1 cs4402 – parallel computing lecture 11 image processing

1 CS4402 – Parallel Computing Lecture 11 Image Processing

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CS4402 – Parallel Computing

Lecture 11

Image Processing

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Image = rectangular area of colored pixel.

A colour c is defined by four channels c=(a,r,g,b)

where 0<=a,r,g,b<=255.

Important colours:

(0,0,0) is black; (255,255,255) is white.

Digital Image: - A matrix c=(c[i][j],i=0,1,…,w-1;j=0,1,…,h-1). - Four matrices a, r, g, b representing a channel.

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Image Data Problem: Given an image grab the image data?

Several C, Java classes available to extract a,r,g,b from gif, jpg etc.

ppm / pnm format for uncompress images has

- header to give the nature, width, height, max gray

- a,r,g,b values for each pixel. http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html

Matrix2D is a class to extract the a,r,g,b matrices from ppm images.

e.g. Mat2D_LoadRGBFrom PNM() find the R,G,B data.

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Classification of IP

Type of processing: - Low level processing: the pixel data is directly processed.

- High level processing: the pixel data is processed through filters.

Nature of processing:- Point transfs: preserve position and change colour.

- Geometrical transfs: preserve colour and change position.

- Spatial transfs: pixel data is given by some pixel’s neighbors.

- Global transfs: all the pixels contribute a a pixel value.

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Parallel Algorithms for IP

IP transformations are examples of embarrassingly comp.- Split the image matrix(ces) on processors.

- Transform each pixel data according to transf’s equation.

- Collect the transformed matrix(ces).

P0 P1 ... P

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General Structure of a || Transf

Image1 Image 2



grabRGB (P0)


createImage (P0)




pixelsR pixelsR pixelsR

pixelsG pixelsG pixelsG

pixelsB pixelsB pixelsB

P0 P1 Pp




newPixelR newPixelR newPixelR

newPixelG newPixelG



newPixelB newPixelB

P0 P1 Pp


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Some PT Image Processing Inversion: Colors are transformed to opposite colors.

R=255-r; G=255-g; B=255-b;

Value = 255 – value;

Brightening up: Colors are stretched toward white.Value = (int)(value * scale) or more correctly

Value = min((int)(value * scale),255)

Stretching colors between min and maxValue = min+(int)(value - min)/(max-min)

Threshold Value = (value<threshold)?0:value.

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Inverting a ppm image

Use Matrix2D objects to extract the r,g,b values from a ppm image.1. If Processor 0 then

extract the matrices.

2. Scatter the matrices on the processors.

3. Process the values of each local matrix.

4. Gather the matrices

5. If Processor 0 then create the new ppm image from the new matrices.

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Inverting a ppm imageUse Matrix2D objects to extract the r,g,b values from a ppm image.

If Processor 0 then extract the matrices.Scatter the matrices on the processors.Process the values of each local matrix.Gather the matricesIf Processor 0 then create the new ppm image from the new matrices.

if (rank == 0){matR= Mat2D_createNull(); matG= Mat2D_createNull(); matB= Mat2D_createNull();Mat2D_loadRGBFromPNM(matR, matG, matB,"./im1.ppm"); // extract the r,g,b in 3 Matrix2D objects

numRows = Mat2D_getnRows(matG); numCols = Mat2D_getnCols(matG);rData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matR); // get the matrices from the 3 Matrix2D objectsgData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matG);bData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matB);

numPixels = numRows * numCols; pixelsPerProc = numPixels/size;}

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Inverting a ppm imageUse Matrix2D objects to extract the r,g,b values from a ppm image.

If Processor 0 then extract the matrices.Scatter the matrices on the processors.Process the values of each local matrix.Gather the matricesIf Processor 0 then create the new ppm image from the new matrices.

MPI_Bcast(&pixelsPerProc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


for (i=0; i<pixelsPerProc; i++){recvbufR[i] =(unsigned char) 255 - recvbufR[i];recvbufG[i] =(unsigned char) 255 - recvbufG[i];recvbufB[i] =(unsigned char) 255 - recvbufB[i];



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Inverting a ppm imageUse Matrix2D objects to extract the r,g,b values from a ppm image.

If Processor 0 then extract the matrices.Scatter the matrices on the processors.Process the values of each local matrix.Gather the matricesIf Processor 0 then create the new ppm image from the new matrices.

if (rank == 0){

matR->data = rData;matG->data = gData;matB->data = bData;



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Parallel Code for the Histogram

1. if rank ==0 then

- grab rData, gData, bData.

2. Scatter the matrices rData, gData, bData.

3. Generate the distributions rHist, gHist, bHist

4. Reduce the array rHist, gHist, bHist

5. Visualise the histograms

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Histogram Equalisation

Histograms have statistical information:

- least and most used value

- peeks, valleys, etc

- similar distribution of color flat histograms

Histogram Equalisation

- the histogram is stretched over the whole band

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Example: Averagingif (rank == 0){

matR= Mat2D_createNull(); matG= Mat2D_createNull(); matB= Mat2D_createNull();Mat2D_loadRGBFromPNM(matR, matG, matB,"./im1.ppm");// extract the r,g,b in 3 Matrix2D objects

numRows = Mat2D_getnRows(matG); numCols = Mat2D_getnCols(matG); // get the matrices from the 3 Matrix2D objects

rData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matR);gData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matG);bData = Mat2D_getDataChar(matB);


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MPI_Bcast(&numRows, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);MPI_Bcast(&numCols, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);pixelsPerProc = numRows * numCols / size;

// allocate the local matricesrLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols); rNewLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols);gLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols); gNewLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols);bLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols); bNewLocalData = alloc_matrix(numRows/size,numCols);

// scatter the image data onto processorsMPI_Scatter(&rData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&rLocalData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);MPI_Scatter(&gData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&gLocalData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);MPI_Scatter(&bData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&bLocalData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// do image processing ... give the numerical transformations of the pixel valuesfor (i=0; i<nrRows/size; i++)for (j=0; j<nrCols; j++){

rNewLocalData[i][j] =average(i, j, numRows/size, numCols, rLocalData[i][j]); gNewLocalData[i][j] =average(i, j, numRows/size, numCols, gLocalData[i][j]); bNewLocalData[i][j] =average(i, j, numRows/size, numCols, bLocalData[i][j]);


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MPI_Gather(&rNewLocalData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&rData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

MPI_Gather(&gNewLocalData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&gData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

MPI_Gather(&bNewLocalData[0][0],pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,&bData[0][0], pixelsPerProc,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0){// update the image data in the Matrix2d OBJECTS

matR->data = rData;matG->data = gData;matB->data = bData;

// Create the output image.Mat2D_saveRGBToPNM(matR,matG,matB,"./outIm1.ppm");



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int average(int i0, int j0, int n, int m, int ** data){

int s = 0, nr=0, j, i;for(i=-1;i<2;i++)for(j=-1;j<2;j++){

if(i0+i<0 || i0+i>=n ||j0+j<0 || j0+j>=m)continue;


}return (int)s/nr;}