08 studying the earths surface

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  • 7/27/2019 08 Studying the Earths Surface






    To understand the different ways in which geologists study the surface of the Earth. To be able to select the most appropriate image for studying an aspect of Earths surface To practice interpreting landform models


    A clear plastic ruler marked in millimeters and/or tenths of an inch and a circular protractor. A globe and maps provided by your instructor


    It is easier to study Earths surface today than at any time in history. To help understand surface

    features, we can now make detailed surface models from satellite elevation surveys and download

    images of any point on the planet at the click of a mouse using Google Earth and NASAs WorldWind.

    Geologists were quick to understand the scientific value of satellite imaging technology and adapt new

    methods as quickly as they are developed. You will use images in this manual that even researchers

    didnt have at their disposal a decade ago. The study of the Earths surface is almost as dynamic as the

    surface itself!

    And you dont have to be in a college laboratory to use this technology because much of it can

    be downloadedfree of chargefrom the Internet. Google Earthand NASAs World Wind show satellite

    images of the entire globe and can be used to get three-dimensional views. Microdem can build

    realistic digital elevation models of the landscape, draw topographic profiles, measure straight-line

    distances and the length of meandering streams, and estimate slope steepness.Other resources are

    relatively inexpensive: National Geographics TOPO! provides continuous topographic map coverage of

    each state for about $100 and also draws profiles and measures distances.


    2009 Allan Ludman and Stephen Marsh

    W.W. Norton & Company

  • 7/27/2019 08 Studying the Earths Surface


    The best way to study landforms would be to fly over them to get a birds-eye view and then walk

    or drive over them to understand them from a human perspective. Thats not practical for a college

    course, so we will have to bring the landforms to you instead. To do so, we will use traditional tools like

    maps (Figure 8.1a) and aerial photographs (8.1b), a new generation of Landsat and other satellite images

    (8.1c), digital elevation models (DEMs; 8.1d), and Google Earth and World Wind images that were

    science fiction when we began planning this book.

    Figure 8.1 shows a part of eastern Maine using four of these methods. A topographic map

    (Figure 8.1a) uses contour lines to show landforms (see Chapter 9). Topographic maps used to be drawn

    by surveyors who measured distances, directions, and elevations in the field. They are now made by

    computers from aerial photographs and radar data.Aerial photographs(Figure 8.1b), including United

    States Geological Survey (USGS) Orthophotoquads, are photographic images taken from a plane and

    pieced together to form a mosaic of an area. Landsat images(Figure 8.1c) are made by a satellite that

    takes digital images of Earths surface using visible light and other wavelengths of the electromagnetic

    spectrum. Scientists adjust the wavelengths to color the image artificially, to emphasize specific

    features. For example, some infrared wavelengths help reveal the amount and type of vegetation.Digital

    elevation models(DEMs; Figure 8.1d) are computer generated three-dimensional views of landforms

    made from radar satellite elevation data spaced at 10- or 30-meter intervals on the Earths surface. A

    new generation based on 1-m data is now being released and provide a more accurate model of the

    surface than anything available to the public 5 years ago.

    Each type of image is particularly helpful for different types of study and each has its drawbacks,

    so that no one image is the right one. The latitude and longitude of the corners of a topographic map,

    DEM, or Landsat image are normally listed and there would be a scale for measuring distance on the

    map and DEM. North is assumed to be at the top of all images unless otherwise indicated.


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    Figure 8.1: Representations of an area in eastern Maine in different kinds of images

    a. Topographic map b. Aerial photograph


    The images in Figure 8.1 show the same area but look different because each emphasizes

    different aspects of the surface. Which is best? For learning the names of mountains or lakes, the

    topographic map (Fig. 8.1a) is the obvious choice; for studying the network of roads in the area, the

    DEM would be useless. For analyzing landforms and their evolution, geologists can choose the image

    that works best for their particular project.


    a. Examine the images in Figure 8.1 and rank them (1-4) in Table 8.1 by how well they show the mapelements indicated (1 would be the most effective, 4 the least effective. Ties are allowed)

    b. Which of the images enables you to recognize the topography most easily? Why?

    c. Landsat 7 image (artificial color) d. Digital elevation model (DEM)

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    c. Which is least helpful in trying to visualize the hills, valleys, and lakes? Why?

    d. Erosional agents often produce a topographic grain, an alignment of elongate hills, ridges, andvalleys. Which images show the topographic grain in this area most clearly? Once youve seen it onthose images, can you recognize it on the others?

    e. Which images show highways most clearly?f. Which images show unpaved lumber roads most clearly?g. Which image do you think is the oldest? The most recent? Explain your reasoning.

    h. Which image(s) would you want to have if you were planning a wilderness hike? Why?

    8.2.1 Map projections

    These images are flat, two-dimensional pictures but Earth is a nearly spherical three-dimensional

    body. The process by which a three-dimensional sphere is converted to a two-dimensional map is called

    making a projection. There are many different projections and each produces maps that look different

    and are used for different purposes (Figure 8.2). Some, like the Mercator projection, preserve

    Table 8.1: Evaluating landscape images

    Topographic map Aerial photograph Landsat image DEM




    Changes in slope


    Names of features


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    accurate directions between points; others preserve the true areas of features, and some the true distances


    All accurate depictions of Earths surface must contain certain basic elements: location, a way to

    show precisely where the area is; a way to measure the distance between features; and an accurate

    portrayal of directions between features. It is also important to know elevationsof hilltops and other

    features, and the steepness of slopes.

    8.3.1 Map Element 1: Location

    Road maps and atlases use a simple grid system to locate cities and towns, e.g. Chicago is in

    grid square A8. This is not very precise because many other places may be in the same square, but is

    good enough for most driving. More sophisticated grids are used to locate features on Earth precisely.

    Maps published by the USGS use three grid systems: latitude/longitude, the Universal Transverse

    Mercator (UTM) grid, and, in most states, the Public Land Survey System. The UTM grid is least

    familiar to Americans but is used extensively in the rest of the world.

    8.3.1a Latitude andlongitude

    The latitude/longitude grid is based on location north or south of the equator and east or west of

    an arbitrarily chosen north-south line (Figure 8.3). Aparallel of latitudeconnects all points that are the

    same angular distance north or south of the Equator. The maximum value for latitude is 90N or 90S

    between points. All projections must to some extent distort 3-D reality to fit on a 2-D piece of paper.

    Figure 8.2 Four common map projections and their different views of the world

    a) Orthographic b) Mercator c)Polyconic d)Sinusoidal


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    (the North and South Poles, respectively). A meridian of longitudeconnects all points that are the same

    angular distance east or west of thePrime Meridiana line that passes through the Royal Observatory in

    Greenwich, England. The maximum value for longitude is 180E or 180W, the International Date Line.

    Remember: You must indicate whether a point is north or south of the Equator, east or west of the

    Prime Meridian.44 Latitude could be in the northern or southern hemisphere.

    Latitude and longitude readings are typically reported in degrees (), minutes (), and seconds ()

    where there are 60 in a degree and 60 in a minute, e.g. 403744N, 734509W. For reference, one

    degree of latitude is equivalent to approximately 69 miles (111 km), one minute of latitude is about 1.1

    mile (185 km), and one second of latitude about 100 feet (31 m). The same kind of comparison can only

    be made for longitudeat the equatorbecause the meridians merge at the poles and the distance between

    degrees of longitude decreases gradually toward the poles (Figure 8.3b). hand-held Global Positioning

    System (GPS) receivers and those used in cars and planes can locate points to within a second.


    a.With the aid of a globe or map, determine the latitude and longitude of your geology laboratory asaccurately as you can. How could you locate the laboratory more accurately?

    b.If you have access to a GPS receiver, locate the corners of your laboratory building. Draw a mapshowing the location, orientation, and distances between the corners.

    c. Locate the following U.S. and Canadian cities as accurately as possibleNome, Alaska______________________________ Seattle, Washington_____________________

    Chicago, Illinois_____________________ Los Angeles, California__________________

    St. Louis, Missouri_________________________ Houston, Texas __________________

    New York, New York_______________________ Miami, Florida _________________________

    Saint Johns, Newfoundland __________________ Ottawa, Ontario_________________________

    Calgary, Alberta __________________________ Victoria, British Columbia __________________


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    30 30

    30 N. Latitude

    30 S. Latitude


    90 S. Latitude

    South Pole

    60 N. Latitude

    60 S. Latitude

    90 N. Latitude

    North Pole

    b.Latitude is measured in degrees northor south of the Equator


    Prime Meridian

    0 E or W Longitude

    60 W. Longitude

    75 W. Longitude

    90 W. Longitude

    90 E. Longitude

    a.Longitude is measured in degrees east or west ofthe Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England)

    0 N or S Latitude

    0 E or W

    45 N. Lat., 15 E Long.

    30 S Lat. , 75 W Long.

    c) Locating points using the completed grid

    Figure 8.3 The latitude/longitude grid


    d. Which of these cities above do you think is closest in latitude to each of the following world cities?Predict first, without looking at a map or globe, then check. Were you surprised by any?

    City Predicted North American Latitude and Longitude Actual best match

    Oslo, Norway

    Baghdad, Iraq

    London, England

    Paris, France

    Rome, Italy

    Beijing, China

    Tokyo, Japan

    Quito, Ecuador

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    Cairo, Egypt

    Capetown,South Africa

    8.3.1b Public Land Survey System

    The Public Land Survey System was created in 1785 to provide accurate maps as America

    expanded from its 13 original states. Most of the rest of the country is covered by this system, except for

    Alaska, Hawaii, and Texas, and the southwestern states surveyed by Spanish colonists before they

    joined the Union. Points can be located rapidly to within an eighth of a mile in this system (Figure 8.4).

    The grid is based on accurately surveyed north-south (Principal Meridian) and east-west (Base

    Line) lines for each survey region. Lines parallel to these at six mile intervals create grid squares 6 miles

    on a side forming east-west rows calledtownshipsand north-south columns calledranges (Figure 8.4a).

    Townships are numbered north or south of the Base Line and Ranges east and west of the Principal

    Meridian (Figure 8.4a). Each 6-mile square is divided into 36 sections, each one mile on a side,

    numbered as shown in Figure 8.4. Each section is divided into quarter sections mile on a side and

    each of these is further quartered, resulting in squares mile on a side. The location of the star in the

    red box in Figure 8.4 is described in the series of blow-ups:

    T2S, R3Elocates it somewhere within an area of 36 square miles (inside a 6 mi x 6 mi square)

    Section 12,T2S, R3Elocates it somewhere within an area of 1 square mile

    SE of Section 12, T2S, R3Elocates it somewhere within an area of square mile

    SW of the SE of Section 12, T2S, R3E locates it within an area of 1/16 square mile

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    SE of Section 12, T2S, R3E

    SW of the SE ofSection 12, T2S, R3E


    NW NE

    SE SW

    Base Line PrincipalMeridian























    6 miles


    T2S, R3E

    6 5 4 3 2 1

    7 8 10 11 129

    3631 32 33 34 351mile

    1 mile

    18 17 16 15 14 13

    19 20 21 22 23 24

    30 29 28 27 26 25

    NW NE

    SE SW

    Section 12, T2S, R3E



    Figure 8.4 Locating with the Public Land Survey Grid



    Determine the location of points A and B in Figure 8.4, additional points your instructor indicates ontopographic maps.

    A_________ B ____________

    Determine the location of points indicated by your instructor on topographic maps

    8.3.1c Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid

    The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid divides the Earth into 1200 segments, each

    containing 6 of longitude, and 8 of latitude (Figure 8.5). North-south segments are assigned letters (C-

    X); east-west segments are called UTM zonesand are numbered 1-60 eastward from the International

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    Date Line (180W) one 2 from 174 to

    168 W Longitude, etc. The 48 conterm

    to 67 W

    shapes of Greenland and Antarctica in Figure 8.5,

    To locate a point, begin with the grid box in which the feature is located. For example, the red

    box in Figure 8.5 is grid S22. UTM grid readings tell in metershow far north of the Equator (northings)and east of the central meridian for each zone (eastings) a point lies. The central meridian for each UTM

    zone (the line of longitude that runs through the center of the zone; Figure 8.6) is arbitrarily assigned an

    easting of 500,000 m so that no point would have a negative easting. Points east of a central meridian

    will thus have eastings greater than 500,000 m, those west of the central meridian less than 500,000 m.

    Figure 8.6 UTM zones for the 48 conterminous United States

    The red line is the central meridian (105W) for UTM Zone 13;the blue line is the central meridian for Zone 18

    . Thus, UTM Zone 1 extends from 180 to 174 W Longitude, Z

    Longitude. Because of the polar distortion in

    inous United States lie within UTM zones 10-19, roughly 125

    the Mercator projection evident in the sizes and

    the UTM grid covers only latitudes 80N to 80S.

    Figure 8.9 The worldwide UTM grid

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    Grid labels across the top and bottom of a map are eastings(indicated by E), those along the side of the

    map northings (indicated by N). There are two kinds of labels, one a shorthand version, the other

    complete. In Figure 8.11b,560

    000E means 560,000 m east of the central meridian for the UTM zone.

    Remember that each grid box is 1,000 m square. The marker immediately west of 560000E must be

    559,000 m east of the central meridian but only every tenth value is written fully. Abbreviations like 559

    are for the intervening grid markers. Northings are similar. The marker




    N means 4,281,000 mnorth of the Equator (4,281 km). And 4282, the marker, 1,000m north, is 4,282,000 m.

    b) UTM gridlines used to locate a road intersection

    Figure 8.7 shows how the UTM grid appears on USGS topographic ma

    the border of every map define a grid containing boxes 1,000 m (1 km) on a side

    ps, the grid lines are drawn (Figure 8.7b).

    Figure 8.7 Using UTM grid marks to locate features

    a)UTM tick marks (blue) along the sides and latitude/longitude (red) at the corner of a topogr

    ps. Blue tick marks along

    (Figure 8.7a). In newer

    aphic map.


    12030W 716 717


    UTM grid lines

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    Figure 8.8 Using a UTM grid tool

    o determine the location of the red star in Figure 8.8, measure proportionally the distance east

    of 559 and north of 4282: 559450 m E, 4282182 m N. Rather than doing a lot of arithmetic, you can

    make a UTM tool for each major map scale (Figure 8.8) and determine location easily to within 10 m.


    a) Use the appropriate UTM grid tool from your tool kit to determine the location of the red star in

    Figure 8.7b and 8.8. _______________________

    b)Give the UTM coordinates of the top of Grey Mountain in Figure 8.10c: ____________________

    8.3.2 Map Element 2: Direction

    Geologists use theazimuth methodto indicate direction, based on the dial of a compass (Figure

    8.9). The red-tipped compass needle in Figure 8.9a is pointing northeast -- somewhere between north

    and east but how much closer to north than to east? On an azimuth compass (Figure 8.9b) 0 or 360 is

    due north, 090=east, 180 = south, 270 = west. The direction 045 is exactly halfway between north

    and east. The direction of the needle in Figure 8.9 can be read as 032.


    grid tool

    Tool chosen

    for correct

    map scale


  • 7/27/2019 08 Studying the Earths Surface



    place its cen


    Using the circular (azimuth) protractor in your tool kit, give the directions in Fig 8.9 from:

    a)from A to C _____ C to A _____ B to C _____ C to B _____ .

    b) from Point A to Point B in Figure 8.4 _________

    8.3.3 Map Element 3: Distance and scale

    A map of the entire world or your campus can fit onto an 8 x 11 sheet of paper if we scale

    the Earth down so it fits. A map scale indicates how much an area has been scaled down so we can

    relate inches or centimeters on the map to real distances on the ground. Figure 8.10 shows three maps of

    the same general area, made at different scales. The more we scale down an area, the more detail we

    lose; the closer the map is to the real size, the more detail we can see.

    The three map segments in Figure 8.10 are the same size on the page but the area each covers is

    different because of their different scales. The map in Figure 8.10a has been scaled down more than

    Use the circular protractor in your tool kit to determine the direction between any two points.

    Draw a line between the points, align the protractors registration lines in a N-S or E-W position and

    ter point on one of the two points. (Figure 8.9c). The direction from that point to the other

    is where the line intersects the azimuth scale; in this case, the direction from A to B is 235.

    Figure 8.9 Using the azimuth method to describe direction between two points









    225 135





    225 135


    B C

    a)A simple compassb)Compass with azimuth markings

    c) Using a circular protractor to determine thedirection between points

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    four tim

    es as much as Figure 8.10c (1:100,000 vs 1:24,000) and therefore covers much more of the land

    surface on the same sized piece of paper.

    Figure 8.10 An area in eastern Maine mapped at three common map scales

    a)Scale = 1:100,000 b)Scale = 1:62,500 Note the latitude and longitude valuesat the southwest corner of this map segment, and the UTMgrid ticks along the bottom and western edge

    c. Scale = 1:24,000

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    8.3.3a Different ways to describe map scale

    Map scale may be expressed verbally, proportionally, or graphically. A verbal scale, used on

    many roadmaps, uses words like one inch equals approximately 6.7 miles to describe the scaling of

    map and real distances. A driver can estimate distances between cities but not very accurately.

    The most accurate way to describe scale is aproportional scale, one that tells exactly how much

    the ground has been scaled down to make the map. Proportional scales like 1:100,000 (one to one

    hundred thousand), mean that distances on the map have been scaled down to one 100,000 th of the

    ground distance. The larger the number, the more the ground has been scaled down. A proportional scale

    refers to all units. Thus, one centimeter on the map equals 100,000 centimeters (one kilometer) on the

    ground, one inch on the map equals 100,000 inches (1.58 miles) on the ground, etc.

    The metric system is ideally suited for scales like 1:100,000,000 or 1:100,000 because it is based

    on multiples of 10: 1 cm=10 millimeters, 1 m=100 centimeters, and 1 km=1,000 meters. In the United

    States, we measure ground distance in miles but map distance in inches. Unfortunately, relationships

    among inches feet, and miles are not as simple as in the metric system.There are 63,360 inches in a mile

    (12 inches/foot x 5,280 feet/mile), so the proportional scale 1:63,360 means that one inch on a map

    represents exactly one mile on the ground. Old topographic maps use a scale of 1:62,500. For most

    purposes, we can interpret this scale to be approximately 1 = 1 mile, even though an inch on such a

    map would be about 70 feet short of a mile. Other common map scales are 1:24,000 (1 = __________

    feet), 1:100,000 (see above), 1:250,000 (1= _______ miles), and 1:1,000,000 (1 = ________miles).

    Map scale can also be shown graphically, using a bar scale (Figure 8.11) to express the same

    relation as the verbal scale. Depending on how carefully you measure, a bar scale can be more accurate

    than a verbal scale, but not as accurate as a proportional scale.


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    Figure 8.11 Scale bars used with three common proportional scales


    DEMs show the land surface in three dimensions and must therefore use an appropriate vertical

    scale in order to show how much taller one feature is than another. It would seem logical to use the same

    scale for vertical and horizontal distances, but we dont usually do so because mountains wouldnt look

    much like mountains and hills would barely be visible. Landforms are typically much wider than they

    are high, standing only a few hundred or thousand feet above or below their surroundings. At a scale of

    1:62,500, one inch represents about a mile. If we used the same scale to make a three-dimensional

    model, a hilltop 400 feet above its surroundings would be less than one tenth of an inch high. A

    mountain rising a mile above its base would be only one inch high.

    We therefore exaggerate the vertical scale compared to the horizontal to show features from a

    human perspective. For a three-dimensional model of a 1:62,500 map, a vertical scale of 1:10,000 would

    exaggerate apparent elevations by a little more than 6 times (62,500/10,000= 6.25). A mountain rising 1

    mile above its surroundings would stand up 6.25 in the model; a 400 hill would be about half an inch

    tall more realistic than the 0.1 if the 1:62,500 horizontal scale had been used vertically.

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    The degree to which the vertical scale has been exaggerated is, logically enough, called the

    Figure 8.12 DEMs of part of the area in Figure 8.1 showing the effects of vertical exaggeration (VE)(V.E.)

    vertical exaggeration. Figure 8.12 shows the effects of vertical exaggeration on a DEM. With no

    vertical exaggeration, the prominent hill in the center of Figure 8.12a is barely noticeable. One of the

    authors of this manual has climbed that hill several times and guarantees that climbing it is far more

    difficult than Figure 8.12a would suggest. On the other hand, Figure 8.12d exaggerates too much; the

    hill did not seem that steep, even with a pack loaded with rocks.

    Is there such a thing as too much vertical exaggeration? The basic rule of thumb: Dont make a

    mountain out of a molehill. Vertical exaggerations of 2-5 X generally preserve the basic proportions of

    landforms while presenting features clearly. We will return to the concept of vertical exaggeration when

    we discuss drawing topographic profiles from topographic maps.

    No Vertical Exaggeration V.E. = 5X VE = 10X VE = 20X