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Table of Contents

No. Title Page

1 Decreasing Blood Cholesterol Level with The L-Carnitine Supplement andExercise in White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)


2 Correlation Characteristic Physiology ( Systole, Diastole, Ekg) and VO2 Max withBone Density among Menopausal Women with and Without Regular Exercise


3 The Influence of Oxygenated Water in Recovery Time after Cycling with MonarkErgocycle


4 Comparative Physiological Value of Cardio-respiration and Rectal Temperature onVarious Age of Indonesian Native Dogs Puppies


5 The Effect of Black Soybean Extract Supplementation in Low Density LipoproteinLevel of Rats (Rattus Novergicus) with High Fat Diet


6 The Effect of Boric Acid in Mice on AST and ALT -

7 Potential of Sweetsop (Annona Squamosa) Toward Physiological Aspects ofImmune System in The Gumboro Infected Broilers (HIV Like Infection)


8 The Effect of Leaf Extract of Sida Rhombifolia Linn to Inflamation in RattusNovergicus Induced by Carrageenan


9 The Difference of Sweet Taste Sensitivity Because of the Usage of Non-AlcoholicMouthwash Compared with 26% Alcohol Contained Mouthwash


10 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1: Briedging Between Phisycal Exercise and BoneDensity


11 The Influence of High Fat Diet on Metabolic Syndrome Markers in Rats (SpragueDawley)


12 The Effectiveness of Guava Leaf Extract (Psidium Guajava L.) on ErythrocytesSuperoxide Dismutase Activity Sports Treated Rattus Norvegicus

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Vol. 10 - No. 1 / 2010-10TOC : , and page : -

Decreasing Blood Cholesterol Level with The L-Carnitine Supplement andExercise in White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)

Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Darah dengan Pemberian L-Karnitin dan LatihanFisik pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus)

1. Rizal Alexander Lisan --> Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga Jalan Mayjen. Prof. Dr.Moestopo No. 47 Surabaya 60131 Telp. (031) 5023621, (031) 771505678 / [email protected]

2. Juli Soemarsono --> Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran / [email protected]. Lilik Herawati --> Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran / [email protected]


The purpose of this study was to investigate the L-carnitine and exercise effect on decreasing blood cholesterollevel. There was 21 rats being divided into 3 groups. The first group was control group (C), the second one was theexercise group without l-carnitin supplement (E), and last group was the exercise and being given L-carnitine supplement(Ec). The treatment last 3 weeks. The blood sample was tested for blood cholesterol measurement. The result showedthat there were significant difference between control group and treatment groups (p<0.05) on blood cholesterol level.However, there were no significant difference between E and Ec. It was concluded that exercise can decrease bloodcholesterol level with or without L-carnitin supplement.

Keyword : L-, carnitine, cholesterol, exercise, ,

Daftar Pustaka :1. Bambang, M. , (2004). Ramuan Tradisional Untuk Pengobatan Jantung. Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya.

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