09. chapter i - preamble

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  • 8/2/2019 09. Chapter i - Preamble


  • 8/2/2019 09. Chapter i - Preamble


    business opportunity in this town by selling goods like rice, cooking oil, mineral

    water, snacks, tissue, cotton, sanitary napkins, and baby diapers, which are being

    daily needs by every people. It has run its business for several years and shown its

    developing performance from year to year. The success shown from its sales

    volume, wider market share, and variety product that sold out.

    Below is table of sales volume at CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama from 2008

    to 2010.


    IN 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010

    BERAS SANIA, FORTUNE, TIGA BUN -Rp 5.305.058.865Rp

    M INYAK GORENG SA NIA 6.604.564.966Rp 7.304.916.094Rp

    NESTLE PURE LIFE 5.486.285.394Rp 7.828.614.551Rp 13.937.892.31Rp

    SNA CK POW , NA BAT I, RICHEESE 2.807.754.276Rp 19.901.288.582Rp 19.193.529.51Rp

    14.898.604.636Rp 35.011.439.200Rp 45.741.396.78Rp

    HAPPY NAPPY -Rp 21.298.169Rp 1.370.138.642RpKA PA S KHA RISMA 322.240.954Rp 441.686.027Rp 637.271.777Rp

    SOFTEX -Rp 4.479.045.838Rp 6.064.571.866Rp

    TISSUE TESSA , M ULTI, DYNAST Y, BOBO 3.614.676.936Rp 4.733.350.460Rp 6.272.694.391Rp

    3.936.917.890Rp 9.675.380.494Rp 14.344.676.67Rp

    18.835.522.526Rp 44.686.819.694Rp















    Source: CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama, 2011

    From the table 1.1 above, overall we can see that the sales volume was

    increasing. However, for Sania cooking oil and Richeese Nabati snack products, the

    sales was fluctuating. This condition was influenced by many factors such as

    business competition, stock of product, and the most important is the customers.


  • 8/2/2019 09. Chapter i - Preamble


    Customers satisfaction plays a big role in selling process of a product. For

    that reason, company should offer a good product, competitive price, reachable

    place for customer to buy the product, and do some promotion to attract them. The

    other factors that can make consumer to buy our product are the services given by

    companys people such as salesperson. Distribution process also takes part to give

    them valuable satisfaction. It is also important to look up customers feedback

    about the company both products and services so it can develop its business in the


    From the background above, writer is interested in analyzing the marketing

    mix strategy applied by CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama towards consumer

    purchasing decision that will affect the sales volume.

    B. Problems

    From the description above, the main problem in this research are:

    1. How do the factors of Marketing Mix influence the sales volume at CV. Mitra

    Distribusindo Utama?

    2. Which factors of Marketing Mix is the dominant factor in influencing the sales

    volume at CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama?

    C. Problems Coverage


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    In order to make this writing not deviate from target, writer feels important to

    limit the problems becomes subsub problem that will be discussed. They are the

    factors that directly influencing the sales volume at CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama

    such as Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence.

    D. Purposes and Usage

    1. Purposes

    The purposes of this research are:

    a. To know how the factors of Marketing Mix influence the sales volume at

    CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama.

    b. To know the dominant factor of Marketing Mix in influencing the sales

    volume at CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama.

    2. Usages

    The usages of this research are:

    a. For Company

    This research is expected to be used as an input for CV. Mitra Distribusindo

    Utama as a distributor in deciding the policy so that it can increase

    consumer intention to purchase its product that will affect the sales in the


    b. For Writer


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    This research is expected to give more knowledge and experiences in

    practicing the theories that had been studied during a period of lecturing and

    application in real condition.

    c. For Public

    This research is expected to support the implementation of development

    programs especially in business field for community and for the next

    investigators, it can be used as a reference for research.

    E. Methodology

    1. Research Method

    In this research, writer uses descriptive method that describes the exact

    situation and condition that happened at CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama in

    order to make it systematically, factual, and more description about facts.

    According to Ronny Kountur, penelitian deskripsi adalah jenis penelitian

    yang memberikan gambaran atau uraian atas keadaan sejelas mungkin tanpa

    ada perlakuan terhadap obyek yang diteliti. (2007)

    2. Data Source

    a. Primary Data

    Data primer adalah data yang dikumpulkan peneliti langsung dari

    sumber utamanya. Misalnya, penelitian yang ingin mengetahui persepsi

    konsumen terhadap suatu produk tertentu. Di sini, sumber utama data

    adalah dari konsumen. (Kountur, 2007)


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    In this research, writer makes observation and collects data from

    questionnaires and interview result.

    b. Secondary Data

    Data sekunder adalah data yang bersumber dari hasil penelitian

    orang lain yang dibuat untuk maksud yang berbeda. Data tersebut dapat

    berupa fakta, tabel, gambar, dan lain-lain. (Kountur, 2007)

    In this research, writer collects data from company document and

    reports related to research problems.

    3. Techniques of Data Analysis

    a. Observation

    According to Nur Indiantoro and Bambang Supomo, observasi yaitu

    proses pencatatan perilaku subyek (orang), obyek (benda) atau kejadian

    yang sistematik tanpa adanya pertanyaan atau komunikasi dengan individu-

    individu yang diteliti. (2002)

    In this research, writer makes observation to the marketing strategy

    applied by CV. Mitra Distribusindo Utama and the customers response

    toward the strategy.

    b. Interview


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    According to Nazir, interview is a process to get the information for

    research purpose using interview ways by face to face between the

    interviewer and the interview. (2000)

    Writer interviews people related to this research such as Director,

    Area Sales Manager (ASM), and Supervisor at CV. Mitra Distribusindo

    Utama to know more about the applied strategy to attract consumers


    c. Questionnaires

    According to Nur Indrianto and Bambang Supomo, kuisioner adalah

    pengumpulan data pada kondisi tertentu kemungkinan tidak memerlukan

    kehadiran peneliti. Pertanyaan peneliti dan jawaban responden dapatdikemukakan secara tertulis melalui kuisioner. Teknik ini memberikan

    tanggung jawab kepada responden untuk membaca dan menjawab

    pertanyaan. (2002)

    In this research, writer gives questionnaires to CV. Mitra

    Distribusindo Utama customers in Pontianak, Singkawang, and Ketapang


    d. Documentary Study

    According to Nur Indiantoro and Bambang Supomo, data

    dokumenter adalah jenis penelitian yang antara lain berupa faktur, jurnal,

    surat-surat , notulen, hasil rapat, memo bahkan dalam bentuk laporan

    program. (2002)

    In this research, writer collects data from company document and

    reports related to research problems.


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    e. Literature Study

    This method is conducted by studying and collecting data from

    literature book. Writer uses literatures book connected with the research.

    4. Population and Sample

    a. Population

    According to Ronny Kountur, populasi adalah kumpulan

    menyeluruh dari suatu obyek yang merupakan perhatian peneliti. Obyek

    penelitian dapat berupa makhluk hidup, benda, sistem dan prosedurm

    fenomena, dan lain-lain. (2007)

    Population in this research is all customers of CV. Mitra

    Distribusindo Utama. The amount of this population is about 900 to 1.000


    b. Sample

    According to Ronny Kountur, sampel adalah bagian dari populasi.Pada umumnya, kita tidak bisa mengadakan penelitian kepada seluruh

    anggota dari suatu populasi karena terlalu banyak. Apa yang bisa kita

    lakukan adalah mengambil beberapa representatif dari suatu populasi dankemudian diteliti. Representatif dari populasi ini yang dimaksud dengan

    sampel. (2007)

    In this research, writer uses purposive sampling method. From this

    method writer got 50 customers as the respondents.

    According to Ronny Kountur, purposive sampling adalah teknik

    sampling yang digunakan peneliti jika mempunyai pertimbangan-


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    pertimbangan tertentu dalam pengambilan sampelnya atau penentuan

    sampel untuk tujuan tertentu. (2007)

    5. Research Variables

    Research variables in this paper are:

    a. Product

    According Medha Behera, product is anything that can be offered to

    a market for attention, acquisition, uses, or consumption that might satisfy a

    want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places,

    organizations, and ideas. (2008)

    b. Price

    According Medha Behera, pricing must be competitive and must

    entail profit. The pricing strategy can comprise discounts, offers and the

    like. (2008)

    c. Place

    According to Medha Behera, place refers to the place where the

    customers can buy the product and how the product reaches out to that

    place. This is done through different channels, like Internet, wholesalers

    and retailers. (2008)

    d. Promotion


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    According to Medha Behera, promotion includes the various ways

    of communicating to the customers of what the company has to offer. It is

    about communicating about the benefits of using a particular product or

    service rather than just talking about its features. (2008)

    e. People

    According to Medha Behera, people refer to the customers,

    employees, management and everybody else involved in it. It is essential

    for everyone to realize that the reputation of the brand that you are involved

    with is in the people's hands. (2008)

    f. Process

    According to Medha Behera, process refers to the methods and

    process of providing a service and is hence essential to have a thorough

    knowledge on whether the services are helpful to the customers, if they areprovided in time, if the customers are informed in hand about the services

    and many such things. (2008)

    g. Physical Evidence

    According to Medha Behera, physical Evidence refers to the

    experience of using a product or service. When a service goes out to the

    customer, it is essential that you help him see what he is buying or not. For

    example- brochures, pamphlets etc serve this purpose. (2008)

    6. Data Analysis


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    According to Nur Indrianto and Bambang Supomo, paradigma kualitatif

    merupakan paradigma penelitian yang menekankan pada pemahaman mengenai

    masalah-masalah dalam kehidupan sosial berdasarkan realitas atau natural

    setting yang holistis, kompleks dan rinci. (2002)

    In this research, writer uses qualitative analysis by analyzing the data

    based on observation, interview result and the answers to the questionnaires

    given. Writer will group them based on the existing criteria then sum them up

    to find out the percentage and then make some conclusion.
