082414 family update 2

Big sister decided to climb in the crib and have a sleepover with baby Faith…she loves her little sister.

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Big sister decided to climb in the crib and have a sleepover with baby Faith…she loves her little sister.

Faith is getting bigger and enjoys playing at the park. My mission is to get rid of that pacifier in the next

couple weeks.

Alaina posing in our backyard in her dance recital outfit.

This is what happens when mom turns her back for a minute. Faith decided to remove the plant and eat the dirt….too cute!

Brother and Sister cuddling

Alaina, in white, performing at church for her preschool graduation.

Happy 8th Birthday Owen…we celebrated at a jump house full of trampolines and the kids had a blast. Great place in San Marcos called Get Air if you are ever looking for an idea. Affordable & fun.

Owen and his friends Owen and Alaina

The meatball enjoyed the party


Family vacation this year was to visit family in Ohio and then onto the Outer Banks in North Carolina.

We get to enjoy sunsets in San Diego but it was pretty cool to see the sunrises on the East Coast.

Here is a couple more sunrises

Faith and I were enjoying one of those nice sunrises.

My kids and their cousins on vacation

One of the main tourist attractions in the Outer Banks is

the wild horses that roam the beach…pretty cool sight to see.

Enjoying a hiking trail with all the kids back in Ohio…I use to play on these trails when I was a kid.

Faith saying helloto our tortoise.

We are very blessed to have a nice big backyard…I can’t fit it all in one picture. I am thinking about having a client appreciation party here one day.