1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’yz=~~ · dimension of pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing...

. , 1 . ?4 ., G+MAo 9t7v’Yz=~~ How the K~Approach Undermines Groundwater Cleanup by Craig M. Bethkea and Patrick V. Bradyb ~i~-~~~’q~~~ ~~fj 11 ~~~~ ~sTl ‘Professor, HydrogeoIogy Progfam, Department of Geology, 1301 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801. E-mail: c-bethke(lluiuc.edu bResearch Geochemist, Geochemistry Depallment, Sandia hTationaI Laboratories, Albuquerque, New .Mexico 87185-0750. E-mail: [email protected] Submitted to Ground Water February 12, 1999 Address correspondence to C.M.B. 217-333-3369; fax ~~7-~44-4996

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Page 1: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

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G+MAo 9t7v’Yz=~~

How the K~Approach Undermines Groundwater Cleanup

by Craig M. Bethkea and Patrick V. Bradyb~i~-~~~’q~~~

~~fj 11 ~~~~


‘Professor, HydrogeoIogy Progfam, Department of Geology, 1301 West Green Street,

Urbana, Illinois 61801. E-mail: c-bethke(lluiuc.edu

bResearch Geochemist, Geochemistry Depallment, Sandia hTationaI Laboratories,

Albuquerque, New .Mexico 87185-0750. E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted to Ground Water

February 12, 1999

Address correspondence to C.M.B.

217-333-3369; fax ~~7-~44-4996

Page 2: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


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Page 3: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


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Page 4: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



Environmental scientists have long appreciated that the distribution coefficient (the “Kd”

or “constant KJ’) approach predicts the partitioning of heavy metals between sediment and

groundwater inaccurately; nonetheless, transport models appIied to probIems of

environmental protection and groundwater remediation aImost invariably employ this

technique. To examine the consequences of this practice, we consider transport in one

dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide,

onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions of models calculated

using the K~ approach to those given by surface complexation theory, which is more realistic

physically and chemically. The two modeling techniques give qualitatively differing resuM.s



lead to divergent

water flushing is

cleanup strategies. The resuIts for surface complexation theory show

ineffective at displacing significant amounts of Pb from the sorbing

surface. The effluent from such treatment contains a “tail” of small but significant levels of

contamination that persists indefinitely. Subsurface zones of Pb contamination, furthermore,

are largely immobile in flowing groundwater. These results stand in sharp contrast to the

predictions of models constructed using the& approach, yet are consistent with experience in

the laboratory and field.


Contamination of groundwater and sediments by heavy metals is a widespread and persistent

environmental problem worldwide. In the United States, about 64% of the roughIy 1300 sites on

the hTational Priorities List (“Superfund” sites) are contaminated with heavy metals, including lead

and lead compounds, hexavalent chromium. copper, and nickel (Reisch and Beardon 1997).


Page 5: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

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Assessing the mobility of metals and radionuclides in the subsurface, furthermore, is one of the

most c~itical tasks in engineering nuclear waste repositories. Computer models that predict how

metals react chemically in groundwater flows, therefore, play an integral

strategies for groundwater protection and environmental remediation.

Such reactive transport models are used routine] y to assess the dangers

role in designing

posed by existing

contamination, to design remediation schemes (e.g., to choose between pump-and-treat and

“passivation” strategies), and to predict future risk posed by waste repositones and by pollution

remaining after contaminated sites are cleaned up. Because sorption is in many cases the most

significant chemical process affecting mobility of metals and radionuclides in the subsurface, the

modeling results depend critically upon how the computer codes account for portioning of chemical

species between groundwater and the sediment surface.

Nearly all reaction transport models have used the distribution coefficient (the “K~’ or

“constant Kd”) approach to describe sorption, although more sophisticated treatments such as

Langmuir isotherms and surface complexation models are available (Davis and Kent 1990; Stumm

1992; Zachara and Smith 1994) and can be incorporated into transport codes (Cederberg, Street,

and Leckie 1985; Jennings, Kirkner, and Thies 1982; Kent et al. 1995). The results of K~-based

models have proven in case after case to be inconsistent with laboratory and field observations

(Brusseau 1994; Kohler et al. 1996). For example, whereas the models predict that fluid flushing

should dislodge sorbed metals from mineral surfaces, field expedience and laboratory tests show

that the metals are removed only gradually. Residual contamination levels in most cases greatly

exceed regulatory targets. Contrary to model predicti ens, furthermore, the water extracted duling

remediation characteristically contains a persistent “tail” of heavy metals.


Page 6: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

t. .


The discrepancy between model prediction and experience is widely acknowledged among

contaminant hydrologists, and is attributed to a vanet y of factors (see e.g. Brusseau 1994) that

include bypassing of flow around portions of the sediment; diffusion of metals into organic matter,

from which they are released slowly; and slow kinetic rates for the resorption reaction. The net

effect of these factors is probably significant, and is the focus of considerable ongoing research

(Ainsworth et al. 1994; Comans and Middleburg 1987; Zachara, Cowan, and Resch 1991); much of

the discrepancy, nonetheless, may result simply from inadequacies inherent in the Kd approach (see

e.g. Reardon 1981).

Perhaps assuming that the error introduced by the K~ approach is small compared to the

uncertainty inherent in describing mass transport, hydrologists continue to use distribution

coefficients routine] y in their modeling. In this paper we examine the consequences of this practice

quantitatively by comparing predictions of transport models calculated using the Kd approach with

those made using surface complexation theory. We use as simple examples the mobility of Pb, a

contaminant that has proven unresponsive in many cases to active remediation strategies, and other

metals in an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide. Unlike previous contributions, we focus not

on accuracy in describing metal partitioning, but on how the selection of an approach for describing

sorption might affect the outcome of a reactive transport modeling study, and hence the choice of

environmental protection and remedi ation strategies.

Theoretical Model

We used the XT numerical model of react

Illinois (Bethke 1998; Bethke in prep.) which

ve transpoll, under development at the University of

akes account of diffusion, dispersion, and advection

(Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot

transport of heavy metal ions

1960), as well as geochemical reaction (Bethke 1996), to simulate

through a sorbing porous medium. Our calculations employ either


Page 7: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


the distribution coefficient (Kd) approach or surface complexation theory (which for simple cases

reduces to the Langmuir isothelm approach, as discussed later).

Distribution Coefficient (KJ Approach

Distribution coefficients provide a simple means of describing ion sorption that can be

integrated easily with mass transport equations. The resulting reactive transport equations can be

solved readily by analytic or numeric methods (Javandel, Doughty, and Tsang 1984). For this

reason, and because the distribution coefficients can be derived quickly from batch or column

experiments (Domenico and Schwartz 1998), the approach provides the basis for nearly all of the

reactive transport models that have been applied to environmental problems worldwide.

The distribution coefficient Kd (in ems/g) gives the ratio


of a metal ion’s sorbed concentration (S, in mol/g dry sediment) to dissolved concentration (C, in

mol/cm3). The distribution coefficient may be thought of as representing the equilibrium constant

for a reaction

M++ # >M++ (2)

between the dissolved (M++) and sorbed (>M++) forms of a metal. In this light, if K is the reaction’s

equilibrium constant, Kd may be expressed

Kd = ~- (;)p,Y >lh’l’+ \


where y is a species’ activity coefficient, n is porosity, and p,, is density (glcm~) of the sediment


Kd theory works best for trace amounts of non-ionized, hydrophobic organic molecules

(Stumm and Morgan 1996), but is too simplistic to accurate] y represent sorption of ionic species


Page 8: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

within soils and sediments (Domenico and Schwallz

measured for an ionic species is not meaningful in the


1998; Reardon 1981). The Kd coefficient

general sense, but specific to the sediment

and fluid tested. The Kd value for a metal typically varies over many orders of ma~gnitude,

depending on fluid pH and composition as well as the nature of the sediment (Davis and Kent


Surface Complexation Theory

The two-layer surface complexation model (Davis and Kent 1990; Dzombak and Morel 1990)

provides a more robust and realistic description of ion sorption than the K~ approach (Kohler et al.

1996; Lichtner 1996; van der Lee 1997). According to surface complex ation theory, a surface is

composed of hydroxyi sites that can protonate, deprotonate, and complex according to the reactions

>XOH + p $ >XOH~ (4)

>XOH R >XO- + H+ (5)

>XOH + M++ # >XOM+ + ~ (6)

Here, >X represents an atom exposed at the su]face of the sorbing mineral, and M is a metal that

can sorb. The surface site density (mol/m2) for a sorbing

experimental data (i.e., from acid-base titrations, sorption

surface is determined by regressing

isotherm determinations, or column

experiments), as are the equilibrium constants K for each reaction (Davis et al. 1998; Dzombak and

Morel 1990).

To account for electrostatic effects, the mass action constants for reactions 4-6 are multiplied

by the Boltzman factor, exp(–&~ YF/R T~). Here, & is change in surface charge over the reaction,

Y is electrical potential (volts), F is the Faraday constant (C/mol), R is the gas constant

(V-C/mol”K), and T~ is absolute temperature (K). The mass action equation for reaction 6, for

example, is


Page 9: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


()t/F = ‘~l>XOM+aI-l+Kexp –—

R T~ l@oH aM++



where a and m represent activity and molal concentration. By convention, activity coefficients for

the surface species are not carried; they are assumed to be approximately equal and hence cancel.

From an estimate of the number of protonated, deprotonated, and complexed sites per unit area of

surface, the surface charge density o (C/mz) can be determined. The surface potential Y can then

be calculated from o and the solution’s ionic strength. Once Y has been determined, the mass

action equation (eq 7) for each reaction can be evaluated, giving a new species distribution and

surface charge density, and then a revised surface potential. Iteration to convergence (using

Newton’s method, for example) gives the sorbed mass (Bethke 1996; Westall and Hohl 1980).

Among the soil solids that sorb heavy metals in oxidized subsurface environments, ferric

oxides are in many cases the most significant. To calculate uptake by ferric oxides, we use here

Dzombak and Morel’s (Dzombak and Morel 1990) multi-site variant of the two-layer surface

complexation model (Table 1). Their parametenzation considers weakly and strongly sorbing sites,

labeled >(s)FeOH and >(w)FeOH, respectively; there are forty-fold more weak than strong sites.


Models of the transport of sorbing contaminants are commonly parametenzed in terms of

retardation, as determined by passing a solution containing a contaminant through a column

experiment. The extent to which sorption retards migration through the column is described by a

retardation factor R. The retardation factor specifies how rapidly changes in the contaminant’s

concentration propagate in flowing groundwater, relative to a conservative solute.


Page 10: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



For the imbition of a sorbing solute by a pristine medium, R = v/vAf, where v is the average

I linear velocity (cm/s) of a conservative solute and VMis the velocity of the sorbing metal. R is

related to K~ by

nlM+++ in>M++ = ~+(l-lz)p,KdR=

m ++M


where nz~+, and nz>M.+are, respectively, the concentrations (molal) of the metal in dissolved and

sorbed form.

Under the surface complexation approach, there is no single value for the retardation factor

because the dissolved and sorbed metal concentrations are set by the mass action equation (eq 7), ”

rather than as a simple ratio. For the case of imbibition, however, we can write

mM+++ ~>XOHR= (9)


because the metal will bind to the vast majority of the metal-sorbing sites. In this equation, I~zM., is

the metal concentration in the inlet fluid and MzxoH is the total concentration of metal-sorbing sites

(whether complexed or not), which after reaction with the inlet fluid is approximately equal to


Comparison of the Theories

The differences between the K~ approach and surface complexation theory can be summarized


. Whereas sulfate complex ation theory is founded on balanced chemical reactions (reactions

4–6), the reaction representing the K~ approach (reaction 2) is not balanced. Reaction 2 is

written incorrectly as a transfo’i-mation rather than as a complexation reaction.


Page 11: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



Unlike surface complexation theory, there is no provision in the Kd approach for maintaining a

mass balance on sorbing sites. In the Kd approach, a sediment can sorb metal ions without limit,

and there is no accounting for the possibility of saturating the metal-sorbing sites, nor the

effects of competition among ions (Valocchi, Street, and Roberts 1981).

The Kd approach, unlike surface complex ation theory, does not account for electrostatic effects

arising from changes in charge on the sorbing surface.

It is important to identify those conditions where surface complexation theory might reduce to

the Kd approach. To do so, we must

M>XOH,which is constant. We also

assume that few of the sorbing sites complex, so that l?l>xoH=

must assume that pH and ionic strength are constant, so that

a H+, g, y, and Y do not vary. We can then write


from eqs 1 and 7.

This result shows why measured Kd values are specific to the sediment sample and water

composition tested. The site concentration M>xoH differs from sediment to sediment, depending on

the minerals present, their surface areas,

Variables a~+, } ~.., and Y vary strongly

and the extent to which their surfaces are exposed.

with fluid pH, ionic strength, or both. The result also

highlights an important assumption of the K~ approach: the requirement of a near-infinite suppl y of

uncompleted metal-sorbing sites. The surface complexation model reduces to a Langmuir isotherm

(Stumm and Morgan 1996) without the need to assume an unlimited supply of sorbing sites, but

with the additional restriction that a single complexation reaction (involving a single. type of

surface site) occurs.


Page 12: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



We simulated transport of heavy metal ions through a porous medium containing hydrous

ferric oxide, assuming that the ions sorb according to surface complexation theory (Dzombak and

Morel 1990). For comparison, we show analytical solutions for the K~ approach (Javandel,

Doughty, and Tsang 1984), assuming the same retardation factor. The simulations begin with an

imbibitition leg, in which water containing 1 mmolal of a dissolved heavy metal passes into a

previously uncontaminated medium, followed by an elution leg, during which the medium is

flushed with clean water. The latter step is meant to represent the effects of a dilute fluid, whether

introduced by a pump-and-treat operation or natural recharge, flowing through the contaminated


Fluid and sorbate maintain local

according to the reactions in Table 1

equilibrium at 25°C over the

The heavy metal reacts with

course of the simulation,

the strongly sorbing sites

(>(s)FeOH) on the ferric oxide (reaction e, j or g). The number of strong sites determines the

retardation factor for the simulation, as shown by eq 9. For example, if we set 1 mmolal of strong

sites, then R is 2. We take a medium

30% pore space (n = .3), and has a

solution of pH 6.

that is 100 m long (divided into 100 nodal blocks), contains

dispersivity of 1 m; the groundwater is a 50 mmolal NaCl

Figure 1 shows the simulation results for the transport of Pb, assuming a retardation factor of 2

(which by eq 8 is equivalent to a K~ va}ue of .16 ems/g). Duling imbibition, the ferric oxide strips

the Pb from solution along a sharp reaction front. The front migrates through the medium at half

the rate of groundwater flow, reflecting the retardation factor. Behind the front, fluid is rich

and the metal-sorbing sites are almost entirely saturated. The simulation results differ from

predicted by the Kd approach (dashed lines) principally in the sharpness of the reaction front.

in Pb



Page 13: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


During elution, the Pb-rich fluid is flushed from the system. Pb desorbs incompletely from the

fenic oxide, so that at the end of the simulation nearly all of the sorbed metal remains in place. The

elution leg differs distinctly from what the K~ approach would suggest. Pb-poor water reaches the

effluent in the simulation more quickly than in the Kd case because little Pb desorbs from the

medium. Most significantly, whereas from the Kd approach we expect the Pb to be completely

flushed from the sorbate within 3 pore volumes of elution, the surface complexation approach

predicts that the sorbate will remain contaminated even if flushed many times.

Pb desorbs sparingly during elution, but the small amount released is sufficient to contaminate

water flowing through the medium. The breakthrough curve (Figure 2, left) for the simulation

shows a persistent tail of Pb contamination an order of magnitude higher than prescribed by U.S.

drinking water standards. The Kd approach, in contrast, suggests the effluent should be potable after

only a few pore volumes have been eluted. If we repeat the simulation for a larger retardation factor

(and increase the duration of the imbibition leg accordingly), we obtain a similar result (Figure 2,


The discrepancies between predictions of the Kd and surface complexation approaches arise

chiefly from the differing forms assumed for the sorption reaction (reactions 2 and 6). In the K~

approach, the ratio of dissolved to sorbed concentration is fixed. This simple relationship does not

hold under surface complexation theory, however, since the concentrations of four species (PbH,

H+, >(s)FeOH, and >(s)FeOPb+) appear in the mass action equation.

Figure 3 shows how the concentrations of these species, observed at the midpoint of the

medium, vary over the course of the simulation. During imbibition, arrival of water containing Pb+

drives the reaction

>(s)FeOH + Pb++ + >(s)FeOPb+ + H+ (11)

Page 14: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

to the light, completing nearly all of the metal-sorbing sites. The reaction has li~tle effect on pH

because the protonation reaction for the more abundant weak sites (reaction b in TabIe l) serves to

buffer the ~ activity. During elution, the resorption reaction

>(s)FeOPb+ + H+ + >(s)FeOH + Pb*

need proceed only slightly to the right in order to maintain equilibrium.


The reason is clear from

Figure 3. By mass action, any decrease in log mP~++must be compensated by an increase in log

7?>(~)FeOHplus a decrease in 10g lTz>@F~opb+”Because there are so few uncompleted sites, a small

shift in the reaction causes the logarithm of the >(s)FeOH concentration to rise sharply without

significantly affecting the number of complexed sites.

Figure 4 shows how the equilib~ium constant for the complexation reaction (reaction 6) affects

the breakthrough curves predicted. For large equilibrium constants (e.g., K = 106), the breakthrough

curve shows a persistent “tail” of low (<1 ymolal) levels of metal contamination (Figure 4, left), In

this case, the metal binds so tightly that very little is released during flushing. For lesser values of

the binding constant (K= 104–100), metal concentrations in the effluent are larger and the tail

becomes less persistent. When the binding constant is small (K = 10-Z), the breakthrough curve

assumes a symmetrical shape characteristic of curves obtained using the Kd approach.

Figure 4 (right) shows results obtained for Cu and Ni, along with their U.S. drinking water

standards, calculated using reactions ~ and g in Table 1. These two metals are analogous in the

two-layer surface complexation model (Dzombak and Morel 1990) to Pb in that they are divalent in

solution and at low concentration sorb to ferric oxide only at strong sites. Cu behaves much like Pb,

but is more concentrated in the effluent because it sorbs less tightly. Because Cu is so much less

toxic than Pb, however, the effluent quickly reaches potable levels. Ni, which binds less tightly


Page 15: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


than either Pb or Cu, shows a less persistent “tail” of contamination; the effluent meets drinking

water standards after about 15 pore VOIumes of e]ution.

In a final calculation (Figure 5), we consider how a zone of Pb contamination might migrate in

the subsurface. One half of a pore volume of contaminated fluid enters the aquifer during the

imbibition leg. Reflecting the retardation factor (R = 2), Pb saturates the metal-sorbing sites along

one fourth of the aquifer; fluid in this zone contains Pb in the inlet concentration (1 nlmolal).

During the elution leg, as the fluid migrates into the uncontaminated zone, sorption strips the Pb

from it. After about half a pore volume has been eluted, nearly all of the Pb has sorbed.

Because little contaminant remains in solution at this point, continued migration almost ceases;

the Pb is sorbed and nearly immobile. K~ theory (Figure 5, dashed lines), in sharp contrast, predicts

that dissolved concentrations in the contaminated zone remain high, according to eq i.

Contaminant, therefore, migrates free] y through the aquifer at one-half the rate of ground water

flow (since R = 2).


When we use sulfate complexation theory instead of K~’s to model Pb transport, a number of

differences result:

. The aquifer is predicted to contain a contaminated zone, in which the metal sorbing sites are

mostly saturated, and an uncontaminated zone which contains little Pb. The zones are separated

by a sharp reaction front. Kd theory predicts sorbed metal concentrations that vary smoothly

through the aquifer.

. Unlike the Kd approach. which holds the dissolved Pb concentration everywhere proportional to

sorbed concentration, surface complexation theory predicts wide variation in dissolved

concentration. Within the contaminated zone, where the metal-sorbing sites are largeIy


Page 16: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

. .


saturated, dissolved concentration

sorbed concentration significantly.



vary from small values upward without affecting the

the simulations considered here (i.e., at pH 6), the Pb

concentration in water from the contaminated zone invariably exceeds drinking water

standards. The Pb content of water in the uncontaminated zone, however, is small because the

metal-sorbing sites, which are largely uncompleted, strip Pb from solution efficiently,

● Flushing the contaminated zone with fresh water displaces any water containing high levels of

Pb. Continued flushing produces effluent that contains Pb in concentrations that are small but

persistent] y in excess of drinking water standards. The flushing is ineffective at displacing

sorbed Pb from the aquifer. The Kd approach, in contrast, predicts that flushing should

efficient y displace sorbed and dissolved Pb, leaving the aquifer clean.

● The Kd approach predicts that a zone of Pb contamination will migrate along the direction of

groundwater flow at a rate given by the retardation factor. Surface complex ation theory

suggests that Pb, once sorbed, is 1argel y immobile. When water migrates from the contaminated

zone, its Pb content is stripped within the uncontaminated zone by sorption. Absent a continued

supply of Pb, virtually all of the contaminant

content of water within the contaminated zone

but water elsewhere is predicted to be potable.

The calculations in this paper help

oversimplifies a complex chemical process.

cleanup strategies in two plincipal ways:


becomes sorbed and hence immobile. The Pb

remains in excess of drinking water standards,

clear the extent to which the Kd approach

The K~ approach, as a result, undermines groundwa{er

. By suggesting overly optimistic rates of contaminant displacement from sediment surfaces by

non-comosi ve soil flushing, or fresh recharge. The Kd-based calculation of Pb transport argues


Page 17: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



for [he potential success of active soil flushing; any residual sorbed contaminant remaining is

predicted to be short-lived and easi 1y diluted by subsequent

contrary to experience, which has shown Pb contamination to be


recharge. This prediction is

resistant to active remediation

The surface complexation approach, on the other hand, points to a significantly more

recalcitrant Pb plume that can be removed rapidly by neither non-con-osive soil flushing nor

fresh recharge. Models calculated using this approach are likely to support implementation of

passive approaches that focus on decreasing the mobility of Pb at the site, instead of active


● By overestimating the potential for plume advance. The K~

mobility and hence potential impact of the Pb plume. one

approach greatly exaggerates the

might argue that this outcome is

conservative and errs on the side of human health, but this may not be true. Mobile plumes are

remediated differently than immobile plumes, and applying the methods designed for one to the

other risks failure. K~-based models might call for applying soil flushing and placing

monitoring wells far from the plume source. The surface complexation model, on the other

hand, predicts that soil flushing will not work and that the monitoring wells might never detect

Pb contamination.

In conclusion,

diagnosis of plume

effective remediati on of subsurface contamination follows from a clear

behavior. The same can be said for designing hazardous waste repositories.

Where metals or radionuclides sorb, the sorption process should be desclibed in a fashion more

realistic than the K~ approach al Iows. The calculations presented here represent the “equi Iibrium

limit,” the state achieved in the absence of complicating chemical and physical factors (reaction


Page 18: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions




kinetics, “bypassing” of goundw~[er flow, diffusion of meta] ions into organic matter, and so on)

that influence the transport of sorbed metals; these factors should be included in reactive transport

modeling, regardless of the sorption theory employed. The calculation results, nonetheless, differ

from those given by the K~ approach dramatically enough to suggest alternative remediation

strategies for strongly sorbing metals in the subsurface.


Funding for this project was provided by a consortium of sponsors of the Hydrogeology

Program at the University of I1linois: Amoco, ARCO, Chevron, Conoco, Exxon, Hewlett-Packard,

Japan National Oil Corporation, Lawrence Livermore, Mobil, Sandia, Silicon Graphics, Texaco,

and the U.S. Geological Survey. PVB grateful] y acknowledges the support of the SNL-LDRD

office and the US .NRC. We appreciate comments by David Dzombak and Jeremy Fein, which

improved the manuscript.


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Page 22: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

Table 1Surface Complexation Reactions Considered’

I Reaction

(U) >(~)F~oH+H++ <@c)H; 7,X9

(b) >(~)FeOH+~~ ~w)Fe@ 7.29

(c) >(s)FeO- +~ ~ >(s)FeOH 8.93

(d) >(w)FeO- +H+ # >(w)FeOH 8.93

(e) >(s)FeOH+Pb++ # >(s)FeOPb+ +~ 4.65

&) >(s)FeOH+Cu++ @ >(s)FeOCu+ +H+ 2.89I

I (g) >(s)FeOH+Ni++ # >(s)FeONi+ +~ 0.37

‘From Dzombak and Morel (1990) I


Page 23: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions


Figure Captions

Figure 1. Transport at pH 6 of Pb++ through a medium containing hydrous ferric oxide,

calculated for a retardation factor of 2 (equivalent to & = .16). A total of 30 pore volumes

pass through the medium: 2 during the imbibition leg (left), and 28 during eIution (right).

Solid lines show predictions of surface complexation theory; dashed lines, those from the Kd


Figure 2. Breakthrough curves showing Pb++ concentration in effluent from the medium.

Plot on left shows results from simulation in Figure 1. Plot on right shows results obtained

assuming a larger retardation factor (R = 8, equivalent to Kd = 1.1). Solid and dashed lines,

respectively, show predictions of surface cornplexation and Kd theories. Horizontal lines show

maximum Pb content, 15 pg/L, for drinking water in LT.S.

Figure 3. Variation in concentrations of dissolved species (top) and surface species (bottom)

at the midpoint of the medium, over the course of the simulation shown in Figure 1. Note that

there is a one pore-volume lag before water entering the medium reaches the midpoint. By

mass action (ignoring activity coefficients), the sunt of the log concentrations of >(s)FeOPb+

and H+ minus the log concentrations of >(s)FeOH and Pb+ must remain constant for the

complexation reaction (reaction 6) to remain in equilibrium.

Figure 4. Breakthrough curves for R = 2 showing (left) the effect of the equilibrium constant

K for the metal complexation reaction (reaction 6) on simulation results. Plot on right shows

curves predicted for dissoIved Ni, cupric Cu, and Pb. U.S. drinking water standards for Cu

and Ni, as shown, are 1300 ~g/L and 100 yg/L.


Page 24: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

Figure5. Transport atllH60f Pb++through asorbing aquifer (R=2)in which eIution begins

after one-half pore volume of imbibition, before the metal-sorbing sites are saturated across

the medium. Solid and dashed lines, respectively, show predictions of surface complexation

and IQ theories.


Page 25: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions

lmbibifion (p.v. 0–2) E!ution [p.v. 2-30)








(mmolal)J/2 p.v


11-1 I 1 I r 1 1 1 1 t r

12 p.v.




J/z p.v.4



;1 p.\,.


I \[ \

3 p.v. / \

I >

/1 II

/ 4 p.vjl




/“ 5 p.v.——— ——~ ——— ——— ——— —_—-1 I I I I






0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Distance (m)

Bethke & Brady, Figure 1


Page 26: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



1-J I 1 I 1 i 1’



.1 - I I

I\ Kd

I \


.001i I

\, @ I—1.—1

I / Drinking nafer (<15 K@J] 0-5 ,, 1 I I I I I

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pore volumes displaced

Bethke & Brady, Figure 2



!@CkS 10-6~ ~

concentration 1 —

(mmolat) E >(s) FeOPb+

I I I I I Io 1 ~ 3 4 5

Pore volumes displaced

Bethke & Brady, Figure 3


Page 27: 1 ?4 ., . , 9t7v’Yz=~~ · dimension of Pb and other heavy metals through an aquifer containing hydrous ferric oxide, onto which heavy metals sorb strongly. We compare the predictions



.1 -






Dissolved .OI

Pb(mmolal) ,Oo1




&-+ -------1300I.Lg/L.

---- ---- --- ---100


\.---- ---- ---- ----15

I I I 1 I I

5 10 15 20 25 3(

Pore volumes dispIaced

& Brady, Figure 4

..-. if ~-—- -‘\ --


/- \\ 3 p.v. /

\ /

\ /).v. \’


) p.v. /\\

op.v. /’ \/ \

—/ ‘\—/ 15 pg/L ,I

o ?0 40 60 80 100

DBtance (m)

Bethke & Brady, Figure 5
