1 facoltà di economia corso di laurea specialistica economia manageriale; economia e finanza...

1 Facoltà di Economia Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English for Tourism Business English-English for Tourism LETTURA ED ELABORAZIONE SCRITTA DEL LETTURA ED ELABORAZIONE SCRITTA DEL TESTO ECONOMICO (Modulo 1) TESTO ECONOMICO (Modulo 1) Prof.ssa Luisanna Fodde

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Page 1: 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English


Facoltà di EconomiaFacoltà di EconomiaCorso di Laurea Specialistica

Economia Manageriale; Economia e FinanzaEconomia e Management Turismo-Ambiente

Business English-English for TourismBusiness English-English for Tourism


Prof.ssa Luisanna Fodde

Page 2: 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English

Written/Spoken Language

Face-to-face communication

Writer-reader communication

Speech production/Written production

Language control in speech and writing: Pronunciation, intonation, accent, non-verbal communication (SPEECH)Style, grammar, structure, orthography (WRITING)

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•Presumption: Italian as Leading Language

•Lexical Choice


•Text Structure

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Presumption: Italian as Leading Language

• ADJECTIVES (position, gender and number: “others people”; “many newspapers important”)

• WORD ORDER (SVO: “Is necessary a cure”; “is important to be friends”)

• FALSE FRIENDS (actually, eventually…)

• INVENTIONS (“Comparated”, “bag of study”; “producted”)

• USE OF TENSES (“is not ended”, “are arrived”)

• ORTHOGRAPHY (months: january, february… years: in the 1984, nationality: german, italian; other: indipendence; )

Page 5: 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English

Lexical ChoiceLexical Choice

Confusing word classes, e.g. dead, died

Acronyms, e.g. EU/ UE, ONU/UN

Spelling, e.g. Bruxel, Whashinton

Translation of toponyms L’Aia / The Hague

CollocationsThis depends from/on me??The reason of/for??To do/make business; to do/make a deal??Make/do money; make/do promise??Take/make a decision?? To do/make mistakes?

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e.g. he cry, much persons, America and his partners

COHERENCE active/passive; past/present; plural/singular

ORTHOGRAPHY e.g. wich, whit, whome

IRREGULAR / REGULAR VERBSe.g. drived, gived, lead-leaded

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Text StructureText Structure

Purpose defines the type of texts: WHY?

Readers define the type of texts: WHO?

Context defines the type of texts: WHERE?

Purpose, readers and context define the text style HOW?

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Text StructureText Structure

Purpose defines the type of texts: WHY?- WRITE AN EMAIL TO HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT A MASTERS PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT AND FINANCEReaders define the type of texts: WHO?- YOU – the writer- THE DIRECTOR OF STUDIES – the readerContext defines the type of texts: WHERE?- What is the means of communications?- What are your respective positions/roles/titles/culture?Purpose, readers and context define the text style- HOW are you going to write this email?

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Text StructureText Structure

Purpose defines the type of texts: WHY?- WRITE AN EMAIL TO HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT A WINE TRADE SHOW BEING ORGANIZED NEXT YEAR IN DUBAIReaders define the type of texts: WHO?- YOU – the writer- THE TRADE SHOW ORGANIZER – the readerContext defines the type of texts: WHERE?- What is the means of communications?- What are your respective positions/roles/titles/culture?Purpose, readers and context define the text style- HOW are you going to write this email?

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Other Errors



As you requested, <I SEND/TELL/ GIVE you>

I am sending/enclosing/attaching information on …………

Herein enclosed/attached you will/can find information/ a file/ a document on

Please find enclosed/attached information on …..I have enclosed/attachedAt the end of this message you will/can find ……As you requested, I am writing / I am pleased/ to give you

some information….

Page 12: 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English

A Note on StyleA Note on Style“Buongiorno Prof.” “Buona prof.ssa”, “buongiorno proff.”

“Salve, sono C.C., io dovrei partire con il progetto erasmus a T.”

buongiorno professoressa sono F.,la studentessa Erasmus....volevo sapere se…

“……Secondo Lei, c'è qualche problema per l'approvazione degli esami?Quando posso venire nel suo ufficio per avere dei chiarimenti?Attendo una sua risposta”

“So che il suo orario di ricevimento è il lunedì e lei gradisce sia rispettato ma non potrebbe fare un'eccezione? Domani cioè venerdì mattina è possibile fissare un incontro?Aspetto una sua risposta”.

“Egregia Professoressa Fodde,alla tastiera E. S.(matr. …. del corso di Economia _Manageriale):la studentessa vincitrice della Borsa Erasmus”

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A Note on StyleA Note on Style“in effetti, per i crediti, la differenza tra 4 e 8 e' tanta, ma mi informero' e le faro' sapere. comunque, per quanto riguarda l'esame studente…….., me lo potete convalidare anche se non c'e' l'esatto corrispondente a cagliari???”byehey holet's go”

buongiorno, scusi se la disturbo, sono una ragazza che segue la falcoltà di economia e gestione dei servizi turistici, vorrei sapere se per lunedì la lezione sarà da mezzogiorno alle tre o dalle tre alle sei, la ringrazio, buongiorno

“Prof.ssa ci fa sempre piacere ricevere le sue mail ma questa volta si va veramente oltre ogni + rosea aspettativa  ;-) Finalmente notizie!!!! Grazie a nome di tutti e tre! A presto! P.S.:La brochure ?!?” 

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A Note on StyleA Note on Style

SalveSono uno studente del corso di economia e gestione aziendale, volevo sapere  riguardo ai testi consigliati per coloro che hanno sostenuto un punteggio maggiore di 23, se quest'ultimi sono gli stessi che verranno utilizzati poi durante il corso del secondo semestre o sono materiale di approfondimento, mi potrebbe dire inoltre se questo è il suo sito: http://economia.unica.it/inglesenello stesso posso trovarvi indicati il materiale succitato?Grazie,buona giornata


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A Note on StyleA Note on Style

“hi am comin in 20mins…”

“Am trying a few people 2 c if they can do course. I’ll sms u names + numbers….”

“Just spoke 2 Anna 2 organise going 2 Rome, I’ll have all results on thurs would u like 2 c them b4 I go?”

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A Note on StyleA Note on Style

“Dear Laura,

Thanks for your mail, I am sorry you have problems to come this semester,but do not worry, I am sure we will find the best moment in the future, next October would be perfect!

As referred to my visit there, I still have to check my agenda, but in principle May or so sounds fine, I'd like to get some Sardinia sun indeed, as winter time round here in Leon is also beeing quite bad!We will keep in contact and I'll let you know soon, all right? Meanwhile take care, and I hope your father gets well soon!

Best wishes,

Mario Keynes”

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E-mailsE-mailsUsed increasingly in international business to replace

letters, faxes and sometimes phonecalls


-Style of writing can vary, but usually…. more INFORMALHowever…… we must pay attention to:1. Our reader and our purpose, and adapt style of

writing accordingly;2. HUMOR/JOKES;3. E-mails are public;4. Sending something important? Use follow-up faxes

or letters!5. Keep track! File and Print!!

Vedi : p. 18-19 Skills; pp-9-13 dispensa

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Purpose defines the type of texts: WHY?-WRITE AN EMAIL TO THE ITALIAN WINE PRODUCER WHO REQUESTED INFORMATION ON YOUR WINE TRADE SHOW-Your email should contain information on:SITE OF THE TRADE SHOW; COUNTRIES AND WINERIES PARTICIPATING; SCHEDULE OF EVENTS; ACCOMMODATION; ANY OTHER USEFUL INFOReaders define the type of texts: WHO?- YOU – The Trade Show organizer- AN ITALIAN wine producer – the reader

Context defines the type of texts: WHERE?- What is the means of communications?- What are your respective positions/roles/titles/culture?Purpose, readers and context define the text style- HOW are you going to write this email?

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Readers define the type of texts: WHO?- YOU – the Director of Studies- AN ITALIAN GRADUATE STUDENT – the reader

Context defines the type of texts: WHERE?- What is the means of communications?- What are your respective positions/roles/titles/culture?Purpose, readers and context define the text style- HOW are you going to write this email?

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Page 21: 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Economia Manageriale; Economia e Finanza Economia e Management Turismo-Ambiente Business English-English

Master Program

Dear Mr. Bianco,My name’s Mike Post. I’m the staff manager of the Business Master.You’ve asked me some information in your email.I’m glad to comunicate you that our calendar of lessons will start inNovember and will stop in May next year.Courses will have a daily frequence from 9.00 am to 4 pm.Lessons will be frontal with full referenced teachers and could be

someexternal activities like seminars.We can offer you a cheaper accomodation in our Campus, but it’snecessary that you write me your intention as soon as possible.If you need any further information or have other questions, do nothesitate to contact me.Yours sincerely,

Mike Post,Staff Manager

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DANISH IMPORTER- REPLYPurpose defines the type of texts: WHY?-WRITE AN EMAIL TO THE DANISH IMPORTER WHO REQUESTED TO START DEVELOPING A BUSINESS WITH SERDIANA WINE-Your email should contain information on:YOUR INTEREST IN THE DANISH AND SCANDINAVIAN MARKETS; YOUR INTEREST IN MEETING THEM DURING NEXT VINITALY; YOUR DECISON ABOUT HIS REQUEST (WINE SAMPLES, PRICELIST, COMMISSION)Readers define the type of texts: WHO?- YOU – A representative of Serdiana Winery- The Danish dealer – the readerContext defines the type of texts: WHERE?- What is the means of communications?- What are your respective positions/roles/titles/culture?Purpose, readers and context define the text style- HOW are you going to write this email?

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Types of sentencesTypes of sentencesDear Mario,With reference to the arrangements we madeyesterday, I am writing to inform you about ournext conference.The conference will be held at the Hotel T, in Cagliari, on ThursdayNovember 12 at 9,00…...

Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to confirm our next meeting.

As for our meeting, I can confirm you that ….

As regards our meeting, I can confirm you that…

With regards to our meeting, I can confirm you that…

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Dear Jo,I’m not sure what your ‘yes’ was referring to; could you clarify?Just a couple of other things I want to clear up:

- In your email you say that the meeting will be postponed to Thursday.Do you mean Thursday next week? What about the time and the place (Same time and place)?- As for the estimated cost. The figure you mention, is it in pounds, dollars, or euros (which currency are you referring to)?- Lastly, Andrea Cavalieri, the senior contractor, is it a he or a she?

Please answer asap (Please confirm asap)Carrie

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CLARIFICATIONS P. 15CLARIFICATIONS P. 15Dear Ms Tau Pei Lin,Thank you for your email concerning my travel arrangements.I can confirm that I will be arriving on Monday at 05.00 at Beijng airport. Will you/ somebody meet me at the airport?As for the meeting with your lawyers, I would like to know the exact time and place. You say that a Mr. Chang will attend the meeting. Can you remind me about his position in the company? What is his first name?Also, you mention a dinner on Sunday. I am sure there must be a mistake or misunderstanding.As you know, I am leaving on Sunday morning.I would be very pleased to come. Can I bring my wife? (Is my wife invited?).I look forward to hearing from you soon,SincerelyJ. Peters

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CLARIFICATIONS P. 15CLARIFICATIONS P. 15Dear Ms Tau Pei Lin,Thank you for your email concerning my travel arrangements.I can confirm that I will be arriving on Monday at 05.00 at Beijng airport. Will you/ somebody meet me at the airport?As for the meeting with your lawyers, I would like to know the exact time and place. You say that a Mr. Chang will attend the meeting. Can you remind me about his position in the company? What is his first name?Also, you mention a dinner on Sunday. I am sure there must be a mistake or misunderstanding.As you know, I am leaving on Sunday morning.I would be very pleased to come. Can I bring my wife? (Is my wife invited?).I look forward to hearing from you soon,SincerelyJ. Peters

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REQUESTS AND REPLIESREQUESTS AND REPLIESp. 16; pp. 60-61 Skillsp. 16; pp. 60-61 Skills

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30 SECONDS p. 1530 SECONDS p. 15

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My name is Spano Antioco.I'm writing to have the extra material of your course"Business English".I look forward to hearing from you.Best regards

Antioco Spano


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TYPES OF EMAILTYPES OF EMAILDear Antioco,thank you for your email, which by the way was quitecorrect.Enclosed you will find a copy of my powerpoint file.If you need any extra material, don't hesitate to contact me again.Have a good weekend!L. Fodde

P.S. When you say: "My name is..." in bothEnglish and Italian, your Christian name goes before your last name!!! Remember!

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TYPES OF EMAIL TYPES OF EMAIL (pp.18-19(pp.18-19--Messaggio originale----Da: Data: 26-nov-200611.28 PMA: <[email protected]>Ogg: RE: I: extra material - Business English-

Dear Ms Fodde,Thank you for your mail.I'm sorry for the way, but it's the result that be important. (Is this wordcorrect?)

Thanks for all. (I don't sure that is correct, too)

Antioco Spano

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Faxes Faxes (23-25)(23-25)

- Well-established means of communication. - Fast, convenient, flexible

FORMAT: senders’ and receivers’ INFORMATION


less formal sometimes

1. Address not written in full;2. Each page must be numbered;3. Signatures in full;4. Hand-written faxes sometimes acceptable;5. Care for details important

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Letters (Snail mail)Letters (Snail mail)


- They can be a useful back-up to important e-mails or faxes;

- They can be used to send bulky material (brochures, samples);

- They can be used when there are technological problems

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Letters LAYOUT (pp. 27-Letters LAYOUT (pp. 27-30)30)

- Blocked or Indented layout. No commas for addresses;

- Initials to be included: Mr K Jennings;

- Letters beginning with name in salutation (Dear Mr Jennings) should end Yours sincerely (Yours truly, Sincerely Yours in the US);

- Letters beginning with Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, should end Yours faithfully;

Gentlemen (very American and very sexist, not recommended internationally)