09 - iacs organisation

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  • 8/17/2019 09 - IACS Organisation


    IACS Organisation

  • 8/17/2019 09 - IACS Organisation


    2IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)


    IACS represents the world’s 10 largest classification societies.Together, the IACS members set classification design,construction and sure! rules coering oer "0# of the world’scargo$carr!ing tonnage.IACS is a %e! technical partner in the

    networ% of international organisations that set and monitor

    maritime regulations.

    IACS actiities are goerned b! the Code of &thics and Charter,copies of which are aailable to e'ternal parties upon re(uest.

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    )IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    IACS was founded on the 11th September 1"*+ b!

     American -ureau of Shipping A-S/

    -ureau eritas -/

    et nors%e eritas /

    3ermanischer 4lo!d 34/

    4lo!d5s 6egister of Shipping 46/

    ippon 7ai8i 7!o%ai 7/

    6egistro Italiano aale 6IA/

    1st oember 1"*"9SS6 6egister of Shipping became a :ember 6S/

    1st ;ctober 1"

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    >IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation


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    @IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    2+th$2"th :a! 1""+

    =6S became an Associate

    1st ?une 2000=6S was e'pelled from IACS following the loss of 4eader 4 with 1+ lies in :arch 2000

    )1 ec 200>

    C6S rats%i 6egister -rodoa/ left the Association as part of the phase$out of the

     Associate status

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    *IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)

    10 :embersB











    1 AssociateB

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    IACS Organisation

    T&e 'ission of classification societies is to contriute to t&e$eelo*'ent an$ i'*le'entation of rules for t&e *rotection

    of life# *ro*ert+ an$ t&e eniron'ent.

    Classification societies estalis& an$ a**l+ tec&nicalre,uire'ents for t&e $esign# construction an$ sure+ of'arine-relate$ facilities# *rinci*all+ s&i*s an$ offs&ore

    structures. T&ese re,uire'ents are *ulis&e$ asclassification rules.

    All classification sure+s are carrie$ out + ,ualifie$sure+ors using 'ainl+ isual ea'ination an$ sa'*ling

    tec&ni,ues. T&e+ $o not consist of co'*re&ensieerification or 'onitoring.

    Classification societies 'a+ also act as /ecognise$Organisations for Flag States# erif+ing t&e s&i*0s co'*liance

    wit& international an$1or national statutor+ regulations. 

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    IACS Organisation

    A classification societ+ $oes not $esign# uil$# own# o*erate#'anage# 'aintain# re*air# finance#insure or c&arter s&i*s.

    2ro*er an$ effectie construction $e*en$s u*on t&e $esigneran$ s&i*uil$er $oing t&eir 3os *ro*erl+.

    Safe o*eration an$ 'aintenance of a s&i* for its inten$e$serice $e*en$s *rinci*all+ u*on t&e s&i*owner# t&es&i*owner0s re*resentaties an$ t&e crew w&o o*erate#'anage an$ 'aintain t&e s&i* on a $a+ to $a+ asis.

    Classification societies are not guarantors of safet+ of life or*ro*ert+ at sea or t&e seawort&iness of a s&i* ecause t&eclassification societ+ &as no control oer &ow a s&i* iso*erate$ an$ 'aintaine$ in etween t&e *erio$ic sure+s

    w&ic& it con$ucts.

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    IACS Organisation

    I'*le'enting t&e *ulis&e$ rules# t&e classification *rocess consists of4

    A tec&nical reiew of t&e $esign *lans an$ relate$ $ocu'ents for a new s&i* to

    erif+ co'*liance wit& t&e a**licale rules5

    Atten$ance at t&e construction of t&e s&i* in t&e s&i*+ar$ + a classification

    societ+ sure+or(s)# an$ at t&e releant *ro$uction facilities t&at *roi$e ke+

    co'*onents suc& as t&e steel# engine# generators an$ castings# to erif+ t&at t&e

    s&i* is constructe$ in accor$ance wit& t&e classification rules5

    6 7*on satisfactor+ co'*letion of t&e aoe# t&e s&i*owner0s re,uest for t&e

    issuance of a class certificate will e consi$ere$ + t&e releant classification

    societ+ an$# if $ee'e$ satisfactor+# t&e assign'ent of class will e a**roe$ an$ a

    certificate of classification issue$5

    6 Once in serice# t&e owner 'ust su'it t&e s&i* to a clearl+ s*ecifie$ *rogra' of 

    *erio$ical class sure+s# carrie$ out onoar$ t&e s&i*# to erif+ t&at t&e s&i*

    continues to 'eet t&e releant rule con$itions for continuation of class.

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    IACS Organisation


    IACS Council

    IACS 3=3 3eneral =olic! 3roup/

    IACS =anelsB





    Dualit! Committee

    =ermanent Secretariat

    Small 3roups and &'pert 3roups

    =ermanent Secretariat

     &'pert 3roups

    =ro8ect Teams =T/

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    IACS Organisation

     Areas of Competence of each panel



    Fae ataESea 4oad

    SArilling 9nits

    =olar Ship

    ull amage



    6o6o Safet!

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    IACS Organisation

     Areas of Competence of each panel

    :achiner!B:achiner !B:achiner!

    &lectric S!stem


    =olar ship machiner!


    Sure!, 6eporting G Certification

    Certification of :aterial G &(uipment

    ew Construction sure! 6e(uirements

    =61A Transfer of Class/

    =6 2 &FS/

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    IACS Organisation

     Areas of Competence of each panel

    Statutor!BStatutor !BSubdiision stabilit! G 4oad 4ines

    Hire =rotection G Safet!

    -ul% 4i(uid, 3ases G :arine =ollution

    &'haust &mission controlIS:C


    4ife Saing Appliances

    -ridge e(uipment


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    IACS Organisation

      D9A4IT B organisation and re(uirements

    The Dualit! Committee is the goerning bod! of the Dualit! S!stemCertification Scheme and reports directl! to IACS Council.

    The DSCS is operated b! the IACS Dualit! Secretar!, guided b! the IACSDualit! Committee.

    The Dualit! Committee receies guidance from the DSCS Adisor! Committee

    that is made up of interested parties in the marine industr!. This guidance ma!be supplemented b! the guidance of other special committees or Ad oc3roups as needed. The Dualit! Committee is operated and controlled in

    accordance with the DSCS.

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    IACS Organisation

      6elationship with I:;

    IACS is a non$3oernmental ;rganiation haing obserer status at I:;.

    IACS should therefore gie the highest priorit! to those sub8ects underdiscussion at I:; which hae a close relationship to the functions of

    classification societies.Fith regard to regulations deeloped at I:; pertaining to aspects not coeredb! the classification societies, IACS should strie to ensure that suchregulations are clear, unambiguous and can easil! be applied

    IACS =ermanent 6epresentatie to I:;

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    IACS Organisation

    IACS 3oerning documentsB


     Code of &thics

     DSCS Dualit! S!stem Certification Scheme/ related documen

    9nified 6e(uirements 96/

    Common 6ules

    9nified Interpretations 9I/

    6ecommendations 6ec/

    =rocedural 6e(uirement =6/

    6efer to the IACS J -lue$-oo% K

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    IACS Organisation

    IACS Actiities are goerned b! the IACS Charter andthe IACS Code of &thics

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    IACS Organisation

    The IACS CharterB

     =urpose of the Association

     6e(uirements for :embershipB :ember status andAssociate status

    The IACS CouncilB is the goerning bod! of the

    Association and consists of one representatie of each:ember Societ!

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    22IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    The IACS Code of &thicsB this is the bedroc% of IACS Societie’swor%


    Confidentialit! of information

    Issuing documents without appropriate action


    on$acceptance of new contractual situation

    ual classification

     9nauthoried sure!ing

    on$implementation or Fithdrawal of IACS 6esolutions

    Ship casualties

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    2)IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    Tec&nical /esolutions4

    Unified Requirements (UR)Unified Requirements (UR)

    9nified 6e(uirements are adopted resolutions on matters directl! connected toor coered b! specific 6ule re(uirements and practices of classificationsocieties and the general philosoph! on which the rules and practices ofclassification societies are established.

    Sub8ect to ratification b! the goerning bod! of each :ember Societ! and Associate, 9nified 6e(uirements shall be incorporated in the 6ules andpractices of the :ember Societies and Associate within one !ear of adoption b!3=3.

    6eserations to new andEor amended 9nified 6e(uirements shall be reportedto 3=3.

    9nified 6e(uirements are minimum re(uirements. &ach :ember and Associate remains free to set more stringent re(uirements. :ore stringentre(uirements are not to be considered as reason for ta%ing reseration.

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    2>IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

    Tec&nical /esolutions4

    Common RulesCommon Rules

    Common 6ules are IACS unified re(uirements coering broad areas ofclassification re(uirements which, once adopted b! IACS Council, shall beapplied b! all :embers without possibilit! of reserations.

    Unified Interpretations (UI)Unified Interpretations (UI)

    9nified Interpretations are adopted resolutions on matters arising fromimplementing the re(uirements of I:; Conentions or 6ecommendations.Such adopted resolutions can inole uniform interpretations of Conention6egulations or I:; 6esolutions on those matters which in the Conention are

    left to the satisfaction of Administrations or aguel! worded.

    9nified Interpretations are circulated to Administrations concerned or are sentto I:; for information, as appropriate.

    9nified Interpretations shall be applied b! :ember Societies and Associate toships whose flag Administrations hae not issued definite instructions on theinterpretation of the 6egulations concerned. A date for implementation shall be

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    IACS Organisation

    Tec&nical /esolutions4

    Recommendations (Rec.)Recommendations (Rec.)

    6ecommendations are adopted resolutions not necessaril! matters of class onwhich IACS considers it would be helpful to offer some adice to the industr!.

    Procedural Requirements (PR)Procedural Requirements (PR)

    6e(uirements under this categor! are adopted resolutions on matters ofprocedures to be followed b! :embers and the Associate and, for parts ofsome =6s, b! the IACS =ermanent Secretariat.

    6e(uirements adopted shall be incorporated in the practices and procedures ofthe :embers within the periods agreed b! 3=3.

    3=3 decides which =rocedural 6e(uirements are to be posted on the web site=6s/ and which are to be maintained for internal use onl! I=6s/.

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    2*IACS Organisation

    IACS Organisation

      I:; 3;A4 -AS& STAA6SEIACS C;::; ST69CT96A4 694&S

    The basic principle is to establish clear,demonstrable and verifiable goalsclear ,demonstrable and verifiable goals to theeffect that a properl! built, operated and maintained ship remains safe andenironmentall! friendl! for its whole life.

    This goal-based standards approachThis goal-based standards approach aims at moing the regulator! framewor%from a culture of compliance, goerned b! prescriptie rules, to a culture ofbenchmar%ing, bac%ed b! functional ris%based re(uirements. It will moefrom gien prescriptie solutions to goals that can be achieed b! alternatiedesigns at an e(uialent leel of safet!, promoting technolog! innoationswithin the shipping industr!.

    ;nce the framewor% for goal$based standards is set at the I:;, it will be therole of IACS, as technical e'perts, to proide the rules to support thesegoals, and these rules will be LcommonL to all IACS societies.

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    IACS Organisation

      TAN8 !O7