocking, hacking all other surfaces to form key for rendering, etc., providing lifting reinforcement and any lifting holes or other devices to the approval of the Engineer, building in or placing in position including bedding and jointing as required and any necessary strutting and supporting.

H The rates for precast concrete sills, steps and copings etc. are to include for, all necessary labours.

J The rates for precast concrete shall also include for all reinforcement, lifting hooks, erection, grouting and jointing in position.

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A The rates for polythene sheeting and compressible joint filers are to include for working on narrow widths and small quantities, for straight raking and circular cutting, and for notching around all obstructions and overlaps at intersections and vertical faces of plinth beams around the ground floor slab.

B The rates for mastic joint sealants are to include for cleaning and priming contact surfaces, all necessary bond breakers and backing strips, mixing and applying by gun or trowel in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to horizontal, sloping, vertical and overhead surfaces.

C The rates for water stops and water bars are to include for all miters, angles, intersections and crosses, and for all necessary joints and welding.



D The rates for block or stone walling are to include for building at any level or height off slabs or beams, additional labours in kerbs and attached piers, arches, all cutting, plumbing at angles, bonding at angles and intersections, toothing or building into adjacent work, wedging and pinning up to soffits including (except as otherwise measured) any special blocks at angles, intersections, next to openings or for closing cavities of hollow walls, and for providing whatever the Contractor deems necessary to prevent concrete cast on top of hollow block walls and cavity walls falling into cavities.

E The rates for block or stone walling are to include for cutting or forming chases or grooves for slabs, partitions, staircases, etc., cutting grooves for water-bars and the like and making good, cutting chases and sinking to receive pipes, conduits, ducting, fittings and the like, for building in or cutting and pinning in ends of lintels, timbers, metal sections, pipe holder-bats and the like, for cutting or forming all holes and openings not exceeding 0.25 m2 sectional area (which shall include those required for pipes, conduits, sleeves, ducting, metal sections and the like) and for all subsequent making good or grouting in cement mortar.

F The rates of block work shall include for specified ties to block wall angles, intersections between differing block work panel thicknesses and to concrete work when casted monolithic with block work.

G The rates for block walling shall include for cutting blocks or stones to obtain the required chamfer for tapered walls.

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A The preceding Clauses of CONCRETE WORK shall apply equally to relevant items in this Section.


B The preceding Clauses of CONCRETE WORK shall apply equally to relevant items included in this Section.

Damp proof courses

C The rates for damp proof courses are to include for working in narrow widths and small quantities, for all straight, circular and raking cutting and for bedding and pointing in cement mortar.


Structural Steelwork

D The rates for structural steelwork measured by weight are to include for all allowances for rolling margin and the weight of weld metal in welded constructions. The weight of base plates, caps, splice plates, cleats, brackets, stiffeners, bolts, (other than fixing or anchor bolts) have been included in the weight of the associated structural steel members to which they are attached.

The rates for structural steelwork are to include for providing members of any length, cutting to size and shape, the joints in the running length, for all notches, holes, slots, miters and ends, and for drilling and splay cut ends.

The rates for structural steelwork in welded construction are to include for welding and grinding to a smooth finish and unless otherwise required the techniques and materials employed in welding shall be selected with regard to the character of the work and the materials being connected.

The rates for all galvanised or similarly treated work are to include for the treatment of all cut ends to the full satisfaction of the Engineer.


E The preceding Clauses of STRUCTURAL STEELWORK shall apply equally to relevant items in this section.

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A Doors, windows, screens, composite units, etc.

The preceding Clauses of STRUCTURAL STEELWORK shall apply equally to relevant items in this Section.

The rates for aluminium doors, windows, screens, and the like are to include for composite construction where necessary and for all coupling mullions, transoms, glazing beads and gaskets, hinges, locks, fasteners, stays, handles or the like.


B Generally

All wrought timber sizes are finished and all sawn timber sizes are nominal. All timber incorporated in the work shall comply with the stated size, subject only to the permitted tolerance allowed in BS 4471.

The rates for all carpentry and joinery work are to include for working to the stated sizes, for all short lengths, miters, joints and ends, and for fixing with nails unless otherwise described.

Pencil rounding to corners of sections up to 3 mm radius shall be deemed to be included with the items.

The rates for all 'selected' hardwood carpentry and joinery are to include for keeping the material so described clean for clear or stain finishes.

The rates for 'selected' wrought hardwood carpentry and joinery pinned or nailed are to include for punching heads below surface and filling with an approved filler to match the colour of the wood.

The rates for all 'selected' wrought hardwood carpentry and joinery described as screwed are to include for fixing with brass screws, countersinking and pellating in grain unless otherwise specifically described.

The rates for items in plywood, blockboard, laminboard, plastic laminate or similar sheet materials are to include for all work in narrow widths and small quantities, for all straight, circular and raking cutting, for all notching and working around metal sections, framing and similar obstructions, and for cutting all holes and openings not exceeding 0.25 m2

sectional area (which shall include those required for pipes, conduits, sleeves, ducting, metal sections and the like.)

The rates for items described as plugged are to include for building in hardwood or proprietary plugs at suitable centers to blockwork, stonework or concrete. The requirements of this Clause shall equally apply to all relevant items in all other sections.

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A Structural Timber

The rates for structural timbers are to include for all cutting and fitting to metal sections and for trimming around openings.

B Framework

The rates for framed timbers are to include for properly framing, gluing, dowelling and screwing at joints as necessary.

C Finishes, fittings, doors, windows, screens, composite units, etc.

The rates for doors, casements, hatches and the like are to include for fitting and hanging to frames and linings.

The rates for frames, mullions, transoms, rails, linings and the like are to include for properly framing, gluing, dowelling and screwing at joints as necessary and for bedding in cement mortar where required.

D Sundries

The preceding Clause of ROOFING (insulation) shall apply equally to relevant items included in this SECTION.

E Metalwork

The following Clauses of STRUCTURAL STEELWORK AND METALWORK shall apply equally to relevant items included in this Section.

F Ironmongery

The term 'hardwood' where used as a statement of background to which ironmongery is to be fixed shall be deemed to include plywood and other manufactured materials except where these materials are faced with metal, plastic or laminate or the like.

The rates for ironmongery are to include for all fixing with screws, mortices, sinking, notching, borings, etc., removing during decoration, leaving oiled and in proper working order on completion and supplying and labelling all keys and handing to the Engineer.

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A Coverings and Linings

The rates for roof coverings and linings are to include for working in narrow widths and small quantities, for all straight, circular and raking cutting, for all notching and working around metal sections, framing and similar obstructions and for cutting holes and openings not exceeding 0.25 m2 sectional area (which shall include those required for pipes, conduits, sleeves, ducting, metal sections and the like).

The rates for roof membrane coverings are to include, in addition to the requirements of the last Clause, for dressing into and around gargoyles, roof outlets, obstructions, and tucking into the grooves in the upstand.

The rates for metal flashings are to include for all angles and ends except where formed in a different quality or gauge of metal.

B Insulation

The rates for insulation boards and quilts are to include for working in narrow width and small quantities, for all straight, circular and raking cutting, for all notching and working around metal sections, framing and similar obstructions, and for cutting all holes and openings not exceeding 0.25 m2 sectional area (which shall include those required for pipes, conduits, sleeves, ducting, metal sections and the like).

The rates for insulation screeds are to include for preparing background surfaces, working in small quantities or narrow widths, for laying or finishing to falls where described as an average thickness, for curing and cleaning off on completion, for all square and rounded edges, fair edges and the like and for all making good around pipes, conduits, sleeves, ducting, metal sections and the like.

C Sundries

The preceding Clauses of CONCRETE WORK shall apply equally to relevant sundry items included in this Section.

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A Generally

The rates for all items of finishing are to include where relevant, for working both internally and externally, for all temporary rules, screeds, templates and supports, for curing and cleaning off on completion, for working in small quantities, panels or narrow widths, and for making good or cutting around all pipes, sleeves, ducting, metal sections, bolts, fittings and similar obstructions.

The rates for all items of finishing are to include, where relevant for any necessary dubbing out or packing to concrete or block work surfaces to correct deviations within the specified tolerances for finished surfaces.

The rates for all paving are to include for laying or finishing to falls and cross-falls where required and for laying on landings of staircases where relevant.

The rates for work to walls are to include for working to returns, reveals of openings or recesses and to attached or unattached columns.

The rates for work to ceilings are to include for working to sides and soffits of attached or isolated beams and to soffits of staircases where relevant.

The rates for work to staircases are to include for working to treads and risers of staircases and to edges of landings.

The rates for sills, skirting, and the like are to include, where relevant for all angles, ends and short lengths, for all hacking, raking out, scratching background surfaces to form keys and for brushing, cleaning off and dampening background surfaces before laying.

B In-situ finishing and background

The rates for all in-situ finishing and backgrounds are to include for hacking concrete or block work surfaces and raking out joints to form keys, brushing, cleaning off and dampening background surfaces before application, working at any height and to any shape and pattern and for all square and rounded edges, quirks, square and splayed fair edges and making good up to frames, architraves, skirting, dividing strips and the like.

The rates for tyrolean or other spray applied decorative finishing are to include for masking and any additional dubbing out required to fair-faced surfaces of concrete or block work to obtain the requisite standard of finish.

The rates for paving and screeds are to include for laying finishing to falls and cross-falls where described as laid to a specified average thickness.

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A Tile, slab, block and sheet finishing and backgrounds

The rates for tile, slab, block and sheet finishing and backgrounds are to include for all fixings, bedding and jointing, and for all straight raking and curved cutting, and for rounded edges where required.

The rates for ceramic, precast terrazzo tile paving, and marble floor are to include for expansion joints at perimeters and between bays where directed by the Engineer.

The rate for all ceiling tiles with chamfered or similarly profiled edges are to include for matching the edges wherever cutting occurs and for filling heads of fixings with approved filler.


B Generally

The rates for glazing generally are to include for glazing in panes of any size.The rates for glazing are to include for straight raking and curved cutting, bedding the edges of glass, replacing cracked or broken panes and cleaning both sides on completion.


C Generally

The rates for painting are to include for working both internally and externally, for the preparation of surfaces in accordance with the Specification or in accordance with approved practice where not otherwise specified, for working at any height, painting in any colour and multi-colour work, cutting to line at junctions of differing colours, on inclined, horizontal, plain or curved surfaces, for painting in small quantities and narrow widths, and for cleaning down on completion.

The rates for work to walls are to include for working to returns, reveals of openings or recesses and to attached or unattached columns.

The rates for work to ceilings are to include for working to sides and soffits of attached or isolated beams and to soffits of staircases where relevant.

The rates for work to isolated general surfaces are to include for working on door frames, linings, window sub-frames (where of a differing material to the window), skirting, rails, architraves, bars, posts, balusters and the like.

The rates for work to glazed general surfaces, glazed windows and the like (measured flat over glass irrespective of size of panes) are to include for work to edges and glazing rebates, returns and mouldings of frames, mullions, transoms, architraves and the like.

The rates for work to pipes and conduit (which shall include trunking, ducting and the like) are to include for all work to hangers, supports, brackets and the like.

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Pipe work

A The rates for pipes are to include for all short lengths, joints and couplers in the running length and for all fixing and supports with approved holder bats or pipe clips cut and pinned, built-in or plugged and screwed to walls and ceilings.

Drain Outlets

B The rate for drain outlets shall include for assembling, jointing component parts, gratings, raising pieces and the like, fixing to pipes, bedding and pointing including all necessary builder’s work.

C Rate for gullies are to include all necessary back inlets, raising pieces, gratings, sealing plates and frames.

Sanitary Fittings

D The rates for all sanitary fittings shall include for factory finishing fixing to all backgrounds including provision of bolts, nuts, screws and the like, assembling, jointing, bedding and pointing including all necessary builders work.



E The rates for rectangular ductwork are to include for the extra weight (beyond the nett weight based upon the length along the centre line by the nett girth of the nominal dimensions) for seams, stiffeners, supports, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, weld metal and the like. The extra weight of blank ends has been included in the weight of ductwork on which they occur.

The rates for rectangular ductwork are to include for all cutting and fabrication, for all gaskets, compounds and materials, for making joints in ducting, for forming openings in ducting, for branches including providing all necessary extra stiffening, for forming all bends, branch junctions, blank ends, reducers, tapers and the like, and for all fixings and supports, straps, hangers and the like cut and pinned, built in or plugged or screwed to walls and ceilings.

The rates for circular and oval ductwork are to include for all gaskets, compounds and materials for making joints in ducting, and for all fixings and supports, straps and hangers and the like cut and pinned, built in or plugged and screwed to walls and ceilings.

The rates for fittings on circular and oval ductwork are to include for jointing to ducts with all necessary additional couplings, flanges, gaskets, compounds, etc. and any necessary cutting of ductwork.

PP/17 Milcris Pvt. Ltd




A Dampers, grilles etc.

The rates for dampers, grilles, flexible connections and the like are to include for additional supports, stiffeners, fixings, flanges etc., and all necessary jointing compounds, gaskets or tape required for fixing and jointing together or to ductwork.

B Equipment and Accessories

The rates for air handling units, fans, chillers and the like are to include for all duct diminishing pieces, flexible connections, anti-vibration mountings, interconnecting pipe work, insulation and the like, for assembling and jointing together and fixing component parts and for leaving perfectly clean, undamaged and in perfect working order on completion.

C Insulation

The rates for insulation to rectangular ductwork (measured along the centre line of ductwork by the nett girth of the nominal dimensions) and to circular or oval ductwork are to include for all extra material to flanges bends and the like, for cutting and fabrication, and for all compounds, adhesives, straps, bends, wrapping and the like for fixing.


D Equipment and control gear

The rates for equipment and control gear, distribution boards, meters, switch fuses, etc. are to include for connecting up, fixings and supports for the complete installation and for suitable mounting boards, frames, supports, housings and cabinets where required.

E Cables, tape, bus-bar trunking etc. (except where included in sub-circuits or electrical points)

The rates for cables and the like are to include, where applicable, for all allowances for sagging and snaking, for drawing through conduits, laying in trunking or surface fixing where required with cable supports, cleats, hangers, channels, insulators and the like.

The rates for cables and the like are to include for drawing through conduits and ducts where required.The rates for cable terminations are to include for all connections, joint boxes, insulating and jointing materials, cable termination glands, locknuts, bushes and the like.

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A Conduits, trunking, cable tray etc. (except where included in sub-circuits or electrical points)

The rates for conduits and the like are to include for all short lengths, joints and couplers in the running length, and for all fixings and supports with approved saddles, crimpets, clips and the like cut and pinned, built-in or plugged and screwed to walls or ceilings.

The rates for conduits and the like are to include for all bends, cutting, screwing, threading, jointing and providing all conduit boxes, adaptable boxes, junction boxes and the like.

B Sub-Main circuits, power and lighting points

The rates for installation of sub-main circuits, lighting points, switch points, socket outlets, fused spur outlets, isolators, etc. (other than those applicable to the distribution switchgear) are to include where applicable, for all conduit, cabling, terminations, fixings and connections from the distribution switchgear to and including the point (accessories measured separately) and shall be deemed to include for any item mentioned in the Electrical Installation Specification but not shown on the Drawings and vice-versa.

The rates for power switch points with remote outlets shall include for all necessary additional conduit and cabling.

C Fittings and appliances

The rates for lighting fittings, fittings such as ceiling fans and extract fans, and for appliances such as air-conditioning units are to include for assembly, fixing and connection from the spur outlet or isolator to the fitting or appliance with all necessary additional wiring, earthing, outlet roses, hooks, supports, etc. and leaving perfectly clean and undamaged on completion.

The rates for light fittings are to include for tungsten filament lamps, fluorescent tubes, control gear etc.

The rates for fixing only fittings and appliances provided by the Employer are to include in addition to the foregoing for accepting delivery, storing and handling the fittings and providing additional material, internal wiring and provision of specified supports, hooks etc.

The rates for connections only to fittings and appliances such as pumps, water heaters, air conditioning units and extract fans are to include for connection from the isolator or spur outlet to the fitting or appliance (these being measured separately), with all necessary additional wiring, earthing and outlet roses.

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A Accessories

The rates for power outlets are to include for mounting boxes and frames.

The rates for power switches with remote outlets are also to include for the additional outlet plates and boxes.

The rates for switched socket outlets are to include for 1 No. fused plug top and 4 No. fuse links.

B Auxiliary Installations

The preceding items shall apply equally to auxiliary installations such as Security installation, TV installation, Telephone installation and Bell Signal installation.


C Generally

The preceding and following Clauses of all Sections shall apply equally to relevant items within this Section.

D Fencing

The rates for fencing are to include for intermediate posts in the length and for all pit excavation, disposal and filling for post bases.

The rates for gate posts, straining posts and the like are to include for all pit excavation, disposal and filling for post and strut bases.

E Road Works

The rates for filling shall include for levelling, compacting and grading

The rates for bituminous macadam shall include for flush joints and feathering to a adjacent surfaces.

F Road markings and signs

The area of road markings are the gross (overall) areas and length

The rates for road signs shall include for all painting of road signs as required by the Highway Design Standards.

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A Generally

The preceding Clauses of all Sections shall apply equally to relevant items within this Section.

B Drains

The rates for trench excavation for pipes are to include for deepening/widening the trench as necessary to enable the barrels of pipes to rest on firm ground and to facilitate jointing.

The rates for rock excavation in trench excavations are to include for imported selected material to replace any excavated material which is unsuitable for backfilling.

The rate for trench excavation shall include for disposal of surplus excavated material as directed by the Engineer.

The rates for concrete beds and surrounds to pipes are to include for flexible joints and any necessary formwork where required by the Specification.

The rates for pipes are to include for all short lengths, joints and couplers as necessary and for all cutting at manholes and the like.

The rates for fittings on pipes are to include for jointing to pipes with all necessary additional couplings, flanges etc., and any necessary cutting of pipe work.

The rates for accessories – gullies and the like shall include for all necessary back inlets, raising pieces, gratings, sealing plates and frames, assembling jointing components parts and to pipes and all necessary builder’s work.

The rates for manholes and soak ways shall include for building in ends of pipes, bedding and sealing cover plates and frames.

PP/21 Milcris Pvt. Ltd