1. early man notes #1: paleolithic era. i. stone age: period named after the stone tools that were...

Download 1. Early Man Notes #1: Paleolithic Era. I. Stone Age: Period named after the stone tools that were used by hominids (human- like creatures) A. Paleolithic

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1. Early Man Notes #1: Paleolithic Era Slide 2 I. Stone Age: Period named after the stone tools that were used by hominids (human- like creatures) A. Paleolithic Age ( Old Stone Age ) 2 million years ago 12,000 BC 1. Nomadic, Hunter-Gatherers, Early Stone Tools Slide 3 Early Hominids (Simple Tools, No Language, Nomadic) Slide 4 Later Hominids (More Advanced Tools, Spoken Language, Fire, Larger Brains) Slide 5 I. Stone Age B. Neolithic Age (New Stone Age ) 8,000 BC 3,500BC 1. Agriculture, Domestication of Animals Slide 6 The development of farming led To the creation of villages and towns. The domestication of animals led to the increase of food supplies. Slide 7 II. Early Hominids of the Paleolithic Era A. Scientists agree that humans evolved from the hominid ( manlike ) species Australopithecus into the classification Homo ( man ). Austral. H.H H.E Neanderthal Cro-MagnonHomo Sapiens 4 million 2013 years ago Slide 8 II. Early Hominids B. Australopithecus: ( Southern Ape) 4 to 2.8 million years ago 1. Earliest evidence was found by 4 million year old footprints and a 3.5 million year old skeleton called Lucy. Slide 9 II. Early Hominids B. Australopithecus: (Southern Ape) 4 to 2.8 million years ago 2. Upright posture, mainly plant eaters, no evidence of tools Male height is around 5 feet, while the females are around 43. The male weight is around 110 lbs, while the female weight is around 70 lbs. Slide 10 Slide 11 Why did Hominids first appear in this area of East Africa? Ideas? Slide 12 II. Early Hominids C. Other Early Hominids 1. Homo Habilis:(Handy Man) 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago 1. Worlds first toolmaker, larger brain Slide 13 Slide 14 II. Early Hominids C. Other Early Hominids 2. Homo Erectus: (Upright Man) 1.6 million to 250,000 years ago 1. First use of fire for warmth, cooking, and protection 2. First hominid to migrate outside of Africa Slide 15 Slide 16 III. Homo-Sapiens A. Homo-Sapiens emerged in East Africa between 400,000 and 100,000 years ago. Slide 17 III. Homo-Sapiens B. Homo Sapiens moved from Africa to Australia, Europe, and the Americas. Slide 18 IV. Types of Homo-Sapiens A. Neanderthal Man (Thinking Man) 1. Lived about 230,000 to 30,000 years ago 2. Hunted giant mammals, migrated following the food supply 3. Made clothing, possibility of burials Slide 19 IV. Types of Homo-Sapiens B. Cro-Magnon Man (Wise Man) 1. Lived about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago 2. Well-developed speech ability 3. Clear evidence of burials Slide 20 IV. Types of Homo-Sapiens B. Cro-Magnon Man (Wise Man) 4. Began to live in more permanent villages of around 30 to 100 people Slide 21 V. Hunter-Gatherer Societies during Paleolithic Era A. Early humans were hunters and gatherers whose survival depended on the availability of wild plants and animals. Slide 22 V. Hunter-Gatherer Societies during Paleolithic Era B. Characteristics of Hunter-Gatherer Societies 1. Were Nomadic, migrating in search of food, water and shelter. 2. Invented the first tools, including simple weapons. Slide 23 V. Hunter-Gatherer Societies during Paleolithic Era B. Characteristics of Hunter-Gatherer Societies 3. Learned how to make & use fire. 4. Lived in clans. 5. Developed oral language. Slide 24 V. Hunter-Gatherer Societies during Paleolithic Era B. Characteristics of Hunter-Gatherer Societies 6. Created Cave Art.