1 advanced database topics copyright © ellis cohen 2002-2005 querying xml with xpath and xquery...

1 Advanced Database Topics Copyright © Ellis Cohen 2002-2005 Querying XML with XPath and XQuery These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. For more information on how you may use them, please see http://www.openlineconsult.com/db

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Page 1: 1 Advanced Database Topics Copyright © Ellis Cohen 2002-2005 Querying XML with XPath and XQuery These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


Advanced Database Topics

Copyright © Ellis Cohen 2002-2005

Querying XML withXPath and XQuery

These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

For more information on how you may use them, please see http://www.openlineconsult.com/db

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CS 779 Spring 2005 © Ellis Cohen, 2002-2005 2


XPath 1.0


XPath Nodes & Axes

XPath 2.0


Element Construction with XQuery

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XPath 1.0

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CS 779 Spring 2005 © Ellis Cohen, 2002-2005 4

XPath: The XML Path Language

Used to select nodes of the document matching given criteria

Identifies parts of an XML documents used in XML Schema, XPointer, XSLT and XQuery

Data Types: strings, numbers, booleans and node-sets (with support for basic operations & functions)

Compact, non-XML syntax similar to OS paths (uses / to walk hierarchy)

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CS 779 Spring 2005 © Ellis Cohen, 2002-2005 5

XML Element Nodes<CourseBooks>


<Title>Database Design, Implementation & Management, 5th Edition</Title>

<Author>Rob & Coronel</Author><Publisher>Course Technology</Publisher>


<Title>Professional XML Databases</Title><Author>Williams</Author><Publisher>Wrox Press</Publisher>




Course Book Book

Title Author Publisher…

This XML schema will be used for examples, with

other elements & attributes added as needed

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Hierarchy Navigation

XPath uses / to navigate down the tree

Selects a nodeset – a set of nodes, not just a single node

Absolute NavigationStart XPath expression with /Starts at root of document

Relative NavigationDoesn't start with /Starts at the context (i.e. current node)

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Simple Navigation

/CourseBooksThe coursebooks element(s) of the root

/CourseBooks/BookAll the book element children of the coursebooks

child of the root

/CourseBooks/Book/AuthorAll the authors of all the books

AuthorAll the author children of the context node

./AuthorSame, since . means the context node

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Navigation to Descendants

//AuthorAll author descendents of the root

.//AuthorAll author descendents of the context


//Author/NameThe names (i.e. child name elements) of

all the authors

/CourseBooks//AuthorAll author descendents of coursebooks

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XPath 1.0 Result



Course Book Book


"Rob & Coronel"



Query: //authorResult is a sequence of

nodes in document order

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Text Fragments & Node Sets


"Rob & Coronel"



You can imagine that the result of the query is a set of XML text fragments:

<Author>Rob & Coronel</Author>,<Author>Williams</Author>

but that's just a convenient way of visualizing the result. The result is the actual set of nodes

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Selecting All Elements

/CourseBooks/*All elements which are childen of

coursebooks (e.g. the course and the 2 book elements)

//Author/*All child elements of all the authors

//Book//*All descendent elements of all the books

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Positional Predicates

//Book/Author[1]1st author of each book

//Book/Author[3]/Address[1]First address of the 3rd author of each

book (ignores books that don't have 3 authors)

(//Book/Author)[1]The 1st of all the book authors

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Descendent Positional Predicates

//Author[1]1st author of each book (assuming

authors are only children of books; more generally, the first author in each node that contains an author)

(//Author)[1]The 1st of all the authors

(//Author)[3]/Address[1]The 1st address of the 3rd author

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CS 779 Spring 2005 © Ellis Cohen, 2002-2005 15

Comparative Predicates


Authors whose lastname is CohenNote: Lastname is evaluated in the context of

each authorNote: Lastname is a node; by comparing it to a

string, automatically use its string-value (for simple elements, its contents)

//Book[Author/Lastname="Cohen"]Books with an author whose lastname is Cohen

//Book[.//Lastname="Cohen"]Same, if lastnames are only children of authors

//Book/Author[starts-with(Lastname,"C")]Book authors whose lastname starts with C

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Comparison Problem

What's the difference between

//Book/Author[Lastname = "Cohen"]


//Book[Author/Lastname = "Cohen"]/Author

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Comparison Answer

//Book/Author[Lastname = "Cohen"]-- Book authors whose last name is Cohen

//Book[Author/Lastname = "Cohen"]-- Books who have an author

whose last name is Cohen

//Book[Author/Lastname = "Cohen"]/Author-- Authors of Books who have an author

whose last name is Cohen

If a book has two authors, Kelly and Cohen, then the first expression will just include the Author node for Cohen, while the second expression will include the author nodes for both Kelly and Cohen

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Parent Traversal & Duplicates

//Author[Lastname="Cohen"]– authors whose lastname is Cohen

//Author[Lastname="Cohen"]/..– books with an author whose lastname

is Cohen (assuming that authors only appear as children of books)

Note: Suppose a book has two authors whose lastnames are both Cohen. The parent book node will only be included once. XPath 1.0 expressions automatically eliminate duplicate nodes.

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Function-Based Predicates


The second author of each book


The last author of each book

//Book/Author[position()<3]The first 2 authors of each book(//book/author[1..2] or //book/author[(1,2)] are not legal!)

//Book[count(Author)>2]Books with 3 or more authors

//Book[count(Author)>2]/AuthorThe authors of those books

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Aggregate Functions

count(//Book[.//Lastname="Cohen"])# of books authored by Cohen

//Book[Price > avg(//Book/Price)]Books whose price is greater than the average

book price

//Book[Price = min(//Book/Price)]Books whose price is equal to the minimum book


What is //Book[Price > avg(//Book/Price)]/Price

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Average Problem Solution

What is //Book[Price > avg(//Book/Price)]/Price

The prices of all the books whose price is above average

What query would find all books that have more than one author named Cohen?

Hint: The answer is of the form: //Book[ count( something ) > 1 ]

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Count Problem Solutions

What query would find all books that have more than one author named Cohen?

//Book[ count(Author[Lastname = "Cohen"]) > 1 ]

Note that the following does not work

//Book[ count(Author/Lastname = "Cohen") > 1 ]

since Author/Lastname = "Cohen" is a boolean expression, and count operates on a nodeset.

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Unions and Boolean Operators

//Book[(count(Author)>2) or (Price>50)]

//Book[count(Author)>2] |//Book[Price>50]

Books that have more than 2 authors or that cost more than $50

//Book[Price>50]/Author |//Book/Author[count(Address)>1]

Authors of books whose price is more than $50 or who have more than one address

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Intersection & Difference//Book[(count(Author)>2) and (Price>50)]

//Book[count(Author)>2] intersect//Book[Price>50]

Books that have more than 2 authors and that cost more than $50

//Book[(count(Author)>2) and not (Price>50)]

//Book[count(Author)>2] except//Book[Price>50]

Books that have more than 2 authors and that do not cost more than $50

intersect & except added in XPath 2.0

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Multiple Predicates

//Book[(count(Author)>2) and (Price>50)]


Books that have more than 2 authors and that cost more than $50

//Book[Price > 50][position() < 11](//Book[Price > 50])[position() < 11]

The first 10 books that cost more than $50

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General Comparison of Sets and Values

//Book[Author/Lastname="Cohen"]Books with some author

whose lastname is Cohen

//Book[Author/Lastname!="Cohen"]Books with some author

whose lastname is not Cohen

//Book[not(Author/Lastname="Cohen")]Books that do not have some author

whose lastname is Cohen

What is //Book[not(Author/Lastname!="Cohen")]

When comparing a set of values (or nodes with values) to a single value, the comparison only needs to be

satisfied for a single element of the set

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Every Author


Books that do not have some authorwhose lastname is not Cohen

That is:

Books whose authors' lastnamesare all Cohen

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Comparing Sets and Sets

//Book[Author/Lastname=("Cohen","Jones")]– book who have some author whose lastname is either

Cohen or Jones

//Book[Author/Lastname!=("Cohen","Jones")]– book who have some author whose lastname is neither

Cohen nor Jones

What do you think the meaning of this is:

//Book[Publisher!="WroxPress"][Author/Lastname= //Book[Publisher="WroxPress"]/Author/Lastname]

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Comparing Sets Problem

//Book[Publisher="WroxPress"]– books published by Wrox Press

//Book[Publisher="WroxPress"]/Author/Lastname– lastnames of authors of books published by Wrox Press

//Book[Publisher!="WroxPress"][Author/Lastname=("Cohen","Jones")]– books not published by Wrox Press

who have an author whose lastnameis either Cohen or Jones

//Book[Publisher!="WroxPress"][Author/Lastname=//Book[Publisher="WroxPress"]/Author/Lastname]– books not published by Wrox Press

who have an author whose lastnameis the same as the lastname of some author of a bookpublished by Wrox Press

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XPath 1.0 Problem

Suppose that Author is a subelement of Book, and that Author has a Name element, as well as an Authid element which uniquely identifies the author.

Can you write an XPath 1.0 expression to return the names of authors who have authored more than one book

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Limitations of XPath 1.0

Can you write an XPath 1.0 expression to return the authors who have authored more than one book

You'd like to write something like

//Author[count( //Book[Author/Authid=$./Authid] ) > 1]/Name

That is, you'd like $. to mean the Author nodes we are currently examining, and which we want to include in the result if the # of books by that author is > 1.

But, alas, there is no $. syntax, and . would refer to the inner book being examined, not the author, so this can't be written in XPath 1.0; we'll see how to do this using XPath 2.0

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XPath Nodes & Axes

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//Book[@isbn]All books with an isbn attribute

//Book[Author/@status="deceased"]All books with a deceased author

//Book[@*]All books that have some attribute

//Book[not(@*)]All books that have no attributes

//Book/@idThe id attributes of all books. WHOA!

Those aren't element nodes!

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XPath Node Types

1. Root node2. Element node3. Attribute node4. Text node5. Processing instruction node6. Comment node7. Namespace node

Every element node has child nodes for ALL active namespaces

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Attribute Nodes

//Book/@isbnThe isbn attribute nodes of all the books

//Book/@*All attributes of all books

//id()All ID-type attribute nodes

//id("here")The ID-type attribute node named "here"

//Book[id("curbook")]The book with an ID of "curbook"

What is the result of//Book[starts-with(.//@authid, "fr_")]

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Attribute Solution

What is the result of//Book[starts-with(.//@authid, "fr_")]

Well, assuming that authors have an authid attribute, and that authid attributes start with a prefix which indicates the author's nationality ("fr_" meaning French),

This identifies all books with a French author.

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Text Nodes


em"It's "


" cool"


"XML Stuff"


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Text Node Queries(//Book)[1]/Title

Might correspond to the element node: <Title>XML Stuff</Title>

(//Book)[1]/Title/text()Would correspond to the text node containng: "XML Stuff"

(//Book)[1]/DescriptionMight correspond to the element node

<Description> It's <em>way</em> cool</Description>

(//Book)[1]/Description/node()This returns a set of the 3 child nodes:

a text node, an element node, and another text node

(//Book)[1]/Description/*Would correspond to the one child element node: <em>way</em>

(//Book)[1]/Description/text()Would correspond to the two text nodes for "It's " and " cool"

What about (//Book)[1]/Description//text()

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Text Descendents vs ChildrenDescription

em"It's "


" cool"

(//Book)[1]/Description/text()Would correspond to the two child text nodes for "It's " and " cool"

(//Book)[1]/Description//text()Would correspond to the three descendent text nodes for "It's ", "way" and " cool"

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XPath Navigation Axes










from Arnaud Sahuguet

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XPath Navigation Axes

child (default)self (abbreviate using .)parent (abbreviate using ..)attribute (abbreviate using @)descendent-or-self (abbreviate using //)descendentancestor-or-selfancestorprecedingpreceding-siblingfollowingfollowing-siblingnamespace

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Using XPath Navigation Axes





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Uses of XPath

To specify queriesTo specify which set of elements

need to have unique values, be keys, or contain keyrefs for XML Schema

To identify sets of nodes to be formatted or transformed by XSLT

To identify the parts of documents to be hyperlinked using XPointer

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XML Key Reference Example








name address dob Authref





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XSchema Key and Keyref Example

<xs:key name="authkeys"><xs:selector xpath="//Author"/><xs:field xpath="@authid"/>


Every author's authid is unique and non-nil

Each book's Authref refers to a legal authid

<xs:keyref name="authrefs" refer="authkeys"><xs:selector xpath="//Book"/><xs:field xpath="Authref"/>


The contents of a book's authref attribute must correspond to some author's authid attribute

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Cross Referencing

In BookDB,Find the title of books whose author

is Williams

//Book[@authref = //Author[@name="Williams"]/@authid]/@title

Find the names of authors of books published by Wrox Press

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Cross Referencing Solution

Find the names of authors of books published by Wrox Press

//Author[@authid = //Book[@publisher="Wrox Press"]/@authref]/@name

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Early OPathFilters

Employee[empno = 3417]• The employee whose empno is 3417

Employee[job = 'ANALYST']• The employees who are analysts

"Collecting" NavigationEmployee[dept.dname = 'RESEARCH']Dept[dname = 'RESEARCH'].empls

• Employees in the research departmentEmployee[job = 'CLERK'].deptDept[empls.job = 'CLERK']

• Departments that have clerks

Initial versions of OPath (Microsoft's language for querying in object models) used the same syntax as

XPath. The next iteration replaced the "/" (standard in the web-based world) with "." (standard in the OO world).

OPath has since evolved farther from XPath.

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XPath 2.0

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XPath 2.0 Queries

Extend XPath 1.0 queries byAdding "for … return …" syntaxAdditional conditional and

quantified expressionsAdding more functions and


XPath 2.0 is designed to be a common subset of two full-fledged XML query languages: XQuery & XSLT

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XPath 2.0 Type Model

XPath 1.0Boolean, Number, StringNodeset

no duplicatestraversed in forward or backward document order

XPath 2.0All primitive XML Schema DatatypesSequences of nodes and/or primitive values

Ordered (not always document order), allow duplicates (use distinct-values/distinct-nodes fns). XPath 1.0 expressions always in document order with duplicates removed

Flattened (no sequences of sequences, though a node can represent an arbitrary hierarchy)

No difference between a single node/value and a singleton sequence

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for $x in //Book return $x/Pricereturns a sequence of the price nodesequivalent to //Book/Price

 ( <Price>32.95</Price>,

<Price>18.25</Price>, … )

XPath 1.0 Expressions

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Obtaining Values

for $x in //Book return $x/Price/text()returns a sequence of the prices as textequivalent to //Book/Price/text()


for $x in //Book return number($x/Price) returns a sequence of the actual price


( 32.95, 18.25, … )

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Conditional Expressions

for $x in //Bookreturn

if (count($x/Author) > 2)then $x/Price * .5else $x/Price

Note the resulting sequence has both price nodes and numbers

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XPath 1.0 vs XPath 2.0

Suppose that Author is a subelement of Book, and that Author has a Name element, as well as an authid attribute which uniquely identifies the author.

Can you write an XPath 2.0 expression to return the names of authors who have authored more than one book

Hint: Try for $a in //Author return

if (count( something ) > 1) then $a/Name else ()

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XPath 2.0 Solution

Return the names of authors who have authored more than one book

for $a in //Author returnif (count( //Book[Author/@authid=$a/@authid]) > 1) then $a/name else ()

Note: () denotes the empty sequence

The final result is the concatenation of the sequences returned for each iteration of the for loop.

Concatenating the empty sequence has no effect

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Quantified Expressions

//Book[some $a in Author satisfies starts-with($a/Lastname,"C")]Books with some author

whose lastname starts with C

//Book[some $a in Author satisfies $a/Lastname="Cohen"]Books with some author

whose lastname is Cohen

//Book[every $a in Author satisfies $a/Lastname="Cohen"]Books all of whose authors'

lastnames are CohenGet the names of authors, all of whose

books are published by Wrox Press

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Quantified Problem Solution

for $a in //Author returnif (every $b in //Book[Author/Name = $a/Name] satisfies $/Publisher = "WroxPress") then $a/Name else ()

Note: This will include authors who are not authors of any books.

How could this be fixed?

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Duplicate Nodes in XPath 2.0

//Author[Lastname="Cohen"]/..– books with an author whose lastname is Cohen

(assuming that authors only appear as children of books). A book that has two authors whose lastnames are both Cohen will appear once since XPath 1.0 expressions automatically eliminate duplicate nodes.

for $a in //Author[Lastname="Cohen"]return $a/..– books with an author whose lastname is Cohen

(assuming that authors only appear as children of books). A book that has two authors whose lastnames are both Cohen will appear twice. Duplicate nodes are only eliminated automatically in XPath 1.0 expressions.

distinct-nodes( for $a in //Author[Lastname="Cohen"] return $a/..)– Explicitly eliminate duplicate nodes

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FLWOR Expressions

for …

let …

where …

order by …

result …

Any number of these(at least one)in any order



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Variable Binding

for $x in //Booklet $p := $x/Pricereturn number($p)

( 32.95, 18.25, … )

Let is a binding operator.There is no assignment operator.

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Where Clause

for $x in //Booklet $p := $x/Pricewhere $p > 5.00return $p

equivalent to //Book[Price > 5.00]/Price


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XQuery Problem

Suppose that Author is a subelement of Book, and that Author has a Name element, as well as an authid attribute which uniquely identifies the author.

What's the clearest XQuery expression which returns the string values of the names of authors who have authored more than one book

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XQuery Solution

What's the clearest XQuery expression which returns the string values of the names of authors who have authored more than one book

for $a in //Author let $abooks =

//Book[Author/@authid=$a/@authid] where count($abook) > 1 return string($a/Name)

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for $b in //Book[Price > 100] order by $b/Author[1]/Name,

$b/Price descendingreturn string($b/Title)

Return a set of the string values of the titles of all the books whose price is greater than $100

Order themFirst, by the name of the first authorSecondly, by price, highest price first

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User-Defined Functions

declare function depth($e as node) as xs:integer

{if (empty($e/*))

then 1else max( for $c in $e/* return depth($c)) + 1


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The XQuery syntax is not XML-Based

XQueryX has the same semantics as XQuery, but it is XML-Based.

Too large & ugly to include

See http://w3.org/TR/xqueryx

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Element Construction with XQuery

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Element Construction



This doesn't generate textIt generates a somenum element

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Expression Substitution

let $s := 20return <Somenum>$s</Somenum>

<Somenum>$s</Somenum> let $s := 20return <Somenum>{ $s }</Somenum>


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Dynamic Element Creation

let $s := 20return element Somenum {$s }

<Somenum>20</Somenum> let $tag := "Somenum",

$s := 20Return element { $tag } { $s }

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Elements with Nodes

<Naming>{ (//Author/Name)[1]}</Naming>

<Naming> <Name>John Doe</Name>


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Concatenating Nested Sequences

<Names>{ //Author/Name[starts-with(.,"John")]}</Names>

<Names> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Name>John Bigboutay</Name> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Name>John YaYa</Name></Names>

Note that XPath 1.0 expressions eliminate duplicated nodes, but not nodes with duplicated values

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Nested Substitution


for $j in (3, 1, 2)return <Val>{ $j }</Val>


<Result> <Val>3</Val> <Val>1</Val> <Val>2</Val></Result>

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Eliminating Duplicate Values<Names>{ for $nm in distinct-values(

//Author/Name[starts-with(.,"John")] )return <Name>{ $nm } </Name>


<Names> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Name>John Bigboutay</Name> <Name>John YaYa</Name></Names>

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Calculated Selection

<Names>{ let $nms := distinct-values(

//Author/Name[starts-with(.,"John")] ) for $j in (3, 1, 3)

return <Name>{ $nms[$j] }</Name>}</Names>

<Names> <Name>John YaYa</Name> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Name>John YaYa</Name></Names>

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Joins & Child Transfer <Books-with-Reviews>{ let $bks = doc(www.mybooks.com/books.xml), $revs = doc(www.bookreview.com/reviews.xml) for $b in $bks//Book let $isbn = $b/@isbn where some $r in $revs//BookReview

satisfies $r/@isbn = $isbn return <Book> { $b/@* } { $b/* } { for $r in $revs//Bookreview[@isbn=$isbn] return <Review>{ $r/node() }</Review> } </Book>}</Books-with-Reviews>