1 agribusiness library lesson l060039: displaying products

1 Agribusiness Library Lesson L060039: Displaying Products

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Agribusiness Library

Lesson L060039: Displaying Products

Page 2: 1 Agribusiness Library Lesson L060039: Displaying Products



1. Identify types of displays.

2. Explain the elements of design used in successful retail displays.

3. Explain the principles of design used in retail displays.

4. Develop a plan for an agricultural retail display.

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Key Terms

• balance• contrast• design• design elements• design principles• display• endcap• harmonies

• hue• impulse buy• point of purchase

displays• saturation• scale• show cards• value

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


A display is an exhibit of merchandise for the purpose of attracting customers to a specific product or a group of closely related products. In-store displays are typically used to highlight new or trendy items, sales items, seasonal items, or products that require a customer to closely examine product functionality and/or features. The following are common types of displays found in retail environments.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


A. An endcap is the hub at the end of an aisle. It is highly visible as customers move throughout a store and often displays items with high profit margins. In grocery stores, items like snacks, chips, cereals, sodas, and seasonal food items often adorn the endcaps.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


A. An endcap (cont’d)1. The items placed on this type of display are

generally found in the adjacent aisle and serve as a teaser for customers to visit the main aisle for a larger selection of like items.

2. Endcaps provide convenience for customers who are only shopping for the essential items on the perimeter of the store.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


A. An endcap (cont’d)3. If the customer does not venture down the

aisle, he or she can easily grab and go with the endcap item. This type of unintended, quick purchase is an impulse buy.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


B. Floor displays offer retailers a way to maximize open floor space and turn it into sales space. Floor displays are often used to introduce new items, organize seasonal items, or provide a table or work area for customers to “test drive” products of interest.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


B. Floor displays offer retailers (cont’d) 1. For example, electronics and sporting goods

retailers often use floor displays as a way for customers to play with available options and choose the best option for their wants and needs.

2. At home and lawncare centers, power tools and lawnmowers are often set up as floor displays so customers have a chance to interact with the items.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


C. In-aisle displays work much like floor displays, but they are incorporated into the permanent shelving fixtures within the store. Common examples of in- aisle displays are sample wood stains on different wood types, available radio and mp3 player options, and video gaming systems.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


D. Point of purchase (POP) displays are items placed near the checkouts. They are an

important focus for retailers because consumers tend to make impulse decisions on very high margin products at these locations.

1. Typically the merchandise placed on a point of purchase display is a low cost item or items with

deep discounts.

2. Common examples include candy, magazines, pens, bottled drinks, batteries, and gift certificates.

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What are the different types of displays used in the retail


E. Window displays give customers something from which to form a first impression. They set the tone for the store and invite customers inside.

1. They typically showcase new, seasonal, or trendy merchandise and help explain what kinds of items a customer will be able to find in the store.

2. Customers quickly judge the quality of items a store carries by the window displays.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?Design is the process of organizing one or more elements or principles for a particular purpose. Design elements are the basic visual pieces that make up design. In other words, they are the parts that come together to create the display, such as color, lines, shape, and texture.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?A. Color is the most expressive element of art. It can have a positive or negative impact on human

emotions. A retailer must consider several components of color when creating a display.1. A hue is a version of a basic color. For example,

deep red, blue-green, and khaki are all hues of a given color.

2. A color’s value is the lightness or darkness of it. A darker value means the color is closer to black; a

lighter value means the color is closer to white.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?A. Color is the most expressive (cont’d)

3. A color’s saturation describes its intensity. Saturation decreases as the amount of gray in

a color increases. Highly saturated colors are bold and rich and draw peoples’ attention easily.

4. Harmonies describe the relationship between colors and how the colors can be combined to create a desirable combination.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?A. Color is the most expressive (cont’d)

5. Common colors used in agricultural retail displays include those found in nature.a. Tans are neutral colors made of browns and white

that are found in soil, grass, feeds, etc.b. Blues are cool colors that recede from the eye and

create the illusion of space; these colors areassociated with water and the sky.

c. Greens are made of blues and yellows; green is associated with money, growth, health, and freshness.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?A. Color is the most expressive (cont’d)

5. Common colors used in agricultural retail (cont’d) d. Reds are warm colors that rise toward the eye

and create the illusion of warmth and closeness. Red is an attention-getter. It is also perceived as a color of power. This can be a positive or negative factor, depending on the audience.e. Yellows are warm colors that grab the viewer’s attention. It is associated with energy and sunshine. Yellow makes a good accent color.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?B. Lines create direction and boundaries within

displays. Lines help to direct the attention of viewers through drawn elements or with product that has been lined or stacked.

1. Vertical lines create height and dignity.2. Horizontal lines generate illusions of formality

or steadiness.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?B. Lines create direction and boundaries (cont’d)

3. Diagonal lines and curves help to direct peoples’ attention. A diagonal line running from left to right helps a viewer scan from left to right. This is helpful because our brains are trained to read and collect information from left to right. A curved line is more

playful and typically has a more calming effect than a hard diagonal line.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?C. The shape of an object helps provide dimension within the display. The most common shapes are circles, squares, and triangles. There is no one shape that is most effective in a display. The size of the included shapes (which are often created with

the use of products or stacked products) must be large enough to be seen easily.

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What are the elements of design used in successful retail

displays?D. Texture is the look or feel of the surface of an

object. Choices in textures for a display are dependent on the image the display is

working to promote.1. If the product is classy, sleek, and high end,

using display pieces that are shiny and smooth would lend to that image.

2. If the product is for outdoor use in a rugged environment, using display pieces with rough

surfaces and edges may be appropriate.

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What are the principles of design used in retail displays?

Design principles are the broad structural aspects of design or the ways in which design elements interact with each other. Some principles of design include balance, contrast, emphasis, scale, and unity.

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What are the principles of design used in retail displays?

A. Balance refers to the visual weight placed on each side (e.g., left to right or top to bottom) of a display. Displays can be effective when all sides are balanced or when there is a clear focal point in one part of the display while all other areas help support

the main focal area.

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What are the principles of design used in retail displays?

B. Contrast is the occurrence of contrasting elements (e.g., color, size, and shapes). It creates interest and pulls the attention toward the focal point. Contrast helps to set elements apart from one another.

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What are the principles of design used in retail displays?

C. Emphasis enunciates the areas of most interest in the display. It guides the eye through the display with various focal points. Emphasis can be increased by making an object larger, more sophisticated, or more ornate or by placing it in the foreground.

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What are the principles of design used in retail displays?

D. The scale of shapes within the display must be proportional and support the meaning of the display’s message. Scale is the proportion between two sets of dimensions or two sizes of objects.

E. Unity refers to the sense that everything within the display belongs there and works together.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

Steps in developing a plan for an agricultural display include determining the product or service to be featured, establishing a theme, incorporating seasons or current events, selecting a display arrangement, identifying and selecting materials, and drawing the plan.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

A. The first step in designing a plan for a display is to determine what product or service will be featured. In addition, the target buyer must be defined, and how the product will be used must be explained.

B. The purpose of a display is to create a setting or environment that allows customers to feel and see themselves as the owner of the product or service. A theme can then be developed to relate the product or service to the needs of the customer.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

C. Seasons and current events can be used to promote seasonal or timely items Products commonly

needed at a specific time of year make great displays during those times, but not at other times.

1. Holiday merchandise would not sell well in June, even if the display was well done.

2. Current events are difficult to anticipate, but they can create opportunities for buying.

3. If a cutworm problem is obvious at planting time, an insecticide display may promote usage of those products for sale.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

D. A variety of display arrangements can be utilized to promote products and services. Keeping design

elements and principles in mind when arranging will help create a visually pleasing and effective display.

1. A wedge arrangement uses a center object at the front with other related items on either side in the background.

2. A pyramid arrangement is used primarily with one item that is stacked in a pyramid shape. It causes

the consumer to view the display from the top down.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

D. A variety of display arrangements (cont’d)3. A radial arrangement has one focal point with

related or complementary items in rays or strands out from the focal item.

4. A repetition arrangement uses multiple copies of a particular item. This has a large impact because consumers see the item many times, allowing them to remember the product.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

D. A variety of display arrangements (cont’d)5. Some arrangements use stair steps to show

progress, differing levels of quality, stages of production, and differing prices. These displays are easy to understand.

6. A zigzag arrangement places products in uneven lines that look informal and fun. This should be used with casual, not formal products.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

E. All materials used within a display must complement the theme and the featured

product. The background colors and textures must complement the overall display.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

E. All materials used within a display (cont’d) 1. Props are the supports used to display the products

or services. Examples include tables, blocks, easels, steps, stands, or mannequins. They should

complement the primary for-sale items or be cloaked or covered in some way when their color or texture does not lend well to the display’s purpose and theme. 2. Accessories add interest and attract attention to a display. However, accessories should not overpower or take attention away from the focal point.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

E. All materials used within a display (cont’d) 3. Signs should be attractive, accurate, and

easy to read to assist customers who want to learn quickly about the products or services offered. Information cards that identify the product name, price, features, and

other information are referred to as show cards. Whenever possible, signs should be designed

and printed professionally to lend an image of high quality to the display.

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What steps should be taken to create a successful agricultural

retail display?

F. Before displays are set up, a drawing should be made by the designer to show what the display will look like and what materials are needed to assemble it. Drawings enable everyone involved to have an image of what the finished product should look like. A list of supplies, materials, and any special accessories should accompany the drawing. It may be helpful to draw large displays from multiple angles.

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• What types of products would be put on an endcap at a retail location? And why?

• What impact does color have on a display?

• Name the principles of design and the impact that they have on the consumer.