0r0$([kb b0dvwhu&khfnolvw · !"#$ %"!&#'(!)* +, -.' #/+".0 1"...

Frank O'Hara NEW SPANISH PAINTING AND SCULPTURE Rafael Canogar Eduardo Cbillid« Martin Cbiimo i'vfodest Cnixart Francisco Farreras Luis Feito Manolo Mil/ares Lucio (hlmwz) Oteiza (Jorge de Oteiza Embil) kfanllel Rivera Antonio Santa Pablo Serrano Antonio Suarez An/ani Tcipies Joan [ose p Tbarrnt» Manuel Violet Distributed by Doubleday & COII/pailY, IIlC., Gnrden City, New York The Museum of Modern Art, New York MoMAExh_0668_MasterChecklist

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Page 1: 0R0$([KB B0DVWHU&KHFNOLVW · !"#$ %"!&#'(!)* +, -.' #/+".0 1" /23#3 !" 4'+25 #67!8!)!+")7# (.9# *#.' ."3 :+" ,!'() 5'!;#< !" =>?@ 4.&# 25 ()23* +, 9#3! !"# )+ 3#&+)# 7!9(#/,

Frank O'Hara





Rafael Canogar

Eduardo Cbillid«

Martin Cbiimo

i'vfodest Cnixart

Francisco Farreras

Luis Feito

Manolo Mil/ares

Lucio (hlmwz)

Oteiza (Jorge de Oteiza Embil)

kfanllel Rivera

Antonio Santa

Pablo Serrano

Antonio Suarez

An/ani Tcipies

Joan [osep Tbarrnt»

Manuel Violet

Distributed by Doubleday & COII/pailY, IIlC., Gnrden City, New York The Museum of Modern Art, New York



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abroad, Gnlerie Maeght, Paris, 1956. Awarded $10,000Graham Foundation Grant for Advanced Studies in fineArts, Chicago, 1958. Participated in the following interna-tional exhibitions: Triennale, Milan, 1954 (won Diplomaof Honor); Venice Biennale, 1958 (won International Prizefor Foreign Sculpture); Pittsburgh Bicentennial Interna-tional Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture,1958-59; Documenta, Kassel, 1959. Seen in the United Statesin Sculptures and Drawings from Sellen Scul ptors, SolomonR. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1957 and EmopeenArt roday, Minneapolis, 1959.:! lives in San Sebastian.


IJI the listing of measurements for jJail1fil1gs, height precedesn-nltb. In the biogr(lpbical and bibliogl'rlphical notes wherenltrrnate spellings, bypbetw!iol1J rwd accents exist, the(II, u'S own preierence or tbe form in niosr prevalent uJtlgelid> been [ollou-ed,/1" asserisl: preceding the title indicates that the 1I'0rk IlIillbe .I!JOIl'l1 in New York 0111)" T/l-'O asterisks indici/fe rbe1/ (.,rk: Il'dl be sbou'n omside of New York only,


Painter. Born Toledo, 1934. Studied painting with DanielVasquez Diaz, 1948-53. first one-man show, Galeria Alta-min, Madrid, 1954. First abstract paintings, 1955. First one-man show abroad, Galcrie Arnaud, Paris, 1955. Co-founder,with Millares, Saura and Feito of £1 Paso group, in Madrid,19')"'; participated in their first group exhibition, GaleriaBuccho!z, the same year. Exhibited in the following inrerna-tiona l shows: Biena l Hispanoamericana, Madrid, '1951 andHavana (Cuba), 1953; Venice Biennalc, 1956, 1958; Pitts-bU',c..h Bicentennial International Exhibition of Contempo-ra y Painting and Sculpture, 1955-59: Premia Lissonc,Lis-one (Italy), 1959; Sao Paulo Bienal, L959. Included in73 /,ei,,}u!.r eJjJrlgJlo/J acnrels, Paris, 1959\ and in European/1 I'udrl)" Minneapolis, L959.2 Exhibited with Millares,Rr i< ra, and Saura, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, 1960.Liv-:s in Madrid.

Pair/lillg. Nrnuber 56. 1959. Oil on Cliwas, 'tfV4" x 51tt".Led by the artist. III. p. 12 00. '104Pain/IJlg, NJI!J/.ber 57. 1960. Oil on canvas, 9S~~;."x 7~%".Lellt by the <1l'tist. Ill. p. 12 '~,qcf~Saint ChriJ/opher. 1960. Oil on canvas, liSYa" x 7~%".Lenthy the artist. 111. p. 11 II'f.yt foO.'10t

Toledo. 1960. Oilarti:;t. Ill. p. 13

on canvas, 98%" x 78%". lent by the60,qOI


Sculptor. Born San Sebastian, 1924. Studied architecture,University of Madrid, 1943-47. Began sculpting, 1947. Be-tween 1947-51, lived in Paris. First one-man show, GalerLlCbn, Madrid, 1954. Among his commissions are four doorsfor the Basilica of Aranzazu and a monument to Sir Alex-nnder Fleming, San Sebastian, 1955. First one-man show

Bib!. 572 Bibl. 553 Bib!. 51

From tbe Horizon. 1953. Forged iron, 261/8" high. lent by

Me. and l"'lrs. Charles Zadok, New York. 111. p. 15"'D. 31bSentinel. 1954. Bronze, mounted in stone base, 61%" high.lent by Galerie Maeght, Paris. Ill. P: 14 &;,0· ;]''17PItta of Silences. 1958. Forged iron, 1~%"high. Lent anony-

mously. 111. p. 16 \<lm,ml) W t:,O. 11.']0~:·J~bispeflllg of/he Limits, Number 3. 1959. Forged iron,~ '~1igh. Lent by Otto Gerson Gallery, New York. III. p. 16


Sculptor. Born Las Palmas, J925. Studied at the Escueln deBellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid. Traveled to Parisand london where he continued his studies. Returned toLas Palmas and began to experiment wit h wood, stone,cement and iron in making abstract sculptures. Moved to

Madrid, 1955. Member of E! PrtSO group. First one-manshow j\teneo, Madrid, 1958, also shown in Barcelona. Par.ticipated in Sao Paulo Bienal, 1959. Lives in Madrid.

1'1'*'rHomage 10 Julio GOllzrtles. 1960. Forged iron, 13%" high.

Lent by tbe artist. III. p. 17 :j/,. 00.90.."')Root, NlImber 2.1960. Forged iron, 13~" high. Lent by the

art;st ill p. 18 16!J4 bDJIOP.Root, j\.T/{!}}ber 3. 1960. Forged iron, 23%" high. lent by t'h~art;st.1lL p. 18 60. '107

U.lj-lTbe Willd. 1960. Forged iron, 7~" high. Lent by the artist.

111. p. 19 60}!Oc:,


Painter. Born Barcelona, 1925. Began drawing and paintingin watercolor, 1941. In 1944, enrolled in Faculty of Medi-



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cine, University of Barcelona. Included in group exhibitionthe same year and won first prize; in 1946 gave up studyof medicine to devote himself to painting. Co-founder, withpainters Tharrats, Pone, and Tapies and writers Brossa,Puig and Cirfot of the Da1l At Set group in Barcelona,1948. First one-man show, Galer las Sapis, Palma de Mal-lorca, 1950. In 1951, visited Paris and Lyon. Designed setsfor the Guignol Theater in Lyon. On his return to Barcelonathe same year, participated in the first official Dau Ai Setexhibition, Sal a Caralt. Traveled to Switzerland and Austriaand returned to Paris and Lyon, 1952-55. Participated inthe following international shows: Venice Biennale, 1958;Pittsburgh Bicentennial International Exhibition of Paintingand Sculpture, 1958-59; Documenta, Kassel, 1959; PremioLisscne, Lissone (Italy), 1959; Sao Paulo Bienal, 1959 (wonGrand Prize). Included in 13 peirures espognols actuels,Paris, 19591 and La Nueva Pirnura de Espaiia, London,1960.3 Lives in Barcelona.

Indutgen!.}.fancy. 1957. Oil and metallic paint on canvas,39V2/t x 3 ii/4'''' Lent by Me and Mrs. Alexander Lowenthal,Pittsburgh. IlL p. 22 {,o.gg4Painring. 1958. Oil and metallic paint on canvas, 51% It x38%". Lent by Me. and Mrs. Alex L. Hillman, New York.IlL p. 21 bD. 'If,9*Pain/iug. 1959. Oil and metallic paint on canvas, 76% It x52" The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mr. and Mrs.Alex L Hillman. IlL p. 20 ::l.l. , " 0

Painting. 1959. Oil and metallic paint on canvas, 64" x511/4", Lent by Galerie Rene Drouin, Paris. 111.P. 22


Painter. Born Barcelona, 1927. Began study of painting withGomez Cano of Murcia, 1940. In 1942 went to the Escuelade Artes y Oficios, Tenerife and then to the Escuela de BellasArtes de San Fernando, Madrid, where he received hisdiploma. First one-man show, Galerias Biosca, Madrid,1952. Traveled extensively in Belgium, The Netherlands,England and France. First one-man show abroad, GaleneVivet, Paris, 1955. First non-figurative works, 1955. In 1956won 'competition for thirteen frescoes, chapel of Castillo deLas Navas del Marques, Avila. Designed stained-glass win-dows for the seminary of the Dominicans, Madrid, and, withthe painter Labra, for the Cathedral of Tangiers. Has exe-cuted mosaics, frescoes and stained-glass windows in build-ings throughout Spain. Participated in the following inter.national exhibitions: Bienal Hispanoamericana, Madrid,19.51, Havana (Cuba), 1953 and Barcelona, 1955; VeniceBiennale 1954 1958, 1960. Lives in Madrid., , f4Number 24.1959. Oil and paper on wood (collage), 39;1s"x 78%". Lent by the actist. IlL p, 24 GO. qoqNumber 59. 1960. Oil and paper on wood (collage), 1~'"x 29'1.:>".lent by the artist. Ill. p. 23

jf9 bO,Qjj

Number 61. 1960. Oil and paper on wood (collage), 39~"x §~'!4" Lent by the artist, III. p. 25 6O,9JD


Painter. Born Madrid, 1929. Studied at the Escuela de BellasArtes de San Fernando, Madrid; received diploma, 1954. Inthe same year held first one-man show, Galeria Bucch Iz,Madrid, and, receiving scholarships from both the Frc 1.and Spanish governments, traveled to Paris. First one-roanshow abroad, Galerie Arnaud, Paris, 1955. Co-four ...' ",with Canogar, Saura and Millares of £1 Paso group :,1.

Madrid, 1957; in same year participated in first E! P,IfOgroup show, Galer la Buccholz, Madrid. Participated in thefollowing international exhibitions: Bienal Hispanoarneri-cana, Barcelona, 1955; Biennial of Mediterranean Art, Alex-andria (Egypt), 1956 (won prize); Venice Biennale, 1956,1958,1960 (won David E. Bright prize); Sao Paulo Bienal,1957; Documenta, Kassel, 1959; Premio Lisscne, Lissone(Italy), 1959 (won Young International Painting Prize).Included in 13 peintres espngnois act nels, Paris, 19591 andLa N"eva Pint.ura de Espaiittl London, 1960.8 First one-manshow in the United States, Grace Borgenicht Gallery, NewYork, 1960. Lives in Madrid.

PtJi!1/ing, Number 139. 1959. Oil en canvas, 44V2" x 57%""Lent by Galerie Arnaud, Paris, III. 28 7/360. qt3Painting, Number 141. 1959. Oil OR canvas, 55%" x 59Y4".Lent by Galerie Arnaud, Paris, III. p. 26 'ILGO, 911Painting, Number 147.1959. Oil on canvas, 78%" Xq7~%'"Lent by Galene Arnaud, Paris, III. p, 27 60" is


Painter. Born Las Palmas, 1926. First painted landscape;turned briefly to surrealism in 1948; by 1949 was experi-menting with abstraction. First one-man show, MuseoCanario, Las Palrnas, 1948. Moved to Madrid, 1955. Co-founder of Planas de Poesia, in charge of Ar qneros, othermagazines to which he has contributed are: Arte Vivo,Problemas de Arte Conrem p ordneo, and Ptus. Co-founder,with Saura, Feito and Canogar of the El Paso group, inMadrid, 1957; in the first group show of Et PtlSO, GaleriaBuccholz, Madrid the same year. Participated in the fol-lowing international exhibitions: Bienal Hispanoamericana,Madrid, 1951, Havana (Cuba), 1953 and Barcelona, 1955;Venice Biennale, 1956, 1958; Sao Paulo Bienal, 1957;Premio Lissone, Lissone (Italy), 1959. Included in 13 pein-tres eJjJtlgnols actuels, Paris, 1959,1 and La Nueva Pintlirade EJ/Mlitl, London, 1960.31n the United States, participatedin E"ro/J(!(tn Ar/ Today, Minneapolis, 1959,2 Recent Acqtti-sitio1lJ, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1959 andwas exhibited with Rivera, Saura and Canogar, PierreMatisse Gallery, New York, 1960. First one-man show in theUnited States, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York\ 1960.Lives in Madrid.





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Homuncsdns, 1959. Oil on canvas, 783/4" x rSV4". Lent byPierre Matisse Gallery, New York. III. p. 29 t> ~o?21Hom nnculns. 1960. Oil on canvas, 78%" x ~gV4'" Lent byPierre Matisse Gallery, New York. III. p. 31 - (1"5

5" ~O 10{Painting 96. 1960. Oil on canvas, 5S1,4" x 78%". Lent byPierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 30 f.o O. q,CfP.:,:nting 97. 1960. Oil on canvas, 63%" x 102l,4''. Lent byPierre Matisse Gallery. New York. Ill. p. 30 {PO. 9.10


Painter. Born Madrid, 1929. Studied at the Escuela de BellasAries de San Fernando, Madrid. Spent one year in Paris ona Spanish government scholarship, and has visited EnglandanJ Italy. First one-man show, Sala de Ia Direccton de BellasArtes, Madrid, 1955. Exhibited in Venice Biennale, 1960.H:1s participated in several exhibitions in Europe including13 peintres espegnols act nels, Paris, 1959,1 and La NuevaPmcsra de Espatia, London, 1960.3 Lives in Madrid.

[o-ms, Number 3. 1960. Oil on composition board, 39~.4" x)·1%". Lent by the artist. Ill. p. 33 {PO 93~7":111.. ' o.

H'ToodPainting, Number 5.1960. Oil on composition board,51'S' x 38~4'" Lent by the artist. III. p. 33 C,O, q3~(/ ood Painting, Number 6. 1960. Oil on composition board,j'l.'"'' x 39%'''. Lent by the artist. III. p. 32 ~O, q3/


Burn Orio, province of Guipuzcca, 1908. Entered the Faculty01 Medicine, University of Madrid, 1928. After winning thetil st prize for sculpture at the Biennial of Guipuzcoa, SanSebastian, in 1931, abandoned medicine to take up sculpture.First one-man show, San Sebastian, 1934. Lived, workedand lectured throughout South America. Among his commis-sions are sculptures for the Dominican church, Valladolid,1954. Participated in the following international shows:Triennale, Milan, 1951 (won Honorable Mention); Inter-national Sculpture Competition: "The Unknown PoliticalPrisoner," London, 1953; Sao Paulo Bienal, 1957 (won In-ternational Sculpture Prize). Lives in Irun.

Dynamic Conpmction of Two Pairs of Light Segments. 1957.Iron, 13%" high. Lent by Gres Gallery, \X!ashington, D.C.III. p. 34 ~O, 8g rEmpty Suspension {Pnneml Cortege, Homage to the Aero-namical Engineer, Rene Conzinet }, 1957. Iron, 21%" high.Lent by Gres Gallery, Washington, D.C. III. p. 34 'J

(,,0.3:5... 4--<'MetapbyJical Box. Number I. 1958. Aluminum, 15Y4" high.Lent by Gres GallC'y, Washington, D.C. III. P'J~,3!?qa-bSlow FormJ before CLoJing Splice. 1958. Iron, 27ii' high.Lent by Gres Gallery, Washington, D.C. Ill. p. 35 .3

C,D, 'Jgg


Painter. Born Granada, 1927. Studied painting at the Escu-ela de Artes y Oficios, Granada and the Escuela Superiorde Santa Isabel de Hungria, Seville. First non-figurativework, 1950. Moved to Madrid, 1951. Joined the EI PaJOgroup and participated in their first exhibition, GaleriaBuccholz, Madrid, 1957. Has executed a number of muralsin various cities in Spain. First one-man show AteneoMadrid, 1959. Participated in the following int~rnationaiexhibitions: Bienal Hispanoamericana, Madrid, 1951, Ha-vana (Cuba), 1953 and Barcelona, 1955; Sao Paulo Bienal,1957; :'enice Biennale, 1958; Premia Lissone, Lissone(Italy), 1959 (won Special Mention). Included in 13peintres espagnols actuels, Paris, 1959.1 Exhibited withMillares, Saura, and Canogar, Pierre Matisse Gallery, NewYork, 1960. Lives in Madrid.

MetamorphoJiJ (Heraldry). 1960. Wire and wire mesh onpainted wood, 63%" x 44%". Lent by Pierre Matisse Gallery.New York. III. p. 36 "'D. q:J.7MetamorphoJiJ (Homage tp Bach). 1960. Wire and wiremesh on painted wood, 63%Y4x 44%". Lent by Pierre MatisseGallery, New York. III. p. 37 4513 c,lJ. <J.2.gMetamorphoJiJ (Peddler). 1960. Wire and wire mesh onpainted wood, 47Yi' x 39%". Lent by Pierre Matisse Gallery,New York. III. p. 38 &0. 9~6lvfetamorphoJiJ (Vicente Escudero], 1960. Wire and wiremesh in aluminum rectangle, 39Y;;4x 28.fj". Lent by PierreMatisse Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 38


Painter. Born Huesca, 1930. Taught himself to paint in1947 after a long illness. First one-man show of earlysurrealistic work, Galeria Buccholz, Madrid, 1951·52. Livedin Paris, 1953-55, where he began experimenting with ab-stract expressionism. Returned to Spain, and with Millares,Feito and Canogar, founded the EI PaJO group in Madrid,1957; participated in their first group exhibition the sameyear, Galerfa Buccholz, Madrid. Shown in the followinginternational exhibitions: Venice Biennale, 1956, 1958;Pittsburgh Bicentennial International Exhibition of Paintingand Sculpture, 1958-59; Documenta, Kassel, 1959; PremiaLissone, Lissone (Italy), 1959; Vitalira nell'Arte, Venice,Recklinghausen, Amsterdam, 1959-60. First one-man showabroad, Galerie Stadler, Paris, 1959. Included in 13 peintresespagnots actuels, Paris, 19591 and La Nueva Pintura deEJpaiia, London, 1960.s In the United States exhibited inEuropean Art Today, Minneapolis, 1959,2 and with Millares,Canogar and Rivera, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York,1960. Lives in Madrid.

Crucifixion, Number ]2. 1959. OiJ on canvas, 78%" x 98'12".Lent by Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. III. p. _29.

bO, '/1.4



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�The Three Graces. 1959. Oil on canvas, 76%/1 x 1l4Y4'"Lent by Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Il~g~ t,9.2~3hnaginary Portrait of Goya. 1959-60. Oil on canvas, 98Vz"x 78%". Lent by Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. III. p. 4279 t.o.0':J.:2


Sculptor. Born Ccivellan, province of Teruel, 1910. StudiedBarcelona, 1922. Began sculpting, 1928. Moved to Monte-video, Uruguay, 1930. First style academic, became moreexpressionistic in 1940. In 1946, under the influence ofTorres-Garcia, began experimenting with abstraction. Nu-rnerous commissions in Uruguay. Returned to Spain, 1955.Traveled extensively in Europe, 1956. Joined El Paso group,1957, and participated in their first group exhibition, GaleriaBuccbolz, Madrid the same year. Broke away from EJ Pa.roin 1958 and continues working independently. Went toParis, 1958. Participated in the following internationalshows: International Sculpture Competition, "The UnknownPolitical Prisoner," london, 1953 (for Uruguay); Biena lHispanoamericana, Barcelona, 1955. Lives in Madrid.

Space. 1960. \'V'elded iron, 72112" high. Lent by the artist.I1Lp.44 ""ll. r..o.Q?;7Tonrobolimn, 1960. Welded iron, 53%" high. lent by theartist. III. p. 43 r..O,~':1"


Painter. Born Gij6n, 1923. First one-man show, Sala Crista-mol, Gij6n, 1947. 1950, moved to Madrid. The same year,went to Paris, where he stayed until 1953. First one-manshow abroad, Galerie Vidal, Paris, 1952. Returned to Spain,where he collaborated with architects in executing murals,mosaics and stained-glass windows for private and publicbuildings. In 1955, received traveling fellowship. Partici-pated in first El PtlSO group exhibition, GaJeria Buccholz,Madrid, 1957. Included in the following international exhi-bitions: Biennial of Mediterranean Art, Alexandria (Egypt),1957; Venice Biennale, 1958; Sao Paulo Bienal, 1959. Alsoin 13 peintres espagnols act nels, Paris, 1959.1 Lives inMadrid.

The Ox (Number 3). 1959. Oil on canvas, 57¥2/1 x 44%.".Lent by the artist. Ill. p. 45 "0.9:jt'l-i-The Fates (Nnmber 1). 1960. Oil and aluminum paint oncanvas, 51Ys" x 71%". lent by the artist. Ill. p. 46 co.941Painting (Number 2). 1960. Oil on canvas, l8Ys" x 13".Lent by the artist. 111. p. 46 . 1)1(.7£'0. 7c~ ,


Painter. Born Barcelona, 1923. In 1946 abandoned study oflaw at University of Barcelona to devote himself full-time

to painting. Self-taught. Co. founder, with painters Tharrats,Pone, and Cuixart and writers Brossa, Puig and CirIotof Dall Al Set, Barcelona, 1948. First one-man show, Gale-r las La yetanas, Barcelona, 1950. In the same year wonFrench Government fellowship for sojourn in France. Trav-eled to Belgium and The Netherlands, 1951. Upon returnto Spain, participated in the first official Dtltt AI S, I exhi-bition in Barcelona, 1951. Came to New York, 1953. forfirst one-man show in the United States, Martha JacksonGallery, New York. First one-man show in Paris, GaleneStadler, 1955. Included in the following international cvhi-bitions: Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Coruerupo-rary Painting, 1950, 1952, 1955; Bienal Hispanoamcricana,Madrid, 1951, Havana (Cuba), 1953 and Barcelona, 195'i;Venice Biennale, 1952, 1954, 1958 (won David E. Brightprize); Premio Lissonc, Lissone (Italy), 1957; San PauloBienal, 1953 (won Acquisition Prize), 1957; PittsburghBicentennial International Exhibition of Painting and Sculp-ture, 1958-59 (won First Prize, Painting). Shown in London,in La Nueva Pintnra de ESPIINII, 1960.3 In the United Stales,participated in Earo penn r1rt Today, Minneapolis, 1959,2and in Recent Acquisitions, The Museum of Modern Art,New York, 1959. lives in Barcelona.

·~·Spa.ce.1956. Latex paint with marble dust on canvas, 76%"x 67". The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. MarthaJackson. III. p. 49 :17/;'7Graffili oll'jBItICki.rb Ochre Relief. 1957. Mixed media oncanvas, 25 ~~ 32Y2". lent by Mr. and Mrs. Morton G. Neu-mann, Chicago, Ill. p. 48 {,o 931-"Painting. 1957. latex paint with marble dust and sand OJ)

canvas, 57%" x 35". The Museum of Modern Art, gift IliG. David Thompson. Frontispiece :.:2 ~ .SqThree St ains 01/ erey Space. 1957. Mixed media on can-vas, 57Y2" x 35\;&". lent by Miss Isabel C. Raphael, NewYork. III. p. 47 co. (/35·x.+'''ReddlsbPainting. 1958. Mixed media on canvas, 51%"x 5l~". Lent by Martha Jackson Gallery, New York. Ill.p. ·19 6,0.944


Painter. Born Gerena, 1918. Studied in Beziers, France,1931-33. Settled with his family in Barcelona in 1935; at-tended Escuela Massana, 1935-36. Traveled to Morocco,1941. First abstract paintings, 1946. In 1948 with paintersTnpies, Pone and Cuixart and writers Brossa, Puig andCitlot, founded the Dall At Set group, Barcelona. Went toParis, 1949. First one-man show, Galerias EI Jardin, Barce~lona, 1950. Participated in the first official exhibition of theDall At Set group in 1951, Sala Caralt, Barcelona. In 1953,received fellowship from the Institut Fran<;ais for a sojournin Paris. Has designed costumes and scenery for the balletand among his commissions is a large mural in the Church



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of Hogares de Mundet, Barcelona, 1957. First one-man show(collages) in the United States, Wittenborn and Co" NewYork, 1955. Among the international exhibitions in whichhe has participated are: Bienal Hispancamericana, Madrid,1951 and Barcelona, 1955; Venice Bienna!e, 1956, 1.958,1960; Biennial of Mediterranean Art, Alexandria (Egypt),1957; Siio Paulo Bienal, 1959.1nc1uded in 13 perntres e.sjJrlg-uols actuels, Paris, 19591 and Ltl Nnevn. Pintnra de ESPtl1l(I,London, 1960.3 lives in Barcelona.

11i' 1t.1'tI,/edt/mothi. 1958-60. Oil on canvas, 44%" x 79%', Lent bythe artist. IlL p. ;0 C,O,q4.1.Homage to Frank Lloyd IF?t·ight. 1959. Oil on canvas, 63%"x 511'4/1. Lent by MOle Alexis Zalstem-ZaJessky, New Mil-ford, Connecticut. III. p. ;1 /'0, gqg

ill-. ;It-Sign. 1959. Oil on canvas, 39%" x 39%", Lent by RearAdmiral Paul Lamar Joachim (U.S.N., retired), Chicago.III. p. ;0 fdJ.9,g


Painter. Born Saragossa, 1919.1n 1934, first came in contactwith Adlan group (vl'amics de l'arr nou"}, in Barcelona.Lived in Paris, 1939-49. where he exhibited in many groupshows. 1945-49 participated in exhibitions under the nameof "Manuel." From 1948 to 1953 did not exhibit. First one-[nan show in Madrid, 1953. First one-man show abroad,Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, 1957. In 1958, invited bymembers of the EI PrlJO group to join in their exhibitions.Participated in the following international exhibitions:Premia Lissone, Lissone (1taly), 1959; Sao Paulo Bienal,1959. Included in 13 peintres esjJagllo!J «ctneis, Paris, 1959..1Lives in Madrid.

Tbe Arrow. 1958. Oil on canvas, 63lJ" x 38'l'a".lent ~rthenrrist. III. p. ;2 "'14 CO, 'I7e;'Homage to Rothko. 1959. Oil on canvas, 51Y4" x ~4'"

Lent by \'V'alter S. Goodhue, Alexandria, Virginia. 111.P 53(PO, (/4:3


