1 期貨與選擇權 hedging & options. 2 brief history of futures 1848, cbot (chicago board of...

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Page 1: 1 期貨與選擇權 Hedging & Options. 2 Brief History of Futures 1848, CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) 芝加哥交易所成立遠期契約, 1860’s 期貨契約 grains → financial


期貨與選擇權Hedging & Options

Page 2: 1 期貨與選擇權 Hedging & Options. 2 Brief History of Futures 1848, CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) 芝加哥交易所成立遠期契約, 1860’s 期貨契約 grains → financial


Brief History of Futures

1848, CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade)芝加哥交易所成立遠期契約, 1860’s 期貨契約

grains → financial instruments, specious metals ( 金、銀、銅、石油 )商品期貨:農產品、金屬、能源、軟性 ( 咖啡、可可 )金融期貨:外匯、利率 ( 短期、長期 ) 、股價指數、利率指數等

A futures contract is a legally binding commitment to make or take delivery of a standardized quantity and quality of a commodity at a price agreed upon in the trading pit or ring of a commodity exchange at the time the contract is executed.

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Brief History of Futures(續) “forward contracts” v.s. “futures contracts”

(遠期契約) (期貨契約)

terms: amount, delibery terms are standaredized with date, quality, price are the exception of price set in private by the buyers ( price is discovered through & sellers public auction at an established exchange)

*1. 標準化—交易標的物之定義 交易標的數量 契約到期日 交割方式 2. 消除違約風險(結算所背書保證) 3. 逐日結算

Clearing Corporation – it assumes the opposite side of each trade.

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Hedging 避險期貨交易“Hedge” means “protection”.

Hedge : The buying and selling of offsetting positions in the futures(期貨) market in order to provide protection against an adverse change in price.

Hedging → ↓price risk ( If expect P↓→ sell futures contracts ; expect P↑→ purchase futures contract )

The initiation of a futures position that is intended as a temporary substitute for the sale or purchase of the actual commodity.

Usually, actual commodity does not change hands in the futures markets : The sale of futures contracts can be offset by the purchase of an equal number of futures contract's at a later date before the contract's delivery date.

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The Market Participants :1. hedgers ( 避險交易者 ), include: farmers, country elevat

or operators, processors, livestock feeders, exporters, importers.

To lock in a price and obtain protection against

風險轉移的原理: They seek protection against adv

erse price changes by initiating a position in the futures market as a temporary substitute for the sale or purchase of the actual commodity.

P↑ (buying futures)—“long” position (多頭)

P↓ (selling futures)—“short” position (空頭)(bullish)


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2. ”speculators” (投機者) - people who assume risk in antipation of profiting from a change in prices

Speculation 有助於價格穩定 . Speculators facilitate hedging by providing liquidity

- the ability to enter and exit the market quickly & easily.

To profit from P↑(buying futures); P↓(selling futures). They can realize a highly leveraged profit if they prove to be correct in anticipating the direction and timing of price changes.

3. Arbitrager (套利交易人):同時買賣現貨、期貨,以賺取無風險價差

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保證金“margin” – money that buyers and sellers of futures contracts must deposit with their brokers and that brokers in turn must deposit with the Clearing Corporation.

– money deposit in case of losses happen

“margin call” --- loss ↓, gain ↑ minimum amount

↑ until the open position is closed

Clearing Corporation (結算所) assumes the opposite side of each open position and thereby assures the financial integrity of every futures contract traded at the CBOT. Hedge: the buying & selling of offsetting positions in order to provide protection against an adverse change in price.

Deposit more money to maintain minimum margin requirement

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reasons for buyingfuture contracts

reasons for sellingfuture contracts


(farmers, exporters,processors, elevatoroperators, livestockfeeders)

to lack in price andobtain protectionagainst rising prices

to lack in prices andobtain protectionagainst declining prices

Public speculators

Floor traders

to profit from risingprices

to profit from declineprices

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對沖交易 避險功能 投機功能 價格發現功能 (price discovery)

bearish 看跌→ short ; bullish 看漲(多)→ long

有 opening transaction,

一定要在到期日之前進行 closing transaction = liquidation (平倉)


Selling (short) hedge - 空頭避險Buying (long) hedge – 多頭避險

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“basis” = cash price - futures price 基差 現貨價格 期貨價格 影響 Basis 之因素: transportation costs, storage costs, interests, S & D (local & overall market)

產地: cash price<future price "normal market"

Gulf Coast : cash>future price "inverted market”

+ stronger ↑ + ↓weakening, ↑strengthening

0 0

- weaker ↓ - ↑strengthening, ↓weakening

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long hedge short hedge

if basis weaken

(cash falls more or rises less) basis gain basis loss

if basis strengthens

(cash falls less or rises more) basis loss basis gain

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price $

transportation costconvergence

futures price


local cash price


carrying charges

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Hedging 利用期貨之價差來彌補現貨之價差。不避險時,面對現貨市場價格波動,避險時面對兩市場間之基差波動( basis risk )。因為期貨與現貨價格具高度相關性,互沖效果使基差之波動小於現貨市場價格之波動,故 hedging 即以 basis risk 取代price risk 。Usually, cash price and futures price move in the same direction.Basis fluctuations are usually smaller than cash price fluctuations.



futures p.

cash p.

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eg1: short, futures gain, no basis change ( perfect hedge )

selling (short) hedges: a corn farmer wants to lock in corn price of $2.20/bu.

$0.16/bu gain no change

results: cash sale price $2.04/bu cash forward bid $2.20/bu

+ futures gain 0.16 no basis change 0

net selling price $2.20/bu net selling price $2.20/bu

cash futures Basis


Price for new-crop corn


(5,000 bu each)

sells 2 Dec. Corn

contracts at $2.45/bu

$0.25/bu. Under



Sells 10,000 bu corn at


buys 2 Dec Corn

contracts at $2.29/bu

to offset initial short futures posit ion

$0.25 under Dec.

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eg2: short, futures loss, no basis change ( perfect hedge )

cash futures basis $2.20 sells $2.45 $0.25 under selling $2.50 buys $2.75 $0.25 under $0.30 loss no basis change results: cash sale price 2.50 price objective $2.20 futures loss - 0.30 no basis gain/loss 0 net selling price 2.20 net selling price $2.20

“perfect hedges ” : basis does not change between the time a hedge was placed and lifted

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eg.3 : short, basis weaken ( loss ) cash futures basis

Sepprice for new-crop corn sells 2 Dec. corn contracts $0.25 under Dec. $2.20/bu $2.45/buNov.sells 10,000 bu corn at buys 2 Dec. corn contracts $0.30 under Dec. $2.00/bu at $2.30/bu to offset initial short futures position

0.15/bu gain $0.05 basis loss

results: cash sale price $2.00/bu price objective $2.20/bu + futures gain 0.15 - basis loss $0.05/bu net selling price $2.15/bu = net selling price $2.15/bu

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eg4: short, basis strengthen ( gain )

Cash futures basis

Sep $2.20 sell $2.45 $0.25 under

sell Nov $2.18 buy $2.38 $0.20 under

$0.07/bu gain basis gain $0.05


cash sale price $2.18/bu price objective $2.20

+ futures gain 0.07 + basis gain $0.05

net selling price 2.25/bu $2.25/bu

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eg.5: short, basis weaken ( loss ) A processor hedges to protect his soybean oil inventory against price ↓

cash futures basis

May (60,000 lbs each) cash forward bid for sells 3 Sep. soybean oil ¢ 1.00/lb over Sep. soybean oil ¢ 18.5/lb contracts at ¢ 17.5/lb Aug sells 180,000 lbs buys 3 Sep. soybean oil ¢ 0.75/lb over Sep. soybean oil at ¢ 16.25/lb contracts at ¢ 15.5/lb to offset intial short futures position ¢ 2.0/lb gain ¢ 0.25/lb basis loss


cash sale 16.25 cash forward bid 18.50

+ futures gain 2.00 - basis loss 0.25

net selling price 18.25 cents/lb net selling price 18.25

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Cash Futures basis poultry Oct. (100 tons each) producer cash price for soybean buys 1 Jan soybean meal $5 under Jan meal $148/ton contract at $153/ton Dec. buys soybean meal at sells 1 Jan soybean meal $5under Jan $156/ton contract at $161/ton to offset initial long futures position

$8/ton gain no change


cash purchase price $156/ton price objective $148/ton

- futures gain $ 8/ton no basis change 0

net purchase price $148/ton net purchase price $148/ton

Buying (Long) Hedges: used to protect against ↑ in cash price.


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cash futures basis Oct. cash price for soybean buys u Jan soybean meal $5 under Jan. meal $148/ton contract at $153/ton Dec. buys soybean meal at sells 1 Jan soybean meal $9 under Jan. $151/ton contract at $160/ton to offset initial long futures position $7/ton gain $4 basis gain results:

cash purchase price $151/ton price objective $148/ton - futures gain $ 7/ton - basis gain $4/ton net purchase price $144/ton net purchase price $144/ton

eg3. long, basis weaken ( gain )

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cash futures basis Oct. cash price for soybean buys 1 Jan soybean meal $5 under Jan. meals $148/ton contract at $153/ton Dec. buys soybean meal at sells 1 Jan soybean meal $2 under Jan. $156/ton contract at $158/ton to offset initial long futures position

$5/ton gain $3 basis loss


cash purchase price $156/ton price objective $148/ton

- futures gain $ 5/ton + basis loss $ 3/ton

net purchase price $151/ton net purchase price $151/ton

eg4: long, basis strengthen ( loss )

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grain exporter

cash futures basis

July make commitment to sell buys 100 Dec. wheat $0.10 over Dec. 1 million bu wheat at contract at $2.62/bu $2.72/bu Nov. buys 1 million bu wheat sells 200 Dec. wheat $0.04 over Dec. at $2.78/bu contract at $2.74/bu to offset initial long futures position

$0.12/bu gain $0.06 basis gain


cash purchase price $2.78/bu price objective $2.72/bu

- futures gain 0.12/bu - basis gain $0.06/bu

net purchase price $2.66/bu net purchase price $2.66/bu

eg5. long, basis weaken ( gain )

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Options ( 選擇權 )

Options: the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a futures contract at some predetermined price at anytime within a specific time period

Oct. 31, 1984 - soybeans

Feb. 27, 1985 - corn

+ wheat, soybean oil, soybean meal etc.

An option is a legally binding contract that gives the option buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell something under specific conditions in exchange for the payment of a premium.

strike price

( the price of an option )

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( It is the buyer's (holder) decision whether to exercise that right; only the seller (writer) of the option is obligated to perform.)


(not opposite side of the same transaction)

“calls” – the right to buy 買權“puts” – the right to sell 賣權

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If at harvest, market price of soybean futures is $7.00,you would certainly exercise your right to sell at $8.00, or you would sell the option rights to someone else.

If Nov. soybean futures at harvest are trading at $8.50/bu, you would not exercise the right to sell at only $8.00. You would simply let the option expire (and lose the premium) or sell it to someone else.

And option buyer ( holders ) has several choices:

1.liquidate his option position by selling an identical option anytime prior to expiration 2.let the option expire 3.exercise his option

Choices of writers:

1.before been noticed for exercise – buy an offsetting option 2.after been noticed – selling an offsetting futures contract

eg: Buy Nov. $8.00 soybean put option before Nov. harvest.

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Options on Futures Contract

The buyer of a call obtains protection against rising prices -- similar to the protection of a long hedge with futures -- but without giving up the chance to benefit from rising prices.

The buyer of a put obtains protection against declining prices -- similar to the protection of a short hedge with futures of forward contracting -- but without giving up the chance to benefit from declining prices.

Strike price -- the price at which the holder of a call (or put) may choose to exercise his right to purchase (or sell) the underlying futures contract.


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Intrinsic value : the difference between strike price & current market price

An option is not worth exercising if it has no intrinsic value.

In-the-money (worth exercising) -- an option that has intrinsic value

Out-of-the-money -- an option that has no intrinsic value

An option that is out-of-the-money at expiration will have

no value, and the holder will allow it to expire worthless.

At-the-money -- strike price = underlying futures price

( i.e. intrinsic value = 0 )

call option: current futures price > strike priceput option: current futures price < strike price


call option: current futures price < strike priceput option: current futures price > strike price

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Time value -- the amount that buyers are currently willing to pay for a given option over and above any intrinsic value, in anticipation that, over time, a change in the underlying futures price will cause the option to increase in value.

Option premiums -- time value + intrinsic value

the price of an option (the option buyer pays the option writer)

Options are traded the same way futures contracts are traded, with the exception of margin requirements.

Most option buyers and sellers elect to liquidate their option positions by an offsetting sale or purchase at or prior to expiration.



time value

time value

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Exercise: only an option buyer (holder) has the right to exercise an option when a call (put) is exercised, the holder will acquire a long (short) futures position at the strike price.

factors influencing premiums:

1. The length of time remaining until expiration 2. The volatility of the underlying futures price 3. The relationship of strike price and market price

4. Short-term risk-free interest rates


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Strategies for buying and selling options

• Buying put options: to establish a minimum price for sales

A farmer might wish to purchase a put during the spring or summer in order to establish a minimum price for the sale of his crop at harvest.

option futures strike Settlement price (premium)

price price Calls puts

July 85 2773/4 260















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eg1: In May a soybean producer pays a premium of $0.25 for a Nov. $7.50 put.

(This gives him the right to go short in the futures market at a price of $7.50. The right continues for as long as he holds the option -- until he sells it, or exercise it, or until it expires in October)

By harvest time, the Nov. futures price has declined to $6.50

the put with a strike price of $7.50 have an intrinsic value of $1.00

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Cash Option


price for new-crop buy Nov. $7.50 put at a premium of $0.25/bu

soybeans is $7.25/bu


sells 5,000 bu sells Nov. $7.50 put to receive premium of $1.00/bu

soybeans at $6.50/bu and offset initial long option position

+ $0.75 ($1.00 - $0.25) .... option gain

result : cash sale price $6.50/bu

+ option gain $0.75/bu

net selling price $7.25/bu

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cash options


price for new-crop buys Nov. $7.50 put

soybeans is $7.25 at a premium of $0.25/bu


sells 5,000 bu let option expire

soybeans at $8.00/bu


cash sale price $8.00/bu

- cost of option premium 0.25/bu

net selling price $7.75/bu

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• Buying call options: to sell the crops now (at harvest) and avoid storage costs (and P ↓), and also profit from P↑in winter or spring

futures options


May soybean futures buys May. $8.00 call

are $8.00/bu at a premium of $0.15/bu


May soybean futures sells May $8.00 call at a

are $8.50/bu premium of $0.50/bu and offsets initial

long option position

result: gain from option position $0.50/bu

- cost of premium 0.15/bu

net gain $0.35/bu

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• Selling call options

- to earn the option premium

- when do not expect a substantial price increase "covered call" - write a call option against a commodity you own. - own commodity, cash market value of your commodity move with the same direction as the futures price

"uncovered" or "naked" option - options not covered by having a cash or futures market position in the commodity

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• Selling put options

- to earn the option premium - puts are written by individuals who do not expect a substantial

decrease in price

1. Buying put options for protection against lower prices.

2. Buying put options for "price insurance" when you store your crop.

3. Writing call options to achieve a higher effective selling price for a crop

you are storing.

4. Buying call options at harvest to profit form a winter/spring price


5. Buying call options for short-term protection against rising prices.

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If futuresprice at

expiration is:(basis

maintainsat –0.20)

Your net return if you

Write call with strike price of Hedge or



Buy put with$7.50 strike

price at a premium



ng$7.25 $7.50 $7.75 $8.00


0.43 0.30 0.20 0.13









Futures price when you sell your crop – Local basis at the time you sell – Premium paid for option + Intrinsic value of option (if any) = Net return

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net return $

7.30 hedge or contract

buy put

do nothing

future price

