1 doxygen national university of kaohsiung department of applied mathematics yu-kai hong,...

1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong , Chien-Hsiang Liu , Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008

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Page 1: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008



National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics

Yu-Kai Hong , Chien-Hsiang Liu , Wei-Ren ChangFebruary, 2008

Page 2: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008



Source code documentation generator tool,

Doxygen is a documentation system for

C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python,

IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors),

Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#,

and to some extend D.

Page 3: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008



For Linux, download the software from the web, then you can use it.

For Windows, also download the software, and follow the indication, then you can use it.

Link :http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/

Page 4: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008



First, you have to generate a doxygen configuration-file. By using the command: doxygen –g filename

Next, edit your configuration-file and annotations.

Finally, create your doxygen-file. Using the command : doxygen filename

Page 5: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Some Doxygen Configurations (1)

PROJECT_NAME: The name of your project. PROJECT_VERSION: The version of your proj

ect. OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: Specify the path to ou

tput your file. INLINE_SOURCES : Decide if you want to e

mbed your codes in the documents .

Page 6: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Some Doxygen Configurations (2)


Specify the path to include your file.If you specify a directory, then all files under the directory will been handled.Moreover, you can include multiply files. For example, input=file1.c,file2.c,file3.c .

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Some Doxygen Configurations (3)

GENERATE_HTML : Decide if you want to generate html-file.

GENERATE_LATEX : Decide if you want to generate LATEX-file.

Page 8: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in C++

Single row comment :

// … single row …

Multi-row comment :

/* … row 1 …

… row 2 …


Page 9: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Single column comment :

Type 1 :

/// /// … text …


Page 10: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Single column comment :

Type 2 :

//! //! … text …


Page 11: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Example 1:

/// This is the single column comment

void function1(void);

Example 2:

//! This is the single column comment

void function1(void);


Page 12: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Multi-column comment :

Type 1:

/** * … text …


Page 13: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Multi-column comment :

Type 2 :

/*! * … text …


Page 14: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Multi-column comment :

Type 2 :

/*! … text …


Page 15: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Example 1:

/** This is the multi-column comment\n

* The second column.


double* function2(int*,double);


Page 16: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Comment Form in Doxygen

Example 2:

/*! This is the multi-column comment\n

* The second column.


double* function2(int*,double);


Page 17: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

In Front of the program block ” { }”

… Comment …


… Program implementation …


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The Brief and Detail Description

Type 1 :

/// brief description. /** detail description. */

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The Brief and Detail Description

Type 2 :

//! brief description.

//! detail description

//! … text …

Page 20: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example 1:

/// This is the brief description.

/** This is the detail description.



double function3(double,double);


Page 21: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example 2:

//! This is the brief description.

//! This is the detail description.



double function3(double,double);


Page 22: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail description

Note1 : Only one brief and detail description are valid.

Note2 : There is one brief description before a

declaration and before a definition of a code

item, only the one before the declaration will

be used.

Note3 : The situation for the detail description is

adverse of the brief description.

Page 23: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example :

/// (1)The brief description which is used.

/// (1)The detail description which is not used

double function4(double,double);

/// (2)The brief description which is not used.

/// (2)The detail description which is used.

double function4(double var1,double var2)

{ return (var1+var2); };


Page 24: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Behind the program block ” { }”


… Program implementation …


… Comment …

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The Brief and Detail Description

Type 1 :

///< brief description. /**< detail description. */

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The Brief and Detail Description

Type 2 :

//!< brief description

//!< detail description

//!< ... Text ...

Page 27: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example 1:

double function5(double,double);

///< This is the brief description.

//!< This is the detail description.




Page 28: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example 2:

double function5(double,double);

//!< This is the brief description.

/*!< This is the detail description.




Page 29: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Note1 : Put additional mark < in the comment block

Note2 : There blocks only used to document functions

and the parameters.

Example :

int var; //!< The single column comment. int var; /**< The multi-column comment. *>

Page 30: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Note3 : They cannot used to document, files, classes,

unions, structs, namespaces and enums …etc.

Note4 : There is one brief description before a

declaration and before a definition of a code

item, only the one before the declaration will

be used, the same situation is for the detail


Page 31: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


The Brief and Detail Description

Example :

double function6(double,double);

///< (1)The brief description which is used.

//!< (1)The detail description which is used

double function6(double var1,double var2)

{ return (var1+var2); };

///< (2)The brief description which is not used.

//!< (2)The detail description which is not used.


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Special Syntax in Doxygen

Put additional mark \ in the comment block

\ + command

Put the document at other places on the program,

rather than in front of or behind the program block.

Page 33: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Some Commands (1) - File

@file: The comment of the file. @author: Informations of the author. @brief:The comment of function or class. Example:    /**

* @file myfile.h * @brief A brief introduction of the file.    *        … complete information …          * @author Some informations of the author. */

Page 34: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Some Commands (2) - Function

@param: The comment of the parameter syntax :

@param arg_name comment of arg_name

e.g.@param mtxA Return the Laplacian

matrix called A

Page 35: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Some Commands (3) - Function

@return:Display return value. @retval: The comment of return value. Example:


    * @brief A brief introduction of your function

* … complete information …

* @param a Some introduction of parametric a.    * @return Some introduction of return value.  */

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Some Commands (4)

\b \c \e : set the next word to bold, italic, or courier, respectively. e.g. /// You can make things \b bold, \e italic, or set them in \c courier . results in:  You can make things bold, italic, or set them in courier.

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Some Commands (4)

\n: force a newline . \internal :

starts a paragraph with "internal information" (such as implementaiton details). The paragraph will be included only if the INTERNAL_DOCS option is enabled.

Page 38: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Complete C++ Example

About this code, please refer to

“C++ Language Tutorial, Juan Soulie, 2007.”

1. crectangle.h

2. set_values.h

3. crectangle.cpp

4. This is a complete html file.

Page 39: 1 Doxygen National University of Kaohsiung Department of Applied Mathematics Yu-Kai Hong, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Wei-Ren Chang February, 2008


Reference :

-Home http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/

- Manual http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual.html

- Articles http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/articles.html

- Chinese:  http://www.stack.nl/%7Edimitri/doxygen/doxygen_in tro_cn.html