1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10....

1. 日泊優惠 由即日起至 2020 12 31 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 泊進 K11 MUSEA 停車場 (以入場時間計算),可享以下日泊優惠 (“優惠 A”):- 優惠時段 停車場收費 星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星 期日及公眾假期) 午八時 至晚上七 (“時段”) 最高收費 HK$150/時段 2. 免費日泊優惠 另外,KLUB11 會員可憑兩張由不同 K11 MUSEA 商戶發出,各消費滿港幣五十 元正之即日合格單據及電子貨幣付款存根,即可於上述時段於 K11 MUSEA 停車 場享受免費泊車優惠(“優惠 B”)(優惠 A 及優惠 B 統稱為優惠) 條款及細則 1. 每位參與 K11 Property Management Company Limited“K11”)舉辦的優惠 的參加者(參加者)將被視為已閱讀、理解及同意適用於優惠的條款及細 則。 2. 優惠只適用於星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)上午八時後及 中午一時前進場之車輛。顧客於晚上七時後離開 K11 MUSEA 停車場(“停車 ”)需另繳額外時租泊車費並將以正常收費計算。 3. 合格收據是指 K11 MUSEA 之商戶於辦理優惠之日就合格交易發出的機印 收據正本一張。K11 不接受任何影印或手寫的收據。K11 有權拒絕接受任何 K11 懷疑是無效的、偽造的或虛假交易產生等原因的收據,且毋須作出任何 解釋。 4. 合格交易是指任何人於 K11 MUSEA 的商戶的交易,但不包括以下任何一 項: 任何現金交易(即所有非電子貨幣消費(泛指不使用信用卡、易辦事、八達 通或手機電子平台支付的消費項目) 購買任何現金禮券、禮品卡或贈券、儲值卡或預付卡; 任何兌現指定商戶提供及發行之回贈推廣(禮券)和新 VIP 禮券; 對八達通卡、充值卡或預付卡增值; 貨幣兌換; 於凱悅酒店、香港瑰麗酒店、K11 ATELIER 辦公樓、K11 ARTUS、香港洲 際酒店及星光大道的任何消費; 慈善捐款; 任何繳費(包括但不限於支付通訊費或水電等公用設施費用);

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Page 1: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

1. 日泊優惠

由即日起至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前泊進 K11 MUSEA 停車場 (以入場時間計算),可享以下日泊優惠 (“優惠 A”):-



星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)


時 (“時段”)

最高收費 HK$150/時段

2. 免費日泊優惠

另外,KLUB11 會員可憑兩張由不同 K11 MUSEA 商戶發出,各消費滿港幣五十元正之即日合格單據及電子貨幣付款存根,即可於上述時段於 K11 MUSEA 停車場享受免費泊車優惠(“優惠 B”)。 (優惠 A 及優惠 B 統稱為”優惠” 。) 條款及細則

1. 每位參與 K11 Property Management Company Limited(“K11”)舉辦的優惠


2. 優惠只適用於星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)上午八時後及中午一時前進場之車輛。顧客於晚上七時後離開 K11 MUSEA 停車場(“停車場”)需另繳額外時租泊車費並將以正常收費計算。

3. “合格收據”是指 K11 MUSEA 之商戶於辦理優惠之日就合格交易發出的機印收據正本一張。K11 不接受任何影印或手寫的收據。K11 有權拒絕接受任何K11 懷疑是無效的、偽造的或虛假交易產生等原因的收據,且毋須作出任何解釋。

4. “合格交易”是指任何人於 K11 MUSEA 的商戶的交易,但不包括以下任何一項: 任何現金交易(即所有非電子貨幣消費(泛指不使用信用卡、易辦事、八達


購買任何現金禮券、禮品卡或贈券、儲值卡或預付卡; 任何兌現指定商戶提供及發行之回贈推廣(禮券)和新 VIP 禮券; 對八達通卡、充值卡或預付卡增值; 貨幣兌換; 於凱悅酒店、香港瑰麗酒店、K11 ATELIER 辦公樓、K11 ARTUS、香港洲

際酒店及星光大道的任何消費; 慈善捐款; 任何繳費(包括但不限於支付通訊費或水電等公用設施費用);

Page 2: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

K Dollar 作消費之金額; 及 任何使用現金券作消費之金額。

5. KLUB11 會員享用優惠 B 時請出示即日兩張任何消費金額之合格收據正本及

電子貨幣付款存根正本。 6. KLUB11 會員必須於車輛進場當日晚上 10 時前到 K11 MUSEA 之禮賓部辦理

優惠 B 登記手續。 7. 優惠以車輛進入 K11 MUSEA 停車場之時間計算(根據 K11 的記錄,且該記錄

為最終及具決定性的)。 8. 優惠只適用於時租私家車。 9. 優惠不可與其他免費泊車禮遇同時使用。 10. K11 有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。 11. 本條款及細則的解釋權歸 K11。如有任何爭議,以 K11 對相關方作出的最終


12. 本條款及細則的中文版本僅供參考,若英文版本與中文版本的規定不一致,以英文版本為準。

13. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄。

3. 夜泊車優惠 由即日起至 2020 年 12 月 31 日(“優惠期”),KLUB11 會員(“會員”)於下午 5 時後於 K11 MUSEA 停車場(“停車場”)泊車(車輛進入停車場的當天以下稱為“進場日”),並:- (A)於 K11 MUSEA 內指定餐廳作任何消費(只限堂食)(請參閱以下指定餐廳列表),憑進場日當天機印單據及電子貨幣付款存根,或 (B)憑兩張進場日當天之 K11 ART HOUSE 電影戲飛票尾, 即可於進場日當天於停車場享免費泊車優惠至凌晨 12 時。

4. 通宵泊車優惠 此外,已享有夜泊車優惠的會員如於 K11 MUSEA 內指定零售商戶作額外消費(最少消費港幣 50 元) (請參閱以下指定零售商戶列表) ,並憑進場日當天機印單據及電子貨幣付款存根,即可額外於停車場享免費泊車至進場日翌日早上 8 時。 夜泊車優惠及通宵泊車優惠統稱優惠。 條款及細則 1. 每位參與 K11 Property Management Company Limited(“K11”)舉辦的優惠

的會員將被視為已閱讀、理解及同意適用於優惠的條款及細則。 2. 夜泊車優惠只適用於優惠期間下午五時後於停車場進場之車輛。除非會員享

有通宵泊車優惠,車輛於凌晨十二時後離開停車場需另繳額外時租泊車費並將以正常收費計算。即使會員享有通宵泊車優惠,車輛於進場日翌日早上 8時後離開停車場需另繳額外時租泊車費並將以正常收費計算。

3. 夜泊車優惠只適用於會員出示進場日當天 K11 MUSEA 有效指定餐廳(堂食)機印單據正本及電子貨幣付款存根正本,或兩張進場日當天之 K11 ART HOUSE電影戲飛票尾。指定餐廳的外賣自取、外送速遞、手寫單據、重印或影印本

Page 3: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

單據/ 電影戲飛票尾恕不接受。 4. 通宵泊車優惠只適用於會員出示進場日當天 K11 MUSEA 有效指定零售商戶


5. 以優惠券、現金禮券、禮物卡或商戶儲值卡付款之消費恕不接受。 6. 會員必須在進場日當天於 K11 MUSEA 之禮賓部辦理以上優惠手續。 7. 此優惠以車輛進入停車場之時間計算(根據 K11 的記錄,且該記錄為最終及

具決定性的)。 8. 此優惠只適用於時租私家車。 9. 此優惠不可與其他免費泊車禮遇同時使用。 10. K11 有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。 11. 本條款及細則的解釋權歸 K11。如有任何爭議,以 K11 對相關方作出的最終

決定為準。 12. 本條款及細則的中文版本僅供參考,若英文版本與中文版本的規定不一致,

以英文版本為準。 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄。 K11 Property Management Company Limited 於 2020 年 11 月 30 日發佈

1. Day Parking Privilege From now until 31 December 2020, customers whose cars enter K11 MUSEA Car Park after 8am and before 1pm , Monday to Friday (based on entrance time to the K11 MUSEA Car Park) can enjoy the following day parking privilege (the “Privilege A”):-

Privilege Period

Parking Fee

Monday to Friday (Not including Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday)

08:00am to

07:00pm (the


Maximum Fee of HK$150/ Period

2. Free Day Parking Privilege In addition, KLUB11 Members can enjoy free parking at K11 MUSEA Car Park in the Period by presenting two Eligible Receipts, each of HK$50 or above, from different merchants at K11 MUSEA with the corresponding electronic payment slips on the same day of purchase(the “Privilege B”). (The Privilege A and Privilege B shall be referred collectively as the “Privileges”.)

Page 4: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

Terms & Conditions

1. By participating in the Privileges organized by K11 Property Management Company Limited (“K11”), each participant (the “Participant”) is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions applicable to the Privileges.

2. The Privileges are only applicable to cars which enter the K11 MUSEA Car Park (“Car Park”) after 8am and before 1pm on Mondays to Fridays (and not including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays). For cars which exit the Car Park after 7pm, additional parking fee on normal hourly basis will be charged.

3. An “Eligible Receipt” means a machine-printed receipt issued by a merchant in K11 MUSEA on the day of the registration for the Privilege. K11 does not accept any photocopies or hand-written receipts and reserves the right not to accept

any receipts that K11 suspects to be invalid, forged, issued not for genuine transactions or on other grounds without any explanation.

4. An “Eligible Transaction” means a consumer transaction between anyone and a merchant at K11 MUSEA but excludes:

any cash payment(s) (meaning any non-electronic payment (including transactions not settled by credit card, EPS, octopus card and e-payment via mobile device);

any purchase of cash vouchers, gift cards or coupons, stored value cards or pre-paid cards;

payments using rebate promotion (coupons) and New VIP cash vouchers provided and issued by any merchants;

adding value to Octopus cards, stored value cards or pre-paid cards; currency exchange;

Any spending in Hyatt Regency Hotel, Rosewood Hong Kong, K11 ATELIER, K11 ARTUS, Intercontinental Hotel Hong Kong & Avenue of Stars;

charity donations; and any bill payment (including but not limited to payment of telecommunication or

utility bills). any spending by K Dollar(s); any spending by gift voucher(s)

5. The Privilege B is valid for KLUB11 Members by presenting no more than two

Eligible Receipts of any amount with the corresponding electronic payment slips on the same day of purchase.

6. The Privilege B must be redeemed by KLUB11 Members at K11 MUSEA Koncierge. 7. The Privileges are calculated based on the actual time the vehicle enters K11

MUSEA car park according to the records of K11, which shall be final and conclusive.

8. The Privileges are applicable to hourly parking of private cars only. 9. The Privileges cannot be used in conjunction with other parking privilege

programs of K11 MUSEA. 10. K11 has the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without any

prior notice. 11. K11 has the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions. In case of disputes, the

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decision of K11 shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. 12. The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions is for reference only. In case

of discrepancies between the provisions of the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

13. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

3. Night Parking Privilege From now until 31 December 2020 (“Promotion Period”), KLUB11 Members (“Members”) whose cars enter the K11 MUSEA Car Park (“Car Park”) after 5pm (the day on which the car entered the Car Park referred hereunder as the “Car Parking Day”), and

(A) with any spending (dinning-in only) at designated restaurants of K11

MUSEA (please refer to below list of designated restaurants) and by presenting the relevant machine-printed receipt and corresponding electronic payment slip having the same date as the Car Parking Day; or (B) by presenting 2 movie tickets of K11 ART HOUSE having the same date as the Car Parking Day,

can enjoy free parking at Car Park until 12am midnight on the Car Parking Day.

4. Overnight Parking Privilege In addition, Members who are already entitled to the Night Parking Privilege can enjoy extra free parking at the Car Park until 8am of the day following the Car Parking Day with extra spending (at least HK$50) at designated retail outlets of K11 MUSEA (please refer to below list of designated retail outlets) and by presenting the relevant machine-printed receipt and corresponding electronic

payment slip having the same date as the Car Parking Day. Night Parking Privilege and Overnight Parking Privilege to be referred collectively as the “Privileges”

Terms & Conditions 1. By participating in the Privileges organized by K11 Property Management

Company Limited (“K11”), each Member is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions applicable to the Privileges.

2. Night Parking Privilege is only applicable to cars entering the Car Park after 5pm within the Promotion Period. For cars which exit the Car Park after 12am on the day following the Car Parking Day, unless the Members are entitled to Overnight

Parking Privilege, hourly parking fee on normal hourly basis will be charged as from 12am. For cars which exit the Car Park after 8am on the day following the Car Parking Day, even if the Members are entitled to Overnight Parking Privilege, hourly parking fee on normal hourly basis will be charged as from 8am.

3. Night Parking Privilege is only available with presentation of original printed receipts(s) issued by designated K11 MUSEA’s restaurants (dinning-in only) and corresponding original electronic payment slip(s) having the same date as the Car Parking Day, or 2 movie tickets from K11 ART HOUSE having the same date as the

Page 6: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

Car Parking Day. Transactions of takeaway or delivery at the designated restaurants and hand-written, re-printed or photocopied receipts/ tickets are not

acceptable. 4. Overnight Parking Privilege is only available with presentation of original printed

receipt(s) issued by designated K11 MUSEA’s retail outlets and corresponding original electronic payment slip(s) having the same date as the Car Parking Day. Handwritten, re-printed or photocopied receipts are not acceptable.

5. Spending which includes any payment made with coupons, cash/ gift vouchers, gift cards or merchants’ stored-value cards is not acceptable.

6. The Privileges must be redeemed by Members at K11 MUSEA Koncierge on the Car Parking Day.

7. The Privileges are calculated based on the actual time the vehicle enters the Car Park according to the records of K11, which shall be final and conclusive.

8. The Privileges are applicable to hourly parking of private cars only.

9. The Privileges cannot be used in conjunction with other parking privilege programs of K11 MUSEA.

10. K11 has the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notice.

11. K11 has the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions. In case of disputes, the decision of K11 shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.

12. The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions is for reference only. In case of discrepancies between the provisions of the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

13. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Issued by K11 Property Management Company Limited on 30 November 2020.

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1. 日泊优惠 由即日起至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,顾客于星期一至星期五上午八时至中午一时前

泊进 K11 MUSEA 停车场 (以入场时间计算),可享以下日泊优惠 (“优惠 A”):-

优惠时段 停车场收费

星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星期日及公众假期)


时 (“时段”)

最高收费 HK$150/时段

2. 免费日泊优惠 另外,KLUB11 会员可凭两张由不同 K11 MUSEA 商户发出,各消费满港币五十元正之即日合格单据及电子货币付款存根,即可于上述时段于 K11 MUSEA 停车场享受免费泊车优惠(“优惠 B”)。

(优惠 A 及优惠 B 统称为”优惠” 。 ) 条款及细则 1. 每位参与 K11 Property Management Company Limited(“K11”)举办的优惠的


2. 优惠只适用于星期一至五 (不包括星期六、星期日及公众假期)上午八时后及中午一时前进场之车辆。 顾客于晚上七时后离开 K11 MUSEA 停车场(“停车场”)需另缴额外时租泊车费并将以正常收费计算。

3. “合格收据”是指 K11 MUSEA 之商户于办理优惠之日就合格交易发出的机印收据正本一张。 K11 不接受任何影印或手写的收据。 K11 有权拒绝接受任何K11 怀疑是无效的、伪造的或虚假交易产生等原因的收据,且毋须作出任何解释。

4. “合格交易”是指任何人于 K11 MUSEA 的商户的交易,但不包括以下任何一项: 任何现金交易(即所有非电子货币消费(泛指不使用信用卡、易办事、八达

通或手机电子平台支付的消费项目); 购买任何现金礼券、礼品卡或赠券、储值卡或预付卡; 任何兑现指定商户提供及发行之回赠推广(礼券)和新 VIP 礼券; 对八达通卡、充值卡或预付卡增值; 货币兑换; 于凯悦酒店、香港瑰丽酒店、K11 ATELIER 办公楼、K11 ARTUS、香港洲际

酒店及星光大道的任何消费; 慈善捐款; 任何缴费(包括但不限于支付通讯费或水电等公用设施费用);

K Dollar 作消费之金额; 及 任何使用现金券作消费之金额。

5. KLUB11 会员享用优惠 B 时请出示即日两张任何消费金额之合格收据正本及电子货币付款存根正本。

6. KLUB11 会员必须于车辆进场当日晚上 10 时前到 K11 MUSEA 之礼宾部办理优惠 B 登记手续。

7. 优惠以车辆进入 K11 MUSEA 停车场之时间计算(根据 K11 的记录,且该记录为最终及具决定性的)。

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8. 优惠只适用于时租私家车。 9. 优惠不可与其他免费泊车礼遇同时使用。

10. K11 有权随时修改本条款及细则,而毋须事先通知。 11. 本条款及细则的解释权归 K11。 如有任何争议,以 K11 对相关方作出的最

终决定为准。 12. 本条款及细则的中文版本仅供参考,若英文版本与中文版本的规定不一致,

以英文版本为准。 13. 本条款及细则受香港特别行政区法律管辖。

3. 夜泊车优惠 由即日起至 2020 年 12 月 31 日("优惠期"),KLUB11 会员("会员")于下午 5时后于 K11 MUSEA 停车场("停车场")泊车(车辆进入停车场的当天以下称为"进场日"),并:-

(A)于 K11 MUSEA 内指定餐厅作任何消费(只限堂食)(请参阅以下指定餐厅列表),凭进场日当天机印单据及电子货币付款存根, 或 (B)凭两张进场日当天之 K11 ART HOUSE 电影戏飞票尾, 即可于进场日当天于停车场享免费泊车优惠至凌晨 12 时。

4.通宵泊车优惠 此外,已享有夜泊车优惠的会员如于 K11 MUSEA 内指定零售商户作额外消费(最少消费港币 50 元) (请参阅以下指定零售商户列表) ,并凭进场日当天机印单据及电子货币付款存根,即可额外于停车场享免费泊车至进场日翌日早上 8 时。

夜泊车优惠及通宵泊车优惠统称优惠。 条款及细则 1. 每位参与 K11 Property Management Company Limited("K11")举办的优惠

的会员将被视为已阅读、理解及同意适用于优惠的条款及细则。 2. 夜泊车优惠只适用于优惠期间下午五时后于停车场进场之车辆。 除非会员

享有通宵泊车优惠,车辆于凌晨十二时后离开停车场需另缴额外时租泊车费并将以正常收费计算。 即使会员享有通宵泊车优惠,车辆于进场日翌日早上 8 时后离开停车场需另缴额外时租泊车费并将以正常收费计算。

3. 夜泊车优惠只适用于会员出示进场日当天 K11 MUSEA 有效指定餐厅(堂食)机印单据正本及电子货币付款存根正本,或两张进场日当天之 K11 ART HOUSE 电影戏飞票尾。 指定餐厅的外卖自取、外送速递、手写单据、重印

或复印本单据/ 电影戏飞票尾恕不接受。 4. 通宵泊车优惠只适用于会员出示进场日当天 K11 MUSEA 有效指定零售商户

机印单据正本及电子货币付款存根正本。 手写单据、重印或影印本单据恕不接受。

5. 以优惠券、现金礼券、礼物卡或商户储值卡付款之消费恕不接受。 6. 会员必须在进场日当天于 K11 MUSEA 之礼宾部办理以上优惠手续。 7. 此优惠以车辆进入停车场之时间计算(根据 K11 的记录,且该记录为最终


Page 9: 1. 日泊優惠 日,顧客於星期一至星期五上午八時至中午一時前 ... · 2020. 10. 28. · 28. REIGN The Abalone House 29. Sake Moment 30. Future ar by Green ommon

8. 此优惠只适用于时租私家车。 9. 此优惠不可与其他免费泊车礼遇同时使用。

10. K11 有权随时修改本条款及细则,而毋须事先通知。 11. 本条款及细则的解释权归 K11。 如有任何争议,以 K11 对相关方作出的最

终决定为准。 12. 本条款及细则的中文版本仅供参考,若英文版本与中文版本的规定不一

致,以英文版本为准。 本条款及细则受香港特别行政区法律管辖 K11 Property Management Company Limited 於 2020 年 11 月 30 日发布。

指定餐廳名單 Designated Restaurants List


1. artisan lounge

2. Fortnum & Mason

3. KAIYO (Japanese Restaurant)

4. VELO (Italian Restaurant)

5. Mr. Ming’s Chinese Dining


7. Takano Ramen

8. A Happy Pancake

9. Five Guys

10. Greyhound Café Galleria

11. BEP Vietnamese Kitchen

12. KiKi Noodle Bar (KiKi Tea)

13. SHU K

14. Sexy Crab

15. Glasshouse Greenery

16. Tominokoji Yamagishi

17. Lilium by Gitone

18. IE Sushi and Teppanyaki


20. yè shanghai

21. COUCOU Reserve


23. Soil to Soul

24. Elephant Ground

25. Chatterbox Café

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26. Baekmidang (Shop B111)

27. Afternoon Tea TEAROOM

28. CURATOR by Lex Art Café

29. Avobar

30. SAMJIN AMOOK Express

31. bong Pro-DryAging Butchers & Grill

32. HAN Chicken & Snack

33. Future Bar by Green Common

34. Sake Moment

35. REIGN The Abalone House

36. Tea Meets Coffee

37. K11 Play Playground

38. Gontran Cherrier (exclude bakery section)

39. Camellia

40. Yummee

41. Japanese Restaurant GINZA


Designated Retail Outlets 指定零售商户

1. G/F 001 Alexander McQueen

2. G/F 002 Manolo Blahnik

3. G/F 002A Sergio Rossi

4. G/F 003 Loewe

5. G/F 003A Lanvin

6. G/F 005 Brunello Cucinelli


8. G/F 006A Burberry

9. G/F 007 Yohji Yamamoto

10. G/F 009 Balenciaga

11. G/F 010 Gucci

12. G/F 011 Saint Laurent

13. G/F 012 Cartier

14. G/F 013 KENZO

15. G/F 015 Tod's

16. G/F 016 & 019 Van Cleef & Arpels

17. G/F 017 Roger Vivier

18. G/F 018A Chanel

19. G/F 018B+018C Delvaux

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20. G/F 018D Jimmy Choo

21. G/F 020 & 021 Girard Perregaux

22. G/F 022A & 120 & 121 & 122A Gentle Monster

23. 1F 101 Y-3

24. 1F 102 Arc'teryx

25. 1F 106 Tory Burch

26. 1F 106A Georg Jensen

27. 1F 108 & 108A Michael Kors

28. 1F 109+109A+110 Leonardo3 Hair Corner

29. 1F 111B Breitling

30. 1F 111C Santoni

31. 1F 111D Tassels

32. 1F 112 J. Lindeberg

33. 1F 113 Save The Duck

34. 1F 116 CK Calvin Klein

35. 1F 116A Mulberry

36. 1F 117 Tumi

37. 1F 118+118A Diesel

38. 1F 118B Series urban generation corner

39. 1F 118C Zadig & Voltaire

40. 1F 119 Point De Vue

41. 1F 119A EVISU

42. 1F Kiosk LA104 Didier Dubot

43. 1F Kiosk LA109 Tag Heuer

44. 1F LA106 Van der Bloom

45. 1F LA110 Frederic Malle

46. 2F 203 Sweaty Betty

47. 2F 201 & 202 COS

48. 2F 204 Charles & Keith

49. 2F 205 Kapok

50. 2F 206 United Tokyo

51. 2F 207 ba&sh

52. 2F 209 Thann

53. 2F 210A Eyeconic by cl mall

54. 2F 210B Beautysaur Organics

55. 2F 211 & 212 MTM Skincare

56. 2F 213A Cosmo Boxx

57. 2F 213B 10 Perfect Nails

58. 2F 213C 1010 Hope

59. 2F 213D Parisine

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60. 2F 215 A80 Anoufa Paris

61. 2F 216 TWINSET

62. 2F 218 Fancl

63. 2F 222 alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet

64. 2F 223 Sandro

65. 2F 223A American Vintage

66. 2F 225 Rue Madame

67. 2F 225A Ports Pure

68. 2F 225B Primo by City Chain


70. 2F 226A anagram

71. 2F 227 Public Tokyo


73. 2F 229 Juvil

74. 2F 230 Maje

75. 2F 231 Claudie Pierlot

76. 2F 232 & 232A APM Monaco

77. 2F 233 Les Néréides Paris

78. 2F Kiosk LA201A Scented Niche

79. 3F 301A SONY

80. 3F 303&303A Patagonia

81. 3F 303B Adidas

82. 3F 304A Puma

83. 3F 304B Nike Kicks Lounge

84. 3F 307 JINS

85. 3F 310 GARMIN

86. 3F 310B Design Corner

87. 3F 310C G shock

88. 3F 312 Mark Nason

89. 3F 315 Gift & Take by Nobletime

90. 3F 316 Mitchell & Ness

91. 3F 318 Boy London

92. 3F 319 Barbour

93. 3F 320 Converse

94. 3F 321 Asics

95. 3F 323 LEVI'S

96. 3F 325 National Geographic


98. 3F 326B lacoste

99. 3F 327B & 329 Sixpad Station

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100. 3F 328 & 330 1010

101. 3F 331 CHAMPION

102. 3F 331A New ERA

103. 3F 352 Popcorn General Store

104. 3F 353 Ellesse

105. 3F Gold Ball 326 Bandai

106. 3F Kiosk LA303 & LA304 Lojel

107. 4F 409 Techlife by Fortress

108. 4F 402 J Select

109. 4F 403 Sunion

110. 4F 403A Samsonite

111. 4F 405 KLUB Lounge

112. 4F 405A Metrosix

113. 4F 407 & 408 & 510A L' Ecole Van Cleef & Arpels

114. 4F 409A Drivepro

115. 5F 502 M.A.D. Gallery

116. 5F 511 & 512 Moda Operandi

117. 5F 515_516 Cartier

118. 5F 517 & 518 Elegant Watch & Jewellery

119. 8F 802 Nature Discovery Park

120. B1 B101 MTM Skincare

121. B1 B101A & B101B LUSH

122. B1 B102 MDNA/Refa

123. B1 B103A Sisley Paris

124. B1 B103B ärzt skin



B104A & B104B & B104C &

B104D Chow Tai Fook

126. B1 B105 Estee Lauder

127. B1 B106A Cha Ling

128. B1 B106B Guerlain

129. B1 B107 Aesop

130. B1 B108A Sulwhasoo

131. B1 B108B LANCOME

132. B1 B109 La Mer

133. B1 B112A La Prairie


135. B1 B113B Charlotte Tilbury

136. B1 B116 Bobbi Brown

137. B1 B117 Tom Ford Beauty

138. B1 B118 & B119 Dior Beauty

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139. B1 B120 Byredo

140. B1 B121 Atelier Cologne

141. B1 B122 Casetify

142. B1 B123 Jo Malone

143. B1 B125 Penhaligon's

144. B1 B126 Givenchy Beauty

145. B1 B126A Diptyque

146. B1 B127 & B128 Armani Beauty

147. B1 B129 YSL Beauty

148. B1 B130 Serge Lutens

149. B1 B101C & B101D Yellow Korner

150. B2 B201-01A Market Place by Jasons

151. B2 B201-01B Mannings

152. B2 B201-05 & 06 Pret A Manger

153. B2 B201-17 George Coffee

154. B2 B201-22 Yoku Moku

155. B2 B201-26 Bee Cheng Hiang

156. B2 B201-27 Idealdrinks

157. B2 B201-28 & 29 Godiva

158. B2 B201-30 RoboTea

159. B2 B201-31 & 32 Nespresso

160. B2 B201-33 Lucullus

161. B2 B201-36 K.Minamoto

162. B2 B201-37 & 38 Ten Musubi

163. B2 B201-39 Bears & Friends

164. B2 B209 La Compagnie des Petits

165. B2 B210 Nicholas & Bears

166. B2 B212 Pinco Pallino

167. B2 B211 NSEW

168. B2 B213 Natures Purest

169. B2 B215 SISLAND

170. B2 B216 & B218 Kids 21

171. B2 B223A Naomi Wear

172. B2 B220A Patagonia Kids & KEEN

173. B2 B226 Buttercup Cuddle

174. B2 LAB202 MUSTELA

175. B2 B221 Bimbo Concept

176. B2 B220 & B222 Petit Bazaar


B1 PAM B131, B132 & B133

LEGOLAND Discovery Centre (gift


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249C,B249D Donut Playhouse

179. B2 PAM B225 MLB Kids

180. B2 PAM B227 Eslite Children's Bookstore

181. B2 PAM B228A Organic Mom

182. B2 PAM B228B Optical 88 Family

183. B2 PAM B229A Nike Kids

184. B2 PAM B229B Little Sugarman

185. B2 PAM B230 & B232 & B232B Victoria Playpark

186. B2 PAM B230A So Sweet by Hair Corner

187. B2 PAM B231A Dr. Kong

188. B2 PAM B231B Moody Tiger

189. B2 PAM B233 STREAM + b

190. B2 PAM B233A Silver Cross

191. B2 PAM B240 & B241 Watsons Baby

192. B2 PAM B242 Chickeeduck

193. B2 PAM B243 D Mind & the Prince

194. B2 PAM B244A & B244B D Mind & the Prince

195. B2 PAM B244C Bruno Store

196. B2 PAM B245 Build A Bear Workshop

197. B2 PAM B245A Harry's Kitchen

198. B2 PAM B248 Donut Store

199. L0 ICHK 023 Le Labo

200. L0 ICHK 023A & 031 & 032A & 034 K11 | Antonia

201. L0 ICHK 025 & 026 Golden Goose

202. L0 ICHK 027 GCDS

203. L0 ICHK 028 Stone Island

204. L0 ICHK 029 Juice

205. L0 ICHK 030 Palm Angels

206. L0 ICHK 032 Off White

207. L1 ICHK 123 & 123A HAUSTAGE

208. L1 ICHK 129 & 134 vinavast

209. L1 ICHK 131 & 132 CHIARA FERRAGNI

210. L1 ICHK 131A Bottletop

211. L1 ICHK 133 OKURA

212. L1 ICHK 135 MoMA